#I kinda got caught up in the emotions more than the celebrations buuuutttt
coff33andb00ks · 12 days
Congrats on 1k!!!
📝 + Lewis and reader and the silverstone win, their reactions, their celebrations, stuff like that 🥰
Thank you so much!!
Join me at the 1k bonfire!
Ohhhh this would have been beyond special for both of them. Lewis's last home race with Mercedes, surrounded by the people who've rooted for him since he was a kid?? (I still get choked up just thinking about the radio immediately after ugggghhhh)
You knew he would win of course. You always say that even when you don't think it - and you'll never tell him that sometimes you don't think he'll win. Because you know he can. He's fucking Lewis Hamilton. You're crying before he gets past the checkered flag, and when you hear his voice in your ears, his emotions boiling over, you're sobbing.
Two and a half years since he's won a race. As the time has grown longer you've of course seen his worry, heard his fears. "I'm getting old now darling, maybe..."
He's never finished that thought aloud - maybe I'll never win another - and now you're glad he hasn't. Because he's done it - here, at home.
It's tears and laughter. Hugs among his family and the Mercedes team that could crack a rib. And then there's him.
Forehead to helmet, teary eyes staring into teary eyes. His cheeks are wet and the hands gripping your shoulder are trembling, just as his voice. "We did it darling."
"You did it."
"Couldn't have without you."
More tears and more laughter. Champagne flows for hours it seems but it's really for the cameras. For the team. Then it's just you and him and Roscoe, piled up on the bed. Lewis loves to groan that he can't hang with the "kids" and party like he used to, like the world expects him to. The celebration is lowkey and filled with love, like everything Lewis does.
A quiet talk while his head rests in your lap, Roscoe snoring next to you. Hands linked, and you can hear the childish wonder in his voice as he talks about what Silverstone means to him. There's dinner with his family soon, but for the time just him and you. And later, when the two of you crawl into bed again his lovemaking is sweet, befitting the emotions of the day.
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