#I know I'm kind of inactive because my interest is dormant but I had to get this one on during pride month! Also it's so good!
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the-blorb-system · 5 months ago
Omg the ghost town sounds like something jexyll described as how dormancy presents in his Sidesystem,, like, and he knows cause he is like the inducer and controller of Dormancy in his group- he's like the Gatekeeper out of all 16 members in his group, most are mostly dormant cause yay they're very dangerous :D
There's the trauma Holder Sidesystem,, we literally know nothing about them and we aren't allowed to check either cause they're so severe,, but I do know one of their members who went by the name 'Hexagon' talked with luna about smth a while ago....🤔.... I wonder what they chatted about considering ✨severely dangerous✨
Our innerworld is like... I can't access shit most of the time because frontsealed, but I have this cool technical ability i call a soul link that attach me to specific alters and I can see their innerworld or the area they're currently in (the soul bond is much more than just that), which present like a daydream to me (I'm very Dissociated at those moments).
But I do know about most areas from most places and most innerworld of each Sidesystem,, cause like I'm a cardinal vein here along with 2 others
There's the front room who looks like a theater,, then the area between Front and the innerworld where there's doors where each main system alter's room get connected to with a door,, then there's a Gatekeeper you need to pass,, then another one,, then there's a gatebridger to help you go back to your Sidesystem if you aren't from the main group,, then I think there's the higher-ups room where luna mostly stays.
Oh I've been in kasen's Dormancy laboratory once as well to meet my father when he still responded
- Digi
That's fascinating! /gen
Your system definitely functions a little differently from ours, but that's one of the biggest reasons I find plurality so interesting to study.
For us, dormancy isn't something we can really control. It happens more gradually and on its own, kind of like a once-active Tumblr blog might eventually kinda fizzle out then become inactive altogether. But every now and again if something relative enough pops up you might get... one or two new posts before it goes quiet again, ya know?
We also don't really have side-systems, as far as I'm aware, though I know a couple systems who very much do. I think the closest thing, technically, that we have to that is Four, who is a system within the system. But he's very much not separated from the rest of us in any way. In fact he's actually one of the most integrative alters in terms of inner-workings for the system.
Although we do have something kind of similar- we go through... sort of like phases of alters, if that makes sense. Currently, we're a little scattered, but just before that the most active alters were predominantly TMNT fictives. And before that the most active alters were mostly Linked Universe fictives. I'm not really certain about before that because I didn't discover the system until the transition between those two groups of fictives. It's just interesting to me because 5 years ago, I didn't even know rottmnt existed, so it would stand to reason that previous to Linked Universe we likely had groups of alters consisting of fictives from our most influential comfort-hyperfixations, one after another.
Exploring the inner world is also very strange for us. Maybe I'll need to ask for a more thorough definition of what being front-sealed means to you? I haven't seen it (I don't think) listed anywhere with common system terms, and I kind of just assumed it was like what we describe as being forever front-stuck for me.
What I do for the inner world is something I call "Inner World Projection" (or just "Projection"). I actually discovered it by accident. (It's kind of a fun story, actually! But given my habit of long writings (especially when put on the computer instead of my phone), I'll omit it this time XD)
Essentially, I can project a semi-corporeal version of myself to the inner world when I'm focused inward or in a meditative state. The more aligned I am with the concept of a body in the inner world, the more solidly I can interact with it. It's... surprisingly difficult to do.
At first I could only explore the Control Room (which is what we call the room that represents co-consciousness and the connection to Front), then the Forest. Shortly before I discovered the existence of the Ghost Town, I learned, actually... that my system as a whole, and especially the higher ups, don't really trust me very deeply, which is why I physically could not go beyond the Control Room or the Forest.
But! After learning that, Warriors, who sort of acts as the spokesperson between the higher ups and... the rest of us, decided he wanted to trust me and would advocate for me on my behalf, and shortly after I got access to the backyard!! Which was amazing! I got to see the pool, the lawn chairs, the deck, the playground, the yard... I even got to sit down with Amity and Luz as they were having lunch! I hadn't talked to either of them in so long!
Fun things 😄
Good god, you are verbose... -Donnie
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