#I hope u guys have a great night and I love y'all!!
byanyan · 25 days
the amount I've been hoarding away some of the memes I've seen on the dash over the last week or so is so not okay for someone with as many drafts as me ashfjdh
#me: i want to focus on getting through all my drafts when i get some energy back#also me: but good & juicy memes........#I'm thinking I'm gonna lean more into doing whatever the hell pleases me once I get back to writing tbh#but I'm almost definitely throwing all the drafts into a paused queue that I won't start posting until they're all finished#will I reblog a meme or two to play with as I do that? probably. almost definitely.#fresh stuff always helps get my brain going again ahdjgsg#but know that drafts will be happening!!!! I did delete some stuff but like. not enough lmfao. I have too many great threads#that I can't bear to let go of and i've kinda accepted that at this point#sorry I'm so slow y'all pls know that me taking forever to get to shit has nothing to do with how much I'm enjoying our threads#the fact that I'm clinging to them despite wanting to start completely fresh & dump everything says a lot more about how much I love em all#anyway. may or may not write tonight? I'm going with the flow tonight & rn the flow is telling me to keep reading#I finished my reread of the second book in the millennium series last night (& stayed up way too late in order to do so ahdgksg)#& I've started my reread of the third today and I just. I can't stop. it's too good.#if I find the willpower to put it down at some point I might dabble in poking at smth but. if not perhaps tomorrow uvu#(also want to note I've been marking the books through my reread with pink page flags#whenever smth really smacks me in the face with how much byan was inspired in some way by lisbeth lmfao)#ANYWAY. love u guys!!! I'm lurking & hoping you're all doing well!!! 💜💜#━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ ooc ⋮ don’t @ me.
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strongheartneteyam · 9 months
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[ credits of the Neteyam pic go to @cinetrix ]
Champagne Problems
Part 5
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: reader sees neteyam with another girl and gets jealous, a lot of angst, a flashback that tells u more about reader's past and why she acts in such a distrustful way, reader tries to deny to herself that she has feelings for neteyam but she realizes she does like him, heartbroken reader, tense encounter between neteyam and reader, TRIGGER WARNING for family issues, parental verbal abuse, mentions of death of a family member, mourning, studying too much as a coping mechanism, allusions of possible alcoholism, low self steem, isolating as a coping mechanism. Tell me if I'm missing anything!
Hi, loves! I don't have time to fully proofread this chapter rn so I hope things are alright lol In this chapter you guys will hopefully understand why reader is so fucked up in the head and follows her trust issues like they are the voice of truth 🥲 Have patience with my poor girl, I promise she's a bit insane but she's good. Anyways, hope y'all like this chapter! I love all of you and as always, I'll say THANK U SO MUCH for all the love and support I receive from you guys everyday. Means the world to me and makes me feel loved 🥺🤌🏻🥲💕 Comments will be incredibly appreciated by me so feel free to leave me some feedback down below!! <3
Slightly proofread.
Part 4 : Now she got your heart so I feel stupid, foolish, afraid
Hit me like a shot in the heart
Never shoulda played you so hard
Guess I played myself, that's my fault
I don't even know how to think
'Cause now she got your heart so I feel stupid, foolish, afraid
I'm losing everything I thought I couldn't
My whole world is falling apart
You had just gotten back from a long talk and an awesome breakfast with Adeline and Kate - no Pandoran food this time, you guys had already eaten way too much alien food the night before at the Metkayina beach party, and now, all you guys wanted to help with the hangover was burgers and coke and that's what the three of you ate. Some good human food was always great to remind a scientist living on an alien Planet of their humanity. 
You were hanging out in Tsireya's and Lo'ak's marui. It was getting near noon and you had been talking to Tsireya for a good amount of time, while Lo'ak was out fishing with Rotxo and Ao'nung. You wondered if they were gonna pick up a stupid fight with each other over something small and stupid, like who got a fish first. Lo'ak and Ao'nung had become friends with time but they would always be a little bit of frenemies too. You thought that was incredibly idiotic but still funny as hell.
You said goodbye to Tsireya and thanked her for the yellow flower she had adorned your hair with. She was a sweetheart, so kind, always doing things for other people. You really liked that alien girl's company. You could connect to each other really well even if the both of you were from completely different species. She was one of your good friends and one of the few people in the world you trusted because you were always one to read people well and you could see Tsireya's smiles and good deeds were not just a facade to seem like a perfect girl and make people love and admire her. Even though she seemed too perfect, too good, she was truly what she seemed to be. Not perfect, because nobody is, but truly a good girl. She was full of kindness and a need to help others had been planted deep inside her right before she was born (by Eywa, if you were to talk like Kiri did) and she would always follow that call. Tsireya was an open book and you liked that. Those kinds of people are easy to trust.
You stepped out of the door, hungry, feeling your stomach hurt. Starving would be a better way to describe it.
The wind was gentle and it had a higher temperature to it than it had early in the morning, back when Neteyam held you in his arms. That thought sent a shiver down your spine and made your heart start to beat faster and hurt, simultaneously, but you did your best to send that thought the farther it could go. 
The sun was shining really bright in the Pandoran sky, not many clouds around to make the temperature a little less hot. You felt a little stream of sweat dripping down your forehead and used the back of your hand to quickly dry it.
You were heading over to the marui that you, Adeline and Kate were sharing. You wondered if they knew what you guys were gonna eat for lunch. You needed food more than you needed air at that moment. You all worked as scientists and were the humans that were called "loyal to the na'vi". The three of you were in Awa'atlu because of the party - the Metkayina were famous among the na'vi and the humans for throwing unforgettable beach parties - and would stay for a little more time because traveling that far just to go back the next day made no sense at all. You and the girls would soon be heading back to Hell's Gate.
You walked through the Metkayina beach with your head down, looking at your feet getting covered by the tiny grains of sand. Once you looked up, you saw Neteyam talking to Munì. She was joyfully laughing at something he was saying but you couldn't hear what it was, since you were a good amount of meters away from them. You felt a stabbing feeling creeping up on you. Jealousy.
Damn. It could not be real. You could not be feeling jealous of Neteyam. That feeling was bad news. You could not be that attached. Fuck, no!! You were the one who dumped him, dammit. He was now moving on. Great for him. Why the hell did you even care? "I gotta stop being stupid" you thought to yourself. But your heart just would not stop hurting.
Munì was gorgeous and she treated Neteyam so nicely. The girl seemed to be head over heels for him. But again, it was not hard to see a girl acting like that when around Neteyam. One time you had heard Lo'ak saying that he was like a flame and the girls - na'vi or human - were like a Pandoran winged insect that loved light, be it coming from bioluminescent plants or from fire. Those extraterrestrial insects behaved in a similar way to how an insect called moth that used to live on Earth but was, unfortunately, extinct behaved.
Munì truly seemed to be a nice girl. She was na'vi, too. Of course she would be better for Neteyam than you could ever try to be. Neteyam was right to finally give her his attention. You would never be good enough for him and you knew it. If you had accepted being his mate, soon enough he would see how broken and messed up you truly were and he would fall out of love.
As you looked away as fast as you could, pretending you saw nothing, and kept walking towards the place where your girlfriends would be waiting for you, you had one of those weird moments where you seemed to be taken back to the past. It was so insanely uncomfortable but you never seemed to be able to control your own brain and keep yourself safe and sound at the present. You would always go down that same bitter path of painful memories. 
After your little sister died in a car accident, everything changed. You saw no reason to stay on Earth anymore. The only family you had that you felt actually cared for you and you could connect with was gone. The pain felt unbearable, like it tore your chest apart everytime you remembered you would never be able to hug Tracy again. That's when you made up your mind for real: your major would be Exoscience.
"Why would you go to that Planet?! It's dangerous, (y/n)!"
"Oh really, father? And staying here on Earth is really safe, right? A dying Planet! I am a scientist, I've been studying for it for years and I told you and mother I was gonna go to Pandora one day to study the Planet and help the na'vi. Did you think I was just kidding?!"
"So you're just gonna abandon your family to go help some stupid aliens and never come back? Is that it?"
"Yes, father. That's exactly it! There's nothing for me here. You and mother have abandoned me a long time ago. Just because you're still around it doesn't mean you're actually there for me. You're blind if you can't see it."
"You fucking ungrateful girl!" Your father screamed at you, which made you flinch "Just go then. Let's see how long you're gonna survive there, all alone. Just wait until those aliens decide to turn against you. You can't trust them. You're never gonna be an equal in their eyes. You're always gonna be human, an enemy. You'll never be safe in Pandora as you're safe here on Earth. But it's your choice. You're a grown up as you always say, right?!" He smirked "Go follow your dreams, daughter. But don't try and ask us for help when you see that those dreams turned into nightmares."
"I'm not gonna be alone there. Adeline and Kate are going too." You said confidently 
"Friends are not family." Your father harshly stated as he looked at you in disappointment seasoned with a little bit of disdain
Everytime you remembered how your parents would treat you back on Earth you would feel like someone was squeezing your heart hard, trying mercilessly to make it explode inside their hands.
Their cruel words taught you that you had to learn how to face the world completely on your own, you couldn't count on anyone and you certainly should not trust anyone easily. You trusted your parents when you were a kid and they told you they loved you and that they would always be there for you but as soon as you dared to make a decision on your own, going against the plan they had for your life, which was to stay on Earth and go to medical school, they abandoned you. Though you never wanted that for you, it seemed like your parents didn't love you for who you were, they only loved the version of you they created in their minds, the good daughter who would always obey her parents, even after she was an adult, the good girl who would always behave like everybody wanted her to, who would never even dare to dress in a "weird way" that would bring too much attention to herself because "what about what people will comment?" like your mother used to say.
You got so fed up with all of it that you just decided to study as hard as you could so you could get away from that Planet and be a great scientist. You had always felt drawn to the stars and the moon, ever since you were a child. Maybe that was the way the Universe found of letting you know that there was much more to see and experience than what's on the planet you had been born in. You decided you shall go nearer the stars you could watch from Earth, like the ones in the constellation known as The Archer.
You studied your ass off, didn't have much time for friendships, parties or leisure but you got what you wanted. Not without the help of half a bottle of wine everyday at 4 am, though. When you finally finished studying everything you needed to retain information about and would finally, that late in the am, try to relax and be able to fall asleep, the alcohol truly helped. It seemed to soothe you from the inside. It was calming and familiar.
You did regret pushing people away because all you focused on was your studies, though. You realized too late that the people you love - and love you back in a healthy way, not a toxic one - should come before your career. But crying over the milk that was spilled wouldn't fix anything. You can't go back in time but you can try and do better in the present and that's what you made a big effort to do nowadays. Now, you and your small group of close friends were inseparable and you were always there for your girls, like Adeline, for example. She earned your trust. She was your childhood friend and contrary to what your own family did, she never abandoned you.
Chosen family… you wholeheartedly believed in that concept.
Later, when it was afternoon and you were hanging out with your na'vi friends - Tsireya, Rotxo, Ao'nung and Kiri - you realized Neteyam was walking towards the rocks you all were sitting at. He was talking to Lo'ak, the two brothers laughing about something. Neteyam seemed too distracted to notice you but when he realized you were there and everybody saw the way both of you tensed up at the sight of each other, the atmosphere around the friend group got filled with a bad energy. Nobody knew how to act.
Yeah, it wasn't just a saying. News truly travel at the speed of light in Pandora.
How the hell did they find out about the fact that you and Neteyam had hooked up? Did anyone see the both of you together and spread the word around?
You wondered if you would lose your friends because of what you did to Neteyam. You already felt like shit and couldn't stop thinking about how stupid you had been… you did not want to lose your friends too. You knew you had lost the chance to have a great guy be your partner.
At least you would still have your human girl friends. But you would miss your Metkayina friends, of course…
God, getting attached always got you in trouble! But you couldn't help it when it came to the na'vi. They were much more loyal than the humans, so, you trusted them easier. It was easier to make friends with an alien race than with your own race. What a joke that seemed to be.
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goldfades · 10 months
✮ 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲!, zegras' have more fun au
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♡ ─ summary | it's y/n's 19th birthday back in 2022!
♡ ─ warnings | unedited, nothing except some cursing, literally nothing i don't think??
♡ ─ taglist | tbd (check link in navigation!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | okay guys!!! i have a few announcements for y'all! 1 - i've decided that after this post, this won't be a reader insert because...
2 - i am planning to make this a series!!!!!! one of my oc's for this au, brie, will be having her own spinoff with luca fantilli (maybe, we will see...) and it will be confusing so that's why i decided to make the zegras!sister an oc!!!!!!! i will be posting some polls (bc here we are a democracy here 🫡) for the name & brie's love interest so keep a lookout for that!
3 - PLEASE SEND IN SOME ASKS FOR THIS AU! i am running out of ideas quickly, so please send in your thoughts!!!! anyways, that's it lol. sorry for the long A/N!
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ynzegras ann arbor, michigan
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Liked by trevorzegras, briesbagels, lhughes_06 and 8,694 more
ynzegras | glow day with my girls <3 (+ parker)
tagged: briesbagels, avazegras, frienduser1, frienduser2, pchandler68 september 1, 2022
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briesbagels | birthday bitch!!!! yesss!!!!!!!!!
↳ ynzegras shoulda went to umich instead of uc berk 🙄
↳ lucafantilli ik, shes so much fun too bad she goes to berk 😑
↳ pchandler68 🤨📸
avazegras | OLD LADY !!!!!!!!!
↳ ynzegras shut up. ur literally 2 yrs younger. ur close behind
pchandler68 | ACTUAL photo creds this time!!!!!!
↳ briesbagels all you this time😌
↳ ynzegras thanks park for doing ur job
↳ pchandler68 so u just invited me to ur photographer??
↳ ynzegras yeah it was going to JUST BE A GIRLS NIGHT but ur welcome
↳ lhughes_06 ya she didn't invite me😑
↳ jackhughes or me 😐
↳ ynzegras where tf did u come from???
↳ jackhughes @/elhughes
↳ ynzegras bruh...
_alexturcotte | happy birthday sistaaaa 🩵
↳ ynzegras thanks turcs 🫶🏼
↳ _alexturcotte 😐
↳ ynzegras ty king, almost as old as you 🥰🥰🥰
↳ trevorzegras is she ... being nice for once??????
↳ ynzegras ur making me seem like im a total bitch, im literally so nice
↳ griffinzegras 🤨
↳ pchandler68 🤨🤨
jackhughes | happy birthday, u get my venmo???? 😁😁
↳ ynzegras yes thank you king, finally paying me back for all those times i paid for your coffee
↳ jackhughes u mean literally 3 times??? bro??
↳ ynzegras yeah with ur fucking girly ass 8 dollar drink
↳ jackhughes ok miss "can i get a matcha frap no whip with oatmilk and vanilla cold foam"
↳ ynzegras awww ur memorized my drink 🤞🏼🤞🏼
↳ trevorzegras stop sending money to my sister jack, she has enough
↳ jackhughes no
lhughes_06 | happy birthday 🫶🏼 hope u had fun with ur "girls"
↳ ynzegras thank u AND YES I DID.
↳ lhughes_06 could've invited me, i could've put on a wig
↳ ynzegras no
↳ briesbagels no
_quinnhughes | HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE Z 💘😁
↳ ynzegras ily big hughes
↳ trevorzegras wow...
↳ ynzegras 🤑🤑
lucafantilli | happy birthday 💩
↳ ynzegras thanks king 😇
↳ lucafantilli now can u be our manager 🤓
adamfantilli | happy birthday little zegras 🥳🥳
↳ _quinnhughes thats kind of a me thing... ummm
↳ ynzegras thanks little fantilli 😗
↳ _quinnhughes im such a trend setter 😝😝
↳ ynzegras gtfo
↳ markestapa ily too 🤩
edwards.73 | happy 19 freshie 😌🥳🥳🥳
↳ ynzegras thank you ethan 😛
griffinzegras | happy birthday bio sister
↳ _alexturcotte bro.
↳ ynzegras ily, you shoulda come
↳ griffinzegras u and brie literally kicked me out at the door even though i flew out for u
↳ ynzegras WE HAD DINNER OKAY????
juliezegras | happy birthday beautiful daughter, had a great time in ann arbor and will be coming back 🩷🩷
↳ ynzegras ily momma 🥹
trevorzegras anaheim, california
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Liked by ynzegras, _alexturcotte, jackhughes and 15,096 more
trevorzegras | 19th bday versus 9th birthday 🥹
happy 19 to my little sister, you never fail to make me proud, you're so special to me and i can't wait to see how you will suceed, me and the whole fam will be there front row to cheer you on forever. you're amazing, never forget that my fav striker 🩷🩷 p.s: you will get your gift when you send me back my north face tshirt u stole tagged: ynzegras ugust 31, 2022
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ynzegras | i love you trev 🥹 also ur not getting back that shirt
↳ trevorzegras no gift for you then
↳ ynzegras k.
↳ trevorzegras jk your package will be there in 2-3 days
↳ ynzegras ily you know me so well
ynzegras | ily but you misspelled succeed
↳ trevorzegras wait really??
↳ ynzegras yeah edit it, love u but its embarrassing
↳ trevorzegras how do u do that??
↳ ynzegras 😐😐
fanuser1 | awww, i forgot trevor had siblings but they're so cute
↳ fanuser2 ikr, they look sm alike tho i see it
↳ ynzegras i do not look like a fish 😑
griffinzegras | AWWW fetus y/n, back when she wasn't a bitch
↳ ynzegras shut up griffin im serious.
↳ griffinzegras u didn't disagree tho 😶
avazegras | i'm crying. we were so small 😪
↳ ynzegras dw we are still petite af
juliezegras | my babies 🥰🥹
↳ trevorzegras momma 💘
briesbagels | baby y/n 🥹 so cute
↳ ynzegras I KNOW
pchandler68 | throwback to when y/n was actually cute, WHAT HAPPENEDDD
↳ ynzegras ik you're not talking mr. 5head, at least i was a cute kid
↳ pchandler68 WDYM I WAS ADORABLE???
↳ ynzegras yeah whatever helps you sleep at night babe
jackhughes | AWWWWWWWWWWW
fanuser3 | isn't she dating one of the hughes brothers??
↳ fanuser3 no i swear i saw a pic of them kissing on pinterest
↳ fanuser5 i thought that was luke
↳ fanuser6 guys please be fr, shes not gonna be dating jack hughes. this isn't a fanfic 😑😑
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luvfy0dor · 6 months
Hello!! hope you’re doing well can I request sigma with a shy child reader? like they’re very shy when meeting new people and usually are scared to wander around ^^ also I love your fanfics!! have a great day/night !
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"It's Alright! ♡" Sigma W/ Child!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; They/Them used for reader
Description; Sigma and you, his child, reside in the Aerial Casino, and sometimes when you're out on the floor with him, all the people get overwhelming and a bit scary.
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A/n; Since you didn't specify an age I just assumed the kid was about 7 and I threw in some general dad!sigma headcannons, too. I hope that's alright! And thank you so much for the compliment!! You too!!! ♡
Headcannons !! ༊*·˚
→ Sigma isn't the type of parent to shove you out of your comfort zone when it comes to people, he'd rather guide you. He himself is kind of skeptical around new people because of the way he was used.
→ He thinks it's kind of endearing that you want to stick to his side, but he wants you to learn to be independent like any parent would.
→ As just a general dad!sigma headcanon, he'd have some of the casino staff play games with his kid if he was busy in the moment; Go Fish, War, Uno, literally anything of the such.
→ Sigma also plays hide and seek in the casino on less busy days
→ He commonly gives his kid small gifts that remind him of them.
→ Sigmas child would be adopted
You clung to the long fabric of your father's jacket while he led you through the long hallways of the Aerial Casino. Sigma was bringing you to one of the restaurants within the Casino, a bi-weekly traditional of yours and your dad's. You liked holding onto his clothing, it made you feel a little more grounded when the fear of getting lost in a crowd crept into your heart. He didn't drag you along when you held onto the long tails of the coat, you just walked beside him while fiddling with the soft, white fabric. It eased discomfort whenever customers would stare at you or try to strike up some small talk out of courtesy when talking with your father.
Your shoes clicked on the floor as you walked with him, looking around and taking in the beautiful architecture for the billionth time. "How was your day?" Sigma asked you, diverting your attention from the intricately designed pillars. He never really learned how to speak with young children until you were past the stage of simplified vocabulary and higher-pitched voices, so he's always held conversation with you like you were one of his peers. You thought for a moment, recalling all the things you had done before quietly speaking. "I didnt do a lot. I saw a kitty, though, so it was good." You say with a grin so contagious that it makes your father smile, too.
"That's nice. What color was it?" He asks with his hand resting on your shoulder. "It was black and it had really pretty eyes." You answer, your soft spoken voice barley audible over the chatter of the crowd. Sigma hummed in response as the both of you waited to be seated in the restaurant. Children typically didn't make appearances in the establishment, yet they've still had children's menus since the day Sigma first brought you to eat in the restaurant and you didn't like the gourmet options very much.
The two of you were the next to be seated and the young waitress started up the routine small talk. "How are you guys today? Everything going well for y'all?" Sigma gives an appreciative nod while the waitress leads you to the table. "That's good to hear, how about you, sweetheart?" The woman's attention is now on you, as is Sigmas as they wait for you to reply. "U-uhm...good." You murmur, apparently not loud enough for the lady to hear. "What was that?"
You really didn't want to make another attempt to be louder; it just wouldn't happen. Sigma knew that too, so he gave you a smile and spoke to her. "They're alright, thank you." He politely says as they sit down in the booth. She nods and heads off to tend to other customers while your father looked through the drinks. You had already decided on chocolate milk for yourself, so you were just doodling away on the thin paper. Sigma eventually chose a Shirley Temple and picked up one of your crayons in order to start playing a round of tic tac toe. You immediately smiled and kept the game up, drawing your small O's in the squares in attempt to win.
Your attempts were proved successful when you heard his playful groan of defeat. "Aw man, how did you get so good at this? You've been beating me in this game since you could hold a crayon." He says through soft giggles. You just shrug and stare at all the filled in game boards with a content smile, every single one showing your wins. Your smile faded rather quickly when a man who was seemingly on his way out of the restaurant stopped at your table. "Sigma, how are you, buddy?" The older man says; you had remotely recognized him from his large quantities of time spent at the casino, but you've never spoken with him before. "I'm alright, how are you?" He asks in response, putting on his best manager behavior even though he was rather displeased with the interruption.
"I'm pretty good. This is your little one, huh?" He says, turning his head towards you. Sigma confirms with a simple 'yes' just before the man starts to ask you questions. "What's your name?" He simply asks, yet the question makes you internally quake. You didn't know this guy, he shouldn't be asking you these questions - this must be the stranger danger your father was so insistent on teaching you about. All the possible replies to his question ran through your head, but instead you settled on saying absolutely nothing at all. "I guess they don't want to share." Sigma says with a soft laugh. The other man follows suit and chuckles along for a brief moment. They exchange a few more sentences before the man makes his leave, giving you a chance to talk with your father in peace again.
"Why'd he ask my name? That's weird. I don't like that." You tell Sigma, making him smile and nod in agreement. "Yeah, I understand. You don't have to tell anyone your name if you don't want to." He reassures you. "As a matter of fact, if you don't want to say a single word to anyone, that's okay, too." Hearing Sigmas words made you happy, especially knowing that he wasn't forcing you out of your comfort zone. "Thanks, Papa." You say with a smile. "Any time."
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A/n; I hope this was alright!! I've noticed quite the increase in demand for child reader in my inbox so I feel like this is the start of a series or something 😭 idk, but if that's what you guys want I'm more than willing to comply ♡⁠˖
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pooplyface1423 · 30 days
Dearest Lovely~
Warnings: word*s#x* idk what else lol
Y/n- pink
Striker orange
Mille -purple
So ever since you were small you and Millie have been great friends no matter what you two became insepraple.
But slowly you lost contact with Millie after she got married started working at I.m.p and all that until you meet Striker.
Sure some might say he's a crappy egotistical imp but that's not how he is with you and some loved ones.
When you too first meet it was at a local bar in the far ends of the wrath ring.
It went somewhat like this
"What's a hot lady doing out here so late?" Said striker sitting next to you
"Oh um nothing much just drinks my date dumped me" You said looking down at your drink
"Oh dear well maybe your getting a way better date now" he said with a cocky smirk
"Oh is that so? Well then what's your name" You said looking at him with a small smile
"Striker and with who do I have the pleasure of drinking with this night " He said trying his best to be polite or some shit
"My name is y/n it's a pleasure to meet you" you said giving a warmer smile
From there you to hit up the night drinking and chatting. Striker didn't seem to bad.He wasn't the tough Assassin you thought he was he was more like your uncle who likes to drink and have normal chats kinda imp
Right of the bat Striker knew he didn't want this to be a one night stand and hopefully thought you felt the same.
Which you did....
After that you guys went on many dates..... Then became official...Soon after you both moved into your house.....And then
The day you found out
After a long week you just wanted to sleep and cuddle with striker but sadly he was away killing people he was told to kill.
how sad you thought
Following up to the next morning you felt sick why? who knows?
*Then you felt REALLY sick you ran to your bathroom and Open the toilet to throw up*
You felt soo sick you called striker whom said will be there asap
But before you could imagen it you keeps throwing up
Once he got there he rushed u to the hospital
"Well mrs.L/n it seems that your pregnant" says the doctor
"Oooh wait what- what do You you mean i'm pregnant!?"
"your pregnant that's what the result say"
"Ooh well in that case thanks ma'am" says striker standing up
After leaving and hoping onto the horse he spoke up
"Soo... What should we do?.."
"what do You mean?"
"I-i don't know.. do you want to keep it?"
"I .... Don't know"
"Well which ever option you choose I'll be here f'you okay?"
Riding back around 5 minutes striker speaks up
"I-i honestly would love to start a family with you y/n but really anything you choose is what I choose too"
"mhm well thank you I'll think about it" you said all flustered
"great" he said with a smile creeping up his face
*Oh how he would love to see a mini you or him running around the house
But his job.. it made him question if he could keep you and the kid safe...
I'll think bout it later* he thought
Once home Yall ate dinner and slept throughout the night
Months have passed around 4 1/2 months have passed you thankfully decided to keep the little one.
*Days pass*
You get a call
*mhm who couldn't be* you thought as you picked the phone up
"Hi y/n it's me Millie"
"Oh dear satán! Millie!? It's been so long how have you been"
"oh you know Ive been good doing the usal how bout you?"
"Nothing much is there a reason your calling mill' "
"Um yea I was wondering If we could stay at your place for around a day it's for a trip and since your on the way to the place we're visiting I thought why not catch up with you ....well if it's okay with you"
"Oooh sure how many are coming with ya Mill's"
" just 4 people"
" hope it isn't much of a bother" she says after she notices a small pause
"Okay Millie all have the rooms ready for y'all when are you planning on getting here?"
"in two days well be at your door y/n!"
"Okay I'll be waiting~"
Unbeknownst to you,you never knew about the fight with striker and the gang. You really didn't like to hear about his job so you never asked and he never said anything as if he even knew of your friendship with Millie.
Anyway you quickly started cleaning the house and rooms for your guests.and striker quickly caught on
"what you doin sweetie?"
"nothing much just cleaning up for some guests"
" mhm who we have'n over"
"Some friends of mine there's visiting"
"Ooh that's fine when they comin?"
"mhm m'kay I'll wash up for ya "
"haha okay thanks hun" you said finishing the conversation with a kiss onto strikers cheek
Time passes
After cleaning everything around your house striker came up to you
"Dollface imma head out real quick to get some stuff done at work i'll finish washing up when I get back"
"Oh um okay don't get to dirty okay sweetheart " you said looking at him
"Don't worry y/n I'll be back asap" he said as he left thru the front door
More time passes
You changed into a comfy long dress and went onto one of the guest rooms
*Knock knock*
You hear the door as you finish folding some blankets
"In a second" you said quickly putting the blanket down
Once you get to the door you fling it open and there you see Millie
You both say in unison giving each other a big ol hug
"I missed ya mill"
"Same here y/n"
"Oooh introduce me to ur friends"
"Oh yea! This is my lovely husband Moxxie"She said wrapping her arm against his
"um- hi" says Moxxie looking up at You
"Hi i'm y/n your the wonderful husband Millie talks bout right?" You say in a joking manner
"Um-she talks about me like that" he says getting pink in the face his freckles slightly dissapering with all the blushing he has
"haha sometimes but don't worry I'm just pulling your leg" you say slightly laughing
"Oh okay haha atleast it isn't anything bad"
"yea your right bout that!" You say looking over there shoulders and seeing two more guests
"And whom may they be Millie?" You say smiling their way
"Oh yea this is my boss blitz" she said walking up to him with you behind her
"well hello i'm blitz the o is silent and what your name?" He said giving You a firm handshake
"pleasure meeting ya blitz my name is y/n"
"Oh and this is blitz daughter/hell hound"
"Oooh~ and what is her name?"
" You don't deserve to know my name" said luna under her breath
*cough* " what my daughter meant to say is her name is Luna!" Said blitz looking at luna with a small stare (he could never be to mad at prescious luna lol)
"Oh well nice meeting you all come inside let me help y'all with the bags"
"it's fine me and Moxxie will do it right Moxxie?" Said blitz looking at Moxxie
"yea don't worry y/n were grateful enough your letting us stay here" said Millie grabbing a small suitcase
Time pass
It was time for dinner!
You happily made steak and mashed potatoes
You called out to them
"Oooh y/n the food smells amazing!"
" Well thanks hope y'all enjoy"
While eating and chatting you and Millie get in the topic about your life
"So y/n I remember you said u have a boyfriend right"
"Oh yea"
" So... How's that going for You?"
"it's going pretty well been dating a long while now.."
"ooh sounds nice how does he treat ya?"
"He treats me like a princess Millie I actually think he is the one for me"
"If your think he is and he treats You well then he might be they one"
"yea and idk but we might get married soon..."
"Ooh and why is that!"
"Well....were expecting"
I small silence came from Millie looking at you surprised
"A baby?..." she asked with a surprised look
"Yea...it's been around 5 months haha you can barely notice" you say with a cheery tone
"Omgg!! Congratulations!" Says Millie all excited
After that, Millie and you were talking all about the future baby until....
*Door opening*
"Hey y/n, I'm back! Just et me clean up, and I'll join u gu-, " says Striker, entering ur home then seeing Blitz,Millie, luna, and Moxxie looking at him with shocked eyes
"Um, haha, I'll go clean up. Be right back, " says Striker, speed walking up to your shared room
"Oh okay Hun don't take long!" You say with a small worry on your voice
* Why is he acting wierd?* You think as you see him closing the door
"Haha, is that your boyfriend!?" Says Moxxie looking at you with a shocked expression
"Yea it is why?" You say worriedly
"Um, how do I put this y/n?"says Millie with a worried face
Before Millie could explain why they were so shocked to see Striker he himself came to the table
"So what we having for dinner dear?" He says as if he didn't just come up so quickly just so Millie wouldn't say how they knew him
"Oh yea we're having steak and mashed potatoes!" You say all excited getting up and serving him a plate
In those small 2 minutes, Striker and i.m.p just stare at each other willing to kill each other if you weren't there
But as always before, anything bad could happen. Someone (that being you) came back into the table
"Oooh nice, thanks y/n," says Striker, giving you a warm smile
While eating, Striker speaks to blitz moxxie Luna and Millie
"So we're are y'all headed?" he said, looking attentively at them
"Oh just um to get some important stuff around 2 hours from here," says Millie, being smart enough to make something up on the spot
"Mhm, okay, sounds good," he says, definitely not convinced
But anyway, after dinner, you lead them all to the leaving room so you can clean up and wash the dishes
"So, um, what do we should do, boss?" Says moxxie in a whisper low enough so only him and blitz could hear it
"Look, I dont want trouble. Most importantly, here y/n is pregnant. I don't want her to get hurt, " says Striker with a serious expression
"So do we! We just wanna make sure we're not going to fight here out of all places, " says Millie with a big amount of anger in her tone
After some light arguing, blitz said
"Okay, how bout this we don't fight for this encounter and any other where y/n is present and we don't tell her about anything we ever did"
"Sounds fine by me" says Striker
"Same here" says m&m
"What ya guys talking bout?" You say walking in with a small basket of cookies
"Mhm, nothing much, dear just bout the future mini me/you," said Striker, looking up at you with a smile
After eating some cookies and talking more, you all say your goodnight and head to bed
While sleeping, you suddenly wake up thirsty
*some water sounds good right now * You thought as you got out of bed
Getting out of bed as quietly as possible, you head over to the kitchen where you see blitz sitting down on a chair staring blankly at a wall
"Hey blitz" you say in a small whisper
Blitz snapped back into reality so quickly
"..was I bothering you?" You say looking at him with a smile
"No just can't sleep" he says with a small smile
"Why something bothering your mind?" You say with two glasses of water in hand
Sitting down you give him one of the glasses of water
Getting into some small talk, you and blitz start getting into his love life (somehow idk)
"Haha, he just wants to have s*x, and that's all!...nothing else.." He says, confidence slowly fading away as he talks
"Mhm well from what you're saying about stolas, it seems as if both of you seem in love,"
"Ha no that bird only wants s*x and all that"
As the conversation slowly faded
He said his goodnight (again) and left
Soon afterwards you went to bed
Next morning
Everyone was awake eating breakfast everything was good or so you thought they were silently death staring each other until u spoke then everyone went all happy smiles and stuff u just summed it up to you hallucinating
Afterwards at around 1:30 pm Millie and you were saying your goodbyes slightly teary eyed Millie said
"call me when the baby is born!" She said as she gave you one last big hug before jumping onto the van
" take care Millie! Be careful on ur Journey!" You said waving as striker holded your waist waving too
The end
Thx for reading!
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equallyshaw · 1 year
welcome home w auston matthews feat. the biebers.
ABSOLUTELY no hate tolerated. Imagine will be posted soon 😌
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@bowenboots: summer 23.
Tags: austonmatthews34, haileybaldwin and justinbieber
196 likes, 34 comments.
@haileybieber: hi pretty gal 🥹
↳ @bowenboots: luv u my soul sista
↳ @haileybieber: I though j was so this makes me so happy 🤍
↳ @austonmatthews: the worst inside joke I wish I didn’t know lol
↳ @bowenboots: it ‘‘twas funny
@austonmatthews: u a surfer girl??
↳ @bowenboots: don’t ya know it babes
@austonmatthews: also I don’t get your insta user
↳ @stephanielachance: it’s for us to know and for you to not 😌
↳ @mitchmarner: rUdE
↳ @justinbieber: eheheh I know it !!!
↳ @bowenboots: your a child lol
@stephanielachance: cutie pie
↳ @bowenboots: 🥰
@tessavirtue: okay but that 1st pic…👀
↳ @bowenboots: alrighty i got THE Tessa virtue’s, 1/2 of canadas sweethearts approval…I’ve officially won MY Stanley cup
↳@morganrielly: canadas sweetheart eh?
↳ @bowenboots: unfortunately you are 1/2 of it 😑
@emamatthews: loved every moment with you this summer, can’t wait to see you soon😘
↳ @bowenboots: love you la quiero much senora (love you so much, senora)
@alexmatthews: love birds!! Love you :)
↳ @bowenboots: love you al!
@beyanamatthews: so glad you came home 🥹
↳ @bowenboots: me too 🫶🏻
@bowenbyram: only commenting cuz we have the same name
↳ @bowenboots: lol hi bowen, how’s the puppy?
↳ @bowenbyram: he’s doing great!
↳ @jtcompher: y'all should meet up already lol
↳ @bowenboots: u inviting us out jt??
↳ @austonmatthews34: 👀
↳ @jtcompher: get the band back together?
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@austonmatthews34: summer 23 was a good one.
Tag: Bowenboots
67.8k likes, 230 comments + comments limited
@bowenboots: hi
@bowenboots: who’s that puppy?
↳ @mitchmarner: proffesional troller I see
↳ @bowenboots: always
@justinbieber: I guess she’s ok
↳ @haileybieber: she’s better than ok hun 😇
↳ @bowenboots: next time i see you im shaving ur head
↳ @justinbieber: you wouldn’t dare
↳ @austonmatthews34: she would 😭
↳ @bowenboots: never ever play drunk poker w me
↳ @mitchmarner: noted 🫡
@morganrielly: the American and the Canadian…who’d a thought?
↳ @tessavirtue: ME
↳ @bowenboots: queen behavior
@breyanamatthews: rude for leaving me out
↳ @justinbieber: v rude
@alexmatthews: prettiest girl I’ve ever seen @bowenboots
↳ @haileybieber: couldn’t agree more 🫶🏻
↳ @bowenboots: love you two !
@williamnylander: stud muffin
↳ @bowenboots: hot toddy
@joethornton: so happy for you two!
↳ @bowenboots: thankyou Joe! Love you guys 🤍
@Michaelbunting: ohhhh now I know why you never came out to cali :(
↳ @bowenboots: I’m sad we didn’t get to go, brb imma kill him
↳ @mitchmarner: we’re gonna need him tomorrow night tho …
↳ @stephlachance: she’s a women on a mission babe
Again no hate tolerated. Hope you enjoyed nevertheless! Pls like and reblog if you did :)
Random tags:
@austonmatthews-34 @leafsbabe @leafs-lover @fallinallincurls @jayda12 @nylwnder @starshine-hockey-girl @hockeyboysarehot @slafgoalskybaby
61 notes · View notes
whispering-ways · 9 months
Could you do College AU where the reader and others (u can choose) live on campus and the reader she was a trouble maker and they went to a party that was happening (with illegal stuff and alcohol) and aizawa who was a professor ruined it and the people who couldn’t escape (aka the reader and h can choose if the others got caught) and…. (U can carry on from here) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR FICS!!! So this is just an idea ❤️❤️❤️❤️
♡•୨୧ after office hours ୨୧•♡
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✶ summary: you're a rich spoiled student who always seems to disrupt professor aizawa. He hasn't been able to do much about it till now.
✶ pairing: shouta aizawa x f!reader
✶ tags: cursing, nicknames like sir, baby, sweetheart, blackmail, creampie, penetrative sex
✶ notes: hi anon! I literally loved doing this request so much so let me know whether you guys liked it and want more fics like this <3 love y'all and hope you guys have a great day/night :)
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The chalk squeaks across the board as he writes out the basic outline of today’s lecture. Steadying himself from the stress of his upcoming class, Aizawa lets out a long sigh. Bit by bit, students start trickling in and taking their seats in the lecture hall, ready to review this week’s reading about Shakespeare. “Fuck I really hope she’s sick or something, this day’s already tiring enough,” he thought, watching the minutes tick by on the clock above his desk. With two minutes left till class started, Aizawa got up from his desk to close the door, relieved to see a certain student not in his class. But that happiness was dashed the second he saw your hand stop the door from fully closing. You slammed the door open and started walking up to your seat in the tiered classroom, iced coffee in hand. The ice clinked around the plastic container loudly as you plopped down into your chair, looking smugly right at Aizawa.
“I’m so sorry I’m late Professor Aizawa. I pinky promise it won’t happen again,” you say, laughing obnoxiously. And there it started. The tirade of distractions that you did every class. Every damn class you managed to distract everyone from his lecture. Whether it was passing notes to your friends, playing YouTube videos out loud, eating during a test, or making ‘color commentary’ when you thought you knew better than him, you always managed to find someone way to entertain yourself during class.
At first, he tried to ignore it and thought that maybe you were just a freshman looking to be popular. However, as the semester progressed, it was clear to him that you acted out just because you wanted to. That’s what pissed him off the most. Aizawa just couldn’t understand why anyone would go out of their way to do what you were doing.
And it’s not like he hadn’t tried to solve the issue either. He complained to the previous head of literature and even the dean of students, but there was nothing anyone could do. Your family was a major contributor to the sports programs and was known for pledging generous donations to Harvard every year.
Your father was a powerful businessman with good connections throughout the university. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you bullied other students into doing your work and taking your tests, making it nearly impossible to suspend you from the literature program since you were actually ‘doing your work’ according to the dean of students.
Aizawa never would openly admit that he had any students he disliked. But he would say that he hated you. Every day you walked in was a bad day for him. All he wished for was the ability to put you in your fucking place just for once. But that didn’t matter now; all he needed to focus on was finishing his lecture.
He mustered up every bit of patience before replying “It’s fine Ms. (L/N), make sure you are punctual next time.” He heard you snicker in response, but he tried to pay you no mind. He turns back around to the board, explaining the first part of the homework. He heard some sighs as people marked up their work, but your voice stuck out like a sore thumb.
With every single answer, you kept commenting on what you thought. “If it were me and Romeo looked like that kid over there, I would’ve gladly drank that poison,” you say to your friend, pointing to another student.
Aizawa’s grip on the chalk intensified. “How does anyone just say that about someone else? How soulless do you have to be?” he thought, a scowl painted across his face. He continued to explain the literature review homework, hoping time was going by faster than it felt. After what felt like forever, the lecture was finally done and he could finally experience peace again. Thank God you’d just stuck to passing notes by the end of class, because if he had to hear your voice again, Aizawa would probably have gone crazy.
“Well, that’s all I have for today, everyone. Please make sure to turn in your homework before heading out and I’ll have them graded during the weekend,” he said, watching his students file out, once again leaving the lecture hall in a mess. His eyes glance over to your seat, littered with folded up pieces of notebook paper. With a reluctant sigh, he gets up from his chair to pick up the pieces of paper so as to lighten the load on the janitor. After picking up what seemed to be a dozen torn pieces, his curiosity got the best of him.
“What could have possibly needed this much paper? Can’t she just have texted this?” Aizawa furrows his brows as he unfurls the crumpled-up paper, and a confused expression floods his face as he reads, "Come to the house at like 8, but bring your own drinks." Interesting. Last he seemed to recall, you were underage.
“Could’ve sworn she was underage, but I guess it’s not totally uncommon to get drunk in college,” he thought to himself as he settled back into his seat, pulling out the submitted work. Only 27 of the 35 students turned in the review, which was disappointing, to say the least, given how straightforward and easy the assignment was designed to be. “It’s better than nothing and gives me less work to do, I guess,” he thought,
“But,” he thought to himself, “people drink all the time before 21, so I guess it’s not too surprising.” He sat down at his desk, pulling out the homework the students had turned in. In total, there were only about 27 sheets. Disappointing, considering there were over 35 students in the class. “It’s better than nothing and gives me less work to do, I guess,” he thought.
After what seemed like forever, he had finally graded a decent chunk of work and decided to head home. He didn’t live too far off campus; his house was just a 15-minute walk away from the arts and sciences building. Aizawa had truly enjoyed living in his little house, that is up until the university had placed a frat house right next to his.
Every week, for the last month, his neighbors managed to party every weekend till the sun rose the next morning. If there was one thing he valued it was sleep and he hated how he couldn’t even get a wink on the weekend. He partied too as a student, but nothing like this. I mean didn’t they at least some form of rest?
Although he'd prefer to move elsewhere, housing at the university is provided to him as part of his contract. With a heavy sigh, he trudges through the windy evening, ready to seek refuge in the comfort of his home. As he's only a couple blocks away, he hears cackles coming from behind him, and before he has a chance to react, two men rush by, inadvertently shoving him to the ground.
His bag's contents are strewn across the sidewalk as they swiftly disappear inside his neighbor's home. "Assholes!", he curses, collecting his papers from the grass. “Fucking fantastic. Another sleepless night,” he mumbles to himself, picking up his graded papers one by one off the grass.
He walks up to his door and walks inside, the door slamming shut behind him. He spares not even a moment before sinking face-first into his bed. Aizawa hastily takes off and throws his clothes to the side, wanting to sleep as soon as possible.
He closes his eyes, ready to end the day, but his peace and quiet is quickly interrupted with booming sounds radiating from nearby. He shot up out of his bed and walked over to his windows, pulling back to curtains to discover that his hunch was correct: the source of the noise was his neighbor’s house.
Aizawa tried everything under the sun to block out the sounds of his noisy neighbor. He counted sheep, listened to soothing music, even covered his head with a pillow, but nothing seemed to block out the annoying noise. Finally, he'd had enough. He yelled out, "Enough is enough! I'm sick of this noise", before quickly changing into a black t-shirt and pajamas. His mission was clear: he was going to have a word with those neighbors.
As if it weren't loud enough from the comfort of his own home, it was deafening from out here. Like having his ear pressed right up against the speaker itself. He tries knocking a few times, hoping for the best, but he's quickly met with the realization that knocking would accomplish nothing.
He then starts beating on the door, hoping for success this time around. Finally, the door opens to reveal a group of other rich kids with you at the forefront -- wasted in a sparkly tube top dress, with drunken slurs dripping off your tongue.“Pr-Professor Aizawa? Are youuuu here for the party too bestie? You look nice in not stuck up clothes you know, some realllll daddy material.”
"Oh, you are worse drunk than sober", Aizawa grumbled in exasperation as the smell of weed and alcohol overwhelmed his senses, making him feel queasy. "Enough is enough", he yelled sharply, bringing the party to an abrupt halt. "All of you need to either shut up or get out. It's every week with you folks", he snapped.
Turning his attention towards you, and with a harsh whisper just for your ears, he adds, "I see drugs scattered everywhere and you may get away with making a distraction every now and then, but don't think you can avoid expulsion once the dean finds out about this, I’ve got cameras all over my place filming the noise, so if you know what’s good for you, I’d get your ass to my office first thing in Monday morning.”
And with a swift and solid slam of the door, he ended the party and walked back to his house, finally relishing in the sweet silence. To his surprise, the peace and quiet continued for the remainder of the night, and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief, praising the lord for finally granting him a moment of peace.
Aizawa wakes up the following morning, well-rested. It was a dream come true to see his lawn lacking in beer cans and streamers and for the first time in a long time, he’s happy to be up in the morning. The same could not be said about you however. You woke up in a bathtub accompanied with the worst hangover you’d ever experienced in your life. Your head was killing you, Professor Aizawa’s words ringing through your mind. “Just another part of clean-up,” you thought, reaching for your phone to call your dad.
“Hi! How’s my favorite dad alive doing?” you say cheerily, doing your best to butter him up. All you got was a sigh in response, so you continued. “I just have a teeny tiny, really the smallest thing, favor to ask of you Daddy.”
Internally, you anticipated another sigh from him before sucking up to whatever you wanted your father to do, but this time was different. “I’m tired of your antics Y/N. I don’t even care about the favor or whatever you must’ve done, but it’s gone on far too long. You need to take accountability for your actions because I can’t bankroll you any longer. I’ve spent nearly a half a million dollars just paying for your mistakes and I won’t have any of it any longer. If you’re on the brink of getting suspended again, you will be disowned so apologize to whoever you’ve hurt this time/ It’s time you fixed your own mistakes. You’ll thank me in the future.” And with that your dad hung up.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck", you mumble in distress, beginning to panic. "If he didn't like suspension, he definitely won't be happy with expulsion", you muse, trying to collect your racing thoughts. "What can I do? I better go apologize right away. The sooner we resolve this, the better", you murmur to yourself, attempting to calm your nerves.
After chugging down a few pain killers, you rush to your wardrobe to pick the perfect apology outfit. I mean, of course you had to look humbling, but a clean academic look wouldn’t hurt when saying sorry. “What do I go with? Hmm”, you say, perusing through your wast collection of designer outfits. You finally decide on a cute little number that came straight from Chanel: a pink cropped blazer and a strapdress set. You looked at yourself in the mirror, making sure you gave off the epitome of a teacher’s pet, before putting on your heels and walking next door.
Aizawa barely even sat down in his office before he hears a couple sharp raps coming from his door. “Ah fucking hell. People,” he says to himself before getting up to see who it is. “Jesus Christ.” he says in surprise, looking down to see you, dressed all prim and proper, a total deviation of what he saw last night. It was a shock to him that you were even standing upright. “What do you want? I thought I told you to see me Monday in my office, not today at my house.”
“Professor Aizawa! I hope you’re having a good day. I think we’ve like misunderstood each other. All I wanted to do is have a little chat about what you believe you saw last night Proffesor,” you explain stepping inside.
“No one told you you could come in, but go ahead sit on my couch, who cares anymore?”
You sit down in Aizawa’s living room, crossing your legs and putting your bag to your side. He sits right across from you, patiently waiting for what you’re going to say next. “I just wanted to apologize for all the noise you heard last night, yeah? Didn’t mean it to get so loud.”
Gobsmacked couldn’t even begin to explain how Aizawa felt hearing you apologize to him. “You’re actually being genuine? This isn’t you playing a prank of me or anything?” he says, suspicious.
“No like I’m being so for real, and how do you say, down to Earth right now. I’m sorry for making noise and I won’t do it again, so let’s forget this whole thing and like start a new page, okay?” you reply back with a smile.
“In the nicest way ever Miss (L/N), there’s no way I’m letting you off the hook that quickly. It’s not fair to the other students if I did that. Plus, where would my integrity be if I let you get off scot free doing everything you’ve done? You need to face the consequences to your actions. And in the nicest way possible, getting the chance to discipline you will be the highlight on my career that I wouldn’t give up for the entire world.”
You were absolutely thrown for a loop. You thought that genuinely your problem would be solved with what you said. “Today is just full of unexpectations and not the good kind either,” you say with a huff and crossing your arms.
“See that’s exactly what I mean. This baby behavior? You need to learn the adult world is rough Miss (L/N). I know very well that your dad will have this cleared up in two seconds flat. But this is the most I can do with the footage that I have and there’s no possible way I’m not taking this to the extremes. Respectfully, maybe starting off at community college could be betterto turn your life around.” Aizawa says, the direct opposite of his thoughts that screamed joy at you finding some sort of consequence.
You were doing your best to hold in your tears, but hearing the words ‘community college’ broke the dam. “I-I, I can’t because Daddy, because Daddy he said he won’t help me, and-and-and and he says that I- I have to handle this on my o-own this ti-time, which isn’t fair at all and I can’t get expelled because I’ll be disowned and become a peasant and I’m not made for that life P-P-Professor. And I can’t go to community because I’ll be w-w-with all the poors! Please I’ll do anything!” sobbing and hiccuping on your words as your tried to explain to Aizawa how desperate you were.
Aizawa sat back in his seat, wondering what to make of this. Even if this was the truth, there would be no way you wouldn’t eventually get off the hook. Realistically, even if your dad cut you off, but he knew for a fact what he said was an empty threat. There’s no way he’d allow for a headline that reputation-damaging to spread across the internet, not when he could prevent it. But just then an idea blossomed in his head. “So you’d really do anything?”
You immediately wiped your tears away and scrambled to compose yourself. “Yes! Yes, I’ll like literally do anything, I don’t care, I just can’t afford this.”
“Hmm.. well that’s an interesting proposition then, Miss (L/N). In that case, strip.”
“What?” you say, shocked. “You’re...you’re actually not serious right?”
“I’m completely serious. I heard you talking the other week about how you wanted to fuck me anyways and I seem to recall you saying that I was ‘ real daddy material’, so don’t bother trying to tell me you wouldn’t want this. If you want me to consider forgiving you, you’ll get to stripping,” a smile creeping on his face.
“There must be some way we can work out something else, alright? I mean what if I organize your office or something? Soup kitchen perhaps?” you suggest, scrambling to find some sort of loophole.
“No. I’m sorry young lady, but there’s no out. Get to stripping if you want me to consider. Or you can always face the risk of me going to the dean. Not too far a walk from here actually and I’m sure he’d have a ball listening to your explanations.”
You stood there, shell-shocked. There truly was no way to get out of this. You slipped off your blazer, folding it and placing it gingerly on the couch. You stood up and slowly started to pull down the zipper to your dress and laid that right next to your blazer. “There, happy?”
Aizawa looked you over. He was a little surprised to see you wearing modest underwear, a simple pink bra and cotton boyshorts; he expected something more lacey. That said, you still looked amazing. But he wasn’t quite done with you just yet. “Get on your knees and suck me off.”
“Are you actually like insane? Why would I do that?” you retorted.
“Because you know you have no other choice. A), again I know that you want to because everything I’m asking for is part of the fantasy you so helpfully detailed out to your friend and B), you have no other choice remember? It’s either listen to me or get expelled and we both know you don’t want that sweetheart,” Aizawa said with a mischievous smile. “My dick isn’t gonna suck itself, so...get to it.”
You hated to admit it, but he was right on both accords. The main reason you made a ruckus in his class was to get his attention. What you would’nt give to fuck him. After all, he was the hottest professor here on campus and you always did have a thing for academics. Besides this right here was your fantasy. But you couldn’t let him know that, hence this feisty front. You lowered yourself down to the ground and Aizawa grinned at you.
“That’s a good girl,” he says, unbuckling his pants and throwing his belt to the side. You looked up at him one last time before running the tip of your tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip, leaving a small and gentle kiss right near his slit. After a few more experimental licks to his dick, you dove in only being able to go a couple inches deep.
Aizawa’s dick wasn’t long, which you honestly preferred, what it lacked in length, it made up in width. You bobbed you head up and down, spit dribbling down your the corner of your mouth the further and further you went. You were so preoccupied with making sure you didn’t choke that you didn’t even notice Aizawa’s hand making its way to your hair until you felt him yanking your head back and start throat fucking you roughly.
You immediately put your hands on his thighs, trying to steady yourself against the relentless pace he set. You start choking as he goes deeper, pushing all 6 inches of his cock down your throat. He only stops and pulls out, just as he’s about to cum. He puts his finger under your chin, propping your face up. “Close your eyes for me pretty girl.” You had a moment after closing your eyes until he came all over your face, cum dripping off your chin.
“God, you look so pretty like that, baby. Gotta do that more often huh?” Aizawa says, grabbing your shoulder to pull you up. He takes your wrist in his hand, guiding towards his office, where hands you a tissue. “Here, for your face.” You wordlessly take the tissue, thinking that was the end of it all, but you don’t see Aizawa going back for his belt. Maybe he just needed to air himself or something, you thought to yourself, while walking over to the trashcan to dispose of the tissue.
“Good, I didn’t even have to ask you to throw it. If only you could be this obedient in class, hmm? Now put your hands on my desk and bend over,” Aizawa says, pushing some papers aside.
“What the fuck? I thought all you wanted me to do is suck you off!” you exclaim.
“Oh sweetheart, I never said that. Can’t go making assumptions can we? Now hands on the table, be good for me.”
You start shuffling towards the table, and Aizawa simply has no patience for it. He grabs you and pushes you towards the desk. You barely have time to collect yourself before you feel him rip your panties, leaving your core exposed to the cold air of the room. “Look at that pretty cunt of yours baby. All dripping f’me huh?”
You felt like you were being examined with the way he was looking at you, but it couldn’t distract you from your ripped panties lying in a heap beside you. “Those were my favorite panties you know! They cost a lot, you can’t just rip them to shreds!” you complain.
“Who gives a shit, I’ll buy you new ones later, after all, you’ll be seeing a lot of me now, won’t you?” You don’t even have the time to think about what he said before you feel two cold wet fingers near your entrance. You moan out as his fingertips barely graze your clit and he takes that as notice to start rubbing it slowly.
“Fuck, sir, that feels so fucking good~,” you mewl out as he goes faster, driving you closer to your climax.
“That’s right baby, call me sir. God this is so much fucking hotter than I ever imagined,” Aizawa said moving his fingers away from your clit.You whine out in response, missing the sensation already, but its quickly replaced with his two fingers plunging deep inside you.
He curved his fingers trying to hit the one spot he was looking for and when he heard you cry out, he knew he found it. He continued to pound his fingers, making sure not to miss that spot of yours each time. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum sir!” you moaned. Just as you finished saying that and felt that familiar build up of pleasure, you felt his fingers leave your cunt. You look back, as to ask why he stopped, making him chuckle.
“Aww sweetheart, you didn’t think that I’d just let you cum on my fingers did you?” Aizawa says. He leans over just far enough so that his palm is near your face before saying, “Spit.”
You look up questionably, then spit in his hand, which brings back to his cock, pumping it slowly in his fist. A short moment later, you hear the snap of something rubber and a slight prodding at your entrance. Aizawa slowly pushes his cock into you and waits for a moment, allowing you to get comfortable with the sensation. “Y-you can move now sir.”
“Shit, that’s cute how you think I need permission,” he replies before starting to pump into you faster, building into what felt like an inhuman pace. The sounds coming from you now were purely pornographic, beyond Aizawa’s wildest fantasies.“Fuck baby, you’re so fucking tight. Should’ve fucked you ages ago.” You couldn’t even reply; you were absolutely overwhelmed in pleasure. All you do is hum in agreeance and continue to keep moaning out. It doesn’t take long for you to feel that same build-up of pleasure that you felt before.
“I’m gonna cum sir, please let me cum for you,” you whine, hoping he’d provide you with some sort of release.
“Not yet, you only cum when I cum, got it?” he said, pushing your head into the desk and he starting pumping his cock faster, this time with a bit less rhythm. You could tell it wouldn’t be too long; all you had to do was be patient.
It took a few more sloppy strokes, but finally Aizawa growled out “I’m gonna cum soon baby. Cum all over my cock for me. Be a good girl,” punctuating each word by slamming his cock against your g-spot. His hand traveled up to your clit, rubbing it while he continued to fuck you.
“I’m gonna come sir, I’m so close~” you moan out, a slur of words as you reach closer and closer to your peak.
“C-cum for me baby,” Aizawa groans out. “Fuck, I-I’m gonna cum too.”
He slams his cock into you a couple more times before cumming deep inside of you. He lays against you, sandwiching you between him and the desk for a moment or two before he slowly pulls himself out and throws the condom away. You slip from the desk, knees buckling as you fall to floor in exhaustion. Aizawa shuffles off to the living room and returns, your clothes in hand. He throws them near you and he buckles up his pants back up.
“Put on your clothes and get the fuck out. If you think I’m gonna cuddle you, you’re surely mistaken. But first give me your number,” he says handing you his phone.
“Why would I give you my number?” you ask incredously.
“Because sweetheart, you’re gonna on be on-call for me for the next two months. You’re too good to give up after just one time, so we’re gonna make this a thing. Whenever I need you, I’ll give you a text, sound good?” he replies as if you asked about something common sense.
“What?! One time was more than enough!”
“Oh please, don’t lie, I know you want more of this dick,” he chuckles. He wasn’t wrong, his dick was pretty irreplaceable.
“Fine. Just as long as you don’t tell the dean about what I did.” you say, punching your number into his phone and handing it back to him.
“Scout’s honor, I won’t tell a soul. Just as long as you keep up this arrangement,” he replies, pocketing his phone. You put your clothes back on and Aizawa leads you to the door. After you leave, he heads back to his bedroom. Although he’d never admit it to you in the moment, he was pretty exhausted after all the fun and decided to head to bed. It didn’t take him long to drift to sleep, dreaming of all the things he could do to you in the future.
"Scout's honor, I won't tell a soul. Just as long as you keep up this arrangement." He pockets his phone and leads you to the door, where you promptly leave. Once gone, he heads back to his bedroom, fatigue taking over him after the fun you both just had. Soon enough, he drifts into a deep slumber, dreaming of all the things he could do to you in the future. But not before texting you to come to his office after office hours to see him again.
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💫A goofy AHHH review💫
hey guys it's ya boi Rusty here again!! and I'm here to review:
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Yes yes, I can hear y'all now saying "but it's made for kids" "bro why are u watching this" 🤓☝
Stop right there, bud. ✋
This show is pretty good so far, all things considered! I decided to watch it for the nostalgia (and for mah boi Smee ofc!)!! I watched this show a little bit when I was younger, so I remember it fairly well. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it isn't cringe! (Well, some parts are a little iffy but we'll get to that in a minute.) It's actually tolerable and even made me laugh at some parts!
💫The songs💫
The songs aren't that good, in fact their kinda cringe. (But ofc I gotta go easy on this show cuz yes, it is intended for little kids with no brain cells.) At the end of every episode (wich usually consists of two episodes ranging from 15 minutes long each, making up the 30 minute mark.) There's these two ideots called Sharky and Bones who sing a song, and it's cringe. The lyrics arent funny, and their singing isn't even that good. I get that the humer is supposed to have zero brain cells, but come on guys. U gotta try a bit harder than that. The background music for the episodes is ok, nothing I would casually listen to though.
💫The characters💫
We have a few new characters to add to the Peter Pan universe by the names of Jake, Cubby (WHY ARE THEIR TWO CUBBYS?!), Izzy, Skully, Sharky and Bones. (And Captain Hook and Mr. Smee of course!!) The character designs are good, they work well for everyone, except Hook. Hook just looks weird in this art style honestly. And at first I didn't like Smee's design in this, but it grew on me. (The og is still better though!) In fact, he might even look kinda cute! :D
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The voice acting for them is great too!! Its very expressive and something you wouldn't normally get from a kids show. The new voice actors for Smee and Hook almost sound IDENTICAL to the og's! There are some minor differences, but nothing to really make me get annoyed at. The animation is smooth and fluid too! I can tell that they used computer Riggs, but it's barely even noticeable! Which from what I heard, computer Riggs are pretty hard to do. So thats honestly impressive!
💫The insecurities of Jake and The Neverland Pirates💫
First off, I wanna talk about how Smee is portrayed. In the og movie, he's supposed to be a bumbling ideot (but a lovable ideot imo!). In this series, he seems to have a few brain cells, which I dislike. They didn't stay true to his character! Neither did they with Hook. He isn't that goofy anymore, neither is he evil, but he's in between. I can't really describe it, but something is off with his personality.
Like I said before, the music isn't very good, and neither is the pacing of each episode. It's inconsistent and feels too slow at times. The plot points for each episode are predictable too. The kids find something to play with, and Hook wants whatever it is and steals it and they take it back etc etc. The dabloons make no sense either! They collect dabloons each episode for their chest, but why?! What does it accomplish?! Maybe Im not smart enough to understand but that makes no sense to me. It's repetitive too, but not to the point where u want to shove a gun into the side of your head and call it quits. Like I said, it's tollerable! It does feel like Micky Mouse Clubhouse though (I HATE MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE.), but with Peter pan 💀
I like this show, and I think it's cute! It has potential!! Maybe just get rid of the repetitiveness and the cringe songs and it could be good! I reccomend this is you want the nostalgia from your chilhood (well technically I'm still a kid but whatever LOL)!!
That's my thoughts on this show! I haven't finished the first season yet, but maybe my views will change, but well see. But when they do, I'll keep u posted!! Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a spectacular day/night!!! I love you :D❤❤
(Oh yeah one last thing I gotta note is that Smee actually referred to Hook as "your greatness" 🤨 idk man..)
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byunbqbes · 2 years
(人◕‿◕) 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 (•◡•) - matchup for Abs 🔆 anon
matched with akaashi keiji
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AKAASHI is the sweetest dude ever !!
quite an introverted lad, BUT akaashi doesn't strike me as someone awkward - so conversation will flow quite naturally and you will click with him without much effort.
THAT being said,,, there must have been an actual reason for him to approach you actively (given that you are on the quiter side!! and so is he!!)
you and akaashi give me the vibes of 'same project group' trope
where the teacher kinda just assigns you two into a pair to complete a literature project together
you never really knew akaashi beforehand, so you kinda just assumed he was a sporty jock in the school volleyball team
BUT OH BOY were you wrong!!
akaashi loves literature and books - and the way he talks about them make his eyes sparkle in some sort of way
A LOT of cute library meetups where akaashi and you just converse about books and anime in hushed whispers
akaashi knows how to work his wit, and his witty comments will make you laugh uncontrollably.
he makes a mental note to himself to remember the way you throw your head back when you laugh, and the way your shoulders shake uncontrollably as you try to stifle your giggles
even though the librarian totally went to you two to shush y'all, akaashi knows that making you laugh so hard is definitely worth the embarrassment that came from half the floor staring at you guys
after you guys get together !!! library dates WILL continue
akaashi is just an overall lowkey and calm guy who loves to spend time with you in peaceful silence, just you two cuddling on rainy nights with multiple duvets
or you two on a slow and sleepy afternoon, listening to a playlist he created for you, on the way home on the bus
akaashi doesn't really tell you he loves you - he shows you instead. he will listen to you ramble about your life and pay very close attention to your needs. he will definitely give you honest advice for any situation
he strikes me as a very intuitive person, so he can just take one look at you, and understand how you are feeling. don't be too surprised if you get random "u good?" texts on days you are feeling a little down
akaashi is so very patient with you - he's a great study tutor and will explain concepts over and over again for you until you get them down to a T
akaashi isn't the bravest of souls - so the way that he shows affection will be very shy (especially at the beginning!)
a lot of shy "accidental" touches
but after some time, he would love to surprise you with cute little backhugs
akaashi (after the timeskip) goes on to become an editor of a manga magazine, and i imagine that he will be very in touch with the arts.
will write poetry for you and create playlists for you
LOVES to look at your art and listen to you play songs for him on your guitar
WILL coo at your art and ask you to draw more
TLDR: akaashi best boy uwu
// hope you enjoyed this! photo credits go to owners! please do not plagiarise!
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idioticsky · 1 year
Here's the product of me being sleep deprived
It was a cool summer night, a nice one for sure. The Jr. agents were having a fun night in, full of card games a movies. Everyone one was having a good time, well, everyone except for Vivian. Today was the day she finally became a jr. agent. That should be great right? Well, not for her, she promised the others that she would do a full backstory dump to them the day she became a jr. agent.
"So, about that bit of backstory Vi-" Adam said while picking up a few cards from the deck, trying to find a yellow card. "Are you finally comfortable with sharing?"
"Nope, but I promised you guys I would the day I became a jr. agent and here we are." Vivian said while placing down 4 skips in a row.
"Then spill the beans already." Lizzie said, adding a wild card to the discarded pile. "Changing the color to green."
"Or you could wait until you're comfortable-" Raz threw down 4 reverse cards. "Uno."
Vivian sighed and took a moment to think before starting to speak.
"If y'all want a backstory dump, then y'all better be in a distance where you can at least hear me, I ain't repeating myself."
After everyone got comfy, Vivian started to explain.
"I was born into a home that wasn't that great. I was the oldest out of 3 kids, I had a younger brother, he was 2 years younger. I also had my baby sister, she was 4 years younger than me. My brother was the only child my parents planned to have, or even wanted. They wanted all boys but of course that wasn't gonna happen, they found that out after I was born. I could never figure out why they wanted all boys though.
"Other than the 'only wanting boys' thing, my parents also loved my brother more than my sister and I for another reason. You see, my family is full of government workers. We're used as spies because of how well we can read minds, unlucky for me though, I wasn't born with that power, my sister was but was never taken seriously about it though. My brother also had this power, but since he was the golden child, everyone worshiped him for having it.
"Moving on. My sister and I worked around the house and had to earn our own money, we got pretty close because of that and trained our abilities together as well. But, once I turned 8, my family finally had eniught of me and my sister and set us up in the foster system. I never saw her again after that... I still hope to find her, but we'll have to see."
Vivian started to get more nervous as she thought about what to say next. Hell, even where the story went next.
"Everything past that starts to blur, but this is what I can remember.
"The first foster home I was in I stayed at for a few months, they were kind to me. I felt wanted for a bit.. but before long I had to leave, I still don't know why. The next house I stayed at for 2 and a half years. I hated them, they neglected me a lot, they thought of me as a paycheck, I wasn't welcome there. They had a biological child as well. She was a little other than me so I always got the things she didn't want, like old clothes. I wasn't aloud to do much there, I had to either work on chores or school work, I didn't get to play games, I didn't even get to properly wash my hair. I had to pick the lock on my door in the middle of the night so u could go grab something to eat or find something to do because.
"I never had one person care for me, until the family went to go take a family photo at some old store. I had to wait until they were done because 'foster kids don't belong in these' is what they said. That day, for whatever reason. Agents Forsythe and Vodello were there. They helped me, saved me even. They found out I was a psychic and brought me here. And that's about all that happened before I met you guys."
"I.. that is a good bit to take in." Gisu said while taking a sip of her soda
"Wonder why Milla and Agent Forsythe where doing in that photo store.." Raz mumbled trying to figure out why they would be there.
"Well, that's an emo backstory if I ever heard one-" Lizzie said while patting Vivian's shoulder. "Now let's get to bed, it's almost 12." The others agreed with Lizzie and started to get ready for bed. Vivian sighed a bit and went to get ready with the others.
After most of the others went to bed, Lizzie went to check on Vivian.
"Feeling ok? You did just take about a lot so we don't want you sleep walking again." She started while standing in the doorway.
Vivian nodded.
"I'm good, just a bit worried"
"Yeah.. I hope my sister is doing well, wherever she ended up."
"Understandable you are siblings after all."
"Yeah, do you worry about Norma like that?"
"Not too much, she can handle herself well enough."
Vivian smiled a bit and yawned.
"It was nice of you to check on me."
Lizzie smirked.
"Yeah yeah, don't tell anyone about this though."
Vivian nodded and laid in bed, Lizzie retreating back to her own room for the night. That night had been a good night, despite the story that was told earlier.
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flowered-mp3 · 1 year
u guys.... i just cried in my bf's car yesterday (again!) lol pls skip this but i know some of y'all invested and i just need an outlet so......
so like... my bf raised an interesting question weeks ago, essentially asking me "how do u know if ur in love?". i was a little caught off guard at the time, but i answered that i wasn't sure, because i've never been in love. then, i asked him the same question and he thought that he might've loved one of his exes, but he wasn't entirely sure, either.
then, flash forward to last week, when he called me at night (like he normally does). usually he tends to get in his feelings at that time, and started to ask if i thought that our relationship was moving too fast. and to be fair, it was moving fast but i never felt uncomfortable with it? it never felt wrong. we 100% progressed faster than most couples but it never felt wrong. we just did whatever we felt comfortable with. he also told me that this is the fastest that he's ever fallen for someone, and the fastest that he's ever had a gf meet his family/go on staycation/be physical, etc. so, he was afraid that because he's so into me, he would miss any signs of potential points of conflict. and the reason why this was bugging him was because he doesn't want to lose me. there were times in his previous relationships where he ignored those issues because he was so enamoured initially, and obv those relationships ended. the idea of losing me terrifies him, and vice versa for me.
next, i asked what brought this on and he stayed silent for a while before saying that on the last day of our staycation, he wanted to say that he loved me. i was so shook over the phone that i started crying. idk why i just couldn't believe my ears.
but then, he backtracked again because he was also scared because he also wasn't sure if what he was feeling was love - similar to me. he also mentioned that a couple of days before our staycation he statted asking around "how do you know that you're in love" and the only person online was his ex (she wasn't a great gf to him and kinda toxic, they dated 3 to 4 years ago, but she recently reappeared in his life to apologize for what she did to him. honestly? good for her, and i hope that she's happy with her new bf) so that kinda made me :/ but it's ok because it worked out lol just wait. anyways, we essentially talked it out and i said that there's no pressure for him to figure it out. feelings are complicated.
so i also said that i didn't think that i was ready to say that i loved him yet. and he was so sweet about it, saying that he would wait however long that i needed :')
ok so flash forward to the present. i was thinking alot over the past week and i was just kinda realizing that wow. i really like him. but saying that i really like him isn't really cutting it anymore. and when i went to his house for a bday party for his uncle tonight, i kinda just realized that fuck. i fell in love with him, and i didn't even fully recognize it. just looking at him the whole night, seeing how much he cares for his family, how loud his laugh is when someone says something really funny, the way that he holds my hand or traces his fingers on my knee absentmindedly, the way that he remembers that i'm introverted so he always tries to look for signs of my social battery running out. i knew that i would do anything for him, but it didn't really hit me until that moment.
i just realized that i wanted this for our future. for us to have a house together, to invite family over. to host something like this, except that i would be the person scrambling to cook and he would be taking out the alcohol for people to choose from.
so when he was driving me home, all the emotions came rushing through me. we were at a light and he stopped at it, glancing at me (as he usually does). all it took was for me to look at his face for me to be close to tears.
he immediately asked me what was wrong, and i said nothing. it was really late and it's a long drive, so i didn't want to inconvenience him. but then, he turned into a gas station 2 mins after and looked at me like "what's wrong, baby?" and i just. started tearing up. he started to comfort me, thinking that something made me upset or mad but instead, i looked at him, took a few deep breaths to gather the courage, and kissed him. i pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, and i said "i love you, too" with tears in my eyes.
i still remember the way that his eyes widened before i wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, basically sobbing that i loved him. i was rambling at that point, being like “idk why i’m crying i’m not upset i’m so happy but idk i’m really emotional idk why i’m crying”. and then he asked me how i knew and i said that i didn’t really know, it just felt like something that i wanted to say. i just started spilling my heart out to him, saying that he makes me the happiest girl in the world, and that sometimes i care for him more than i care for myself, and how i want him to succeed in life and that i saw how he treats his family with such care and just???? i could tell that he was tearing up and i could just cry typing this out again.
then, he pulled out his phone and i was confused for a second, but then he started to pull up the convo he had with his ex - i really didn’t have anything to worry about. all he did was ask “how do u know if ur in love” and essentially just talked about me the entire time, saying that how much he liked me and how he didn’t know how to navigate all this because he’s never fallen so fast and hard for someone and that he thinks that i’m his last, that i’m the one. my heart :’)
then, all the details are a blur after that except for some. like i remember i was just rambling about my feelings and crying so i just pressed my forehead against his and tried to take a breath. but then, he said that he loved me too and his voice was cracking. once i heard those words come from him i immediately fell apart. he tucked his head into my neck and we hugged and cried. he pulled away just to look at me, and said that i was smart and beautiful and caring, and he loves that i love my family, that we laugh at the same stupid shit and that he imagines a future with us.
then, everything just made sense. all the times where he would hug me and pull away to look at me in the eyes, saying “i really like you.”, or when i said that i’ve always dreamed of having my own reading room with shelves of books that reached the ceiling (i told him this when we weren’t even dating), he remembered that and said “i really have to work harder on this program, this project will be a good asset on my resume when i’m applying for work after graduation. gotta afford a reading room, you know?” :’) or when he asked me how many years of dating would it take for me to think that it’s appropriate to get married, or when he said that he planned to date me for a very long time, or when he said that i make him want to be a better man.
then, in the midst of us crying, i said that i also think that he’s the one and he pulled me in for another kiss, hugged me, and we both just broke down and started to full on sob. i’m talking smiling and laughing and talking while crying, tears streaming down my face, saying that i think that he’s smart and kind and spontaneous and funny, and how i know that he can argue with his dad and sister but i know that he loves them, and that he loves his family very much. and how he’s always so in tune to my feelings that i don’t even notice. we were just sobbing in his car and hugging and kissing and saying that we loved eachother in the middle of a fucking gas station at 10:30 pm.
eventually when we calmed down, he started to drive again and i asked him how he knew. he couldn’t really pinpoint much either but he had some things. he said that he would remember the smallest details about me, like my mannerisms and such. the little random dances that i did when walking to his car when he picks me up, or when i wanted to show him something in the backyard and i reached for his hand. then, he said something so domestic and romantic that i just melted. on the last night of our staycation, he had sudden inspiration for his program and needed to do some quick research before bed. it was pretty late, 1 am it think, so i told him to come to bed soon. so, i decided to read a book until he was ready to sleep. 
so, he told me that he looked at me on the bed, book in hand, glasses on, reading light on, and found so much comfort in it. we didn’t exchange any words, but he realized that he wanted that. for us to share a bed in a place that we have together. he wants that comfy future, and he wants it with me and adlkfjd :’)
i also asked how long he was waiting to say it, and he didn’t give me a specific timeline he just said that he watched a podcast where they were like “when is it ok to say i love you” and one girl said 3-4 months lol so he wanted to wait 3-4 months but couldn’t lol. which is ok, because i couldn’t wait 3-4 months either. essentially, we couldn’t really pinpoint how we knew, we just kinda knew? 
so, he dropped me off home and said that he loved eachother before leaving. then, when he got home he texted me “have a good night, my love” and i want to SCREAM like THIS MAN IS NOT REAL alsdkfjdlk
anyways this is lovely. my feelings are all aldsfkjasdlkfjdafj but my bf loves me and i love him and there’s a mx comeback tomorrow. overall, it’s looking ok u guys :)
and to think that all this started with my friend forcing me to get a dating app :’)
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number1jeonginstan · 8 months
Heyyy!!! I just wanted to ask if u could write this very interesting idea of mine. Chan making you roll a dice and what number you roll, is the amount of thrust you take. But you keep calling him daddy and he can't hold back anymore so he starts pounding u like a pup in the heat. NO PRESSURE totally fine if you don't feel comfortable writing this. But just thoughts. Have a nice day/night!💗
A/N: YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW EXCITED I WAS TO WRITE THIS. Like I wanted to write it as soon as I got this, but I got really sick so writing has been on the back burner, but I hope I did your ask justice with my writing. ALSO, my mentions are still open y'all so....
wc: 1.2k (not enough in my opinion 😔)
warnings: 18+ only, minors do not interact, unprotected sex, afab!reader, reader is called slut, daddy kink (obvi), some fluff as well because I love fluff
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It was the first day Chan had off in ages. It was the afternoon and you were snuggled up on his bed, laying on top of him, head on his chest watching a movie. “All I’m saying is Andrew Garfield is hot.” You said with a shrug, eating another piece of popcorn. Chan was above you rolling his eyes. 
“You think everyone is hot,” he said stealing a sip of your drink. You lift your head from his chest looking up at him, “You can’t possibly deny it, look at him.” 
“I never thought you had a thing for skinny white guys, maybe I should stop going to the gym?” before he could tease you even more you quickly shouted out a “No!” 
“If you stop going to the gym, it better be for yourself, you know I love you no matter what,” you said giving him a big hug. He kissed your forehead as you both fell back into a comfortable silence.
An hour had passed and you both finally finished the movie. You got up from the bed, stretching your body since you were both lying down on the bed. Chan was still on the bed, stretched out like a starfish. “What should we do next? Do you want to play a board game?” you asked trying to put all the dishes you guys ate from earlier away. 
“Yeah we can do that, I think it would be fun,” you said whilst pulling out Monopoly from the stack of board games you both had accumulated over the last two years of Friday game nights with the rest of the members. 
“If you get park place again, I will never talk to you again.” 
“Chan stop being such a baby,” you said while rolling your eyes. “You love it though,” he said whilst pouting, placing a kiss on your cheek. 
You both finally got into the groove of playing the game, giggling at each other throughout it. “Hey! You are cheating, you can’t steal money from the bank.” Chan said swatting your hand away from the pile of money lying on his bed. “Oh come on,” you groaned, “I purposely gave you Park Place this time.”
“What! I won that place fair and square.” he looked at you with a confused face. “You keep telling yourself that Channie,” you said patting his cheek. 
“Oh, you wanna play that game?” he said while dragging you on top of his lap messing up the game along the way. “I was about to win” you whined. “Were you, were you really?” he said while kissing your lips. 
“Yes!” you said while kissing him back. “If you want to play a game, I have a great one for us to play,” he said with his signature smirk. “Mhm, and what would that be?” 
“We still have this die,” he said while rolling it in his hands, “let’s have some fun with it.”
“What do you have in mind” you asked looking up to him, still on his lap. “Why don’t we play a game? You roll the dice two times, and I multiply whatever it is.”
“Okay?” you asked a bit confused. “Sweetheart, you didn’t let me finish. Whatever that number is, is the number of times I’ll thrust into you.”  He said with a coy smile, “Don’t you think that will be fun baby?” 
You hesitantly agreed, thinking that, with luck by your side, you would roll all 5’s and 6’s, but you were so wrong. 
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“Please Channie, I just need you to fuck me” you pleaded. You were underneath him, his cock rutting in and out of you to whatever you rolled the dice to. “Please, I need you in me,” you whined. 
“But I’m already in you unless you want me to stop?” he said while slowly slipping out of you. “Wait!” you stopped him and he stilled in you. You quickly rolled the dice twice, not wanting him to stop. “You rolled three twice, so that means 9 thrusts doesn’t it? Should we make the best of it sweetheart?” he said whilst rubbing your clit. 
You just nodded, wanting to feel him inside of you. He slowly thrust inside of you, wanting you to feel every inch of his cock, every vein as your pussy clenched around him. “You are such a good girl, taking my cock so well.”
His words made you clench around him, moaning at the way he was hitting so deep inside of you. You could cum with just his cock inside of you, the stretch being so big that he had to always prep you so well, just to take it. But him fucking you so sensually and slowly was getting you nowhere. 
“I need more” you moaned, feeling him particularly deep inside of you. “Awe, is my cock not enough? Do you need to get fucked like a slut? I don’t think I can do that baby, you gotta take it like a good girl. Maybe roll higher next time and I can fuck you faster.” 
It was torture and he knew it, you were squirming underneath him. “Roll again,” he said while kissing your forehead and you did “6 and 6 this time sweetheart, guess I’m going a bit faster.” 
He began pounding into you and you couldn’t control yourself “Fuck daddy, it feels so good.” You didn’t mean to say that, you had never called him daddy before and you had no idea how he would react, before you could even apologize, he began pounding into you.
“Fuck baby, you like that? Do you need daddy to fuck you til you forget your own name?” you just moaned, he was fucking you so good your tongue was loling out to the side. “Come on baby, answer daddy. Do you like my cock fucking into you like the little slut you are?” 
“Yes daddy, so good daddy, I’m gonna cum” you said as he began circling your clit simultaneously. You couldn’t control yourself, he was pounding into you so well 
“Fuck baby, be a good girl and cum for me, cum on daddy’s cock okay. You can do that for daddy right baby?” you just nodded, your walls squeezing him tighter as he started thrusting inside of you harder. “Will be a good girl for daddy, gonna cum on his cock” you hiccuped as you finally felt that strand in your stomach snap. 
You were cumming all over his cock as he continued to rut inside of you. “Where do you want me to cum baby? Where do you want daddy to cum?” 
“Inside of me please” you whimpered and he started pounding into you. “Fuck want daddy’s cum don’t you baby? Want daddy to fill you up.” 
“Fuck” he groaned as he stilled inside of you painting your walls with his hot cum. He laid next to you, still inside. “Where did the daddy come from baby?” he asked kissing your forehead. “I have no idea, but I’m glad I did because I think that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had,” you said with a giggle.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x13 recoil
I love the editing in the clips here, we get the info we need, but also while I'm sure we all remember that some ppl were killed, like roy montgomery, we also get to see the dramatic clip of him getting shot & lockwood with blood on his face & these things are mostly for the drama, not the recap, really really well done bc we still get the recap.
I also like how she hits him immediately after he says he has the power.
Garbage can fire babey. gonna be a dead body. See? Plenty of people throw up when they see (& probs smell) a dead body burning!
RC: Well, I haven’t met him or approved of him yet, so it can’t be serious. All suitors must be met and intimidated by me personally before they can be considered for official boyfriend status. So true
Ew yucky
no dental records then... Ryan looks nice lol. & esposito's jacket is nice
Ryan pretty but meh. Esposito perfectly fine but meh Castle also pretty enough. Becks looks shiny shirt dc!? multiple times in just 20m? Might as well stay on the line.
Why would the boyf have an unlisted number? oh no ooof oof oof ooooooof she left a message hhhh
the phone falls & clatters... oof that is the best... except how would she end the recording? AFTER the phone clatters? the audio changes during "happens" like she moved to a different area, or passed a wall
Yeah smth falls & then like a ring hits the wall zippo? Or maybe he was ALREADY burning the body
Yeah lol u can't remember ppl when you are seeing a hundred a night, or more. unless she comes here often! She was a high end prostitute! BRACKEN? oh of course it was him, this is a plot heavy ep.
No wonder the phone call. & also dealt with OTHER people too! He did not just kill melanie & johanna & attempt beckett, & also raglan & montgomery & mccallister & possibly those other two lawyers or whoever beckett nice coat lol.
ESPOSITO NICE JACKET (& nice scarf on ryan) JE: You know, I was really hoping the next time I saw this guy would be down the barrel of my gun.
*fidgeting with his hand hanging by his legs* Met her there works for you non-paid consultant *stops* I know where I've seen you. I can't believe that he doesn't already have pics of beckett's close circles: friends, work, family,, gym
of COURSE he wouldn't do it himself! Ooh y'all got the fbi to do analysis? Nice! My grampa was able to tell what car, make model, year, idk, just by the sound of the engine.
Why do they need sirens on? They Ooh audio. Echo, loud, yells, I love it when ryan yells beckett's name. Why would they draw a diagram of the gun & do that sort of thing?
I thought beckett was ryan for a sec. That shiny suit jacket, I loved it, really shows off her waist. Then I realized ryan is amab he does not have a waist that small. Becks looks great tho & I like her with her hair back like that. Castle's red jacket & dark shirt are nice too & gates looks good with her red shirt adding colour from behind her black jacket/cardigan. Oh & ryan! light purple shirt with a square pattern (love that for ryan), dark thin tie (I'd call it black but it is not that dark) with multicoloured tiny equally sized polka dots, vest, ooh he's good. I grabbed a pic but idk if it is any good. at least I got a pic of beckett. Update from later in the episode: HIS WAISTCOAT HAS A SHINY SILVERY BACK PANEL SDLKFKSJFDLSKJF & it is tied in such a way that it hugs his hips man I'm such a lesbian fot him (both men) sounds like a disguise bright red shiny tie, really pops
this guy is assassinating him. that's why he insists that the senator goes. Gates my beloved Man has a jacket AND a coat. At least they are different colours
ugh the way she gestures for him to take a seat hhhhh so gooooood KB: Senator Bracken, do you have any enemies? Is there anyone you can think of that would like to kill you? cough cough WB: A man doesn’t get to my position without upsetting people along the way. Most of them aren’t crazy enough to want to kill me. (he gestures) Present company excluded.
JE: I’ll tell you something. If I’m her, I sit in there shuffling papers until whoever it is puts a bullet in Bracken’s head. KR: KR: No you wouldn’t. Because that would make you no better than he is. (well you are just not changing the trolley path. He's the one who tied people to it.) JE: The guy murdered Beckett’s mother. Captain Montgomery. Who knows who else?. ((exactly!)) Bracken’s got it coming to him. So I say let it come. KR: *uncomfy* I mean just two episodes ago esposito threatened to kill someone.
Nice pattern on esposito's shirt. Not an actual pattern, just the weave of it making it textured almost like heather. 24 hours exactly?
RC: Man, these people need to get a life. Most of these guys it seems like their only companionship is the space alien that talks to them through their microwave. *coincidentally finds the letter just as she says that* RC: No, I did actually. I liked the way you uh, dotted the ‘I’ in kill with a little heart. It was a nice touch. Oh yeah chinese food babey Man doesn't take his mug to the break room to wash it?? wait it was not the same writing my bad. it is all caps... In fact, it is the same letter, it was a rough draft.
Senator Bracken When you sleep at night do you dream of the blood dripping off your hands leaking into the ground filling up the valleys and the craters with new lakes and oceans lake hemoglobins the red ocean rivers of blood or do you drift away to some peaceful place unburdened by the endless bodies piling on your shoulders always more bodies never ending as you count the sheep dancing over fences but it isn't the sheep that calm your icy nerves it is their destination as they leap the fence toward the slaug//hter how their bleats and screams must fill that cavity in your chest where a heart should be with bostalgic joy for the suffering you have caused so many he was a boy a precious boy so filled with hope and aspirations and you took that in and you fed on him that boy my boy in the lion's den there is no way to avoid the night calls and the roats of the fearsome loathsome ((cut off)) ((Not going back to change typos; I touch typed this & my touch typing needs work))
Ooh the music also it is late she managed an appointment at this time of night? Are you sure that he is much worse? The one you can live with oof burning...
Coffee <3 Ryan looks nice, his clothes are dark which is less common. espt is wearing some kind of zip up hoodie like that's professional. Becks nice brown leather jacket with a good shape to it. "nothing significant"
Seeing gates with the half sister she kept the eltter phew
Why is castle Sitting at ryan's desk & then ryan leaning over castle pointing the stuff out to him? *interrupts* *looks at the letter while walking back & giving directions*
JE: I’m pretty sure we left Patterson five shops ago. *smacks the badge on the door* "How you doing?" McManus
Ryan looking like my hair lol
*sees him* Oh ooh ooh ooh it's him *shoots just a bit late*
No, castle. She did not miss. (tho it's kind of messed up that when they think that this fellow is an assassin you're allowed to shoot them...) you didn't & that's the good part. *hides her tears*
Not only do you know him but you also looked into him so you know about him. People say ryan is the touchy feely one in terms of emotions & yeah he himself acknowledged the cheesiness of the toast he was giving at the double date last season but esposito is the one to approach kate & talk to her.
She's good She's revealing that!? don't you remember what happened last time you revealed personal information without knowing who is behind the glass? gates is a cop tho, she was a detective, she does interrogations, she can see becks is truthing this room is so big & empty, DP did well. he DOES control everyone lol robert points to three people behind the glass lol, he can't see them blood on OUR hands. She's right, it is in hers bc she let him go! Except if she shot him he would not be available for questioning he might even be dead.
Oh thank goodness, we all thought gates was talking to her about That
What did you say that was right about her?
RC: Check this out. What better way to celebrate the end of a difficult case then with a bottle of – (he trails off when he sees her work) – what are you doing? YEAH NO IF HE'S OFF HIS MEDS THAT AIN'T GOOD KB: And what about Melanie’s body? He burned it and he knocked out her teeth to keep it unidentifiable. Me: Schiz often comes with paranoia, he wanted to be safe KB: And then he leaves a duffle bag in a stolen car for us to find? Me: ... That is not very meticulous of him......
I don't (usually) smoke & I still have a lighter & matchbook music hhh not ALL the evidence, remember? Right, people OFTEN believe that the psychoaffected people don't know what they're doing or are dangerous or planted the bomb, nobody would look further into it
If you're right then you have gained his trust back. 41319 is her badge # btw
secondary area search? man is upset. He lost his temper, this is not normal.
THE LIGHTER I play with em like that too lol WHAT IF THE LIGHTER IS A DETONATOR btw I was right! It IS the assistant person (no they are both just nondescript white guys)
He was BESIDE the car, even if beckett was NOT there he would have been fine
Castle just TACKLED that guy
Five years, long play. Or paid money lol CASTLE ADMITTING HE WOULD HAVE STOOD & WATCHED
Ryan nice light grey jacket, pink shirt, possibly striped, dark tie to contrast, ugh he's so good. Esposito just wearing the kind of "I'm at home today" clothes I wear "just like you would have done" WB: Someone who’s gotten rich making powerful people promises that I need to keep. ((PARDON ME?)) What does a kingmaker do when the king no longer follows orders?
WB: You saved my life. KB: (rolls her eyes) Yeah well, you can’t win ‘em all, can you? a friend? He's right when he says "If I said no, would you really believe me?"
Nice transition to watching tv at home Benjamin Moss? Ah kingmaker. "plane crash" or "car accident" better story. oof.
Wow I'm half an hour ahead of schedule! I started watching at 9.30, so I should have been done the day's first ep by 11 but I was 20m early, now I should have been done by 12.30 & it is only five after, I'm doing well!
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
Aiii.. that sucks... normally I hate it when a site or something does the: ARE U SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE THIS!! and make the no option the most easily to press (cough cough pokemon, looking at u) And yes.. I agree they should have an archive, I think yt channels that got hacked/deleted got them back so...
Btw I read the whole reblogging and tbh I mostly forget.. I've seen a lot of creators asking us readers to do that and I tryyyy to remember I'm just an idiot sometimes😩😩
Do u also write for Tony btw😁 and jusst for fun: 🤯
Have a nice day/night!! 🐉
I know right?? Gosh sometimes I really do hate this site. But its where I get some love from great people like you and moots^-^ I haven't ever played Pokemon, or had anything to do with it, but I feel so stupid when it gave me the option to delete it but I didn't think it would be my main blog, just a side blog:( SERUOISYLYUKSEHFJKSDHFJKSDHF Writers work so damn hard to create things that people love to read, and it makes me angry when people (serial likers and silent readers im looking at you) only read and throw away. This site does not work like instagram. If one post has no reblogs but 100 likes from people who follow you, thats cool and all, but reblogs will get it around the site to other peoples pages where their followers can go to the post, then when their followers reblog it, then more of their followers will see it! (Does that make sense?????) Its not that hard to press and hold that little button right next to the heart to share:( I had this post back on my old blog, that said "So do we need to be like YouTubers now?? WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG! IF YOU COULD SMASH THAT FOLLOW BUTTON AND REBLOG BUTTON, THAT WOULD BE INCREDIBLE AND WOULD REALLY SUPPORT THE BLOG! THANKS GUYS! NOW ONTO THE STORY!" Like come on man. I need y'alls support lol
Have a great day/night too! Im hoping to post a few more stories, but writers block has been kicking my ass :( Love you!!!!
Also, I want to write for Tony, so sure! I will:)
0 notes
gcrminatorarchive · 6 years
Ozzy was currently watching a show at his apartment, relaxing after a long day’s work. His TV screen was the only light in the room, other than a small light for the living room and his lava lamp by his night stand. He was in a rather good mood, because he had tomorrow off, as well as the upcoming holiday weekend, where he would also be off on Monday. Leah was still working, but she had the same days off as him, so hopefully they could plan a trip to a night club or something for a date. The off-duty cop was currently munching on some carb chips, laid across the couch. He takes one of them, and flicks it up in the air and catches it in his mouth goofily. Suddenly, he hears his cell phone, and blinks.
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He looks over to it at the sound of the vibration, then reaches to pick it up. He sees a text from Aislinn, and his brows raise a bit in concern. The text read:
// txt: Hey I know it’s late, but...Do u wanna sleepover? I was kinda lonely and sick today, and I miss ya. Hope I’m not bothering you.
He sighs a bit, shaking his head softly. Spit, when will that girl realize that she wasn’t bothering him at all? Heck, he needed something to do other than laze about tonight. Some quality time with Ais might be just the ticket. Ozzy smiled lightly, then texted a reply back to her.
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txt: Nah its cool, baby-girl! Sure thing. I’ll be right over. There’s no better cure for lonely than me. ;]
Ozzy flips his phone closed, then gets up, putting the chips he had away then grabbing his car keys off a table. He then slips on his brown and black jacket, heading out the door to his hotrod.
Once Ozzy arrives, his Mun opens the front door for him, then sneaks him into her brother’s room whilst her parents where asleep. She had also grabbed some cookies from the kitchen on the way so they could snack on them. It was close, considering Ozzy had accidentally stepped on her dog’s rawhide bone, which had hurt like Frank and he nearly screeched with pain. Luckily he’d covered his mouth and held it back, only making her father stir slightly before the older man slept on. Once the two were inside, Ais shuts the door, and Ozzy looks around the room; Some of the blankets were messed up, and Ais’ DVDs and video games were near her TV that her brother had borrowed from her. He smirks back at her.
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“Makin’ yerself at home in here, huh? Mm, hope yer bro don’t come back to find this mess~.”
// Hey, it’s not that bad. Plus, it was more messy before when he was here, he won’t care. xD
Ozzy chuckles a bit in amusement, putting his hands to his hips as he looked at her as she came to sit on the bed. He soon plops down beside her, making her giggle a bit as he pulled her gently into his lap, looking down at her with a goofy grin.
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“Dat’s true...So, what’re we watchin’? Beetlejuice again?”
// *smirks* Mm...Inside Out.
The cell snorts lightly, then nuzzles his goatee against her neck to tickle her a bit as she giggled.
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“Dat copycat’a my movie?! Yer jus’ puttin’ it on ta torture me, ain’t’cha?”
// *giggles* Aw c’mon, I think it’s cute! xD
Ozzy grinned still, closing his eyes and waving a hand carelessly before gesturing to himself cockily.
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“Eh, whatever. If y’say so...But I think we both know which one’s better.”
The two watched the movie quietly, as Riley and her emotions Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness transitioned from moving from Minnesota to San Francisco. It was quite a predicament when Joy and Sadness got sent out of Headquarters by accident, and Riley having to deal with all the struggles that came with moving to a new town. Ais was leaned against Ozzy’s chest, gently pulling his jacket sides around her as she watched the movie. Ozzy rested his chin on her head lightly, arms wrapped around her, and chuckled at a few of the funny scenes that went on, especially the ones involving Fear and Anger. Even he had to admit, this was a good choice of a movie; Though he still believed his movie was better. After all, this one may talk about emotions and letting your feelings out when you need to, which was important, but his talked about the deeper stuff; How the body worked, and how it was important to take care of yourself and your health. It was also had a lot of action. And bodily puns. Gotta love those.
Ozzy then suddenly hears a soft sniffle and blinks, then looks down to see Aislinn with small tears in her eyes, as the scene with Riley letting her feelings out to her parents played on. The cop looks at her with concern.
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“Ais? You okay, girl?”
Ais blinks, then hastily wipes away her tears, while on-screen, Riley’s parents didn’t get mad at her for running away at all, instead hugging her comfortingly.
// Ah, yeah, yeah...Sorry, I just get really emotional at this scene. Heh, get it? Emotional?
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Ozzy looks at her, then slowly turns his attention back to the movie. He had a feeling that there was more to it than just that...
Once the movie was over, and their cookies had been eaten, Ozzy stretches, checking the time.
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“S’gettin’ late. How ‘bout we hit it fer th’night?...Ais?”
He notices she wasn’t looking at him, and instead looking to her bare feet sadly. The leukocyte looks at her, then sets a hand on her shoulder gently, making her look up at him. He lowers his voice a bit, his tone urgent and worried.
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“Whassa matter? Somethin’ wrong?”
// *frowns, looking down again*...I wish my family would spend more time with me like you do. Every time I ask them if they wanna do something fun they’re either working or tell me they can’t.
Ozzy listens to her explain, then frowns. He looks around the room, then to the hallway where her parents’ room was, then he looks back to her, his expression now sympathetic as he puts his arm around her now, rubbing her shoulder.
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“...You been by yourself a lot, huh?”
// *swallows, tears coming on* Yeah...I just...feel like nobody loves me sometimes. I mean, I know my parents say they do, but lately things’ve been stressful and I’ve been having a hard time believing that. *a large tear escapes* And since all my other friends’re busy with other things, there’s not many of ‘em I can call...Some days I wish I had a close friend to hang with during the day, y’know? And I’m nervous about the convention comin’ up, too...What if no one likes me there?
Ozzy’s frown grew, and he pulls her in for a hug gently as she cried softly into his shoulder, his voice now a gentle whisper as he held her comfortingly.
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“Hey, hey, don’t cry, baby...M’here. It’s okay.
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But yer forgettin’ somethin’ here; Ya already got a close friend ta hang out with.”
// *wipes my eyes* If ya mean my dog, forget it; She’s been hating my guts lately. xP
The cell chuckles, flicking her playfully on her forehead and flashing a playful grin before bringing her into another hug, smiling down at her.
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“No. I meant me. Girl, you know I’m always here for ya if y’need me. I keep tellin’ ya that. Do I need ta tape it ta yer head so ya don’t ferget, now? ‘Cuz I will if I have ta. And don’t sweat about the convention, either. Those people’re gonna adore ya, sweetheart.”
Ozzy smiled as she finally chuckled too, then ruffled his blue fingers through her hair happily. She nuzzles him gratefully, smiling big as she held her closest muse with much affection.
// Thanks, Ozzy. I love you so much. <3
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“Most folks do. Heh...I love y’too, Ais. Don’t forget it, okay?”
He plants a friendly kiss to her forehead, then lays back against the pillow whilst holding her to his chest, one hand cradling her head wile the other held her snug. The two soon fall asleep.
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babymilkawa · 3 years
Sorry if this has already been rone but- could I get Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki and Izuku (separately) with a non-binary s/o who’s quirk is based off of a hyena? They have splotches of lighter skintone on them, freckles, laugh like a hyena, have sharp teeth and eyes like them? And a tail + ears? S/o is really chaotic, they live by the motto “I’ll try anything once,” and are overall very likable yet funky? Extra points if the boys see them in their hero outfit (which is something a little showey💕
this is rly interesting anon!!
hyena quirk headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, midoriya izuku, kaminari denki
gn!reader :)
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bakugou katsuki
so at first he was definitely ticked off by how different u were
tbh u kinda reminded him of Mina with ur personality
But he thought ur appearance was very cool
later on in ur relationship, you’d always feel him tracing the shapes of the splotches on ur skin, or softly scratching the space behind ur ears
he thought u looked so badass with those teeth though
u were wild but you weren’t careless
your attacks were precise and carefully planned during practice and he definitely noticed
even before u guys started dating, bakugou had already known almost everything about you just by observing
he noticed how your ears perked up easily
whether it’s excitement or during training
he loved watching how your pupils would dilate and how completely focused you’d look when on the battle field but if you’re just chilling?
your whole body is relaxed
oh and his favorite, favorite part is that if he teases you about things and you deny it, your tail will give it away
like your first kiss for example
he pulled away and with the smuggest grin he said, “not bad, right?”
you had rolled your eyes and looked away, unaware that the tip of your tail was rapidly moving side to side
Usually he’ll point you out
but after that kiss, he was dazed himself, so caught up on the feeling of ur lips, he didn’t even bother telling u that ur tail was betraying its owner
and the first time he saw ur hero costume? oh my g a w d man had to look away
cos damn what r u looking so good for 
literally has to slap himself when no one’s watching so he can focus on the task
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todoroki shoto
so your personality is very different than his
knowing this, you sometimes try to catch him off guard by like fake pouncing on him 
but he never flinches or anything
never does
he prolly already knows ur planning this on the other side of the room smh
todoroki generally doesn’t have a playful side to him but when he’s noticing that you’re being more jumpy than usual he’ll join you cuz why not
but ofc it’s awkward at first
he doesn’t know how to have fun fun
he doesn’t understand ur impulsive decisions which happens a lot
for example, if you’ve accidentally had one sip of caffeine at 6 in the evening, you’re wide awake at 2 am and preparing to rearrange the furniture in ur dorm
he’s right below you, luckily, so he’ll hear all the noise and show up to ur dorm like “why?”
and you’ve got the same answer each time, “why not?”
he figures that he won’t be able to go back to sleep anyways so he helps you move the furniture
one thing that’s great is that he can instantly read your emotion or energy level from your tail
like if you’ve still got to move your night stand, but your tail is starting to droop, he’ll just drag you to bed
he’s tired too and he loves your cuddles even if ur ears tickle his chin a little excuse to be little spoon? I think yes
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midoriya Izuku
your energy s c a r e s him sometimes
being ur partner during training will literally keep him fully alert, for you
but you’re a great partner, you can just be a little reckless sometimes
he soon learns that even if you dive right into the action, you don’t act without thinking
before you guys are even together, he’s already got your whole quirk analysis down in his notebook 
he’ll ask you questions about whether your tail gets in the way or whether your ears help during training and all
sometimes if you guys are just chilling, you’ll catch him staring at you
one day you ask him and he just goes like “no you just look really cool. I hope I'm not being weird though! I don’t mean to!”
“you’re my bf you can stare at me all you want Izuku”
one time, you were sitting down with your friends playing a card game and he was walking by behind you
but suddenly your tail just unconsciously swept the floor and he stepped on it, making you cry out in pain
he felt soooo bad
doesn’t know how to help make it better so he just keeps on apologizing
if it was anybody else, you would’ve pounced on them but he looks genuinely guilty
so lets not make it worse :)
at first, seeing you smile would give him mixed emotions
like you’d go up to his face and flash your teeth and he’d start sweating buckets
you looked adorable don’t get me wrong
but you also looked a little...menacing
kinda like himiko
after a while he got used to it, knowing that you were a really kind person at heart
but since you can be a little wild and you like to have fun, you'll just graze his shoulder or neck with your skin to feel him shiver
you won’t put any pressure that’ll draw blood but it’s fun to hear him whimper 👀
the first time he saw ur hero costume, he start stuttering random nonsense lmAo
“y-y-y/n, wow, uhhh” sweat sweat sweat
yea he’s prolly not gonna get used to that hahHha
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kaminari denki
this boy matches your energy
your always paired up with him during training cos you guys make the best team
like you’re there to keep him from making irrational decisions but you also ignite the fire and make sure the two of you make the most out of the time
even if you guys fail the mission sometime, you always come out laughing and developing new inside jokes
sometimes if you’re laughing, he’ll just turn to look at you with the biggest smile
and admires your tail wagging like a little pup and your teeth glistening under the ceiling lights
he is all up for your impulsive decision making
your #1 supporter
“oh? you wanna have fireworks in the field? me too! let’s go!”
pulls out 20 packs from under his bed
you two hold the best parties ever
and sometimes Iida gets on ur nerves but denki’s there to politely ask him to not be a party pooper and that the door is wide open 👀🚪
y’all get in trouble with Aizawa all the time 
like by now, he’s sick of y'all LMAOOO
someone told him that there’s a hole in the vending machine?
“y/n, Kaminari, come here”
but they weren’t even snitching on you two but it’s sooo obvious who did it hahaha
a lot of running around in the hallways and chasing each other
your so much faster than he is but he loves hearing your laugh echo the place
he clings on to you a lot cos ur soft
he’s usually the little spoon change my mind no u can't but when ur exhausted and all out of energy, he’s there to scratch your back or behind your ears, loving the way your tail wags in your sleep
you guys growl at each other
like playfully but it happens a lot
Midoriya walked in one time and lowk thought a fight was about to break down, tryna separate the two of you
you have an actual growl and a fake cute one, guess which one he likes ;))
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a/n: aaah this was so fun to write!! thank you for requesting <33
bnha masterlist
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