#I heard Flatline was a love or hate character and I sadly am closer to the latter
whalehouse1 · 2 years
So I’m jumping between Steph’s Batgirl run and Damian’s tournament arc thing and I’m liking Steph’s a lot more. Babs isn’t as nasty to Steph as she came across to Cass in her run and I’m super happy about that, although her and Dick need to dial back on the superiority complex they have on being first*. And I’ve liked just about every side character in Steph’s run with few exceptions. Whereas in Damian’s run…it feels like the Teen Titan novels they’ve been filling out. I enjoy them, they’re cute but they’re soulless, like a Hallmark Christmas movie. I went in knowing Connor and Flatline were in it but Connor doesn’t seem anything like he was in Cass’s run (that was the only other time I’ve seen him so I don’t know if either is more accurate to his character or neither is but I liked him much more with Cass). And Flatline…I really was hoping to like her, cool look, cool power, but, have you ever read a fanfic where the author created a character solely to ship them with a character and gave them nothing but “cool” traits? And then it’s just not implemented well so you can just see the author’s thoughts of, “Oh yeah this character is super awesome?” Because that’s what I get from Flatline and I hate it. I also have issues with Ra’s and Talia (I really like it with the h in it more but DC has spoken) being concerned family when we know how he was raised in the past. Fanon Talia being a loving mother, please give it to me, but in canon…it’s hard to have a feeling on it since it seems to be mixing but what she did to Damian and Bruce just sits at the back of my mind and leaks through and I HATE IT since I really like Talia as a villain. And just gonna say it, Damian liking manga came out as a “Look at me children, I’m hip and cool” and I’m not really sure why and it just being his thing? Duke, Steph and Tim are all at an age where they would have read manga or watched anime. It isn’t that unique of a trait. But the two things I really did like was the Robin chase (it was cute, sue me) and me actually seeing Ravager not be all “MUST PLEASE MY FATHER!!! NEED DAD’S APPROVAL!” and just being a chill woman. It was nice.
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