#I know it's hard when you don't feel like you're being conventionally “productive”
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erraticprocrastinator · 1 year ago
A reminder to all my lovely fellow writers: progress is progress, even when it isn't. Writing four thousand words in a session is progress. Writing a hundred words in a session is progress. Removing an entire scene because it doesn't flow well is progress. Rethinking your plan for the plot in order to get unstuck is progress. Development looks different for every writer and every story.
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hirsuteandcute · 1 year ago
Hiii! I am a 17 year old girl from rural Ireland, and the majority of girls and women around me shave all their visible body hair. I don't think I ever remember seeing a woman with armpit hair in person a single time in my life, and I have seen girls with leg hair around 4 times. It can be so isolating to exist in the natural state when it seems like nobody else is doing it! Especially when people stare at my legs, ranging from old men in public to girls my own age sometimes 🥲 seeing blogs such as yours can be so encouraging, though, and make me feel as though I'm not so alone in this decision. The only person who's ever said anything directly to me has been my mother, and she always has an extreme adverse reaction to it. I've heard so many other girls within the body hair community saying the same thing, why is it always the mothers doing this?? 💀 I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me as well as so many other women to embrace our most authentic selves <3 hope you're having an amazing day and keep being you!! :)
You're so brave and amazing for dealing with all this at 17!! I remember starting blog when I was 17 and thinking things were hard back then, I can't even imagine what teenage girls are going through now when it feels like there's even more ridiculous beauty standards and constant commentary and critique and observation of women's bodies.
It's so crazy because I was literally thinking of making a blog post about body hair and 'mummy issues' and how so many of us were firsted bullied/humiliated/changed/shamed etc by our own mothers. And how on one hand I don't want to entirely blame her because I know she is a product of her environment and may even think she's 'helping' me by making me more conventionally attractive, but on the other hand it hurts so much when your first/biggest body shaming comes from your own mother and how deeply and early it gets embedded in you. My mum was waxing my arms when I was 8 years old. She waxed my bikini line and underarms when I was 13 and encouraged me to get a brazilian wax when I was 15. I remember sobbing and begging her to let me have a normal bikini wax because I was so scared of it, but she insisted I had to have it because I hair around my butt 💀 (I privately asked the waxer just to do a normal bikini wax and she did, bless her).
That being said, I don't have a great relationship with my mum in general so idk 😬
It really really warms my heart when I read messages like yours though, you are doing so well to keep going in a world that tells you that you're wrong for your natural body, and it's even worse when you don't have many people around you going through the same experiences. Even now I feel so strengthened when I read these messages and think of us all out here trying to get through the world with our hairy selves, even though we're all in different places and going through different circumstances, we're all supporting each other 🥹 Love you hairy friend 🫶
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canongf-archive · 3 years ago
hey liv !! i hope 2022 is treating you kindly so far !! i saw that you want to be a model and one of ur goals is to get into it more and i wanna ask... how did you figure out that's what you want to do? sorry if this is too personal, but being a model is something i've considered but there's that nagging thought that i'm not attractive enough for that, do you have any experience with getting rid of those kinds of thoughts? tysm!
💗!!!!! hi hi hi anon !!!!! 💗
2022 has been very kind to me so far!!!!! i hope it's been good to you too!!!!!
pls do not worry, this is not too personal at ALL!!!!! i love love love talking about this kind of thing!!! and i am simply an open book so i will tell you anything you wanna know!!!
honestly!!! it took me a little while to figure out that this is what i wanted to do!!! i went back and forth on it for a while!!! my mom was a model when she was younger so i always knew it was an option, but i really started getting more interested in it as i got older!
(putting it under a read more just bc it got a lil long!!! i’m sorry!!!)
i went to a modeling seminar several years ago where they kind of talked to us about all different kinds of modeling and the modeling industry as a whole and how to get involved and then! we did some photoshoots! and that was really my first time doing that in a professional setting with a professional photographer, getting styled and having my makeup done and stuff and i LOVED it. and the agency that put the seminar on told me that i could have a future in it if i wanted it, so it definitely was in the back of my mind for a while and in the past few years i decided that i wanted to pursue it seriously! i really just love working with the people that you get to work with, i love working with photographers, i love working with stylists and makeup artists, i love doing photoshoots with other models, i love helping to create a vision and getting to see the final result !!!
but i definitely do get those nagging thoughts sometimes! i think everyone does! i think something that helps me is remembering that modeling isn't always about being the most conventionally attractive! it's about owning your own look, whatever that might be. there are so so so many models out there that are not "conventionally attractive" but it doesn't matter! because they're unique and they embrace that fact! (and so many features that aren't considered conventionally attractive are sometimes what agencies and brands LOOK for because they're unique!) so i try not to focus on being the "prettiest", because that's subjective and what society considers pretty changes everyday! i try to focus on just being the most me. i try to focus on what i feel makes me who i am, and i try to embrace the features that i already have!
and! sometimes when you face rejection, it can be hard to not take it personally. it can feel like they're rejecting you for your looks, specifically, and that can hurt! but! it's super important to remember that that's not what they're trying to do. modeling is about selling a product, so when you get rejected it's not about you being too "ugly" or unlikable, it's about an agency or brand just thinking, at this present time, that they just don't think you're right to sell this specific product. or that they do think you're right to sell this specific product, but they already have several people that kinda look like you, and they need to branch out. but that doesn't mean that you're not attractive, or that you're not wanted, or that you'll never have a career in modeling! what one brand or agency doesn't want on a certain day, another brand or agency could be searching high and low for it! and it's even possible that the same brand or agency that rejected you once could want you back in a year!
all this to say! if this is something you wanna do, then do it. there's always a place for you if you want it. and if there isn't, then you can make a place. we're in this together!!! i believe in you, anon!!!!! 💗
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melles1276 · 1 year ago
That’s the encouragement that I need so desperately most of the time during the writing process. Thanks 🙏
A reminder to all my lovely fellow writers: progress is progress, even when it isn't. Writing four thousand words in a session is progress. Writing a hundred words in a session is progress. Removing an entire scene because it doesn't flow well is progress. Rethinking your plan for the plot in order to get unstuck is progress. Development looks different for every writer and every story.
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