#I hope you'll develop bby
scrollf0x · 10 months
(Spoiler Free)
Resident Lover Routes Ranked
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As tradition when good things end, we overfixate on it! After 48 hours of completing all routes in Resident Lover, here's my spoiler free ranking of the good and bad endings in the game brought to us by Team AVIA 🙇🖤
Top Romantic Endings (Good ending)
#1 Miranda
As recommended by Team AVIA this route should be played last after completing all the other routes, and istg this was the best approach to the game, there's so much stuff going on (in a great way), it ties up all stories together, it explains the biggest mystery in the game and the end was SO SATISFYING. Mother Miranda was MOTHERING so good and I'm definitely obsessed with MM now. There's so much I want to talk about but won't for now to keep this spoiler free.Best route ever hope you enjoy it! 🐦‍⬛🧎
(UPDATED REVIEW: As MCs we can't escape her fr fr. You should see all cult endings in all routes before going to her cult ending. She's unbelievable but it's so hard to hate her once you get into her route and I can't explain why I still love her but holy fuck, Miranda. You make Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn look like novices for the things they do for love. Miranda literally took Yandere to a whole new level...and I love it 👀)
#2 Donna's Route (UPDATED)
We get our Flourist AU with our resident spicy sweetheart (you'd understand the spicy part later) Donna! Everything from her route was so mysterious and selecting her route before getting to Miranda's route was such a good build up before getting the answers to the numerous mysteries you'll uncover in the other routes. Donna and Miranda's route has SOOOO MUCH to bring into the table about the main mystery in the game. Plus the rivalry between Donna and Miranda for MC??? IM DEAD 😭💖
(UPDATED REVIEW: Holy shit y'all I just recently uncovered the actual cult ending for Donna's route, and as sweet and passionate her love is for us - the neutral ending was really sad, but holy fuck the double tragic endings in the cult version was just..I can't even react properly after finishing it I'm forever traumatized - see cult ending ranking)
#3 Alcina's Route
If you're into student-teacher relationship with much more murder mystery from the game and of course our Mother Alcina herself, this is for you! For all Alcina fans, buckle up for a ride because this route does not pussy-foot around romance between Alcina and player and my god THE SEXUAL TENSION. ILLICIT ROMANCE. SHEESH. Y'all are going to love it so much istg. Even the counterpart ending ate up (see tragic ending below)
TOP Tragic Ending (Cult endings)
#1 Angie and Donna's Route
Y'all would not expect the darkest ending for the sweetest character with the most lighthearted romance development of all routes. It starts off really innocent and sweet before it all goes downhill so fast, and Donna was so terrifying in this route 😭 Both bad endings were absolutely devastating and I really want to find out how Angie will react once she finds out - or if she will.
Donna (Updated review)
How was it even possible that Donna was so loveable and so terrifying at the same time? Everything from her good to bad route was just *chefs kiss*. Follow Team AVIAs guide to routes, and reach the cult ending (with additional 2 tragedy scenarios) I guarantee you both tragic scenarios will leave you terrified and heartbroken.
#2 Alcina
As amazing as the romance is with Alcina the bad ending route was downright nightmare-ish! We all love our hot psychopath mother but y'all would be baffled at just how CRAZYYYYY she is when you find out in her tragic ending route ☠️
#3 Dimitrescu Sisters
The Dimitrescu siblings SERVED in all routes Bela most of all but gaddamn as amazing and complex our relationship with them are, the tragic endings are INSANEEE. Bella's outfits were AMAZING and her storyline even more so. Cassandra is such a cassanova and a diva (so much teenage drama here btw you'll love it). And our precious Dani bby girl with our fake dating thing, she deserves so much love I wanna give her a hug. Their tragic endings are so so so sad, all I can say is Miranda did them so dirty 😭😭😭
Overall the game was AMAZING in every way, Team AVIA really put there heart and soul to this and it really shows, so please take the time to drop by at their page @resident-lover , give them your love and appreciation, and enjoy the game!
Let me know what you guys think ☺️
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actualbird · 2 months
Hello! a bit nervous going into college moving out and all but what are your tips/advices/pet peeves…although its comforting to think that in this day and age Luke and Rosa had to deal the same stuff im dealing right now?! 🥹 -2006 bby
hi anon!! unfortunately i am NOT the best person to ask this question at all because i never moved out for college. in fact, ive never moved out in my life 😭 im filipino, we tend to not move out unless we get married or whatever sklbfksjfbdjsf
but i can give general tips for college i think!! it's been a while since i was a college student myself, so these tips are gonna be vague as hell though OTL
do your readings, do your papers, do your homework, dont use chatgpt or get someone else to write your stuff etc etc etc. if you made it to college that is a privilege and you shouldnt waste it!! take all the oppurtunities you can to learn and better yourself, college is the best time to do a lot of development in the brainzone and the skills you built in doing these will definitely be useful later on when youre looking for a job.
get into organizations or clubs or extracurriculars and whatnot, if you can handle it! you can develop in a whole lot of ways, not just academically. plus, it's a great way to meet new people too.
jumping off from that last bullet, definitely make time and reserve effort for meeting new people!!! which can be scary, but i met a lot of friends who are dear to me in college. i also met my girlfriend there! so take a chance and get to know the people you see every day, you may end up meeting some really cool people you'll cherish for a long time.
try to be honest with your professors if mental health stuff or other issues are getting in the way of your performance at school. i know there are Terrible professors out there, but in my experience, they are outnumbered by the professors who just genuinely want to see you do your best and graduate. if you cant handle something for good reason, send em an email. try to work with your professors and not against them.
dont be scared to change your mind. if you chose a major but halfway through you realize you want to shift studies? go for it, if your circumstances permit. you might as well follow your gut instead of regretting the decision you didnt make
i hope this helps!!! also, good god, you were born in 2006???? and youre 18 now????????? thats bonkers. that doesnt sound allowed. holy shit.
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thehollowwriter · 8 days
Congrats bby!!!
If you want a challenge: Cosme x faculty!reader who's well-traveled, but only gives not-enough info about their life outside of NRC?
Thank you sm! I hope you don't mind this being a bit short cause I haven't developed Cosme all that much 😭
Warnings: None Word Count: 323
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤️)
No banner for Cosme cause nobody's done art of him 😭
You were a fairly private person. You had travelled to many places and seen many things throughout your life, but you preferred to keep most of your personal information and experiences to yourself.
Most people ended up disappointed, annoyed even, when they realised you weren't going to share many things about yourself or your travels. None of those people, however, came closer to the sheer frustration that seemed to befall Professor Cosme Da Costa.
Night Raven College's head of discipline wasn't loud or obtrusive, but he was incredibly nosy when it came to you and seemed almost desperate to gain a shred of information about you.
"Come on," Cosme insisted, his calk and composed demeanour dissipating to reveal something much funnier. "Now you're just baiting me. Where are you even from?"
You shrugged your shoulders and smiled at him, keeping your lips sealed. You didn't actually mind telling people your home country, but Cosme's exasperation was just too funny.
Cosme huffed and grossed his arms, wondering how exactly he was going to work with you if he barely knew anything about you. From your perspective, his puffed cheeks and deep frown looked way too cute for someone who was usually so serious.
"You'll just have to guess." You told him playfully.
Cosme paused for a moment and studied you with a scrutinous gaze.
"Land of Dawning?" He asked after a while.
"Briar Valley?"
"Coral Sea?"
"No," you answered again. "You aren't going to list off every country in Twisted Wonderland, are you?"
Cosme's lips quirked upwards as he continued.
"Land of Hot Sands? Rose Queendom? Sunset Savanna? The Shaftlands?"
You couldn't help but start laughing, and after a moment or two, so did Cosme. The two of you laughed together, and a sense of warmth seemed to fill the air around you.
"Maybe we can go for a coffee, and you can keep guessing." You said.
Cosme grinned. "I'd like that."
A/N: I hope this is okay even if it is quite short 😭
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
@skibidibabygirl @paperclvps
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lonewolflupe · 2 months
aLoF ch7 | Sporting Sabotage
Get ready for some more action with the Lone Wolf Squad! This chapter has been so much fun to write, I really hope you'll enjoy it! I've already written a few more upcoming chapters with the boys, and I'm curious what you'll think about the character developments/squad dynamics. I've really grown on these clones!
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Summary: the Lone Wolves find themselves on another mission that will test their skills and wit as a team Rating: Teen and up Tags: canon-typical violence, light angst (injuries), swearing (usage of slang) Words: 6.649k Characters: Lupe (OC), Trooper Ragnar (OC), Trooper Claw (OC), Trooper Fang (OC), Trooper Twist (OC), unidentified clone medics, CC-3636 Commander Wolffe (cameo) aLoF masterlist | AO3 < Previous chapter | Next chapter >
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21 BBY, Outer Rim | Atravis Sector | Basanos (Separatist Occupied Planet)
The shuttle was shaking hazardously due to the turbulence as Claw piloted it through the storm. The sky was ominously dark, thunderbolts flashing around them, gusts of wind tossing them about. Claw needed all his strength and focus to keep the shuttle on course. As the troopers were all seated in the shuttle, Lupe stood behind the pilot seat. She had a firm grip on the seat’s backrest as she was trying to keep her balance. It would be wiser to sit down, but she had to guide Claw through this storm by using the Force, as the navicomputer had run amok.
“Slight manoeuvre to your eleven,” she said focussed, her eyes closed. Claw did what she said, and just as he had steered away, a slender, rocky peak appeared on their initial course. Fang swallowed audibly, resulting in Lupe raising an eyebrow. “Ease your mind, Fang; it’s distracting me,” she shot at him, a slight smile on her face as she was partly teasing him. Fang didn’t utter a word, but was wondering how he was supposed to ‘ease his mind’ under these circumstances.
“Lower..,” she said softly, just loud enough for Claw to hear, as he steadily lowered the shuttle. “A notch to your right.. Left again.. And lower..” Claw followed her orders without hesitation. They had been working together for a few missions now, and they had quickly found out that there was no need to question Lupe’s Force-abilities. “Almost now. Decrease speed and ready the landing gear. Slower..” As Claw followed up on the orders, he finally spotted the ground. “That’s your spot,” Lupe pointed out, as she opened her eyes and sighed relieved. Her chest was heaving from her intense Force connection, which had been necessary to guide them safely through the storm.
Claw landed the shuttle slightly less efficient than they were used to, but considering the circumstances, no one was going to complain. They all seemed to start breathing normally again as the shuttle powered down. “I’m not sure how far off we landed from the initial landing point, but at least we survived the landing,” Lupe said, a grin on her face. “Please don’t say things like that,” Fang shot back at her, his heart still beating uncomfortably hard in his chest. “Sorry, Fang. Gotta keep things fun,” she said smiling, as she released her grip from the pilot’s seat to turn around.
As the squad gathered around her, she summarised the mission’s details a last time. “Alright boys, it isn’t gonna be pretty out there,” she warned, as she picked up her Jedi cloak and draped it around her. She didn’t like to wear it, as she felt less flexible in it. And in lots of situations she found herself in, their lives depended on that flexibility. The clones readied themselves before their venture outside, into the pitiful weather conditions.
“Why are we never assigned to a mission on a planet basking in sunlight?” Fang yammered, as he put on his helmet and made sure his blaster was in its holster. Claw shot him a quick, irritated look before putting his own helmet on. “Because that sunlight would blind us all from reflecting off your shiny armour. If you’d start hitting clankers with that blaster of yours, that would help, rookie,” he fired at his brother, before joining Lupe at the shuttle’s door. “I’m as little a rookie as you are!” Fang shot back at him, but his words were lost as the door whooshed open, and the deafening sound of the storm was all they could hear.
Lupe pulled up the rim of her cloak in front of her face as she walked off the ramp. It was hard to orientate, because the sky was almost as black as the basalt surface that surrounded them. As the wind pulled and pushed them, the sharp raindrops clattering down on them, they started their tough road towards their mission’s target.
This dreadful planet, almost forsaken as inhabiting it seemed impossible, was still home to at least one occupant: the Separatists. According to their mission’s intel, somewhere on this half of the planet there was supposed to be a CIS base. The base was accessible with the help of weather regulation, but obviously, that wouldn’t work for them. So they had to find their own way to it.
As they slowly progressed through the unpleasant surroundings, Lupe tried to find them the least unbearable route through the narrow pass. The occasional complaint from Fang was blown away by the wind, or filtered out by the boys’ comm devices. Lupe wasn’t paying any attention to it, as she was too focused on their route. And that was a good thing, as danger lay lurking at every corner.
She knew the Force was warning her when a shiver went down her spine. She halted abruptly, making Fang walk into her. Ragnar, walking behind him, grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him back coarsely. He’d experienced enough on their previous missions to tell Lupe had felt something, that something was telling her to thread carefully. And not a second later, some basalt rocks came crashing down, straight on the spot they would have found themselves if Lupe hadn’t stopped them.
After making sure the threat was gone, Lupe continued their route without uttering a word, jumping over the freshly fallen rocks with ease. Fang stood frozen to the ground as Ragnar released his grasp from his shoulders, passing the trooper to follow behind their General. Twist patted him on the shoulder as he passed him, and Claw pushed him in the back to make sure he would start walking again, not trusting his brother to be the last in line.
It was hard to tell how long it had taken them to reach the base, as the days on the planet were as dark as the nights. The weather unchanged, the squad found themselves on the edge of the basalt mountain side, overlooking the base below. An occasional thunderbolt lit up the base as it lay looming in the vale below. The clones tried to get a better view through their helmet’s visors, Lupe squinting her eyes to protect them from the piercing raindrops. She should have brought an electrobinocular with her, but she didn’t like to carry too much gear on her.
As if he could read her thoughts, Twist tapped her on the shoulder, and when she turned her gaze to him, she saw him reaching out his portable binocular towards her. She smiled as she took it gladly, appreciating the fact that they had come to know each other quite well during the few missions they had been on together. She started peering through the electrobinocular, searching for their way of entry.
And there it was. At one side of the facility, there was a discrete door, whooshing open every now and then as hoversleds passed to dump waste into an incinerator outside. The entrance became visible by the light inside whenever the door was open. Lupe bumped her elbow into Ragnar’s arm as he lay at her other side, pointing out the spot so he could communicate it with his brothers through their helmets’ built-in comm devices. Ragnar nodded to her, making clear he understood, before informing his brothers. Putting down the binocular, she started examining the basalt slope below them. She spotted a place east to their position where the slope was less steep. She gestured to the clones to follow her before she got up.
As the squad headed towards the slope, Lupe in the front again, their path became narrower and narrower. The basalt rubble below their feet was slippery, and they had to thread carefully to prevent themselves from slipping and falling. As they finally reached the spot, Lupe balanced herself as she gestured to the boys to descend onto lower grounds. One by one, they slid down, trying to be as smooth and silent as possible. Lupe waited until last, to make sure they didn’t attract any unwanted attention. She slid down smoothly, and when she reached more stable ground, Ragnar extended his hand to help her get up.
As she heaved herself up with Ragnar’s help, she noticed the wind was less terrorising here; they found more cover from it as they neared the base. It also meant they had to be more careful with every step, to stay out of the enemy’s sight for as long as possible. Preferably during the complete duration of the mission, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. So they stalked forward, keeping low and as silent as possible, as they neared the waste entry.
They found cover opposite to the door, making sure to stay put and navigate the surroundings before barging in. As another hoversled came drifting outside, Lupe noticed it was being piloted by an astromech droid. She turned towards Twist. “Can you override the droid once we reach one of those?” she asked him, as she pointed towards the hoversled. He looked over the cover towards the target, before nodding silently yet confidently. “Good. You guys ready?” she asked, turning herself towards the sled, readying herself to run for it. “Affirmative,” she heard Ragnar say, before she made the first move.
She smoothly jumped over their cover, running for the hoversled as fast as she could. She knew the boys were just behind her. When she reached the sled, she jumped on top of it. The astromech whistled shocked, but before it could do anything else, she switched it off. Whilst Twist climbed on top of the sled and positioned himself beside her to override the droid, Lupe wriggled the restraining bolt off the droid before lending her hand to help the others on top of the sled.
“Done,” Twist said, as Lupe saw the astromech powering up again. He hunched down beside the droid, where he could reach the control panel, and started guiding the hoversled back inside the base. Ragnar gestured to the boys to stay low, as they did not know what to expect.
Once inside, a hall filled with mechanical waste loomed before them. Hoversleds coming in with loads of junk, emptying their cargo into the hall before drifting away to get more junk. A sorting area, where junk got separated. Some of it was transported outside, to the incinerator, but a small amount of scrap metal got transported to a different area of the base, through a thick door with red, diagonal stripes on it. The door immediately piqued Lupe’s interest.
As they laid low on the sled whilst Twist navigated them through the mayhem, they only noticed a few OOM security battle droids on stakeout in the area. If there was something valuable in here, Lupe expected it to be better guarded. Her gaze returned to the door with the red stripes. She had a feeling they would find something more interesting behind it. She nudged Twist and pointed to a secluded corner, where they could come up with a plan. “Can you navigate this thing from a distance?” Lupe asked Twist, as he guided the hoversled to the spot. He nodded affirmingly, halting the sled when they made it into position.
The squad jumped off the sled before Lupe told them the next steps of her plan, as it slowly started to form. “I’d like to explore that area,” she said, pointing towards the red-striped door, “but I have a feeling we won’t be welcome.” She asked them to put a load of junk on the empty hoversled they had used to enter the facility, and after they loaded it, she gave an encouraging nod towards Twist. He started navigating the sled from the datapad that was attached to his belt, and piloted it towards the ominous door. It slid open, and Twist guided the sled inside the room beyond, before the door closed again. “Wait for it..,” Lupe whispered patiently, her gaze focussed on the door.
Seconds later, a siren started blaring and a flashing light in front of the door started dancing. Lupe expected as much. The hoversleds were being monitored in the room beyond, and when they didn’t bring in the right kind of scrap metal, they weren’t allowed access. The door slid open again, and she could hear security droids inside calling out orders to the confused astromech. Twist had ended the connection in the meantime, so the droid was piloting again, but had no idea how it ended up in the middle of what seemed to be a protocol breach.
Lupe quickly thought of a solution, and remembered the metal ailes hanging from the ceilings above them, giving the security droids a better visual as they monitored the place. After she glanced up, she noticed one such aisle continued to the compartments behind the wall, to the room she would love to see up close. “Did you bring your grappling hooks?” Lupe asked the squad, making the boys follow her gaze towards the ceiling.
When the alarms and sirens had died down, Lupe shot up the aisle with a perfectly aimed Force Leap. The boys stayed behind, awaiting her signal. It didn't take long before an OOM security droid landed beside them; in two parts, its internal wiring giving off electrical sparks. “Is that our signal?” Fang whispered, as the rest of them shot their grappling hooks upwards. “I thought that was obvious,” Claw replied, before ascending to the aisle.
When all four of them reached the aisle, Lupe was already at the intersection that led towards the guarded rooms. They joined her, and together they sneaked forward, Lupe gesturing to them to thread as silent as possible. When they made it to the other side of the wall, they could see the monitoring room below.
Lupe raised a flat hand, making them all halt. She peered below, trying to see what was happening when a new hoversled entered the monitoring room. She could see screens, being controlled by droids, depicting all kinds of information; including a scan of the hoversled’s cargo. A few parts of scrap metal lightened up on one screen, resulting in a green light and the door to the next compartment opening. The hoversled drifted forward.
As expected. They were sorting scrap metal and collecting a small selection of parts, probably something rare, something valuable. Lupe wondered what they were doing with the selected parts. She lowered her hand again and crept forward, her squad right behind her.
Further up ahead, some way behind the monitoring room, they found laboratories and workshops on either side of the aisle and the corridor below. The rooms were visible through massive glass windows, making it easy for them to see what was happening inside - but also easy to be detected, if they would decide to investigate.
Most of the rooms were in use, with mostly droids doing the work inside. An occasional Skakoan was overseeing their progress. At the end of the corridor, they found several vacant laboratories, the dimly lit rooms giving off an ominous feeling.
“Claw, Fang, stay on lookout. Ragnar, Twist, with me,” Lupe ordered when the corridor below was clear. She ignited her lightsaber, and started melting a circle in the window in front of them. When she finished it, she Force-pushed it into the laboratory behind it, careful to not let it fall and shatter, because she didn't want to attract any unwanted attention.
She took Twist’s DC-17 blaster, hung the attached grappling hook around the aisle’s bannister and smoothly Force-leapt through the hole in the window, blaster in hand. When she landed on her feet, she looked up around her quickly, wary she might have activated some sort of alarm, but nothing happened. She released the blaster and gestured to the boys back up on the aisle.
Ragnar and Twist came sliding down and regrouped with her in the room below. “Ragnar, keep watch at the entrance. Twist, what can you tell me about this facility?” Lupe shot at them, cautious but determined. Twist connected to a computer and started digging. Lupe glanced around, noticing an awful lot of Techno Union emblems on the equipment around them.
“They're separating s-specific parts for further p-processing,” Twist started, as his eyes skimmed through the information on the screen in front of him. They had figured that out by now, but Lupe knew Twist was still searching for more. It didn't take him long to find it, and when Lupe looked over his shoulder towards the screen, she saw blueprints popping up.
“S-seems they're using the p-parts to create..” “..deadlier droids,” Lupe finished his sentence, her eyes fidgeting over the screen, skimming through the blueprints. A cramped feeling took hold of her; she didn't want any of these machines to encounter neither Jedi nor clones out on the battlefield.
“Can you find the source of the blueprints?” she asked Twist when she regained herself. He tapped some buttons on the screen and deciphered the droid alphabet. “They're internal f-files,” he replied. A smirk appeared on her face as she realised what their next step would be. “Good.”
At that moment, Claw's voice could be heard over their comm devices. “Some ugly looking clanker coming your way.” Lupe scanned the room quickly, but she noticed there wasn't a lot of cover at their location. They crouched below the computer table, hoping Ragnar had found a better hiding spot.
A D1-series aerial battle droid came marching in the laboratory. It halted inside and its head turned both ways, scanning the room. Lupe and Twist held their breaths, afraid the slightest of sounds would betray their position. The D-wing came walking forward, turning around the corner of the computer. Its metal legs were now right in front of them as they cowered below the table.
Instinctively, Lupe positioned herself in front of Twist, reaching for the hilt of her lightsaber slowly. With a sudden movement, the D-wing hinged down, its visor straight at them. Lupe grunted as the droid's internal programming whirred up, afraid it would alarm more of the security droids. She ignited her lightsaber, readying herself to slash forward..
..but before she could, Ragnar jumped on the droid's back. The D-wing straightened itself, reaching an imposing 2 metres in length, as Ragnar clinged to it. He put his vibro-axe around the droid's mechanical neck, and pulled the handle tightly against it. As he pulled, sparks came flying off, until the whole head popped off. The droid dropped to the floor.
Lupe slid out of her cover, offering Twist her hand to help him up. When she walked past Ragnar, she put her hand on his shoulder piece, briefly looking him in the visor. “Thanks, Sarge,” she said softly to him, a smile appearing on her face. He nodded at her, reattaching his vibro-axe to his belt.
She walked over to Twist, who had already found his way back to the computer. “We need to hurry; that clanker might have triggered some alarm,” she said, as she patted him on the back. “Can you transfer those blueprints to your datapad?” Twist nodded, his gaze focused on the screen in front of him. “Already on it.”
The transfer didn't take long, and they didn't bother deleting any of the files; Lupe had something else in store for the facility. “Twist, can you get me the location of the facility’s main computer?” she asked him, and his fingers started shooting over the screen again. “Got it,” he said before disconnecting his datapad from the computer. They got back to the glass window, from which the grappling hook’s cable was still dangling. Twist heaved himself up, followed by Ragnar, Lupe right behind them.
When they found themselves back at the aisle, Lupe pulled in the blaster, detached the grappling hook from the bannister and handed the DC-17 back to Twist. “Thanks for always lending me your equipment,” she said to him, whilst putting her hand on his shoulder briefly. He nodded, a somewhat shy smile under his helmet, before the squad moved forward again.
As they continued their way on top of the aisle, Twist shot out the directions towards the main computer. Lupe wanted to sabotage it, so the facility would lose its purpose. At least for a while, as the Clone Wars dragged on and on, and there still wasn't an ending in sight.
The squad finally reached the desired location. After a security droid disappeared into another corridor, they jumped down from the aisle and entered the room. “Why is it always missions with this technical kark,” Fang sighed, as soon as they noticed the massive computer inside, surrounded by servers. There were no visible walls; everything was computer.
“Well, get yourself acquainted with it,” Ragnar shot at Fang, as he tossed a bag towards him. Instead of Fang, it was Claw who caught it. He sat down on one knee and started taking out the equipment inside. All parts apart, it looked like a collection of junk. But put together, it would make a pretty powerful explosive.
Claw started working on the parts, putting everything together. Fang kneeled down beside him, ready to aid his brother, to Claw's annoyance. “That’s the wrong wire, Fang, you need the blue one,” Claw grunted at his brother, pushing his shoulder. “This is the blue one!” Fang shot back. “That’s kriffing green!” Claw cried out, his hands on top of his helmet in frustration, before continuing: “Why are you doing this? You know you’re colour-blind!”
Fang blew a raspberry below his helmet. “And here I was thinking we were wearing purple armour,” he said, proudly patting his flint grey shoulder piece. Claw sighed, letting his head hang for a brief moment. “That’s actually grey, probably the only colour that doesn’t deform in that twisted head of yours,” he said, shaking his head, as Twist looked up, not following the conversation, but confused why his name was getting involved into it.
Lupe snorted with amusement from listening to the bickering brothers, as she stood at the door, keeping watch. Ragnar was less entertained; he rolled his eyes before he barked at the twins to get the task done. Twist joined in, making the job done faster - and the result more reliable.
“What t-time should I set the timer, s-sir?” Twist asked the General when the device was finished. Lupe quickly thought about their next steps. They needed time to exit the facility, but they shouldn't use more than necessary; if any of the Seppies found the explosive and there was enough time left, they could disable it, and their effort would be for nothing.
“Ten minutes,” she estimated after doing some quick maths. Twist nodded and without questioning her, he set the timer. Fang on the other hand looked through his visor in disbelief. “Ten minutes? How the kriff are we gonna get out in ten minutes?”
“Nine,” Lupe replied without looking at him, still keeping an eye out for incoming trouble at the entrance. Fang tossed his hands in the air. “Nine what?” he asked, confused. Lupe shot him a glance over her shoulder, an amused smirk on her face. “Eight..”
“Thanks for that, vod*,” Claw remarked sarcastically, as he got up and dragged Fang on his feet as well. Twist placed the device near the main computer, the timer still on ten minutes, as his General had ordered. She was just teasing Fang. “Activating now,” Twist called out, as he pushed the button and the timer started counting backwards. Lupe nodded to her squad in encouragement, before they jolted back into the corridor.
*vod = brother
The first part of their exit went smoothly. Lupe felt confident they would make it out within six minutes, still several left on the explosive’s timer. But as they progressed through the facility, it became clear to her that overconfidence would always end in a lesson to be learnt.
As they made their way back into the main hangar, using the aisle attached to the ceiling again, all sorting machines had died down and the hoversleds had disappeared to the sides of the hall. There, in front of the entrance door they were so eager to reach, stood a formation of D1-series aerial battle droids. The same model they had encountered earlier in the laboratory, but that had just been one. Lupe wasn't going to make an effort to count this lot.
“Kark, looks like we overstayed our welcome,” Lupe remarked, Fang sighing out loud beside her. “Again,” he added excessively. There was no way to hide, as the droids were clearly waiting for them. Lupe shrugged before turning towards her squad. “Who's against improvising?” she asked with a crooked smile on her face. Fang raised his hand, but Claw quickly slapped it out of the air. “No further questions,” Lupe said, as she turned back towards the enemy.
For a brief moment, Lupe closed her eyes, pulling into the Force to help her focus. The next seconds seemed to take longer than usual, as everything around her slowed down. She heard Fang crying out: “The clankers can fly!” and found her hand sliding towards her lightsaber’s hilt. A few deep, peaceful breaths, before she found herself surrounded by chaos.
The D-wings lifted off into the air and came flying straight at them. Claw and Fang ran forward across the aisle, emptying their hand blasters at the clankers. Twist pointed out something to Ragnar, but it was inaudible to Lupe at this time. She ignited her lightsaber and swung it around smoothly, deflecting laser blast after blast, returning the fire right at the aerial droids.
“Hold on tight!” Ragnar shouted, as he slashed his vibro-axe at some of the rods that were keeping the aisle attached to the ceiling. Lupe felt the surface below her shaking, and she quickly took hold of the bannister beside her. After Ragnar slashed his axe one last time, the aisle came crashing down at one side, as it was losing support to the ceiling. Fang came rolling down swearing, but regained himself as soon as he reached stable ground.
The falling aisle had taken some of the droids with it, as they had been flying underneath it to surround the squad. But there were still many left. With a yell that almost sounded like a war cry, Ragnar jumped from his position on the aisle, vibro-axe in one hand, and landed on the back of a flying D-wing. He smashed the axe in the droid's back, making it crash down immediately. Ragnar jumped off at the last second, rolling over to break his fall, and continued his attack on the enemy.
Twist had reached the floor as well by now, and had found an inactive hoversled at the side of the hangar. He was overriding it when a D-wing came straight at him. He only noticed at the last moment, when there was no time left to reach for his blaster. As he cowered himself behind his arms, there was a flash of blue light and a buzzing sound, before the droid came crashing down. When Twist looked back up, Lupe was standing in front of him, ignited lightsaber at her side.
“I got your back, vod’ika*,” she said to him, a kind smile on her face. She turned around again, running off to finish some more droids. Twist caught his breath, regaining himself before finishing the job. He had control over the hoversled again, and powered it up. Time to even the odds.
*vod’ika = little brother
Claw and Fang found themselves in a tight spot by now. Crouched behind some crates, providing them cover from only one side, the D-wings started to surround them from both the ground and the air. Their armour was covered in char marks from grazing laser shots. Claw chuckled: “At least you won't die a shiny now.”
Moments later and barely in time, mayhem ensued when Twist came drifting past on the hoversled, launching the D-wings that were situated on the ground. Claw and Fang cheered before running over to the sled, climbing on top of it. “Got our r-ride out,” Twist shot through his comm device as he started to steer the sled towards the big entry door.
Ragnar got the message and quickly navigated his surroundings. He noticed the hoversled rampaging through the hangar, and moments later, he saw Lupe engaged in battle. He sighed; she really needed a comm device built in her arm plate. Her portable comlink was buried inside a pocket, unable for her to hear or reach during a battle.
He dug his vibro-axe out of a droid's fried circuits and ran over towards his General. “Time to move,” he shot at her when he reached her. She was so engaged in the battle, in the action, being one with her lightsaber as she smoothly spun it around, that she had forgotten about the timer. Ragnar was absolutely right, and they'd better hurry.
They found their way through the hangar, eliminating more droids on their way, until they reached the hoversled. They jumped on top, where Twist was focused on the steering panel, and Claw and Fang stood shooting around them. As soon as Lupe and Ragnar had joined them, Twist directed the sled straight to the door.
“Any ideas on the door?” Ragnar shouted out loud, over the sounds of the battle. This would normally be a task for Twist, but since he was busy hovering them to safety, they needed a different solution. “On it,” Lupe replied, closing her eyes and reaching her right hand towards the door’s control panel. She pulled in the Force again, taking a deep breath as everything around her slowed down again. She put all her focus on the panel next to the door..
The door shook for a moment, before it finally whooshed open. Just in time, as they'd come quite close and Twist wasn't going to slow the hoversled down. He manoeuvred it outside, hovering it as far as the terrain allowed.
Just as they jumped off the hoversled, a thunderous explosion emerged from the facility behind them. The squad covered behind the sled, as pieces of flaming metal came shooting around them. They could feel the heat. “Mission accomplished, gentlemen,” Lupe said, smirking at them. “Again,” Fang added, as he nodded to his General.
They had no intention of lingering around the place. They found their way back up the ridge, and continued their route back through the black basalt pass. The weather hadn't changed a bit, except for some additional rubble and ashes falling from the sky.
It didn't take long for Lupe's senses to alert her once more, followed by a whirring noise closing in on them. “We're not off the scomp yet,” Lupe warned them, as she turned around, lightsaber's hilt in her hand. She had lost her cloak somewhere in the facility, and although she disliked the cramped feeling it gave her, being unable to move at her fullest, she wished she had something to protect her face from the sharp raindrops at this very moment.
The boys monitored their visors as they looked up into the sky, awaiting the incoming threat. “Yep, more of those flying bucket bolts,” Claw warned them when he had a visual on them, right before a barrage of laser bolts was shot their way. The basalt rocks allowed them some cover, but it wasn't a great position for a stand-off.
“Get your thrusters back to the ship, I'll cover your backs,” Lupe ordered, igniting her lightsaber. The boys didn't dare objecting as they knew she was being serious this time. They continued their path, running as fast as they could as they manoeuvred themselves over the basalt surface.
Lupe deflected every shot, letting nothing get past her, as she returned the shots towards the D-wings. The droids were dropping like flies, but fresh ones kept coming. Lupe clenched her teeth, trying to keep up with the boys and defending them simultaneously.
Ragnar was just in front of her when some blaster fire did make it past Lupe. She was too late to warn him when she watched the shots hit an overhanging rock, making it come crashing down. Some rubble hit Ragnar, and he crashed down, his leg in an uncomfortable angle as he grunted in both pain and frustration.
Quickly, Lupe pulled into the Force, and with all her power, stopped the falling rock just before it could crush Ragnar. It hovered ominously above him, but due to his broken leg, he couldn't move over the rough basalt surface to get clear. Lupe cried out as a laser bolt grazed her back, but she held onto the rock tightly. She slightly turned her torso, one hand reaching towards the rock to keep it floating, lightsaber in the other, swinging around to deflect the incoming fire as best she could.
But she was struggling, and Ragnar knew it. “Sir, just.. Finish the mission, get the boys out. I'm expendable,” he shouted at her, grunting through his sentences as he reached for his injured leg. “Shut.. Your.. Hole.. Sarge..,” Lupe shot back slowly through clenched teeth, another laser blast grazing her.
The other men had found their way back and finally started to get Ragnar out of the rubble and back on his feet. Lupe didn't know how much longer she could hold on to the rock. “Get him the kriff out of here!” she called out, her breathing heavy. “Sir-” came some sort of objection, but she didn't bother looking around to see from who's mouth. “That's an order!” she roared, taking no effort to stay civilised.
The boys got Ragnar up and dragged him to safety. As he looked back at Lupe, he saw his General fighting fiercely and valiantly, before she let go of her Force-hold, and the rock came crashing down. The path was blocked, and so was his visual on her.
The men had finally reached and boarded the shuttle, Twist immediately providing first aid on Ragnar's leg at their arrival. Claw powered up the ship, making sure they could lift off at any moment, whilst Fang stood at the boarding ramp, nervously peering into the dark and broody distance.
It was taking too long. Fang shuffled on his feet, impatient, as he was afraid the Seps would unleash hell on them if they overstayed their welcome any longer. He turned around towards Ragnar, opening his mouth to say something, but Ragnar didn't give him any chance. “We're not leaving any vode* behind,” he grunted between his teeth, as Twist was still working on his injured leg. Fang swallowed and turned back around, keeping a watchful eye on their stormy surroundings.
*vode = brothers
After what felt like an eternity, a figure came walking towards them, staggering forward over the rough surface. Fang narrowed his eyes as he looked at the figure, not sure if it was real. But it was, and he shot out a cry of excitement. “I-is it her?” Twist asked full of anticipation, looking up from Ragnar's leg. “She's made it!” Fang shouted in response, jumping on the spot.
“What are you waiting for? Go get her,” Ragnar grunted at him. He would have done it himself, but his leg was preventing him from getting up, let alone support his General back to the ship. Fang ran off the boarding ramp, almost stumbling and falling down in the process. Not much later, he returned with Lupe at his side, supporting her.
She looked awful. She was covered in char marks from the grazing laser bolts, both on her armour, her clothing and her skin. Her face looked bruised and fresh blood coloured her philtrum; she had definitely been in a close hand-to-hand combat with the droids. But she had survived and had found her way back to the ship, which was most important.
“Ready for take-off!” Fang shouted to Claw as soon as they were back inside and the door had closed behind them. Claw nodded affirmatively, lifted the ship from the surface and piloted her straight up into the sky. “Just.. Just put me down here,” Lupe grunted softly. Fang did as he was told, and helped Lupe to the ship's floor. She lay down with her back on the cool durasteel floor, her chest heaving as she caught her breath.
“Lesson of the day, boys: do not Keldabe kiss any droid without your bucket on,” she finally said, as she raised a finger in the air. It took her some effort, but she was able to conjure a smirk on her face anyway. The boys laughed as the tension dropped. “Glad to have you back on board, sir,” Fang said at last, before the ship shot into hyperspace.
Coruscant | GAR Barracks’ Hangar
When Claw landed the shuttle in the hangar, two 104th medics with hover-stretchers were waiting for them. Ragnar and Lupe slowly walked down the boarding ramp, as the other squad members supported them. Down below, Twist and a medic helped Ragnar on one of the stretchers. The other medic walked up towards Lupe, but it didn't take long before a discussion arose.
“Sir, you really have to come with me,” the medic urged her, his voice getting louder as he got insistent. “I won't be seeing any Jedi healer until I know my troops are being looked after!” she shot at him, her voice raised. She pushed the empty hover-stretcher away with a small Force-push, and it drifted off into the hangar.
“Sir-,” the medic continued, but Fang put his hand on the medic's shoulder, gently pushing to prevent him from stepping towards the General. “You're not gonna change her mind,” he said with a smirk, his helmet under his arm. The medic sighed as he shook his head, walking off to retrieve the hover-stretcher, saying something like ‘wait until the Commander learns about this’ under his breath.
Lupe walked over to Ragnar, as he laid down on the stretcher without arguing with his medic. “Let's get you to the medbay,” Lupe said to him with a smile, a bit wry on her bruised face. She briefly put her hand on his shoulder, and he returned the gesture by touching her hand, as a sign of thanks for what she had done for the squad - for him - during this mission.
After the squad had delivered Ragnar to the medbay and had received some check-ups themselves, Commander Wolffe had barged into the medical room to scold Lupe for her recent decisions. But when he laid eyes on her, her armour and body charred from the grazing laser bolts, her face bruised from her close encounter with the droids, his demeanour softened as his anger turned into concern.
Only when she knew her men were getting the care they needed and deserved, she promised the Commander to go see a Jedi healer at once. Some Wolfpack troopers had escorted her to the Jedi Temple, which she thought was a bit over the top, but she really appreciated the gesture.
In the Halls of Healing, situated in the Jedi Temple, Lupe was treated and her blaster injuries were taken care of, as the healers were able to heal them nicely. A few small scars were all that remained. She was being ordered to stay though, as she needed to regain some of her strength.
The following day, as she was still laying in the Halls of Healing to recover, she received a small fruit basket. A written note came with it, and after some effort, she was able to decipher the clumsy handwriting into ‘From the 501st’. She smiled when she looked inside the basket, which held exactly five pieces of fruit. She really liked the number five.
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I'm dubbing that hoversled drift the Tokyo Twist 😎
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aot-squad · 5 years
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Art by Mikasita | Instagram: Mikasita.art | Facebook: Mikasita.art
※ Posted with written permission.
※ Do NOT repost or remove the source.
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love-strawberry · 2 years
wish i hated you instead
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summary : it was hard being in love with your best friend especially when your friends were meddling and your 'adopted' kid spilled the beans.
pairing : steve harrington x reader
warnings : language, angst
author's note : hey hey hey!! my first time writing for steve bby, hope i do him justice!! also listen to back to friends by lauren spencer-smith for feels, it really vibes with this!! get ready for hella angst <3
also, spoiler free!!
tagged : @ateliefloresdaprimavera @taken-by-the-wind @freaky-dcaky
heaven sounds great ii
y/n y/l/n had a lot of regrets in her life and having this conversation with her best friend was the biggest one.
"all i'm saying is, just ask her, okay? subtlety, alright? subtlety."
y/n sighed frustratedly as she rolled her eyes and stacked the last of the cassettes on the stand.
"steve. steve. steveee," y/n dragged out the 'e' as she looked him in the eye, hands on his shoulders. "she has a boyfriend. boy-friend. not a friend who is a boy, a boy who she is more than friends with, yeah? and the last time i checked, she's happy with him, he's happy with her, they're both happy with eachother and everyone's fucking happy. let's not ruin that, shall we?"
"i know that, okay?" steve said irritated, "but these past few days have been different. like she's looking at me with this look and lemme tell you, its not friendly. and like, i just wanna know. if she's not into me, i'll move on."
"and if she is?" y/n questioned, already knowing the answer.
"then," steve pointedly avoided her stare, choosing to look at the cassettes, "we'll see."
"no, we won't, okay?" y/n said, moving to stand behind the counter, steve on the opposite side of it. "cause we are not doing anything. i'm not asking her, okay? move the fuck on. you spent weeks if not months getting over her, you can't ruin that by getting back with her. what happened to your character development the past few years?"
"character development-?" steve asked, puzzled.
"that's all you got from that?!"
"i wasn't focusing on that- that speech!"
"i fucking swear, steven-" y/n began again only to be cut off by steve.
"look, just ask her okay? vaguely. tell her that you've been noticing the way she's been looking at me, and you just wanna know, 'kay?" steve pleaded, watching her with eyes filled with desperation.
y/n wanted to say no, she really wanted to. but when he looked at her with those puppy eyes, she found herself unable to say anything. she couldn't possible have said that she liked, no- loved him. not when he liked someone else and that someone was not her. it couldn't be her.
she was his best friend. that's all.
he was there for her.
she was there for him.
she loved him.
he did love her.
just not in the way she desparately wanted him to.
and which is why y/n found herself surprised after agreeing.
"...yes," y/n sighed, the weight on her chest suddenly feeling like a ton. "i will talk to her, just once. and if she doesn't reciprocate," she air-quoted the word 'reciprocate', "anything, you'll move on."
"yes! yes! and yes. i will," steve pumped his fist into air, running around the counter to hug y/n.
"yeah, yeah. you can let go of me now. and stand at least 3 feet away from me, you know human contact makes me wanna vomit," y/n said, but she loved the hugs steve gave.
"i swear to god, y/l/n," steve grinned at her with his stupid, charming and adorable grin, "you're the best."
"i know," y/n said, smiling when she turned to organise the things on the counter.
"no, seriously," steve protested, "like the best. i know i make you do all this all the time, but like thank you. i love you and you're my best friend. and i'm so lucky for that."
y/n ignored the sting in her chest at his words but smiled sincerely at him when she turned back.
"of course, steve. i'd do anything for my best friend."
so yeah, y/n had a lot of regrets in her life. and not telling her best friend how she felt probably topped the list.
"you know, you're like the most stupid person i've ever met."
"thanks, robin," y/n said dryly as she picked at her nails. "that's exactly what i wanted to hear."
"no, like, the fuck. what the hell, y/n/n," robin exclaimed as she looked at her best friend in disbelief. "you had the perfect opportunity to tell that dingus how you felt. the opportunity was wrapped in gold with candy around it, why the fuck didn't you take it?"
"it was just an opportunity, alright," y/n rolled her eyes. "not a perfect one. how could i've told him that i liked him when he told me that he liked someone else and wanted me to talk to them? like how?"
"first off, love, not like. you love him. second, you should've told him," robin spoke again after taking a pause. "and even if you didn't, you should've told him that you weren't gonna talk to nancy. it's gonna break your heart of she says that she likes him. you know that, don't you, babe?"
"i do, robin, i do," y/n sighed tiredly. "it's just, i think he really likes nancy, hell, even love. and i don't wanna ruin that. i don't wanna ruin him and i. he's been my best friend since forever and i can't lose him, no. i'd rather keep it to myself just so i can keep him. otherwise, i'd lose him. and i can't have that."
robin looked at y/n with such sad eyes that y/n wanted to cry. she was pathetic, she knew that. and it was anyone else, she would've moved on already. she would've never been this hung over someone. but steve wasn't just anyone, he was steve harrington. her steve.
he was the one who walked to her in pre-school and offered her his crayons when she broke hers. he was the one who took her to middle school dance when her crush didn't ask her. he was the one who spent days looking for white roses in hawkins when she mentioned that she loved them.
and just like that, y/n fell in love at the age of 12 and here she was, at 19, still dealing with it.
y/n looked up from her book to see nancy waving at her from across the cafeteria.
"hey nancy!"
the wheeler girl sat next to her, placing her tote bag on the table.
"steve said that you wanted to talk to me?" nancy questioned as she pulled out her book out of her bag.
"he did?" y/n asked confused, but then she looked behind nancy.
and there was steve, waving his hands wildly as he gestured toward nancy.
y/n shot him a glare but smiled when she looked at nancy, who was visibly confused.
"he did, yeah," y/n said, internally panicking. "yeah, i wanted to talk to you. about... steve."
"yeah, what about him?" nancy asked, looking intrigued.
"well, you know, you're my best friend. and steve's my best friend," y/n said, carefully, "and i've just been noticing that- that you've started hanging out more with him and like, i don't know, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but do you like him? i know you and him have history and it's completely okay if you do, just what about jonathan? he's my friend too and you're both my friends, you and steve, and i don't want any of you to get hurt-"
"y/n!" nancy interrupted, "i'm just hanging out more with steve because you've been busy with your clubs and it's not like i don't like him. i do. but not in that way. i'm happy with jonathan and i love him. i do love steve but in a platonic way. and it's okay, i see where you're coming from. if i was in your place, i would've thought the same thing, okay? you're fine. and no, i don't like steve romantically."
"okay, yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah," y/n said, her heart feeling fluttery, feeling her chest lighten in days. she wondered if this made her horrible person.
"but i know that you do like him."
"what? what-what? huh?" y/n looked uncomfortable as she looked anywhere but at nancy. "what makes you think that?"
"um, hello?" nancy waved her hand in front of y/n's eyes, "you. like. steve. you always give him your pringles, claiming that you don't like them. you love them. you used be at all his games in high school, every single one. you're always at his door, whenever he needs you. you don't like him, y/n/n, no. you love him. and i'm pretty sure he loves you too."
"you-you think so?" y/n asked as she looked at y/n with so much hope in her eyes that nancy wanted to hug her. "it's just, he hasn't said, done or even indicated towards feeling anything towards me. i just- don't know."
"hey," nancy said gently as she moved to hold her hand in hers, "he loves you, y/n. i'm sure he does. and if he doesn't, it's his loss. you're an amazing woman and anyone will be so lucky to call you 'mine'. you get me? you should tell him. you'll feel better if you do. and you'll get closure if he doesn't reciprocate."
"yeah, yeah," y/n said as she squeezed nancy's hand. "i'll talk to him. i will, i promise."
"tell me how it goes, 'kay?" nancy said as she stood up any hugged y/n rightly before going back to the editor's room.
after a while, y/n too stood up to make her way to hellfire club to give mike, dustin, lucas and eddie their lunch.
she walked sluggishly, having steve on her mind.
just like always.
"hey y/l/n!'
y/n sighed, closing her eyes, wishing that when she opened them, she would be alone in the store.
"open your fucking eyes."
"steve," y/n greeted him flatly.
"y/n," steve mimicked her tone. "did you talk to nancy? you did. what'd she say?"
"she said- well, she, um-," y/n stumbled over her words. afterall, it wasn't everyday that you had to tell your best friend that their ex didn't like them back. "look, steve-"
"is it bad?" steve frowned. "oh, my god. it's bad, isn't it? i knew she didn't like me. i knew it. ugh! god, i was so stupid."
"hey," y/n spoke gently, coming across the counter to make him look at her, "you aren't stupid, okay? she said that she got where i was coming from, you know. like me asking about you and her and that it's okay. it's just, she's happy with jonathan and she likes you steve. just not- not romantically. i am sorry."
"no, you have nothing to apologise for," steve said, looking at her, "it's me who should be sorry. i just- like i spent months getting over her and i don't- i don't even know why i hoped she liked me. i just, i think i was way too desparate to have someone be there for me, you know. like a significant other or some shit. and i just completely blew it out of proportion. and i'm sorry, y/n."
"it's okay, steve," y/n smiled at him, "it's okay. what do you say, wanna have a movie night? just the two of us? robin is out with vicky tonight, so it'll be just us. if not, that's completely fine-"
"yeah, let's have a movie night," steve smiled back. "it's been so long, and i missed this tradition of ours."
they kept looking at eachother for a few seconds before steve wrapped his arms around y/n abruptly, making her jump before she hugged him back. just a tightly.
steve sighed softly as he tightened his grip on her and y/n rubbed his back comfortingly. the two stayed like that for at least 3 minutes and would've stayed there for more of not for the bell that signalled a customer's arrival.
or in this case, dustin's arrival.
"steve! y/n! you forgot to pick me up, again! like what the actual fuck, you guys? i cannot believe you both-" dustin stopped in the middle of his hissy fit as he took in y/n and steve.
both of them were looking anywhere but at dustin, clearly embarassed that he caught them like that. dustin kept looking at them dumbfounded before he found his voice back and nothing could've prepared y/n and steve for whatever sentences he spoke next. nothing.
"oh. my. god. i cannot believe it, you guys are together! i've been waiting for this for so long. i thought i'd grow old waiting for you to get together," dustin exclaimed as he waved his hands around speaking so fast that it took a moment for the words to register in the adults' brain.
"no! we're not together-"
"what the fuck, henderson-"
dustin paid them so heed as he continued to speak fast and wave his arms around to punctuate.
"...so, y/n. guess you finally told him how you felt huh? fucking finally! i was getting so irritated listening to you whine about steve like nancy, steve being oblivious as fuck or steve having a-fucking-mazing hair," dustin grinned at them, having no idea the damage his words caused.
"what?" steve whispered as he looked dumbly at y/n and dustin and back at y/n.
"what the actual fuck, dusty?" y/n glared at the kid, not actually being mad cause that kid didn't know.
"i'm sorry, okay?!"
"why- why didn't you tell me? why?" steve glared at y/n. "i thought so secrets between us? that was just bullshit now, wasn't it?"
"hey, i never lied to you. i just didn't tell you how i felt because i thought you didn't like me back. and i was clearly right about it," y/n said, swallowing the lump in her throat. it was getting harder to fight without bursting in tears and she didn't wanna do that in front of steve.
"and what about nancy? was it the truth? that she didn't like me back or was it something you cooked up because of your embarassing crush on me?" steve spoke harshly, not realising what he had said until it was too late.
"i'd never do that! i want you to be happy, steve. i do. and i'm not gonna lie about who likes you or who doesn't just cause i like you," y/n said, her voice so soft because she knew, if she raised it, it'd crack and she'd cry.
"why do you like me? why do you have to like me? why couldn't it be anyone else, huh? why the fuck does it have to be my best friend?" steve said as he threw his hands up in the air.
the two were in steve's room, having closed up the store early and driving up to his house in cold silence.
y/n had left reluctantly with steve after assuring dustin countless times that she wasn't mad at him. she was dreading the conversation that was gonna take place and rightfully so.
they were standing face to face, steve's face red from anger, y/n's gaze down because she couldn't bare to look at him.
"i'm sorry. i-i really am sorry," y/n spoke after a while. "i like you, steve. you're my best friend and i wanted it to be more. and i'm sorry that you had to find out this way but i'm not sorry for liking you."
steve looked at her and sat on his bed. he ran his through his hair, sighing frustratedly.
"i think you should go."
y/n's heart skipped several beats when steve uttered those words, questions running through her mind.
what did it mean for them? was their friendship over? did y/n lose him? was steve never gonna talk to her again? did he hate her?
"look, steve," y/n said, not bothering to hide the tears at bay in her eyes, "i don't wanna lose you over my feelings. i'll get over them, i swear. just- just please, you were my first friend. i can't lose you."
steve didn't look at her.
"you should go, y/n."
y/n looked at the carpeted floor before nodding softly.
"yeah, of course," y/n spoke, moving towards the door. "take care of yourself, steve. please."
just in case she won't be around to do anymore. just in case they lose eachother, if they haven't already.
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lovelychoso · 3 years
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Getou think piece (ft. gn!reader)
okay sooo this is my first time posting a work on tumblr and who better to write about than getou ?? the man has been on my mind so much lately, I just had to indulge 🙃
this is a little think piece I have about him if the world of jututsu didn't exist. I wanted to start simple for my first time so it's basically just what I think he'd be like as a high school student
reader makes an appearance towards the end
just a little fyi !! reader is kind of a self insert here, so I hope you guys are okay with being an introvert haha (not shy tho!! just quiet)
reader is gn <3
Depending on how you judge somebody's character, you may or may not be in for a surprise
Right off the bat, Getou is that super classy student
He's definitely popular yes, but not a lot of people know him in a personal manner
Most of the people he interacts with are acquaintances - he chooses his friends carefully
Obviously he's rich
Mf has to come from a rich family like it only makes sense
His parents must've made a name for themselves in the political world (they could be lawyers for example)
I wanna say that his parents are affectionate towards him, and they've always made sure to teach him manners, morals, and how to be kind :(
Values his family <3
If you take Getou's family background into consideration, you'll find that he's pretty smart
But not just any type of smart, he's like... the sexy type of smart 😩
He was exposed to books and literature at a young age
I take Getou as the type to be into classical literature (you know that thing most of us hate?)
Anything that is an expression of life, truth, and beauty... it's on his bookshelf
The man has already read every book assigned in class
"we're reading The Great Gatsby? I read that when I was 12."
Besties with Gojo obviously (who is also smart, how sexc of him) the two of them are superbly well known not only at their school, but other schools as well
Maybe they're a little trio with Shoko or Sukuna if you wanna add a little more spice ;)
I would include Nanami in their friend group too but let's be honest this man is anywhere Gojo is not 💀 I also love the idea that he and Haibara are still their underclassmen :')
People fall at his feet obviously
He's not a player tho, I don't take him as the type to screw around
He doesn't sleep around either, but he'll have an occasional hook up if he's in the mood for it
When he rejects somebody he's honestly super kind about, my bby doesn't like to embarrass people or make anyone feel like shit
He's a respectable man remember?
I feel like he's the type of person who would loveee to be in a relationship but he doesn't go out of his way to pursue one (same tho ??)
He's a go with the flow type 'a guy, basically it'll happen if it's meant to happen
Doesn't rush into things, prefers they develop on their own
Trust is super important to him
THIS MAN COMMITS - he wants a serious relationship (doesn't do flings)
prefers going out with people he knows and has built a level of comfort with – won't go out with a total stranger
To expand on that thought, on the rare occasion that he does ask someone out, it would be a person he's already accustomed to (a friend, classmate, or an acquaintance)
He puts himself and his boundaries into consideration before taking further steps
This man is literally the complete opposite of Gojo when it comes to dating oh dear god
He likes to attend parties
(and the three of them just so happen to get invites to a lot of them)
But Getou just uses them as excuses to hang out with his friends :)
He drinks but not that much (Sukuna on the other hand... damn 💀)
He does well in gym/fitness classes
He only tries out for his school's sports teams when Gojo and Sukuna do - he's not really into playing competitively
He still makes it onto them obviously
Prefers night time showers
Wears sweats and tshirts to bed
Always says goodnight to his parents <3
(A/N - did anyone else have seating arrangements in highschool as well ? like one day you'd walk into class and *boom* your teacher has a new seating arrangement on the board ? that plays into this next bit with y/n!)
Getou doesn't mind seating arrangements but he still prefers to sit with his friends (unlike Gojo who pouts in distaste like a child)
Looks at the board to see where he has to sit and who his new desk mate is
He's seen this person around but has never actually spoken to them
Getou is an observant person however, so he recalls that this person doesn't speak much in class and is one of the quieter kids
Makes his way to his new spot and waits for class to begin
You show up to class about 10 minutes late with a note for your teacher excusing your temporary absence, he points to your new spot in the class and holy shit... it's a good thing you have a resting bitch face because honey... you are literally saliVATING at the greek god you were assigned to sit next to
I'm going to be honest with you, he doesn't pay any mind to his new desk mate for about a week...
But you're okay with that ❤️
However you must know that Getou is honestly just the tiniest bit intimated by you
You can't blame him tho!! the rbf you wear makes him believe you'd rather be anywhere else but here so he genuinely doesn't want to bother you <3
But there's just one problem
Getou needs yesterday's notes because he took a sick day prior (and Gojo doesn't take notes for shit)
He waits for the teacher's lesson to end before turning to you
"Excuse me—"
And oh
Oh wow
Getou finds himself a little captivated because your eyes hold the most charming shade of (e/c)
"Um, sorry to bother you but I wasn't here yesterday and I was hoping you had any of the notes...?"
Getou braces himself for your reaction, secretly hoping he didn't piss you off 💀
But to his surprise, his normally bored looking desk mate only flashes him one of the friendliest smiles he's ever seen
a small "sure" escaping their lips as they flip through their notes
Getou shamefully sits in awe because why was he expecting a bad reaction from you? he honestly feels a little bad
Though... he can't help but lower his gaze to your fingers and ponder over how pretty they are as they grace across the pages of your notebook
"Did you want to copy them down here? or take a picture?"
His desk mate asks him in a gentle, friendly tone while making direct. fucking. eye. contact.
Getou feels like somebody punched him in the gut
"Just a picture is fine, thank you."
Getou scrambles momentarily for his phone, internally cussing himself for moving so ungracefully (I know this man moves like he's made of water)
"Thanks again."
Getou speaks more confidently this time, flashing you a pretty smile of his own in hopes that he'll get to see another one of yours. And maybe get to hear you speak again
One thing about Getou is that he usually gets what he wants
And this time was no different
"No worries." It was softer this time, and so was your smile
What the fuck just happened to him?
As Getou lays in bed that night, he can't help but think back to what happened today
He has his phone in hand, looking at the photos of your notes
What lovely writing his desk mate has
He recalls the way he threw one last look in your direction before leaving the classroom with Gojo
The white haired man was telling him something, but he wasn't exactly listening
He was too busy trying to meet those eyes again
Those pretty eyes...
His mind was a blur of pretty smiles and his ears kept replaying velvety voices
Maybe he'll say hello to you tomorrow, and maybe he'll ask about your day
A/N – I really hope whoever sees this enjoys! I don't expect it to reach a big audience because I literally have zero followers haha
Like I said before this is my first time uploading here so it's not much, I also just wanted an excuse to write about soft getou :)
He and y/n didn't interact a lot either but I wanted him to be the focus for this one. Plus I plan to write a part2 next week so stay tuned for that if you're interested!
Im always open to feedback and criticism, and if you see this please comment! I wanna know what you thought :)
Have a great week <3
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key201303 · 4 years
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Word count: 2.5k words
Warnings: smut, impregnate kink(?), fingering, blowjob, swearing, unprotected sex (wrap it before use it kids!), making baby(?)
Pairing: Jaehyun x fem!reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Plot: Having a huge birthday party for Jaehyun was a great plan until your sister asked you to babysit your niece. Jaehyun would have never thought he would develop special feelings towards you when he saw you falling asleep with her in your arms. The moment you give him his birthday gift, he perfectly knows it'll be a birthday to remember.
Main Masterlist
A/N: Special thanks to @neosmutcollective for making this possible🙏🏻❤️ Hope you guys enjoy this little special ❤️ And also Happy birthday to our lovely Valentines boy🎂❤️
Taglist -> @earthtostory (thanks for the idea bby❤️ ily❤️) (let me know if you want me to add you to the taglist!)
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"It's only for one night (Y/N)." You heard your sister's voice through your phone. "I know, but it is Jaehyun's birthday night!" You complained, pouting at your phone like if your sister was able to see your facial expression. Even though she couldn't see it, she could definitely tell you were pouting. "I had been preparing his birthday night for so long! I even prepared a Love letter to make it even more romantic and now you're telling me to stay with Byeol? Why do you hate me so much?" You said overreacting to your sister after she asked you to stay with your niece for Saint Valentine's day because she was going out with your brother in law. "Stop being a drama queen, she'll sleep early and then you'll be able to have your romantic dinner with Jaehyun." Your sister reasoned, trying her best to convince you to stay with your little niece. "Okay fine!" You finally gave in, tiredly sighing and rolling your eyes annoyed. "Thank you!! I don't know what I would do without my amazing little sister!!!!! Don't forget to send a picture of that love letter, I'm willing to see it!" Your sister said before you both said goodbye and hung up the phone.
"Who were you talking to? You sounded so annoyed." Jaehyun's soft voice knocked you out of your thoughts. You turned around to find a freshly showered shirtless Jaehyun standing in the frame of your shared bedroom door. His wet hair gluing to his soft forehead and some water drops dripping down his charming face as he dried his neck with a towel. You took a few seconds to admire your boyfriend's naked torso. His body was perfectly sculpted, like Gods and Goddesses took thousands of years to make him. "Are you going to answer or will I have to wear a shirt so you stop staring at me like that?" He said knocking you out of your bubble once again, a slight smirk appearing on his soft and plump lips. "No, don't worry, you can stay like that." You immediately answered, refusing to see him with a shirt covering his breathtaking torso. He couldn't help but giggle a bit shy at your comment and the way you were devouring him with your eyes.
"It was my sister… She'll go to dinner with my brother in law for Saint Valentine's day and wants me to stay with Byeol…" You finally explained once Jaehyun was back from drying his dark hair and once he finally had his strong arms around you. "That's great! I'll get to celebrate my birthday with our little girl!" Jaehyun said, clearly excited at the thought of Byeol joining both of you on his birthday private party. Jaehyun loved that little girl with his entire heart, like she was his own niece, which made your heart melt. And so did she. You sometimes asked yourself if your niece really loved you or if she just wanted to be around Jaehyun, both of them being inseparable. The thought of spending Jaehyun's birthday with your little niece, being able to see their extremely happy faces and being able to live a day like parents, somehow started to feel just right as soon as you saw how Jaehyun's face turned from a tired one into a happy one when you told him what was happening.
The day finally arrived. You felt Jaehyun's arms tightly hugging you as you both slept soundless, the soft sunlight slowly waking you up and the soft chirping of some birds making the perfect combination for you both to stay in bed until noon. "(Y/N)!! We're here!!" You heard your sister calling you. The moment you were conscious about what was going on, you abruptly jumped out of bed and ran to your living room. "How the hell did you enter?" You asked half asleep as you tightly hugged your little niece. "I've been ringing the doorbell for 5 minutes until I decided to open with my own keys." Your sister complained, handing you your niece's bag. "Where's Jaehyun, aunt?" Byeol sweetly asked, impatient to see the birthday boy. "He's in bed, let's go wake him up." You whispered like you were telling her a secret. You said goodbye to your sister and your brother in law and after wishing them a happy valentine's, both of you walked on your tiptoes towards your shared bedroom where Jaehyun was sleeping peacefully. "Shh, let's jump on him and wake him up." You whispered, plotting how you would wake your boyfriend up. "1, 2, 3… Now!" You said, jumping on the bed with your niece at the same time. "Happy birthday!!!" You and Byeol said in unison as you both landed on your boyfriend's resting body. "Good morning my favorite girls." He lazily said, a happy and beautiful wide smile appearing on his face when he saw you both.
It definitely started like a perfect birthday and it couldn't end any other way. While you cooked some breakfast, Jaehyun was in the living room playing with Byeol. Later for lunch, the three of you locked in the kitchen as you tried to make some homemade food and as you played Master Chef, something your niece loved to do with you and Jaehyun. You ended up ordering Byeol's and Jaehyun's favorite food, not being able to cook anything good but spending the best time of your life. During the afternoon, you played and watched all kinds of games and movies. You couldn't remove the bright smile from your face as you stared at your little niece eating snacks sitting between Jaehyun's legs as he ate some snacks as well. How can a little human bring so much love and happiness? You asked yourself as you watched them, not being able to resist the urge of having a little human in your life as well.
Some more hours passed and before you could notice it was dinner time. You had to admit you were tired from playing nonstop with Byeol for the past few hours. Fortunately, Jaehyun has decided to cook dinner himself. What he didn't expect was finding you fast asleep with your niece sleeping as well between your arms, holding her close to your chest to keep her warm. The image was so beautiful making Jaehyun unable to stop staring at you for the next few minutes. He stared at you both with so much love reflected on his eyes, with so much admiration. He was staring at you like nobody has ever done. But his eyes soon started to fill up with lust that replaced the soft and lovely gaze, a sudden strong desire of kissing you passionately, of touching you, of making you his… Of having a little human in his life with you. "I was so tired I didn't even notice I fell asleep." You said, trying to move without waking up Byeol who was peacefully sleeping between your arms. Jaehyun was so immersed in his sudden thoughts that he didn't notice you were awake. "Do I have something on my face? You've been staring at me for a while now like you saw a ghost." You teased him walking up to him. "Just you looked so damn beautiful." He said, cupping your cheeks and pulling you into a passionate kiss that let you know what was going on in his mind. You've been dating him for long enough to know how to read his little actions and even though you were sleepy, you could still tell some dirty thoughts were running his mind just by the way he kissed you.
A few minutes passed and your sister was back to pick up your niece. And once they were gone, you planned to give Jaehyun exactly what he wanted to get from you since he saw you sleeping a few minutes ago and what you have been wanting for the last few days. Having to collate your work with his work and with sexual life was pretty hard for you both and today that you could have a "free day" and that it was his birthday, you wanted to give him what you both have been willing to receive for the past few weeks.
"We're finally alone." You said as you sat down next to him on the couch. "You know? You looked so handsome while playing with Byeol." You said, your hand running up and down his hand and your body getting closer to his body, desperate to get some skin contact with your boyfriend, something you couldn't have in the last 2 weeks. "And so you did while sleeping with her." Jaehyun confessed, his eyes getting darker and gleaming with the dim light of your living room and full of lust. "I have something for you." You said, reaching your hand to the tea table where you kept the Love letter you prepared for him.
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"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, his ears getting red after reading your letter asking him to start a family. "If you don't want then it's okay, but I really want to have a family with you… I love you so much and the way you-." You started to explain but he cut you off with a passionate kiss full of love, lust and hunger. He didn't want to hear your explanations, he just wanted to be on top of you and thrust into you as hard as he had to make you pregnant. After breaking the kiss, both of you decided to move to your bed where you could be more comfortable.
He waited enough, he was getting impatient and just as much as he wanted to ruin you, he also wanted to make you feel the most loved human being in the entire world. Jaehyun was that kind of boy who could go really rough on you when he was in the mood but that was not today. Today was one of those days when he just wanted to take good care of you and show you how much he loved you by his actions. After all, you were about to conceive your first kid and he believed it had to be made with so much love.
He cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a deep and sensual kiss this time. You melted down on his soft lips. You were getting turned on just by the way he was kissing you. Slow and passionate. Jaehyun took advantage of your soft moans to slip his tongue inside the warmth of your mouth. Both of your tongues fighting for dominance. “I love you so much.” He whispered in between the kiss right before moving his lips to your jaw and down your neck, leaving soft butterfly kisses that sent chills down your spine. You unconsciously tilted your head, leaving more space for him on your neck. “So fucking beautiful.” He whispered against your skin.
He tugged the hem of your shirt, asking you for permission to remove it. You just threw your hands to his shirt and removed it, letting him know he could do the same with you. His hands slowly went to your lower body to remove your short pants and quickly removed your shorts and shirt, throwing it somewhere in the room just like you did with his clothes.
After some more minutes of making out, he broke the kiss to look at you right in your eyes. “I really do love you.” He said before placing his hand on your core, wanting to let you know how much he loved you and how much he wanted that baby with you. You gasped at the sudden contact and your hands reached the back of his neck as you tried to hold into something. “J-Jaehyun it feels so good.” You moaned as he kept softly rubbing his fingers on your clit. “That’s it baby, call my name.” He whispered, pressing a bit harder and making you a moaning mess already. “Your voice sounds so good when you call me like that.” He added after his name escaped your lips uncontrollably. “S-stop.” You suddenly begged him. He was confused and scared of hurting you but the moment your gaze met his he perfectly knew what you wanted. “I also want to make you feel good.” You said looking into his eyes and kneeling in front of him. “You don’t hav-.” He said to be cut off by your mouth wrapping around his hard member. “Fuck you’re so good baby.” He said tilting his head back. The room was filled with his heavy breaths and swearings, music to your ears. “B-babe s-stop.” He said gasping for air. You knew by the way he said that he was getting close. You knew it was the moment for finally having him inside you.
You slowly laid on your shared bed and he placed himself in your entrance. His gaze pierced your soul like a knife as he looked into your eyes while he entered you. “You’re so wet and tight, it feels so good.” He moaned as he slowly started to thrust into you. He didn’t want to move faster, he wanted you to feel every single inch of him. “J-jaehyun y-you’re so good.” You moaned out, not really caring about the neighbours hearing you at this point. “I love you.” He said with a shaky voice and pressing a passionate kiss on your lips.
He thrusted into you for some more minutes and both of you started to get close to your highs. “Jaehyun I’m so close.” You moaned out as he kept thrusting into you, perfectly hitting the right spots inside you and making you gasp for air as your walls clenched around his cock. “Grab my hand babe, let’s do it together.” He said grabbing your hand and pressing his forehead with yours. Both of your bodies were covered in sweat, both of you moaning in unison and your bodies moving in unison as well. As you reached your climax, stars danced before your eyelids as you shut your eyes making you feel an overwhelming yet amazing feeling as you released your juices around his member.
Reaching your climax, calling his name repeatedly and your walls tightening even more around his cock was enough to make him release his cum inside you. After some more thrusts, he pulled out of you but as soon as he got out of you, he pulled his fingers back into you, getting the cum that was dripping out back inside you, not wanting to waste any drop of his cum. The feeling of his fingers getting inside you once again was driving you crazy. "Let's make sure you get pregnant tonight baby." He whispered in your ear, letting you know he was up to another round and that he wouldn't be that gentle in that second round.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Haii !! Um I was wondering if ya could do William, nozel, fuegoleon, and Henry with a girlfriend who end up pregnant. Like no one was expecting it, just happens ya know? Thank you!!!!! 🤍
DOUBLE POSTS TODAY because I'm a little ahead on schedule and I'll be away for about 2/3 days so I won't be superrr active here!
Hello bby! I did William, Nozel and Fue with a preggy s/o awhile back hehe! you can find that request HERE!
But YES it's my first Henry omg! Boy am I excited to write for him and I hope I do it well (๑•﹏•)
Henry Legolant x f! reader
He would cry when he heard the news. He is going to have you and a mini you x him. the idea of it moved him to tears.
After the tears of joy subsides a little, he'll start panicking, "what if our child is cursed like me?!"
Starts crying again for fear of his child's life.
You'll have have to console your poor husband for a little here and tell him it's gonna be okay, he's okay and so will his child.
Because it's so sudden, you both didn't really know how to break the news to everyone so Henry told Yami and Yami broke the news to the bulls "for y/n's safety"
Absolutely the panic type. "No, y/n! don't carry anything." or "No y/n it's best not to eat pineapples!"
"Babe, it's a myth.. I can take pineapples.."
"It's better to be safe!"
Will keep you company A LOT during your pregnancy and loves documenting the growth of the baby bump.
Rubs your belly so many times during the day. and he'll talk to your belly before sleeping every night.
He'll go out and come back one day, "look y/n, I bought this little toy for our baby."
"I know, they'll grow so fast honey.."
You know he'll absolutely spoil this child rotten, so you'll have to be prepared to be the discipline mama.
He's the most patient man on earth so when ever you get emotional / frustrated you know he'll just take it and try to make you feel better in every way he can.
He'll read all sorts of pregnancy books for you and hell, he'll know more than you do. He'll know that at week 15 the baby is developing fingerprints and they should be as big as a navel orange, stuff like that.
He lives for those quiet days with you. He'll cuddle you, just you and him and your little growing baby, talking about everything.
Henry is such a cutie, I can't even. He deserves someone to be with him for the rest of his life and he deserves his own little family instead of being alone. I'm putting my foot down for this one.
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spicyfoodboi · 4 years
petals covered in blood
Genre: angst
A Tetsuro Kuroo and Kei Tsukishima x reader
A hanahaki disease AU
Synopsis: seeing them falling in love with someone else, soon enough, they start coughing up flowers.
a/n: hey guys! Yes, I said that was taking a break but I felt bored and asked bby sam from @cadekagi for suggesting hanahaki disease and for proofreading and correcting my BS. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Requests are open so please don't be shy in leaving anything in my inbox! Let's get on with it.
 Tetsuro Kuroo
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Kuroo felt something coming up his throat as he tries to conceal his barks into his fist, pretending that it was just a cold. He stumbled out the gym doors and out in the hallways to go to the nearest sink.
  He could feel it scratching his throat as another fit of coughs and hacks crashed on top of him. He felt something liquid in his mouth as he opened the door to the boys' bathroom getting to the sink just in time to hack out a whole rich red marigold, the yellow in its petals coated with blood and mucus.
 He visibly retched as he looked at the sink after he finishes up choking on the last remaining petals. He looked down, taking the marigold into his hand. It wasn't like this was the first time he saw the same bloody flower in his palm. He started rasping up when he realized that you fell in love with Nekoma's libero, Yaku. He’s felt agony in his heart and now his throat and lungs for 3 weeks at least. He couldn’t really remember anymore. Even though he already experienced hacking up this flower for weeks now, he still felt the pain in his throat; not only that, he felt unbearable pain in his heart.
 Kenma walked in, his switch tucked into his pocket as he looked at Kuroo with a concerned look. Kuroo told him about the flowers that were blocking his airway, coming up when he had violent coughing fits like this. Kenma scoured the internet for answers, solutions to the problem his best friend was facing. He learned that it was hanahaki disease, a deadly sickness that affected the people falling in love with others that don't love them back.
  Kenma found out that there was a surgery he could get to remove the pain and unfortunately, the feelings away too. Time and time again, Kenma tried, pleaded for Kuroo to get the surgery but he refused every time.
 Tetsuro would rather die with blood-soaked flowers coming out of his lips instead of losing the warm feeling in his chest every time he sees you smile.
 He flashed a smile at Kenma before he felt another coughing fit coming on. He bent over the counter, coughing up leftover petals. Kenma walked over and handed him a tissue. "kuroo, your life is on the line. Please, for the love of god, get the surgery." He looked away from the raven-haired boy. He didn't want to see the sorrow swimming in his eyes. He didn't want to see the pain written on his face. The way his best friend’s face contorted into misery every time he felt the marigolds scratching up his throat, the way he tries to put on a smile seeing you with Yaku, making sure not to show anyone what was happening to him.
 Kuroo sighed, looking at his best friend, "I would rather die than forget the feeling I get when I see (y/n)," he said hoarsely. His vocals were ruined from the flowers coming up his throat. He could deal with all that pain. He could deal with himself losing his life on the tile floor with blood and petals in his toilet bowl- as long as he dies feeling that same warm feeling in his stomach every time he thinks of you.
 They found him in that very same position in his house the morning after.
 Kei Tsukishima
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You felt another fit coming on. You bent over to shoot all the blood and crushed white petals in the toilet bowl. In the toilet were 3 white roses, covered in blood. You wiped your mouth with your sleeve hastily. You don’t want anyone to know. You felt disgusting, gross. A girl vomiting flowers isn’t a good thing to be known for.
 You've been vomiting out roses for weeks now. It was ever since you saw Tsukki with another girl on a date that you started feeling these things. You felt immense pain, first in your heart, and now scratching up your throat as you coughed out the white petals. Your best friends were begging you to get the surgery, and once you saw Tsukki kissing the mystery girl, you decided to get it over with.
 It was the last day you would have to see these crushed up roses in your toilet bowl. This was the last day you would feel the pain.
 The pain of hacking up these bloody flowers.
 The pain of seeing Tsukki with someone else.
 You couldn't wait to get it over with.
 A few days after your procedure, you felt as happy as ever. You recovered and went back to managing the Karasuno volleyball team. Everything was going well for you. You could talk to Tsukishima again as friends without feeling your heart getting crushed by jealousy.
 Tsukishima didn't feel well as soon as he found out that you went under the knife.
 He developed a cough that got worse and worse until he spat out a white rose, covered in blood. His eyes widened. What was this? What was happening to him?
 He kept it secret from everyone. He kept it from his brother Akiteru, Yamaguchi, his now ex-girlfriend, and you. He started wheezing, feeling his airways get blocked by roses. Roses that he thought would be soft, gentle but they kept scratching up his throat, pain shot through him as he coughed them out in the sink.
 So this is what it felt like.
 This is what you felt before you followed in with the procedure. This was what you felt when you knew that someone in this world would never love you back. He was glad you got the surgery.
 He was hoping, praying, it wasn't he who caused you this amount of pain, but when you came back, you were a whole different person. You weren't flirty or clingy with him anymore and it hurt him. That's when he felt it. The first cough, followed by the first white petal.
 He caused you this pain. It was his fault. And now it's time for him to suffer, just like you did while trying to hide these petals from him. This was what he gets, He should've been honest and told you how he felt but it was too late now.
 You'll never feel the same way, so why confess? He deserved every single wheeze, every single flower. This is what you went through. He has to go through it too.
 He never recovered.
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 This was one of the rare fics that I worked on for 2 days compared to my same-day uploads. I know I said that I won't post this week but eh, I was inspired and bored so why stop? I will still be taking a break this weekend just to get into that headspace and I might extend it up to Tuesday since I have exams. Hope you guys understand! Love yall so much ❤❤❤❤💕
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
ive read your work, broken pieces and i swear i was very very close to sob. the way you wrote it, absolutely killed me in the best way possible and please, keep writing cause it's so so so good. also, ngl, i want a part 3 now so bad and just reading more of your work altogether tbh. take care and hope you'll have a great day/had a great day!
y’all really out here trying to make my heart melt today huh 🤧  thank you so much, bby <3 messages like these always make me so so happy 🤧 It warms my heart to know that you like my work.  It’s been a passion of mine for so long and I hope to keep growing and developing as a writer to continue making good content for you and everyone else that is here supporting me 💕
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