#I know there's gotta be a typo in here somewhere but I just can't
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Part 1
One Friday night, your friend suddenly cancels your supposed Girls Night Out. So you decided to play around with the dating app while doing your self-care routine.
Pairing: the8 x freader; minghao x freader
warnings/tags: explicit sexual content, oral, face-fucking, unedited so there may be missing words or typos
You were just finishing your day at work, excited to clock out when your friend suddenly cancels your GNO. You were so pumped up and ready to party because recently you've been so stressed about your projects and you need a release but the introvert side of you somehow found joy in it.
As you arrived at your apartment, you decided to relax and meditate in the bathroom. While preparing your bath tub, you were at the kitchen preparing your mini cheese board and pink moscato wine tray. You lit up some scented candles and put your lights at a dim, got into the bath tub and start meditating.
You were not a fan of doing this kind of thing because, honestly, you think its impossible to find peace living in a fast paced influenced society in a middle of a super busy city. You recently were curious about meditating because of your favorite idol, Xu Minghao, from Seventeen.
"Ah, Hao, I sure hope this works." You washed you face a little to feel the warm of your bath water. You enjoyed the soothing fragrance of your bath bomb and scented candles: berries and roses. You hear traffic sounds and some noises from outside your apartment as you keep your mind clear and move along with your meditation process.
5 minutes later, you're done meditating not sure if it worked but this a first so you thought "oh, wells". You grabbed a piece of cheese as you open your phone and browse through a dating app.
"Let's see..hmm" as you swipe left several photos in a few seconds. There's this one guy who caught your attention. He's wearing a white weird looking hoodie, face mask almost reaching the lines of he's eyes while he's trying to make an effort opening them more for a selfie, and eyeglasses, sitting somewhere doing a weird peace sign like a hippie.
"Should I?"
"Umm, sketchy"
"He's photo is unique, tho!"
"His description is a bit catchy too: 🖤🎱"
Just when you're about to swipe left, your fidgeting thumb accidentally swiped right.
"Oops" as your face showed an exaggerated regret. "I'll just have to get on with it." You stowed your phone to the bathroom shelf beside your tub and finish off your first glass of wine.
After a relaxing bath, you fancy nothing but to feel sexy for tonight's sleep so you wore your one and only-slash-favorite Victoria's Secret nighties. "Huhu, your're so expensive." As you try it on while looking at your body mirror. This is your kind of self love, while everything else in your mind is chaotic you still manage to prioritize your mental health. "Gotta make the most of this weekend, ugh, sad though I've really wanted to go out." Suddenly you heard a "ding" from your phone and a notice came from the dating app came.
A message from "🖤🎱" came:
🖤🎱: "I'm just wondering how'd you find me attractive after seeing my photo here 🤣"
You: "Well, I think its a fake photo. Lol"
🖤🎱: "Heeey, come on!"
You: "🙃"
🖤🎱: "So what do you need my damsel in distress?"
You: "Guess."
🖤🎱: "Sex"
You giggled quietly. "Of course I'll be looking for sex. Why else would I be pampering myself right?" You reply in thought.
You: "Duh. Lol"
🖤🎱: "Unfortunately, I can't go out to have one tho. 🥲"
You: "Why?"
🖤🎱: "It's a secret."
You: "Okay."
🖤🎱: "Wow, you're a savage one."
You: "Sorry, the truth is I suck at this. I really don't know how to respond. Lol"
You: "Can you teach me, sensei?" - your famous flirting line. Lol
🖤🎱: "Well, first, tell me what are you wearing?"
You: "Wow, what are you? A teenager?!"
🖤🎱: "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! 🤣"
🖤🎱: "But seriously tho, I do wanna know. 🥺"
You sent your selfie that you took a while ago after changing showing your back side.
It took him a while to respond.
You: "Are you still there?"
🖤🎱: "Yeah, sorry."
He calls you through the video call portal of the dating app. You answered. He's wearing a bucket hat, chic glasses, and face mask. You were a bit shocked coz he looks very familiar to you but you did not bother because you were trying to maintain your confidence and flirt around some more. Also, you were bothered why he covered his face so much and positions his phone away from his face so you can see side part of his face and shoulders.
He tries to check your face again.
🖤🎱: "Wait, is that you? Y/N?!"
He sounded so familiar.
You: "Huh? What? You sound so familiar. I How'd you know my name? Stop moving your camera, I can't see you!"
🖤🎱: "Huwaa, it is you! Wow, you're still hot!"
Just when you heard his voice again, your heart skipped and was running fast as you respond.
You: "Hao?!"
Yep, it was Xu Minghao, he was your high school fling. It was a short while before he started training in his agency then. After that, you lost contact.
You remember your first hook up at your bed room when it was supposed to be a study group session. You were both curious about the deed until it became a fling.
You covered yourself with your blanket as you go on with you video call with Hao.
"Hey, how have you been? And why are you in a dating app?!" You asked.
"Y/N, why are you covering your body. Come on now, I already saw them." His clicks his tongue as he reacts to your body language.
"Oh shut up." You giggled.
"Boo." He replied with disappointment.
"You must be in town since you showed up in my list. Where are you staying now?" You asked him while checking google for Seventeen updates.
"Oh just somewhere, we're currently on a work break." He said while removing his covers and fixing his hair. Then smiled at you looking like a kid who's excited to see his playdate.
"You sly sly sly dog! Why are you in a dating app? Are you trying to get girls vajected tonight? You're so mean." You tease him.
"What are you saying, stop talking and show me those nighties please." He pouts at you.
"No! We're adults now and we're friends. Hold on, I'll wear my robe." You stood up away from your phone.
"No!" He laughs "Don't change please."
"Stop it, Hao." You laughed while walking back to your phone and try to focus on catching up with him.
He clicks his tongue in disappointment again. "Yep, I'm here in town for a while and I decided to spend my break with my family."
"I see." You smiled back. "Then, welcome back, Hao!"
"Thanks." He replied. "So how are you? I assume you don't have someone right now since you're in this dating app we're using." He giggled teasingly.
"Yup, there's nobody right now." You laughed. "Can you introduce me to Jeonghan or Joshua? Hihi"
He replied in a fake smile ignoring your request. "You still look the same! It's like you did not aged. A bit of maturity showing which is a good thing, I think?"
You both feel excited as you try to catch up with each other's life recently.
"Hey, I'm glad to see you today." He said. It seems he's trying to end your call soon.
"Me too." Smiling back at him. At the back of your mind you remember the times you play around. As you feel hot and try to maintain composure, there was an awkward silence.
You heard a long sigh from him and asked: "Are you sleepy?"
"No, I still need to finish these." As you turn your camera showing your serving tray on you bed.
"Shall I join you?" He asked looking like a happy puppy hoping you say yes.
"Sure, you haven't changed at all, Hao. I know what you're up to and I do hope it's not gonna happen. I'll send you my address." Hao laughed at your sarcasm. You ended the call and sent your details through chat. You got up from your bed and changed into your casual clothes. You were so lazy to change so you just put up an oversized sweater enough to cover your night wear.
After an hour, your doorbell rang. "Gosh, it's still 8:30pm?" You walked to your door to see if it's him. He was fully covered in black outfit to make sure no paparazzi could manage to see him. You open your door and greeted him. "Woah, you brought food! You shouldn't have." You took the take-out from his hands and lead him to your kitchen. You busy yourself preparing your wine and snacks.
Meanwhile, Hao's checking out your place while removing his coat and covers. "Nice place you got here. Very you."
"Thanks!" Smiling back at him while carrying the food you prepared on your food tray and putting it on your living room's coffee table.
You both sat down and you enjoyed the rest of your catch up while having dinner and drinks. You reminisced about your silly friends and the things you've done during your high school days and laughed so hard about it.
"I'm glad we stayed friends after 'all' that." You told him still giggling from your last topic.
"Yeah." Hao agreed taking a sip from his wine.
An awkward silence filled the room and your speakers started playing: Fallin' all in you by Shawn Mendez
"You know, we can still do it again. I mean if you want to." Hao breaking his silence in a small tone almost a whisper while looking away.
"What?" You asked shockingly.
"Only if you want to! I'm not gonna force you. You know I'm not like that." He immediately retreated after saying those words.
"Are you asking me to be your fuck buddy just now?" Asking him again.
"Well, hmm.. Ye-es?" Then he paused. "I just thought, what's the reason we're both in a dating app a while ago?"
"Hey, you're an idol and I don't know what you were doing in that app but as for me my reason is valid." You explained in a laughter.
"I'm just looking for a hook up!" Hao reacted childishly.
"While wearing a face mask?!" You tease him.
"No, just someone who I can talk to through a video call.. And uhm, if I get lucky someone might show their hmm.." He bashfully explained while making a gesture of removing clothes. "So you know, I can get my needs.. you know satisfied."
"I see.." nodding your head sarcastically pretending you listen to his bullshit but really he's telling the truth. "Sucks to be you." You laughed at him.
"Hey! Huhu" He said while pouting.
You both laughed. "Let me think about it for a second."
Knowing you, the fact that he's an idol rising to stardom, you don't really care about his status. He's just looking for someone for release with no strings attached. To you, he's just "Hao", the one you met from high school and your friend. It would probably run for a short while since he's just here for a break. He'll definitely go back to Korea for work.
"How long will you be staying here?" You asked him.
"2 weeks? I'm on a break this week and have a few shoots here and there.." Hao replied.
"And this "fling part 2" should only be valid for this schedule?" You asked again.
"Hmm, that depends.." he replied.
"What do you mean?" You asked back.
"Let's just focus on our time right now." He whispered slowly grabbing your hand for a kiss. He rest your hand on his toned shoulder as he kissed your lips and play around with your tongue. He kissed your cheek down to your neck. You can smell his scent, that familiar scent you used from your bath and once again, you felt high on his touch. You definitely remember the feeling, the ecstasy that this thing gave when you were both in high school.
It's getting a bit steamy so you stopped him gently because you can't take it anymore. You stood up and pull him as you lead him to you bed room. You pushed him to your bed. Hao giggled and sat while undoing his buttons showing his well-toned torso. You removed your over-sized sweater and showed him personally your nighties. His tongue clicks in excitement as he pull you and place you on him, sitting on his thighs, and kissed you. His hands are all over the place and enjoys the touch of silk on your body. He touches your back, your waist, and your butt. He moved his lips away from yours and kissed your chin as look up making his way to your firm breast. He moved a bit of your clothing to gain access from your firmed nipple. You moved your arms and hugged him from his head as you enjoy his lips playing on your breast. You brush his hair back and you catch his wild eyes looked at you then looked away enjoying every bit of your soft skin. You focused on rubbing your hands all over his head and shoulders. He moved your body over to his side and dropped you on the bed panting. Your heart raced as you looked at him examining your body once more. He positioned himself over you and kissed you intensely. He removed your top over your head and pulls your panties down until you're completely naked. You placed your arm over your eyes covering it from him, the same thing you did first time with him.
"Hey, really? This again?" He said. "Like I said from last time: don't worry I'll be gentle." He tracked soft sweet kisses from your lips down to you neck, chest, belly button, then down to you clit. You released a soft moan as he started to play around with your pussy. He's so good you shake softly while biting your fingers to avoid making a noise from his licks. "Ni tài shīle, Y/N." He whispered back at your ear.
"Put it in, Hao, please. I want more." You begged. You looked at each other panting as you trail your hands on his torso down to his black denim pants, you felt his erection as he pushed it towards your hand giving you permission to cup it. His eyes locked on you. You undid his zipper and pull down his pants. "Can you show me the way please." He requested. You rubbed him once then lead his hard thing inside you. Hao dropped his face beside yours as you both moan and pant up and down. He likes it slow at first enjoying every inch inside you. You release this kind of heat that makes him so crazy that eventually accelerates your pace.
"Oh my, Hao~" You screamed softly.
"More please, more." You whispered.
"I'm near, Y/N." He said.
"No, let me go first." Asking him to relax.
Hao slowed down his pace. You turned over riding him. He sat down so he can easily kiss your lips while fucking you. You lead him on to your pace as you race to cum first. He's holding you by your waist to assist you as you fuck him. "I'm coming, Hao." You moaned. "Yeah, babe, cum for me please." He replied. Then finally you look up breathlessly as you feel your warm release over him. "Oh, shit." Panting and feeling you. He's still hard inside you. You kissed him and moved out of his erected cock. You went down to his pelvic area and sucked him. "Y/N, you're making me crazy." He said as he enjoys your mouth. He bit his lips as you pace your blowjob well. Your tongue swipes around his head teasing him. "Mmm.." he moaned. His entire length inside your mouth. He can't help but fix your hair up so he can control your face the way he wants to. From here on you thought nothing but to satisfy him and making him cum inside your mouth making you both excited. "I'm coming, Y/N." He moaned and you moved a bit faster. Suddenly, you felt that sweet warm flavor inside your mouth as he holds you on your head while releasing making his leg twitch. You wiped your drools and moved back up beside him tired but satisfied. You both laughed it off and Hao kissed you. "Your so hot, babe." You closed your eyes still awake but resting. You giggled to his flattering comment and replied: "You too. I'm glad to see you back, Hao. Thank you for today." He moved you placing you on his shoulders to a hug. "I'm glad to see you too."
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reliving-elegy · 1 year
Another First Friend
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[Alone in the void, Keane attempts to communicate with dormant Kerykeion.
What he knows is what we know, save for one crucial detail that I cannot produce for you.
What instructions Keane has been given- why only he has chosen this path for himself- is forbidden from my voice.
I pray you might know the secret already, listener.]
"...When's the last time you spoke of life... and meant what you said?"
"That it's something to embrace, observe and reflect upon?"
"If the world were like that... why are we so keen to turn away when the we see all the ugly parts of it?"
"Oh... haha. Synonyms funny."
"Don't dodge the point! I'm being serious here!"
"...Sorta. Kinda serious. Like, serious enough."
"Awww- just- stop being picky and answer the question!"
"...You, uh... right. Can't talk. That's cool. That's ok. I get it. I don't like to talk about any of this neither... err, either! Wow, that's... rare."
"It is! I might say things that are dumb or pointless, but at least I phrase 'em properly. That's... a typo. With my face. A, uh..."
"Slip of the tongue?... No. That's- that's more like a 'blurt' or a 'burst'. What's a mistake but for... grammar?"
"No, not just a grammar mistake! There's gotta be a word for it around here somewhere. Finding it is... a little hard, but it's there."
"...Ok, I'm 90% certain it's there. Sue me."
"Oh, 'sue'. Do you... uh.... know what that word means?"
"It's... law stuff. I don't know if you'd wanna get into that right now since we're... busy. Kind've."
"Talking to each other. Busy talking. To each other."
"Not alone."
Not alone.
".... Not alone. That's... that's...."
"Close!! Refreshing?"
"....Too far? Too far. Sorry."
"Right! No apologies. Sorry- I mean- DAMN IT- SORRY- FUCK."
"Language... toning it down. Keeping it civil. Where were we?"
Grammar mistake.
"Yes! Word for that is... is...."
There is none.
"....No word for... grammar mistake in speech? Nothing?"
"...Could... could I make one?"
You could not.
"Why not?"
Language requires two- one to speak, and one to listen.
"....Oh!!! You mean I can't! Of course not, you're right, you're right. We would have to make it."
"I mean, if you want to."
I cannot.
"...Cannot... cannot what?"
I cannot want.
"....Could we... do it anyway?"
"...Stupid idea. I should've figured; that's... that's on me."
"Wait, no?"
"No... so.... can't want... not stupid... or not on me...... alright.... alright."
Keane struggles with noises for a while until landing on a particularly strange-sounding syllable.
The silence listens closely.
"A grammar mistake. A furp."
"That's the word now. Deciding it!"
Keane waves free hand into the void.
"Furp! A grammar mistake!"
A grammar mistake... is a furp.
"Right! That sounds like a thing that could be a word."
It is a word.
"Yeah, yeah, you get it!"
Furp is a word. You made a word.
"And it wasn't even that hard!"
"...I made a furp. Oh, that'll be fun!"
Keane giggles quietly.
The silence smiles.
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shjayd · 2 years
1st post not via iPhone 🤨
ok... i'm typing this from my laptop. i like you enough to download you to my laptop, Tumblr! 😉 i don't think i can even edit any of my font or anything, so that part sucks (if in reality i can't), so i'd say app via iPhone > Windows when it comes to you, #TUMBLR <- idk if that will even tag in the middle of my post/only at the end.
previous text complaint: taken back
it's time to get this started ⌚ i heard about you from the Netflix true-crime documentary, Hotel Cecil or w/e, & the thought of posting my thoughts like a social journal (among some other things I've ran across or made self - i like to do calligraphy and hand lettering. i've became creative AFTER getting clean AFTER getting pregnant with my daughter. i always was, i guess the drugs took that part of my imagination away? i'm also obsessed with astrology. if you ask me, i'm a professional astrologer 🔮🌙✨..🤥🫤😤
Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, and Rising Gemini... i know. a SCARY, yet BEAUTIFUL mEsS. ❤️‍🩹 i'm also very educated in mental health. from personally, to genetics, family and friends, to past work experience. i was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (BPD) after my HORRIFYING encounter with Post-Partum Depression, PPD, (although i've most likely suffered from my BPD since a very young age. my mother and brothers who lived with me all of my life would agree). i just never took, nor wanted to take, what my mom and family dr. told me a/b therapists & referrals to psychiatrists anywhere near serious. i honestly thought everyone felt/acted the way i did with both my lowest of lows & highest of highs 🤯… to me, it was always “this is what everyone has to go through. this is life. this is life… everyday”.
i'm a twin, my mother & i are as close as they come (it’s scary b/c I know she won’t be here forever, & both my daughter i I NEED her. forever). her EVER leaving us is another thing I refuse to even think a/b. NEXT SUBJECT;
yes, DADDY ISSUES 🙄 i was the wildest teenager into my late 20s. that was all until i FINALLY realized my self-worth & left my toxic, to say the LEAST, ex-gf, FOR GOOD, & ended up with my life-long best friend's brother, who i've been close, actually very close with, ever since i met his sister when we were ~10-years-old. he saved me. then our daughter came at the most perfect time to save us, as we started to go down that path holding hands. i'm DEF. not going to go into depth, y'all would drown, if you haven’t already.
*the specifics are overrated with no existing relevant meanings here*
i've been on this Earth for ✨almost✨ thirty whole fucking years. yes, i typed out the word, b/c I now have this BURSTING animosity for the number 3, however, 4 is mine. my best best friend is a 2-year-old, teeny chonk, only 2 years old, more dramatic than me, sassy-ass, genius COVID baby. (she was conceived in 2019, so, that was... a.. normal different?) she's 28, ✨ALMOST✨ 29-months-old. her name isn't important, so I'll just refer to her as 'quack'.. 🦆
we live together with her daddy - minez first 🏃🏼‍♀️🥇😂 - my other best friend. (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃) •i also enjoy: "adult" coloring books, THC, journaling, Amazon Prime, the little things, elephants, my vape, bullet journaling, bellly laughing, my dishwasher, baby clothes, wood-burning, doodling, Hulu, ACKNOWLEDGMENT, roses WITH sunflowers 🌹🌻, ORCHIDS, my desk, ear-buds, Aaron Hernandez, my little space on earth instead of the internet - my desk & sketchbook, & ANYTHING organizational/cleaning... •i dislike: Scorpios, fantasy movies/series like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones - sorry, not sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ - shitty parents, mornings, Karens, uppers, Instagram, judgmental humans, my fingernails when they aren't done, & typos. I have a love/hate relationship with Pisces, both male & female 🐠 i'm as blunt & unfiltered as they come. oh, & you can't hurt my feelings (a big s/o to my past traumas). i'm.. an opened, closed book... if that makes any sense to you? now go ahead & try to break down my walls to get to know the real me! i’m the best friend you could ever have! 🤞🏼😸🥳 OKAY! that's enough for now. follow me, & let's get to learn more about e/o & our little spaces on the internet. if you've made it this far 🙂 i'm going to stfu now. (didn’t lie a/b a thing. told you i tend to start rambling. bad.)
• i want to leave you all something pretty to look @ as a preview of what this journey entails💭
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spanishskulduggery · 4 years
Hi there =) I read that you don't want to do homework for people, I get it, and this is fairly easy probably... very beginner level Spanish but with all the online lessons I don't get it. How/when/why do I know when to use a word like 'decírtelo'. I get that the te refers to the fact I'm using the second person singular and the lo stands for it. But I can't figure out when to use it or how to build it if that makes sense. Thank you
Oh that’s totally not a problem. When I say I don’t want to do people’s homework I usually mean I don’t want to write their essays for them.
So, what you’re seeing with decírtelo is a combination of three things: the infinitive form decir, plus te, and then a direct object lo
Or in other words, combining direct and indirect objects with a verb in some way.
But I will say before beginning that the accent marks appear because of something extremely complicated known as esdrújula which is not really a beginner topic. It’s really: “Why does that word have an accent mark?”
Basically that whole thing is how you decide if and where to put in accent marks.
Saying decirte “telling you” would have no accent, but then you add decírtelo and it does because you added a new particle to the word but the emphasis was always on the “cir” and without the accent mark people might put it on the “te” instead. 
Again, it’s very complicated especially for beginners so just be aware of it but don’t worry if you don’t know it.
There are three ways that you see this:
Infinitive form [which is often optional]
Gerund or progressive form
Affirmative commands
#1 - Infinitive form
The infinitive form is the textbook dictionary form a verb. It’s just unconjugated.
You would use this either because you have a conjugated verb + an unconjugated verb, usually with a helping verb that’s already conjugated like poder, querer, or debe… or when you’re using the verb as a noun like “the action or result of a verb”
When you have two verbs together, one is conjugated and the one that follows (or sometimes the multiple ones that follow) are in infinitive form. And when you add direct or indirect objects, you normally have the option to put them all in front of the conjugated verb… OR you can attach them all to the verb in the infintiive
Te lo digo. = I’m telling you. [one conjugated verb]
Tengo que decírtelo. = I have to tell you (it). [one conjugated verb + unconjugated verb]
Te lo tengo que decir. = I have to tell you (it). [alternative form]
And since you might be in a position where you could use multiple verbs here’s one:
Quiero poder decírtelo. = I want to be able to tell you (it).
It would sound really strange adding all of that in front. I’m not sure if it’s possible. Like, it would make sense but it would sound very strange.
Most people put the things at the end, particularly English speakers since in English we tend to put our objects at the end and it feels more natural.
Since infinitive can sometimes be used by itself I’ll show you sort of what that looks like:
Decírtelo es difícil. = Telling you (it) is hard.
Querer decírtelo y poder decírtelo son cosas muy distintas. = Wanting to tell you (it) and being able to tell you are very different things.
#2 - Gerund/Progressive form
The gerund is the “-ing” form of a verb. It’s a verbal form, not exactly conjugated, but it’s not the same as the infinitive.
These normally come in with estar, or a verb of motion like ir, seguir, or andar.
Me lo sigues diciendo. = You keep telling me (it). / You continue telling me (it).
Sigues diciéndomelo. = You keep telling me (it). / You continue telling me (it).
Again, sometimes you might see a helping verb in there somewhere:
Tienes que seguir diciéndomelo. = You have to keep telling me (it).
Puedes seguir diciéndomelo. = You can kee telling me (it).
#3 - Affirmative Commands
Negative commands are worded differently, but this is somewhat more complicated.
First you need to know how to conjugate commands. With commands, there’s tú command for informal, usted command for formal, and a plural command if you’re talking to multiple people.
Second you need to get the indirect object right because it could be different.
And then you need to get the direct object right because what you’re talking about might be masculine or feminine depending on context.
So for example, say that the lo in this is el regalo “gift”, while the la here is la carta “letter”:
Dámelo. = Give it to me. [informal]
Démelo. = Give it to me. [formal]Dénmelo. = Give it to me. [plural]
Dámela. = Give it to me. [informal]Démela. = Give it to me. [formal]Dénmela. = Give it to me. [plural]
There’s a lot of weirdness to unpack in all of that but it has to do with esdrújula and that’s also weird.
Side Note: When an indirect object is 3rd person [him/her/usted or them/you all] + direct object, the indirect object turns to se so that you don’t have to use le and les and trip yourself up
pedir un favor = to ask for a favorpedirte un favor = to ask a favor of you / to ask you a favorpedirle un favor = to ask a favor of him/her/Youpedirles un favor = to ask a favor of them/you all
pedírtelo = to ask you for (it) [lit. “to request it of you”]
pedírselo (a él) = to ask him for itpedírselo (a ella) = to ask her for itpedírselo (a usted) = to ask you for it [formal]pedírselo (a ellos / ellas) = to ask them for itpedírselo (a ustedes) = to ask you all for it
Spain also has vosotros which is like “you all” but informal… so like “y’all”
That would be pediros un favor and then pedíroslo
Commands can sometimes be reflexive so you might see them with accent marks too: levántate [tú], levántese [usted], and levántense [plural] which all mean “get up!” in different levels of formality.
There are cases where a command might have a direct object and also be reflexive:
ponerse la ropa = to put on clothes
Ponte el abrigo. = Put your coat on.Ponte la chaqueta. = Put your jacket on.Ponte los zapatos. = Put your shoes on.Ponte las medias. = Put your socks on. [la media is a regional word for “sock”, you’re probably used to el calcetín for “sock” and los calcetines for plural]
Póntelo. = Put it on.Póntela. = Put it on.Póntelos. = Put them on.Póntelas. = Put them on.
Again, poner is an irregular verb.
You’d get the same kind of construction with quitarse la ropa “to take off clothes”:
Quítatelo. = Take it off.Quítatela. = Take it off.Quítatelos. = Take them off.Quítatelas. = Take them off.
There are other smaller issues with this and more itty bitty details, but this is the basic gist.
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Okay so you've done the jealousy hc a few times but here's another scenario
A really really pretty/handsome mc. Everywhere they go, mc gets hit on, check out and whatever else. BUUTTT imagine mc getting free stuff all the time. Like they'll be at a bar and someone anonymously pays for their drinks. All the street vendors keep giving 'free samples' and discounts. Some jewellery stalls will legit give mc free earrings. And it's not just people finding mc hot, what if they get shy instead? Like people stuttering when talking to mc. They just walking away from that completely oblivious like 'welp hope that's guys okay'.
-I feel like sage would get salty but on the flip side he'll ask mc to go get them some free street cakes, and hey he's already broke so at least now he doesn't have to pay for mc all the time. Not if it's jewellery tho. "oh but mc those earrings don't go with that outfit :( let's go out after you finish up in the library I'll steal buy you whichever ones you want or we can even match so people back off :)"
-Felix is petty. Petty little man. He'll just get pouty and pull you away saying he's got more than enough to buy every single stall if you want. (He doesn't, he used up everything for olives, coffee and cat toys) but as the same time he might use you for his elaborate pranks.
-Okay so it's a universal fact that Anisa LOVES FOOD. And if you're going somewhere new together and trying out different types of meats and bread together and generally having fun but whoops y'all got carried away and she doesn't have enough money on her at the moment? Of course she's against stealing or conning people (unlike a certain salty merc) but she's thankful for being able to get away with it in that moment. Probably ends up feeling bad tho.
-I can't see this working with rime. If y'all are going out together it's gunna be somewhere EXPENSIVE AS HELL. No one's bold enough to pay for all that. But let's say someone somewhere finds you cute and orders you desert. Rime is not having it. Probably scoffs at whatever they got and (loudly so everyone can hear it) tells the waiter that it's not to your liking. Orders you something else (that he knows you like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))and pays before hand. Grouchy till the food arrives but then he sees you stuffing your face like a dork and offering to spoon feed him a bite and everything's good again :)
-Hmmmm i dunno about saaros. He'd see it coming right? I dunno what to write for him 🧍
-Balsam is okay with it. He knows you're amazing, and you deserve to be spoilt!!!! He's on high alert tho, might check the food making sure it's not spiked before letting you enjoy.
-If Lucan sees you romantically then he might get a little sad. You wouldn't be able to tell tho other than his ears sagging a bit. But he'd start teasing you about it 'ooooo mmccccc someone liiikkkessss youuuu'. That teasing would strategically turn into complimenting you and making you blush ;)
-You become ayannas distraction. No questions asked. You go up to the guard and ask questions and she sneaks past and does whatever bullshit she wants. She takes you EVERYWHERE.
-hmmm I'm not entirely sure about elowens reaction either tbh. She's definitely not gunna let it slide but I don't think she'd have too much of a big reaction about it? Like if someone's complimenting you she'd just lean into and be like 'ikr isn't my PARTNER so amazing? I'm SO LUCKY TO BE DATING THEM'
i wanna do tulsi but I gotta go now- I'm really sorry for such a long ask •́ ‿ ,•̀ i will do it again probably. Also I definitely made a lot of typos so my bad 🗿
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
Egg I got your follow-up message and don't worry it happens! I've made that mistake too before
Honestly you're right about all of them and there isn't much I can add.
Does Sage feel a little bit upset with himself that he can't afford to buy you things so often? Yes. But is he also totally taking advantage of your beauty to get free snacks? Yes. When you immediately turn to offer him a bite or whatever, it makes him feel better. Does not understand how you're so oblivious when people get so flustered around you. Is also double-checking nothing has been spiked and he stays close to you when you're eating/drinking something just in case.
Felix is salty because if he has to be part of House Anguis he might as well get to use it for something. But if you can distract the guards while he pours a bunch of birdseed into the wild aviary so all the birds fly around shitting everyone on everyone in the castle? Hilarious and worth it. Let him cause chaos.
Anisa feels bad but that pastry looks so good 🥺 so she lets it go and splits it with you (rather you split it with her) but she's so angy on the inside. Will bring money to pass the person back next time she sees them.
Sorry but imagine Rime loudly being like 'NO THEY DON'T LIKE THIS' and then you softly go 'no wait that looks really tasty' and then he has to order you the same thing while looking like a jealous idiot hehehe
Saaros just has their future-journal and as you guys are eating they're like 'save room for dessert' and then the waiter brings you a cake slice,, because of the journal Saaros already knows who got it for you so you have to try and detective it out while Saaros plays cold/hot with you over it
Yeah Balsam is checking to make sure it's not spiked. If it is he just calmly sets it aside (without telling you why, he doesn't want to scare you), grabs your hand, and immediately drags you somewhere else while making sure you're not being followed. He's not an idiot. He knows people can be violent and horrible. But when you're all wholesome and innocent and oblivious and shoving a snacc in your mouth, he knows humans can be sweet and lovely too.
Is very fun if you're dating Lucan and he gets all sad and you just set the gift down and cuddle him and smooch his cheek and he regains 1000+ happy points and absolutely teases you.
You have no idea you're helping Ayanna steal things or break into places she just tells you to go talk to those guards and you just fuckin go off. People will stop walking to listen you. Ayanna can cause so much havoc and no one even notices because you're so cute.
At first Elowen is annoyed but then you're so oblivious that she can't help but laugh and go along with it. Plus you guys can share whatever you get. And as long as no one tries to flirt with you, she's okay.
Tulsi!! Yeah girl!!! She's a gremlin and she's an opportunist. 100% supports you getting stuff so she can have some. Plus she can use you to get better deals from her suppliers. Mwahaha.
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To Hell & Back
Part Two: “Lucky for me, your kind of heaven’s been to hell & back”
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Summary: You still hate Bucky. But you need him to keep you from going to jail... So, what’s the harm in inviting him over to dinner?
Prompt: “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
Warnings: Angst?? (i think). Probably typos( which will be fixed). Implied violence. 
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part one [In case you missed it]
It's Saturday.
Your day off. Well, what used to be your day off until it was turned into a family therapy session.
Well... Not an actual therapy session. It is literally just dinner with your family, including your sister's husband - a man you refuse to identify as your brother in law for reasons that will end in you being called the j-word. The husband, because he's the only son-in-law your parents have, has been dubbed the "referee" of the Saturday Sessions.
Each session, since you've been discharged, has made committing murder seem more and more appealing.
So appealing, that you're standing in front of your neighbour's door with a basket of muffins and a please-keep-me-from-committing-felonies smile.
Bucky, because he just spent the afternoon searching for a new bar, is standing on the other side of the door. Both confused and frightened to see you at his door voluntarily.
"Is there a bomb in that basket?" He asks, eyes roaming over you suspiciously. "Believe me, it's not gonna work."
You blink at him, then at the basket. Then back at him. "Why would I put a bomb in a muffin basket and then hold it?"
He raises a sceptical eyebrow at you.
You huff. "Fine, they're poisoned. I accidentally added laxatives while making them-"
"Yes, accidentally-" you glare at him. "-they're not for you. They're from us."
He blinks at you, confused. You haven't spoken to him, actually spoken to him, for a few months. You avoid him like he has a disease and when your paths do cross, you just glare at him like he threw your cat into on coming traffic.
It's been a few days since the coffee machine incident. He has a brand new one - better than the last one - sitting on his kitchen counter, waiting for him to develop the courage to give it to you. It should be easy. He has mastered the art of making amends.
But... He can't, for some reason, bring it to you.
"Wait-" he frowns, your words finally registering in his head, "-did you just say from us?"
You set the basket down. "So, remember when you broke my one shot at happiness?"
"Oh god." He forgot how dramatic you are, as well.
"Yeah, you can fix that little error by being a doll and-" you pause, then frown, struggling to find the right words.
"Muffin poisoned your tongue?"
"I'm trying to ask you to be my plus one for tonight's dinner-" you grit your teeth, your blood beginning to boil. "-at my parents house."
You didn't look him in the eye when you said that. And by the sounds of it, he doubts this is something he should be going to. Or something you should be going to. Not if it brings out this side of you.
"Who are the muffins for?"
They were for your sister. You broke her nose last week, which was never your intention, and the guilt has been eating you up alive since. The punch was meant for her asshole husband.
"You coming or not?"
"Let me grab a wine and the keys."
"We have muffins. No need to waste your good wine on mediocre tastes."
"I'm bringing the wine."
"If you make us stop to pick out flowers, I will watch porn with the volume on full blast every night for a week."
"Why are you always so violent?"
"So, how bad is it?" Bucky asks.
You've been in the car for a half an hour, because you chose the busiest route and the most congested during rush hour, and that's the first thing either of you have uttered since you politely dragged him out of his apartment.
You shrug. "Three roads lead to this one, so we'll be here another half hour."
"I mean the situation-" he drums his fingers against the wheel. "-you literally chose to be in a car with me, for the longest time possible. Either you want to get there late or you don't want to get there at all."
"Maybe I just like spending time with you."
Bucky scoffs, but doesn't question you further.
The car is silent, aside from the traffic outside, and you could almost relax. For just a moment, you could close your eyes and imagine you're somewhere else.
But you can't. Because you're not. You're on your way to a dinner that shouldn't be happening and is only happening because you're part of your neighbour's redemption list.
Because he just had to have a conscious.
"I punched my sister last week," you mumble.
Bucky wants to laugh. He wants to laugh so badly. He has met your sister, a handful of times - at the hospital, outside your room and outside your apartment door.
Every time she'd come over, she would knock hard enough to make him think she's part of SWAT team. And each time, he would could hear you scramble to switch off all devices that could alert her of your presence inside.
One time, you'd both arrived a few minutes after each other. His door was closer and already open, so you shoved your grocery in his hand and dived into his apartment to hide from your sister. He had to pretend he hasn't seen you since you left for work , and that the packet of sanitary pads that fell out were for his girlfriend.
He didn't have one.
He wants to laugh, because he doesn't like her at all. But he doesn't, because she's your sister. "What did she do?"
"She married an asshole-" you scoff. "-and decided to get in the way and I tried to punch said asshole."
At this, he grins. "And you need me there because?"
"I need you to keep me from trying to kill him," you begrudgingly admit. "I'm too high maintenance for prison."
"How bad is this guy that you need me to help you not kill him?"
"Bad enough that I'm gonna need you to park a few blocks away from the house," you turn to look at him, his confused eyes meeting yours for a quick second. "I told them we're taking the bus."
"Which means we only get to spend less than two hours there, if you drive a little slow-" you pause when he drives passed a McDonald's. "-hey, can we stop and get milkshake?"
He deadpans. "We have dinner plans with your parents."
"I get that you and them might have gotten along since you decided to be a hero," you glare at him. "But they're not as cool as the hospital visits made them seem."
Your parents have invited him over to dinner a handful of times, and each time he had to decline. You and him weren't on the best of terms, and he didn't want to make things worse by showing up for dinner without your knowledge.
He knows, first hand, that a few interactions aren't enough to give the full depth of a person. But he saw how devastated they were, how heartbroken they were, at the sight of tubes and needles sticking out of you.
He doesn't believe, he can't believe, for a second that they're as bad as you say they are.
But he won't argue with you. Not about this. "We'll get milkshake after."
"Hey, remember that coffee machine you br-"
"Oh, fuck you!"
You're not a fan of wine. At least, not the wine Bucky brought to the dinner.
An hour into the dinner and you've already had enough glasses to have Bucky worried. The wine is halfway to empty by the time dessert rolls in, and when your sister's husband clears his throat, you abandon the glass and drink straight from the bottle.
The second hour into the dinner is where things got interested. Interesting enough for Bucky to take the bottle from you before you could throw it at someone's head. Mainly because he wanted to throw it at someone's head. Your sister's husband's head to be specific.
Just as your mother gets up to start making tea for the muffins you brought, Bucky is the first on his feet and the first to use the 'we have to get going before we miss the bus' excuse.
You grin at him, vision slightly hazy from the wine you drank on an empty stomach.
"Mhmm," you hum as you cling into him to get to your feet, "the bus. We gotta- the bus. Bah-yeee."
"I'll make sure she gets home safe," he promises to your parents and they believe him.
Hell, you believe him. If there's one thing you can trust your neighbour to do, it's to save your life. But not your coffee machine.
He guides back to the car, which is parked exactly where you told him to, and he's never been happier to have listened to you. You sing all the way back, some ridiculous song about when you're fat and old, and you're the most content he's ever seen you.
Drunk off wine, eyes glassy and smile wide, as you try to mimic his steps. You sigh when you get into your seat, even though you fight him on opening your own door, and fumble lazily with your seat belt until he helps you clip it in.
Your struggle to find a comfortable position, but forget all about that when he parks the car outside your favourite coffee shop. You're out before he can even unclip his seatbelt and you're inside before he makes it to the door.
"Hi," you whisper-yell as you lean against the counter. "Pssst. Hi. Hello."
The barista blinks at you. Bucky cuts in before he can get a word out. "We'll take coffee. Filter. And anything that's bread-"
"-don't listen to him, he breaks hearts for a living. Sometimes he rips them out." I jab your pointer finger against the countertop. "I will take the strongest coffee you've got. I'm in the mood for bad decisions and-"
"We'll be at the booth, in the back." Bucky gently pries you from the counter. "One coffee and two bottles of water-"
You try to smack his hands away. "Why must you be so- Barnes, I swear to god, I will take your parking space."
He shoves you into the booth, then takes a seat opposite you. You attempt to make a break for the counter, but the glare he fixes you with is enough to keep you in your place.
It should scare you. The look he gives you. You know what he is capable of, without mad scientists to control him, you know the damage he's done. It takes a special kind of strength to face people like the flag smashers, and a special kind of crazy to go after them.
Bucky is both. And yet, his glare doesn't scare you. So much so, that you return it.
"I hate your brother-in-law-"
"Sister's husband," you cut in to correct him. "I refuse to recognise him as my anything."
He nods. "Right. So, let me get this straight-"
Bucky pauses as the barista sets down the coffee, the water, two croissants, some breadsticks and a garlic roll. When he's satisfied that there's nothing else, he leaves you alone with Bucky and the breads.
"You got work tomorrow-" he puts sugar into your coffee and stirs, before handing it to you. "-so you're gonna need to eat as much, so that it absorbs all that wine."
You glare at him but still do as he says. He's right and you'd rather sulk than admit it.
"So," he clears his throat to get your attention. "Your sister is an asshole, that married an asshole. And your parents are enablers of all that bullshit?"
You nod, practically shoving the garlic bread into your mouth. You didn't touch the food your mother cooked and, other than that milkshake Bucky bought you, you haven't had anything to eat all day.
"Instead of just sending you to therapy-" he scrunches his face in disgust at the thought. "-I can't fucking believe I'm advocating for that, but instead of paying for therapy. They do that? Host a dinner, sit a circle and kumbaya the problems away?"
Taking a sip from your coffee, you continue to nod. "Is it helping?"
He frowns, meeting your eyes. "What?"
"The mandated sessions-"you swallow. "-I heard you and Wings talking about it."
Thin walls. Shared balconies. Despite not being in each other's life, both of you know more than enough because of your apartments.
Your balcony and his are separated by a small barrier, but you can still hear his conversations - and visa versa- if you leave your glass door open enough when he's out there.
The wall that separates your apartment is thin enough for him to pick up on your habits. You don't think you're a creature of habit, but he would disagree.
He can tell, just from your foot steps, what you're going to watch or do in the living room. From the little sounds you make, he can tell which series you're binge watching for the umpteenth time and which one is on just for background noise.
If you weren't a creature of habit, he wouldn't have found you in time. You wouldn't be sitting in front of him, asking about his wellbeing, instead of dealing with yours.
"Wings is Captain now," he corrects, and you accept the deflection.
You would never overstep, or push. Not with him. Never with him.
"If Captain, why Wings?"
Narrowing his eyes, he pushes the bread sticks closer to you. "Fine, Captain Wings."
Again, you obey the silent instruction.
"Where were we-"
"We were plotting an asshole's abduction," you tell him, "and then dropping him off at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. If that's not available, then maybe near Dyer Island."
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Why would we drop your sister’s husband on an Island?”
"It's a place, with a shitload of great white sharks."
"And you know this because?"
"I like to always be prepared."
"For what?" His brows furrow. "Do you just know random places to dump people that–"
You cut in. "–will lead to an inevitable death by natural causes? Yes."
He stares at you. Actually stares. Openly, at you. He can't remember the last time he did that, looked at you, for no other reason than to just look.
You didn't always hate him. When he first moved into your apartment building, and the landlord introduced you too, you were indifferent. He didn't think you knew who he was, most people don't at first glance, so he was relieved. Indifference was definitely better than everything else.
That was until you walked passed him and Sam in the lobby of the building, a week after he moved in.
"Sarge–" you nodded at him, as you checked your mail. Then nodded at Sam as you made your way out of the building. "–Wings."
You knew, you always knew who he was, and just didn't care. That was refreshing, to say the least.
The hate only came that night, or the following morning, he wasn't sure. All Bucky knows is, he meddled, and now you hate him for it. For saving you.
He's tried to talk to you about it. Countless of times, he's tried, and each time you hate him a little bit more. Or so it seems.
He wants to talk about it now. It's obvious in the way he's looking at you, like he can't believe you're here, in front of him. You can't either, but you won't ever admit that to him.
Hell would sooner freeze over before you actually admitted that maybe, just maybe, he should have meddled sooner.
You won't. So, instead, you put down the bread stick and sit back. "I know a really cool coffee place... If you still need a new place to hang."
It's an olive branch. You don't ever say what you really mean, he knows that, and he smiles at that little fact. That he knows that, he knows you.
"Is the barista as dramatic as I hear?"
"Only to strangers that break down her doors," you shrug. "Oh, and guys who break her coffee machine–"
"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"
You grin. Because you're just as petty as he is.
Tags: @sunflowerxbarnes , @ginger-swag-rapunzel​ , @arctic-duchess​
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lyril · 4 years
edward and slinkman for the ask game :)c
ok... i've already gathered that we share a taste in characters, but this is calling me right out and i've only made like 3 camp lazlo posts. unbelievable
sexuality headcanon: i cannot stress this enough, it is very clear to me this 10 year old platypus is gay
gender headcanon: he is... simply a boy :) i'm completely fine with any headcanon, i haven't been here long enough
a ship I have with said character: looks at you... i think that edward/lazlo is just. it's a classic dynamic, y'know. again, i haven't been here long enough. but he's definitely PISSED about it either way
a BROTP I have with said character: i think he needs friends, like, just in general. well, first i think he needs a better state of mind, and THEN we'll work on that later
a NOTP I have with said character: anything gross of course... not sure who else though :) i gotta get to know everyone first
a random headcanon: i am literally just projecting right now, but i think he has some self destructive habits he really needs to shake... aside from the outbursts and stuff. has to stop himself from banging his head against the wall when he fucks literally anything up. squeezes his arms just a bit too hard. generally, he has some issues with perfectionism...
well this is really sad *lets you into my psyche* i am going to spin the wheel again. i think he would keep a diary... at first to get his anger out, probably suggested by mcmuesli, and he absolutely hates it and thinks its dumb. but eventually he starts enjoying writing his thoughts, it's private and somewhere he can just speak his mind without having to let his defenses down by talking to a real person
general opinion over said character: he was my token "ah, this is going to be my favorite character, huh" guy before i even started, and so far that's going great! i love mean characters to death and he is FANTASTIC in every bit i've seen so far. he's very obviously just a kid with issues but it's far too relatable to me personally... like, i watched this one episode, and mcmuesli took him to a place to calm down, right? it was literally like i was back in 4th grade doing that exact thing cus of my outbursts. not to mention the bean bag chairs. it's all about the bean bag chairs
also i can't get over the plankton voice it haunts my every waking moment it's there it's real i can't escape
sexuality headcanon: i want to say gay again... in a way where he thinks he still likes women but he's just a little repressed
gender headcanon: i got nothing special cooking tonight. slug boy slug boy slug boy slug boy sl
a ship I have with said character: that's confidential <3
a BROTP I have with said character: i like him n the jelly bean scouts :) i forgot the name but the early episode abt go-karts and stuff was so cute... he just wants to see them with a cool racecar and spends so much money on them... and then him and jane, gosh i love that
a NOTP I have with said character: i... have not seen enough of him and lumpus to decide yet. i am leaning for no at the moment just from experience. this always happens. and the gross stuff. yadda yadda
a random headcanon: he is very unused to affection. give him a hug. he will 😳 a little bit. just for fun. go on
general opinion: oh my god. i love him... another instant favorite. the gay assistant is character type i can never escape from, it gets me literally everytime. and, like, he's so funny to me? in general. his entire existance. i have heard that he gets meaner and less shy as time goes on which i am SO down for... i just want to see more of him
i really did think he was a camper as well as lumpus's assistant before i started watching, so i was losing my entire mind when eliza told me he was actually an adult. which is very obvious from even the first few episodes but 😭 at least from this i got the amazing typo of "slinkman class pet" instead of "slinkman teacher's pet"
his name is also perfect for me to fuck around with and spell in increasingly outlandish and stupid ways
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fortheloveofkuroo · 5 years
Open Sky
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A/n: This was my first ever Bakugou angst. Hope ya'll like and enjoy it. Pardon for any typos or grammatical error. English is not my first language and i'm still learning ^^
Bakugou Katsuki × F!Reader
!!WARNING!! - Suicide Attempt & Swearing
Part 2
You plead. Already lost count on how many times you did this to a boy infront of you.
The figure with ash blonde locks that standing tall in the edge of the roof seems not bothered by your presence at all.
Both of your hands are trying to reach those strong yet slim body to stay away from the edge of the building. But he's too quick.
However, you managed to put one hand on his dusty with dirt uniform shirt. Yanking him away from those dangerous edges. Leaving him fall on top of your body as you check any of his body parts that hurt.
"Stay the fuck away." he slapped your hand and proceed to stands up.
"Wait you-"
Your words cutted off with a single stare of his ruby like eyes.
"Who the fuck are you? And what are you doing here? I though no one supposed to be here." his tone is stern and clear.
"That's my question! Why are you here and why are you trying to jump?!" you shouted, pretty loud. Your (E/C) eyes covered in worried.
"It's none of your bussines. Who are you? Answer my fucking question." the boy, who's now looking at you angrily asked again.
"O-Oh.. Um.. I'm (Y/N). From class 1-B." you offer your hand, hoping for a shake but the boy ignores it.
"If you don't have any bussines right here, fuck off. I'm about to fuckin rage and i don't want anyone bothering me." he said clearly. Piercing your (E/C) eyes with a long stare before he stands up.
"You're Bakugou right? The First winner of Sport Festival? The "interesting" boy from 1-A?" you asked, trying to get his attention one more time. Couldn't help it but you want to see his ruby eyes one more time.
His ruby like eyes are pretty. And he's pretty cute. But in those pretty red ruby pupil, you know he's been holding something.
The sound of loud metal getting hit slaps you back to reality.
"Guess everybody knows me, huh? Tch. "The boy with hard personality like that doesn't deserve to win!" "His temper is such a pain in the ass" "He shouldn't come to UA."" the ash blonde boy, who's now ravaging a piece of metal roof that's laying around muttering to himself. Quite loud so you can't help but listen too.
One call and he doesn't even bother to look at you. His hand still clenching and giving that metal roof a hard Punch.
"Bakugou, hey.."
Two calls, his punch are slowing a bit. But he still keeping his pace steady, not too long he's back and punching that piece of metal angrily.
"Bakugou Katsuki!"
Another call. This time, you yell. And dear lord he finally turn his stubborn head to you. Although his face was annoyed as fuck.
A raw fist hit his right cheek immediately. And his body was pushed to the wall.
"What the fu-"
Your hands are now gripping his shirt's collar, bringing him close with your face.
"The fuck's your problem?" he asked ignorantly. Seems doesn't even care that the fact he's being pinned to the wall.
"You've gotta be kidding me.." you muttered inside your brain.
"Snapping you out from your mind."
Bakugou scoffs, which is the thing he always do.
"Calm down dumbass. I wasn't going to jump."
What? Pretty sure you see him about to jump earlier.
"W-What? No! You're going to jump earlier! You can't fool me!" you insisted.
And so, your position quickly changed. Now you're under this guy control.
His arms are around your head and his face is only 5 inch away.
Your lips will surely pressed against him if you're moving right now.
"Tch. How stupid. You really think i'm going to jump, huh? I know that you're dumb but not this dumb." his tone is mocking you but there's a slight happy tone hidden inside of it.
You brave yourself and stare deeply to his eyes.
"Is something wrong?"
He didn't move at first, then he clicked his tongue and push you away. Leaving you there with a slight confusion and curiosity.
"Nothing. You're just a stranger, don't get near me and play nice and stuff. It pisses me off." he said nonchalanty while rushing down the stairs.
"But you really not trying to jump, right?!"
Bakugou keeps walking while muttering his own words to himself.
"Not today."
It's been weeks since the incident of the roof happened.
And a glimpse of his ash blonde locks and his back is still haunting you.
Those ruby eyes never leave your mind. Not even a second.
No one in 1-A nor 1-B knows your meeting with that hot-tempered Ash Blonde boy at the roof.
It's only between you and him.
"Say (Y/N), wanna train together after school?" asked a girl with an orange ponytail, Kendo.
You two make your way out of classroom, walking together trough the corridor.
Just before you answer Kendo's question. You saw that glimpse of ash blonde locks walking upstairs quickly.
"I'm sorry Kendo, but i have to pass!" you grin and go after that boy. You finally get to meet him again.
What is this warm and nervous feeling in your chest? Why are you so nervous to meet him?
Yout hands slowly opens the roof door and found nothing.
"Ah.. It's just my brain isn't it?"
"So it is." a voice from above suddenly answered.
"W-What?!" you look up and found his figure, standing on top of the building (see the gif)
"So you really following me here, huh? What a creep." he complimented while his ruby eyes looking at you up-down motion.
"Gee, thanks bakugou."
"Why are you here anyways?" you look around and trying to find somewhere to sit while asking him.
"And why exactly are you here, dumbass?"
"Answer my question first, stupid."
"Need to clear my mind." he sits by the edge and near the stairs.
You look up to him once again. Is he seriously asking you to "come here"?
"Alright.. Just don't blast me once i get there." you said, jokingly. But Bakugou seems not amused at all.
You carefully climb up the stairs.
"Oof. It's quite slippery." your right leg trying to found another stairs but unfortunately your leg slipped.
"Watch out!" If Bakugou's hand not quick enough, you must be already fall and hurt bad enough.
His hand catches your arm quickly and pulling you up in a second.
His hand is sweaty.
"Be more carefull, dumbass. It's just a simple stair and you managed to slip?"
"Hey! Accidents happen okay?" you crossed your hand and quietly sits next to him, hoping that he doesn't mind.
A gentle wind caresses your cheek. The weather is surprisingly nice today. Sunny and not too hot.
Your eyes catches something wonderful from up here. The view of whole town in 360° from the roof.
"Wow.. The view is.." "Amazing. I know." Bakugou finishes your words.
"Like you." you added a smile.
His head immediately turn towards you in a second.
"What did you say, dumbass?"
"You're amazing?" he shrug your shoulders, giving him a "what?" look.
It seems that it's working.
"Bakugou, i know we just met like weeks ago but. I gotta say this, i admire your strong and intelligence."
Bakugou keeps quiet. He doesn't know how to react actually.
"Should i say thanks or what?" he think.
"But i also admire your soft side like this." you quickly wrapped your hands around him and hugged him. Making him flinch and you can feel his blood boiled up.
"Bakugou when was the last time you received a hug?"
It made him silent.
His stiff body slowly loosen up and he slowly but carefully rest his head to your shoulder.
"....Elementary." he answered with a small sigh.
You rub his back slowly and smiles.
"Bakugou.. You can always open up to me. No matter what's your problem. I'm a good listener, you know?" you chuckled.
"Then, what do you say about why people always see me.. As a bad guy."
You're quite shocked actually. The great Bakugou. The great powerfull Bakugou Katsuki.
"Oh.. I thought you never think about those thing.. You always seems so strong.."
Your hand finds its way to his hair and pat it slowly.
"It's been there in my mind. I tried to ignore it and think of something else but it's still there!" Bakugou yell. Complaining like a child.
"I hate it.. I hate it when i'm like this. I looked so weak and need other people. I don't like this yet i'm stucked here with you."
Ouch. Kinda hurt you though when he said he don't like this.
"Bakugou.. Every people have problems. Even like the most powerfull human being, let's say All might." his breathing is out of control and you can feel his shoulder is shaking and shuddering.
"It's not weak and embarrasing to think like that. You need a support. And i'm here for you." you smiled again, trying to get his sad face brighten up a little.
"You are not a bad person. Well, you are a hot-tempered and a little harsh. And you never show a friendly face at all? Which makes people think that you're always angry which is true. But deep inside, i know you're a good guy."
"Are you comforting me or insulting?" his raspy voice breaks your laugh.
"Sorry, couldn't help it. But i see you once when you're doing your internship, you found a lost kid and immediately take her to the closest police station instead of letting her alone. And you wait for her too! Altough she's scared of your face." you giggles, remembering your first meeting with him.
"Isn't that what everyone would do? Also how do you know so much?" he asked curiously. Still cozy in your arms.
"Well, actually i'm under the same agency as you but didn't recognize me altough i'm the only girl there." you laughed and smile again, looking at the view.
"So Bakugou, don't feel down. You know you are not a bad person, if you don't know, then i tell you right know. If you're a bad person, i will not sit close beside you like this." you give him a sweet look and a pat on his shoulder.
"The fuck that supposed to mean, dumbass?" he looks quite puzzled with your words so you let a sigh and looks at the open sky.
"It's my Quirk. My Quirk let me know wether people have a good and pure heart or no. And yours, it's clean. But i can see some of grudges and rage that you're holding and keep to yourself." you explained and Bakugou scoffs.
"Is that Quirk even usefull in a fight?"
"Actually it does. I can read minds too y'know." you smirk to him.
"Thank's though, that's very nice of you calling me badass." you chuckled after reading his mind right after you explained your Quirk to him.
"Y-You fucking.."
"Alright! You feel better Baku? I'm hungry. You wanna get lunch?"
Bakugou looks away and muttered.
"..Sure dumbass. Let me.. Fuckin pay. I ..owe you."
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: after the too convenient disappearance of Natasha Romanoff, the Avengers —a local biker gang— search for help in the most unexpected place in order to get their friend back.
Pairing: biker!Bucky Barnes x reader
Genre: unclassified (biker gang au)
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff: @shirukitsune
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language
A/N: consider this a sneak peek of a series I'm planning on writing when I finish one of the ongoing ones. The title is long af so I might change it. Also, sorry for the typos but y'all probably know that I'm a mess
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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A sigh escaped my lips as my leg furiously bounced against the pavement of the parking lot "she ain't gonna help"
"we gotta give it a try" Steve whispered, ogling at the tall skyscraper's entrance, which was illuminated with fancy lanterns that matched the aesthetic of the building itself. "you never know. Plus-"
"I shouldn't have come." I mumbled with a light distress showing up in my voice "the moment she sees me she'll turn around and leave"
"she won't" my bestfriend answered, determined.
"If we tell her it's not for you-"
The sound of the not so far building's gate opening, was enough to cut me midsentence. And... there she went.
"can't you just cancel it? Tomorrow I-- no Wanda- gosh, he's tiring. Just tell him... yeah" she made her way to her car, unaware of our presence besides it yet, probably due to the poor lighting.
So much money, and yet the wealthy company couldn't improve the goddamn streetlights of its own parking lot.
"Friday? Geez no-- No. Period. Just-" her walking slowed down the moment she saw us. "you know what? Friday it's okay. Goodnight Wan." even before hanging up, she was already glaring at me. "James."
"Y/n" I replied, just because I didn't know what else I could say.
She inhaled before speaking again. "you got some balls." her eyes flashed briefly to Steve. "what the fuck are you two doing here?"
"we need help" I stated, quieter that I would have liked.
She huffed " 'course you do." relocating her bag. "look for help somewhere else." her eyes digged into mines, throwing daggers at me.
And, God, did it hurt. "told you" I grunted in low voice to Steve, already turning around to leave. "She's not helping."
I felt a grip on my arm, stopping me from stalking away. "Y/n, this is not about him"
"I don't give a single fuck." she hissed, walking to her car to open it. "you promised to stay away from me, and you're not doing a good job"
"it's Natasha" Steve blurted out before she could get in the vehicle.
Y/n froze at the mention of her.
"what 'bout her?" she tried to sound careless and cool, but I noticed the switch in her body language.
"she... Disappeared" the blond man spoke, putting emphasis on the last word.
Y/n frowned, her eyes going from me, to Steve, and back to me. "Go to the police"
"you know we can't" this time it was my turn to answer. "You're the only one who can help us, you know that. If you weren't, I wouldn't be here." I stated solemnly. "I keep my promises, you know that."
There was a moment of silence, in which she glared at me with hate in her eyes that masked the pain, I knew, was there. "actually, no, James. I can't recall a single time when you kept your promise, so I don't." and I knew she meant every word. "you got plenty of friends, go look for their help and leave me the fuck alone."
We stood there while she drove away, and I would have been lying if I said I was shocked she left.
I spared a glance at Steve, who was running his fingers through his hair, visibly distressed. "what te fuck do we do now?"
It was only after Steve spoke, that it dawned on me we had no other option to have a chance of getting Natasha back.
"we gotta look for someone else"
Old folders displayed everywhere, empty boxes of Chinese food that Sam bought covered the coffee table, and we all needed a shower.
"we should call Tony" Clint spoke distractedly.
"No we shouldn't" Steve rushed to reply while he tidied up some of the papers. "he's retired"
"Natasha dissappeared, Stevie" Clint's reminder didn't exactly help the moral of the group.
Steve sighed, pinching his nose before shaking his head. "Pepper would kill me." after looking at us for a second, he kept speaking in a hesitant tone "I'll call him if plan A fails"
"plan A?" I questioned, raising and eyebrow. "Plan A failed when Natasha dissappeared" I stated.
"well, then when plan B-"
"Y/n was plan B" Sam yawned, slowly sitting up in the tiny couch where he had fallen asleep "which would have worked if you had listened to Bucky" Sam yawned again, right before stirring "taking him with you, when we needed Y/n, was like- the stupidest idea you had in a while."
Steve took a deep breath before letting out a comeback that would probably cause a fight. "who else we got?"
"No one." Clint almost growled more than spoke.
Out of everyone, he was the most affected by far. Natasha and Clint had grown up together, and the fact that we barely could trust our close friends to get her back was exhausting as well as frustrating.
"think I'm just gonna take a shower" Barton informed us in a mumble before leaving his seat to walk out of the room.
"there's someone" Rhodey's voice made all of us redirect our eyes to the door connecting my kitchen to my living room. "Danvers"
Sam shook his head no "We have no way of contacting her"
Rhodey sighed, exhausted, throwing himself in the chair Clint had just left. "I can contact Rambeau. She'll know where Danvers is"
"She ain't gonna help" It was my turn to contribute with some bad news, not that new, of which none of them were aware. "she knows 'bout what happened with Y/n."
Silence was the answer I got.
Rhodes scoffed "Good to know, James." I kept my eyes trained in my hands, not wanting to face anyone in the room. "Really good to know about this tiny detail after- what? A year?"
Another scoff and more silence.
"let me go through it again" Sam rubbed his temples with closed eyes. "Nat dissappeared, we probably have a mole, and the two people we could use help for" I felt his eyes on me "they won't help." no one spoke. "we're fucked."
We all drowned in our thoughts for a while.
Clint, at some point, had come back. Someone told him we had run out of options, which made him leave. He didn't come back, and I figured he probably fell asleep in my room.
Sun was rising, and, in need of a break, I got up. I really could use some air.
In no time I was standing on my ramshackle balcony, leaned over the railing with both my forearms supporting me.
Sam, who had probably came after me, exited and, after installing himself besides me, he spoke "it's not your fault"
"cut the bullshit"
"okay, it is"
"No shit Sherlock"
He sighed "but not entirely, so don't beat--"
"If she dies" I whispered, my gaze lost on the horizon "it's on me. Like- it's actually on me"
"she's not gonna die" Sam dismissed me quicker than he would have liked. "She's smart, and she's only been missing for around a day and a half "
"Listen, no one said it out loud but we gotta consider it." I blurted out, turning around to face my friend. "if they took her, they'll interrogate her. Do you really think she'll give in?"
"I didn't say that"
"then you know she can end up in a ditch"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "don't say any of this shit in front of Clint"
"I'm not stupid"
He let out a sarcastic chuckle, shaking his head. "yeah, of course you're not." Sam tilted his head slightly towards me without looking. "remind me again why Y/n ditched you."
"Fuck off Wilson." my voice was low, full of anger and frustration and sadness; bottled up emotions that I carried with me since Y/n left.
Bottled up emotions that came to torture me for what I did whenever I heard her name.
We saw a car.
Sam was the first one to point it out.
Not the fact that a car was driving towards a single property in the middle nowhere, hidden with the help of the trees in the woods.
No, Sam was pointing out what car it was.
"it's... Her car?" He sounded incredulous, hesitant, and even suspicious, but I couldn't blame him.
"it is." I confirmed.
And, even though I was sure it was her car, I couldn't believe it until, after parking in front of the house, she climbed off.
She made her way to the porch's stairs. "I'll... Go and tell the others." Sam informed me. "Open the door"
I sighed and slowly made my way downstairs and to the front door just in time to hear the knocks.
I grabbed the knob, but before spinning it, I froze.
I froze because I shouldn't be me opening the door, it shouldn't be me the first person she sees, the first person she made contact with. I shouldn't be me welcoming her, even if it was my home, because I didn't deserve-
"Open the fucking door, James."
And I did, though the movement was way too eager for my liking.
But it was too eager because it was Y/n requesting me to do it, as if she wanted to see me.
I had complied and now we were standing in front of one another. My first thought was to step aside, since I thought she would try to walk past me as soon as possible, but she didn't.
She stood there, looking at me.
"Thought you said no" even though it was quiet, almost a mumble, it was definitely not a great sentence to begin a conversation in such a delicate situation.
Surprisingly, her voice sounded way warmer than I was expecting when she replied to my unfortunate comment. "I made up my mind" thankfully, she kept talking, because I had no idea what to answer. "Nat's my friend too. I'll help."
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twaeilmoon · 6 years
Available on my masterlist for other member
SUMMARY: Sometimes, neighbourhood can be a good place to find love.
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There he was again, cleaning his house yard. What a coincidence. Everytime you go out he will always be outside too, doing some errand on his house. That's what you love. Let's say that it's easy for you to quitely spying him. Yuta, your next door boy was way too good looking that he always succeed on shaking you heart. Not just that, he is nice too. A nice neighbor so far.
There was a family living next to you before he came and take over the house. Those previous neighbours you had before always drive you up to the wall as they don't know how to even make the resident live peacefully. They shouts and laughs histerically almost every night that everybody couldn't even sleep well. What an annoying neighbour you ever had. Now that someone better in advance has move in, you feel better with a bonus of his manner and good looking face. You love it when he shot you his wide smiles and have a small chit-chat even for a shirt time everytime he saw you going out from house. He oftenly makes your heat drop because of his softness.
"Oh, hi y/n! Have a nice day". Shoot! He saw you. Your heart starts to faster up it's pace. Yuta was watering his flower. You never know someone, a single man maybe, keeps plants at home and taking care of it so well. His plants grow up so well than yours. "Oh, hi. You too", you couragingly give him a smile back although you could feel your lips was trembling while saying back. "You're going somewhere?", he asked while pouring water to his plants.
"No. I'm just.. going to put this away", you lift up a plastic bag you was holding. You've jusf clean up some piles of papers that you have in your room so you're going to throw away some useless paper out. He nodded as he saw the plastic bag. "Winter is coming so I need to take care of my plants before snows falling down. I don't want them to froze later", he slightly laughed. You nodded as he stated his plans before winter. Yuta has a good knowledge on most of housekeeping stuffs better than you do. 'What a good husband material', that's what you always thought about him.
"Uhh, I guess we have to talk later? I need some more works to do actually", you shyly said. You don't want to cut off the starting part of your conversation with him but how can you stay being shy and trembling in front of him? Something will for sure happend if you stay this way. "Oh, okay then. Talk to you later", he bid you a small goodbye. You shot him one last smile before turning on your heels to head back into your house until you hear him call you back. You turned back to him, expecting him to say something.
"If you don't mind we can have some tea together sometimes. You know we can have some talks too. Why don't you come over if you have time?", he suggested. Never once in your life getting invite by a neighbour. Actually, there was plenty times back then when you was staying at your parent house. Well, it was back on your childhood days though. A really long time ago. You nodded in agreement, happy to accept the invitation. Great, you get to know each other soon. "That's pretty good idea. I'll make it when I'm free", you modestly said. "Okay then. See you other time", he bid you goodbye for the second time and you walked back into your house.
Good timing. It's your day off and you have nothing to do. So, you decided to go next door. Hopefully, Yuta will be free too. You don't want to bother him if he got some work to do. You never have a plan to be such an annoying disrespectful neighbour. Not after what your previous neighbour has done. You got enough of it.
Wearing just a casual outfits that you usually wear at home, you went to his house next door. You pressed his bell hoping that he's at home and free. It was relieving to see him show up, opening the door. "Hi. Come in", he greeted as he move aside to let you come in. The moment you step in into his house, you never expect him to have such a great place that he lives in. It was clean and tidy, as if it wasn't a solo man. Well, as for now he is solo since he doesn't have wife and family. But who knows if he already got girlfriend?
"Woah.. You really live in this perfect house alone? Everything is so fine and clean. Do you have maids? You live with them? You're from rich family?", you asked him lots of questions only to have him giggle on you. You frowned as to his sudden giggles. "I never expect you to have such a talkactive mouth, y/n. Now that I'm slowly getting to know you", he said while still giggling. You pouted. For his information, you also never expect him to ever act this way. He never speak like this before although he's the one who always talk to you first.
"What? Um.. I don't know. I'm getting excited maybe?", you rubbed your nape. Yuta smiled to your cute behaviour. "I don't have any maids. And yes, I live alone in this house. One more important thing, I'm not from a rich family, Miss y/n. I work myself to have some money for my life and I keep my house clean by myself. All by myself", he lead you to the cozy living room. He motioned you to have a sit on his expensive-lookin couch as he take a sit too. "Ah.. I see", you mumbled, enough for him to hear you.
"Oh wait. I'm going to make some tea and then i'll come back. Just make yourself at home", he smiled before heading to his kitchen. You nodded, patiently keeping yourself comfortable and steady. You look around, observing the surrounding. You envy him for having such a nice plave to live in. You've been living in the resident for years, way much longer than him who've just move in 3 years ago but he already turn this house into such a private paradise. "He must be living in a good life", you mumbled to yourself.
"You okay?", Yuta asked as he came back with a tray of tea cups and teapot in his hand. He looks so husband material at this point. You can't ever denied that anymore. "Yea I'm fine. Just kinda impressed of your house. It's so nice", you awkwardly smile. "Nothing much. I just want to live in a good comfortable house. To be honest, I'm kinda lazy to do housekeeping though. But gotta do it since I don'f want to live in messy", he said, putting down everything that he got in his hand.
You nodded, completely understanding him. Still, your house can't compete him. Yuta poured hot tea into two tea cups carefully. Why do he looks so perfect doing all this stuff? No wonder your feelings toward him keep on growing. "So how long already you've been living here?", he started the conversation by asking a question. "Quite long already. Maybe almost 5 years? The first time I move in to the next door the previous neighbour was quite bad actually. They're way too loud ", you told him about the previous neighbour. He suddenly got his eyes widened.
"What do you mean 'theyre way too loud'? You mean.. when they're doing stuff.. you know?", this time, his words got your eyes widened in surprise. "No no! Why did you thinking that way?! Oh my god..", you hid your face into your hands, feeling embarrased that your words got him thinking in other way. He laughed out so loud that makes you feel more unconfident to show up your face. "Oh god you're okay? Sorry sorry. I didn't meant it but I thought that's what you actually mean. I was wrong so sorry. But still it's good to see your cute side. You're cute when you're acting this way", he said while laughing . He might die due to out of breath because he was laughing so hard that he might lose his breathing.
"Stop it! You're bad! This is not funny, Yuta!", you smacked his shoulder using one of your hand while the other one still covering your already red face. "Ouch! Sorry sorry! Stop it! It hurts!", he beg but still laughing like crazy. And that was the first moment where you both get closer to each other even more.
It was already late night when Yuta send you a text. You just got out from the bathroom, brushing your teeth before going to sleep. You laid on the bed, unlocking your phone password to check for his message.
"Y/n I can't sleepㅠㅠ"
You smiled upon reading his text. He's getting silly  day by day. Sometimes he'd just call you when you're at work just to mumbled silly sweet things to you.
"What? So you want me to put you to sleep?"
You replied him playfully. Just to see what he's going to say.
"Yea. Seems like that I guess? :D"
Just like your expectation, his reply will always be something silly but cute. As you was about to type a reply to him, there was another new message from an unknown number. You frowned as you don't have any idea as to who could it be. The text says:
"Hey, babe. It's been a long time now. I really miss you. You miss me too right? I know it"
"What the hell?", you angrily mumbled. What an annoying person he is disturbing someone at this hour? "This must be a scam", you deleted the message before going back to reply Yuta.
"Alright~ I'll help. But hey there's an unknown number just send me a text calling me babe and he said that he missed me. Who the heck is that person though?"
You tap the send button before you find out that there was another text from the same previous unknown number coming in. You opened the text again in annoyance just to read something even more mad.
"I know you're ignoring me. I'm Taeyong so no need to scare. Can you come out for awhile? I'm outside of your house babe~"
"Shit", you cursed under your breath.
He's crazy. Yes, he's your ex-boyfriend. So he need to act as an ex and know his place as an ex. Why the hell did he come to you house at this hour, suddenly messaging you weirdly and all? You quickly type a new message to Yuta.
"Maybe just a wrong number person? Tbh I've been receiving lots of that stuff to these days. So annoying"
"It's my ex, Taeyong."
You don't want to be bother by this dork anymore. So, you're going to just go out and ends everything, forever. You look through your window and hell, he was really there. What was he thinking about?
"Y/n babe! I really miss you so much", you could see Taeyong walking closer to you wide his arm widely open, ready to hug you. He doesn't seems like he was drunk. It's just that he's acting crazy. "Go away, Taeyong. You ended it. We have nothing to do anymore. So let's just not meet again", you hug yourself as you feel imsecure. "But why? I love you y/n", he pouted. "It's already midnight. You should go back home. I don't love you and I don't want to see you again", you said, hoping that he will go. "Don't be like this. I'm here because I miss you. I want you back y/n", he step closer to you and you back away. "No Taeyong! Go away before I call the cops!", you half yelled. "But I don't want to go. I just want you. I really miss you", he came even closer. You shake your head, telling him to stop being crazy.
As you was keep backing away from him, someone's hand scoops your back. Their hands on your shoulders, bringing you closer to them. What a surprise, it's Yuta.
"Stop. You better go away", he said to Taeyong who was already stop from getting closer as he saw Yuta. Taeyong smirked evilly. "Who are you? You're the one who better fuck off. She's my girlfriend", his face suddenly changed into a cold one. "She's not. I'm her boyfriend now. Forget it and go home dude. It's late already. She needs to sleep", Yuta gently said. Woah, is this really a man's fight? Taeyong smiled sarcastically. "What? You're her boyfriend? Is that true babe?".
You don't want to give any response but as to get rid from an even worst thing from happening, you take the option to just have some words. "Ye-yes. He-he is.. my boyfriend Taeyong. You can't say that i'm yours anymore..", your face down to the ground, no wanting to see his face. You can hear Taeyong's small laugh of disatisfaction. "Okay", you lift up your face to see him shrugging before leaving. Finally.
"Wow.. that was crazy. Are you okay?", Yuta asked, smiling. You nodded. To his shock, you punch his chest that makes him wince in slight pain. "What?", he asked, laughing. "Why did you say that I'm your girlfriend? Can't you just made up other story? Like you're my bestfriend or something and you need to protect me because my dad told you to?!", you cover up you face with your hand. "Why? I think by saying that you're my girlfriend is easier and simple. Then why don't you be my real girlfriend?", he asked as if it was a joke. You face him even with your red face. "Is that how you're going to propose me?", you playfully shot back him with question. He smiled before patting your head, making your hairs in mess. Yuta then pulled you into a tight hug. "Y/n. Would you be my girlfriend?", he whispered into your ear closely that his hot breath tickles you. "Yes. Id' like to", you smiled and burried your face into his chest. "I love you. For a long time ago", he whispered again.
Both of you didn't break the hug until one of his hand let you go while the other one still on you. "Y/n, look. It snows!", he told you, voice full of ecitement.You look up and yes, snows starts to fall down that moment. You lift your hand, waiting for the snow to fall into your hand. "Do you know that couples who watch the first snows falls down together will stay long last for a looooooong time?", he asked while tightly holding both of your shoulders. You looked at him and shook your head.
"We're going to last forever?", you asked him, looking deep into his eyes. Yuta nodded his head. "Let's go inside and wear something warm and then go back to sleep", he said, leading you to your house. "You wanna stay in my house tonight?", you asked him, curious as he was following you to your house.
"Why not?"
"No way Yuta"
"By the way, how did you know I'm going out to see Taeyong?"
"I didn't get any reply so I thing somethings went wrong. So I go out to check on you"
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Buster & Rio
Buster: I saw Buster: Where are you going? Rio: Not decided Buster: How much do you have in your account? Rio: Loads Rio: Great stream, like Rio: despite some vocal haters Buster: Yeah Buster: Get as far as you can then Buster: Fuck him Rio: I won't, that's the problem Buster: Like that's his only problem Rio: No need to tell me Rio: don't recommend you engage with him but Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Nothing Rio: Not forgotten how you feel about it, like Rio: not expecting sympathy Buster: Don't be like that Rio: Why not Buster: 'Cause I ain't him Buster: Don't treat me like I am Rio: Sorry Rio: idk what to do Buster: Come here Rio: I can't Buster: Why not? Rio: Plenty of reasons Rio: For one you don't wanna see me Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Try and tell me otherwise Buster: Rio Buster: I want to see you Rio: Maybe I'll just fake out and stay Rio: how sad would that be Rio: unforgivable or? Buster: 'Course not Buster: You can do whatever you want Rio: Can I? Rio: 'cos Ryan don't reckon so Buster: What does that cunt know about anything? Rio: Enough to drag my name through the dirt Rio: that's for sure Buster: Enough that he has to try Buster: He knows he fucked up when he lost you but that's all he has a clue about Buster: And he was punching above his weight since day 1, he's also gotta be aware of that Rio: Nah Rio: he just hates me Rio: not wrong with what he's saying but Buster: Shut up Buster: That's bullshit Buster: He's got no right to hate you Rio: Maybe not but Rio: I get it Rio: nothing he says is untrue Rio: just wish he didn't care Buster: Fuck that Buster: I bet most of what he says is utter bullshit Rio: Nah Rio: hand him the ammo, don't I Buster: It's not your fault he's fucked in the head, babe Buster: Don't talk shit Rio: Just 'cause he's obsessed don't mean he ain't got a point Rio: whether I like it or not Rio: probably why it makes me so mad Rio: my easy money called into question Buster: Stop it Buster: You could leaving a nun life and he'd still wanna find ways to make you feel bad Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Maybe Rio: unlikely to find that out any time soon Buster: Good Buster: Don't change for him Buster: He's worth shit, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Still dictating shit regardless Rio: laughing with it Rio: why did I rise to it Buster: 'Cause you've had enough Buster: It's been going on so long Rio: How awful that I wish he'd just get a new girlfriend already Rio: why would I want that for anyone Buster: 'Cause you want rid Buster: I don't blame you Rio: Promise? Buster: I swear Buster: Don't blame yourself either Rio: Hard not to Rio: I did it Rio: so stupid Buster: You're not stupid Rio: Yes I am Rio: What was the point Buster: Shut up Buster: You're smarter than him Buster: And me Buster: We both know it's my fault you fucked Curtis Buster: I would've made it up to you if Indie didn't have other ideas, like Rio: Oh yeah 😂 high school dropout with one shit job and one dubious one Rio: genius, like Buster: You're not funny, doesn't mean you aren't smart Buster: So stop Rio: I don't want to Rio: can't Rio: idk Buster: What do you want? Buster: Seriously Rio: Am I meant to know? Rio: I don't Rio: I'm not like you, clever, whatever you want to call it Rio: I have no clue what I'm doing or why Buster: I don't buy it Buster: I know you've got goals Buster: You're as motivated as I am Rio: Why are you being nice Rio: not letting me mope Buster: 'Cause he keeps hurting you Buster: And like I said, I ain't him Buster: That and you won't let me kill him Rio: Can't be the egomaniac that tries to fight their own case Rio: never ends well, babe Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: just trying to give you a little dose of reality Buster: Bit late, don't you reckon Rio: I'm a tryer Buster: Yeah? Rio: You know it Buster: Don't give up then Rio: don't worry, at an airport, not the traintracks or bridge Buster: Hilarious Buster: Decided where you're going yet or what Rio: I'll check where's cheapest and where's going the minute I decide I wanna Rio: doesn't matter really Buster: 'Course it matters Buster: Going to a shithole isn't gonna cheer you up Rio: I mean Rio: I won't go to... Rio: Yugoslavia? idk Rio: somewhere sunny'll cut it Buster: 😂 Rio: just trying to hype your postcode Rio: i 👀 you Buster: I reckon its got itself covered Buster: And I ain't gotta hype me Rio: You have put those hours in by now, yeah 😜 Buster: Just you wait, babe Buster: Barely started with you Rio: I know Rio: Can't even blame all those false starts on how hot I am Buster: Welcome back Rio: 😏 Rio: Wishing you could be holding that sign at Heathrow, babe Buster: Obviously Buster: Really missing you, like Rio: Really feel it Buster: Good Rio: Well Rio: looks like I'm off to Spain Buster: I'll see you around then Rio: yeah? Rio: cool Buster: How long are you gonna be gone? Rio: just a few days Rio: can't leave indie Buster: I can check in Buster: She'd love it Rio: hmm Buster: You know she would Rio: yeah Rio: but i don't Rio: thank you very much Buster: What do you think is gonna happen? Buster: she's a kid Rio: an insatiable kid Rio: with no boundaries Buster: She ain't got any maybe but I do Rio: Some, like Rio: don't get carried away Buster: Fuck off Rio: What? Rio: Just saying Rio: too late to put some back in place Buster: Am I meant to care? Rio: Probably Rio: you still haven't realised? Buster: What? Rio: I'm going to fuck you up Buster: You wish, babe Rio: I seriously don't Rio: but I will if you let me Buster: The only way you can hurt me is the way I like Buster: Don't worry about it Rio: Okay Rio: you better be right Rio: i tried to stop this, let the record show Buster: I'm always right, babe Buster: And I'm sick of being stopped Rio: Same Rio: I wish it had been you Rio: sorry if you don;t wanna hear it Buster: It's alright Buster: I know Rio: what a mess Buster: I wish I could make you forget everybody else Rio: you could Rio: don't pick now to be humble Buster: Seriously though Buster: I hate that your exes get to treat you how they do Rio: Know how to pick 'em, right Buster: Yeah Rio: Tragic Buster: I ain't one to talk Rio: Yeah Rio: Right pair Rio: Commiserate with me Buster: I'll take a drink Rio: Sl��inte baby Buster: Cheers Rio: what are you doing Buster: An assignment Buster: Technically Rio: Oop, my bad Buster: Yeah 'cause I'd rather study Rio: Should Rio: be a good boy Buster: Fuck should Rio: honestly Rio: tut tut Rio: what am i gonna do with you Buster: Everything Buster: And anything you want Rio: promises, promises Buster: What else do you want me to give you? Rio: just all of you Buster: I'll get myself to the airport then, shall I Rio: don't be moody Rio: everyone's in a mood with me Rio: i'm trying to be good Buster: I ain't Buster: I just want to actually be able to come with Rio: I know Rio: time alone will probably be good for me though, you who came for me on that, right? Rio: but i'll be thinking about you Rio: a lot Buster: I know Buster: You need to go Rio: Next time Rio: I'll come to you Rio: not because I'm running from someone else, yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: Am I being weird Rio: I'm airport drunk Buster: I like it Buster: Just make sure they let you on the plane, babe Rio: oi Rio: i'm a calm composed lady Rio: and there's a hen party on my flight who are gonna need all the handling so Buster: 😂 Buster: slip the hot ones my number, like Rio: no. Rio: you can't do any handling from there anyway hush Buster: Like I said, don't underestimate me, babe Rio: always want me to do your work for you Rio: your type ain't mine, trust Buster: We've already established your type ain't worth nobody's time Rio: fuck off Rio: girls are different Buster: You've got a type of girl too then? Rio: duh Rio: i celebrate all things woman, that's my whole job Buster: where's those exes, like? Rio: 😂 Rio: suddenly interested Buster: No shit Rio: typical bloke 😏 Buster: Not yours thank fuck Buster: So glad to be a different class Rio: you want me to feel offended? Rio: thought he weren't my fault Buster: I'm not shading you just the lads you've been with Buster: 'Cause he's the worst, yeah, but he ain't the only twat, is he Rio: what you gonna do about it, boy? Rio: you wanna matchmake for me? get me a 💎 Buster: I'm gonna give you better Buster: Then you won't wanna go back to all that bullshit Buster: All you gotta do is keep up Rio: Yeah? Rio: Never had a problem with that Rio: just don't keep me running circles 'round you forever Buster: You must be drunk if you're dropping the f bomb Rio: ha no Rio: just feels like forever Buster: One thing I can't argue with you about Rio: too right Rio: so shh Buster: I'm not in the library I'll be as loud as I want, cheers Rio: say something worthwhile then please Buster: Take lots of pics for me while you're away, yeah? Rio: Of course Rio: tan progress, naturally Rio: or if you're in the market for some nice bikinis Rio: got you, babe Buster: Standard Rio: will you call me Rio: i'm already lonely Buster: Now? Rio: No, you're working hard Rio: or meant to be Rio: but when i'm there and you've finished Buster: Yeah Rio: Don't have to Buster: I know I don't Rio: 😔 Rio: want me again Rio: i'll make it up to you Buster: I haven't stopped Buster: You know I can't Rio: but don't want to stop Buster: I want you Buster: That's all Rio: i'm going to make it so worth it i swear Rio: i know its been too long Buster: I've wanted you for years, babe Buster: I can handle waiting Rio: I can't Rio: I'm so mad at the world Rio: leave us alone for 15 minute god Buster: You sure you don't want me to call you now? Rio: 😈 Rio: Not my ideal mile-high fantasy with you obviously but Rio: I need it Buster: Maybe not but I've still thought about it Buster: Been thinking about it since you said you were at the airport Rio: You're really gonna need me to check that essay for typos then, babe Rio: I'm not going to the bathroom, so you do the telling and I'll be trying my best to stay quiet, yeah? Buster: Having you on my desk is a fantasy for another day Buster: Until then, yeah Buster: cum for me quietly that'll be a new one Rio: Sadly Rio: Fuck me 😍🤤 Rio: I love a challenge, yeah Buster: I love that either way I win Rio: I see no real downside Rio: you're going to make me cum either way Rio: whether i get forcibly removed from the plane is another thing but come on guys, be cool Buster: Well, if you are you know who to call Buster: Least I can do, like Rio: reckon they'd just fly through to spain, like Rio: no point coming back Rio: me sat there in cuffs Rio: getting too kinky Buster: 😂 Buster: I don't reckon there'll be many complaints Buster: They'll appreciate it if anything Rio: in flight entertainment Rio: not a male stripper, soz girls but you know you love it Buster: Put me there on the facetime if they get mad about it Rio: 😂 Rio: let you steal my thunder this once 'cos at least i'll get to see too Buster: you're all welcome, like Rio: save the best for just me though Buster: I will if you do Rio: Promise Buster: Okay Buster: I'm calling
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