#I hope linking other's peoples' post isnt a faux pas or smth
fairyrona · 12 days
What's wrong? Rainbow.
Okay this post is a little of a brain vomit, because I've read so many smart posts lately and I have some thoughts that kinda tie into all of them or maybe provide some pieces.
So, let's add some maybe fresh thoughts. If somebody had already said all that, please step forth lmao
First, the Zombie Boy drawing and different/changing timelines. (and project rainbow) For For context, @willbyersabyss 's post.
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S1 version mentioning the mind control experiments.
-> completely erasing that timeline/version of events by the said mind control. -> And now Will Byers has become the Zombie Boy
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It's almost unbelivable how much timeline-wrongness/loops S2 hides under it's sleeve.
Trapped in an artificially created time loop / timeline.
What's wrong with Mama? Rainbow. Timeline's wrong.
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Oh, what you say Nancy-in-Terry's overcoat/costume?
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Murray's? But not yours?
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Oh, then what if Murray's timeline?
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Zombie Boy version. The one that says Will got lost in the woods. Our timeline. And then we get Lucas telling Max the truth. (Events of s1, that represent the Zombie Boy version.) But on this particular timeline-train of thoughts, he literally repeats after Nancy:
Will didn't get lost in the woods. The timeline's wrong.
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And then it get's even more messy, because Max thinks this story feels derivative. This is literally us reading the s1 article. But then, why is she reacting to the s2 version like that?
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And then she calls him out for lying. We get told multiple times, that Lucas is not telling the true version of events.
Friends don't lie. Never ever. No matter what. Is that right? Then how do you explain this?
Out of order. The timeline is wrong. Out of order.
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Friends don't lie. Never ever. No matter what. Is that right? Then how do you explain this?
Now, lets go back a little. And add some MKUltra.
What's wrong with mama? Rainbow. Timeline's wrong. Out of order.
I don't think I've seen anyone mention the fact that we've got not 1, not 2, but at least 3 Rainbow Rooms.
terry ives' mind loop (with different colour-gradings)
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Ray's, the lab ward's home in Chicagoproject nina tape-based memories project nina tape-based memories (with different colour-gradings)
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While we're at HNL colour grading I wanna quickly add that Terry's sequences are a lot warmer, I'd even say the walls are different paint all together. But it could just visual clue of time passing, renovations and all.
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However. It's a cool detail that while Terry's memories are warm-ish-> turn greenish just as it cuts to little Jane and Kali and then the lighting immediately becomes cold - like in Will's scenes. (And Ray's, ''true'' version is warm as well. Outside of the girls nightgowns, that are more cool-toned. and that's another mindfuckery detail, bc Ray's kids are dressed more like lab subjects than the lab subjects.) (out of order)
I wanna talk bout the middle Rainbow Room. And its possible connection to MK Ultra.
First. Light is important. Here are two posts about light's and rainbow's involvement in the experiments'.
For context, go to the two @conflictofthemind 's posts.
breathe. sunflower. rainbow. three to the right, four to the left. four-fifty. breathe.
breathe. (He isn't breathing!)
sunflower. (follows the light. Joyce to find Will, El to talk to Terry etc. Will's house being all lit up in the pilot. AND the shed. And the light bulb thing. followed the light? and went back?)
(electromagnetic spectrum gets separated. different wavelengths reflect at a different angle. but in the end it's still just an optical illusion. it doesn't exist in a specific point in the sky.)
Rainbows are actually full circles. The antisolar point is the center of the circle. Viewers in aircraft can sometimes see these circular rainbows. (The horizon obstructs our view. It's as if the second half was under. In the Upside down.)
three to the right, four to the left. 43. 1943?
four-fifty. (Turning up the dial on the machine. 450° degree angle? it loops.
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breathe. it loops.
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Also, the safety vault, the rainbow and the dial is all circle shaped, and it ends on the dial being turned, as if we're actually going round on it's axis. (But in Terry's memories, and Ray's flat, we're only seeing one half of the story. S4? we get too many versions. A half circle, the rainbow going around the room, turning upside down etc.)
In that scene they are in Ray's apartament. (another light reference)
And I have a few theories. This is the writers telling us that
there are multiple versions of the event
these memories from another timeline. which i'll touch upon in a different post, to keep things in order
the event is replicating itself in different manners
Okay, now a rundown of the scene:
-> The Kali Gang bursts in. The RAY-guy begs for his life. Says he's gonna help El find Brenner.
-> Nobody believes the guy, neither the audience nor the characters, but the thing is - he was telling the truth! Now, after s4, after being introduced to yet another, COMPLETELY different rainbow room, we know that.
What also interest me is that Ray said Brenner trusts him - thus he knows Brenner is alive. Was that a secret between the bad men as well? Is Brenner being alive something more than not succumbing to injury circa s1?
The things is!! El and Kali never entered Ray's rainbow room.
And Ray telling us the truth feels like a check mark - this! This is the one!
I think either:
a) there are different versions of the event: Where the girls in the room were not El and Kali, but some other two kids, possibly actual siblings.
a.1) this only happened once - and Jane is not El.
b) The original event that keeps weaving itself into the plot his hasn't happened to Terry specifically.
c) Or there was no ''original'' but it keep's repeating to trigger something, or replicate an effect. Somebody finding two ''kids'' in a rainbow room.
This really feels more like a visual and storytelling metafor.
Same with @erikiara80 post about colour green.
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Especially with what happened st Ray's place.
El and Kali on different sides of conflict, Kali being the more blood-thirsty, revenge seeking one.
-> Kali and El want to kill Ray. But Kali want it to last, to make him suffer. -> For a moment El listens but then Kali-Gang find the girls in the rainbow room -> El notices a photo frame with Ray and his daughters and doesn't kill him in the end. -> This pisses off Kali, she want to kill him, but El stops her. And they evacuate without killing the guy.
vs. El showing 'empathy'.
But we know that NINA's memories are not entirely trust-worthy... (s4 Owens: how much did you skip?)
This might be a nod to the fact that El doesn't actually relate to the strong emotions Kali is feeling about this. (That El is not Jane, Ray didn't torture her mother.)(Or that they originate from different timelines.)
Oh and, let's not forget about the staring point. The Zombie Boy articles. And how Will-Joyce-Hopper are involved in that scene sequence.
Want it or not, in this color grading, this car looks like Joyce's green pinto.
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And this, also, looks like Joyce's green pinto.
Now, why am I suddenly pulling Joyce and Hopper into all of this? Because Hop says a funny line in s2.
"You wanna take him back to Chicago?'' (about Will having episodes. They also mention Boston, where another comic takes place.)
All in all, Hopper discourages Joyce from looking for help anywhere else but HNL.
But take this car parked by Ray's place, take that one line, and take the fact that Ray was not bullshitting El?
And to that let's add that the Zombie Boy event having ''Chief Hopper'' literally written all over the page? Zombie Boy is encircling him for gods sake. (in green) Pointing fingers.
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(Which Chief Hopper tho haha)
oh and
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I really hope this makes sense. Might not. Hopefully it does.
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