#I haven’t seen anyone upload the video so here you go :)
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korshrimpski · 5 months ago
utahhockeyclub: introducing: Clayton Keller
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gabbytvclarke · 1 month ago
The dog and the postwoman PART THREE: I don't want you, I crave you
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Part one here! ♥ Part two here! ♥ Part four here!
• Summary: Arthur Hill invites y/n to join himself, George, and of course Arthur TV on a platform roulette video. Arthur gets a little braver. • Pairing: Arthur TV x female!reader (Also friend!George Clarke and friend!Arthur Hill) • Fluff with VERY SLIGHT smut, friends to something more... I thought I'd splice in some slight jealous!Arthur too for fun • Warnings: alcohol, swearing, innuendoes, brief vomit mention, slight cheekiness/NSFW mentions • Word count: 12,889 words Note 1: Arthur Hill will be either referred to by his full name or just ‘Hill’ again Note 2: I picked the place at random and researched a few pub names and places, I'm sorry if some details are inaccurate!
It had been almost three weeks since Chris uploaded the pub golf video, three weeks since the shipping between y/n and Arthur begun, three weeks since #y/nTV began circulating on social media amongst the UK YouTube commentary fans. Y/n and Arthur continued to speak as ‘just friends’, or at least that’s what they told anyone who asked, but felt themselves getting closer and closer. They hadn’t seen each other in person since the morning after they met as their schedules were busy, but they played a couple of Minecraft sessions off camera together and began texting daily.
Y/n is only about four minutes away from the station where Arthur Hill, George Clarke, and cameraman James are waiting. She's running late, but late is never quite as perfected as Arthur TV himself.
In comparison to Chris’s shoot, y/n feels more at ease for today. She’s not quite sure whether it’s because there are fewer people and a lack of an uncomfortable uniform, or if her nerves are just deafened by the thrill of seeing Arthur again. Her mind buzzes with intrigue on where the adventure will take her today.
From a more predictable 27 minutes away, Arthur’s mind is also racing. Not just because he’s rushing, weaving around commuters like a chased gazelle, but because he is also just as excited to see y/n. Beautiful, hilarious y/n. The girl he’s missed since day two of officially knowing her. Her sweet soft voice plays on loop in his head from their Minecraft sessions, which had lasted late into the night and when hushed voices were a must. He too has enjoyed reading the viewers’ speculations and support.
His favourite recurring comments are oddly from the ‘y/nTV deniers’; who claim that he couldn’t possibly be into y/n as he touches her and jokes with her a lot like he does with his other friends. ‘If he really was into her, he’d be shy’ is their so-called proof. He finds it amusing how they think that that’s evidence, when in fact physical touch is his love language. Sure, he loves his friends and touches them a lot and sure, y/n is his friend, but his love for her is different. Love. He hasn’t said it out loud to anyone yet, not even to himself, but he’ll very soon realise that what he feels for her definitely love.
“There she is!” A beaming George calls as y/n scurries to the boys. He gives her a quick gentle hug before she scoots to Hill to give him one too.
“Hey bestie,” Hill grins, “We haven’t started filming yet. We usually start rolling when we see Arthur making his grand entrance through the crowd.” She pictures his wide eyed expression and athletic body gliding through her fellow train riders, finding the image hilarious. She introduces herself to James and vice versa in the meantime. “Do you know where we’re going yet?” She then asks the group.
“Nah, we wait until we start filming before we find out.” George replies, as Hill’s head dances around while he looks for the disorganised creator. “Ah, he’s just texted. He’ll be here in just a few minutes,” George confirms. Just a few minutes, y/n tells herself in her head. Those minutes feel like hours, that is until a wavy fringe can be seen bouncing amongst the flocks of people in his way. The recording officially begins.
“Fashionably late as usual, we wouldn’t have it any other way,” Hill starts. He turns to the camera and introduces the video as well as his ‘co-stars’, leaving y/n for last as the new guest. While he goes in depth about the concept of the series, Arthur greets the other two. He and George dap and bicker about the agreed meeting time. Arthur then turns to y/n and pulls her into a gentle hug. She can smell his aftershave again and he can smell her familiar perfume. “Hey you,” he utters quietly, a smile evident in his velvet voice.
“We meet again,” y/n replies as they move away from their short embrace, his stubble softly grazing past her cheek as he stands straight. They share a sweet gaze before both realising they are in fact not the only two people in existence. The rouletters learn their destination is Aylesford, Kent. With a dangerous 6 minutes before departure, they rush to grab their travel drinks and make their way to their first train.
Y/n enters the carriage first and nabs herself a window seat. The boys are still making their way down the aisle when Arthur calls shotgun for the other window seat, despite being behind Hill, making sure he sits opposite y/n. Hill instead sits to y/n’s left, George situates himself next to Arthur. They all crack open their drinks of choice as James sits beside the four, filming away. Y/n made sure she had a bigger breakfast before she left, knowing full well how hammered the boys get in these videos. They drink and chatter amongst themselves, which mostly means that George and Hill gang up on Arthur, while y/n laughs but looks at him with empathy.
The train passes a field full of sheep and the group begin telling as many sheep related jokes and puns as possible. “I’m woolly looking forward to exploring today,” Hill attempts.
"Really? I'm feeling a little sheepish" George adds, pulling a smug face towards the camera.
"Sheers everyone!" Arthur joins in, holding up his drink. George and y/n join in the cheersing with a 'waaaay'.
"I don't get it." Hill mutters quietly. George acts out using a razor, doing an impression of the motorised noise, giving Hill intense eye contact.
"Sheeps get sheered," Arthur says, accompanying George's actions, his eyebrows low as he too looks at Hill, almost with disappointment.
"I'm baaaaaffled that you didn't get that Hilly," y/n chimes in with a smirk. Arthur smiles proudly, a swift bounce in his eyebrows in amusement as he cheerses her again.
They approach their first changeover stop and follow Hill, who holds out his phone like it's physically dragging them to their next platform. They have plenty of time before this train leaves, so they don't rush this time around. James points the camera to George as he walks ahead with Hill, they mostly discuss Hill's already slightly tipsy state as the camera also catches 'y/nTV' behind them through their shoulders.
"I was wondering if you'd like to play a horror game with me on my second channel," Arthur asks, "everyone's begging me to have you on something of mine." Of course y/n accepts. They still have plans for y/n to guest star on the Bach and Arthur podcast, but they're still working through their current pre-planned episode schedule and Bach is on vacation. Arthur leans into y/n's ear, “I’m so glad you’re here by the way,” he whispers.
“Me too,” she replies with a genuine smile, internally bracing herself, “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me out for that coffee!”
“You’ve… what?” Arthur forgets to walk for a moment, before his wide eyes dart to her.
“This way you two!” Hill calls out, the pair not realising that they’re walking the wrong way. They awkwardly laugh and scurry closer to George, Hill, and James.
Before the pair can continue their conversation, James points the camera to them. Arthur thinks quick on his feet and pretends that they were discussing something else. “Personally I think Arthur’s going to throw up first.” He states about Hill.
“It’s definitely one of you two,” George replies with a grin peering over his shoulder at the pair, “y/n in particular was wobbly as fuck at the pub golf!”
“If I remember correctly, your team came last Clarkey.” Y/n quips, sneering. George pretends he's fainting in response, letting out a high pitched sigh.
“This one guys!” Hill interjects, pointing his phone towards their next train. James moves to the back of them to film the group boarding the carriage from behind. Y/n kindly offers the window seat to the others, which Hill takes. George just shrugs and sits next to him. Arthur gestures to let y/n take a window seat again and then plops down next to her.
“Right then,” Hill starts, plonking the carrier bag on the table, still containing beverages and passing a can to each contender, “Drink up darlings!”
Y/n examines the contents, “God, I didn’t realise the alcohol count is 5%, we’ll be dead before we get there.” She states with a nervous laugh.
“Turns out y/n is the one who’s sheepish,” George points out, with a wink to the camera before his eyes go wide, “editor, keep all the sheep jokes in so that makes sense!”
As Hill and George are in deep conversation with the camera solely pointed at them both, y/n gestures to the arm rest between her and Arthur. “Mind if I move this?” She asks him quietly.
“Oh, sure!” He responds with an equally low, but enthusiastic voice as he lifts the arm rest out of the way. She shoots him over a faint thank you as they both turn their attention to the boys. Y/n rests her hands on the seat, either side of her thighs. While they listen to the Elvis impersonations George and Hill make back and forth for some reason, Arthur too drops his hand down by his side. Placing his hand fanned out on the chair, his pinky finger gently touched y/n’s. She looks down at the small connection for a brief moment, then shifts her gaze up to Arthur’s face only to see his chocolate eyes are already on her. His loving smile confirms it, it was a deliberate move. She shoots him a small grin back but immediately looks away so he can’t see the redness burning on her cheeks.
“How far are we now lads?” She asks kindly, as if her mind wasn't racing. Hill narrows his eyes at the digital notice from across the carriage, his lips moving slightly as he reads.
“Two more stops,” he confirms, “then we’re at lovely… where are we going again?” he lets out an awkward giggle before George chokes on his drink.
“Aylesford,” he answers between a mix of chuckling and coughing, wiping the spill off his lips. Arthur just grins and shakes his head as y/n laughs from behind her hand.
Arthur goes to grab his drink to take a sip, being right handed, but he places his hand back down so he’s in contact with y/n again and reaches instead with his left hand. Luckily it goes unnoticed, except for y/n of course. She glances to Arthur and can see a red tint in his cheeks. It could well be the alcohol, but it’s most likely the touching. It’s barely a pinky-promise and already the two are melting in their seats.
As the train slows down for the gang’s last changeover stop, they can’t help but notice the large amount of people waiting on the platform. “I think that’s the platform we need for the next train.” Hill murmurs with dread.
“Is there an event on or something?” Arthur asks.
“Hell yeah! They’re waiting to see us four legends, and y/n.” George jokes with a smirk. Y/n turns to him with a sad face, poking out her bottom lip for extra effect.
“Might be a bit packed.” Hill worries out loud. As the train slows to a halt, they all collect their empty cans and bin them on the way off the carriage. They head over to the other platform and join the herd. “The next train’s in half an hour if you’d all prefer to wait.” Hill offers.
“I’m pretty hungry, not gonna lie, so I’d rather stand for a couple of minutes and get there sooner and grab food.” George complains. James puts the camera in his bag, as they all figure it’s too crowded to film yet.
“I didn’t realise you guys ate proper meals on these videos, I thought it was drink drink drink.” Y/n points out.
“We usually eat shortly after arriving,” Arthur gently explains, “that’s why we seemingly go from zero to a hundred drunk towards the end, because after a while our lunches wears off.” Y/n nods, genuinely interested.
Arthur places his hand on the small of her back, his lips right up to her ear. “It’s because George gets really pissy when he’s hungry.” George doesn’t hear as he’s too busy frowning at his phone, googling the nearest restaurant from the Aylesford station. Even though Arthur whispers to her a lot, y/n still feels flustered over his warm breath blowing down her neck.
Their next train pulls up and the hoards of people clamber on. The gang all manage to squeeze themselves on but are have no choice but to stand by the doors. No one else is stood with them there, thanks to other passengers using the space for a couple of suitcases and a bike. Arthur reaches his hand behind y/n to hold one of the stanchion poles, standing close to her to keep her steady as the train moves.
James whips a smaller camera out, filming the four as they awkwardly stand in silence. Hill jokingly shifts his wide eyes around, all of them purposefully not speaking or engaging in eye contact for comedic effect. The train jerks around at one point and y/n instinctively grabs onto Arthur’s T shirt to ground herself, one by on his belly and the other by his back. She can’t help but feel Arthur’s firm torso against her knuckles as she grips the fabric. She immediately apologises and re-steadies herself, letting go. “You’re all good,” he chuckles shyly, secretly wishing she’d grab him again. His grin shrinks into a small side smile as he leans down. “You can hold me anytime you need.” He whispers cheekily, his lips grazing her ear. Thankfully the camera was put away again by this point. She can’t believe her ears. Those drinks must be getting to his head already, he drank more cans than the others did on the last train, after all. He stands straight again, still smiling. She tries looking nonchalantly out the window, as if what he said isn't driving her crazy.
“We’re stopping here,” George grumbles as the train slows down. The camera is back out and filming as the four step off and make their way to the exit.
“Right, so,” Hill speaks to the camera casually.
“Riiiiiight soooo!” George interjects immediately, mocking Arthur’s YouTube intro. Hill then starts doing it too.
“Riiiight soooo, um, we’re here in Aylesford, um-”
“OK, I do not go ‘um’ THAT much!” Arthur calls out as they all follow Hill’s lead.
“You do sometimes” y/n replies while cackling. George nods in agreement.
“Oh, shush you!” Arthur huffs with a grin, poking her side while Hill tells the audience which pub they’re heading to first.
However before they actually go there, they first stop off at a fish and chips shop just 15 minutes from the station, to shut George up. George gets himself a large portion of chips, Hill and James get mediums, and Arthur shares a large portion with y/n. They all walk an eat off camera as they slowly make their way to the first pub: The Chequered Inn. The walk is mostly silent while they feast, until they're all finished and the camera instinctively comes back on.
"Watch this," George giggles to the camera, evil written all over his face. He rushes quietly behind Hill and steps on the heal of his shoe, making his foot pop out and his clean white sock stamping on the concrete floor. "Oh fucking hell!" He yells with his head thrown back, the camera zooming in on Hill's now stained sock, before zooming back out and capturing the other three laughing. "Come here!" Hill shouts as George immediately runs away, almost getting them both ran over as they sprint across the road.
"They're like children," y/n chuckles, her eyebrows raised in surprise at the display. The camera is on them now, as they stand like embarrassed parents watching their sons fight.
"Yeah, children with weird shaped and sized heads." Arthur adds with a closed mouth smile.
"What?" Hill calls out as the boys walk back to the adults, both out of breath.
"Nothing!" Arthur replies angelically.
They all enter the first pub, Hill ordering a Guinness for each of the four of them, as y/n and George find them a table. They spot a booth and slide in. James stands with the two Arthurs up at the bar, hoping to capture any awkward interactions with the barmen.
"Giving the people what they want, are we?" George whispers to y/n with a smirk.
"What d'you mean?" Y/n asks, genuinely confused.
"Don't tell me you haven't seen the swarm of 'y/n and Arthur' posts sweeping the nation!" He responds.
Y/n slowly nods and begins to giggle. "I honestly didn't realise we were being weird, I'll try and make things less awkward between us." As they sit in their booth whispering to each other, they're very unaware of how close they're sitting. George with his arm draped over the back of y/n's part of the rounded booth chair, leaning over and face close to hers, only so they can hear each other over the general clatter of the pub.
Arthur glances over from the bar as Hill pays for their drinks. He sees the close proximity between the girl he has feelings for and his best friend and he begins to doubt whether or not she actually likes him, or whether she's close with all her guy friends. "Ready?" Hill asks him, slightly firmly due to how long he's been waiting for Arthur to grab the other two pints. Arthur unclenches his jaw, mutters a quick apology and joins Hill in bringing the drinks over.
George moves himself around to the end of the booth, allowing y/n to follow suit as the Arthurs slide in, and James sits on the other end. As Hill explains what 'splitting the G' is, George moves his arm so it's on his lap and no longer behind y/n. They all watch as Hill is first to drink, the foam landing almost perfectly as they cheer. Arthur is next, but he just over drinks it. He tries protesting but the other boys won't allow it.
"So close Arth!" y/n sighs teasingly, patting him on the back gently. Arthur snaps his head round to narrow his eyes at her playfully as he pushes her pint closer as if to challenge her. She gives it a go but massively undershoots it, not drinking near enough.
"Sooo close [nickname]!" Arthur mocks, purposefully quivering his lower lip as he looks at her with exaggerated pity. He rubs small circles on her lower back, pretending it's part of the sympathy act when really he just wants the closeness. Y/n laughs as she buries her head in her hands, also overplaying her reaction. She's secretly enjoying the contact though, it feels natural and almost domestic.
As the attention is on George and his split attempt, Arthur is unaware of the slight frown in his face. Hill leans to Arthur's ear, "You can probably stop rubbing her back now," he whispers with a cheeky grin. Arthur, who didn’t realise he's still doing it, casually drops his hand down from y/n's back, resting on the seat instead. He keeps his composure the whole time however, as to not draw attention. George perfectly splits the G and raises his glass as the gang applaud him, Arthur only donning a small smile.
George gets a phone call and attempts to have the conversation inside, but he can’t hear very well and so excuses himself and heads outside. Now he’s out the way, y/n sees an opportunity to go to the toilet. “I promise it’s not to vomit!” She giggles.
“It’s not pub golf, feel free to spew as much as you need.” Hill explains with a sneer, a sentence that’s oddly comforting. Once she’s out of sight, Hill examines James as his full attention’s on his phone, after having recorded enough clips in this pub. Knowing the coast is clear, he then turns to his fellow Arthur. “What was up with you earlier then?” He asks, a worried tone with a hint of accusation.
“What?” Arthur responds, his gaze darting away from where he last saw y/n and snapping to Hill.
“You, earlier. Staring at y/n and George,” Hill continues, looking around to ensure neither of the two return, “there’s no way you think THAT'S happening. Come on man.”
Exhaling slowly, Arthur’s shoulders relax. “Fine, they looked a little cozy and I didn’t like it.” He murmurs, feeling embarrassed at his own insecurities. “Y/n is absolutely George’s type too and it would kill me if it turns out she likes him.”
“Arthur mate, you’re so smart most of the time, but hear me out on this. You’re being dumb.” Hill puts his arm around him and jostles him a little, staring at him sternly in his eyes. “She is so into you.”
Arthur looks to Hill, surprised to hear someone say those words in a serious tone. Usually he didn't believe others when they told him before, because it seemed like they were just teasing him.
“You’re probably just anxious because you have a crush on her, and he’s one of your best friends. Our thoughts can be cruel to us sometimes.” Hill adds as he squeezes Arthur’s shoulder.
Arthur looks down to the table, slowly nodding as he feels almost ashamed for his worries before. He feels guilty for mistrusting y/n and George, and was definitely letting his worries get to him. “Thanks, you’re right, I think.” He chuckles sheepishly. Deep down though, he won't believe it truly unless she tells him or makes a bold move to show him.
Y/n returns to the table with her usual sweet smile. “You two look very serious,” she starts, “everything OK?”
Hill sees an opportunity to be a pain in the ass, “Arthur’s just worrying over silly things.” He responds with a smirk. Arthur burns his eyes into Hill.
“Worried? What’re you worrying about Arth?” Her happy expression sours as she dons a concerned look. Hill excuses himself and goes to the toilet, patting Arthur on the back as he leaves.
“I’m fine, Arthur’s just being a dick as usual.” Arthur shyly explains. Y/n’s smile creeps back.
“That I can believe, but you didn’t seem yourself earlier,” she replies, turning her body to face him more and leaning closer, “are you sure you’re OK?” Her voice low and laced with care.
Arthur thinks about being honest, about explaining that he got himself worked up over nothing, but he spots George returning from outside out the corner of his eye.
“I’m OK, thanks though y/n. Just a little tired I think, I’ll be fine after a few more drinks though.” He squints his eyes shut as he shoots her a smile, a weight further lifting from his shoulders.
“You alright Clarkey?” Y/n asks as he scoots back in next to her.
"Yeah, just my mum." He replies with a friendly smile. Arthur looks at George, then to y/n, and is internally slapping himself for seeing anything other than a brother-sister dynamic between the two. He finds a new found confidence, although that could be also due to the Guinness from earlier taking effect.
"Oh, was she telling you how great I was last night?" Hill quips with a wink as he rejoins them too.
"You disgust me." George retorts with a low grumbly voice, pretending to be disappointed.
As they exit the pub one by one, Hill addresses the group; "Hope you guys are wearing comfy shoes, as this'll be quite a trek." They all nod, not minding a long walk. However, the next pub, Little Gem, is only a one minute walk away. In fact, it was caught on camera in the background while Hill made the joke. They all burst out laughing 56 seconds later when the adorable little sign is spotted, and they all enter.
The downstairs area is quite busy, so Arthur and y/n head to find a table upstairs while George volunteers to help Hill bring the drinks over this time. They spot a cozy corner and Arthur pulls a chair out for y/n, then taking a seat next to her. "This place is cute." Y/n remarks, her voice beginning to wobble, wearing a smile as she looks around the place.
"You'll fit right in then." Arthur states, beaming with rosy cheeks. Y/n turns to him in surprise, not expecting another bold statement from him already.
"Hmm?" She hums, her eyebrows high, the corners of her mouth slightly curving up as she slowly realises what he said.
"'Little Gem'. That could even be your nickname," Arthur adds. Y/n stares into his eyes, which are adoringly heavy as he leans in closer and continues, "because you're a rare find and your e/c eyes are beautiful, like gems."
Her mouth falling open slightly, her stomach flipping, all she can utter is: "Arthur..." under her breath. He chuckles in response, turning redder.
"So beautiful." He repeats quietly as he pecks a kiss to her cheek, right by her ear. His eyes still on her, watching her nervously stutter as she finds herself in a fit of small giggles. He figures that if he had misread the situation, she’ll shut him down nicely, but she hadn't and that’s why he can’t stop smiling.
“This is a quaint little corner.” George declares, snapping them out of their intimate peace. He sets their pints down as Hill follows, James filming from behind them. The guys take their seats. "Little Gem is the smallest pub in Aylesford." Hill informs his friends.
“To the Little Gem!” Arthur cheers, raising his glass, the others clinking theirs together as they echo him. “The most beautiful thing in existence!” He continues, shooting y/n a very sly wink before taking a few swigs. George and Hill figure it’s just Arthur being his odd self and don’t think too much about it. Y/n on the other hand can’t handle it, her face heating up.
“God y/n you’re bright red, you struggling already again?” George jabs, causing her to get the giggles again.
“Yeah, this is worse than your pub golf tolerance!” Arthur chimes in, making her cheeks burn more.
“I’m fine! There must be something in the Aylesford air or something!” She retorts, all flustered.
“Didn’t help that the first lot of drinks on the train had such high alcohol levels to be fair.” Arthur chuckles.
“And it’s very warm and romantic in this snug little corner.” Hill adds, wiggling his eyebrows.
After drinking their beers and engaging in general chitchat, Hill excuses himself and hurries off. The three speculate that he's soiled himself or wet himself, or both. George looks over the railings to see Hill has ordered a large tray of shots and watches him carrying it up the stairs. "Oh god, what's he planning?" George mutters to the pair as they watch Hill approach the table.
Once he's sat down, he announces: "I thought seeing as we're the only ones up here, we can play a cheeky game of 'never have I ever'!"
"Yaaaay." Arthur cheers quietly, the other two looking excited.
"OK I'll start," Hill begins, with a smirk, "Never have I ever... shagged a surfboard." George and Hill dart their eyes to Arthur.
"Y-You can't do ones that are only aimed at one person!" Arthur whines, half laughing, half surprised. Y/n stares at Arthur with a mix of shock and amusement, annoyed that she somehow hadn't heard this story yet.
"Oh yes we can!" George interjects with a cheeky giggle.
"Arthur, your turn." Hill directs.
"OK," Arthur pauses for thought, "OK, never have I ever filmed a video with someone I didn't like." A couple of 'oooh's murmur across the table and everyone takes a shot.
"Y/n! Really!" Arthur yells, the drinks already ramping up his volume, "I can't imagine you hating anyone!"
"I don't! I don't hate them, we just didn't gel!" Y/n cries in defense.
"You'll have to spill the tea later" George chuckles, giving her a gentle nudge with his elbow.
"OK, never have I ever..." Y/n starts, "... Gave a girl the ick because I was IDed on a date." She grins at Arthur.
"Oi! We said no obviously targeted ones!" Arthur shouts, pointing his finger at her as he watches her laugh.
"Who's we?" Hill asks mischievously.
"Yeah, you're the only one bitchin'." George teases in a condescending tone, his arms crossed.
"How did you know about that?" Arthur whispers to y/n, a playful smile across his face.
"I saw you talk about it, I think in a video with Cam." She explains, still amused.
"Anyway!" George calls, eager to take his turn. He looks at the other three players, a certain glint in his eye. "Never have I ever really liked someone I filmed a video with."
Y/n takes a shot without hesitation. The two Arthurs both ask if he means having a crush on someone, which George nods before downing a shot himself. Arthur hesitates, then also takes one.
"Really?" Hill enquires, clasping his hands together like a movie villain. "Anyone want to fess up?" The three all yell 'no', almost in unison.
The game continues for a while, turning into a game of 'who can get the others drunk the quickest', all picking specific declarations to target the others, but none of them taking the game too far or revealing actual secrets. Once the shots are all gone, the recording stops while the four give the alcohol a chance to sit in their systems, before heading off to the next pub.
As they head out, all but George are slightly beyond tipsy. "OK guys, this pub is actually quite a long walk away." Hill warns, before winking at the camera. He leads the group, George right behind him scrolling through his phone. Y/n and Arthur walk side by side. "I can't believe how many weird experiences you've had," Arthur chuckles as he looks at her, more interested in her than ever. The game revealed some truths that Arthur hadn't learned yet.
"I guess I'm a wild one!" She chuckles as she shrugs.
Arthur wraps his arm around her and pulls her closer to him as they walk, he leans down with his lips right by her ear. "I'd love to see your wild side" He whispers, then easing his grasp.
Before she can react, Hill makes a sudden turn to The Bush, the third pub, which is only a two minute walk from Little Gem. "Where are you- oh my god." George groans. Hill laughs, holding his arms outwards as if he'll get an applause.
"'The Bush'?" Arthur asks with a hint of immaturity.
"Please don't use this pub as another nickname for me." Y/n quips, just loud enough for Arthur to hear, making him throw his head back with an unapologetically loud laugh.
The noise of the pub paired with the copyrighted music leads the group to head out to the pub garden. They take their seats at one of the tables under a large parasol, out of the English sun, just a few hours before it begins setting.
Hill asks y/n this time to help him carry out the drinks, some fruity ciders. They head back inside where there's already a small queue.
"So, you enjoying your platform roulette debut so far?" Hill asks.
"I'm loving it so much, thanks again for the invite."
"Good good, though I doubt you're enjoying it as much as Arthur," He teases.
She narrows her eyes, confused. "What?"
"You and Arthur, the flirting. It's cute honestly," Hill explains, y/n looks down embarrassed, completely unaware of how obvious they were being, "I don't think I've ever seen him this chirpy."
"Really?" She asks, a smile growing.
"Well, apart from your pub golf video and its unseen bits," he continues as y/n shyly picks at her fingers, "Arthur's the happiest person I've ever met, and you managed to make him even happier. Wow."
Meanwhile outside, George taps Arthur on the back while he scrolls through emails on his phone. "Mate, you need to ask her out." George states, point blank.
"Who?" Arthur attempts, even trying to look confused by frowning. George rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
"You know exactly who I mean," George snaps back, Arthur exhales and drops his shoulders, "what are you waiting for?"
"I don't know, I'm just nervous that she's not into me. I don't want to ask her out and she says no and doesn't want to even be my friend-"
"You really think she doesn't like you back?" George scoffs, smirking as he looks into Arthur's eyes through furrowed brows. "You don't see the way her eyes sparkle when she looks at you, or the way she blushes when she laughs at your jokes. She didn't tell you off when you kissed her cheek even-"
"You saw that?" Arthur yells, his voice breaking. He clasps a hand to his mouth as George shushes him.
"Yes and I've known y/n longer than you. Trust me, if she didn't like you, she certainly wouldn't let you do that." He pinches Arthur's cheek and lightly jiggles him. Arthur swats his hand away. "I've never seen her with a crush before, until she met you."
As they spot y/n and Hill slowly walking to their table with the drinks, George and Arthur sit up straight in an attempt to look like they weren't just discussing anyone.
Y/n sits opposite Arthur. For the first time, she notices how Arthur's gorgeous chocolate eyes light up when they share a gaze. Arthur spots the flush on her cheeks that George had mentioned just earlier.
With the camera rolling, George decides to make the others play a game of 'name that tune'. He starts by humming the instrumental part of 'Late for the Reservation', kindly giving Hill some free advertising.
"Oh! Late for the Reservation!" Y/n guesses excitedly. George nods while Hill bows his head with a shy smile. He turns to the camera.
"This sounds planned but it wasn't, but you can listen to Late for the Reservation now!"
The group carries on the game for a little while, Hill surprisingly being awful at guessing despite his field of expertise. Arthur downs the rest of his drink and suddenly clears his throat.
"Sorry guys, I've just got to make a quick phone call. I'll be right back." He explains, before rushing through the pub to get to the front door.
The other three continue their game. Y/n begins humming 'Lily'. She can see in George's eyes that he gets the song right away, but he pretends not to to see how long it takes Hill to guess it.
After a further 10 seconds, George bursts out laughing. "There's no way you're not getting this!" He snorts, while y/n continues humming with a grin.
"I genuinely don't know!" Hill cries while laughing awkwardly, causing the other two to chortle.
"It's YOUR song!" They both yell.
"Oh, Lily..." Hill mutters as he slowly puts his head in his hands, chuckling with shame.
Suddenly, y/n's phone buzzes. "Oh, it's Arthur," she states to the guys, "it says: 'Come to the front, you NEED to see this!'" She takes the last couple of sips of her cider before standing up, her head rushing.
George's phone also buzzes, he reads the text in his head and elbows Hill to show him. He reads it too and nods. "You guys coming?" Y/n asks the pair kindly.
"I would but my head's swirling." Hill lies.
"And I'd better stay in case he falls into a cider-induced coma." George adds. James puts is camera down and enjoys his drink as y/n shrugs and heads to the front of the pub.
"Hey Arth!" Y/n says joyfully, startling Arthur as he puts his phone away quickly.
"There you are!" He beams, putting his hands in his pockets. She steps fully outside and leans against the wall, next to him.
"What are we looking at?" She asks sweetly, looking around the street for a cute dog or something.
"Oh, um actually, I wanted you to come out here to have some alone time away from the guys and the camera." He explains, struggling to maintain eye contact.
"Ah, OK," y/n responds, a little confused but not judging, "is everything alright?"
A smile creeps up on Arthur's lips. Even when he's being weird and awkward, y/n isn't fazed and just shows care for him.
"Everything is great, absolutely fine," he replies, his eyes soften as he looks at her, "in fact, my life has greatly improved ever since I-"
"OH MY GOD IS THAT ARTHUR TV?" A random voice screeches from across the road. The pair snap their heads to the source of the noise and see a small group of teenagers. The girls giggle as they shove each other before running up to them. The boys of the group stay back and watch. "Oh my god I watch your videos all the time!" One of them calls out. Amongst the girls' excitement, one of them pushes y/n out the way as they ask Arthur for a selfie. Y/n stumbles a little but steadies herself against the wall.
"Woah, careful!" Arthur chuckles, trying to keep a peaceful vibe whilst secretly being annoyed that y/n got shoved. The pushy girl takes a selfie with Arthur, just the two of them. "Hey, um, can you take a picture of us with him?" One of the other girls asks y/n.
"Of course I can," y/n kindly obliges, taking the phone off the girl and snapping multiple photos. One of the girls posing with Arthur suddenly goes wide eyed.
"It's y/n from yt/n! Oh my gosh!" She calls out. Her and another girl who’s standing with Arthur suddenly rushes to y/n's side for a photo. "I loved you in pub golf, you and Arthur had such funny moments!"
Y/n gets flustered, as she's not as big as the other guys and still isn't quite used to being 'spotted'. Arthur offers to take a photo for the girls, beaming at y/n's humble reaction.
"Wait, is George inside? George Clarke?" One of them asks, looking at herself in her phone's front facing camera and adjusting her hair. Y/n and Arthur nod.
"And Arthur Hill," Y/n adds with a grin, "they're in the pub garden." They girls squeal and all rush inside. Y/n and Arthur look at each other and exhale at the same time. They then hear the excited screams from the other side of the pub.
“What were you saying?” Y/n asks politely. Arthur prepares to answer but spots the teenage boys coming over, presumably to fetch the girls. They send y/n and Arthur some awkward and apologetic looks as they enter the pub too. Shortly after the teenagers are all seen again exiting the pub, with Hill, George and James emerging from behind them. The girls all call out their good byes and wave as they head the opposite direction to the gang’s next destination.
“OK, this time the pub is quite a while away.” Hill explains to the group.
“Is it the Village Club? Because I can literally see it from here.” Arthur chortles, spitting a little.
“Oh fuck sake, you ruined my joke!” Hill yells halfheartedly, but loud enough to echo.
As they all walk, George murmurs to the camera: “Y’know one of these days it’ll really be a long walk but no one will believe him,” in a false serious tone.
Y/n, hearing this, jogs to join George and James. “Yeah, like the boy who cried walk.” She adds with a grin, and she hears Arthur laughing from behind her.
However when they get there, they soon realise that it’s a social club and was full of members. Although they’re all tipsy, they’re sober enough to decide to give it a miss as to not ruin the members’ fun.
“Well then, let’s have a look at what else we can do while we’re here.” Hill announces as he scrolls through his phone. “Aha! OK, so there’s an Aylesford Friars just 14 minutes away from here and it’s like a historical landmark.”
“14 minutes away or 14 seconds?” George mutters.
“It’s… thatta way!” Hill exclaims enthusiastically and directs the gang to walk back on themselves.
Arthur and George walk side by side while the camera is on them, y/n joins Hill at the front to help with directions.
“How’d things go with Arthur just now, outside the pub?” He asks her, keeping his voice low, then chuckles to himself at the name ‘The Bush’.
“Well, he seemed kind of nervous or something, but then those fans came over, so I never found out." She replies quietly, “Why?”
Worried he’ll reveal too much, he tries to think fast but no thoughts were coming, just ‘The Bush’ or the truth. Luckily for him (and Arthur) James joins them with the camera.
“Uhh, I need a woman’s touch with directions,” he explains, passing y/n his phone while making direct eye contact with the lens.
“The Chequers Inn is just here,” she calculates, gesturing to the pub beside them, “so if we head straight for about 9 minutes we’ll be there.”
“See? Aren’t those eyes amazing?” Hill asks the camera, like a quiz show host trying to flatter his guest.
Y/n suddenly feels a buzz in her own phone. She hands Hill’s back to him and checks her notifications. It’s a text from Arthur:
'Yes 👀✨'
She immediately looks over her shoulder and locks eyes with him, to see he’s already looking at her with a dorky smile. He nods at her to confirm it, she does have amazing eyes. She then watches as he types another message on his phone, a couple of seconds later it comes through:
'Beautiful little gems 😍'
Fighting a blush, she decides to respond, completely ignoring the camera while Hill talks nonsense to it. She sends:
'Mr Frederick, are you flirting with me?'
She turns her head again to watch him read it. He frowns as he concentrates, the words a little blurry to him from all the drinks, but a cheeky smile soon creeps up on his face. Quickly facing forwards again as to not look too needy, she hears George moan: “You’re not seriously texting each other are you?”
“No.” Arthur lies with a half smile, not convincing anyone. He’s not even trying.
George whispers, but y/n still overhears: “Oh please, who else do you smile like THAT for?”
She beams to herself, before her phone vibrating catches her attention. From Arthur:
“Let’s be real, when am I not flirting with you”
Wow, this man is filled with liquid confidence. Or regular confidence, it’s hard for her to tell.
The Friars Aylesford Priory is a beautiful place. Surrounded by gorgeous gardens and holding a cute tea room and gift shop inside, the group slowly potter around. James captures scenic shots and clips of the four, Hill making a mental note to pair the montage with one of his songs.
Arthur takes his time to read a lot of the information dotted around, having to lean in closer and furrow his brows as he struggles to read with is beer goggles. This however, makes for a perfect photo opportunity and y/n snaps one without his knowledge. She can send it to him later for his Instagram. She takes a few more pictures of the place in general.
While they’re in the outdoor gardens, she walks alongside Arthur in a peaceful silence. Unbeknownst to them, George takes a photo of the two of them walking side by side and immediately sends it to them both. Y/n is first to check her phone. “George took our photo,” she says, smiling up at Arthur. He decides to check his phone too, figuring it’s the same message.
“Aw yeah, that’s a lovely photo of us,” he replies with glee, his voice raising in pitch.
“We have a collection now, the first being our cuddle on Chris’s sofa.” Y/n jokes as she saves pic to her photos.
Arthur giggles, feeling his face burn. “That reminds me actually, did Chris show you his pictures from the pub golf?” He then asks. Y/n shakes her head.
They both stop walking as Arthur holds a finger up, signifying to hold on for a moment while he scrolls through his photo album. “They’re the rejected ones of the group pictures he made us take halfway through,” he explains, “look at this one then scroll to the next. Notice anything?” He hands y/n his phone and smiles from ear to ear as he watches her look.
In the group photos, Arthur was on the far left but at the front, whereas y/n is on the far right and stood further back. In the first photo, Arthur is looking over his shoulder and smiling across at y/n as her eyes are on the camera. When she swipes across, the next photo shows her looking sweetly at Arthur while he smiled at the camera. Arthur chuckles quietly as y/n bites her lips between her teeth.
“We can’t keep our eyes off each other, what do you suppose that means?” He asks genuinely, tilting his head. He reaches for his phone and takes a long inhaled breath as he brushes over her fingers with his.
Her heart skips a beat as his hand lingers on hers for a couple of seconds. “I… I don’t know,” she replies, now struggling to keep eye contact. “I can’t speak for you, but for me personally I-”
“Sorry to interrupt baes,” Hill interjects awkwardly, “but George is hangry again and I thought we could head to a bakery and chill for a bit before checking out the night life.” Arthur’s eyes were wide, but soften into a more polite look, trying to hide his disappointment. Y/n on the other hand is relieved because she isn’t sober enough to find the right words yet.
They all head to a cake shop nearby, Hill talking Arthur and James’s heads off while George keeps y/n company.
“I’m sorry if my greed ruined any hashtag y/nTV moments back there,” George whispers, “it was looking quite serious, but my stomach is literally rumbling.” He isn't kidding.
“It’s OK really, I suck at serious conversations,” she mumbles back. She goes on to tell him what happened.
“Arthur gives hints really well, but he sucks at taking them,” George explains with a shrug, “if you can’t find the words, maybe you can show him with actions?” This gives y/n food for thought. Her mind starts racing with what she can do rather than what she can say.
“Thank you Clarkey.” She quickly gives his forearm a grateful squeeze.
George is the only one who orders at the bakery, the others not feeling up to eating anything sweet at that moment. It becomes pretty clear how George can throw back so many drinks but remain relatively sober compared to the others. It’s a smart tactic.
While George munches away, Arthur plays a game of chess on his phone. Y/n watches over his shoulder, both of them in total silence. Meanwhile, Hill scrolls through his phone, looking for karaoke bars and nightclubs, feeling in the mood to sing and dance.
"There isn't much available in terms of night time fun..." Hill murmurs, "But we could catch an 8 minute train to Maidstone, which seems to have more to offer for us youngsters."
George wipes his lips, "Yeah I'm down for that mate."
"Same here," y/n chimes in with a smile. They all look to Arthur, but he's too engrossed in his match. Sensing the silence, he peers up to see everyone's eyes on him. He blinks for a couple of seconds before nodding too, although he's not entirely sure what he just signed up for.
They make their short walk to the station, the train arriving at the perfect time. Sitting in a six-seater area, Hill explains to the camera: "We are heading to Maidstone now, they seem to have more things for us to do there."
Arthur, who is sat next to Hill and opposite y/n, whips his phone back out to play more online chess. George and y/n try tallying up their drinks so far and talk about the best part of Aylesford.
"I liked Little Gem, it was really cozy and cute." Y/n stated with a smile. It's the only moment on the short train ride that makes Arthur look away from his phone. George crosses his arms with a smug look on his face.
"I enjoyed that place too," he adds, "yeah, I saw a really cute couple share an intimate moment there. It was nice to see." His grin grows wider. It's the kind of statement that's only innocent to those who aren't aware of the context, the clever prat. Arthur, back to staring at his phone at this point, widens his eyes for a brief moment. Until now, he didn't know that George saw him peck y/n's cheek.
"I liked scoping out the MILFs at the social club." Hill adds, smiling playfully.
"Oh my goodness..." Arthur mutters, shaking his head.
They arrive at Maidstone and head straight for the Wetherspoons nearby, being only a two minute walk away.
"Ah, another one of your famous hikes ey Arthur?" George quips to Hill as they all walk, his voice laced with sarcasm.
"Yep, I'm thinking of renaming this series to 'long-walk roulette'." He replies, matching George's tone.
Meanwhile, James captures shots of the four walking together, with y/n and Arthur closer to the camera. "Did you win your match?" Y/n asks him.
"Yeah, although I think it'll be my last game of the day now we're drinking even more." He chuckles in response.
Reaching the pub, named The Society Rooms, Hill heads to the bar with James as the other three find a quieter spot outside. Hill orders a bunch of shots on a tray again, and carries them out to the group.
Donning a mischievous smirk, he declares: "Who's up for a game of 'say it or shot it'?" George pinches his nose bridge.
"We basically played this in Aylesford." He grumbles.
"No Georgie baby, that was 'never have I ever'." Hill scolds in a soft motherly tone. "You can go first then." Passing a shot to George.
"Fine by me, sugar tits." He mumbles back, holding the shot ready.
"George," Hill begins, "who, out of the women you've collaborated with, do you think is the most attractive?" George thinks for a second, before taking his shot.
"Y/n," Hill turns his attention to her and hands her a shot, "what's the name of the creator you collaborated with that you HATED?"
Sighing, she shakes her head. "I didn't hate them." She mumbles, but takes her shot anyway, her eyes getting heavy.
"Right then, Mr Television... Would you give up chess for sex?" Hill asks, the sudden randomness catching the others off guard.
"Oh my god!" Arthur yells in shock. He looks at his shot and pauses, "I do love chess, but yes. I would." His face begins to burn up again as he avoids looking at y/n.
"OK then Hill," George says, having a think of an annoying question to ask, "what's the name of the last girl whose DMs you have a'slid?"
"Fuck that." Hill immediately replies, downing his shot.
The game lasts quite a while, almost getting enough footage for an entire separate video, the sky now dark. George slides one of the last remaining shots to y/n, he stares at her through narrowed eyes, "Y/n."
"Yes George."
"Out of everyone here, who would you rather bang?"
Arthur's mouth falls open as Hill lets out an "Ooooooooo"
Y/n laughs and miraculously thinks fast. "Out of you three or everyone on the premises?"
George lets out a chuckle. "This table." He doubles down.
Y/n exhales slowly, looking around at the three men as if she doesn't already know. Arthur watches her intently, he swallows when she locks eyes on him. She teases them. "I think..." She starts, taking a long pause before downing the shot and smiling smugly. The boys all react disappointedly, just as she hoped.
Hill picks up the remaining shot and places it in front of Arthur. "Arthur, is there anyone you've collaborated with that you would love to make sweet love with"? He leans back in his chair, proud of his question.
Arthur folds his arms, wearing a casual smile. "Yes." He simply answers. The other three go wide eyed.
"Who?" Hill asks.
"I've already answered my question, it's someone else's turn now." Arthur states, moving the shot away, pleased with himself. The disappointment nearly smacks Hill across the face.
Hill, slightly annoyed he didn't get a funnier reaction our of Arthur, passes the shot to George. "Clarkey, how big is your willy?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." he replies with a wink.
They head to a nearby cocktail bar name Social Chill Bar, to get 'white girl wasted' as Hill puts it, although it's safe to say they are all already quite drunk at this point. Within the 4 minute walk, George manages to walk into a lamppost, Arthur attempts to climb up a different lamppost, and y/n trips over her own feet. All of which is caught on camera.
Spotting the bar up ahead, George tells the others to look sharp, so they don't get turned away for being too drunk already. It works, although Arthur gets IDed again, another fantastic moment for the video. George immediately heads for the toilets, whereas Hill heads to the bar with James to buy a couple of pitchers. Y/n and Arthur pick a table that's tucked more away from the others.
"IDed again Arthur, now I've got the ick." Y/n jokes. Arthur rests his arm on the table, twisting his upper body to face her.
"Hmm," he taps her arm playfully, "that would mean you were into me beforehand." He quips before hiccupping. The pair start giggling.
"Touché," is all y/n can muster as the laughter dies down. Hill and James join the table.
"Where's Clarkey?" Hill asks, "Having his famous Clarkey shit?"
"Probably, he is in the toilets." Y/n replies, amused. However as if on cue, George emerges.
The group all giggle and make jokes as they share two pitches between them. Due to a loud hen party that also enter the bar, they don't spend too long or record too much.
"There's a karaoke bar like a minute walk away from here." Hill informs the table. They're all keen and work on their 'sober' look to ensure they get in that pub too.
Standing out side the Royal Albion pub, Hill decides to do his outro there as the bar is blaring copyrighted music. The four say good bye to the camera, followed by a good bye and thank you to James, who kindly declines the offer to join them and gets an Uber home.
They successfully enter the pub, which is quite lively as they four nab themselves a table near the karaoke area. Y/n and Hill go to the bar to order drinks, y/n ordering her go-to and a Southern Comfort for Arthur.
Meanwhile at the table, Arthur is sat next to George and can't contain it anymore. "I'm in love with y/n," he blurts out.
George laughs at the sudden statement. "Steady on Arthur, you've only met her once before."
"Yes," Arthur holds his finger up in a 'well actually' way, "but we've been texting nearly everyday since we first met, and even played games online together."
"Fair enough mate," George shrugs, happy for him, "but what are you gonna do about it?" Arthur curls his finger and dabs it against his mouth while he ponders.
While waiting for their drinks to be made, Hill turns to y/n with a snigger. "You ready to watch Arthur dance? It'll be make or break for you."
"I've seen plenty of clips online already, he sure can throw that ass back." Y/n replies as they both chuckle. The bartender hands them their drinks as they search for their table.
A drunk woman approaches the mic and sings a very original rendition of Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On'. The four sway at their table, while random couples slow dance. "I'm gonna put some songs and names down, who's up for singing?" Hill asks. Arthur is quick to put his hand up, whereas George and y/n shake their heads.
"I'd need to be at least thrice as pissed." Y/n explains apologetically, "But I'm up for dancing." The two Arthurs go up to the table where they write down their songs, Hill explains to the karaoke host that one of the songs he wants to sing is his own and he'll use the instrumental saved on his phone and hold it near the microphone. The host is intrigued and allows it.
When they rejoin the table, y/n asks what they're going to sing. "It's a surprise." Hill grins before Arthur can answer. They spend the next few minutes being entertained by the mixture of singers, some good, some bad. George takes a fancy to a cute girl who sang 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift and after some encouragement from the three, he approaches her when she's at the bar.
"Next up with have Arthur Hill with 'You're Beautiful'!" The host calls out. Y/n and Arthur cheer him as he approaches the microphone. As the instrumental plays, Arthur stands up, adjusts his shirt, then extends a hand to y/n. "Wanna dance?" He asks, his face donning a sweet smile.
Of course, y/n accepts the invitation. She takes his hand, the contact still feeling as electric as it does sober, as they join the other pairs that are already dancing. Arthur's not quite sure where to put his hands, so y/n gently takes them and places them at her waist, she then rests her hands on his broad shoulders. He chuckles shyly at her and begins swaying with her, copying what the other couples are doing.
'She smiled at me on the subway She was with another man'
Spending a lot of time looking at their feet so he doesn't tread on her, Arthur's cheeks begin to ache from smiling. As they slowly rotate, y/n locks eyes with Hill. He winks at her while still singing effortlessly.
'But I won't lose no sleep on that 'Cause I've got a plan'
Arthur looks back up to y/n as he quietly sings along, his glossy eyes peering lovingly into hers. "You're beautiful" the sweetness causing y/n to giggle as she starts singing along too.
'I saw your face in a crowded place And I don't know what to do'
Arthur not wanting to sing the next lyric, pulls y/n flush against him as they continue to slow dance. A little winded, she instinctively hugs her arms around his waist. He then readjusts so his arms are wrapped on top of hers and lowers his chin onto her shoulder.
As the song continues, Arthur clasps his hand around y/n's wrist and gently pulls her arm out so he can hold her hand, still holding each other with the other arms. They sway like this for the rest of the song, Arthur singing along to "You're beautiful" again into y/n's ear in a low, soothing voice. She can feel his heart thud against her as he draws small circles against the side of her hand with his thumb, and she's certain he can hear her heartbeat over the speakers. They dance like this for the rest of the song, both with their eyes closed contently.
George, while still sitting up at the bar with the swiftie, records Hill as he sings, then records a separate video of the lovebirds dancing together. He uploads the clip of Hill to his story, captioning it with 'never heard him sing this before', but sends the other video to y/n and Arthur privately. "They're in love, but they haven't confessed to each other yet." He whispers to the sweet girl, while casually leaning on the bar top. She likes this hopeless romantic side to him and gives him her Instagram handle.
When the song ends, y/n and Arthur pull away from each other, gazing into each others eyes as the rest of the pub guests applaud Hill. Arthur puts his hand to his chest and makes an exaggerated 'phew', his dorky way of joking with her about how nervous he was. Her left hand still clasped onto his right, she giggles at his wholesomeness.
The host congratulates Hill on his rendition of the song. "And next up we have... Arthur... TV, with 'She's So Lovely'!''
Arthur is snapped out of his daze, "Oh! It's my turn!" He shrieks, his voice far too loud now the song is over. He gives y/n's hand a squeeze and jogs to the 'stage' area.
He clasps the microphone and clears his throat. "Hi, this song is dedicated to someone amazing I met a few months-" he's cut off by the song starting, he shrugs and laughs. The girl George was talking to joins her friends to dance, so he jogs to y/n to dance with her, as does Hill. Arthur's eyes switch between looking shyly at the floor and peering over at y/n as she dances with two of his best friends. A smile evident in his voice every time he watches her laugh as they twirl her around and sing along. Y/n can't believe how good he sings, his voice soft as ever and hitting every key, except for the odd occasion where his voice breaks.
George steps away to record Arthur singing, to put this on his story too. No caption this time, just tagging Arthur and the pub. Hill grabs y/n's hands and swings their arms side to side. Before the song is even finished, George shows y/n the number of replies to his story with speculations about she's there and if Arthur's singing about her. In the video, it's obvious he had his eyes on someone, except for when he looked at George's phone, but y/n was out of view the whole time.
When the song is over the pub give him a round of applause, with y/n, George, and Hill cheering him extra loud. Arthur takes an awkward little bow and rejoins his friends. "That was amazing!" Y/n screams, the clapping dying down.
"I'm glad you enjoyed, really." He gently pats her on the back, unable to draw his eyes away from her. Another person begins singing another Taylor Swift song, so George quickly peers around for his 'pub girl'. He spots her running back to the dance floor with her friends and she waves him over. He's gone in a flash. "Ohh I span too much," Hill groans as he sits back down at their table, his face turning pale.
"Do you want some water Hilly?" Y/n asks him caringly. He exhales out a risky burp and nods his head.
"I'll grab it, you keep an eye on him. D'you want another drink?" Arthur kindly offers. Y/n wobbles a little as she takes a seat next to Hill and rests her hand on his shoulder.
"I think I've had enough for tonight, maybe a water for me too please?" Y/n replies, patting her stomach with her free hand.
"Good point, three waters it is then." Arthur grins as he weaves around the dancers to get to the bar.
Y/n checks her phone to see the notification from George. She opens the video of her and Arthur slow dancing. As his face pivoted into view, her heart melts at how happy he looked. His head tilted and rested against hers, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly upturned at the corners. She then watches how safe and secure she looked as her face came in view. "He's a really good guy," Hill slurs, peering over at her screen, "if you don't date him, I will." Y/n laughs as she hearts George's message.
"Oh Arthur," Y/n replies, sighing.
"Seriously though, girls have screwed him over in the past. And these are girls he only liked a little bit." He hiccups then clears his throat, taking y/n's hand and gently swinging it around. "With you, he's just... different. In a good way."
"I really like him." Y/n mumbles, chuckling as she watches Hill continue to pull her hand around. "But I need to hear it from him, and soberly preferably. I mean, I might just seem good through the beer goggles." She sniggers.
Hill shakes his head. "No, no, no. He talks about you all the fucking time y/n, drink or no drink. Trust me, he really likes you."
They spot Arthur awkwardly juggling three glasses of water towards their table. "Speaking of the devil!" Hill croaks, immediately downing half the glass.
"Oh no, what were you guys saying?" Arthur asks, his voice riddled with a nervous laugh as his eyes dart between the two of them. Y/n gestures as if it was nothing, but Hill has other ideas.
"Just about how much you like y/n." He bluntly states with a shrug. Arthur and y/n's eyes go wide.
"W-what? What d'you mean?" Arthur stutters, spraying a little water.
"Yeah," Hill smirks, shrugging again, "you know, you think she's a great content creator. That's all." He then gulps down the rest of this water and exhales loudly. "Thanks guys, I feel much better." Sliding his glass to the far end of the table, he then gets up and excuses himself.
“That was weird,” Arthur says, raising an eyebrow. He takes a seat next to y/n as another singer takes the stage. “How come you want to stop drinking? Are you not having fun anymore?”
“Actually it’s the opposite,” y/n giggles, “I don’t want to forget how fun today’s been and if I drink any more, I’ll probably black out.”
“That’s fair enough.” Arthur relaxes and a smile grows back on his face.
George returns to the table. “Hey you two, on the water already?”
“Yep, I was just telling Arthur that I’m having too much fun and don’t want to forget the day.” Y/n replies.
“Oh yeah, I remember you told me once, that alcohol doesn’t wipe your memory but stops you creating them, right?” George queries.
Y/n nods, “that’s right.”
“You are aware that most of today was caught on camera though.” George replies, to which y/n starts laughing into her hand.
George peers to the empty seat next to y/n. “Where’s Hill?”
“The other Arthur has gone to the toilet I think.” Y/n replies.
“Shit. I better make sure he hasn’t passed out or something, I think it’ll be his turn to sing again soon.” George hurries to the toilets. Arthur shifts his chair closer to y/n.
“So, if he’s the ‘other Arthur’, does that make me ‘Arthur number one’?” He asks, wearing a cheeky smile as he drums her arm with his fingers.
“Of course, you’re always number one.” Y/n wholeheartedly replies. Arthur’s eyebrows arch upwards as he lets out a quiet ‘aww’. He squeezes her hand.
“I know I’ve said this already but I’m so glad you came today. I was worried all the comments and posts about us would put you off, honestly.” Arthur explains, his words still slightly slurring.
“Oh no, not at all! I get shipped with everyone.” Y/n awkwardly chuckles in response. “Although not as much as with you.”
“Indeed.” Arthur slowly nods, his heavy eyes focusing on her lips. “It’s because you’re so good to everyone.”
George rejoins the pair. “The karaoke host is kindly letting Arthur plug his phone into their laptop, so his backing track will play on the speakers properly.” He explains.
“That’s really generous!” Arthur replies enthusiastically.
George nods as he takes his seat. “That’s where he’s been, not dead on the bathroom floor like I thought.”
The host reintroduces Hill to the stage, explaining that he’ll be singing his own song, which greatly interests the crowd. “I’m gonna find my sweet swiftie.” George shouts as he darts off.
“Shall we dance again?” Arthur asks y/n, standing to his feet and offering his arm.
She stands too, looping her arm with his. “I thought you’d never ask!” She yells in a jokey tone. Arthur leads her to a secluded corner by one of the speakers, hoping to have a little privacy.
‘I started learning piano Just so I could write songs about you’
They arrange themselves into another slow dance position. Arthur’s left hand on her waist and with the other, gently holding her left hand up and out to their side, y/n rests her free hand on his shoulder again. They sway in total bliss to Hill’s beautiful love song. Arthur mouths the words to y/n, gazing deeply into her eyes with a soft look. She feels a warm swirly feeling in her chest, which both surprises her and soothes her at the same time.
Never would y/n have ever pictured her adult self bar hopping and getting drunk with friends, only to end the night with slow dancing, especially with someone like Arthur. But she’s never met anyone like him before, and neither has he with her.
Y/n spots George with the cute girl he’s been chatting to throughout the night, they look really sweet together as he peers down at her with rosy cheeks, them in a similar dance position. Y/n gestures towards them with her head, and Arthur looks over his shoulder. The pair slow to a halt and watch for a while, although they still have an arm around each other.
“He looks so smitten and happy!” Y/n calls out over the music, her eyes still locked on them proudly. Arthur turns his head to look down at his dance partner.
“Yeah.” He whispers with a soft smile, although y/n can’t hear him over the speakers. He hesitates before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, his lips buried in her hair. She beams, her pulse quickening.
They resume their dancing as the second chorus comes on.
‘I don’t want you, I crave you I fucking need you’
Arthur stares at y/n through hooded eyelids, the ‘need you’ part really hitting home for him. Y/n returns his gaze, noticing a slight change in his facial expression, but isn’t entirely sure what to make of it.
‘Your face is at the forefront Your name grips onto my tongue’
His eyes a little glossy, he looks deeply into both her eyes, darting between the two. His face drops slightly, donning a nervous expression as the next words are sung:
‘But I’m too scared to ask If I’m buried at the back’
Sensing his hesitation, y/n lurches up and plants quick a kiss to Arthur’s lips. He reciprocates, and when she stands flat again, he stares at her for a couple of seconds, a half smile fading onto his face. It felt exactly how he dreamt it would.
‘I don’t want you, I crave you'
He lets go of her briefly only to cup her cheeks as he crashes his lips down into hers.
'I fucking need you’
Their lips slowly but passionately work in rhythm as y/n wraps her arms around his torso. One of his hands slides up to grip the hair at the back of her head, the other wraps around her shoulders, holding her tighter. He turns his head slightly so he can pull her even closer as he deepens this kiss, his nose digs into her cheek and his stubble tickles her skin, but she welcomes the feelings. She tastes his Southern Comfort and he tastes her drink, creating a cocktail of their own. The flashing colourful lights of the pub reflect the fireworks in her head.
The song finishes, as does their kiss. They pull away from each other, breathless, still in each others embrace. There’s a shared look of adoration in each others eyes, mixed with something else. Want. Arthur’s eyes appear darker than usual, peering down as his mouth is still slightly open. Y/n looks up at him through her eyelashes.
The applause from the other pub folk snaps them back to reality, a soft shy smile creeping on Arthur’s lips as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind y/n’s ear. Y/n can’t help but giggle, goosebumps lining her skin.
They make their way back to the small crowd. George’s babe says good bye to him as she leaves with her friends, not before she gestures at her phone to him.
Once they’re gone, George turns back to y/n and Arthur as Hill rejoins them.
“Finally!” George bellows, a grin on his face.
“Aw George, did you get a kiss?” Y/n asks sweetly, heart still racing as Arthur puts an arm around her waist.
“No,” George smirks, “but I know who did.” He holds his phone up to show a photo of y/n and Arthur. The picture looks so romantic, like it was from a romcom.
“Oh my!” Hill shrieks, his eyes wide but accompanied with a smirk.
Y/n and Arthur look at him with a mix of surprise and embarrassment, and a small hint of pride.
“Don’t worry guys, I took it. I spotted you making out when my girl went to grab her drink.” He says as he forwards the picture to them both. “Just remember to give me photo cred when you hard launch to the world.”
Arthur and y/n look to each other and share a laugh, the tension seeping out.
“Proud of you mate,” Hill says as he slaps Arthur’s back. “Wish you’d done it during recording so my video could go viral, but whatever.’
The group decide to head back to the station soon after, with Hill’s queasiness creeping back up on him. The train rides are pretty quiet, most of creators exhausted from the day, except Arthur. He talks the majority of the time, with y/n listening intently and nodding, all the while scanning through the photos she’d taken throughout the day. George is scrolling through his story replies, Hill has fallen asleep with his head gently rattling against the window.
Sitting beside her, Arthur leans across. “When did you take that?” He asks, pointing at a photo of y/n from outside the Aylesford Friars.
“George took that, I think while you were learning Aylesford trivia.” She giggles in response.
“It’s beautiful.” Arthur replies with a smile. He then watches her scroll through the rest of the day’s photos and videos, landing on the pic she’d saved of their sweet kiss.
“Wow.” He mutters, leaning even closer to her. “That was amazing.” He then whispers, almost seductively.
“Get a room.” Hill groans, his eyes fluttering open.
“Yeah, or at least a different carriage.” George mumbles.
Arthur huffs and sits up straight, a sheepish smile spreading across his face.
“Saw you dancing away with your pub girl.” He says to George.
“Yeah, tell us all about her.” Y/n chimes in, leaning forward on the small plastic table and resting her chin on her hands. Hill grumbles and seemingly dozes off again, as George tells what sounds like the beginning of a modern love story.
When they arrive back home, George and Hill say their good byes to the pair, after Arthur kindly offers y/n a walk back to hers.
Y/n, seemingly a little more sobered up, feels the cold of the British night hit her fast. She tried to hide it, but Arthur can tell. “Oh, here.” Before she even looks at him, his hoodie is off and he hands it to her.
“What? Won’t you be cold?” She asks bashfully.
“Absolutely not,” Arthur kindly replies, looking at the floor as they walk, “I have enough alcohol in my system to keep me warm.”
Y/n stops for a moment while she slips it over her head, that familiar aftershave once again embracing her senses. “And besides, I’m still a little heated from earlier.” He chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows as they continue.
She swats at his arm playfully as she laughs. “I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.” She states.
“What’s not to enjoy?” He looks at her, “the hottest girl in the world giving you the best kiss in the world?” The evening just gets better and better.
“You’re too kind. It was really good though.” She hugs herself a little tighter, butterflies fill her stomach as she remember this kiss vividly.
They continue walking in a comfortable silence, Arthur reaches for her hand and squeezes it. “We’re quite close to my place actually,” he starts, his voice low and pensive, “if you’d like to come over?”
Y/n hums as she thinks about it. “I don’t see why not, I kept my schedule clear over the next few days in case I needed to crash at someone’s. Or recover.”
“My… my roommates are out of town too, so it would be just us.” He shyly adds, peering down at her with darkened eyes. Interesting.
A/n: Thank you for the support and for reading again hehe, I'm sorry this took so long but I've been so swamped with work recently If you're from Aylesford or Maidstone, I apologise in advance if I butchered your town... part 4? 👀 ♥ Tag list: @ooostarwarsfandom501st @themdera @rougetv @essieswurld - Gabby xo
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Ask Masterpost 10/12/2024
I will be answering all the BLOG RELATED asks I have received since opening my inbox here :). Going forward, this is how all asks will be answered (if they are not time dependent or something). I will make a new post with new asks every saturday.
my friends and i have been including youtube links in our submissions. is that helpful or annoying?
It's helpful! Thank you :)
Have you gotten a lot of repeat submissions? Like, songs requested by multiple people? If so, what’s the most requests you’ve gotten for a single song? (You don’t need to say what song it is if it’s one you haven’t posted yet)
I don't remember the name, but I've received a song from 'In Stars and Time' about seven times now
I submitted a song from an indie game listing the author as the composer, but then I realised that's not exactly true, as all the music in the game is from a public free gallery. because of that, there's no official upload on youtube. would that still be ok? p.s. thank you for your work, I've come to really love this blog and i look forward to the new polls every day 💕
I'm going to say no, even though the song is in a video game it's not technically intended for the video game itself. I'm curious as to what game this is though.
@kaerran said: Speaking of which: I avoided submitting a game earlier because the only versions I found on a quick search were entire-soundtrack-as-one-video and I wanted to make things easier on you. Is it okay if I submit my mid-90s games even if they don't have nice convenient Youtube links?
Of course that's okay, I'll find a way to work around it even if I have to crop the specific song out myself.
Say a song that's made for a game and is in said game gets an official release of an alternative version that *isn't* in a game. (Ex: an extended version or a version with vocals) I assume that the in-game version of the song is acceptable, while an alternative version that isn't in any games are not. Asking because I've already submitted a couple in-game versions of songs that have official extended/vocal versions that aren't in-game.
Both are acceptable, for two reasons:
It's an official, original release/remix, presumably on an official album, for a video game, so it is technically a form of VGM even if it's not in the video game itself
I wouldn't be allowed to post the official NieR remix albums if I excluded these types of songs
@moonlight-fox said: Hey. Question for when you reopen submissions - For songs that have lyrics, do you want the name of the lead vocalist as well as the composer, or just the composer?
If you know both, feel free to include both! Specifying would help a ton as well. Submitting the artists is optional as I'll almost always go verify it myself but it is very much appreciated.
are there any games with more notable soundtracks that you're surprised HAVEN'T been submitted yet (if any)?
As of writing this, I haven't seen a single song from Persona 5.
Hi, love the blog! Is there any way you could tag similar series? Like, tagging all the soulsborne games with a from software tag, that sort of thing? If not, it’s cool, I would just find it useful. Have a great day, keep up the awesome work! <3
I started doing this when I saw this ask, I hope the way I've categorized things is good so far! If anyone has any suggestions for further categorization feel free to send them in my asks (within reason, lol)
can you put the number of the song in the anonymized title? would help us keep track of which song we're listening to if we're also scrolling
I also started doing this as soon as I saw this ask, thank you for the excellent idea.
Are songs from live-service video games that have ended service permitted? I'm guessing that the answer is yes because I think I saw Dragalia Lost here but I just wanted to be sure before preparing songs to submit next month. Also, I noticed in your pinned post that it still says "submissions are always allowed" - since the rules are different now, you might wanna change that just in case some ppl get confused :3
Yes, songs from live service games that have ended are permitted :) (provided I can access the songs somehow of course)
are we allowed to submit official live versions of video game songs? does its availability online matter (like how the splatoon concerts were officially uploaded, but the kirby 30th anniversary concert was only livestreamed once and has to be pirated now)?
If it's on an official album, I'm going to say yes. So no to the kirby concert -- but if the splatoon songs are on an album, they're allowed.
i cant find if youve answered something like this already, but whats the verdict for songs thatare in video games, but werent made for them? like for example the inclusion of pre-existing low roar songs in death stranding.
As of now, I'll only accept songs that were intentionally made to be included in the OST/album/music of a video game series -- so no preexisting non-VGM songs or anything like that.
out of interest, how far along the submission queue has been posted? when were the most recent posted songs submitted?
3.8% of the entire submissions I have received have been posted. Everything in active vote right now was submitted in July, hence the need to severely restrict submissions...
are we allowed to ask if certain games/series are in the queue? because i cannot for the life of me remember if i submitted something a while ago and dont want to accidentally send it again when submissions reopen ^_^;
You can DM me for this as to not publicly post any spoilers :')
@disgustedorite said: Um, when were the most recent songs submitted? I submitted a batch a while back when submissions were open and there's been no sign of any of them...I hope Tumblr didn't eat it @_@
Tumblr may have eaten it, but it's probably just as likely that I got a million gazillion submissions ahead of you :')
genuine question did someone submit the entire destiny franchise at once or is it that popular and i just never see anything about it
Yes, in the very early days of this blog -- about the tenth submission -- someone submitted ~30 destiny songs.
Do you accept music from mods? I mean, obviously you dont accept anything right now, but ykwim
Yes, as long as it's an original composition/remix :)
@woolooism said: has any song won with any of the "i don't like it" results? if no, which one has the biggest relative percentage of it?
I'll have to check, but I think (off the top of my head) the song with the most "I don't like it" results is the Ao Oni chase theme
Edit: Apparently, it is actually this song from Lisa the Joyful!
@violetsquare111 said: i'm curious, do you know when exactly the currently-running polls were submitted? curious just how far off mine are lol. (but i would guess mine are still a few months out based on the insane number of submissions you shared. 3000... oh god...)
July, so... yours are far off :')
Do songs created for an event in a community engine driven rhythm game (i.e. original songs for custom charts in a rhythm game/community driven game engine) count for submissions? If so, how will they be counted?
I think I'm going to need an example of this scenario because this seems REALLY highly specific, haha
A suggestion. When a song has lyrics, use a video that shows the lyrics in the reveal post. Please and thank you.
I'll do my best, but these aren't always the easiest to find, and I try to use songs from official sources as much as possible to prevent the risk of the video getting copyright stricken off the playlist.
@only-blogging-2-save-rock-n-roll said: Would you ever consider doing joke polls for April fools day? Stuff like those MIDI remakes of song from Franchise A in the style of Franchise B
Probably not, only because it's not an official remix. I may post funny songs depending on submissions.
would you be willing to maybe make a tag for just the polls, even if they're already over? i like going through them all without knowing what game they're from and i also dont keep super on top of checking this blog for new polls. thanks!!
There is one! It's #closed vote :)
@sparrow-va said: Hi! I've had the hare-brained idea of possibly making some Youtube vids of listening to & reacting/trying to identify songs from this blog starting from the oldest submissions for my channel (LaserBearCat Gaming), is that something you'd be okay with? Obvs we would credit & link your blog for the source of the tracks c:
Go right ahead!
I noticed the rules about submission has changed to one song per period per person, which I can totally understand given the amount and when trying to keep a fair chance for everyone will this rule be applied retrospectively too? just wondering because I had been submitting more than one song and just would like to know if I'd need to submit them again one per month now if I would like them to be considered as a submission eventually Also thanks for running this blog it's become one of my favourites and I check it out almost daily
No, It's not going to be applied retroactively -- I don't even know if I'd be able to enforce that because the sheet doesn't record who submitted what (right now).
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liloslittlethings · 3 months ago
a little bit about me & my lilo history! (for anyone who cares)
I’m natalie (she/her)! I became a solo liam stan in 2017 which quickly led to becoming a 1d and louis stan. I’m 20 so I wasn’t really on the internet during 1d and only knew their hit songs, but I spent the entirety of my teenage years combing through every piece of one direction content I could find (I owe everyone who ran 1d/lilo blogs and didn’t delete them my life). I have also been following them almost the entirety of their solo careers in real time (twt/insta/yt fan accounts you name it)
Anyway onto what’s important - from pretty much the moment I started following 1d I became obsessed with lilo as a unit, because I was a ‘hiatus’ (lol) stan I had all the eras of 1d available to me instantly. So I started with the most recent, 2015/OTRA which of course was a golden time for lilo and my attachment to them was solidified within a couple weeks. I wasn’t here when they were in 1d but I do like to think I’m pretty well versed in the history of lilo (again thank you to people who archived everything you deserve a kiss). And I was here to absolutely loose my shit every time they were together or talked about each other post 1d (oct-nov 2018 was the best time of my life)
The last 8 years I have accumulated hundreds of hours of lilo footage, and quite honestly needed somewhere to archive it so I made this blog last year (I had never made a blog in my life and had no idea what I was doing). It didn’t last very long because I was too lazy to comb through everything and had fallen out of my hyper fixation period (as I have from time to time the past 8 years). I came back after liam’s passing, it gave me a purpose to really start looking through everything and honestly just gave me something to focus on when I didn’t know what to do with myself. 
For now I’m mainly uploading the upwards of 50GB (I have a problem) of videos I have downloaded but eventually I will also probably go through the old lilo blogs I used to follow and reblog things I haven’t already posted.
Anyways I hope that if you love lilo you enjoy this blog, whether to reminisce or maybe see things you’ve never seen before (or it’s been so long you’ve forgotten). Ultimately I’m doing this more for myself than anything else but it’s nice to see other people loving lilo as much as I do <3
(Also feel free to message me or drop into my asks if you just want someone to talk about lilo to!)
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titles-for-tangents · 1 month ago
This is just a thought and an observation about my dash in particular today, but for all the lovely posts about warm welcomes and camaraderie Tik Tok refugees are finding over on Rednote, I’ve not really seen a single post yet on archiving Tik Tok videos for posterity, lest we lose almost everything a la Vine.
Plenty of other social media sites now accommodate Tik Tok-length videos of course, like YouTube’s Shorts for example, but not everyone has or wants a YouTube account. The closest I’ve seen so far to the concept of backing up Tik Tok videos onto another site is that Mark Zuckerberg is about to have a rather rude awakening when he discovers that no, not everyone wants to keep uploading their content to the shitty social media company that is so bad at managing data and misinformation they are literally responsible for political coups in India. What a concept, Mark; maybe not everyone wants to flock to or right back to Instagram’s Reels.
Yes, the fact that mass exoduses can and will happen is having CEOs pants-shittingly scared out of their wits, because at the heart of it the idea of social media and the internet in general being a thing to profit off of instead of the internet being a public utility has always been a flawed goose chase from the start, but that’s kind of a red herring here.
What will likely happen is that plenty of TikTokkers (is that a word?) will make copies of their videos and upload them to Red Book in much the same way plenty of artists re-uploaded their art to BlueSky once they migrated from Twitter. Plenty may find it economical to move to a third site as well, like YouTube, if only to expand their audience. Not everything is going to be saved from deletion and/or becoming inaccessible, so I do expect many of my reblogged posts of Tik Toks to become defunct as many of my reblogged posts from Vine have unless they’re sourced from a different site like YouTube. Tumblr is likely to eventually accommodate Red Book posts though, so hopefully we’ll see some excellent Tik Toks archived over there soon.
My point is that while it’s great to face the U.S. government’s ban of Tik Tok with mirth and spite rather than fear, I’m not really seeing any urgency from anyone on tumblr yet reminding folks to back up their Tik Tok videos. Some of that is the nature of tumblr being a different social media site entirely, yes, but if this ban can happen as soon as Sunday, now is the time for TikTokkers to back up as much data as possible. There may be a short window of time after next Sunday (01/19/2025) before the site gets cut off from everyone entirely, but there’s no guarantee how long it will last and I expect there will be more than a few lawsuits fighting the ban in the aftermath.
So yeah - just a friendly reminder to anyone on here with a Tik Tok account to please back up your content before the site goes down and/or becomes inaccessible if you haven’t already. There are now years’ worth of information at risk of being lost, everything from music videos to captured moments of police brutality to educational material. There are also plenty of videos with misinformation and less-than-tasteful content too, but the point still stands. If you have the means and know-how to archive your videos, now’s the time to do it.
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helloblacksimz · 5 months ago
I’m literally so excited to start this Barbie Legacy Challenge with a TWIST. I haven’t seen anyone do this yet, but I’ve also created Barbie’s BFF’s along with her Ken. I’ll be uploading episode one very soon so in the meantime go subscribe to my channel and browse my other videos too HERE.
I can finally hit record and record some episodes, love you guys!
Anyways, this legacy series is most based off of @sims-himbo version.
xoxo, Helloblacksimz
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ontheshroom · 2 years ago
Paper and Pleasure
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Jack Harlow x fem!reader
Smut! ⚠️
A/n: repost
Synopsis: Jack takes a liking to his newest team member.
You had joined Jack’s team a bit after Loose and a little bit before Confetti. You and Jack had a one-of-a-kind type of relationship, it wasn’t romantic even though there were some crossed lines sometimes. It wasn’t abnormal for you and Jack to chill together, actually, it was a part of y’alls friendship. Something you both bonded over, like Jack you really enjoyed movies as well. The last time you hung out with Jack you both watched the Harry Potter movies at your apartment. You two lay in your covers with you under Jack’s arm with a big bowl of popcorn on his lap. To anyone else, it would’ve looked like y’all were in a relationship, to you, you wished you were.
You’ve had feelings for Jack for a long time, he started to become flirtatious with you after about three months of you being his assistant. It started with him wanting to keep things professional, but the more he got to know you the more he wanted you. Jack would start to call you for things he really didn’t need your help on just so you could be around. One time he and Urban were trying to take pictures at his house and something wasn’t going right with the wifi to upload them to Urban’s computer so he called you. You had no idea how to fix the problem and Jack knew that, but he also knew that you would stick around and wait till his wifi company was able to come and check out the issue and you did.
That was the first night you two watched a movie together, it was just some random movie that was playing on FX but it was memorable because you two were together. Urban snagged a picture of it and showed Jack after you had left to go home, with about fifteen minutes left of the movie you had accidentally fallen asleep on Jack’s shoulder. The picture was so adorable and there was no denying that you two looked like a couple in it. Jack stupidly posted it on his story causing an uproar with his fans thinking the two of you were dating. You had to admit you were fond of the boy though, when you all went to go shoot the video for Thru The Night you were so incredibly jealous of his love interest even though she was the sweetest thing. If Jack wanted to be honest too, he wished you offered to play the part.
After that night you and Jack always made plans to watch something together, even if you both were traveling for his tour, he’d have you bring out your laptop and play it on there. Jack would prefer when this situation occurred and the hotel or Airbnb didn’t have a smart tv so then he could have an excuse to cuddle up to you real close.
Urban and Jack talked about the relationship between you two often.
“Dude, you should just go for it. She clearly knows you’re feeling her. You gave up alcohol and women, there’s no way she’s not suspicious of your new fondness for celibacy.” Urban laughs out to Jack.
“I don’t think she’s realized. Honestly, I don’t think she’s feelin me Urb. I’ll dead be cuddling her while we’re watching a movie or somethin’ and here she goes talking about how cute she thinks this actor is.” Jack says shaking his head. He thought about those moments way more often than he’s willing to admit.
“Dude, Y/n hasn’t talked to a boy since she started working for you. I haven’t even seen her talk to a dude since she’s worked with you that she didn’t have to or that didn’t approach her first. I’m telling you, she definitely likes you.” Urban says blowing out a cloud of smoke.
That night Jack stared at his ceiling thinking about you, while he was in bed. This wasn’t abnormal but he wasn’t on brick this time which was the abnormal part. He was thinking about if you could really like him. Which caused him to think of your smile, and then your hugs, and then your body, and finally, he was on brick. Jack groaned at the universe knowing exactly what it was he was about to do.
The next morning, Jack was determined to ask you out on a date. He needed you to be mine already, or at least take the steps to make it happen. Just as he was getting ready to call you he heard a loud knock on his door in a rhythm he knew like the back of his hand. He walked over to the door opening it to see you with a big smile, he knew once he laid eyes on you his smile was probably ten times bigger. He shifted his body letting you in. Compared to the warm Atlanta heat his apartment was cool and kissed your skin. Sending goosebumps to spread throughout your arms, but that was the least of your worries.
“Jackman, guess what!” You exclaimed with a big smile.
“What?” Jack giggled, happy to see you so excited.
“You’re going on tour for That’s What They All Say!” You exclaimed to him. Jack couldn’t contain his excitement himself, he quickly scooped you up in his arms holding you.
Due to Covid, Jack wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to go on tour so being able to, felt like everything to him, and to do it all with you felt the best.
About five months into the tour, Jack still had not asked you out. He thought about it often but never acted on it.
You two were in the Airbnb for his Minnesota stop and decided to watch the Friday movies. They were your favorite and you were so excited to watch them with Jack. Everyone else wanted to go out to check out a new hot club that opened up but you and Jack weren’t really all that interested. Out of the 9 people in the house total, you and Jack were the only ones who stayed back. Right as everyone was walking out the door Urban looked at y’all.
“Do not fuck on my bed.” He said sternly pointing his finger at Jack causing you to blush.
“Mine either!” Neelam yelled walking through the door and shutting it behind her.
You and Jack looked at each other nervously and then chuckled. That’s how awkwardness was with y’all and you loved it, you needed someone you could just laugh it off with.
After about the second movie you and Jack were nearly on top of one another. Jack looked down at you, the motion causing you to look up at him, and pressed his lips to yours. Somehow, the kiss got very heated with you sitting on top of his lap. Jack’s tongue battled with yours, not for dominance he had that and knew it. But more for who wanted who the most. You ground down on Jack earning a groan from him causing you to smile into the kiss as if you had won. As if Jack picked up on your cockiness he squeezed your ass while grinding you down on him causing a slight whimper to come from you. Jack smiled and pulled away.
“I won.” He smiled cockily before pulling off your shirt.
Jack loved every part of your body but he had never gotten to see it like this before. He was encapsulated by your looks. You removed yourself from his lap so you could remove the rest of your clothing while Jack did the same. Jack held you by your hand and guided you to sit back on his lap. The second you sink down, you both let needy whines escape. You bounce up and down on Jack, him guiding you with his hands on your ass. Jack admires how your boobs look so close to his face. He takes one and sucks on it lightly causing you to let on an almost pornographic moan. You reach in between the two of you and rub your clit slowly bringing you closer to your orgasm. Jack leans back and watches you feeling his own climax approach. After, a couple more bounces you and Jack both cum. Loud cries from both of you fill the room. You get off of his lap and sit on the couch next to him. He grabs the nearest blanket and wraps the two of you in it.
“When I say I’ve wanted to do that forever, I don’t mean have sex with you. I mean, I’ve wanted to let you know that I’ve wanted you since I met you. Not for your body, or because you’re always around. But, because you brought out a side of me that I never knew before I met you. I really really like you, y/n.” Jack confesses.
“I really really like you too, Jack.” You giggle out.
The boy shakes his head with a smile and kisses you.
“Be my girl?” He asks against your lips. You nod and smile against his.
“Yeah, I’ll be your girl.” You tell him reconnecting your lips together.
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wandaslullaby · 3 years ago
This is the first time I ever request something from anyone really, but I do love your work and know you’ll make it perfect <3
So, for my request: how about some fluff? Maybe a drabble of Wanda feeling self-conscious about her body post-pregnancy and Reader reassuring her that she’s still beautiful as always?
Take your time with it! ^^
Simple Stroke | Wanda M
summary: You decided to put your art skills to good use.
words: 1K
a/n: okay so i had the image of wanda being painted like ariana grande was in her video with the purple strokes, so invision that lmao. i really hope you like this <3 i’m contemplating if i should upload this but fuck it. 
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It’s been exactly three weeks since Wanda gave birth to two beautiful sets of twins. You will never forget the warm comfort that swirled around your heart when Tommy wrapped his tiny fingers around your thumb. It was just a beautiful moment that you couldn’t ever get rid of, and you made it a rule that every time you and Wanda would go to bed, you would whisper how grateful you were to have her. 
Ever since the birth, you haven’t stepped into your studio. You were a free lanced painter that often painted what mood you were in, in fact, you were persistent that you would paint Wanda nude, as a gift for holding your children for nine whole months.
Speaking of Wanda, you were meant to ask her if she would post nude. You haven’t really seen much of her as she was busy nurturing the kids. Before you even set up your space, you wanted Wada’s approval first. You checked the time, and it was exactly the time the twins went down for their two-hour nap, so the timing was on your side, for once. 
“Wanda? Babe? You here?” You whispered, tiptoeing around the house as you didn’t want to wake the kids. 
“In here,” Wanda whispered yelled from the bathroom. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “What are you doing in the bathroom?”
“Do I look fat?” Wanda blurted out.
“Am I pregnant?” 
Wanda gave you a look, “What?”
“I thought we were saying untrue things?”
“Har-Har. I mean it, Y/N... I feel disgusting.”
You let out a sign, walking straight over to your woman wrapping your arms around her torso. “I think you are just as beautiful as you were a minute ago.”
Wanda leaned her head into your chest, “I don’t feel it.”
“Elsa? Is that you?”
Wanda immediately pushed you away and started to remove herself from the bathroom. 
“Babe. I was kidding.” You tried to explain the joke behind it but Wanda wasn’t given the expression you thought she would give.
Wanda didn’t respond.
“Wands.” You breathed. “Come with me?” 
Wanda shook her head, “I don’t want to.”
“Please?” You pouted.
You knew Wanda couldn’t escape the pout. 
“Fine. Where are we going?”
“Art studio.” You said, “I want to experiment on something…”
Wanda reluctantly agreed, taking your head and following you towards the attic where your studio was built. Wanda loved spending her time with you in here, studying your features as you painted. 
“Strip for me.” 
“Trust me okay?”
“I don’t want you to see me naked, I don’t look how I used to be.”
You took in a breath, “Wands. Just trust the process okay? Just lay down on your back, and let me just surprise you.”
Wanda did as she was told, stripping completely to her naked truth. She lay on the floor, grinning as she watched your pupils grow.  “What are you up to?” 
“I’m an artist. You are the canvas.” 
“What do I get out of this? And, How does this make me feel better?”
“I said, trust the process.” 
Wanda laughed, “This process better be good.”
You planted a small kiss on Wanda’s forehead, scattering around to fetch the equipment you needed. Once everything was in reach, you positioned your legs on either side of Wanda leaning down to plant a row of kisses down her belly. 
“I’m going to paint on you. I’m going to show you how beautiful you are with the marks okay?” You grinned. “Stay still and let me concentrate.” 
“Yes, ma'am.”
As you began to mix your primary colours together, you moved your free hand to draw small hearts around her chest area. “Beautiful.”
Wanda blushed, arching her back to remove a hair strand from your face. 
Wanda laughed at your seriousness and went back down to her position. Once the colours were to the shade you wanted, your hand moves instinctively to the right spot, just below her breast area, and you began to slowly paint strokes of mulberry purple onto her breast. 
You then went on and began to paint more strokes onto Wanda’s body praising her each time you painted over a stretch mark. “You are insanely beautiful, baby. It makes me sad that you don’t see yourself the way I see you. You are perfect, and honestly? I think I’m going to use your body as a canvas more often.”
“Is this just a way so you can see me naked?”
“No.” You frowned. “Yes.”
“You’re such a flirt.”
“Can’t help it when I have a beautiful woman to love and cherish?” 
“You really think I’m beautiful?”
“Of course I do. I think you are 10x sexier than you were before you gave birth. I have so much more to explore, and so much love to give you. I don’t think I will ever get tired of your body.”
“Gimme a kiss.” Wanda laughed. 
“Now she wants a kiss…” You muttered, leaning forward carefully as you didn’t want to ruin that artwork. 
“Now she wants a kiss… Women, I swear.”
Wanda hits you playfully, “Are you insulting me?”
“Technically, no.” 
“Just get back to work.”
“Yes, Ma'am.”
After you were done with painting Wanda, you quickly toggled yourself off her, grabbing your polaroid camera. 
“A moment that lasts forever.” You whispered as you took the picture. 
As you helped Wanda up, you noticed that you both had 10 minutes to spare before the twins work up. “Do you reckon that I could have a meal before the twins wake up?”
Wanda hummed, “What would you like?”
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whiteqnn · 3 years ago
PURE [5] - Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
A/N: It’s been a while.  
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
PURE [5]
“Did you guys find anybody?” Felix’s voice sounded out when the man repeated the same question for what seemed like the third time since he joined the call. The number of players showed 7 of them, which meant that they were still missing three people. Sure, they could start the game now, but it would be way more enjoyable and funny with a full lobby. 
“Yeah, Toast will be here any moment. “Sykkuno replied right away. “He just texted me; he should join us in a few.”
“Cool. Anyone else?” 
“I think Corpse was also supposed to join us, right? Not sure though why he isn’t here yet.” 
“Oh, yeah, Corpse will be here soon too!” Jack suddenly chimed in with an explanation. “He said he needed to take care of something first, but he’ll be here before we start.” 
“Great. But that means we’re still one person short.” Felix hummed when Toast’s little astronaut appeared in the lobby “Hey Toast."
“Hey man.”
“Do you have anyone coming?”
“I’m afraid not. I asked MrBeast, but he’s busy, so...”
“Well then, we can just start when Corpse is here, and maybe we’ll find someone in the meantime?” Dave suggested, earning a few hums of approval from the other players. 
“Yeah, I think that���s the best option...” Jack agreed. But then his voice blared out in everyone’s headphones with excitement. “Ha! Corpse is bringing someone!” 
“I dunno, he just texted me he has one coming and that’s all.” 
“Hm, all right. Let’s wait then.”
Corpse fidgeted with his phone, glancing between its screen and the chat in his stream. People were already asking countless questions, but rather than answering them, he was waiting for Y/N to call him. He was nervous - the girl still hadn’t commented on his request. 
The idea to invite her to the lobby wasn’t spontaneous. In fact, he’d been thinking about it for quite some time now, but never found the courage to actually ask if she would like to join them for the game.
It’s been almost a month now since that memorable phone call. A month since Y/N last played with her friends; a month since she considerably reduced her social media usage. 
Sure, she was still active on her youtube channel, but not as much as before the whole haters situation. No matter how hard she tried to just ignore them and simply continue her career, she just couldn’t. There were still these nagging thoughts at the back of her mind, reminding her of all those people and their comments, their messages. It seemed like a good idea to take a short break and sort everything out.
Her fans understood it. They were obviously sad that her videos weren’t as frequent as before, but everyone knew what the situation looked like and that Y/N needed some time for herself. 
Her audience knew it, and so did her friends. Especially Corpse. 
The man kept his word and talked to the girl whenever she wanted to. Which, in the end, was almost everyday. Although at the beginning their conversations mostly focused on her current problem and dealing with it, their topics broadened over the time. 
At one point though, Y/N started worrying that maybe she’s annoying him with her so frequent calls. She thought that she shouldn’t bother him that much - even if talking to him was what really helped her cope with her problems. He already had enough on his plate, and sharing her own concerns with him suddenly seemed like a very selfish thing to do.
But she quickly realized how wrong she was for thinking like that. When one day she didn’t call, figuring out that she should stop troubling him with her own issues, she was very surprised when Corpse reached out to her himself. He expressed how worried he got when she didn’t call, and when she explained what was the reason, he spent the next fifteen minutes lecturing her that she should never think she’s bothering him. 
From that day on, they talked every single day. And they talked about almost everything.
Corpse enjoyed their late night-talks more than anything. He liked to listen to Y/N talk about the things she finds exciting, her hobbies, and her dreams. Hell, she could talk about what she ate for breakfast, and he would still listen with interest. 
And even though they haven’t seen each other in person, even though she still hasn’t seen his face, they managed to get really close during those past weeks. For an outside observer (who also didn’t have access to Twitter) they would seem like a couple of very good friends.
But not for Corpse.
He couldn’t pinpoint when exactly did it happen. They were talking one evening and Y/N was telling him about the TV series she had finished watching recently. He listened intently and watched as her facial expressions changed from excited to frustrated, as she was enumerating everything she liked and disliked about the series finale.
And then he suddenly got this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach, and simply couldn’t take his eyes off her. 
He tried to play it off and act as if nothing changed, but he couldn’t stop his heart from doing backflips whenever she laughed at one of his dumb jokes or called him partner. It was still a running joke between them and among the group of their friends, but there was something in the way she said it that made him instantly smile like an idiot. 
He also started paying more attention to the hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. #PartnersInCrime was still rather popular, even though it was a month since anyone last used this phrase on stream. Corpse also found out that #Y/Nforthebride was trending for some time; he even managed to stumble across a few fanarts. 
There was this urge to send them to Y/N, but he was too nervous that it would make things awkward between them... After all, he didn’t know how she felt about that whole shipping thing. 
That’s why he decided to just leave things between them as they are, and be happy that he’s at least her friend.  
Corpse nearly jumped out of his skin, when he was brought back to reality by the sound of an upcoming FaceTime call. Y/N’s photo appeared on his screen, her smiley face which he had assigned as her contact photo. His lips corners curled up in a smile almost unwittingly. 
“Hey Y/N/N” he said after answering the call. 
“Hi Corpse” she smiled softly upon hearing his voice. Although the screen on her side was dark, she didn’t mind not seeing Corpse’s face. She respected his wish to remain faceless and enjoyed their conversations anyway. 
“Whatcha doin’?”
“Just editing the new video. I guess I’ll upload it in the morning... but I’m not sure yet.”
“Well let me know then, I wanna be the first one to see it.” 
“Sure thing, Corpse” she chuckled, lowering her gaze bashfully. Corpse just looked at her face for a moment, unable to stop smiling to himself. Then he remembered why they were talking in the first place.
“So... have you seen my text?” Y/N sighed at his question but nodded her head slowly. “And what do you think?”
“I don’t know, Corpse...” she ran a hand through her hair in a nervous gesture. “...if that’s a good idea, I mean.”
“Well, it’s been a while. No pressure though, if you don’t wanna play then it’s totally fine.” he quickly clarified. “I just thought it would be fun if you joined us, even if just for a moment. I’m sure everyone would go crazy.” 
Her smile widened slightly at his words, but she still didn’t look convinced. Sure, it was tempting to join them. She wanted to do it each time Sean or Felix bombarded her with messages and codes to the lobby, both inviting her to join the group in the game. But then she remembered how people reacted to her appearance in their streams... and suddenly it didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore.
“We’re gonna play on Polus...” he added after a moment when she still didn’t say anything. “That one map with the planetary base... there’s a lava pit, y’know. Just saying...”
She laughed wholeheartedly at his words, remembering their last game when Corpse jumped into the lava for her. 
“Sykkuno’s gonna be there as well” Corpse continued. “And I promise I won’t kill you this time.”
“Even if I’m the last player alive?” she joked.
“Even then, Y/N.”
Corpse stifled a laugh, as she cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes slightly as if trying to spot him in the darkness. 
“Are you streaming, Corpse?” she then asked.
“Not yet. I’m gonna start the stream as soon as you say yes, though.”
“Oh c’mon” she laughed at his words “That’s emotional blackmail!” 
“Maybe. Is it working?” he asked.
Y/N let out a heavy breath and ran a hand down her face. Corpse watched in anticipation as she seemed to have some internal battle with herself. He hoped that she’s gonna agree, he really missed playing with her. 
“All right, then.” she suddenly said, and his breath hitched in his throat. “I’m gonna stay for a few rounds I guess...”
“Wait, really?” he asked, a smile on his face only widening. 
“Well, yeah, partner.” she replied, which made his cheeks go warm “Your imposter techniques haven’t been very effective lately... Someone needs to help you out, or you’re gonna lose your title of the king of the Imposters.” 
“Oh, is that’s how it is now?” he laughed in fake shock. “I wouldn’t have to worry about losing the title if my accomplice hadn’t left me all alone!” 
“All right, all right.” she giggled at his accusations. “Your accomplice is on her way to support you.” 
Corpse smiled even wider at the sound of her laughter. Her eyes shined with happiness when she was giggling, which only brought out their E/C color. The fact that his stupid babbling was the reason for her smile was making him feel extremely proud of himself.  
“But just so you know... I still have no idea how this map works, so I’m afraid I’m gonna need you to guide me around it...”
“Y’know you could as well just say you want to hang out with me...”
“Corpse!” she laughed, her cheeks blushing in embarrassment. 
“Just kidding Y/N” he chuckled at her reaction. “Of course I’m gonna guide you, don’t worry.”
“Okay then...” she said after a moment, looking at the screen again. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. Will you send me the code, please?”
“Sure I will, Y/N” 
“Okay. See you later, partner” she smiled brightly. 
“See you, partner.” 
When Y/N ended the call, Corpse let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He sighed in relief and ran a hand through his hair, before moving to sit behind his desk.
It was only after he started the stream that he realized he was blushing. Not only because Y/N would join them, but because there was also another thing he wanted to ask her about, but didn’t find the courage to yet... 
By the time Y/N turned on her computer and started the game, Corpse has already sent her the code, and there was a Discord invite waiting for her as well. She bit her lip nervously as her heartbeat quickened. 
Was she nervous? As hell. 
She did everything she could to avoid being in unnecessary spotlight since she started receiving those hate messages. Perhaps escaping the problem wasn’t the best solution, but it definitely was a comfortable one. People wouldn’t have a reason to hate on her if she disappeared. 
But then she couldn’t say no to Corpse. And truth to be said - she really missed playing with her friends. From what she’d seen on Twitter, the lobby would be filled with those she’d already played with, so she wasn’t that nervous before the game. What she was nervous about though, was how people would react.
Accepting Corpse’s request was something she did due to the sudden rush of courage. And now there was no coming back.
She knew Corpse would understand if she changed her mind... but she heard how excited he was when she had agreed. She couldn’t do it to him. 
So, once she’d taken a deep breath and put her headphones on, Y/N accepted the invite and braced herself for the inevitable chaos that was bound to take place in the call. She decided to wait with joining the lobby though - at least until they realize she’s with them. 
“..the fuck you’re talking about?!” Felix’s voice was the first thing she heard, which made her roll her eyes with a smile. “It’s not my fault I sound like that! At least I don’t have a liar voice like Rae!” 
“HEY!” the girl yelled “I don’t have a liar voice!”
“You do, you’re using it even now!” Jack argued, much to Rae’s dismay. 
“What is going on here” Corpse’s deep voice sounded out suddenly. 
“Oh, you’re here! Finally” Sykkuno immediately welcomed him with his always happy voice. 
“Yeah, sorry that I’m late guys.”
“No worries, man” Pewdiepie spoke up again. “We were just talking about playing the voice card and that you’re basically the only one who can do it.” 
“Not fair at all!” Rae chimed in, making Corpse chuckle. 
“The voice card...” he hummed after a moment, before adding. “I wouldn’t really say I’m the only one though...”
“Well who else then? Everyone else either starts laughing or have a liar voice” Dave asked, and Rae scoffed at the last words.
“Well what about my guest?”
Y/N inhaled sharply, realizing that now she should probably reveal herself. 
“Oh, right! Who you’re bringing man?” Sean asked with curiosity.
That’s when Y/N typed in the game code, and her white astronaut appeared in the lobby. 
“Wait, who’s- HOLY SHIT” Sean all but yelled, when realization hit him. Y/N laughed loudly at his reaction, and her voice only seemed to prove to everyone that she really was there. 
“KIDDO WHAT THE FUCK” Felix reflected Jack’s response, yelling over his friend.
“Oh my god, hi!”
“What a surprise!” Y/N managed to catch Sykkuno’s words. “It’s so amazing to have you here, Y/N/N!” 
“As I live and breathe.” another voice spoke up, and Toast’s little astronaut came face to face with her white bean. “My lifelong nemesis. Back here snap my neck again, huh?”
“Yeah, happy to hear you too, Toast” Y/N giggled at his words, then she adressed the whole group. “Hi guys.”
“Okay I did not expect that in the slightest” Sean laughed happily “You’re here kiddo!” 
“I am” she smiled from ear to ear, even though they couldn’t see her. 
“Wait- Corpse, is that the thing you had to take care of?” her best friend asked Corpse with suspicious voice. 
“Well...” he trailed off and cleared his throat, making everyone laugh.
“That’s so great Y/N! We missed you so much!” Rae thundered over the bickering of the boys. “The game hasn’t been the same without you...”
“Agreed. I suddenly stopped dying.” Toast commented, making her roll her eyes with a laugh. 
“I don’t know if I should be happy or fucking scared right now.” Felix laughed nervously. “With Corpse and Y/N? We’re fucked now, guys.”
“I promise I’ll go easy on you, I haven’t played in so long I think I forgot all my strategies...” 
“Yeah, sure.” Toast’s forever suspicious voice made her smile wider. “Just don’t kill me in the first roung, okay? I won’t vote you off just stay the fuck away from me you little murderer.” 
“Okay, I promise I won’t kill you...” 
She couldn’t stop herself from laughing, and the smile remained on her face even when they started the game. It only seemed to widen, when she saw the sign Imposter on her screen. 
Only to giggle hysterically when she realized that Toast was the other imposter...
And so the game went on with Y/N and Toast cooperating like perfect serial killers. Corpse did as he promised and guided her through the map, both of them being closely followed by Sykkuno. Because of that she’d just sabotage the map most of the time to give Toast opportunities to kill their friends, but eventually managed to sneak out when her two fellow crewmates were doing their tasks. It just so happen that Pewds was walking past her, and she might’ve accidentally snapped his neck... 
“Goddamnit! I knew it! I fucking knew it was you!” Sean yelled once the game was over and Y/N saw the sign VICTORY on her screen, her small character standing next to Toast’s one. He was ejected at some point because Poki managed to walk in on him killing Rae, but Y/N remained undetected until the very end. Perhaps the fact that Corpse was one of the two crewmates who were left alive had something to do wtih it...
“That was rude” Pewds said in a whiny voice, clearly referring to their encounter which led to his death. “I was just happily walking around, doing my tasks like a good crewmate, and then boom! Y/N happened” 
“I would say I’m sorry... but I’m really not” she laughed, making Felix gasp in shock.
“That’s what happens when you work with Toast!” 
“Good game, Y/N. That was amazing” the man in question said appreciatively. 
“Will you finally forgive me for killing you that one time if I say that being imposters with you was cool?” she laughed nervously. 
“Actually... Yeah, I guess we can bury the hatchet now. AND we should team up more in the future.”
“Excuse me, what?” Corpse’s voice made the whole lobby laugh. “I don’t remember us cancelling our partnership, Y/N.”
“Are you trying to steal my accomplice from me Toast?” 
“Well she’s a great partner in crime after all...” Toast deliberately used the phrase, making Corpse gasp.
“Hey! She’s my partner! Find yourself your own, Toast” Corpse joked, making Y/N laugh bashfully, her cheeks warming up at his words. 
“Yeah yeah, I remember, don’t worry man. No one’s gonna take your partner in crime away from you...” Toast’s teasing voice made them all laugh, Corpse and Y/N included. 
For the next few rounds Y/N played as a crewmate, running around the map with either Corpse or Sykkuno and doing her tasks. During meetings they joked and laughed, and for a moment, she stopped thinking about what people watching her friend’s streams might think about her presence. After all, there was at least a small chance that they didn’t think about it at all, and simply enjoyed watching their favoirte youtubers. Just as she enjoyed playing with her friends. 
Oh, and by the way, Corpse kept his promise and didn’t kill her even when she was the last player alive...
It was soon time when everyone started slowly leaving the lobby, having played for over three hours. Y/N also said her goodbyes to the others and promised that she’d join them to play a game called Raft next week. 
When she turned her computer off and threw herself on her bed, Y/N immediately grabbed her phone to call Corpse. He answered right away. 
“Well hello, partner...” she rolled her eyes with a smile when he accented the last word. “Or should I say, traitor, instead?” 
“Corpse... you know I would never betray you...” 
“Well how can I be so sure, now that I know how cool it is to be imposters with Toast?” she knew he was joking, she could almost hear the smile in his voice.
“Not nearly as cool as it is with you, Corpse” Y/N grinned from ear to ear when Corpse scoffed. 
“I spare your life so many times and that’s what I get in return? You cheat on me with Toast?” he said in disbelief “I’m disappointed, Y/N, I really am.”
“I would never!” she laughed through her words, even though her cheeks were now red because of Corpse’s words. “You’re the best partner in crime, Corpse, I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else!” 
Not only in the game, she thought.
“Hmm, alright. Let’s say I believe you.” he said after a moment of thinking. 
“I mean it, Corpse...” Y/N said after calming down from her laughter. “I... I really wanted to thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?” he asked, genuinely surprised. 
“Well, first of all for inviting me to today’s game... I really had lots of fun, it was great to play and talk with the others. And I wouldn’t be in the lobby if not for you...” Y/N mumbled, before verbalizing her previous thoughts. “And I also wanted to thank you for just... you know... being my friend. My real life partner in crime. I just wanted you to know I’m really glad I met you...” 
Corpse was silent for a good few moments, and Y/N started panicking that maybe she said something wrong, or maybe he found her spontaneous confession funny, or worse, dumb. She was almost ready to somehow laugh it all off, when his voice cut her off.
“Thank you, Y/N. It really means a lot to me too.” he sounded like he had some troubles with speaking, which made Y/N furrow her brows in worry.
“Is everything okay, Corpse?” 
“Yeah, I...” he stuttered, then laughed nervously. “I just didn’t expect that and... yeah. It’s not something I hear on a daily basis, especially from someone like you.”
Someone like me? 
 “But what you said... it’s mutual.” he said after a moment, and Y/N couldn’t stop herself from grinning like an idiot. “You’re the best partner in crime I could ask for. And not only in the game.” 
She could as well just pass out there and there...
“So uhm... there was one thing I wanted to ask you...”
“I was wondering if maybe... you know, if you’d have some time... and if you’d want to of course... would you maybe like to visit me here in San Diego?”
Yeah, passing out seems like a good idea. 
This is not the last part. 
@golden-chan @pillowjj @afuckingunicornn @love-and-virtues @ignooynim @crapimahuman @hannahjsworld @laugh-like-the-moon @fallengoddess772 @kingric03 @dolphinpink310 @paigeyisme @bunnychano3o @dxrtygxrl28 @z-nyx @baby-iyania @trashygeek @qmalley @yn-dreamlife @queenshadow142003 @daughterofsmokeandbone23 @my-little-art-world99 @yoongi-holland @rinarecommends @psychoticunicornsblog @goldensunshinestyle @unstableye @pastelvixenbeauty @weallneednamjesus @benakenalove @corpsesimpp @xenos-sonex @jellicorn05 @must-be-a-weasley-92 @keijikunn @infinitely-kate @thisshitisfuckingdifficult @summerbbygirl @mygirlviolet @eat-your-veggies @evans-dejong @jeffxx @weepingdonuthumancookie @myinnergayistakingover @i-love-scott-mccall @thecanterburywitch @annshit @blood-of-fandoms @namjoons-crabssss @guadu-chan @harleyharleycrow @stormyskys13 @soft4kei @ukai-hoe @that-chick212 @campcampie @cookiewhoree @ukiyolixx @princess-skate @newtaholic-staygold @unknown-and-invisible @cherry-piee @marvelenthusiast3000 @apples-of-february @lovelybrit @wineandionysus @faepetersen @vincent-stargogh @idalinette @ggsmashgg @browneyespinkhair @uwucorpse @fluffylittellama-blog @yoshigguk @queentorresstuff @becihadshawn @winged-reader @x3musicismylife @musubipost @missdox @honeyames @dark-o-room @izthefangirl @l0verl0ser @laurenfangirlsout @asianfrustration13 @hopelessfluff @sacrifice-me-please @stopicouldhaavedroppedmycrossant @sleepingalaska @strangenerdsstuff @otakuartist05 @blossom-702 @astream-ofconsciousness @mythicalamphitrite @infinitelycharmed23 @ s1utforfictionalcharacters @ abrokenlink  @ lestrangeesme  @laazullii @ avesagittarius @ smiithys @zenx2003 @vintagexparker @write-from-the-heart @goalexis123 @ trrcelovesyou @rebloggingeverything @homosexualjohnwayne @xprettyqueenx @just-a-stan @tenebrisirae
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captainhawkbuckwrites · 3 years ago
Lil fish
Hey, so I haven’t wrote anything in a while and I have been overtaken with Stranger Things recently and this lil Drabble that turned into whatever this is came to me a few weeks ago and I like reading and re reading my stuff to make sure I am happy with it before uploading so hence why I am only just uploading, I am still not 100% happy but I am hoping you enjoy it.
Also as a bi lady who is more interested in girls than guys in real life it is wrote slightly based off things I have been told whilst dating. Also sorta made Vickie the bad guy here, I do apologise because I love Vickie but it just made sense in this instance.
Warnings : bi phobia, maybe a tad homophobia, swearing and a lil bit of smut, but you have to be looking at it with a magnifying glass.
It was no secret Robin wasn’t the most confident person in the room, but when it came to her girlfriend of 3 years (you) spending time with Eddie whilst she was at work at Family Video she became insecure, and in total Robin style, with a lil help from new pal Vickie, concluded that she was holding (Y/N) back from what she really wanted.
You had come into Family Videos to see Robin, it had been a month or so since you had last surprised her at work, spending any time she was there with Eddie. You had enlisted him to help you surprise Robin. To cut matters short you wanted to propose to her, legally you couldn’t actually get married but it was the thought more than anything, you both leaving to go to college in the fall, starting a new life together outside of Hawkins, you wanted her to know she was your forever and always. You had everything planned out and you knew exactly what song you was going to do it to. Eddie being the only other person you knew other than Robin to play guitar, he was the perfect candidate to teach you, it also didn’t hurt that you got on really well.
“How’s my favourite Family Videos employee?” You grin as you open the door immediately clocking her sat at the desk staring into space.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” She asked shocked, straightening herself up.
“Came to see you of course, you dufus! I miss you”
“Where’s Eddie?”
“Um I don’t know, why are you asking about Eddie?” You return the question, confused.
“Uh.” She pauses, almost as if to gather her thoughts, or check for customers, most likely a combination of both. “ I think we should break up”
“What?!? But-“
“You- you like guys and girls, you’re you, you are normal, you have a choice.” She cuts you off, word vomiting at you. “you are just going to end up with a guy anyways, so you don’t need me being me to bring unwanted attention to you”
“Robin, where is this coming from? I love you!” You shout, at this point not caring if anyone was in the shop, you would rather everyone in town know than break up. “I want you! I don’t care if I get hurled abuse at for the rest of my life, I love you!” You caught her hand over the desk.
“Well, um” Robin stutters pushing away your hands. “I don’t know if I love you”
“Robin, this is not funny, why are you saying this?”
“I don’t, I just I don’t” she stutters out, just hoping you leave, this was hard enough for her. She knew it was the right thing to do, Vickie had convinced her it was the right thing to do.
“It is her isn’t it? I fucking knew it! I never had you as a fucking cheater Robin!” You could feel tears like a tsunami down your cheeks.
“No, I haven’t cheated on you, I would ne-“
“Stay away from me, I hope you and Vickie are truly happy together” with that you rush out of Family Video to your car and drive off into the distance. Robin wanted to move, she wanted to run after you, but she was frozen, for once in her life speechless.
That was the last time Robin saw you. A week passed and you hadn’t been at school, you hadn’t even been at home, she went as far to check Eddies caravan, no one had seen you. Robin knew she had fucked up the second you stepped out of Family Video but as time went on she started to wonder if she had done more than fuck up, if she had pushed you to the edge.
Eddie being the loyal friend he was, knew where you was, he made sure you were safe, fed and on evenings, under his own supervision; high. You had never done drugs before, but after a 48 hour drive after driving off from Family Video, you had gone out of state, back again, you realised you could run, but the hurt would always be there so why not try gods own antidepressant.
Another week had passed and, thanks to a lil pep talk from Eddie, you were back at school. You avoided Robin like the Plague, you avoided everyone. The times were you couldn’t avoid her it was like you didn’t exist anyways, Vickie would always be there, whispering, glaring, as if you was the bad guy.
“Hey sweetheart, are you doing ok?” Eddie taps your shoulder, you were paused at the door of the French class. Vickie sat on Robins table staring daggers at you whilst holding Robins hand. Tears started overflowing as you noticed that small minor detail. She was holding her hand, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. You had been dating 3 years, and she would have never dared in public. “Hey! Y/n wake up, earth to Y/n”
You quickly look away and wipe your eyes before replying.
“Not really, have you got anything on you?” You wisper.
“You know I have but you are not having it” he held his hand with his lunch box in behind him, away from you. .
“What the fuck? All of a sudden a good boy?” You more or less shout at him.
“Keep your voice down, you need to sort out your shit, you can’t just use it to disguise it “
“Well thanks for that Ed” you huff, moving away from the door way to let some other students in to the class room.
“Y/n I am not letting you turn into an addict on my watch” Eddie scolded, following you, he knew he was talking shit but he knew he had to get you and Robin back together, or Steve would try to whip his ass. “Maybe talk to her? Harrington told me she fucked up?”
“Eddie does it look like she fucked up? She has exactly who she wants. I am going home” you turn on your heels. Before he could question it you were half was down the corridor. Cutting his loses he heads to take a seat in the class, but not before dropping by Robins desk to tell her just how much she had fucked up.
You had done as you had said, you got in your car and drove home. Your parents had been out of town for the past month and were not showing any signs of returning any time soon, so no one cared what you were doing. You got home, grabbed some snacks from the fridge and headed to your room. Opening the windows and taking off your shoes before face planting the bed.
You hadn’t closed your eyes for more than a couple of minutes before you hear a car pull up outside. Presuming it is one of the mums down the cul de sac you pull a pillow over your head in preparation for the screaming child that usually came after the shutting off of an engine. But it never came.
“Y/n?” Robin voice floated into your room “I know you probably don’t want to see me but can I come in?” You look up, more curious to how she could be soo close when you definitely locked the door behind you. Removing the pillow from your head you sat up looking around your room, before your eyes landed on the open window, more specifically the tree outside that was currently carrying the weight of one Robin Buckley. Why had she climbed the bloody tree.
“Why are you in a tree? Why are you here?!? How are you here!?!” You panic, walking towards the window.
“Eddie, he gave me a lift” she pointed down, almost asking you to go and look at the proof of him sitting outside your house in his van, causing her to wobble on the branch.
“Get in, what are you doing climbing a tree!?!” You rush to help her in before she falls, as you lean out of the window you spot Eddie sat in his van with a shit eating grin on his face.
“I needed to see you” Robin gasps as you guide her in.
“I have a front door Robin” you check she is ok before returning to your window to flip Eddie, who is still parked up, the bird. Eddie taking it as a signal to leave.
“You would have never answered, and I don’t blame you. I fucked up. I love you y/n it has always been you and I got scared, scared I wasn’t enough. You was spending time with Eddie and I saw him as a threat I guess, because you like guys and girls and I let her get in my head and convince me that liking both means you would cheat, and I don’t want to be that girl who likes girls but doesn’t like girls that like girls and guys because I do love you and I shouldn’t of let my jealousy and her, let me think like that, because you are too good to me, you are just good and you would never cheat on me and you liking girls and guys doesn’t mean you are going to cheat on me and I know that but I let it get in my head when I shouldn’t of but I love you, I love you so damn much. y/n please forgive me” Robin stopped for breath, and finally looked at you.
“Who got in your head Robin?” You question after a few moments, nervously sitting on the side of your bed.
“Vickie” she answers shyly, starting to pace. “It was never like that though, I never wanted her, I was stupid to listen to her, it just was stressing me out and one day at band practice it just, it just came out. And she was there and listened and I thought she was helping, I thought you wanted Eddie, she convinced me that what I was doing was for you, and it was hard y/n it was soo hard. I never wanted to.”
“But you did Robin, why?!? Why could you of not spoken to me? I am supposed to be your girlfriend! Not Vickie” you stand in a hope to ground yourself and stop Robin from pacing.
“I know, I know and I am sorry. I am a dufus, I was just soo scared of losing you, I thought you were already gone. I thought it was best cutting you off and letting you lead the life you wanted.”
“And what because I am bisexual you thought I wanted Eddie?”
“No, because it doesn’t make sense, but why would you want me?” Robin finally stops pacing and looks at you, tears in her eyes.
“Fuck, Robin, have I not shown you that I want you?” Now you are the one crying, “That I love you?”
“Nooo, you, you do! You did!” Robin takes a step towards you reaching for your hands, keeping them in hers as you both let the tears roll.
“Then why?” You wisper. “ What could I have done?”
“Nothing, nothing y/n you are perfect, it is me, I should of never of listened, I should've spoken to you. I promise I will always come to you first in future y/n I love you, I trust you, I should of never doubted your feelings, I had no reason to, I am sorry, I am soo sorry”
“Hey, hey” you take your hands out of hers, wrapping your arms around her, pulling her into your embrace, letting her cry into you neck. “Shhh it is fine, we will work through this together, ok? I am here”
“I quit band and told her to never talk to me or you again” she sniffles as you walk her to the edge of the bed to sit together.
“she is part of the reason we broke up, if I hadn’t told her, we would be ok, I wouldn’t of been fed lies and doubts. She tried to be you, but you're the only you I want” she whispers, holding you closer.
“Even if I like girls and guys?” You ask, sarcastically.
“Especially liking girls and guys! You have double the pond to fish in and I am still your fish, if you still want me” she questions, looking up at you, unsure.
“You’re still my fish, Robin” you look her in her eyes as her face realises what you have just said, releasing the biggest smile across her face. Before you could say anything else her lips are on yours, pushing you backwards on to the bed as your lips mold to the others,2 weeks of separation not allowing you to be close enough to each other.
Robin throws her leg over yours, straddling you, whilst one arm keeps her bodyweight off yours and the other caresses your face.
“I missed you Y/N” Robin whispers as she pulls away from your lips and slowly kisses up and down your neck, gently using her teeth to nip skin from time to time earning moans and little sounds of joy from you.
“Robin, I love you” you finally manage to whisper, your hands finding their way on to her chest to fondle her breasts over her clothes. Her lips finding yours again “Also I don’t care if she is there, you are carrying on with band” you smirk against her lips.
“Huh?” She manages to mumble as you deepen the kiss. Before stopping suddenly.
“You are not giving up something-“ you get over taken with her lips again, leaving a hard kiss on top of her lips before continuing. “Something you love doing because of her, I love seeing you play” you press another kiss on her lips. “I love you” you confess again causing you both to break out in big goofy smiles.
“I love you too, lil fish”
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hausofmamadas · 3 years ago
SEÑOR DILF-OF-THE-AGES | The Man who never fails to give us a reason, Benjamín Arellano Fèlix
♫ To the tune of Portishead’s Glory Box ♫
Okkkkkk, so i recently reblogged a masterful vid of Mín and Món to the tune of Portishead’s Glory Box by @mmasalva. Go watch it -> here if you have seen it yet. Forreal watch it , you moops. In my reblog, i gave a too long winded explanation/personal anecdote about why i loved the vid with that specific song sooi much and mentioned that i might still finish cobble together a Mín exclusive edit to the same song (for reasons explained in the OG post.)
Bc literally, 3-4 days prior to seeing mmsalva’s video, i started putting together (what became) this video, yknow gathering all my raw footage n shit. Lo and behold, the day i uploaded everything into Adobe Premium Rush was the same day i found mmsalva’s video. But since i’d already started (and this might be a new thing that i maybe do now? like character appreciate videos for all 4 of my adoring fans), i decided to finish the thing. I included the OG reblog with my boring personal detritus master’s thesis of why i love the song/character combo below if anyone is interested. idk some parts of it are kind of funny or whatever idk (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
taglist: @criatividad-e @tinylittleobsessions @cositapreciosa @purplesong1028 @ashlingnarcos @ashlingnarcos @narcolini @bellinitini @kesskirata @carlislecullenisadilf @cherixrosa @artemiseamoon @fleurfatale89 @narcos-narcosmx @narcosmx @thesolotomyhan
‘ “Glory Box” is an Australian term for a piece of furniture where women store clothes and other items in preparation for marriage.
The song is about a woman who is frustrated by love and ready to give up on her relationship. The lines, “Give me a reason to love you / Give me a reason to be a woman / I just wanna be a woman,” are a plea to her partner, asking that he treat her with equality and respect, especially in the bedroom.’ -> via Songfacts
Ttrolololool so, gather round, my children, i’m going to tell an amusing story …… aka tune in for another installment of shit no one asked for. On this week’s episode: me over sharing about my private life and how i’ve read way too much into the connection between Portishead’s Glory Box and the place our sweet Benjamín Arellano Félix occupies in the Narcos Mexico fanfic imagination
Watched the show Yellowjackets for the first time maybe 2(ish) weeks ago.
While watching, to my delight, Portishead’s song Glory Box plays at the end of the 2nd episode (also everyone go fucking watch Yellowjackets if you haven’t seen it).
Now, i used to be OBsessed with Portishead in high school and this song was prob an important facet of my BIsexual awakening.
Around the time i started watching the show, my boyfriend and i ended our 5 year long relationship ….. well the first of technically 3 breakups in quick succession …
Long story short, we had, on-the-whole, a wonderful, harmonious relationship like 95% of the time and still love each other. But we got together really young (like 21-22yrs young)
And bc we were stupid young, there are a lot of gendered dynamics and bullshit that we were both subconsciously conditioned to believe about sex and relationships, and in turn that fed some seriously dysfunctional relationship patterns all of which are complicated and boring. HOWMever
In this whole break-up process (sweet fuck has it been a process bc when you live together, basically is like breaking up in slow motion…), i learned that one of the fucked up, sociocultural things that i internalized was that as a sexually liberated woman, i had to be sexually adventurous in the same way and at the same time as my (mostly male) partners.
Otherwise, I wasn’t a “true” feminist, and in fact, would be prudish, immature, slut-shamey, to be any other way, regardless of what I wanted as a person.
And this manifested in sideways, fucked dynamics - namely, him not respecting my boundaries bc i never actually established them bc i didn’t even really know i could, not even bc of him but just bc of ppl generally? but then making me emotionally responsible for his feelings about my boundaries in a way that was lyke uncool.
There were also a lot of internalized misogynistic norms on his end around showing/processing emotions (i.e. i’m a dude, so i shouldn’t feel or express them externally unless it’s anger. but not too angry bc i don’t want to scare ppl -> that kit n kaboodle)
We broke up for more reasons but these were the 2 main areas of conflict.
SO, when i heard this song that i loved in high school, but older and the tiniest (teensiest, tiniest) bit wiser, i had this epiphany …
See, the song gets a lot of flac for being anti-feminist or reinforcing traditional gender norms and taken at face value, a line like “give me a reason to be a woman,” could be interpreted that way, i suppose.
BUT ACTUALLY the entire song is about wanting to be treated like a three-dimensional, sexual autonomous being.
She’s obv pleading with a partner, but she’s also appealing to the world to respect her human desires and especially sexual agency, whether that be wanting to do the sexing all the time or not at all
Instead of viewing her as an object for gratification or an emotional caretaker, instead of viewing her as a woman in this one, very rigid, specific way (exhibit: “for I’ve been a temptress too long”), she’s asking for the world to respect and validate her sexual/intimate boundaries and her personhood.
So, when she says “give me a reason to love you / give me a reason to be a woman,” she’s asking N O T to be relegated to the narrow definition we associate with femininity/being a woman (both born&trans bc this definition is applied to both just in different, albeit comparably fucked, ways) …….. and trans women are fucking women - not even gonna acknowledge attempts at discussion on that shit. nothing. no, no hay nada. Fine if you don’t agree - nottttt the arena for it, not gonna do it. Srsly, i dare you to test my patience with that shit sksksks cause i’m a deranged, emotional wreck rn. So, shut tf up and enjoy the rants&gifs k thx
She’s actually saying, “hey, it’d be cool if you saw me as a person, as the woman i am, allow me to be a full human, respect my boundaries. u do dat….then maybe, my mans, juuuust fucking maybe ………. you can Get. It.”
Because what’s hotter than someone n o t making you a vessel for their own backwards ass, fucked up, emotional & sexual baggage and instead, recognizing and honoring your individual wants, needs, and boundaries, sexual or otherwise, as a person, in a tangible and meaningful way…?
…………………………….. wait for it
…………………………….. wait for it
…………………………….. waaaaait foooooor it
Which brings me to the whole point of my post…. Our sweet, respectful dilfest Dilf that ever dilfed, honorary DILF of the century, yes, yes that Dilf, así es Benjamín Arellano Félix
Many a headcannon and fanfic has been written about this sweet yung King, all of which i have enthusiastically consumed to the point of genuinely questioning my own sanity along with other Narcos fandom related content
And in so consuming, i noticed the majority of the OG Narcos/Nmx Tumblr fandom all 12 of us seems to have separately yet overwhelmingly concluded that Benjamín Arellano Félix fucks is aftercare king special, wait wut very likely will go down on you for hours not even a single syllable uttered asking you to return the favor… whoops, nope sorry the most generous partner/lover in the entire Narcos universe.
I have a number of primary & secondary sources to which i can refer to, lest any of ye remain unconvinced… there’s this one, also this one, ope! can’t forget about that one, oh and where was that other one, oh here, yes i found it
I can’t begin to speculate what it actually is about the character, just based on what we see on the show, that gives us all this impression.
Yes, he’s a very Not!shit husband to his wife Ruth, a great dad, but it’s a show about the Mexican drug trade, so like, admittedly …the bar isn’t high.
Perhaps it’s Alfonso Dosal’s stunning jawline, cut like the limestone bricks used to construct the pyramids of Giz– do! did i get sidetracked again? so sorry, where was i… performance? I’m still not entirely sure why the consensus came to be. But gorl👏🏼did👏🏼it👏🏼ever👏🏼
So, when i heard the song, and because i’m in the midst of my own personal turmoil, the braincell went straight to Señor Dilf-for-the-Ages, Benjamín
Who’s really just a figurehead/symbol for the like healthy romantic/intimate partner relations that i will require and demand in my next relationship whenever that is particularly if it’s with another dude
I mean i can’t be the only one he represents that for though, right? Cause like, literally everyone who stans OGNarcos/Nmx, even if they’re not heart eyes for that character, have all agreed is the dude out of todos otros pinche morros😂that could and would give us a reason … Or at least, a “reason” in the spirit of what this song is all about
SO BASICALLY RIGHT? I’m like new into making gifs n shit and i hear this song in Yellowjackets, entirely unrelated to Narcos
Like, literally in the middle of editing it …….. only to find out it already exists albeit not Mín exclusive but STILL
and it’s just- okay like, i was lowkey mad at the amount of time i spent when this is 100x better than whatever tf shit i was doing😂
but that is largely overshadowed by feelings of pure, unadulterated joy that this combo exists, just out in the world. Bc it needs to.
And now that i know i’m not the only one who sees that, just feel v seen and heard, which i need now more than ever . Cause aherm, i’m loike g o i n g t h r u a quarter-life crisis thing
Still may do an edit of my own that’s Mín exclusive, we’ll see. -> joke’s on me cuz i did sjsjsjjsjsjsj
#so yeah loike did the whole song sorry for everything#this mf edit is like 5 mins long so if you simp for Mín#then this is right up your alley#absolutely did not spend a cumulative total of like 48 hrs on this thing#like that would be fucking crazy right#right#quarter life crisis#again big thanks to mmasalva for giving me the kick to finish mine#even though it already exists#no shade at all to mmsalva’s edit with mon nor to moncito himself#it is wonderful and lovely que tan bonita sí#me da mucho alegría mucho mucho#pero#Món does nottt give us a reason the same way Mín gives us a reason#my Arellano love is limitless boundless for all the arellano siblings -> yes even Panchito but mostly just S1 bearded Panchito#and would happily oblige sweet móncito were he to knock on my door right now with an offer to dick down oh kay#HAppily oblige#HOWMever#Món does not embody the sexy vibes of the song in the heady abstract way i’m talking about here#like Món seems as though boundaries are a cute pop psychology concept but not at all a feature of relationships esp his romantic ones#Món prob thinks boundaries are like aliens right? like all the rage as a fam dinner topic or an ice breaker at a high school reunion#pero no one’s actually seen one before right?#Món’s essence and being are inherently just desmadre up the wazoo#but don’t get it twisted even tho Món ≠ symbol of healthy romantic love and affection we all need#would still 1000% give him access to my glory box any damn day or night#narcos mexico#benjamin arellano felix#benjamín arellano félix#og video edit#tribute video
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hyunjilicious · 4 years ago
a helping hand [henry cavill] - part 2
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A/n: I’m sorry it took me so long. I don’t like how this part turned out, at all, but I rewrote it 3 times and I can’t even think about these scenes anymore without getting annoyed. I’m just happy it’s finished and that I can start working on part 3 (that is, if you like this one enough to want to keep reading lol)
Summary: After you post on onlyfans a video starring another man, Henry decides to take matters into his own hands. (cameo: Steve Rogers) KINKY 4k
Warnings: spanking, daddy kink, dirty talk, mentions of smut and masturbation (male), humiliation/degradation kink, groping, mentions of porn and filming pornographic material, stalker-ish/obsessed Henry. (also tumblr crashed when I first tried to upload this so maybe that a sign this sucks)
You can read part 1 here!
The sight brought down a storm upon Henry's mind. He stood there, mouth agape, watching the screen, unable to believe his eyes. It was one thing to post videos of yourself on the Internet, but to have someone else take part in them was too much. At least for Henry. Still smart and composed, he realised there wasn't anything he could do about it, but nevertheless, he was determined to not let this shit slide for much longer. 
As much as he wanted to hunt down that man who dared put his hands on you, Henry gathered himself, took a deep breath and closed the onlyfans page. He was perfectly aware that just the right amount of you could get him to lose his sense of control and do things he'd later regret. Still, in desperate need to see you, he grabbed his phone, eyes scheming over your socials, only to see that the last time you had been active was 7 minutes ago. So, without much consideration, he started typing.
"You up?"
"Yep. Finishing up an essay. Coffee in 30??"
Oh, and how deeply that hurt him. "Of course" he sent you, and then checked again the post you made at 3am. '...I'll go to sleep right now, edit it for you when I wake up...'
You were lying? Why were you lying to him? It drove him insane. Henry felt like he couldn't sit down anymore, like he had no chance to catch his breath. He couldn't think straight, so he wasn't really to blame for what he did next. 
Henry's fingers flew over the keyboard, accessing Facebook and logging into your account, desperate to see whether he could find out who the man in your video was. And it was as easy as it could've been, considering your last 5 conversations were with the girl friends he already knew about. But somewhere among them, he spotted an unfamiliar name - Steve R., and instantly clicked and opened the conversation. His blood started to boil when the multitude of emojis you sent reached his eyes, but he scrolled up, until he found the beginning of yesterday's conversation. 
It was started by you, and with a request. You were blunt and went straight for it, asking him with just one message to be in the video with you. There was no trace of your relationship with him on the Internet, so Henry had no idea regarding the nature of yours and Steve's connection. Judging by the way you addressed him, he could easily assume the man was nothing more than a fuck buddy. Even though it angered him, Henry kept his calm and decided to go about this with care. It would only be a matter of time until he removed Steve from your life. But for now, he just had to keep digging for information. 
Steve R.: "Exactly what do you need me to do, baby? Spank you? In front of the camera? Are you serious?" 
"Yes, Steve. Come on!! I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but still... 😇 when it comes to these things, you know me better than anyone"
Henry scoffed. Who the fuck was this guy?
Steve R.: "I know, baby"
Steve R.: "What's in it for me?"
Smoke came out of Henry's ears, and the fact that you acted so sweet and innocent made him want to smash his keyboard.
"Whatever you want! Just do this for me!!! Please!!!! 🥺😊😋"
Steve R.: "Ofc I'll do it, sweetheart. I got you"
"Thank you thank you thank you 😘"
Steve R.: "I should be the one to thank you"
Steve R.: "Send me the location and I'll be over there asap"
After that, your address followed and then that was it. Determined to dig deeper, Henry started to scroll up again, wanting to find out as much as he could about this mysterious man. He didn't get a chance to lurk too much before this computer alerted him of a notification, the onlyfans tab glowing orange. His attention was instantly won, smiling devilishly as he checked the content.
Posted 30 seconds ago, was the new video. Ready to kick back and enjoy, Henry pressed the play button, ready to go at it with an open mind. 
He reluctantly accepted the fact that there was another man in it with you, but he decided to enjoy it nevertheless. The video started, displaying Steve seated on the couch, thighs suggestively parted. He had a pair of black dress pants on, dangerously stretched over his massive thighs. A white, elegant shirt hugged his visibly sculpted torso, the top two buttons undone to show just a hint of chest hair. Quite a sight, but all Henry saw was trash. With his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a silver watch on his wrist and a pinky ring on, Steve patted his thigh, cueing your entrance.
When Henry saw you, he felt his breath reach a new, sudden level of difficulty. With the shortest of skirts barely managing to cover your ass and a mostly see-through shirt on your top half, you made your way to him in such an angelic way that Henry couldn't believe his eyes. 
You looked like happiness personified, and it came in such a painful contraction to what you were about to do, that it twisted Henry's mind in such a perverse way, his cock nearly twitched just by seeing you. 
When you were about to bend over Steve's thigh, he grabbed your chin and stopped you mid action, his lips slamming against your as his free hand lewdly caressed your ass. He flung the skirt over your hips, your flimsy underwear on full display. 
Attentive to the events unfolding on the screen, Henry found his cock, teasingly rubbing it over the material of his pajama pants. His mouth watered when he felt the sensibility in his tip, actually believing this would be easier than he initially anticipated.
"Are you going to be Daddy's good little girl, or do I have to make this fucking hurt?" Steve asked and Henry almost threw up. 
"Yes, Daddy. I'll be good" you mewled, wiggling your feet. 
"Let's see" the man menacingly chuckled, releasing a sharp slap against your ass that made you yelp out in pain.
At this point, about 30 seconds in that was, Henry was already losing his mind. It was as if you took a trip inside his dreams and decided to play out his fantasies. The only problem was that you did it with another man. It was next to impossible for him to keep this going.
"Can you count?" Steve taunted, his hand traveling all over the back of your thighs, your exposed ass and between your legs. 
"Yes, Daddy" you eagerly nodded and Henry almost threw up.
"I wouldn't be surprised if a dumb slut like you didn't know how to" Steve chuckled, "But it's ok, that's how we like our girls. Dumb and pretty"
"Thank you, Daddy"
Henry couldn't believe his eyes. He refused to accept the fact that a random man got to play with your innocence like that. You were his sweet little girl. And if until now he pushed through heroically, when literal yelps of pain started erupting from your lips as the blonde man slapped your ass hard enough to rock your whole frame, Henry's blood ran cold.
But no matter how hard the jealousy had hit him, the video was still pushing his limits of self control. It was still what he always wanted to see. When he reached inside his pants and grabbed his cock, a low grunt of early satisfaction left his lips. He once again found himself picturing you, willing to please him, but this time, he didn't get to go too far. The buzzing sound of his doorbell rang through his apartment, and he never stood up faster.
Cock still hard and completely visible through his pants, Henry slapped the pause button and minimized the browser, before springing to his feet and rushing to the door.
"Henry!" you exclaimed as soon as he came into view. He looked somehow tired, but it was easy to tell there was something else bothering him. "You didn't answer your phone" you pouted.
"Yeah, sorry" he shook his head, a few sweaty curls falling against his forehead. "I was busy with something. What's up?"
You raised your eyebrows and pointed to the door of your apartment, "You said you'd come over? Coffee? Remember?"
"Oh, shit, yeah" Henry cringed, rubbing his forehead. "I'll be over in 10 minutes, that ok?"
"Sure" you beamed, completely oblivious to the way he just tried to get rid of you. With utter nonchalance, you pushed your way past him and strolled into the kitchen.
"You wanna wait here?" he muttered.
"Yeah... Is that a problem? I can leave..."
"No, no" Henry eventually sighed and rushed over to you. He cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead. "Wait here, I'll be right back"
And that was what you did. You silently sat down, grabbing a bag of chips you found laying around, and settled to wait. And maybe, a few seconds passed where nothing devious came to mind, but as time ticket itself away, boredom got to you. First you stood up, and padded to the hallway, looking around. There was almost nothing new over there, but it still felt so homey you absolutely loved to inspect every detail. The TV in the living room was turned off, a couple of pizza boxes on the floor and his DVD cases laying around - absolutely nothing interesting.
You sighed and plopped down on his couch, folding your legs under your body, ready to flip through the channels on TV until he'd decide to join you. Nothing seemed of interest, being bombarded with news and fishing programs. "Old man" you thought to yourself, before opening up the menu in search for something less depressing. A wave of nostalgia hit you when you came across a Spiderman marathon, and you were done for. Maybe one full episode passed until Henry walked out of the bathroom, but you were nowhere near ready to leave.
"Look what's playing!" you beamed, pointing to the screen. Henry raised his eyebrows in amusement, his shoulders shaking as he softly laughed at your unusual choice of entertainment. 
"Are you serious? Cartoons?"
"Yes!" you scoffed, extending your arms and gesturing for him to join you. Although reluctant at first, Henry agreed to sit and watch the show with you, but not before brewing some coffee first.
When he returned from the kitchen, two steaming mugs in tow, you shuffled to the side and welcomed him on the couch. He brought you close against him, draping his arm around your body. With your head resting on his shoulder, you sipped your coffee, eyes glued to the TV. "You seriously never watched these as teen? You were 11 when it came out."
"I did" Henry laughed, rubbing his hand up and down your side, "I was in love with Felicia Hardy"
"MJ was so much better!" you shook your head disappointed, "You have no taste"
"No need for that" Henry threatened, his fingers exploring their way down your body. The way he trailed his hand across your hips and thighs made you squirm, smiling to yourself as you shuffled closer to him.
Henry was more than happy to reciprocate, kissing your forehead and squeezing you tighter. 
And just like that, you didn't care about Spiderman anymore. You flung your leg over Henry's lap, all but crawling on top of him. The episode was still playing in the background, but none of you was paying attention anymore. Henry wrapped his muscular arms around your frame, eliciting a soft moan from your lips as you pushed your hips down against his thigh. His hands traveled lower, exploring your body with delicate but greedy strokes. 
As you let yourself get carried away with absolutely no worry in mind, Henry knew exactly what he was doing. And considering how easily you let your guard down, he had you right where he wanted. 
When you hid your face in the crook of his neck, your nose rubbing across the slope of his collarbone, Henry's right hand found your ass. You froze for a second, but his gentle caress helped you relax again in an instant. With his lips against the top of your head, he allowed his fingers to sink into your flesh. Your whole frame stiffened as you gathered a handful of his hoodie into your fist.
"What's wrong?" Henry cooed, grabbing your chin, "You ok?"
"Yep" you whimpered, and then winced again as he squeezed your ass once more. "I'm good-" you lied, cupping the side of his neck into your palm as you crawled higher up his body, your lips right against his ear. 
As weak as he was for you, Henry stood his ground. If you wanted to play this game, he'd do it, but he wouldn't let you win.
"Does this hurt?" he asked, roughly groping your ass.
Jumping slightly from the pain, you still managed to shake your head, blurting out another lie. "... no"
"What about this?" Henry teased, grinning widely as he shoved his hands inside your leggings, under your panties. 
The urgency of his touch made your eyes open wide, your back arching as you tried to push yourself off of him.
"Does it hurt, darling?" he continued, keeping you in place with ease. 
Defeated, you sighed and lowered your gaze, "A bit" you mumbled.
"Just a bit?" 
"Did he fuck you good?" 
Your mouth fell open. "What- no, I didn't- we didn't do anything-"
"Didn’t do anything?" Henry grinned, his perfect teeth showing as he proudly pried information out of you.
"I just... fuck-" 
Seeing no way out of this one, and eager to stop hiding, you pushed yourself back. Henry's hands left your body as you sat beside him, and he watched you curiously, patiently waiting for you to word your thoughts. "I just filmed a video for my page, that's all" you bowed your head.
"What kind of video?" Henry questioned.
His demeanour was so relaxed, he was right in his element, unlike you, who were riled up to the extreme. "A spanking video-" you cleared, awkwardly fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. 
"Did he spank you good?" 
His hand found your hips again, and you leaned into his touch, nodding your head yes as you were too embarrassed to actually word your answer.
"Then show me" 
He was dominant and stern, and even if you wanted to, you felt like saying no wasn't an option. Henry didn't wait for your permission as he grabbed your waist and pulled you up to your knees, chuckling softly to himself when he saw you shyly smile down at him. 
His fingers curled around the waistband of your leggings, forcefully pulling them down your thighs. "Come on" he urged you, softly guiding you to lay down across his lap, your ass barely covered by the pinkish and slightly unflattering underwear you had chosen for the day.
Henry's breathing picked up at the sight, and so did yours. You watched him over your shoulder, his fingers tracing over the bruises Steve left on your bum the night before. 
"Henry-?" you whimpered, the anticipation building up in the pit of your stomach becoming too much to bear. 
"Yes, darling?" he cooed, leaning down to the side to kiss your cheek. His stumble tickled your skin and you whimpered when his hand made its way between your legs.
You felt his fingers against your opening and involuntarily clenched your thighs around him, hiding your face in the cushions of below your head.
"Tell me" Henry pushed, teasing your folds and clit over your underwear. 
"Nothing, I-" you cried, making him chuckle.
He loved giving you a taste of your own medicine. He straightened himself up and grabbed your ass into his hands, squeezing until you yelped out in pain. A soft laughter of approval escaped his throat as he bent down and pressed his lips to one of your cheeks, applying lingering kisses over each and every single bruise. 
The way he took control of the situation and handled your body, turned you on to no end. For whatever reason, being exposed like that for him, waiting for any kind of judgement to leave his lips, you were getting more and more riled up by the second. You were done for. You did your best not to moan with need, but little did you know that was exactly what kept you from being thrown onto the floor and fucked into oblivion. Just one single sign was all you needed in order to break his self control, but you didn’t have it in you to do it. 
But he didn’t say anything, instead just keeping you on your toes as he had his way. You were dripping through your underwear, and judging by the bulge in his pants that pushed up against your belly, you knew he was on the same page as you. But again, he didn’t allow things to go further. Everything about this moment pointed in the right direction - the teasing, the touching, you were all but whimpering in his lap, but he cut the moment short with a sharp slap against your ass before he helped you up. Henry acted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened as he pulled your leggings back up, but this glare became colder when he found your eyes.
He bent down and spoke into your ear, "He could've done a better job"
Completely under his spell, you bit your lip and furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't think I would have been able to take any more"
"That's not what I said" Henry shook his head.
"Look at you being an expert" you teased, relishing in the fact that he seemed eager to keep things going. 
"All I'm saying is that if you had asked someone else-" Henry laughed, stroking your cheek, "Things would have turned out much more different"
"Oh" you pouted, ready to tease him further. "Who should I have asked-"
Just when you started getting comfortable and confident enough to push things further, Henry's phone rang. "I don't have to take that" he shook his head when he heard you stopped talking.
"Just see who it is" you giggled, slapping his shoulder.
Before doing so, Henry grabbed your chin and kissed your forehead, his touch drawing you in like a magnet as you leaned into him when he pulled away. With a sigh, you eventually crawled off his lap and then your face fell with disappointment when Henry showed you the screen of his phone. 
"Yeah?" he huffed after picking up, his boss being the last person he wished to talk to right now. 
You watched him closely as he listened to whatever the man was saying, and almost whined out loud when Henry frowned annoyed.
"I'll call you back in 5, ok?" he asked and after a couple of seconds hung up.
"I'm so sorry-" Henry sighed, turning to you, "I gotta go take this, there's a problem with one of the radars, I need to go see if I can fix it remotely"
"Sure thing" you shook your head. "But please tell me you don't have plans tonight"
"I don't" Henry leaned towards you and again, kissed your forehead. As much as you loved the sweet gesture, it was now more than ever that you craved something else entirely. 
"And please don't forget about me again" you giggled, grabbing his biceps and stopping him from leaving without a promise.
"I won't" he sighed, "I'm really sorry about that. I'll make it up to you"
"However I want?" you beamed and licked your lips.
"Absolutely" Henry smiled, sweetly embracing you before walking you to the door.
You had his word now, and you were planning on making it count. There was no way either you or Henry would act as if nothing had happened, and you couldn't wait.
Once alone and seated at his desk, Henry opened up the text editor associated with the code he wrote months ago. When his screen was flooded with errors and his chat popped up with three different messages asking for help from his colleagues, Henry all but yelled out loud in frustration. Not only did he wish to be with you, it was also Sunday, one of his days off. But he couldn't just text the pilot of the plane whose radar went berserk and tell him to wait. So he got to work, determined to get this done as soon as possible. 
But unfortunately, that 'as soon as possible' turned into 3 hours of continuous work. He didn't even stand up to go to the bathroom until he made sure everything was on point. It was about 4pm when the program started running smoothly again, and seeing how he had a few more hours to waste until he had to see you, Henry decided to make the best of them, by getting a head start on his tasks for the following day.
Productivity flowed through his fingertips as he solved the first issue he had been assigned for the day to come, getting ready to start working on the second one when a call caught his attention. He didn't recognize the ring tone, and it only dawned on him that he was still logged into your facebook account a couple of seconds after it stopped ringing. 
Still curious, Henry switched the tabs on his computer, noticing that the chat with Steve, which he left open hours ago, showed that there was an ongoing video call. His jaw fell. Henry tightened his hands into fists, fuming with anger. First as you for doing this, and then at himself for allowing you to believe this was an ok thing to do. He knew there was no way to eavesdrop on your conversation even if he had the password, but that didn't mean his curiosity died down. No, it only grew stronger.
He felt lost for a minute, but then he thought of something. On his dresser, right next to his winter gloves and under his favorite jogging hat, laid an extra set of keys. Henry remembered the day you gave them to him, saying something along the lines of 'I feel much safer knowing that if something were to happen, you could always get to me, Henry.' and then remembered how you stuffed them in his pocket, and kissed his chest before stepping back. Such different times. 
There was no trace of hesitation inside his mind as he grabbed the keys and made his way out of his home. He passed the hallway in less than a second and pressed his ear to the door. It was perfectly quiet, and through the peephole, he couldn't see any light. You weren't in the kitchen or living room, so he felt confident enough. After putting his phone on vibrate, Henry ever so gently pushed the key inside, turning it inside the lock with the most meticulous movement his wrist could muster. The sound of the door knob being turned was so faint he barely even heard it, but his pulse skyrocketed when he heard the click that signaled the door was finally open.
With small, careful steps, he made his way inside. The entire apartment was dark and quiet as he made his way in, stopping just outside your bedroom as the relaxed, deep voice of a stranger became audible through the wall. “Trust me, sweetheart. Just relax, I got you. You’re all tense, I can see it from here. You know I have more experience with this than you do, just do as I say”
With one hand on the doorknob of your bedroom, Henry was ready to put an end to this whole charade. He knew he might regret it later, but he didn't care. The image of a so called friend, pushing you to do anything that you seemed to have clearly stated your discomfort about, flipped a switch inside his brain. There was no stopping him because no one, no one got to push you around like that. Not while he could do anything about it.
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lilysdaydreams · 4 years ago
For Them
→ Pairing : Corpse Husband X Fem!Reader
→ Genre : fluff.
→ Warnings : Swearing, Reader panicking a bit.
→ Request : Heya! I was thinking maybe a corpse x reader where the reader is playing among us with him and the gang and they use the proximity mic and he walks past her to hear her singing and she’s kept her singing like a MAJOR secret because she’s shy about it- idk you don’t have to do it if ya don’t feel like it it’s just an idea 💛
→ A/N : Oh my god, did Lily finally finish writing something??? YES SHE DID. Pretty happy with this, so I hope you guys enjoy as well! Sorry for any spelling mistakes :) Requests are open!
You grabbed the water on the table, moving to the side and out of the camera to quickly take a few sips. You could hear the rest of the group still yelling about the previous game. You laughed quietly hearing Peter and Rae yell at each other.
Looking over at chat you hummed as you took  in the questions.
"How much longer am I streaming?" you read out the question.
"Probably a few more games. Maybe like 30 more minutes. I wanna go get dinner soon." you mumbled as you kept on scanning the chat.
A random question caught your eye.
"Do I sing?" you read out with a laugh.
"Wow, that's such a random question oh my god. Um, I used to want to be a singer when I was a kid," you started leaning back in your chair. You looked at the ceiling reminiscing and chuckled when you remembered the concerts you used to throw for your parents.
"I used to get my parents to be the audience and I would sing all my different songs for them. When they weren't free, I would do it for all of my plushies on my bed. Oh my god, I probably have old videos in the basement or something."
You smiled wistfully, looking back onto the screen.
"Those were good times," you muttered.
Looking back onto chat, your eyes widened at the amount of  "SING FOR US" messages.
"Woah guys, calm down, that was when I was a kid. I don't sing seriously you know that right?" you questioned, laughing at how fast the chat was going.
"Okay okay," you said smiling when they didn't stop. "Lemme ju- Oh wait" you cut yourself off seeing the words "IMPOSTER" light up your screen.
"LETS GOOOOO" you yelled, turning your mic on again for the game. Everyone's voice slowly faded as people went different ways. You  stuck with Lily, both of you going straight to medbay.
"Lilyyyyy" you said dragging her name out.
"Y/N" she said doing the same to you.
You giggled, and asked her if she had med scan.
"Nope, I have the inspecting the sample one."
"Ohh okay," you said getting on the med scan and pretending to scan. You watched as Lily finished her task, saying a quiet "bye" and rushing off to the next task.
You sighed, moving off the scan and starting to walk towards weapons. "Lily's so nice, I'm so glad I got to meet her through this. Like, she's the absolute sweetest I swear, I'm hoping that I get to m-" you got cut off by a body being reported.
"Already?" you asked, others echoing. You gasped when you saw who was killed, immediately whining about how someone could kill Sykunno, while playfully glaring at Sean's name, who was the other imposter.
"Okay, so the body was at reactor," revealed Rae.
"I was in the cafeteria, going towards weapons. Me and Lily were in Medbay before but she left before me," you said leaning back.
Lily confirmed this, also stating that she was in weapons now.
Sean, Corpse and Felix all said they were in Electrical, and Poki said she'd been in storage.
You looked at the chat again, not saying anything while the rest said where they were.
The chat was still spamming "Sing please!" and you looked back to the game without giving an answer. If you were being honest, then what you had said before was a lie. You still sang. Hell, it had been your dream to release your songs ever since you started writing at 15. You had started singing by singing for your parents. Ever since their car crash though, you couldn't even think about  performing for anyone else. If you couldn't even  perform for them, then what was the point? For some reason, whenever you thought of  singing in front of someone, you couldn't even get the words out.
You sighed and skipped voting as the timer ticked down. No one was ejected and you started humming slightly as you moved away from everyone.
"Hmm should I sing you a song everyone?" you asked your voice very low. You breathed deeply reminding yourself that technically no one was in the room with you, and it was only your fans watching, a small community of people who were the sweetest you had ever seen.
Going into reactor and moving down to the very end so that no one could see you, you breathed in deeply and started singing lightly, noticing that the lights were off, the blinking arrow in the corner of your screen.
"I think we could do it if we tried
If only to say you're mine
Sofia, know that you and I
Shouldn't feel like a crime
You know I'll do anything you ask me to
But oh my God, I think I'm in love with you
Standin' here alone now, think that we -"
"Y/N what the fuck your voice is -"
You screamed before the person could even finish what they were saying, hitting the "kill" button without even realising, and letting out a gasp when you saw the black body flop over.
"Oh god, oh my god, what did I do?" you whispered staring at Corpses body, half of your brain freaking out over the fact that he had heard you and the other freaking out what to do. You quickly vented, coming out in electrical and pretending to do the download.
"Oh my god, guys!" you whispered furiously, playfully glaring at the camera. "This is all your fault, do you see what I did, I killed someone with my singing... I just got so scared because he came out of absolutely NOWHERE, oh my god guys." Leaving electrical, you heard someone yelling and headed closer to them laughing nervously when you found Toast and Sean yelling at each other.
"Hey guys," you said voice being unnoticed because of all the yelling and you moved into comms pretending to do a task there.
Just as you did that, Pokis body was found, and you gasped as you realised that Sean had killed three people so now there were 5 left. Toast was dead, which means that he just died, which left Sean, you, Rae, Lily and Leslie.
There was a stunned silence for a second as everyone took in the 4 kills and then Rae immediately  attacked.
"Ahh, the body was in cafeteria. Like bottom cafeteria."
"Um, So I just wanna add something, I was coming from the electrical right, and I was walking to comms, and Toast just passed in the middle of storage. I came into comms and Sean is here as well.
"Yup, shes right, toast just left and she came in." confirmed Sean.
"Well, I saw Leslie at the start of the round, we stuck together and then I was with Poki for a bit."
"Yeah okay, but where were you?"
"Well, I went to weapons then I went down into comms and storage and then I went electrical when lights were called and everyone was ther-" she said cutting herself off and gasping.  “Guess who WASNT there? Y/N wasn’t there!”
“Well yeah, I just thought someone else would do it” you replied. “I was all the way in upper engine and I couldn’t be bothered. You all did lights and I was doing my tasks in reactor and then I went to electrical and then I was waking to comms, and then I saw toast and then I got into comma and saw Sean. Even if I was the imposter and killed Toast, I definitely couldn’t have been able to kill Poki.”
“Yeah no, I still think it’s you,” said Rae after a pause, Leslie and Lily both giggling at her.
Lily chimed in then as well, “Yeah I haven’t seen y/n this whole round at ALLLLL, so I think its her as well."
Ignoring your protests, they all voted you out, and you shrugged at the camera as your character was thrown off the  ship.
"I think I'm okay with that guys, I was way too nervous to still play," you muttered, now looking at the chat.
"Guys," you whined suddenly remembering. "I was only meant to sing for you, I didn't want anyone else to hear it, Corpse literally came out of nowhere. I hope he wasn't deafened by my screeching," you grimaced.
The word "Victory" came onto your screen and you huffed out  a laugh as the lobby exploded with noise.
"Lily! I told you it was Sean!" exclaimed Rae.
"Sean was on a killing spree," you added in, sipping your water. "I only killed like two people cuz I was distracted, I swear he literally carried the whole game.”
“He backstabbed me!” said Sykkuno and you could hear the smile in his voice. “I was doing upload while he was right next to me and we were talking about how great this group was and he just killed me right there!”
Suddenly all the attention was on Sykkuno as everyone started cooing.
“Awww, Sykkuno, did you just compliment us?” Rae yelled, lots of other chiming in to tease Sykunno and him ending up stuttering because he got flustered.
“Alright guys,” you said when everyone quieted down. "I think I'm gonna go now."
"NOOOOO" yelled Rae, everyone else echoing her.
You smiled and quickly said your goodbyes, logging off the game and quickly saying bye to the viewers and ending that as well.
Slumping into your chair, your breath quickened. "Oh my god," you whispered, the realization creeping up on you that you had just sung in front of nearly ten thousand people and that Corpse had heard you sing. You and Corpse had met through Among Us with Toast inviting you to the lobby. You had fun playing with him and you'd both followed each other, but most of your interaction was in games. Like sure you'd messaged each other a few times but those were only brief conversations! and sure, maybe you had a small tiny crush on the guy but like WHO WOULDNT? He was sweet, nice and you related to him a lot. The point was, you were absolutely not ready to sing in front of him. You stood up from the chair and went to the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water to calm down.
Your phone rang and you grabbed it from the counter, choking on the water as you saw that it was from Corpse.
He had never called you before. Like you said you simply weren't that close.
Coughing out a "What the fuck?" you answered the call, grabbing onto the counter for support.
"Hey," you said, confused when there was no sound.
"Uh yeah, Hi Y/N. Its Corpse."
"Ah yeah, I see." You facepalmed yourself, rubbing your forehead. What the fucks was wrong with you.
"Um yeah, so uh I just- You know in the game? Um I kind of - well - I kind of heard you singing, um um, that song."
You stilled, not a breath coming out of you.
"Your voice, its -" he paused, letting out a huge breath. "It's absolutely beautiful."
You opened your mouth not even sure what you were gonna say but he continued talking.
"I just, I cant get it out of my mind. Have you heard some of my music?"
"Um yeah, I-I listened to it when I first heard about you. Your songs are so good!" you exclaimed, finally being able to move your mouth
"Do you think maybe we could do a song together sometime? Your voice would be absolutely amazing on one of the tracks I'm currently working on, its a chill one that I have, kind of like Agoraphobic," he asked, rambling through the sentence.
"Um, Oh my god," you muttered, still confused on if this was actually happening. "Yeah, Yeah definitely that would be so cool."
"Oh. Oh that's great, I-I didn't think you'd agree, that's great, I can send you a sample and the lyrics but -"
"Um," you started cutting him off. "If I'm being honest," you muttered, shoulders coming up to your ears. "I'm actually really conscious about my singing. Like this was the absolute first time I ever even sang on stream, so like sorry- I'm ruining it, but this is just a bit overwhelming for me. It's a great opportunity, and if you want I can definitely try but please don't have big expectations of me okay?" you asked biting your lip slightly. "I'm not that great."
There was a second of silence and then he whispered lightly, "Even if you don't believe it, just from those 30 seconds, I could already tell how amazing your voice was."
Your breath caught but a second later he had already moved on.
"If you want to, we could do a few singing sessions together? Just mess around have some fun? That way you can get a bit more comfortable and have some fun," he suggested, voice changing to a shy one that you hadn't ever heard from him.
"Yeah sure," you agreed, smiling. "Lets try that."
3 months later, you guys finally released your song. Titled "For Them", you sang about your parents who you had loved dearly, and he sang about his parents and their distant relationship. It showed two different perspectives, two different stories, two different lives, and you both loved it so much.
The song was a success, with fans pouring into your channel and small community and well, your life. Most importantly though, along with all of it, came a mask-wearing man, who held you on the days that it was hard for you, and who you held on the nights that were hard for him.
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justfangirlthingies · 4 years ago
Caught my eye (Corpse Husband x reader)
Soulmate AU: In which everyone has one eye in their own eye colour and one in the colour of their soulmate. However, when you are close to meeting each other, your vision will change to the soulmate's one, letting you know you are close. When your eyes meet they will change their colour to their original eye colour.
Word count: 4189 words
Warnings: cursing because that is automatically given when writing about Corpse
Another Soulmate AU from my Wattpad account let's go!
Staring into the camera were a pair of, colourwise mismatched, eyes, one iris a deep brown and the other one a shimmering (e/c).
It was not unusual for someone to have two different eye colours in one set of eyes, it simply meant one had yet to find their significant other.
Pressing record on your camera you let your eyes stay right in front of the lens for a second before rolling backwards on your chair, your torso now in frame as well "Hello all of you beautiful individuals! I'm (y/yt/n) and as always I welcome you here!" You waved at your camera, a warm and welcoming smile gracing your lips. "In case this is your first time stumbling over this channel" you paused a second and giggled "Hi, welcome to this chaos!" Slowly you neared the camera again "Leave while you still can" you whisper shouted into your microphone.
"No hold on don't leave please! I was just kidding" You joked at your camera.
A happy sigh escaped your mouth as you leaned back in your chair "Today is q & a time isn't it?" You wiggled your eyebrows at the blinking light in front of you "Well let's get to it then...hmm...lemme see. Youtubetrash asks 'how old are you (Y/n)?' Do you always have to ask that question guys?" You scold playfully "I'm 19, but I really don't get why this is so important to you that I have to answer it in every video, like do you want to know the exact amount of days and minutes? Will you stop asking it every goddamn time then?" You chuckled as you ran a hand through your (h/l), (h/c) hair. "Right, next question! SusanIsAFish wants to know which eye colour my own is. I can easily answer that with either 'both are' or 'hell if I know' I've always had two eye colours like how am I supposed to know." A grin spread on your face as you continued to interact with your community's questions...
"Alright alright these are the last two questions guys. Nightmaresscareme...honestly same" you laughed as you read the users name out aloud. When you calmed down again you cleared your throat and continued "Ahem, anyways they wanna know if I found my soulmate already and who it is....Do I look like I found my soulmate?" You asked smiling as you approached the recording device once again and pointed a finger at each eye. "I have no Idea who it is but maybe you find whoever it is because all of you people are little Sherlock's I swear, you find out everything." Laughter erupted from your throat once again as you pointed at your camera.
"Last but not least, (y/n)stan asks 'when will you collab with Jack again? The two of you promised to make a video or something together?' Woah calm down, honestly I don't even think he remembers that, it was years ago. How do you even remember that (y/n)stan? I swear to god that's exactly what I meant with ya'll being Sherlock's." You wiggled your eyebrows again "But if you do remember, Seán and you magically happen to see this video. What happened to our collab plans dude?" You giggled "Alrighty guys that's it for today's video. Stay awesome my dudes, dudettes and in betweens and I'll see ya in the next one!" You winked and waved before stopping your recording and going straight to editing your video.
Just as you were about to upload your piece of work, your phone rang, scaring you in the process and causing you to delete your video. You groan in frustration holding your head in your palms.
"This better be important..." you mumbled to yourself as you went to check your phone. Seriously?! It was a Twitter notification. You sighed and ignored it for now, saving your video was a priority right now.
After hours of retrieving and re-editing your footage you finally uploaded the video to the worldwide known platform and picked up your phone to see what Twitter wanted from you.
As you opened the app you saw that it was a private message from none other than Jacksepticeye. What a freaking coincidence you thought, a smile now appearing on your face as you read the message. All your frustration was gone and instead replaced with confusion and laughter.  "What kind of message is that?" You muttered as you shook your head laughing.
Hey (Y/n) what colours are your eyes again?
What kinda question is that? Lmao
Just answer my question dum dum :)
A raven haired male was on a discord call with his online friend that he had just revealed his face to. "Jack what are you doing now?" The young man laughed at his friend.
"Hold on, I'm texting someone."
The dark haired man sighed and waited "that's not very polite you know" he smiled.
"Pschh I'm finding your soulmate, what's impolite about that?" The Irish man looked up from his phone and back at his Computer screen. Only to start laughing at the other's reaction.
"Corpse? You good?" He kept on laughing at the dumbfounded expression on Corpse's face.
Who as a reaction turned off his camera, suddenly feeling very insecure towards his friend again.
"What do you mean?" His deep voice asked cautious.
"Don't worry man I'm not leaking your face or any info to anyone" he smiled reassuringly. "Your eyes just reminded me of someone else with the same or very similar ones. At least I hope I remember their eye colours correctly" He rambled on.
"Oh..." came from the other line, which was now more quiet than usual.
Seán noticed the change in his friend's behaviour and immediately stopped what he was doing. "I'm sorry Corpse..." the Irishman scratched bis neck awkwardly "I should've asked you first"
"I-it's fine. I just can't imagine anyone wanting to be my soulmate" the male sighed.
His friend flashed an encouraging smile at the screen "Dude! Anyone would be happy to be your soulmate. I know I would be! You are great, I know you probably don't believe me but I mean it bud. Besides, your soulmate is your other half, it's like they were made for you"
One could hear a sigh coming from the black screen as Corpse turned his camera back on, his pink tinted cheeks now showing up on screen as well. He had put his eye-patch on, leaving only his brown eye visible. "And you're really sure?" He asked quietly.
"100% sure! Anyone with half a brain would know how lovable you are" the blue eyed male grinned. "Besides, the person I'm thinking of also has a YouTube channel, I think I still owe them a collab, sooo I could maybe invite them to play some kind of-"
He cut himself off. "They answered!"
Well they're like brown and (e/c), it's such a weird mix though.
Hey (Y/n), how about we do that collab? You could fly out and we meet up
You still remember that? XD
Yeah sure I'd love that, I just had someone ask me about that collab today.
But seriously dude why are my eyes interesting to you all of a sudden? You found my soulmate or smth 🧐😂
So when are you coming?
You literally just asked me if I even wanna come! Like come on, you think I've booked a flight already? Just like 10 minutes after you asked me to travel there?
As a matter of fact I don't just think so, I know it ;)
So when do I have the honors of picking your jet-lagged ass up at the airport?
This weekend
Time skip
A happy sigh escaped your lips as you felt the plane reaching the ground of its destination. You swiftly grabbed your bag and left the plane to get the rest of your luggage.
A yawn escaped your mouth as you grabbed your stuff, staying awake during the whole flight probably wasn't your best idea, but you couldn't help it. To you it was simply impossible to fall asleep on a journey by plane.
Your eyes skimmed the airport as you were searching for your friend.
After a few minutes of looking around you decided to sit down and wait, he was probably still on his way to the airport.
Just as you decided to open up your phone you got smacked in the face... With a balloon? "What the hell?" You whispered as you were pulled up from your seat and embraced. "(Y/N)! Hey! I haven't seen you in forever"
You looked up a little confused as you reciprocated the hug. "Well hello to you too Seán"
He chuckled and grabbed one of your bags before dragging you with him. "How can you be so motivated and energetic?" You giggled and tried to keep up with your Irish friend. "That (Y/n), is simply because I'm not sleep deprived like you"
Setting up his stream was a curly haired nervous mess. He was always nervous when he had to stream. But today was somehow worse.
The half Mexican ran his fingers through his hair. It was just a game with friends right? However, he had never played this game before.
His nerves getting to him caused Corpse to cancel the idea of a stream. "I'll just be there and play along, that's fine too. I don't need to stream every time I'm playing a game with my friends..." he muttered to himself.
With a bottle of water beside him he started the game and went through the tutorial. "Man this game is fucking cute" he laughed before joining the discord call, just to be engulfed in a complete chaos of voices.
"Hey Corpse is here! Hi hi!" A Swedish voice boomed through his headphones along with the rest of the group greeting him. "Hey guys" he replied as he joined their server in the game. "So what are we doing? Why is no one starti-" the deep voice started but was cut of by someone else.
"HOLY FUCKING- Who the hell was that?! Hello by the way" The whole call erupted in laughter at the reaction of the (h/c) haired individual.
"Uhh hi, that was me" Corpse answered laughing as he scratched his head nervously "and you also just answered my question for me thank you, whoever you are" Everyone laughed once again.
"Okay but seriously who are you?" Dave asked.
"Jack! You said you told em that I'd join" you huffed as you glanced At your friend next to you, you were sharing one discord account for this call as you sat right next to each other and didn't want the quality of the call to go down because of an echo. Both of you streamed online on twitch.
"Whoops! I thought I did" he chuckled once more as he introduced you to the party. "Well then..." he coughed in an attempt to clear his throat "Drum-roll please! this is (Y/n), they came to visit me this weekend. (Y/n), that's Dave, Felix, Joel, PJ and Corpse."
"Hi" you said suddenly a little nervous because you thought everyone knew you'd join.
Luckily no one seemed to mind that you were here as they greeted you. In fact, they seemed ecstatic to meet you.
"So have any of you not played this before?" Pewds asked the group. "Uh yeah, me" Yours and the deep voice said simultaneously. "But I did the tutorial" Corpse added. "Well I didn't" you laughed. "Great then we're all set, shame on you though (Y/n)!" Seán shouted.
"Jeez man, you told me to skip it and I can hear you! I'm right next to you and not deaf in case you didn't know" you sassed back, causing laughter to bounce through your headset once more.
"(Y/n) and Corpse you two haven't played before that means you count as one person for the group things cause both of you are noobs and if you count as one we have even team numbers" The swede joked.
"We're the Meowfia" Jack laughed, starting off with his puns for this game.
(Y/n) snorted at that as everyone chose the animals of their teams. Corpse chose the cat with an eye-patch along with his team. "Maan this is peer pressure!" Your voice called out "lucky for me I like cats"
"That is the truth" the Irish voice boomed through the call once again, "I mean you should see, even their headphones have cat ears"
"I wanna see that!" Dave shouted.
"Can we see them in your cam Jack?" PJ asked.
"Not completely, they're streaming on Twitch though, its at (Y/YT/N) on Twitch and YouTube" Seán smiled as he pat your back.
"You can't just expose me like that!" The cute voice answered panicking.
"I gotta see that, hold on!" Felix shouted as he opened up your stream smirking as he followed you. "Corpse, they'll ruin your life" he continued as your cheeks flushed a bright red, suddenly feeling so exposed and put on the spot "why...why am I ruining his life?" You asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Corpse had also opened up your account as he stared in awe at the enchanting individual now on his computer screen. Were you the one Jack had meant? No it couldn't be.
"Well you see, he wrote a song about cat girls ruining his life. Right Corpse?" This statement made him come back to reality and quite flustered at that "Huh? What-  ...ohhh uhm- uh- yeah" he responded in a stutter, the pale skin of his cheeks heating up and turning red.
"Corpse are you alright?" you asked, concern not only laced in your voice but also written all over your face, which he saw. This whole ordeal just made him blush more. There was a short pause "...Yeah.." the raven haired responded. But not even a second later a laugh erupted in the call "Did we just catch you right handed?" The voice belonged to Dave. "What do you mean?" Corpse asked confused. While he waited for a response from his friend, he started fiddling with his rings as he kept his eyes on (Y/N)'s stream which was still pulled up on his screen. "Well, did we catch you watching her stream?" Dave replied trying to hold in his laughter.
Your expression changed as your eyes went wide and you looked right at your camera "Is that true?" Your voice chimed in as a hint of pink spread across your cheeks, one of your eyebrows arched. "Well..." The man with the username 'CORPSE' cleared his throat "I had to see if Jack and Felix were speaking the truth..."
A smirk spread across your face "And? Were they honest?" you laughed as your Irish companion moved his face into the frame of your camera wiggling his eyebrows. The only answer you got to your question was silence before the deep voice continued "Alright let's start this game." Yet another laugh escaped your throat when you noticed the lack of a reply to your question. However, one could say that silence was an answer on its own.
The young guy sighed loudly after the game had ended, rolling back, away from his table, in his gaming chair he ran his hands through his curly hair. The game was fun, but it was exhausting for the man to concentrate on a game this long. Just as he was about to get up, turn all devices off and leave, he heard a familiar sound coming from his computer screen.
A discord call and video call at that was incoming from none other that Jacksepticeye. So, Corpse rolled forward in his chair again as he checked if his camera was turned off and covered. After reassuring himself that his face was hidden he accepted the call. "Hey whaddup?" He greeted his loud friend who immediately responded with a "Hey my man". His mismatched eyes widened as he looked at the screen, it was not only Jack on the call...they were there as well, a shy smile plastered on their face as they kept their eyes closed "Hey Corpse, tell me when your camera is off. Sean told me it might be on and I don't want you to accidentally expose yourself to me." "Oh yeah, it's off. You can open your eyes it's fine." Just as he finished his sentence their eyelids slowly fluttered open as they stared at the black screen and waved. There was no way to describe the feeling that went through him as he admired you in awe. He seemed starstruck and without thinking he blurted out "You have to visit San Diego sometime, but like soon"
Your eyes widened slightly not knowing how to respond to that "Umm...yeah I dunno, maybe someday?" Jack gasped dramatically "You never invited me over even though I'm the one you trusted enough to show your face to!"
Yet another time today, the male behind the black screen felt a blush grow on his face. "Well i-it's your fault for introducing me to your friend. And umm sorry if I was a bit too blunt there" He stuttered. "No it's fine. I'm a very spontaneous person ya know." You replied an embarrassed smile gracing your lips once more "But you could be a killer for all I know...sorry you probably hear that one a lot haha. Also, would you even be comfortable enough to meet up..." slowly you started drifting off with what you were saying. As soon as you realized you were trailing off of the topic at hand, you tried to get back to the conversation "ahem.. yeah, anyways as I was saying...someday sure. I mean...I am traveling around at the moment because I flew to Brighton. Maybe you know, we could get to know each other a bit better first" you smiled nervously as you replied.
"Ah yes...of course. Though I do have a question for you Seán. Is (Y/n) the one we spoke of a few days ago?" came back as a reply. He had a plan to gain their trust if they really were his suspected soulmate. The man next to (Y/n) nodded and gave a wink to the camera they used for the call. This action just confused you even more and it must have shown on your face because your loud friend started laughing at you. "Don't worry it was nothing bad" Jack reassured. "Hold on, is this about the random-" there was a lot of shuffling coming from the black screen. The noise had startled you a bit, causing you to stop mid sentence. "the random question about my eyes?" You continued your question, looking at that Irish friend of yours, but you didn't get a reply for there was another loud noise coming from Corpse's side of the screen. You shifted your attention back to the screen in front of you again just to be met with more shuffling and a sudden colour change of the screen. Your eyes widened as you saw a face only briefly for a split second before your vision suddenly changed. You looked around to see an unfamiliar room and as you saw the sight before your eyes you felt as though they were going to pop out of their sockets at any moment.
No fucking way...
"Holy shit" you heard the words leave both your mouths. You just stared at the screen in front of you to see yourself, who apparently sat on the other side of the screen next to Seán. And you also saw the live view of a young man with black curly hair, dressed in black in a small window of the computer. You felt really dizzy all of a sudden and the light before your eyes went black briefly before returning to more used surroundings again.
Realisation dawned on you as you blinked a few times and spoke aloud "I-I just imagined that right? There's no way. C-Corpse you didn't happen to experience that right now, did-did you?"
"Holy fuck..." you heard a low mutter coming from the speakers.
Jack looked at you, eyebrows raised in confusion for a second before realization dawned on him and a knowing smirk appeared on his face as he shouted "CALLED IT!"
The two of you could not yet comprehend what was happening, let alone listen and realize what your mutual friend had to say.
After a few minutes of complete silence you tore your eyes away from the pen on Jack's desk, which had become the most interesting thing and perfect staring partner for the past minutes and shifted your gaze back to the young raven-haired individual before you, a small smile and a huge blush grazing your facial features as you spoke up, voice quiet and soft, but also full of nervousness "soo...umm...Corpse, are you gonna give me that address in San Diego?"
The question stood in the room for a few moments as silence engulfed you once again. Corpse's expression on his bright red face however, showed he was pondering."Y-yeah of course...sure...I-I'll text it to you if you give me that number of yours..." Then there was a pause. "Whe-When can I expect you then?"
This time it was your turn to think. "How about directly when you leave Brighton?" Jack chimed in. "But th-that's like in two days..." you stuttered in response. It was a nice idea and you did feel a pull to meet this handsome stranger as soon as possible. "Well yeah, that's the point is it not? I already checked for flights while you two where staring off somewhere....Sooo? Should I buy the ticket real quick? You can thank me later." Your mismatching eyes kept switching your gaze from your friend who had made this crazy suggestion and your apparent soulmate who now wore an eyepatch and was watching you expectantly while patiently awaiting your answer. A small sigh left your lips as you made your decision. When you tried to verbally answer though, your voice had left you, so you made eye-contact with the man also known as Corpse Husband, who had trusted you enough to reveal his face to you, and just gave him a small nod. He seemed to understand and gave you a reassuring smile.
"It's final then?" Seán, who had watched this whole ordeal unfold asked smiling happily as you just nodded once again "Y-yeah"
Two days later you found yourself on yet another plane ride, but this time it was not to England, nor was its destination your home. You sat on your seat in silence, music which you couldn't concentrate on, blasting through your headphones while you  twiddled with your fingers, bouncing your leg up and down quickly. What were you gonna say? He would pick you up outside of the airport in order to avoid bumping into things when the view-switching-thing would happen.
Meanwhile, the faceless YouTuber had finished tidying up his apartment and prepared everything for your arrival. He would be lying if he said he didn't look you up on the socials to learn more about you.
About half an hour before the plane would land he drove off to your designated meeting spot. He arrived there 10 minutes early so he could mentally prepare himself. About 5 minutes later he put on his black face mask and exited his car. At first he was gonna wait for you here, but his nerves and heart got the better of him, so he made his way closer inside the airport building to meet you halfway. What he didn't know was that your plane would land early. So, as he made his way through the people, which was way out of his comfort zone already, he started to see black dots clouding his view, but suddenly he came from the other side. Oh no. The body kept walking until he saw himself in the crowd.
Your eyes met as you tried to navigate through the crowd of people, it was hard as you had to control your own body somehow even though you could only see what your soulmate would usually see. Finally you had gotten somewhat closer to one another and as you came to a halt, your bodies mere inches apart as your eyesight returned to your own again. You looked up at the man in front of you in awe. Your eyes were fixated on his as you noticed the (e/c) in his one eye fade away, just to be replaced by this beautiful shade of brown that was in his other eye. The colour you knew so well because you had seen it in the mirror in one of your own eyes everyday. "Your eyes" you whispered. He smiled in return "yours too..it's nice to meet you (Y/n). My soulmate. You are even more dazzling in person" he complimented. "I can't say anything else besides the same applies to you" You smiled in return as your face went red. "Well then...Shall we?" he grinned as he took one of your backpacks and started walking. "Hey! Wait up!" You laughed as you ran to catch up to your soulmate...
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yn-x-animeboy · 4 years ago
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt. 1
Tumblr media
request: mine, my brain made me write this
pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
sinopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naïve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought.
Pt. 1- Introduction. Your fan meet
Basically every couple of months you like to organize small get-togethers with your supporters as a way to have a closer contact with them, to get to know them, as a fanservice and to just thank them in a way. Lately you have been noticing one specific group of fan pages dedicated to you who have been really interactive and supportive on twitter; 
promoting your latest music video and the recent EPISODE of: y/n’s camera roll uploaded to your oficial platforms (your team uploaded a weekly video=episode to your channel; almost like Run BTS. Each episode had a different theme and your fans loved it)  this group of fan pages is constantly on your main page, so you decided to contact them and fly them out for a day in L.A. for one of your infamous meets so you could meet them.
You don't normally film your fan meetings, they are normally just a one on one gatherings between you and your fans,  but your team thought it could be a good idea to record today’s meet and upload parts of it for your weekly EPISODE, these were greatly appreciated by your international fans and other fans who wanted to see a little more into your personal life.
You were currently hanging out with the small group of fans you invited over. A group of around 10 boys and girls were currently sitting on the fluffy carpeted floor and some were sitting on plush chairs randomly spread in front of you. (a/n i imagine this setting like the Zach Sang Show, for the Ariana Grande interview episodes) 
You were sitting in front of them on a small white couch for two. Once everyone was comfortably settled in, you introduced yourself and invited the others to do so as well, one by one telling you their name, username, pronouns, age, and fun facts about them. You smiled wide, happy to be able to meet such amazing people and also making mental notes to remember their names and facts. 
After the personal introductions your camera crew was set up and ready to start, you told your fans sitting in front of you about how today's meet was going to be recorded and asked for their consent to upload said video; and then proceed to open for the camera; 
“Hello everyone welcome to another episode of…. f** I don't even know what we call these videos, jajajaja” 
Your fans sitting in front of you stated the name of the youtube series in a heartbeat;
“Wait what?... jajajajaja omg guys thank you, I'm so sorry, yeah you heard them, welcome back to y/n’s camera roll, I can’t believe I forgot that, anyway today’s episode is a little different……” you proceed to explain what the episode was about and thanking the future viewers for tuning in and watching the video. “Waw what a long introduction, so, before we actually go on and have the meet while you guys at home enjoy, I want to introduce you to the lovely group of people who I have invited here today….” Again proceed to introduce your fans to the camera by name, trying to not miss anyone and not butcher any name in the process.
After the introduction is done you porcede to carry out the fan meet like you normally do, you normally have scheduled sections of activities during your meets to make them fun; For today’s meet you all played games and did a couple challenges with your fans; then you recorded a couple of tik toks and instagram stories your fans asked you to be in, and casually all hung out. After a while of comfortable chatting and laughter, you wanted to hype up the mood. You turned down the lights, turned on some color  LED lights and had a dance party with everyone invited, dancing and going all out to popular music.
After being all drained from the heavy physical activities, you ordered a variety of food for your fans, like pizza and pasta, sushi, tacos, snacks, etc. and had a muckbang/eating section for the episode as well.
You were having so much fun, you looked around while eating and just by looking at their excited and happy faces you couldn help but feel complete and thankful for all of your fans.
After filling up on food, you carried out the Q&A section of the meet, allowing fans to ask you personal questions and conversing on various topics. The camera director gave you instructions to proceed with the questions, you nodded and thanked him and the staff for their hard work, turning on your heel and sitting back in your spot you tuned to the main camera: “Hi, quick update, sorry I haven't been so interactive with the camera in this episode for everyone watching at home, but I have been having so much fun and I am not used to having a camera crew for my normal fan meets, I’m sorry. Anyway now we will move on, I am going to answer some questions and hopefully this is entertaining enough  for the EPISODE hahaha” the crew and fans present chucked as you finished the small interruption.
And the questions began. A girl sitting in the back, raised her hand and spoke; “yeah um, I’m sorry I wanted to  see if I could start the questions, idk if the others are okay with that”. The rest of the group nodded sweetly at her, others replied with short “yeah’s”. She then proceeded nervously “thankyou g-guys, um I’m sorry before my question, is there anything we cannot ask you or..?
You sweetly smiled at her shyness and consideration, you tried your best to make her comfortable, “You are so cute, hahaha, thankyou for being considerate, but I really can’t think of anything that I am not allowed to answer or talk about, let me ask my manager...do I Sam?” you shifted your upper body to the side where the crew was standing, your manager Sam shook his head, you don't really have any tea to be spilled anyway so he is pretty confident and comfortable allowing you to be 100% in control. 
“Okay if Sam says it’s cool, it's okay  jajaja. You can ask me anything”
The girl then proceeded to ask her question, and waited for you to answer.
Time went by, and it was pretty cool to see what your fans were interested in learning about you, after some time the group continued asking you questions like “who is your biggest inspiration? favorite song?, favorite thing about being on tour? what would you do if you weren't a singer? etc.
One of the boys in the group spoke; “Hi, y/n, can I ask you another question?” you nodded and signaled him to proceed; 
“I saw that you liked an instagram post about BTS a while back uploaded by a fan account and I also saw that you actually follow their personal twitter account. ALSO in your behind the scenes video for your music video shoot you can be seen in the background dancing the Boy with luv choreo. So I wanted to ask if you were an ARMY and if you know them personally? and like should we be expecting a collaboration soon?”
You chucked at his talking speed, curious questions and great detective skills.
 Before you answered you mentally told yourself to hold back and not go all cRAzY fAnGirL on them, you inhaled and answered:
“OMG hahaha I love you so much, what an amazing question, Okay so first off no I don’t know them personally and sadly no plans of collaboration are on sight. Oh wow I have never been asked if I liked BTS before, I’m excited hahaha. Yeah I am an ARMY, I love them so much I am one of their biggest fans, and they are also one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to work ethic and professionalism, listening to them or watching them gives me motivation to keep doing what I love, which is this. 
anyway I am rambling I should stop; you guys can say y/n stop whenever I start rambling okay? hahaha''
The group in front of you laughed and added some extra comments on your response.
After a couple comments back and forth you realized something… and asked out loud, 
“Wait so, how many of you guys here are actually ARMYs?”, 
all of the sudden the 10 fans sitting in front of you raised their hands. 
“So you guys are telling me literally everyone of you is a fellow ARMY and didn't tell me until now?” everyone chuckled and looked around surprises at the coincidence 
You were already feeling shy after talking so much about yourself before so you redirected the activity, “Guys should we actually talk about BTS for a bit? hahaha” you asked your fans
This made a girl raise her hand and ask: “Can I ask you a BTS question then? Okay so, who is your favorite member?
You loved the new conversation topic. You answered truthfully: “Well first off, I don't have a favorite member. I really mean it when I say this. I love them all equally and I love them all as a group. I don’t prefer one over the other or like one better.  I really do support them equally. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a bias, as long as you also respect the other members, hope that all made sense lol” Everyone seemed moved by your support towards them and nodded.
“Y/n so you don’t have a favorite, but do you have a crush on any of them?, like if you could date one of them right now, which one do you pick?” A fan asked.
You looked at her and really thought about how to answer said question in the best way possible; “okay...well...Like I said just to be clear I don't have favorites amongst the group members, but I do have a type…. I consider one of them to be my celebrity crush” you answered, starting out slow and finishing by blurting out the last part.
Your fans in front of you went crazy, they leaned over their seats wanting to feel closer to you and not miss anything you were saying as you took a breath to continue speaking.
“So in that case, if I had to pick someone that I would date in real life...i would say…. Jungkook'' The room was filled with surprised remarks, small comments and squeals.
“Omg guys chill hahaha, breathe, it's just a crush I don’t know him and it's not going to happen. It's just that I find him really attractive and he is my type.”
The fans kept raising their hands to ask you various questions about BTS,
the camera director and manager signaled you to get your attention after you finished answering other questions and told you you only had time for one more question before the fan meet was over.
“Okay guys so apparently we have time for one more question, so make it a good one, it can be about anything, shoot” you said as you leaned over to reach for your water bottle, swung the bottle and pointed to someone on the corner of your eye who seemed to have one last question, as you drank some water they asked: “I have a last BTS question if you don’t mind y/n” 
Still gulping water you moved your hand indicating them that is was okay and to go on,
“okay, um I just thought about this, do you have like a specific fantasy or make up scenario about BTS that you could only dream could come true; like I wish i could walk into a café shop and suddenly meet V, realizing we were reading the same book and covering for hours”
That was such a deep and personal question, you had never once thought anyone would be interested in what your fantasies where; you thought it might be boring for your fans if you went on and on about  stupid make believe scenarios that live in your head rent free. But seeing everyones approving faces over the question and the intrigued eyes they were shooting at you, you spoke: “I love that question, and your scenario is so cute, you should write a tumblr post about it, (a/n wink wink) well yeah I obviously have created fake scenarios in my head about BTS, past crushes, fake arguments even hahaha, there are so many BTS fake scenarios in my head…. hmm oh I know which one, okay so this fantasy of mine is about how I would meet them irl and work with them, I will make it quick”
You kinda chuckled at yourself, playing with the cap on your water bottle, you felt as if you were about to say something really cringy and embarrassing. You took a deep breath and started the narration of the sinopsis of your personal fanfic created by you. 
“Okay so, my literal fantasy is to one day meet them at a talk show, you know how hosts like will surprise their guests with something/someone they like?, I believe Ellen has done it multiple times where she surprised a guest with their idol or celebrity crush, you know?” The group nodded, invested in your fake scenario “Well i would be invited to like the Jimmy Fallon Show, where he would just randomly surprise me with BTS. Then I would be given the opportunity to introduce myself and tell them how much I love and support them. I would also be able to show them my Korean speaking skills, I learned Korean and Spanish back in school and I have never been able to actually use either them, lol, anyway...well after that we would all become really good friends, and we would collaborate and put out one or multiple songs for you guys. I mean that's basically it, I wish I could meet them, and become their friend and write songs with them, even produce songs with Suga or RM if I could'' you sighed as you ended your mini narration.
You continued; “But well, that's just a fake scenario I repeat, it's not real and it's not gonna happen, EVER. For now I will keep supporting and loving them with you and the rest of ARMY. I really doubt they even know who I am, anyway” you closed the conversation at that. Your fans seemed like they wanted to say something but your camera director called you over before anyone could say something else. You excuse yourself and walk over to the cameras and lights set up where the staff is.
*your fans were really confused, and this you didn't know, but your fans knew for a fact that BTS knew very well who you were. The fans even knew which member has continuously admitted to having a platonic crush on you for years now, ever since you first blew up, back when you were 16 and he was 17. Your fans knew how you are one of BTS’s favorite artists, and this was no secret, you could literally look all this information up... 
They didn’t understand how you could have no idea how famous you actually are* They talked amongst themselves about this while you talked to your team.
Your manager and camera director indicated you to do an outro for the video’s footage and other instructions. You nodded your head and smiled, you took a step back and bowed your head towards the staff behind the cameras and thanked them for their work.
You then walked towards the group of fans and told them you had to do an outro for the camera if that was okay with them; you then sat with them on the floor while side hugging the two fans next to you, you directed yourself to the camera:  “Okay guys so sadly today’s meet is now over, I am really sad I wish we could hang out for longer, thank you so much for coming and making today so fun and special” you then turned to the camera “And for my other amazing supporters who are going to watch this on youtube, today was just a little scoop into my life like the other y/n’s camera roll EPISODES, in case you are interested in other videos like this one you can visit head to the channel where this video was uploaded and watch more! hopefully you guys had fun with us! I adore you all, thank you! Please Spread love always, y/n out” you waved as the camera director said “CUT” and the crew cut the cameras.
Your manager then stood up and directed everyone to get ready to leave, also thanking them for always supporting you and taking care of you, you smiled at your amazing manager and looked back at your fans while they picked up their stuff, smiling sadly.
You said your goodbye to everyone one-by-one as they headed out.
After lots of farewell hugs, kisses, selfies, and gifts, you went home with a smile on your face for the amazing time you had.
You went to bed, turned your phone on silent mode and looked at your ceiling,  reliving that fake scenario you talked about a few hours ago, oh how you wished it could become real (a/n hehe wink wink). Finally dozing off and resting for the work-packed day you had tomorrow unaware that your social media was currently going crazy and how they yearned for your new weekly EPISODE to come out.
Part 2- Jungkook’s POV --------> here
thank you so much, please interact with me to let me know if you like this :) Xx
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bethansfandoms · 4 years ago
i keep seeing these and i just need more of it so Sirius is a youtuber au?
i literally read one of these the other day! how did you know?
sirius, or as he was known to the world,‘padfoot, was huge. he had a crazy amount of subscribers and his videos ranged from general chit chat to baking to gaming and, most famously, pranking fellow youtuber ‘prongs.’
people loved him. they loved his personality and his content and his appearance and his voice. everything. because he was so popular, sirius never could read every single comment, but he tried his best, and there was one that did catch his eye.
it was simply “day one of telling sirius that whoever edits his videos is awesome.” it had 50K likes.
part of the reason sirius’ posting schedule was so regular was because he didn’t edit his own stuff, he’d hired someoneto do it for him. his name was remus lupin, and this random commenter was correct, he was awesome.
the comments continued. sirius would look for it on every daily upload and there it was, always near the top. somebody commenting appreciation for sirius’ editor.
sirius and remus were friends. they weren’t super close, but they spent a lot of time together as sirius had an office for his ‘padfoot’ brand and he always filmed there, for privacy reasons more than anything. the computers in the office had all the equipment remus needed to edit and so they saw each other almost every day.
“have you seen this?” sirius asked casually, showing remus his phone. “day forty-two of telling sirius that who ever edits his videos is awesome.” 45K likes.
remus smiled, “ah, well, i do my best.”
“they’re right,” sirius responded, “i can’t really thank you enough for it. my videos would suck without you.”
remus rolled his eyes, “i am sure youtube’s heart-throb would do just fine in his own.”
sirius felt himself blush slightly. “yeah, well, glad the youtube comment section is appreciating what you’re doing as much as i am.”
it was next mentioned in a live stream. sirius read the comment and contemplated ignoring it but decided to read it out loud anyway. “sirius, expose your editing team.” he grinned. “not a team! just this one poor guy i’m afraid, i feel sorry for him.”
for some reason, it sent the comments off on a tangent. there were now numerous questions coming in and all of them about this editor. “can i get them on the live? ha, hold up.” remus was only in the room next door.
“remus!” he realised he’d just outed his name which the comments started freaking out about. “would you like to be on my live?”
remus walked away from his desk, laughing, and stayed just out of shot. “sorry, what?”
“the viewers want to meet my editor!”
remus sighed and awkwardly walked into frame. “how many people are watching?”
“only two million.”
“wish i’d known that or i probably wouldn’t have let two million people see me in this jumper my mum made me.”
sirius laughed, “it’s adorable.”
this is how a sub fandom was created. various twitter accounts dedicated to remus. people commenting on how cute he was or theorising the nature of sirius and remus’ relationship.
that embarrassed sirius slightly. he’d always had a mild crush on his editor and the fact that people were uploading the thirty seconds remus had ben on camera for and titling it “sirius having heart eyes for remus,” always made him slightly flustered.
remus’ appearing in sirius’ live shows started to become more frequent as people kept anting more remus content. this is how sirius came up with a new video idea. “Q and A with my editor.”
“i am just going to edit this and make sure nothing embarrassing i do is left in,” was the first thing remus said when he hit record.
“will you keep that in?” sirius asked, smiling.
“haven’t decided, depends how my hair looks.”
“it looks good.” that got edited out. “okay,” sirius said, “question one: what’s it like having to look at my face all day for a living.”
remus flushed. that got edited out. “it’s a weird way of describing my job, but i guess it’s not the worst thing in the world.”
sirius chuckled, “you flatter me.” sirius scrolled through his phone for more questions, “when will you start dating? let’s not include that one.”
remus scoffed, “when you ask me out i guess. yeah, that’s getting edited out.”
“christ, there’s a theme here,” sirius muttered, “remus are you single, remus rate sirius on appearance out of ten, remus would you rather kiss sirius or die.”
remus burst out laughing, “i’m starting to get a bit concerned about your viewers.”
“yeah, well, ever since my coming out video they’ve been desperate to know if i’m seeing anyone. there were all these proof videos about how me and james were dating before he married lily. oh here’s another one, remus what’s your sexuality?”
“bisexual,” he grinned, “should i leave that in or would that just drive people insane.”
“well, it depends. apparently there is already fanfiction about us.”
“how! i’ve been in like, four of your live shows.”
sirius shrugged, “people work fast.”
remus edited all of it out.
they spent hours laughing together on camera before finally wrapping the video up. it got 15 million views in a week.
“people like you, remus!”
“people just want somebody to ship you with.”
“no, for real, i keep seeing fan pages for you.”
remus laughed, “that’s insane! they know literally nothing about me.”
“they don’t have to. apparently being funny and good looking is enough for them to go on.” sirius regretted it almost instantly. luckily, remus didn’t seem to mind.
“you think i’m funny?”
sirius was so glad that he’d asked that instead of ‘you think i’m good looking’. “yeah, of course. i think you’re... yeah. we should hang out more. if you want of course.”
“ah, the amount of people on the who’d kill to hang out with the padfoot. yeah. that’d be nice. don’t tell the internet or they’ll think it’s a date.”
sirius shrugged, “is it?”
“oh, uh,” remus’ cheeks went bright pink. “i don’t know, is it?”
“if it doesn’t work, i still want to be friends. but we could always... try?”
a year later, sirius published his second most viewed video, after his coming out. it was titled “meet my boyfriend,” with the man in the thumbnail blurred out.
it was remus, of course. and the news actually broke twitter.
yo what the hell should i write an ao3 fic on this? i love this trope so much!!!
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