#I hope this makes sense I am. sleepy jhfgfhdjk
magmacannon · 4 months
🐁♟️🦪🦇⚖️ for Roman, Dee, Vhoxhu :3c
ough ty SO much!!! I'll notate as R, D, and V
🐁 how are this characters ethics?
R: Roman believes he has a very strong moral code/ethics but uhh it's intrinsically warped by the city he grew up in making light of death. He's also at his core somewhat selfish in that he'd sacrifice a lot of other things(/people) for his loved ones.
D: Dee was 'born' in a place that functioned on wild animal rules and as such tends to act like that if left to their own devices (kill/be killed, very little emotional bonds to things). They're even more intensely defensive of a loved one than Roman and would resort to violence really readily
V: The Suffererrrr (Vhoxhu would like to have better ethics but did choose to make a pact with a being that demands human sacrifices on the regular in exchange for extending her own life. She's very nihilistic and tires very hard not to care about anyone but herself.)
♟️describe how they would play chess, if they would.
R: Apparently Roman's pretty darn good at chess! In a recent campaign he rolled I think an 18/20 for it - I think he's spent enough time in libraries and doing mental math that he's picked up actual chess strategies. I think he'd try to be tactical and would absolutely sacrifice pieces to win in the end (though he'd not want to sacrifice knights - too cute - or towers as much)
D: They wouldn't care about it unless someone else they cared about liked it and then they'd learn to play casually. Not a bone of competitiveness in them though!
V: She'd probably be pretty dogshit at it!! I think Vhoxhu could learn the rules just fine and do some absolutely wild techniques to try and win (extremely high risk and high reward) but I don't think her interest in it is high enough to dedicate the needed time for that.
🦪 how would this character describe their gender, if asked?
R: Concepts of gender (and sexuality) are viewed a little differently in Dorna than irl, but there's still enough historical knowledge that Roman would be able to say he's probably a cis guy and (more importantly) a cub. If you trapped him in a conversation about gender he'd admit that he feels a little less powerful (and potentially macho? at least in irl terms) than he should be, given where he grew up.
D: Most honest answer is a wordless ¯_(ツ)_/¯, and they likely wouldn't know the correct terminology (or care about it) enough to investigate it more internally jfhghj
V: I can't find the meme but this is in her future
Tumblr media
🦇 biggest material fear (ie heights, bugs etc)
R: Spiders (and the ever-present threat of war, which isn't material until it very suddenly is)
D: Fire... it's proven to be one of the few things that can really damage them.
V: The Giant Fish that ate her parents and eats other people she interacts with on the regular. Also Fish in general (bc of a severe allergy jfhgfhdj)
⚖️ how do they seek justice?
R: If he's given a moment to think, Roman would like to seek justice through a legal system or a fair match (depending on what he's trying to get out of it) OR genuinely just an apology and an attempt to do better by whoever he's been wronged by. He's open to compromise on a lot of fronts! But if it's a situation where he doesn't have time to decide or someone's gone against those he cares for, 'justice' tends to come in a near-immediate barrage of violent spellcasting. Not necessarily aiming to kill but definitely aiming to hurt!
D: Dee has no sense of justice for themselves and would (/almost did) just let themselves get basically euthanized by a group of sort-of exterminators. Again, fairness doesn't really exist in their moral code. While this means they don't really hold grudges, it does become personal if someone hurts Nelly (and then they'll become jokerfied really fast)
V: Bc of defeatism Vhoxhu doesn't really seek justice for most things, but if she was slighted enough at current date she always has the option of throwing a giant fish at them in their dreams. In the future she'd take little victories/petty ones instead (therapy helps!)
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