#I just couldn't figure out how to end it so I went omake? but not silly because that doesn't fit the vibe? 👀
cheezieypoofz · 2 months
can I get uh…
Stan x Fem!Reader x Craig SFW & NSFW poly relationship headcanons pls 🙏 ?
take ur time & hope ur doing well :3
Ztanley Marzh x F!Reader x Craig Tucker
ZFW & NZFW Dating Headcanonz!
DIZCLAIMER: headcanonz are hard for me to write, zo i will only write headcanonz for my mutualz. alzo, ztan might juzt be the hardezt character for me to write, zo i zend my deepezt apologiez to moon if it'z not up to her ztandardz alzo i think i lied when i zaid there waz gonna be more nzfw headcanonz than zfw- i went a little overboard teehee. i'm zozozozo zorry if it zeemz ruzhed!!!
WARNINGZ: pet namez, mentionz of zex, zub&dom mentionz, mentionz of threezomez, waizt grabbing, implied p in v & p in a, ztaig mentionz
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; How did you three get together?
; You most likely forgot all about each other, luckily enough, Bebe wanted to have a little get-together with all her friends from high school (my dumbazz couldn't think of anything elze-)
; After maybe a year or so of catching up, becoming friends, and then developing crushes on each other, confessions are made
; I feel like Craig would fall first, and confess first
; Craig was definitely on the more open-minded side of being in a poly relationship, Stan, still being open-minded, but a little reluctant
; Being reluctant only because of what others might think, he's a little paranoid
; But, you need not worry, after weighing the pros and cons of dating both you and Craig, he agreed to the proposal
; The relationship is... rocky—at first
; They both have some issues to work out, everyone does
; But everything's better when you work it out in a group
; As long as you're patient with them, the relationship will turn out just fine
; After a couple months, and everyone figures out how the relationship works, it definitely goes from rocky to chaotic
; In a good way!
; Stan is more on the affectionate side, wanting to shower you and Craig with love
; His love language is physical touch and quality time
; Craig's being words of affirmation and acts of service
; Craig is the one who plans out all the dates, Stan only occasionally plans the more physical dates—hiking, biking, skating, skiing/snowboarding, etc.
; One of y'alls favorite dates is a picnic under the stars
;  Definitely being Craig's favorite because he can geek out; it's the entire reason why he planned it to begin with
; Stan is the type to buy y'all matching items, whether that's bracelets, shirts, pins, body jewelry, necklaces, or just anything really
; You three go stargazing together pretty regularly
; You better like animals, cause Stan LOVES them, and Craig refuses to live without Stripes NO. 7
; I feel like Stan would be trying to be a veterinarian in college, and Craig aiming to be an astronaut (and no, you can't change my mind on thiz)
; Craig loves to use pet names, but only basic ones—babe, hunny, sweetheart, etc.
; Stan rarely uses pet names—hun, sweetie, babe, and, angel
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御負け ,,, OMAKE
; Craig is probably more active in the afternoon, while Stan is definitely a night owl
; They have greasy ass hair (i will die on thiz hill)
; They both use 5-in-one shampoo
; Craig seems like a smartass but is a dumbass, Stan's a dumbass through thick and thin
; Craig and Stan fight over who'll pay the bill during a dinner date, and you end up paying for it when they're not paying attention
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; The first time between the three of you was... awkward to say the least
; But, it's okay, you three got the hang of it after a bit
; Their favorite position is probably DP Cowgirl
; Maybe because it was the easiest to do—the easiest once you figured out where to put your knees at
; You and Stan, chest to chest, while Craig leans over you, hand gripping onto your waist
; Stan likes to look at your face when y'all fuck, it just gets him going to watch your face contort in pleasure
; And Craig?
; Craig just likes ass, man
; They're so competitive, they turn everything they can into a competition
; They'll literally fight over you man
; Stan looks like he whimpers and whines (zorry chat, ztan iz not a heavy dom in my mind)
; Craig is on the quiet side in bed, only letting out groans and grunts every now and then
; In my eyes, Stan is a switch leaning towards sub, and Craig is also a switch, buuuttttt
; Craig prefers to dom and will in most situations
; Craig is the type to degrade you, and so is Stan
; But Stan also likes to be degraded, yet he also likes to be praised
; I feel like Stan would like to be called Stanley when he's in the mood to be more submissive
; Stan looks like the type to crack a couple jokes when being intimate, he's still a bit serious though
; Craig is serious, there is no joking around
; He honestly gets pissed off when Stan starts joking in the middle of sex
; Which works out in your favor, but they don't need to know that
; Remember how I said they wear competitive?
; Yeah, they definitely compete to see who can get you to cum first
; Either that or who can get you to cum the most
; Craig likes to give you and Stan hickeys
; But Craig likes it when he gets hickeys too, it proves that y'all love each other
; Stan LOVES when either you or Craig bite or kiss his neck
; Craig doesn't have a high sex drive, I just don't see it
; Stan?
; I wouldn't say he would be as high as Kenny, but MAN
; It's fucking up there
; Craig is the one who usually does all the aftercare stuff
; Stan is too fucked out to do anything
; Craig will usually draw a bath for you and Stan, or start up a shower for y'all
; Then he'll carry you to bed, making sure to tuck y'all in all once and cozy
; Craig still likes to use pet names—slut, babydoll, sweetie, and love
; Stan's—my sweet angel, slut, whore, and baby
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御負け ,,, OMAKE
; If you're not in the mood, but Stan and Craig are, they go to fuck each other on the couch
; And Craig will always dom if that's the case
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miss-ingno · 3 years
Taken A Turn
Fandom: Guardian (镇魂) Rating: G Ship: Zhu Hong & Li Qian Words: 3.5k Tags: Vampire AU, vampire!Zhu Hong, fledgling!Li Qian, female friendship, family dynamics, worldbuilding
Summary: A new fledgling joins the flock. Zhu Hong takes charge of welcoming the newcomer.
For @guardianbingo‘s March prompt: Women and gnc characters
Read here on Ao3.
Zhu Hong was lying on her stomach on the floor, paging through a fashion magazine, when Shen Wei returned. She could feel his presence in the back of her mind, a slightly cold pressure that shivered down her spine before she adjusted. Flipping a page, she wouldn't have given it any further thought, if not for the whisper curling around her ear:
"Attend me."
Zhu Hong was on her feet and out of her room before her brain caught up, her bare toes sinking into the plush carpet of the stairs mere seconds later. Chu Shuzhi, the overachiever, arrived ahead of her, already falling to one knee in the front hall. Crossing her arms, Zhu Hong forced her body to slow down, leaning against the railing to survey the scene.
Shen Wei stood in the middle of the foyer, his perfectly tailored suit torn at the sleeve and splattered with dried blood. Knowing how powerful the head of their flock was, Zhu Hong felt her stomach swoop in trepidation. Next to him stood a petite woman, red eyes wide and blouse in even worse tatters, blood and gore sticking to the revealed skin. Her fangs poked over her lower lip, and Zhu Hong frowned at the lack of control. Emotional or very, very young, she concluded.
The rest of the household gathered along the edges, no one daring to step as close as Chu Shuzhi. Old Butler Wu lingered in the archway towards the kitchen, and a handful of Snake clan boys stood in the doorway to the basement. The rest of the flock had yet to return from their tasks, but that wasn’t anything unusual, Shen Wei kept a rather loose grip on his inner court.
"You called, Daren?" Chu Shuzhi spoke up first, head bowed.
"This newly turned fledgling is Li Qian. She will be joining us," Shen Wei announced.
A murmur went through the Snake boys, and Zhu Hong sent them a withering glare in reprimand as they jostled each other and commented on her shimei's good looks. As if they couldn't see the poor thing was still traumatized by the events of the night. They quieted down immediately, cowed by her wrath. Shen Wei met her eyes in acknowledgement, inclining his head. Zhu Hong preened, flushing with warmth from the silent praise, before schooling her face. She wasn't some fledgling anymore, she could at least pretend at more dignity.
Shen Wei turned to his new fledgling, his cold expression softening, and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Li Qian, this is your dashixiong, Chu Shuzhi. If you have any questions and I'm not here, you can ask him."
"Daren," Chu Shuzhi acknowledged the command, bowing his head low before rising and nodding at the fledgling, who gave him a hesitant smile.
Zhu Hong pursed her lips, observing how the young woman practically clung to their leader. Some of it couldn't be helped, the instinctual draw of her sire pulling her in. And yet Zhu Hong got the impression that she felt uncomfortable in this situation. And no wonder! Everything had just changed for her tonight, and now she was surrounded by strangers and covered in who knew what. Well, Zhu Hong could change at least one of those things.
Tossing her head back, Zhu Hong stalked down the stairway.
"Or you can come to me," she offered graciously. Once at the bottom of the stairs, Zhu Hong held out her hands for the young woman. "Hong-jie will take good care of you, little sister." Wrinkling her nose, the odor of dried gore strong this close up, she added, "First, a shower is in order."
Li Qian glanced at Shen Wei, checking in with her sire, before warily meeting Zhu Hong's gaze. Zhu Hong felt her eyes flash red, control slipping for but a moment when met with Li Qian's crimson stare. It felt like a challenge. She knew better, though, wrangling her instincts and bundling them away. Of course a freshly turned fledgling had yet to learn control.
"I will leave her in your care while I attend to business," Shen Wei declared, inclining his head towards her. He squeezed his fledgling's shoulder in reassurance. "Be good. Find me once you've cleaned up."
Li Qian bit her lip but nodded in agreement. Hesitantly, she took Zhu Hong’s outstretched hand. Zhu Hong gave her the most friendly, reassuring smile she could muster. It wasn’t something she practiced often, and she wasn’t quite sure it was working, but Li Qian didn’t flee so there was that.
Shen Wei patted his fledgling’s shoulder once more, before turning away. “Chu Shuzhi, with me. Everyone else, dismissed.”
At his word, everyone scattered, leaving Zhu Hong alone with the nervous fledgling. Zhu Hong looked her up and down with a critical eye. They were close enough in height and stature that Zhu Hong should find something suitable for Li Qian in her closet.
"We need to go shopping," she announced aloud, curling her fingers around Li Qian's wrist and tugging her up the stairs. "How's your living situation? Roommates, family?"
"I live in the student dorms." Li Qian stumbled on the first step, then caught herself. "But, um. My grandmother…"
She trailed off, and Zhu Hong gave her a curious look. With no more information forthcoming, she shrugged, deciding against prying. She couldn't remember her own first weeks after turning clearly, but she recalled feeling rather disoriented. And judging from the state of her clothes, Li Qian hadn't chosen to become a vampire—not that Shen Wei would turn someone without their consent, but it spoke of dire circumstances.
"Jia Feng!" she called out instead, and a second later one of the snake boys ran up the stairs, steps swift and soundless. To a human, it looked like he appeared out of thin air. He dropped to his knee in an imitation of Chu Shuzhi’s excessive shows of respect and fealty.
“You called, Princess?”
Zhu Hong wrinkled her nose at the title and waved for him to stand. “Go take some of the boys and go to the university’s student dorms. Bag Li Qian’s stuff and bring it here.”
She turned to Li Qian with her version of a friendly smile. “Just tell Jia-ge which room, he’ll grab your things.”
Li Qian’s gaze darted between them nervously, but she did manage to stammer out a room number. “I-it’s… I have several roommates, how will you be able to tell which are my things?”
“Easy,” Jia Feng drawled with a smirk and a wink. Frowning in concentration, his eyes flashed red and his tongue darted out, thin and forked like a snake’s. He tasted the air, and Li Qian flinched back, staring at him wide-eyed. Then Jia Feng blinked, the red melting out of his gaze. He gave Zhu Hong a nod. “I’ve got it.”
Nodding, she ordered, “Go.”
Jia Feng vanished in the blink of an eye, and Zhu Hong turned to the fledgling, who was staring down the stairs with a frown of her own.
“Is that… something every vampire can do?” she asked, curiosity seeming to overwhelm her timidity.
“It’s something all Snakes learn.” Zhu Hong shrugged. “Some clan secrets are techniques anyone could pick up, others depend on lineage. This is the latter.”
Li Qian nodded slowly. Zhu Hong watched her in interest as the gears turned behind her eyes, the shock of her rapidly changing circumstances momentarily shunted in favour of practicality. Zhu Hong approved.
“He called you a princess,” Li Qian spoke up as they walked down the hallways towards Zhu Hong’s room. “Does that make Professor Shen a king?”
Zhu Hong let out a surprised laugh. “No, not at all!” Snickering to herself, Zhu Hong held up a hand to stop the frowning Li Qian from saying anything. “Different flocks use different terms internally, although they tend to stick to the same terms as their sire’s flock before theirs. Professor Shen is the leader of our flock, you may call him Zuzhang. Or Daren, if you want to kiss his ass.”
They finally reached the door to Zhu Hong’s suite, still ajar from her earlier hasty summoning. She made sure to invite the fledgling inside, then ushered her through. It was a large room with a four-poster bed in the center, two huge wardrobes and an armoire lining one wall. Left of the door stood a fainting couch with red upholstering, a glass table next to it holding a half-full wine glass of lukewarm blood Zhu Hong had been sipping earlier. Magazines were strewn across the cushions and table, some of them littering the floor.
Zhu Hong ignored the mess and waved Li Qian into the en-suite bathroom.
“Let’s get you into something more comfortable, shimei.”
Li Qian stepped into the middle of the bathroom, glancing about curiously. “You don’t have any mirrors?”
“Vampires don’t have reflections,” Zhu Hong told her briskly, gesturing for her to turn her back on Zhu Hong. Nails turning into claws, Zhu Hong carefully ripped the remnants of the dirty blouse off, peeling strips of cloth away that stuck to skin due to dried blood and sweat. Li Qian winced, covering her chest for modesty, much to Zhu Hong's amusement.
She left the girl to her own devices and went rummaging through her wardrobe to find something that suited Li Qian’s style, based on the tattered remains of her blouse. Something light, airy. Billowy, but tight around the waist and comfy. The pants she’d worn had been sporty, unlike anything Zhu Hong owned, so she settled on a pair of loose pants that flared out into bell-bottoms. Just then, the water in the shower turned off, announcing Li Qian finished with her task. Staring at her choices, Zhu Hong dove back into the wardrobe in search of a belt, in case the waistband sat too wide on the younger girl.
She was deliberating between a flower-patterned blouse and a black top with shoulders cut-out when she heard the soft pitter patter of bare feet, followed by the creak of the bathroom door. She glanced over her shoulder, just as Li Qian stuck her still wet head through the door.
“Should I call you Princess?” Li Qian asked, a towel wrapped around her body as she carefully opened the door wider. “I mean, since Jia-ge did?”
“Please don’t,” Zhu Hong groaned, wrinkling her nose in distaste. 
Li Qian tilted her head. “Shijie, then?”
Zhu Hong paused. “Well, that’s… complicated. Just call me Hong-jie.”
Curiosity flashed over the fledgling’s face. Strands of her wet hair stuck to her throat and shoulders. “How is it complicated?”
“Zuzhang—Shen Wei—he’s my grandsire.” Glancing up, she caught Li Qian staring at her, brow knit faintly in confusion. Huffing, she set the clothes she’d chosen down and crossed her arms.
“It means that he turned the man who turned me,” she explained. "Zuzhang took me and the boys in after our Elders… well. They're all dead. I'm the oldest Snake left."
Li Qian bit her lip, looking like she wanted to ask but knew better. Instead, she inquired cautiously, "Vampires can still die?"
"Well, duh." Zhu Hong rolled her eyes, motioning Li Qian to turn around and sit on the corner of the bed. "Sunlight burns us to ash, unless you're really old and powerful. Wooden stake through the heart will do it, too. Garlic is a myth, but talismans used by a true practitioner can pack quite a punch. Fire is just as dangerous to us as it is to humans."
“Alright.” Li Qian tilted her head back, allowing Zhu Hong to comb it out and braid it with quick efficiency. “If Professor Shen is your shigong, you would be my… shizhi, right?”
“Well, yes, ordinarily. But” —Zhu Hong deftly pinned the braid up in a tidy topknot— “I pledged my allegiance to Zuzhang when the survivors of my clan rejoined his flock. The Snakes used to be a mostly independent branch, with yifu having split from Zuzhang’s flock millennia ago. So there’s, like” —Zhu Hong gestured wildly with her hands— “some level of fealty he’s owed from all Snakes because he’s our patriarch, but it’s not like we visited a lot or were otherwise involved with the main flock.”
“That… sounds indeed complicated,” Li Qian responded after a moment of silence, turning around to eye Zhu Hong. Zhu Hong shrugged, twisting around to grab the clothes she’d picked out for Li Qian and thrusting them at her.
“Shen Wei is one of the older vampires out there, there’s many flocks that split from his. Having them all return regularly to pay their respects is impractical, I guess. We only did it once since I was turned a couple centuries back, so at least he knew who I was when the boys and I showed up on his doorstep without warning.”
Li Qian bit her lip, clutching the clothes to her chest. “Then… Jia-ge called you princess because you’re the oldest of the Snake clan vampires?”
“Well.” Zhu Hong dithered, staring off into the distance. “Yes and no. Technically, I was yifu's heir and would’ve become the branch leader eventually, and as such the boys defer to me, but… in the end, I never took that position, so addressing me as such would be wrong. They’ve settled on princess instead.”
Seeming to sense Zhu Hong had reached her limit on this topic, Li Qian nodded and pushed to her feet, going back into the bathroom to change. Zhu Hong glanced after her, wondering. She was so young, still. Was that what Zuzhang saw when he looked at her? At all of them? Zhu Hong wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly discomfited.
Once upon a time, the boys called her Princess to tease her.
Nowadays, she only felt the heavy mantle of responsibility settling heavier and heavier upon her shoulders whenever they did. She wondered if it ever got lighter, the older you got.
Shaking her head to clear it of dark thoughts, she stood up. 
"Well, time for your first test as a member of this flock!" she called out cheerfully through the bathroom door. Li Qian looked up at her, eyes wide with trepidation and anticipation both. Zhu Hong took her in, nodding in approval. The clothes fit her well enough, and she'd chosen the style correctly, leaving Li Qian looking like a cleaner, more mature version of herself. Perfect.
"Step one of learning how to be a proper vampire: find your sire.”
Li Qian's brow knit in confusion. "Find Professor Shen?" At Zhu Hong's expectant look, she shifted, gaze darting over Zhu Hong's shoulder and back to her face. "How… how do I…?"
"You're already doing it," Zhu Hong replied in what she assumed was an encouraging tone. Arching a brow, she added, "Focus."
Li Qian gulped, then closed her eyes. Shortly thereafter, her expression sharpened, nose twitching, like a bloodhound finding a scent. Unconsciously, she took a step forward, then stopped, turning to Zhu Hong with confusion writ large on her face.
"I… that way?"
"Good." Zhu Hong hooked her arm through Li Qian's, pleased with her first foray in teaching her shimei. "You'll get your own room eventually, but for the first couple weeks, it's best to stick close to Zuzhang. You won't want to leave his side for long, the bond will start feeling uncomfortably stretched out."
"The bond?" Li Qian echoed, sounding puzzled. Zhu Hong tugged her out of her chamber and down the hall, and soon Li Qian subconsciously took the lead, walking faster as they approached Shen Wei's wing inside the manor.
"Yes. That draw that you feel, the direction we're heading? That's your bond with your sire. It'll let you know where he is, and Zuzhang will know if you're in danger."
Li Qian mulled over that information, straining to slow down now that Zhu Hong had mentioned the instinct she followed.
"That's handy," she finally decided, just as they passed by the throne room. This close, Zhu Hong could feel Shen Wei on the other side of the wall inside his study through her own version of the bond. Li Qian slipped out from Zhu Hong's light grip, unerringly heading for the right door. Then she paused and looked back at Zhu Hong for instructions.
But before she could speak, Shen Wei called out from the other side, "Come in."
Li Qian hesitated only briefly before opening the door. Zhu Hong followed her inside, lingering in the entrance after she closed the door behind them.
Shen Wei was sitting behind his desk, glasses perched on his nose. Several papers were spread out before him in an orderly fashion, everything in its exact place. Chu-dage was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and face expressionless. Zhu Hong couldn’t guess at whatever they had been talking about, but some prickling awareness allowed her to assume it was serious. Shuddering, she took position next to the door, the only entrance to the windowless room. Chu-dage gave her an approving nod.
Meanwhile, Li Qian beelined for Shen Wei, only faltering when she arrived at the desk and realized she hadn’t been quite conscious of what she’d been doing. Shen Wei greeted her with a small smile, wiping the ink off his raven feather quill and setting it aside.
Other sires were prone to monologuing, not so Shen Wei. He waited patiently as Li Qian fidgeted, glancing at the desk, around the room, before her gaze was drawn back to her sire. Her voice was quiet, uncertain of its welcome when she finally spoke.
“Paperwork, Professor?”
“Yes.” Shen Wei huffed, somewhere between exasperated and annoyed. “Sadly, every government requires bureaucracy to function. Sit down, some of these you’ll have to sign.”
Hesitantly, Li Qian took the chair opposite Shen Wei, then bent over to read the papers he put before her. “Registration?”
Shen Wei hummed agreement. “Every newly turned vampire has to be registered with the local authorities. Should you wish it, your family will be informed about your… death.”
Li Qian frowned, glancing up to search Shen Wei’s face.
“They’ll tell my grandmother about my current status? Or that I died?”
Zuzhang’s expression softened, and Zhu Hong shited uncomfortably. “If you want your grandmother to know, there’s some more paperwork to be filed, but it can be arranged.” He held up a finger as Li Qian lit up. “Once you have gained enough control to be around her. It might take a couple weeks.”
Zhu Hong watched as Li Qian’s back straightened, determination settling in the line of her shoulders.
“When do we start?”
Averting her gaze, Zhu Hong hid her smile behind her knuckles. Yes, she could get used to having a shimei, she thought.
“This is bad,” the man murmured, pacing up and down in the windowless room. His robes swished around his feet every time he turned sharply on his heels. “This is bad news indeed. He won’t be pleased.”
His companion adjusted his glasses, staring down at the book on the desk. It was opened to a page half filled with names, followed by relevant data about the person. The most recent one was so fresh, the ink hadn’t finished drying yet.
Li Qian; age 19; living family: Wang Yufen, paternal grandmother; sire: Shen Wei
“Not all is lost,” the second figure mused aloud, tapping the page. “She is a student at Dragon City University, is she not? It shouldn’t be hard to nap her in between classes.”
“Don’t be a fool! Do you have any idea who her sire is?” The pacing man stopped short, turning on his companion, eyes flashing crimson in agitation. His dark robes stood in stark contrast to the other’s dove grey suit. 
“Professor Shen is humble and polite, very unassuming. A bit of a pushover, really,” his companion asserted, tugging on the cuffs of his dress shirt. “Frankly, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about.”
The vampire stared at the human in disbelief. “Heipaoshi is one of the strongest, most ancient of vampires. We cannot risk drawing his attention.”
“If you say so,” the other man replied, doubt ringing clear in his voice. “Regardless, the girl is your problem now. I have no use for a vampire. A shame, too, what with her lineage…”
The vampire stroked his long, black beard, ignoring the human’s assertions.
“You are certain you cannot use the grandmother instead?” he asked, and the human made a disgruntled noise.
“Too old and fragile, I’m afraid. We’ll break her before we get anything useful out of her.”
“I see,” the vampire hummed, a contemplative expression flashing over his face before he turned a fake smile on the human. “Keep me updated on the process. I’ll make sure to tie up the loose ends of your… failure.”
The human’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses, and he huffed in obvious offense. “It would’ve worked, if it hadn’t been for—”
The vampire held up a hand, looking bored. “No excuses. Just ensure it’s less of a mess next time.”
Exhaling his annoyance, the human turned on his heel. But as he reached for the door, the vampire called out after him.
“Oh, and Professor Ouyang?”
The human paused, turning reluctantly to glance back.
“Next time, I will leave you to explain to our lord why his orders weren’t followed.”
Crimson eyes flashed in warning, and Professor Ouyang gulped. The moment those eyes turned away from him, he fled the windowless room, into the dark of the night.
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
Sindria's Prophet #13
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
((edited because I figured out to add some more history facts that I think are important))
~POV Sinbad~
"The Kou Empire, huh?"
"That is going to make things risky."
With all of the Generals caught up with what happened in Balbadd, they needed to start planning for King Sinbad's trip to the Kou Empire, as well as catching him up with everything that had happened in Sindria while he was gone.
"LadY YamuRAI H AA AA A" A yell came from the hallway accompanied by the sounds of running.
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((Sinbad is hidden on the left. There's a hint of him poking out.))
A panting magician gave apologies for disturbing their meeting and ran to the head of Sindria's magicians. "I wish I knew you were here so I didn't search the tower first~" Then he started explaining about some magical proof. Most of his words sounded like gibberish to the rest, but it was clear that he had made some kind of break though.
Yam jumped out of her seat. "How did you finally figure it out?! Who figured it out?!" She whipped her head to her King, "Sorry your majesty," and then looked back to the other magician.
"It was the work of the Prophet!” the magician answered. "We were talking about her illness and she pulled out scrolls that- you just have to read them for yourself!”
Mori had said that she had written other scrolls before she started coping down Fate. This must have been what she was working on.
Both magicians bowed out to go test out this new information. Before they could leave, Sinbad ended the meeting; there was no way he was going to wait to learn what other information Mori had blessed them with. Ja'far followed as did a few of the other Generals.
When they got into the court yard, the doctors that had been sent to take care of Mori were already pushing their supply cart back to their main building. The magician that had stayed behind spotted them and raised two scrolls up triumphantly. "She let me take the scrolls!"
News of the scrolls written by a Prophet spread throughout the Black Libra Tower within an hour. Yamuraiha and the doctors explained their significance to King Sinbad.
If even a fraction of the theories in the scrolls proved true it would completely changed their understanding of how illnesses work. If Mori wasn't sick she would undoubtedly be swarmed with questions and demands for proof. According to the magicians, nothing in the scrolls went against any known information. Instead, they gave explanations to why certain things that had been attempted in the past had failed. What she wrote about 'cells' was what really caught the eyes of the white magicians and doctors. As an example, according to Mori's writing there were blood types and most couldn't mix; that would explain why most past attempts at blood transfusions had failed.
The 2nd scroll showed a break down of even smaller particles, and how the structures of different particles made up everything. This was going to bring alchemic magic to a whole new era. Sure, such things would most likely be limited to high magicians, group efforts, and the Magi, but it looked possible now. A lot of common magic of the current day took extreme amounts of magoi in the past because they hadn't found the right formula yet. Mori's writing -if true- could easily be used as a guide to finding the right order of commands for many spells.
And even more than that, Mori had said that she had even more information to share; she had just ran out of scrolls and ink.
Mori's presence in Sindria, and everything that went with it were Fate and the Rukh's guidance. King Sinbad could see it -the future he wanted.
~POV Mori~
In Sindria's Palace there is a Great Bell. It is rung during celebrations, and to signify the King returning home like it did earlier that day, but it's main use was to ring every 2 hours to tell everyone the time since clocks weren't invented yet. So even though I was a sick person trying to rest during the day, I was woken up by the Great Bell every 2 hours... which of course is also situated right on top of the guest tower.
For obvious reasons, I was awake again.
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I wish I knew how the others responded to the scrolls. I really wanted to know Yam's opinion most. Those scrolls basically gave away the secret to Yunan's signature alchemy magic.
I still had the first scroll I had worked on -the one on the science behind blimps-, and the last science scroll I had started. That one was on DNA, and reproductive systems. It was the last one I started in Balbadd. I hadn't started working on it until sunrise on my 2nd sleepless night and it showed; there were missing words everywhere, many incomplete sentences, and I couldn't stay in topic.
These mistakes were too great to fix with an ink knife. Editing was going be super annoying and time consuming since I couldn't work digitally. I'd have to physically cut up the first draft to put everything in the right order before making the next one.
Wait- Did this world have scissors???
Back home the first evolution of shears that could be labeled as scissors was in Roman barber shops in the last hundred years or so before Rome fell. China would spontaneous also create something akin to scissors not long after. Reim and the Kou Empire seemed to line up with Rome and ancient China for the most part, so I tend to use them to place the time period, but the dress Princess Dunya wears is centuries off and throws all historical accuracy questions out the window. Rome was long gone by the time boning was added to women's undergarments, and that dress had all the signs of boned corsetry.
Fuck it. I'll ask for scissors and if they don't have them I'll just invent them myself. I had been drafting professionally for the past 4 years. That may have been for microelectronics, but it uses all the same skills; I could do this. I needed to get a ruler -or at least a straight edge- and a drafting compass which they probably have based on the look of maps in the series, and pencils, or at least colored inks if they had them. I probably needed to reinvent the French curve(stencil tool used in art & drafting)...
Since I was struggling to fall back asleep I moved to the table and pulled out my test scroll. It was full of random marks and some of my early drawing attempts that I used to practice with the dip pen -it's also where I wrote down the dreams from the Rukh. I'd write the list of things I needed, rip the section out of the scroll, and pass the list to someone who could get me what I was asking for. I added some living necessities too like sleep wear and a comb.
The maids that came to give me dinner, and next dose of medicine were not pleased that I wasn't in bed -I was an important guest who was sick after all. And I wasn't pleased to have to drink more of that bitter medicine, but we can't have nice things all the time, now can we?
My voices was strained but I managed to communicate enough. I gave them my list, and laundry (the clothes I wore on the boat) before they left. They'd get me the things the next day. I was instructed to sleep until someone brings me breakfast the next day... which is what I was going to do anyway since the sun was practically gone. I might be a bit of a workaholic but I'm not going to let myself pull an accidental all-nighter when I know I'm still sick. I'm far more self aware than that.
And besides, the Great Bell didn't ring at night.
Maids brought my breakfast (& meds) the next morning and let me know that my clothes would be cleaned and dry by the end of the day. I guess they didn't use magic for everything.
They also gave me all of the drafting and inking supplies I asked for except for scissors. In one of the omakes Sinbad was shown cutting his hair with a knife as a part of his normal grooming. I had hoped he was just old fashioned.
For the greater good and the future of my own hair care, I drafted up detailed designs for a few different types of basic scissors. They wouldn't look fancy, but hopefully I had put enough of a detailed explanation on everything for the smith to figure out what I was asking. Steel wasn't developed until the middle ages and some of the counties of this world matched that so I hoped
that God and anime were on my side. I really wanted scissors that would be a good quality.
And if that didn't work I'd just have to get used to using knives and bladed rollers like a regular person.
The Great Bell rung for 10 am. There were at least another 2 hours before someone would show up, to give lunch, that I could ask to take my draft for the scissors to a black Smith.
I should be resting as a sick person. I should be more exhausted and in pain as a sick person. What was making me recover this quickly?
I still didn't feel like laying back down, so I decided to start drafting up the materials and equipment for proving everything I had written in the scrolls I gave the previous day.
Globally, micro-organisms, viruses, and bacteria were not really accept or proved until the late 1800's. Since Magi seems to take place some time around our 100AD-1300, and Yunan hinting at chemical compounds was seen as shocking by Yam, I knew that my bio scrolls were probably causing an uproar in the Black Libra Tower. I refused to use actual people or wait for an outbreak to prove it like how it happened in history -like how John Snow proved it when finding the cause of cholera outbreaks in 1848 and 1854 England. No, I needed to show how to prove these things in a lab, and to do that I was going to need to explain how to keep samples and invent a way to see microorganisms.
First was for a glass petri dish and other containers for samples. I'd need at least 3 -preferably more. I know glass works have been around since BC, and that this world had glass windows in some scenes, but I worried about the quality of the glass contaminating the experiments. I was going to have to boil them beforehand to sterilize them anyway.
Gosh I wish I had access to nonporous, air tight containers, and a temperature controlled environment. The heat and humidity of Sindria could easily mess everything up.
Wait... I suddenly remembered a scene from the Magnostadt arc when they showed how a sample was being stored. They already had good enough glass. I knew there were magic bio experiments but I had no idea how they worked.
With the realization that I was getting ahead myself, I switched to writing about how to use the scientific method to test for germs. It was basically the bread in a bag test to teach young children about germs but with petri dishes. I also wrote about how to analyze samples with a microscope to see micro organisms so I was going to have to figure that out next.
Lunch came as the perfect break.
Just thinking about reinventing this thing made me nervous. I knew magnifying glasses existed in ancient Rome, but they would be nothing like what I was used to. I had to explain how light moves and made multiple diagrams showing how concave and convex lenses affect light as well as the material of the lens. I ended up also showing how to make a telescope even though I knew Yam already had one.
Magicians were the only ones shown with glasses. Maybe now the rest of the world could have them too.
4 o'clock came and so did 3 doctors and a magician. It was less than yesterday, but still more than necessary to treat or analyze one person. I only recognized one of the doctors from the previous day. All of the new faces looked nervous. None of them looked young by any measure, so I really doubted this was their first time treating someone.
They weren't happy to see me at the table and made me return to my bed -their loss.
The doctor from the previous day was the one doing most of the talking. "Your recovery is amazing. You will most likely be better in another 3 days at this rate if not sooner. It's practically a miracle."
I smiled. "It's pretty shocking for me too." As long as I spoke quietly and kept my comments short, I found I could talk again for a bit.
The doctor was silent for a moment before changing the subject. "I know you need rest, but would you be willing to answer a few questions about those scrolls from yesterday?
The 3 other men looked expectant. This was why they were here.
"I don't mind as long as you don't make me talk too much."
Then came the question I was expecting since I had first made the scrolls. "I know you are a Prophet and the information came from your visions but is there any way you can prove what you wrote?"
I pointed to the table with the scroll I had started earlier. "I can't prove it with the current equipment I have, so I've been drafting up the needed equipment and processes for proving it."
They all turned to look at where I was pointing.
I added, "It's not done, but you're welcome to read what I have so far."
I was thanked as they went to the table they had called me away from when they entered.
'He called it 'visions?' Really?' I had to ask Sinbad later what he was telling his people about me so I could keep the story straight.
The magician confirmed for the others what I wrote about light bending. There was magic to do that, but not everyone is a magician. I had just invented a way for non-magicians to bend light.
Just wait until I show them a prism that can split light into colors. Or teach them how light is perceived in the eye. Or even better, show them the double slit experiment that proves that light is a particle not just a wave... Did they know light was a wave yet?
"Lady Prophet."
I was pulled out of my thoughts.
"You said this isn't finished and there is plenty of space in this scroll for more, but would you let us take this back to the tower so we can get started?"
I wanted to say 'no.' I was still coming up with things to add to it, but I also knew that holding things back because I wanted to save paper was a fool's game. Besides, I could always add more to it later.
I nodded and they thanked me before making me promise not to leave my bed. They were grateful for this new scroll but not at the expense of my health -they were doctors after all.
And then they left.
It was probably about 5pm if my internal clock was on schedule, so I had about an hour before the next ring of the Bell.
Even if I wasn't a man of my word, I would have lost the motivation to work with my current project taken from me while I was still in the middle of making it.
So, I did the thing I grew up doing when I was bedridden from illness: I looked out the window. From the bed I could only see the tops of the buildings on the other side of the courtyard. The Tower that was just poking in from the left had to be the Black Libra Tower.
The waves in Sindria were calmer yet stronger than those in Balbadd. It was probably due to Sinbad's influence. He brought stability and security to his people. I could understand why so many chose to follow him or ally with him. But I knew where all this would lead. As he obtains more power and influence he will stop being able to see himself from the pedestal that he and everyone else put him on; his greed will make him blind to the wants and needs of others, and like a middle aged parent that isn't ready for their child to leave the nest he will take out his frustration on the world that was moving on without him. When Sinbad dies at the end of the manga, Drakon realizes that they all put too much on Sinbad's shoulders.
To change Fate, I was going to have to make sure I never put him on that pedestal nor rely on him for much. And I was going to have to convince the 8 Generals to do the same -or at least to start pulling more of the weight.
The 6 o'clock Bell came faster than I expected, as well as my dinner not long after. They brought my clean laundry, a sleeping gown, and some other common clothes and things for my convenience.
I would have preferred something much shorter for the night gown since I hate having a lot of extra fabric around my legs when I already have blankets. I was not going to risk being walked in on by doctors or whoever when sleeping naked, so I would make do for now.
There was no way King Sinbad wasn't going to reward me for those scrolls. If it was some kind of treasure I'd sell it and buy a new wardrobe for myself that actually suited me, and if the reward was a request then I would ask that he pay for everything directly.
The light coming in my windows changed, and I watched my 2nd sunset in Sindria.
When Sinbad found this island 10 years ago, he completely terraformed it. He didn't get rid of all of the vegetation that was here, but he did break down one of the sides to allow for easier access by boat. The side he carved out faced northish towards all of the other known countries, so no boat would have a reason to circle the island. It was a decision that would benefit the merchants and make it easier to defend.
It also meant that my windows faced west, so I could watch the Sun set every day. I couldn't help but see that as a blessing and a curse. Sure not getting the sunrise meant I'd need to put more effort into
waking up in the morning but that wasn't the part I was worried about.
See- The thing is... I have synesthesia (having 2 or more senses overlapping). I see sounds, letters, and numbers as colors and textures. I have it mild enough that I can normally block it out so it's not too distracting (thank God because music is a main stim), but sometimes I'll hear something and get overwhelmed by how it looks.
Each letter and number is a color. So every voice can make every color, but language, pitch, tone, and accent all affect the colors and textures I see from a person's voice like a filter. There have definitely been some people that I struggled to give my full attention to when I first met them because I was entranced by how their voice looked. The more I hear a person's voice the more I'm able to move its visuals to the background so I can focus -desensitizing myself to it.
Luckily, Sinbad's voice is normally not so distracting that I stop paying attention. Since it's like a merger of every voice actor I've heard play him (All the characters I had met so far were like this.) I'm already desensitized. The similarities across all of the VAs meant that his voice looked like a sunset -full of deep purples and magentas, and bright reds, peach, and gold, and with a smooth and flowing texture like painting in acrylic with a wet brush -like a painting of the last moments of a sunset.
His voice was as pretty as he was.
I hadn't actually gotten to see or hear him for a whole day. But I'd get to look at his voice's equivalent every day while living under his protection.
It was frustrating to admit -I barely knew him as a real person- yet I couldn't deny that I missed him. I feel asleep watching the sun set.
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((I wasn't going to write about my synesthesia, but this is my fanfic and I thought it might be fun to reference the colors peoples voices make when the characters talk. I'm not going to paint every VA and head cannon, but I will describe them as I go. Ja'far's Japanese and English VAs have voices that look very different so finding the middle ground is proving tricky.
Also, anyone who noticed that the purple I see in Sinbad's voice is the same as the purple I've been using for the illustrations and comics is super smart and cool.))
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