#I just have a few newer friends who I'd like to celebrate with too but it will feel strange to bring it up a bunch of weeks after the fact
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natreads · 1 year ago
this is silly but it's my birthday next monday and I'm trying to figure out how to celebrate, but the problem is that one of my friends is going to be away for the entirety of the month, and then by the end of the month another friend is leaving for a year+ long trip, so I can't celebrate with both of them either way. the friend who is away for the month has her birthday just a few days before mine, so we were thinking we could just celebrate once she's back even if it's a bunch of weeks late. BUT I still can't decide how I wanna do it, because I now suddenly have this thought that I wanna go clubbing bc I went last weekend and it was v fun, and me and two other friends have been thinking of going to this gay club anyway, but the friend whose bday is close to mine doesn't really like clubbing. so maybe I could go clubbing and then celebrate again when she's back. but then I start overthinking it. I wanted to bar hop originally and she'd probably be into that too. then I started wondering if I should just have dinner, but then maybe I should invite my brother and sister in law. but then I was wondering if I should just do drinks next weekend since my friend who is leaving for a year+ will be here bc we're going to a show. but then
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bellaxgiornata · 10 months ago
Hiii! I've been following fftd for a loooooong time and I love it so so so much. Thank you for such a wonderful fic!! Also for your, 2.5k follower celebration, I'd like to present an idea for a headcanon starring Matty, Tristan and Frank separately.
So one idea is for what would they do if they found themselves with the reader under a mistletoe (who placed it there anyway, hmmmm😏)
And another is for, their reaction to the reader's pregnancy throughout the 9 months and till the baby is a few months old.
Hey friend!! I'm so happy to hear you've been a long time reader of FFTD! That series is truly neverending 😆 I'm glad you're still enjoying it though after all this time!! It's always so fun to hear from y'all that have been there from early on watching everything play out!! ❤
Ohhh, okay, a couple of different things going on here! And TRISTAN!! I just watched Stardust the other week while I wasn't feeling good, so I'm still a little newer to him but I think I can answer these! As usual, everything is below the cut, but as for the headcanon on Matt and Frank reacting to Reader's pregnancy and having a newborn, I did recently answer a question about the two of them reacting to this not too long ago during the celebration. So I'll link that here. Though I can discuss my thoughts on Tristan reacting to that below the cut as well!
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Frank absolutely would not have placed the mistletoe. As a matter of fact, he would most likely not even be the one to notice there even was mistletoe hanging around. Either you or someone else would have to actually point it out to him to even get him to notice it.
But once it's been pointed out to him? You can guarantee that he'd be pulling you close to him by the waist and saying something along the lines of "Now how'd that get there? Can't go ignorin' it now, can we?"
Doesn't matter whether you're at a bar or a friends' party, he'd be going in for a kiss without hesitation. And it would be a long, sweet kiss where he held you close.
When he pulled away, he'd have the biggest grin on his face, one that was contagious even to you. And then he'd playfully tell you that you should watch out tonight because he's "gonna find another chance to drag you back under it again."
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Matt certainly didn't place the mistletoe, but he sure as hell knew where it was with his senses. And he purposely dragged you over to it, too.
He'd be teasing you about kissing him before actually doing it, intentionally dragging out the moment because he'd enjoy listening to the anticipation build in your body.
When he finally went in for the kiss, he'd take his time and slow things down, purposely trying to rile you up. Then he'd pull away and leave you wanting more with a cocky grin on his lips saying, "You're going to have to wait until we get home for anything more, sweetheart."
For the rest of the night, he'd intentionally lure you near the mistletoe again, but he'd make sure the pair of you never actually quite made it underneath it again. And he'd tease you with that knowing, cheeky little smirk on his face.
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Tristan absolutely placed the mistletoe. In fact, he was probably holding it up over your heads himself. Of course he wasn't letting the chance to kiss you pass him by, especially in the romantic outdoor setting that he'd most likely have already put together for the two of you.
He'd also give you a little speech about how he'd been looking for an opportunity to use it all night while giving you the biggest smile.
When he kissed you, it'd be a very enthusiastic kiss. And certainly one that would last far longer than a single kiss. It'd be both passionate and playful, resulting in the pair of you laughing together afterwards.
As the laughter subsides, he'd grin at you and hold the mistletoe up again, shooting you a little wink.
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Tristan with a Pregnant Reader
Tristan would be over the moon excited when you told him you were expecting. Doesn't matter if the pregnancy had been planned or not, he'd absolutely be excited about the news.
He may not know much about what you're going through, but you can guarantee he'd be going out of his way to dote on you and take care of you. A particular food you want? Foot massage? Someone to cuddle you when you're feeling miserable? He'd be there for everything.
Even if you were feeling self-conscious about how you look as the pregnancy progressed, he'd be showering you with compliments. Tristan would often be reminding you of how much he loved you and how beautiful you still were to him. And he'd certainly be making time for the two of you to spend together before the two of you became a little family of three.
One of his favorite things to do would be to talk to your belly and feel baby move. And the smile that would light up his face and the laugh you'd hear him make every time baby bumped his hand would have you grinning from ear to ear yourself.
When it came time to give birth, he'd absolutely be panicking and worried about you and baby. He'd be pacing whenever there was a moment he couldn't actually do anything to help you.
But the smile that would light up his face the first time he held his child would forever be ingrained in your memory. And you'd melt watching him cuddle the baby and quietly whisper sweet things to him/her.
Despite how much work a newborn would be, Tristan would be up for the challenge. He'd be up day or night doing whatever he could to help keep baby fed and cleaned, but his favorite part would probably be soothing baby, somehow always managing to calm them so well with his gentleness.
Tristan would be a very present father, especially since he was raised by his own father as well. He'd take pride seeing all of baby's first moments and getting to teach them things as they grew up. Boy or girl, they'd become his little shadow.
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oncominggstorm · 20 days ago
28, 46, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 61, 74, 83 :)
28. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
Nope! All my crushes have been on friends/friendly acquaintances (except for a few celebrity crushes).
(That said, until recently when I would masturbate or whatever I never really fantasized about like, myself being involved at all, so I would always make up fictional characters and for whatever reason, a good amount of them have been teachers 🤔 No clue where that comes from tho cuz I truly haven't ever had a crush on an irl teacher!)
46. If you could choose one Disney prince to marry who would you choose?
This is hard cuz most of the Disney princes from the older movies suck, but the newer ones I haven't watched enough 😂 Does Flynn from Rapunzel count? He's the first one who came to mind anyway 🤷‍♀️
47. If you could choose one Disney princess to be your best friend who would you chose?
Hmm maybe Tiana? Or Moana maybe.
50. If you had to live in the world of the last T.V show you watched where would you be living?
I think Sex Lives of College Girls is the last show I watched actually, so I guess in a college dorm? Not my top choice for a place to live but I'd probably survive at least 😝
53. Mention a movie that always makes you cry?
Well if a movie makes me cry once, there's a pretty good chance I'm not watching it a second time 😂 I'm gonna go with the Fault in Our Stars. I've only watched the movie once but I also read the book once or twice and cried reading it too so I'm gonna say that counts 😝 I actually saw The Fault in Our Stars at the movie theater with my sister, and the ending is sad of course, and I was basically sobbing at that point. But then the SECOND the credits started, my sister got up and left, without giving me any time to try to stop crying or pull myself together, cuz the credits song is an Ed Sheeran song and she hates him because I like him 🙄
54. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how horny are you?
So there's kinda 3 different ways to answer this tbh 😂 In general if you look at my life as a whole, the answer is usually not very. Probably like a 2 or 3. Cuz unless I have feelings for someone, I don't usually get horny without like, purposefully trying to make myself horny by actively seeking out stuff like porn or w/e, and I don't usually feel like I NEED to do that, just sometimes want to if I'm bored or w/e. But LATELY? Uh I'd say like a 7 or 8 😂 It's been BAD lol. But right now this second? Like a 5. It's very weird it's like, mentally I'm there, but I've had a tummy ache literally all day, which physically is turning me off 😂
55. What is the scariest thing you have ever experienced?
Eh probably waiting for the ambulance when my dad died, cuz we couldn't get the bathroom door open far enough to check on him so we didn't know if he was dead or not, just that he was on the floor & not responding.
61. What is a weird thing you love?
I feel like most of the stuff I love is weird 😂 So it's hard to know which one to pick 😝 Let's go with: I love having my bedroom really cold at night. Like I'm talking 55-60 degrees if I can (Google says that's like 13-15 degrees for you). And on a similar note: my baby blanket (which is literally just a bundle of scraps at this point lol) is made out of a fabric that will feel really cold to the touch if it's in a cold environment. So I like to keep it pressed up against my bedroom wall (cuz in the winter it's cold there cuz our insulation sucks, and in the summer it's cold there cuz it's by the air conditioning vent) so that it gets cold, and then once it's really cold, I like to just like, press it up against my face for a while 🤷‍♀️😂
74. What is the worst gift you have ever received?
My dad's dad (who is an awful person, I will never speak to him again after how he acted at the funeral home when my dad died) and his wife (also an awful person) are like, the world's biggest cheapskates when it comes to gifting or helping other people (despite being relatively well off financially). So one year for Christmas I got mini soaps/lotions that they'd stolen from the hotel on one of their many vacations, along with a knitted square that I only learned years later was apparently supposed to be a wash cloth. They always gave cheap gifts, like dollar store socks & lotion that's so cheap it gives you a rash & stuff, but I think stolen hotel toiletries takes the cake. It's kind of like at that point I'd rather just not get a gift?
83. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
You know I don't actually remember? I think it was probably a tumblr post 🤷‍♀️
Thanks Marce :)
Send me a number!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 2 years ago
Three years ago today I found an article that talked about a new song written by a boy newer to the punk scene. He was young and rambunctious and saying things he deeply believed with his whole being. I hadn't liked new musicians in... Over a decade probably. I was stuck in my ways and just seeing a headline about 'I wrote this while watching Green Day's BIAB' made me almost annoyed. I remember rolling my eyes and thinking- 'yeah sure, I'll see about that.'
I was more depressed than I realized. My health was declining and I had been through a lot in the years before. I was just hitting my 30s and the world was terrifying. I never left my house from anxiety and barely left my bed. I don't talk about it much but after my health went extra bad I was so scared of my heart problems I barely spoke out loud for a year. I didn't even listen to music anymore really, I didn't feel things the way I had as a teenager but I thought I'd test it out just to see. Why not make jokes to myself about how sad the state of pop punk was becoming?
Well if you can't guess, that song was Strawberry Lipstick and that rambunctious boy was Dom. To say that night changed my life is a fucking understatement. I was hooked automatically. I was desperate for more and I spent the next few days diving into everything I could find from and about him. I fell in love with him, with the way he loved us, with his energy and his honesty and the way he gave his all. He opened my eyes to others I'd fall in love with too. He reminded me of my love for music and reintroduced me to myself. I don't always know what I believe in but I truly believe the universe wanted me to find him that night.
I made a Tumblr (my old one) just for him and made friends for the first time in years. I reached out to the world because of Dom and the BHC (and later EST) reached back. Of course I've been hurt and I still have trouble but I wouldn't be who and where I am today without that man. I've watched him grow and flourish and with him so have I. Because of Dom I finally came out to myself and my family. Because of Dom I'm not scared to say I'm trans.
Since that day I've lost some of my old and new friends, not everyone stays and that's okay. Since that day I've changed and grown and hurt and healed and loved. I finally have a diagnosis for what's wrong with me which I wouldn't have felt strong enough to push for without finding Dom. I wouldn't have felt brave enough to keep asking, I wouldn't have felt brave enough to try working at one point, I wouldn't have felt brave enough to put myself out there with art or writing. Without Dom I wouldn't be me. I can never thank him enough. Ever.
So maybe I go overboard celebrating his birthday but that's because I'm not just celebrating his birth, I'm celebrating myself. I started living again because of this man so in a way it's my day as well (though my actual birthday in the 8th so it's almost a special few day holiday for me!) Happy birthday Dominic and happy anniversary to my love for him 🖤
Sending love to you all today and every day because you're all incredible! 🫀
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officialnighttime · 6 months ago
It was my bday about three weeks ago and I had to have dinner with my big brother for it. I nearly killed him after he made a racist joke, then defended himself saying racism is funny and he 'has black friends so it's okay'. And all of that sucked.
But the day before my birthday was a Thursday. And all my besties meet up on thursdays so we can have dinner together and fuck around for a few hours just hanging out. Turns out, they all knew it was my birthday the next day and I didn't realise that that Thursday was a Birthday party for me.
I only figured it out, and it turns out it wasn't exactly a secret, because bestie was at the shops with her bf getting supplies to make me a chocolate cake with Bailey's whipped cream and she had called me to ask if cream inbetween two layers of cake would be too much texture for my autistic ass because there was also icing on top and strawberries and after I managed to let her know it would be ok because I could seperate the layers and eat them one texture at a time which is what I always did and we hung up, I broke down crying because nobody in the history of fucking ever has ever asked me if texture would bother me like that. Like, she fucking cared and she cared enough to call at 11 at night to ask me. She was in the middle of a supermarket with her bf in the middle of the night for a cake for me and she checked that what we were having for dinner was something I'd like too and it was amazing and I cried for nearly an hour. Because I had never had that before. I had never had friends like these that gave a fuck and it was the best kind of weird.
I got there the next day for dinner and it turns out her bf had even got a 1 and a 9 balloon and blew up a bunch of others in blue and green and purple and silver and they are my favourite colours and they gave me cards and chocolate and they even got me the glass bottles of pepsi max I like to have when we hang out because nobody else drinks it and the glass bottles are too expensive to have often so it's a treat to myself but I wasn't allowed to pay for anything and they still got them for me and we played Chained Together and had dinner and went to see a newer addition to our group who was working and we stopped by to see him and we had a hiccup with bestie and her parents cause she wanted to sleep over but she had to go home, she and other bestie stayed til just after midnight to say happy birthday on my birthday and headed off and me and other bestie stayed the night and stayed up late af playing uno no mercy and it was the best birthday I have ever had.
I got to hang out with newer bestie the next day, on my birthday because he felt kinda bad he didn't get to celebrate with us the night before but I didn't mind even though it would have been cool if he'd been there and all of it was more than I have the fucking words for.
I love them and I felt loved. And it was weird and strange and new but it was good.
it doesn't matter if today isn't your "actual birthday"
I don't really care about details like that
happy birthday!!!! you are loved, please do something nice for yourself today 🎉
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red-wardens · 6 years ago
Late to the party but for the mistletoe kiss... I'd wanna kiss them all. Some platonically (Ronan, Cassian, Blue), some others less so. I'd ask for permission, though. I'd stay away from Kieran, since I am, after all, a human female... XD Das would smooch them all mercilessly (*especially* Kieran). Except for Blue. He'd be very gentle with Blue. Because she may be the most badass warden of the squad, but as far as *he* is concerned, she's made of snowflakes, rose petals and glass.
[And I’m late to the party for answering, it might as well be a New Year’s kiss now xD Jk, thanks for the ask my friend! Here we go. Cassian Cousland is so enthusiastic about platonic affection he’d be absolutely delighted. Blue Surana and Ronan Aeducan would be fine with it and they greatly appreciate being asked first. Good call on Kieran Tabris though. Now for Das… I can’t not write something for this so MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS]
Mistletoe Kiss ft. Das Davarris + Warden Squad
Words: 1792 (holy moly i got carried away)
The liveliness of the party was felt all throughout Vigil’s Keep, the Satinalia celebration in full swing, unperturbed by midnight’s passing. All the Ferelden Grey Wardens and their friends and family, including the friends and family of the newer recruits, were present and festive. Even a majority of Soldier’s Peak Wardens was there, leaving only a skeleton crew at their castle interchanged by shifts. Warden Davarris, as he often was in any room he entered, was the life of the party.
“Chug another one, Davarris!” “Quit flapping around like a dandy and get yer ass over here!” “It’s your turn for the Satinalia mistletoe game!” came the friendly jeers and shouts that pulled him from his enthusiastic if not eclectic dancing. Not one to turn down a challenge, he marched jauntily over and took up the bottle from one of the new recruits.
“A mistletoe kiss, eh? Maker’s tits you buggers still play this game?” he laughed but twirled the bottle in his hand readily enough. “Alright I’ll have a go at it, Maker knows you blighters need to be shown how to pucker properly. Like you, Mason. Last time you got yer cheeks smooched was probably yer mum, wasn’t it?”
“Up yours, Davarris!” the new recruit answered back, but raised his glass to show it was all in good fun. He took another chug of his ale before shooting back. “Besides, with yer mug this might be the only way you’s getting a kiss.”
“Just spin it already!” called an impatient voice before Das could joke back. A snicker responded to it along with the jibe, “Are you that eager to kiss him, Tabris? Haven’t you two already gone at each other enough?”
“What can I say Nora, maybe I want an audience.”
Grinning, flattered and more than a little buzzed, Das made a show of dramatically placing the bottle in the center of the table and with the hilt of one of his blades, gave it a good spin. The small crowd that had abandoned dancing and drinking and socializing to watch, pressed in curiously. Drawing suspense, the bottle came to a slow stop, pointing not at one person, but at the painting on the nearest wall depicting the Heroes of Ferelden.
There was a brief uproar of laughter and arguing about how the results were to be played out before it was unanimously decided that all the Wardens of the Hero Squad present must be kissed. After making sure none of them were against the idea, Das picked up the sprig of mistletoe on the table. “To work!” he announced, imitating the Commander of the Inquisition’s armies.
Leaping to one side of the crowd, he bent forward to throw an arm around each of his favorite dwarves. Raising the mistletoe between him and Ronan Aeducan, he promptly gave the man a long smooch on the cheek. The warrior made a huff of amusement before running a hand over the side of his slightly ruffled beard. “Too much to drink, Davarris?” he joked.
But Das had already tossed the mistletoe to his other hand and held it up over Nora Brosca. The short woman was already grinning and poking her own cheek expectantly. “Plant ‘er there, Das!” And he did, with enough enthusiasm to send the woman into a fit of laughter before she gave him a surprisingly strong shove toward the tall human gentleman.
“Good evening, Das.” Warden Cousland greeted, ever friendly. The former-inquisitor laughed at his nonchalance before replying “It sure is, Cassian.” and reaching up to take the lanky man’s stubbly face in his hands, still holding the mistletoe in one. To his surprise, Cassian was the one to close the distance. Not one to ever put a damper on party games, he gave Das a short but surprisingly passionate kiss on the lips. Cheers and hollers surrounded them, and one friendly “boooo!” from their favorite elven reaver.
“Maker’s holy balls!” Das cried out, placing a dramatic hand on his chest at the end of the encounter. “You kiss like an Antivan!” he told his friend who laughed, looked both flattered and proud, and assured Das that so did he. They were then interrupted by an indignant yelp as Kieran Tabris picked up the petite woman beside him and carried her over.
“Oi, Davarris! Kiss Mell first, you and I are gonna be a while.” the dark-haired elf suggested, grinning and presenting his mage friend who looked thoroughly embarrassed. He set her down before Das who took her hand and kissed it gently. Alyss Amell’s face was already turning pink but she met Das’ pale eyes and smiled demurely. Her shyness was clearly due to having the eyes of a crowd on her and not their proximity. Das was good at drawing her focus from all of them though, and it was warmly appreciated.
“May I, Princess Amell?” he inquired of her and she suppressed a little laugh before granting him permission. He smiled back brightly, raised the mistletoe and gave her a soft peck on the lips before drawing back to return her personal space. Alyss had turned red- and there were more cheers- but before Das could perceive any of this, a hand had grabbed his and raised it over his head along with the mistletoe. Das couldn’t even laugh at his enthusiasm before Kieran’s mouth was on his, the other gripping the upper part of his arm as he walked him backwards into a pillar.
As his back hit the stone, Das returned the kiss in earnest, free hand traveling up into the other man’s long hair. The whole room was in an uproar now with their hollers and even some applause. Snickering, and not being able to help himself, he tugged at the thin leather cord holding up Kieran’s bun and the cascade of raven-colored hair poured down Kieran’s back nearly to his thighs. Warden Tabris made a grunt of protest but would not break the fierce kiss- until a hand reached out and yanked him back by his robes.
“Quit hogging him, Tabris. It’s my turn.” the beautiful and intimidating Arlessa ordered sharply. With a friendly ‘You bitch, Mahri.’ at her and a wink at Das, Kieran yielded. Das looked surprised but intrigued- Isseya Mahariel hadn’t been in the room when he’d first spun the bottle so he hadn’t imagined she’d be on the proverbial menu.
“My Lady!” he exclaimed. He bowed to her nobly, and was delighted at the brief but clearly amused tug in the corners of her lips. She walked up to him purposefully, in her tall heels she was slightly taller than him and it was oddly thrilling, but paused an inch from his face. The crowd had quieted down slightly but looked more excited than ever. Isseya raised her large goblet of wine by one side of their faces and took his hand to hold the mistletoe up next to the other side. Their lips hidden from prying eyes, she leaned in and pressed her mouth to the corner of his, not truly kissing him, not intending to.
“Guess who returned early from her visit to Orlais?” she whispered, lips brushing against his skin. “She’s in the rookery. Hurry.” She pulled back and raised her goblet, smirking and announcing loudly, “Not bad, Davarris!” to a host of wild cheers. But Das could hardly hear them anymore; the breath had left his lungs and a lost look wavered over his mask of a party-face. She was here?
Excusing himself hastily and ignoring the protests, he escaped the party and made his way up the castle. By the time he’d ascended the final staircase he was terribly out of breath, but threw the door open anyways. A few of the ravens squawked, startled, but the woman sitting on the windowsill only looked up and smiled. Das fidgeted.
“You’re home!” he cheered, smiling then cursing at himself because yes that was very obvious but his damned bloody mouth operated faster than his bloody thoughts. But Warden Commander Blue Surana nodded once, rose to her feet and approached him. She looked into his eyes, the small smile still on her lips, and brushed her gloved hand against one of his. .
“I’m home.” she agreed, staring at him to convey that the idea had little to do with location. Das felt his chest tighten. Maker how did she always do this to him? Before he could muster up another not-well-thought-out reply, she tugged curiously at the plant still in his hand.
“Mistletoe?” she inquired. Das chuckled, the heat rising in his face a bit before he raised up the sprig and carefully explained what had gone on downstairs. She was going to hear it from someone eventually so he figured it might as well be him. She nodded, face unreadable but eyes clearly enjoying the story.
“I see. Did you come up here to kiss me too?” she asked, mildly, as if inquiring about the weather. Das nearly choked on his heart as it sprung up to his mouth. Well, not really, but it bloody well felt like it. He opened his mouth to respond when she continued with. “You may, if you like.”
A few moments of silence, then she shifted slightly and added, “Unless you’d rather not.”
Rather not? Great burning Andraste, of course he wanted... He regained himself, forcing himself to smile despite the nerves. She was looking doubtful now and there was no way he was allowing that. He assured her in enthusiastic and somewhat colorful language that he abso-fucking-lutely did. He raised up the mistletoe one last time, cursing the sudden shakiness of that hand. He’d kissed hundreds of people- maybe, he didn’t really count- but seldom did doing so make him this nervous. Das tried to remind himself she was not in fact made of roses and snowflakes and glass, but when he finally raised his other hand to cup her cheek he certainly held her like she was. He leaned in-
“Should I close my eyes to kiss?” she asked tentatively. He froze, blinked in surprise.
“You can if you like.” he replied chuckling. “Do you not usually?”
There was a long pause before she averted her eyes. Das paled.
“You’ve never..?”
“Nora kissed me once.” Blue answered, meeting his eyes again. “She was drunk and I don’t think she remembers. And Cassian and Kieran… sometimes kiss my cheek when they greet me.”
Das squatted on the floor with his head between his legs and hands on top of said head. Sheer panic washed over him. He was going to be her first real kiss? He didn’t deserve this honor- holy fucking shit he-
“Did you change your mind?” she asked, sounding a bit disappointed.
“Just give me a minute,” he requested hoarsely.
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