#I kind of want to recreate all of them Jeremiah the Prophet style 👀
I just had a visceral flashback regarding an assignment in psychology class back in 11th grade, where we had to draw a representation of a mental illness on a 3x5 card. I did mine on Stockholm syndrome, and parodied the formatting of 1990s — 2000s Watchtower front covers (“Stockholm Syndrome, What is it?”) and drew a detailed political cartoon of Caleb and Sofia dreamily hugging a maniacal Steven Lett, who was holding marionette controllers, attached to their limbs. I’m not sure if I still have it somewhere, if it was destroyed in The Great Bookburning of 2019, or if my psych teacher has it… but I can picture it in my head and it‘s positively revolting (I had purposefully drawn the expressions to make it look as menacing, and borderline p***phillic as I possibly could without getting myself referred to the school counselor; because I was freshly deconverted and VERY pissed off, that’s why).
I also parodied the JW tracts (destroyed), as well as the business cards (intact; she asked me if she could keep that one and I agreed… I should’ve given her all of them (she wanted the others too). At least she’d enjoy them and not bash me for expressing myself). Every single one of them was copied to the letter, with fake QR codes on the back and everything. The business card was an advertisement for therapy (we were studying the different techniques and identifying them); I specialized my “practice” for cult trauma. And then the tract was an assignment where we had to make a trifold pamphlet for something… maybe the five stages of grief??? I think it was something like that.
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