#I just don't have the brain power there to write another starter and am not sure who exactly you'd want
thehazbins Β· 7 months
Starter for @mghtfall from Eve!
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"Usually only the really lost come here..." Eve commented before looking at who was in her garden. "Can I aid you in finding your way?" She asked as she was brought over sitting on the edge of a thick vine curled around to make a seat.
She didn't look terribly different- her skin was green, but her hair was still it's natural wavy curly red. She was still softer, curvier and shorter than Lilith. Her eyes were still green. Her face was generally the same. Horns curled up sticking out of her hair as did her tail with a vine like look and leaves sticking out the tip. "I'm Eve." She held out her hand to the person in front of her as she stepped off on the vine.
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its-creed Β· 3 months
how do i do this , is this thing even on ? it's been a whileeeeee since i've been writing online so please bear with me! stumbling back into the scene i am sun (she/her/yours) / 25+, some of you guys may be familiar with my previous iterations of this baekhyun muse haha so if he seems familiar - he probably is!
i'm excited to introduce my evil old man credence han - commonly known as reed or professor han to those acquainted with him.
full disclosure: i am terrible at plotting in a quick manner (and i mean this with the entirety of my one brain cell) so if you would like a random starter please see below for details (cap at three for now πŸ₯Ή)! and if you don't mind slow pacing and would still like to plot based on something below or in one of the ideas i have at the end, please give this a like and i will slide into your dms asap!
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how does an evil villain get around without being discovered for over ten plus years? with the power of negation persuasion of course!
reed wasn’t aware of his primary ability when it first manifested because well - how the hell do you tell that you can turn off other people’s powers? goes for first part of his teen years thinking that his ability has to do with persuasion because he finds at a young age that people sometimes do whatever he tells them to do? he rides on that high for a long time until one day when someone somehow figures out what happened and tries to get revenge. too bad for him, it’s another metahuman he managed to piss off and he’s about to get his ass fried when ? everything is still in tact and suddenly ? the other guy seems more confused and fearful of what’s going on.
the shock wears off pretty quickly and lucky for reed his ass doesn’t get fried - but it still gets beat after the metahuman goes on a rampage and rages against reed asking what he did to his powers. it’s after that moment that reed connects the dots and realizes his persuasion abilities had been minor this entire time since he had never seemed to be able to actually develop it.
discovering that he can negate others powers is a game changer for reed. he starts using it for morally lesser means realizing he’s able to get away with more. it starts from setting people up for things that get them caught red handed, to being given information, and then selling that information once he finds out just how valuable the things he’s discovers can be.
eventually his endeavors lead him to a point of no return. he infiltrates the aeternal base back home acting as his twin brother and pulls the biggest heist he’s ever done yet. he finds government secrets that he sells to someone abroad in south korea before escaping after making sure that they believe his brother is the true culprit.
after this feat his brother had taken something of extreme valuable to him which started a chase. reed uses his connection of his past buyer to secure a private space at the silverline apartments while he tries to track his brother down.
reed has been using the cover of a new professor for metahuman biomedical studies at nsnu during his time abroad. it offers him both network connections to the han pharmaceuticals and and a straight gateway into the university to continue his ulterior motives.
i think that covers the what and why just to give it to you guys fast and short! so per my inability to plot quickly, i will offer three random starters if you're interested in having an interaction with reed, drop an emoji and aaaa [positive, neutral, negative, unknown] to choose a dynamic you'd be interested in and i will work that out however i can! fair warning, reed is not exactly a people lover but he keeps up a strong front so positive might be a fake positive for face purposes,,,
plots and connections
reed has a habit of walking around with his negation on - well, keeping it on in general. you're trynna get something done and?? why aren't? your powers working???
you catch reed in the subtle act of persuading one of the receptionist's at the front desk to erase the latest residential complaint against him. do you a) mind your own business, b) confront him, c) play dumb, or d) all the above plus receive an underlying threat from reed?
bad influencer - if you want your muse to do something bad or something they would never have the guts to try, reed is your go-to. or maybe there's something you really need to do like studying and procrastination has been your worst nightmare. reed is less inclined to help you because that's lame. and if you're one of his students? tough luck.
reed was always the champion when it came to playing hide and seek as kids. life detection comes in handy for that. reed finds your muse somewhere they shouldn't be or maybe your muse is trapped and reed happens to be the only person who's come by within the last 3 hours.
students from nsnu?
someone who seems to have the same laundry schedule
someone complaining about reed's negation affecting them
enemies or victims? when i say he's evil - i like legitimately mean it. he's morally corrupt and just does well to hide crap like an actual sociopath
( he's not who he seems )
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freakshowtwopointoh Β· 4 months
I currently have 5 long form fics thought up in my brain. If you sent in requests, I'm thinking about them always! If you send in more requests, I'll get to them as inspiration strikes. I work full time and have the brain of a baby so I don't take demands lol <3 but song fic ideas, starter lines, other ideas, anything really!
All I've Ever Known, my Luke's little sister fic, has four more chapters left to be posted, including an epilogue.
Cross The Line, my toxic!ballet Jordan Li fic, has 17 more chapters left to be posted. It's so slow burn lmao but it is fully outlined. ive been taking it slow because its a bit harder to write.
Next to Normal, my punk band/normal college au, is going to be another high effort slow burn fic. I have over 30 chapters outlined, and I plan to do third person following both of them in each chapter (so each chapter will have a Jordan bit and a Marie bit). I've been focusing more heavily on this recently because I feel as though I need to work on conveying characterization through voice in my writing (fjdsaklfsajklaj i am not a real writer lol but like -- characters are hard and so i wanted to work on a story without an oc for a bit). If you have any fun, fluffy college moments that you personally enjoyed or that you want to see in this fic, please please please send them to me! Part of the challenge I gave myself for this fic was to try to incorporate a balance of fun and angst in each chapter. Forcing myself to actually write scenes lol.
Out of the Woods, my throuple fic, is on the backburner at the moment, mainly because I don't feel like I'm quite equipped to write it at the moment. My OCs powers are weird, and the plot is a bit... all over the place. It's doable, I just need to massage the story bits in my brain for awhile.
The Spy Who Loved Me, is the heist/spy limoreau fic that I dreamed up awhile back. It is really more of a vibe than an outlined story, so it's definitely at the bottom of my priorities.
If you were following back when I posted the other throuple fic, no you weren't. dfjskaldfjkal i honestly do not like that fic and probably wont go back to fix it. i like barely even tried.
Each of the long form fics is posted chapter by chapter as I get the energy to write - its posted here, AO3, and Wattpad. I did have someone editing some of my stuff, but they've been busy so I've been on my own for this stuff.
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ruinouss Β· 5 months
NAME: Mads
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?γ€€Faye lol. Idk why I ever try RPing others. I'll be good for a while but I always come back to this idiot
β—ˆγ€€RP PET PEEVES?γ€€I have a few but of course, I don't remember the majority now that I'm asked about it. But the main one is when I see someone complaining about not getting any interactions or anything and you and others have been liking starter/plot calls or sending memes over and over and nothing ever comes from it. In my own personal experience, the person crying about not getting interactions is only looking for it with a certain follower(s) but won't try and initiate the interaction. It's understandable if you legit are struggling for interactions and you get crickets but when it's clear people are trying to interact...man that grinds my gears. It's extremely inconsiderate and I usually bounce when I see that. Another thing is one-sided plotting/RPing. I usually always try and come up with a few ideas, even if they're basic or the usual trope because sometimes they turn into something exciting but this also depends on both people being open to trying to keep it moving. It's no fun when one person isn't giving anything to work with. Though, sometimes one person will have a good idea and can lead but again it needs some help from the other person. I have others I'm sure, but these are the two main ones. I like to think I'm pretty chill.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARSγ€€Close to 2 decades probably. I've been RPing since gaiaonline and AOL/Skype
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUTγ€€ All of it, I think there's a time and place for each. I do tend to prefer angst because I love character development and pushing characters to their breaking points and seeing them go beyond their limits or reacting in high-stress situations. I love it when they discover new things about themselves. Fluff is fun for shorter threads when you need something light hearted in between the angst lol. And then smut...well I'm so out of practice I refuse to even have it on my main blog lol. I don't need to embarrass myself. I think it's fine and fun but I do get tired of it if that's all there is. Again, I'm here for the character development.
PLOTS OR MEMESγ€€ Either. I don't have a preference but I try and see what my partners prefer. Sometimes things work better when you plot things out so you have an idea to follow but sometimes, especially with new interactions its easier to just have a random meme. I also feel like sometimes it may take a few tries before you find the right thing that clicks for a good thread or character interaction.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIESγ€€ Depends on the day. Sometimes it's nice to have a shorter reply but I do admit sometimes they're hard for me to do because I want to make sure there's enough going on to keep a thread going. But sometimes the brain just doesn't want to work so longer threads, even if I'm super excited for it just don't happen.
TIME TO WRITEγ€€Whenever I get the chance lol. Sometimes its easier in the morning because I haven't used all my brain power but its so rare I can even do so I take what I can get.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)γ€€As far as Faye? Uhh...only a little bit lol. Mainly just her love of the ocean and space and the fact we're both red heads. But she's way more wild/reckless than I am and gives less fucks about what others think or say about her. She also is always looking for trouble to get into while I prefer to fly under the radar. My other muse I currently play on a different blog is also a level headed doctor so I guess with him we're both chill and love pineapple lmao. Even characters in the past I've only shared one or two things. I dunno, I deal with myself on the daily and would rather explore something different than myself. Obviously, I need some things to align so I can understand the character but eh.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 ππ˜γ€€ the fantastic @ferinehuntress (thank you ;; )
π“π€π†π†πˆππ†γ€€@vendettavalor @trashcollected @dimensionalspades @imprvdente @manufactoredxbyxdesign @musezieren @hellshire & anyone else
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applctini Β· 2 months
i am a pretty flexible partner, but i can also be equally as slow when it comes to replying. i work anywhere from 32-42+ hours a week, this is a hobby not my life. as much as i respect your time in replying, please respect mine. never assume i've forgotten about a thread, because i promise you i haven't - i'm just a slow sloth.
i do not mind slight godmodding, as the characters of the hazbin/helluva verse are immortal, deities, creatures, etc. of supernatural origins. powers, strength, magic, voodoo, religion, all of it is bound to come into play one way or another. lucifer himself is an insanely strong being - he just doesn't use his power very often. the only thing that bugs me is others assuming what goes on in lucifer's head. the old cuck doesn't even know what's going in his brain except monkey banging cymbals.
no anon hate, i think that?? goes without saying lmao. it'll be deleted immediately. you can bully lucifer as much as you want, but i'm not tolerating that nonsense thank you.
YES !! those starter calls are for you baby! i want to interact with you. YES !! those memes i reblog everyday are for you !! i want you to pester me, lucifer, i adore having a full inbox because memes and asks are the BEST way to get my attention. you thinking you're not sure if it's for you? send in your own asks !! unprompted shit is my FAVORITE thing to see pop up on my phone as a notification. do it, bug me!! i'm not that scary, i am probably the biggest baby you'd ever meet tbh.
my icons are edited for me and me only, please do not take them, but i am more willing to share where i got the bases from so you can have your own !!
tbh i don't always look at my followers, i've been on this website since i was a kid. however that doesn't mean i'm not gonna follow you back. i mentioned i was slow, right? yeah, that - at most it takes me 2-5 days to follow back unless for some odd reason i really didn't see your follow. tumblr loves not notifying me anyways, so just keep that in mind !!
this is a roleplay blog. i will not interact with personals and i hope you respect that to not interact/reblog my posts. i won't block you so long as you respect this one thing i ask of. you're welcome to follow, read my things, but do not reblog anything from me that comes from me.
i don't do the whole follow-for-follow. that always annoyed me, it still does. i don't get it... just, no lmao. if i follow you, i wanna follow you. i wanna interact with you, not to just be a number.
OC's should NEVER feel discouraged with me !! my main multi is mostly oc's, i live off of oc's. i love them. i only ask that there's a base page where i can receive some sort of information on them - it doesn't have to be elaborate, but i wanna know them !!
this blog will be heavy with mental health topics. it'll contain depression, panic disorders, anxiety, ptsd, thoughts of self harm, acts of self harm, martyr complex, and much more. if you are sensitive to these topics or anything you think might lead to these topics, please turn around and do not follow me. i tag everything, but this will be a big chunk of my blog regarding headcanons, certain threads, etc.
i adore writing smut, any forms of it, but i don't write it with strangers. it often comes with just shipping with me, which we'll talk about below. however, if we share a ship (or more !!) i don't mind writing it with you, any form, or at any time. i love the intimacy (or even lack there of oops-) when it comes to sharing a body with someone.
YAY!! I am multiship*, i will gladly toss this clown around to anyone like the switch he is lmao.
i love ships, but i also ship with chemistry. i don't like forcing myself to fall for a ship that doesn't hit me and i wouldn't want to do that to a partner either !! it's easy to be a people pleaser on this site, but don't be afraid to tell me if something isn't working for you, i don't take any offense to it. we're all adults here, we can talk like them with our big words.
*i will mention more about my shipping in this post.
i write typically from para to novella, occasional crackhead behavior here and there with one-liners. my asks usually wind up on the longer side falling into drabble territory because i love setting a scene, describing such little details that it's probably annoying lmao. you don't have to match me word-for-word, but i would appreciate if length was kept to similar status.
me? i'm star, i'm 24 turning 25 currently. i work in retail, like i said i can be very busy during my workdays and may not always be available here. if you have my discord, don't feel discouraged to message me there, or even here if you don't. i will always try to make time between watching my department to reply to you. i'm often closing on my shifts, so usually by the end of the night i'm more eager to reply and like a chirping bird most nights. i'm under EDT currently (UTC -4H) so you can gauge my days.
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dreamifics Β· 3 years
James Potter x Reader
Warning:just angst and sad fluff ig
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A letter for James Fleamont Potter
Dear James Potter,
Hey, what's up? That's a lousy letter starter after years of pretending you guys didn't exist.. This would be a rollercoaster of emotions, so try to keep up. Remember when we first met? You were in Ollivanders, buying a wand when you accidentaly almost killed me?
A little girl was walking pass a shop called Ollivanders, she was simply minding her own business when a ray of magic blast to her.. She fell on her butt first, her hair was a mess, she looked like she got burnt..
"Oh, dear godric!I'm very sorry!" A little boy about the same age as the girl came running out of the store.. He had a messy hair and thick glasses, he gave the girl an apologetic smile..
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" The girl was mad, who wouldn't? She was just simply having a great day when an idiot almost killed her..
"Buying wands?" He answered unsure. He was just shopping for wands when this very powerful surge made him lose control and it blast to her.
"I look like a mess, Mother would be infuriated..", The girl mumbles to herself as she stands up.. She huffs and glare at the boy.
"I'm James, by the way.."
"I'm Y---"
"Y/N L/N!!WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU?!" Her mother's voice boomed all throughout the alley causing some wizards to look at them..
"Goodbye, you bloody idiot.." Y/N mutters to herself.
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to hear that!"
And that was the start of our friendship.. You little dim wit, but I'm thankful for that, because I got to meet you.. Did you know that I was not very fond of you? You just wore me down, you're a persistent arse.. But now, it all made sense to me..
What my gut was telling me about you.. You were-- no no, you're still my downfall, James.. I clearly remember when it all daunt to me, the how and why? I'm still unsure about the answer to those two questions. I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about, if you don't... I'll say it or write it now..
I'm hopelessly fucking in love with you, I realized that when you went and announced your relationship with Lily.. There was this painfully hurtful jealousy in my heart and brain.. And I couldn't get rid of those stupid feelings for you..
It was another dreary Sunday in Hogwarts, Y/N was with the Marauders except for James, they were eating at the great hall.. They were talking, teasing and annoying each other when James entered with Lily in his arms.. That image broke Y/N to thousands of little pieces, she suddenly became one with the universe.
"She finally said yes, mates!" James announced causing all of the students to cheer and screamed, obviously happy.
To Y/N, the news broke her.. She was fine with James crushing to Lily because she though Lily was not interested.. But after years of pining and persuasion, she finally said yes. Y/N should've seen it coming, she should be happy for them but why is she hurting?
"Aren't you happy for us, Y/N?"
Y/N was called back from her thoughts, the question echoed through her mind.. Oh dear Godric, she was not happy.. She wanted to be the one under James arms, or to be the one to kiss him in the lips.. She love James, not like platonic, this was so much more.. She wanted to be Lily so bad, ofcourse she's not bloody happy!
"Of course, I am!Congratulations, Prongs!"
But what could she do? Y/N would have lost that battle years ago, she was not James type.. What could she do but just pretend that she was happy and fine with them.. She was dead sure that she'll forget all about James someday.. So until that day comes, she needs to fake a smile and accept her fate.
Loving your bestfriend is the worst thing in the world, James.. I wanted to confess so bad, but the idea of losing you was a heavy baggage to carry.. So, I settled by just being your friend but you don't know how many times I've wanted to confess..
To go up to you and smashed my lips into yours but you were in a relationship with Lily, so I never did anything.. You were happy, and that was enough for me.. And don't get me wrong, I tried to find someone else but you were the best James..
It has been weeks since James and Lily got together, no one knew how she felt.. She was all alone, fighting her feelings from overcoming her. Y/N was sitting in the library, reading a muggle book called 'Wuthering Heights'..
However she hated it, she was bitter and had no time for lovey dovey books.. Y/N needed to move on, she shouldn't be stuck on James..
"Hey, Y/N!"
Y/N was startled by a Hufflepuff student, she smiled and laughed..
"I'm sorry if I startled you, I--I just have a question to ask you.."
Y/N squint her eyes, she doesn't even know this guy.. She rattled her brain for any recollection of this guy..The guy saw her confused face and chuckled.
"I'm Oliver Rigby, the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team.."
"Ohhh, yeah.." She just murmured but she had no idea who this guy is.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?"
Y/N was taken aback but she needed to move on, she can no longer be hung up on a guy that doesn't even loves her back.
"Alright!I'll pick you up then!"
Y/N just smiled and walked away, she was reluctant to moved on.. Her heart was still beating for James, but she needs to move on.. For her own sake.
They were nothing compared to you, I tried to moved on.. But I always ended up to you, the same feelings always came rushing in when I see you.. Every guy seems horrible when compared to you.. The short period of time we spent together was wonderful, you gave me purpose when no one else did.
Y/N has just come back from a very horrible date, the guy did nothing but talk and brag about himself.. He was not like James who was funny and talks about entertaining stories.. The guy was not sweet nor kind, he was a bit of an ass.. That's the only thing he had in common with James, she sighs and sat in one of the sofa in the common room..
No one can beat James to Y/N, her standards were bloody high because of James.. She wanted to cry but that was stupid.. Crying over a guy who didn't even hurt her, she hates herself.
Y/N heart skipped a beat, she knows who's voice is that.. That voice gives her butterflies, she loves how that voice says her name..
"Thought you had a date?Why are you back so early?" He questioned.
"Did he stood you up? I reckon he'd do that, he looked like a douche to me."
"Sure.." She answered not looking at him, James sits next to her and put her arms around Y/N.. She felt her body stiffen as his body made contact with her.. Y/N silently prayed that James wouldn't notice her increasing heartbeat, the stiffening of her body and the way her cheeks blush..
"Are you alright?" James seems to notice his bestfriend all red and she looked like very uncomfortable..
"What if I said no, what would you do?"
"Make you feel better, ofcourse!" His laughs echoed through the whole Gryffindor tower.. Y/N let out a dry laugh, she didn't mean that.. But her heart was breaking into thousands of pieces, she want this feeling out of her system.
"Are you really alright?"
"Yeah, maybe.."
"Want to talk---"
"Jameees!" Lily's voice called the attention of the messy-haired boy..
"I'll be right back, Lily needs me.."
"B-But what about me?" Y/N tried her very best to not choke up and crack.
"Later, Y/N.." James messed her hair, she didn't meant to be demanding however this was the sign she was looking for.. The sign that James doesn't feel anything special for her, she was just James very annoying friend..Y/N realized that with one call, Lily has James wrapped around her perfect fingers, with only one call from Lily, James was gone.. He just left her hurting friend for Lily, Y/N suddenly felt her heart was no longer there..
It was bruised and beated so many times, and now.. Y/N chest is nothing but a vacant lot, an empty hollow space.. The tiny little hope that maybe James likes her back can no longer be found.
That hope was now gone.
Y/N had reached her limit, it was truly over.. The love and jealousy she feels was a heavy baggage to carry. Y/N needed to avoid James, just until she was fully okay..
Y/N knew deep inside her that her love for James will never fully go away..
Avoiding you was the only reasonable thing to do, to be frank.. It was the only thing to do.. If I kept up that silly facade, I would ended up being mental.. You see James, jealousy is a monster that takes over your whole mind and body. It's a hideous monster you can't escape.. I do have a few questions, did you notice the not-so-subtle cold shoulder I gave you? Because back then it seems like you didn't, did you though? Did you cry every night like I did? Or did your heart break like mine did?
Y/N finally got out of her bed, she was in the great hall, hundreds of feet away from James.. But from the looks of it, he didn't really seem to mind.. He was too busy whispering sweet nothings to Lily's ear.
"If your glares could kill, Evans and Potter would be dead now.." Her friend intoned, she snapped her head away from the sight of James.
"I don't what your talking about.." Y/N denied..
"Of course, you don't.." Her friend tease.
"If my looks can kill, you will be the first one dead.." Y/N gave her friend a glare which her friends just brushed off.
"Blimey!No need to get mad, I was just stating facts.."
"Just sod off." Y/N just played with the food in her plate.
"If you told James about your feelings, he would've ask you out." Y/N's friend said in a teasing manner..
"No, he would never do that.."
"And how do you know that?" Y/n rolled her eyes at her friends question.
"Because I knew James, he was inlove with Lily since the start of our first year. "
"That's what you think.." Her friend crosses her arms and smirk at her.
"What?" She questioned confused.
"Nothing, idiot.. You won't understand.."
"Look Y/N, just move on.." Y/N scoffs at her friends genius idea.
"You make it sound like it's so bloody easy.."
"Is it not?You cry about it for a day then you find someone else.. " Y/N looked at her friend with a surprised gaze, is it that easy? How come it's so hard for her?
"See, easy.."
"Sod off.." She shut her friend down as thoughts occupied her mind..
Y/N was walking down the silent halls of Hogwarts alone, a frown in her face she hasn't been smiling this past few weeks.. Her back suddenly stood straight when the four familiar faces welcomed her when she entered an empty classroom.
"Oh, hello Y/N.." Sirius was the first to greet her with a big smile on his face but she didn't give the smile back.
"Y/N!I was wondering where you were these past few weeks.." Remus gave her a comforting smile.
"Yeah, I had no one to eat my sweets with!" Peter walked up to Y/N and offered her a chocolate which she didn't accept.
"I apologize, I have to go now.."
"But Y/N--" Peter didn't get to finish the sentence, she was gone, James didn't even look up from his seat.. Did he forgot all about Y/N? But Y/N didn't feel anything anymore.. Funny how numbness can have it's perks sometimes..
Maybe you didn't notice me because you were so inlove with pretty little Evans? That came out a little rude, I apologize for that, but I'm not sorry.. You see, I don't hate Lily, but then again kinda wish she were dead.. She was all you saw James, I was with you through your worst.. I gave you everything, but what do I get in return?
Just heartaches and neverending what-ifs.. You never saw me James.. Remember the day we graduated and left Hogwarts? You didn't even say goodbye to me, not even a single glance James.. I was not the only one who gave up on our friendship.. We both did, James..
Riding the Hogwarts train one last time was a bittersweet moment for others.. To Y/N, it was a relief.. She would finally get to leave the place that reminds her of James, every corner and walls was embedded with memories of Y/N and James having fun with each other.. It may sound nice but it only brought misery to her.
"Y/N!We're getting off now.." Y/N's friend broke her silent trance.. Y/N stands up and exits the train, her feet hit the platform floor, Y/N took a deep breath and wander her eyes to the sea of graduateΒ  students. Some were celebrating, some were crying and there Y/N saw him..
James had Lily under his arms as they talk with the rest of the Marauders.. Disappointment was written all over Y/N's face, this was the last day they would be able to see each other and James didn't even glance at her.. They were friends for years, she couldn't belive that their friendship was beyond repair..
"Quit staring at him, your looking pathetic." Y/N whispers under her breath, walking away without saying goodbye was not how she planned her last day in Hogwarts. Y/N was moving to America and will work in the Ministry of Magic there.. She does not want to work in the same place that James and Lily was going to work at..
Y/N needs to really move on, and America would be the place for it.. Atleast there, she's far away from any reminders of James or Lily.. Holding her trunk, she walks away from her old life.. No more heartaches, just miserable thoughts and lots of what ifs.
Moving here didn't even help, I'm still inlove with you.. You might be confused about why I'm just sending this letter to you now.. Well Mister Potter, I just got an invitation to your wedding and I'm very very drunk right now.. I didn't think you would really send me an invitation because you know were just strangers.. We spent years ignoring each other and now this bloody envelope shows up at my home..
How did you even knew my address? Were you keeping tabs on me? If that's the case then I'm very flattered and also a little bit creeped out but that's not the point! The point is, I'm not going to your wedding because I'm still fucking inlove with you.. I hope you enjoy the wedding though, also don't bother writing back.. I would never remember this anyway, so James.. Give Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.
If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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dachi-chan25 Β· 4 years
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I had books that I either loved or hated so idk maybe I need to do another unhaul to ensure I read books I'll actually enjoy.
1- OtherEarth (Otherworld #2) by Jason Segel
So this was a big disappointment. It started out fine, but I had this bad feeling about what the twist of this book would be about 50% into it, and then the twist comes and it was just as bad as I feared. Honestly I don't even know if I wanna continue with the last book, I have it but honestly I can't say I am looking forward to it, it wasn't just the plot that fell down but the characters felt pretty inconsistent and yeah not a fan.
2.- Fireborne (The Aurelian Cycle #1) by Rosaria Munda
The only thing I knew going into this was that it was inspired by Plato's Republic and that it was similar to Game of Thrones, so maybe that is why I found it pretty underwhelming. Like yeah I could see why it was based off the Republic with this system of education (tbh I still found it pretty basic and very much alike to other social systems I've read in other YA books) and there was some intresting tid-bits but not enough to keep me intrested. Now the characters, I liked both individually (unpopular opinion but I liked Annie more, I thought she had real potential but it was wasted because the moment she and Lee have this romance her character completely lost herself on thinking about him and what he did all the time) but I do not think they worked together romantically. There is some potential drama for book 2 but I am not intrested in reading it.
3.- The Mistress (The Original Sinners #4) by Tiffany Reisz
This book was so good. Yeah it was super predictable, but the drama tho. I really loved Layla, she gave us an outsider's insight on SΓΈren and Nora's relationship, and she is just the sweetest that I instantly knew she and Weasley were gonna get together. I cried at that last confrontation scene with Nora and Marie Laure and I am so happy that Nora is back together with SΓΈren because they are truly a good couple despide everything.
4.-Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno Garcia
I LOVED it. Ever since I saw the cover I was sold. This book I feel like it was meant for me. Like our protagonist Casiopea TΓΊn is a dark skinned mexican girl of mayan descent in the 1920s who meets one of the lords of Xibalba and goes on a quest to help him retake his throne???? And on the way he falls in love with her so much he is about to forfeit his divinity to have a chance to be with her. I just, it was so beautiful, I felt my culture was really represented here, and it's so wierd to see the 1920's represented in Mexico I don't believe I had read something like this before and I will read anything Silvia Moreno Garcia writes from now on. Hopefully we will have a second book for this because that ending makes me wonder what adventures Casiopea will have.
5.-Little Gods by Meng Jin
This book blew my mind. The structure is perfect for the themes . Su Lan was a truly fascinating character though I felt very sad about her, always wanting to escape her past and thinking she was so undeserving for anything good in her life and still fighting to go on. The ending was so good, and all the cast of characters made an excellent conection between the past and the future.
6.- As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Yeah I am a pretentious ho. I was very intimidated by this book (and anything written by Faulkner really) and I was really having trouble understanding the book at first because the prose is so particular (there are sentences that read like Shakespeare, some are almost Biblical stuff and then most of the dialogue is this very coloquial english with very poor ortography) and as English is not my first lenguage I struggled. But then we get to Addie's death and all this odyssey the family goes through to bury her, and it was so beautiful and exciting. I especially loved everything about Addie's chapter, she was so much better than her husband and she deserved better than what she got. I really liked Dewey Dell and Darl. While I hated Anse Bundren with a passion so the end really made me angry like waaaaat this selfish asshole gets everything he wanted and then some??? But I got why it made sense for the book. So I definitely recommend this, but my advice is to let yourself glide through the book, do not try to understand or make sense of it as you start it because then you become frustrated like it happened to me at first but it's a really beautiful book so I am really considering reading more Faulkner.
7.-Chosen (Slayer #2) by Kiersten White
I enjoyed this book so much. It's a very easy read and we get some growth on Nina and Artemis. I liked the idea of the Watcher's Castle being a refuge for inofenssive demons. And omgggg I fangirled SO hard when Oz, Harmony and Clem appeared (my fave characters, like literally I only need a Spike cameo in these books to be completely happy). I really wanna see Nina meet Buffy in real life and ahhh I am excited for whatever the next book will bring us.
8.-Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve
This is perharps my favorite book I read this month. It felt so relevant to things that are happening in the world, but escapist enough to bear it. For starters I love a good urban fantasy setting, and this was it. Z was a great non-binary protagonist (the fact the author is also non-binary also helps) like it was pretty original to make them a zombie when necromancy is viewed as wrong in their society and they get discriminated for it even though they knew nothing about how it happened to them. And their friendship with Aysel (lesbian muslim werewolf girl!!!) and Tommy (shapeshifter boy) was amazing. Like the way this book translates real life bigotry and social injustice to this magical creatures was truly amazing I recommend it to everyone of any age. Especially middle graders as this book is meant for that age group and I feel this is an amazing diverse read for that age group.
9.-El murmullo de las abejas de Sofia Segovia
Realmente este libro es precioso, soy una super fan del realismo mΓ‘gico y este libro realmente me toco el corazΓ³n. Aunque he de admitir que entre a este libro sin saber nada, y bueno que este libro pega diferente en el 2020, yo no tenΓ­a ni idea que este libro nos presentaba la Pandemia de Influenza EspaΓ±ola de 1918, y bueno es bastante triste leer todo lo que paso cuando nosotros estamos pasando Γ©pocas muy similares. Simonopio es un personaje divino, poseedor de una sensibilidad y una inocencia verdaderamente fuera de esta mundo, y la forma en que la familia Morales lo adopta y lo abraza tan profundamente dentro de la familia es realmente hermosa. Fue muy difΓ­cil leer acerca de Anselmo Espiricueta porque puedo ver de donde venΓ­a todo ese odio y esa ignorancia que terminaron en tragedia y no puedo dejar de sentir lastima por Γ©l a pesar de todo el mal que hace durante el libro. Recomiendo mucho esta lectura.
10.-Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi
A book so relevant in our current times. So powerful and impactful even if the book is pretty short. We get to see how the systematic racisim at work. We get to get a glimpse of this awful reality through Kev and Ella, two gifted siblings that have lived this experiences in different ways and they cope with this in vastly different ways.It was such an intimate read I cannot begin to describe how angry and sad it made me, but also very glad I got to read it because we need to keep being aware that this is the reality for black people all around the world and they don't get to shy away from it so we shouldn't either we should see, learn and fight as hard as we can to change things for the better.
11.-Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
I re-read this book to have it fresh in my mind before the new series airs on July. And I liked it better now than the 1st time. This world is so scary because I see so many realistic elements it shares with the present. I felt a lot for Lenina (for everyone who lives in this world really) because she wanted more than what the society had to offer yet was so deeply conditioned as to what was right that she could just supress her emotions with soma. This book is of course full of racist and sexist stuff (cuz woman and indigenous people can never win) but I feel it helps to get a feel about how fucked up society is as a whole. In the reservation woman are subjected to the usual slut shaming and gender roles we get in our society while in London we get a world in which woman are judged for not sleeping around and being happy and infantile. Like it seems controling woman and their relationship to intimacy and sex is always a bit theme is classic dystopic books which makes a lot of sense given it works like that in the real world too. Same thing with indigenous people being treated as savage to congratula te ourselves for being so much more "civilized" never stopping to think how deeply fractured and flawed this may be. We also get explotation and brain washing of working classes and all that fun stuff. Really and amazing book eerily accurate tho.
12.-Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
This is the story of 2 very different Bangladeshi sisters with very different temperaments making their way through life. Nazneen is a very dutiful daughter that marries the man her father picked for her, moves to London, though her husband doesn't make her happy she tries very hard in this foreign country with so many desires of her own she wishes that she always supresses because of her upbringing. Then we have Hesina, she was always beautiful and runs away with a guy she was in love with, later he abandons her and she gets jobs and loses them because different man keep making her fall for them to abandon them later. Different as they are this 2 Sisters keep relying in each other through letters. I thought it was very moving, and I really liked the ending for Nazneen while Hasina left me feeling worried and unhappy.
13.- Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
I was very hyped for this book and I am so sad I didn't like it. I just didn't feel the world building was cohesive (we have space travel but we don't have baths??? And rapiers as weapons??? Most of it felt like aesthetic decisions) the characters felt very one dimensional to me. And the plot was all over the place, just when I thought I knew what it was about it takes another turn and introduces so many generes but it did not feel natural at all so yeah I will not be reading the next one.
14.- Luces de Bohemia de RamΓ³n Maria del Valle Inclan
Me pareciΓ³ una obra maravillosa. Definitivamente captura el espΓ­ritu creativo bohemio.
15 .- Don Juan Tenorio de JosΓ© Zorrilla
Yo adoro el Tenorio, sin embargo si que he de decir que prefiero la versiΓ³n del Burlador de Sevilla de Tirso de Molina pues siento que el final es mΓ‘s adecuado. Me parece que aunque la prosa es hermosa DoΓ±a Ines pierde mucha agencia en esta versiΓ³n, me recuerda mucho mΓ‘s a Angelina de la obra "El Honor del Brigadier" que la versiΓ³n que hizo de ella Tirso de Molina, definitivamente se romΓ‘ntiza mucho mΓ‘s estΓ‘ figura de seductor canalla en esta versiΓ³n, aun asΓ­ es una historia arraigada en MΓ©xico, es una tradiciΓ³n para mi verla cada Noviembre, este aΓ±o me temo que no serΓ‘ posible asΓ­ que disfrute muchΓ­simo leerla.
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punkscowardschampions Β· 5 years
Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: What it is, right, your twin left her coat at CG earlier & it's my neck if it's not back in her hands by me next shift Jimmy: pass it on Janis: Hmm Janis: Are you sure you've got the right person here? Jimmy: Grace Cavante is your sister isn't she? One of Janis: Unfortunately Janis: No doubt she'd rather you gave it to her yourself and that feeling is mutual, like Janis: Get a clue, lad Janis: couldn't be less obvious 'less she left her knickers Jimmy: Stop your chatting, a sec Jimmy: nowt's mutual that's why I'm asking you to get it, not her Jimmy: The resale's nowt either, I had a look Janis: You're in my inbox? Janis: Knew you were lost Janis: Poor Gracie, first you pie her then you call her cheap, gutted Jimmy: I've been round your family tree about 4 times Jimmy: Can't call myself lost Jimmy: You gonna grab this or nah? Janis: Unlucky, but I ain't gonna cry for you Janis: Wrong twin, again like Janis: What's in it for me? Already told me I can't flog it Jimmy: πŸ’” Jimmy: well I'd shout you a muffin but if you're anything like her, I'll be the one eating it when you don't & I'm watching my figure meself Jimmy: guess the pleasure of my company works if you are? Janis: Tell you ain't from 'round here Janis: No πŸ€ Janis: Nothing like her Jimmy: sounds more like my luck's finally in Jimmy: got enough stalkers Jimmy: more than I've done shifts Jimmy: what you want then, other twin? Janis: Not that I doubt how special you are Janis: I completely do, by the way Janis: You get to thinking how you can make me having to fucking regale every detail of this frankly riveting convo to my sister worthwhile and I'll get to walking, yeah? Jimmy: You wound me, girl πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” Jimmy: I sought you out, whereas she's been in my inbox unread since my moving in date, that'd do for starters Janis: If the situation's a dire as you reckon, you'll have plenty consolation, boy Janis: Welcome Janis: State, honestly Jimmy: You're my consolation if you do me this delivery Jimmy: feeding me to the wolves in lipstick if you don't, basically Jimmy: 'ave it on your conscience if you want, mate Janis: Fucking Hell, if I start atoning for all her cringe or offering myself up as 'consolation' to every lad she makes a tit out of herself in front of I'll never get anything done Janis: Ugh, alright, brains, do your job for you as well, shall I? Just put your mate's number on her to-go 'stead of yours, yeah? Jimmy: alright but how many of 'em are coming to you direct for help, I'm making myself look as much of a tit here, aren't I? Jimmy: brutal you Jimmy: newbies don't have mates to throw under buses Janis: Well, don't be fooled by how available I seem Janis: phone never stops, like Jimmy: I'll find another way then Jimmy: if you stop by for coffee I'll misspell your name like we never chatted, don't worry Janis: Barista bants, how cute Janis: Whatever, it's on my route, I can get it tomorrow AM Jimmy: what you prefer, Janet or Janice? Let me know Janis: πŸ˜‘ Janis: If you want my sister to ride you, keep on taking the piss, she'll love that, like Jimmy: if you want me to be nice to you, keep using your sister for that A+ excuse Jimmy: 'cause nah, there's nowt more appealing than her getting on her bike Janis: Ha, fuck off, you're the one with a tips jar and manager to keep happy, dickhead Janis: I'm not saying she's not fussy, I'm just saying it might take me several cups of coffee to give you enough 3rd degree burns for her to be #overit Jimmy: funny Jimmy: & im just saying I'd rather give me ex a bell & have her do her worst ruining my life long distance Janis: Worth a shot then, isn't it? Janis: Just try and be less Janis: this Janis: she might reckon you're a changed man Jimmy: is it gonna change your sister's mind about me if I do? Jimmy: 'cause her mates have homewrecker written all over 'em Janis: It was a poor choice of friendship tat, yeah but they ain't the brightest, bless Janis: idk, probably help if the girl was real, mate Jimmy: she is real but shes also real far away Jimmy: & really hates me Jimmy: that's mutual unlike the attraction your little twin is harboring πŸ’” Janis: πŸ’” Janis: fuck someone here then, ain't gotta be all πŸ’• just look enough like it that they write you off their hit lists, yeah Jimmy: proper romantic you Jimmy: I'll go back to the drawing board if its all the same Jimmy: don't need another lass falling for me, do I? Janis: πŸ™„ Janis: If I had such an easy out, I'd use it Janis: fucking blood ties, such bullshit, along with romance but there we go Jimmy: Easy? yeah alright, Juliet Janis: Not saying you've gotta off yourself with the poor bitch, steady on, though peak πŸ’˜ so it is Janis: You're either a 😻 magnet or you ain't, can't have it both ways Jimmy: I just wanna be left alone Jimmy: shouldn't be a lot to ask but until I master leprechaun for fuck off, it apparently is Janis: Preaching to the choir...nah, fuck that, preaching to the big man himself Janis: You work it out, you've got my details now you fucking stalker so hmu then and not before k Jimmy: you know the saying, get stalked enough, become fucked off enough by it to become the stalker Jimmy: or summat Janis: Tragic Janis: No doubt you coulda been something, kid Jimmy: πŸ’” Jimmy: still could Jimmy: if you help me Janis: I don't know how to make a latte, soz Jimmy: not a requirement of dating me, and yeah, my boss is gutted Janis: you what? Jimmy: go out with me Jimmy: you said yourself it don't have to be a love story Janis: um yeah but you should both at least be somewhat into it, ideal world Janis: know you already called me out as the romantic here but Jimmy: nah, you're what I need Jimmy: I won't get tempted Jimmy: keep it easy, like you also said Janis: πŸ–• Janis: Like I said, show me how it's worth my time and I will Jimmy: your sister would hate it Jimmy: not like I'm asking you to marry me, you look enough like her that'd be like asking myself to honeymoon in Vietnam Janis: You're a cunt, also, obviously not well-traveled Janis: say what you like Janis: it would be amusing to piss her off and I'm always up for finding new ways Jimmy: so you in? Jimmy: 3 date minimum Janis: You mean I actually have to spend time with you? Jimmy: as long as people think you are, do what you want Janis: Fill your boots Janis: but don't just be saying I let you finger me on your lunch break, like, that isn't working on anyone, least of all my sister and her stupid mates Jimmy: come get your sister's coat and we'll make the magic happen Jimmy: coupley pics and #s will work Jimmy: all they do is sip & scroll Janis: How magical can you really be, then? 😏 Janis: Fuck it, worth it just to piss her grafting you down the drain Jimmy: I'll fake rock your world, Jasmine Janis: Sure πŸ‘Œ Make me forget my name half as many times as you have and you'll have fucked enough brain cells out to make me a thick Northern twat, clearly Jimmy: πŸ’” Jimmy: hope you're a better actress than you are sweet talker, love Janis: That ain't the one, fucking hell Janis: pick a better petname if we ain't taking time to remember Jimmy: let me know what you want me to call you Jimmy: Baby, right? I bet you're one of them girls Janis: πŸ˜’ Hilarious Janis: My daddy issues are pretty non-existent, soz to report Jimmy: what then? Jimmy: Can't call you Juliet if you aren't ride or die for me, darling Janis: I'm remember your unfortunate accent now Janis: it's probably best you don't speak Jimmy: strong, silent type Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: It's your fantasy, kid Janis: Big yourself up however you gotta Jimmy: fantasy? nah Jimmy: necessity Janis: You've not gotta warn me Janis: Not swooning over this chat Jimmy: πŸ’” Janis: We're all gutted Janis: push that down and smile for the 'gram Jimmy: 😁 Janis: That's the spirit Jimmy: I know yours is more 😏 Jimmy: control yourself if you can, Jenna Janis: Make no promises to control myself so Janis: πŸ‘Š behave or deal Jimmy: make one or its off Jimmy: your sister & his mates break enough of my boundaries Janis: If the problem is they're swinging for you, I'm gonna go right ahead and victim blame Jimmy: probably keep that off the 'gram, girl Janis: We laying down ground rules here and now, yeah? Jimmy: you got something else on? Janis: It's the Easter hols Janis: so no Janis: fuck all Jimmy: then may as well Janis: Alright Janis: No posting without getting the other's go ahead first Jimmy: done Jimmy: same goes for agreeing to go somewhere/do something as the power couple we're pretending to be Janis: 'Course Jimmy: & if you tell your sister summat let me know too 'cause she loves questioning me over her coffee Janis: Ha Janis: I do my level best to avoid her but easy Jimmy: you're not gonna brag about what a good boyfriend I am πŸ’” Janis: We'll have to work out how good you are first, like Jimmy: good enough that I'm off limits your sister & her mates Jimmy: no more no less Janis: Can do that Jimmy: don't fall in love with me for real, can you do that? Janis: 😏 Are you for real? Janis: Ego to go with the accent, is it Jimmy: just checking you're not like your sister for real Jimmy: could be protesting too much for all I know Janis: And this could just be a really bad come on for all I know Janis: we'll have to trust on this one thing, deal? Jimmy: Yeah Janis: Sorted Janis: Make me sound good, as I will be for you Jimmy: how good? Jimmy: nobody knows my dating history, what's yours? Janis: Likewise Janis: all you gotta do is make it realistic enough that people stop asking if I'm a dyke Jimmy: Easy Jimmy: Are you a take it slow girl or hook up on date 1 type? Janis: Won't be getting that graphic on the 'gram, leave it out Jimmy: But it won't stay on the 'gram, will it? Jimmy: People chat Jimmy: what reputation do you want? Janis: Probably better to not be a slag init Jimmy: but don't be keeping me waiting too long if you don't wanna sound gay Janis: alright, irresistable Janis: 2nd date, like Jimmy: πŸ‘ Janis: I ain't, by the way Jimmy: Don't matter Janis: Does Janis: Who needs the pressure of being a beard? This ain't what this is, got it Jimmy: It'd be less pressure, probably Jimmy: you'd be better at faking it Janis: Sorry to disappoint you and all the girls πŸ˜’ Jimmy: if its the only time you're gonna, I'll cope Janis: Naturally Janis: Aim to please Jimmy: save it for the 'gram, Judith Janis: Reckon I'm being nice rn? Janis: Poor boy πŸ’” Jimmy: nice matters less than gay Jimmy: Don't wanna be your mate Janis: Good thing too, aiming to please here, keep up Janis: just saying, starting to doubt how 😍 they are now Jimmy: come see for yourself Jimmy: I'm working as we speak Janis: 😏 Wow so hot Jimmy: it could be if you're ready to kick this off Janis: Why not? Janis: Sooner we get it done sooner we'll see results Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: Laters, babes Jimmy: Cute Janis: That's why you're with me Jimmy: I'm not yet Janis: You're gonna be salty 'cos I won't ride you in your hipster hangout today? πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: I'm getting paid to be here, you're the one hanging out Janis: I'm picking up the bitch's coat, piss off Jimmy: You could do that when we close Jimmy: You're coming to see me Janis: You do this much? Janis: Suspiciously good at it Jimmy: Which bit? Janis: The bit where you fake a relationship Janis: Good tactic to get bare girls, like or what Jimmy: You're my first πŸ’• Jimmy: don't let it go to your head, Josephine Janis: as much as that'd get 'em throwing out the #goals Janis: secret's safe with me, boy Jimmy: πŸ‘ Jimmy: don't have to go to these lengths up north Jimmy: girls just get if you're interested or nah Janis: πŸ’” it's a shithole, mate Janis: didn't you get told before leaving t'mines Jimmy: must've had too much coal in my ears or summat Janis: Don't know what you got 'til it's gone Janis: interested and interesting bitches included, obvs Jimmy: not only a pretty face you Jimmy: got it going on in your head too Jimmy: lucky me Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍 Janis: Yeah yeah Janis: Better take back what you said 'bout the leprechauns now you're coming up πŸ€&🌹 Jimmy: if you save the humble for the #s I'll think about it Janis: Never been accused of being humble Janis: I guess the gay or nay is more pressing Jimmy: never checked a mirror or nowt, neither? Janis: 'Course, gotta spot myself at the gym, ain't I Jimmy: you can agree you're pretty then Jimmy: not an ugly duckling story either Janis: What's it matter, like Jimmy: im not fake dating one of them girls Jimmy: hates herself but still takes selfies Janis: that's another rule? i'll be thinking on my next then Jimmy: Can't prop up your self esteem Janis: Don't worry 'bout me, fake worry or otherwise ain't necessary Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: all worried out Jimmy: fake & real Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: customer service deserves a pity orchestra Jimmy: alright for you, rich girl Janis: I'll hire one out for date three if you earn it Janis: so πŸ’Έ Jimmy: just gimme the money Jimmy: if this was a naff teen rom com, I'd charge per date Janis: If I was richer, older and lonelier, you mean Janis: and you were desperate enough to be a rent boy Janis: you'd actually have to put out though so let's not Jimmy: only if I wanted top money Jimmy: the in it for the chit chat option would be more than I make at CG Janis: Then I hope to fuck you're a better fuck than you are bringing it with the chat, darling, no one is paying for this Jimmy: I'm not trying to impress you Jimmy: pay me and I'll be charming Janis: I'm not trying to pay Janis: Not that hard up, but tah Jimmy: don't complain about what you get then Janis: You ain't telling me what I can and can't do, babe Jimmy: I'm telling you I'm not here to listen to you whinge, babe Jimmy: Get a real boyfriend for that Janis: Have you tried talking to any of my sister's mates Janis: I really think it'll solve this whole thing Jimmy: I talk to 'em every shift Janis: That's not real Janis: that's wage slave robotics Jimmy: neither is this Janis: Whatever, do this at them then Janis: However fit you are, it ain't worth all this Janis: though, probably had worse, hm Jimmy: πŸ’” Jimmy: bad boy baristas are this year's...whatever last year's fad was Jimmy: whatever I say that's brutal I'm playing hard to get Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: 🀒 Ick Janis: last year's fad was the clap so like, careful Jimmy: I repeat, you're what I need Jimmy: nothing else has worked Janis: 😍 Janis: I said yes, didn't I Janis: it'll be sorted Jimmy: are you on your way? Jimmy: 'cause it won't be 'til then Janis: Keen Janis: Yeah, though, gimme 10 Jimmy: try and look like someone capable of getting my attention Janis: I'm not giving myself a shit fringe for you Janis: get some taste Jimmy: you don't know my tastes, Joanne Janis: I can guess Janis: and be right Jimmy: go for it Jimmy: try Janis: any bitch described in any indie song ever Janis: not like other girls 'cept like all the other girls at the shitty pub/gig drinking pints 'cos you'll think it's dead cool, like her tongue piercing and real leather jacket Jimmy: thats racist Jimmy: just 'cause I know all the lyrics to Wonderwall Janis: πŸ˜‚ Janis: like glass, boy Jimmy: I hope you're better at pretending to know what I like Janis: I know I ain't wrong but you can have the automatic upgrade for free Jimmy: Funny Janis: What, now I'm TOO confident? Jimmy: Nah, too obvious Janis: Err, me or your lack of taste? Jimmy: you Janis: How Janis: Fucking cheek Jimmy: You've pulled the first cliche you could out of your arse Jimmy: is how Janis: I'm sooooo sorry Janis: sure she seemed really special and unique at the time Jimmy: I'm sorry that you're just like your sister Janis: Now who's chatting out their arse Jimmy: still you Jimmy: she don't know me either but she reckons she knows my tastes too Janis: and you don't know me, you barely know the bits of her she wants you to, like Jimmy: I'm not trying to even fake know you Janis: Mutual, hence idc what you fuck Janis: and it was a joke, fucking hell boy Jimmy: funny you Jimmy: like I said Janis: So you keep saying Janis: go do some work, i'm just killing time on the bus Jimmy: I'm working harder than you Jimmy: this chat is a slog without all the coffee I'm slinging between the lines Janis: Do one then? Save it for the 'gram, rule no.1 Jimmy: πŸ‘‹ Janis: πŸ–• Jimmy: πŸ’• Janis: what do you do that isn't shit coffee there Jimmy: drinks or food? Janis: Drinks Jimmy: shitter tea, tasteless milkshakes & minging smoothies Janis: πŸ™„ Joy Janis: if you can make the smoothie at least healthy as well as minging, do that Jimmy: I can make it taste alright if you keep that off the 'gram Janis: That's big talk, babe Jimmy: secret menus aren't just for starbucks Jimmy: I'm here all day I have to make some shit edible for myself Janis: Fair Janis: I'm willing to be impressed by the smoothie skillz at least Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: I'll be brutally honest, idc if you are bae Jimmy: calling me bae is more brutal Jimmy: hate that Janis: πŸ˜‚ awh bae Jimmy: leave off, Jill Janis: hot and cold, you Jimmy: πŸ’” Janis: tell me 'bout it Janis: planning our fake breakup already Jimmy: Are you? Janis: that's the fun bit, right? Jimmy: make me look better than my ex did and it'll be a start Janis: i'll break your heart Janis: that's the reputation i'll take Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Jimmy: steady Janis: 🀷 Janis: i want what i want boy Jimmy: you think you're having my heart? how many dates we going on? Janis: work fast Janis: faster than i'm letting you Jimmy: up yourself you Janis: rich 😏 Jimmy: yeah you are, don't rub it in, girl Janis: I ain't though Janis: like you said, her coat's shit Jimmy: means she's got shit taste not a lack of funds Janis: You can't be rich with 10 kids Janis: trust Jimmy: you could Jimmy: could be a princess for all I know Janis: πŸ˜‚ what kind of deep cover is this Janis: living in this hole Janis: going to that school, sure Jimmy: #humble Janis: funny Janis: you wish Jimmy: Why? Jimmy: I don't care what you are, do I Janis: πŸ’Έ and clout would be an undeniable bonus, regardless Jimmy: I told you, I wanna be left alone, clout is the opposite of that Jimmy: & I don't need your money, girl Janis: Okay so you can't be bought, get you Jimmy: that's not what we're doing here Janis: I know Janis: Serious Janis: you're just easy to take the piss outta Jimmy: piss off Janis: I'll turn around now, like Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: I'm not having the threat of you walking hanging over me head Janis: So serious Janis: Not a princess with a driver, there's no changing the bus route on the rest of this lot now Janis: no matter how moody you get Jimmy: I've got a kid sister I ain't babysitting you too Jimmy: Be serious Janis: Yeah yeah Jimmy: Or call it off Janis: Nah Jimmy: It's not a yeah or nah question Jimmy: it's me saying don't half arse fake dating me Janis: I ain't going to Janis: like you said, this ain't real, and ain't how it's gonna be but can't prove that 'til I get there Jimmy: πŸ‘Œ Janis: That ain't a response either Janis: I ain't the only one with something to prove Jimmy: Show your face & I will Janis: Try not to look too disappointed Janis: don't doubt some of your fangirls will be watching Jimmy: How many times do you want me to tell you you're pretty when nobody's listening? Janis: Shut up Janis: That ain't what I meant Jimmy: πŸ™„ Janis: See? Don't start Janis: 😍 only dickhead Jimmy: calm down, dickhead Jimmy: I've got this Janis: First time, you admitted as much Jimmy: Faking it, yeah Jimmy: I've done it for real, that's harder Janis: You reckon Jimmy: I don't care what you think so yeah Jimmy: As long as it looks good it don't matter if it is Janis: That's same as the real thing let's not lie Jimmy: Nah Janis: Agree to disagree, darling Jimmy: Disagree and tell you to shut your face, Jodie Janis: Save it for your ex, Romeo Janis: πŸ’˜ such a romantic Jimmy: If I was, she wouldn't be an ex, would she? Janis: Giving you benefit of doubt Janis: LDR never works, you're a 15 year old boy Janis: got like what, 13 more before you find the one, isn't it? Jimmy: what makes you think long distance is what ex-ed her? Jimmy: I never said that Janis: Guess not Jimmy: You don't have to fake knowledge about me Jimmy: nobody's asking who came before Janis: You don't know girls if you think that Janis: undoubtly scoping their profiles as we speak Jimmy: don't doubt they have but they won't find owt Janis: not gutted for 'em Jimmy: only yourself Jimmy: you'll have to keep faking knowing everything Janis: suits me fine, boy Janis: the truth don't interest me none Jimmy: spoken like a decent liar Janis: you know it Janis: truly your lucky day Jimmy: 😍 Janis: Ready? Jimmy: If you are Janis: Fuck it Janis: Why not Jimmy: see, romance ain't dead πŸ’• Jimmy: how could I refuse? Janis: in it for the smoothie Jimmy: πŸ’” Jimmy: got time to spit in it still Janis: Don't you dare Janis: Will actually fuck you up Jimmy: Get used to it, you're gonna have to kiss me Janis: Disgusting Jimmy: Sweet talking again Jimmy: Jeez, June, steady on Janis: You're the one bringing up necking when I've not even got in the door Jimmy: Are you ready or aren't you? Janis: 'Course I am Jimmy: then I can talk about it, can't I? Jimmy: it's too late for a no kissing rule Janis: If that's how you deal with bricking it Jimmy: piss off Janis: Too late now, babe Jimmy: it's not Janis: ? Jimmy: we don't have to do this if you're shitting yourself Janis: bitch, please Jimmy: I'm not gonna be your bitch, babe Janis: Not the pet name you want then? Jimmy: πŸ–• Janis: Have plenty of time to think on it when you're swooning πŸ˜‰ Jimmy: It's so funny that you believe you'll able to think on anything Janis: 😏 Mhmm Janis: catch me mentally writing my shopping list to pass the time during Jimmy: You aren't even a good liar in private Jimmy: We're doomed Janis: Shut up Janis: Not seen such a romance since Kate and Leo Jimmy: 🎻 doomed, mate Janis: you wanna go down with the ship so bad Janis: drama πŸ‘‘ Jimmy: I want you to put your riches where your big mouth is Jimmy: Stop your chatting and come on Janis: Keen as Janis: I'm nearly there, stop pining, it's embarrassing Jimmy: You're such a dickhead Jimmy: Maybe I should just date your sister Janis: Go on Janis: I ain't gonna save you from the literal slag pile of exes, you ain't deserve it Jimmy: πŸ’” Jimmy: you don't deserve me Jimmy: well snide you Janis: You love it Jimmy: not having my πŸ’˜ Joan, I told you Janis: i don't want it Janis: just gonna πŸ’” it and bounce Jimmy: πŸ˜‚ Janis: k i'm coming in guard your πŸ’˜ and πŸ‘€ 'cos i look πŸ”₯ Jimmy: I'll judge that Janis: you forgot what we're doing here or what Jimmy: If we're dating you gotta bring it as my girlfriend Jimmy: so nah Janis: πŸ™„ Janis: 'cos you look so fit in your stupid uniform πŸ‘Œ Jimmy: We're meant to be improving your rep not trashing mine Jimmy: & yeah I do πŸ‘Œ Janis: Really? Nothing to do with how scared you are of these crazy bitches k Jimmy: fed up ain't scared Janis: still Janis: you need me Janis: don't forget it, pal Jimmy: I won't if you don't, mate
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