#I knew something was wrong when the electric mix was going on for 10 mins straight and nothing was happening
bunibelles · 5 months
Making tiramisu rn and the whipping cream is not whipping because I just realize it was plant alternative so it’s not whipping the same way :’D
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exidtotheleft · 6 years
The Devil’s Trill | 04
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Genre: Musician AU/Fluff Summary: Min Yoongi is a harsh music critic and judge known for his brutally honest input. When it comes your time to face his judgement, things go down different than you expected. The judge may end up becoming more than just a person to be feared to you. Chapter Playlist: Trille du diable (The Devil’s Trill) Chapters: Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Epilogue
You groaned in bed as you turned over. You were starting to awaken, and you heard your phone chime with a text notification which was what woke you the rest of the way. You picked up your phone, squinting at the screen. Your eyes adjusting to the light. When they had adjusted just enough, you made out the contact name that had sent the message. It was Yoongi. Suddenly, after seeing that, you were fully awake. You shot up from your bed and sat up straight. You opened the message and blinked before reading it. It was the address to his house, followed by the question: "What time where you planning on coming?" You looked at the time on the top corner of your phone. It was 8:03 A.M. right now. You wanted to go as soon as you could. You could honestly bolt out the door right now if you wanted to, you were so excited. But you knew you should give him some time to get ready. You replied back with the closest time that seemed reasonable.
 'How about 10, or is that too early?"
You pressed send and took a fast exhale. Turning your screen off immediately and dropping your phone as soon as your finger pressed the send button. You didn't want to even look at your phone as you waited for his reply. This was so nerve wracking to you. You heard your phone chime before you could even get out of your bed though. He was a quick responder.
Yoongi: '10 is fine. The earlier the better.'
You read. You pushed your lips together firmly after reading that, not knowing if you should respond or not. But you just replied with the first thing that came to mind.
 'Okay, see you then'
Once the message was sent, you threw the covers off of you and started changing. You took out a couple clothing options out, not knowing what exactly to wear. When you considered it, you didn't what to look too fancy and dressed up, but you had no idea what Yoongi was like. You didn't know what his living spaces were like and if he was a classy man or not. You assumed he was, seeing what he does for a living, and what your professor had said yesterday about him being a rich man. You decided you should put a bit of effort into what you wore. So you threw on a black blouse and nicely fitting jeans. You went into the bathroom and brushed out your hair, making sure it was tangle free before doing your normal makeup routine. Just enough to make it look like you put effort into your look.
Once you were done with that, you went go check your phone. Yoongi hadn't replied, but he saw your message. You checked the time, 8:20. You still had an hour, and then some, to kill. You sighed, not knowing what to do for that amount of time.
You lay down flat on your stomach on your bed and mindlessly scrolled through various social media posts and updates. You heard Lucy turn in the bed that was behind you. It sounded like she was waking up. "What time is it?" She mumbled through a groggy voice.  "8:20" you replied simply, even though it was a bit later than that.  "Damn." She replied, trying to completely wake herself up.
"You're dressed kinda nice for a weekend. Where are you going?"  "You know where I'm going." She went quiet for a moment to think.  "Oh!"  "Yeah."  "Ooo you look nice for him and everything."  "I only look nice because he probably dresses nice on a daily and I don't want to underdress."  "Sure." She teased.  "Really, that is why."  "Okay okay." She really was pushing that you and Yoongi thing. You heard her completely climb out of her bed, she came around and sat on the other side of you, where you could look up and see her. "What are you doing?"  "Nothing important. I'm just scrolling through twitter and what not."  "Ah." Silence thickened the air. You huffed and dropped your phone onto the bed when you came to the conclusion that nothing interesting was happening. "Do you wanna get breakfast or some thing?" You looked up at her and asked.  "I would but I honestly don't want to get dressed. We just bought stuff, we can make something. Isn't there pancake mix?"  "Yeah I remember buying that."  "Let's just do that then." You slowly stood up from your bed, both of you walked into the kitchen. Lucy got down a pan while you grabbed a bowl and the pancake mix. You opened the box of mix and held it up to pour some in the bowl, but Lucy stopped you. "Hey don't be doing that! Put it down." You furrowed your eyebrows and put the box down slowly. "You're gonna get pancake mix on your blouse."  "Oh my gosh Lucy I'm not your daughter."  "Well you are today and you're going on your first date!"  "Shut up!" You yelled back through laughter.  "No, you're gonna flip the pancakes and I'll mix them."  "Alright, what ever helps you sleep at night." You agreed while walking around the counter and to the stove. You put the small pan she had taken down on the electric stove, turning it on, waiting for her to finish adding the water to the bowl and mixing it.  "Here." She said while sliding the bowl over to you. You carefully picked up the bowl and poured a good amount of the mix into the pan and watched the bubbles form on top. Flipping it when you thought it was ready. It was a bit burnt, but could you ever really get these things cooked perfectly?
You continued doing this till you made 3 pancakes for both of you. You plated them and put them on your TV tray of a kitchen table and grabbed the syrup out of the small pantry. "Here." You and Lucy sat down on opposite sides of the table. You checked your phone before eating anything. It was still only 8:40, everything was going by so slow. This was killing you. You finally turned so your legs were fully under the table, and poured syrup on your breakfast. Taking a bite of what you had made. It was bland and clearly store bought, but it was still satisfying.  "What time where you going to Yoongi's?"  "Ten." You answered simply before taking another bite. "Dude, this is going by so slowly. I just want to go already." You vented. It was truly painful.  "I mean after this we can have like a two person party to kill time. I'll bust out my blue tooth speaker we can rock out to Shosty," You chuckled at that joke. Shosty was short for Shostakovich, who was a Russian composer. "Or that pop whatever you like. We can listen to what you want and totally annoy our neighbors."  "That sounds like a good idea."
You took a deep breath as you pulled up the drive way of Yoongi's house, not surprised at what you saw but, very intimidated. His house was huge and all modernized. Your professor must to have been right about him being rich. Either that or he was swimming in debt. You said a quick prayer as you turned off your car and grabbed your violin from the passenger seat, sliding out of your car. You shut the door behind you and walked up the cement path way leading to his front door. There were bushes of flowers, all different colors along the way. It was really aesthetically pleasing.
Your heart was racing as you walked up to his front door. You checked the time on your phone. It was 10:05. You rang the door bell and held your breath for a moment in anticipation. This was the moment you had been waiting for. You watched the door crack open, expecting to see your new mentor looking just as nice as he did the other day when you saw him for the first time. But you were wrong about him dressing like that on a daily occurrence. He was in a black V-neck shirt and a purple flannel with casual jeans. You had worried about under dressing. Suddenly your makeup and nice flat shoes made you feel over dressed. "This isn't what I had expected to see." You joked, still standing on his porch.  "I'm not as classy as you think I am. You didn't have to dress so nice." "Whatever, I always try to look nice." You covered casually, you didn't want it to look like you dressed up for him.  "Sure. Come in." He invited stepping aside for you. You stepped onto the dark hardwood floor of his house. Even the floor seemed to be nicer than anything you owned. Besides your violin, that was.
"Jeez. You got quite the bachelor pad going on here."  "Yeah. I get that a lot." You looked around his front room. His house wasn't that big. It was just incredibly spacious. The front room was the living room. The entire back wall of the house was glass, so you could see into his up kept backyard. It made the house feel huge. To the right of the room, there was a pearl couch on top of a maroon rug, facing a marble fire place with a flat screen TV mounted over it. Next to the fireplace was an archway that seemed to lead to the kitchen. But, behind the couch a few feet was a white grand piano. Yoongi shut the front door as you took in the amazing design of his house and walked past you, straight to the piano you had been looking at.
"Well let's not waste time."  "Right." You agreed, taking your violin and putting it the coffee table that was in front of his couch. Taking out your violin and making sure it was in tune. "Alright. What you got for me?" You asked while standing and walking to the music stand he had set up for you.  "Are you familiar with Tartini?"  "Yeah, the Baroque composer."  "So I assume you know his most famous violin piece." You thought about it for a moment. You hadn't studied Tartini, you just knew him. So you weren't sure what piece we was referring to.  "I feel like I should. Isn't it in G minor?" Yoongi didn't say another word. He just took a book of music off his piano and looked at you, holding it up before taking a step toward you and putting the violin score on your stand. The second you saw the title your heart dropped. Suddenly, you remembered the piece he was most known for. The music book placed on your stand read: Trille du Diable across the top. Or what was better known as The Devil's Trill Sonata. It was an incredibly demanding piece, possibly one of the hardest violin sonata's written. Playing it had never even crossed your mind.
"Are you serious? You want me to play this?" You asked skeptically. Who did he think you were?  "I haven't heard this piece done the way I think it should be done. You could play it."  "You've heard me play once!"  "Yeah but it wasn't an easy piece that I heard."  "Yoongi I had been working on that since high school. I'm a senior in college and that was the first time I ever performed it. It took me that long to learn it."  "You didn't have help when you learned it."  "Yeah but, still! You don't even play violin! I know you're a pianist." Yoongi went silent, staring at you blankly before sighing and standing up.  "Do you ever shut up." He mumbled while walking to you, stopping in front of you with his left hand out like he wanted something.
"Violin." He demanded monotonous. You handed him the instrument slowly, you had a feeling he was about to prove you wrong.  "If I can play the first page of this sonata, you don't get to question me until we finish this. Deal?"  "I know I can't decline." You said quietly. You knew all too well that he was going to play it just fine and he was going to embarrass you for speaking out against him. You needed to learn to keep your mouth shut.  "Well then you're a smart girl."
You sat down on his pearl white couch and watched him as he opened the music and looked at the first page. You could see him trying out some of the notes with just his left hand and no bow as his eyes scanned the page. You could tell he was probably trying out the double stops and harmonies. He tilted his head back and to the side for a moment before took a breath in through his nose while putting the instruments under his chin. You watched him intently as he played the first note. You knew from the moment he started playing he would play this just fine. It was perfectly in tune. His vibrato wasn't specular, but violin wasn't his principle instrument so it was too be expected. As you watched him play, you got chills. You tried to fight them off but they still came anyway. It wasn't so much his playing or the way it sounded, but more that he was playing it. Something about him made it sounds so emotional and passionate. He really did know just how he wanted it to sound.
You rested your arm on the back of the couch and placed your chin on your arm. Admiring him as he played the double stops of the piece. You thought about the things Lucy said about him. You probably shouldn't be thinking of him like this, you were drinking in what you found to be attractive about him, but he just looked so good with your violin in his hand, you didn't care that he was showing you up, he looked good doing it.
Yoongi let the last note fade off your violin and pulled it out from under his chin. Not wasting a second before handing your instrument back to you, as you stood and walked toward him. "Welp, you know what this means. What I say, goes." "Yes yes, no more questions I know." You took your violin and he went over to the piano, lifting the hood that covered the keys and looked at you.  "Whenever you're ready."  "How fast do you want it?"  "I said no questions." You looked at Yoongi in disbelief. How were you not supposed to ask that? He looked at you blankly before looking away with a smile.  "I'm kidding. However fast you think it Should go. We're both sight reading so I don't think either of us would care much if we took it slow."  "Alright." You looked nervously at the music on your stand. The beginning was easy but the second page was when things heated up.
You put your bow on the string and looked at your new mentor, taking a breath in that was in time with the tempo you were planning on taking, which wasn't very fast. It was the same tempo he had just played it in. No way you would let him play this faster than you. Your pride wouldn't let you. The beginning was melodic and you really loved it. It acted as the calm before the storm. Some thing to really draw the listener in for the kill. You knew the second your eyes shifted to the next page that you were in for it. There was a reason this was the Devil's trill and not any one else's. You had a feeling your left hand and bowing arm Would be burning like hell when you were done with this.
You braced your self as the first high grace note of the of the second page hit. You played it confidently, but as soon as the fast 16th notes came in, that confidence vanished. You didn't even attempt to do the trills. You just tried your best to get the notes right. You were doing pretty well, but when the notes seemed to get denser and harder to read because of the amount of them, you started having to skip some notes. You made it out of the first section of demanding 16th notes by a thread. Yoongi stopped you when you got to the repeat.  "Let's take it a big slower."  "Please."  "How about..." Yoongi thought for a moment before tapping his fingers on the side of its piano, giving you the tempo. "That slow enough?"  "Yeah."  "Alright." Yoongi counted to four at the tempo you were going to play at and you started playing again once he got to one. Continuing the piece. You still got lost a few times but not as many.
Eventually, when you got to the parts with the crazy trills, you just tried your best and hoped it was good enough. You were really trying but you laughed as you did knowing it was way wrong. You could see Yoongi smiling too. He seemed amused. To you it felt like you were trying to do the impossible. When you got to the cadenza at the end of the piece, that was all solo violin and no piano, that feeling of trying the impossible only became stronger. Since it was a cadenza though, you had freedom with it, you could do what you wanted with it. Or, you could what you wanted with it to Yoongi's approval. Luckily because you were sight reading it, you could stop a lot to figure out what was happening in the music, and you didn't have to make sure you could catch up with Yoongi because he didn't play again till the second to last measure. So you played away, well, you tried away. This was unlike any cadenza you had ever played, or even seen before. It was insane. The whole page was practically black, like ants had been smashed on top of blank sheet music and it was your job to determine if these were even notes or not.
You slogged your way through to the last few measures, then Yoongi came in on the piano again. You started laughing again while you played, laughing at your pathetic attempt to get through this piece. Yoongi started laughing too when you tried to play the last note but ultimately gave up, not really caring anymore. "Good enough for you yet?" You joked.  "It was good for a sight read." It had taken you about 20 minutes to get through the whole piece. Which was 5 minutes longer than when it was up to speed. "You really think I can do this?" You asked after a silence filled the air. You weren't sure of yourself. You knew he probably already had a recital he wanted you to play this for, you didn't know how soon it was but you were afraid that maybe you wouldn't be able to prepare it that quickly. A piece like this could take years, depending on the musician.
"I know you can. You just have to assure yourself of that."  "Why are we working on this? I know you're not having me play a piece like this just for fun." Yoongi nodded.  "You're right. Truth is that, there's a recital on December 17th. Its not a competition, just a recital. A lot of people I know will be there and I wanted them to hear you." You didn't know what to say to that. Part of you was bummed it wasn't a competition, but the fact he felt like others needed to see you was touching.  "What's wrong? You don't seem pleased with that."  "Nothing is wrong, it's just that, I kinda wanted to do a competition with you." "Just a one rounder?" He asked, seeming disappointed with that decision.  "Yeah."  "You want to do a one round competition with this." He asked, though it was more of a statement.  "I know its not ideal, but, I just want to do one."
"No." That word stung you. He was so quick to answer.  "I'm not going to mentor a sandbagger. You're not gonna play a piece like this even if it is an advanced competition. It's a waste of a piece, no one could even touch you if we did. There would be no honor in it."  "Yoongi come on. Shouldn't I have a say in this?"  "Don't question me!" You fell silent, sighing as you put your bow on the stand in front of you.
"Fine." You agreed. Thinking up a proposition that could change everything. "Take me to nationals, then. You said if yourself that third place isn't first. Get me to first."  "Nationals aren't until February next year, its only September."  "So? Just more time to prepare. Yoongi, please. Let me have this." You pleaded, you really wanted to show him that you could do this. Then he would really have something to brag about to his colleagues.
You two met eyes, holding the eye contact, you hoped that how much you wanted was evident in your gaze.  You could practically feel that tension you had felt from him the other night at your evaluation building again. Like you had some kind of affect on him. He swallowed and looked away, closing his eyes and shaking his head in defeat. "Okay...okay. We can go to nationals." "Really?!" You yelled, you thought for sure he would deny you this.  "Yes."  "Okay! Okay, if that's the case, then let's play!" You exclaimed in excitement, putting your violin back under your chin and picking up your bow. A smile was spread across your face, eager to play what he asked you to.
He laughed at how you had reacted before looking up and at his score. "Let's Start the second page. No trills and about half as slow as normal, just get the notes in tune and we'll put everything back in later." He instructed before taking his music off the piano's stand and setting it in his lap. "Go ahead, I'll follow along." Without another word, you put your bow to the string with a new found desire. A want to go above and beyond with this piece, even if a few minutes ago you were doubting yourself. You wanted this now, and as you played the piece slower, you could hear that desire in every note. Yoongi noticed it just as much as you did.
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