#I kind of draxum-pilled myself into giving him a bigger part in 100 feet instead
dandylovesturtles · 6 days
Hello! I just wanna say that I love your writing and thanks so much for sharing it :) I noticed a really cool thing you do in how you’ve extrapolated on and built upon Leo and Draxum’s father + son relationship, like in Port in a Storm, the Room fic, and I think there was another one shot where Draxum gave Leo tea after screaming himself hoarse (apologies if I’m confusing you with another author on that one). You’ve given them a really interesting dynamic. I’m curious if there was anything in particular that inspired the way you write them or maybe what your thought process was behind it?
Awww, thank you so much! And yes, you have the right person! That was one of my Bad Things Happen Bingo fics.
I'll admit I kind of Draxum-pilled myself, haha. I love a good redemption arc, and while the one we got in canon was unfortunately cut short (not their fault, of course), the bones of what Draxum and the boys could be are strong, and I love playing with them, particularly where it comes to Draxum and Leo, who initially seem like they'd have the hardest time becoming close. My feelings about them really started to grow in IMBI, where Draxum was initially supposed to only show up in one scene but then steadily integrated himself more and more into the story.
I don't really know if I have a specific inspiration, but I think Draxum and Leo have a dynamic that is particularly interesting to explore and I just like diving into that. Draxum is entering these kids' lives as an adult authority figure pretty late, something that's always contentious even when you aren't a reformed bad guy who dropped one of your "step-sons" off a roof. And Leo holds a grudge, so that makes him particularly resistant to coming around on Draxum (even though I headcanon that he doesn't actively fight Draxum's presence within the family, because it makes Mikey happy). At the same time, Leo seems generally desperate for adults he feels safe coming to, which is why he seeks out Hueso so readily and what gets him in trouble with Jupiter Jim and that one basketball guy. Leo is a pretty insecure kid and he doesn't want to be the one calling the shots (even though he's good at it) - he wants a "dad" around that he can run to when things get scary, who will make it all better for him. And unfortunately his own dad hasn't always done so well at that (though I do think he's had his moments and is getting better!).
On Draxum's end, I take him at his word that he's come to care for all four of the boys by the end of S2 (I just handwave that some development happened we didn't get to see). But while he may genuinely care for Leo's wellbeing, the two of them don't really... mesh. Besides the grudge Leo is holding, there's other things working against them: not having much in common, Leo's propensity for trolling, the fact that he's kinda annoying (but he's a kid, kids are supposed to be annoying), having personalities that go together like oil and water, etc. So while I think that Draxum has accepted Leo as one of his sons and would move heaven and earth to save him if something were to happen to him, he doesn't really want to hang out with Leo. He's not going to ask him to come play catch, as it were. And Leo really really wants a dad to come play catch with him, so that just furthers the contentious relationship between them.
This is why I like forcing them into situations where Draxum does have to directly show he cares for Leo's wellbeing. Left to their own devices, Draxum would be content in knowing that he cares for Leo even if Leo doesn't know this himself, and Leo would just accept that Draxum doesn't like him and he doesn't like Draxum and he's! totally! fine with that!! for real!!! And they would probably never grow closer as people as a result. But forced into a situation where Draxum has to show he cares for Leo, has to show he will move heaven and earth to protect him, lowers Leo's own walls as he starts to open himself up to the possibility that Draxum is one of those adults he can feel safe with.
I don't think Draxum and Leo ever get to a point where they're each other's first choice to spend their free time with, even as Draxum will spend quality time with Mikey, Raph, and Donnie, and I do think Leo will razz him about dropping him off a roof until the end of time. But Draxum becomes someone Leo knows is a safe place, somewhere he can go when he has a problem, when he needs help, when he's just scared, and Draxum will be there for him. He may not shower Leo in hugs and kisses and he may not offer him honeyed words of comfort, but he'll make sure Leo has food and a place to sleep, that Leo can talk out what he's feeling without judgement, that he can just exist without any expectations placed on him, unconditionally, forever.
Because that's what a dad is supposed to do. ^^
Thanks for the ask!
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