#I just like to think they have some kind of tame moments between eachother
deadpuppetboi · 4 months
I was looking at screenshots of The Celestial Toymaker and I just realized Toymaker is wearing a wristwatch.
Like, in reality, it’s just Michael Gough wearing a regular wristwatch to check the time. But I like to think, storywise, Toymaker was given the wristwatch by his sister, Hecuba. And while I’m sure they don’t have the healthiest relationship they can appreciate the gifts they give each other.
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jewelslover · 7 years
Brother From Another Mother
Chapter 1: When He Visited
Recommended Song: Energetic by Wanna One
An unexpected visit from a childhood friend.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader (Y/N)
Word Count: 3.2K
Length: 1/? | MASTERLIST |
Fluff, Comedy
“(Y/N)? I hope you’re almost ready, because we’re heading over to have dinner with the Parks in 15 minutes!” your mother yelled up to your room, effectively waking you up from a very pleasant nap. Rolling over in your bed, you tried to focus your eyes on the alarm clock resting on the bedside table. Making out a blurry image of the time, you sighed and looked at your ceiling. Why was your mom yelling at you? You didn’t remember breaking anything recently.
You groaned and sat up in bed, trying to regain full consciousness. You blinked at the disheveled reflection in your mirror before rubbing at bleary eyes. You took a moment to yawn before trying to recall what your mother had been yelling about. “Omma… did she..,” another yawn, “yell something about the Par..-?”
Your eyes blew wide in alarm. Glancing over at the calendar that hung on your wall, your alarm was validated. It was Sunday, and Sunday meant that you were meeting family friends for dinner. You probably had to be at their house soon too, and here you were in your room looking like the walking dead. You slowly looked back over at your clock... it was 5:45 pm.
You and your parents needed to leave at six.
“Crap, crap, crap,-” you repeated, scrambling out of bed to look for some proper clothes. You knew you shouldn’t have napped.
In a rush, you tried to tame your hair with a brush and attempt the awkward “hop n’ pull” into your pants at the same time. Probably not the wisest decision, but it was saving you time, and you hadn’t fallen on your face yet. You were suffering from a serious case of bedhead and gave up on the brush, tossing it onto your dresser and just ruffling your hair in a way you hoped looked at least halfway put together. After quickly swiping on some blush and mascara, miraculously surviving almost stabbing yourself in the eye with a mascara wand, you shrugged on the closest jacket to you, darting out of your room and into Busan’s cool autumn air.
You hopped down the concrete steps of your front porch and towards the grey vehicle idling in the driveway. “Sorry ‘bout the wait,” you called, “Let's get this show on the road folks!” You pulled open the car door and slid onto the sedan’s leather seats, guiltily smiling at your parents. Your dad smirked at you in the rear view mirror and started backing the car away from your house. You blew some rouge baby hairs out of your face and buckled up as he navigated out of the neighborhood roads.
Your family had known the Park’s since you were ten and had been going over to Sunday dinner since you were eleven. Dinner had started as a casual invite for food and socialization but had since then become an unspoken weekly tradition. Both families would usually provide food for the meal, but the hosting responsibility had been given to the Parks. It's not that your family was unwilling, but your house was pretty small and it’s dining room meant for two parents and their only child wasn't quite big enough to accommodate 6-7 people every week. More recently however, only five people had been attending.
The Parks had two sons, Jihyun and Jimin. Both of them lived out of house and only Jihyun visited somewhat regularly. Jihyun was gone to university and had been constantly weighed down with the stress of studies. Everyone understood what an undertaking it was and appreciated that he would try to come over whenever he had the time. Jimin on the other hand… Well, Park Jimin was a household name.
After about four years knowing him, he had moved to Seoul to pursue his dream of becoming a performer. Since then he had become a part of the world famous group Bangtan Sonyeondan or BTS as they were more commonly known. You almost never saw him anymore with the exception of TV and social media, and although you were happy for him, you missed your Oppa. The last time you had seen him face to face was the summer after he debuted, and even then he was so busy working that you barely saw him during the time he spent in Busan.
Not having the two funny brothers always around was nothing short of lonely sometimes. When you three were kids, not a day was spent without being together. Jihyun, being closer to your age, was the brother you were closest to. Looking back, your parents were probably annoyed by how much you and Jihyun would ask to be together. You would always get yourselves into trouble when you were little, and as you grew into young adults, well, it wasn’t much different. You laughed to yourself at the mischievous memories, watching beachside benches pass through the car window. Hm, that was where Jimin would always be.
While you and Jihyun would be down at the seaside, soaking each other's school uniforms in the waves (something your parents loved you for), Jimin would be grinning and keeping watch on you two from the boardwalk. Where Jihyun felt like best friend, Jimin felt like a big brother. He would always be there making sure you were protected while keeping his distance. Although, just because he kept his distance, didn't mean he was some kind of grumpy old grandpa. You and Jiyun definitely dragged him into all sorts of trouble if he didn’t beat you to it.
Though there was a rift between the three of you as children because of age, it was sealed as you all became older. You would do everything together, and when you weren’t out with your separate friends, you were with your little family. You were broken out of your fond reminiscing when your mother shook your knee from the passenger seat. “Jagi… we’re here. Come on,” she nodded towards your door and got out of the vehicle herself. You shook your head and unbuckled, scooting across the seat to unlock the door. Meeting your parents at the doorstep you waited for the door to open after your dad had knocked. When it did, you were greeting by a grinning face. “(Y/N!)”
“Jihyun-Oppa? What are you doing here? I thought you had testing!” You said as you ran up to the older boy, wrapping him in a hug. He laughed and hugged you back. Once you pulled back he led you in and welcomed your parents inside, politely bowing. You kicked off your shoes at the door and both of you went to sit down on the couch while your parents headed to the kitchen. You pulled you legs up to your chest and nestled into a comfy corner of pillows. “So… how’d you escape the prison they call Busan University?”
He laughed at your comparison and shook his head. “Turns out that testing is actually next weekend... I decided to welcome the free weekend and visit!”
You hit his shoulder. “Yah! Why didn’t you warn me, Jihyunie-pabo!” You raised you eyebrow and used your index finger to mimic a mustache. “You would’ve texted me if that were the case. What are you hiding kid?” He gave you a weird look and stuck out his tongue.
“As if I’d ever tell you detective,” He scoffed, tilting his head up and looking down his nose at you. “What makes you think I’m lying?”
You rolled your eyes. “Jihyun-ssi. I have known you and your tricks for 9 years. I can tell when you’re lying. Give it up boy.
He pouted and crossed his arms. “I’m squeaky clean until proven otherwise.”
You both stared each other down until the older boy cracked and let a small smile slip. You let your serious faces drop, and broke into a fit of giggles, smiling at eachother. You prodded his upper arm with your socked toe. “I missed you, Oppa. You don’t visit nearly enough.”
He sighed and shrugged, “Trust me, (Y/N). If I could I would. I use every chance I get to visit everyone.” You both gave each other sad smiles but quickly moved past it and on to happier matters. In fact, you had moved so far past the bittersweet moment that by the time his parents came in to get you, you were doubled over in laughter at his hilarious retelling of an awkward date.
Everyone made their way over to the table and sat down while you helped Misses Park with the food. Once everything had been transferred from the kitchen to the dining table you took your seats and dug in. As you started mixing some sauce, Mister Park called your attention. “So (Y/N), have any schools caught your eye yet?” He smiled across the table at you and you bit your bottom lip.
It was common knowledge that you had chosen to spend the year after secondary school at home, but the clock was counting down to choose a university. As much as you loved Busan, you didn’t love its school options. Still unsure as to what you wanted to do with your life, you always bristled when people asked about it. You cleared your throat and looked down at your food. “Ah- not yet no. I’m still… considering career options, Ahjussi,” you answered, stuffing a rice ball into your mouth before he could ask anymore questions. Jihyun kicked your leg underneath the table, having caught onto what you were avoiding. You shot him a quick stink eye before looking back across the table at the adults conversation.
Everyone was finishing up their meal while your father retold funny encounter he had with a street vender. About halfway through Jihyun paused eating and pointedly looking at his mother. “Oh, that reminds me. Omma, do you know if they left yet?”
You looked over at the boy, with stuffed cheeks and a confused look. “Sorry, ‘They’?” you managed through a mouthful of food.
His mother nodded and ignored your question. “Yes. I believe it was this morning. Don’t worry Jihyun, you won’t have to wait much longer.”
You swallowed your food and nudged the boy next to you. “Jihyun, who’s ‘They’?” you asked, but he had already resumed eating. He was looking away from you, seemingly enthralled by the vender story your father had resumed telling. You lowered your voice, “Yah. Don’t ignore me.” He turned back to you and was opening his mouth to say something, when the doorbell rang.
“I’LL GET IT!” You both yelled, hastily getting up from the table and running towards the front door. Using your socks to your advantage, you got a quick start and slid across the hardwood floors, making it before Jihyun. He was about to yell at you, but you stuck out your tongue and held a finger up to your lips, shushing him. “Who is it?” You called through the door, placing a hand on the knob. You stood on your tiptoes to look through the peephole, and were greeted by the sight of strawberry red hair and a familiar smile. “Is that-,” you looked back at Jihyun’s smirking face, “You knew he was coming didn’t you!”
“Squeaky clean until proven otherwise, (Y/N),” he quoted from earlier.
You opened the door faster than you ever had and beamed at the boy who now stood in front of you. “Jiminie-Oppa!” you shouted, and he opened his arms wide for a hug which you happily jumped into. It was comforting after such a long time.
“Is that really you, (Y/N)?” He smiled, holding you out from him to look you up and down. “You look so much older!”
You pouted and crossed your arms. “Well I would sure hope so! The last time you saw me I was 15!”
He laughed and turned away from you to wave at a van that you hadn’t noticed before. A boy with chocolate brown hair around your age nodded from the passenger window and gave a thumbs up to the driver. Another one with his hair tied back by a bandana leaned out in front of the previous, squishing him against the seat, and waved back as the van pulled away. “Annyeong, Jimin-Hyung! See you Tuesday!”
He laughed and nodded, watching the van roll down the street. It was faint but you could make out a loud “Yah! Taehyung! Get off!” You giggled and quirked an eyebrow at Jimin, “Hmm.”
You crossed your arms. “How do I know that you’re actually Jimin and not an imposter?”
He scrunched up his nose and smiled. “What do you mean an imposter?”
“I’m just having trouble believing that THE Park Jimin appeared at our doorstep unexpectedly out of his insane schedule.” You shrugged and let your arms fall to your sides again, “I’ll have to conduct a test.”
His smile dropped and an apprehensive look took over. “What do you mean a te-?”
“Jihyun, come over here please,” you said, waving the younger brother over to you. “I’ll need you to keep track of my discoveries.”
The other boy came to your side, laughing into his fist. You deftly kicked him in the shin to shut him up and recomposed yourself, looking up at the strawberry in front of you. “Let’s see here,” you started, reaching up to ruffle his hair, “Hair has the right amount of fluffiness. Good, record that Jihyun-ssi.”
“Wha- How?” He raised an eyebrow and held his empty hands up, “It’s not like I have anything to record on.”
You sighed and took your hand from a giggling Jimin’s hair, moving it to be placed on Jihyun’s shoulders. “You have a brain. Just remember it, Jihyun.” I placed my hands on Jimin’s face and continued my inspection. “Cheeks have the correct squishy to sharp ratio. Smile is still just as blinding. Height… hm, it’s shorter than usual. Jihyun, we’ve been given a phony. This guy’s too short.”
“Yah!” Jimin shouted, his squishy/sharp cheeks turning the same shade as his hair.
You laughed and smiled up at him, “I’m just kidding Jiminie-Oppa. Come on, it’s your house, you don’t have to ask to be let in.” He made a face and ruffled your hair on his way in, kicking off his shoes in the designated corner. You and he both started walking into the kitchen when Jihyun cleared his throat. “Ahem, forgetting about someone?”
Jimin turned around and looked back at where the question had come from. Jihyun just stood there, with arms crossed and an expectant look on his face. Jimin shrugged and shook his head, “No… I don’t think so Jihyunie-ah.” Jihyun just gasped dramatically and turned his back on his hyung, stalking back to the kitchen. “Wait, Jihyun,” Jimin started in between laughs, “come back.”
Later in the evening, after Jimin had caught up to his younger brother and sarcastically apologized, the three of you spread out in the living room. You and Jimin took the couch and Jihyun was sprawled out on the floor, leaning back on his elbows. Somehow, over the course of the conversation, you had successfully flopped upside-down on the couch with your legs tossed over the back and head hanging off the front. Jimin used this circumstance to use your unprotected stomach as a convenient footrest, earning him a swift kick to the chest.
You all talked up a storm and caught up with what had been happening in each of your lives. Jimin loved hearing his brother’s university stories and laughed at your unfortunate secondary school experiences. “Wait, so he did that and thought it would work?” Jimin laughed after hearing about an awkward moment with a ‘guy’ friend of yours.
“Boys in secondary school are just generally stupid,” you said matter-of-factly, stretching your arms above your head and onto the floor.
“(Y/N)-ah, I’m only one year out of there. I find that offensive,” Jihyun pointed out from his spot on the floor.
“Sorry,” you replied with a sickly sweet smile. “Did I stutter?”
He sat up and swatted at you, but you blocked it with your stretched arms. “Yah! Don’t hit a woman!”
“But you’ve been hitting me ever since you got here!” he complained. You just gave him an upside-down smile and avoided another swat. This time you fully sat up and scooted behind Jimin, teasing Jihyun over his shoulder.
“I have protection now. You can’t touch me, villain.”
“Ah, ah, ah-,” Jimin began, shaking his head and getting up off the couch. “You’re not getting involved in this.” He already could predict what was gonna happen. He had been in the middle of you and Jihyun’s childhood feuds more than once. They used to end up with Jimin either calming you two down, or you two teaming up to attack him with whatever was nearest in proximity…
It was usually the latter.
“Hyung, you’re now considered a defensive measure that can be used by (Y/N)-ssi,” Jihyun grinned. “I’m afraid I’m gonna have to defeat you in order to get proper revenge.”
“Aniya, Aniya! I beg of your mercy!” Jimin grinned, already dashing out of the room.
“Get him!” you shouted, and both you and Jihyun grabbed the nearest pillow and ran after Jimin. You chased after each other with an arsenal of pillows and old stuffed animals, your socks becoming more and more of a liability on the wooden floors as you slipped and slid through the hallways. You were quick to learn that you needed to grab onto a doorframe if you were going to turn into a new room.
As you were planning a sneak attack from the bathroom, the boys cornered you causing you to trip back into the bathtub (the traitors), and your saving grace arrived in the form of your mother telling you it was time to go home. Although reluctantly, you climbed out of the tub with the help of the brothers and walked back to the front door. Grabbing your sneakers from the corner, you turned to Jihyun and gave him a high-five, reminding him to not die under the stress of university work. This earned sniggers from both brothers. Then you turned to Jimin and smiled before wrapping him in a bear hug. “Don’t be gone for too long next time, okay?” You said smiling up at him, before stuffing your face into his shirt and quietly mumbling, “Four years is too long, Oppa…”
You let him go, and he gave you a sad smile. “I’ll try not too, (Y/N)-ah.”
You smacked his arm and reprimanded him for his sad eyes. “Yah! Don’t give me that look or else i’m gonna cry, Jiminie-Pabo!” The three of you laughed, Jihyun not buying that you of all people were capable of tears, and you gave one final hug to both brothers before your family said their goodbyes and headed back to your car.
As you were driving back towards your house, you looked out at the sea past the boardwalk. The streetlights passed, re-lighting a stretch of the pavement every mile or so. You were still in minor shock that Jimin was able to visit. You reminded yourself to get Jihyun back for keeping it from you later. It was a comfort to see him, but you still felt his absence right after you left the Parks house. You knew when you’d see Jihyun again- probably in a few weeks or so- but with Jimin it wasn’t certain. You sighed and leaned against the car window, closing your eyes the rest of the way home.
You had really missed him.
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