#I know it bc im actually a writer at ij /j
harkingspot · 2 years
jrand: love (dialogue)
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reposting bc i had to fix a lot of mistakes đź’€ ANYWAYS have this jrand dialogue in shadow prison (they're sad and pathetic)
"This is all your fault, Ridley! If you weren't such a dickhead NEITHER OF US would be here"
"Oh, this is rich. We're pulling out the surnames now are we?"
"You're such a fucking asshole! For once have you ever thought how the shit you pull could affect other people?"
"Emotions are for-"
"Are for what? Stupid people?? Great then none of your relationships would fall apart if you'd just stop thinking for a second."
"No, fuck you. I'm done listening to your bullshit. It's all I've dedicated my pathetic life to and look where it got me."
"What the hell are you gonna do? Give me the cold shoulder through our entire sentencing? After all the shit YOU have done to ME."
"Sorry? The shit I'VE done?? Oh please, name them! Please name all the shit I've done to you besides support you when you clearly didn't deserve it."
"You ruined my plan. You shot my daughter–"
"And who was the one who got her there in the first place? How dare you bring Reagan into this after all the shit YOU have done to HER."
"I'll have you know I was the only person she had growing up. When you were busy wiring a robot out of her, I had to be there for her. Not her father nor her mother. Me."
Silence again.
"Your silence is very telling of the kind of person you are, Ridley. Reagan had always been a bright kid but you fucked her up. Just like how you fucked up everything you've ever had."
"Your career. Your marriage. Us. For someone who insists on being God, you have an amazing inability to understand love and devotion."
"People cared about you but you didn't like that. Yet when everyone walked away, you didn't like that either. Reagan had friends who loved and cared for her but you can't fathom that. You're so pathetic that you can't fathom how any of that could be beneficial for anyone. Now look at you. Unloved, disheveled, and in prison."
"You talk so lowly of love yet if you'd just accepted it, accepted that you WERE loved– Maybe things would've been different. Maybe we wouldn't be in prison and maybe your marriage wouldn't collapse."
"But you're always you. You're Rand Ridley, and that is enough to ruin you."
"Tamiko really did love you, I know she did. Reagan too, she looked up to you the most and did everything–"
"And you?" Finally, Rand spoke.
"What... What do you mean?"
"Love me... Did you?"
"Yeah... I did. And maybe if you grew a pair for once and took a moment to look at yourself–"
"I wouldn't be as ashamed to admit I still do."
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