#I honestly just want Antarctic Empire PT2 ya know
Bruh it annoys me so much that whenever Dream smp!Phil shows an ounce of kindness towards anyone people are like “OMG DADZA!!!” And then when he fails to act like a father to that person despite having NO OBLIGATIONS TO BECAUSE CANONICAL HE’S ONLY FATHER TO WILBUR y’all are like “PHIL IS SUCH A BAD DAD, HE’S SO NEGLECTFUL, HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE’S FEELINGS, HE’S EVIL!”
Like bruh if you actually cared about Phil’s character in the first place you’d see how wrong you are and that you’re literally getting mad because he didn’t conform to YOUR expectations of him because he’s only seen as “Dadza” instead of an actual goddam character with complex emotions!
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