#I haven’t played many games where Ganon isn’t the main bad guy I’m realizing
skyward-floored · 2 years
Least favorite LOZ villain?
Least favorite as in least well-done, or least favorite as in I despise them personally? XD
I think least favorite in the not well done category would probably be master kohga. He isn’t scary, he isn’t particularly funny, he’s pretty easy to beat, and like, the stakes just aren’t very high towards defeating him. He’s just sorta... one more thing you have to do you know? Maybe he’s better in AOC, but I kinda doubt it.
Ghirahim is the guy I personally despise, but that’s because he’s a good villain! Like I hate his tongue thing and how like, casually violent he is? He cares so little for those who aren’t his master, and I think that’s a bit terrifying.
His fights are epic, and actually difficult (which I enjoy, I don’t like easy boss battles), and defeating him is incredibly satisfying, especially at the end after he’s gotten Zelda. So I hate his guts, but he’s an excellent villain and I enjoy his role in the game and as an antagonist.
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