#I hope other people share their menopause stories here. it's always good info to have
motsimages · 3 months
The bit about the menopause in Never Stop Blowing Up was superfunny but I don't want the youth to think it was just a joke because it's funny to speak like this about menstruation and menopause. If you happen to be next to menopausic women after you are 30, they will tell you about it and yes, it may involve a way heavier flow than before for a couple of years.
Quite literally, the nurse assisting a gynecologist I had an appointment with told me that she spent two years having to have a change of pants in her workplace (the hospital) because she bleeded so much. Sometimes she even fainted.
And since I'm at it, other things that apparently happen, as told to me by menopausic women are: temperature dysregulation (the famous hot flashes), your boobs get bigger, your vagina lubricate much less, difficulty regulating the mood swings (if you get angry, you get superangry superfast and it's hard to calm down).
Looking forward to hear jokes about this too.
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