#I just know that. werewolf hot. the beast inside and her connection to it etc also interesting AND. hot
ineed-to-sleep · 1 year
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Werewolf pepper for your consideration 🤔💭
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theprodigypenguin · 6 years
TCC Headcanons (part two)
More headcanons, this time featuring a bunch of Teddy because I love him so much and he deserves all the attention! Of course there’s mostly Scorbus because I’m a trashbag for them. I’ll probably add on a third part of headcanons soon, because I’m starting to get very attached to the Jeddy ship as well.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Albus isn't remarkably skilled with spells or potions, but he CAN conjure a patronus charm by fifth or sixth year.
It's more powerful than even Harry's.
His patronus takes the shape of a dragon, which embodies his personality (hot blooded, impulsive, bites a lot, but powerful in his own way and deserving of respect, etc), and references his future as a Magizoologist.
Of course he thinks of Scorpius and recalls memories of Scorpius to conjure the charm, and it gets stronger and more powerful as he gets older and gains more memories.
Scorpius' patronus takes the shape of a phoenix, which embodies his loyalty, wisdom, inner strength, and longing to heal people from injuries and curses.
Though aviary creatures are his favorite, Albus refuses to work with Augery's.
He and Scorpius are pretty much the same height, accept maybe a centimeter difference of Albus being taller.
Delphini is an unregistered animagus (she can fly without a broom, she's clearly powerful enough to have perfected the transformation into an animagus, and I'm willing to bet she doesn't need a wand to cast spells either).
Her animagus is an Augery, of course.
Neville is? The best God damn professor? In the fucking school??????
Albus absolutely adores him and just chills in his office sometimes cuz that's his godfather and I'll be DAMNED if they don't have a great relationship you can fight me on that.
Lily is super good at Transfiguration and will 100% eventually work towards becoming a registered animagus.
Both Lysander and Lorcan work with their parents as Magizoologists and editors/photographers for the Quibbler.
They're notable for photographing magical beasts and writing more modern pieces about them.
They've also been known to tag along with Albus on some of his later adventures as a dragon keeper/Magizoologist to document his work.
Teddy Lupin eventually becomes an Auror like his mother.
His specialty is in potion making but he can do just about everything.
He's super involved in the equal rights movement for lycanthrope afflicted wizards and witches.
In honor of his father and what he went through, he works towards making Wolfsbane Potion more affordable for the afflicted.
Teddy himself is an expert at preparing and brewing the advanced potion, and keeps a few bottles on him at all times, just in case.
He keeps his hair wild colors most of the time, because without the camouflage he looks too much like Remus and it makes him incredibly depressed.
Whenever Harry or Andromeda see him as he is, they give weak and broken smiles, ones of pity and longing, and it tears him up inside.
He carries around a silver locket engraved with a wolf on the outside.
Inside is a picture of his parents, and a small music box fit into the other side that plays a lullaby tune his mother used to sing with to get him to sleep.
He swears sometimes he can still hear her, and Remus, singing to him.
His patronus is a wolf.
He's actually pretty protective of Scorpius.
This is likely due to the fact Teddy doesn't have many blood relatives left, and treasures the ones that he does have.
He loves Harry and considers the extended Potter-Weasley-Granger-Etc family to be his, but there's just something to be said about blood.
Plus Scorpius is precious and deserves to be adored and loved and treasured anyway.
He spent a few years (between the ages of twelve and fifteen) simply hating his parents, in complete denial of their deaths and "abandonment", but slowly grows out of it and is very proud of them and their sacrifice.
One of his most prized possessions is the gold medal of the Order of Merlin that Kingsley Shacklebolt awarded Remus after the Battle of Hogwarts, which he keeps close to his bedside and holds when he's feeling particularly lonely or at a loss of what he's doing with his life.
Despite the age difference, James is basically his best friend.
He was one of the first people to hold him when he was born and has adored him ever since.
During his first year at school, James had trouble getting used to things, so Teddy gave him one of his house scarves.
James would wear it and cling to it when he was anxious like he was holding Teddy's hand.
He luckily grew out of his anxiety after a few months, but kept the scarf.
Teddy calls him Jamie most the time, Jim if he wants to make him mad or piss him off, and only calls him James if he's upset/angry and needs to get his attention or wants to scold him.
In TCC when he sees James with pink hair, he changes his hair color to pink to match and make him feel better.
Albus always runs off after one of his unfortunately common arguments with their father, but always goes to the same place to cool down, and James always, always goes after him to talk.
It takes a lot of bad jokes and puns to get Albus to follow him back home, James doesn't quite know how to give him brotherly advice aside from trying to make him laugh, but being there for Albus, always following him when he runs away from home, is enough.
James was generally inconsolable when Albus went missing from the train, because for the first time he didn't know where his brother was and couldn't follow him to bring him back.
Teddy is an expert at wandless magic and silent spells (just like Remus), and can cast some of the most advanced spells and charms, or make some of the most advanced potions, without much difficulty.
I kind of??? See him??? Becoming Minister of Magic after Hermione?????? ((After him I see Scorpius MAYBE becoming Minister, but I haven't decided how I feel about that idea yet)).
Listen to "If You Could See Me Now" by The Script and cry over Teddy never meeting Remus so I'm not the only one suffering plz.
Teddy did not inherit Remus' Lycanthropy, but I headcanon he did inherit something I'm calling a Moon Sickness.
He is not a werewolf, but around every full moon he gets incredibly tired and fatigued, and has terrible nightmares.
Teddy is unexpectedly talented in astronomy, divination, and runes.
As if his father's blood connection to the moon, sky, and stars, gave him the gift of what Trelawney calls "the sight".
He isn't a Seer like she is, but his dreams are too convenient to ignore.
He tells himself dreams are all they are and has only expressed his suspicions about them to James (and maybe to Victoire idk).
Seemingly skilled at everything he attempts, but Teddy has a remarkably difficult time conjuring a patronus the first time.
Every time he tried he would just think of his parents and end up completely unable to make so much as a blue spark.
When he does manage to make a corporeal Patronus for the first time, it takes the form of a wolf, just like his mother and fathers, and he cries.
After the first time, he starts to conjure the wolf just to look at it, and pretends it's the spirit of his parents there to protect him.
Scorpius' boggart is Delphini.
Albus' boggart is Scorpius dead from the killing curse (his boggart is accompanied by the bright green light).
Teddy's boggart is himself, or some form of himself that he's scared of becoming.
As he is the only known child of a werewolf and a human, a hybrid that hasn't existed before, some people have taken a particular interest in Teddy.
Some of Fenrir's supporters from the second war managed to get away from execution and prison and went under ground, but they too have taken an interest in Teddy.
Some people think his blood, his DNA, could hold the secret to a cure for Lycanthropy.
It's a false, pointless belief and hope, not based on fact, entirely impossible, but that doesn't stop the werewolves from looking into it, wanting to experiment just to test their theory.
James' patronus is a dog (I honestly see him tilting towards being similar to Sirius in terms of loyalty rather than being similar to his grandfather idk why).
After the Delphini incident, the ministry kept her existence tightly under wraps to keep the wizarding community from falling into an all out panic.
And to keep Voldermort supporters and dark wizards from gaining confidence against the ministry and the Aurors.
Her arrest was never publicized in the Daily Prophet.
However, this also means the rumor of Scorpius being the Dark Lord's son continued to plague him at school.
Reporters claim a silly "harmless" rumor is less damaging than actually telling people their suspicions are correct and that one of the most dangerous dark wizards of all time had a CHILD.
Draco was furious upon learning the ministry's decision to withhold the truth about her, but Scorpius decided he agreed and claimed it was fine.
That he'd rather suffer through school for a few more years than watch panic ensue because of Delphini.
Because that was exactly what she wanted, and Scorpius would be damned if he allowed her the satisfaction of knowing people feared her.
Because of this, when his boggart changed into her, only Albus (and maybe the teacher), knew who she was.
The class laughed at him because why would his greatest fear be some pretty older woman?
Albus cast the Riddikulus charm before the boggart could finish changing, because he knew what it would be, and didn't want Scorpius to see himself lying dead on the ground.
The teacher scolds him for prematurely casting the spell, but he doesn't care, so long as he doesn't have to do it again.
The professor tries to make him but he refuses, so he’s given detention, but he honestly does not care.
He just doesn’t want to see Scorpius dead, even if it’s just a Boggart. 
He has enough nightmares about losing Scorpius without a Boggart fucking him up.
Albus tops in the relationship.
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