#I know that hsr has a lot of characters with non practical outfits but at least they look good yk?
pokilicious · 4 months
I don't know if this is a hot take, but what do you guys think about Stelle's design? Cus I think that mini skirt just ain't it, it doesn't really pair well with the rest of the outfit in my opinion
Be prepared to read a lot btw
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It looks good in 2D, but almost every single official art I can find of her has a flow to it, like in this image with the jacket blowing out in the wind, it gives her a cool and mysterious silhouette, and then this is her in-game model
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It's like they got two halfs of different designs and glued them together, the intricacy of the jacket, the contrast of the white shirt and splashes of gold say she has a top heavy design, but her legs bring a color that is not seen as much at the top, alongside the blue thigh strap with a unique color bring your attention to the bottom half, please decide where you want me to look!
Let's not forget that the only reason Stelle hasn't flashed us yet is because Hoyo has fan service, but not to that extent, like how is home girl fighting and jumping around in that thing 😭 Clearly, the person responsible for this design has never worn a mini skirt before.
Now, you reached this part and are probably wondering if I'm just gonna complain without adding anything, well lucky for us I happen to know a thing or two about character design, I'm not professional or anything but hear me out: pants.
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This is the closest image I could find on Pinterest on how Stelle's design could look with pants, this is a more baggy style but tighter pants would work too, she could still have her thigh strap on top of the pants, just in a different color like grey or gold so it doesn't take attention away from the jacket.
"But what if I like the mini skirt?", you ask, and I give you:
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Crop that jacket down! The way the jacket completely swallows the mini skirt in the silhouette just makes the og design look wonky in my opinion, so maybe shortening the length of the jacket should help keep your attention at the top part.
If you want to add more texture to the design, giving Stelle a puffer jacket might work too if that's your preference:
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Here's another image I found, the puffiness of the jacket brings attention to the top and gives a fun twist to the overall design, although I would prefer to keep the cool jacket Stelle has lmao
Anyway, these are my two cents lol, this is a shower thought and I had to make a post about it since one of the main reasons I chose Caelus over Stelle, aside from thinking he's cute, was the fact that I despised her skirt, which is a shame since she's a really cool MC. There's a lot more stuff I left out, like which changes should be made to the design if any of my changes were to be made etc, but it's been an hour and I haven't eaten yet so I'll leave it at that lmao
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