#I imagine they sleep on different types of furniture
bellaartz · 3 months
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Genuine question- do they even have beds??? Do they just sleep on the friggin floor??
Is that what the REM room is? Just a room where they sleep on the floor like at a sleepover??
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hikari-kaitou · 1 year
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This is Phoenix and Edgeworth's profiles as imagined by character designer Ms. Suekane. We got quite different answers from her compared to Takumi and the others!!
Phoenix's profile
Birthday: Maybe a Virgo? I kinda get the feeling he was born in September.
Blood type: O type. His attitude towards Maya and his fairly easygoing nature give me that impression.
Birthplace: Saitama, maybe? It's close to Tokyo but not on the same level because it's more rural. Maybe Saitama or Chiba or Ibaraki? But Takumi-san is from Saitama? Well, let's go with Saitama, then.
Non-work clothes: A hoodie. I want Phoenix to like wearing hoodies (lol). I can't think of anything else that would suit him. On the bottom, he'd wear cargo pants.
Living situation: He lives at his office. He's got a locker there where he keeps blankets and stuff to sleep on.
On his days off: He does nothing. He kinda just spaces out in the morning, then when noon comes he eats lunch and watches TV. When evening comes, he eats dinner, watches more TV, bathes, and sleeps. But if someone invites him out then he'll go.
Hobbies: Video games and stuff. Like fighting games (lol). I can see him with his controller going "tap tap tap tap" and smashing out combos. He might also play Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy or those types of games.
Favorite food: He's omnivorous. He'll eat whatever but he's kinda happy when there's meat in it. He loves meat.
Luxury foods: Diet cola. Beef jerky would be fine too (lol). He drinks alcohol but it doesn't show on his face much. Not beer, but like Japanese hot sake (lol)
Sports: Swimming. In general he's useless at sports but he'd be like "swimming is the only thing I'm good at." He seems like he'd get a little excited while talking about swimming.
Music: He doesn't listen to music. He'll go to karaoke if someone brings him, though.
Cellphone: He updates it fairly regularly, but because he always waits for the price to go down, he always ends up with one that's two models behind (lol).
His part time job in college: Something loose, because he doesn't commit himself to things… Like maybe he worked at a convenience store.
His type: I feel like he dreams about someone with abstract qualities like being "kind" or "domestic". Just thinking about those words gets him all starry-eyed and sighing (lol).
Edgeworth's profile
Birthday: He's an Aries, which means he was born on April 2nd or later. Let's go with April 2nd (lol).
Blood type: Type AB, because I feel like his emotions kinda have peaks and valleys.
Birthplace: Chiba. At first I thought Ace Attorney took place in Soga (a city in Chiba Prefecture).
Non-work clothes: A jacket, but not like a suit jacket, more like a casual one. Like from Paul Smith or something.
Living situation: A normal apartment. A lot of his furniture is Japanese handicraft stuff, and I feel like he'd put a lot of money into making his place feel Japanese.
On his days off: He goes shopping or on walks and has an elegant lunch. If he drives a car, it would be a silver one (lol).
Hobbies: Collecting western antiques and Japanese handicrafts.
Favorite food: Taro and meat soup (imoni). He has a favorite deli in his neighborhood that makes it.
Luxury foods: Whiskey. He enjoys it on the rocks.
Sports: He used to play soccer, but now he does weight training. He's got a defined six-pack.
Music: jazz. He listens to it while drinking his whiskey. Eminem fills him with rage.
Cellphone: A normal one. He uses his computer to send emails so he really only uses it to talk.
His part time job in college: Administrative assistant. He'd help with paperwork only when the office was really busy.
His type: Someone who doesn't lie to him. I have nothing in particular to add to that.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
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Hi coming in with another silly idea Imagine that the Player is in early Nevada, and around the time Nexus is supposed to fall they fall into a type of coma. Jeb goes through with his plan (painfully without the player by his side), Hofnarr turns into Tricky with his last thoughts begging for the Player to come back. Phobos' fight being much more easy due to the fact he thinks his god abandoned him. Then the Player comes back like "hey sorry about that" and Jeb starts wailing while Tricky goes YIPPEE and runs around them like an excited dog.
Why is everything you draw so cute omg 😭, everyone is so adorable here. It's honestly a little weird to see the Employers look so huggable, I love it.
To actually get into the scenario though, my thoughts on this are far too long to make it into a normal ask response, so you're getting some sort of unofficial hcs instead lol. Enjoy!
<The Player Falls into a Coma before the Fall> ft. Jebus, Hofnarr/Tricky, the Employers & Phobos
(TW: Yandere)
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There was no warning for your sudden coma whatsoever. At most, you felt a tad more exhausted than usual at the end of the day, but this can be attributed to many different things, so of course you wouldn't worry about it. Neither would anyone else either, for that matter.
You had absolutely no idea that when you slowly fell asleep that night, you wouldn't be waking up again for a very long time.
It certainly wouldn’t take long for those you know to find out about your condition either. For one, Hofnarr and Jeb would want to recap their plan with you before going through with it, so naturally they stopped by for that. However, they find you unconscious and completely unresponsive to their every attempt to wake you. To make matters worse, there isn't a sign that you'd been awake at all in the past few days; the buildup of dust on your furniture and the letters in your mailbox shows as much.
Despite their worry, they’d eventually have to leave your side, if only to get more medical supplies and other things to help you. This opens up a window for the others in your life to finally take action, those being the Employers.
The shadowy figures had been keeping tabs on you all the time, so when you just didn't wake up, they would probably be the first to know - even if their actions came second to the Nexus Scientist's.
(You didn’t send the Deliberator a “good morning” text and he started panicking. What could possibly be so bad that you didn't speak to him? A cursory call to the worried AAHW agents the Auditor had sent to tail you was proof enough that you'd deviated from your usual schedule, and you weren't the type to ever be late.)
They were quick to take you from your home and to a more secret place, so that they could keep close observation over you.
Honestly, despite how much the Employers might brag about knowing you better than anyone else (a privilege they gained from being the first to realize your existence), they truly know little about your anatomy. However, they can tell that sleeping for full days isn't normal at all, judging by your previous behavior.
They're also far too stubborn to ask any other mortals for help as well, so they simply resigned to try to help you themselves while keeping you safe with them. They couldn't do much else, so hopefully you'd understand that once you awoke in a strange place.
Nevada rots without your guidance and the grunts you were close to were left reeling by this (unintentional) abandonment you committed.
Phobos loses much of his drive due to his own emotional frailty as he grappled with his uncharacteristic self-doubt and questioning. As it happens, this also makes him more zealous as well. In his last moments, he has a second wind, believing that if he just fights hard enough, you might decide to come back and help him in his battle against Christoff. (But you don't. You couldn't.)
Jebus' feelings are surprisingly parallel to the Director's in terms of worship and near zealotry. Except, he believes it might be his fault that you left, which only increases the fervor he has to complete his plans. It will be painful without you there, but this agony is his repentance for the sins which he has wronged you with. It is only through this that he believes you might show your presence once more, even if it’s not now.
Unfortunately, Hofnarr's transformation into Tricky was just as painful as it would be otherwise, and the pain of abandonment just makes it worse. Funny, how the pictures taken of you with him and Christoff were miraculously unscathed within Hofnarr's lab even after Tricky came to be. The zombified clown must have found some value in them, even if he couldn’t remember the complete reason why he felt so warm when he looked at them.
Of course, you did actually awaken eventually. You had no idea how much time had passed when you woke up, so seeing the Employers look so uncharacteristically worried when you woke up was really odd. You honestly think they’d be weepy if they had the ability to cry.
You really didn’t know how to react to the news that you’d essentially been in a coma for thirty years. Your first course of action is to find Jeb and Tricky to find out what actually happened since you feared your early appearance might’ve had an impact on the timeline regarding Nevada’s fall. This leads to very different reactions.
Jeb isn't one to typically show much vulnerability, but seeing you again completely shatters those walls he's kept up for so long. At first, he thinks you're just a hallucination; the culmination of all the longing he has for you finally taking its toll on his broken mind as almost a cruel joke. 
The first words he speaks to you after thirty years is a short, "You're not real", said as more of an insistence to himself than anything. But when he comes closer and you don’t disappear, and he reaches out a trembling hand to rest lightly on your shoulder, and you stay, he just breaks. The warmth of your form washes over him like it used to, and suddenly he feels an uncomfortable tightness well up in his throat as tears gather in his eyes.
You reach up to hold his taller form closer to you, sinking to the ground with him as he buries his face into your neck and sobs. His hold on you is soft, and his hands are still shaky; he's holding you like he's scared of shattering you, and he only gets weaker when you whisper soothing words and apologies to him.
Compared to Jebus, your meeting with Tricky was a lot more upbeat. It’s probably because he was spared much of the reflection and sorrow that Jeb went through due to his rather unstable mental state, but that didn’t stop him from somehow recognizing you. It’s almost like a switch flipped in his mind, and he went from violently slamming his sign into some poor grunt's face to freezing at the sight of your face.
He then tosses the sign away and almost launches himself at you to envelop you in a tight bear hug, screaming excitedly while you grin back rather tiredly. (You hope your eardrums will be okay after this.) But in the next second, he's whirling away from you, flailing his hands as he continues to talk.
It’s like being greeted by your dog after being away for months; he never stops moving or asking hurried questions about where you’ve been, intermittent with little words about how much he’s missed you.
Both Jeb and Tricky are very clingy after this. Even if they don't get along now, they're not willing to let you leave their sides after this, especially not when you go to sleep. (What if you fall into a coma again? Someone has to be there to take care of you.)
Deep down, they also have a striking suspicion that someone was behind your coma. They didn't know who exactly, but there was no other explanation to them than this. How else would you, Nevada's most powerful being, fall into such a state?
(In the near future, when you come across Hank and the others, let's just say that your scientists won't be deterred from leaving your side quite so easily. You'd been gone for thirty years, so you should only expect their companionship to remain more permanent for the coming years.)
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terrence-silver · 2 months
What kind of bedroom would Terry have
I present to you: Ennis House's brutalist, concrete block bedroom!
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With the sole exception that I'd make Terry's actual bed in the 1980's into something more eccentric and luxurious. Less typically utilitarian. Something with actual arches and canopies. Something grand and slightly intimidating? Something with a gothic, period type flare? Maybe something like this?
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Present day, though, in his Malibu seaside mansion where we're first re-introduced to him, I'd opt for more open concept spaces. Modern minimalism. Clean. Pristine. Lots of whites. Pale colors. An abundance of natural light and glass as opposed to his dark, gritty, gothic (Slightly maximalist?) bedroom of the 80's. Never more furniture than is needed --- in fact, only the bare essentials. A hub meant to rest the eyes and the soul and arranged by precise Feng Shui, without distractions, wholly decluttered, with colossal windows where everything seems pleasantly transparent. Perhaps symbolizing him supposedly turning a new page and his dwelling and sleeping spaces intending to reflect that, being as orderly, clean cut and put together as his life was intended to be. And I do envision something as stark and almost as intentionally and meticulously bare as this, with a vast vista overlooking the ocean. It's only perhaps a little too empty for comfort. De-personalized.
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How about when he goes back to his old ways and changes manors once more and he ends up in that forested looking estate where his weapon collection is stashed? The place where he invites Chozen for dinner? The color palette of that home is infinitely different; lots of dark wood, tall shelves, labyrinthian hallways that seem a bit tight, black marble panels, blackout curtains and heavy draperies, a sense of everything being more closed off from all sides, brooding fireplaces and his bedroom is likely to take on a more moody tone by extension too. What I imagine is a lot of modern elegance, a foreboding palette, dim and seductive lights and the overall sense of excess privacy dominating the premises as opposed to before, especially the bedroom, giving off the impression that the place is secluded, overlooking a private, walled off patch of woodland he owns. If anything, Terry's the opposite of someone posturing to be open and rehabilitated in this stage.
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gumbaigumbai · 1 day
Ramblings on Modern AU Ogata
Modern AU Ogata has so much potential when it comes to the different ways his mental instability could be displayed, along with his living situation as well.. so I'll write down some thoughts I've had/collected below (& I'm well aware Noda mentioned he'd be a dentist but I wanna explore other possibilities) ^ to preface I've read a couple works on ao3 abt this as well so some ideas are heavily inspired
Work: I think a job as a photographer would translate over his sniper skills very well, links such as steady hands and a good eye, staying still in a required position, "shooting", and freelance of course.. Though I don't think this would pay well enough for him to maintain a decent living, so he would primarily work as a morgue attendant for a couple reasons; respect given when needed, no customer interactions (or if so, very few), most talking is between co-workers which I don't imagine there's plenty of, he wouldn't be opposed to being in the space w. all the corpses, it could worsen his mental state (🤤), to an extent links back to his "canon" modern job via medical field As for the home life; small apartment, can't imagine him caring about upkeeping the place or getting "fashionable" furniture so most items inside are just necessities. while he was only doing photography he used to sleep on a mattress but after the attendant job he upgraded to a simple bed. Definitely has a computer setup that he saved up for, used for editing/organizing his pictures and doom scrolling. I like to think he has some interest that he researches in his spare time, could be really into the history & different types of guns, or if we want to be less on-the-nose he'd enjoy deep sea creatures - just reading up on them or watching videos, maybe those informational documentaries. Also has a small amount of fondness towards Hello Kitty (bc ofc I have to add this), though it's something he's embarrassed to admit (Usami found this out & never let him hear the end of it) Relationship w. ppl I think he'd be pretty good at coming off as collected while working (outside of home) but when he's not required to talk with others he's contrived in public, says the bare minimum and leaves. He'd keep in touch with Usami and Tsukishima - they always have to reach out first but in his better moods sometimes he starts talking w. Usami. He used to have some sort of relationship with Tsurumi (relationship not used in a romantic sense here) but they fell out and he doesn't have contact with him anymore. Yuusaku has his # and tries inviting him over for the holidays but he declines most of the time, another instance where you must catch him while he's prone to social gatherings.. Mental state 😻 Okay this is where I take a lot of liberty so I apologize if ppl don't like this… I think he would definitely be depressed to some extent, falling into episodes where he's more of an active suicide risk, but it's not often enough to become debilitating to carry on normally. He wouldn't reach out for help, and would over time get much worse before he ever gets better (I'd like to think in the modern world he'd have a real chance at reformation though). Usami would unintentionally worsen Ogata's mental state by affirming his negative thoughts, though as an avid Usao shipper I have to give myself a treat and pretend Usami would take care of him during his worst times… And wouldn't make fun of his attempt at getting better if he ever enters therapy (delusion works in mysterious ways). Ogata would engage in self-destructive behavior; taking light drugs at a younger age but as he got older he resorted to sh. The first step towards rehab however would be a holiday dinner with Yuu where he actually showed up, and they entered a genuine conversation over his issues after Yuu grilled him enough about his worries. Anyway, sorry this was so long & I didn't include many other characters, & if you just don't really see this as plausible for him - I like to play with him like a Lalaloopsy in my head
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callsign-phoenix · 2 years
I wrote this for @writercole I hope you like it, happy birthday!
It is a Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x female!reader imagine.
Thank you @lt-natrace to help brainstorm!
Warnings: fake dating (convenience marriage, insurance fraud), this fic is racially and body type inclusive despite the moodboard suggesting otherwise
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You had always been close friends with Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, even though the two of you were quite different from each other.
While Jake came from a wealthy family and had luck with everything he did you didn’t have much money and had trouble taking root.
You worked a lot to pay for your studies, wanting to become a journalist and needing a degree first.
Balancing the job and studies was difficult enough but you also had to pay rent, which meant you were short of cash constantly.
Jake didn’t have any of those problems.
When he came to San Diego to fly at Top Gun he also came to visit you.
You had started to live there for the journalism and media studies at San Diego State University and stayed in a shitty apartment working a shitty job just to keep your head over water.
When Jake came to visit you he was shocked by the circumstances you had to endure, but you tried to play it off with humour.
“Well don’t worry about it, I work so much that I am barely ever home to see how miserable this dump is,” you chuckled, but Jake didn’t take it well.
“You’re not serious. I got moved here for a while to prepare and fly a mission, you should move in with me.” He suggested, but you shook your head.
“You’re kidding. I can’t just move in with you, the base is too far from my job and university, plus I can’t see the Navy looking kindly on you just taking in an old friend,” you laughed his offer off, even if it sent butterflies through you.
You had a crush on Jake Seresin ever since you had known him, which had lasted for over a decade.
Of course you didn’t say anything, you didn’t feel like he could ever reciprocate your feelings, so you preferred not to try to find out and jeopardize your friendship.
Jake knew that as a single lieutenant he wasn’t allowed to rent a place off base on his own, which made his decision easy.
He shrugged, a taunting smile spreading over his face as one of his eyebrows rose in mock-humour.
“Then marry me,” he grinned.
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You did marry Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin.
The wedding wasn’t very thought through or grand, you informed your family and friends about it and went to a courthouse to tie the knot.
Jake invited his fellow aviators to the small celebration you had, it was more of a celebratory dinner than a wedding party.
There were enough pictures of the two of you since your childhood that could be interpreted as couple pictures and you put them up in your new home, an apartment Jake rented that was off-base, the perfect distance between your job and his.
Being that close to Jake was strange for you at first, you were nervous but excited whenever he was near, and he proceeded to hug or hold you whenever anyone else was near, no matter if they knew you or not.
The way he kissed your temple absentmindedly always had you lean back against him, in fear of your knees giving out.
Jake had purposely chosen a one-bedroom apartment as not to arouse suspicion, and you cringed at the thought that your life had turned into a ‘and there was only one bed’-trope situation.
Your husband suggested that he slept on the couch until you asked him to share the bed with you, knowing that the small piece of furniture hurt his body, which he needed to be in top form.
He was grateful for the offer and while the first few nights were a little awkward you managed to live well together.
More often than not you woke up wrapped up in Jake’s arms, he was either hugging you from behind or you found yourself lying flat on your stomach, your head resting on his naked chest.
While Jake wore pajama pants to sleep simply because he wanted you to feel comfortable around him he hated wearing shirts to bed, so he kept them off.
Jake was usually up earlier than you which woke you up, but you fell asleep again when he left the house, and after a few weeks you started to wake up to small presents he left you.
When you walked into the kitchen you usually found your favourite breakfast or snack waiting for you with a note that was signed with his name and a heart next to it.
You didn’t know what he thought when he wrote those notes but you slowly slipped into a relationship with more or less casual acts of affection.
Jake was an affectionate person and he effortlessly fell into the role of the caring husband, it surprised you how natural and right it felt to be with him.
Your family and friends had teased you the moment you told them about your wedding to Jake, saying that the two of you finally stopped being blind idiots and gave into the feelings everyone knew you had for one another.
It surprised you to hear but you waved the comments off, not wanting to overthink it and misinterpret anything Jake did, but most importantly you didn’t want to have false hope that he might like you back.
You somehow had more time now that you had a nice place to live that you didn’t need to pay for, since Jake had asked to pay for it.
The bit more time gave you just enough time to make dinner on most days, and to surprise Jake with it whenever he came home from work.
You weren’t an extraordinary cook but you got by, and Jake’s work was exhausting enough that he was glad that he didn’t have to work for his food.
The two of you became an amazing team and you enjoyed the energy you had as a couple, the dynamic in which you did things that were mundane but important made even things like taxes fun to you.
You had never in your life dreamed of enjoying doing your taxes or sorting your bills but you liked the casual atmosphere you had with Jake about it.
You also liked being out in public as a couple, you were used to Jake kissing your cheek or temple when you were with others and you loved the way his hands so possessively settled on your body.
Jake liked to take you out to the bar or dinner with his coworkers, fellow pilots and WSOs that intimidated you by being the best at their jobs but behaving absolutely modest about it.
You loved to be around them, and you loved the way Jake behaved towards you when they were around.
“Alright babe,” he said as he stood up from beside you, squeezing your hand he was holding and setting a kiss to the top of your head.
“Fanboy needs a smoke and I’ll give him some company,” he said, glancing at his friend before looking back at you.
“The poor guy would bore himself to death out there alone. Love you,” he said as he turned to leave, only to stop dead in his tracks.
Neither of you had ever said something like that, because you felt like it overstepped the boundaries you had with each other.
He could have just let it go, but instead he stared at you.
“Hangman, are you coming?” You heard Mickey shout, but Jake didn’t even look back at him.
Instead he leaned down to be at your level, his hand clasping the table and the back of your chair in support.
He took a second before he repeated what he said, his eyes searching yours.
“I love you,” he whispered before he leaned in, giving you more than enough time to just play it off and give him a kiss to the cheek.
To outside people it might have looked like a cute moment of affection between a married couple, but you clung to his lips like a dying man to life.
The kiss became passionate when you pulled him closer by the back of his head, placing your other hand on the side of his face.
Hoots and hollers were heard until you broke away, but still Jake’s full attention rested on you.
His eyes roamed yours to find the answer he was looking for and when a smile appeared on your face he straightened up, using his hands to pull you up with him.
“Sorry, Fanboy, but I have different duties that need tending to,” he grinned at everyone, and the two of you left the restaurant to celebrate the love you had officially already celebrated weeks ago.
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vitospaghetta · 3 months
How do you imagine Leon's place to look like and where do you think he lives? Some flat?
Also alaooo what do you think he does in his free time?
You have no idea how much thought I've put into this over the years.
Let me preface this with the fact that I'm specifically talking about original continuity Leon post-RE6 here, where he's a seasoned adult and has been in his career field for a while.
Leon more-than-likely lives in D.C. (he could also live in VA or MD but he strikes me as the kinda guy who would rather eat glass than commute, especially with D.C. traffic being absolute bullshit) in an apartment somewhere in the city.
As a federal agent, he makes a salary, which is something that is determined by things like the amount responsibility you have within the agency, your credentials/experience, your skillset, etc. Given his role and responsibilities within the D.S.O., he's easily a top earner. The top earners within the FBI make $153,000 annually, but it looks like top earners within the CIA can make more — like with all things, every agency is different. The D.S.O. obviously isn't a real agency, but as one that is held above all others (as far as authority within the criminal justice system is concerned), Leon probably receives a pretty cushy salary. Around $200,000 annually, easy. Income tax would fuck him over, but he'd still walk away with a reasonable amount per month to afford a $4,000+ per month apartment or to buy one and pay off a mortgage.
He can easily afford a one or two bedroom apartment in the city is what I'm saying. And I mean a nice apartment. We're talking granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, washer and dryer in-unit, floor-to-ceiling windows, in a modern building in a nice area of the city. An area that consists entirely of nice apartment buildings like the one he lives in. There's actually an area just outside of NYC that reminds me of the kinda area I can see him living in. I was there to take the ferry over into the city for a memorial/organ donation event I was attending last year.
The pics don't exactly encapsulate the full vibe, and these apartments probably go for millions due to the proximity to the city and being right off the Hudson, but it's quiet, safe, and filled with sporty people. Lots of folks walking dogs, jogging after work hours, and a sense of community amongst people that seemingly have their shit together.
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He strikes me as the type to have a two bedroom apartment just for an office that he's hardly ever in. He'd want to live in a building that has a gym as an amenity because it's easier than hoofing it to a gym elsewhere, and a garage for him to put his car and the crotch rocket he's currently mourning courtesy of Maria.
As for the apartment's interior, I feel like it would completely lack personality or cluttered charm. There's a level of almost sterility to it, in that it's devoid of knick-knacks, personal photos, and encompasses a strong aesthetic of maturity. Everything in it is nice. There's tasteful artwork on the walls, and it's furnished with well-made and sometimes expensive furniture and appliances, because, as a childless adult, if Leon's going to spend money on only himself, he's going to spend it well. You get what you pay for, after all. There are obviously some traces of Leon's personality strewn about — skin care products in the bathroom, boots and leather jackets by the door, some books, laundry crumpled at the foot of his bed and piled by the washer/dryer, maybe a single sarcastic coffee mug somewhere in the cabinet — but there's no novelty.
Due to his constant bouncing around, he isn't home enough to put too much effort into it, and he hasn't had the luxury of certainty or normalcy in so long that all he wants out of his home is for it to look nice and be a comfortable place to sleep. He appreciates coming home to a place that is his, but it doesn't need to be a display of everything he's ever enjoyed. Even when he is home, he strikes me as the type to start going stir crazy when he sits for too long. The most amount of time he probably ever spent at home was when he was self-isolating and hitting the bottle really hard. There's also the generational element of Gen-X'ers being extremely lowkey about shit.
As far as what Leon does in his free time, I feel like he enjoys doing things that are out of the house due to the aforementioned inability to stay alone with his thoughts for too long. The man is constantly trying to distract himself to place distance between himself and his trauma, so where he might have been able to sit and watch a movie alone before, he struggles to now.
Leon's very extroverted, likable, and adaptable, so he probably enjoys being around other people, even if he's not actively talking to them. Though he appreciates silence as well, when he's kicking things around in his head and is trying to find some semblance of peace and a means to calm the noise. He might get a coffee at a shop right by his apartment where he's a regular and everyone knows him by name, or go for a run, or go shopping. Maybe he tries to make plans with those he cares about to go out for dinner, like he did with Claire in Infinite Darkness. Maybe he tries to catch a good sunset over the Potomac River. He goes to the gym, he rides his motorcycle around the city or takes a scenic route on the outskirts just for the hell of it, he meets up with a fellow agent and they do shots at his favorite bar.
I don't think he has hobbies, as in crafting or gaming or being too involved in any specific interests, but everything he does is fueled by his love of people, his appreciation for what good he has in his life, and his need for escape.
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
Not me imagining the beans(Lewk, Milo and Asta) are balls of energy! I bet they have their calm moments, but I can't get over how cute it is to see them jumping up and down with their arms in the air demanding upies! 🥺
Anyway, Question; How difficult was it to raise the kiddos? I bet Grimm and Wyrm had their hands full! 🤭 Hehehe!
Lewk is definitely very energetic, he can't sit still and wants to be involved in everything his family and other Dirtmouth residents do. He's at the age where he can run and jump around, and even glide a little bit with his wings, so he gives the family a lot of headaches, even if he's generally a very sweet kid. Since Hornet is probably the most agile in the family, it's usually her job to tire him out so that he can fall asleep. Lewk enjoys playfighting a lot, and because Asta and Milo are still young, he has to be gentle with them. But Hornet? She's older and stronger, so she's a worthy opponent. Grimm also often takes that responsibility, I like to imagine he playfights with Lewk similarly to how you'd do so with a cat - with just one hand, since it's so big compared to the cat. I love the mental image of Lewk grabbing and biting Grimm's hand and forearm in a playful manner. Once he gets tired enough, he sleeps like a little baby for the rest of the day, but the next morning it starts all over again.
Like I mentioned, Asta and Milo are still very young. They can walk around, even trot on all fours for short distances, but they mostly stay in their little blanket nest and sleep. Asta is the more curious and energetic one of the two, she's also physically much stronger, so keeping an eye on her is important since she will inevitably crawl out of the nest and try to follow someone outside. She'll playfight with Lewk occasionally, though due to their size and strength difference there are times where Lewk goes a bit too far and accidentally hurts her, which is a sign that Asta's playtime is over. But that doesn't stop her from initiating the "fights", usually by biting Lewk's tail.
Milo is weak and a bit sickly, he spends a lot more time curled up in the nest and sleeping while cuddling a stuffed toy. He is very curious of the world around him, but unlike Asta, he's comfortable just watching everyone from the safety of his warm blankets. He can't keep up with his sister, and especially with Lewk, so they have to slow down for his sake whenever he joins them in playing. But generally he much prefers to stay away from playfighting, and if Grimm or FPK are in the room, he will "meow" at them until they pick him up and cuddle him. He's very close to both of them, and they give him a lot of attention since they're always worried about his well-being. He's definitely a mama's boy type.
Grimm and FPK have their hands full, you're absolutely right, and they did so especially with Lewk since he was their first child together (and Grimm's first child ever). There was a lot they had to figure out, and Lewk's seemingly limitless amounts of energy didn't help. They both experienced plenty of moments of panic when they saw him climb the furniture and try to jump off and fly, especially FPK who's very paranoid in general (Grimm is as well but he's much better at hiding it). But they couldn't be happier about raising him, so it's not a surprise that Grimm suggested having another kid not even a full year later.
They couldn't have predicted that they'd have twins this time around, and two kids means double the responsibility. Luckily they were already far more experienced at that point, so it came to them a lot more easily. Milo definitely made them very worried, he took his time to hatch from the egg and they were scared that perhaps he didn't make it, but eventually they welcomed him to the world. Of course, with his sickly nature they still had to keep a very close eye on him, the first few weeks after hatching are a very important period so they made sure he was getting enough rest, food and care. Asta was a lot stronger, though they gave her just as much attention to make sure she was growing healthy as well.
I mentioned it before, but I have no plans of aging the kids anytime soon. I like the ages they're at currently, they add much needed variety to the family. Lewk is about a year and a half old, and he just started going to school (yeah I'm 100% going with the idea that Quirrel runs a little school for the Dirtmouth children in the town, it's cute and gives him something to do in the AU, since I decided to keep him alive haha). Asta and Milo are roughly two months old, they opened their eyes a while ago and can now say a few words, but are still very much tiny babies that need a lot of care.
At some point I do want to draw some kind of chart showing the growth rate for the kids, but generally I imagine they grow rather quickly in the first year, and then gradually slow down. And since both of their parents are immortal, they eventually stop aging at a certain point, just like Hornet and Holly did. But for now they're still babies, and I want to keep them that way.
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Yours Truly 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 5153
Warnings: Toxic ex shows up, name calling, slight stalking
Series Masterlist
You and Bucky have gotten really close in the last month of knowing each other. There’s a lot more physical contact now that you’re used to one another as well. What started as little taps on shoulders when passing each other in the kitchen or only grabbing each other’s hands when in a crowded place so the other doesn’t get lost turned into gentle shoulder caresses as Bucky reaches above you to get a dish and you grabbing his metal hand every chance you get enjoying the odd warmth it provides your own. You’ve finished all of Bob’s Burgers and started Psych. You watch it together on your days off now too instead of just at night while you eat dinner. You throw your legs over his own and his hands rest on your calves sometimes massaging them while you both relax on the couch. 
Your ducks have slowly been taking over the apartment as well as a few succulents you’ve gotten and picture frames filled with pictures of you and your friends including some of Sam, you had to fight Bucky for those pictures. You also make sure to take pictures with Bucky every time the two of you are out so you can fill frames with the two of you as well. You’ve even gotten a few more little pieces of furniture to help fill up all the space there was before. 
Bucky was loving the changes you made to his once plain apartment that he never cared if he was in or not. He loved seeing little pieces and reminders of you all over the place. It made him want to come home after he closes his shop instead of staying late like he used to do. You made the apartment feel less like just a place to sleep and more of a home. Last time Sam was over he said it was like waking into a completely different place. He could only imagine what you could do with a bigger space like a house. Each time he tries, all he wants to do is get one so he can find out. 
He’s quickly learning that he would do anything for you. You mention going thrifting or to Target? He’s grabbing his car keys and telling you to put your shoes on. You bring up wanting to make a certain meal? He’s asking you what ingredients you need and going to pick the ones you don’t have up at the store. He can tell you’re having a bad or stressful day? He’s calling Kate to come over with Yelena to help make it a little better. He keeps your favorite snack food stocked up so you never go without it and he left a pen holder and a notebook on the counter in the kitchen so you don’t run around searching for something to use when you need to write down a new recipe or when you decide to write a letter. 
“Hey Buck?” 
“Yeah?” He leans out of the bathroom, his toothbrush halfway in his mouth. You’re standing near the now seemingly too small dinner table since so many people are over so often now and typing on your phone.
“Does the apartment complex allow pets?” 
“I think so. Why?” He pops back into the room to finish brushing his teeth before he continues the conversation with you. 
“We should get a cat. One of Yelena's long term clients cats had kittens and they’re trying to find homes for them.”
“I’m not really an animal person doll.” 
“Oh.” He watches the disappointment fill your face as you look down at your feet. He walks up to you and tilts your chin up with his thumb and index finger. 
“I’ll tell you what if they still need to find a home for one of them in a couple weeks we’ll take one okay?” 
“Really.” You let out a squeal before wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug. “I’ll check to make sure pets are allowed today so don’t get your hopes up yet.” 
“Of course not, they’re way down here.” You reach your hand down to the ground and Bucky chuckles at you. 
“Alright doll, I’ll see you later.”
“See ya Buck.” You wave to him as he heads out of the apartment before doing a little happy dance about probably getting a cat and call Yelena to tell her to let her client know you could pick one up in two weeks. Bucky doesn’t need to know if you rig it right?
Your good mood immediately turns sour however when your phone starts ringing. As soon as you see the name ‘❌Billy❌’ flash on the screen you throw your phone and jump back from it. Why was your ex calling you? What could he possibly want from you almost two months from the break up? It doesn’t matter you wouldn’t answer him and he’ll never call again and that would be that. 
At least that’s what you thought. But a week later and he’s still calling he started sending texts after the first couple days of you not picking up. At first they were messages begging you to talk to him and saying that he missed you and how sorry he was and that he still loved you. But after you left him on read so many times he started to get mean about you not answering. You had told Kate and Yelena immediately about it after that first call and as it got worse they got more furious. Yelena continued to ask you if you wanted her to do something about it and Kate was already plotting his murder. You just wanted him to go away and leave you alone. You sent him one text ‘Billy, Leave me the hell alone we’re done. Y/n Y/l/n’ before you blocked his number and hoped he’d get the hint. 
Bucky could tell something was bothering you. You were way more stressed out than he’s ever seen you but every time he asked about it you just told him it was nothing, you didn’t want to bother him with it. Even him calling Yelena and Kate didn’t seem to help. So he wasn’t that shocked when he woke up in the middle of the night and found you baking when he went to get some water. 
“Doll?” You jump at the sound of his voice. 
“Bucky? I’m so sorry did I wake you up?” You’d been trying to be quiet, cringing whenever a pan would clang into another or when the oven preheated. You were even going to use your phone as the timer so you didn’t have to use the ovens and possibly wake him up. Bucky walks over to you until he’s right in your space and stops you from stirring the brownie mixture any more. 
“You’re stress baking.” 
“Oh this? No, I just woke up craving them and decided to make some.” 
“Then what’s with the batch of cookies on the cooling rack.” Honestly you had forgotten about those. 
“Okay maybe it’s a little bit of stress baking. But I’m fine, don't worry about it.” He just stands there and looks at you while not letting go of his gentle hold of your wrist. “Really Buck I’m okay.” He raises an eyebrow at you and tilts his head. “Okay maybe I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You shake your head and go back to mixing. “Alright how bout I stay here and just keep you company then?” You nod and send a smile his way as he situates himself against the counter next to you. A beat of silence passes by before you blurt it out. 
“My ex has been trying to talk to me.”
“What?” His head whips toward you at your words. 
“It started with phone calls and then turned into text messages. I already blocked him on everything else but I finally blocked his number so he shouldn’t be able to try again. But the whole situation has me really stressed out.”
“What’s he been saying?”
“Oh you know the regular manipulation tactics, oh baby I miss you, I’m so sorry, it’ll never happen again, it was a mistake, you dumb bitch answer my fucking texts.” You’re eerily calm as you quote him and pour the batter into the pan while Bucky's hands are squeezing into fists. 
“I’m guessing it didn’t end on good terms then.” A cynical chuckle leaves your mouth. 
“Unless you think cheating on me with my previous roommate is ending well, no it didn’t. That’s fine though, he was a dick anyway. It was just easier to see that once he betrayed me.”
“Come here.” Bucky grabs onto your hand once you set the timer for the brownies and starts to pull you to the bathroom. 
“What are you doing?” You ask as he starts to search through drawers. 
“We’re gonna do something that always cheers my sister up when she’s upset. Hopefully it helps you.” You laugh as he pulls out two different peel off face mask containers. 
“Bucky, I didn’t take you as the kind of guy to do face masks.”
“They’re for when my sister visits.” He smiles at you before patting the counter. “Sit. Which one do you want?”
“Pomegranate.” You hop up onto the counter and watch him put the charcoal one away while getting an applicator tool out. He nudges your knees apart and takes his spot in between them. 
“Do you want to do mine first or me to do yours?” You tap your finger on your chin and hum in thought. 
“You do mine first. God, it’s been forever since I’ve done a face mask.” You smile at him as he starts to apply it on you. “You look so serious right now.”
“This is serious stuff.” 
When it’s your turn to do his he places his hands on either side of you and leans forward. You’re already feeling so much better and your stomach does flips at how much care seems to be in Bucky's eyes as he looks at you. While you focus on applying his face mask he switches from looking at your eyes to glancing at your lips. His hands grip the end of the counter almost painfully so he doesn’t wrap them around the sides of your waist. 
“All done!” You put everything down before returning your hands to his shoulders. “How long do we wait?”
“Twenty minutes I think.” 
“The brownies will be done before we are.”
When the brownies do go off you almost don’t hear the beeping, being too deep into conversation with Bucky to pay attention to anything else. He was telling you stories of him and his sister growing up and how she’s going to school all the way across the country. Once the brownies are out and the sugar cookies you made earlier are put away it’s time to peel off the masks. The two of you return to the bathroom and Bucky picks you up and places you on the counter this time. Peeling the masks off is filled with laughter and soft words of encouragement when the other was worried about hurting whoever’s turn it was to get it peeled off. Bucky had successfully turned a stress filled night into a fun one where you both fell a little more in love with each other and you both fell asleep with smiles on your faces. 
The next morning you wake up feeling so much better than you have been. Bucky needs to stop being so nice and sweet to you or you’re gonna fall hard and fast for him. Not that you’re not currently in the process of falling for him, you know you are, but you have some sort of grip on the situation. If he keeps this up you fear you’ll lose it. 
Upon leaving your room you find a letter on the table. 
What do you think of getting that cat early? When I get home we could go get the necessary supplies before going to pick her up. When you see this just let me know what you wanna do. Also we’re out of milk so I’ll pick some up on my way home.
Bucky Barnes
You’re beaming at the fact of getting the cat, you’ve been bringing up how they still have one hoping he’d cave and not make you wait another week. You quickly pull out your phone and send him a response before calling Kate to see if she could pick you up. 
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“Get in loser we’re going shopping!” Kate tells out the window as she pulls up outside of the apartment building. 
“Why do you say that every time except for when we’re actually going shopping?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugs before driving again. “He finally caved?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure why though.” You turn to look fully at your friend. ”I told him about Billy last night.”
“Shhh if you say his name it’ll like summon him or something. But how did that go, I thought you weren’t gonna tell him?”
“I wasn’t but then he caught me stress baking and just stuck around to keep me company and I told him. He pulled me to the bathroom and we did face masks. And that surprisingly really helped.” 
“It’s not that surprising. You could be in the worst mood ever and if he even just smiled your way you’d cheer up.”
“I guess you have a point.”
“Oh, Yelena told me to give this to you. Apparently it’s all the info you need for the cat.” She pulls a post it note from her middle console and hands it to you. “And it’s gonna be super easy to get all the stuff in the car because I shoved all the toys and treats in the litter box and the food and litter are in one of the boxes from your move.”
“Oh dope it’ll only take us one trip then.”
“Also, I grabbed milk for you on my way to get you. Figured we could grab the cat stuff and then I can chill with you for a while.” She parks in their driveway and the two of you get out and grab the stuff that’s sitting right inside next to the door before she pulls out again. Neither of you pay attention to the car that pulls out of a parking spot the same time you do. 
A couple hours later, after some rounds of Uno and Kate stuffing her mouth with as many cookies as she can eat, she leaves ‘so you can shower and make yourself all pretty for lover boy’. You rolled your eyes at her words and locked the door behind her after giving her a hug. You stop in your room to get one of your towels before heading into Bucky’s bathroom. Right as you’re about to get into the perfectly tempered water someone starts to pound on the door of the apartment. You sigh before wrapping a towel around yourself and going to answer it thinking it was just Kate coming back because she left something.
“Kate, you’re back alrea- Billy?!”
It was a long day at the shop, Bucky’s neck was stiff, he was covered in oil, and he had to deal with a woman yelling at him about her car not being done even though it had only been fifteen minutes since she dropped it off. He’s so tired and all he wants to do is get home and see your smiling face while you vibrate with excitement about getting that damn cat. He wants to get a shower and tell you to get your cute ass in the car so the two of you can quickly pick the cat up before collapsing on the couch and watching Psych. The seething man in the doorway of his apartment makes him think none of that will happen though. He doesn’t hear much of the conversation when he exits the elevator down the hall but from what little he can hear he feels as though it’s safe to assume that this is the ex you told him about.
“I’ve tried being nice to you bitch but I’m done now. Open the door.”  Upon hearing him call you a bitch Bucky speeds up and before he knows it he’s pulling the man by the back of his shirt so he can stand in front of you and block the strangers view.
“Hey asshole, get away from my girl!” The words just slip out and he doesn’t even notice it at first.
“Your girl?” He leans over to look at you over Bucky’s shoulder. “Moved on already? You always were a little slut weren’t you?” Bucky just sees red as he swings and his fist lands on his nose. Your ex staggers back and Bucky slams the door in his face before turning around to face you. And when he does he freezes. 
“What are you wearing?” How had he not realized you were just in a towel before?
“I um, I was going to shower.” Your voice is timid and Bucky’s having a hard time focusing on it. His gaze keeps flickering from your bare legs to the top of the towel that’s having a difficult time staying rolled up. He can’t stop thinking about how easy it would be to just gently tug on it and have it fall to the ground. He squeezes his eyes shut and balls his hands into fists to try to get the thought out of his head but when he opens them back up it seems to be even less rolled than before. He casts his eyes up to your face and finds you staring at the door and the look in your eye lets him know you’re in your head. 
“Doll.” He hesitantly reaches out and wraps the towel tighter around you while not breaking eye contact with you which effectively breaks you out of your daze. “You with me?” You nod slowly and he gives you a small smile. “How about you go shower and I’ll order some of your favorite takeout and then you can tell me about what just happened if you want to?” His voice is low and has lost the edge it had before and all you can do is nod again before walking towards the bathroom that still has the shower running. 
“Hey Buck,” you peek your head out right before you get in, “can I have some of your clothes to wear? They just make me feel safe.”
“Of course you can angel.” He quickly grabs a pair of sweats and a shirt before handing them to you through the door.
“Thanks Buck.” 
After Bucky orders the takeout he groans and slams his head on the table. Of course he had to turn into a goddamn hormonal teenager while you’re having a crisis. He can’t even begin to imagine how you must feel with him showing up and calling you names. And he doesn’t even want to begin to imagine what dating that asshole was like after the way he was just acting.
You spend an hour in the shower. Most of the time in there you spent trying to wrap your mind around what just happened. Between Billy showing up at your door and demanding that you get back together with him and how Bucky swooped in to rescue you like a knight in shining armor, you had a lot to think about. You hadn’t even started washing your hair or anything until Bucky’s knuckles rapped on the door and he told you the food was delivered. When you exited the bathroom you found the food set up on the coffee table in the living room and Bucky coming out of your room in fresh clothes and wiping his face with a towel. 
“Hope you don’t mind I washed up a bit in your bathroom.”
“Of course I don’t. I told you, feel free to use it since I use yours so much.” You take your spot on the couch and Bucky follows after throwing the towel in the laundry nook. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks after the two of you finish most of the food. You’re silent for a while and he assumes you don’t want to so he just places a comforting hand on your thigh before taking another bite. 
“I’m sure you’ve guessed already but that was Billy.” You don’t look at him but put your hand over his own. “He followed Kate and I here from her house. Apparently he figured I’d be over there sooner or later so he’s been staking the place out.” Your voice cracks but you keep going. “He said he waited in the parking lot till Kate was gone so she wouldn’t get in the way.” You don’t even realize you’ve started crying until Bucky’s pulling you into his lap and wiping your tears away. “I only opened the door because I thought Kate forgot something but then it was him and he was saying something about the towel but all I could really hear was the blood rushing in my ears. And then he started asking if we could get back together and when I said no he demanded it. He tried to shove his way in the apartment a few times. And then you got home. And God Buck I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t get home when you did.” Bucky crushes you to his chest and lets you sob. He doesn’t want to think about what could’ve happened; he's just glad that he got here before anything could’ve. “I’m not proud of dating him but he was so sweet in the beginning I never thought it’d end up like this.” You speak into his chest as you start to calm down. You sniffle a few times more before he gently pulls you back to look at him and places his hands on each side of your face. 
“Do you want to file a restraining order?” Bucky’s eyes search your own and you just nod your head in response. “Okay. I’ll close the shop tomorrow and we’ll go to the station first thing and then go get your cat alright? And then when we get home we can watch Psych all day.”
“No, Bucky, our cat.” 
“Alright, our cat.” You smile at each other before Bucky places a kiss on your forehead. 
You both spend the rest of that night watching Psych and then when you start to fall asleep on him Bucky carries you to bed. He was just going to leave but then you grabbed onto his arm before he could go and asked him to stay. So he did and it was the best sleep either of you have had in a while. He didn’t hate waking up with you nestled in his arms either. 
When you woke up he was gone and you frowned to yourself thinking he left after you fell asleep. Which is fine but you were hoping to wake up in his arms. You shrug it off anyway and stand stretching before heading towards the kitchen to make breakfast. You’re greeted with a shirtless Bucky flipping pancakes on the stove and you stop in your tracks as you watch the muscles in his back flex with each movement. 
“Morning doll. I didn’t wake you up when I got up this morning did I?” He turns around to slide the pancake onto a plate and spots you. 
“No, I just woke up. Did you stay all night?”
“Yeah, was that okay?”
“That’s great.” You beam before sitting on one of the stools at the island. “You know, I’m not used to other people cooking for me.”
“Not much cooking going on with boxed pancake mix.”
“It’s the same thing.” You wave a hand to dismiss the thought. 
“Eat up, then we’ll head to the station if you still want to file.” He looks at you quizzically while sliding a plate of pancakes and some syrup your way. 
“Okay that sounds good.” 
“I found the post-it with the info for the cat on it and messaged them. We’re good to pick it up this afternoon.” Bucky turns around to finish making his own pancakes while you start to eat yours. 
After breakfast and getting in some clean clothes, which for you consisted of shorts and another one of Bucky’s shirts, the two of you go down to the police station with Bucky’s hand gripping your thigh the whole way there. And the whole time inside the station he held your hand except for when you had to fill out the right forms for it. But then your hand was right back in his. He escorted you both in and out with his hand splayed on the small of your back and staying close to you. 
“You feeling any better?” He asks after you let out a breath and he starts his truck up again. 
“A little yeah. Thanks for this Buck.”
“Anytime doll, you know that.”
“Yeah.” You bite your lip and look out the window to try to hide just how big your smile is.
Bucky lets you DJ on the way to the Millers to get the cat. So the car ride is filled with you singing along to all your favorite songs and Bucky glancing at you when he can and smiling the whole trip. Bucky even starts to sing along to the songs he knows. You decide then and there that you need to go on a roadtrip with him. At the moment you want nothing more than to make a playlist with Bucky and get away for a while. That’s until he pulls up to the house though. Because then you’re jumping out of the car and bouncing in excitement at the front of his truck while you wait for Bucky to catch up with you. 
“You’re basically glowing doll.” Bucky brings you close to him as he speaks. 
“I’m excited. Now c'mon let’s go!” You grab one of the hands on your waist and pull him to the door. He chuckles and lets you lead him only taking charge when it comes to knocking on the door. The door opens to reveal a woman with a cat on her shoulder.
“James and Y/n?” 
“Yes ma’am.”
“Perfect! You can follow me, I’ll show you where we’ve been keeping her babies.” Mrs. Miller nods towards the cat in her arms while moving so the two of you can enter her house. “We’ve been keeping them in our spare room so they have room to run around. They’re about four weeks old now so we’ve started them on actual food. So far so good, it’s actually feeding time now.” She opens a door and steps over the small gate blocking all the white kittens from running out the door. The two of you follow her and watch as she scoops some food into bowls and how all the cats swarm them. “The two of you can sit here and get to know them so you can decide on who you’d like to take. The ones with ribbons around their necks are ones others have claimed but weren’t quite ready to take them home yet. I’ll come back to check on you in ten minutes or so.” 
“Thank you.” You make sure to say as she walks out, sending you a smile. You plop down onto the ground petting a few of the kittens that approach you.
“Alright, which one do you want?” Bucky crosses his arms while he admires the small relaxed smile on your face as you lean forward to wag your fingers at one of the kittens.
“I can’t just decide now, Buck. I have to find the one I vibe with the most.” Your mouth pulls down in a frown when something catches your eye after you speak. “Sit.” You pat the spot next to you and Bucky listens without even thinking about it. He only starts to double guess himself when he watches you pick up a meowing kitten that was trying to get through for some food. “Hold her.”
“What, doll I told you I’m not-” He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before you’re placing the cat in his hands and walking towards the food. As he’s waiting for you to come back he realizes that this kitten is smaller than the others.
“I think she’s the runt of the litter.” You state as you sit next to him again with a handful of cat food. You offer your outstretched hand to the cat who timidly leans over Bucky’s own to eat it. Bucky’s heart melts at how you coo at the little thing that’s started to purr against the skin of his hand. And he officially falls in love with her when she takes a break from eating and stares up at him and meows. You see the moment it happens too and smile as he starts to scratch her behind her ears with his metal hand. The way his mouth parts a little in awe as she leans into it is one of the most adorable things you’ve ever seen. The two of you are still huddled around her when Mrs. Miller comes back.
“How’re you kids doing- Oh! I think you’ve found your match. She’s a good pick too, a real sweetheart. We had to bottle feed her mainly because she had a hard time fighting with her siblings to get to mom. You two need anything for the road?”
“We should be good. Do we owe you anything?” You stand up and Bucky does too only after making sure the kitten is secure against his chest.
“No, we’re just glad they’re going to good homes.”
“Thank you so much.”
“Just make sure to give her all the love you can. I’m not too worried though she’ll be in good hands with a couple like you.” Neither you or Bucky correct her as you head back to the car wishing her a good rest of her day. 
“What do you wanna name her?” You ask after Bucky pulls over the second time to pull her from your lap so he can coo at her and nuzzle his nose against her fur.
“You can name her doll, it was your idea.”
“I want you to.” He hands her back to you and starts the car back up. It’s a handful of minutes before he answers you.
“Alpine?” Bucky nods in response. “That’s perfect. Welcome to the family Alpine.” You kiss her little head and Bucky can’t shake the goofy grin from his face for the rest of the night.
Series Taglist: @calwitch​ @witchy-whore​ @matchat3a​ @searchf0rtheskyline​ @cjand10​ @eccentricnos​ @wordacadabra
Bucky Taglist: @starbxcks​ @koressecretidentity​ @stevieintheimpala​ @unmagically​ @peachytea01​ @the-chocoholic-writer​ @perksofbeingatrex​ @vanillamaa​ @strawb3rrydr3ss​ @that-sarcastic-writer​ @spideyycents​ @dissectiontime​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @sailormajinmoon​ @collywobbl​ @alina02​ @toothhurtyam​ @the-lady-vanora​ @eliwinchester99​ @ijustneedpopcorn​ @engie115​ @saintmagx​ @winters1917​ @snufflet​ 
Marvel Taglist: @its-the-autism-innit-luv​ @milkiane​ @rorysreallyrandom​ @lieswithoutfairytales​ @sugarbutterbailey​ @1-800-ch3rry​ @neenieweenie​ @rocketxgirl @fluffy-bnny​ @bunnyweasley23​ 
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ameliawarnerr · 1 year
Getaway Car
Chapter 4
Previous Chapter: here
Pairing: Jake x MC
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Overview: To catch a thief, you have to become a thief. So to catch a hacker you have to become one.
Ever since the day I learnt that my decisions strike back at me with a consequence, I started holding control over every part of me. Whether it be my crucial decision or the words that leave my mouth daily. I do not disagree with those who believe that sitting in a corner and observing others is the best skill to possess to survive without giving away much about yourself. But I believe that engaging with others makes them enclose things that you will never learn by observing as a third person. And you can do this while never letting them know a thing of value about yourself. That's how I like to be in control. And I have never once let go of it. 
I admit I was several times overcome with emotions while investigating Hannah’s case but still somehow, even then, I had control over my speech and actions. 
But this control has been slipping away ever since I met him. I lose my cool while I argue with him, his not providing me with answers frustrates me, and the worst part is the reaction of my body to his touch. No, maybe that is not the worst part. The worst part is that he knows it. He knows how he can mess with my senses by touching me and throwing flirty lines at me. He knows it and he’ll use it against me. 
I will not let him. If it costs forgetting and replacing the image I've always had in me, I will do it. If I cannot have him as I wanted, I’ll ruin him. And if he thinks otherwise, he’ll be proven wrong, slowly— painfully slowly. 
Firstly, I have to find his weakness, both emotionally and objectively. And I have to let him assume that his touch is mine. It is, to some extent, but I will develop immunity against it. I merely need to pretend from that point on. Like he had been all the time.
My plans to murder him come to a halt as I hear the door open. I turned off all the lights and lay on the bed with my eyes closed. This is how I plan. And he might as well assume I am sleeping. 
If I am not wrong, it might be around 2 pm. This is strange since I always imagined him to be the type of person who spends the night in front of a screen. Nevertheless, he is a human— I have to consider him one regardless of his incapability to grow a heart— and he might be tired after all the adventure he had today. 
I do not hear his footsteps so he might be barefooted. After a couple of seconds, I sense a movement somewhere around the left side of my face. Then, I feel his touch on my cheek, so light that it contradicts every part of him I've seen today. I swallow nothing and I hope he didn't see my throat move in this darkness. He sighs and retreats his hand. 
“You got somewhere around twenty-five minutes to actually fall asleep. I am going to take a shower.” His voice is low and bored. 
He knew I was pretending. He couldn't have seen my face in the dark when he just came in from a bright hallway. What part of me gave it away? I wish I could ask him that. But I stick to being silent and still. 
I hear the wardrobe open and close, then I hear the water running down. 
I set my foot on the cold floor, rushing towards the door to the hallway on my toes. Taking a second to adjust to the brightness, I descend the stairs. 
I almost gasp at the sight of his house. I wonder if he owns it, legally. The walls are a faded greyish-black colour, almost as if painted with hands. The furniture and ceiling are off-white. As soon as I set foot on the ground floor, my eyes met with the most sophisticated and beautiful kitchen I'd ever seen. The kitchen island is huge, almost the size of the bed I had. To the right, there are huge windows with curtains drawn. To the left of the kitchen is the living room. And as I scan further to the left, a door. 
I run to the door after stealing a glance at Jake’s bedroom. I open the door. There are three different sets of computers. But only one chair is facing towards the biggest monitor in the room. Yeah, right, I'm not touching it. Jake must have installed the highest security system in it. Twenty-two twenty-to minutes is not enough to turn on a computer, look through files and turn it off. 
So I go for the drawers. The first drawer I opened was filled with his extra equipment. I snort. Of course, he is overly cautious. 
I open another drawer and this one has files in it. The first one has DUSKWOOD written over it. Hannah’s investigation, I suppose. The next file has LILLY written on it, I open it, and it has information about her in the printed text and as I look through other files, they are all having titles of members of the group. And at the very last, AMELIA. 
I hesitate. Still, I turn the pages. Unlike other files, it has handwritten notes. The first several pages are information about me. And then, I don't know. Sentences, phrases, words. I manage to read only one phrase before I glance at the clock. Three minutes left. I abruptly close the files and keep them back. 
I leave the room and as I reach the kitchen, I see Jake’s legs. Instead of stairs, I go to the kitchen, open a random cabinet and pretend to be looking for something. He is again barefoot as I don't hear any footsteps but I know he’s descending the stairs. 
I sigh as if disappointed and close the cabinet. Then, I stand and turn towards him. I fake flinch when I find him standing on the other side of the kitchen island. His hands are resting on the surface of the kitchen island and he's leaning. His black hair is wet and wavy, appearing darker than they actually are. His eyes are fixed on me and his expression is not giving away anything he's thinking. 
I cough. I point back with my thumb. “Is there any instant food?”
He stands up and walks around. He stops in front of me. I continue, “I could not sleep with an empty stomach. The soup was not enough. You need to feed me enough if you are keeping me captive here.” 
“Of course.” He sarcastically smiles before pressing his body against mine. I look up at him but he’s looking towards the cabinet above my hand. His hand rises and he takes out something. He steps back with a packet of instant noodles in his hands. He doesn't look at me. “Sit. I'll make you some.” 
I think he meant for me to sit on the couch in the living room but that's too far away. I cannot keep an eye on him from there. So I sat on the island instead. 
He turns his neck and looks at me briefly before placing the packet on the counter. He goes to the fridge and takes out a few vegetables. 
“You don't need to add anything extra. Just the normal noodles would do.” I object since I am not hungry. 
“Why, I ought to feed you enough.” He quotes me. 
I won't argue any further. He comes towards me but stops before he can come in front of me. He places the vegetables on the chopping board beside me. He starts chopping and my eyes go to his hands as a few nerves pop out on his hand. His hands are big and empty. He chops quite fast. But suddenly, he stops. I look at him and find him looking at me already. “The vegetables are not really that attractive.” 
I look away. He knew I was staring at his hands. Without looking at him, I start, “We need to talk. For what purpose am I here?” 
“We’ll talk. I have a proposal for you and we’ll discuss the terms in the morning.” He firmly states.
“What proposal?” I demand even though he told me that we'll discuss it in the morning. 
“One that’ll benefit you more than it would benefit me. So I suggest you consider it after putting your emotions and hatred for me to a side.” He finishes chopping and moves to the stove. 
I consider what he told me. A proposal that’s going to be beneficial for me more than for him. That sounds suspicious enough. And selfless, a bit, which only adds to the suspicion. 
“Is there not a guest room?” I changed the topic. 
I face his back. “I don't have guests very often, no. We’d have to share.” Before I can object, he continues, “That reminds me that you need clothes. Remind me in the morning.” 
“But what if I don't accept your proposal? Why would you get me anything if I don't?” I query. 
He puts the lid on the container and turns towards me with his body slightly leaning against the counter. He folds his hands. “I called it a proposal out of formality. To be honest, it's really the only option for you. Even if you don't wish to, you would have to agree to it.” Something changes in his demeanour. It doesn't appear like a dark mysterious figure anymore. His voice is not harsh or boring, it's like it's dipped in honey. 
“You’re going to force me.” I wonder loudly. 
He laughs. “Did you not hear me? It is the only option left for you. It doesn't matter if I force you or not, you're going to agree.” 
“But what if I don't?”
“You haven't heard my proposal yet so I’ll spare you the logic behind my certainty.” He turns and opens a different cabinet and takes out a packet of bite-sized chocolates. He opens it and throws chocolate in his mouth. He walks towards me and offers me.
Instead of taking out a chocolate from the packet, I snatch it from his hands which makes him furrow his eyebrows. He sits beside me. 
“I have a strong feeling that you are going to ask me to work for you.” I began hoping to gather as much information about this strange proposal as possible. At the same time, I doubt he’ll give away anything before morning. 
Suddenly, his face appears close to mine. If I move as much as an inch, I could feel his skin so I dare not to move and stay still. He takes out a chocolate from the packet and leans back again. A breath of relief escapes me. “Close.” One word. 
“What sort of work is it going to be? Does it involve seeing your face every day?” The real question here is the type of work he is going to ask me to do, the latter part is merely a taunt to get the conversation going. Or perhaps, he reveals something in frustration. 
But he's calm. He’s silent. Then, he's again closer to me, the sweet and pleasant smell invading my senses. His hand again goes to the packet but this time, he doesn't grab the chocolate. He grabs my hand that is in the packet itself. 
Heat travels up to my face and I look at him hoping nothing of the red sort is rushing to my cheeks. I keep my eyes on his and dare not to look at his lips. “Whether you accept the proposal or not, you are going to stay in this house. So yes, you'll be seeing my pretty face quite a lot. Do you mind?” His brows move as if he really wishes to know if I mind. 
I turn my head away and snatch my hand. “Why is it that you cannot believe that I am not interested in disclosing any sort of information about you?” I snap. After all, this is the base of his reason for keeping me here. 
“And what? Let you go?” He returns without an answer. 
“Yes.” I keep my voice controlled. 
“No.” He simply states and walks to the stove. 
We both are silent as he serves the noodles in a bowl. He holds it in front of me. I take the bowl and go to the other side of the kitchen island, sitting on a chair. I wonder if he's going to watch me eat. 
I start eating. 
“Are you even sleepy?” He asks. 
“No, I am not,” I answer truthfully. 
He nods and takes out a phone. He places it on the island and pushes it towards me. I grab it with one hand and look at him strangely. 
“You can look for clothes, then. Just add to the cart whatever you want, I'll order them at once.” 
My expressions do not ease. I still have a confused look on my face. “You're trusting me with a phone? With an internet connection?” 
He rolls his eyes and doesn't bother answering me. “I am going to work until you eat. Tell me when you are done.” He says and leaves. I watch him as he goes to the room I came out of. 
As soon as he closes the door, I switch on the phone. I go to Chrome's incognito mode. I am about to type something on the search bar when a message pops up. 
Jake: I gave you the phone to look for clothes, not at something vulgar. 
I snort, loudly enough that I believe he heard me. 
I finish the food at an inhuman speed. Then, I add to my cart the most expensive stuff I could find and my stuff doesn't limit to clothes, I am talking about makeup stuff that I don't even know how to use, heels and all sorts of footwear, hair products, and the cherry on the top, I add lingerie. 
Lastly, I click a picture of the empty bowl and sent it to Jake, indicating I am done eating. In a few minutes, he comes out of the room. He walks towards me and I hand him the phone. “Have fun ordering!” I say, standing up and walking to the stairs while ignoring the strange look he gave me. I assume he stopped looking at what I was doing after I opened Amazon. 
As I am about to climb the stairs, he stops me and passes past me. A curse leaves my lips when I realise why he did that. I am still in his clothes that barely cover my legs. He just… I shrug the feeling off not letting him make a positive impression on me. 
As we enter the room, my eyes dance between the bed and the couch. “Are you going to sleep on the couch? Or am I?” I ask him. 
He walks to the bed. “None. We are going to share the bed like two sophisticated adults.” 
Now that he has mentioned being two sophisticated adults and I deny it, it’ll get childish of me. I look at the bed, it's wide enough. 
He looks at me, anticipating a reaction. I smile. “Of course.” 
I walk past him and lie down. He switched off the lights first then I feel him lie down next to me. 
“Goodnight.” He says, his voice coming out soft. 
At some point my eyes open, a little orange light penetrating through the drawn-out curtains. When we slept, we were both on the edges of the bed. Unlike right now. Now, we lie in between. His hand wrapped around my waist and my head dug into his neck. I close my eyes as I snuggle closer. I allow myself these hours of his embrace. 
Then, the phrase in his angry yet beautiful handwriting reappears in my mind. 
My biggest regret…
Me. I am his biggest regret. He didn't finish the sentence but it's obvious. 
I remove his hand from my waist and turn away until I am on the very edge of the bed. 
Thanks for reading!
Next Chapter: here
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secretxxpaladaiseu · 9 months
send CHANGED for a scene from my muse's past that represented a turning point in their life
For Yeong
Yeong had always been selfish and greedy. He only cared about himself and what he wanted, regardless of what anyone else thought. Screw everyone else was his mantra, and he followed it both figuratively and literally. It was a good couple of words to live by, and he loved them. He even thought about commissioning some fancy artwork that said just that so he could hang it up on his wall.
One night stands were his favorite part, and they changed up every night. He made sure they changed up every night. He wasn't looking for a relationship, and he didn't want anyone else getting the idea that he was interested in one. All Yeong wanted was a night of worship, and for the man to be gone in the morning.
Never once did he think of looking for a sugar daddy. He knew of the concept, but it sounded too much. Of course, he didn't know anyone who had such a relationship with someone, so he didn't know the details of them. To him, though, it sounded like trouble. The obnoxious kind of trouble that would give him headaches for days on end. He didn't realize that you could ignore each other until you were horny. It was too much consistency for him. Too big of a risk.
Until he ended up in such an arrangement, then he began understanding how well it fit with him.
He had a lounge that he frequented, somewhere that was quiet and the men who visited were of his social standings and higher. Not to mention older. It was no secret that Yeong preferred older men, and he wouldn't argue it. Everyone had a type, and his were men preferably over 40.
Sipping at his wine, his eyes looked over everyone that entered the lounge. He sat at a table in the corner, with a perfect view of the entrance. A few had caught his eye that night, but none quite compelled him to approach them. One, however, took the initiative. He sat down across from the 20 year old male with his scotch and a grin. There were a few moments of silence before the two began speaking. The much older gentlemen was turning out to be a match for Yeong's tastes, getting straight to the point about what he wanted tonight. The same thing Yeong was looking for.
They spent the night in a luxury suite, not bothering with many of the amenities. It was a self-guided tour all throughout the rooms, and of the different pieces of furniture. Of course, it wasn't that much of an actual tour as it was the constant tangling of lips and limbs, along with the younger's moans.
It was the next morning when Yeong was introduced to the arrangement. The older gentleman was long gone, but somehow he had a text message from the man on his phone. Apparently he had gotten Yeong's number while he was sleeping, but the text message was clear.
[SMS] I've kept the room for tonight. I want you naked and on the bed by 21.00. Completely naked. I've booked you a day at the hotel spa, and your appointment is at 11.00.
It was a confusing message, but he also couldn't pass up a spa day. Plus, there was something about a man demanding he be naked for him that really turned him on. A demand that he willingly followed. It was a rarity for him to sleep with the same man twice in a row, but the sex also had never been that good.
The next morning, the man was once again gone with another text message left behind.
[SMS] I'm out of the country for a week. I'll let you know when I'm back.
The text message wasn't all that was left behind this time, as when Yeong was getting ready to leave, he found a gift box waiting for him in the entranceway where his shoes were. At first, he rolled his eyes at the box, curling his lips in disgust. However, curiosity was quick to take over and he opened the box. Inside, he found a simple silk shirt. He knew almost instantly that it would suit him, the pattern and colors being very flattering against just his hands, so he could only imagine how it would look on him. Tucked inside the collar of the shirt was a note that made everything click.
Wear this the next time we meet. Don't bother buttoning it as I'll just rip them off.
Yeong indeed did wear that shirt a week later, moaning as the man ripped the buttons just as he said he would. It was the third time, but it came with the verbal promise that changed everything. He didn't want to bother with conversations or dinners. All he wanted was to fuck the boy and spoil him. He had more money than he knew to do with, and his wife did nothing but complain when he attempted to spoil her.
Yeong wasn't going to complain about being spoiled. That's all he wanted in life, was to be worshipped like a deity, spoiled completely rotten, and fucked until he forgot his own name. Finally, he found an arrangement he could enjoy, and enjoy it he did. The most personal their conversation ever got was that third day when he man briefly mentioned his wife. Otherwise, they never talked about their lives. They didn't ask deeper questions of each other.
It was perfect, and Yeong was quick to find another for other days. When the first had moved to another country, there wasn't a moment of being upset outside of Yeong. He moved on, finding someone else who was willing to worship and spoil him without any questions. Without deep conversation. Just flirtation and sex.
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glowpockets · 5 months
As energy costs continue to rise, you might be asking yourself, "What should I put my heat on to save money?" The answer lies not just in a single setting but in a combination of smart practices that prioritize energy-saving heating options and optimize heating for savings. Consider how a slight adjustment to your thermostat could lead to significant savings on your heating bill, without sacrificing the coziness of your home. To support this, installing a programmable thermostat can be a game-changer, saving you money while maintaining your comfort. Imagine waking up to a warm home in winter or returning to a comfortably cool space in the summer, all while knowing you're managing your energy use efficiently. By resetting your thermostat for the hours you're asleep or out of the house, you could potentially see up to 10% annual savings on heating and cooling costs. The key is finding that sweet spot—around 68°F to 70°F when you're awake and at home during colder months, and slightly cooler when you're away or sleeping. Key Takeaways Strategically adjust your thermostat to around 68°F-70°F (20°C-21.5°C) in winter while at home for optimal savings. Lowering your thermostat by 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day can result in up to a 10% reduction in energy expenses. Programmable thermostats offer the convenience and control needed for optimizing heating for savings. Understanding and utilizing energy-saving heating options is essential in managing and reducing your heating bills. Aligning thermostat settings with your daily habits serves as a cost-effective strategy to cut down on unnecessary energy consumption. Understanding Your Heating System and Its Efficiency When it comes to maximizing your home's warmth while managing energy bills, the type of heating system you use can make all the difference. Recognizing the different systems available and how they impact your energy consumption is essential for achieving cost-effective heating settings, adopting energy-efficient heating tips, and maintaining an efficient heating temperature throughout the year. Types of Heating Systems There are several common types of heating systems. Heat pumps work year-round to provide heat during the winter and cooling during the summer. Electric resistance heating transforms electricity directly into heat, often found in baseboard heaters or portable units. Steam heat typically involves older radiator systems that use boiled water to create warmth, while radiant floor heating distributes heat through the floor for a cozy feeling underfoot. How Heating Systems Impact Energy Consumption The efficiency of your heating system greatly depends on how it's used and maintained. For example, heat pumps are most effective when kept at a consistent, efficient heating temperature, as drastic temperature changes can cause them to work harder and less efficiently. Smart programmable thermostats equipped with advanced algorithms are invaluable for precise control, especially when paired with systems like heat pumps. Benefits of Energy-Efficient Heating Solutions Opting for energy-efficient heating systems has its perks, including a reduced carbon footprint and lower energy bills. Ensuring optimal thermostat placement—away from drafts, direct sunlight, and furniture—is a straightforward but often overlooked aspect of efficient energy consumption. Smart thermostats that learn your habits can offer significant improvements by adjusting your home's temperature based on your actual needs—alleviating unnecessary costs and consumption. Below is a comparison of traditional heating systems versus energy-efficient alternatives: Heating System TypeEnergy ConsumptionCost-EffectivenessTraditional Heat PumpsHigh with improper useModerateElectric Resistance HeatingVery HighLowAdvanced Heat PumpsLower with consistent useHighRadiant Floor HeatingVariesModerate to High By understanding the types of heating systems, their impact on
energy consumption, and the benefits of energy-efficient solutions, you're well-equipped to make informed decisions for your home's heating. The ultimate goal is to create a comfortable living space that aligns with cost-effective and environmentally responsible practices. The Role of Thermostat Settings in Energy Savings Understanding and utilizing the right thermostat settings play a crucial role in managing home comfort and energy usage. By optimizing heating for savings, you can make significant strides in reducing your utility bills while maintaining a cozy living environment. It's all about finding that sweet spot where efficiency and comfort intersect. Optimizing Heating for Savings To make the most of energy-saving heating options, it is important to have thermostats that are programmable. Whether digital or electromechanical, these devices give you the power to create heating schedules that align perfectly with your lifestyle. Consider setting your thermostat to lower temperatures during the night or when the house is not occupied, which can be a straightforward yet effective part of your money-saving heating strategies. Set lower temperatures when asleep or out of the house Adjust temperatures gradually for more comfort Use a programmable thermostat to automate temperature changes Avoiding Common Thermostat Misconceptions Despite the potential savings, there are misconceptions that could hinder your efforts in optimizing heating for savings. A common myth is that furnaces must work harder to reheat a space after a thermostat setback. This misconception can discourage some from adjusting their thermostat, leading to continuous, unnecessary energy expenditure. Knowing the facts empowers you to schedule temperature adjustments with confidence, ensuring you're not battling against your own heating system for savings. Implementing these energy-saving heating options can contribute to a more sustainable home. By taking control of your thermostat settings, the stage is set not just for immediate savings, but for an ongoing reduction in energy consumption. Start today, and the difference will not just reflect on your bills but also on the environment. What should I put my heat on to save money When it comes to efficiency and savings, cost-effective heating settings are non-negotiable. It's critical to understand the temperature thresholds that could lead to significant reductions in heating expenses. A key strategy involves having your thermostat set at 68°F during the active hours in your home—and lowering it when you're away or asleep during the cold season. Counterintuitive as it may seem, the concept of 'set it and forget it' does not apply for maximized energy savings. Implementing money-saving heating strategies means actively managing your thermostat settings based on your in-home and out-of-home patterns. For those summer days, maintaining a temperature of 78°F while you are home strikes the balance between comfort and energy savings. If you're leaving the house, adjusting the setting to 85°F ensures further conservation of energy, which translates into savings. In the heart of winter or the peak of summer, making these adjustments to your thermostat setting could help prevent unnecessary energy loss and maintain a comfortable indoor climate without breaking the bank. Let's look at a comparison: SeasonTemperature Setting While HomeTemperature Setting While Away/AsleepWinter68°F/20°C7°-10°F Lower than Home SettingSummer78°F/25°C85°F or Higher Beyond adjustments, routine maintenance of your heating system is also a cornerstone among tips to reduce heating expenses. Replace filters, seal leaks, and ensure that the heating system is functioning correctly. Simple yet effective, isn't it? Incorporating these money-saving heating strategies into your routine makes financial sense and is achievable without significant impact on your daily comfort. Plus, you're contributing to a greener, energy-conscious future.
Here are some actionable tips to reduce heating expenses: Install a programmable thermostat. Regularly replace or clean the furnace filters. Seal heating and cooling ducts and insulate those that run through unheated spaces. Use a smart meter to track and manage your heating usage. By making informed decisions about your heating settings, you are positioning yourself for notable savings and an environmentally-friendly household. Remember: small changes make a significant impact over time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI9YLSJplTc Remember, reducing your heating bill doesn't require sacrificing comfort—it just means becoming smarter about how you control your home's temperature. - Energy Efficiency Expert Programmable Thermostats: Maximizing Convenience and Efficiency Embracing programmable thermostats is a step towards harmonizing your daily routines with economical heating solutions. These devices not only serve to maintain an efficient heating temperature but also adapt seamlessly to your personal schedule, improving your home's energy consumption. Let's explore the effortless transition from traditional thermostats to these modern upgrades. Programmable thermostats offer you the ability to set precise temperatures for different times of the day and week. This means you can schedule your home to warm up right before you wake up or cool down when you're away at work. The key to maximizing savings with programmable thermostats lies in consistent programming aligned with your lifestyle. For optimal gains, consider setting your thermostat to lower heating levels during hours of inactivity or absence. Even slight adjustments can lead to significant reductions in energy usage, proving to be an efficient heating temperature strategy. Set weekday and weekend schedules Override features for sudden plan changes Daylight saving time adjustments Multi-zone programming for larger homes Depending on your needs, programmable thermostats range from basic digital models to those offering Wi-Fi connectivity for remote management. Ensuring that your system is correctly programmed is crucial; a thermostat improperly set can lead to increased energy consumption rather than savings. While programmable thermostats contribute to an economical heating solution, the benefits extend beyond merely saving money. They also add an element of convenience and comfort, automating your home's climate control system, and freeing you from the daily tedium of manual adjustments. Investing in a programmable thermostat could be your strategic move toward a balanced, temperature-controlled, and efficient home environment. Your initial step to a smarter home setup can start here, laying the groundwork for long-term savings and a greener lifestyle. Identifying Cost-Effective Heating Settings for Winter As the chill of winter sets in, it's essential to find a balance between staying warm and managing your energy costs. Ensuring you have cost-effective heating settings can lead to significant savings on your bills while maintaining a comfortable home environment. The Ideal Temperature for Winter Comfort and Savings Strategic management of your home's thermostat is the key to optimizing heating for savings. The Department of Energy suggests a baseline setting of 68°F while you are awake and at home. This temperature is ideal for comfort during the colder months and is also energy-efficient, helping to keep heating bills in check. Maintaining this setting throughout the winter season can result in substantial cost savings while preventing an overstrained heating system. Overnight and Away-From-Home Heat Settings To maximize the efficiency of your heating without sacrificing comfort, consider adjusting your thermostat at times when warmth is less crucial. When you're asleep or away from home, lowering the indoor temperature by 7°-10°F can contribute to a lower energy bill. This practice of downscaling
your home's heating on a consistent daily basis can culminate in up to a 10% reduction in your annual energy expenses. Time of DayComfort Setting (°F)Cost-Saving Setting (°F)Estimated Savings (% annual)Morning (Awake)6868Up to 10Daytime (Away)6858-61Evening (Home)6868Overnight (Asleep)6858-61 Remember, these energy-efficient heating tips are not just about lowering the numbers on your thermostat; they're about adopting a cost-effective habit that still respects your need for wintertime warmth. With these optimizing heating strategies, you can enjoy the coziness of your home without the worry of excessive energy bills. Smart Strategies for Summer Thermostat Settings As the mercury rises, maintaining an efficient heating temperature without breaking the bank is a common challenge. The secret to comfort and cost savings lies in how you manage your thermostat settings. With a few intelligent tweaks, you can have a cool oasis at home and still keep your energy bills in check. Follow these tips to reduce heating expenses and explore energy-saving heating options suitable for the summer heat. How to Manage Indoor Temperatures When It's Hot Outside When the temperature outside climbs, the urge to blast the air conditioning can be tempting. Instead, Energy Star suggests setting your thermostat to an economical 78°F while you're at home. For those times when your house is empty, dialing up to 85°F can help you trim down energy usage significantly. Not only do these settings offer an efficient heating temperature, but they are also pivotal in your quest to reduce heating expenses. It's not just about the numbers on the thermostat; integrating energy-saving heating options also involves smart home practices. Keep your home shaded with energy-efficient window treatments, which can block out much of the sun's heat. Utilize ceiling fans to circulate air and create a breeze—this makes the room feel cooler and allows you to increase the thermostat setting by a few degrees with minimal impact on comfort. Another often overlooked strategy is to avoid excessively low air conditioning settings. This doesn't just prevent strain on your cooling system but also avoids unnecessary energy expenditures. As you continue to implement these effectiveness tips, you'll notice a substantial decline in your energy bills, allowing you to enjoy your summer sans the financial stress. Set thermostat to 78°F when home. Increase to 85°F when you're out. Use window treatments to minimize heat. Employ ceiling fans for air circulation. Avoid setting AC too low to prevent unnecessary expenses. Remember, maintaining an efficient home during the heat doesn't have to compromise your comfort. By implementing these strategies, you'll enjoy a cooler living space while practicing energy conservation. Energy-Saving Heating Options for Different Climates Transforming the way you heat your home to accommodate the unique demands of your regional climate can lead to substantial savings on energy bills. For those living in varied climates, whether you're enduring the brisk chill of the Northeast or the mild winters of the Southwest, tailoring your heating approach can be both an economical and efficient solution. Adjusting Heat Settings Based on Regional Weather Patterns Residents in temperate zones may find that slight adjustments to their thermostat can yield significant energy reductions, as the demand for indoor heating is not as severe. Conversely, those in colder regions might benefit from a more sophisticated energy-saving strategy that includes innovative heating technologies and tailored insulation methods. It's important to consider economical heating solutions that are designed to work with the dynamics of your local weather. For example, homes equipped with heat pumps should avoid frequently changing the heat settings, as this can cause the system to operate less efficiently and increase energy use. Programmable
Thermostats: Depending on the type of heating system you have, whether it is forced air, radiant, or a heat pump, a programmable thermostat can optimize your energy expenditure by aligning with the weather patterns and your personal schedule. Insulation: Adequate insulation acts as a barrier against heat loss, meaning less work for your heating system and more savings for you. This is particularly crucial in areas with icy winters. Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV): For colder climates, HRVs can reclaim heat from exhaust air and use it to warm incoming fresh air, thus reducing the burden on the heating system. Zoned Heating Solutions: In larger homes or properties with variable indoor climates, zoned heating systems allow for different areas to be heated at different temperatures, reducing wasted energy in unoccupied spaces. Implementing energy-efficient heating tips like these not only lowers your heating costs but also contributes to a greener environment. Below is a table summarizing the economical heating solutions tailored to different climate needs. Climate TypeHeating SystemIdeal Temperature SettingAdditional TipsMild Winter ClimateProgrammable Thermostat68°F when homeLower temperature when awaySevere Winter ClimateHeat Pump with Auxiliary Heat70°F to 72°FMinimize temperature swingsVariable ClimateZoned Heating SystemBased on zone usageAdjust zones based on occupancyAll ClimatesRegular MaintenanceN/AAnnual check-ups to ensure efficiency By choosing the correct energy-saving heating options and adhering to energy-efficient heating tips, you can create an economical heating solution tailored perfectly for your home's location and your personal comfort needs. Factors Contributing to Home Heating Efficiency When you're looking to enhance your home's warmth while maintaining your budget, understanding the multiple factors that contribute to home heating efficiency is essential. Not only does the type of heating system you use impact your energy consumption and costs, but the way you manage and maintain your system plays a significant role in sustaining an eco-friendly and cost-effective home environment. Energy-efficient heating tips often begin with the basics: ensuring your heating system is appropriate for your house's size and your region's climate. Various systems—like central heat, boilers, and heat pumps—have different efficiency levels and are suited to specific needs and settings. Next, consider your thermostat. Innovative programmable thermostats offer the ability to customize your heating schedule and optimize heating for savings. But proper installation and placement are just as crucial. To avoid false readings and inefficient heating, place your thermostat on an interior wall, away from windows and doors, which might cause drafts and direct sunlight. Regular maintenance of your heating system, including timely inspections and filter changes, not only prolongs the life of the equipment but also ensures that it runs as efficiently as possible, saving money on unnecessary repairs or escalated energy bills. Money-saving heating strategies don't stop at equipment. They extend into effective home insulation, double-glazed windows, and draft-proofing strategies that encompass careful sealing of any gaps, keeping the warm air in, and the cold out. All these elements together establish an integrated approach to an energy-efficient home heating system. To help solidify these concepts, consider the following table, which outlines essential aspects that contribute to heating efficiency: AspectEffect on Heating EfficiencyType of Heating SystemOptions tailored to home size and climate requirements lead to better efficiency.Thermostat ProgrammingAccurate programming aligned with your schedule can reduce unnecessary heating costs.Thermal InsulationHigh-quality insulation keeps heat inside, significantly lowering energy waste.Regular MaintenanceEnsures the system operates effectively and addresses issues before they escalate.
By focusing on these critical areas, you'll be well on your way to optimizing heating for savings, creating a comfortable living space that is both energy-efficient and kind to your wallet. Remember, the integration of these factors can greatly amplify your energy conservation and cost-reduction efforts. Money-Saving Heating Strategies for the Budget-Conscious With the rise in energy costs, finding ways to reduce heating expenses has become a critical concern for many households. Utilizing money-saving heating strategies can make a significant difference in your annual utility bills without sacrificing the comfort of your home. Below we'll explore some tips to reduce heating expenses and practical approaches to achieve a cost-effective heating environment. Incremental Adjustments for Long-Term Savings Small changes in your heating settings can lead to substantial savings over time. By adjusting your thermostat incrementally, you'll slowly acclimate to cooler or warmer temperatures, which can reduce your heating needs and lower your bills. For instance, lowering your thermostat by just one degree can trim your heating costs by up to 3%. Consider nudging the temperature down (or up, in summer) just a bit each week, and soon you won't even notice the difference—except in your utility costs. The Impact of Maintenance on Heating Costs Regular maintenance is another essential aspect of cost-effective heating. A well-serviced heating system runs more efficiently, saving you money in the long run. This includes tasks like cleaning or replacing filters, scheduling annual inspections, and promptly addressing repair needs. Proper insulation and ductwork sealing can also prevent heat loss, ensuring every dollar you spend on heating goes further. StrategiesImmediate SavingsLong-Term BenefitsLower thermostat incrementallyUp to 3% per degreeAcclimatization to temperature; ongoing cost reductionRegular maintenance of the heating systemVaries based on system conditionEnhanced efficiency and lifespan of heating equipmentProper insulation and ductwork sealingUp to 20% reduction in heating costsConsistent temperatures and reduced heat loss By incorporating these strategies, your pursuit of cost-effective heating settings will not only contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle but also ensure that you remain comfortable in your home throughout the seasons—all without straining your budget. Economical Heating Solutions for Various Home Sizes Understanding that the one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work for heating, it's crucial to consider the size of your living space when seeking economical heating solutions. Tailoring your strategy to your home's dimensions can lead to more effective temperature control and, ultimately, more cost-effective heating settings. Whether residing in a cozy studio or a spacious family home, energy-efficient heating tips can help keep your living space warm without breaking the bank. Here are customized recommendations to ensure your heating solutions align perfectly with the size of your abode. Heating Options for Small Apartments If you're in a small apartment, you have the advantage of needing to heat a smaller area, allowing for more economical heating solutions. Embracing this benefit means you can look into individual room heaters or small-capacity central systems. Portable electric heaters, for example, can be a great fit for just the space you're using. Opting for energy-efficient models will offer the best of both worlds in terms of comfort and cost-effectiveness. Let's not forget proper insulation and sealing any gaps to prevent heat loss, ensuring even a small heater can do the job well. Effective Heating for Larger Homes On the contrary, larger homes with more expansive spaces require a different approach to maintain comfortable temperatures throughout. Zoned heating systems can provide energy-efficient heating tips for such environments, allowing you to heat different sections of your home selectively.
This ensures that you're not wasting energy on unused rooms. Strategic thermostat placement in larger homes can make a significant difference—ideally located in central living areas away from drafts and direct sunlight. Aligning these elements with cost-effective heating settings will result in efficient energy use and lower heating costs in the long run. Educating Yourself on Energy-Efficient Heating Tips As the seasons change, the way you heat your home can significantly impact your comfort and your wallet. Becoming well-versed in energy-efficient heating tips and practices is not just a cost-saving measure; it's a stride towards sustainable living. With the right knowledge, you can optimize your home's heating while being mindful of your energy consumption. Understanding Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios (SEER) One of the first steps to smarter heating is comprehending the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios (SEER) associated with HVAC systems. This measurement gauges the cooling efficiency of your air conditioner or heat pump. The higher the SEER rating, the more energy-saving heating options you have at your disposal. An efficient system doesn't just cool your space; it does so using less energy, which in turn, reflects positively on your energy bills. Exploring Renewable Energy Heating Options In the pursuit of energy-efficient heating tips, considering renewable energy heating options is a leap towards eco-friendliness and economic savings. Solar heating systems, for instance, harness the power of the sun to provide heating without the guilt of substantial energy consumption. As technology advances and these systems become more affordable, homeowners are increasingly positioned to benefit from this clean, nearly inexhaustible energy source. If you're interested in making the switch or simply wish to improve your existing setup, invest time in understanding these vital components. A little education goes a long way in ensuring your home is warm, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient. Conclusion As we wrap up our comprehensive guide, it's evident that optimizing heating for savings is not just about adjusting a thermostat; it's an intricate dance of informed decisions and strategic management. Your heating system's efficiency rests on the fulcrum of your daily habits and the technology you employ. Embracing cost-effective strategies, such as efficient heating temperatures and smart programming, can significantly reduce your energy footprint and monthly bills. Remember, an ounce of prevention through regular maintenance can yield a pound of savings, keeping your home efficiently cozy throughout the seasons. Summarizing Key Takeaways for Heating Cost Reduction To underscore the essence of our discussion, achieving a balance between frugality and comfort requires a hands-on approach to your heating system. By meticulously setting your thermostat in tandem with your lifestyle and integrating energy-efficient heating tips, you're on track to reap financial rewards. The commitment to understanding how different heating systems and external factors affect your usage allows for tailoring a heating plan that fits like a glove—yielding a snug abode without draining your wallet. Next Steps Towards Achieving a Warm, Economical Home Forge ahead on your journey to a warmly efficient home by implementing the explored strategies. Start with programmable or smart thermostats to harness full control over your environment. Lean into the seasonality of energy use by adjusting your settings as the weather dictates, and never underestimate the value of self-education on the latest energy-saving heating options. The road to optimizing heating for savings is continuous, but each step taken is a stride toward a more sustainable and economically savvy lifestyle. FAQ What should I put my heat on to save money? To save money, it is typically recommended to set your thermostat to about 68°F when you're awake and at home, and lower it by 7°-10°F when you're asleep or away from home.
Programmable thermostats can help automate this process to optimize heating for savings. What types of heating systems are there? Common types of heating systems include heat pumps, electric resistance heating, steam heat, and radiant floor heating. Each system has its own efficiency and considerations for energy-saving. How do heating systems impact energy consumption? The type of heating system you have can significantly affect your energy consumption and costs. For example, heat pumps are more efficient at a constant, moderate temperature, while electric resistance heaters might require a specific type of thermostat to avoid excessive energy use. What are the benefits of energy-efficient heating solutions? Energy-efficient heating solutions can lower energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint, and provide a comfortable living environment with less energy waste. How should I optimize my heating for savings? To optimize heating for savings, ensure your thermostat is programmed according to your schedule—lower when you're away or sleeping and comfortable when you're home. Avoid common misconceptions, like the idea that a furnace has to work harder after the temperature has been turned down, leading to inefficiency. What are some common thermostat misconceptions? One misconception is that it costs more to reheat a home after turning down the heat, but in fact, you save energy during the time the temperature is set lower. Another is that keeping a consistent temperature is always more efficient, which is not true, especially for traditional heating systems. Should I opt for a programmable thermostat? Yes, programmable thermostats can maximize both convenience and efficiency by automatically adjusting your home's temperature based on your routine, reducing the heat when you're not at home or when you're asleep. What is the ideal temperature for winter comfort and savings? The ideal temperature for winter comfort and savings is roughly 68°F when you're awake and at home. Lowering the temperature overnight or when the house is not occupied can significantly cut down on heating costs. What settings should I use for my thermostat overnight and when away from home in the winter? Overnight and when away from home, you can save energy by setting the thermostat back 7°-10°F from your comfort level. This decreases energy usage while you're not in need of warmth. How should I manage indoor temperatures during the summer? During summer, Energy Star recommends setting the thermostat to 78°F when you are home and need cooling, and 85°F when you are away. This prevents the system from overworking when it's not necessary, reducing cooling costs. How can I adjust heat settings based on regional weather patterns? Depending on your local climate, you might need less of a temperature setback to save energy. In milder regions, small adjustments can yield savings. Always tailor your thermostat settings to both comfort levels and the regional climate you live in. What factors contribute to home heating efficiency? Home heating efficiency is influenced by factors such as the type of heating system you have, how well your home is insulated, the accuracy and programming of your thermostat, and regular maintenance of the heating system. What are some incremental adjustments for long-term savings? Gradually lowering your thermostat setting by 1°F at a time can help you adapt to a cooler environment comfortably and save money over the long term. Similarly, making slight increases in the summer can also yield savings while still keeping your home comfortable. How does regular maintenance impact heating costs? Regular maintenance, like servicing your heating system and replacing filters, ensures the system is running efficiently and can prevent costly breakdowns. Proper maintenance is also key to prolonging the life of your heating system. What heating options are suitable for small apartments?
Small apartments may benefit from individual room control and smaller-capacity heating systems, which can be more energy-efficient by heating only occupied spaces rather than the entire dwelling. What are effective heating options for larger homes? Larger homes might use zoned heating systems, which provide the ability to control the temperature in different areas of the house independently, leading to better efficiency and comfort throughout the space. Why should I understand Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios (SEER)? Understanding SEER ratings can help you choose the most energy-efficient heating and cooling system for your home. The higher the SEER rating, the less energy the system will use to provide the same level of comfort, leading to lower energy bills. How can I explore renewable energy heating options? To explore renewable energy heating options, research technologies such as solar thermal systems, geothermal heat pumps, and biomass heating systems. These options are often more sustainable and can provide long-term savings on energy bills. https://glowpockets.com/what-should-i-put-my-heat-on-to-save-money/?feed_id=37&_unique_id=65c556edc26ef
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wheeeezeboi · 10 months
I am a living ghost
When I was a little boy my mom worked as a maid, sometimes for homes, sometimes hotels and offices, and this was during the time when my parents were split up. They're back together now, but that's a different story.
As you may know, maids don't make a lot of money, and childcare is expensive. For at least the summers, sometimes more than that, I would get dragged along to her work. She would sit me down in waiting rooms, supply closets, staff break rooms, where ever, and tell me "You gotta sit down and shut up because you're not supposed to be here right now. You have to stay put and don't talk to anyone unless they talk to you first. You don't want me to get fired, do you?" Sometimes there would be a tv or magazines in those places, but it was very boring most of the time.
I internalized that it was okay to leave me behind and alone because I wasn't supposed to be here. I wasn't supposed to exist. And the best thing I could do was not draw attention to myself. I got very good over the years at blending into the furniture. I would be left alone or with strangers for hours, so my mom could make money to keep me fed and housed.
Whether or not there was entertainment around, I'd still usually get bored quickly, and would wander off inside my mind. I'd stare at the wall and paint a mural on it in my mind. I'd retrace the route we took from home to the hotel (or wherever) and remember as many details as I could about the surrounding. (I have excellent directional sense.) I had many such games. Sometimes, I didn't even have the energy to imagine, and I would just zoom out from my body and let time pass me, losing sight of my surroundings until my mother came back for me hours later. It felt like I really had became one with the walls, as flat and emotionless as they were. I later learned this was called dissociation.
And later, when I was diagnosed with RRMS, and it became clear that it would be much simpler and less painful for me to get on disability income rather than get a job, I once again felt this disconnect from the real world, like I was a ghost haunting a cramped corner rather than an active member of society. I was always there, but I didn't really exist until spoken to. Like an Amazon Alexa, but more useless because I could barely help myself let alone anyone else.
The SSDI was enough to get me my own apartment when I was 19 but not to afford much else. I thought I wanted independence from my family because I felt I had to prove I could do something right and be an semi-functional adult, but it was so lonely. I was too disabled to travel very far out of my neighborhood, so I had no friends. I spent what everyone said was supposed to be the best years of my life completely alone in a small apartment, depressed, watching youtube videos on my phone. I tried to commit suicide 4 times, but usually I was to lazy to get beyond the planning stage. Did you know that diphenhydramine is both the active ingredient in OTC sleep aids, and in benadryl. So if you try to kill yourself by taking 20 unisom sleeping pills, you will not die, but you will trip major fucking balls and see demonic horse-spider hybrids and hear disembodied voices alternate between "kill yourself fucking loser" and quoting vines and tv commercials. The lethal dose of dph is closer 2500mg or more.
I watched a lot of ghost hunting/ found footage horror shows. Not just Buzzfeed Unsolved, also Sam and Colby, and explore with Josh, and Loey Lane and slapped ham. (My phone just auto-capitalized those names and it just occurred to me how infrequently I capitalize names in my writing. My thumbs hurt so bad typing this long post, Alhamdulillah for auto correct.) Any way. I found ghost shows to be comforting rather than scary. I like the idea of there being something after death, especially the idea that maybe we get to chose whether we want to stick around or move on. The afterlife as described in my religion never really appealed to me, so maybe I don't even want to move on.
I thought about the ghost sitting around in the same dark musty room for decades with no one to talk to until one day these two goofy dudes show up and it's gotta be the best day of their afterlife. I felt I could relate to that. Most places have more than one ghost I've deduced. So there you have another guy to talk to for all eternity and they can never leave. A built in buddy. And trust me, if I'm stuck haunting a place with other ghosts, even if they are an axe murder, they WILL be my buddy. They will see that you can't resist the K-man for very long. 😁 We're going to have so much fun playing waiting room games and haunting anyone who comes through, maybe we do some kissing. We'll see.
And the best part is, our minds will no longer be tied to our shitty, uncooperative, broken bodies. We will be free.
Anyway, I have irl friends now and I live close to a library. So I don't want to kill myself anymore.
And that's my backstory for why I am the way I am.
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interiopedia · 1 year
Get Creative with Minecraft Interior Design Ideas!
Create Your Dream Virtual Home with These Easy and Fun Tips
Hello fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to design the coolest interiors for your virtual world? Building and decorating your virtual home in Minecraft is an adventure that lets your imagination run wild! With these amazing interior design ideas, you'll turn your blocky world into a cozy, stylish, and epic place to call home. So, let's dive right in and get started!
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What are Minecraft Interior Design Ideas?
Minecraft interior design ideas are clever ways to decorate and arrange the inside of your virtual home. Just like in real life, the way you design your space reflects your personality and style. In Minecraft, you have endless opportunities to mix and match various blocks, furniture, and decorative items to make your place unique.
Choosing a Theme for Your Interior
Before you begin decorating, think about what kind of atmosphere you want to create. Do you prefer a medieval castle, a modern city apartment, a rustic farmhouse, or maybe a futuristic space station? Once you decide on a theme, it will be easier to choose the right elements and colors for your interior.
Start with a Cozy Living Room
The living room is the heart of any home, even in Minecraft. Begin by placing a comfortable sofa made of blocks like wool or stairs, and add colorful cushions to make it inviting. Create a coffee table using slabs or carpet, and don't forget to add some bookshelves and a fireplace to complete the cozy vibe.
Bedroom Bliss
Your bedroom should be a relaxing sanctuary. To create a dreamy sleeping space, use soft colors for the bed and surrounding walls. Add a bedside table with a lamp, and maybe even a closet made from chests for extra storage. Hanging some paintings on the walls can give your room an artistic touch.
Kitchen Delights
A well-designed kitchen can be the pride of your virtual home. Craft some kitchen cabinets using blocks like wood or colored concrete, and place a furnace or smoker to represent the stove. Add a dining table with chairs and decorate the area with potted plants or flowers to make it feel lively.
Bathroom Retreat
Designing a bathroom is all about adding the right details. Build a bathtub with stairs and place some trapdoors to represent towels. A sink can be made using a cauldron and a slab, and don't forget to add a toilet using a minecart and a trapdoor. It's the little touches that make a big difference!
Unique Lighting
Lighting can completely transform the ambiance of your interior. Experiment with different types of light sources, such as glowstone, redstone lamps, or lanterns. Use colored glass to create beautiful stained glass windows that let natural light shine through.
Creative Storage Solutions
Storage is essential to keep your virtual home organized. Build custom storage spaces using chests and barrels, and label them to find things easily. You can even make hidden storage areas with secret doors or trapdoors.
Q1: Can I use different materials for my interior design?
Absolutely! Minecraft offers a wide variety of materials, including wood, stone, concrete, and even nether blocks. Feel free to mix and match to create a unique look.
Q2: Is it challenging to design interiors in Minecraft?
Not at all! Minecraft is all about creativity and fun. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new ideas. You can always change things if you don't like how they turn out.
Q3: Can I share my interior design with others?
Yes! If you're proud of your creations, you can share them with friends or even on online platforms to inspire others and get feedback.
Now that you have these awesome Minecraft interior design ideas, it's time to let your creativity shine! Whether you want a cozy cottage, a sleek city loft, or a fantastic castle, the possibilities are endless. Have fun decorating and turning your virtual home into the talk of the blocky town! Happy building!
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seemawrites · 1 year
24 Is Your Mid-Twenties
I sat here to begin writing my non-academic creative essay (first one ever), and I realized that majority of my writing has been me sharing extremely personal perspectives. Which makes sense, what else would I write about? It made me sit and wonder about the different writers who have written personal essays. They have obviously lived, traveled, met countless interesting people that ended up being used in fragments of their stories. I wonder when I will start writing like that. I have been given the chance to be talented, and I don’t want to waste it. Yet, I have come to learn that being a writer means finding time around your day job to sit down and write. And it’s kind of draining. I always imagined that I would have met countless people by now, and learning the ins and outs of how we operate and live with one another. But I haven’t felt that yet.
A few days ago (maybe a week now?) I realized that I’m no longer in my early twenties. I am now in my mid twenties. I didn’t feel panic about that, it was more like a “whoa, there was a huge paradigm shift of how I should view myself, yet I never noticed.” I may not have noticed, but society has sure as shit did. When my mother offered to help me and get me some new paint to clean up my room, it made me realise that I am at an age where I should have been on that myself. I have always been okay with living like a uni student, but I haven’t been a uni student in almost three years. Which means, I should be looking into doing things differently. It’s interesting that you’re never guided into these things, you’re kind of just thrown into the deep-end, like those kids swimming lessons where the instructor just tosses them in there. But the difference is that those babies have instincts to swim, where as I, do not have a natural instinct of what it is like to be an adult. I’m adaptive, which is good, but the thing with being adaptive, is that you have to notice the environment around you is changing. And this isn’t the environment around me, it’s the society and how it will begin viewing me (or maybe even has already began to view me). Sometimes, I forget that I am 24 years old. I forget that when an adult looks at me (I guess at this point, it’s just another adult) they see a “grown-up”. And I realise, maybe I haven’t done enough growing. I spent most of my teen years trying to not unalive myself, that I never really planned what “adulthood” would look like. I never thought about the type of house I wanted, or where it would be, or what I would be doing. I only started to think of these things in recent years, maybe even during university (the end of my first year maybe?).
One thing they don’t tell you about being an adult, is that you have to actually act like it. And it’s not “hmm what current events are rocking the world right now” or “I should go home and sleep instead of blowing my money on liquor” it’s more like “I need to get new furniture because the couch is getting torn up, and “the shower head stopped working, I need to find a good plumber who’s affordable that can help”. And as much as I love living in Ethiopia, it’s really hard to find those things on your own. Like you can’t just do a quick google search on “plumbers near me” (if they’re online, chances are they’re way too expensive), you need to know the know or know people who know. I wish there was a blueprint like they have one in school, where they say in order to get an A, you gotta do these things. And I’m not saying life should be completely structured like school, but having a rubric never hurt anyone. But I guess having a “one size fits all” rubric for everyone wouldn’t really work. We’re all way too different from one another. Man, I’m rambling. But my point still stays the same.
Working through the wits and ways of being an adult causes a lot of self-reflection, and could potentially turn to self-hatred, especially if you have no idea how to go about it. I wasn’t allowed to be “independent” until I made it happen for myself at uni, and even then the UK had a lot more convenience of these things than Addis does. It’s just a matter of finding ways of life that work for you, and I need to find the time to do all that, and more. Till next week guys.
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gravesitegarl · 2 years
I decided to do an ask game but instead of having you all ask questions, I just filled it out for the fun of it. I enjoy talking about my f/os, I also changed up my f/o list(that I just made because I’m an indecisive mofo). And I’m only doing this with my romantic or romaplatonic(romantic & platonic) f/os.
Nancy Wheeler
Billy Hargrove
Eugene Ottinger
Glen & Glenda Tilly
🧸Pick out a plushie to give to your F/O. What is it?
—A little stuffed dog, something soft and small. Something to replace a lack of a pet
—A soft teddy bear, something simple but nice. He doesn’t like people fussy over him
—A stuffed bee or otter, my cute little Ottie deserves the best and everything he wants
—matching teddy bears, probably green and purple velveteen bears
🃏 You have to buy a gag gift for your F/O to make them laugh or embarrass them. What do you get?
—probably a book of useless information, that’d get a laugh out of her
—Probably a novelty keychain
—No gag gifts, only soft cute things to make my baby boy happy
—finger trap & fake knife respectfully
🔎 Your F/O has been replaced by a doppelganger or double of some sort. What tips you off that something's wrong?
—she calls me by my first name
—refuses tummy rubs and cuddles
—no hello kiss
—quieter than usual & more snarky than usual
📽️ How would your F/O react if you showed them their canon show/books/game etc?
—she’d indulge me and probably get somewhat interested
—fully indulge, though maybe make a couple snarky comments 
—he and I bonded over shared interests at the start of our relationship, he already loves my interests
—indulge me and encourage me & make a bunch of snarky comments but eventually get into it
👨‍👦You're meeting your F/Os parents. How's it go?
—½ well, I’d probably punch Ted
—I don’t meet his parents, he knows I’d kill Neil and say things I probably shouldn’t
—Very well! Her mothers already know plenty about me
—50/50 depends on how their mom is feeling
🧚 Fairytale AU! What fairytale or folktale would you and your F/O get put into?
—Snow White
—Sleeping Beauty
—Beauty & The Beast
—Alice in Wonderland
🏫 High school AU! You and your F/O meet on the first day of high school. What's your meet cute?
—I bump into her accidentally and help her pick up her books
—I’m his english teacher, he likes me immediately
—we have class together, he sits next to me
—they protect me from someone and then immediately ask me to be friends with them
🎮 Video game Isekai! You and your F/O get dropped into the last video game you played, how does it go? If it's your F/Os source, imagine you can change the outcome.
—She’d be a little nervous but we’d work well
—he’s fight the nearest fighting type and make it fight literally everything
—He and I would try to fill up the Pokédex in any way we could, animals lovers having fun
—All im gonna say is…Team Rocket
🛌 Pick out bedroom decor, sheets etc for a shared bedroom between you and your F/O.
—soft pastels, soft everything
—messy, darker colors, dark wood
—natural colors, lots of pillows and stuffies
—flashy but comfortable, overdramatic furniture 
🍿What's your F/Os favorite movie? If they don't watch movies what do you think their favorite WOULD be?
—The Breakfast Club
🍩 What's your F/Os favorite type of donut?
—strawberry icing plain
—doesn’t eat donuts
—Strawberry cream filled with vanilla icing
😼 Your F/O is now a furry. What species of hybrid are they? If they're already a furry, pick a different species for them.
—dog(German Shepard)
—bunny(dwarf lop)
—Cats(twin Siamese)
🥳 How does your F/O react to having 'Happy Birthday's sung to them in public?
—hates it
—hates it
—absolutely loves it
—hates it
🦸How does you F/O feel about marvel movies?
—hates them
—like the effects, thinks the plot is ass
—thinks they’re scary
—loves the aesthetics, hates everything else
☠️ You and your F/O have to win a game contest against a powerful entity. What game do you pick in order to win?
—red rover
👺 Cryptid AU! Make up a spooky rumor that would circulate about your F/O if they were a cryptid.
—collects haunted objects
—he’s mothman
—twin ghosts
🍼 You and your F/O have to babysit together. how's it go?
—goes well
—doesn’t happen
—goes okay
—goes surprisingly well
🍖 Your F/O has to make dinner for you both. What do they make and how's it go?
—something on the simpler side, but nice
—fancy AF, probably pasta with pesto
—simple noodle dish
—doesn’t cook
0 notes