#I haven’t made a black edit in forever omggg
lesmeltingpot · 6 months
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Dehya is black !!
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opepin · 7 years
august: week three
14: omg, summer is almost over. omg, when did summer even start? having a job just messes that up for you. lol, i’ll probably realize it’s fall when fall is almost over... anyway, it was a struggle getting up but i did and i did some hip hop cardio. then i showered and ate breakfast. my stomach hasn’t felt too good since a couple days ago and it caught up to me. i felt really full after eating my regular english muffin so i just took my time to get to work. also, there was a moderate delay on the red line so i took the train to work with kevin. i dropped off my nikes at the postal office -- i’m super excited to get a refund back (but a bit sad to let go of my nike roshe cherry blossom editions, cry) so i can get workout shoes (shoes that i will try not to wear outside).
i wore my winnie the pooh vans for the first time in forever and they were killing my feet. i tried putting my insoles in there but it made my foot hit the top of the shoe and made my toes feel extremely uncomfortable. also, my socks would show. when i finally fixed my shoes (i have decided to not hide my laces for any sneaker anymore because i rather have my shoe fit than look pretty but kill my feet), my heels were scraped raw. well, that’s a lesson learned. lol. i did some work while watching the latest episode of ‘love connection’ and found out that none of my team members were coming in today LOL. oh well. i walked over to the taco party food truck for lunch and met up with kevin and his team. i actually ended up getting gogi on the block because it’s gogi on the block and it’s delicious. the worker there asked me if i was korean lulz. i still got it ;P i let kevin have a bite of my bowl and then peaced out and ate the rest of my lunch in the office.
i did template work and then stopped by the devs’ office to give haowei his nordic treats. :P haowei told me about his trip to taiwan and china and then i gave him a bit of a tour of where our current offices are in wework. then i went back, packed up, and rushed over to the train station where kevin was waiting for me. we took the train back and then he got on a call and i continued working. we worked some more and then i made some rice and put the chicken thighs in the oven before i did my back workout. i started doing ballet back workouts (so barre) and they burn so much! then i showered while kevin cooked the veggies. we ate dinner while watching another episode of agents of shield. i think i’m hooked! haha. then kevin went to clean up and game while i hopped into bed and continued reading some of the journey mapping book dave gave me. then i decided to watch some more agents of shield (kevin already watched season 1). i watched one episode and then went back to reading. i brushed my teeth and then read another chapter before going to sleep at like 11:30 pm, lol. i feel like an old lady.
15: my body keeps wanting me to wake up at 6:30 am for some reason... but if i wake up, i won’t have enough sleep?! wut. i managed to do a hiit workout in the morning, showered, ate the last scallion roll bun T_T and then sent kevin off to work lol. i did some logistical stuff in the morning and booked my christmas flight to chicago. then i did some template work and talked to phil for a bit. i scheduled a good amount of calls for tomorrow and thursday so i’ll be busier then. it was a pretty chill day with a lot of calls. i stayed on stand up for a design call (i guess) and then also found out that our lays chips order is out of stock on amazon and it got me real heated D:< kevin is gonna handle the rest though. i also found a great deal for iceland this upcoming fall/winter! we’re gonna book our flight this week so i’m excited! the rest of the day, i worked while watching agents of shield, lol. what a day...
things got a bit crazy when jeanne messaged me and asked me to go out for dinner because she was here for work?! she didn’t get out until 6:30 pm so it was doable. i talked on the phone with my mom for a bit and then did a 30 minute weighted butt workout. then i showered and cut up everything and prepped everything for claypot chicken. kevin got back from climbing and then he showered while i put everything in the rice cooker to cook. then i washed dishes and changed and headed out. we’d be late for dinner and i was super ksjfdnskjfn about it. kevin and i rode in different train carts so i could cool down and so he wouldn’t just go back home and not come. x( we apologized to each other and then met up with jeanne and had a late dinner. lol we were ordering with our stomaches but food is good. we ate at scholars bar and lounge near jeanne’s hotel. we got drinks, ate, and caught up! it was fun talking to jeanne in person again :) we walked her back to her hotel and then we took the train back home. i ended up falling asleep on the sofa for an hour or so and then got up and brushed and went back to sleep. i think i ko’d before 12 am on the couch. lol, i can’t hang anymore.
16: i worked from home again today and it was another pretty chill day until afternoon. x_x; i watched more episodes while working and then got on stand up and led a call with a client that went ... ok. it wasn’t my best call but, it’s done and i am leading another session with them again on tuesday... i’m hoping to get them to understand the learning curve and what not. then kevin came back home early and we did some apartment things and he gamed while i watched more agents of shield lol. i had to put salonpas all over my neck and shoulders because they were super stiff when i woke up. i’m an old lady. lol. then i went to do my oblique workout, showered, and then kevin and i ate leftovers for dinner while watching more agents of shield. i continued this into the night lol. i got to the plot twist episode and i still can’t believe it. x__x; then i got ready for bed and ko’d before 12 am. it was a really chill at home day. 
17: it felt weird waking up at 7 am... hmm. i was extremely tired so i decided to take it easy today. i did a low-impact workout and then showered and ate breakfast before catching the train. i felt really bloated today too D: i decided to test how long it would take for me to walk to the starbucks across the bridge because i really wanted to re-try the pineapple black tea infusion drink. i ordered it on my app and forgot to put “no ice” x( and then when i got off the train, i walked over there. it took longer than i expected and i got to the office right as dave did as well. it took me 30 minutes in total to get it and walk to the office. so i’m just gonna wait for the closer starbucks to finish renovating and go there. also, the tea infusion (aka the pina colada) tastes just as watered down as the one i had at the airport. i’m gonna stick to my pink drink. dave went over new features with me as well as talking about journey atlases and such. it helped me get more direction in what i was supposed to be doing.
just as i started to get into it, i check the ups tracking number for the nikes i am trying to return for a refund and they haven’t been scanned in yet. so i look up information online and find out that there are mixed reviews about usps handing things off to ups... some say they do it and some say they return it to the address. the thing is, the return address on the box is kevin’s old address in chicago because i ordered my nike roshes there. T__T omggg. so i walk over to the post office where i dropped them off and i ask one of the guys working there and he just tells me that it’s not there anymore and that i should call ups and see if they picked it up and forgot to update it or that it’s been shipped back to the return address. so i walk back to the office and call ups and the very nice lady told me that i should wait at least a week and see if it shows up at the return address and/or ups. if not, i should call them again and then place a lost package claim. i contacted mike about it and unfortunately, his lease is up tomorrow. my luck is the worst T___T i plan to call park evanston (i ordered it with kevin’s name and old address) in a week if nothing turns up.. sigh...
i was too frazzled to work and dave could clearly see that. i told him what happened and he informed me of a mailing loophole :O it’s so sneaky! but he told me that it was cool and i let him know that i was going to kevin’s fitbit outdoor bbq thing after all-hands. he was chill with it. then we got on all-hands and it was my first time presenting to everyone in the company x__x; so my morning had me frazzled and then i was supposed to present in the last 5 minutes of the all-hands meeting so that got me stressed af. i blew through my presentation in 2 minutes when i was supposed to take 5 L O L. i needed to breathe when presenting and/or slow down. everyone said i did a good job though. actually, after we signed off, john, steve, and cole ran into our office to congratulate me on my first time presenting something on all-hands LOL. they scared the crap out of me but i felt so loved! awww it was the best!
oh, before all-hands, i stopped by haowei’s office to get some of those taiwanese and chinese treats he got. he had this mochi jelly candy, peanut brittle, garlic pea-based chips, and seaweed / seafood cracker. i loved the mochi jelly and the chips were bomb af. thanks so much for bringing those. i really needed them because i was going without food until 1 pm after all-hands. so the guys left and then i headed out. i got off jfk/umass and waited for kevin’s slow af train. then we didn’t know what direction to go to and which location the bbq was at so we just called a lyft. we planned to get there at 1:30 pm and we got there a bit past 2:15 pm LOL. the lyft driver went around to pick us up and he also picked up other people. there was also a ton of construction in the area we were going to... i was on stand up during this ride and during a bit of the bbq... i left stand up because it went on for too long and i wanted to eat without wearing my gigantic af headset. the bbq was cold by the time we ate and it was unfulfilling... so we just ate and called another lyft and left. we said hi to matt though LOL.
we took the train home and then i felt lazy but also that i needed to get work done. we bought our tickets to iceland for the beginning of february and then kevin called norwegian to check on our flight delay compensation. i charged my fitbit and then started to work on the journey atlas. i kept running back and forth from productivity at first but then i got into my groove and completed it! kevin went off to game after doing his errands. oh, i signed up for robinhood and my free stock was fcking groupon. -__-” it’s only worth $3 and it’s declining. i hate groupon. lol. i managed to do a dance cardio workout while kevin cooked. i was feeling pretty moody~ then i showered and watch agents of shield while kevin finished up cooking. we watched more agents of shield while eating. we ate later than usual so i got prepared for bed after that. kevin went to shower and i ko’d in the bed before 12 am.
18: it was so gloomy outside ): i did a hiit workout for 20 minutes and then finished off my morning workout with cardio hip hop. then i showered and ate breakfast. kevin was fast asleep when i left for work. dave was in the office when i got there and we got to talk about the eclipse and some work related stuff. i spent the day preparing for my journey map creation walkthrough with one of our clients. i ran into all the roadblocks... it’s gonna be real hard and i need to mock it up. i walked over to faneuil hall and checked to see if uniqlo still had those chiffon skirts. they didn’t but i’m not sad about it :P i waited for kevin inside koy -- we made a lunch reservation for dine out boston there. kevin looked like he just rolled out of bed when i saw him. he slept at 4 am apparently x__x; we shared shrimp tempura and the tofu pillows for appetizers and i got bibimbap and he got jajangmyun -- both were delicious. i don’t like jajangmyun though LOL. we had the best dessert: coconut ice cream with a creme brulee’d banana <3333
as we walked back to work, i could tell kevin was sleepy and tired. haha. well, he was sleepy in the restaurant as well. we split at a bridge and i got back to the office and went back to work. oh! i got an email from nike in the morning telling me that they got the shoes and have refunded me. I AM SO HAPPY LOL. phewwww. but why didn’t they update the tracking number info?!?!?!?!?!? ugh, whatever. ahha. now i can buy my new shoes for working out ;D anyway, after figuring out my training situation with the help of dave and matthew, i left the office at around 4:05 pm with matthew. matthew let me know that he is going to leave t7 :( i’m pretty sad about it...but he says it happens. i wish him the best and i am thankful that i got to work with him :) we split at south station because i was going to pick up kevin from work. kevin met me a block away from his office and then we walked back to south station together :3 when we got back, i had the munchies so we both ate our leftovers from koy and watched agents of shield. then we took a break before going to roche to get fruit. kevin sometimes makes me feel dumb when he asks certain questions that he has already vetted out the answers for. so when i tell him what i think, he’ll be like ‘that’s not possible’ and then proceed to tell me i’m wrong in a bit of a condescending way when i thought he was just having fun thinking about it. so that’s what happened and i felt shitty for the rest of the day and we didn’t talk for the rest of the night because he didn’t 100% understand my reasoning for feeling this way and i was too tired to say ‘it’s pms’ because it really was and i was being too sensitive.
well, we got back and then i went straight into a butt workout with free weights and it KILLED ME LOL. i didn’t know that it would make me sweat so much. it was a great workout. before i showered, i got a call from michelle asking for shopping help LOL. we talked for a bit and then tried getting jeanne to skype with us but she got back too late and i was already half asleep in bed because i am a granny. after the call, i showered and then packed all my stuff into my thredup clean out bag. i want to try this out and see what happens. :P then i watched some videos and stuff before going to sleep feeling slightly less shitty but still a little. overall, i felt fine but i just didn’t want to talk to kevin because i was feeling tired and drained from these hormonal changes. we cuddled at night and i told him in the morning it was pms and he totally understood. LOL.
19: i didn’t feel good today -- very tired and sore. i started my trade-in for my macbook in the morning and then did some errands and watched some videos here and there until kevin finished eating and played a few games so we could go to the mall and go suit shopping. we stopped by nordstrom first and kevin tried on a suit and a tux. then we went to express to try on some suit jackets and then we stopped by auntie anne’s to get an original pretzel to split ;) and finally, we stopped at milton’s. oh, we stopped by francesca’s and i did some shopping but ended up not getting anything -- i didn’t spend too long in there according to kevin. :P kevin tried on a dress shirt and then they recommended him to get one made from an algorithm, which was pretty cool. he got to pick out the material, collar type, and what kind of cuffs he wanted. kevin’s shirt fit him perfectly so we ordered one for him and will pick it up in a week. we stopped by a tailor that is located downstairs and she said she could hem and taper his current pants.
so we drove back and i ate some lunch and then kevin got his dress shoes and pants and we drove back to drop them off. the alterations was only $30 -- cheap in comparison to buying another pair of dress pants. then we went to the target connected to the mall and got new brush heads for our electric toothbrushes. oh, we also got kung fu tea from the new stall in the mall. we got this pina colada slush with orange(?!) tapioca and it was delicious. we were pooped from shopping for that long so we chilled for the rest of the day. while kevin cooked general tso’s chicken for dinner, i did a 40 minute workout and then showered and watched some agents of shield. the chicken wouldn’t crisp up :( and the flavor is still a bit off but it was delicious~ after showering, i decided to do laundry. i washed the sheets already and then i washed our clothes. i stayed up watching agents of shield while my hair was drying and then folding clothes. the rest of the night, i spent looking for my damn missing sock T____T idk where it is. i hope it’s not clogging up the air pump in my top loader. we’ll find out next week, lol. i was obsessed with finding it and i didn’t want to make the bed without kevin’s help so i stayed up until like 2 am or something and instantly ko’d on the bed after brushing my teeth.
20: i got out of bed at around 10 am and then went straight to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom after brushing my teeth. midway through cleaning, i ate breakfast and then went to clean the tub. at around 12 or 12:30 pm, kevin finally woke up LOL. he was totally ko’d on the bed every time i walked into the bedroom. i let him be because i was in cleaning mode. i finished cleaning the tub and then did a 30 minute workout while kevin ate. i quickly showered and then called the folks over at codzilla to see if there were any open spots for today. we signed up for a 6 pm slot and then meal planned and went grocery shopping. we picked up 3 live summer maine lobsters and then came back and cooked them. i wanted to kill them humanely but i don’t think i would have had the arm strength to properly do it and kevin just wanted to boil them... so i helped kevin clip off the rubber bands (there was one lobster that clung on to the rubber band for like a minute because it didn’t want to die T__T).
i also made mango dofu dessert (mango agar jelly) for dessert. we cleaned everything up and then took the train into the city to get on codzilla! we stopped by the only chase atm and starbucks. we got a pink drink because kevin was thirsty. we made it just in time to pick up our tickets and get on the boat. we got okay seats because we got there too late :( lol the beginning of the ride was nice; we went at a fast speed and got wind blown into our hair and everything. the captain did some tilts and stuff but nothing that got us wet. the second go around though, LOLOLOL he would go super fast and then stop and a ton of water would just hit everyone in the face. as the ride went on, his tilts got steeper and we got wet from the sides as well. the best part was going back and he went SUPER fast to the point where our gums were like flapping around and stuff ahhaha. we got SUPER SUPER wet then. i couldn’t stop laughing but the water was so damn salty haha. we went back to the dock at a fast speed but only to dry us off. we were pretty much completely dried when we got back. it was super fun! i feel like we kinda got trolled in the beginning where nothing was happening, but it was totally worth it.
we took the train home and then kevin cooked the lobster in lemon herb butter and i helped make garlic bread. i took a shower because my skin was super dried out and salty. my hair looked real good though lolol. then we ate while watching agents of shield, kevin cleaned up, and i forced myself to do my ab workout LOL. kevin went on a run shortly after. then i actually showered and washed my hair and everything and chilled on the bed until like 1 am... then i got ready for bed and went to sleep. i need to readjust my sleeping schedule a bit hahaha. it was a fun packed day (:
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