#I know he ain't so complex that he's a completely different person with her I'm sorry I refuse to believe
overbearingstruggles · 10 months
I know this is beating a dead horse no pun intended but like everytime we see Alex at home he just looks miserable like not happy to be there at all. Kinda like he’s a prisoner but he chooses to be there so it’s his fault and maybe he is happy it just doesn’t reach his eyes I don’t know I don’t understand that man at all but I love him 😂
Like. Like okay. We could approach it from a different angle where we primarily see him onstage/working and he blatantly loves that. It's palpable how happy he is and it's our best reference and that's not necessarily fair or reasonable to parallel. Because what else ever makes him look so happy? Enthralled? In love? Nothing we ever get to see.
But then you see how he looks at a horse and even that doesn't compare.
What is that!!
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩-Blind date-✩
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.9k
Type: fluff
Warnings: Cussing?? not many warnings lol just fluff
A/N: Mia is Pink and Y/n is Purple in text
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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I stared in the mirror at my reflection as I put on my earrings and all my jewelry. I was getting ready for something my friend had planned, I think she was just running low on content for her youtube channel and needed something to post. My bestfriend Mia was a Youtube with over three hundred and forty subscribers, She has had me and our other friend Miguel in a couple of videos, and some we appeared in together. The second video we appeared in was when the comments started, Some of the comments said stuff like,
"Look at the way they look at each other!"
"He is so in love with her"
"They are defiantly dating!? OMG!!"
And not to mention the mass amounts of fan edits we both have been tagged in where the fans ship us together. I didn't know Miguel personally, He is just usually there when Mia is filming and so am I, I thought he was very attractive and he defiantly made me nervous when we got too close, The way he would look at me was like I was the only girl in the world.
I have told Mia about my small (HUGE) crush on Miguel and she freaked out and told me I needed to ask him out or tell him about my feelings, but I just never did because I was always scared he would reject me or think differently of me even though it didn't matter because it's not like we hang out alone.
I also am kinda talking to somebody at the moment, It isn't anything serious and we aren't in a relationship or anything, I just thought he was attractive and wanted to get to know him, but from what my other friend Ash told me he is a player, I don't really care I just wanted a distraction for my feelings for Miguel.
I saw my phone light up with a notification from Mia, I grabbed my phone and clicked on her message.
Mia Bear 🐻💕
Are you ready?
I'm parked outside hurry!
I'm ready just need to apply lipgloss omw!
I'm so excited!
I think you're gonna like who I picked for you 🤭
I hope so, is it that Bryan guy? cause if so I ain't going
No! This guy is short sorry lol
But he is cute AND funny I KNOW you will like him
Now hurry your apartment complex is scary
I sighed as I shut my phone off and put it in my back pocket, I put on some lipgloss and looked at myself once more in my full-body mirror to make sure I still looked good, I then walked out of my bedroom and shut my lights out and said bye to my animals and grabbed my purse walking out of my door and making sure to lock it behind me.
I walked into my elevator and clicked "Main floor" I waited for the elevator to open and walked out to see Mia parked outside talking to her Camera in the car, She looked over and saw me walking up to her and pointed the Camera at me,
"Oh my damn, You look good if he doesn't take you I will," She said zooming in on my outfit
I giggled doing a little spin for the camera, "So are you ready?" She asked as I got in her car
"I don't know, You said he was short," I said side-eyeing her
"You got a problem with short men?" She shouted laughing after
"No it's just a lot of short guys think they are hot shit and they ALWAYS have a big ego," I said
"I promise you are going to like this guy, He's humble," She said
It's not that I didn't trust Mia- I did one hundred percent, It's just me and her have completely different tastes when it comes to people we date, I hope she ACTUALLY picked someone I would go for and not someone she would go for, does that make sense?
We pulled up to a park and she told me she would be right back and that she had to go seat something up. I was so nervous so I decided to take my mind off of it by Taking some cute pictures and liking some fan edits.
Mia opened the car door after fifteen minutes, She climbed in and pulled out her camera,
"You ready?" She asked
"Yeah kinda," I laughed
"Don't be, You look great," She smiled and turned her camera on setting it on her dashboard
"So me and Y/n just arrived!" She said to the camera
"Hey guysss!" I smiled
"So all you know is what?" She asked turning to look at me
"So all I know is it's a blind date, we are going to the park and that's all I know," I said
"Yeah I didn't tell you much cause I didn't want to spoil it," She said
"I need to know if I am wearing a blindfold and do I get to see who it is like right when I get there?" I asked
"Yeah I'm gonna keep the blindfold on you guy's until you like- sit down," She said
"I kinda wanna keep the blindfold on," I said covering my face
"What your scared he's uggo, He isn't uggo I promise I would never do you dirty EVER!" She said laughing
"Good I didn't think you would," I said laughing with her
"Alright give me all your thoughts," She said as fixed her camera some
"Okay so when you said blind date I was like aw cute and fun, but I am also in like a sticky situation, I do have a little bit of a situationship going on but it's not like I'm somebodies girlfriend," I said
"But it's fine you can still go on this date," She said
She opened her glove box and pulled out a pink bandana and unfolded it,
"So I got this bandana, but I don't want to ruin your lashes so it's gonna have to be a bit loose so don't move around a lot," She laughed as she put the bandana on my face and tied it in the back
"Alright I think that's good, Can you breathe?" She asked
"Yeah I think- Enough I can breathe enough," I said laughing
"Oh shit I'll be right back, don't take your blindfold off okay," She said as she opened the car door and got out
I sat in silence for another fifteen minutes not knowing what to do cause I couldn't go on my phone due to the blindfold on my face, I laughed at the thought of people looking at me through the window wondering what is going on.
I heard the car door open and Mia breathing heavy
"Are you recording?" I asked
"Yeah, I am now why?" She asked
"Oh my god I'm over here with a blindfold on and I can't see anything and all I can hear is Mia over here breathing like a dog," I said laughing
She laughed shutting the car door
"I just know I'm gonna be so annoying on this date and I'm like so sorry," She said
"Wait no It's okay I'm glad you're here because if you would just leave us to fend for ourselves I would like kinda panic," I said
"Maybe I should then," She said
"NOOO!" I whined
"No i'm kidding I won't I'm gonna be annoying," She said laughing
"Isn't this like the perfect first date, like it's kinda romantic huh?" She asked
"Mmm, I don't know about that," I said laughing
"I'll be right back," She said as she got out of the car
"Ahh I'm so excited!" I shouted to the camera as I ran toward my bestfriend Miguel's car
He just got here and he looked a little nervous as he got out of the car, And it looked like he also brought his other bestfriend Mason, I blushed a bit as I and Mason made eye contact, I kinda liked Mason and Miguel knew that, He tried to get me and him together plenty of times but I have just never confessed my feelings.
"Are you excited about your blind date!?" I asked Miguel
"Oh, Mason's here to help me!" I said as I pointed the camera at Mason
"You're taking away my boyfriend bro what is this," He said
"Shut up!" I laughed as I handed him the Camera so I could put on Miguel's blindfold
"Are you excited?" I asked Miguel as I put on his blindfold
"Yeah- well I'm gonna be honest I was hyping myself up on my way here but now I'm here and I'm kinda shitting bricks," He said laughing
"Well I wouldn't put you with someone you wouldn't think was cute," I said
"Well that makes me even more nervous," He said
"Don't stutter alright you got this," Mason said reassuring Miguel
"Bro you literally have thousands of girls crushing on you over the internet you got this," I said
We got out of the car and Mason ran over to our side to film,
"Wait I got her flowers!" Miguel said
"You got her flowers?" I asked surprised
"Yeah I didn't know if I should or not but it is a date so," He said laughing
Mason ran to the trunk and pulled out a huge bouquet of roses,
"Miguel what is this oh my god!" I said walking over to Mason to look at the flowers
I had completely forgotten Miguel was blindfolded, "HOLY SHIT!!" Mason yelled I looked back to see a car speeding in Miguel's direction, I quickly ran over and dragged him towards me, and Mason
"You just almost died!" Mason yelled laughing
"Huh?" Miguel asked confused
"Mia almost let you get ran over bro!" Mason shouted
"Back to what I was saying!" I said laughing
"Miguel, why did you get her this many flowers?" I asked since it was so cute
"Oh it's a Ramo Buchon, I got it because I kinda have a feeling of who you are setting me up with," he said
"No, you don't, She is like super tall- like model tall- like taller than you!" I said
I looked at Mason trying to hold in my laugh and he was doing the same
"Damn model tall, How tall is she?" He asked
"Like six foot five," I said trying not to laugh
"Oh hell nah you trynna set me up with an NBA player, I'm good bro," He said trying to walk away but bumped into the side of his car
"No come back you can't see, dumbass," I said
I grabbed his hand and started leading him to the spot that I had set up for him and Y/n, Mason was carrying the flowers and the camera. The spot had a pink blanket spread across the grass with some sandwiches and I also got them some water so they could stay hydrated since it was hot as shit outside.
"Is she really six foot five?" He asked
"Yes, she is!" I said laughing
"Oh god," He mumbled
"Are you still nervous?" I asked
"Hell yeah, I am so nervous Mia," He said
"Okay talk to the camera," I said
"I just- what if she doesn't like me or what if I don't like her?" He said
I was trying to listen but he kept squeezing my hand, was he really THAT nervous?
"OWW, YOU'RE SQUEEZING MY HAND!!" I shouted trying to lose his grip
"Sorry, I'm just nervous!" He shouted back
"Alright we are here," I said
"Just sit down," Mason said
"Uh, I can't see?" Miguel said
"Oh shit right, here!" I said guiding him to sit on the blanket
"I got you some sandwiches and some waters," I said
"Okay, can I take the blindfold off?" He asked
"NO I'm about to go get her, Just sit there and don't talk because she's gonna recognize your voice I feel like," I said
"Okay, hurry up," He said laughing
Mason handed the flowers to Miguel and we both rushed over to my car to get Y/n,
"Alright I am gonna walk you to your knight in shining armor," I said as I opened my car door
"Ahh I'm so nervous!" Y/n said
"No it's fine, Tell me your thoughts," I said as I guided her to the spot Miguel was at
"Honestly I'm a liar, I'm not really that nervous I'm just dramatic, but I also might fall in love," She said
"Aww you might!" I said
"Also he might hear your voice, he might not recognize it but he might I don't know," I said
"HIII!!" She shouted
"Bitch you aren't there yet!" I shouted laughing
"Ohhh," She laughed
"Alright I need you to sit down here," Mia said as she helped me sit on the ground
"Can he hear me?" I asked
"Kinda," I heard someone say
"Hiii," I said
Mia and someone else started laughing,
"Is he here- what?" I asked confused since I couldn't see anything
"No, he is here!" Mia said
"Alright, you guys can take your blindfolds off!" She shouted
I took a deep breath as I slowly pulled my blindfold off,
"Holy shit," I heard someone whisper beside me
I looked over to see Miguel, I fucking knew it!
"Oh my god I knew it!" I shouted and we all laughed
"Hiii," I smiled leaning in for a hug
"Hi, how are you?" He smiled as he hugged me back
"I'm great," I said pulling away
"This was gonna be my guess when you asked me to guess who it was," I said laughing
"I know, I tried to throw you guys off a little bit," She said
"Well, he isn't four foot three that's for sure!" I said laughing
"Four foot three, She told me you were six foot five!!" Miguel shouted laughing
"She did us dirty," Miguel laughed
"Yeah I tried throwing you off by saying he was short- and he's like the tallest person in the world," she said scanning Miguel with the camera
"I know I was so nervous 'cause she was like, do you like short kings?" I said
"Not the short king," Miguel laughed shaking his head
"So I got you guys some sandwiches and waters, and um- OH," Mia said pointing at something behind Miguel
He pulled out a huge Ramo Buchon, It had red roses on the outside and white roses in the middle shaped like a heart and it was wrapped in white glitter paper.
"Oh yeah I got you some flowers," He smiled as he handed me them
"Oh my god thank you, these are so beautiful!" I smiled taking them
"I'm like tearing up, this is the sweetest thing a guy has done for me thank you so much!" I said hugging him
He hugged me back and I just wanted to stay like that forever, he felt so warm and he smelled so good and the way his hands wrapped around me so perfectly made me melt.
"Okay since you guys are both nervous it is a good thing I came up with some good first-date questions," Mia said as she walked behind me and Miguel
"I am so nervous deadass, my whole hand is shaking," Miguel said as he held up his hand
"Okay, my first question is did I do great?" She asked smiling at the camera
"I think you did good," I said looking at Miguel
"I think you did great," He smiled looking at me
"Good because I told them in my intro about how you guys think each other is cute and no one does anything about it," She said pulling out her phone
I and Miguel couldn't stop glancing at each other, he just looked so good, and his outfit looked good, He was wearing some black cargo pants, a black shirt, a red jacket, a black hat, and air force ones, and his hair was also pulled back in a ponytail, The site made me wanna drool.
"Okay the real first question is, What is your favorite movie, I'm trynna see if you guys have anything in common here," She said
"I would defiantly have to say y/f/m," I said (Your favorite movie)
"I would have to go with Friday and hangover," Miguel said
"What is that?" I asked
"You haven't seen hangover?" Mia asked
"Wait you haven't seen hangover?" Miguel asked shocked
"No guess we have to watch it," I said smirking at him
"Oh we are for sure having a movie night," he said smirking at me
"Wait you guys are already planning another date!?" Mia asked
"It feels like you guys are fine without me, I'll stay for one more question," She said
"Okay, so what are your signs?" She asked
"Uh, I am a y/z/s what are you?" I asked (What is your zodiac sign)
"I'm a Pisces," Miguel said as he opened his water bottle
"Aw I love Pisces," I said
"Perfect!" Mia said clapping her hands
"Alright I'm gonna leave you guys to fend for yourselves for a bit and I'm gonna go talk to Mason and the viewers," She said as she got up and walked off with Mason
I looked back at Miguel who was already looking at me, I quickly looked down trying to hide my blush, He laughed as he placed his hand over mine holding it, I looked up at him and he smiled back at me, "You look so beautiful Y/n," He said looking me up and down,
I couldn't help but look him up and down as well, He just looked so good, "Thank you, Miguel, You look really nice too," I said laughing
"I was serious about that Movie date," He said
"Really?" I asked
"One hundred percent," He said as he looked me in the eyes
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to go on a date with you," He said
"I think I know, I've kinda been crushing on you for a while," I said smiling
"You should have said something!" He said laughing
"Oh yeah like you should have said something to me about how you felt the same!?" I said laughing
"I was nervous!" He said
"Why I don't bite?" I said smirking
"You are just so… Beautiful and breathtaking, and you are very intimidating like you carry yourself so well that I felt like if I asked you out you would have laughed in my face," He said lowering his head
Did he really feel that way? am I intimidating? He said I was breathtaking!
"Miguel, I wouldn't have laughed in your face, I would have told you how I felt and we could have been dating and we wouldn't have to be on this weird blind date thing," I said laughing
He finally looked up at me as he laughed
"Alright be honest what is your ideal first date, Cause I wanna properly take you out?" He asked
"Okay so I think- not a movie because you are like sitting in silence and you can't really talk to each other- but what would earn you coochie point is like maybe take me out somewhere to eat and be like, Be ready at this time and dress like this I'm picking you up," I said
He threw his head back as he laughed
"Alright it seems like it's going very well, So I'm gonna make things a little weird," Mia said as she sat back down between me and Miguel
"Oh great," I said side eyeing Miguel who was doing the same
"Okay I want you guys to compliment each other," She said
"Okay, I really like your hair and your eyes and your smile," I said
"I love your smile and your eyes and your lips," He said smirking at me
"That's so romantic Miguel oh my god," Mia said sighing
"Okay so I have this friend who I showed a picture of you both to and she said that you both looked cute together and I was like I know I've been trying to tell them, like Miguel is always like yo whats good with your friend Y/n, and then I'm like Y/n Miguel thinks you're cute and then she's like yeah he's cute, and no one will ever make a move," She said mimicking our voices
"All right guys comment down below if you think this went well, get this to ten thousand likes and I will force them to go on a date alone next time, Byeee!" She said as Mason turned off the Camera
"Soooo, yall going on a date?" She asked wiggling her brows
"I would love to take you out on a date Amor," Miguel said
I looked away blushing,
"Ohhh he's calling you Amor now?" Mia said
"I would like that," I said blushing
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @bradyhepner @deadghosy @finneyblakes @mnsnloverhey @jayceflwrs @bookobsessedfreak
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
So I watched the Lackadaisy pilot. I want to precise, except the trailer, a few drawings, gifs and animation tests I knew nothing about the story, I never read the comics or knew the names of the characters
I must say... mixed feelings. But overall hopeful
I really liked the Cafe Daisy bit, it looked beautiful and had a nice cinematography (the fact Mitzi misses her husband is established a very natural and casual way that doesn't feel forced), nice colors, the music in the end was so catchy, its funny bits WERE funny and had me laugh or at least giggle (THIS is how you make an adult animation, not by forcing in profanities), Mitzi seems to be a very interesting, complex character with an elegant design and a sweet and melancholic tet powerful personality (I think she's my favorite character for now), Wick and Zib were cool for different reasons one being elegant and a bit posh yet awkward and the other a depressed yet cool drunk musician, Viktor was threatening and very cool in his own way I love big angry guys doing a "nice" job they look too scary for...
This bit really saved it and had me like the pilot and look forwards for more because (and I know I will be shit on for thinking so) the first 16 minutes really bored me and I kept wondering why, except the animation which indeed is smooth and beautiful (unsure if it was intentional but I do love how they left tge sketchlines, it reminds me of the bronze era of Disney), people were praising it. It took waaay too long to truly start to get in action, the 2 trigger happy gangsters (are they a couple) sure looked and sounded cool they seemed to be too much bidimensional (but eh it IS a pilot so I'll let it pass), the action was... not hyping me at all (I was like "😐" during the whole chase and a good part of the sneaking mission, it didn't make me feel anything), and BY GOD do I feel like I'm gonna hate Rocky. He REEKS character made to be "the likable and funny fan favorite for the sole reason he is so random lolz and LOOK he dresses up nicely and plays violin even when it's not needed or helping at all that's SO quirky, Tumblr sexyman material ain't I rite ???", he was exasperating, a jackass meant to be charming which I found failed completely, and his random obsession about explosions and the way he was being insane about it which is meant to be funny only had me be tempted to turn off the video for how annoying it was. And he's gonna be a main character... I REALLY HOPE this is just because it's the pilot but so far I think I will love him as much as I loved DT17 Dewey siiiiiigh...
However even in that first part I found Freckle cute and his crush for Ivy (who is cute too !) adorable, and I did get happily surptised and laughed at him being SO trigger happy and turning into a whole different person with guns, THAT was the only part of the first part I found funny enough to laugh for lol (and I did find funny when Rocky gives him the dynamite like it is nothing or when Rocky threw the dynamite at the villains before ricochetting back to him, but not to the point of making noises). I also did get a change of opinion about that mysterious Mordecai. Ibitially he looked and seemed as bidimensional/boring as Serafine and Nicodeme, then when he stepped out and proved out to be good with a gun too became a little more introguing, then whenever the sneaking scene was focused on him and Freckle it actually did have tension since both are as good as each other and how unlike Freckle who was (understandably so) panicking he was instead as calm and collected as ever and I love cold and pragmatic villains, I grew to love the little gimick about hearing a clock whenever he aims to showcase how slowly it takes him to aim yet how 100% efficient precise it turns out to be just like a Swiss clock, that was clever, and then when in the end he COULD have shot Ivy but I feel like by seeing it is her chooses not to, it got me hooked. Why ? How ? Does he know her ? Does he care ? Who is she to him ? NOW that is the one moment from the first part that had me want to know more
In short, not the best and it took too long to catch my interest, but at least it does catch up later on. Except Rocky. Only part of the srcond part I didn't like. Whenever he opened it. Fuck Rocky
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bad4amficideas · 2 years
you are GIVING us stuff todsy man!!! can we get some more hcs (if possible) of Two-face, Riddler and Poisin Ivy? you can choose who to do if three is too much for you ☺
I'm posting random drafts. incomplete. And so. English with translator. I suppect this maybe even double posted. Uhm. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I've writing pre Two-Face in my previous post so here only Two-Face version.
Poison Ivy
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Although she doesn't show it, of all the maniacs throwing drugs at her, Bats feels cautiously (paranoidly) intimidated by Ivy (lots of sex pollen fics in their previous life and little time for sex in this life if that's they cares about it). Already in case their costume is fully masked and therefore with filters (Spoiler and Black Bat Type) but every time they faces Ivy they does not allow themselves to be touched afterwards and they decontaminates before changing.
But in the face of Ivy, Bats treats her exactly the same as Joker, Penguin or Black Mask of course. Which Ivy doesn't know if it offends her greatly or pleases her because you already know "the hammer of justice is unisex"
The fact that Bats is not seduced by pheromones does not mean that Ivy does not flirt, it helps to make the robins furious (and if they are hooked on top of that, lust-hate is a bomb that clouds their thoughts)
Batfam hated that Ivy would "go over to the neutral-good side". You can't imagine how much she comes to visit.
Ivy in her villainous days sent messages in the language of flowers to Bats. Complex messages of the type that not only the color but the number of flowers and certain positions or pairs count. I think I already said out there that Bats is "Dandelion" (affectionate).
Deep down all villains want attention because what's the point of leaving clues if not???
It means a lot to her that your relationship has been formed without drugs or seduction.
Two Face
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Bats' problems with Two-Face come when his "bad" personality stands out, obviously.
That being said, EVERYONE would rather have them stand out or be completely shut down than hear them BOTH argue about whether or not to kill Bats. They are like the angel and the demon of Kronk. And it's your turn to be Kronk. A very confused one.
I don't know why, but I imagine it half burnt, meat, red. And apart from the bicolor suits, using gray suits and red shirts. Don't ask. The villains of this Bats I think lean towards red.
Two-Face enjoys kidnapping Y/N Wayne and attempting psychological torture (I remind you that this side does NOT know that Y/N is Bats, the good guy does)
He never gets it so he ends up being like a kid who yells for your attention (and hits you, too). If you try to be patient and bring out his friendly side, he will make fun of you, as Harvey pleas for you (a bit Overreacting, gotta tell you, he ain't dumb, Harvey). If you don't get upset for once, however, he'll get mad because he'll think you don't care for him. Figures.
I personally think you prefer the Batman-Two Face relationship (OMG I turned this into Ladybug dinamics, kill me). Harvey will stay relatively low so as not to give you away, and your relationship is a totally different one as self-respecting opponents, although between us Two-Face is sadomasochistic everything Harvey hated getting bullied as a kid.
He likes to speak in absolutes. You spend your time speaking in gray. You are both stubborn as mules, no one wants to hear you argue when you are in a intellectual streak (everyone thanks Two-Face and his coin that there are not many of these situations), the minions (it takes me hours to remember this word, damn it) prefer to force the situation and hope for the best. Don't eat their heads, just break them.
If you're waiting for Batman 2022!Riddler, stop reading now, sorry (I haven't seen The Batman YET, I don't like how Pattison plays Bruce, Batman is good though)
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You always try to sneak him a job to rehabilitate him. It does not work. Actively the one you try to rehabilitate the most.
In Earth-1T8 he has also created an Oracle-style cyber identity. You even have him in the soup. Between hacks and crashes he and Barbara have made your Batcomputer have mazes and minotaurs at the back doors.
Literally, if he is very bored sometimes he hacks all the satellites in the world to change a letter to a symbol or some extremely irritating nonsense (this is how he starts and works his way up to destroying the world economy if he is not listened to. Listen to him)
So you have your "unwritten rules" of "hey Bats, BaTs, BATS I have one new" "I'm coming Ed, don't kill/cause the death of anyone" "OK"
If he didn't put lives on the line to get attention and increase the difficulty of his puzzles, which is fucking stressful, you'd consider him a friend.
Everybody knows. Still Harley beat him in "frienemy n1". There is a disagreement between the two of them about that and whether or not Harley is still a villain although they get along pretty well.
Riddler is the first on fall -intellectually- in love with you. And he knows your secret identity. And he strongly suspects that you are 1. a rejuvenated any of your parents (this one saw Detective Conan), 2. a time traveler (almost!). 3. Clairvoyant or telepathic. He really leans towards the second option. What is terrifying.
And he kindly takes your identity into account when he programs his riddles. Another of the unwritten rules, there are things that ARE RESPECTED.
Have you ever told him, more seriously than jokingly, why don't you meet in a cafeteria to talk instead of meeting like this. The most critical hit, always leaves him baffled.
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blackrosesmatron · 9 months
👑 + Is it weird that my brain is going "Swain"? I dunno why but I would love to see how you tackle "LeBlank, but it's a guy". Yes, I know they ain't completely the same but you get my point.
Beatrice perched herself over Swain's shoulder as he watched the capital of the Empire from the wide windows of the Audience Chamber. He listened to Raum, who spoke through her, had many new secrets to share, and none of them pleased the Grand General.
For one, the woman he thought he had seized the life of many years ago was still alive, commanding her cabal and pulling the strings from the shadows as she had been doing prior to Darkwill's fall. This time, he found out her influence went far beyond Noxus, and it concerned him greatly on what she could pull next.
Secondly, the inventions being created in the nation right next to the Empire. Piltover found a way to forge arcane weapons despite the lack of mages within its territory. That could be useful to the legions if it weren't for the fact that his dear LeBlanc set foot there first. Not only her, but other Noxians unhappy with his new way of ruling the Empire were also reaching out to try and make an alliance with the City of Progress. They had yet to be successful, which gave him some time to plan his next move.
Evain had proven once again that the chessboard was not what it seemed, and her pawns were not in the places he first thought they were. A master of deceit, he expected nothing different from her. That brought a smile to his lips, and he realized how much her moves kept him in check and made things far more interesting.
Still, there was one thing Raum had yet to tell him fully. "For what are those seals she is risking so much to keep?" He could not find them, only knew they were somewhere within the Immortal Bastion, and those seals were the most important thing for the Pale Woman. For some reason, Raum was keeping that information from Swain, and it angered the man.
|| I tried FDJKGHDSJFKH I do love Swain! He is an interesting character with a very complex and complete backstory (which is kinda rare for a League champ!). He does have some similarities with LB, in special how good of a tactician they both are. Still, they ways of working and their personalities couldn't be more different.
Swain is serious, cold and objective. He is direct and won't try to lie or trick someone to do something. He is a Grand General. He doesn't like nor trust people, but trusts the ideals that made Noxus what it is today (which were Mordekaiser's and LB's ideal in a way. I could prob talk deeper into it another day.)
Swain isn't a charismatic figure, different from LeBlanc. One may follow him because they either agree with him or they fear him, while LeBlanc seduces people and make them follow her because they desire to do so (either out of love or out of interest. Rarely out of fear, but that can also be a reason).
I do ship LB and Swain, and although I wished I could see more Swains around tumblr, I don't think I personally could write him properly and do him justice xD I'm honored you think I could do that though!
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ prev┃next
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You nodded dejectedly and raised the Tuna Mayo Onigiri in the direction of your mouth. You bit into the delicious rice snack, humming in delight as the saucy and sweet flavors of tuna cheered you up just for a slight bit. "They said that a girl my age shouldn't be living with her parents and should finally get a guy instead of drawing an imaginary one. You know that they're old school, Mai." You said, mouth full of rice bits and tuna.
The female ran her fingers through her short bright red hair. "Well, you are 25 now, and you haven't got a boyfriend since middle school," She propped her elbow on top of the round wooden table, resting her chin on her palm. "But they should've told you beforehand, right? How are you supposed to look for a residence in a short span of time?" She asked and watched you devour the onigiri meal with such ease. Her black-colored eyes held an uncertain expression as Mai was concerned for her colleague and friend.
After hearing the unfortunate news directly from your loving parents, your mind had to process the sudden information for two solid minutes. The first person you thought of to call is your closest friend, Mai, your roommate back at art school and a mangaka in the shounen industry. Although the two genres have completely different backgrounds, you two are stuck together like peas in a pod through the grace and glory of fawning over 2d men.
Ain't that great?
"They said I could stay back for two weeks until I could find a place to move in. I still have nine days to move out. And as for the residence part..."
You rummaged through the leather bag slung over your shoulder and took out a creased brochure of a newly built apartment based in the heart of east Osaka with its breathtaking cherry blossom conifers and pious shrines. The leaflet's minimalistic design delineated the idiosyncratic architectural structure of the tall building on the front page. Anybody could tell that this jointly owned establishment may settle for tenants with stable incomes.
For someone who changed the BL archives with her plot-driven works, Y/N could provide the fees to rent a homey room on the clabber-plastered apartment complex.
Mai shifted on her seat and studied the brochure on the table with interest— crossing her legs and leaning her torso forward to get a full view of the given pamphlet. "The building does seem promising. You could even check out your works in the Manga Shops at the city." She remarked as her eyes skimmed through the brochure, taking note of the facilities and rooms for the future tenants.
"Right? I already checked the place out yesterday, and coincidentally, the studio office is close by," The H/C-haired female pushed back the tiny strands of baby hair tickling her forehead as it was annoying her smooth skin. "They even allow pets. The apartment buildings I visited mostly don't allow pets, and the others who do, they have weird-ass tenants whom I don't really wanna be neighbors with." She ended, scratching the back of her neck.
"Soooooo, that's the apartment you're planning to move in."
You nodded your head, "I prepared the papers and told my parents about it. Maybe you can help me move my things out?" You suggested to your friend as your leg overlapped with the other, biting into another piece of onigiri from the porcelain plate.
Tilting her head to the side, Mai let out a light scoff from the BL mangaka's proposition as she gestured her hand downwards. "I'm offended, Y/N! Of course, I'll help you." She expressed her whimsical disbelief through her words. "I thought we were best of friends." The young lady teased.
"After all those collab fan arts of the Akatsuki, why wouldn't we be at this point?" You joked; however, the shinobi anime reference wasn't technically a gag as you both had a history of fangirling over the smexy criminal organization— even if you both had a peculiar taste in men. "By the way, why did you choose this place? Isn't this sort of far away from your workplace?" You questioned the red-haired female, a bit curious on why she decided to meet up with you in this Onigiri Restaurant.
Mai's lips turned up into a smirk as she motioned her finger for you to move closer. "My assistants and I decided to eat here after a hard day's work. By the time we were all seated, our eyes got blessed when the restaurant's owner catered to our table!" She whispered with excitement dipped on her tongue.
"Oh boy, if you had seen him, you would've gotten the inspiration to make a character from his well-sculpted face."
You raised a brow and let out a snortle, "We went here because a hot owner caught your attention? I should've gone with you then." You played along and couldn't help but laugh at your friend's reason for dining out a distance away from her studio office.
Like middle schoolers, you both giggled as Mai continued her story of the dashing Onigiri restaurant owner with her witty play of words. You never had any interest in dating; however, you still bid no mind to your friend's fawning over pretty men who would unlikely pay attention to either of them.
"That owner you're talking about might not visit his restaurant, Mai."
"I know, silly! But I do wonder what that work of art does outside his work."
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Osamu is a very patient man. May it be through his responsibility of running an Onigiri business, or may it be just a simple waiting in line at the subway station of Tokyo, the male wouldn't lose his temper nor be frustrated over such trivial things.
But when his exhausted figure slugged inside the comforts of his home and found the living room all trashed with empty bottles of energy drinks and bags of chips, Osamu was finally at his breaking point.
"Atsumu, you mother-fucker... COME DOWNSTAIRS THIS INSTANT!" He burst out, calling out his twin brother's name as he began picking up the trashes scattered throughout his coffee table and his lawson couch. His ears caught the sound of loud footsteps thumping on the wooden-tiled floor as he could immediately tell that it was a certain someone who came down the stairs.
A bed of ruffled blonde hair popped out of the stairway as a certain setter casually jumps into the scene of the untidy crime, walking towards the other twin with open arms.
"Welcome home, Samu! Did your staff make a mistake in the newly-opened shop back at Shinjuku? You look a bit frustrated right now-"
Atsumu stopped himself once he noticed his twin brother standing over the mess he forgot to clean up. His arms dropped to the side while his chocolate eyes shifted over to Osamu's annoyed expression, "Okay. This time, I absolutely forgot to clean up." The male tried to explain himself.
The quiet one of the two shook his head in disapproval, sighing out and pinching the bridge of his nose to calm his fiery nerves. "I found this apartment, Tsumu. I think it's best for the both of us if you could finally get your own place." He stated, hearing the slight choke coming from his brother's throat.
"WHAT?! What made you think that this would be the best for the both of us, Samu?" Atsumu protested, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion as to why his brother would suggest that sort of idea.
Osamu raised his hand and lifted three of his fingers to his twin's eye level. "First, you sometimes disrupt my sleep whenever you'd bring your flings at home," He stated and didn't bother to let the other speak their mind about the issue at hand as he continued his statement of reasons. "Second, you'd sometimes forget to do your lists of chores and often lie that you didn't do them because you were tired from training." He paused for a moment, thinking of a third reason until it clicked in the back of his mind.
"Lastly, you're a 23 professional athlete, who makes a lot of money than what I usually make, and yet, you're living with your twin brother."
Atsumu stared at Osamu as he crossed his arms, "So? You'll kick me out if I don't move out of your place?" He derided, his voice mostly holding a hint of teasing as he knew his brother wouldn't act so rashly over those reasons.
Oh, was the male so wrong.
"Yes, Tsumu. I'm kicking you out."
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Chapter Thirty: The Puppeteer
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Rated: PG-13 (Themes of insanity, graphic imagery, and violent thoughts. This is sort of an age gap relationship but keep in mind that the physical ages of both parties differs from their cognitive age. Martina is cognitively 20 and Jack is cognitively 18.)
(Author's note: Remember that Martina manipulates emotions...)
~I counted the stars tonight Oh, how they shine so bright I gather them all, so we perfectly align
While we gaze from far away And separately watch the day Come rising across the horizon in our minds
But now I know my heart is strong Where you belong is by my side So will you hold? 'Cause time is cold But in your soul, I'm standing by~
"It's okay, Jack. It's a crooked kind of perfect. I think I like it better now."
Then she turned and left the shed and Jack buried his head in his hands. Guilt was a crushing thing and now it was crushing him.
Why hadn't he gotten there sooner? If he had, then she wouldn't have gotten hurt. Max had led them to four wrong sheds before they finally found this one. But that wasn't on her. Max had just been trying to help. It was his fault. Jack had been the one to rush off and leave her all alone. He had promised that he would never leave her but he'd broken his promise! Would Marty hate him now?
Jack thought about the way she had looked when the fight was over.
Marty had looked like she had the day they had found her. She looked absent, detached, vacant, alive but not awake. Like the lights were on but no one was home. It wasn't the same as when she had purposefully demonstrated that emotionless act like she had earlier; like there wasn't even a person inside. This was a different kind of emptiness. It was more like Marty was hiding because she didn't want to face what had happened, and then she was lost because she couldn't find herself again. He had seen that emptiness before, on a hunt.
Sam had called it shock.
Marty hadn't even flinched when she picked up that vampire's head. There hadn't been much emotion in her when she had talked about the former owner of that head. Nor when she had talked to the head like it was some sick sort of ventriloquist dummy. But Jack had seen her eyes, and in them, he'd seen hate among the emptiness.
Just thinking of what Marty had said about the vampire she'd called Boyd made Jack's blood boil beneath his skin. The thought of that thing - that monster - touching her, made him angry. That thought made him so angry he didn't even have the words to express it.
The anger - the rage - the sheer undiluted hate that Jack felt coursing through his veins couldn't be described. He had never felt hate so strongly before, not even for the monsters or the angels in the apocalypse world. This kind of hate was new. It made him want to do something horrible. This hate burned him. This hate made Jack want to hurt the monster that had hurt Marty. Not just hurt it - no, no - that wouldn't be enough for him. This hate pushed him to do more than just hurt or kill. This hate was more than a want or an urge - this hate inside him was a craving. The kind of pain that Jack craved to inflict upon that monster was downright unfathomable, unthinkable, vile to the absolute purest definition of the word. Jack craved to make that monster pay.
He sat on the floor of the shed with his fists clenched as tight as his jaw, staring steadfastly at the corpse of the vampire that had hurt his friend and contemplating the reattaching of that vampire's head and subsequent resurrection of the thing just so he could watch as he slowly burnt it alive and twisted its horrid limbs into knots. How dare that thing lay one rotten finger on her. Jack desperately wished he could kill it again.
Because Marty was his.  She was his sister and even if she couldn't be anything more, he felt the need to protect her like she was. Jack decided that no one else should ever get to touch her.  Ever. From now on, that was how it was going to be. That was the new rule. Nobody gets to touch Marty except for him.
Jack wanted to go find her now. The thought of that vampire touching her made Jack want to touch her and make that thing's touch go away. Jack needed to go find her and make sure she was okay. But his family was talking about her so he decided to stay a little longer to listen.
"This is wrong," Dean muttered as he looked over the mess of scattered corpses Marty had left behind, "No way one kid does all this. No way."
"Did you see Martina's eyes?" Cas asked, shaking his head at the thought. "When she picked that vampire's head up and talked to it like it was a puppet, did you see her eyes?"
Dean nodded. "Yeah." If Jack didn't know better, he would have thought Dean sounded scared.
"They looked like a demon's," Cas added. This time, Dean shook his head.
"No, not like a demon's - not evil like a demon's, not necessarily. No, just... empty. Just empty, like Sam's when he lost his soul..." Dean trailed off, shaking his head while Sam just sort of stood there, looking uncomfortable.
"A soulless empath?" Cas questioned, "Is that even possible?"
Dean shrugged.
"I dunno, man! I dunno," He said with a huff, "All I do know is that there somethin' very dark inside that kid." He shuddered.
"D-dark? What-what do you mean?" Sam cut in.
"For her to do this -" Dean gestured to the carnage "- all by herself... Sammy, I don't know if she's souless or not, but there sure as Hell is something broken in there.  This  ain't self defense. This was rage. I don't know what's goin' on with that girl, but Marty ain't right in the head."
"But we can't let her go now." Sam's voice might have been quiet but its tone was made of iron.
"I dunno, Sammy..."
"We made her a promise, Dean! We can't break it!" Sam argued, "So what if she's a little broken? We all are! But there is good in her just like there's good in all of us."
"Look around you, Sam!" Dean gestured to the corpses. "I'm not talking about depression or a hero complex here. We're talkin' bonafied nuts! Full-on Loony-Tunes!"
"Based off of Martina's behavioral patterns, we could very well be dealing with a sociopath," Cas spoke up calmly.
"Even if that's the case, she's still just a kid! " Sam said, pleading. "A-and, you know what? So what? We've dealt with worse threats than a sociopatic-empath-kid! And since we found her, Marty's been getting better. Every day she get's better - I've seen it! Jack makes her better. He brings her out of things like this. Maybe he can fix her. I think he should talk to her, you know, s-see if she's okay."
"No." Cas shook his head, firmly.
"W-why not?"
"Because I said no," Cas repeated.
"Cas, you've seen how she responds to him. If one of us goes out there, we might just make it worse," Sam reasoned.
Jack stood and left the shed then. Marty needed him and he wasn't going to waste any more time listening to them argue.
"Jack wait!" Cas called out.
"I said wait!" The angel's tone was a command, not a request.
Jack did not stop. "And I said no!"
Cas reached out and snagged Jack's arm, yanking him back. "We don't know what Martina is truly capable of! This may be just the beginning."
"I don't care! Marty's my friend," Jack ripped his arm free from Cas's grip. "And if I can help her, the rest doesn't matter."
Jack left his family standing in the shed with the vampire corpses, bewildered that Jack had just disobeyed.
"Did he just hit his terrible two's or is this the rebellious teenage years?" Dean asked the others after Jack had left.
Jack found Marty rather easily. She was sitting in the snow curled up with her chin on her knees and her back pressed against the shed's metal siding. She stared at the rose that she twirled between her fingers.
"Hello," Jack said, raising his hand. Marty didn't reply, she just stared at her rose. "Are you alright?" He tried again.
Marty sighed, yet still, she didn't move. She just considered the bloody rose like it meant something greater than it did like it held the answers.
"Do you think I'm crazy, Jack?" She asked him, her voice soft and childish. Jack hesitated.
"Well, do you?" He returned, carefully. Marty's lost yet tranquil expression crumpled into a frown.
"I don't know," She whispered, laying the rose lightly on the snow, "I didn't used to think so but..." She trailed off, gazing into the middle distance with an almost imperceptible shake of her head.
"But what?" Jack sat down beside her and noticed the frosty trail of a tear on her pale skin. He brushed it away.
The simple action was enough to send a shiver down the angel boy's spine. Although the rosy hue tinting the tip of Marty's nose and cheeks was a testament to the frosty temperature; the shiver that ran down Jack's spine, leaving residual sparks lingering in his fingertips, had nothing to do with the cold. Jack studied Marty's winter-nipped rosy complexion. She looked very pretty and something about it made Jack's chest warm.
"But I don't know anymore." Marty seemed to come out of her trance, eying him warily. "Is that bad?"
Jack shook his head. "I wouldn't know."
"They think I'm crazy." Her voice broke and so did Jack's heart. "Cas and Dean - I heard them say I'm broken."
"No! You're not broken, you're amazing!" Jack grabbed her hands but she shook her head, averting her gaze.
"I killed them," She mumbled.
"You had to; they were monsters."
"So, I'm not broken?" Marty asked. Jack shook his head, offering her a reassuring smile.
"I don't think so. At least, no more than anybody else is," He replied, "No more than I am."
She nodded and was silent. Acting completely on impulse, Jack reached out, wrapping his arms around her torso, he pulled her into his lap. Marty didn't complain.
"Jack?" She spoke up a while later.
"What's wrong with me?"
Jack sighed. Was this what talking to him was like?
"Nothing is wrong with you, Marty. You're perfect." He stated it like it was a fact and to him, it was.
"So, why don't I feel guilty?" She shook her head. "I killed them and that should earn me some measure of guilt, right? But instead of feeling bad, I don't feel anything. I should feel scared or shocked or angry but I don't. I don't feel anything."
Jack frowned. "Sam says that numbness can be part of shock."
She shook her head again, her eyebrows pulling together.
"No, this isn't numbness. It's not that I feel empty, I just feel indifferent." Marty's breath caught and panic rose into her voice. "It's like I'm back in Copper Harbor again. I couldn't feel anything there either! I want to feel something but I can't and there's just nothing! I wanna feel something but I can't feel anything!"
"Whoa, whoa! Hey! You're okay!" Jack tried to calm her but his efforts were futile. She shot up from his lap, stumbling forward in a discombobulated state of panic. Marty gasped for breath, her chest heaving as she raked her hands through her jet-black hair and tugged at the roots as if trying to tear it out.
"I didn't feel anything till I met you guys and I don't wanna go back to nothing! Why did I never feel anything? There has to be something wrong with me!" Marty twisted to face him. Her grey eyes were dark and turbulent clouds just before a great tempest. Not angry, but powerful and natural, beautiful in a way that commanded respect. Yet she was still vulnerable, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Jack, what's wrong with me?! "
She gazed at him with wild desperation in her eyes and Jack felt his heart sinking in his chest. He had no words for her and he felt useless. Jack couldn't give her the answer. So, he just shook his head and pulled her close again, guiding her face into the crook of his neck and holding the sweet girl in his arms like she was made of glass. Feeling Marty's body flush against his ignited those sparks inside of him but he tried his best to ignore them.
"You're okay, just focus on me!" He said, rubbing circles on her back like Castiel sometimes did for him. Marty's breathing seemed to even out a little.
"Jack, I'm scared," She whimpered against his neck. He could feel her lips brushing against his skin and he felt this tugging sensation in his stomach. It felt good, Jack realized. The sparks exploded inside of him. He wanted more. But he pushed it down. Marty needed him and he had to focus. It took quite a bit of effort to ignore it.
"Why are you scared?" He asked, trying to keep his voice even.
"I think I'm going insane."
Jack wasn't sure about that, but Marty's lips moving against his neck was definitely driving him insane. It felt so good, so unbelievably  right! Ugh! Why couldn't he just focus on the moment at hand? He caught a strand of her hair and started twirling it around his finger in an attempt to both calm her and distract himself from this blissful feeling. It didn't work. Marty made a sound that was somewhere between a sigh and a sob, her warm breath fanning against his neck. Jack's hands acted on their own accord, gripping her waist tighter. He simply couldn't stop himself and he found that, honestly, he didn't want to. Jack liked touching Marty this way. This new feeling that was sprouting inside him felt amazing. But it was hard. Keeping his breathing under control nearly caused him physical pain.
"W-why would y- um- you think that? O-other than Dean and- a-and Cas?" It was too difficult for him to focus. He  had  to put some distance between their bodies, but that was hard when distance was absolutely the last thing he wanted. With all the willpower he had, Jack tried to gently push Marty away, just enough to look at her. But Marty didn't want to move, she clung to his shirt like it was a lifeline and Jack simply didn't have the strength to try to push her away again.
"I'm forgetting things, Jack," She choked out.
Jack's heart kept on breaking for her but these sparks inside him were making him ecstatic. He couldn't help it. He felt  so  bad and  so  good at the same time. It was  so  frustrating! Would it really be so wrong to indulge this feeling? Maybe if he gave the sparks what they wanted, then they would calm down?
Jack tangled his fingers in the hair at the base for her neck, tugging a little because it felt right and he wanted to. He turned his face towards her hair and took a deep breath. He had taken the blood away when he'd healed her and her hair smelled perfect. It made him smile.
"What are you forgetting?" He asked softly, speaking into her ear.
"I remember being kidnapped but then - nothing. There's nothing after that! It was like I woke up out here and then I heard them say that I'm broken and I think I really am!" She was panicking again, her breaths quickening against his neck. It was maddening. His grip on her waist tightened again.
"No, no! Shh! It's okay, you're okay!" He tried to calm her. Jack did have to admit that what she'd said didn't sound good. Memory gaps are never a good thing, at least in his experience.
"No, I'm not! I'm not okay! Jack, I can't remember what I did!" Marty clutched onto him even tighter, anguish filling her voice. "I know I killed them, I just can't remember doing it! That's why I can't feel anything! And this isn't the first time this has happened!"
Marty pulled away from him then, and Jack's breath caught in his throat.
'When did you get so beautiful?' He thought. Even with tears streaming down her face, Jack couldn't remember seeing a more beautiful girl. She was perfect. How had he not noticed this before?
Jack let his eyes roam over her face, drinking it all in.
She was so wonderful and she didn't even know it. How little she saw of her own beauty. All Marty could see were her flaws but Jack thought they made her even more beautiful. If only she could see it.
Marty opened her mouth to speak but Jack pressed a finger to her lips. He tried his best not to think about how soft they felt under his finger and focus instead on what Marty needed from him.
"Don't talk," He said, "It's okay to be scared, Marty. But you are an amazing person, and you're so pretty and I wish you could see that. So, if you're broken, then you're the most beautiful broken thing I've ever seen. Whatever is happening to you, we're gonna find a way to fix it. I promise."
Marty shook her head, closing her eyes like she couldn't even look at him. "I think I'm losing my mind."
The response tumbled from Jack's lips before he'd even thought about it.
"Then I'll help you find it again."
Marty looked up at him then, furrowing her brow like she couldn't believe anyone would say that to her, let alone mean it. She was like a porcelain doll, her perfection was a delicate illusion. Jack could see the fractured glass of Marty's soul through her eyes. Broken pieces like shattered glass just waiting for someone to mend them; Jack felt like that sometimes.
"What if you can't? What if you can't fix me? Jack, I don't think this is something you can fix," She sniffed, wrapping her arms around herself like she was holding herself together. Jack smiled gently at her.
"Well, I suppose if you cannot look on the bright side, then I will sit beside you in the dark," He said, quoting what she had said to him the night before. Their talk by the lake house seemed so long ago now.
"Ironic," She huffed, laughing just the slightest bit.
"What is?"
"That quote," She answered, shrugging, "The Mad-Hatter says it. He's crazy."
"Oh." Jack knew who the Mad-Hatter was; he had seen Alice in Wonderland, the Disney cartoon at least. He guessed that probably wasn't the best thing for him to have said.
"I like him though. He's my favorite book character." She frowned again. "Guess I know why now; I'm just like him."
"No, you're not." Jack shook his head. "You don't wear a top-hat!"
Marty rolled her eyes and shook her head, cracking a wry smile. "Yeah, okay."
Jack felt the sparks shooting through him as he pulled her close again. Unfurling his massive, powerful, metaphysical wings, he wrapped them around Marty's tiny, fragile body, encasing her in their warmth and softness. It felt right. This was where she was supposed to be. He wanted to keep her there forever.
Jack wanted to keep her forever.
"Even if you do go crazy, I'm not going to leave you," He breathed, petting her hair, "I'm gonna be here every step of the way."
'I'm never gonna leave you again.' He silently vowed.
The sun sank lower until it dipped below the white Kansas horizon as Sam, Dean, and Castiel worked to remove the vampire corpses from the property of whoever owned the shed. Jack made sure to block the bodies from Marty's view, instead directing her gaze upward.
"Marty!" He nudged her gently and she glanced up at him, "The stars are out."
Marty angled her head towards the night sky and Jack grinned as he watched that wonder-filled expression bloom across the girl's face, just as it always did whenever she looked out into the cosmos. Her eyes reflected the starlight from above and so did her soul. Jack could see the soft, pure light, twinkling and pulsing within and around her, just like a star. Marty's soul could have been made of starlight.
"They're beautiful here," She said, her voice soft.
"What do they remind you of tonight?" Jack asked. Marty's face scrunched up as she thought and Jack waited, patient and eager, to hear whatever thought's her beautiful mind would give him.
"You," She sighed after a while, "Tonight they remind me of you."
Jack's brows pulled together, expressing his confusion. "Me? Why me?"
"Because you're ninety-three percent stardust," She replied. Marty shared a secret smile with the sky, tilting her head a little and keeping her eyes on the stars above. "
"Oh," Jack said, his tone laced with surprise and a bit of confusion. "Thank you."
Marty shook her head. "No, Jack. Thank  you. "
"For what?"
"For saying that you'll stay with me, no matter what," She sighed, "And coming to rescue me. And for telling me I'm okay." Jack shrugged.
"Anyone would have done that."
Marty shook her head.
"No, not anyone. That vampire who claimed to be my friend - she never rescued me. All of her promises were empty."
Jack didn't know what to say, so he opted for a silent nod.
"Ik hou van je, zoet wezen," Marty whispered, her voice so quiet he almost didn't catch it.
"What does that mean?"
"It's Dutch."
"Okay." He nodded like that was an acceptable answer. "But what does it mean?"
"Not telling!" She smirked up at him. He shrugged and nodded before tilting his head down to whisper in her ear.
"Ego autem semper defendat vos, stella-puella."
He promised because he meant it.
Marty twisted around to face him, a playful frown pulling at the corners of her mouth.
"Okay, what was that?" She asked. Jack shrugged innocently and hoped the dim starlight would hide the fierce blush spreading across his face.
"You're not the only one who can speak another language!" He defended. Marty didn't look amused.
"Latin's a dead language," She claimed.
"No, it's not."
"Yeah, it is."
"No, it's not."
"It totally is."
"Well, I speak it and I'm not dead." Jack grinned at the glare she was giving him.
"So what's it mean then, oh wise half-angel one?"
"Not telling!" He chirped. He should have known better.
Marty huffed and rolled her eyes before turning away again. Then she jabbed her elbow straight back into Jack's stomach.
Jack groaned, rubbing his side.
Marty had very boney elbows. It was very painful.
"Moron," She chuckled under her breath.
"I can hit you again."
"Please don't."
~I counted the stars tonight Oh, how they shine so bright I gather them all, so we perfectly align
While we gaze from far away And separately watch the day Come rising across the horizon in our minds
And now we know, our hearts are strong Where we belong is side by side And so we'll hold each other close And in our souls, we're standing by~
Lyrics from: Standing By by Pentatonix
Ik hou van je, zoet wezen = I love you, sweet creature
Ego autem semper defendat vos, stella-puella = I will always protect you, star-girl
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