#I just imagine Sansy being tiny and cute
silverryu25 · 4 years
So what if sans stayed a kitty and red stayed a wolf? Wouldn’t that be super adorable 🥺 like red would act all gruff and tough but when sans does a little “mew” he wraps him around in a huge puppy hug and smothers him. Kitty sans grooming himself all lazy and relaxed than a dangerous stranger comes up approaches him threading to attack while sans sits there with a smug grin about to know what’s gonna happen. Suddenly a huge wolf red is behind the stranger growling and ready to attack
Dang noonie... you know me so well cause this strikes right into my heartstrings QwQ♥
First... smol kitty Sans and big wolf Red??? Stars dammit I would literally kill to steal someone’s drawing skills and draw the two of them cuddling like that with Sansy doing a little mew or purring and Red just nuzzling into him!! QAQ♥♥♥♥♥
And here is a tiny drabble (sorry I’m still tired from the dumb corona so these will be short, but I promise I absolutely adore this idea X3) for you noonie!
Sans was sitting on the steps outside the monster embassy, waiting for Red. The bigger monster went to get some paperwork done due to their new... forms. Sans was still pretty salty about that, mostly because he was stuck in a lot smaller body than before. And he wasn’t a big monster to start with. It was even worse that Red got bigger instead, making him tower above Sans.
Though having a very big bonefriend did have its perks.
Getting bored, he automatically started to groom himself, another thing that made him both annoyed and embarrassed. He didn’t do it consciously, it was just something his new instincts had him doing occasionally and it wasn’t pleasant when it happened in public. But before he even noticed what he was doing, a large shadow loomed above him, making him freeze in his spot.
“Hey there little one, what are you doing all alone out here?” A sleazy voice came out of the looming figure. Sans had a hard time figuring out what the man (based on the voice) looked like, the sun behind his head making it hard to see his features.
“huh?” Sans replied, confused. What the hell did that mean? Did this man think Sans was a kid? He wasn’t wearing stripes, it was obvious Sans was an adult. But humans tended to forget that so he was ready to play it off as a joke saying “pal, i kid you not but you got the wrong idea here.”
“... a wise guy, huh?” The man suddenly looked like he was looming even worse, making Sans’ hackles stand on end, ears flat to his skull and tail swishing behind him. This didn’t look good. What the hell did this dude want.
Suddenly the man shot an arm out, grabbing Sans’ hoodie below his chin and lifting him up, which wasn’t hard due to his minuscule size. Sans struggled and growled, claws gripping the man’s hand and making him bleed. Unfortunately his claws weren’t very sharp, not like Red’s, so he wasn’t doing much damage. But he struggled and yelled at the man to let go.
Instead of listening, the man just laughed at Sans, and pulled him face to face. His breath stank, like he had been drinking heavy liquor. It made Sans shudder and scrunch his nose ridge up, a hiss involuntarily leaving his teeth.
“not so funny now, are ya freak?” The disgusting man spat in Sans’ face as he said that and grinned in satisfaction, waiting for Sans to get terrified of him. 
Instead, Sans' eyelights darted above him and then focused back to the man’s eyes, a lazy relaxed grin spreading across his teeth. With a wink he said “you should really let me go pal, i’m not kidding around.”
“What the fu-” before he could end that question, it suddenly got darker and a deep growl came from his back, making his whole body instinctively shake. Slowly, the man turned his head back only to see a red shirt. So he lifted his eyes. And lifted them some more. Until they were met by teeth. Lots and lots of very sharp teeth, growling down at him.
A large, clawed, hand grabbed his hand where he was holding the blue hoodie and squeezed, making the bones in his wrist creak. With a yelp, the man let go, catching a glimpse of the small kitten skeleton gracefully landing on his feet. But most of his focus was on the hand gripping his, painful tears gathering in the corner of his eyes.
Sans casually put his hands in his pockets. He looked as relaxed as he was before the man had grabbed him. With a lazy grin and a look behind the man’s shoulder, Sans beamed at the big monster holding his attacker. Red, his bigboned bonefriend, gave him a fast lookover making sure Sans was okay. Once he was sure there were no visible injuries, Red grabbed the back of the man’s neck and effortlessly lifted him up.
“’m gonna take da trash out, sweetheart.” Red said to Sans, shaking the man he was holding a bit. “wait fer me in da embassy, ‘kay?”
“okay, red.” Sans nodded and made his way up the steps, watching as Red brought the man to the guard station. He would probably have a talk with him before he came to pick Sans up, so Sans had time to calm down a bit. This shook him up more than he'd like to admit, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. He had Red, after all.
Having a very big bonefriend really did have its perks.
Hope you like noonie! This was a ton of fun to write! I just really wish I could draw something for it cause these two stole my heart!
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   25
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: Papyrus yells at Sans to get his shit together, but he's a mess... AKA Sans gets drunk... and remembers some things from the past... that he'd really rather not..
A/N: There is some... possibly triggering events... experiments and tiny skele abuse... little Papyrus is too cute and sweet... Also mentioned possible death. It, as usual, is separated with the ~~~ and should be (at least mostly) safe again at the next set, safe summary in the end..
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
Sans rolled over in his bed, feeling like the scars on his chest were going to break through and destroy his soul. 
The sun blared outside, shining into his sockets. 
"fuck off," he growled, rolling back over. 
Papyrus pounded on the door, making the sounds reverberate through his skull. He couldn't tell if it was louder than normal, or it just sounded like it to his throbbing skull. 
The day was hell- actually, life was hell at the moment… 
His brother yelled at him about how stupid he'd been every chance he got- like he didn't already know that he'd royally fucked up. 
Every place he went reminded him of something he'd shown, or wanted to show (Y/n), her excitement at all the different things she'd never seen before had warmed his soul every time. 
Each time someone asked where his pet was made his soul thrum and ache to be close to her. ...and punch the person in the face… She was so much more than the pet they'd had to pretend she was. 
Every time he got Grillby's, he remembered her face of delight as she ate it for the first time. 
Every bite of his brother's food reminded him that she'd been there and helped him get better at cooking. 
Every time he rolled over in bed and smelled her scent caught on the pillow, or the sheets… 
And then there was the time he'd gotten back from drinking, and had been stumbling around drunk in his room, kicking random stuff on the floor, only to discover a pair of her underwear that he'd probably tossed in the corner in his haste to get to her. 
That had made him collapse in a heap of self hatred and regret. 
Sans sat at the table, stabbing his fork at his dinner aimlessly. 
“sorry, boss…” 
Papyrus clenched his jaw, staring at his own fork pushing around a bite longer than necessary. 
Sans didn’t say anything. 
“i fuckin’ know, boss!” Sans yelled, scooting his chair back from the table. “i know i’m a fuck up! it’s pretty fuckin’ obvious that i always manage ta fuck everythin’ up!” 
Papyrus sniffed haughtily. “I’M GLAD THAT YOU KNOW. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?” 
“i can’t do anythin’ about it! i fucked up, an’ she hates me! i took ‘er back ta th' edge a th' boundary, an’ there’s no way i can ever find ‘er, now!” Sans glared at his plate of food. 'sides, she wouldn't care- not that i'm sorry for being an asshole, not that i've been tryin' ta be a better monster, an' made great progress, too! maybe only a lil before i met 'er, but her bein' here made it so much easier to be better… 
Papyrus scowled at his brother. “THERE’S ALWAYS A WAY-” 
Sans cut him off by standing up, his chair making a loud noise as it almost fell over, and started towards the door as he muttered, “i’m goin’ ta grillby’s…” 
After grabbing his coat and slamming the door after him, Sans shortcutted to the bar, intent on getting wasted. 
A few drinks in with a good buzz, Sans started looking around. 
He wasn’t quite drunk enough to not remember, but it was at least a bit hazy. 
“Heya, Sansy!” 
He looked over to the bar stool next to him, seeing the cream colored bunny next to him, ordering a drink. He followed her to her regular booth, and they began matching shots, seeing who could get the drunkest first. 
Sans opened his eye sockets, his fuzzy eyelights looking around the bar, seeing some drunk monsters starting to be a bit more friendly with each other. 
His skull fell to the side as he shifted, realizing that he’d missed a bit of what had happened. He straightened up in the booth seat and looked down at his drink again. 
Maybe he should try to find someone… 
Even if it was a one night stand, it would be someone to try to get rid of his memory of- no… thinking her name would only start the hurt again… make his soul burn with the knowledge that he was to blame for fucking his life up beyond repair. 
But, finding someone might be a good idea; he needed to at least stop jerking off excessively to her panties, or reading those stupid, mushy, trash books he hid on his shelf while imagining that she was the leading lady- and he was lucky enough to be the bastard who’d seen the error in his ways and was given a second chance… 
Sans tossed back his drink and took the half empty glass from the passed out bunny across from him, downing it as well. 
He was finally kicked out of the bar, Grillby chasing everyone out as he closed. 
Sans took a shortcut home, but ended up in the field near the echo flowers he had planted to remind him of Waterfall, where he used to look at the Underground “skys” and pretend the crystals were stars. 
He yelled loudly for a minute, then tried again, this time making it within a short distance of the house. 
He swayed dangerously, but he made it in through the door, getting to the foot of the stairs and seeing the door to the hidden room open. He went to it, hand stopping short only due to him passing out across the floor with a thud. 
His vision had gone dark. 
…yet darker… 
…and darker, still… 
Sans felt his soul floating above his body, unable to move as Gaster held him there with his weird powers. 
“Just hold still, you little shit…” 
Sans could handle it… as long as he left Papyrus alone, he could handle it… 
“What is it? What are you doing in my lab? Why are you here?” Gaster demanded roughly in irritation. 
Sans fought as hard as he could to shift his eyelights to see his little brother. He needed to stay away! Sans wished that he could talk, yell at Paps to run, to go hide, to never come there, ever again- but he could hardly shift his eyelights. 
run, bro, run! Sans begged mentally. 
“Well, you see, you weak little fool, monsters are stuck underground. We’re not here because we want to be. Your useless brother here, is going to help us escape,” Gaster told him. 
“THAT’S AMAZING, SANS!” Papyrus shouted in proud joy. 
Sans tried to will his brother to leave, to save himself from the sadistic monster towering over him. 
Papyrus’s jaw hit the hard floor as Gaster smacked the back of his skull so hard he fell forward. 
“Don’t be stupid, you worthless little runt,” Gaster snapped as he tore the ragged stuffed animal from his grasp. “He’s only a part of the experiment, he’s not doing anything worthwhile.” He held up the prized toy and ripped it’s limb off. “Just like this garbage is only making you weaker.” 
“NOOO!” Papyrus cried, a heart wrenching sob that made Sans’ soul hurt. 
Gaster glared at the small skeleton on the floor. “You have no need for this trash,” he sneered. “It’s as useless as you are.” He tore at the thing until it was completely in pieces and destroyed. 
Sans wanted to punch Gaster in his stupid cracked face. 
Gaster plucked Papyrus from the floor and turned to hold him where Sans could see. “Look at how weak you’ve made him,” he gloated. “If you didn’t coddle him and try to protect him from the real world, he’d be stronger.” 
Sans could feel his magic gathering in his bones, pushing and fighting against Gaster’s hold on him. 
Gaster looked Papyrus in the socket. “You should thank your brother for this- for making you as weak as you are.” 
A shot of fear showed on Papyrus’ face before the first hit came. 
Red, hot, magical tears built in Sans’ sockets as he fought to get free, to help his brother, but he was only able to sort of flop around on the table. 
Papyrus’ cries and tears were background noise for Gaster’s cries and accusations, telling Sans that he could thank himself for his brother not being able to defend himself, telling Papyrus to thank Sans for making him so weak. His gleeful cackling mixed with the noise of the attack. 
One of the machines in the room kicked into another level, sounding like it was reversing the flow it had been using. 
“Haven’t I taught you boys anything? Emotions are weakness.” 
“Weakness is unacceptable- weakness will get you dusted.” 
“I thought I had taught you both better- but maybe you’re just slow learners!” The thought was accompanied with a manic and near demonic grin. “Maybe you just don’t learn- maybe you need to be taught over and over and over-” 
“stop,” Sans choked out. 
Gaster was too focused on what he was doing to notice at first, but when it seemed like a circuit or fuse had blown, he paused his movements. 
Sans started shaking, his body twitching every which way as he fought, fought to be able to save Papyrus. 
He felt a power just beyond his phalanges, he could almost reach it- 
The tears in his sockets grew, starting to stream down his skull, as he stretched himself to touch it- 
The power in the lab started to flicker, and Sans felt like his soul was being ripped into tiny pieces with a cheese grater, digging into it and shredding the super sensitive entirety of his being. 
“What are you doing, you stupid fucking brat,” Gaster demanded, glaring watchfully at him, ignoring his screams of pain.
Sans couldn’t hear him, though- he couldn’t even hear the screams leaving his own mouth, he was only consumed with protecting his brother, stopping Gaster from hurting him. 
A loud crack echoed in the room, followed by the power cutting off and slowly starting back up. 
Sans felt weightless, like he had no restraints. 
He threw himself from the bed, but felt that he didn’t even touch the floor. He was held by a gathering of power- the same power that he’d tapped into. 
The power that was… 
Gaster sneered as Sans stood before him, attempting to adjust his magical hold, but it didn’t affect him. 
Sans clenched his fists and gathered the power there, ready to stop the attack on his brother, a shimmer moving around his fists. 
Gaster cackled at him and tossed Papyrus to the floor. “So, you’ve finally done what you were meant to do this whole time.” The tall monster reached for Sans, but his magic didn’t affect him. He made a displeased face at Sans before flourishing his hands, the gems in the centers of his cutout palms gleaming as he grabbed something in the air and pulled, lines attaching the two shimmering to visible for a moment. 
Gaster grinned dangerously in accomplishment and jerked the lines, making Sans stumble forward. 
“And to think; all it took to motivate you was a little smacking around of your brother… Maybe I’ll make you…” Gaster manipulated his hands in strange ways, and Sans could feel himself being tugged around by his own magic. “Yes, I could make you the one that hurt him instead… but, I think that I’ve taught him enough about the dangers of being weak… now I think I’ll teach you the dangers of caring for others-” Gaster twisted his hand and made Sans pick Papyrus up, holding him even with his eyelights. “How it can only hurt both parties in the end.” 
“i don’t wanna, pap, i swear,” Sans begged him to understand as he felt his hand being drawn back. “i swear it’s not me, paps- ya know i’d never do anythin’ like this ta ya…” 
“But it is you, Sans, look at your hand, it’s the one that’s about to hurt the one you love,” Gaster sneered from behind them. 
“‘s not- ‘s not, paps- y’re my lil bro, i love ya-” 
He was going to kill him- 
Sans was going to kill Gaster for making him do this. 
“The best part, is that the more monsters I link together, the more power I’ll have… I’ll be able to break down the barrier all on my own- as soon as I link enough souls together,” Gaster crowed in victory. 
Sans looked down to his ribcage where his soul sat, seeing a string connecting it to Gaster’s soul, a strange bond forming between his soul and the holes in his palms, the gems floating in the middles, that he’d never seen before- in fact- he didn’t think he’d ever seen this glow before on Gaster. 
Sans focused hard, letting go of Papyrus and took a hold of the line and tugged, pulling Gaster instead, turning the larger monster to him and making him stumble to be the right height, even for him to pull all the energy he could into his hands, summoning a large bone and swinging hard, hitting Gaster in the skull, seeing the flash of fear and realization just before it connected. 
Gaster fell to the ground, limp, and Sans dropped the bone, letting it disappear as he stared in shock. 
Did… Did he just kill Gaster? 
He knew he thought about it a lot… 
He knew that he wanted to do it to stop him from hurting his brother- wanted to punish him for hurting his brother… 
But… why wasn’t he turning to dust…? Why was there… blackness leaking from him?
Sans turned to Papyrus when he felt a bit more certain that Gaster wasn't going to get up and attack again. 
He felt his soul twist in knots at the expression of pain and fear on his small brother's face, sure that it was partially due to the crack from his maxilla, between two sharp teeth, up and heading to his cheek bone. But the other part would have to come from… 
"b-bro-" Sans' voice caught, his hand freezing in mid motion, his phalanges starting to curl closed into a fist. “i… i’m sorry, bro,” he murmured. 
Papyrus threw himself into Sans’ arms, small, almost silent sobs leaving his small frame. 
Sans felt his soul twist again. 
“i- it’s a’right, paps- i- h-he… he’ll never hurt ya again. never…” He murmured against his brother’s skull. “i promise…”
Papyrus held tighter to him, trying to hide his silent sobs better. 
“i- imma help ya become th’ toughest monster out there. ain’t nobody gonna mess wit ya…” Sans stroked over his brother’s skull, not quite sure what else to do to comfort him. “ya- ya are th’ great an’ terrible papyrus, after all…”
Papyrus mustered up the strength to give a soft, “Nyeh Heh Heh…” 
Sans held his small form closer to his chest, curling around him. "it's ok, paps… everythin' is gonna be ok…" 
He just had to get rid of Gaster's body… 
After a moment, an idea came to him, and, thinking it through while he held and comforted Papyrus, it seemed to hold up… 
He'd hated all these years of going to the lab with Gaster, but… looks like they were finally going to be good for something. 
He didn't think anyone else knew about the void between realms that Gaster had accidentally tapped into while trying to find a way out of the Underground. 
"S-Sans…" For once, the small skeleton's voice matched his size. 
"yeah, paps?" Sans asked quietly. 
"Are… Are You Going To Be My Dad, Now…?" 
Sans felt like he was the one who'd been smacked in the back of the skull with a bone attack. 
"i- n-no, paps- i'm still yer brother, i- i ain't fit ta- i ain't old 'nough ta be a dad-” he corrected, trying to put it in a way that Papyrus would understand, “but… imma take care a ya like one, 'k? ya don't have ta be scared, imma take care a ya… i'll keep ya safe…" 
Papyrus tightened his hold on Sans. "I'm- I'm Going To Keep You Safe, Too," he murmured. 
"that's 'cause y're gonna be th' biggest, strongest monster out there. no one'll be able ta beat ya, 'cause y're th' best…" 
Sans held his brother tight, feeling the newly awakened power burning through his bones as the two held each other, swearing that they'd keep each other safe and alive, no matter what it took. 
A/N: Safe summary: Gaster is experimenting in connecting souls together, using his powers to hold Sans down, when little Papyrus comes down with his precious stuffed animal to see what they're doing. Gaster hits Papyrus as punishment for being "weak". Sans completes the connection of his soul to Gaster's to break his paralyzing hold on him and protect Papyrus. At first it works, but then Gaster uses two crystals type things (that Sans has never ben able to see before and isn't sure what they are) in the holes of his hands to focus his power and control Sans, making him hit Papyrus, as punishment for caring for and loving him. Sans tells him the whole time that it's not him. Sans regains control and stops himself, using gravity magic to bring him down to level, and then manifests a bone attack and hits him, very hard, in the head. Sans wonders if he's killed Gaster, and holds Papyrus close while trying o figure out how to hide Gaster's body. Sweet moments ensue in the mostly safe part.
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dolltale · 4 years
Ryu talks
Some asks for me! *happy dance* X3
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Good catch anon!! :D
Here’s the thing about Red, he will not say “mushy stuff” out loud cause of a lot of reasons, but mostly cause he thinks he’d sound stupid or something silly like that. Which we all know is not true and hopefully Sans can get him to realize that soon ;3
Part of the problem is also that he couldn’t say things like that without being in danger in his universe, that’s why he and his brother only yelled at each other and sounded like they are fighting. You can imagine it’s quite a shock for Red to suddenly be told things like he’s cute and funny and other sweet things.
But one thing he could do even in his universe is do nice things >:3 Which means he’s okay with showing affection through actions (preferably unseen actions so no one tells him he’s being cute) like cooking, gifts and hidden kisses. It’s something he did with his brother too (and he was found out just as easily then XD).
It’s pretty much that living in Underfell forced his “love language” more firmly into the “acts of service” type. Sans didn’t have that limit so he is more comfortable in saying lovey-dovey stuff, though he tends to bottle up his feelings so it’s not as much as he would like to.
The protectiveness came from a similar place. If you want your loved ones to be safe you are going to have to make sure they are protected. Which basically means Red loves Sans enough to do everything to keep him safe ;3
Again good catch anon! This wasn’t stated in the comic, since no one wants to call Red out and risk him stopping it, but it is a big part of Red’s personalty :3
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@hamsterandtrianglenose​ sorry I’m kidnapping this ask XD
Sansy is feeling well, he was just focusing so hard on the thing he hid from Red (which is the letter he gave Red in the last comic) that he didn’t notice when Red was calling him. So no taking Sans to bed yet unfortunately UwU
But I hope you like the alternative that happened! Romantic dinner with a love letter and... well you’ll have to wait tomorrow’s comic to see >:3
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Thank you anon!! Both for the ask and for liking the comic (≧◡≦)♥
It’s always ok to ask anything! I love replying to asks of any sort :D
How do I keep motivated? Hmmmm... well there are a few reasons how and why I’m still working on this after more than 2 years :3
I’m stubborn as hell XD Meaning that if I decide to do something I will do it no matter what. It is tough sometimes to get motivation to work on a new comic page, cause work is being extremely hard on me and sometimes bad moods hit. But when that happens I usually take a small break of a few days which helps me a ton to go back and work on the comic.
I like keeping to schedules ^_^ Knowing when I have to post helps me organize my time and know when and what I have to do, which lessens any stress I might have over working on the comic.
I love the story and the idea I can create something QwQ I never thought that I would ever be able to create anything worthwhile so seeing this comic getting so much love and support just makes me want to do more of it. And it’s super fun to brainstorm the story with a friend XD
The support everyone gives me (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♥ The asks, fanart, memes and just all the little tiny comments when a page or an ask made someone happy, laugh, broke their heart, anything, it makes it worthwhile. Because I know I’m letting others enjoy something I love and there is no greater thing you can achieve in my book :3
So it’s a lot of things! The support of others helps a ton, but this is a story I adore and I really want to see it completed.
Let me know if you have any more questions! I’m happy to answer them all :D
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the-jennisms · 5 years
As a sort of philosophical question, why do you think someone would want to create bitties like Cherries, which can’t really handle existing at all? Like... from what I see, they’re so easily upset and made miserable, just from average life occurrences. What’s the drive for whoever makes bitties to make a type so fragile and needy? It just seems cruel and wrong to put that out into a world where most people won’t be willing or able to accommodate its needs.
From a marketing/selling perspective, I imagine cherries could appeal to helicopter parents/adopters who need someone or something to dote on. Like maybe their kid has gotten sick of their parents and made boundaries to keep them at bay or maybe their kid just moved away. Suddenly helicopter mama has nobody who needs them and either buys a pet or gets a bitty. Sansys, Softies, and Lil Bros would be too laid back to really need to depend on an owner the way they would want, Edgys and Bosses would be too independent, (baby blues too to a certain extent), Pappys, or Meeks would be good choices but Cherries are designed to be needy and thus would never reject an overprotective (or emotionally smothering) adopter.
While Cherries are designed to be cry babies, it’s not that they can’t function. Bitties are still individuals so some Cherries are more... cherrier then others lol.
The cherry in my comic (Hue not Chief) is a little sensitive and the times he cries have to do with isolation. The first time he got adopted, he gets separated from the others in his (I hate using this word but it’s all I can think of right now) ‘litter’ and immediately stuffed into a dark, tiny box, alone for who knows how long. So, of course, he cries.
The second time is actually kind of a mistake on my part. The comic was supposed to show that Sam leaves for a few hours and when they come back, they find Hue in tears because he was all alone again.
The final time he teared up was when he was supposed to pick out a new friend and there are so many bitties and none seem interested in him and he doesn’t know what to say- and in comes Nod to help Hue relax and stay calm.
But you’re not wrong, it is kind of messed up to put Bitties in situations where most would not be willing or able to give a bitty the time and attention it would need. However, it’s not unlike real life. Think of how many dogs and cats are bred to be sold and how many end up abandoned or given back because they couldn’t handle them or they got too old and weren’t cute anymore. It happens more often than we probably want to think about. But with Bitties it adds a whole nother layer to the mess because they’re not animals- they’re intelligent, sentient beings.
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marshmarrowsans · 7 years
What about ut sans proposing?
(Yasss thank you I LOVE writingmarriage proposal fluff~ -Mod Kasha)
 Sans had beenmeaning to propose to you for the past three months.  Every time he tried, he just couldn't get itdown right.
 The first time hetried, he just plain chickened out.  Youwere stargazing together and he was going to do this really cute thing where hemade a really big deal about some star in the sky, made you try and find it forawhile, then brushed it off with an 'oops, my bad, it was a diamond this wholetime' just before presenting you with the engagement ring.  But in the middle of gushing over how prettythat star that wasn't there was, he was consumed with doubt.  Maybe you weren't ready.  He knew he could be a little bit...  much to deal with sometimes.  He wouldn't blame you if you weren't ready tocommit to putting up with his weird bullshit for the rest of your livestogether.  Besides, this was stupid.  This was cheesy.  You'd be embarrassed telling this story toyour kids one day.  Wait, kids?  Slow down, Sansy, one thing at a time.
 Needless to say,he turned his failed proposal into a weak joke by telling you, 'oh, oops,that's the moon.'  At least it made youlaugh.
 The second timehe tried, it was just the two of you at home, cuddling and watching an oldfavorite movie from your childhood.  Hefelt more comfortable there, in the walls of your shared home.  He wasn't going to chicken out thistime.  He wasn't going to make some kindof spectacle or joke out of it.  He wasjust going to take the pillow lying next to him, plop it on the floor, get downon one knee, and show you the ring in his pocket.  But... you had your head on the pillow. And you were asleep.
 The third time hetried was the closest he got to actually doing it.  He was sure that it couldn't go wrong.  He'd practically trapped himself into doingit, and trapped you on that path with him, by arranging to go to a fancyrestaurant with you.  He set aside enoughmoney to fund your Grillby's trips for weeks, bought a suit for the first timein his life, reserved the table and everything. You looked absolutely beautiful, and you told him that he lookedadorable, so he was riding that confidence-boost high all evening, all the wayuntil dessert came, all the way until the restaurant manager approached yourtable.  It turned out, while Sans wasmonologuing about his feelings for you as a prequel to his proposal, the peopleat the table next to you felt uncomfortable at the way you two were holdinghands and, oh so scandalously, even going so far as to kiss a couple of times.  Andapparently, that was your problem for being together, not theirs for buttinginto other people's business because they didn't like the sight of a human anda monster being affectionate with one another. You were kicked out of the restaurant.
 Understandably, thatkind of ruined the entire night.  How washe supposed to propose when you had so much sadness and fury in your eyes?  When all you could talk about was how fuckedup that was, how fucked up the world was, how sorry you were that humans couldbe so rotten, as if you were a part of the problem somehow despite loving him completelyand unconditionally?  He just held you inhis arms, reassured you that it wasn't your fault and that yeah, the world waskind of fucked up, but it was still worth living in together.  Then he teleported you home to sleep on it.
 What he learnedfrom those failures was as follows:
1. Don't be acoward.  So what if you turned him downor thought it was cheesy?  It wouldn't bethe end of the world.  It wouldn't meanyou didn't love him.
2. Don't do it athome.  It's too comfy.  One of you or the other would get too cozyand fall asleep for sure.
3. Don't do it ina place with a lot of humans.  A lot ofthem were still weirdly bitter about monsters existing in society.
 With all of thatin mind, he swore to himself, this would be the time that he did it forreal.  For the first time in a long time,he asked you to go to Grillby's with him, on Friday, right after work.  That had been your routine before you gottogether as a couple.  After you gottogether, of course, you pretty much went with him whenever he went.  To go there again, specifically when you usedto, was somehow kind of nostalgic, even though it was by far your mostfrequently-visited date location.  Youeagerly agreed.
 Everything wasjust like it always was between you two, just as it always had been.  Neither of you dressed up for it.  You ordered the same food and drinks (andcondiment) as always.  You got into yoursame old pun war with each other and he let you rant about the same oldbullshit at your workplace.  He preferredit that way.  He just smiled, rested hischin in his hand and thought about how nice it would be to spend the rest ofhis life just like this.
 "Sans stopsmiling that asshole stole my lunch from the fridge again."
 He only smiledwider.  "you did not just tell your skeleton boyfriend tostop smiling.  that's like me telling youto stop being cute."
 "Yeah, wellI..."  You blushed.  "Okay first of all, I'm not cute, I'mbadass."
 "i thinkyou're living proof that those two aren't mutually exclusive."
 "And second of all, you smile differentlywhen you're actually smiling like a human would.  It reaches your eyes."
 The fact that youcould tell the difference made him feel a rush of love for you.  "awwwh. i love the way you analyze me like one of your specimens."
 You reachedacross the table and patted his cheek. "You're my speciman."
 "heheh."  He put his hand over yours, leaned into yourtouch a little, and looked at you with an eager and bashful expression hehadn't quite replicated since your first few dates together.  It was the expression he used to get when hewanted you to kiss him but didn't know how to ask.  You were expecting him to say something sweetand mushy, but all he said was, "you want an onion ring?"
 Okay.  Shakespearean it was not, but coming fromSans, that was a tiny bit romantic.  Dudeloved his onion rings.
 "Oh sure,thanks, honey.  I want to see what allthe fuss is about," you chuckled, letting go of his cheek to hold out yourhand for one.  "They must be prettydamn good if you never even share them with the love of your life overhere."
 There was amischievous gleam in his eyesockets.  Youwere sure he was about to prank you, but since you were curious where the hellhe could be going with this, you just let him do his thing.  Instead of reaching into his onion ringbasket, he reached into his pocket.  Heheld something in his hand, but kept it concealed for a moment, a light blueblush dusting his cheeks.
 "oops.  did i say onion ring?  i meant to say union ring.  my bad." He felt physically incapable of it, but he knew that if there was onetime in his life that he needed to look you in the eyes, it was now.  So he did. You just looked shocked.  It was anatural reaction.  He stifled the anxietyrising in the pit of his stomach and presented you with the ring he'd been holdingon to for ages.  He'd picked it outbecause, rather than a traditional clear diamond, the center gem was a deepblue, and cut into the shape of a tiny heart. What would be a minor detail to most human couples was a major one tohim, because he wanted it to resemble his soul, as if he were literally handingit over to you to hold and to take care of and to cherish forever.
 "heh.  i, uh, know it's gotta be disappointing,compared to one of these tasty onion rings you thought you were gonna get.  you still want it?"
 You stillseemed frozen in place, but he felt his nervousness fade when he saw thegrowing smile on your face.  You weregoing to say yes.  Oh, stars, you wereactually going to say yes.
 "...  Yes." Your voice came out soft and shy, nothing like it usually did-- you wereusually bold compared to him.  But youwere certain.
 As coolas he'd been trying to play it, he couldn't really contain himself anymore whenyou agreed.  He jumped off his stool andpulled you down from yours into a long, tight hug, his face buried completelyin your chest.  You barked out a laugh,ecstatic.  Both of you were shaking inyour excitement.
 "God,Sans..." you mumbled as you pressed kiss after kiss to the top of hishead.  It seemed you were just as much ata loss for words as he was.
 "thanksfor saying yes," he whispered back. "i...  really, really neededto hear that from you."  He pulledaway a little, but only to smile up at you and slip the ring on to yourfinger.  It fit perfectly, and he wasoverwhelmed by the sight of you finally wearing it, a symbol of his love foryou, and your love for him in return. "i dunno what else to say besides i love you.  and, uh, fyi, i was tryin' to do this formonths."
 Youlaughed and nuzzled his forehead with yours. "That's awesome.  BecauseI've been daydreaming about marrying you for months."
 That wasofficially the cutest thing he'd ever heard. He could hardly imagine you sitting there and thinking about marryinghim, of all people.  No matter how longyou were together, he could never fully understand how you could be so in lovewith him.  But he didn't doubt it for amoment, and he was so, so grateful for it. "...  have i mentioned that ilove you?  because holy smokes, i adoreyou."
 "Hehe,yeah, you mentioned it.  About thirtyseconds ago.  But it's always nice tohear it again.  And I love you too,"you assured him.
 "sweetheart.  babe. you saying 'yes' is all the 'i love you's i'll ever need."
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