#I just have my nostalgia lenses on sorry 🤭
shima-draws · 4 months
I’m not super far into the game yet but DAYUMMMM THE MUSIC THO?? They’ve EXTRA remastered it. REMIXED it even. Also I noticed that they’ve made new tracks for mood changes too, and gave some characters some new themes :’D I really like those little additions in the soundtrack, definitely makes the game feel more modern for sure
Also I laughed my ass off at the Goomba face off bc they censored the FUCK out of it. And for good reason too I mean the original is, um, well,
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I guess catcalling isn’t age appropriate LMAOOOO
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tkblythofficial · 5 months
ok hi i'm back with my report on T's current astro transits 🫡
firstly, some good news: monday's solar eclipse was trine T's jupiter, which is a very fortunate transit. over the next 6 months, his career will continue to flourish. he may sign onto a huge project or projects that he's completed will be met with critical praise. overall, it'll be a very positive time for his public image! jupiter is also the planet of luck so i think any unfavorable news about him that may arise during this time will either be ignored by the public or somehow spun in his favor.
and now for the stuff everyone wants to know: mars is square his jupiter right now so he might not have physically cheated because his moral compass stopped him from crossing that line. mars is a very impulsive planet especially in regards to sex but the square signifies an inner conflict while jupiter guides our morals. even if he didn't do it, i think he may feel very guilty for even considering it. he could see it as a betrayal not just to bb but to himself and his morality as well. this aspect is separating, so whatever he did already passed and isn't something that's currently happening anymore. jupiter is also square his mercury, so again he just seems very morally conflicted. even if bb can forgive him, he might be struggling to forgive himself.
i know i said one of his transits possibly meaning a spontaneous marriage scared yall and i'm very sorry for that! i only meant that the timing of the convo on here was a funny coincidence 😭 i actually don't see marriage in his stars right now
with that being said, venus is squaring his venus so i feel that he still cares for bb and still feels they have a connection but there's an imbalance between them that he's painfully aware of. neptune is also square his venus so he could be seeing their relationship from rose colored lenses. neptune rules nostalgia so he may be very nostalgic about how their relationship used to be. there's stuff in his transits that indicate him struggling with his newfound fame and all of the attention that comes with it. he could see her as part of his "old life" and not wanting to give up on their relationship because of that. ngl i wish i could see what's going on on bb's end but idk her birthday so 😭
honestly there's a lot i could say about his transits, but i don't wanna overload you 😭 i hope i could this makes sense and doesn't sound like a bunch of crazy rambling! now it's time to start working on R's transits 🤭
Say more about his transits! I don’t mind a ramble.
Oh dear, R’s transits next? Should be a fun read.
BB is born on April 24 👀 midnight
Another anon is probably going to dispute this so we might have a fight on our hands 🤭 JK! Love my Astro girlies!
None of this surprises me tbh. I think it’s normal for people to hold onto their “past life” when rapid changes happen. BB knew him before he was famous and that’s a huge benefit for him imo.
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