#I haven't stared at an art program for this long since I went to a fake college hoping to get a graphic design degree
noonaishere · 11 months
I just spent all day working on some manips for my fic...
You really have to admire the dedication of making these things look realistic, since there's no app or online template to make them.
Did I say "dedication"? I meant "madness".
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fanimesenseiwrites · 4 years
So I had piece commissioned of my MC, Hoshiko Higure, presenting as both female and male.
The artist is karoshin_arts on Instagram.
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And to go along with the art is a little fic I wrote, mostly, about Hoshiko coming out to the boys.
This fic takes place after Belphie gets out of the attic and before the MC goes home for the first time.
Hoshiko's Coming Out
Hoshiko stood in front of their full length mirror in their bedroom, staring at their reflection.
They were dressed for school but instead of wearing the skirt, they had decided to wear uniform pants today. They were also wearing a binder underneath their dress shirt, effectively hiding their breasts. They tied the top half of their hair back before putting on their circle rim glasses.
They stared at themselves in the mirror once they were totally ready.
"Okay... you look good. You can do this. Everything is gonna be fine," they told themself, trying to psych themself up.
They nodded at themself in the mirror before walking out into the hallway.
Mammon was headed to Hoshiko's room as they were walking out.
"Hey Ho... shi..." Mammon stopped mid step and mid sentence and just stared at Hoshiko. He narrowed his eyes at them, seeming suspicious.
Hoshiko turned a bright red. "It's me! I swear! I'm just... wearing pants..."
"You're doing more than that..." Mammon told them as he finished walking over to them.
"Yeah, I just... sometimes I..." They couldn't look at Mammon. "I don't feel like a girl all the time... sometimes I feel like a boy..." They wrapped their arms around themselves.
"So what, you just wanna wear pants and not have boobs sometimes?"
They looked up at Mammon. "I mean, in not so many words, yeah."
Mammon pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Hoshiko sighed and looked down at the ground. "You don't wanna be my friend anymore, do you?"
"What? Quit your mopin'! I didn't say that!"
Hoshiko looked back up at him.
"I'm your first! You're s'posed to tell me everything, no secrets between us, remember?!" Mammon perched his hands on his hips.
Hoshiko teared up. "Oh, Mammon!" They threw their arms around him and cried into his chest.
"Hey! Don't do that..." he blushed and pushed them away gently. "You'll break your glasses." He offered them a handkerchief from his breast pocket.
Hoshiko nodded and took the handkerchief with a soft sniffle. They took off their glasses and wiped their eyes.
"C'mon, you gotta eat some breakfast before school."
They nodded and headed to the dining room with Mammon. "... Will you stay with me all day?"
Mammon looked at them. "Huh?"
"I... I'm actually afraid of being by myself, looking like this..."
"Oh... yeah, of course. You gotta know the Great Mammon will always protect ya!" He flashed them a brilliant smile.
Hoshiko smiled at him. "Thank you." They grabbed Mammon's hand.
Mammon blushed but squeezed their hand in return.
Everyone looked at them when they entered the dining hall.
"Hey! So today Hoshiko feels like a guy and we're gonna make her feel- well, him-"
Hoshiko nudged him.
He stopped talking and looked at Hoshiko.
"You can just use they/them," Hoshiko told him.
"Right!" He looked back at his brothers. "So we're gonna make them feel comfortable and if ya don't, I'll kill ya," he was actually the most serious Hoshiko had ever seen him.
Hoshiko squeezed his hand. "Calm down, it's not that serious."
He looked back at Hoshiko. "Yes it is. Your feelings are important."
Hoshiko smiled at him. "I appreciate you saying that."
"Mammon is right," Lucifer spoke before dabbing his mouth with a napkin.
Hoshiko and Mammon looked at him.
"Your feelings are important, Hoshiko. If there's anything you need or if anyone gives you any flak, you let me know," only Lucifer could say something so sweet, yet so venom filled.
Hoshiko nodded. "I will, thank you."
Lucifer nodded. "Of course."
"Have you always felt this way?" Satan asked Hoshiko.
Hoshiko looked at him. "Uh... it's hard to say. It's only been in the last like... 3 years that I had the terminology to describe how I feel."
"And what is the correct terminology?" Satan asked as he pulled out his DDD and opened up a note taking app.
"I'm genderfluid. Which means I don't fit into the typical binary model of gender. Even though I am biologically female, I don't always want to present myself as traditionally female."
"Conforming to gender norms when it comes to clothing is so boring," Asmo commented. "You should just do what makes you happy."
Hoshiko smiled at him. "I like that. Thank you."
Asmo smiled brightly at them. "Of course, love!"
"So wait..." Belphie started.
Everyone looked at him.
"This is new to everyone, not just me?"
Beel nodded. "This is the first I've heard of it."
"So, you've felt like this for at least 3 years?" Belphie asked Hoshiko.
Hoshiko blushed and nodded, understanding what Belphie was getting at.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?" Levi asked.
"I didn't feel comfortable showing y'all until now. Even getting ready this morning I was nervous as hell."
Levi only nodded.
"Okay, I think that's enough questions for now," Lucifer interjected. "It's time to get to school."
Hoshiko was actually grateful that Lucifer had stopped them from asking them questions, they could feel themself getting overwhelmed.
Hoshiko smiled slightly at Lucifer before getting up and clearing their plate from the table.
The brothers followed suit, then everyone left for RAD together.
True to his word, Mammon stayed next to Hoshiko all day, though they didn't really need any protecting as they had originally thought.
After school, at the student council meeting, Diavolo asked Hoshiko how their first day presenting as a male was.
"It went well! Most folks were more curious anything. Azazel asked if I actually did have magical abilities because of how I changed my appearance. I thought that was funny. And Solomon offered to teach me how to make potions to deepen my voice for when I want to present as a guy. And Mephistopheles said I was stunning no matter how I presented..."
Most of the brothers rolled their eyes, but Mammon let out a little growl.
Hoshiko smacked his arm. "He was just bein' nice."
"Uh huh..." he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.
Diavolo chuckled at their interaction. "Well I'm glad today went so well for you, Hoshiko."
Hoshiko grinned. "I was really surprised, I thought that maybe at least a couple folks would give me hard time, but no one did."
"Demons are not usually so concerned with presentations of gender like that," Barbatos informed them.
"Oh... well I wish I had known that sooner, I wouldn't have been freaking out as much about today."
"That's not true," Barbatos corrected them.
Hoshiko pouted. "I don't like it when you call me out like that."
Barbatos chuckled softly.
Diavolo grinned. "Well I'm glad that our residents didn't take advantage of Hoshiko being a human when they changed their appearance. This is good for the exchange program!"
"I concur," Lucifer interjected.
"Well that concludes today's meeting," Diavolo announced before standing up.
Everyone else stood up with him.
Diavolo left the table before anyone else moved.
Asmo ran over to Hoshiko. "Hoshiko! Do you want to go shopping? We can pick you out some more masculine looking clothes if you want."
Hoshiko grinned. "I'd like that."
"I'm goin' too," Mammon declared.
Asmo pouted. "Why do you have to go?"
"Hoshiko asked me to stay by their side all day, so that's what I'm gonna do!"
Hoshiko chuckled. "That was when I thought I was gonna get made fun of or even beat up. I know I'll be okay now, so you don't have to stay with me."
"Nope. You asked so I'm gonna stay with you all day. The Great Mammon doesn't break a promise."
"What?! Since when?!" Levi interjected. "You still haven't paid me back!"
"Yeah, you obviously just want to be next to Hoshiko," Asmo pointed out.
"What?! That ain't so!" Mammon protested as a blush appeared on his cheeks.
Hoshiko chuckled at them. "Come on, we can all go shopping. It's not that big of a deal."
Asmo sighed. "Alright, as long as you're happy." He smiled slightly.
"We'll all be happy, I'll treat you two to dinner afterwards," Hoshiko promised.
Asmo beamed. "Okay!"
The trio went out to go shopping and went out to dinner before returning home to the House of Lamentation.
Hoshiko walked in sporting a new lavender suit and purple dress shirt.
Asmo insisted on showing them off to everyone in the house.
Hoshiko got a little embarrassed when Asmo dragged them to Lucifer's study. "Asmo, he doesn't care..."
"That's not true! Lucifer!" Asmo called as they walked into the study.
Lucifer looked up at them from where he sat at his desk.
"Look at our handsome little exchange student!" He exclaimed as he spun them around, giving Lucifer the full view.
Hoshiko was blushing.
Lucifer chuckled. "You look nice, Hoshiko. Though it is apparent that Asmo picked out that suit."
"That doesn't sound like a compliment," Asmo said with a pout.
"I just think Hoshiko would look better in something darker."
"There's more colors besides black and red, Lucifer," Asmo informed him.
Hoshiko chuckled at their interaction.
Lucifer glanced at Hoshiko briefly. "Asmo, would you leave us? I'd like to speak to Hoshiko alone for a moment."
"Ooh, okay!" Asmo sang just before leaving the room.
Hoshiko felt their ears get hot. "Uh, am I in trouble?"
"No, not at all. Please, take a seat." He motioned to a chair right in front of his desk.
Hoshiko nodded and sat down, crossing their legs as they did so.
"I just wanted to ask how your day went."
"It went well, you were there in the meeting when I told Lord Diavolo how it went."
"I just wanted to verify that nothing has changed since then. Make sure my brothers haven't harassed you about it."
Hoshiko laughed. "No, it's been fine. I appreciate your concern though."
Lucifer smirked. "How has your stay in Devildom been, thus far?"
"Aside from nearly dying like four times, it's been great!" Hoshiko teased.
Lucifer pursed his lips. "Right..."
"I'm only kidding with you. I've actually had a good time and I've learned a lot... it's kinda sad to think about how I'll be leaving in just a couple months."
Lucifer smiled slightly. "I'm glad you think of it that way."
"It certainly helped that all my housemates were hot too," Hoshiko told him with a wink.
Lucifer couldn't help the blush that rose to his cheeks. "Hoshiko," he chided.
Hoshiko snickered. "I'm just teasing you. That's a good thing. It means I'm comfortable with you now."
Lucifer hummed. "Should you be?"
"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?" Hoshiko asked with a sly smile.
Lucifer stared them down, frustrated at his inability to give them an answer. "... Regardless, we've been happy to host you. I'm glad you were chosen for the program."
Hoshiko rolled their eyes. "Are you going to continue to be this formal until I leave?"
"Perhaps," Lucifer replied simply.
"Uh huh." Hoshiko stood up and straightened their suit jacket. "Well I will be upfront with my feelings and tell you that I like you and all your brothers and I'm really enjoying my time here... I hope we can all still be good friends after I leave."
Lucifer watched them and smiled slightly. "I think my brothers will be lost without you here."
"I think I'll be lost without all their crazy antics keeping me busy," Hoshiko laughed.
Lucifer chuckled.
"Hoshiko!" Asmo squealed as they ran into the room and went to hide behind Hoshiko.
"Speaking of crazy antics," Hoshiko said to Lucifer before looking at Asmo. "What is-?"
Hoshiko jumped at being suddenly sprayed in the back of the head with water. They whipped around to see Mammon standing in the doorway with a water gun.
"Oh you're gonna get it now!" Hoshiko told him with a grin.
"Good luck catching me!" Mammon told them before running away.
Hoshiko quickly ran after him.
Asmo ran after the two, not wanting to miss out on the fun.
Lucifer shook his head with a soft smile on his face. He knew the "crazy antics" would never stop, but he was grateful for a particular human that had caused them to become less deadly.
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