#I just love nortalice so much GOSH
mintytealfox · 3 months
Oo on the topic of your idv backstory (XD)
How'd you end up liking NortAlice? And is there any other ships/characters you like? :00
I actually ended up liking nortalice when Fool's Gold was announced XD
I realized that this is how she sees him while on the drugs and I was like 'oh dang wait a min he is a hot crumbled up statue of david with only the head, neck, and CHEST ALL INTACT, WAIT A SECOND LOOOL'
and then everything that has both Alice and Fool's Gold there she is just chillin, looking like its just another game of hide and seek and tag like HUH LOOOOOOOOOL, just not worried at all lol The only time she looks remotely wide-eyed with concern is when Norton is eating that bread and chuggin that milk LOL
She was more concerned with the raven/crow that suddenly appeared than the massive pickaxe zooming past her twice LOL
Alice: "you know, that bird is scarier than you are" Norton: "damn, that's harsh" -Alice pats his hand- "you're just too adorable" Norton: "...............alright fine I will accept that"
I just saw so much potential in these two characters coming together after I learned more about Alice and I was like 'oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gooosh they could balance each other out!' Alice able to help Norton piece his morals back together and not hate the human world or obsess about money cause he is no longer in survival mode with her. and then Norton able to help Alice not put herself in harms way and offer assistance and help her enjoy the present moments. Alice seems constantly in thought, but seeing Norton just staring at the sky, she would want to enjoy it with him. kind of stuff ;;
They can both be quiet together and that is just the most pure thing ever to me ;;
-----side track-----
The way I view shipping is more like
'how can these two characters come together and create a beautiful life side by side?'
'These two characters could really make a great story together and want to hold hands while creating it'
'They have some fantastic angst they can work through together HECK YEA'
I like equals coming together and becoming better together
That is more my thinking when it comes to ships~
As for other characters and ships:
I obviously love all of Da Capo lol
and I appreciate Luca and Kurt as characters as well ;w;
I enjoy playing Soul Weaver/Violetta
I don't really romantically ship any of the other characters (yet lol new characters could come out and make me go 'oh wait a min' LOL)
Like before nortalice, I would enjoy Norton and Melly but its more of a buddy cop type situation rather than actual romantical. Like maybe a kiss here and there to check if anything has changed and both just 'naaahhhhhh' and going back to the usual lol. But when Alice came around and Fool's Gold popped up I was like 'ooohhhh this is the one" LOL
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nightwonder7 · 23 days
i’m so :(( thinking of fool’s golden being afraid of hurting alice he avoids her like the plague for a while but he’s still norton so there are times where he can’t help but want to pick her up and hug. at first alice was freaked out, norton or not fool’s gold is huge and any sudden movement could end up with a broken bone on her end, but when she notices how still he’s trying to be as to not hurt her and how his grip is surprisingly loose compared to how norton’s survivor identity hugs her she can’t help but pull through the rough edges and cold seeping through her clothes as she tries to comfort fg as well as she can. she’s smaller and her arms are cramped from trying to hug as much of him as possible but she can feel how the rock formation seems to loosen slightly, as if his body was relaxing the longer they stayed in the position.
compared to norton, i think fool’s gold is significantly more open about his emotions (most negative) so there are times where the two will just sit in silence as norton grapples with the reality of his double identity in the manor and alice does her best to support him in all his forms – because at the end of the day norton will always be someone she loves regardless of his appearance or how afraid of himself he is. she doesn’t know what he’s gone though and she can’t fix his mistakes or regrets, all she can do is offer her support and assurance that she’ll stick by his side even if it means having to endure awkward hugs and long nights where no words are shared.
nortalice makes me sick to my stomach :(( i need to grab them as dolls and make them kiss
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HHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh God they are destroying me! ;;;0;;; I'm a real sucker for this right here >o<
Norton trying to protect Alice from himself by staying far away from her while she tries to prevent him from isolating himself completely cause she knows it'll just hurt him in the long run and she wants none of that ;_;
He has become a monster with a body that was made to destroy, and he tries to come to terms with it. Is it karma? A cruel joke? His past finally catching up to him? Or maybe he was always rotten and it's just the Manor unlocking his full, horrid potential. Who could ever love somebody like that? He withdraws from everyone; especially Alice, yet despite his efforts he still can't shake off his desires for warmth and closeness. It is with Alice's insistence of not letting go of their bond, not giving up on him, that he caves into these desires. He will pick her up or kneel down to embrace her ever so carefully. Sometimes he will lie down or sit leaning against a wall with her on his lap or lying on top of him. While he is basking in her soft touch, he forgets all about his troubles for a moment. When he isn't focusing on not hurting her, he can finally relax. She's so bright and gentle and everything he is not. Norton sometimes wonder how someone like her could fall for someone like him. But he doesn't dwell too much on it while he is holding her, because these moments are too good to let go of in these gloomy times.
Gosh, I love them so much,,, Thank you so much for sharing this, anon!! QAQ I truely enjoyed it!
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mintytealfox · 10 months
Hi-ho! I got a headcanon for nortalice, food related this time! 😁
Now, I imagine that Norton didn't have much of warm/hot food during his life, much less access to them. The one time he had hot food, was when he was 5 and had a cold, and his father made watery soup that was more hot water than anything (Don't mind me, just sliding my own headcanon about his parent 😅) So when he does have hot food (maybe Alice takes him out to eat together, maybe as part of a stake out for a story she's tracking) and takes a bite, he's genuinely taken aback by the flavors and warmth , that he starts silently tearing up, much to Alice's concern and him just trying to quickly regain his composure and wiping away his tears.
And relating this to acts of service being a love language (maybe? 😅), I like to imagine Norton trying to cook for Alice. Like maybe after sleeping over at her apartment, he wants to repay her back and wants to whip up some breakfast. Problem is: Norton doesn't know how to cook. Then again, poor guy staved off stale loaves of bread and maybe boiled potatoes. So imagine Alice's face when she sees a plate of uneven cuts of fruits and mushed potatoes that were not peeled, much to his embarssment XD
But he is open to learn and he and Alice bond over that, because I can imagine that during her time as an experiment subject, she was only fed food that provided the necessary substances and nutrients, no paid mind to flavor or style 😓
Sidenote: I'm split between if they are the type to feed each other food or not, maybe if they feel playful? 😊😅
FOOD 🤌🤌👏👏👏👏😍
Gosh yea, I bet it was bread all day everyday, easiest to buy, easiest to find, and it can last a bit before going bad ah
gosh he really does strike me as someone who enjoys warmth in the comfort sense ;;
awww, I really do hope his dad took good care of him even though he himself was dying ;; Sounds like he was a really good kid and guy for a long while until he finally snapped ;; So I am wondering if he learned that good from his dad since the mom isn't mentioned ever ah
I bet Norton only knows how to cook what kept him alive all this time, like you said probably potatoes and bread (GOSH this dude gets me all sad sometimes AHHHH) BUT I bet he makes them potatoes and bread real well with those nasty potatoes and flour he could afford. So seeing the fancy potatoes and flour he'd be like "even the flour and potatoes look rich here....." Going about the usual routine and seeing how his process works with this fancy versions. Might taste real good actually lol Only making one meal over and over and over, bruhv an expert at that meal lol -curls up in a ball and sobs, NORTON-
YES! He has such a thirst for knowledge he would take to the teaching so well! Bro being a good COOK -SOBS-
GOSH! Receiving that help and assistance to broaden the sorts of foods he can eat, so he won't get as sick when branching out anymore, and Alice sitting with him when he does get sick from too much nutrient rich foods -SOOOOOOBS-
LOL I don't think they would feed each other unless one was sick~ Then I could see it LOL
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mintytealfox · 11 months
HI HI HI HI! For starters, i love your norton and nortalice art! It is the reason i started following you because i had just recently back into IDV and those two were on my mind.
Mainly thanks to a weird dream i had, but not the time and place for dream discussion dhdh. But i just wanna yapper in her about headcanons or what, mainly just the idea of Norton coming off as very cold and assholeish because that is what he is used too, and Alice slowly breaking that away with kindness, melting the ice on Norton’s heart. So by himself, Norton can and will be a dick, beats being used. But with Alice, he comes off as more tired but warm. He speaks in a warm low voice reserved solely for her. He’s not charamstic in what he aays but he is truthful and whispers all the love be can into each syllable. Alice is his Golden Canary. She led him from the darkness and dangers into the dazzling sun, it is only right he treats her with the tenderness she gave him
B'aaaaawwwWWWW Thank youu 🥹🥹 👏👏👏👏👏👏 -applauds, applauds A LOT- THIS ALL OF THIS 10000000% and the 'Golden Canary' -writes that down- PERFECTION 🤌🤌
He absolutely would come off as such a prick and honestly rightly so, he has been through so much and having to survive on his own at such a young age. Then according to the most recent trailer about him, was abused as well from stronger coworkers. Likely just because he was working so hard to change his life, that can really piss off people who are not willing to do the same and just want drag people down with them to make themselves feel better. He would learn pretty quick how to survive in any situation including on a conversational level, since he is so good at getting people to open up to him and tell him things.
By the time we see him in the mansion is is definitely jaded/numb even, closed off, and has that 10000 mile long far off stare. It would be difficult to get into that head of his and figure out what he is thinking. His sentences would be short and vague to an irritating degree lol
Alice has her work cut out for her for SURE. But she is so gentle, direct, and interesting with how she goes about things and that is exactly what he needs, patience and kindness. He might take advantage at first cause that is how he is programmed by this point, but eventually the sincerity from Alice would chip at his rock solid heart.
I imagine his love languages are gifts, acts of service and, after a long while: physical touch. With all the physical violence of where he used to work, marks still visible from his time there, I bet touch is something reserved for the highest tier of trust and love. And why it would mean so much to feel soft gentle touch.
I think Alice would be similar in that regard to physical touch, with how her life went with the experiments and such. She would require that gentle care which Norton would know how to do from his time studying rocks and gems and having to handle some with care as to not mess with the integrity of gently formed ones.
The love language, I believe, they would both not be overly fond of is 'words of affirmation' since they both know how words can get them anywhere when used correctly so words would be useless to them if not backed by action. BUT when they are at the highest level of trust between them, those words they share with each other would mean the world ;;
I also think they would work GREAT together 👏👏Norton knows people, he could get her interviews with just about anyone in the lower class (at least with those he hadn't double crossed. srry Benny). With him vouching for her she wouldn't be viewed as this outsider rich girl, but welcomed. Then Alice would be able to get him in places and get clients he wouldn't have gotten before. And also showing him the finer way of living. and to not spend all his money so quickly. Oh my gosh, my mind just reminded me of Titanic a bit with this tangent 🤣 shows her his way of life and she shows him her way of life.
oh my GOSH I went on and ON LOL I will hold back now so this doesn't become an ACTUAL NOVEL 🤣
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