#I know that Flan is simply an alternate translation of Fran
ciaossu-imagines · 6 years
I really think you just don't understand murkuros charracter. He's the one whose incredibly strong, not chrome. Mukuros strong and brilliant and his ability to trust and love people even after his tramatic childhood is amazing. Look at how he took in flan and chrome who nobody else wanted. His journey from hating the mafia to being tsuna's guardian and being a part of the mafia because of his love for his friends and his respect for tsuna and friendship with him is way better than chromes
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Okay, first off, anon dear:
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But for real - you want to write a two part message telling me off for having an opinion? That’s fine. Or, at least, it would be fine if you’d actually read what I said and, you know, used basic reading comprehension skills. At no point in replying to Tex did I slander Mukuro. I stated several times in fact that
I like Mukuro’s character and find him to be a well-constructed, nuanced, and complex character!
To quote myself - “I’m not claiming for a second that he’s over-rated as a character. I’m agreeing that he’s overrated in the fandom…”
At no point did I attack Mukuro but simply said that Mukuro is not the end all and be all. I understand that everyone has their favourite characters. One of the followers I interact with most on here has Mukuro as her absolute favourite character and I’m as cool with that as she is with the fact that he’s not my absolute favourite character. Everyone sees characters in different ways and that’s also perfectly fine and understandable. The joy of literature is that two people can read the same story and come away with completely different views on the story and the characters because their own personal views and preferences colour how they’ve viewed the story. I actually think that’s a beautiful thing and I normally have no issues with discussing alternate character interpretations and the like - if people are respectful about it, which you aren’t exactly being, anon. 
You also plain out state that I don’t remember any of KHR and act like I’m an idiot who doesn’t know what I’m talking about which is just incredibly rude. Not only have I been writing for KHR in one form or another since the Varia arc was still happening in the manga but honestly, acting like someone who doesn’t agree with your character assessments simply isn’t as smart as you are or as well-versed in the story’s happenings is a huge case of fan dumb and very wrong. On top of that, I take huge offense to you saying that the anime is inherently better than the manga because, SPOILER FUCKING ALERT, it’s not. The anime doesn’t have the Inheritance Ceremony arc, which introduces the amazing characters of the Shimon family, or the Curse of the Rainbow arc. Yes, both arcs had their major issues but at the same time, they had some amazing moments. Both the manga and the anime are both amazing and are both equally valid.
On top of that, anon, while I respect your right to your opinions, I strongly disagree with you. While yes, Chrome was unwanted by her family and that’s what ultimately led to her meeting Mukuro but there’s no evidence that Fran was unwanted by his family for a single second. While his grandmother did allow him to leave to study under Mukuro, there’s no signs that she doesn’t love her grandson. 
Mukuro has never once claimed himself as part of the Mafia, even if he fights alongside them. He never acknowledges himself as one of Tsuna’s Guardians even during the times he fights alongside the Vongola and uses the Vongola Gear. He does, yes, go from downright hating the Mafia and actively seeking to destroy it to expressing contempt of it and avoiding the Mafia for the most part while occasionally lending a hand when needed. There is major character growth there, yes, and there are signs that that growth will continue on past the teenage Mukuro we’re left with at the end of the story but, as of the end of the manga, he still denies being a part of the Vongola and even tells Daemon at one point, if I remember correctly, that he doesn’t like being referred to as one of Tsuna’s Guardians. Also, while I’ll agree that it’s been clearly demonstrated that Mukuro has developed quite a bit of respect for Tsuna and considers him interesting, I wouldn’t say that they’re exactly friends.
But mostly, anon, I have to hugely disagree with you about how you state the fact that those around Mukuro are nothing without him. Ken and Chikusa serve Mukuro of their own free will. There is a huge difference between willingly serving someone and relying on them. To them, Mukuro is their savior and they’ve devoted themselves to him. Ken and Chikusa are, in my opinion, not with Mukuro simply to latch onto him, to make him protect them and to hide behind him. They consciously make the choice to follow him in everything he does and are one hundred percent willing to lay down their lives for him. One could also argue that Mukuro relies on Ken and Chikusa just as much as they rely on him because honestly, they are as close to family as any of them have and it’s been shown that, while his words may say otherwise, Mukuro really does care about both boys and that he’s willing to sacrifice quite a bit for them. 
Meanwhile, Chrome does start off relying heavily on Mukuro, yes, but her character growth throughout the story is about this. He even notices this. Her growth as a character is all about becoming her own person and becoming less reliant on Mukuro, to the point where she maintains her own illusionary organs, has her own skills and powers and makes a conscious choice, on her own, to continue supporting Mukuro, not out of fear and not because she has no other options but because she wants to. 
Fran would be nothing without Mukuro? Is this the same Fran that both the Varia and Mukuro were ready to fight over (before his obnoxious personality led to them instead fighting over who had to take him)? Fran is incredibly talented on his own and while Mukuro is his teacher and Fran obviously respects him, it’s a huge stretch to say that Fran would be nothing without him.
Also, again, reading comprehension, anon - I never actually addressed whether or not Chrome and Mukuro are both Tsuna’s Mist Guardian or whether Chrome is Tsuna’s Mist Guardian or Mukuro is Tsuna’s Mist Guardian. Tex was the one who stated their opinion and Tex is MORE THAN ALLOWED THEIR OWN OPINION. This has always been a huge point of contention in fandom with everyone having their own opinion on it. 
Now that I’ve written over a thousand words on the subjects, more than most of my drabbles are, let me make it short, sweet, and concise for you:
Everyone is allowed opinions in fandom. If you do not agree with someone’s opinion in fandom, either calmly and nicely discuss it with them and do so with an open mind and a willingness to agree to disagree and accept that everyone has their own views. Or look away, plain and simple. It’s not hard. Do not attack, bother, or patronize someone who does not share your views. And if you are going to do that, please at least make sure that you properly read what they said.
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