#I have two senior dogs with health issues so like all of my money goes to them
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sophiag-lts-blog · 5 years ago
DRRM: Brgy. Sangandaan, Proj. 8, Q.C., LAGING HANDA!
As a freshman in the University of Santo Tomas, we are required to take up this course called NSTP (National Service and Training Program), and we’re currently focusing on what we call DRRM (Disaster Risk and Reduction Management). So what are all these and what do we do? Basically, we learn and get to know more about the different communities in the country, and how we can do our part and contribute to the overall well-being, happiness, and safety of the people who live in it. DRRM is grounded and focuses on four thematic areas: Disaster Prevention and mitigation, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, and Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery.
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For the past 7 years that I’ve lived in the humble and thriving community of Brgy. Sangandaan, I’ve never had the chance to interact with the people who worked in the barangay hall or office. And now, I’ve recently had the chance to have a walk and “kwentuhan” with one of the local head persons of our barangay’s DRRM: Sir Fidel Nisperos.
December 9, 2019, I visited the brgy. hall. All of the staff and workers who were there were very patient, kind and accommodating. And as I was waiting for Sir Nisperos, I was able to observe that the place has a very happy and healthy working environment, and all seemed very close to one another. This even brought a smile to my face. 
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Sir Fidel was kind enough to accommodate an interview with me even without prior schedule or notice. He enlightened me and shared with me almost entirely everything I needed to know about our barangay’s DRRM. 
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We first identified and analyzed the hazards, calamities, dangers, that may affect and disturb the peace and safety of the community. Sir mentioned a few specific incidents and calamities that have already occurred: in 2012, a large fire spread across 100 homes affecting around 200 families; in Bagyong Ondoy the floods were so great that it surpassed the height of an average Filipino and the height of three-story townhouses. We are now preparing for “the Big One”.
So how does DRRM prepare for this? To identify a nearing threat, they always stay updated with the weather forecast. They often hold earthquake drills (quarterly) in areas like the Savemore supermarket (Project 8) and the Villagers Montessori, because these are the places where a lot of people mostly gather. They are always alert and standing by, since the Blue ridge, Libis in Q.C. is the nearest fault line to us. Their evacuation emergency plan for any kind of calamity, is to escort people to the designated evacuation centers, namely: first plan is at the Mendoza covered court, then Ismael Mathay Sr. High school, since both are of the highest places in the district, and there are a lot of buildings. If ever it is too full, next is to evacuate to the church beside the Brgy. Hall, the Immaculate Conception Church. Last resort is to the private village, Paradise Village’s covered court (given their consent). 
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When it comes to mitigation, He said that they first look back at the previous incidents and what may have caused things to happen, and what may have gone wrong. As for instance, during Bagyong Ondoy, there wasn’t enough mitigation for it, and since then, the government has been continuously cooperating with the different districts to ensure that everyone is prepared. They also conduct inspections of hazards, such as large trees that may cause harm to people and houses next to them, so they eventually have to cut these trees down. They also frequently de-clog the sewers, and provide dissemination programs on proper cleaning of the home and environment to avoid illnesses and viruses such as Dengue, and hygiene programs.
We took a little walk around, this when we talked about the Depressed areas and the Informal settlers who live by the river and underneath the bridge. He said it to be one of their main concerns for a number of reasons: they are one of the main causes of the river’s pollution; it is dangerous to live underneath the bridge and beside the river, since one can easily fall into the river, or during storms, floods may easily surge them due to its overflow; they are the poorest in the society, therefore they don’t have the right drainage and septic tanks that enable them to avoid floods; since they are the ones usually most affected during calamities, most of the funds for financial assistance goes to them. At this moment they are still waiting for the government’s approval and provision for them to be relocated, and they are continuously encouraging them to consider this. This has to be one of the most hazardous places. Another is that there are a lot of stray dogs by the route I pass towards home, and two or three times they’ve already barked or threatened me (but didn’t harm me thankfully).
One of the safest spaces in the barangay has to be the area within the Brgy. Hall, beside it the Church and beside the Church is the Health Center. Having these three geographically close to one another gives (if not all, to me personally) a sense of security, safety, ensurance, and community. Personally based on my observation, one of the best practices my community has is cleanliness. I walk from place to place around the barangay very often, and I have hardly seen any trash such as wrappers or plastics lying around.
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In addition to these, I asked Sir Nispenos about the specific and various programs for the PWD, elderly, and the youth. For the Pwd, they have a list and record of them so that they’d know who to prioritize. For the Senior Citizens, they do their best to screen and identify the senior citizen indigents so that the people who first get the government pensions are those who really need it. And lastly for the Youth, there are life training programs, especially for those out of school, such as welding, automobile, call centers, sewing and dressmaking, cosmetology, etc. For those who wish to study, there are several scholarships offered, supported by the government and the diocese of Cubao. 
Personal insights
I think one of our main issues and concerns in our community is poverty. This has been the most obvious yet unresolved and dominating issue in our country, and I can see it clearly everyday as I pass by the bridge where the informal settlers live. Based on my own knowledge on politics and government programs, support and services, I think the government should focus on helping these informal settlers both find a proper home, and gain a sustainable way of earning money and making a living. The government should support them in a way that sometime in the near future they are then able to eventually support themselves. As Sir Fispenos said, most of the funds go to them since they are always the most affected, due to lack of resources, nd the lack of resources come from lack of sustainable jobs and income. Therefore, the cycle goes all over again. The allocation of our budget tends to be quite messy at times, but then again there are a lot of issues and concerns that need focus and I hope the government recognizes this. I simply realized how blessed I am to be able to live a comfortable life. I am thankful for the everyday blessings of having a happy and complete family, a religious community and a solid group of friends who are always there to support me, a roof over my head, having food to eat three or more times a day, studying in a prestigious university, and knowing and having a deep relationship with God. These things I try not to take for granted every day, and I eventually realize that everyone, every single child of God deserves to be loved and to be blessed with happiness and peace, all the days of their lives. That’s why we must in return share these blessings given to us. It is important to be socially aware of these issues and kinds of things, because it strengthens our sense of community, and helps us empathize more with the people around us. One concrete way is to be more active in social development programs, like me not only in NSTP, but in my religious org. wherein I am able to reach out to different kinds of people at different states of life. One suggested way is to also create my own action plan, so that I am able to openly share my personal thoughts and takes on an issue then it may eventually contribute to the greater good. 
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 Sources: https://sites.google.com/site/ismaelmathaysrhsqcsecondary/history-1 , https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiso6Ol1LDmAhVT8XMBHWAvBicQjhx6BAgBEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommons.wikimedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFile%3A03102jfBarangays_Church_Conception_Talipapa_Sangandaan_Quezon_Cityfvf_04.jpg&psig=AOvVaw1vBG8_kcajqoUVAgsGs0oZ&ust=1576258930208586 , https://foursquare.com/v/savemore-project-8/51511425e4b0fe2bab60f58d?openPhotoId=51a6d80d498e1575af11bb58 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=17vSFTAP&id=EF31C8E734D970C54EA5A64AF405583ECDB67CDE&thid=OIP.17vSFTAPBzCazaZNrBltdwHaE7&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fny%2Fapi%2Fres%2F1.2%2F3xRorRyaPJ4VHMsZbVPUcg--%2FYXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9MTI4MDtoPTk2MDtpbD1wbGFuZQ--%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fmedia.zenfs.com%2Fen_us%2FNews%2FReuters%2F2014-01-28T083908Z_1069901473_GM1EA1S1A3P01_RTRMADP_3_PHILIPPINES.JPG.cf.jpg&exph=853&expw=1280&q=poverty+quezon+city&simid=608007690116796036&selectedindex=1&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&sim=11
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tjgreys · 2 years ago
The missing link hip and joint reviews
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#The missing link hip and joint reviews skin#
#The missing link hip and joint reviews full#
#The missing link hip and joint reviews skin#
Flaxseed - high levels of lignans and Omega-3 promoting skin and joint health.
#The missing link hip and joint reviews full#
The full list of ingredients is shown below and some key ingredients are at the top: It’s a different story here: 28% of healthy fats (Omega-3 and Omega-6), 18% of proteins from praised sources such as freeze-dried beef liver, and a normal amount of carbs. Most supplements and treats claiming health benefits fail at this very first step. Great List of Ingredientsįirst the ingredients list. And because trust is not enough nowadays, I review the content, the ingredients, the nutritional values, and obviously, after a few days, the side effects. So what are we going to say in this review? Well, first of all, you must know that I will never give my dog something I don’t trust. This is a supplement she is now on for a while in order to avoid bad structural pain. Obviously, results for such products are less obvious than with perfume for example. Unboxing of The Missing Link Ultimate Hip & Joint Supplement for Dogs. But anyway, we put Nala on this supplementation, and she is rather active (hours of exercising daily) so joint problems are a concern of ours. It goes without saying that Nala started sniffing like a police dog who found a stash of weed. So we went on and received the box in the mail. Many joint support supplements will make lovely claims but they rarely back them up with observable results. When we asked The Missing Link for some sample to try over a month, we didn’t expect much more than a tasty treat for our tester-in-chief, Nala the very active Border Collie. $90.89 $73.37 Buy on Amazon Highlights: The Missing Link Ultimate Hip & Joint However, what most people do is reach the stage where joint and hip problems have already struck the dog, and now the supplementation has to be much stronger, therefore resulting in more severe side effects. It’s delivered in a sturdy pouch and comes as a powder to sprinkle over your dog’s meals. The Missing Link Ultimate Hip & Joint is one of them and is manufactured using only the best ingredients. In an ideal world, a dog owner would start building up his dog’s frame and joints using a balanced diet along with a specific joint supplement. curatively – very high doses of glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM with side effects.preventively – gentler supplements building up resistance over time with virtually no side effects.There are two ways to deal with such joint pain and muscle stiffness: Arthritis, osteoporosis, hip and elbow dysplasias are all concerns for senior dogs. MADE IN THE USA | 100% guaranteed or your money back IngredientsĪctive Ingredients: Glucosamine HCI, Chondroitin Sulfate, Type II Collagen, Flax Seed Powder, Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) Root Powder Inactive Ingredients: Arabic gum, buffered white distilled vinegar, brown rice flour, coconut oil, citric acid, guar gum, natural bacon flavor, natural vanilla flavor, rosemary extract, sunflower lecithin, sunflower oil, tapioca starch, vegetable glycerin, vegetable oil.The Missing Link Ultimate Hip & Joint Dog Supplement is a non-prescription joint support supplement that has received thousands of positive feedbacks on various websites. ONLY GOOD STUFF: Made with natural ingredients and NO artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or GMOs. MOBILITY BOOST: Collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin & turmeric help reduce age-related joint discomfort, inflammation issues and support healthy hips & joints. REPLACE LOST COLLAGEN: Dogs naturally lose their ability to build collagen over time, which can affect their mobility. Chondroitin, glucosamine and turmeric help maintain cartilage/connective tissue, reduce age related joint discomfort, and promote a health inflammatory response.ĭOGS NEED COLLAGEN FOR MOBILITY: 30% of a dog’s tendons, cartilage, bones and joints is made up of collagen, a primary protein. These Hip & Joint soft chews are designed to help replace lost collagen in your dog’s body that provide amino acids for bone strength and joint flexibility.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
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Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
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Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
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Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
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Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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coloringmysensescherryred · 7 years ago
1. What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? I went to Japan, graduated college, started teaching English in South Korea, and dated a Korean guy - a year full of traveling and adventures! 
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Last year I had two resolutions - eat better so I didn’t feel like I was gonna shit myself so often, and to stop looking for love and let it find me. TBH I followed them both - shoutout to Korea for helping me with them! Korea’s food is just much better on my internal pipes in terms of health, and the boyfriend thing kinda just happened. I’m more proud of myself for ending it when I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t forcing any sort of relationship, it happened organically; so I’m pleased that I stuck to my guns.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope! Most of my friends aren’t even married yet! (Not that you can’t have a baby without being married but ya know.)
4. Did anyone close to you die? No, thank god.  
5. What countries did you visit? Japan and Korea! 
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? I would like to have more confidence to straight-up tell people when they are doing things that make me mad or irritate me or that I don’t like. That is my new years resolution this year. 
7. What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? March 23rd - the day I got my email saying I got into Fulbright! and June 7th - the day I left for Korea for a full year. 
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Fucking picking up my entire life and moving to Korea on my own. Like I have so many friends here in my program, but I was basically coming alone because I knew that I would be separate from them when we went to our placements after six weeks. 
9. What was your biggest failure? I don’t know, I felt like I succeeded in all the ways that mattered? I guess my biggest “failure” was confessing my feelings to my crush and him having to let me down because he had just gotten out of a serious relationship and wasn’t ready (altho I think he did like me tbh). So all things considered, that is a pretty good track record for an important year. 
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Nope! 
11. What was the best thing you bought? Netflix?? I had had it for like six months before Korea buutttt it has been a fucking lifesaver for me abroad. It’s a way to hear English from native mouths when I live in a homestay and don’t get to speak English with native speakers that often. It’s also great to do on traveling (like on trains and buses). Bless up to a great monthly investment. 
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? BURG, aka @officialff7remake. Homeboy was there for me when I was freaking out about MP or thesis or boys and just to pal around and drink with. The tightest of homies and I can’t thank him enough. <3 
13. Whose behavior made you appalled? I guess my Korean ex, Huijae? He literally had never dated ANYONE before me, Korean or otherwise, and he while he meant well, he had no emotional intelligence and really did things that bugged me and patronized me and was trying to be manipulative? and I didn’t need that shit? So I got out of that relationship after holding back my own feelings for too long and I’m so much happier and I don’t really talk to him anymore (he has texted a few times after we broke up to ask if he could come visit my host family because he “missed them” *eye roll* but i haven’t let him and he goes off to military service in like two weeks so I think i’m in the clear). 
14. Where did most of your money go? FOOD. I literally just buy food in Korea. Oh, and train tickets to go to Seoul or wherever. 
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? IT by Stephen King. I was fucking so hyped about it and luckily its release date in Korea was the same as in America so I saw it the night it came out! Also, obvi Fulbright and teaching in Korea. :) 
16. What song will always remind you of 2017? 빨간맛 by Red Velvet and DNA by BTS! Two songs that I have heard OVER AND OVER in korea and I still love them. 
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? I’m a. happier (or about the same - I was done with first sem and my thesis and had gone to Japan so I was probs p happy back then too), b. thinner! (I have lost like 10 or 12 lbs in Korea - wasn’t trying to but the food is just less fattening I think, and I walk more and go to an aerobics class like 3 or 4 times a week!), and c. richer! I’m not rich rich by any means but I have more money from fulbright than I was making as a waitress. :) 
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Idk - I did really what I wanted second sem of school, like hanging with MP and drinking and having spontaneous fun, and saw all the people I wanted to before I left for Korea, but I guess I wish I had done more solo trips in Korea? I want to do more before second sem starts too, and I want to visit my friends in their respective cities more because I didn’t get to do that so much in the fall because of my stupid fucking ex always coming to my town and taking up every literal weekend. I wish I was joking about that but it was bad. 
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Spend less time napping! I like naps but then I feel like i miss out on things, as well as have trouble falling asleep at decent times on school nights. Also, I wish I had spent less time being miserable about my relationship and ended it earlier. I gotta put myself the fuck first this year. 
20. How did you spend Christmas? I spent an early Christmas on the 23rd with 6 Fulbright friends in Gwangju, and ended up getting drunk and dancing at the airbnb with all the other tenants for the night! It was really fun. I then spent actual Christmas eve and day at a hotel with my host fam and close family friends, just seeing the ocean (in the freezing cold) and eating seafood stew. I was glad to be with them but I missed home SO fucking much during that time. I did Skype my fam on Christmas eve morning so I saw them a little! 
21. Did you fall in love in 2017? I don't know if I can call it love, but I had a serious crush that was more than just infatuation with a guy in my last sem of college. I didn’t know what I wanted because I was leaving America and he was still a sophomore but I just knew that I could see us together, and it didn’t work out but I still have hope for the future. And with my Korean ex, it wasn’t love at all but I did like him so there’s that? 
22. What was your favorite TV program? In terms of things that I watched in 2017 that I really liked? Breaking Bad, Dark, Stranger Things season 2, and Rupaul’s Drag Race!
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? My ex? Yeah, it’s petty, but whenever I talk about him or see his picture I get mad. I guess that only half counts on this bc I didn’t know him this time last year? But I don’t hate anyone else. 
24. What was the best book you read? It by Stephen King. That thing is a fucking masterpiece. 
25. What was your greatest musical discovery? Sam Smith, biiiiitch. His newest album is all amazing and I slept on him for too long! Like I knew he was good but this new album is amazing.
26. What did you want and get? I wanted Fulbright and I got it! 
27. What did you want and not get? I wanted to be with aforementioned crush but it was bad timing. Win some, lose some, live & learn. 
28. What was your favorite film of this year? I CAN’T CHOOSE
29. What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Going through second sem of senior year knowing I had a job after graduation? 
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017? it has changed a little since coming to Korea in order to try and not stand out so much? I have switched to more solid color tops rather than lots of prints, and I dress more demurely? Like less cleavage showing because that’s how koreans do (not that I am against it, but I’m just tryna fit in). 
31. What kept you sane? Sydney, my best friend in the entire world. (This was my answer from last year and the year before that and the year before that AND THE YEAR BEFORE THAT but it still holds true) also everyone in the sv discord chat still AND natalie of course of course
32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? All the drag queens from Drag Race but especially Trixie & Katya? Ummm also BTS but what is new. ;) 
33. What political issue stirred you the most? everything trump and his administration do and the net neutrality repeal. :( 
34. Who did you miss? I miss my dogs and my mom and my sister and Brian and Cannon and grammy and my MP friends. <3 Being in Korea away from them has been really hard sometimes.  35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017. If you really want something, strive for it. Keep your expectations low, but believe in yourself and what you are capable of shining through and getting you what you really want. <3 
36. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. “don’t you get lost in nostalgia, no” - Lost in Nostalgia, The Maine
“take me with you / cause even on your own, you are not alone” - Portugal, Walk the Moon
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coysgeorge · 6 years ago
Welcome to my brain.
Right so this is weird. For years I’ve suffered with mental health issues. It all started when I was 11 years old, that’s when I realised something wasn’t quite right. I’ve never liked change. Never. I have a routine that I don’t like to break, for those who are close to me they might think I’m one of the laziest and laid back people when it comes to life I’m not. It all started with the process of moving from primary school to secondary school. I remember the first week of senior school so clearly. My mum really wanted me to go to this school called Deanes in a mainly middle class area, I really didn’t fancy it. However she was insistent that I go there. And I got in. I’m certain to this day that’s what triggered all this off. So here I am, a boy aged 11 originally from Edmonton North London (one of the poorest and most crime ridden areas in the UK) who’s been raised on a council estate going to a School where kids were discussing their parents hot tub. The first day of senior school I knew I didn’t fit in. All the other kids knew I was different, I was sat there overweight in a blazer far too big for me, in shoes that were £20 from Tesco with a Afro, whilst all the other kids had Kickers, new haircuts, talking about their parents hot tubs whilst my family had 6 of us in a 3 bedroom semi detached home in Southend. I walked out and went straight to my old primary school by 12pm to confide in my old teacher Mr Martin just to simply be in surroundings I’m comfortable in. This is where it all started. As the months went by, things got worse. I was getting bullied for my weight, my clothes, my mobile phone etc. Nothing that I couldn’t handle, but being a 11 year old lad it still got on top of me. Then the worse thing imaginable happened to me and my family. My Nan, got diagnosed with Vascular Dementia. Now we knew something was up with her, she wouldn’t recognise me, my siblings, her children and most hearbreaking of all my grandad. Within a year my Nan was bed ridden, couldn’t walk, couldn’t feed herself, could barely string a sentence together. This is when shit hit the fan for me, I would literally walk out of school. Go missing for hours, the worse time was when a police helicopter was actually deployed to look for me, social services got involved because they didn’t believe that I was just depressed. They were certain some sort of abuse was going on. It wasn’t. My parents were always great to me. Always made sure me, my brothers and my sisters got what we want. Always. Despite being so poor growing up. The guilt I felt was unbelievable. But for whatever reason I couldn’t sleep, when I did sleep I would literally sob myself into exhaustion then wake up 2 hours later and beg my mum to not let me go to school because all I wanted to do was stay home incase something went wrong with Nan, I was over eating to the point I was a 40 inch waist at age 12. I was literally hoping I wouldn’t wake up the next day.
Then one day I woke up at 6AM and thought that’s it, I’m done, I’m ending it. So I went out to my back garden, grabbed some rope from my dads shed and walked to a Belfairs woods which was only down the road from me. I googled how to hang myself. I was gonna do it, all the way there I wasn’t crying, I wasn’t sad, I felt relief. Happy that in less than 30 minutes this pain will literally be gone. I won’t have to face anything. My best friend, my Nan not recognising me and looking at me like a stranger, the kids at school who wouldn’t even speak to me, this constant sadness will all be gone. I would have nothing to fear, nothing to face just literally a eternity of nothing. So I get to the woods, find a location, find a branch that could hold my weight, and started digging in my bag for a the rope. Then literally out of nowhere this woman, maybe mid 60’s appears with her Jack Russle, and smiles at me the dog approaches me as dogs do so I petted it. She asked me why I’m out so early, I told her some bullshit that I’m going on a detour to collect my papers for my paper round. I didn’t even have a paper round at the time. Then for some reason I just decided, I could easily cause this for myself but if that woman was literally 10 minutes later she would’ve found me hanging from a tree. I didn’t think, but I couldn’t go ahead with it. I couldn’t let someone else live with that for the rest of their lives. So I left, was I greatful for that woman? At the time no, I was angry if anything knowing I’m gonna have to go back to reality after she made me question my conscious after a measly 2 minute conversation that I lied through my teeth in. Now looking back on it. I owe her my life. It’s as simple as that.
So a year passes by, my depressions still there then my mum calls me in the kitchen one day “George you’ve not been yourself and I signed you on the waiting list for belfairs (the secondary school all my primary school friends went to) a year ago, they called today you’re starting Monday” so for the first time in a year I smiled legitimately. The first smile I’ve legitimately not had to force in a year/two years. I’m going back to school with all my pals. I’m elated. I spend the next 3 years being the class clown, getting shit grades, drinking down the park and just being normal. Yes my Nan was ill. But by this time I’ve accepted that she’s gone. The woman laying in that bed wasn’t my Nan. It was a illness that stole my nan’s body. And when she died, yes I was heartbroken but I was also relieved. Relieved that she’s free from any pain and relieved that my grandad can go back to having a life rather than spending every minute of the day caring for her. And hats off to my grandad, he never put her in a home. He was with her every day in his house looking after her. He’s my absolute idol and if I’m half the man he is then I’ll die a very happy man.
So fast forward a few years, I’m struggling for work, second guessing what grades I got on my CV because instead of going to results day me and my friend John went to smoke a packet of benson and hedges down the local park. Not the best life choice but not one u regret.
So I’ve never been good with women, I’m 21 at this point. 22 stone. Bleached blonde hair for some reason. A probably the most undesirable Male on earth. The only 2 t-shirts I wore were this Mohammed Alli t shirt and a smelly blink 182 t shirt with a alien on it. Still suffering with depression but it wasn’t as crippling as before, I had good days, I had bad days. But then finally I get a match on tinder (I didn’t get many back then as you can imagine) so I popped up to this girl expecting she’d reply back then boom, next thing you know I’m in a relationship, good right? Probably completely the opposite. I’ve never been so miserable in my life. I’m not gonna go too deep into the relationship as I’m sure she’s moved on with her life and in a weird way, despite all she put me through in those 8 months. I hope she’s happy. But in those 8 months I self harmed, fought suicidal thoughts daily and couldn’t wait to be dead again. So I’m back to square one again. One day I broke it off with her, I go home. I’m happy again, so I have a job that pays good money, surrounded by my family again and free to do what I like again.
So for those of you who know me, always know how anti cocaine I am. So I’m in a new job. Top sales man out of a team of 60 people. Taking home silly money for a telesales role and I’m drinking. And when I say I’m drinking I’m drinking when I wake up in the morning, I had a vodka bottle stuffed down the side of my bed. I would put whiskey in a flask for my lunch break and put a whole packet of chewing gum in my mouth to get rid of the stench. I’m smoking probably 10 joints a day. I’m a zombie. I wasn’t thinking straight at all. I was having sex with any woman that would show me attention, desperately avoiding a relationship so I’m not emotionally hurt or abused again. I’m a mess. I have a alcohol addiction, then I probably develop 2 of the worse addictions going for the next few months of my life. Cocaine and gambling. So it all started with a night out with some friends from work, being a sales office I knew there would be cocaine but I’ve always had the strength to say no but for whatever reason this time I said yes. I took one line. Didn’t feel anything. Took another, so I said to my mate “is this literally it? I need more because it’s not doing anything” so my mate goes “we’ll get 2 grams for £110, go halves and I promise you you’ll be buzzed more than weed has ever done for you” so I’m sold, if something is better than weed. Why not? So we go back to my colleagues flat at 2am. It’s a shit hole. In a tower block, his Girlfriend sat in the front room furious with him and storms off to bed. We’re listening to house music waiting for this cocaine to be delievered to his door. I fucking hate house music. Half hour later he gets a call from his dealer saying he’s outside. He collects the two grams and he got another two for him and his mrs tomorrow. I ended up giving him the money for 3 of the grams and I’m snorting it off of my work pass still in the clothes I wore at work the day before. I felt like the dogs fucking bollocks. Little did I know at the time I’m sat in a council flat surrounded by a load of filth snorting cocain listening to house music and playing PES. Not even Fifa. PES. I’m the lowest of society right now. But I feel like the Wolf of Wall Street. So I go into work the next day same clothes without even realising how relentless the next 4 months of my life would be. I was spendinga collective of £300 a week on cocaine and weed £150 a week on gambling. I went to the casino with my friend one night, I was so out of hand my friends left me. I lost £2130 in one night, the only reason why I left is because they closed the bar. The people who are closest to me don’t know about that. Not my mum. Not my dad. Not my friends not Sacha. I was a monster.
So the depression is back and in full swing, I lose my job, I was in the most toxic relationship imaginable, I lose my sense or will power all in the space of a year. I’ve been clean of cocaine for 7 months now. I know I won’t touch the shit again. I still have the odd bet. But nothing quite like £2130 in one night. But for some reason it all came crashing down on me the last month or so. I don’t know why, I have Sacha who would literally do anything for me. I’m still getting used to it, she sends me postcards and makes me go get cringe passport photos with her in the photo booth in shops. But I love it, I love her. She’s literally my everything. You’d think that would be enough to cure depression? No it’s not. It’s a illness. A illness I wish there was a cure too. This last month I’ve struggled badly, one night Sacha was in bed next to me and I had to go down to the bathroom and cry for 15 minutes. I don’t know why. I wish I knew why. But it’s time for me to take the right steps and do something about it and get my life back on track. Financially I’m very fortunate at the minute. So are my parents. I’ve got nothing to worry about anymore. I have a strong family, strong friends and a unbelievably strong girlfriend who I worship the ground she walks on.
I’m getting better, will I be depression free one day? Who knows, probably not. Will I be happy all the time? No. But It’s time for me to “man up” as the ignorant people say and take the appropriate steps. I go back to full time hours next week at my job after having 2 weeks signed off with “depression” and going back part time to ease myself in. I’m slowly getting there. I don’t know what the point of this vlog was really, but I feel like it’s helped. And who knows maybe it’ll help someone? For years I’ve been (without sounding big headed) a well know household name on Twitter amongst the spurs community known as a weird vegan guy who doesn’t take anything seriously, but maybe someone will take the time to read this and think “hey if that guy who jokes about 24/7 is like this maybe I’m not so weird at all”
Peace and love my dudes
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Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
"Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Using Canadian insurance in California?
I am currently living in Ontario and i plan on going to Los angeles, CA to visit a friend by myself. I plan on renting a car (There are car companies that allow 18 year old driver). My parents put me in the car insurance so I am basically covered. I think. I know that its the law to get liability insurance. Would the insurance here count as a liability insurance?""
How much (roughly) does car insurance cost for a first time driver?
I'm 17, and I can get my licsence in a couple months and im looking into getting a car. Specifically, a chevy spark 1lt, the biweekly payment is 136 and I'm just curious what te estimated insurance would cost?""
Can i register a car under my name but put it under my parents insurance?
hi i live in New York and am about to buy a car but im not sure how to insure it. im am currently under my parents insurance as a secondary driver. if i register the new car under my name can i stay a secondary driver or will i have to change to primary driver? being a secondary driver is obviously way cheaper than primary. also does anyone know how to transfer ownership of the vehicle when i buy it? i know i need a bill of sale but how to transfer the title? and is there anything i need to do? i went to the DMV website but its pretty confusing. thanks in advance
Do i have to have insurance?
i live with my parents. an my mom told me that our car insurance company says i HAVE to be insured, cause i have access to my parrents cars... can they do that?""
Health Insurance for Seniors?
We aare Senior Green card holders of 73 & 66 in Parker, Colorado. Can we get comprehensive Healthe Insurance?""
New Insurance Law in Illinois?
Can anyone tell me what is the penalty for driving without insurance in Illinois and getting into an accident. I was driving my friend's car and got into an accident, it was my fault because i was changing lanes. I have already paid the other guy for his damages and have gotten a release from him. This is a first time offense, what will happen to me.""
What is the best type of life insurance to purchase?
I know nothing about life insurance but I would like to buy some to assure me and my kids will be taken care of in the event my husband passes. He only has one 1 issue which is Rheumatoid arthritis, otherwise in good health. . Me and my husband are both close to 50 years old. What is the best insurance to purchase? I know that term insurance expires. Does that mean if you do not pass within the term you do not get any money back that you have paid into it?. Thinking about a 250.000 dollar policy. Thank you.""
My cars milage is unknown does this affect me getting insurance on this vehicle?
current odometer reads 106,000 miles . but car has more miles because odemeter was once broke before being fixe i bout a used 94 accord and the odometer currently works but previous owner bought the car with broken odometer. and on( title )/ pink slip it marks odometer reading is not the actual milage..... will this affect me getting insurance on this car.. i dont want them charging me a lot of money for trying to fraud them on the milage will they even ask milage will i be in big trouble if i put the current odometer reading but the company finds out it has more? do i need to go back to dmv and get some paperwork? do i need to point out that the pink slip states milage is unknown? and make sure insurance company documents this befor signing me""
Why are republicans fighting the health insurance mandate and not fighting the car insurance mandate?
If you have to buy car insurance and get penalized for driving without car insurance, whats the difference here? Its as much a privilege to drive as it is to receive healthcare. However no one thinks its an over reach of government to mandate car insurance. When you get in a car accident with an uninsured driver you have to pay for your own damage, so how different is it then when americans use the public healthcare system, the government has to use TAX DOLLARS to pay for their health care. Also why is it being categorized as a Government Takeover of Healthcare ? If I buy health insurance wouldnt it be more like a Privatization of Healthcare seeing that instead of having vast amounts of tax dollars going into the system, the health system would now be funded by the insurance companies by paying out claims.""
How to shop for car insurance rates?
I need to find car insurance rates to compare, but I can't find a site that lets me do a comparison and get results on the internet. I don't want to give them my phone number and email because I know I'll be spammed to death by people trying to sell me something. Is there anywhere I can go to get comparison rates for free without having to put in contact information like that?""
Heath insurance help ?
what is affordable heath care plans ? and do u have 2 pay monthly 4 heath insurance
Insurance question !?
I live In London Ontario and I'm 16 I'm about to get my g1 if I pass use my parents car for a year and do drivers Ed and if I buy a Honda civic 2009 manuel transmission, hOw much would insurance be ? Please list a bunch insurance companies and tell me the price thanks!""
""21,no job,no health insurance,need meds, what do i do?""
i live in california & i had Health insurance for 3 months (medical) but they cut me off when i turned 21 in december. during those 3 months i was taking fluoxotine for my depression/social anxiety & nexium for dyspepsia. The meds actually worked. it took 2 weeks for my mood to change. i felt happy,less anxious & more talkative! but unfortunately i have ran out. My insurance company said they only take care of youth up to age 21 & the elderly. Well what does everyone else do? do any of you over 21 have Health insurance? if so what company? I have no money to pay for the meds myself, My fam cant afford it, i have no help, i cant get a job (ive been trying for two years) i Have no idea what to do.""
Is there such a thing as driver insurance where the car does not have to be insured?
My friend is 16 and she saved up and bought a car (the title is in her name). Now she is broke and cannot afford the insurance so she does not drive it. Her step mom drives it though and she says that the car does not need insurance because she (the step mom) has driver insurance and any car she drives has liability coverage from her insurance. I have never heard of driver insurance and I was wondering if the step mom is pulling some sort of scam (her car is frequently broken and it is very convenient to have a third car) Can somebody tell me if this driver insurance exists.
Should I get a new health insurance plan?
Hi there, I'm a 26 y\o male living in california. I just came off my family's kaiser health plan in April and have started paying for cobra to stay on it. As of today it's $670 a month. I know very little about buying health insurance, but I'm wondering if I can get a better deal with an individual plan. My only worry is being turned down for per-existing conditions. I have an anxiety disorder which requires medication and have had 2 eye surgeries for retinal problems. I know very little about the health insurance market other than that insurers having little compassion for the gouge they put on people. Is this a fair price? Or would it be better to look for a different insurer? Also, what is a deductible and how do they work? thanks""
How much life insurance?
Married, no kids, will buy a house next year, anuual income = about 80K Options: 1x annual salary - free 2 x - $9.44/month 3 x - $18.88/moth 4 x $8.32/month 5 x $37.76/month Also, should I bother w/spouse insurance (about $5/month?)""
Does anyone know any really cheap car insurance companies for old cars?
I have an R Reg Corsa 1 Litre, and 6 years no claims, but it seems to be the age of the car that's bumping up my insurance policy? HELP!""
I'm planning on getting affordable coverage for my dog. what would be best recommended?
okay well the question explains most of it. I'm currently doing some research on what company has the most afforable coverage for my dog. But there is so many to chose from: ...show more
Does having a Husky effect my insurance?
I live on the same property as my parents so they have the same house insurance. Well they are telling me that if i get a Husky they will loose there insurance. I have never heard of such a think. I have heard of it going up but not losing it. I just really want this dog, but I dont know if they will approve. I just dont think they approve of having another dog on there land. What do you think?""
Paying too much for car insurance?
I drive a '97 Ford Escort, nearly 45,000 miles. I'm 21. I have had one ticket (when I was 16 and I got a diversion on that ticket, so I didn't have to pay nor report it to my insurance). I pay $956 every 6 months for full-coverage. I'm with Farm Bureau. Anyone think this is reasonable or should I check out other quotes?""
Home Insurance?
If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?""
Need car insurance help!?
Weird/awful situation. Co-signed on car loan with a longtime friend when he broke off and started his own business. His business tanked, as did his personal life. Lost his job, his business, everything. He's now about a year behind in payments, and the bank is coming after me. Since it's destroying my credit (and life), I'm paying off the loan. The bad news continues. Apparently he loaned the car to his brother, that has disappered and isn't returning it, and the car is nowhere to be found. So now I own nothing. Worse, I'm terrified that whoever has the car could wreck it, and I'm liable. So now I have to get insurance, for a car I don't have possession of, and report it stolen. Who in the world would ever insure me???? Help! What do I do???????""
Renters insurance in California?
What does renters insurance cover? I'm renting a room from a friend but want my own insurance to cover personal injury without using the homeowner's coverage as well as if something gets accidently damaged by me for it to be covered. Is this included in renters insurance?
What would insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I turn 16 in two weeks and i might be getting an Infiniti G35 coupe. We have state farm and i can't due a quote since i don't have my license yet. Can anyone give me an idea of how much the insurance would cost?
What car insurance quote should I accept ?
I have a competitive quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would you use and why?""
Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost
How much is the average price of veneer on your teeth ( average price)?
Only done to the front two teeth.
Car insurance for sport car?
I have 2005 Mazda RX8, want to give it to my teenager. My question is if it count as sport car or 4 doors sedan( it has 4 doors called suicide door). Can someone help?""
Insurance companies that will insure a Cat C motorcycle?
I got an online quote for my insurance broker, they took the reg and all was fine until i phoned up and they said they dont insure total loss vehicles.. so now im looking to find a place that will. Otherwise i will be looking for a frame n logbook from another bike lol""
How much is car insurance per month?
i'm 19 years old, have had my license for about a year, i work two jobs and i'm buying a used car. How much would it be per month ? I am also, starting college in the fall. any help or suggestions? thank you""
Can I buy motorcycle insurance for one month and cancel?
I'll be going away for college in a little over a month and I wanted to insure my motorcycle to I can ride it for the remainder of the summer. If I only want insurance for one month, should I just tell them that, or buy coverage with monthly payments and stop paying after the first month? Also, if I just stop paying, will this make it harder to get coverage from them in the future?""
Is it illegal to drive a car that has insurance but I'm not?
My dad has insurance on his car under his name but I'm not insured. Can I drive his car or is it illegal. Please help. Oh and I live in California.
Where can a recent college grad find affordable short-term health insurance?
I am not sure what to do about health insurance after I graduate from college (in a few months). I know that I am going to need some time to job hunt (my field is very competitive) and I would also like to do some volunteer work before I start my career. Problem is, if I am not a full-time student, my parents' health insurance won't cover me, and if I don't or can't find a job with benefits right away, I will be left uninsured. Any ideas where I can get affordable health insurance for short-term (no more than a year and a half) ??? Thanks!""
How much will car insurance be?
Let's say i buy a car next summer, i'll be 19 ..on my own insurance because my mom doesnt have a car, it would most probably be on an honda civic, not too old.......average cost?""
Which car would be cheapest on insurance?
Nissan 350z Honda s2000 ford mustang v6 Infiniti g35 coupe
Looking for cheap & crappy life insurance.?
I am looking for sources of *REALLY* cheap life insurance. I have to have life insurance for the next six years (declining each year), while I pay off a structured legal settlement. I don't care about financial stability of the company or a history of hassling the beneficiaries to collect. I don't care about guaranteed renewability, as if I'm not insurable, I don't have to buy the insurance. All I care about is price and that the policy comes with an official receipt that will satisfy their lawyers. Websites such as INSweb typically only offer 5-year term or longer, and I want cheaper than that.""
Where can I get started with Motorcycle Insurance Thanks.?
I just got my brand new 150cc Moped where can get started with Motorcycle Insurance and what information do I need. Another questionI want be riding my moped almost everyday and I know you have to pay to keep up your insurance will this effect your licenses if your not paying for insurance Thanks.
Car Insurance?
anybody know what the Uk cheapest car insurance for somebody with 15 years no claims discount car engine size 2.8cc?
What is a collector car insurance?
please tell me everything you know about collector car insurance. i really need to know. thanks.
I pay more for auto insurance than medical insurance?
And no, im not a bad driver. Will Obama have some sort of auto insurance reform next to help us out? Look at how many Americans dont have car insurance but drive anyways.""
Anyone know of affordable dental insurance for western Ky? ?
i need to have dental work done, but no insurance.""
Car insurance for young drivers? uk?
how can i ( a 17 year old) get car insurance before im 25 without the stupid prices and without getting a car that says it has the cheapest insurance when its 4 grand. i bought a 106 but the insurance is 6 grand. please help. best answer gets 5 points. please list where i can get cheap insurance, what car is the best and cheapest for insurance, how i can cut the cost. in total i will pay up to 1900 in insurance and about 800 on a car.""
Way to get auto insurance for $100 a month?
I haven't had (needed) auto insurance in five years. I just got a quote from a few places, and can't believe the cost!! I have an unblemished record.""
What is the cheapest Insurance available for a 21 year old?
I've been looking at cars and quotes for about a month now, and I can find nothing affordable, so I thought I'd ask on this website and see if there is anyone who has had the same situation and found a solution. I'm 20 years old, turning 21 in September and I have not drove since I passed my test 2 years ago. I have never owned a car or been a second driver on anyone's policy. Insurance is ridiculously high, so I was wondering if anyone in the same situation knows a cheap insurance company. I'm also okay with being a second driver on my parents policy, although this is still usually to expensive. Thanks!""
Can car insurance companies check if you drive another car ?
if you get a car insurance quote and you say you have access to another car in your information is there any way they can check ? I have just renewed my car insurance and noticed that it was cheaper when i said i had regular use of another car. The thing is i do have use of my brothers car but im not an actual name driver on the insurance. My brothers car is fully comprehensive and thinks that anyone can drive the vehicle. Is this true ? i dont get how my insurance company are going to catch me out if im driving my brothers car without any mention of my name on his insurance
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How many Americans go across borders for affordable healthcare?
How many Americans go across borders for affordable healthcare?
UK car insurance cost for 17 year old female?
I have just past my test and don't have a car yet. Am wanting to get a small car, 1.2 engine. Could anyone give me rough price guide as to how much the insurance will cost me each year. Thanks x""
Insurance for 16-20 year old Male?
Hello all, I am currently 16, and i have my drivers license. I am on my parents plan and i pay about $100 a month for full coverage with my parents cars. But here is my real question, I have been saving for a while (5 years) and i have enough to buy a car i have dreamed of buying for a long time. So i am going to, but my question is what would my insurence be if i did? the car is a 2002 BMW M3 SMG. It has 76,200 Miles on it. I am paying $20,000 for it. I am going to buy it weather the insurance is $1,000 or $100. I have a job and can pay for $1,000 if needed.. so if anyone knows a estimate of what it would be, let me know. If it helps, i have had my drivers license for a month. Also after i buy it, i may just not drive it, if it is too much $$$.. so if it would go down for me when im say 17-20 let me know how much =] Here are some pictures of the car: http://picasaweb.google.com/evanesterman/2002BMWM3SMG# Thanks""
Can insurance companies automatically add new drivers to an existing policy?
I had my g1 (permit) and got my g2 (license). I called the insurance company to get a quote of how much more it is going to cost my dad (which is what I'm going to have to pay) and they are telling me that I have to notify them that my license is now a g2 class. They can't quote me until he calls them (he's at work) when my dad calls to confirm then they will change it automatically and add me. But I don't have a choice if I want to add or not (If I don't like the rate) can they forcibly add me to a policy even if I don't agree with the rate? kinda tricky to explain but I hope you understand what I'm saying and if not then I will add additional details as necessary.
I am wondering if anyone knows what insurance would cost on a Mustang V6 for a 16 year-old female in Tennessee?
If anyone has a idea of the price range I would appreciate some input. Please don't say alot . I have had no tickets and I have not been involved in any wrecks. Thank you!
Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost
Why does my car insurance come up so high even when im 21 years old?
hi the car insurance has been destorying my life. I cannot figure out why car insurance in UK is so high, im 21 and i want to insure a 1.6 mazda 3 which is i think group 6 insurance. I HAVE CLEAN LICENCE!! no claims or any other other conviction and still the cheapest quote i get is 6000 hahahaha. thats ridiculous!!! like 2 years ago i use to get cheap quotes for same size cars at around 1000 now for some reason same thing costs me more!!!!!!!!!!!! i have tried everything but cannot figure out why this happening. PLZZ HELP ANY ADVICE WILL HELP SO MUCH. i have 0 years no claim discount but thats because i have been on my dad's policy but even then dont you thing 6000 quote is mad, even when i try insuring a littlle 1.0 ltr car quote comes out at 5000 lool""
UK Only. How much for an category D insurance write off car?
I have a 2004 Ford Fiesta that I need to sell. When I bought it I was told it was a category D write off shortly after it was first bought, it was repaired and passed every subsequent MOT and has regular services. Roughly how much money off a guide price would you take off when selling it??""
Who is the most cheapest auto insurance out there?
I need auto insurance but im 18 and I only have a permit not a license yet. I drive a 1990 Honda civic hatchback ef. And i only want liability just to drive. So who is the cheapest one out there let me know thanks :D??
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Auto Insurance Quote question?
What does the 250/500/100 liability coverage on the premium policy mean? Here's the auto insurance quote: 1999 Honda Accord LX [ assume a 20 year old male with Good Student Discount and Accident - Free for 3 years] Quote: Premium with Comprehensive and Collision ($500 deductible) With Multicar and Multiline Discount 1999 HONDA ACCORD TERR:003 ,AFD3YR, VSD2 RG:04 CL:5B GS - PREM BIPD 250/500/100 = $284.74 WITH P1 PIP P4 = $4.00 COMP $500 DED = $52.79 COLL $500 DED = $162.39 ERS = $2.60 R1 80%/500 = $11.60 U 250/500 =$19.40 S 1 AT 5000 =$1.20 NEW PREMIUM =$538.72 ----------------------------------------------------- If you can't read the above, then what's 250/500/100 liability coverage on a premium policy mean?""
Health insurance for pregnant women?
Does anyone know a good (and inexpensive) insurance provider for pregnant women?
Will taking a defensive driving class lower my insurance and take points off my driving record?
Ive been in two car accidents one in Nov.2007 and the other Feb. 2008 and i was wondering if taking a defensive driving course would take points off my driving record and lower my insurance.
Free car insurance offers?
Does anybody know of any car companies that are currently offering one years free car insurance when you buy a new car in the UK?
Insurance questions?
I have a 99' silverado LS 5.3 liter truck. It was hit in the parking lot by some fool at work and now all the body panels on the passenger side are dented. I took it to a dealer to get an estimate (since the guy has insurance) they quoted it at 7500 dollars worth of damage. I know that the truck doesn't actually book for much more than that. The truck still drives fine just that it is beat up on one side and the door won't open. I still owe about 3k on the truck. I have yet to get an adjuster to come look at it from state farm. Do you think the truck will be totalled? What are my options and how much will they sell the truck back for if it is a total? If it is a total what value will they go off of and how much should I expect for my truck which was in fair condition? Will the adjuster make a check out to me or will he send it to my bank or both? Any help with this from someone that has had a vehicle totalled by someone else would be greatly appreicated..I really don't know.
Difference between a deductible and co-insurance?
I am shopping for individual health insurance and I do not understand the difference between these terms. Also, if a plan has a $1000 deductible does that apply to the entire 12 month term of the plan or every single time I receive health care services? And what about co-insurance?""
My car insurance is 5000 dollars?
I'm a 17 male and just got my license here in texas. I forgot which insurance company it is, but my yearly insurance fee is 5000 dollars, and thats a around 400 a month. I dont have my own vehicle and I'm sharing cars with my family. Is this normal to have that of an expensive plan?? Or should we shop around more for better prices?""
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakdown Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
How much does insurance cost for a teenager?
I'm seventeen years old and I'm going to have to pay for it on my own, and I'm just curious what I might be paying? I live in California and I'll be driving a 99 jeep Cherokee.""
Young driver trying to get insurance. Need help.?
I have been looking for a reasonable quote for at least a month now and cannot get anything better then 4000. I am 17 and passed my test in august. The reason insurance is so high for me is because of where I live. I know this because insurance company's have said that they cannot insure me because of where I live and if I change my address when trying to get a quote if I use my Nan's address instead of mine it goes from 400- to 1600. Is it illegal to have my insurance under my Nan's house? Is there anything I can do please help.
How much is driving insurance a month for a 17 year old new driver?
I just got my license today, im 17 and hae a 2.8 gpa, and am wondering roughly how much my insurance can be? any recommendations? cheapest insurance? I think i can get USAA if that helps? My grandpa is a vet.""
Will my grandfathers insurance go up if I was using the car?
My grandfather let me use his car for work one day (I have no car of my own) and I got a ticket. I went to court today for it, the gave me one point on my license. Will this effect his insurance even though its not my car and I am not on the policy? Or will it only effect my insurance when I get a car of my own?""
Premium cost of insurance
If an insurance company has a payout of 17 millions, admin expense at 5 million, and profit of 2 million, with 26,000 insured. How much premium would they charge to each client.""
""If your auto insurance expires today, do you get a grace period?""
If so, how long is the grace period?""
Autoplan insurance in Vancouver?
Hi everyone, i am new to British Columbia and i will be living in canada for a very long time. I wanna ask you guys a question that suppose i have a driving license here ( N ) and i own a car under 20,000 dollars ( not included tax ). Then, how much do you think i have to pay for just the basic car insurance and the tax ? Thank you very much Best wishes to you guys and your family""
Military Motorcycle insurance for an 18 year old?
Im 17 now and want to get a yamaha v star just to cruise around on but i dont kno how much the insurance will be, knowing that insurance for a teenager is horrible. I am going to basic training this novemeber so ill mostlikely do all of this after i finish so i have more money. Ill be 18 by then and just was wondering how much the insurance will be? Also if there are any military discounts for this? Thanks for your help""
What are the different types of life insurance? What are the pros and cons of both?
Which life insurance companies do you recommend? How young is too young for your child? He's 1... I'd like to leave my family with the security and without the stress of money when I die, but I don't know where to start. Thank you in advance!""
Pulled over for no insurance but do have insurance?
today i got pulled over and couldn't find my insurance. i finally did find my insurance but the cop didn't want to write a new ticket. he said that i could take a copy of the insurance to the clerk at the police station and they would void the ticket. is this all correct?? also does this no anything to my insurance or points on my license. i live in missouri.
Something in lieu of insurance?
I have been working part-time for a company and about to become full-time. One of the concerns that was raised is that insurance will be expensive. He pays 100% of everyone's insurance for their families. I suggested that we can revisit the insurance in a year and do something else in lieu of the insurance. Less costly. He also pays for parking for the employees. I'm not sure of what to ask for though. I was thinking a gas allowance but I wanted to have a few ideas to present in case he shoots one or more down.
What amount is considered low deductible for health insurance? what is a high amount?
what amount is considered a low amount for health insurance? what is considered a high amount?
Car Insurance Company have had my car for OVER A YEAR.?
Ok, so this is a little complicated... Oct 2008 I had a car accident. My car was written off. My car was towed to a garage and was held there while the insurance company evaluated the damage. THAT WAS THE LAST TIME I SAW MY CAR. Because the size of my excess (800) and the amount of damage matched the value of the car (800) I was advised it would be pointless to claim on the insurance and it was written off. The accident was my fault and I held my hands up and admitted it and the other party walked away with everything sorted. No suggestion of fraud and certainly nothing fraudulent on my part. Towards the end of 2008 my insurance company started falling off the radar, not returning my calls or my emails, letters etc. I repeatedly asked what I was supposed to do next (I'd never had an accident before and the whole process confused me because they kept giving me conflicting info) and where my car was. I was ignored (or given incorrect info). In the end I declared a SORN on the car and had so much going on in my personal life, I forgot about it, knowing the car was off the road. Anyway, I'm now trying to track the car down as the SORN is about to run out. Insurance company are still off the radar and refusing to answer. Now they're saying they have no record of me, my policy OR my car. So I've lost my car, I don't know who's got it and yet I'm still liable for it. What can I do? Can I get the police involved? Trading standards? ANYTHING? I don't care about the car, whoever has it can keep it! I just don't want to be liable for it! By the way, the insurance company involved is SwiftCover.com, in case anyone is thinking of going with them because they're cheap. They're cheap because they're RUBBISH.""
Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost
""My car's engine died, therefore I never renewed my car insurance. How can I get my DL reinstated?""
In the meantime, I moved. Even though I provided the agencies with my new address & my email address, I was never properly notified from the insurance company or the DMV office. Now, I discovered my driver's license has been suspended for lack of car insurance. If my car was operable, I would have renewed my insurance. I've always had car insurance, just thought it would be no big deal not renewing it. Also, I have a bill from my auto mechanic stating my car has engine damage and needs a new engine. Is there any way to correct this without paying the reinstatement fee to the DMV? Thanks for any advice!""
Is there a Health care or insurance convention in Las vegas right now?
The week I'm looking for is February 27th 2012 till March 2nd 2012. I looked online but couldn't find anything. I'm looking for conventions or conferences somewhere in Las Vegas regarding health care or insurance in a wider context. Thank you.
How much is anual car insurance aprox.?
car type walksvagen polo for young drivers around 25 who has not passed the test yet
Car insurance ?????/?
Well.I have permanent general car insurance they used to charge me 60 dollers it when up to 80 a month. Idk I found a cheaper insurance what should I tell permanent general
Car insurance for you drivers?
i am a 18 year old male and looking for car insurance on something like a micra, punto, clio or something small like that but the cheapest i can find is 3000 with tesco and thats as a named driver on my dads insurnace. Is there anywere cheaper that anyone knows of ? how much do other people pay? also it is a full uk licence i have and i have had it less than a year""
It is good to Invest in LIfe Insurance than a Bank?
Life Insurance cover -Accident insurance -Death Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and they say you can retrieve the money that you've deposit if you don't like to continue with a good interest. anyway the life insurance that i talk to is sunlife flexilink, they say it is good to invest unlike in a bank please give me an advice, thanks""
Why the heck do I have to legally own car insurance? It is unconstitutional!! I should have the right not to..?
buy car insurance if I don't want to. That should be repealed.
About how much would my USAA auto insurance cost?
I am 16 and I will be getting my license... I passed drivers ed and get good grades I wanted to get a quote but the USAA website wanted me to give info such as social security and etc, and I do not feel comfortable giving that info. Can anyone tell me a rough estimate of what my auto insurance might cost per month? how much extra will my parents pay a month and how much my car insurance would be? just a rough estimate""
Health insurance for your car?
I own an auto repair shop, and I had an idea that I would like you all to help me with. What if there was a program where you paid a monthly premium like health insurance. Then, When you needed an oil change, fluid flush, light bulb, new alternator, new tires new brakes, new engine, or needed to fix an oil leak, you wouldn't have to pay anything you would just go in to get it fixed. What do you think would be a good rate for that monthly premium in everyone opinion? The rate would depend on whether you owned a car or truck, and wether or not it was 4wd. What do you all think?""
How much will my car insurance cosT?
We have Allstate. 2 cars, and my mom and dad are both covered on both cars. If I were to get my license in a week, when I am 16 how much will that increase there bill too? I only want to get insured for one car, and its an older classic car. Also I have taken an online drivers ed course.""
Get a insurance quote on 2010 honda civic?
i just want to find out how much do you guys think the insurance would be for a person with the following: 1) NYC license of less than 2 years, age early 20s 2) full insurance coverage since it's new 3) registered somewhere in southern part of Staten Island 4) the car ran 2-3 red lights within the past 1 1/2 year, got camera ticketed the car is covered by AllState, i just want to find out how much is the car's insurance now, i am not the car owner, would it possibly be at 4-5k/year, since the car was ticketed a few times, thanks""
Need insurance quote for 73 Mustang Mach 1?
I would just like to get an idea from a person who knows a lot about insurance at what I would be looking to pay. It's the long weekend here in Canada and no insurance companies are open, and I cannot get a quote online because of the year of the vehicle. What I am looking to buy is a 73 Mustang Mach 1. I am 21 years old. The car value is 15,000 It will be driven less then 1000KM a year No substantial modifications. I haven't had any speeding (or otherwise) tickets I will be the primary driver. Vehicle is in good shape Um any other details I am missing? let me know.""
If I had this non fault accident would my car insurance still gone up?
Okay a week ago I was about to have an accident I passed a railroad track when no train was comming and the bars were up as well so I passed the railroad and I made a turn so this had a stop sign at a corner and didn't make a complete stop so I was passing since I didn't have a stop sign or yield sign and this guy just stepped on the gas and went into the wrong way and then he tried to jump into the way that I was going and I was about to hit him because there wasn't enough space for him to change lanes safely. And so I remember that the day that my dad went to get insurance for his car they told him that they had a record of the accident that he had back in 1991 which wasn't his fault.
What is the most popular and cost effective family medical insurance in California?
We are a family of 3 (me 45 my spouse 44 and my daughter 10) and we are moving to live with green cards in Los angeles, January 2011. We are trying to get an idea of what is the most popular Medical insurance is in Los Angeles and how much we would expecting to pay for this Medical insurance?""
If your car gets stolen will insurance pay entire loan off?
if your car gets stolen will the insurance company pay the bank the entire balance of your loan off?
How much would the insurance be on a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger?
I'm looking at buying a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger. Would there be a difference in the insurance? I'm 17 but by the time I find my car I'll probably be around 18 or even 19 considering that the car may need some work. I live in Ontario and I want full coverage.
How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother?
My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around?
Car totaled Auto insurance wont pay full amount with salvage title?
This is crazy my car was hit head on, our airbags saved our lives, now the auto insurance of the other party wont pay full amount on 2006 vibe , because there is a salvage title on my car. My car has that title not from a accident because it was a stolen car that we bought at auction . The Insurance company put's the salvage title on anything. Now what are we going to do sue them, How do you fight this crazy salvage rule its not our problem its their rule . It was also the other persons fault and it ruin our vacation with body pains it was all messed up.""
First time driver...really need insurance help?
ok, so i am 17 and i just bought a car. i live in CA and i really need to find auto insurance for cheap. i know its really expensive for a first time driver to get insurance for themselves, so if anyone knows of an insurance company that does not charge that much i would greatly appreciate a response. thanx""
Cheapest company to insure young new drivers in England? and also cheapest cars?
This time its not for me, its for my boyfriend, he's 19 and really big and broad so he wouldnt fit in something like a saxo or 106 unfortunately :( Also first time driver looking for cheap old shitty car! Quinn used to be cheapest but now quote has gone up at least 1,000!! Probably would prefer to pay monthly and am looking for third party fire and theft. Hopefully would have legal cover I have been looking for ages but since i'm not 17 yet, me getting a car instead of him is out of the question although i know it would be cheaper Thanks! :)""
Vehicle damaged..have ? about insurance?
A tree fell on my vehicle during Hurricane Ike. My husband thinks there may be at least $10000 worth of damage to it. I looked it up on kelly blue book and its only worth approx 9000.00. I tried trading it in a few weeks ago and they only wanted to give me $5000, I'm glad I didn't take that one. I purchased the GAP insurance thru the dealership. Do you think Allstate will just total it and let the GAP insurance pay the balance of my loan. I'm really really upside down. It really looks cosmetic to me but there are things hanging underneath it and it is very hard to drive. I think it would be cheaper for the insurance company to total it and let GAP take the rest. How does that work?""
Who should I trust when it comes to auto insurance?
I am looking for Auto Insurance but want to deal a company I can trust.
""Thinking about starting a non medical senior care bussiness what would the start up cost be for insurance, ect?""
I reside in palm springs california wich is a huge retirement community and I have been thinking about starting a non medical senior care service helping with stuff like houshold tasks, errands ect..At first it would be just me employed and possibly my sister, do I need any kind of insurance? also any tips on advertising?""
Do you think its good to have insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance School supply insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
Am I required to put my parents down on my car insurance? I am concerned about liability.?
I am an adult over 40 yrs old, living with my parents. I have not been off my parents policy before. I live in New York State. Am I required to put my parents down on my car insurance, or would their car insurance cover it if they had an accident while driving my car?""
Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost
0 notes
gaussiem · 8 years ago
I don’t think there’s a better way to start off a new relationship than to share some things about yourself (Well, money is a good way too. It’s probably a better way actually but that’s neither here nor there). So, in efforts to make me more “relatable” and breakdown this virtual wall between us, I’m going to share 10 things about myself. I didn’t really know where to start, so I ended up randomly selecting ten questions from this list. 
Where I’m from
I’m from North Jersey, the land of Taylor Ham and the most bomb slice you will ever have in your life. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Ugh, New Jersey? Gross.” That or, “Oh my god, do you know/have you been too/can you say “insert some stereotypical New Jersey thing.” And the answer to those questions are as follows, respectively- Yeah, you wouldn’t get it and yeah, I know Melissa Gorga/I’ve been to the shore store/ *says coffee like cawfee and says dog like dawg*. Honestly, New Jersey gets a bad rap. It really isn’t that awful and it’s more convenient than people realize. I’m less than 50 minutes away from 3 different airports. I can get to new york in less than 20 minutes. If it’s 3 am and I’m craving Flamin’ Hot Funyuns, chances are I can walk 4 minutes in any direction and find a bodega or 7/11 that’s open. If I’ve been binge drinking and need a solid meal before I pass out, it would be no issue to find a 24-hour diner. I’m also close as shit to a ton of forests, farms, beaches, you name it.  Plus, over the two weeks, I’ve gotten to experience all four seas like twice. That’s pretty neat.
  Favorite Sports
To watch, I’m a real big hockey fan. I have no friggin’ clue what’s happening when it’s happening but I love the energy and the fast pace of the game. And, the occasional violence doesn’t hurt. I mean, who doesn’t want two sports at once? You get tickets to a hockey game and then there’s like a 30% chance that a boxing match’ll break out. It’s really a win-win. As far as playing goes, I love volleyball. I started getting interested in the sport at around 8th grade and actually played for a year in 9th grade, well if you can call it “playing”. The team I was on was god awful. Like, as individuals, everyone (but me) had potential. We just couldn’t get the whole team thing down. And, I wasn’t much help because I sucked so much ass and wasn’t competitive enough to play. It’s was a nice for funsies activity but you couldn’t pay me to take it up competitively again. 
Favorite Places
For one, I love New York City. I don’t care what anyone says it is literally one of the best cities in the world so that one. I love where my mother’s from in the Philippines and I miss it dearly. Other places that are my favorite that is not spaces that are cities include but are not limited to: my bed, any vehicle that is being used for a road trip, school, any place with some sort of food, museums, aquariums, zoos, etc.
My Sign
My sun is in Pisces, moon, and Midheaven in Taurus, rising in Leo. If you’re into astrology and understand that, it’s pretty accurate.
As of right now, I’ve got two piercings that I actually use (my left nostril and my septum) both ears which only get shit in them when I’m feeling fancy or need a pick me up, and I have two tattoos (one of a little origami bird named Oz on my left wrist and a pinky swear on my right arm that matches my best friend Megan’s).
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Perfect Day In
Any time that I don’t have to go out is a perfect day in and I’m not trying to be cute or quirky with that one. Ideally, I’d be in my most comfortable state- in my bed, no pants, no bra, wrapped in a comfy blanket with my cat laying next to me, binge watching something on Netflix/Hulu while eating cheese. That’s the dream.
Favorite Parts of The Day
I think it depends on the day. On an everyday basis, anytime I get to take my pants/bra off (much like most girls). On an almost everyday basis, going to the gym (shocking, I know) and going to school. I know I keep mentioning school like a nerd but I just really love the atmosphere of that place. It’s inspiring to be there and typically when I’m there, I’m spending time with people I like, so. 
What I wanted to be when I grow up
This came in like three parts. When I was basically a zygote (age 5 or 6) I wanted to be the president. At some point I really lost interest in that shit, thank god. Being the president much suck. It’s a thankless job and like no one is ever happy with you. Plus, my talents are better elsewhere. When I was a fetus (age 16 or 17), I wanted to be a therapist or something in the mental health field. I was always into psychology and I wanted to make a difference in the lives of people. However, when I got to senior year of high school and took AP Psych I realized that I could never make that a career. Now, as a fake adult, I wanna be in the media field, specifically in pre and post production. I’d also like to do something in community outreach or mentoring. End goal though is to teach production at a college level. We’ll check back in like ten years to see how that’s going.
Things that Make me cry
Oh my god, what doesn’t make me cry? That’s honestly my claim to fame is crying about shit. Well, that and being an extreme cat lover, which is a story for another day. Anyway, I’m just a very sensitive and emotional person and crying is one of my favorite things to do. One specific example of my ridiculous crying dates back to senior year of college. The time, approximately 7 am. My roommate and I are sitting in the living room watching television before work. Dog The Bounty Hunter is one. I don’t know what the case is but someone dies and I lose my shit. Tears just start streaming down my face like I just watched the part where Bambi’s mother died. It was then I knew my life was out of control.
Favorite Holidays
One compound word my friend: Thanksgiving. What is there not to like about a holiday that focuses on eating. Sure, the history is a little seedy and dark but if you acknowledge that shittiness and rearrange your meanings, it’s a really good holiday. For me, Thanksgiving is about togetherness and spending time with your family, which is all I really want in my life. It’s the same reason I love Easter. I don’t care about the rest of that religious crap that goes with it. I just love being with my family.
So yeah, that’s my 10 facts. Hopefully, I’m not as disappointing or as lame as you thought. Come back next Thursday for another 365 writing prompt!
Get to know a little more about me with this week's 365 prompt! I don’t think there’s a better way to start off a new relationship than to share some things about yourself (Well, money is a good way too.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
*This amazing software package has sold for $199 – but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try.
Tumblr media
Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
Tumblr media
Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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 Buy Now
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
*This amazing software package has sold for $199 – but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try.
Tumblr media
Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
Tumblr media
Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
*This amazing software package has sold for $199 – but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try.
Tumblr media
Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
Tumblr media
Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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 Buy Now
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
*This amazing software package has sold for $199 – but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try.
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Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
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Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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