#I have thought extensively about what Teddiursa would do as he got older
Would you write more about the Pokémon AU? Maybe how teddy wants to know more about Gil’s work?
"This way," Gil gestured to the procession of pokemon exiting Victory Road from the lower caves. "We'll find you somewhere nice and dry, I promise. But we need to check all of you for moisture damage, first!"
Gil chuckled at the little bear on his shoulder, also waving his paw to usher on the wild pokemon. His ears were sitting perfectly through the holes in the little 'assistant ranger' hat he had on for the day.
After a very intense battle between some water specialists, apparently there was a cave-in somewhere within the labyrinth of Victory Road's tunnels, leading to the evacuation of various ground and rock types for their own safety.
Thena, and many other trainers, had to help minimise the damage and keep the more aggressive pokemon population - those unwilling to evacuate - under control. She had asked Gil if he could take their little cub to work with him instead of exposing him to the dangers of her work week.
Gil looked down at a small Gible tugging at his pant leg. "What's up?"
"Teddiursa!" the pokemon volunteered, clinging to Gil's shoulder as he leaned down to speak with the equally small pokemon. He pointed with a claw, gesturing to the ranger centre, where anyone looking at long-term rehabilitation would end up. "Tedd-Teddi!"
"Teddi," he nodded, acknowledging the Gible's understandable worry about being displaced from his cave home. "Teddiursa!"
The Gible nodded its thanks before continuing on, weaving in between Tyrannitar and Rhyhorn and Gigaliths on its way to brave the pokemon centre all by itself.
"Hey," Gil gave Teddi's cheek a gentle nudge, "you did great, bud. You're a real pro."
"Ursa!" the little cub giggled as Gil poked his fuzzy cheeks. He attempted to maintain his more serious facade for work, tugging at the little scarf he had also been given to identify his deputisation.
"I think that's the last of this group," Gil sighed, checking things off his list before exporting it on his tablet. There was always more work to do in their business.
"Teddi," the cub poked Gil's cheek gently with a claw, "Teddiursa."
"It's okay, buddy," Gil assured his assistant, patting his hat between his ears as they moved into the caves. "Mama's a pro; she can take care of herself."
"Y'know, she probably is," Gil agreed. Thena was plenty knowledgeable on her own, and her specialty in pokemon nutrition and physiology probably helped her on a daily basis in her work for the Plateau. "You've learned a lot from her too."
"Ted!" the cub nodded with a prideful grin on his muzzle. He always paid very close attention when Thena was telling him about what vitamins and ingredients she was adding to homemade food, or even just to enhance the nutrition of store bought pokechow.
Gil smiled; Thena's food made for humans was just barely edible, but she was a master chef when it came to pokemon nutrition. Although she always tried to credit him and his degree in pokemon ecology for that. Apparently pro trainers received a negligible education on pokemon nutrition when they were testing to enter the league roster.
He was pretty sure she was good at it just because she cared so much.
"Looks like things have calmed down in here a bit," Gil remarked as they walked further into the caves. "You can probably go to work with Thena again tomorrow."
"Huh?" Gil looked at the bear sinking down on his shoulder with a shy expression. He tipped the brim of Teddi's hat up to better look at him. The Little Cub Pokemon did indeed have a guilty little look on his muzzle. "You wanna come to work with me again?"
"Teddiursa!" it beamed, looking as excited as it did the first time Thena said they could go for a flight with Dragonite. "Ted-Teddi!"
Gil wasn't sure why he was so shocked. Teddiursa had always been curious about what he and Thena did for work. He paid attention when Thena taught him about type advantages and their various needs and natures and abilities. And he always paid attention when Gil was teaching him about habitats and ecosystems and food networks. Maybe the combination of those two things had made him curious about being a ranger. "You don't wanna be a battle pokemon?"
"Ted," the little bear looked down again, clutching at the shoulder of Gil's vest, "Teddi."
"Well, you don't have to evolve if you don't want to, bud," Gil assured the little fella, patting his back as they walked. His pom-pom tail tickled the back of Gil's hand as it wiggled. "Mama would never want you to do something you didn't want to. I'm pretty sure she's too protective of you to let you start battling anyway."
"Ted!" the bear laughed.
They had only talked about Teddiursa's impending evolution a few times. He didn't know many attacks, and it wasn't as if Thena didn't protect him at all costs in any given situation. They were quite sure they had some time, although they were happy to accept if it did happen eventually.
"You wanna stay Mama's little cub?" Gil smiled, tickling the bear under the chin, at which his back paws kicked in delight. It could still catch him by surprise: how much it warmed his heart to witness the bond between Thena and the little orphan he rescued.
"Teddi," the bear mumbled against Gil's shoulder. If he didn't want to evolve, then he didn't have to. And if he was going to be working as a ranger, there were certain advantages to staying as he was. He didn't need the changes to his abilities evolution would bring if he wasn't going to be battling professionally.
"Okay, let's talk to Mama about it, hm?" Gil suggested gently. Teddiursa nodded, his face still buried in the back of Gil's shoulder as he hung there tiredly. Gil pulled him up by the paws until he could carry him in the crook of his arm, like Thena did. "She'll be happy to see you."
"Teddi," he agreed, feeling the same as Gil carried him. He turned in his arms, big black eyes staring at the caves around them.
Gil felt the little puff ball tail wiggle again and chuckled, "you smell her?"
"Hi," Thena called back, coming into sight just a few seconds later. She waved to them as Gallade ran with her on its back. She jumped down, holding out her arms for Teddiursa, who was already jumping towards her. "Hello!"
"Teddi!" the little cub greeted, rubbing his cheek against Thena's gleefully, never mind his hat, or his ears getting smushed in the ear holes of it.
"I missed you too," Thena smiled, holding Teddiursa against her properly so she could fix the hat on his head. She had already seen it that morning, and in pictures Gil had sent her. But it was just so cute! "Did you have a good day as an assistant ranger?"
Thena blinked at the overwhelming, albeit positive, response. "Oh?"
"Hey," Gil greeted, moving beside her to kiss her cheek. He would be greeting her with a proper kiss if not for the cranky look on Gallade's face. He had no doubt had a long day and would be feeling more strict than usual. "How did everything go, here?"
"Not bad," Thena leaned into his kiss, further melting into the arm he slipped around her waist. "There were some Steelix who didn't want to leave, but Ninetales helped me out."
"Yes, you too," she smiled up at her partner pokemon, who crossed his arms with a scowl. "We'll go home soon, I promise."
"Gallade," it agreed, although he didn't bother to let himself back into his pokeball, either.
Gil gave Thena's far side a gentle squeeze. She looked at him and he pressed his lips to her ear, "I think it's time to find an Everstone for you-know-who."
"We can talk about it more at home," he smiled, patting Teddi's head sandwiched between them. "But he might...want to come to work with me again tomorrow."
Thena smiled down at her little cub, because of course she was open to anything that made him happy. She pressed a kiss to his hat, "okay, my Luvdisk, if that's what you want to do."
"Let's go home and get some dinner, first," she suggested, much to Gallade's relief. He didn't pick her up again, choosing to walk somewhat behind the little 'family', towering over all of them with his abnormal height. "I'll make your favourite."
"Teddi!" the little cub cheered from within her warm embrace.
Gil kissed her cheek again, a little closer to her lips, "and I'll make yours."
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