#I just really wish Sebastian and Ominis were real right now
legendoftortor · 1 year
personal vent on family/health/body image discussions below
I’ve been dealing with some really debilitating stomach pain and issues with eating over the last few weeks; I’ve dealt with this on and off since I had covid in February but it doesn’t seem to be going away this time. As someone with like six different chronic illnesses, I hate when new symptoms crop up out of nowhere because it’s always so hard to pin down what exactly is causing it.
I literally can’t drink or eat anything without being in immense pain and dealing with other debilitating symptoms, so I’ve been avoiding eating/drinking anything aside from a few sips of water to take medication during my work days just so I can function as normally as possible and eating just enough at the weekends to try and make up for it. It’s not ideal and it’s meant that I’m flaring other conditions of mine and I haven’t been able to go in office for work at all, but I can’t seem to get my coeliac specialist to call me back to try and pin down whether it’s something I need more tests for and my GP is shrugging me off, so I don’t feel like I have much of a choice at the moment. I think it may be gastroparesis (as it’s a comorbidity of two of my other conditions, but I’m just not sure because I’m not a doctor and I have so much else going on health wise)
I spoke to my mom for the first time in weeks last night, and was venting about how frustrating it is to not be able to eat normally and how it’s causing me all sorts of other issues, and all she had to say back was that ‘I could stand to lose a bit of weight’.
Like…what. the. fuck. I’m literally having to pretty much starve myself over here and am struggling and all you are willing to do is bring up my weight, which is something I’m already incredibly self-conscious about and feel like I have so little control over? I was just starting to come around after struggling with my mental health for weeks, and she’s gone and fucked it. She is so uncaring and unsympathetic to anything I’ve gone through in the last few years, and I will literally never be good enough for her, no matter what I do. She treats me like it’s all my fault or like I’m faking it, and it doesn’t matter how much concrete evidence I show her, or how many times my husband confirms what I say - she still acts like I’m a liar.
Apologies if I’m quiet on here for a while, I don’t want to be that person who’s always posting negative things so I may just lurk in the background for a bit until I feel a bit better.
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Ok, I just found your wonderful blog and can't help myself, I have to ask for a request TwT One of my too many ideas would be: HLC's reaction - professors included - to Mc's Excuse after MC was really mean in an argument. I have an almost-Slytherin-but-then-Hufflepuff-MC, so...xD If you would like to do that - pls feel free to make it as fluffy or serious as you like - it would make me "Happy as Fig"....yes, thank you a lot! <3
A/N: I feel this one on a personal level. Let's make it soft with MC saying sorry
MC: They know there's no real excuse for what they said. They could give their reasons, prescriptive and feelings at the time of the argument but they can't un-say what left their mouth. They almost wished they knew how to use the memory charm. Then they might not be standing there awkwardly awaiting the judgment from their friends and professors.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He sighs. "If we haven't been through what we have up to this point, I wouldn't accept your apology. But...we've both said things we regret. No point in dwelling." He smiles and offers the seat next to him for them to join him for study. When they sit down, he whispers out the side of his mouth. "Now, if you want me to forget, on top of forgiving you, you'll help me with my most recent relic discovery."
OMINIS GAUNT: He's been rigidly silent since the argument. MC almost walks away before he finally speaks. "I'm tired, MC. I'm tired of people hurting me. While I understand that words are difficult when emotions run high, please, don't say things you don't mean." His entire world is transcribed in sound, so people's words mean more to him than most. MC's apology better be sincere if they hope to keep him as a friend.
ANNE SALLOW: MC's apology leaves a bitter taste in her mouth, no matter how sincere they are. She's heard these types of "I'm sorry" speeches from Sebastian and her uncle before. Do they really expect her to forget everything just because they feel bad? "I'll accept your apology, on the condition that you don't speak to me like that going forward. If a conversation becomes too heated, I think at best if we take a break and let cooler heads prevail."
IMELDA REYES: "Oh, you're sorry? Go boil your head." She practically spits at them as she returns to what she's doing. She doesn't forgive easily. She's burned too many bridges in her life to care about one more. At least, that's what she keeps trying to tell herself. What MC had said really hurt and she hates the fact that they have that sort of effect on her.
NATSAI ONAI: "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have let my pride escalate things the way they did. Maybe then we wouldn't be in this position. It is big of you to apologize first. Thank you, my friend." She opens her arms for a hug. If MC isn't a hugger, she just gives them a smile.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He won't admit it to them, but he had screwed up more than one brew from accidentally crying into it. What they said really hurt and now that they were apologizing, he was struggling to keep it together. "No, I'm not- *sniff* crying. I got batwing fumes in my eyes. I....I just want us to be friends again, okay?"
LEANDER PREWETT: He didn't have much self esteem before he met MC, and now that his worst fears were confirmed by them berating him because he disagreed with them, he felt worse than ever. Hearing them apologize to him felt surreal. No one ever apologized to him. Somehow, he was always in the wrong. He feels more vulnerable than ever. "So...does this mean you don't hate me?"
AMIT THAKKAR: He stubbornly holds on to his frustration with MC. He KNOWS he's in the right. They were being unreasonable and resorted to insults out of egotistical retaliation. They surprise him when they come back. "I'll admit, I didn't think I'd see you again for a while. It takes a lot for someone to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong. Thank you, for apologizing."
EVERETT CLOPTON: He thought that was it. MC didn't want to be his friend anymore. He couldn't look them in the eye, even when they needed to tell him something important. He's stuck in his own head until he hears them say the words "I'm sorry." He snaps out of it and stares wide eyed at them. "Really? You mean it? This isn't...you're not messing with me, are you?" He needs some reassurance, but afterwards he'll forgive it easily.
POPPY SWEETING: "Well look who came crawling back." Her eyes are full of malice. This won't be an easy apology. As soft spoken as she is, her heart is hardened to people who've wronged her. It's her defense mechanism. MC will have to do more than say, they'll have to prove it.
MC's got a lot of gall to think arguing with their professors was a good idea.
ELEAZAR FIG: He knows them better than anyone else in the school. They'd come around, they just needed space. He hadn't punished them for what they said. He smiles warmly when they come back and puts a hand on their shoulder. "It takes a lot of courage to admit you're wrong. Thank you, for showing how much you've grown and matured. I know plenty of adults who wouldn't do what you've just done. They would double down, if anything else. I'm proud of you."
MATILDA WEASLEY: She had taken SO many house points. No one argues with the deputy headmistress and gets away with it unscathed. "It isn't to me you should apologize. I'm sure your housemates aren't too pleased to hear that they are now in dead last because of you. Better get to work earning those back."
CHIYO KOGAWA: "Nothing like manual labor to bring out the regret of one's actions." She had them organizing and repairing the quidditch supplies without magic. "Thank you for apologizing, now get back to it. The quidditch season may have been canceled this year, but it needs to be ready for the next."
AESOP SHARP: He gives them an indeterminate reply to their apology, but, deep down, he's impressed. While they had certainly gone too far with their argument, they apologized for making it personal. He can relate to being so passionate about something that you're willing to defend it, tooth and nail. That didn't stop him from taking house points and giving them detention. They were stuck organizing and counting the alchemy supplies.
ABRAHAM RONEN: He hadn't taken house points or given detention. While what they said was certainly disrespectful, he did not believe that the lashing of adolescence should be so strongly punished. They were clearly passionate about their argument. He only wished he could understand their point of view better. He's proud of them for apologizing and rewards them with house points.
MIRABEL GARLICK: As much as she tries to keep her teaching environment positive, she will not stand for disrespectful behavior. She takes house points and dismisses MC before she gives them detention. Her heart melts when MC returns looking so sorrowful and full of regret. She forgives everything and is willing to let bygones be bygones, just don't let it happen again.
MUDIWA ONAI: MC's boldness doesn't surprise her. As long as it was just the two of them, she was willing to let everything slide. If MC had tried doing that in front of students, she would have to make an example of them. She doesn't take house points or gives detention, merely expresses her disappointment. It must have done the trick, because MC almost immediately apologized.
BAI HOWIN: MC must have been aching to muck out the beast pens by hand, speaking to her in such a way, because that's exactly what they got. Three consecutive days of detention just to clean every single beast pen. She nods curtly when they apologize.
DINAH HECAT: She isn't phased in the slightest by MC's outburst, but her eyes tell MC they have gone too far. There's a darkness in them warning MC to back down before she puts them down. "I suggest you get to your next lesson, MC. Wouldn't want you to get lost. Hogwarts is as unforgiving as it is beautiful to those who exploit it's patience." She walks away, not particularly accepting or denying any apology.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He was taken aback by MC so fervently accosting him. He had never been spoken to in such a way by a student in life or in death. He wasn't really sure how to handle it. He gives them a nod when they eventually apologize. "Very good then. Now...in 1252, the goblins-"
SATYAVATI SHAH: She gave detention. That's where MC surprised her with their sincere apology. She narrows her eyes, searching for any sign of weakness. They passed. "I'm sure you've seen the error of your ways, but you still have to finish polishing all of the telescopes by hand."
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: They're lucky they weren't expelled for what they said. He haughtily huffs and shoos them away like they're an annoying gnat. "Your detentions start tonight. I suggest you get going." He did have slight satisfaction that they were apologetic, but that was likely only because they had detention every night for the rest of the year.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Hello! Rumor is you want some Ominis ideas lol
Idk if this is any good, but I've had this idea where after Sebastian killed Solomon, Anne moved to London in with the reader. The reader hears all about the trios adventures together before Anne was cursed and loves hearing about it. When Anne is ready to reconnect with Sebastian, the reader goes with her and chemistry begins to boil there maybe as Sebastian and Anne want privacy to talk, and the reader hounds Ominis for more stories.
Just an idea, you're free to do what you want with it lol
I'd love to see a fem!reader tho 😊
Hope you have a great day!
Oh this is very good!! I loved this idea, hopefully this turned out at least a bit like how you pictured it! I really wish we had gotten to see Anne, Sebastian, and Ominis interact in the game---it would have been so much fun!
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
As Anne paced the floor of their London flat, Y/N was reminded how similar she and her twin truly were. She had seen Sebastian pace in the Undercroft many times during her fifth year--now, as the summer before her sixth year drew to a close, she could hardly count the amount of times Anne had done the same.
"Anne, you're going to wear yourself out before they even arrive," Y/N said imploringly. "Come on, sit down."
The brunette sighed, but continued pacing. "I can't help it. Am I sure I'm ready for this?"
"Will you ever be?"
Anne chuckled. "Probably not. I... I have missed them, rather terribly."
Y/N gave a small smile. She had missed her friends, too. Perhaps one especially... but she would see him soon enough. Anne had told her countless tales of their old adventures from before she had been cursed. It had seemed to comfort her to reminisce on the good times---and Y/N, by her part, was absolutely enthralled in the stories she shared.
It was through these stories she learned that Anne had a real knack for picking pockets---"Never to steal or keep anything for my own," Anne had been quick to clarify. "Just to mess with people." And mess with people she had---hiding wands and pocket watches to drive others mad, while she and her companions watched on in amusement. The targets always deserved it, she assured Y/N. Common ones included Leander or Imelda; they'd even managed to hide her broom once, levitating it high above the Quidditch pitch so she had to use one of the rickety school brooms to retrieve it. She'd complained the whole way up and down, threatening every person she saw that if they had any idea who had messed with her broom, they'd better tell her or they'd get a wand up their arse. Somehow, they'd never been found out.
Sebastian, as she had more or less expected, had always pushed the limits. He'd been familiar with the restricted section since his first year, determined to learn every outlawed hex he could get his hands on. When occasion called for it, he'd use them, mostly on older Slytherin students who got on his nerves. He'd usually get away with it, too; that was the power of having an ally like Ominis on their side.
And Ominis---well, Y/N would be lying if she didn't admit that it was any tale involving him that intrigued her the most. Compared to Sebastian, her friendship with the Gaunt boy was slower coming. Because of this, she savored every opportunity to get to know him better, even if just through stories. The image of him slyly breaking rules made her all the more curious about him---of course she knew he was a trouble maker; he just seemed to do it in a sort of style neither Anne nor Sebastian could achieve. Apparently he had a way with nonverbal spells the others hadn't yet ben able to master. With his blindness, he was the image of innocence, able to cast spells left and right without anyone suspecting him. It had led to plenty of lovely stories that Y/N could only dream to witness.
There was one other fact about the boy that she couldn't wait to question him about.
The thought that he would be there soon sent a flutter through her stomach. If she was honest with herself--which she tended to avoid when it came to this topic--she was a bit more fond of Ominis than she probably should have been. There was something different about him, something she didn't feel when Sebastian was around. It frightened her, but excited her all the same. The more she thought about his beautiful eyes, his well-kept hair, his lovely lips---well, maybe she should join Anne in her anxious pacing.
She didn't get the chance. There was a knock on the door, causing Anne to freeze on the spot. Y/N stood from her seat at the kitchen table, moving to answer it. When she opened it, there they stood---Sebastian and Ominis. They were clearly nervous. Sebastian's jaw was clenched hard, and his eyes darted around the room behind her.
Y/N smiled at them, trying to calm them. She opened the door wider, then reached forward to take Sebastian into a hug. "It's so good to see you," she said. The letters she had sent to both the boys had been brief and far in between. She could hardly believe they were here standing before her now. Sebastian returned the hug. She could feel him relax a bit at the warm welcome. Y/N pulled away, then turned to Ominis.
She had to hug him now, didn't she? Not that she didn't want to---quite the opposite, in fact---but they had never---
She forced herself not to think of it and pulled him into a hug. He was stiff for a moment before returning the gesture. He was warm and smelled of fancy soap.
When they pulled away from each other, she found herself missing the contact. But she had other matters to attend. She ushered them both in, closing the door. Sebastian and Anne stared at each other, each unsure of what to do. Then, in a synchronized movement only twins could have, they moved forward to embrace one another. Y/N smiled---that was a good start.
The group shared pleasantries for a moment, but it was clear that the siblings needed to discuss things on their own. Anne lead Sebastian to her bedroom, shooting Y/N a nervous glance. She gave her a reassuring smile in return.
This left Y/N and Ominis alone. Ominis took in a deep breath beside her. "I suppose all we can do now is wait," he said.
"I'm just going to assume it's going well until I hear explosions," Y/N said. Ominis chuckled.
"Sounds fair enough."
She took them over to the kitchen table, both of them taking a seat.
"How's your summer been?" Y/N asked.
"Admittedly, not wonderful," he said. "Sebastian's been... in a bit of state, as I'm sure you can imagine."
Y/N pressed her lips together. "I can. I got as much from his letters. He's lucky to have had you by his side to get through it. Any more mentions of Dark Magic?"
"Thankfully, no. He seems thoroughly dissuaded from that path, having had time to process the results." Y/N was glad to hear it---she had worried about her friend. Ominis continued. "What about you? How has your summer been with Anne?"
"Difficult, at times," she said. "Obviously, she's been grieving, not only her Uncle but Sebastian as well... it's only been recently she's decided that he can't be completely lost." She smiled a bit. "However, I have had my fun in hearing her stories about you three before her curse."
Ominis chuckled. "I hope you don't think any less of us."
"As if I didn't do worse my first year there," Y/N said, grinning. "I actually found most of them very fun--I wish I could have been there. How come you never told me you were so good at nonverbal spells?"
Ominis shrugged. "You never asked."
"Well, you're going to have to teach me," she said. "Oh! And there was one more thing Anne mentioned I wanted to ask you about."
He smiled, intrigued. "And what would that be?"
"Is your puffskein impression as good as she says it is?"
Ominis's face flushed bright red. The reaction made her laugh---it also made her heart beat faster. His cheeks looked rather pretty dusted that shade of pink.
"You---she told you that?" he spluttered, obviously mortified.
"She did, with the utmost respect, too. Said you've probably shortened Duncan Hobhouse's lifespan by a few years from all the frights you gave him," she said through her laughter. "Of all your exploits, that is what I longed to see the most."
"In fairness, Duncan is absolutley dreadful. And a coward," Ominis said.
"So you're confirming it, then? You purr just like a puffskein?"
"I--" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "I suppose I am. But only to torture that good for nothing cowardly prick."
She grinned. "Whatever excuse helps you keep your dignity."
"You know, I didn't come here to find out Anne had given you material to blackmail me."
"I won't use it to blackmail you," she said. "Just to rile you up a bit. You look cute when you're flustered."
Her mouth closed quickly as Ominis lifted his head, smirk appearing on his face.
"Oh, do I?" he said, tone teasing. His face was still flushed, making it even harder for her to come up with a proper response.
"You---um... I---"
"I'll have you know, you sound rather cute when you're flustered," he said quietly, leaning a bit closer to her.
She couldn't have guessed what would have happened next, though she very much would have wanted to know. Unfortunately, the door to Anne's bedroom opened, and Ominis sat straight up in his chair. She couldn't imagine the pair of them looked like anything less than a couple of kids caught doing something they weren't supposed to do. That thought was confirmed when Sebastian narrowed his eyes, looking at them both.
"Are you both alright? You seem a bit flustered," Sebastian said. Ominis let out a small laugh while Y/N buried her face in her hands beside him.
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alexendria-rose · 8 months
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The Journal~ Sebastian Sallow X Reader
This was a small idea while watching Mamma Mia 2! Hope you enjoy really -A/N
Story description- Annie Sallow finds a notebook in the attic that belong to her mother. Who knew it was the story that had love between her parents.
“Mom! I’m going to look around these old boxes!” I shout looking around the attic. It was really amazing to see all of mom and dad’s Hogwarts stuff around. Dad’s broom in the corner of the room, even my mom’s broom next to his. It was beautiful and always wondered what there life was like together, my mom rarely talked about her starting at Hogwarts. It was like a big secret. I wonder why she didn’t talk about it more often. I run my finger across the wood on their brooms seeing a craving on both of their brooms that read S + (Y/F/I). I smile softly. Man they must of had wild adventures together, and their love was something I’ve always admired. I was hoping this year, my first year at Hogwarts. I would also find the love my parents found. I look around my eyes landing on a small chest. I tilt my head curiously walking over the small chest, running my hand over the top before opening the lid. There placed photos and a leather book. I grab the photos lo sitting down criss crossed on the floor looking through the photos of the smiles of my parents, I then look over scrunching my eyebrows at the leather book. It had beautiful emerald green snake on the front of the beautiful binded book. What is this? I whisper gently under my breath. I open up the book. It suddenly gave me a sort of memory when I read the page. I was looking through my parents eyes. What magic was this?
7th year-
Y/n looked around the undercroft, grinning ear to ear at Sebastian. She desperately needed help at getting prepared for their O.W.L.S especially since she joined so late in the year last semester.
"Sebastian I don't get it!" She groans trying to flick her wand the right way. Sebastian chuckles rolling up his sleeves to his elbow.
"That's because you aren't doing it right." He chuckles softly. He moves up behind her. "Here let me show you." He grabs onto Y/n arm his chest against her back, luckily she wasn't look right at him because her face was red as a tomato. He looks down at her a smile grin on his face. "What's that on your face?" He smirks, she nervously back away from him.
"Okay I got it now!" She exclaims, using the same technic that Sebastian had just taught her. He rolls his eyes at the way she was digressing the conversation.
"Wow no answer to my question, alright then love." He smirks yet again at the way she look nervous under his stare, she presses her lips together looking at his hazel eyes.
"You... were just near me is all." She mumbles softly tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"Oh so me being near you makes you nervous?" He tilts his head slowly walking up to her. She crosses her arms being the stubborn girl she was.
"Oh you wish Sallow." She scoffs, turning her head the opposite direction from him. He grabs the bottom of her chin, gently turning her head towards him. He smiles down at her tucking the loose hair behind her ear again.
"I certainly do, love." He smiles once again at the way the blush rises to her cheeks again.
"You guy's down here!" Ominis says walking into the Undercroft, Y/n jumps away from Sebastian touch nervously kicking the ground. She couldn't believe he was that close to her, making her more nervous then she has ever been and that is the same girl who defeated Ranrok and his loyalist, he runs his hand in his hair.
"Y-Yeah, we're here Ominis." He glances at her one more time before walking over to Ominis.
I look down at the book gasping as I view their memories, it felt so real, I could feel every emotion they felt. Who was Ranrok? Mom defeated someone? I couldn't wrap my head around it. All I knew is I wanted to read more about their adventures together. I look down at another page.
7th year
“Sebastian sallow!” Y/n exclaims pushing Sebastian shoulder. “You’re such a jokester!” She giggles walking side by side with Sebastian. They were on their way to study under their favorite tree near the lake. They still didn’t talk about that night in the Undercroft, there was this spark for the both of them. It felt terrifying for them both. They didn’t want to ruin whatever friendship they had between the two of them. They sit down under the tree. Y/n sat crisscrossed and Sebastian sat down their legs touching each other as he leaned against the tree. Sebastian looked at the girl sitting next to him and couldn’t help but stare. She was beautiful, the light that shined on her was just right, as she was starting at her book she was biting her lip gently. She was driving him insane. Ever since the Undercroft moment he couldn’t get her out of his head. The way she looked at him in that moment. It made his head spin. Y/n looks away from her book to look at Sebastian to see that he’s already staring at her.
“What?” She smiles softly, he smiles back at her shaking his head. He sits up from the tree bumping his shoulder into hers.
“You look very cute when you’re concentrating.” He whispers gently looking into her e/c eyes. She looks back and there was something different about how today felt here rather then any other day. The way he looked at her felt different.
“I do not, you’re such a flirt Sebastian sallow.” She replies tucking her hair behind her ear nervously, directing her attention back onto her book. He smirked at the way he made her nervous. It always light something within him. The way he could do that to her with just a word. He grabs her chin again just the way he did that day at the Undercroft. He moves her face towards him, she looks at him nervously looking all over his face to figure out what he was thinking. He was looking at her just like that day. With such admiration. “Sebastian.” She whispers.
“Y/n.” He whispers back. “Can I do something that we might regret later?” He looks at her eyes and then back at her lips.
“Please.” She mumbles her head already leaning in towards him. He closes the gap placing his lips on hers passionately bringing her closer to him. He needed her. He wanted to be as close as he possible could. He grips onto her hips as she runs her fingers through his hair. They pull back at the passionate kiss, Sebastian’s eyes still closed his forehead pressed against hers, he was scared to open his eyes just in case he was dreaming about this moment, he just wanted to soak in the moment. He flutters his eyes open to see her grinning, she gently rubs her thumb on his cheek.
“I’m in love with you.” He blurts his eyes still held onto her. She bites her lower lip gently looking down at the ground before her eyes met his again.
“I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you Sebastian Sallow.”
My parent’s love story was already magical to see. The way they fell in love. The way they had this connection.
“Annie Sallow!” My eyes widen at the way my dad called my way. I look towards the door both of my parents walking. “Annie, what you think you’re doing?” My dad says with a chuckle. I look down at the photos and the leather book, looking back at my parents with an innocent smile.
“Nothing?” I say with more like a question. Hoping they would just bat an eye and look away.
“Doesn’t look like nothing, does it?” My mom says with her arms crossed looking slightly at my dad. My dad smirks and look at the book that was opened up in my hands.
“Is that?”
“My journal.” My mom states grabbing the leather book out of my hands moving her hand across the snake in front of the book. “I wrote about our love story, my life in this book during my days at Hogwarts. Even the day Annie came into our lives.” She smiles gently at the memories. My dad looks at her with love, and I can see it so plainly now. This is what love was like.
“Mom, what happened to you in your Hogwarts days?” I ask curiously. My mom looks at me sadly.
“I guess you’re old enough for it now, also with starting your year.” My mom sits next to me, as well as my dad on the other side of me.
I look towards my daughter with a gently look on my face. I was scared to tell her what happened. I still wasn’t over the pain and lost my first year at Hogwarts. She didn’t know anything about Sebastian and I’s childhood, she didn’t know the woman she was named after was cursed when she young. She didn’t know about any of it. Sebastian and I wanted nothing but to protect Annie as long as we could but with her new year. Who knew what was she was going to go through. Who knew if she also going to inherit my ancient magic. Sebastian looks at me with a small smile.
“It’s okay my love, our big girl is definitely ready for this. She’s strong just like you.” Sebastian says shoulder bumping with our beautiful daughter. She looked so much like Sebastian. Her freckles were prominent like his, her hair was fluffy and wavy like his but her eyes were mine. She was beautiful.
“Well, I started late into Hogwarts, exactly my fifth year, I was in danger I have this power that not a lot of people have. Ancient magic, Ranrok was this Goblin that was trying to take it for himself, I lost people around me, it’s hard to talk about and I’m sorry I never told you.” I lay my head on top of hers rubbing her back.
“Mom! I knew it was something I just didn’t want to push you.” She mumbles. My eyes soften. This girl really had a heart of gold.
“Oh baby, I’ve had a lot of years to heal from it, I’m okay! I just want you to be careful. Enjoy your time at Hogwarts, maybe you’ll even find love like your dad and I.” I smile looking up at Sebastian but he was already looking directly at me his eyes were soften he grabs my hand that was placed on Annie back. Annie places her head on my shoulder curled up in a ball.
“Come on love bug let’s get you to bed, you have a big day tomorrow.” Sebastian says whispering on Annie’s head placing a soft kiss on the crown of her head.
“Okay dad.” Annie yawns.
“Come on love.” He grabs Annie scooping her up and walking her to her bedroom. Me following swiftly behind. He lays her into bed tucking her into bed. I next to Sebastian on the side of the bed placing my chin on his shoulder looking at the girl who immediately passed out on the bed. “Can you believe we made that.” He looks towards me and back at her.
“I can believe it, look at my husband.” I peck his cheek gently before doing what he does to me. I place my thumb on chin bringing his face towards me before placing a gently peck on his lips. “I love you Sebastian Sallow.” He smiles brightly before cupping my cheeks looking into my eyes intently.
“I love you too Y/n Sallow.”
PLEASE TELL ME YOU LIKED IT. I almost added a part where they took her to king cross station for her day at Hogwarts but I didn’t ended up doing so. If you want I could make a part 2. But be honest tell me what you think.
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danceworshipper · 2 months
In the Shadow of Sebastian
Alexis and Ominis come to terms with the knowledge that Sebastian has gone too far off the deep end after killing his uncle, and make one of the easiest, yet most difficult decisions they've ever had to make. Alexis/Ominis, pre-ship. Hints of one sided Alexis/Sebastian and Ominis/Sebastian. Set immediately before The Choice at the end of Sebastian's quest line. Useful context: Alexis is a werewolf and an unwilling soldier for the Minister
It was cold in the Undercroft where they sat defeated, resting their backs against the stone wall and letting the chill soak through their robes. Cold, and still, and silent.
Alexis was grateful that Sebastian had left them alone. To hear anyone's heartbeat but Ominis' right now would have been too much. His, even, was testing her nerves, but at least Ominis' heart was slow and strong. Sebastian's hadn't stopped beating irregularly ever since he'd cast that blasted spell.
That heartbeat proved what Alexis already suspected: Sebastian was gone. Not physically, not really, but he was gone. He was a shadow of himself.
Your first real kill hit you hard, as she had learned all too soon upon becoming a witch. Killing someone you knew was so much worse than killing a nameless enemy, or a dastardly foe who had earned it through wicked deeds. The adrenaline alone was enough to have you coming down for hours, but the guilt... Solomon Sallow had deserved a lot of things, but not this, and somewhere Sebastian knew it. He made a mistake that he couldn't take back. Now Anne, his one tether to sanity, was unwilling to be found, and he was lost.
Alexis never should have helped him.
"Yes?" His voice was made rough from the tears she was kindly ignoring.
"I'm sorry."
"You should be."
Alexis let her head hang. Ominis had warned her that this was going too far, and she hadn't listened. She hadn't even listened to Anne. Weren't Anne's wishes the only ones that should matter in a situation like this? Just because Alexis would never stop trying to cure herself didn't mean that that was what everyone would want.
"I understand, though," Ominis continued. "I'm to be blamed as well. I never put my foot down the way I should have. Salazar, we share a dorm room and I never even thought to check his belongings. I knew what he was doing; I simply couldn't deny him."
"He has that effect on you too?"
Ominis huffed, amused but deflated. "Has it not been obvious?"
It hadn't been, though Alexis couldn't truthfully say she'd ever thought about it - ever considered that maybe Ominis gave in too easily for someone as against the Dark Arts as he was. Now it was easy to see. Hindsight was always clear.
No, Alexis had never paid much attention to Ominis' actions, because she'd been far too concerned with her own.
I could teach you, Sebastian had said, three different times, and Alexis had said yes each time despite seeing what havoc the curses could wreak. Something about how he'd offered, so eager to have someone who understood the pull toward Dark Magic, had had her tracing the wand movements he showed her, greedy for his approval.
Eventually she would have learned them anyway, she supposed. Minister Spavin had plans for her. The dark creature, wielding the Dark Arts like no other could. She would never be locked in Azkaban for murder - so long as it was no one the Minister cared for.
Knowing that didn't make it better. In fact, she was certain it made everything worse.
Ominis inhaled shakily. "Aren't you supposed to be convincing me that we mustn't tell anyone what he's done?"
"I told him I would," Alexis said.
She turned her eyes toward him. His head was gently inclined toward her, but his eyes were downcast as he wiped at them. They didn't even work, yet they showed despair as well as anyone else's. Oddly, Alexis found it pretty.
She swallowed and remained silent. Sebastian had begged her, saying that Ominis listens to you. I don't know why, but he does. Yes, Ominis did listen to her, and that was a large part of the problem. Alexis knew without a doubt that if she said that Sebastian should walk free, he would. But did he deserve to?
It wasn't fair for him to be punished when she never would be. But...
"He won't stop," she said noncommittally. "He'll never stop until Anne is either cured or dead."
Ominis laughed, bitter. "Even when she's dead, he'll never stop."
He was probably right. Death be damned: Anne would know no peace.
"If only you could have seen the madness in his eyes, Ominis. I don't think I've ever been more frightened of him."
"Of him? Not for him?"
Alexis winced - of course Ominis had caught her slip. She sighed, and shook her head out of habit, though she knew he couldn't see. "No," she said, like a confession. "Of him."
Silence fell again. Alexis squeezed her eyes shut. Her clothes felt restrictive all of a sudden. She felt trapped, like she was back at the Ministry being held down. The blasted gloves were buzzing, stronger and stronger, responding to her distress and forcing her magic to freeze in her veins, and she reminded herself to breathe in, hold it, and breathe out, until the buzzing stopped.
That was the difference between her and Sebastian, she supposed. Self control had been beaten into her. Never would she cast a curse like that on impulse. Sebastian had proved he had no control whatsoever.
"You know," Ominis said slowly, "I'm not feeling very convinced."
In spite of the situation, Alexis choked on a shocked laugh. "I'm not making a good case, am I?" she asked.
The smile on his face was painful to look at with how close it was to breaking. If only she could fix it.
"You aren't," Ominis agreed. His voice cracked.
"I'm not sure there's any helping him," Alexis said, sobering. "If he never stops, who's to say he doesn't get worse? What if he hurts someone else? What if one day, he decides that if he kills her and reanimates her, she'll be cured?"
Ominis shook his head. "He'll get worse. I'm sure of it."
"Then we have to turn him in," she said, wishing she could convince herself otherwise.
"They'll throw him in Azkaban, Alexis," Ominis protested weakly. "He's close enough to adulthood that they'll do it. You've been to Azkaban, haven't you? Even if they give him a lighter sentence because of his youth, Sebastian will never be himself again, you know that."
Her visit to Azkaban with Helen Thistlewood had been a maximum of thirty minutes, but Alexis had felt that she'd never be the same - and she hadn't been the one behind bars. It had made her ironically grateful for her own imprisonment deep in the Ministry, with horrible people rather than Dementors. But that old woman in Azkaban had been innocent. Sebastian was not.
"We have to," she said again, and hated herself for it.
Ominis' head thunked against the stone. "I know," he whispered. His eyes squeezed shut - Alexis wondered if the pressure felt grounding or if blocking things out was simply a human instinct.
Whichever it was, she followed suit, pressing her knuckles against her eyelids until she saw stars and then having to yank them away, because the stars were a beautiful green that had crackled at the tip of Sebastian's wand for one long, long moment after he'd dropped it. It was a green that might be woven deep into her own soul by now, never to be cleansed.
"I should be in Azkaban too," Alexis said softly.
Ominis made a noise of distress. "Absolutely not."
"I've killed too."
"You've killed horrible people, Alexis, and you didn't do it of your own free will."
"The noble thing to do would be to refuse," she argued. "That's what Natty says."
"And be put to death?" Ominis exclaimed. "No. You should never be at fault for protecting yourself."
Alexis felt the corner of her mouth twitch, and she couldn't stop herself from pushing her luck. "The same logic doesn't apply to you, I see."
She turned her head to look at him. He knew, of course, what she was referring to. His mouth opened as though he wished to argue, but shut again. How could he? If there was no blame on her, there could be no blame on him.
Could they use the same logic with Sebastian?
Alexis desperately wished they could. If there had been a single sliver of worry that Solomon would have killed one of them first... but no. He had attacked them, hurt them badly, but she knew deep in her heart that he would have stopped when they fell. Getting them expelled and ruining their lives wasn't enough to deserve death. Even if it was, now Anne, cursed and miserable, had no one. That alone made the curse truly unforgivable.
The only instance that could be justified was the Cruciatus, since if Sebastian hadn't cast it in the Scriptorium, they all would have starved to death. Self preservation: simple, easy. The Imperius could have been justified under better circumstances, but Sebastian's logic had been flawed. He'd had ample time to react. He could have used any other spell to save Anne, but he hadn't.
I had to, he'd said.
You wanted to, she'd thought, but agreed with him anyway, because that was what friends did, wasn't it? Supported them in public to criticize them in private? She'd just never had the time until it was too late.
Ominis sobbed beside her, burying his face into his legs and shaking.
Alexis' heart ached. Before she could wonder whether he'd want to be touched, her hand was on his shoulder. He cried harder, leaning closer, and though Alexis was about to break too, she pulled him close to her and held him.
"He was my best friend," Ominis said miserably. The use of past tense sounded like the slamming of a cell door.
"I know," Alexis said.
By the end of the day, Sebastian would be taken away. It was over.
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Lovesick puppies
Fluff conversation, between Sebastian, Ominis and Garreth admiring you.
Trigger Warning: Imelda Reyes
Created with chat ai because why not.
Garreth: "Hey guys, have you ever noticed how amazing Y/N is?"
Sebastian: "Of course, mate! She's gorgeous, smart, and has the best sense of humor."
Ominis: "I couldn't agree more. She's the whole package. I've been trying to get up the courage to ask her out for weeks now."
Garreth: "Me too! But, I'm always too nervous around her. I just don't know what to say."
Sebastian: "I know what you mean, Garreth. It's like every time she walks by, I forget how to speak."
Ominis: "But, that's what makes her so special, right? She has this power over us that just makes us want to be better men."
Garreth: "Absolutely. I mean, if anyone deserves to be treated like a queen, it's her."
Sebastian: "No doubt about it. And whoever she ends up with is one lucky guy."
Ominis: "Or girl. Let's not forget that she might not be interested in any of us."
Garreth: "True, but I think the most important thing is that we all respect her and appreciate her for who she is."
Sebastian: "Agreed. And maybe someday, one of us will be lucky enough to win her heart."
Ominis: "Who knows? Maybe she'll choose all three of us."
Garreth: "Now that's wishful thinking, Ominis."
All three of them chuckled and continued to talk about their admiration for her, each secretly hoping that she would choose them in the end.
As Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis continued their conversation, they suddenly heard footsteps approaching. They looked up to see Y/N walking towards them with a smile on her face.
Y/N: "Hey guys, what are you all up to?"
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged nervous glances, their minds racing back to the conversation they had just been having about her.
Sebastian: "Oh, nothing much. Just hanging out and chatting."
Ominis: "Yeah, we were just talking about Quidditch, actually."
Garreth: "Yeah, Quidditch. That's what we were talking about."
Y/N: "Quidditch, huh? That's cool. I'm not much of a player myself, but I love watching the games. Maybe we could all go to the next match together?"
Sebastian: "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! We should definitely do that."
Ominis: "Absolutely. It would be a lot of fun."
Garreth: "Definitely. We'll have to make sure to get the best seats."
As they continued to talk, Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis couldn't help but feel relieved that Y/N hadn't overheard their previous conversation. They knew that their feelings for her were real, but they didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or pressured in any way.
As the conversation continued, she eventually excused herself to go grab a drink, leaving Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis alone once again.
Garreth: "Phew, that was close. I thought for sure she was going to realize what we were really talking about."
Sebastian: "Tell me about it. I don't think I could handle the embarrassment if she found out."
Ominis: "Yeah, me neither. But at least we managed to keep our cool and not give anything away."
Garreth: "I just hope we can keep it up. It's not easy hiding our feelings like this."
Sebastian: "I know what you mean. But we can't risk scaring her off by being too forward. We have to be patient and wait for the right moment."
Ominis: "And in the meantime, we can just enjoy spending time with her and getting to know her better."
Garreth: "Agreed. She's worth waiting for, no matter how long it takes."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis continued to chat and joke around, feeling more relaxed now that the topic of their feelings for Y/N had been avoided.
Imelda: "Hey guys, what are you all talking about?"
Garreth: "Oh, nothing much. Just catching up."
Sebastian: "Yeah, just chatting about Quidditch and stuff."
Ominis: "Exactly. Just a casual conversation."
Imelda raised an eyebrow, looking at them suspiciously.
Imelda: "Uh huh. Well, I couldn't help but overhear a little bit of your conversation earlier."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged panicked glances, fearing the worst.
Imelda: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. But I must say, you three are quite the hopeless romantics, aren't you?"
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis felt their faces turn red with embarrassment. They had been so careful to keep their feelings for Y/N hidden, but it seemed that they had been found out after all.
Sebastian: "What do you mean? We were just talking about Quidditch."
Imelda rolled her eyes.
Imelda: "Please. I heard everything. You three are practically in love with her."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis didn't know what to say. They had been caught, and they knew it.
Ominis: "Look, Imelda, it's not like that. We just...we just think she's a great person, that's all."
Imelda: "Sure you do. And I'm sure she'll be flattered to hear that three guys are pining after her like lovesick puppies."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis felt their stomachs drop as Imelda continued to tease them about their feelings for Y/N. They knew that if she told Y/N, it could ruin everything.
Garreth: "Imelda, please don't say anything to her. We weren't ready to tell her yet."
Sebastian: "Yeah, we just wanted to take things slow and get to know her better first."
Ominis: "It's not like we're trying to pressure her into anything. We just...we just like her a lot, that's all."
Imelda smiled mischievously, enjoying the power she held over the boys.
Imelda: "Well, I might be willing to keep your secret...if you do something for me in return."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged nervous glances, wondering what Imelda could possibly want.
Garreth: "What do you want us to do?"
Imelda: "It's simple. I want you guys to help me practice Quidditch. I need to improve my skills if I want to make the team this year."
Sebastian: "That's all? We can do that."
Ominis: "Yeah, no problem. We can help you out."
Imelda grinned triumphantly, enjoying the way she had turned the tables on the boys.
Imelda: "Great. Let's make a plan for next week. I'll bring my broom, and we can meet up on the pitch."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis nodded, relieved that they had managed to keep their secret safe for now.
Garreth: "Thanks, Imelda. We appreciate it. That vicous beast"
Sebastian: "Yeah, we're happy to help. I'm going to hang her"
Ominis: "Definitely. We're all in this together. I will help you burry her"
With that, the group continued chatting, but Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over them. They knew that Imelda would expect something in return for her silence, and they had to be careful not to make any more mistakes.
Imelda: "You know, I heard that these three have been spending a lot of time talking about someone special lately."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis exchanged worried glances, hoping that Y/N wouldn't catch on.
Imelda: "I wonder who it could be? Maybe someone who's always got their nose buried in a book?"
Y/N looked up from her book, confused by Imelda's comment.
Y/N: "What are you talking about, Imelda?"
Imelda: "Oh, nothing. Just some silly gossip. You know how it is."
Sebastian, feeling frustrated with Imelda's constant meddling, decided to speak up.
Sebastian: "Imelda, can't you see that you're making her uncomfortable? Just drop it, okay?"
Imelda looked taken aback by Sebastian's comment, but before she could respond, the girl spoke up.
Y/N: "It's okay, Sebastian. I don't really know what she's talking about anyway."
Garreth, Sebastian, and Ominis breathed a sigh of relief that the Y/N didn't seem to have caught on, but they still felt frustrated with Imelda's meddling. They already planned to get rid of her.
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valyrra · 2 years
I finished the game and damn
SPOILERS and rant
( I have 80+ hours in it right now and I have no intention to abandon it.)
I have ssssome thoughts about this
Ominis deserved MORE SCREEN TIME. And also. Why the hell does it seem to me like some quests were simply removed with him? Like multiple times the character tells you - go talk to him if so and so and you just simply can't.
as well as over students deserved more screen time? Some of them are really cool, I wish their stories would be as well made as Sebastian's.
Speaking of the devil - why our actions have 0 real consequences... Like there were so many times when you could've made a difference but replaying the missions 5+ times I don't see any lmao possibility lmao. What was the reason to give the MC abilities to speak for themselves.
MC is so blank at 70% of the time because of this... And strikes me as a Mary Sue. I just wish we had more.... down to earth main story.
I really enjoyed the game and probably this is going to be my fixation for a while.
I didn't see the game as boring as my friends did
The details in the game are 10/10.
The locations are beautiful and captivating
The gameplay is amazing and you really feel an impact (especially with the unforgivable curses💚)
The characters are diverse and really unforgivable. I wish there would be more interactions. Like why as Hufflepuff they introduced us to Arthur in the beginning of the game just to forget about him for the rest of the game?.............
The Hogwarts is breathtaking. The sounds of the game are 10/10.
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teddyniffler · 6 months
Chapter 19: Ominis
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January quickly passed in the flick of a wand for most Hogwarts students, except for Leander and Ominis.
The end of January saw Leander taken to the Hospital Wing after a series of nasty jinxes and hexes placed on him by a large group of Slytherin students, who ambushed him in a deserted corridor near to curfew. None of the assailants really knew Sebastian, some likely never spoken to him at all, they were just looking for a reason to cause trouble and did so in Sebastian's name.
Ominis had heard about them and did not condone their actions, he knew Sebastian would never want violence committed in his name, not even to Leander, the very same Sebastian who had killed his own family member in the name of his sister.
Ominis sighed and placed his wand down.
He was exhausted and felt a bit sick, he wasn’t eating very well or sleeping even less due to nightmares of Muggles blowing up.
The aftermath of the explosion still rang in his ears, the sound of wet thuds hitting the ground. He closed his eyes tightly to clear the imagined images in his mind.
They were expected to use non vocal magic in every class now and he needed a clear mind, all his grades now depended on his ability to use silent magic. It was so hard and so challenging that Ominis felt an age had passed, so long ago it seemed when they had been allowed to speak the incantations rather than visualize them in their heads. Never again would he say any magic he had struggled with before had truly been hard looking back, even simple spells such as Accio no longer worked for him.
He needed to go down to the Undercroft, he had four cauldrons currently bubbling away with his various attempts to brew a perfect Draught of Living Death. He even had additional homework due to failing a few classes, these essays were resting on top of his normal homework. He could almost visualize his papers all falling to the floor due to stacking them so high on top of each other. To make matters more humiliating, he was sure he still had cat ears from his attempts at human transfiguration, he could feel them moving around as people walked past him, twitching the moment a fly tried to land on them. He knew he must look so silly, but so did all the sixth years right now, one of his classmates left Weasley’s class barking. It was as he moved his sixteen-foot Herbology essay he remembered he should have sprinkled more Mooncalf dung on his Sopophorous plant by now, his plant would have shriveled up. Fighting the urge to curse loudly he slapped a hand to his face.
Another fail.
More homework for him.
Less sleep.
Too much work.
Still, that didn’t stop him from putting his work to one side as he crumpled up the letter he had just been trying to write.
No matter how many attempts, the words on paper just felt hallow.
I am so very sorry I have not been able to visit you yet in hospital. I found myself occupied and away from the castle at Christmas and now term has started back up again. I understand you may not wish to hear from me and I shall, of course, respect your wishes if you wish to end our friendship, however I hope you may consider our closeness and trust over these years, please can you –
It is Ominis, forever your dear friend. I am very sorry to hear you are not well –
Hello Sebastian, I hope this letter finds you well. I want you to know I will always consider you my friend and I hope after everything that has happened, it sharn’t come between us now you are out of Azkaban. I hope –
Dear Sebastian. How are you? I hope you are well. I am so sorry I couldn’t come visit you over the holidays, something came up – my family - and I found myself away from school. I hope you don’t mind my writing to you, I understand our friendship may be over after everything, but if not I would very much like to be your friend still, you are my real family and that will never change. I do hope I can see you soon, maybe I can get time out from Hogwarts to come see you-
Yet again, he perched his quill on his paper and tried to find the correct words of greetings, reflection, regret, his hopes for their friendship without giving anything incriminating away, yet also trying to put himself into Sebastian’s shoes. Sebastian was likely to be under the impression that their friendship was well and truly over, they had been so much anger and betrayal on both parts. Ominis remembered how he acted very distantly towards Sebastian after he discovered his dear friend was still using the dark arts, choosing not to acknowledge Sebastian after finding him with the relic. That rift only grew between them more once Solomon was killed.
From Sebastian’s part, Ominis had turned him over to the Dementors, knowing exactly what would happen. It was a life sentence to torment, in a hellish place. People died in Azkaban, it was not hidden knowledge, and Ominis had still turned Sebastian in to Professor Black. He had chosen to side with the new student over the friend he had known for years. It was entirely possible Sebastian hated him and did not want Ominis writing to him at all. Ominis could pour his heart and soul out to Sebastian in ink and Sebastian may just toss it into the fire once he seen who was writing to him, Ominis couldn't blame him.
No matter how hard his classes were right now, writing to somebody you loved as family, whom you willingly handed over to the Dementors was much harder.
He had managed to catch Professor Weasley after class to ask about Sebastian’s current state. There was no real update to give, Sebastian was still in bed in St Mungos.
By now, Sebastian would be all too aware that Ominis had not reached out to him yet. Time was ticking on their relationship, if he left it too late, Sebastian would only hate him more, but the words just wouldn't come.
Ominis then allowed his mind to wonder to more dangerous ideas, was Sebastian the one he should be writing too? If he told his father Professor Black wasn’t allowing Sebastian back, maybe that would be more worth his time, this was real action he could take to aid Sebastian, rather than hollow ink on parchment.
He bit the inside of his lip, this was very bold of him, such boldness could get him into trouble.
Even among the Gaunts, there was limits.
Maybe his father would help him, but maybe his father would also decide Ominis should leave Hogwarts right this moment and marry his cousin before Easter and be with an expected son by years end. Such things were possible if his father felt his son was asking too big a favour.
Nothing was even given freely with the Gaunts.
He started packing his bag, carefully waving his wand around until he heard his bag closing itself up. He would go to the Undercroft and check on his potions by how they smelt, then he would feed Snakey who was currently waiting in there for him to return.
To the Minister for Magic and for the Department of Magical Education
As he made his way up through the castle, he overheard two people having a conversation.
“It is not right how they get away with this, just because they are in Slytherin.” It was Natsai.
“Professor Black knows the students who did it too, he won’t do anything about it. He even thinks it was me who wrote into the Prophet, he was taunting me himself, said I should have kept quiet. I told him it wasn’t me and he started howling.” Leander’s voice answered. “Now I have these annoying growths on my legs, Nurse Blainey couldn’t get them off, she said they will go with time, just got to use a few drops of Shrinking Solution for the next month.”
“I am sorry you are getting the blame,” Natsai said, it sounded like she was going to say something else, but as Ominis came level with them, they both went quiet and only started their talk again once he was out of sight.
He believed he felt their eyes on his back every step he took away from them.
Dear Minister Spavin and additional addressee.
I write in the hopes you are able to intervene with a dispute between the teachers of Hogwarts and our current headmaster, Professor Phineas Nigellus Black. As you are aware, Sebastian Sallow was released from Azkaban prison at the end of last year, with all charges against him dropped. Originally, the reason he had been expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was an automatic action applied due to the serious nature of what he had been accused off. Once expelled, his wand had been confiscated which allowed a seamless transition to Ministry of Magic custody. With an innocent verdict, the original reason for expulsion no longer stands valid, by Hogwarts rules and rules in relation to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he is by all means an innocent, underage wizard still within the years of education covered by Hogwarts. The Trace it also still upon him and will not break until later this year when he turns seventeen. After this, he still has his seventh year of Hogwarts to complete. The boy has made immense progress in healing, both mentally and physically, he can now feed himself and communicate his needs, by September he shall have recovered enough to attend school once again. However, Professor Black is a proud man from a proud family, he had taken great offense to the negative press this entire unfortunate event has placed upon his headmastership at this school. He is refusing to re-enter Sebastian’s name into the Book of Admittance out of pride. As mentioned in the first line, all the other teachers at Hogwarts believe Sallow should be returned to the school at once, as do I. It is only Professor Black who disagrees and for entirely personal reasons. While I will never speak ill of my fellow educators, I believe on this occasion, Professor Black is not being entirely professional.
Please return owl as soon as you can advise more on this topic.
Matila Weasley
Deputy Headmistress.
Anne lowered the paper after reading.
“What do you think?” Professor Weasley asked her.
“Professor, I don’t know much of how official letters look.” Anne confessed sheepishly, “But I believe this one is good, but, Professor? What if they come check on him?”
They both turned to glance at Sebastian who was currently smiling, looking up vaguely at the ceiling. A Cheering Charm had been placed upon him after his first time in a bathtub since Azkaban hadn’t gone quite to plan. Something about the feel of water, or maybe the bathtub had triggered something off within his mind and the healer who brought him back to bed had to hold him to the wheelchair until another healer could calm him down. After an hour of silent tears and alot of shaking, the healers had placed the Cheering Charm on him. Currently something neither Anne or Professor Weasley could see was making him giddy.
Yes, this was indeed ‘immense progress in healing, both mentally and physically’, Anne glanced down at the letter again.
“Do you think this will work?” She asked.
Professor Weasley wasn’t entirely sure, she had already explained this to Anne, but it was worth a try.
“I know Professors Sharp and Hecat are fully supportive, as is Professor Ronan who has been asking about your brother, being your Head of House. However, Professors Garlick and Onai less so, but if it appears all teachers are in agreeance, then that will help.”
Sebastian had started to acknowledged them, however he felt a little floaty so they didn’t really make too much sense. Normally his sister and Professor Weasley would have most of his attention. He normally hoped they would talk about something that would give him more clues about what was going on outside this small room. Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought they were talking about Hogwarts, but right now he was focused entirely on the orbs up near the ceiling, how they floated lazy by, never touching each other, gliding, gliding, never falling or hitting anything.
Something about the floaty movement...
Floating cloaks passing bars.
The feel of water, icy cold, always soaking into his skin.
A small whimper left his lips, followed by another. His sister and Professor Weasley didn’t take much notice, he was always making noises so it wasn't anything new.
“But they know he is innocent, don’t they?” Anne asked her teacher.
“I am sure they do, it’s just what was in the Prophet has swayed a lot of minds. That awful Skeeker woman’s writing” Professor Weasley said disapproving, her voice now low.
“You haven’t met Professor Onai, but she has reason to distrust certain wizards. She doesn’t know Sebastian as well as the other teachers.”
“But Garlick does.” Anne said, feeling slightly betrayed.
“Indeed, sadly. However, give it time.” Professor Weasley advised wisely.
“I think your letter is good” Anne said, shifting her weight slightly, a stabbing pain had just cut through her chest, not as bad as the others, but still enough to make her uncomfortable.
“I will send it straight away.” Professor Weasley said.
She looked down at Sebastian, his brown eyes flickered over to meet hers. At least he wasn’t upset at the moment, his emotional state was fragile and not as strong as she made out in the letter, his ‘improved communication’ was her note pad she had left for him, which he had yet to use properly, most of the time he just doodled random lines or crumpled pages in his hand. Anne had used it more to draw when she grew restless of the endless hours sitting. She had not been here when they had taken Sebastian for a bath, but she had been here for when he returned. He had looked traumatized, clutching the side of the wheelchair as if trying to pull himself over the side, he was still slightly wet, with the healer still drying his hair.
“I have been doing some thinking on the subject of which we spoke about over the Christmas holidays” Professor Weasley whispered as Sebastian rolled over onto his side.
Anne looked up.
“Yes?” She answered, she knew Professor Weasley was thinking ideas about Sebastian’s care should St Mungos try and lock him away in the long term resident ward.
“There’s somebody I know who may be able to look after him.” Professor Weasley said carefully and very quitely. “But they are still checking with their family and nothing is certain yet.”
Sebastian wanted something to eat, he was a bit hungry now. He slowly brought himself up, his arms still wobbled when he placed all his weight on them.
“Careful” Professor Weasley said, trying to support him under his arms. “What do you want?”
Sebastian looked, he blinked. His mind was reeling, it felt like he was on a high, like he had gotten all the praise from his teachers, as if he had just won at Quidditch, won Slytherin the house cup single handedly, but his head felt tired and heavy. He opened his mouth.
“Be-ee-ns” He tried.
He reached over, feeling his arm shake and took hold of the Beartie Bot’s Beans, almost spilling them.
“You’re meant to be eating your dinner, not your sweets.” Anne reminded him. “Eat your dinner first.”
Anne was sure she thought she heard Sebastian mutter something along the lines of “Yes…Mo-ther”.
She opened her mouth to protest.
"What did you say, brother? she asked.
Professor Weasley tried to hide her smile. The old Sebastian was still in there. She instead sat him up in his bed and placed a small handful of sweets into his hand.
He placed the orange bean in his mouth, it was peach flavour. The other was banana.
The little disagreement between Sebastian and Anne had been forgotten about the second Anne had returned to find Sebastian waiting for her, his eyes wide, not knowing if she was ever coming back.
A simple hug had been all they needed to return their peace.
He tried to reach for another handful but was handed a cheese sandwhich instead.
“Eat it.” Anne ordered. “Now.”
Such a caring sister she was, he would tell her just how caring she was when he could speak better.
While he nibbled on it, Professor Weasley told Anne more about her idea.
Sebastian was slightly aware of what was going on. St Mungos felt he wasn’t well enough to go home, he couldn’t even stay awake the entire day. He had medicines to take and needed help just getting into his wheelchair they had now placed in the room. They wanted him to stay until he turned seventeen, or more likely still, until he was better again, but not in this room. This room would be needed sooner or later for a werewolf victim or something, he was to be moved into a ward.
A ward with a locked door.
They was a sense of unspoken urgency between Anne and Professor Weasley and he could see it, could hear it. He understood more than what they believed.
“That man, the main healer, he keeps pushing me to sign.” Anne was whispering. Sebastian was checking the sandwich, it felt dry, sure enough there was no butter on the bread. He hated it when they made it like this.
“I don’t know why, but he’s really convinced it’s the best for Sebastian. I keep saying I’m thinking of it, but he doesn’t want to take no for an answer.”
“Don’t sign anything yet.” Professor Weasley said, still really quiet. “They can’t force you, nor can they realistically do anything yet. He’s not well enough to move right now anyway.”
As if proving this point, Sebastian had stopped eating his dry cheese sandwich and was instead staring into space at nothing, his eyes transfixed and not blinking, gazing upon something only he could see. His hands had started to tremble and the food was at risk of falling onto the bed.
Both women raised her hand to wave near his eyes at the same time, bringing him back to them.
“Eat up.” Anne reminded him again.
“I shall seek an update with the person” Professor Weasley whispered. “It's a family of wizards I know, they can help him, but certain safeguards must be met first.”
Anne felt more happier than ever.
“When will you know?” Anne pushed, rather loudly in her hast. “Will they get back to you soon? I don't like that healer."
Professor Weasley brought a finger to her lips, indicating to Anne to talk lower. The risk of being overheard was all too real in St Mungos, where they monitored their patients.
Professor Weasley leaned in closer.
‘Once he has checked with his family, if he can, and it's if, he will be able to take Sebastian almost right away.’
Anne nodded, wondering who it was who Professor Weasley had been talking too, but if it was a wizard family who could take her brother in for her while he finished recovering, then it was all good.
This was what he needed, not a locked ward.
As Professor Weasley turned back to Sebastian, his eyes had glazed over again, seeing something from the darkest memories of his mind. She just prayed she wasn't getting Anne's hopes up for nothing.
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