#I keep switching between him and Fuze
itsohh · 22 days
going from Mlynar and then Degenbreachers long ass greeting quotes as assistants to Doc is so funny. Every time I start the game hes like 'Bonjour'
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and every time I say bonjour back
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
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For Day 29 of Rowaelin Month
“A song fic-“
The song- “Always Been You” by Quinn XCII
CW- Mentions of miscarriage and divorce
"I can't believe you right now."
Rowan looks at his wife in frustration. She's sitting at the end of their bed, staring listlessly at the wall. The skirt of the red dress she's wearing is wrinkled, and his heart aches when he notices the mascara marks on her cheeks.
"Aelin," Rowan tries again to reach for her, but she leans away from his grasp.
"No, Rowan. I'm done."
Rowan takes a long swing from the beer in front of him. The time on his phone alerts him that he's spent most of the evening sulking at his bar.
The guys had invited him to dinner, but Rowan hadn't felt like going in light of his current situation. Instead, choosing to meander to the shady little pub they'd passed by coming from the airport.
His lawyer had sent him numerous emails. Documents to sign, agreements to approve, and papers he needed to read through before sending them to the judge.
Divorce was a pain, and Aelin wasn't making it easy.
"Hey, bud. I thought I might find you here." Fenrys slides onto the barstool next to his.
Rowan sighs and rubs the lines forming on his forehead. "Well, I thought it was obvious I didn't want company."
"Too bad. Drinking alone isn't a good look on you." Fenrys raises a hand and motions for another round of beers. "How are things going with ya know?"
"Shitty. She's never paid a dime of rent on that apartment, but she wants the lease signed into her name and for me to front the first four months of rent." Rowan cracks a peanut between his finger. He has no intent to eat the growing pile in front of him. He just craved the satisfaction of breaking something.
"Well, have you talked to her about that?" Fenrys frowns in sympathy, knowing how equally attached both parties were to the little rental.
Rowan laughs mirthlessly. "No, she said that it was better if our conversations were mediated. I always knew Aelin was catty, but she's acting like such a-"
"Don't." Fenrys gives Rowan a severe look. "I know you are upset, but don't start saying shit you'll regret."
Rowan pauses and reluctantly nods his agreement. It's the alcohol talking. He knew the problems that had festered his marriage were predominantly his responsibility.
He takes a deep breath, but a heaviness seems to keep the air from reaching his lungs fully. The weight was slowly becoming too familiar, starting the day Aelin had presented him with the papers.
Rowan wishes he'd done more. Wishes he'd paid more attention and seen the signs of Aelin's unhappiness.
The day Aelin had broken down in their bedroom had been a cold wake-up call but by then? It was already too late.
"You missed our anniversary Rowan." Aelin shouts and pulls her heels off angrily.
Rowan picks up a shoe and tries to hand it back to her. "I know. I'm sorry. It's not too late, though. We can still go out? There's still time to salvage-"
Aelin turns away from him and seems to fold in on herself. Rowan wants to reach out. He wants to hold her, but something dark is building in the air.
"I don't want your leftovers, Rowan," Aelin whispers. "That's all I get anymore—your leftover time. Your leftover attention. Whatever leftover resentment you bring home from work."
"Aelin-" he tries to cut off her depressive spiral, but she's not finished.
"You used to call me during the day." Aelin's voice cracks, and he realizes she's crying. "Every day, you would call me on your break. Now you don't even call when you leave town."
"Baby, just listen to me." He puts his hands on her shoulders, but Aelin breaks his grasp to turn around and look at him.
"Is there someone else?" Her eyes are wide and vulnerable. So unlike his regular Aelin."
"What?" His brain is struggling even to formulate a reply. Rowan's lack of response only causes Aelin to worry more.
Something in her cracks. There's a quiver to her lips, and her face drains of color. "Oh. Oh no."
"Aelin. I swear there is no one else." Rowan finally says, but it's too late.
"Is," Aelin presses the heels of her hands against her eyes. "Is it because I lost the baby?" She sucks in a hiccupping breath. "You've always wanted kids. So did I, but my fucking body doesn't work."
Aelin closes her eyes, and Rowan knows she's speaking more to herself than him, but her words gut him just the same. "My body doesn't work right. I keep giving us false hopes and wasting money on pregnancy tests. Of course, you would look for a woman who can give you what you want."
He's surprised by the sudden flare of anger in him. "Don't put words in my mouth. That will never be your fault."
They'd known right from the start their journey to parenthood would be a long one. Aelin had a family history of complicated fertility. It had seemed so trivial when they got married. Yet even knowing there could be issues, nothing quite prepared them for the pain of a miscarriage.
Aelin sniffles, unable to force back her grief, "But you resent me. Don't you?"
Rowan doesn't reply.
"It's rough," Rowan admits out loud. "I let a lot get left unsaid. I was hurt and pushed her away. Now she won't even speak to me without a lawyer present."
Fenrys nods, "It's all probably for the best. Once this is over, you guys can put this drama behind you."
"I wish it were that easy," Rowan knocks back the rest of his beer. He grimaces at the drink. It's not taking hold quickly enough.
Fenrys raises an eyebrow. "You both will be able to shut the book on this chapter of your lives and move on? Considering how bloody you two have been fighting, it sounds ideal."
They sit in silence. Fenrys takes the peanut basket away from Rowan and picks at the shells. The bartender comes by, and disgruntledly eyes Rowan's pile of crumbs as he orders a whiskey neat.
Fen was like his little brother, but Rowan found it hard to admit his real problem to him aloud. "I still love her."
The basket goes flying over the side of the counter, and Fenrys chokes on his beer. "What?"
Rowan can't look him in the eye, "We lost a baby. It was early. Aelin didn't want to tell everyone. Three years we tried to get pregnant, and finally, a test comes back positive. She was so happy."
"Shit," Fenrys says quietly. "I'm so sorry."
"It was there, and then it was gone. I thought Aelin was fine. She cried for a week, but then it was like a switch flipped, and she was back to normal." Rowan clenches a napkin in his fist. "I was devastated. It hurt like hell, but I didn't want to send her back into a depression." Rowan shakes his head at how stupid he'd been. "So I put some distance between us. I didn't want her to think I was upset with her."
"I didn't feel better," Rowan sips the whiskey, relishing the warmth. "It made me mad that she got over it so quickly, and I couldn't. I didn't realize that I was growing that space between us. I didn't understand how much guilt she harbored and that she tried to be strong for me. Not until she broke."
"We fought. I said all the wrong things. Aelin couldn't take it anymore, she left, and I didn't stop her." Rowan leans his head on his hands and elbows against the counter. "She's the love of my life, and I watched her walk out the door."
Fenrys sucks in a breath and sighs. "You are my best friend, and I mean this in the most loving way possible. Why the hell are you here?"
"What?" Rowan looks at Fenrys annoyed face.
"Get out of here. Go. I'll tell the boss you have ebola or some shit." Fenrys fishes his wallet out and throws cash on the bar. "I'll even cover the tab. Just leave. Now."
"What? I don't understand?"
Fenrys looks at Rowan like he's stupid. "No offense, but you are about as interesting as a brick wall. The fact you caught a girl like Aelin is astonishing. If you love her, are you honestly going to let her go on being miserable?"
"She's not miserable," Rowan scoffs.
Fenrys laughs bitterly. "You forget I'm pals with Aedion too? Aelin winds up at his house almost every evening crying her eyes out. You two are still hopelessly in love. You're just dumb and badly in need of a good conversation."
"Aelin is upset?" A sense of disbelief washes over him.
"Yes! She misses you, but she's under the impression you are off sleeping around." His face saddens. "I told Aedion you weren't. He knows I go on all of these trips with you. Aelin's just upset you're gone and needs to believe in something that can help her let go."
Rowan stands up, swaying. "I have to go."
"Hell yeah, you do. Give Aelin my love," Fenrys waves as Rowan vates the bar like a hawk out of hell.
Aelin sets the stack of papers in front of him.
Rowan had been camping out in his office ever since there disaster of an anniversary. He'd texted a few times, but every time they talked, it was like relighting a fuze. Things weren't getting better.
"What are these?" Rowan asks without looking up from his screen.
"Your ticket to freedom," Aelin sits in the chair across from him.
She looks thin, thinner than she did when Arobynn was her foster father. It physically hurts Rowan that he's causing her that kind of stress. Glancing at the papers, she slapped in front of him. His blood becomes like an ice river through his body. "Aelin-"
"I'm not the one for you. That's apparent now. I won't hold you hostage in a marriage that you aren't happy in." Aelin blinks, and a tear slides down her face. He wants to wipe it away, but he's beyond angry. She was giving up on them.
"If this is what you want," Rowan slides the papers towards him and pulls out a pen.
Rowan is racing the familiar paths to their apartment. He doesn't care that it's almost four in the morning. The plane ride between Perranth and Ornyth is mercifully short, but he can't force himself to wait another minute.
"Aelin," he yells through their door. "Baby, answer me. Open the door."
Rowan's fists tap a consistent rhythm on the door, and his heart skips a beat when a bedraggled Aelin finally appears. "Rowan, do you know what time it is?"
She's in a pair of grey flannel pajamas, not one of her usual silky numbers. Aelin's eyes are red around the edges, and her face is still dewy from the excessive amount of lotion he knows she loves to put on. Rowan knows all of her routines. All of her favorite outfits, comfort movies, and best memories. He knows the scar she has on her left hand from an abusive foster father. Rowan remembers how the bridge of her nose wrinkles when she's upset in the same spot her cousin's does.
He knows everything about her, because not only were they husband and wife, they were best friends.
How could he have let that go?
Before Aelin can ask any more questions, Rowan has swept her into his arms. "I missed you so damn much."
"Rowan, have you been drinking?" Aelin asks in a voice cracked with emotion.
His hands are running up her back, and his knows burrows into her hair. He's always loved the smell of her jasmine shampoo. "Fireheart, I never resented you for losing the baby."
"Rowan, I don't want to talk about this," Aelin tries to push him away, but he squeezes her into his chest, and she melts.
That had been his mistake. He should have held Aelik like this and never let her go on pretending to be happy. How could he know everything about this woman and not have seen past her facade? She'd suffered. His own pain had blinded him.
"Aelin, I've made so many mistakes lately." Rowan rubs the back of Aelin's neck the way she likes, and he can feel the sobs starting to build up inside of her. "But the greatest shame of my life is not being there for you when you needed me. I was stupid, Fireheart. I'm not going to be stupid any longer. This separation can't go on, we aren't any happier for it, and I can't live knowing I'm away from the other half of my soul."
Aelin cracks, and he can feel the tears wetting the front of his shoulder. "You were never home. I thought there was someone else, someone who could give you the things you wanted because I can't."
Her whole form is shuddering his arms, and Rowan squeezes tighter as if he can hold her broken pieces together. "It's always been you. I don't care if we adopt or never have any kids at all. All I need is you, baby. You are all I've ever needed."
Suddenly, hands are in Rowan's hair as Aelin crushes their lips together. The kiss is frantic, a relief of the stress they'd carried upon their shoulders.
"I missed you too," Aelin whispers in between kisses. “Gods I mussed you so much.”
The rest of their night is filled with soothing words, frantic kissing, and murmured apologies. Rowan kisses the tears from her cheeks and Aelin looks into his eyes like she’s home. Nail dig into skin as they promise never to be apart again.
For the first time in months they sleep in the same bed. Rowan sinks into a deep restful sleep with his wife in his arms once more. He loves the way her cold toes search out his heat. How Aelin fits so perfectly against his chest. When he wakes up and she’s still there, his heart nearly features from relief.
After months of pain, it's the beginning of their walk towards healing.
The days after aren't perfect. They had legal issues to sort back out, more problems to lay bare to the sunlight. There was arguing, but it lacked actual heat, and they didn't walk away feeling unloved at the end. No longer did they fight to land barbs. Their bickering now served to work towards solutions and to express needs.
Between struggles, the love began to grow back. Rowan kept his job at work, and when he was home, it was about them. He started calling her on his breaks again, and it always astonished him how much he missed the sound of her voice. They both strived to communicate their feelings better and actually listen instead of reacting.
Aelin surprised him with romantic dates, and Rowan read pages of her favorite books to her at night. They danced in the kitchen and laughed at their favorite shows.
Fixing their marriage was hard work, but Rowan and Aelin didn't mind. The separation proved that neither of them wanted a life without the other. It was to whatever end, and they wouldn't accept anything less for them.
On one Sunday morning, Rowan opens his eyes and realizes that Aelin isn't on her side of the bed. Panic surges in him, and he looks around to make sure her things are still there.
They are, and the tension eases from his shoulders until he hears soft crying from the bathroom. Darting out of bed, he grabs Aelin's bathrobe and knocks on their bathroom door. "Aelin, what's wrong?"
Had he screwed something up? Was she sick?
The lock clicks, granting him silent permission for him to come inside. Rowan pushes the door open and finds Aelin crying on the side of the tup. With gentle hands, he wraps her robe around her and throws an arm over her shoulders. "What's wrong?"
Aelin looks up at him, a radiant smile on her face. "Look."
Rowan glances down to her clenched fists and-
He blinks, once, twice. Aelin laughs at his dumbfounded face, and it breaks his paralysis. Rowan grabs her around the waist and spins her around the cramped bathroom, the positive pregnancy test clattering to the floor.
Aelin's arms wrap around his neck. The emotion in the room is raw and bittersweet, but there's a hopefulness that can't be denied. Rowan holds her tight as they process the news. When they break apart, the love between them is palpable. They had another shot at this, a fresh start.
Hards times would come and go, but good days were never far behind for them. Because for Aelin and Rowan, it's always been them.
And that's all they needed.
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yijaesang · 3 years
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♪ imoogi set list • pride 2021 ♪
extreme feels under the cut, you've been warned.
unless marked as a cover, all songs listed are originals.
jae starts off the night behind a piano on stage, slowly kicking off into the performance before joining the dancers.
𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏
after 27, jae greets the crowd a bit better as he takes a pause to collect himself. running through the rain isn't something that was originally on his setlist (nor the cover following it ) until an hour ago and it wasn't a song he had really ever planned on sharing. but, he'd made the switch with the sound engineers and there was no going back now.
"This next song," Pausing, Jae rubbed at the back of his neck with the hand not holding his new mic ( sparkly like his La Playa one but this one in the pansexual flag colors ). "is a song I wrote recently while trying to work my way out of a place I've gotten stuck in. It really wasn't the help I had hoped for," Another pause as a low self-deprecating laugh cut in. "but I've been told it's a good song and i hope it can hit home for some of you too, if you've ever found your déjà vu. Your someone you'd run through the rain for."
𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 ( 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 )
𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 ( 𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬. 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 )
for the gays and in homage of wonho starting with open mind and up until his outfit change for seesaw, jae has unbuttoned his shirt down to the bottom two to reveal no shirt underneath.
𝒍𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒅𝒐 ( 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ) 𝒇𝒕. 𝒌𝒊𝒂𝒏
enjoy this cover for the gays with that dancing between jae and kian though 🥵
pausing after libido, jae takes the chance to thank his dancers up til this point and send an extra shout-out to kian for all his hard work leading up to tonight and thank him as well as occasionally appearing in the choreo of a few of the songs tonight, nova. "Music is something I've always just done for myself but having people I consider family or close to it sharing my moments with me mean more than I can describe without sounding sappy and ruining all public image of myself." Laughing, he glanced offstage to make sure Chul was ready. "For this next song and a special treat after it, we've got another friend joining us. Santa Monica, your favorite real estate agent and bus stop bench model — Chul!"
𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 ( 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ) 𝒇𝒕. 𝒌𝒊𝒂𝒏 + 𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒍
𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 ( 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ) 𝒇𝒕. 𝒄𝒉𝒖𝒍
again, thank me later gays and gg's thirsty anons.
all of the dancers including kian and nova having left after fantastic, jae chugged from a water bottle near one of the speakers as chul said his goodbyes and left the stage, leaving jae up there alone now. this was it, the moment he had worked himself harder than ever for all this month and part of last month preparing for.
it was Kian's turn.
"Start rolling now, I'm about to get emotional." Wiping his face with a hand towel, Jae laughed into his mic. He knew there was no way he was getting through this without a few voice cracks, without a high risk of tears. But if there was anyone worth breaking his mask for, it was Kiki. "We've reached an interlude in my set tonight where someone who deserves every bright light on this stage aimed at him, who deserves every cheer and lit up cellphone to be directed at solely him, is going to step out on this stage alone for the first time. He's had my back up here tonight and at La Playa. In fact, he's had my back every moment of life since the age of fifteen. We don't share a drop of blood.... genetically...but he's my brother. The family who I ch--who chose me." Voice wavering, Jae wiped at the sweat again as he tried steadying his voice. "Santa Monica's highest rated delivery boy, social media darling, Pico Hoodlum, maknae of Seht, Won Kian. He deserves the world and I'm giving a piece of it to him in a small way tonight to try and express my gratitude towards him for always knowing when I'm not as strong as I'm acting, for always being himself and brightening up my world no matter if my day was dark or already blinding bright without the pick me up. Kiki works himself to..."
Blowing out a huff of air, Jae blinked rapidly as he took a beat. "Kiki works himself into exhaustion almost daily for the people he loves and will have a smile ready for anyone unless he thinks they deserve his teeth in another way and bites them but for legal purposes that's a joke and it's time he's repaid for it all. Music was my thing I did mainly just for myself but with his help, look at all I've stepped out of the underground and my bedroom studio and accomplished these past few months, so much of it being owed to him. He would fight exhaustion to go over a choreo with me another ten times, pinch himself awake to hear the SAME song with one line changed in tone if it meant he felt like he was helping me. I would not be up here...hell, I might not even be here at all anymore if it wasn't for that bouncing stick of damn dynamite." Eyes burning, Jae wish he had actually prepared something instead of just talking off the top of his head. "I'm going to be right there backstage so you all better give him triple the amount of love you've shown everyone tonight combined because I'll be taking names and kicking ass." A joke, even if he was mostly serious, helped a little but not enough. "He doesn't know but with the help of Taejoon, we've made a video of clips of what went into preparing for tonight as well as the lyrics to play on some of the screens to help you follow along with the lyrics of the song he inspired and will be performing for you so please, do that for him. Make him feel all the love in the world and make his first Pride and his first solo spotlight as special as he is to me — please."
By now, Kian would be on the lift adjacent to the one Jae was standing on to be lowered when his speech was done. He'd made sure to have the sound guys make it impossible for Kian to hear until Jae's signal, running fake sound checks in his ear piece as if it were normal procedure. Signaling, Jae's voice cracked hard and shook throughout as in front of the entire crowd he was now speaking to just one person. "I'm so proud of you, Kiki. Now in this moment and into every life. You make me push myself to do better, be better. Smile more and laugh louder. I know you're nervous, I know how it feels but you've got this. You can do anything, you're as close to superhuman as they come, hyung. Saranghae. Now kill it." Voice changing with the last three words, Jae took a breath and gathered everything he felt to deliver his deepest and loudest hype up yell he'd ever let out on stage yet. "PRIDE MAKE SOME NOOOOISSEEEEEE" Feeling the lift start lowering, his upcoming last yell probably could have resonated without his mic. "FUZE!" Dropping out of sight, Jae crouched down as one hand turned off his mic pack, his gaze blurry from the tears now falling freely as he looked towards the other lift. "I'm right here!" Voice raspy, he yelled over his promise to Kian. "I'm right here forever." Kian was already starting to be rised, the screams and yells booming loudly beneath the stage as Jae slid off his lift sooner than the safety team would have liked to get himself closer to his best friend. Reaching, he grabbed a hand and squeezed. "You've got this." Letting go, he let Kian disappear from view followed by Jae's own voice joining in the chanting.
𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
keeping with tradition, jae closes out his performance with cheesecake in another new finale outfit ( this one designed alongside vanessa ) but he shook it up a bit this time with a new entrance.
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impala-dreamer · 5 years
Lesson Learned
SPN FanFic
~When you mouth off at Castiel after a long day of him being a jerk, things get a little...rough.~
Castiel x Reader
1,830 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Dom!Cas, sub!reader, Grace!Kink, Punishment, Bondage, Suspension, Whipping, Edging, Begging, Grace used in very unholy ways, fluffy finish.
A/N: This stands for my Dom!Cas square on @spnkinkbingo, and was commissioned by the lovely @mariekoukie6661. Hope you and everyone reading enjoys :) If you can leave some feedback, it’s much appreciated ;)
Feedback is Gold ~ 2019 SPNKinkBingo Masterlist  ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon
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His voice echoed through the War Room, stopping you in your tracks as you tried to leave his presence.
“What!” you hissed, turning to glare at him over your shoulder. He was being an asshole; recklessly screaming at anyone who came near, refusing to listen to reason, ignoring your help. You were furious.
Not as furious as he, apparently. The tone in your voice seemed to flip a tiny switch in his mind, and blue eyes turned fierce as they narrowed in your direction. “You, stay.” The command was full of gravel and ire, but you pressed your luck, turning your nose in the air as you spun back towards the door.
“Screw you, Castiel.”
He was on you in a heartbeat, big hand curling tight around your upper arm. He leaned down, cracked lips pressing to your ear. “What did you say to me, girl?”
Your throat was as tight as his grip, but you held your ground. “I said, screw...you.”
The tips of his fingers burned through your shirt sleeve, blunt nails digging into your flesh. He exhaled slowly and you felt your mouth run dry.
“Bedroom,” he seethed. “Now.”
Defiance clicked your tongue. Disobedience moved your lips. “Or what?”
You refused to look him in the eye, keeping your gaze straight ahead, mentally counting the steps to the bedrooms. Castiel’s stern stare bore into you, every slow blink threatening to rip you apart. Underneath the fancy suit lay a rocket whose fuze was about to run out.
He let you go, taking a walk around you instead. You crossed your arms and kept your head up, sucked your teeth in annoyance, all the little things that by doing dug your hole even deeper. You knew what you were doing, of course, but he had been acting like a dick, so he needed a little reset.
Unfortunately, the only reset button that was to be pressed, was yours.
“Do you truly wish to continue this behavior?” he asked, almost calmly, just a hint of fire on his tongue.  
You puckered your lips and shrugged, finally turning to look him dead in the eye. “Go fuck yourself, angel.”
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Of all the things you had done in your life, not many, even the bad ones, held regret.
Telling Castiel, Angel of the Lord, Warrior of Heaven, to go fuck himself became one of the rare things you wished you could take back. In fact, if a crossroads was anywhere nearby, you’d be selling your soul for a do over.
To subdue your sass-laced tongue, Castiel had fit you with a tight leather muzzle, complete with rubber ball stuffed roughly between your teeth. You could do little more than groan around it, and you did so with as much attitude as you could inject into your wordless curses.
Castiel gave your harness a random tug as he walked around you, jerking your head backwards a bit, just enough to elicit a moan.
“Have you learned your lesson, girl?” he spat, stepping around to look you in the eye.
You mumbled as much of a ‘No’ as was possible, and a line of hot drool fell from the right side of your mouth.
“Pity.” His eyes burned as he reached out to grab your cheeks in one big hand, turning your face until you had no choice but to look at him. “You will.”
You struggled to pull away, but Castiel knew you better than anyone else and had rigged a nice punishment for you. Your hands were cuffed together with cracked black leather and suspended high above your head by heavy ropes that met at a single hook in the ceiling. The ropes pulled you upwards, lengthening your spine and forcing you to stand on the balls of your feet, no easy feat for a hunter who usually spent her time in flat hiking boots.
Another muffled snip from you and Castiel shook his head, backing slowly away. He kept his eyes on yours until he hit the seat across the room.
“What am I to do with a stubborn little brat like you?” His lips curled in a sinister grin as your bare legs began to shake. The muscles in your calves stung, and your toes ached. “I thought we’d beaten all the back talk out of you a long time ago.” He blinked slowly and your breath stopped. “I guess we’ll have to do it again.”
Castiel licked his lips and sent a wave of Grace to attack you, striking your back like the hard crack of a whip before flooding into you with a soothing warmth. Your body jerked and then instantly melted, confused by the pain and comfort of the action. Another jolt and your eyes rolled back.
“You’re going to remember the things you’ve been taught,” Castiel said quietly, sitting with his arms crossed, one finger tapping his chin. “You’re going to remember what it means to be my good girl, and then maybe we can forget your little...misstep today. Although, I rather like seeing you all tied up like this.”
The sapphire of his eyes burned bright for a split second and you felt his touch deep inside your pussy, filling and stretching with a mind numbing heat. You moaned pathetically, your shoulders trying to drop, but not getting very far. As desire started to drip down your thighs, Castiel’s touch vanished and the Grace struck you again. The whip was harsh but the pleasure was intense, wrapping around you like a heavy kiss after each strike.
Before long, your knees were useless and your arms began to bear the brunt of your weight; hands desperately grabbing onto the ropes as you tried to ease the strain on your arms. Weak, sloppy, and dangling, the onslaught continued. Lightning followed by bliss, over and over until your chest was soaked with your drool and your cunt leaked like a faucet.
Castiel watched closely, diligently monitoring your vitals and your aura, but it wasn’t necessary. He knew exactly how much you could take and ignored your whimpering cries as his Grace worked on you.  
Finally, you could take no more and your body slumped down, wrists snagging on the cuffs, head dropping onto your chest.
“Twenty minutes, not bad,” Castiel praised, impressed by your stamina.
Quickly, he stood up and opened your cuffs, carefully bracing you against his firm body as the leather let you go. You fell into his arms, head rolling uselessly against this chest. You groaned but Castiel soothed you with a kiss atop your forehead as he hoisted you up.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he whispered as he arranged your tired limbs on the bed. A flutter of eyelids was all the response you could give and Castiel placed his hands behind your head, fingers toying with the muzzle clasp. He leaned into you as he reached and your mind filled with his scent. The wind before a summer storm, sunshine on fresh grass, it invaded your senses and your body ached for him.
“Are you ready to speak to me properly, girl?”
You nodded helplessly and looked up with darkened eyes; lust pushing away all thoughts of muscle strain or the bright lines that surely covered your back.
The pressure in your jaw finally eased as Castiel slowly pulled out the gag and you gasped in relief.
“Thank you, Sir.” It almost hurt to speak, your tongue too tired to move properly.
Castiel fit himself snugly between your legs and braced himself above on his arms, loosened tie dipping down between your naked breasts. “How are you feeling?” His tone had softened, but the annoyance of earlier was still there.
You chose your words carefully. “So wet and so very sorry, Sir.” You wiggled against him; wet pussy on sleek trousers.
“Sorry for what?” he hissed, eyes glowing with dominance and Grace.
“I’m...I’m sorry for…”
The Grace swirled around your nipples, tickled at your clit, swam into your mouth, distracting every word as it struggled to leave your lips.
“For t-talking, talking back to you…oh, God! For m-m-m… Mouthing off. For disobeying!”
Pleasure was revving inside of you like a Harley engine and Castiel had his hand on the throttle.
“I’m sorry!”
Right at the edge, everything stopped. Grace retreated and you could breathe again, although faster and louder than you should have.
“Please, Sir. Please…”
Castiel rocked his hips forward just an inch and you bit your lip to keep quiet as your pussy instinctively rubbed against him.
“Please, what?”
You reached for his belt, desperate to feel him, but he slapped your hands away.
“I asked you a question, girl,” he sneered. “Now, answer me, or back up you go.”
“I...please, I need to cum, Sir!” It all came tumbling from your lips on a heavy exhale and you wiggled against him harder. “Please fuck me, please!” You clawed at him, clutching his tie in both hands, and Castiel growled.
“Is that what you need, Little Girl?” he asked, grabbing both of your wrists in one swoop of his left hand and pinning them above your head. “You need to be fucked back into submission?”
Your eyes rolled as his breath hit your lips. “Yes, Sir. Please…”
“Nasty, foul-mouthed human,” he spat as he shoved his free hand down between your bodies to open his zipper.
“Fuck me, Sir. Please!”
“Nothing but a begging slut, aren’t you?”
He drove inside without hesitation and you cried out in reply. “Yes, Sir!”
Castiel dipped his head and kissed you hard, swallowing down your passionate screams as he fucked into you, quickly taking you right back to the edge. When he felt you tighten, when your heart began to race in a flurry of beats that only his angelic ears could hear, he sent out one final wisp of Grace to push you over, the Heavenly warmth filling every cell and fiber of your corporeal being.
“Cum for me, Y/N,” he whispered gently, stealing another kiss from your trembling lips. “Do it.”
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The hook on the ceiling sat unused, but your eyes were locked onto it, remembering all the delicious torture you’d just endured. You shivered at the memory and snuggled into Castiel, thankful that he’d finally shed his clothing to allow you to sleep against his skin.
“Sam’s not gonna be happy if he sees you drilling holes into the walls and stuff,” you teased with a small yawn. “He gets cranky about ‘preserving history’ or whatever.”
Castiel laughed gently and kissed the top of your head. “I think I can handle Sam.” His strong arms pulled you closer and you melted into him, nuzzling in the crook of his neck. “Are you feeling alright?”
You hummed positively and gave him a quick kiss. “I am.”
“And have you learned your lesson?”
A shiver crept down your spine as you looked back up at the hook. “Yes, Sir,” you confirmed quickly. “Lesson learned.”
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2019 Forever Tags:
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kiruuuuu · 5 years
Kapkan/Glaz sequel in which the Spetsnaz go swimming and some... get wetter than others. (Rating E, explicit, ~4.2k words) - The sequel to this oneshot!
Glaz’ pencil travels over the thick paper, leaving behind graphite traces which form a whole not yet, but soon. His mind’s eye is closed as he draws exclusively with his physical ones, captures shadows as he sees them and dips and valleys the way they appear before him. Over the soothing practice, he forgets all about the oppressing heat reigning unchecked once more – a few weeks, they were graced with respite from this British record summer, but now it’s returned full force and with a vengeance. Still, it’s easy to leave it behind when he can focus on his favourite hobby. Even if his teammates make it mighty difficult to concentrate.
“Make sure to get me from my best side”, Tachanka rumbles, self-satisfied with the attention he’s receiving.
“Bird’s eye view?”, Fuze guesses from the pool, shit-eating grin immediately extinguished by getting dunked underwater by Kapkan.
“One more unqualified comment like that and I’ll demonstrate why my nickname during training was freight train.”
Their bickering has been going on all day, fuelled by frustration over the heatwave – not even the trip to the SAS-owned pool has managed to lift their spirits significantly. They’re more prickly than usual instead of just lethargic and Glaz knows exactly why. “In German, they’d call your best side your ‘chocolate side’. Marius told me when I sketched his Magpie”, he informs the other three, hoping to defuse the situation somewhat and maybe even switch topics.
“Any side of his is his chocolate side”, states Kapkan, deadpan, and finally allows Fuze to breathe again. “If you didn’t get it – I’m talking about your lovehandles.”
“Shut up or I’ll shove that pool noodle where the sun doesn’t shine.”
Glaz sighs inwardly. He’d been looking forward to lounging by the pool in peace, dip in and out to cool off and get some exercise without ending up panting like he’d just run a marathon, and maybe catch a few glimpses. Just a few. He asked about sketching and stormy eyes locked with his for a split second which felt like forever, and Glaz’ mind already provided ample inspiration, excuses for a specific pose, daydreams and a whole lot more unbidden imagery… but then those grey irises slid away again in disinterest. Whether feigned or not, Glaz couldn’t tell.
Tachanka was the one who volunteered eventually, and instead of relaxing around the people he knows best in this passionless country, Glaz is now stretched out on a chair by the side of the pool, studying the old man’s physique and listening to the other three bicker.
“You can try. I’ve seen you in the water once, and you swim the way you fight – like a tank.”
Kapkan probably thinks his derision comes across as good-natured mockery instead of biting venom. He’s lucky they all have thick skin or one of them would’ve retaliated much more harshly than they tend to do, and a pissed-off Spetsnaz is nothing to scoff at. He has these days when he sharpens his claws on them, like an animal: honing his fangs on his kin, and though he recoils upon a pained sound, he’s planning his next attack nonetheless. Glaz has noticed this since day one – Kapkan carries himself like a predator, watching, assessing, waiting.
He takes himself much too seriously, but a personal jab with no harm intended only would serve to rile him up further instead of prompting a relieved smile.
“I was carrying all my gear. I’d like to see you try to continue your water ballet with Glaz on your shoulders.”
“Hey, you don’t get to watch the show and complain about it!”, Fuze protests. He’s been vainly attempting to gain the upper hand for half an hour now and really should’ve known better than to ask Kapkan of all people to help him improve his hand to hand in water. They all know Kapkan is merciless and not above humiliating his opponent, as showcased by the fact that Kapkan’s hair isn’t even wet and Fuze must’ve swallowed a litre of chlorinated water by now.
“No one would pay money to watch you drown for an hour, don’t flatter yourself.”
“Don’t move so much”, Glaz mutters and instantly regrets drawing attention to himself, because even Fuze and Kapkan cease their wet struggling to regard him curiously.
Tachanka is the one who seems to say what everyone’s thinking: “You’re suspiciously quiet today, lad.”
That’s just my seething fury coupled with the frustration of being disappointed every day, no worries, Glaz thinks and unconsciously glances over at Kapkan, who returns his gaze calmly. “I’m concentrating. Besides, shouldn’t we go back? Our hide-and-seek excuse won’t buy us another hour.”
It’s become an inside joke at Rainbow at this point – an unspoken yet silently agreed upon rule states that once a month, each team is allowed the claim to wanting to improve their navigational skills and sense of perception by utilising the natural terrain of the English countryside. In short: they tell Six they’re basically playing hide and seek so they can go out and do whatever for a few hours. The GIGN have used it to bake a surprise cake for Harry (whose vegan lifestyle makes it difficult to buy cakes for him), the Americans snuck off to Skype with their families on Thanksgiving, and the Germans prepared a barbecue plus an improvised bouncy castle for the 15th of October, when Rainbow celebrates six birthdays all falling into the same week. And today, the Spetsnaz used it to splash around in the SAS-owned pool on base.
Time well spent.
“You’re right. Don’t forget to clean up or it’ll draw suspicion”, Tachanka reminds them and rises from his sunbed like a corpse from a stretcher, complete with groans of the dead and joints popping. “I’ll even help, that’s how refreshed I feel.”
“And the fighting was my idea”, Fuze chimes in between coughs, cheeks reddened and looking wholly miserable, “so I’ll do it.”
Next to him, Kapkan is unfazed by their tussle and surfaces from the pool not even out of breath, rivulets of water running down his torso and making his skin glisten in the indirect sun beams falling in from the skylights. He’s… distracting, and therefore Glaz reacts entirely too late to his teammate joining him and pointing at the sketchbook in his lap. “Can I see?”
Unfortunately, he’s dripping all over it or else Glaz might’ve considered his question, but he’s had one too many books with him out in the rain or the snow and knows how ugly the damage looks on the pages afterwards, so he nearly flings it off into the distance with how vehemently he yanks it aside, and merely hisses a curse in preparation of telling Kapkan off for being this careless.
It’s just -
The only thing that leaves Glaz’ lips is an English: “Fuck me.”
And, well. He overheard someone else use it, probably Twitch or IQ when they burnt their hands, and then he noticed others saying it and though it’s been dancing on his tongue for days, apparently now his brain decided it was time to finally birth it.
Kapkan looks like he slapped him.
“Watch the fucking language”, Tachanka admonishes him with a wide grin. “Someone might think you’re an actual adult, Glazkov.”
His cheeks are killing him, they’re hotter than the air outside and getting flustered now will certainly look suspicious. “Just be more careful. Okay?”, he mumbles into his beard, directed at a thunderstruck Kapkan whose expression is inscrutable.
“You two can go ahead, we got this”, Fuze informs them and this seems to tear the very wet and almost-naked man in front of Glaz out of his stupor.
“Oh, I – I can take over for you. I’ll clean. You go.”
And now Glaz really wishes he had slapped him. What a perfectly obvious excuse to not end up alone with him. Before he gets a chance to drop a cutting remark of his own, Tachanka voices what everyone’s thinking: “You shit in somebody’s cereal, or why don’t you want to go back to base? You need to be forced to tidy usually.”
Fishing for justifications, Kapkan lamely defends himself by claiming he still has something to make up to Fuze – which is likely, yet no reason for him to choose cleaning over lazing about some more – and Glaz has to fight the urge to strangle him. That is, until he realises two can play this game.
“I’ll stay, too”, he announces and suppresses a laugh at how quickly Kapkan’s head snaps in his direction. “I can let my pages dry out in the sun. We’ll see you in half an hour.”
“And this why you’ve always been my favourite. Show me your masterpiece in a bit, alright?” Tachanka slaps him on the back approvingly and then heads off in Fuze’s company, the two of them discussing actual strategies about fighting underwater instead of beating the Uzbek up unhelpfully.
A stony silence settles in, making Glaz’ stomach cramp. The other Russian towels himself dry while he puts the chairs away and gathers the supplies they’ll need – there’s not much to do, the pool is being used daily and as long as they mop up all the splashed water, they should be good. Everything is done wordlessly, fuelling the awkwardness causing Glaz to drop whatever he’s holding twice, and it keeps getting worse.
Why have you been avoiding me, he doesn’t say, though he really wants to. We can pretend nothing happened. We can go back.
He could. With difficulty, but he could. If only he knew what was up. But working up the courage is impossible, he’s failed for weeks already and with a friendship on the line, with possibly more -
Kapkan chuckles. The low sound manages to pierce the spiral Glaz is sending himself down and interrupts his thoughts. “They really do have fucking pool noodles here. What on earth do they do with these?”
The supply closet indeed provides a variety of colourful foam noodles, even a deflated alligator and a beach ball. It seems they aren’t the only ones to use this facility for purely recreational purposes. “All I’m picturing now is Seamus wearing floaties.”
His comment earns him an amused snort and the ice is finally broken. They share a grin and Glaz’ relief must show on his face. “I almost want to go back in and ride this crocodile.”
“Or go dive for some of these rings.” Suddenly, Glaz gets an idea when he spots a hoop, reminding him of a dolphin show he once saw. “Hey, you think I could jump through this one?”
“No way. You’re too fat.”
Hilarious. He rolls his eyes. “You wanna bet?”
“Easy. Take a running start and jump through without touching the edges, you win. Otherwise, I win. I’ll even hold it up for you.”
“What are the stakes?”
This is where he wanted to land and Kapkan gladly followed him, possibly knowing full well where this was headed. They eye each other up. “A favour”, Kapkan suggests and couldn’t have been more vague.
Even so. Glaz likes where this is going. “Sounds good. Let’s do it.” He rids himself of his shirt and places all valuable belongings safely out of reach, encouraging Kapkan to do the same, and then walks a good distance away from the pool where Kapkan is standing, holding up the hoop expectantly. And it’d be so easy to win the bet and be owed a favour – so many possibilities. He’d be hard pressed to choose and already, his imagination is providing idea after idea, one more tempting than the next…
Then a whole other prospect enters his mind. It’d be even easier to lose. And end up at Kapkan’s mercy.
He starts jogging, building up speed, gaze fixed on the hoop until Kapkan’s is as well, the other man waiting to see whether the object will wobble from impact, no matter how small, ready to pass judgement on whether he won or lost -
- and then Glaz collides with him and shoves him into the pool.
The splash is extremely satisfying, almost as good as Kapkan’s brief grimace of surprise, shock, and betrayal as he sails through the air, flailing. Glaz almost laughs, gets out a bird-like noise of entertainment before it devolves into a shriek as Kapkan shoots back out of the pool like a crocodile himself, having spotted his prey by the shore, and the next thing Glaz knows are hands around his calves – no, one hand, the other somehow manages to land on his ass but the result is the same, they yank him in together with his previous victim.
Compared to the suffocating humidity outside, the water is refreshingly cool and punches through his consciousness like a shot of caffeine injected directly into his bloodstream, yet what makes the experience all the more powerful are the strong arms enveloping him in a tight embrace. Too tight, he was half on an exhale when going under and wants to swim up but Kapkan doesn’t let him, cradles him close and makes no move to swim to the surface, so Glaz starts struggling. Panic sets in and when he reaches down to pinch Kapkan’s inner thigh as hard as he can, large air bubbles escape the other man’s mouth. At least it’s successful: they rise.
“Fuck”, he spits out when he can breathe can, coughs and coughs into Kapkan’s face because suddenly, he’s too close and did he just try to kiss Glaz while he’s still recovering from nearly drowning? “What are you -”
It was a mistake putting his hand anywhere between Kapkan’s legs. The iron grip around his wrist hurts, even underwater, and his hand is uncomfortably pressed against the other Russian’s swimming trunks. Glaz moves his fingers to not cramp up and oh, hello. At least this time Kapkan’s dick isn’t being shoved into his face. The next attempt is successful and cold lips move against his, hurried, forceful, and then Glaz’ back hits the side of the pool with Kapkan’s body caging him in.
He should’ve known it would be unceremonious like this, the byproduct of a struggle, a line crossed stumbling instead of deliberately stepping over it. “Ask me”, he gasps and gives in, obliges: his fingers wrap around the flesh swelling despite the coolness of the water and he deepens the kiss. But not for long. He won’t be the passive party in this, and he demonstrates it by biting down on a lower lip.
“Like that”, Kapkan purrs against his chest and begins moving his hips against Glaz’ hand, the motion slow and almost sensual. He’s in a world of his own, thinking he’s won a prize of, well, something, thinking he’ll finally get… what? An awkward handjob by someone he was too cowardly to ask outright?
“Ask me”, Glaz repeats with more emphasis and feels his own body react. And how could it not, with a body mirroring his own in strength and build, with Kapkan panting in his ear and forcing his fist to remain where it is so he can fuck it. His fury has evaporated, was probably fed by the underlying anxiousness of quietly getting rejected, but now that it’s quite obvious Kapkan wants the same thing he does, all that’s left is stubbornness. That, and the desire to make Kapkan admit it.
He’s a match, though. Just as pig-headed.
And so, when he still hasn’t said anything else after more aborted kisses, Glaz tightens his grip, tightens it until Kapkan goes very, very still. His eyes are gorgeous up close. Glaz wants to feel him inside so badly, he momentarily forgets what he was doing and revels in the fantasy until a tongue dragging over his mouth catapults him back into the present.
“Suck me”, Kapkan whispers amid the soft gurgling of the waves they’re producing
Jesus fucking Christ. Glaz twirls them around with an annoyed sigh and, while wrestling the other man out of his shorts, hisses: “Why’d it take so fucking long?” All that Kapkan offers is an uncertain look as if he had mild doubts about what he just demanded, but they seem to dissipate as soon as Glaz lifts him out of the water. “Lie back.”
Wordlessly, Kapkan obeys, sits down on the edge, lower legs still dangling in the water, and leans backwards, propping himself up on his elbows so he can watch. His cock is proudly jutting straight up into the air, wet and dark and delicious, and in one fell swoop, Glaz captures its head between his lips.
They don’t have much time. He’ll have to make this quick.
Under the taste of chlorine, there’s skin and Kapkan, and he savours the taste on his tongue as he swirls it around the tip generously. Having draped himself over his friend’s thighs, his weight holds Kapkan down which turns out to be necessary as he’s pushy. His hips twitch and tilt, try to thrust upwards further into Glaz’ mouth and as if that wasn’t bad enough, there’s a hand on his head pushing down.
Somehow, he manages to free himself and glare at his dishevelled friend, flushed and beautiful and flustered – and if it was any other situation, one where time wasn’t of the essence, he’d let Kapkan do whatever he wants. But not now. “I’ll bite”, he warns him seriously, “stop that shit. Behave.”
A curse is his response, but Kapkan obliges and withdraws his arm, and then throws his head back with another swear as Glaz swallows him whole. The flesh is piping hot and rock hard, just like Glaz’ own, and he sucks it down like it’s made of sugar, opens his throat, lets the tip hit the back of it. It pains him that he can’t relish in finally doing this, but hearing all these surprised grunts and sharp breaths has its own merit – not even the cool water can calm the vicious pulsing between Glaz’ legs and he idly tongues the ridge of Kapkan’s glans, wondering what it’d feel like inside him.
When he gets down to business, he can feel Kapkan’s muscles twitching and drinks in every hiss whenever he sucks hard. He’s not teasing anymore, instead bobbing his head in a relatively fast rhythm, using his tongue to exploit that sensitive spot on the underside and massaging the balls with one hand, squeezing out moan after moan. Kapkan is loud, much louder than he expected, and very appreciative. He seems to melt under Glaz’ ministrations and actually relaxes into the stimulation which is, well, lovely, but not goal-oriented. They need to be back in twenty, maybe fifteen minutes. And thanks to Glaz’ stunt earlier, they’ll need to clean up a second time.
He pulls off the cock in his mouth with a wet noise and once again addresses his friend: “Come on. I want to feel you pulsing in my throat.”
It’s more forthright than he’d normally be, but circumstances necessitate it. Not like Kapkan seems to mind, if the scandalised yet intrigued expression is anything to go by – he also tenses up noticeably as Glaz takes him back in to the hilt, stomach muscles fluttering and contracting when Glaz reaches up to gently rub over an erect nipple. “Filthy mouth”, Kapkan rumbles and lets out an echoing moan when his nipple is twisted between two fingers. He’s so hot. Glaz wishes he could blow him for hours, but alas. “Never would’ve guessed you’re that perverted. Go deeper. Yes.”
Glaz nearly chokes himself on Kapkan’s dick with no regrets and increases the tempo, sucks even harder and deprives himself of oxygen, and the pay-off is worth it. With another loud groan, Kapkan shudders, his entire body going taut, and his cock throbs in Glaz’ mouth, shooting out bitter liquid in spurts, in time with soft rolls of his hips. He finally made him come, finally blew him to completion and it was everything he hoped for. Watching Kapkan’s expression slip from need to utter bliss is as satisfying as he’d hoped, and he gladly swallows around the erection clogging his throat.
When he pulls free again, his friend is lying flat on the tiles, breathing hard and contemplating existence. He looks shattered, more spent than after a training session and Glaz would really like to hug him. Instead, he instinctively reaches down and grabs his neglected cock, harder than it’s been for weeks (since the day he made an implicit bet with Kapkan and went to bed early, dreaming up scenarios similar to this one). Right in front of him, a naked Kapkan is recovering from what looks like to have been a mind-blowing orgasm, and as Glaz takes him all in, marvels at his form, the softening dick gives a last feeble twitch.
Okay, he’ll be quick.
He discards his own swimwear, just leaves it floating away, and lifts himself out of the water. Kapkan has barely time to react before Glaz is straddling him, trying not to cream himself from the skin contact alone, and as revenge for all the shoving previously, Glaz guides one of his friend’s hands between their naked bodies. “Do it”, he prompts quietly, desperation colouring his voice and Kapkan must’ve noticed or else he might not have complied so fast. Calloused fingers close around Glaz’ shaft and dear god, this will be an embarrassingly quick affair.
Kapkan wastes no time and jerks him fast from the get-go, almost brutal (probably how he himself likes it and the thought causes Glaz’ knees to go weak), and it’s not only water droplets hitting Kapkan’s flat belly now. The sudden intense stimulation has Glaz whimpering and fighting it, wanting more or maybe less, who’s to say – certainly not his short-circuited mind. He barely has the brain capacity left to suck Kapkan’s other middle finger into his mouth but he does notice his friend’s eyes darkening upon the realisation.
When the finger enters him, he buries his face in the crook of Kapkan’s neck and moans. He imagines it’s Kapkan himself, pictures them rolling around on a mattress with all the time in the world, harsh thrusts and nails raking over his back and Kapkan stares into his soul as he pumps load after load into him, and Glaz is moving his hips now, grinding down against Kapkan’s hand and he doesn’t care how fucking needy he must seem because he wants this. The hand on his cock is merciless, the speed unwavering and it’s flirting with being too much – there’s vague pain there but isn’t that normal, where Kapkan is concerned?
The digit inside buries itself even deeper and brushes over his sweet spot which he rewards with a whine, so Kapkan does it again and again, and with several weeks’ worth of anticipation, with the memory of a hard dick poking his cheek, with Kapkan’s taste still on his tongue, Glaz is shoved over the edge. He shivers violently, isn’t even sure what kind of noise escapes his lips as his climax shakes him to the core, traps him in ecstasy for half an eternity during which he’s hardly aware of anything around him – and when he realises he’s coming all over Kapkan’s chest while his friend is milking him expertly enough to prolong his orgasm, it’s another half. Kapkan lets him ride it out and brings him down gently, doesn’t overdo it and withdraws when Glaz puts a hand on his wrist.
Glaz’ relief is overwhelming and lasts throughout his afterglow: a minute or two during which he sits up, calms his racing heartbeat and inspects the mess he made on pale skin before him. They finally did it. And Kapkan doesn’t even look like he regrets it. He… looks like nothing, really, expression empty as he doesn’t even move to wipe the semen off him, and doubts slowly begin to overtake the pleasant exhaustion in Glaz’ bones.
“Can I kiss you?”, he asks meekly and feels silly, perched on top of another man who had his finger inside him mere minutes ago, and yet he’s not confident enough to just lean down and do it.
Kapkan examines him attentively. “Don’t make this weird.”
“You made it weird a long time ago.”
Visibly uncomfortable with the topic, Kapkan drags him down with enough force to make their teeth click, and though the angle is odd and their noses are in the way, the gesture counts. Glaz feels his muscles relax during the brief kiss and smiles as he comes back for air. When Kapkan smiles back, the fact that they still have to clean everything, including themselves, and that they’ll be really late with no excuse at all loses its threat.
They shower together, joking some more about the SAS operators’ pool habits, and then quickly sweep the floor once again. Stepping out into the blinding sunshine is like running into a wall, the heat is unbearable and tiring. Glaz almost wants to fall asleep standing up.
“Just so we’re clear, you lost that bet”, Kapkan tells him, blinking into the brightness instead of looking him in the eyes. “So you owe me a favour.”
Glaz’ lips curl into a grin. “Of course. You only need to ask.”
And while Kapkan doesn’t respond, there’s a certain glint in his eye which is full of promises and reassurance.
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simonxriley · 5 years
Another long one dksf, im sorry!!! but i just really love your ships!!! For the ship numbers can i get Tachanka 1 - 45....?
Good thing I knew exactly which ship lol because you forgot to put Skylar. The OTP of all otps, I love them! Thank you ^^ and since I can ramble on about them it’ll be under the cut. 
1: - How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
They, for the most part fall asleep in each other’s arms and tend to wake up they same way unless they drifted a part through the night. Tachanka is the first one up by like 15 minutes because he loves to cook breakfast for them and make Skylar some tea. Skylar will wash her face right after waking up and then go downstairs to help with breakfast. Now if the kids are in the picture than Skylar is the one getting them up. 
2: - How’s their team work? Do they share well?
Their team work is very good. They make sure they communicate with what needs to be done and if something comes up, like a mission or one of them falls ill, they’ll ask if they can do what the other was supposed to do. And they’ll always split up what the kids needs evenly if they can’t do it together. As for sharing, yeah they do share well. Unless Skylar is pregnant than that chocolate is hers. 
3: - Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
Very much so. Tachanka will never hide their relationship, even if it may seem ‘wrong’ to other people. And Skylar’s the same way. They both enjoy some PDA, and aren’t afraid to kiss or hug in public. They’re the couple that are so in love with each other it embarrasses the kids. 
4: - First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
Their first impression of each other was too fast paced for Skylar to even get an impression of him besides he’s cute and seems nice. She was meeting so many people at the time it was kinda hard for her to stop and talk with anyone who wasn’t Thatcher or her CTU. However Tachanka had plenty of time to watch her from a distance. He thought she was gorgeous upon first glance and loved how her eyes crinkled at the sides when she smiled and thought she was kind and seemed like a hell of a soldier. 
Was it love at first sight? More so for Tachanka. As soon as he saw her, that was it, arrow through the heart. Skylar was still very much guarded because of her past at the time of joining Rainbow, so as much as she does love him now, it wouldn’t have been love at first sight for her. 
5: - Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
Tachanka calls Skylar - Sky, kotyonok (kitten), and sometimes lapochka (sweetie pie) and lyubov moya (my love)
Skylar call Tachanka - Alex, Moi Sladkiy (my sweetness) and sometimes kotik (pussycat)
6: - Any tasks that are always left to one person?
For the most part they both do the tasks around the house. Both will do laundry, both will cook and clean the dishes, and both will do maintenance around the home. But if it’s out of Skylar’s arm reach, than it goes to Tachanka. If Skylar is pregnant, than Tachanka will do everything, and will yell at her if she tries to help. 
7: - What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
What I said up above about Tachanka taking over everything when Skylar is pregnant, that’s the one thing that annoys her about him. She gets its, he doesn’t want her stressing over stuff because she is the one carrying their children. But somethings she can still easily do, like the dishes or folding laundry. And he won’t let her do that. But she wouldn’t change it because she thinks it’s cute that he’s so overprotective of her and their unborn child(ren). 
That Skylar wouldn’t let him spoil her. This was more so in the beginning of their relationship, she didn’t like him spending rages amount of money on her or paying for her things when she could easily do so with her own money. After a while she kinda gave in and let him start spoiling her a bit more, but not with extravagant gifts. Once they were married than he could go all out. 
8: - What do they like best about their partner?
Skylar loves his compassion. To go through the horrible abuse she did by her ex, to have someone who truly loves her and cares about her well-being is a miracle. She always knows she’ll be treated with respect and honestly and that’s the most she could ask for. 
Tachanka loves Skylar’s strength. She’s been through so much in such a short amount of time. From being horribly abused to losing her whole squad. She could have turned out a lot differently, but she made sure she didn’t. She;s still kind and loving and compassionate and funny, even when the world tried to make her cold and harsh. He will always admire her strength. 
9: - Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
Absolutely and they have. Marriage and children were the big ones they’ve really disgust about, because it could happen especially kids since Skylar already had one unplanned pregnancy (ended in a miscarriage) and it’s best if they both know where they stood on such things. Death has been talked about a little bit, might go into that discussion more as Jade Helm progresses and they haven’t talked about religion yet. 
10: - Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
For the most part Tachanka drives unless he’s on a mission. Both of them cook and do the handiwork. Their bills are on auto pay so they don’t really have to deal with that. And Tachanka handles the public, sometimes Skyar, but mostly him. 
11: - Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
Yes! They go all out for both because that’s how it was in Skylar’s home and they took that tradition to their own. Halloween and Christmas are Skylar’s favorite holidays, she’ll start decorating way before the month even started. As much as they enjoyed it being just them during the holidays, it got a lot better once the kids came along and to see their joy during the holiday season was the best thing. Anniversaries are a little more low-key, with it being just them at a restaurant. 
12: - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
There is a wedding (spoiler, you’ll see it at the end of Jade Helm), it’s a medium size one in London filled with family and friends, lots of laughter and dancing. Tachanka and Skylar both write their own vows and it’s a beautiful thing to see. The proposal however I cannot tell you because you’ll see it happen in Jade Helm and I’m still trying to figure out which option I should use. And their is a small honeymoon. 
13: - What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
They switch things up, if something new pops up that they think they’ll like they’ll do it. 
14: - Anything they both dread?
Traveling with their eight (8) kids. Trying to get all eight out the door in time to get to the airport can be a hassle. 
15: - How adventurous are they?
They’re very adventurous, more so after the kids come into the picture. They’ll do pretty much anything that looks fun. 
16: - Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
Nope, they’re very opened with each other. And they would never lie or cheat on one another because they’re just not like that and Tachanka would never seep so low as to do something like that to her after knowing about her past. 
17: - What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
Death. Nothing could break these two up, nothing. They would go to counseling if they needed too. I would say cheating and losing the ‘spark’, but they would never cheat on each other and if the spark did go, it would be ignited again in a matter of days. Death would be the only true reason they would ‘break up’. 
18: - What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
Their dates are pretty simplistic, dinner at a restaurant or go see a movie. Depending on the whether they might do something summer-esque or winter-esque to change things up. They got together 12-15-17 and were married on -02-14-19 so nearly 14 months. And nope. 
19: - What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
They usually fight over Skylar’s stubbornness, especially if she’s pregnant. Tachanka will want her to relax and not overdo it and she’s like ‘nah I’m fine I can to xyz’ and they’re usually easy thing too like folding laundry or doing some dishes. And she knows her body well enough to not overdo it. They never escalate to yelling though and make up pretty fast. Tachanka will just apologize with some flowers and say he was only adamant because he cares. 
20: - What does their home look like? Their room?
Their home is modern because Skylar likes the more modern homes, but it’s not too big. And it’s a mix of American and Russian culture. Their room is big enough to have a king size bed in it, a large dresser they both share (for the most part Tachanka’s clothes are in there and Skylar’s socks and underwear and stuff she can’t hang in the closet), a nightstand on each side with a lamp and a walk-in closet with an on suite. Decor wise, they have a few paintings, one done by Glaz, one of London and one of Saint Petersburg. This is a little while later, but above their bed is a family picture, Tachanka and Skylar with their eight kids. 
21: - Do they share any interests or hobbies?
They actually didn’t, but they were open to try what the other likes to do. And as their relationship progressed they found things they like to do together, like go camping. That they can thank Kapkan for. And they do go on camping trips with him from time to time, along with Glaz and Fuze, 
22: - Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
No it doesn’t. They’re both military and both understand that sometimes you have to be apart, even if it kills you. They know they love each other and nothing will ever come between that. 
23: - How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
I’m gonna go with comfort. Whenever one of them is feeling down, they take each other in their arms and just hold one another. To let the other cry or ramble about what is making them feel that way. 
24: - Any doubts about the relationship?
In the beginning there were, mainly on Skylar’s part. She didn’t really think she was capable of being loved, the abuse she endured broke her down completely and it took her a while to realize she deserved to be loved and she wasn’t this unlovable person she thought she was.  
25: - How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
Almost all of their time is spent together. They live together, they work together, the only time they don’t see each other is when one of them is on a mission or they’re training with their CTUs. 
26: - How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
Their close friends were okay with it and were happy they found each other. Skylar’s family was completely okay with it, both of her parents’ loved that she finally found someone who treats her right. Tachanka’s sister was a little hesitant because of how much younger she was, but that soon changed the more she got to know her and figured out why her brother fell for her. The only friend that had an issue with it in the beginning was Thermite and Frost. 
27: - Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
They do, they have eight (8) kids all together. Grace, twins Marianna and Konstantin, Grayson, Lubov, Apollo, and twins Lizaveta and Vera. And they do grow old together for the most part, Skylar’s 26 years younger than he is, so he unfortunately dies way before her. But they do live a happy and healthy life. 
28: - What are their vacations like?
Between completely calm and hectic. If they’re not going anywhere their vacations are pretty laid back. They’ll catch up on shows or movies they’ve missed because of work or do some stuff around the city. If the decided to take a vacation elsewhere, whether it be Bangor, Saint Petersburg or somewhere else and if kids are involved than it’s hectic as hell. But a good hectic that they wouldn’t change for the world. 
29: - How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
For the most part calmly, they’ve been in the military long enough to know if you freak out, things can happen. 
30: - Could they manage a long distance relationship?
I think they could. It would definitely be hard, but I think they could. 
31: - Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
The don’t finish each other’s sentences or really picked up any habits besides calling each other by pet names. They do know if the other is hiding something. Skylar is awful about it, she makes it so obvious. Tachanka however is a little harder to read, it’s usually when he keeps his phone very close to him. That usually means he’s planning something and can’t have her know what it is. 
32: - Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
No they don’t. The only time they got into ‘trouble’ was when they decided to make out in the hallway on base and Thatcher turned the corner. He ‘yelled’ at them to get a room. 
33: - What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
Tachanka will do it any chance he gets. For the most part he gets her flowers and her favorite candies, for more important occasions he’ll go all out. Clothes, jewelry, a new game she wanted, or a book. He has a lot of choice to get her.  
Skylar will sometimes gift him a new Degytyarov for a special occasion or something she drew. Tachanka isn’t a materialistic sort of man so buying presents for him is kinda hard. But he will always cherish those handmade ones. 
34: - Do they have any pets?
They do, they have two (2) cats, one’s a Russian blue, the other is a calico and a dog (pitbull). All unnamed right now. 
35: - Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
They bring out the best in each other, or at least try too. They’re always there for one another, pushing them to do good. Their fatal flaw would be their over-protectiveness.
36: - What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
Their greatest strength is their selflessness. They always put the other and the kids before themselves. Their weakness would be their over-protectiveness, especially with the kids. It’s not bad, like they aren’t sheltering them or anything but because Skylar was abused she’s terrified of it happening to her own daughter’s. So when they get old enough she does put them in martial arts and is very adamant on them staying in it. Though Kapkan does take the liberty of teaching them a few things too and she’s beyond grateful for that. Tachanka is very adamant on teaching his sons how to respect woman and that they don’t owe them anything. And there will be consequences if they don’t abide by those rules. 
37: - How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
They would sacrifice their lives for one another. That’s how much they love each other. 
38: - What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
They’re pretty vanilla, sometimes they might spice things up other than that their sex life is pretty vanilla. Skylar does love some dirty talk, especially in Russian and oral. And Tachanka likes oral and the way she teases him. Since Skylar was abused in every which way by her ex, they won’t do anything that could cause her harm, so no spanking or bdsm, stuff like that. 
39: - Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
They kinda both did. Tachanka kissed Skylar first. Tachanka knew the moment he laid eyes on her and it took Skylar a little bit. After they got together and she saw how much he truly cared for her, then she accepted those feelings. 
40: - Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
Their wedding day and the birth of their children will forever be a special memory. Yelagin Island in Saint Petersburg is one of their favorite places to go. It holds the most memories for them.  
41: - Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often?
Not that much. If there’s a party on base than they’ll go, but they usually drink with friends every now and then. Skylar is one of those silly drunks and Tachanka doesn’t get too drunk, when he does he’s kinda his normal self just a bit more louder and will confess his love for Skylar to the world. No it doesn’t happen often because Skylar got embarrassed enough by him. 
42: - Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
Yeah, for the most part. Like the little things, Tachanka not putting the toilet seat down afterwards or him sending her cat memes. 
43: - Do they talk often? What about?
They talk everyday about legit everything that comes up. 
44: - Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
Very comfortable with each other. So much so they know almost everything about them. Showering, especially for Skylar who has to do more. She will tell Tachanka if it’s alright for him to join her. 
45: - Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
Their main goal is to have a healthy and happy marriage and be good parents to their kids. The only heartbreak Tachanka had was when they ended up running into Skylar’s abusive ex and to see the fear on her face and how she gripped him so hard she broke skin through his Gorka broke his heart. Skylar’s heartbreak was when he passed away. They both knew it was coming, she was even preparing herself for it, but when it finally happened it still broke her. The only regret they both had was that they didn’t meet sooner. 
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In which Bandit is right and Maverick helps him cope.
It might have been comedic if the silence that stretched on wasn’t so stunned. It’s not every day that Dominic gives his input without the slightest tone of sarcasm, or a taunt, or just straight malice. But the question had been posed and the German operative had answered with such certainty that it almost came off as flippant.
As if ignoring the others, Bandit moved into the room, lifting his visor as he surveyed the cache the White Masks must have been moving. Behind him someone cleared their throat breaking the near silence only interrupted by the buzz of the dim overhead lights. They had been called in on suspicious activity coming through intel and they had stumbled upon a goldmine of drugs. Before them, neat little bricks lay stacked high, hidden behind a wall that Fuze had very nearly blown open, only to be stopped by the enigmatic Bandit. The squad had waited, albeit impatiently, as Dominic had slid a hand along the false wall and with intense certainty, yanked the panel back to reveal the treasure trove on the other side.
“You were actually right,” Olivier quipped, finally ending the too-long silence, “Like you’ve got some experience or something…” Despite his words, no one moved, mostly watching as Bandit meandered around the small room, studying the stacks of wrapped opioid. He paused as the Frenchman spoke and turned, eyes sharp. Behind his mask, his teeth were bared in the likeness of a snarl, but his words when he spoke dripped sarcasm.
“Well, when among babes, it is important to mind the experience of your elders, little cub.”
Lion glared daggers at the older operative, stiffening as a firm hand found his his shoulder, it’s owner giving him a slight shake of the head. Eliza stepped forward then, still eying her German squadmate as he paused to study the label on a brick, brows furrowed.
“We need to call this in,” she said, taking charge when no one else seemed like the wanted to move forward. Clicking on her comm, she began to give the details of their find. “This is Ash. All threats have been neutralized, but we have found a room full of-“
Bandit’s thick German accent cut over Ash’s in the comm. “We have a cache of heroine, though there are a few bricks of cocaine near the back of the room. Requesting an investigative team for substances in this room, as well as the one hidden in the kitchen.”
There was an affirmative on the other line, the ever calm voice what guided them from mission to mission. Thanks, Six. It kept them grounded, less panicked in the worst of situation. Like a room full of drugs with two possibly recovering addicts.
All at once, Lion started in with, “How do you know there’s another room?”
Followed closely by Maverick’s soft, “I think it’s time to split. Bandit with me, Ash can handle the clean up here with Lion and Fuze.” Eliza began to give him a look, which he caught with a smile and added, “We’ll cover more ground and get better inventory.”
Reluctantly, the redhead nodded, turning to Lion and Fuze. Lion looked unenthused but ready to listen, begrudgingly moving deeper into the room to take inventory of the stock that the White Masks had apparently been moving. Shuhrat unclipped his mask, letting it hang awkwardly as he walked toward the back of the room, intent on making his way from the back to the front to make inventory. The Russian operative largely ignored his teammates as he shuffled items around, making sure nothing more was hidden in the cache.
Bandit and Maverick walked in silence, the pair making their way toward the other room that the German had mentioned. The silence was welcome to Dominic, something he was able to think through as he led the way to another room full of drugs. It was almost companionable, the quiet between the two operatives and many of their fellows weren’t aware of the comfortable relationship between the pair. Perhaps it was the way that Erik never pushed for an explanation, instead allowed Dom to come to things in his own time, yet always remained as a silent reminder that there was always someone to talk to.
They came up to a wall that Dominic removed in much the same way as the first one. Through the entire thing, Bandit had remained eerily stoic, as if breaking his demeanor would somehow break him completely. As the room behind the panel was revealed, Erik did not hesitate to enter, silently taking in the inventory and muttering things into his comm to bring their team up to date. The younger man was aware that his squadmate had yet to enter the room, but continued on as if he hadn’t noticed, giving the GSG 9 representative time to process through the series of events. Moments passed before Bandit cleared his throat and spoke, voice almost distracted. “When I came out of undercover, the raid was so much more… violent than this…”
Maverick looked up from where he was shuffling through some left behind paperwork, expression carefully neutral as he noted the almost pained quality to the German’s eyes. He remained silent, knowing it was always best to let his teammate keep talking. Any interruption would halt any progress they might be making. “But I remember it all. I remember it because I was a big reason they found it. And I never used the stuff, not the entire time I was patched, even when I dealt death to those around me, the kid down the street, the hooker just trying to get another fix…” His expression took on a haunted tone, his breath quickening as if he was on the verge of a panic attack. Erik noted that he had since taken his helmet off, giving himself more breathing room, but the disarray of his hair and the wide, faraway look in his eyes made him look like a wild creature that didn’t want to be cornered. Still, the American kept his distance, instead switching his comm to mute as he listened.
“Everyone always assumes that I used when I was in Hanover, that I took on the role to survive… But a good dealer never does his product… I never touched the God forsaken stuff until the day they realized I was a fake. Then I didn’t have a choice.” Dom was scratching at his upper arm now. Erik wondered if he even knew he was doing it. It was a nervous tic that he had noticed time and time again when the German was caught up in a particularly grueling memory, when the humor and sarcasm couldn’t carry him through the moment. Erik was sure the track marks would be long gone, but that the reminder was forever seared into Bandit’s being. “No one asks, so I don’t tell. I let them assume. What happened in Hanover was a fuckin’ nightmare. Sometimes I’m not sure if I’ve ever woken up.” Dom began to move with the admission, walking toward where Maverick was shuffling through a dingy locker and coming up empty handed, unless porn mags were considered products of interest. The hand that landed on Erik’s shoulder was firm and warm, an underlying tremble to the typically sure grip. It gave him pause and he turned to take in the tired features of his teammate. They had all seen terrible things, all held their own secrets. It was of interest to Maverick how some of them seemed to cope better than others. Sometimes the ones that acted strongest among them, the most carefree, were the most damaged by some unnamable demon that haunted their waking and sleeping hours. For some of them, there seemed to be no escape beyond their own façade. “Thanks for the ear,” Bandit muttered, the look of sincerity enough to quirk the corner of Erik’s mouth. The hand slipped from his shoulder and the vulnerability faded from Dominic’s face. As the German flicked on his comm and began barking information over the line, Maverick knew that the moment was over. They would move on as they always did until another moment triggered the desperate need for human compassion that Dom often denied himself. And as with every other time, Maverick was sure he would be there once again.
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stan-the-fic-man · 6 years
Brink - Chapter 6: Iacon Under Siege
Chapter 6: Iacon Under Siege
"It would seem that these pests have managed to get a little more time." Megatron said through gritted teeth, lowering his cannon, "Seeing as how we have far more pressing matters to tend to."
No sooner did Megatron lower his weapon, did everyone else in the room. With the immediate danger no longer being pointed directly at them, Steven and the Gems all let out sighs of relief. Yes, it was clear that it wasn't going to last, but the immediate danger was avoided for now, and possibly for good. Provided that things with the Autobots didn't go sour as well.
"Onslaught," Megatron said, turning to his underling, "You and the Combaticons will join the fight with our ground troops. I refuse to be taken by surprise any further today."
"Yes, Lord Megatron." Onslaught said, turning to his brothers, "Combaticons, move out."
On the command, all of the Combaticons switched into the vehicle mode, making their way for the exit. With the five of them out of the room, Megatron turned to Optimus once again.
"Don't think that this is over so easily, Prime." Megatron warned, "We will settle this matter once this issue is dealt with."
"I will allow you only this last warning to let this be, and let us deal with them." Optimus said, "Attempt anything else, and you will find any further negotiations to be near impossible."
"We'll see about that." was all Megatron said before casting his optics down at the small beings.
Steven couldn't help but bite his lip at the way the Decepticon leader looked at him. It a look that was all too similar to the ones the diamonds gave him, yet somehow more cold and calculative. As if he was trying to convey the ways he would end him using only his eyes.
With nothing else said, Megatron shifted shape, taking on what looked like to Steven, a sort of jet form. With his vehicle form taken, Megatron's thrusters ignited, and he left the room at an insanely fast speed.
With the source of standoff gone (if only for the moment), the Autobots were able to relax ever so slightly. There was still a battle to be fought, but at least it wouldn't be a complete free for all with every faction.
Yet Hot Rod was quick to remember the reason for the debacle.
"Steven?!" he shouted, "What are you guys doing here? How did you get here?!"
"Questions that do need to be answered, but not here." Optimus said before anything could be elaborated on, "We must take them to the nerve center. It will be safest there. Wheeljack, I need a ground bridge."
"Optimus, with all due respect, do you really think that is the wisest idea?" Perceptor asked, "I realize that our situation is not ideal, but that is our most secure area for a reason."
"It is our only option at the moment, Perceptor." Optimus said, before looking down at the four, "I'm sorry that this is the way we had to meet, but we must see to our planet's defense. Any questions and concerns that you have will be answered afterward."
While the four of them had their doubts about things on this planet, there was something about the way that the Autobot leader spoke that helped put them at a slight bit of ease. His voice was oddly reassuring. Despite it being so deep, it had an almost comforting tone to it. Almost like a parent.
Not long after Optimus made the call to his friend, a large green portal opened up behind all of them.
"Perceptor, you go through first." Optimus told the scientist, "We will join you momentarily."
Perceptor simply nodded, casting one last glance down at their visitors before making his way to the ground bridge. This day had been full of far too many surprises for his liking, so he was looking forward to getting back to his lab.
"Jazz, you will join me on the line with helping to drive all incoming forces back." Optimus told his friend, before looking over to Hot Rod, "Hot Rod, you will remain in the nerve center with our guests. If anything happens, ensure that they get back to their home planet safely."
"Yes Optimus." the two said simultaneously.
"Come." Optimus said to the four, gesturing to the portal.
The gems were understandably hesitant about going through. They had been on this planet for less than an hour, and they had their lives threatened. Even with the fact that they knew the Autobots were less likely to hurt them, there was no real telling if all of them were as civil the ones that came to earth.
That being said, they were not swimming in options at the moment.
Steven was the first one to step forward, looking up at Optimus with a mixture of curiosity and caution. The two made eye contact, and the mutual feeling of hesitation was shared by both of them.
Despite the very clear difference in both size and structure, Steven could see emotions in the robotic being's eyes. Despite the obvious feelings of uncertainty between them, there was a strong feeling of confidence coming from Optimus. Something that was helping to ease the tension out of him. And, if nothing else, he had come to their aid without any delay.
Looking back at the other three, Steven nodded his head.
"If they really wanted to hurt us, I don't think they would have fought that hard to help us."
While none of the gems were fully convinced, they knew that options were limited, at best. Yes, Jazz and Hot Rod had proven to be welcoming, but that could have very well been a complete ruse. It wouldn't be the first time that they were fooled by someone pretending to be friendly.
"Well, it's our best bet. Anything's better than waiting for big, grey, and angry to come back." Amethyst said.
"They're both right. We'll work out all of the details later, but we need to get somewhere safer than this. If only for the moment." Garnet said, looking to Pearl.
"Oh… alright. I can't argue with this. Trap or not, at least it will buy us some time." Pearl conceded.
Optimus nodded to the four of them, gesturing to the portal once more. The four began to walk to the opening of energy, wondering if this thing would cause the same effect that happened on the flight here. Considering they hadn't seen what brought them here in the first place, it could only be speculated at.
However, just as the three were about to go through, several explosions could be heard outside, causing the ground to shake and the lights to flicker. Everyone ducked their heads a slight bit, fearing for debris or shrapnel to come flying their way.
After the explosions, the ground bridge began to pulsate and distort. Everyone looked to it, noticing that it was starting to fade until it distorted so much that it completely vanished.
"Oh, blast it!" Optimus heard over the radio, immediately recognizing the voice.
"Wheeljack, report. The ground bridge has collapsed." Optimus said.
"Optimus, we have a situation up here. I don't know what they hit out there, but we a blew a fuze." The inventor was interrupted by the sound of another explosion in the background. "Make that three fuses."
"Was Perceptor able to get through?" Optimus asked.
"That I was, Optimus." the scientist said over the radio, "We're already working to get power back to the ground bridge, but it may take some time. Though I'm afraid that keeping the power running, much less stable, is going to consume a large amount of that time."
"Then we'll have to transport them by another means." Optimus said, trying to think of a way to get their guests to safety.
"If we need to get them out of here, we're in luck. We brought back more than just information from that planet." Jazz said, before changing into his new alternate earth vehicle mode.
Seeing this, Hot Rod did the same and changed to his vehicle mode. While the style of cars that they had chosen were not exactly roomy, between the two of them, they could hold the four and get them where they needed.
While it surprised Optimus a bit to see that both Jazz and Hot Rod in different forms, it was not something he was about to question. There was clearly more to the planet that they had visited than any of them initially thought, but further investigation would have to wait.
"Very well." Optimus said, "I will provide you with protection, should anything happen on our way there. Stay close and do not take any unnecessary risks. Let us hope that the trip there has little trouble."
With that, Optimus transformed into his alternate form. To the gems, it almost looked like some sort of truck, but there were was a noticeable difference. Behind them, they heard the sound of car doors opening.
"Hop in you guys." Hot Rod said, "We can each take two of you. Just strap yourselves in, and hold on. I have a feeling this ride is going to be a little more than bumpy."
The four did as they were asked, with Amethyst and Steven going with Hot Rod, and Pearl and Garnet riding with Jazz. As soon as they were seated, the doors closed and secured themselves.
"Nice interior, Hot Shot." Amethyst commented, looking around the inside of Hot Rod's vehicle form.
"Uh… Thanks?" Hot Rod said, not sure if she was giving him a genuine compliment.
"Welcome aboard, I'm Jazz and I'll be your driver. For your safety, I ask that you keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. We may experience some traffic today, so keep your schedules loose, and thank you for choosing Autobot transit." Jazz told the two, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
While Garnet did appreciate his attempt, Pearl was far less amused. They still had no idea where in the universe they were, or where they were about to be going. As easy as it was to make jokes, she was still longing for answers on many things.
With all of them now secured, Optimus and the other Autobots revved themselves up.
"Autobots, Roll out!"
With that phrase uttered, Optimus sped out of the meeting hall, Jazz and Hot Rod following closely behind him.
"While I have been doing a great deal of research on this planet since arriving here, yet there are still some things that even I do not understand." Peridot informed the Autobot.
"You don't say." Cliffjumper said, sounding completely disinterested.
After the scouting ship had left, Peridot had decided to keep Cliffjumper more or less distracted by offering to show him around the area of Beach City. While his previous question about where everyone had gone was unanswered, he knew that reconning the area was probably a good idea. If there were going to be more coming, than he should have at least a basic idea of everything that was around.
Not only that, but he also wanted to make sure that Soundwave's underling didn't decide to get into any trouble with the locals. He wasn't that worried about the Con himself, as he knew that he would continue to simply monitor the Communication relay, like almost always seemed to do back on Cybertron.
So there he was, in his new vehicle form, driving around the area with Peridot in his driver's seat. It all would have been fine, enjoyable even, if it weren't for one simple thing.
Peridot refused to stop talking or calm down for even a single second.
It's not that he minded having her tell him things about the planet and everything around, but she did so like a scraplet that had gotten into red energon. She talked inanely fast, and she seemed to try and justify herself as some sort of superior intellect among everyone else in the small group that they had met.
"Although I will admit that I have some problems with humans and this planet in general, there are many perks to living here as well." Peridot went on, "I'm sure it will take you all some time to get used to things as well but rest assured, I will be so generous as to help you all."
"How lucky we are." Cliff said, barely listening at this point.
He could only hope that Jazz and the rest of the bots were enduring more problems than him. He needed to do something to get his mind off of things. He then remembered that Hot Rod had earlier picked up some sort of transmission while they were making their way here. Maybe there was something he could pick up.
As Peridot continued to drone on, Cliff began turning the radio knobs in his interior trying to find something to take his mind off things.
"But anyway, what's really important is-"
"Hey, what's this?" Cliff said, cutting her off with the music.
Iron birds of fortune
Adrift above the skies
Cloudy revelations
Unseen by naked eyes
Flying tools of torment
Will penetrate the sphere
Erupt the rock of ages
Bringing final fear
Instruments of destruction
Tools of power plays
It's a violent eruption
Existence drips away
"Wow, this is really something. Mind if we listen to this for a bit?" Cliff asked, not actually wanting a response.
Peridot had her mouth still hanging open when the music started to play, trying to hold on to the words that were on the tip of her tongue. She wasn't used to being cut off like that, but she was fully intent on picking up where she left off after the music was finished.
While Cliff was enjoying the brief reprieve from the information overload he was receiving from his small friend, he knew that it would only be a matter of time before she would start up again.
In the back of his mind, he could only hope that Jazz and the others were just as bored as he was.
"Look out!" Pearl shouted, pointing out a piece of rubble that had fallen into their path.
Fortunately for both of his passengers, Jazz was quick behind the wheel, effortlessly steering away from the debris.
"Ladies, please. I will handle the driving, you dig?" Jazz remarked.
As the three sped down what was left of the roads of Iacon, Steven and the Gems were able to get their first look at the surface of the planet. And if the state of this one city was anything to go by, it was a wonder how anything was able to carve out a living here.
While the buildings of the area could certainly outclass anything seen on earth, and even some on the Gem homeworld, nearly every single one of them was in a state of disrepair. The entire city looked like a war zone.
"Hot Rod, what's going on here? What happened to this place?" Steven asked.
"I'm little busy right now, so questions are going to have to wait until later." Hot Rod said, "In the meantime, how about you answer a question for me? What you all doing here?"
"Well, the constant question dodging is part of the answer." Steven said, "You didn't exactly leave us with a lot to go on, and there were about to be more of you there. We needed to know what was about to happen."
"So after all that, you're saying you didn't trust us?" Hot Rod asked.
"Look, guys, you and your friends may have been alright, but the others were anything but friendly." Amethyst interjected, "More of those guys coming to Earth is hardly something that the planet needs."
"Look, there's a reason that we couldn't tell you that much." Hot Rod said, trying to keep his attention focused on the road, and trying to answer some of his passenger's questions. "It's called protocol, and we have to follow it. And as you can now see, there's a reason we didn't want you to be part of this."
"He's not wrong." Jazz said, putting in his own thoughts on the matter, "Prime has a very strict policy when it comes to other inhabited planets. The biggest one being, don't involve those who don't need to be."
"Well if you had just told us, we wouldn't have done this in the first place." Pearl chided, "It wouldn't have been that difficult."
"Believe me, we didn't want to involve you at all." Jazz said, "However, with you now being involved, there's no going back from here. We'll try to get you back, but with-"
"Stay focused, Autobots." Prime interrupted, "We are not alone."
Steven was about to ask what he meant, only to be cut off by an explosion that was only feet away from them. Looking out the window, he tried to see where it came. Looking up, he saw what he assumed was the cause flying straight towards them.
The flying vehicle was similar to some of the other Cybertronians, looking similar to that of earth crafts, with a notably otherworldly design to it. Thinking that it was where the explosion came from, Steven suspicions were soon confirmed when several missiles launched from it.
"Unless I missed my guess, those are heat seekers." Jazz said.
"Maintain your heading. I'll handle this." Optimus said, picking up speed.
The gems all watched as Optimus sped ahead of them, anxious about the incoming threat. Ahead, Optimus found a piece of rubble that looked suitable enough for a ramp. Taking the chance, he went to his maximum speed and launched himself into the air, transforming once he was airborne.
His blaster already at the ready, Optimus took several shots, taking out the missiles before they could get any closer. Even with those out of the way, the ship drew closer to Prime. Switching out his blaster, Optimus produced a large ax from his arm.
In a motion that was almost to quick for eyes to see, Optimus spun in mid-air and sliced through the jet, causing it to careen off course and hit the side of a nearby building, exploding on impact. Just before hitting the ground, Optimus transformed back into his vehicle mode and continued driving.
"Woah!' Steven said in awe, "That was so cool"
"I agree that Prime has some moves, but we got a rather big issue now." Jazz said, "Now that they know where he is, we are now going to be the focus of a lot of bad attention."
"How so?" Pearl asked.
Before anyone could answer, several blasts of energy came raining down. The four passengers all looked back, seeing that there was now a group of identical looking ships following them.
"That answer your question?" Jazz asked, starting to steer himself erratically to avoid more shots.
As the three Autobots kept going, they had to continuously dodge and outmaneuver shots that were raining down from above. All the while, their passengers were loudly expressing their displeasure about the situation they were in.
Optimus knew that, if this kept up they would soon be beset upon by too many to effectively avoid them. They needed help, and quick.
"Any Autobots in the immediate area, this is Optimus." Prime said, letting out a distress call, "We are en route to the nerve center and have fallen under heavy enemy fire. Requesting backup."
"This is Jetfire." a new voice said over the radio, "The aerialbots and I have your coordinates, but we're too far out from our position. We'll try to make it, but it will take us some time."
"No need, Jetfire. Prime and the others are coming up to our checkpoint. We'll cover them, and you worry about clearing the skies." a gruff voice said over the radio. A voice that sounded familiar to the Gems.
"Appreciated, Ironhide." Optimus said, "We'll make our way to you. Just ensure that you have the turret defenses ready."
"I think we've heard that voice before." Steven commented.
"If you were in the loading bay, that wouldn't surprise me. Also, sorry in advance." Hot Rod said.
"Sorry? Sorry for wha-" Amethyst tried to say before the backs of the seats pushed forward, pushing them out of viewing point of the windows.
Over with Jazz, he was doing much of the same to Garnet and Pearl. Needless to say, none of them were happy about their current seating arrangement.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Pearl shouted.
"Sorry, but it's best that the others don't see you right now." Jazz told them, "At least not until we get you somewhere safe."
"If it helps, at least you don't have to worry about seeing what's coming." Hot Rod said, knowing his comment was not helpful in the slightest.
"It doesn't." Garnet said, an explosion going off just as she said that.
As the three Autobots continued down the broken streets, continuously dodging fire from above, more of the strange airborne enemies started coming. The fire from above was getting so heavy that outmaneuvering it was becoming nearly impossible. They knew that, if this kept up, they wouldn't last.
Thankfully, the help that the group desperately needed finally arrived.
Several shots came from some ways away, all aimed at the attackers from above. While several of the shots missed, enough hit their mark that the enemies from above broke off and halted their pursuit of Prime and the others, if only temporarily.
From above, three forms came falling from above to join in the small convoy. One was large and red (similar to Optimus), another was of the same size as Jazz and Hot Rod but white, and the final one was small and yellow.
"Backup has arrived." the red one said, joining Optimus at the front, "Sorry that took so long, Prime."
"Think nothing of it, Ironhide." Optimus said, "The only thing that matters now is getting to safety and turning the tide of this attack."
In the back of the convoy, the two other vehicles joined with Jazz and Hot Rod.
"Jazz, what is up with the new paint job you and Hot Rod have?" the yellow one asked.
"No need for jealousy, Bee." Jazz remarked, "We can't all look this good."
"Well let's make sure that your finish doesn't get ruined." the white one said.
"Come on Smokescreen." Hot Rod said, "Do we look anything like Knockout?"
The conversation was interrupted when more fire started to rain down from above once again. The autobots refocused themselves, again trying to dodge everything that came their way.
"We're coming up on the checkpoint." Ironhide said, "Smokescreen and I will take up positions to keep them off your fenders. Bee, Get ahead of us and let them through."
"I'm on it." Bumblebee said, kicking in his speed boosters, getting ahead of everyone.
As Bumblebee went faster, he was met with only minor attacks from the enemies above, as they were more focused on their main target: Optimus.
The checkpoint in question was little more than a set of buildings on the road with an energy barrier blocking the path. On the top of both buildings, there was a defense turret that was taking shots at airborne enemies.
Bee reached the checkpoint, transforming into his robot form. Heading to the energy barrier, he quickly deactivated it. With the path open for the other autobots, Bumblebee brought out his blaster and took up a position to help ward off more incoming enemies, managing to take out a few before they got any closer.
"We'll hang back and keep anything from following you. It should be a straight shot to the nerve center from here." Ironhide told them, "Smokescreen, get in position and take down those fliers."
"Yes, sir." Smokescreen said, heading to help out Bumblebee.
"Stay safe, autobots." Optimus told them, "I will return to join you in the fight soon."
"Just worry about getting to where you need to be, Prime." Ironhide said, "You leave this to us for once."
Quickly changing into his robot form, Ironhide jumped up to the building to join Bumblebee and Smokescreen in the firefight. With them taking care of the threats pursuing them, the remaining three sped through the checkpoint, undeterred by any more above enemies for the time being.
Letting the seats back up, Steven and the Gems all repositioned themselves so that they were sitting properly once again. While they certainly understood the reasoning behind what they did, it wasn't at all comfortable the entire time they were in that awkward position.
"Oh, my neck." Steven groaned.
"You could have given us a little more warning." Amethyst added.
"I did say sorry in advance." Hot Rod pointed out.
"Good news is it won't need to happen again." Jazz said, "We're getting close to where we need to be. Once we're there, we can both starting answering a few questions."
"I'd say that it's long overdue but better late than never." Pearl said.
"Hot Rod, what are these things that are attacking?" Steven asked.
"They used to be us before they were changed." Hot Rod said, hoping that would be enough until they got to the nerve center.
The answer that Steven received was not something that he expected to hear, but it did offer a little insight into what was going on. It at least explained what these things attacking them were, but it also raised a lot of other questions as well.
Yet, he was now a little more appreciative of the fact that they needed to focus on what was happening. In any case, they were about to make their arrival. If nothing else, it would mean that at least some of their questions would be answered.
The base was now coming into sight, and it was just as big as one might expect from something that was to be the central operation point. Several turrets and gun positions were littered across the rooftops, as well as many more soldiers.
Between the building and the road that they were traveling on, there was a large gap that they would have no hopes of crossing on their own.
"We are approaching the main entrance. Extend the bridge." Optimus said over the radio.
At his word, a large metal bridge began to extend from the building. With the gap between the road and the building taken care of, Optimus sped up, crossing the bridge. Once across, he shifted back into his robot form, pulling out his blaster to take several shots at enemies in the sky. While the other autobots were not that far behind him, Optimus wanted to make sure that they would be alright.
As Jazz and Hot Rod got to the bridge, they began to think about what they would need to do once inside. Jazz would have to leave his passengers quickly to get back with Prime. Meanwhile, Hot Rod was wondering how he was going to explain to the troops just what their guests were doing here.
Yet all of that was rendered moot.
A small group of fliers came from above, taking shots at the bridge. While Optimus tried to fend them off, these ones were able to outmaneuver his shots. Several missiles were sent out at the bridge, causing a sizable chunk of it to fall off.
"Uh, Jazz, what are the odds of us making it over the gap?" Hot Rod asked, knowing that they were going too fast to stop.
The two went flying over the gap, hoping to make it to the other side. Yet, just as they were about to land, another one of the ships fired another missile, causing the section of the bridge they were about to land on to fall into the chasm below.
"I'd say nonexistent now." Jazz said.
As the bridge fell before them, Pearl and Steven let out loud screams of fear, thinking they were about to get acquainted with the lower depths of Cybertron. Both Garnet and Amethyst braced themselves but managed to restrain themselves from screaming.
As they fell, both Jazz and Hot Rod took their robot forms, both forcing their passengers out of their seats, and then taking them into their arms.
Seeing his comrades falling, Optimus bolted from his position. Sliding across the metal of the bridge, he stretched his hand out in an attempt to grab one of them before they could fall. Jazz's fingers came within mere inches of Prime's but to no avail.
As the two Autobots fell, Pearl continued with her screaming. Thankfully, it didn't take long for Jazz to act. Shifting his two passengers into one arm, Jazz used his energy grapple to grab onto the wall. Being reeled in towards the wall, Jazz quickly scanned the area to try and find a place to anchor himself.
It only took a cursory glance before he found an opening. Jazz managed to angle himself just enough so that he could swing into the hole he saw. Upon landing, he immediately dropped his two passengers.
"Steven, Amethyst!" both Garnet and Pearl shouted, greatly concerned for the other two.
Thankfully, Jazz was already on it. Immediately going to the edge of the cliff face, his optics saw Hot Rod plummeting to the bottom. Left with no other recourse, Jazz activated his grapple once again, aiming it for Hot Rod.
While this was happening, Hot Rod was desperately trying to both find a way to slow his fall and make sure that his passengers wouldn't get hurt in the process. He darted his head around, trying to find anything, but was greeted with nothing.
As he contemplated whether or not he could survive a fall like this, he felt a something latch onto his back, followed by a sharp tug. As he began to slow down, Hot Rod looked up, seeing that it was Jazz's energy grapple.
Up above, Jazz was straining to not only keep his hold on his friend but to also try and pull him back up. Gravity was still fighting with him, and Hot Rod fell even further down. The best he was doing at the moment was slowing him down.
Off to the side, Pearl and Garnet felt nearly helpless in that they couldn't do anything to help. Jazz was doing his best, but there was no guarantee that things would turn out alright. Just as they were thinking this, Jazz let out one final strained noise before losing his grip entirely.
Down below them, the deceleration of the fall had managed to give Hot Rod some options on what to do next. While he did have the utmost faith in Jazz, he knew that his grapple could only go for so far. With the ground still approaching, Hot Rod quickly came up with a plan.
Shifting both Steven and Amethyst over to one arm, Hot Rod attempted to get himself closer to the wall. When the grapple finally gave way, he lunged at the wall and dug his hand into it. Although it was straining and painful, Hot Rod held on as tight as he could, still trying to slow himself down.
Byt the time they were approaching the bottom, he had decelerated enough that he knew they wouldn't be hurt by the impact. Landing on the ground with a loud thud, Hot Rod let out a sigh of relief along with his two other friends.
"Quick thinking, Hot Rod." Amethyst said in thanks, "I thought we were gonna end up greasy stains on the metal for a second."
"Well, we would have been if it weren't for Jazz." Hot Rod said.
"Hot Rod, do you read?" Jazz call over his radio, "Roger me, Wilco me. Hello, Hello?"
"I'm fine Jazz." Hot Rod told his friend, "A little banged up, but we're all okay."
"Oh, thank Primus." Jazz responded, "That gave me a blast to the ticker."
"What about you? Are you and the others okay?" Hot rod asked.
"We're fine up here. The place we landed looks like it could lead down to you. We're gonna try to work our way down. If you can find a way up, we'll meet you along the way." Jazz told him.
"Sounds like a plan. We'll meet you top side." Hot Rod said.
With that taken care of, Jazz looked at the other two.
"They're alright, but we need to make our way down there." Jazz told them, "It's going to take a while. None of us have been down to the lower levels of Iacon in quite some time."
Changing back into his vehicle form, Jazz opened up his doors, inviting the two back inside. Without hesitation, Garnet and Pearl got in.
"Let's not waste any time. I just hope Steven and Amethyst are alright." Pearl remarked.
"They are. Though I can't say how things will go from here." Garnet said.
"No need to worry. Hot Rod may be young, but the kid knows how to handle both himself and others." Jazz said, turning on his lights as he began to drive into the dark catacombs of the underside of the base.
Down below, Hot Rod, Amethyst, and Steven were looking around the bottom of the chasm, trying to figure out how they should proceed.
"So what, have you guys never been down here?" Amethyst asked.
"Not in a long time." Hot Rod told her, "Ever since the attacks started, we've tried to limit the number of places that use."
"Ever since? How long have these been happening?" Amethyst asked
"Look, I'm not really the best one to be-" Hot Rod began, only to be interrupted by Steven.
"What's that noise?" he asked, creeping closer to the inner cavern of the underside of the city.
Listening closely, both Hot Rod and Amethyst heard the noise he was talking about. It sounded like metallic scraping. Something that both Steven and Amethyst thought might have been common. But to Hot Rod, it was a reason for great concern.
Pressing a switch on the side of his head, his optics lit up to illuminate the area. The underside of the city seemed to be horribly neglected and falling apart in some areas. Stepping carefully, Hot Rod looked around to try and find the source of the noise. When he rounded the corner of one of the pillars, he saw what it was.
There, on the wall of the building, there was what looked a broken, rusting, dilapidated Cybertronian, clawing at the wall of the building. A blue, glowing liquid oozing from the wall and from the creature's mouth.
At first, it didn't seem to notice them. That is, until Steven noticed it, and let out a loud gasp. The creature turned around and, upon seeing them, let out a loud howl. Getting off the wall, the thing tried running towards them, stumbling under it's crippled, breaking legs.
Seeing this, Hot Rod wasted no time in lifting his arms up and activating his blasters, taking multiple shots at the horrid creature. It let out a few pained shouts of agony before falling to the ground, unmoving and dead.
Steven and Amethyst were both in shock at what they just saw, but Hot Rod seemed to be not at all deterred as if he had seen this several times over already.
"Any and all autobots receiving this, I have a confirmed report of terrorcon." Hot Rod said over his radio, "I say again, terrorcon are ground side."
"Terrorcon? What is that? Is that what that thing is?" Steven asked.
"Looks like they were chewing on the energy pipes." Hot Rod said, ignoring Steven's question and approaching the pipe. "I should be able to give it a patch job-"
"Hot Rod, why do you keep ignoring me?" Steven shouted, finally losing his patience. "I know that we're not in an ideal situation, but that's all the more reason for us to know. If we're in danger, just tell us."
There was a moment of silence between the three. Both Steven and Amethyst were waiting for a reply, not willing to move until they got some form of answer. They had been strung along for long enough, and now they wanted solid answers.
Hot Rod simply stood they, weighing his options. He knew what his orders were but, in that same regard, this was far from a normal situation. No other species had seen this much. No one else, other than them, had known about the great evil that they were keeping at bay. There was a good reason for that, but how far could that reason be stretched?
Finally coming to a conclusion, Hot Rod figured it would be better to just tell them and deal with the consequences as they came.
"These things, that were once us, are the reason that our planet is so destroyed." Hot Rod explained. "For a long time now, we have been at war with the ultimate incarnation of evil. He's brainwashed our kind and even turned some of them into more like the creature you see here. He's the bringer of chaos. Unicron, the destroyer."
0 notes
madeleine59r-blog · 7 years
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0 notes
itsohh · 2 years
hiii <3 can i pls request hcs for spetsnaz guys (or just maxim, whichever option you're more comfortable with)? i wonder how they would react to their s/o being a virgin and also very ashamed of it? sfw and nsfw are both ok 💞
not exactly what the ask was for (I don't write for any negative mindsets) but thought I'd use this opportunity to finish off the Spetsnaz with a virgin s/o
Spetsnaz Taking Virginity NSFT Headcanons
Tumblr media
When you first tell him, he's a little stunned
Secretly he likes the thought of being your first
In a somewhat possessive but also romantic way
On one hand, your his to ruin. To claim. 
On the other hand, your his to cherish and love and treat like an angel.
A switch flicks inside of him and he just activates.
He’s normally a super horny guy but for this, his romantic side completely takes over.
He plans out the entire situation, low lighting, the soft background sound of music
But he also knows not to overdo it, the last thing he wants is for you to have pressure or get spooked
Is very big into asking you what you would like to do if you have any desires.
It's something that comes out while the pair of you are together. 
Everyone's body is different and he will be constantly asking if you when he does something and will stop the second he sees any discomfort
Sets you in the centre of the bed and tests out where you first like to be touched
Runs those hands of his over your body, your thighs, your arms, your side
Just looking for those small reactions and soft moans that escaped your lips
Eventually preps you with a strawberry-flavoured lube, one that makes the air smell nice around you
Fucks you with his fingers first, scissoring you apart until you eventually cum around him
Timur doesn't want your legs to hurt from being apart for too long so you end up with them pushed together lying on your side when he finally enters you for the first kind
His hands continue to roam as you adjust to him. 
He's patient. So incredibly patient and he plans to set the bar as high as he possibly can. 
He's surprised at first about the situation.
It’s been a very long time since he was one himself and so it was something that just never really occurred to him.
It’s also been a very long time since he's actually taken someone's virginity.
Alex is very nice about the situation, very doting but careful.
He's a big man and knows it, a really big man.
So he just plays around with you for a while in actions that are honestly a lot more sweet than sexy.
He wants you to be comfortable for the first time and ends up guiding you through the situation
Partially with words but also his hands
To put you on equal grounds he starts by stripping the pair of you down but keeps sheets around for if you get shy.
He’s not going to push you out of your comfort zone, even if he does love to look at your body.
Ends up taking your hand and teaching you how to make him feel but also how to make yourself feel good. 
Alexsandr is a big believer that half of sex is making your partner feel good and he wishes for you to experience the joy of 
Has you seated between his legs with his head on your shoulder where he masturbates you.
If you weren't naked someone could almost mistake the scene for pottery
Encourages you to become inquisitive, to touch where you wish to. Try out what you want to.
Has you put his cock inside of you, lets you control the pace. 
Kisses you nonstop, just peppers your face with them
He wants to make you laugh, he wants you to be enjoying yourself, he's going to make you feel good.
144 notes · View notes
kiruuuuu · 5 years
Oneshot in which Thermite, Bandit and Kapkan, uh, deal with the... unusual aftermath of a mission. (Rating T, supernatural shenanigans, ~1.5k words) - written for @r6shippingdelivery​! 💗
It starts out entirely innocent.
Well, maybe not really since raiding a White Mask lab intended to research biochemical warfare is inherently not innocent at all, but the quiet week afterwards is – Thermite is recovering from a graze shot, Bandit broke a finger and Kapkan got stabbed, so they’re out of the mix and don’t have to worry about clean-up duty or chasing the terrorists over several continents. Instead, they laze around at base, throw popcorn at each other, gossip and waste time. Worrying about their teammates is second nature but it becomes significantly more bearable with the impromptu barbecues Thermite keeps initiating, the sips of vodka here and there which Kapkan provides and the innumerable activities Bandit thinks up to stave off boredom.
Still, Thermite wasn’t prepared to wake up one morning with the two operators sitting on the bed opposite him and staring into his soul. With a heartfelt curse, the American jolts upright, heart racing and mind already providing the worst case scenarios. “What happened? Did anyone die?”
Bandit softens a little (which is an unusual sight) and shakes his head. “No, everything’s fine. …Well, mostly.”
This doesn’t bode well. “What’s up? Why are you here?”
“Promise to not tell anyone and promise not to scream”, Kapkan demands quietly and Thermite nods straightaway. He’s always up for being let in on a secret and though he might not be the best one at keeping it when he’s loose and relaxed and drunk, he tries his best.
Before his eyes, Kapkan disappears.
Thermite screams.
When the blackness fades again, Bandit is holding him down with a look of concern and amusement. “That was about my reaction too”, he informs the still thrashing Thermite casually. “Only I didn’t throw pillows at him.”
Kapkan, now again fully visible, scoffs. “You threw a knife. As if I could be defeated by that.”
“What the fuck”, Thermite breathes and shakes the German off to rub at his face. “What the fuck, Maxim. Can you -”
Next to him, Bandit holds up his index fingers and turns them into fucking Tesla coils or something because suddenly, there’s lightning arcing from one to the other and the electricity makes Thermite’s arm hair stand up.
He screams again.
“The White Masks are fucking with things that should’ve been left unfucked”, Kapkan grumbles while Bandit struggles to calm down an agitated Thermite. “My guess is that our injuries allowed some shit in the air to react in our bodies.”
“Wait”, says Thermite. “Are you saying -”
“Try it.” Bandit nods encouragingly. “It’s a bit like flexing a muscle in your temple. At first, it was really exhausting and hard to do, but we’ve already become better at it.”
Because he’s still too dumbstruck to second-guess his friends’ words, he obliges. There really is something, almost like a new limb or one he never felt like this before, and like Bandit said, it’s hard to isolate. He closes his eyes, focuses and tenses the new addition to his body, tries again and again -
And then the smoke alarm starts going nuts.
“Shit”, Kapkan mutters and defeatedly eyes the burning mattress next to him.
“We can’t let anyone know.” The disembodied voice follows the soft sound of footsteps around the workshop. Thermite is trying to burn HARRY SUX into the surface of one of the old tables, yet his control isn’t advanced enough and so the first three letters only end up spelling out GAY. Bandit is charging his phone and looking horrendously smug. “They’re gonna cart us off and treat us like zoo animals. So let’s keep it low, shall we?”
“I’m definitely telling my boys”, Bandit objects. “They’ll be dying of envy, Mark especially.”
“No. No telling. Do you want to end up dissected on some mad scientist’s table?”
“Shouldn’t we at least tell Six? In case the White Masks have injected themselves with this stuff and gone Hulk.”
Kapkan is silent for a moment and makes Thermite jump when he accidentally brushes against him. It’s still horribly uncanny. “All the material has been reviewed already. Doc would know if the formula to this… whatever it is was among the intel we recovered. You likely blew it up, Jordan.”
“From all we know, this doesn’t protect us against bullets anyway, so we’re good. As long as they don’t manage to use these abilities to put on a circus show so distracting we forget to do our jobs, I think we’ll be fine.” Bandit turns the overhead lamp into a strobe light which gets old after about four seconds.
“So that’s it? We just don’t let anyone know and never use this shit?” Thermite can’t believe it. He’s become a real life firebender and Kapkan is demoting him immediately.
“I mean – I never said we wouldn’t use it.”
The next week is the best of Thermite’s entire life so far.
He learns how to make crème brûlée purely so he can caramelise the sugar on top, constantly ignites Kapkan’s vodka shots and has no trouble heating up his food anymore. He develops the precision necessary to burn single words off a page and to turn up the heat until he can melt metal, does a few failed experiments trying to form glass and eventually makes his own out of sand and annoys both his friends by making cutlery unusable.
Kapkan figures out how to make other objects invisible and thus forces the other two to remember the exact layout and furniture of every room on base lest their toes suffer some more, and he causes them to sharpen their hearing if they don’t want to end up covered in yoghurt again. When he realises his invisible form isn’t bound to his normal physical shape but more bendable, they start smuggling him into public places in a bag and then watch other people’s confusion when they walk back out together. They also eat like kings after Kapkan wrestles a deer while invisible.
Bandit makes light switches and electric plugs obsolete, powers the coffee machine from his bed whenever he’s lazy and texts them to bring him a cup, fries his phone in a demonstration of how fast he can charge it and manages to type on a keyboard without using his fingers. He realises he can hotwire vehicles without messing with cables and has to be deterred from stealing an admittedly fetching Lamborghini they spot one day, but the highlight is him going outside during a thunderstorm, hands outstretched towards the heavens, disregarding the rain, and yelling against the thunder until lightning strikes him directly.
All three of them are in awe and horror.
“We can’t let anyone know”, Bandit reiterates and tries unsuccessfully to flatten his wild hair.
The next day, the others return. Making up excuses becomes second nature.
“I microwaved a grape earlier, that’s why it’s broken”, Kapkan lies in passing and gracefully accepts the bollocking which follows.
“I must’ve dropped a cigarette, that’s why it’s burnt”, Bandit lies casually and shrugs at the lecture he receives.
“I was watching a film, that’s what you must’ve heard”, Thermite lies easily and dismisses the concerns about a ghost on the base.
And then, a few days later, Thermite organises a barbecue, starts preparing everything outside while humming to himself, singing along to the small wireless and taking a sip of the beer Ash brought him from the States, and he’s content, relaxed, and unfocused. While lighting the coal, he juggles a little with a flame, makes it dance in the air and eventually spell out his name, and then someone gasps and the sound of something shattering echoes between the buildings. A single glance tells Thermite it wasn’t only the glasses Dokkaebi was carrying but also his dreams.
She’s white as a sheet.
“Neat magic trick, huh?”, he tries lamely.
Harry has his head in his hands.
“When were you planning to tell me?”, he wants to know quietly.
“Well”, says Kapkan. “You know”, says Bandit. “Actually”, says Thermite.
“Talk to Doc. Explain it to him. Get a thorough check-up. Report to Olivier, James, anyone who might have more information on this. And please, please don’t go out in public or blow anything up.”
It fades. As fun as it was, it’s a bit of a relief for everyone involved because it makes their lives that much easier. Doc can finally sleep again after researching himself silly, the worried glances from their friends and teammates stop and they don’t have to hold back anymore. That was the worst part: living in fear of accidentally causing harm. All three agree it’s for the better and go back to their usual routine, sighing in annoyance when they have to switch the television on manually, but going back is a lot easier.
And when Bandit sometimes smokes despite having forgotten his lighter, and when Kapkan’s phone has a suspiciously long battery life, and when Thermite knows a little too much about how Fuze’s date went, they still don’t tell anyone.
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