#I just love the idea of a defiant whumpee that gets punished through other peoples suffering as well as their own
Failed escape attempts are great and all but you know what’s even better? Failed escape attempts that get civilians involved.
The whumpee nearly escaped and yes they will suffer for it but you know what else will happen? The whumper can kill whatever poor innocent soul was trying to help whumpee. And they can make the whumpee watch as they do it, making sure that they know that this wouldn’t have happened if not for them. That this person is only dead because the whumpee tried to escape and they tried to help them.
The whumpee then gets to spend some wonderful moments stirring in guilt and self loathing, along with anger at whumper.
Bonus points if the next time they have a chance to escape or alert someone they don’t. They stay silent and pliable as whumper guides them through a train station. They barely even need the threat of the knife in their back to comply, all too aware that whumper won’t hesitate to kill anyone who helps them. Or they go out of their way to assure the police officer that pulled them over that everything is fine, they haven’t seen anyone or anything suspicious. They’re just on a trip with their friends.
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sadistgalore · 3 years
▶️ Killian, try to escape…
i love how you put the word “try.” like we both knew damn well Killian’s torment is not ending anytime soon.
Taglist: @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams, @whumptakesthecake, @all-whumped-out, @distinctlywhumpthing, @painsandconfusion
CW: pet whump, captivity whump, choking, defiant whumpee, creepy/ intimate whumper, stabbing, failed escape, implied death
What fucking luck.
The fact that this bastard was a goddamn billionaire yet still had cheap ass shackles for the people he kidnaps amuses Killian. After months-has it seriously been months that he’s been here?- of trying to break free of the chains restricting him only a few feet away from the brick wall in his cell, he finally broke free.
Killian rubbed his raw wrists, slightly wincing at the pain before getting to his feet. The first thing he did was stretch out his back, like he slept on the wrong side of the bed instead of a cold and cement floor with only a thin blanket (sometimes) for comfort.
After he was ready, he went straight for the door, but of fucking course it was locked. He cursed out of frustration and paced around for a bit, until he got an idea. He grabbed one of his chains and detached it from the wall, keeping it in a tight grip. He then put his back against the wall next to the door, preparing for an attack.
It wasn’t long before his cell door opened, and an unsuspecting Dave walked in a bowl of dog food.
He stopped and saw the vacant chains, then, underneath his breath, said, “Shit.”
Killian lunged from behind him, wrapping the chain around his neck and jumping onto his back. Dave dropped the bowl and flung his hands to neck, but Killian managed to be just strong enough to keep his grip.
Soon, Dave fell uncoincuous and the boy wasted no time in grabbing the man’s knife attached to his thigh and running straight out the door. He knew the layout of his captor’s building well enough, and was certain that he was in the basement level and needed to find an elevator. He dashed through the hallways, and it wasn’t long before someone noticed him and tried to take him down. Too bad Killian was a damn good runner.
As a few other men chased him, Killian easily outrun and dodged them when needed, even stabbing one of them in the leg with his knife when they got too close. He finally found the elevator, and was just enough distance away from his assailants to make it in when the doors closed.
Killian leaned against the wall in relief, panting slightly from his lack of breath lost while running. He smiled, thinking of the door’s opening into the lobby, where surely visitors or interns or even janitors would notice a skinny and dirty boy who had coincidentally been missing for months step out of the elevator. Luther could have no way of covering that up.
Unfortunately for him, the doors did not open out to the lobby. Killian’s triumphant smile quickly faded away when his eyes met his captor’s, who had four guards behind him.
“Going somewhere?” Luther asked, with a stupid smirk on his face.
“Oh, fuck this shit,” Killian breathed, but still aimed his knife in defense. All it took was a snap of Luther’s fingers and the guards were on him, bringing the boy down in seconds. He was then on his knees in front of his captor, who had stepped into the elevator and pressed the “B4” button.
“I believe I should invest in a straightjacket for you, pup. After your punishment, of course.”
“That isn’t going to help,” Killian spat. “I’m getting out of here, we both know it.”
“Oh, my sweet Killian,” Luther cooed as he knelt down, grabbing his defiant pet’s chin in his hand. “We both know that the only way you’re getting out of here is through a coffin.”
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sadistgalore · 3 years
Chapter 15: Luther's Brilliant Fucking Plan
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Taglist: @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams, @whumptakesthecake
Please let me know if you would like to be added/removed from the taglist.
CW: dehumanization, pet whump, lady whump, captivity whump, referenced torture (branding and burning), hair pulling/grabbing, referenced noncon, blackmailing, death threats, multiple whumpers, multiple whumpees, manhandling, shock collars, infidelity, creepy/intimate/delusional/sadistic/possessive whumper(s), noncon touching, noncon kissing, stabbing, implied torture/noncon
“So, how was she?” Dark asked as he sat down in the chair opposite Luther on the couch, both of their pets kneeling next to them.
He had returned from Maryland not even five minutes ago, giving a short greeting to his friend and a heartfelt kiss to his housewife.
“Oh, she was wonderful, Ed. You trained her well,” Luther said with a shit eating grin.
Dark chuckled, pleased that his defiant pet behaved so well for his best friend. Her hands were twisting and pulling the fabric of her dress, but he couldn’t care less at the visible discomfort on her face.
“I’ve noticed she has a few more scars than when I left her, including a brand,” he said in a low voice, face in a scowl once he stared at the designed burn on her right arm.
Luther didn’t look the least bit threatened at his friend’s dangerous tone. “Believe me, it was justified. She made a new friend,” he said in a mocking tone before harshly pulling at his pet’s hair.
Killian gasped as his scalp was pulled, every instinct telling him to sit still, though. His arms had healed fairly well, but the burns on his face would be deeply scarred for a while, if not forever.
“I see he had his own share of punishment as well,” Dark added, looking at the boy’s scarred face and arms.
“Your girl tried to feed him against my permission, then her defiance rubbed off on him. But I had them under my control soon enough,” Harper forced down a whimper as she recalled the horrific week of rape and torture she had spent with the man, who wasn’t sharing even a fraction as he should have with her captor. But she knew better than to say anything.
She then felt hands gripping her chin, taking her out of her thoughts. “Harper, did he touch you at all like the way I do?”
The girl swallowed as she stared at the familiar and possessive look on her captors face, before fearfully glancing over at the man on the couch. Luther’s face was emotionless, but she knew his mind was threatening her if she dared to tell the truth.
The kitty had finally stopped crying, knees tucked up to her chest on the bed. She and the dog, who was still tied to the chair, were staring at each other, regret in the dog’s and anger in the other.
“I’m gonna tell him, as soon as he gets back,” the kitty promised, throat scratchy and raw by the night they had shared together.
The man finished zipping his pants and rolled his eyes, not bothered to talk as he reached down to grab his shirt off the floor.
Kitty painfully sat up, pissed that he wasn’t paying attention to her. “I’m serious. He’s the only one allowed to rape me, he told you-”
Doggy screamed as his shock collar was set off yet again. Master grabbed his hair painfully, forcing him to look at Kitty.
“He. Is. Mine. Like you are Edward’s. Ed can do whatever the fuck he wants to do with you when I’m gone, just like I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with him. No one will care if I kill him, understand? If I even suspect that Edward knows what happened here tonight, and what will continue to happen, your precious little Ian is going to have a long and painful death. Understand?”
Kitty didn’t respond, just let out a small sob and rolled back over on the bed. The man smiled as he let go of the dog’s hair, walking out of the bedroom leaving two broken pets behind.
Harper breathed out, trying to not give away the emotion on her face, for Killian’s sake. “No, just the brand and a few beatings, Master. I was good for him just like you told me to.” It was forced, she knows, but best not to make him angry when he just got back.
Dark smiled, patting her head. “Very good girl. Sorry for the accusation, Lou, you know how I get about my pets.”
Luther laughed. “No worries, Ed. Besides, I would never dream of touching her.”
Killian’s heart dropped as he stared at the girl, watching her try so hard to keep a straight face and not tell what really happened.
All for him.
Dark changed the subject matter quickly. “Anyways, did you hear the news? Helene’s going away to Philadelphia for three weeks.”
Harper looked up confused. Helene? As in Congresswoman Helene McKinley? Beth’s boss?
“Really?” Luther questioned. “She never leaves DC.”
“Had to take care of a personal matter. She ensured the subject will be one of ours soon.”
“Very good. What does that leave you then?”
“I was thinking of taking Harper back to my base again,” Dark started, fingers flowing through his pet's raven hair to keep himself calm. “Possibly my manor, but you know how my gang loves to talk. And with how often Noah comes around, he’ll be sure to share my new pet with Noami. I’m afraid it’s too much of a risk to my marriage to take her anywhere but here.”
Luther chuckled. “Noami will never stop running her mouth to Helene if she finds out. ‘Helene did you hear? Your Edward found himself another slut to fuck behind your back! If you don’t murder his ass right now, I will do it for you!’” He finished the imitation with a smile, but Harper couldn’t tell if it was genuine or not when she stared at him.
Dark laughed at the scene, but continued. “Unfortunately, coming here to Delaware constantly prevents me from running my base in DC. I can’t let her be another one of my one-offs, she’s,” the man stopped to grasp her chin again, thumb running over her lip, “Special.”
Luther sat in silence for a moment, then spoke up as if a lightbulb had just casted a light over his head. “How about taking her to my building? The top floor is a private penthouse that I only have access to, with tons of rooms and space for you two to live. You’ll be easily able to travel between your base and there, and I could watch her while you’re gone!”
Watch her while you’re gone. Harper wished she had the nerves to scream her protests against the idea. But in reality, which one is the lesser of two evils? A sadistic man who sees her as nothing but a kitty, or a delusional man who sees her as a housewife that he can kill at any moment?
Dark scratched her chin, pondering the idea. Killian stared blankly ahead, a distant part of him hoping his Master’s idea would work; maybe he could see Harper more.
“You know, Lou, I think I’ll take your deal,” Edward said after a moment of silence. “Are you sure it’s not a problem for you?”
Luther waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. I barely use it anyways. You can even use it after Helene comes back or for as long as you need.”
“Thank you, Luther,” Dark said with a genuine smile, not the creepy one he always uses on Harper. “I owe you one.”
Luther nodded, scratching his pet's hair one last time before getting up. “Well, I should be getting back. Give me a call when you’re coming, and I’ll be sure to sneak you in.”
Dark got up as well, going out to shake his friend's hand. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Luther. We’ll be there by tomorrow evening.”
You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Beth.
Luther shook back with a smile. “Oh, I know. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you.”
I know, Harp. Now come on, we gotta catch the bus to get back home.
How do I get back home to you, Beth?
“Come on, Kill.” Killian rushed to get up, back hunched as he stood next to his master. As Dark walked towards the door to open it for him, Luther quickly turned around towards Harper, his dangerous gaze vastly different from his friendly one just a minute ago.
“If you say anything, I’ll kill him,” Luther whispered, hand gripping Killian’s neck as he raised an eyebrow at Harper.
Harper gave a slight nod, staring at Killian before mouthing, Goodbye, Ian.
The boy swallowed against the tight hold. Goodbye, Harper.
Luther rolled his eyes and pushed the boy towards the door, giving Dark one final goodbye before leaving. The said man closed and locked the door, loosening his tie as he walked back to his pet.
Harper’s instincts were screaming at her to run away from his predatory walk, but she stayed kneeling before her hair was harshly grabbed and she was pulled to her feet. “Oh, darling,” Dark said with a sick smile. ”It’s been so long since I’ve heard you scream.”
The pain on her scalp was relieved just before she was thrown across the room, back hitting the couch before falling to the floor. She shakingly looked up, expecting anger from her captor, but all she saw was lust. The extreme lust to hurt her.
Harper whimpered, lips trembling as she moved back until she hit the TV stand behind her. Why did this have to be her life? She was a good person- she was a detective for God’s sake. She devoted her life to searching for her brother who everyone said was dead. She worked to expose the most dangerous and corrupt people in her city with her best friend. And now she was a fucking pet for one of them, the same man that ruined her life seven years ago.
The girl heaved in before she broke down sobbing, her fight leaving as her reality came crashing down. The previous discussion was two sick men talking about moving her, so no one will know where she is. Or even alive. And if she wasn’t useful to him anymore, she would die.
Dark cooed as he kneeled down, fingers brushing the hair out of her face. “Oh, sweetheart, I know. You’re just so excited to see me. Don’t worry, I’ll make up for all the time we missed.”
Harper couldn’t even plead for mercy before her vision partially blacked out. Her head erupted in pain as it was slammed into the stand behind her. Through the fog that formed in her vision, she felt herself be laid down on the ground, and a heavy weight be placed on her waist.
She heard a murmur from above her. “Daddy missed his toy.” Dark’s face leaned down, lips trailing her neck. She felt his breath on her face that smelled of tobacco. Then she was forced to listen to her shirt being ripped open.
The man kissed her lips, passionately and with emotion that shouldn’t come from a man like him. His tongue slid in, trailing her gums and teeth and making sure to consume every part of her. Harper suddenly screamed when a knife was plunged into her shoulder, shrills and pleas being drowned out by the kiss as the knife dug deeper into her skin.
Dark pulled back, stomach filling with joy as he saw the tears cover her face, his finger going to trace the wound in blood. He made sure to coat himself in it before touching her face again, smearing her own blood there. He smiled maniacally as Harper’s scream almost shook the room when his thumb dug into the wound, every movement causing her face to contort in unbearable pain.
She’s never looked so beautiful.
“I love you, Evie,” he said before hungrily kissing the girl on the floor again, screams never stopping as she writhed under the man who would never let her go.
Nic almost fell off his chair as he heard a knock on his front door. His hair was a mess, eyes sunken and colored due to many sleepless nights, and clothes that had not been changed since five days ago. He scrambled to open it, seeing the familiar blonde and curly hair of the secretary.
“Beth,” Nic said in almost disbelief. From their falling out yesterday, he had figured she wouldn’t want to see him at all. But the girl looked at him with a sudden determination he had not seen the previous day.
“Let’s find Harper and expose these fucking bastards.”
Nic smiled and stepped back to let her in. “After you, Mrs. Carrien.”
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