#I know everyone is mostly thinking about the “love triangle” between KornWinTonkla
yujeong · 27 days
do you think Korn did not expect that Fasai knew about Tonkla?
Anon, that is a very good question and one I've pondered on myself. As much as I'd like to think of Korn as *this* naive, I can't really do that. In my opinion, he knew Fasai knew about Tonkla, or at least, he knew about the possibility of her knowing. We've only gotten two scenes with them, but their silent communication both times makes me think that they've known each other for years - and I still believe what the fandom believed at the beginning of the series; Fasai and Korn have some sort of relationship, otherwise I don't think she'd mention marriage so casually. And Korn's reaction to her saying it supports the argument: I just rewatched the scene and he remains neutral once she tells him to marry her, but his expression changes the moment she tells him to "stop seeing that boy". His gaze literally loses focus, it drifts off - it's a bit spine-chilling to witness. This, to me, reads as Korn thinking that he could be whatever Fasai wanted him to (her boyfriend, her business partner, heck even her husband) without losing Tonkla. Fasai shattered that illusion.
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