#I hope he fumbles this
egregiousderp · 1 year
Not to be callous about the people who will suffer in the upcoming hurricane Idalia, but as a Florida Resident, I hope the aftermath of this personally ruins Rick Scott’s career and political influence so badly that nobody thinks of sustaining his pet little pieces of legislature that are making this place so fucking difficult for kids, and people like me.
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ellaphnt · 5 months
I think Shuro was aware Falin didn’t feel the same way. But she helped him vocalize his feelings for the first time, and so he wanted to offer the same courtesy. Let her answer him herself, when she was ready. That’s why he waited for her. I’m guessing their final discussion on this WAS when they both felt like talking about it. And if not, it’s because enough time has passed plus they were running out of time (Shuro leaving). In the end, he wasn’t surprised at the rejection, just, satisfied at its natural conclusion. They can both step away from this as individuals who chose their own path.
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And through the story, ofc he still hopes! It’d be weirder if he didn’t. But like, when the response to a proposal is “I need time to think,” the answer is obviously “I don’t feel the same way,” whether she accepted or not. Part of the hope could be naivety, but I think he was readying himself for whatever answer she gave. A+ btw for handling the rejection with such grace. And for Falin who was so gentle, and have given her future some thought. Neither are as passive as they used to be. They both grew so much.
Side tangent, Shuro likely sees him and Falin as very similar people, both with issues telling people no, both struggling to become their own person. And she was weird too! (in the bug liking way)! He was always too scared to express himself. He probably looked up to her a lot as the kind of person he would like to be. That’s probably why he fell in love, but more importantly, I think that’s why he had faith that Falin would get back to him about the proposal. She needed time to think, but he knew she could come through and vocalize her thoughts. He learned from her, after all.
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mugentakeda · 3 months
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would love to know what he meant by that very last part
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oddly-casual · 1 year
I think Mutant Mayhem is the first tmnt propriety to make Leo my favorite turtle right off the bat.
Not that I don’t like Leo anywhere else, but usually it takes me like a second rewatch or something to really pick apart Leo’s character in full to appreciate him- and even then he’s usually not my favorite.
But MM Leo is my favorite for reasons I cannot identify.
Maybe it’s the way he walks, his cringe fail personality, I don’t know but I care about this loser so much.
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Idk he cares so much abt his siblings despite the fact that they can be so mean to him sometimes. He is also the one who continually pushes to do the right thing when theres nothing (or even sometimes worst things) to gain from it.
Even his attempts at being cool come off as dorkish but it’s charming in a way only little kids can be. In a ‘you’re doing your best sweetie’. Leo is a single mother of three while also being a teenage boy, that takes work.
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He’s such a silent but calculating character, ironically when he doesn’t try so hard and does what he feels is right he gets the best results (ie his leader speech, the plan to be accepted, gaining the acceptance of other mutants) for all his fumbling and try hard attitude he has such natural potential it’s insane.
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untouchedsoap · 1 year
there is something sooo fucking good about early seasons ian and mickey, about watching this summer fling turn into something more, the fear that elicited from mickey but him being unable to stop, finding those little moments hidden away and taking all this meaning from small gestures and persevering in dugouts and under bleachers and barely pressed confessions in the back of a church that is soo good for my brain
like i am very glad mickey gets to shout his love for ian from the mountain tops and also beat his love for ian into his dad's face but when he was clenching his teeth shut and his love for ian was coming out regardless ohhhhh baby i was eating
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vagabond-umlaut · 9 days
honestly speaking, i think i will be fine with gojo staying dead AND with him coming back to life---i'm neutral about this matter ngl---but one thing's for sure, I AM NOT READING JJK 2 IF IT HAS NO SATORU IN IT. LIKE, NOPE BUDDY, I AIN'T GONNA READ IT
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night island's description on AMC's advertising website
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offorestsongs · 12 days
romantic secrets
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ah. so. this is a little ficlet for Sheep's (@natsukishinomiyaswife) fic series Into the Yumeverse! i know i already drew art for it but the idea couldn't leave my head and i didn't think i could execute it as well with art. hope this is okay dhgfjgjjfjg
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Lysander would love it if the universe would stop putting him in situations. He has had enough situations for all his days. There must be people out there who felt that their lives were boring and nothing interesting ever happened to them — Lysander would gladly donate some of his situations to their cause! 
His current situation was this: he was sitting on the grass in the courtyard with Rook, which wouldn't be out of the ordinary if not for the fact that the universe Lysander currently resided in was some weird version of Twisted Wonderland moved slightly to the left (Twister Wonderland? No. That was awful). 
A version with a completely different magicless human girl thrown into the chaos (Lydia, who by all accounts seemed like a sweetheart), without Lysander’s beloved Ramshackle or even more beloved awful cat-beast-son.
Now the first chaos seemed to settle down a bit and so, with a lot of blushing and stumbling around, Lysander had explained to Rook the gist of the relationship the two of them had back in Lysander’s universe.
Rook seemed to react to the information the same way he reacted to every other curiosity that caught his attention; he asked questions and listened intently, and waxed poetically about whatever Lysander had said.
“Ah, what a beautiful tale. I hardly ever imagined somebody would be able to capture my heart,” Rook said. He was looking at Lysander with the same burning curiosity as back when they had first started talking — he was assessing Lysander, almost trying to see through him.
Maybe Rook really couldn’t imagine how he could ever end up with somebody like Lysander. Maybe—
Lysander stopped the thought before he could ever properly formulate it. It was too silly to even entertain, an echo of insecurities that Lysander should’ve been long past. If there was one thing that he had learned from their relationship, it was that Rook never did anything if he didn’t want to. If they were together, that was only because for Rook, it was the most right thing to do.
“I know,” Lysander replied, smiling. Suddenly, he became pointedly aware of the strangeness of their situation. Just this once, it was Lysander who knew so much about Rook, while Rook was still trying to make a judgment call on Lysander.
Lysander’s smile grew bigger. Oh, it seemed like such a silly thing to do — he really shouldn’t be playing tricks on people or mess with their reactions. But… Rook was always teasing him, maybe it was time to finally take revenge.
Maybe the saying was true — when in Rome, you had no other choice but to do as Romans did.
Heart pounding in his ribcage, Lysander raised his head. “You know what else I know?” he asked, and before Rook could reply, he went on: “You named your first arrow Salamander because it was the first animal you’ve caught.”
As stupid as Lysander felt at that moment, he couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction that curled up in his chest seeing Rook’s eyes widen in surprise
“And,” Lysander continued. “You used to eat poisonous plants as a kid so you would get immune to them. Your biggest scar is on your left hip; you tried to sew the wound by yourself, but it went badly. You used to not be able to fall asleep without a plush lion.”
He watched Rook’s expression slowly turn from surprise to curiosity to delight.
“My! What a curious little flower you are! Maybe I can see how you have managed to ensnare my affections. But, Monsieur Fleur, you should know that it is dangerous to show all your knowledge so freely. You never know how somebody could take it.”
Lysander’s cheeks turned pink. “Who said that’s all my knowledge?” he replied, with more bravado than he expected of himself. “And I trust you, even in a different universe.”
No— Wait— Why did he even say that?! That was… bad. Way too forward. Way too… everything. Regret washed over Lysander immediately.
Overcome with a profound feeling of shame and embarrassment, Lysander hid his face in his hands — he could feel just how hot his cheeks were.
“Non, Monsieur Fleur, don’t curl up your petals now! As foolish as it might be, I am honoured to have your trust.”
Lysander hid his face even more, his hair falling to the sides like curtains. “No! I am not talking about this anymore! One more word and I’m running away!”
He could hear Rook’s laughter. “Ah, then I will just have to chase after you. Shouldn’t you know I don’t give up so easily?”
Ah. Well. Lysander just couldn’t win, could he?
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lunaryuwu · 6 days
I feel like this needs to be said someone mentioned that in jp jackalope said mikoto has “one of the most kills”. ONE OF THE MOST. NOT THE MOST.
Just to clear up some misunderstandings
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devilrose · 10 months
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Basho & Buson / Attila & Hun
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fucknugg3t · 18 days
very calm about people being nice to me
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Ok, complicated thoughts on Jamie in 3x11:
I do actually like the way forgiveness was talked about this episode and how it was used with Jamie particularly, because I agree with what Ted said - I don’t think forgiveness is always something you do for the other person, and I certainly don’t think it’s condoning their actions or welcoming them back into your life, I think a lot of the times it’s more like letting go of something, so that what someone did to you no longer has power over you.
And Jamie needs that, because he’s can’t keep letting his dad motivate his actions one way or another - either trying to please him or trying to anger him. In both cases, his life becomes more about his dad than about him. He almost ruined his entire career at one point because he tried to make his dad mad - a choice I doubt he would have made without his dad being a motivation. And like he said in 3x06, even when his dad isn’t physically there, he’s always really there.
So much of this season has been about forgiveness - but BOTH types. The team and Beard forgiving Nate AND welcoming him back because he does regret his mistakes, Ted forgiving his mom for how she hurt him even unintentionally, but it’s ALSO Rebecca no longer letting herself be motivated by hatred of Rupert, making her choices for herself, and not just to spite him. But in that case, Rupert isn’t sorry for what he’s done and Rebecca ISN’T going to give him another chance or welcome him back into her life. 
The biggest misstep for how it was handled this episode though is that that doesn’t mean Jamie has to have a relationship with his dad. Forgiving him is about letting go of the anger so it doesn’t have to affect JAMIE’S life anymore, so that he doesn’t feel driven by it. But you can forgive someone for yourself, you can let go so you can heal, and STILL have absolutely nothing to do with them because they aren’t good people to have in your life.
Because while Jamie needs to move on, James Tartt in no way deserves him reaching out to him.
You can forgive someone and still hold them accountable for their actions. And you absolutely should actually. And you can do it without giving them a second change; those are two very different things.
And THAT’S the piece they missed (both in this storyline and with Sam). And a horrible father like James Tartt who did nothing but terrorize his son doesn’t deserve an olive branch. He should be cut out of Jamie’s life forever.
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wonhes · 3 months
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was working out and decided to scroll through tiktok before my next set and this is the first thing that came up. oh YUP. 4 more sets it is 🤣🤣
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horangslay · 4 months
really scared we're about to watch n.SSign fall apart...scared I've been stanning bullies, I seriously had no clue; it's like a BOMB went off
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marsbotz · 2 years
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im normal about him. btw
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mekatrio · 3 months
so thankful to god i was not an ajaa fan when they announced the apollo justice """trilogy""' cuz ohhhhhh i wouldve been SO MAD
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