#I kinda wanna write something like that for a Danny gets Experimented On prompt
stealingyourbones · 2 months
Currently reading Wolverine: Weapon X and I’ve yet to read any X-Men since I was 14. The comics that I DID READ were those massive omnibuses that amassed 100 comics or somethin per book.
Man I gotta read more X-Men and Wolverine. I’ve missed this stuff.
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gokailyger84 · 3 years
just stumbled upon this prompt and thought I'd share (if you're still taking prompts): ''Write about cuddling and someone being the little spoon for the first time.''
(ya ever just be writing and words keep flowing out and by the time they stop, you wonder if you even answered the prompt? kinda feeling like that right now)
Being a taller than average guy, Danny was used to certain things in his ninja free life.
Grabbing items off tops shelves for little old ladies, having to find pants in the big and tall section, mentally preparing himself to be uncomfortable scrunched up in a car or airplane and being the dominant partner in his relationships.
Danny was used to bending down to tenderly kiss his lovers, have them leaning on his shoulder when cuddling on the couch and following his lead when he took their hand.
Recently, that had all changed for him.
Once he and Ninja Brian started dating.
It had been a lot of firsts for the both of them and to be fair, most of it started like his other lovers.
At least until Ninja Brian gained enough confidence to go for and take what he wanted.
Danny was almost left floundering with how thoroughly flipped their roles had become.
Now he was being pulled down into rough kisses, lying on Ninja Brian’s outstretched body on the couch, pulled into sudden hugs.
The only thing that really hadn’t changed between them was Ninja Brian following his lead but even that had changed from reluctant annoyance to fond amusement.
Ninja Brian had shown a side of himself that had been buried for most of his life and with their mental link, Danny could tell he was thriving.
As if his life had really started the moment Danny returned his feelings.
The only threshold they hadn’t crossed yet was intimacy in the bedroom.
Danny had a lot of expectations placed on him by his past lovers, many he failed to live up to.
With Ninja Brian, he wasn’t sure what to expect.
That was why Danny was sitting on the edge of the bed in Ninja Brian’s room, waiting for him to finish his after training shower.
Danny had already finished his before bed routines and had decided to come to his partner’s room for the night. His way of easing them into a more intimate direction by starting in a place of comfort for Ninja Brian.
But what else should he do?
What should he expect?
Did Ninja Brian want to lead?
Should Danny lead since he had more experience?
Did it really matter?
Pulled out of his confusing thoughts, Danny looked up to see Ninja Brian standing in the doorway.
He was only wearing a pair of training pants and a towel around his neck.
Danny’s breath hitched as he stared at Ninja Brian’s bare chest. His damp skin glistened in the low light of the room, making his many scarred muscles even more prominent.
“Fuck.” Danny whispered to himself.
With Ninja Brian’s more conservative clothing preferences, it was so easy to forget just how attractive his partner was.
Running a hand through his still wet hair, a smile spread across Ninja Brian’s lips as he walked into the room.
“See something you like?” He teased.
Danny quickly looked away, trying and failing to keep his face from reddening. That was another thing that he still had to get used to.
Ninja Brian flirting with him.
According to him, he learned from the best. Which was quite a flattering thing for him to say.
Coming to a stop before Danny, Ninja Brian lifted a hand, gripping Danny’s chin and tilted it up.
“What are you doing here?” He asked. “Is something wrong?”
Danny swallowed thickly, meeting Ninja Brian’s piercing blue eyes.
Licking his lips, Danny cleared his throat.
“Um, I-I was thinking…maybe we could sleep together tonight.”
Ninja Brian quirked an eyebrow. “Sleep together?” He questioned.
Danny closed his eyes, shaking his head, causing ninja Brian to release him.
“Not like that.” Danny quickly clarified, opening his eyes.
“This time…I-I wanna do this right.”
Ninja Brian’s eyes softened. He had figured as much but he was glad Danny wanted to make sure he knew.
Leaning down, Ninja Brian pressed his lips to Danny’s in a soft kiss.
“Nice to know that I’m different from all the others.” He cheekily said.
Danny’s brow furrowed and his cheeks puffed out as he looked away.
“Of course you’re different from them.” He said with a barely hidden pout.
Chuckling lightly, Ninja Brian straightened up and walked back to the door and shut it.
“And I’m assuming you chose my room to make this more comfortable for me?”
Danny pulled his long legs up onto the bed and flopped back, his head landing on the soft pillow.
“I’m not that considerate.” Danny mumbled as if he had some reputation to protect.
Ninja Brian rolled his eyes with a smile, watching as Danny pulled off his kimono and dropped it onto the floor, leaving him in only a pair of blue boxer briefs.
Danny lifted himself up, pulling the covers from beneath and buried himself under them with a huff as Ninja Brian walked over to his closet picking up Danny’s kimono and putting it and his towel on the shelf within.
Keeping his eyes on his partner, Danny turned onto his side, drawing his legs up as his nerves returned.
When Ninja Brian walked back out of the closet, he stared at Danny with a pointed look, his earlier smile gone.
Danny looked away.
He couldn’t remember the last time he shared a bed with another person and it had nothing to do with sex.
This was new territory for him and he was serious when he told Ninja Brian that he wanted to do this right.
In the past, he didn’t particularly care how Ninja Brian felt about anything and Danny was beyond ashamed of his behavior but he was different now and if he could help it, he’d never hurt his partner again.
The bed suddenly dipped behind Danny, halting his thoughts and causing his body to tense.
A full minute passed before the movement stopped and Danny let out the breath he hadn’t known he was holding.
Mentally shaking his head at his ridiculous behavior, Danny forced himself to relax and let his eyes slide shut.
He was mostly proud that he didn’t jerk away when he felt a hand touch his waist, followed by an arm slipping around his bare chest.
“Danny? Is...is this okay?” Ninja Brian asked in a quiet tone.
Danny’s teeth clenched. His body had tensed up again and his heart was pounding so loud in his chest, he was sure Ninja Brian could feel it.
“Danny?” Ninja Brian said again, beginning to pull his arm back.
Seemingly without any input from his brain, Danny’s hand grabbed Ninja Brian’s arm and pulled it back in place.
He must have used more strength than he intended because with a surprised sound, Ninja Brian was now pressed firmly against Danny’s back.
Danny froze once more.
In some way, he had expected this, was in a way even encouraging it but Danny couldn’t say he was used to being wrapped up in another person’s arms.
Being the little spoon to their big spoon.
A part of him found the position comfortable, even reassuring but there was a nagging voice in the back of his head, telling him this was wrong and that any form of submission was a weakness.
Danny knew what that voice was. The same one that had troubled both him and Ninja Brian for years.
There had been many horrible lessons drilled into their heads from the ninja clans and Danny was once more reminded that they may never truly escape them.
But that didn’t mean they wouldn’t keep trying.
Letting out a breath, Danny tightened his hold on Ninja Brian’s wrist and fully opened his side of their mental link.
He heard a sharp inhale next to his ear.
Danny had mostly closed his side of the link when he’d laid down, ignoring the questioning poke Ninja Brian had sent him.
But now it was completely open, allowing Ninja Brian to feel all of his emotions. Let him know what Danny was struggling with.
Somehow he was surprised and not surprised to feel a wave of love and comfort wash over him, wrapping him up in a warm blanket.
He also felt Ninja Brian press even closer, molding their bodies together as if they were two perfect puzzle pieces despite their height difference.
The tension and anxious thoughts seemed to leak out of Danny. Finding increasingly less room to occupy within his mind.
“You don’t have to deal with this alone, Danny.” Ninja Brian said, pressing a kiss to Danny’s bare shoulder.
“I’m right here with you.” He continued, shifting his hand and interlocking his fingers with Danny’s.
“We’ll figure this all out together.”
Danny couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
Wrapped completely in Ninja Brian’s warm and loving presence, both mentally and physically, Danny had no choice but to believe him.
“I know, Brian. I know.”
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falloutmelody · 3 years
updated rules and fandoms!!
hello hello, it’s been a while. i kinda wanna get back into writing more serious pieces, so i figured it was time to re-open my requests and post my updated fandoms and rules to see if anyone wants anything!! below you will find my new rules and my fandoms, alongside the characters i will write for!! please take a look if you want something and let me know!!
-i tend to only write one off pieces, but if i feel like a piece has potential, or tons of people seem to be really into a concept, then i am open to writing multiple parts!
-i tend to try and write my pieces from a gender-neutral stance. however, if you would like a specific gender of reader, please don’t hesitate to let me know and i shall specify that in the little summary at the start of the piece!
-all my pieces are x reader!! i don’t tend to use named ocs for my pieces, as i want my pieces to be accessible to everyone!!
-idk if smut pieces are even allowed on here anymore? but if they are, i can have a go, they just might be kinda bad bc it’s not something i have a ton of experience writing?
-i accept aus, sentence prompts, vague ideas, whatever you have. just remember that the more specific you are in your request, the better job i’ll do with bringing your vision to life!!
-for the characters below, assume i’ll write platonic (friendship), familial or romantic pieces for all of them, unless specified otherwise!! i am also open to having the reader be related to another character (e.g. an oc that’s one character’s sister and is romantically paired with another one!)!
-the only things i won’t write is stuff that is incredibly triggering, illegal age gaps and stuff that is obviously distasteful. anything that i think may be mildly triggering in a piece will be tagged at the start of the post!
-please be patient with requests!! my motivation to write does tend to go up and down, depending on my mood!! if it’s been like a month and i’ve not written your request, please don’t hesitate to send in a message checking up on me!!
CRIMINAL MINDS -david rossi [please send requests in for him, i love this man so much??] -spencer reid -aaron hotchner -derek morgan -jennifer ‘jj’ jareau -penelope garcia -emily prentiss -elle greenaway -alex blake -kate callahan -luke alvez -tara lewis -matt simmons
there’s some other more minor characters i’m willing to write for like will, so feel free to ask if there’s a specific character you want that’s not on this list! just please note i won’t write for gideon, strauss or any unsubs!!
CSI: NY -mac taylor -danny messer -adam ross -lindsay monroe -don flack -stella bonasera -sheldon hawkes -sid hammerback (will only write platonic/familial pieces for him)
will write for jo when i rewatch her seasons!!
CSI: MIAMI -horatio caine -tim speedle -eric delko -ryan wolfe -calleigh duquesne -alexx woods -yelina salas
might write for other characters when i get to their seasons on my rewatch!
DOCTOR WHO -the thirteenth doctor -graham o’brien (will only write platonic/familial pieces for him!) -ryan sinclair -yaz khan -dan lewis -the tenth doctor -the eleventh doctor -the twelfth doctor -the ninth doctor -rose tyler -martha jones -donna noble -amy pond -rory williams -clara oswald -nardole -bill potts -kate stewart -petronella osgood -river song
only tend to rewatch jodie’s seasons atm so i will be better at writing those characters!!
and that’s all for now!! if you would like to request something, please send me a message, including the following pieces of information: -the fandom -the character -your prompt -any other information that you’d like me to know! (i.e. if you want the reader to be a particular gender, if you want the reader to be related to a specific character, etc!!)
thank you for reading!! stay safe, and i look forward to writing some stuff for you!! <3
[if you have any questions about your request and whether or not i’ll write something for you, please don’t hesitate to message me and ask!!]
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cutetinyartist · 4 years
tiny person sentence starters - 18, if you wanna write anything around that? :D
Thanks for the prompt! Sorry it took me so long to finish ^^’ Also because I’m a dumbass I didn’t think to put the prompt sentence at the start of the fic and not just in the middle of it?? So I might write another fic using this prompt soon so I can get it right >w<
Anyway tho, I wrote Scientist!Danny Sexbang inventing a Shrink Ray in this one cus I thought it’d be fun! Hope you like it ^^
Word Count: 2000 (I got a biiiit carried away while writing this ^^’)
It was a casual Saturday afternoon and Danny had invited you over to help out with one of his science projects. You were both excited and slightly nervous to see what he'd made this time, as his experiments were always very adventurous, to say the least...
As you entered his lab, you noticed that it was in its usual disorganized state and that Danny was trying to untangle a complete clusterfuck of wires that were connected to the huge device in the corner of the room. He glanced up from his work and his look of annoyance at the wires turned into a bright smile when he saw you.
He immediately stood up and speedily walked over, almost tripping over the wires in his enthusiasm.
Instead of his usual Spandex and cape, he was wearing the scientist outfit that you'd only seen him wear a few times in the past. His labcoat was long and swayed behind him as he approached you and, although he was wearing safety goggles, you could see the twinkle in his eyes. He was just wearing a Rush t-shirt and jeans under his labcoat, and you also noticed that he had blue vinyl gloves on. His curly hair was tightly tied up in a ponytail, however a few wild hairs were sticking out and some hung in front of his face.
"Hey, (Y/N)! I'm so glad you came! I can't wait to show you what I've been working on!"
He grabbed your hand and lead you towards the huge machine. It was shaped like a giant tube and looked like something out of a Sci-Fi movie you'd seen ages ago. The tube had glass walls and a silver metal base, and looked just about big enough to stand in. There were several wires connected to it and they lead to a panel with a few brightly coloured buttons and screens on it.
"What is this?" You asked curiously.
"It's a shrink ray! I saw one in a TV Show last week and thought it'd be fun to try making my own."
"No way!" You gasped, "Does it work?"
"Well... That's kinda why you're here. Could you help me do the final tests, please? I'm 99% sure that it'll work but Ninja Brian won't let me test it on him for some reason."
You stifled a giggle at the thought of the murderous Ninja being only a few inches tall, before answering Danny's question, "Sure, I'd love to. What exactly do you need me to do?"
You'd helped Danny quite a few times in the past with his experiments, so you weren't too hesitant about helping with this one. Plus, (although you were way too shy to admit it) you really wanted to be tiny, so him inventing a shrink-ray was like a dream come true. When he'd asked you to help test out the invention you'd almost squealed with excitement!
"I knew I could count on you, (Y/N)!"
He beamed, "Just step into the machine and I'll handle the rest. Oh, and DON'T touch the glass or look at the ray!"
You walked into the tube and your heart began beating faster. Although it was big enough to stand in it still felt slightly claustrophobic and now that you were about to have it tested on you, you couldn't stop trembling anxiously. The glass had a blue tinge to it and made everything outside of the tube look blurred.
"Are you okay in there?" Danny's muffled voice came from outside the glass.
"Yeah!" You shouted back.
"Are you ready for me to push the button?"
"Yeah, I'm ready!"
"Okay, good! I'll press it in three... two... one..."
Danny finished counting down and you were instantly engulfed by a blinding white flash. It felt like you were being tightly squeezed and spun around by an unseen force, and it was a sensation that made you dizzier than you'd ever been before.
Although the light disappeared almost as soon as it appeared, it took a moment longer for the dizziness to fade away.
The sound of the door sliding back open and booming footsteps coming towards you made you quickly open your eyes, and the first thing you saw was Danny. This normally wouldn't shock you too much, however he was now absolutely gigantic to you! He was looking at you with a huge smile on his face as he swiftly approached you.
"Holy shit! I can't believe it worked!" Were the first words out of his mouth as he crouched down. Even in that position he still completely towered over you, and the sight of his huge hand reaching towards you made you nervously stumble backwards.
Danny stopped moving his hand and softly smiled, "Relax, (Y/N), I won't hurt you. I do need to pick you up so I can take you out of the machine but don't worry, okay?"
You gulped, “Just remember that I’m a lot smaller than you. Be careful."
"Of course I'll be careful," He said with a smirk as he wrapped his fingers around you and lifted you up. Despite the fact that he was wearing vinyl gloves, you could still feel the warmth radiating from his skin. His fingers were like tree-trunks and the way that they enveloped you made you realise how tiny you truly were.
He walked over to his desk and adjusted his grip on you so that you were now sat in the palm of his hand. He reached towards you with his other hand, and although you were still slightly nervous you didn't flinch. The tip of his index finger was almost the same size as your chest now, and as he softly touched your tiny body you couldn't stop yourself from blushing. He was definitely trying to be gentle, but you could tell that he was far too excited about the fact that his device had worked. It was like nothing you'd ever experienced before and you were adoring every second of it. He stroked the top of your head before slowly rubbing the tip of his finger down your arm. When he reached your hand he gently held it between his thumb and forefinger.
"Wow..." He whispered, "How do you feel? What's it like, being so tiny?"
It took you a minute to find your voice because of how flustered you were, but after a moment you cleared your throat and spoke, "I- I don't really know how to describe it but being this tiny and seeing everything from this perspective is kind of daunting, but also really cool!"
Your answer made him smile and he continued to massage your hand between his fingers as he thought of his next question, "And how did it feel to be shrunk? Was being in the machine okay? I wanted to make it more of a portable ray-gun but I almost blew up the place when I was trying to do that..." He chuckled as he trailed off.
"It made me feel REALLY dizzy at first but- but it all happened so fast. One minute I was being spun around and surrounded by a bright light, the next I was standing there like nothing even happened."
"I'll have to try it later- provided that getting you back to your normal size works-" He mumbled before immediately bursting into laughter when he saw the shocked look on your face, "I'm kidding! I'm sure it'll work."
You began laughing with him too; his laughter was always so contagious!
"God, (Y/N), you're so adorable," He said softly, grinning when he saw how much that made you blush. The fact that his deep brown eyes were entirely focused on you made your heart flutter, and you were in love with his perfect smile.
After an hour or two (you always tended to lose track of time when you were with Danny) of hanging out and admiring how huge everything was to you now, you yawned sleepily.
"Shit, I didn't realise how late it was getting-" Danny mumbled to himself before saying to you, "Do you want me to get you back to your normal size now?"
You really wanted to say no, but instead you said yes because you knew that you should probably go home soon. Besides, you could always ask him to shrink you again in the future!
He steadily walked over to the machine and gently placed you inside before going back over to the buttons that controlled it. The gigantic door closed in what felt like slow-motion and you braced yourself for the blinding flash and dizziness...
The bright light did come, however it didn't feel like anything else was happening. You suddenly heard a loud crackling sound from high above you, and when the light faded away you screamed when you saw that the machine was filling with smoke! The door slid open and Danny quickly pulled you out of it, cupping his hands around you and swiftly moving away from the device.
"Oh god, (Y/N), are you okay?" His voice was laced with concern as he moved his hand and held you closer to his twinkling brown eyes. He stared intently at you, wanting to make sure that you hadn't been injured.
"I'm fine- what happened?" You asked.
Danny let out a sigh of relief, "Well I pushed the button and- and smoke started coming out of the machine... Sorry about picking you up so suddenly, I just panicked!"
"It's okay, I don't mind-" You bit your lip nervously. If the machine was broken then who knows how long you'd be stuck at such a tiny size...
Although you'd wanted to be tiny, you did want to at least be able to get back to normal size when you needed to!
Danny absentmindedly stroked the top of your head with his thumb as he tried to think of what to do, "I'm just gonna put you on the desk for a minute, I need to see if I can fix this..."
When he placed you on the vast surface of the desk, you immediately began to walk around and look at everything towering over you. A stack of books looked like an uneven wall that you could probably climb, and a simple water bottle was the size of a building. You looked over at Danny and the machine. The smoke had thankfully stopped coming out of it (and luckily the lab had a good ventilation system so it was pretty much gone) but it didn't seem like Danny knew how to fix the machine.
He turned to face you with a sheepish look on his face, "I- um- I'm not sure how to fix this- I might need Ninja Brian to do it... But I don't actually know where he is-"
Danny was interrupted by Ninja Brian literally appearing from nowhere.
"Oh, there he is-"
Ninja Brian took one look at you, then one look at the machine and immediately knew what to do. He moved so fast that you could hardly even see him and before you knew it, it looked like he'd fixed the shrink ray! Before you or Danny could say anything else, Brian had already disappeared.
Danny approached you and scooped you into his palm, "So, shall we get you back to normal now that it's fixed?"
You hesitantly fidgeted, as you actually wanted to stay tiny for a little while longer. You knew that it was fixed, but after everything that had just happened you were a bit apprehensive about going back into the tube.
After a brief awkward silence you asked, "Can I maybe stay like this for a bit longer?"
Danny smiled softly and nodded, "Of course you can," He began to stroke your back, "I'm actually kinda relieved that you asked that because I don't wanna stop holding you just yet."
His remark made your heart flutter, and the two of you relaxed together for the rest of the evening. You eventually fell asleep in his palm, and he decided that he could always return you to normal when you woke up the next day.
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