#I have spent way too much time looking up gemstones
brownblob · 2 months
"I Love You"
When the words "I love you" spill from the prefect's lips, how do the Housewardens react?
Part 1
TW: Kissing in Malleus' part, forehead kisses, mentions of insecurities (Fluff)
Part 2 (Separate): Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
ᥫ᭡. Kalim Al-Asim ᥫ᭡.
Like the scorching sun in the Scalding Sands, Kalim's feelings for you burned deep within his heart. Why is it that he wants to spend time with you, but the moment he does, his heart seems to stop? Why is it that the word 'friend' bugs him when associated with you? Why is it that he wants to be selfish, to hog you for himself? His mind become's mush whenever you're near and his throat feels dry, he just feels so shy.
Kalim is everything but shy.
Expensive gifts, prized heirlooms, rare gemstones, and any luxury you could name- he'll give it all to you, so why do you reject? Anyone else would accept his gifts with open arms, encouraging him to give more. Wait, you aren't anyone, you're you. You don't take, you give. Despite the little you have in this new world, you who harbors no magic, gives him joy. You spend time with him, you care for him, and you don't take from him- he really wishes you would.
Take his riches and look back at him just one more time, he swears he'll hand you all the gold he can acquire. So please, please just look at him more.
You're caring, so much so that he could just melt in your arms. How lucky he feels when you look at him, but why? Jamil looks at him too, he doesn't feel as if mice are tickling him then. No, when you're around, all he can see is you. You who shines brighter than any gemstone his wealth could buy. You are not a prize to be won, he knows, but he wishes that the glitters of gold could woo you, make him your number one.
He feels so lost and it hurts, nights spent sobbing away.
Kalim, the name alone makes you smile. Someone who's kind despite all that he's faced, all the horrible people he's met- he still believes in the good of people. Some call it naivety, you call it 'a heart of gold'. Yes, he's sheltered, there's some things he's slow at, and he has flaws. Despite said flaws, he want to become better and you see him try every single day. You've seen how he makes everyone comfortable, always including anyone and everyone, how he's akin to a drop of sunshine. It's a rarity and you appreciate it greatly. Twisted Wonderland, it's new to you and things are difficult but when Kalim's there, things don't feel that difficult.
He doesn't look down upon you, he doesn't think you're weak despite having no magic, and he certainly never belittles you- others have and that hurt.
He's always up for some fun, but it always feels better when he can share the fun with you. Thus, flying carpet rides have become your nightly routine. There's a soft knock on your window every other night, a hand extended your way; calling you to live, be happy. You can't help but blush when the carpet takes off, his body huddles closer to yours and the moon seems tease you with how bright she is.
It's another night and he's come to pick you up to go see the Scarabia moon. You're sitting next to each other, the desert seemingly glowing underneath. The stars twinkle and you swear the breeze is cool on purpose, just so the both of you have no choice but to lean into each other. Hands intertwine, both of you looking the other way, cheeks red like cherries.
"I..I love you."
You fumble out on mistake, your breath hitching the moment you realize. His head whips towards you, garnet eyes appraising your blushing visage. A soft smile appears on his lips, his sun-kissed skin peachy with a blush of his own.
"I love you too."
He says eagerly, hands wrapping around you as he pulls you in. The moon looks bigger, the stars winking at you, and the scent of sandalwood engulfs you. A soft kiss is planted on your forehead, one that lingers. Like a pair of sea otters, you both hold the other's hand.
ᥫ᭡. Vil Schoenheit ᥫ᭡.
Center of attention, even the room's filled to the brim with pretty faces. Eye's the color of violets and a smile that's so striking, it could cut right through you. Just how a bright star commands everyone's admiration, Vil himself does exactly that. With beauty that's akin to a velvety rose, thorns sharp and drawing blood of the one who dares touch. He's not sure why he's so fond of you, really, it baffles him. Your constant babbling should bother him- your posture isn't perfect, you don't regularly use the products he recommends to you, and your diet could use improving.
He only recently realized the perfection of imperfection. That's what you are, like an abstract piece of art that can draw even the most elegant man's heart. Truly, you can take his breath and keep it, which is a difficult feat to accomplish. Yet, you seem to have done just that.
He doesn't like how drawn he is to you, the you who could improve so much. Nevertheless, he can't deny how his heart flutters when you ramble on and on, the words you spew seem like pearls to him. Undeniably, you've got his heart, and it bothers him.
Vil seems unreachable to you, as if he's a god and you're a follower. You can see him, but you can't touch. Everything about him is captivating- the way he moves, how he walks, how he talks, everything. You feel like a toad in front of him sometimes. Still, the reason your heart continues to flutter is not his beauty but how soft he can be. His words may be harsh, telling you to fix your posture or add a certain product to your skincare, but he means well. It used to irk you, how he pointed out your flaws, but he never touched an insecurity- it was never something you couldn't fix. Many times, he only tells you how to improve and that's in his nature. It started with you muttering curses under your breath, now all you do is give him a dopey smile as he flicks your forehead.
It's hard to love Vil, and you're sure that it's even harder to be loved by him. He's untouchable and you're not sure if he'll even spare you a glance. But, the nights you spend at his dorm, him tending to your skin as you blabber about your day. Or the few rarities when he opens up, speaking of his insecurities. It shows how human he is; how he too, can feel.
It's another night at his dorm, your skin's worsened as of late and Vil's ordered you to give him a visit. You sit at his vanity, the light's so bright that it could blind you, but what truly blinds you is Vil himself in all his glory. His dampened hair, the ends the color of wisteria, and the scent of patchouli just makes you want to melt right then and there. He strides over with a new product in his hand, carefully beginning to massage your face with it.
"I love you."
The words come out instantly, his hands stopping in motion as his violet eyes widen. A sheepish blush coats your face as you realize what you said. Your breath hitches, the fear of rejection drilling into your mind, and your heart drumming against your chest.
"That's quite bold of you, sweet potato.."
He lets out a small chuckle, eyes holding content. He leans closer before flicking you on the forehead gently.
"I love you too."
ᥫ᭡. Idia Shroud ᥫ᭡.
The buzz of video games, the stench on junk food, and an interest for oddities. Idia Shroud was a wallflower, yet you'd managed to befriend him, something he's truly grateful for- your presence. He liked you. You understood him, you never belittled him for what he enjoyed, in fact, you encouraged him to continue. No matter how good or bad you were at a game, you'd play alongside him. It didn't matter whether you enjoyed his rambles, you'd listen no matter what, before babbling on and on about something of your own interest. Nights like this, filled with games, reading manga, watching anime, and spending time with you- he never wanted these to end.
You were brave, so unlike him. You had no magic, still you managed to show courage, to fight against overblots. How he wished he was you, no, how he wished he was yours. The realization hit him like a truck in an isekai, quickly and out of nowhere. When he figured he liked you, he didn't let you anywhere near him for a week- opting to hide in his room and not leave. It took some convincing from Ortho and also the fact that you may dislike him if he ignored you, before he opened his doors for you once again. Nevertheless, he was skittish, averting his gaze from your face, and sitting on the other end of the couch when you visited. That worried you, you were sure you'd messed up big time and he became uneasy around you because of it. Thankfully everything became normal after two weeks, he was sure he wouldn't be able to recover.
The truth was, you liked him too. It was weird and something unforeseen, you both started out as friends- you'd visit his dorm, play games all night, munch on junk together, and then laugh at all the cringe characters in the current anime you both were binging on. Right now, you were experiencing that cheesy crush from a shoujo manga, and the feeling was messing with your brain.
The gloomy boy you pined for was everything but dreamy, somehow, that's what made him so charming to you. Hair an electric blue that flared up like flames, pale skin akin to porcelain, and eyes yellow like daffodils. His physicality was mesmerizing but there was so much more to his character too. He was passionate about what he enjoyed, jabbering on for hours about his interest, something that you didn't mind one bit. He was competitive, striking a triumphant grin whenever he'd win a game against you. He's prideful too, his creations making him an utter genius. At the same time, he held such emotion, a man who would never judge for he himself experienced the badmouthing of others.
There's just something about Idia, something that makes your cheeks flare up. You're not sure if he notices how his presence can make you skittish, how you become timid when he's near, and how divine he seems to you. He never notice how he makes you feel, how ironic that you become just like him when he's near.
Just like the usual, you're cooped up in his dorm alongside him. You've been binging an anime for the past few hours and the way he's so focused on the characters while you're so focused on him, it bothers you. He feels so close yet so far and the fact that you're having such thoughts about the whole situation, makes you feel stupid.
"I love you.."
You immediately pause at your own words, Idia pauses the show too. There's a long silence in the room and before you know it, Idia's moved far away from you. His hair's become an electric pink and his eyes are wide.
He exclaims the words as if he's animated, the feeling of fluster surging throughout him. Were you playing a joke on him? This wasn't right, it couldn't be. His gaze averts the other way every time you look at him and he won't admit it, but he really hopes you're not joking.
"I love you, Idia."
You say again, softer this time and you yourself look the other way, peachy blush coating your face. You're cursing yourself for speaking up, palms sweaty and clammy. You feel dizzy and your breathing is erratic , the feeling's mutual. The room's silent again, no one says anything and the only sound either of you can hear is the buzz of the computer.
"I...I...I dove, no, love you too.."
He mutters out, fumbling his words while he does. You both look at each other, shy gaze. Your lips form a small smile, making Idia's hair flare an even brighter pink. His face is rosy and he'd rather not look at you but you're just so pretty that he can't help but look.
You're not sure how it things fell in place but he accepted your confession, and now you've somehow managed to cuddle up to him. He's stiff but that's fine, the mere fact that he's holding your hand tightly is enough to reassure you. That, and how smug he looks.
ᥫ᭡. Malleus Draconia ᥫ᭡.
Child of man, you truly are peculiar. Malleus Draconia, the name alone makes millions, if not billions, tremble to the bone. He holds such unrivaled power that the thought alone is fearsome- he is fearsome.
A monster, that's what many would call him, but you don't. No one dares approach him as carelessly as you do, a bumbling smile on your lips as you walk next to him without a care in the world. Do you truly not know what he's capable of? 'Tsunotaro', that's what you've named him- quite bold of you, not that he minds. Please continue to enlighten him about human practices, he's interested in every thing you have to say.
Loneliness is a disease that he's suffered from since his childhood. It's second nature to be alone with his own presence, silence a bandage that covers but doesn't heal his wounds. Yet, the way you come to him, invite him to all your little events, how you choose him. How can he be lonely when he has you?
You, who is so bright like a star coated in gold- is he even allowed to go near you? It feels as if you'll break in his hands, yet you seem so brave, putting yourself in danger with a smile. You've got his heart in your hands and it hurts that you don't realize.
'Friend' was a word he grew to love, knowing the special bond you shared. Nevertheless, it's the same word that has caused Diasomnia to have horrible whether for the past week- you're a friend to many but a lover to none. Be his, child of man, he's the only one worthy enough to call you his.
Since the day of his realization, Malleus follows you as a second shadow would. Now, no one with ill intentions would dare approach what he's already considered his. Truly, how precious you are. Giving him small shiny pebbles you find, trying to tuck daisies into his hair but being unable to reach his head, and the times you try to tease him as a joke, making the silliest of faces. Please tell him that he's the only one who has the honor of seeing you in such various forms. Dragons are hoarders, you know? And he wants nothing but to hoard you all for himself.
Spending time with your Tsunotaro is always fulfilling. His knowledge on gargoyles, the depth in which he speaks of them and how little he knows of human interactions. It all makes your heart flutter, eliciting a smile on your lips. It's not difficult to have feelings for someone such as him, it comes naturally. He seems so intimidating, dangerous even and it's not that he's not- he is, but there's so much more to him. He's curious, always listening to what you have to say. He's sweet, always handing you gifts whether small or unimaginably grand. And the manner in which he speaks, the elegance he holds, he's just as charming as any prince in a book- if not more.
When you began actually having feelings for him, all his words seemed to make your mind all fuzzy. Could he really not tell how his vocabulary affected you? 'My dear', 'my love', and all other forms of endearments had become a usual, so much so, that it felt right.
You went on walks with him, spotting gargoyles and chatting about them. Sometimes you drag him to picnics with and he happily follows, letting you braid his ebony hair. Still, not everything you shared seemed friend-like, and if it was, you didn't want it to be. The way his emerald eyes gazed over you, how his touch lingered so gently, and how his lips brushed agains your ear when he said he'll keep you safe. It couldn't mean nothing, you didn't want it to.
A walk in a meadow at nighttime, how strange, but also the daily for you. You walk alongside Malleus, skittish and timid- this isn't how you usually act. The moon's peeking out from under the clouds and casting a silver sheen on all that it lands on. Fireflies scurry around slowly, the cool night air making you feel at ease- but it's not enough.
Your face is flushed and you won't meet his gaze, he's not sure what he did wrong. His frame towers behind you as you seem to walk quicker, increasing your pace. Hurt, that's what he feels; did you start seeing him as a monster too?
You can't leave, please- he'll beg if he has to, give you all of what he has and can create. Promise you'll stay, and don't ever leave.
Then you pause, turning around as you take deliberate steps towards him. You look up, your smaller frame covered by his daunting shadow.
"I love you, Tsunotaro."
You say with a certain melancholy in your voice, as if you know he'll reject you and your love. How could he ever think of rejecting? He'd rather pierce his own heart and bleed to death than ever think of rejecting any of your words.
His viridescent eyes widen, the glow of them seeming intense. His hands holds you in place gently, he seems to be staring at you, looking you as if you're the most fragile piece of glass. The words don't spill out of his lips and you look more desolate by the second- he seemingly can't speak, he's not sure if this is but a dream.
"I love you too, child of man. So much that you wouldn't believe it."
His hands wrap you in a desperate embrace, almost as desperate as the words he'd just managed to choke out. It was as if you would wither away if he let go, as if he was making sure you were not a dream.
Your own eyes widen, lips parting shock at his words. The night seems magical and his embrace is sincere. He pries away from you only to look at you more, all your expressions- please continue to show such faces to only him. Only he should see you like this, with your face flushed red and eyes widened as you stare at him as though he's the only man in the world. His hands seem shaky, unlike who he usually is.
No, he seems so vulnerable and you seem to be his vulnerability.
Everything seems alright when you're there, he doesn't feel loneliness; far from it, actually. He doesn't feel like a monster when you love him, when your own arms loosely wrap around his neck as you pull him in for a soft kiss- no, monster's don't get such luxuries.
Note: If you enjoyed this, please interact with this post, my blog, and reblog! Any kind gestures are greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Note 2: Please reblog, even if you don't press like on the post. Reblogs help a ton more!
Note 3: I didn't expect the last part to get so much attention, thank you so much everyone. I greatly appreciate everyone's interactions with my posts! As of now, I'll be working on requests and maybe some other ideas! (I really hope this part 2 is good too)
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randybutternubber · 7 months
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BABY HUNTER @local-gemstone-lover @teastarfall since I know you’ll want to see this and @keikoyume since my design was inspired from yours. He’s supposed to be wearing his raccoon skin cap but I FORGORRR
Basically, the hunter was a child soldier. This was inspired from a few theories that the hunter was a war veteran, the much older theory that LN is a post WWII world, and an old piece of fan art of six hiding beneath a trench wall with a soldier right above her. Outside of LN, he’s also inspired by the boy from a manwha called The Horizion and Atari from Isle Of Dogs
Most stories and characters in LN tend to involve themes of things that scare children. I chose war- it’s indiscriminately violent, near impossible to control, and often impacts children.
Edit: I forgot to mention, there is also a song that plays from the TVs in the pale city called “scout whistle” which has a very military march type vibe while also still having a very playful like tune to it, which was also an inspiration- plus the raccoon skin cap is referred to as the “scout cap”
(Note: none of this is intended to demonize amputees or people with facial disfigurements. It’s inspired off of WWII facial prosthetics and limbs which were very unique and a huge step in helping veterans)
Basically, the hunter was taken to the nowhere at a young age. He spent a few years at a military training school. Older children at the school tended to have a lot of mannequin and porcelain doll/bully like parts, basically they were being slowly replaced.
He tried to escape with a few other kids. While running through a field, the child next to him stepped on a land mine, instantly killing them and severely injuring the hunter, who’s left side was basically screwed. He was taken back to the school after. (let’s just pretend it lines up with his burlap eye hole, I forgot what side it was on 😭)
He got a prosthetic arm, although it was quite uncomfortable and pretty stiff along with being very heavy (very different from actual prosthetics as he can actually control quite a bit of it since it’s more similar to whatever animates the mannequins)
Once he recovered somewhat, he escaped and ended up in the wilderness where he kind of went a bit nutty because of the lack of people and used taxidermy and alcohol as a way to cope. Imagine waking up every day to noise and other people next to you, not having a moment to yourself for YEARS and then all the sudden, that’s all gone. It’s so quiet you can hear your own heartbeat when before you could barely hear yourself talk. That was incredibly hard for him to adjust to, although he grew to prefer solitude and sees things like TVS and most other people as intruders who are encroaching onto his home.
Years later, the doctor would give him a new prosthetic arm (since the old one would obviously be too small) and do facial reconstruction surgery on him as the initial treatment and the way that the hunter was taking care of that side of his face wasn’t a long term solution. Without the mask, he basically looks like Keikoyume’s hunter.
As an adult, quite a few parts of him are taxidermy. He only started wearing the bag over his head once he started to make his… “family” out of people he shot and stuffed.
Poor guy
I wrote this on mobile multiple times because of accidentally deleted it so that’s why the grammar is ass
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zerobasekazuha · 4 months
Penguin pebbling (Afab Venture x Fem reader)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Sloane wanted to show how they felt to Y/n without actually saying it. They had been close to her for quite sometime and had always passed their feelings as strong because they were best friends. Not because they might have feelings for her. It took some time to come to that realization. Mainly because they didn’t want to ruin the friendship with how their body reacted to her.
They pondered day and night in their tent on how they could make it known in their own way how they felt without saying anything. At first they considered writing notes anonymously, however that idea was quickly shot down because Y/n can recognize their handwriting quickly. They thought of a few more ideas before getting frustrated and plopping down onto the air mattress that seemed to creek under their weight.
As Sloane rested on the bed with their eyes closed and idea hit them suddenly. A great idea in which they knew Y/n would have no idea in what it meant. They could give her crystals and rocks they find in the caves on any of their excavations. They had their own small collection of keepsakes but they wouldn’t mind giving her some. They stood up and grabbed their box where they kept all their keepsakes and looked over each one.
“Rose Quartz? Nah too cliché. Moonstone? Nah she wouldn’t like that either…” Sloane mumbled to themselves as they searched over each crystal they’ve kept there. Soon after they held one in their hand which they hadn’t done research on before. It was a rose red and still had its sharper square crystal corners. They searched up the description and sure enough it was called Rhodochrosite.
Upon more research it was used to stimulate love and passion in the soul. Sloane thought about it over and decided this was the perfect one. But they couldn’t give it to her in this raw form. They wanted it to be smooth like a pebble in the photos. So they spent some of the night fixing this gemstone until it was exactly how they wanted it. They packaged it up with this tissue paper and with a leftover gift box they placed it inside. It wasn’t brand new but it would have to do.
The next morning Sloane awake promptly at 10 AM. They were out to look for Y/n. Once they found her they tried to keep composure as they handed her the gift. They didn’t say much as they just stuck out the gift box to her as to say here take it.
“Uh..thanks?” Y/n said confused with how they suddenly gave her a gift. It wasn’t her birthday or anything so seeing this was surprising to say the least. Sloane tried to hide how embarrassed they looked as she opened the lid of the gift box. She seen a smooth stone in a deeper red color. She picked it up holding it within her hand.
“Sloane this is beautiful, where did you get it?” She asked looking at them and seeing how they had their cheeks a soft red color. It could be the heat. “I made it.” They said simply trying not to stutter. “It’s a gemstone right?” She asked trying to use her own basis of knowledge she learned from them. “Yeah, I thought you would..like it.”
From then on Sloane had been giving Y/n different gemstones in different shapes and sizes. Some ranging from a smooth round pebble to the raw stone itself. This went on for the next couple of weeks. And Y/n didn’t think anything of it. She found it sweet that Sloane was giving them gemstones they found.
However as time passed Sloane got more frustrated with how Y/n wasn’t understanding. They pondered over if they should just tell her or not. Everything in their body was telling them not to do it. But they couldn’t resist it. Everyday was like torture to them. Seeing her smile and laugh, feeling her soft skin when they hugged them. They suffered. They wanted no more than to just kiss her or do anything to make her feel like she’s on top of the world.
Eventually they mustered up the courage to try and tell her. One day they got up and texted her asking if they could hang out. She replied right away pretty quickly. And here they were, waiting slightly dressed up with flowers in hand. They had a small ponytail in the back of their head. Hoping they looked good.
But when they saw her it was like time stopped. They almost couldn’t believe they were going to ask her out. As she walked closer they tried to straighten themselves up and be strong. “Sloane what’s the occasion? You’re all dressed up.” She said looking at their outfit. Their button up was ironed as best as possible and they had black slacks on. They didn’t want to look too dressed up.
“I-I just..I love you!” They said before quickly covering their mouth. They didn’t mean to say it that quickly. They had an entire heartfelt confession and it was just thrown out the window because they messed up. “W-wait no that’s not what I-“ They stopped talking when they heard Y/n laughing. Was she laughing at them? They blushed darker and looked a little upset.
“Hey I’m trying my hardest! It’s not funny!” They grumbled as they averted their eyes from her. But after she stopped laughing and gently cupped their face. She used to be taller than them when they were younger but all the sudden Sloane grew up. “I’m surprised you didn’t catch on earlier. That’s why it’s so funny.” Hearing that they were confused. What did she mean catch on earlier?
“What?” Sloane asked looking a little lost. “I’m surprised you haven’t noticed how I felt for you. I’ve always felt some kind of way. I guess it could be love.” It wasn’t that she guessed she was sure. Though she tried to ignore it. And the more she did the more she felt for them. It was like a never ending cycle.
Sloane thought it was some sick joke. Was she telling the absolute truth? They couldn’t believe it until they thought back on every interaction. She always used to look at them a little longer, or even touch them for longer than she was supposed to. Then they wrapped their arms around her and squeezed her in a bear hug.
“So we’re like dating now?” They asked letting her go after a few seconds. “No you have to actually ask me silly.” Oh right. Sloane cleared their throat and held both of her hands. They wanted this to be dramatic but sweet at the same time. Sloane looked into Y/n’s eyes and took a breath. “Y/n I wanted to ask if…you would be my girlfriend? Or if I could be your partner?” They said proud of themselves for not stuttering.
Y/n melted because of how sweet it was. She nodded with a grin on her face. “Of course Sloane.” She said before kissing their forehead. Later on that night as Sloane laid in bed they looked over the meaning of the first stone they had given her. And for a second it seemed that it was true. Or maybe it could have been a placebo. Whatever it was they felt like a weight had been removed from their shoulders. And now that they got their feelings out that’s all that mattered.
Another banger out!!! Eventually I’ll put out a smut with cowpoke venture or maybe I’ll put out a smut with ice cream venture (I brought the skin I couldn’t resist) Any second opinion is welcomed for the next one^^
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Just a Rock
For all the time I’ve spent traveling through space, I haven’t spend much of it actually out in space. It’s unsettling. Inside the ship, I can forget how close the airless void is, how small our precious bubble of air. But outside, everything is black like some vast creature ate all the color in the universe first, then the air, and is now hungering for life forms too.
Sometimes those distant stars look like teeth.
These are the thoughts that tend to pop up when I’m in my exo suit, hoping that my thruster pack doesn’t run out of fuel before I make it back to the ship. But then an empty pack of chips will float by my visor, and I can refocus on business.
That’s how it happened today, at any rate. (And yes, “day” is a silly concept in the blackness of space.) We’d made a detour to see if we could pick up some extra funds by gathering salvage from a museum ship that had gone kablooey, but so far all we were finding was trash.
Paint jetted past in her own exo suit, upside-down to my frame of reference, then stopped to pull apart a jumble of carpet fragments. “They really did clear out the good stuff already,” she said over the radio. She swatted aside a drink cup with her tail, looking like a little space-suited dinosaur, a thought that kept me entertained for a good few seconds.
Captain Sunlight’s voice said, “Keep an eye out for scrap metal. That may already be gone too, but it’s worth a shot.” She was somewhere else in the drifting junk pile, or maybe back near the ship; I couldn’t tell. There was too much stuff in the way. This was a mildly alarming thought — out of sight meant out of safety — but I caught a glimpse of the Frillian twins posted as safety guards at the edge of the cloud, and my heartbeat settled a bit.
“Do you think anyone will buy some mildly used carpet?” Paint asked the captain. “It’s only in several pieces.”
“Let’s go with ‘no.’”
“What about some very exotic — what is this — napkins? Made with authentic Earth wood fibers!”
I looked over at that. “How can you tell?”
“Oh, I have no idea,” Paint said. She held up half of a wall placard. “But this is from the Earth exhibit, so maybe the napkins are too.”
I looked around at the trash in a new light. “Man, it’s a pity we weren’t here for any of the good stuff.”
“Yeah, and all these food packages are empty! We can’t even get you a slightly exploded taste of home!”
I waved my hand through a cluster of soda bottles. “I appreciate the thought.”
Paint jetted over to a different pile of whatever. “Hey, do you think any of this food trash was actually an exhibit? Packaging from olden days?”
“Uh, maybe,” I said. “Probably not. That’s not the sort of thing I’d expect on a multi-species museum ship. A janky little humans-only one, maybe. But even then, most people aren’t going to care.”
Something clunked against the back of my helmet. I hate that. Nothing like a reminder that I can’t see behind me like some species can. I toggled the jets to rotate in place, so I could find the offending object.
It was a rock.
“What’s this doing here?” I asked, closing a gloved hand around it and bringing it in for a closer look.
“What’d you find?” Paint asked, sticking out sideways from behind a twisted bench.
“A rock.”
“A meteorite rock?” she asked. “Oh hey, do you think it pierced the hull?”
“No, it doesn’t look like a space rock,” I said, turning the small gray-and-white lump over. It was mostly smooth, with a divot that would have fit a fingertip if I hadn’t been wearing the gloves. “Weird. I wonder if it was part of some Neolithic exhibit or something.”
“Can I see?” Paint jetted over to park herself in roughly the same orientation as me. She was very good with that jetpack.
I showed her the rock. “It doesn’t look like any gemstone I know. Maybe some kid had it in their pocket, then threw it away.”
Paint cocked her head. “Is that normal, for your young to carry rocks around?”
“Sure. You never picked up something you thought was neat as a kid?”
“Not a rock,” Paint said with exaggerated disdain. “A sweet-smelling seednut or herb, absolutely.”
“But look: it’s even got a little finger groove,” I pointed out. “You could stick it in a pocket and rub it for luck.”
“Could you?”
I smiled. “You could. You probably wouldn’t, but…”
I looked at the rock again, already fond of it. “I get the feeling that I couldn’t explain this to a point where you’d agree.”
Paint shrugged. “Probably not. But hey, we found you a souvenir after all. From probably the Earth section of whatever museum this is.” She grabbed a handful of colorful pamphlets drifting by. “The ‘Galaxy in a Bottle Museum Tour Ship.’ Who named that?”
My smile turned into a wide grin. “Humans.”
Paint grumbled about the unflattering comparison of an elite starship to a simple bottle. When she moved to toss the pamphlets away, I held out a hand.
“What’s that white one?” I asked. “It looks like a display sign.”
Paint flipped over the stack and separated the one I meant. “You’re right. Hey, it’s about a rock!”
I reached out a grabby hand. “Gimme.”
She passed it over. “Is it that rock?”
I read the title, then was gut-punched by familiarity. I’d heard about this. “Yes,” I managed, skimming the rest of the sign and holding the rock close. “This is Bethan’s Rock.”
I fumbled to explain. “Ages ago, a kid visited a museum — a human kid — and learned what museums were for, then offered her favorite rock as a donation, so other people could appreciate it too.”
Paint cocked her head in the other direction. “And they took it?”
“Yes!” I must have looked a little wild at this point, but I didn’t care. “The adults agreed that it was a fine thing to donate, not to mention adorable, and the only one of its kind that I’ve ever heard of. More museums should house the occasional favorite rock, though I suppose they wouldn’t be as special if they did.”
“So just to clarify,” Paint said. “There isn’t anything valuable about this rock, except that one of your youths decided there was. And all the adults played along.”
I smiled down at it, careful not to let it drift away. “It’s the most precious non-precious stone I’ve ever seen.”
Paint stared for a moment. “It’s not even one of those shiny ones you like.”
I laughed. “I know!”
The captain called us back in at that point, having found one decent chunk of metal among the mountains of trash. We had a schedule to keep.
I folded the sign and tucked it into my suit pocket, but held the rock tight in my fist as I jetted toward the ship, working the controls with one hand. I was already thinking of the safest place in my quarters to keep it until we got ahold of the proper Earth museum authorities. Other humans would want to see Bethan’s Rock, after all, but it would be my honor to watch over it until they could.
(Inspired by this post. Long live Bethan’s Rock.)
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character of this book. More to come!
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Jango comes home to his wife and there's just something about her that's driving him even crazier than usual about her and he just shoves his tongue down her throat practically the moment after she greets him at the door and it's left swinging wide open, it's pouring rain outside while they make out and fuck on the couch.
I hope this inspires you!
It's Been Too Long
Summary: Jango’s most recent job takes a lot longer than he planned, but finally he’s home.
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader
Word Count: 1572
Warnings: Explicit, Jango keeps his armor on
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Sorry that this took so long, it's been sitting, half written, for the better part of a week, but I finally had the inspiration to finish it. It doesn't feel super smutty to me, but that's probably because I spent too much time thinking about it.
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You’re not unused to being alone.
The reality of your Riduur’s job means that you spend more time alone than with him. Oh sure, every now and then you go on jobs with him, but only the ones where he’s sure that there’s no chance of you being injured or of you being exposed to someone who might try to use you against him. 
This most recent job had Jango doing something for a Hutt, and so you were left behind. The job was only supposed to last a couple of weeks, the Hutt only wanted a Mando there to look scary. But the job got more complicated, and those weeks turned into several months.
Several very long months.
Talking to Jango over holo just isn’t the same.
You can’t hug or kiss a hologram after all. 
But you got a comm earlier this week telling you that he was finally on his way home, and you, honestly, can’t wait.
You did the math, and he should be home today.
Soon, you hope. 
Your gaze drifts from the holovid that you’re watching to the window. It’s been raining since last night, which is a shame, you bought a new swimsuit that you wanted to show off for Jango.
And doing so while you both relax at the poolside would have been perfect.
Oh well. It’s not like you can control the weather.
Absently your hand moves to the pendant hanging around your neck. It was a gift from Jango, sent to you as soon as he realized that he was going to be gone longer than he planned. It’s pretty, a sparkling blue gemstone hanging from a silver necklace. 
It’s silly, of course. You don’t need a necklace for him to prove his love to you. But you love the pendant all the same.
You’re about to bring the gem to your mouth (a nervous habit that Jango hates) when you hear the familiar sound of a ship descending behind the house.
It’ll take Jango about fifteen minutes to get the ship settled and get to the house, and you should just wait for him. It’s pouring outside, and you’re wearing a white sundress because it’s hot.
You absolutely shouldn’t go out and greet him.
You’re halfway to the backdoor before the thought fully processes, though, once you reach the back door, you don’t open it until the ship has fully powered down.
Then, and only then, do you fling the door open and run out into the rain to greet Jango.
He meets you at the bottom of the stairs. His dark eyes flicker across your face, down your neck, and linger on the necklace hanging there. And then drag further down your body, taking in the way the material of your now drenched clings to your curves, and appreciating how the, now sheer, dress does nothing to hide you from his gaze.
“Welcome home, Jango.” You greet him with a warm, loving, smile. 
His gaze drags back up your body, “This is quite the welcome,” Jango agrees, as he steps into your space. One of his hands comes up to lightly brush against the pendant hanging around your neck, and then continues up to cup your face. 
You lean into his touch, your hands coming up to press against his. Stars, but you missed him so much-
Jango’s hand slides from your cheek to the back of your neck, and he tugs you towards him, ducking his head just enough that he’s able to crash his lips against yours, his tongue immediately sliding past your unresisting lips to map out your mouth. 
His free hand moves to your hip, and then around your back to roughly tug on the laces holding your dress closed. And once those are loosened enough he pulls his lips away from yours and he roughly tugs the top of your dress down. 
“Been too long,” He murmurs against your throat, “Been far, far too long.” His hands move to your breasts, his clever fingers flicking and teasing your nipples until you release a breathless whine.
It seems to be what he wanted to hear, because the moment that whine leaves your lips, his hands are moving to your hips to finish pushing your dress to the ground.
“No underwear at all, cyare?” Jango murmurs against your ear.
“I missed you,” You reply as you press your bare body against his armored on, “Jango, Riduur, please-”
He catches your lips in a deep kiss, his gloved hands remapping your body, as though he could possibly forget your dips and curves. He lifts you and carries you from the backyard and into the house.
You think he’s going to carry you into the bedroom, and so you’re startled when he sets you on the couch and settles his body over yours, his lips never once separating from yours. 
“You’re still wearing your armor,” You mumble against his lips, “Won’t you let me feel you, riduur?” You ask as you shoot him your saddest eyes.
He chuckles, “I thought you liked my armor,” Jango replies with his lips pressed against your ear.
“I do…just not when I haven’t been able to touch you in months.” You’re definitely whining now, though judging by the look on his face, he doesn’t mind in the slightest. But then, Jango has always loved it when you got a little feral for him. 
You lightly tug at his chest piece, though with how he’s laying against you, there’s no way you’re going to be able to remove it.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Jango offers, “After I make you cum all over my cock, then I’ll take off my armor.”
“That’s not a fair deal,” You counter with a pout.
“Mm. It seems fair to me.”
“It-” You gasp when he bites down on your shoulder, his hands moving to caress your breasts, “It’s biased in your favor,” You manage to get out.
He pulls away long enough to grin at you, “Is it?”
“You know it is, riduur.”
Jango leans in and ghosts his lips against yours, almost touching you, but not quite, “It’s been so long, Riduur.” he murmurs, “Won’t you let me take care of you?”
And, well, you’ve always been shit at telling him no.
So neither of you are surprised when you fold almost immediately.
He kisses you one more time, a long, slow, lingering kiss. A kiss where he pushes everything he feels towards you through his lips. And, as soon as he breaks the kiss, he flips you onto your stomach, his gloved hands pressing into your hips and ass as he caresses you.
Slowly, reverently, he adjusts you so that you’re resting on your knees and your hands are pressed against the arm of the couch. He only pulls away long enough to toss his codpiece to the side, and then he’s pressed back against you.
His armor is cool against your heated skin, but his lips burn a path down the back of your neck and back up to catch your lips. 
You feel his fingers pressed against you, press into you, and you release a keening little noise that makes him groan and press harder against you. He’s so hard, his erection pressed against your thighs, and you’re not sure you have the patience for the normal foreplay that you enjoy so much.
Jango, clearly, agrees, because his fingers thrust only a few times, only enough to make sure that you are aroused enough to take him, and then his cock is pressed against you, teasing you for just a moment, before he pushes in.
Like everything he does, Jango fucks you with a single minded intensity that could be overwhelming if you weren’t in the right place for it. But here and now, you are.
He’s usually a quiet lover, his groans, moans, and grunts quiet and for your ears only, but he must be in a mood, because today praise is falling from his lips, and you know you’re not going to hold out for long, because you never do when he’s so affectionate with you.
Jango presses his nose against the back of your neck as you fall apart around him, no longer moving, just enjoying the feel of you around him. “Riduur,” He murmurs, “Do you remember the first time we met?” 
You’re pretty sure your brain is about a million kilometers away, but even so you’re still able to answer, “Course,” You mumble, your tongue feeling clumsy as you still pulse around him. “You were,” You shiver as he adjusts a little bit, “On a job.”
“Mm,” His hands move to slide over your ass, and you’re surprised when you feel his bare hand rather than his glove.
“Keep going, riduur,” He purrs.
“You were hired to kill me,” You gasp out as he starts at a slow, lazy pace. “You changed your mind.”
“Smartest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” He replies with a particularly hard thrust, as he drops a kiss just under your ear.
“Gods-” You gasp as a particularly hard thrust nearly causes you to topple forward.
He laughs, and nips on your earlobe, “Oh, riduur.” Jango coos, “There aren’t any gods here. Just me.” He nips your earlobe again, “Will you pray to me?”
And you know, immediately, that you’re not going to be able to do much of anything tomorrow.
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Hello, I loveddd your recent Aegon-post. I would like to share an Aegon x Reader idea that I would love to hear your take on. My pitch: Noblewoman is engaged to Aemond and very pleased. He is handsome, gentle with her, very strong, skilled, well-read and intelligent. Yet she can not seem to be able to resist his brother Aegon, whose advances appalls her almost as much as he intrigues her.
Aegon II Targaryen x Reader x Aemond Targaryen
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Warnings: Explicit language, NSFW themes(only hinted at)
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and tickle you with an axe!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: Why, thank you, kind stranger! Glad to hear you liked it. And as I usually do, I'd like to apologize for taking my sweet time with posting the results. Cheers!
The brothers were complete opposites, she'd come to realize. Aemond, her betrothed, was rough, cold and distant to the rest of the world, but soft, warm and sweet to her. He always had a kind word for her. The prince was so careful whenever she was around, as if not to spook her away.
The two spent most of their time in the Red Keep's library, reading to eachother. Stealing longing glances. Averting their eyes as one caught the other.
When they weren't in the library, the lady was watching him train with Ser Criston. Gods, he was strong... Through most of his training sessions, the lady could be seen standing off to the side, almost drooling at the sight of Aemond Targaryen swinging at his opponent. And who could blame her? The young man was ridiculously attractive. That patch made it even harder for her to keep her hands off...
Aemond rarely ever touched her. And when he did, it was for a second or two and always sickeningly innocent. Not because he didn't want to, no. Not even because it was deemed inappropriate. But because he wanted her to voice her needs before he acted. Aemond wanted to hear her give herself to him completely.
The older one, on the other hand...Prince Aegon was a menace. He sure lived up to all the stories she'd heard about him. He cared little that the lady was soon to be his sister-in-law. He cared even less about hiding his lust. His desire.
His insatiable hunger scared her. But there was more to what she felt. She knew it deep down, even if she tried to deny it. It excited her. The shiver that ran down her spine when the prince took her hand in his and kissed it the first time they met said more than enough. The woman could tell all the lies she wanted, Aegon could see right through all of them. Aemond could too.
She knew it wasn't right. She was to be married to Aemond soon, but the short-haired man was just as delicious looking as his younger brother. It was pure torture.
Unlike him, Aegon wasn't afraid to touch her. It amused him, the way she'd blush as his hands would find their way around her waist, all under the pretext of having to pass through right where she stood. Her reaction to his flirtatious little comments was even better. Lips parted slightly, eyes open wide, chest heaving, hands shaking. It was the same thing every single time.
"You know, brother... We've known each other for quite some time now, wouldn't you agree?" Aegon joked one night, after she'd left the two and headed for her chambers.
Aemond only hummed in response, glazed expression on his face. He couldn't say why, but he'd felt inclined to accept his brother's offer to join him for a drink after the feast. His patch now laid discarded on the small table between the two as they poured themselves glass after glass.
"As brothers, we've had to learn how to share from a pretty young age..." The older one trailed, his eyes meeting with those of his brother- the real one, as well as the sapphire. The light of the fire they sat close to was bouncing off of the gemstone in all directions.
"Careful now, brother. She's not a toy. My woman doesn't exist for you to play with whenever you're bored of your whores."
"She's not yours yet, is she? And you're mistaken, brother... I do not wish for you to give her to me. As I said, we've learned how to share...right?"
Aemond hummed once more, his cocky smirk finding way back to his face. He was no longer looking at Aegon, but instead over his head. Towards the now open door.
"I am not the one you should be asking for permission, Aegon."
"Then I should go and ask her then? Is that what you're telling me?"
"No need. Just turn around and speak the words."
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itsukismoon · 3 months
Yumekuro Artbook - Q&A (Yume Tsumugi)
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>>> tsukiwatari ver. - magia seminar ver.
Introductions: Canaan, the ring-maker. What I like are sweet sweet foods. …Ah. I’m silently sneaking out of the workshop right now, so please be quiet so they don’t catch me 🎶
MC first impressions: “Such soft cheeks”. Squishing them would calm me and give me motivation… I like them. However, I underestimated her tracking abilities… no matter where I go to slack off, she finds me pretty quickly. Hehe.
Bezer first impressions: Professor Bezel is super passionate. It’s amazing. I guess I’m surprised he’s that attached to me. I think it’d be good if he slacked off sometimes… wouldn’t that make him a better teacher, that understands his students’ feelings?
Meister you’re close with: Hmm, I don’t know. I don’t know if we really get along, but Volks always makes me behave. It’s like he’s always keeping an eye on me. It’s annoying, so I think I’ll seriously try to run away next time.
Introductions: I’m Adel, tailor for the royal warrant guild, Yume Tsumugi. I’ll tell you immediately: I only makes clothes for people I approve of. No matter how important their position or status. There are no exceptions.
MC first impressions: I was exasperated at the arrival of such a rookie. When she chose to speak, the content of her questions, everything was unpromising. Or so I thought— the speed at which she grows and her competitive spirit are not bad at all.
Jin first impressions: Jin, huh…. That one is so impatient there’s nothing to do about it. He quickly succumbs to his desires and indulges in as much pleasure as he can. At first, I thought he was knowledgable and with a good eye— though at least he has the good sense to be ashamed of himself. I’ll just have to wait and see how long he can keep up his self-control/abstinence.
Meister you’re close with: …unfortunately, there is no one up to such title. By the way, just to be on the safe side, if I you ever find me excessively praising the Meister named Merryrose, it’d be because of his powers, not because I truly mean it, alright? You better remember it.
Introductions: I'm Volks, a gems appraiser belonging to the royal warrant guild Yume Tsumugi. In addition to appraising gemstones, I’m also the guild leader and coordinate the royal family's activities. I look forward to working with you.
MC first impressions: I felt that she had the skills to be a winged guild keeper (TN: guild keepers have a wings shaped badge and Emma has it, idk if all guild keepers or only some of the best ones have it), and I was also drawn to that hidden charm of hers. I felt the need to make that brilliance shine even more beautifully by polishing it with my own hands. I got a little carried away.
Mel first impressions: I do not believe the time spent talking to Mel to be an unpleasant one. His knowledge and insight are remarkable, and above all, he is a diamond in the rough that is worth polishing. I plan to continue enjoying interacting with him in the future.
Meister you’re close with: I often eat meals together with Gastronomy’s Oscar, and we have a good relationship. I empathise with his greed in pursuit of fine cuisine. Whenever I entertain him, deciding on the menu is quite stressful.
Introductions: Dream perfumer, Merryrose. I belong to the royal warrant guild Yumetsumugi. The flowers on my arm? Don’t worry, don’t worry- Oh, that’s right. You shouldn’t get too close to me. Unless you want to be utterly charmed by me, mh?
MC first impressions: An interesting one. Her emotions are always showing on her face; she’ll react to everything. She’ll get mad if I play around too much with Adele, so I thought I’d found a new good person to tease, buuut… you never really know what’s going to happen in life.
Jester first impressions: Jester, huh… he’s so seriously out of his mind, it’s annoying. And what the hell do you mean by partner? (TN: The question asked is to talk about their “partner”, obv not in the romantic sense, aka the black fairies). He’s the one who decided to get attached to me on his own. He says there’s no shortage of unfortunate stories whenever he’s with me… tell a super happy story for once (?), dammit.
Meister you’re close with: It’s a guild thing, but Adel? It might not be mutual, since I’m only playing around with him one-sidedly… well, I like my guild mates. They’re strong-willed, so it’s easy being around them. Though I sometimes get really pissed at Volks’ unreasonable requests.
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shirefantasies · 7 months
Congrats on 300 followers! You’re definitely one of the best blogs and best writers on this site so well deserved! I wanted to ask if I could get a matchup, I have no preference for lotr or The Hobbit and I don’t have a gender preference either. I have short blonde hair, green eyes and I’m leaning on the chubby or curvy side. I love to create anything and everything, drawing, jewelry making, even tried knitting. I love puzzles, riddles and trivia games too. Besides all that I love to have a special cup of tea at the end of everyday.
I hope you recover well from your surgery and have a wonderful day! 🍄
OMG thank you so much for your amazingly kind comments 🥰 I love being here but words like these are definitely a big part of why I stay. Writing is truly a passion of mine so I’m so happy to hear that!
Also sweetheart I had to match you up with…
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This hobbit never expected to find love outside of the Shire…or at all! But fate has its own plans for us all, hence the hobbit choosing to take the adventure of a lifetime. Maybe after all more than one 😏 Gandalf hadn’t just enlisted one player in the big burglary after all. You were well-studied, clever, crafty, many things needed on a journey like Thorin Oakenshield was embarking on. Bilbo wasn’t looking for love, but when you pulled out your knitting needles what else would you expect?
You’re like a figure from a great Shire tale he’d read with that golden hair and those bright green eyes. Hobbits love curves, too, so you know he is blushing around you! His first questions are anything but forward, though, just wondering where you came from and how you know the grey wizard. Cue stories of the man’s fireworks bursting over the lake! You’ve never visited the Shire, but with every word Bilbo speaks your beautiful eyes widen in wonder and you gush that you’d love to see it and before he can help himself he’s blurting out that he could always show you around there after this whole mess is through. He even finds himself getting quite protective of you, snapping at the dwarves if they say anything that remotely upsets you and finding the courage to draw Sting the first time he sees an orc look your way.
Because you both enjoy riddles and puzzles, whenever you have free time or need to decompress on the road the pair of you find yourselves solving any you have and swapping them back and forth. When Bilbo plucks up the courage, he tells you how much of a comfort you are on this journey; he's spent all this time missing home and yet now he feels like he's found a new one. Somehow even being out in the woods is not so terrible! Your jewelry making is fascinating to the hobbit, so expect lots of questions about the process ranging from is it dangerous to what your favorite gemstone is. Perhaps he is secretly fantasizing about purchasing you a piece for you to keep...
The fact that you both love tea! Bilbo one hundred percent commits your special tea to memory, it does not matter how specific the blend is or if you put an odd amount of anything in it. Both of you could make each other’s perfect cup of tea in the dark. If your tastes are quite different, expect some tittering and head-shaking and general teasing, but you will get what you request every single time.
The look of deep concern in your eyes when the hobbit returns, the way you take him by the shoulders and tell him you thought he was lost, well…let’s just say the emotions get the best of you. Before the orcs catch up the dwarves whoop at the kiss you two yank each other into! When he does use the ring, you can sense the panic striking him when he returns and you go right to him, which he appreciates more than anything. One time you even noticed he looked a bit cold, like all the color was drained from him, so you wrapped him up and let him share in the warmth of one of your handmade scarves…and yourself, of course! He often uses the ‘you look cold’ excuse on you so that he can take your hands!
When the journey is up, all you want to do is go to the Shire, the desire burning in your heart stronger than anything, and who is Bilbo to deny what he also wishes? Years can go by and you never fail to make Bilbo’s heart flutter. The way you pull him into your kisses by his suspenders, the illustrations you add to his maps and letters you surprise him with, inspiring him to do the same. Having a wonderful and creative partner means he can have a cozy life at home in Bag End, yet it is still an adventure every day!
Taglist: @mossthebogwitch @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @pirate-lord-of-narnia @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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bi-bard · 1 year
Taylor Swift Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with General Kirigan - General Kirigan Imagine [Shadow & Bone]
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Title: Taylor Swift Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with General Kirigan
Pairing: General Kirigan X Reader
Word Count: 1,921 words
Warning(s): manipulation, mention of death
Author's Note: I need it known that I am writing this will all the self-awareness in the world.
**Not intentionally written in chronological order**
illicit affairs
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else And you know damn well For you I would ruin myself ...a million little times
At some point, being with Kirigan made me feel like I was invincible to the sick stomach and troubling thoughts that I had faced for years before him.
There was something about having him want me that brought me some peace. He offered me something that I had convinced myself that I was never going to experience. I felt like I owed him everything. My trust, my love... everything. I needed to hold onto that. No matter how hidden I was, how much time I spent keeping myself quiet... I needed him. I needed to be loved by him.
And then, Alina arrived at the Little Palace.
She was more than a beautiful girl.
She was a miracle. A walking gift from the saints. The sun summoner. The one that was destined to save everyone from the impact of the fold.
I should be thankful that she was found at all.
But I couldn't help the gross feeling that stabbed at my heart. Anger or sadness or something else entirely. I couldn't put a name to it. Not at the time.
The more I watched Aleksander with her, the more that the answer seemed to present itself.
I never wanted to express that feeling to her. It was truly no business of hers.
I never truly wanted to express it to Aleksander either. I would have been much happier to never disclose those feelings to them. They came with shame and guilt that were enough to seal my mouth shut.
Instead, that feeling manifested in different ways. Avoidance, misplaced anger... all things that I would go without noticing until later.
Aleksander didn't seem to have much to say for a while. I assumed that he was too focused on his saint to pay me any mind.
Until he confronted me.
I took a deep breath as I walked into his room.
"You asked to see me," I said as the doors closed behind me.
Aleksander stood on the other side of the large table. He looked at me with his annoyingly charming grin and his hands behind my back. His chin was raised slightly.
He believed he was royalty.
"I did," he confirmed.
I almost scoffed. "Please, share the reason for this meeting whenever you would like."
He raised an eyebrow at me as if I had proved his point before he had said it. "You're upset with me."
"Brilliant, truly."
He walked around the table, slowly walking over to me. "I assume that this has to do with Alina."
"Never assume that you know my feelings."
"Please, don't use sweet names to distract me," I cut him off. "I... I have spent years listening to you soothe me with those names that are beginning to mean nothing to me."
Aleksander didn't have a response at first.
"I have no interest in being a secret or hidden property. Some little gemstone you place in a little box until you find value in me. You either see me as more than that or go hide away with your little saint and leave me be."
I looked away from him as the age-old guilt and sadness ate at my stomach.
He stepped even closer. His hand reached up and cupped my cheek, guiding me to look at him again. His eyes were always more intense than they deserved to be. Dark enough to blend into his pupil, giving me the feeling that my attention would be pulled to him. Fighting to pull my eyes from his would be like fighting the pull of the planet holding me to the ground.
"I never intended to keep you hidden," he said softly. "I have neglected you. That is not fair, but it was never my intention. I am so sorry, my love. Please... allow me to do better."
I took another deep breath.
I wanted to believe him. I didn't want to pull myself away from the man that actually loved me. I just... couldn't let that go.
I reached my hand up and touched his. His grin only grew.
"I have every intention to hold you to your promise," I mumbled.
A chuckle escaped him. "I would hope so."
And all it took for him to keep me perfectly in place was to lean in and press his lips to mine.
I would have taken unhealthy love over no love at all.
it's time to go
I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all Then wondered why I left Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones Praying to his greed He's got my past frozen behind glass But I've got me
I don't know when my embarrassing jealousy of Alina began to turn into this strange sense of sympathy and worry.
I could see the look on her face. One that I had seen in the mirror for years upon years.
This softness that so carefully masked the feeling of longing and yearning that Aleksander seemed to so easily command. The same feeling that had become all-consuming and ate at the very walls of m heart.
I wish I had learned to discern longing from anxiety. My fearful tuition from lovesick butterflies. Maybe I would have saved myself from some pain.
All I could do now was try to save Alina in the way that I should have been saved years ago.
Her escape path crossed right by me.
I could have stopped her. Tried to fight her. Yelled for Kirigan. Yelled for anyone.
But I didn't.
I would never be able to bring myself to do that.
"Go," I said simply.
Alina stopped, furrowing her eyebrows at me. That was the first time that I wonder how she saw me. I wondered if I had seemed so tied to the general's side that the idea of me turning my back on him seemed impossible. Like I was a pet.
"I will never get back the parts of my past that Aleksander holds," I explained. "But I will not let him take another ounce of my future. Or anyone else's. Go. Please."
She paused for a moment longer before stepping forward to hug me.
Every selfish, jealous thought that had crossed my mind while I had known her felt so heartless now. She was so much more than I could ever truly accept.
"Thank you," she whispered before stepping back and taking off down the path.
I knew that the chances were that I would not live long beyond the moment I let Alina go. I would never give Aleksander the answers he wanted. I was not going to be useful enough to warrant keeping.
And I was okay with that.
I would rather die by my own choice than live following the choices he made for me.
This was my end.
And I was happy to see it.
The Archer
I've been the archer I've been the prey Who could ever leave me darling... But who could stay?
I never realized how far I had run. I had no interest in knowing.
All I knew was that I was panting when I finally stopped. I looked around for a moment. I had found myself next to a fountain with intricate art carved into the base. The story of the Black Heretic. I was familiar with it. There were plants beginning to grow over the rest of the fountain.
I took a deep breath as I let myself fall. I sat with my back against the fountain's base, letting my head rest against the stone. I closed my eyes, taking even breaths for the first time in what felt like hours.
"What are you doing out here?"
I jumped at the sound of a voice. I looked over to see General Kirigan standing nearby.
"I didn't mean to frighten you," he held his hands up for me to see his palms clearly.
"No, no, I was simply in my mind," I replied as I stood up quickly. "Distracted."
He nodded, taking a few steps closer to me. "May I ask what you have on your mind?"
"It is ridiculous, really," I tried to wave it all off.
I thought that it was best to hold onto whatever strength and composure I had. At the time, I only knew him as General Kirigan. He was powerful. So powerful that he was on a different level than the other Grisha.
"If you made your way all the way out here, then I have doubts about that," he said.
I took a deep breath. "Next week will be the anniversary of my coming to the Little Palace."
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"I am grateful for all that I've been offered here," I explained, hoping to not upset him too much. "However, my mom was the one who offered me to the Grisha so they could test me. She was... all too prepared to get rid of me. I... have trouble not feeling somewhat..."
"Abandoned?" Kirigan suggested.
I nodded. "Yes."
"Surely in all your time here, you have made some connections," he said, continuing to walk forward until he stood next to me by the fountain.
I shrugged. "Not truly. Many seemed to turn their noses up at me. Even those I did connect with would eventually walk away. I assume boredom."
"I'm sorry."
"Not really your fault, is it?"
He looked down for a moment. "It is the fault of my bloodline. The very reason the Fold exists. The reason that you were tested at all."
"I don't blame you. Not at all."
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Being blamed for our ancestor's mistakes does nothing but cause pain."
He nodded. "I could still hope to offer some comfort. Community to help make up for the lost time."
I scoffed. "And when you get bored of me?"
"I can't imagine that happening."
I didn't have a response. Not because of his statement, but because of his eyes. It was like they stopped me in my tracks. I wanted to say it looked sincere, but there was something more to it. Something just below the surface that I was unable to name, but I could see.
Kirigan seemed as transfixed as I was. His eyes jumped around to every detail of my face. He moved a little closer.
"May I," he asked.
I didn't know what he was asking, but I still nodded at him.
His hand cupped my face. I felt frozen. Entranced by the mere sight of him.
He leaned in slowly, carefully. As if he were waiting for me to run away from him.
When I didn't, that seemed to comfort him. It gave him enough of a push to press his lips to mine. I took in a sharp breath through my nose. I kissed him back, trying to follow his movements.
It was a short moment. One that I would have been content with playing over and over in my mind.
When Kirigan pulled away, I watched a grin slowly grow along his face. I grinned back at him.
I would later consider that my point of no return.
But at the time, I couldn't think of anything wrong with what had happened.
Being wanted was enough for me.
For the time being, at least.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Hello darling for the spring challenge Can I have Chevalier 11 🌸 ? Thank you Have a winderful day 🙏☺
You absolutely can Julie! Thank you for this request - I had been secretly hoping that someone would make this request for fairy forest. And for you to do it with my favorite!
Happily Ever After - Chevalier Michel x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of the Spring Showers Spring Flowers event I am co-hosting with @violettduchess
Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader
Prompt: Fairy forest + fluff
Tags: fluff
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“Do you want to see a unicorn?”
Her eyes lit up with excitement, her head bobbing enthusiastically up and down. “Yes!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Yes,” she repeated, her voice now more calm.
His smile was boyish as he tilted his head, enjoying the excitement expressed on her face. Wordlessly, he took her hand in his, and with a slight tug, guided them throughout the forest. 
Struggling to keep up with his long strides, she was thankful she was not dressed in the long gowns she frequently wore as she navigated her way through the wooded forest. Every so often, he would tilt his head back; catching her gaze, he would flash her a smile, slowing down if he saw her struggling. 
"Now, you need to be very quiet if you plan to see a unicorn," he advised, his hand holding hers tightly. "They're rare, magical creatures, protected by fairies. And if you make too much noise, you'll spook them and anger the fairies."
Suppressing a laugh, she nodded along with his story. She was so used to hearing fantastical tales of mythical creatures and larger than life heroes she couldn't imagine one of their meetings not involving some form of embellished storytelling on his part. 
And he relished in regaling her in these fables. His blue eyes twinkled like gemstones as they explored various areas of the forest together, looking for signs of leprechauns and cave trolls. Not once had they ever found more than a crumb of evidence of said creatures, and yet he was never once discouraged. 
It was like he came alive as they relived the stories he shared.
He slowed his steps and turned to her, a single finger raised before his lips. She mimicked his movements, as she stepped gingerly around fallen tree branches, careful to not make a sound. He took a seat in a clearing, overlooking a valley, with a small stream running through. 
“If you listen carefully,” he whispered with delight, “they say you can hear the fairies' wings fluttering, a sign the unicorns are near.”
He held his arm out to her , helping her as she took a seat next to him in the soft grass. She had to admit, she had never seen a scene more beautiful – the forest’s trees almost completely blocked out the blue sky above, only a glimmer of the sun’s rays filtering in through the leafy boughs. Down below in the valley, the stream was lined by wildflowers of various pastel shades – shades of pink and purple and mauve – so pretty, it looked like a fairy’s garden. She closed her eyes, imagining a pair of majestic white unicorns frolicking along the path of the stream, their beauty unmatched by any other living creature.
“Have you ever seen a unicorn before?” she asked, knowing the answer. 
“Not yet,” he whispered, full of hope. He gazed into her eyes; the way he looked at her stole her breath away momentarily. 
They lost track of how long they spent there, seated quietly holding hands, simply enjoying the serenity the forest provided. It wasn’t often they were able to seclude themselves like this, but when they did, they made the most of their time together, their bodies inching closer and closer to one another.
He looked up into the sky, the rays of light shining through, highlighting his pale hair shades of reds and orange and gold, marking the end of the day. Frowning, he turned to her, their time together coming soon to a close.
He took her hand and brought it to his lips, brushing a kiss across her knuckles. 
Her heart ached as she smiled wistfully; it was the same each time they said goodbye – who knew when they would meet again.
He looked up at her with eyes shining with love. “It won’t be long, I promise,” he whispered softly before stealing a chaste kiss, as if he were reading her mind. 
“You’re just going to end there?” you asked, agitated, as Chevalier closed the book, a sly smirk adorning his handsome face.
“It’s getting late, we can read more tomorrow,” he teased, placing the book on the nightstand.
“Forbidden love… Isn’t it so –” you sighed, unable to describe the feeling the story evoked in you. “There has to be a future for them, don’t you think? Despite their different stations in life, their love has to conquer all obstacles.”
“I hope they get their happy ending,” you added with a dreamy sigh.
"Sometimes it doesn't work out." His tone grew serious, his words stinging as his icy eyes pierced you. "It's not meant to always work out in the end, with love conquering all." He watched and waited for your lips to pout before continuing. "That's why, when it does work out, it makes it that much more special."
His gaze grew tender as he looked at you with adoration, his lips curving into his human smile, the one reserved for you and only you. Your heart ached with affection knowing he was talking about you and the love you shared. 
He placed a clumsy kiss on the top of your head and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, guiding your head to rest on his warm chest. 
"Goodnight, simpleton," he whispered. "Maybe tomorrow you will get the happy ending in the story you're looking for," he added with a short laugh.
Smiling, you pressed your cheek against his chest, your heart overflowing with warmth. 
You already found your happy ending. 
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @atelier-the-atelier @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @jet-ivory @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @cilokgoang @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @midnightarxsia @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Spoiled (Neji x Reader)
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Word Count: 0.7k
Tags/Warnings: @brokennerdalert Neji is RICH, Slice of Life, Fluff, No Pronouns for Reader
Notes: Short and sweet, based on the time I spent 2 months in Florence
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It shone though during little moments like this.
Your hand settled in the crux of his elbow as you made your way down the stone streets. Tall, pastel buildings sat crammed together to provide shade for the bustling market on the cobblestone. A bakery displayed baskets of bread in front of the open-doored shop. Across the way sat an ice cream store with elaborately decorated display cones hanging in the window.
Neji said little as you navigated through the busy road. You remarked about the little things on display, not even having to look where you were going as Neji led you along by the sleeve of your robes. Neji filled your closet with light, flowy robes suited for hot, dry days like this. He had a good sense. The weather was perfect with your summer clothing and the breeze from the river.
You let go of Neji’s arm, rushing up the bridge’s stone steps. The bridge consisted of stairs and platforms where jewelers set up little shops to sell silver and gold. Neji trailed behind, watching with a hint of stoic sentiment as you excitedly admired the ornate necklaces in the shop windows. A single chain with a sapphire stone caught your eye.
The attendants were all too happy to usher you inside, falling over you as they showed you gemstone after gemstone. Neji stood patiently inside the door of the quaint jewelry boutique with arms crossed as you shopped. You turned to him with a pair of silver and pearl earrings held up to your ear. The light struck you in such a way, filtering through the elegant draping of your hair.
“These?” you asked, the shiny pearls glinting as they dangled from thick, glossy paper. “Or these?” The intricately crafted metal hung down from chain links to create a wave-like shape down to the base of your neck. Neji couldn’t say he saw a difference. 
“Get them both,” he said with a slight nod. He made brief eye contact with one of the attendants, who swiftly approached the register. You didn’t notice, opting to roll your eyes with a pouty drawl of his name.
“Neji…” You frowned but didn’t stay disappointed long as you busied yourself comparing expensive metals and precious gemstones. You didn’t bother to look at the price or notice Neji handing over a large wad of cash to the attendant at the register. 
He came over to stand next to you as you continued to look at the products under the glass cases, wrapping an arm around your waist as you pointed out the bracelets and necklaces that interested you. After much— one-sided— deliberation, you settled on two pieces, clinging onto Neji’s arm excitedly as your jewelry was plucked from the case and packaged neatly in white tissue paper. They were handed directly to you. 
You hardly noticed an attendant handing Neji his own bag, filled with every other piece of jewelry you had expressed remote interest in. You held your smaller one up at him with a grin and kissed him on the cheek in thanks. With another polite goodbye to the shop attendants, you ushered Neji outside. 
You stood together on the bridge, looking over the water and babbling about shopping. The water below rushed underneath, reflecting the sunlight to sparkle over the surface. Neji studied you as you spoke, taking in the shape of your nose and the curve of your lip. 
He reached into his little bag— the one you never noticed until now— and plucked out a tiny tissue paper package. You fell quiet as Neji neatly unwrapped the paper to reveal the necklace you had captivated within the window. He undid the clasp, cocking his head slightly to the right as he draped the sapphire ornament around your neck.
Neji kept you completely and utterly spoiled.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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drawsdenfiles · 7 months
I don't use tumblr a lot, but i check your blog all the time now and I wanted to ask what your process is for desiging Butcher's characters?
Aw, thank you for your question! I have way too much to say about this, here we go.
I started drawing them just based on how I imagined them while listening to the audio series, but lately I've tried putting more effort into actually reading Butcher's descriptions. It's his series, man, it's important to me that the characters look like the characters. ♥ Also, putting in that extra effort gives you a better chance at achieving a design other readers might've imagined too. ♥
After reading the descriptions, I'll try to incorporate more personal stuff into each character based on their personality, actions, and/or whatever, like, team they're associated with. For example, Lasciel's a Fallen Angel, right, so I've been giving her a pretty, albeit shattered, halo lately. Namshiel, too, has a broken halo in the form of some curved horns and floaty, magical gemstones. This part's really, really fun and an awesome creative exercise.
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Next thing is to not settle on a design until it feels right. It's an amazing feeling and you'll know it when it hits you. I can't tell you how long I thought about Kincaid's design and how hard it was for me to see him as a blonde. I don't know why! Kincaid took a super long time and I also ended up looking for outside inspiration- I've been playing the Witcher 3 a lot lately and you can totally see that guy in the Kincaid drawings I made recently. Always keep playing around with stuff. It's so fun. Dresden Files is the first book series I've actually gotten really into- seriously, I'm not much of a reader at all, but Butcher's descriptions of characters and scenes give you so much to work with. Aaaand, while I have you... If you're looking for some art-related advice-- studying anatomy/photo books and redrawing the pictures in them have helped me out a whole bunch. I spent hours and hours studying/sketching the shape of the collar bone back when I was in middle school. Really look into proportions too. An oil painting class I took in community college has REALLY helped me appreciate colors and shapes- I've never oil painted before and maybe the supplies can be expensive, but God, it's so worth it, man. My teacher was, and continues to be, a master. OH- and a color theory class too! It was kind of tedious, but I can see color in a totally different way than I used to before. These classes are your tools, man, whether you do traditional or digital art. Did any of that make any sense?? Thank you for your question! I love talking about art- I think it may be difficult for a lot of people, especially nowadays with the introduction of AI, but nothing beats creating something all by yourself, whether it's writing or drawing, etc. Putting in the work and getting that good feeling- it's super cool.
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cannibalisticskittles · 9 months
OC + Random Associations
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tagged by @fiendpact, thank youuuuuu <3
Animal: i always waver between a dog and a cat with her – she's got the teeth and claws of a cat, the propensity for sleeping in and laying around in random bits of sunlight, and her mouth has a bit of that catlike :3 curve, but she is also extremely full of love in a way that radiates out from her much like a dog enthusiastically wagging its tail around exciting new people. either way tho – house pets that will love you deeply and also grievously wound someone who tries to harm you.
Colors: gold + vibrant blues and greens
Month: september?? i will be honest, i hadn’t had a month association before 
Songs: make the grade - jack conte, i won't hurt you - the west coast pop art experimental band, my dog’s eyes - zammuto, existential crisis hour - kilo kish, birdsong - regina spektor.
Number: 1 because she always feels lonely maybe, haha
Plants: asphodel – and I always think of strawberry blossoms when I think about what flower would best fit her, even though she is Very Allergic To Strawberries. sorry babe, but the imagery of the humble little strawberry flower is just too fitting.
Scents: ash, sulfur, whatever the hell bat guano smells like bc of all her spell components – but also something pleasantly warm and earthy, like rocks in a hot spring
Gemstone: i feel like i’ve got to go with amethyst bc. purble. 
Time of day: late late late at night, creeping into the very early morning, when the world is quiet and you can’t help but hear your thoughts (or your worries) clearer than ever before 
Season: autumn – the warm colors and dry crackle of shed leaves for her well, and even more so because she’s recently accepted the patronage of equinox, an autumn eladrin-flavored archfey
Places: caves with bioluminescent plants/fungi, places with strange and magical flora like the feywild, but also busy, crowded city streets where it's easy to get lost in the noise 
Food:  stew! and traveling rations like hardtack or jerky or dry, aged cheeses – things that would keep for a long time on the road. she’s an obligate carnivore, but she does try to pad her diet with as much non-meat as she can.
Drinks: really shit ale that you can buy in bulk at the local tavern as you daydrink with your adventuring party and discuss what steps to take next to fulfill your quest as you also take turns sneakily refilling your friend’s mug so that he remains convinced that it’s magically self-sustaining. (and also, a shitload of water. to wash down the dry ass jerky and hardtack.)
Element: fire
Seasonings: cinnamon and clove! also maybe saffron because she spent so much of her life traveling with trading caravans and saffron seems like the kind of coveted shit that would justify long-ass journeys by guarded caravan.
Sky: night, somewhere in the wilderness where it's so dark that the stars fill the sky everywhere you look
Weather:  hot, dry, windless summer days – if faerûn had wildfire watch levels, it would be stuck on extreme 
Magical power: fireball babyyyyyy (+ a dash of hellish rebuke)
Weapons: daggers. and more daggers, hidden in various places on her body. and teeth. so many sharp teeth. 
Candy/Sweets: honey candy, soft caramels – and pop rocks. she would be delighted by pop rocks.
Method of long distance travel: walking. just… long slogs on foot. walking across distances that are truly miserable to traverse – the sort where you’re ready to give up halfway through but can’t, because turning back would take as long as soldiering on, so you soldier on anyway? that. 
Artstyle: my memory of art styles has not really been brushed up on since my middle school days, i admit, but i think i lean towards impressionism for her
Fear: being useless, being alone, being Known; and, of course, the combination of those fears combined – having someone get close enough to her that it feels like they really know her and see her for who she is and then reject her as not being worth their time. 
Mythological creature: fairies/fae! they're beautiful, terrible, awful little winged shitheads and she adores them. and, to a lesser degree, unicorns, lmao. an association with and an assumption of goodness while also being fully willing and capable of skewering someone.  
Piece of stationery: an old, old notebook filled with small, cramped notes; various plans and calculations and details about people she comes across (‘naming day is just before the winter solstice; remember, they dislike most sweets and pastries’)
Three Emojis: 🥰🔥✨
Celestial body: stars, but distant and far off – she views herself as one of many, not standing out, and she’s very content with that! (imagining herself as one star in a sea of stars would delight her, actually. would feel a little less lonely.) perhaps she is a sun to someone, but that will never be how she sees it.
tagging @amphyn, @biknuckles, @brekkie-e, @fangmich, @lesbianaloy, @meishuu, @riddlcr, @stellamancer, @wasserpl – no pressure tho, haha
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elfboyeros · 10 months
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I spent to long staring at this image while I did it and thought to long about Neon and Indigo holding a conversation, so here we go! @karaboutmyart @jj-pines @lerenee
Indigo groaned, “Goddess, I don’t wanna be here!”
“I know, Angel eyes. We just need to stay for 10 minutes and then we can go back home,” Calvin replied.
Indigo sighed as Calvin led her into the banquette hall, “You look really good,” she muttered, “You always look good in green.”
He chuckled, “Thank you, Angel.”
He was in a dark green suit matching her spring dem dress, “I’m gonna meet up with your parents,” Calvin added.
Indigo nodded, beginning to feel nauseous, strolling through about the great hall greeting partygoers, truly trying to be a good hostess. Whilst grabbing whatever drinks were non-alcoholic to curve her nauseas.
Keeping to herself with a drink in hand a masculine presence behind her before he cleared his throat, “What do you want?” she asked, coldly, “Neon.”
Eggshell skinned man much taller than her let’s a green gem charm hang from his fingers in front of her face, “To give you a gift,” he replied, with his stupidly posh British accent.
Indigo took the charm from between his callus fingers, studying the green gemstones as the ribbon holding the charm together sat grasped under her thumb and index finger. She doesn’t bother to turn around and look at him. She knows that he is smirking, standing behind with his hands in his suit pocket.
“Is this little shitty present because I am pregnant or because I beat up your little boyfriend?”
Neon chuckled, “Can I not just congratulate you on turning into such a fine individual?”
Indigo rolled her eyes, “No thanks to you.”
“Ha, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be such a talented mage,” Neon commented.
Indigo sighed, “I have also heard you have an apprentice,” he added, “I see I have rubbed off on you in some way.”
She instantly turned around, “You don’t get to take credit for this!” she growled, “You were my teacher, and I learned my skills from you, yes, but I mastered my skills on my own! I did not become a teacher to be like you, I became a teacher to be better than you!”
Neon’s smirk turned into a fine line across his lips as he continued to stare down at the tiny mage, “You out because everyone knows that own of your own students is better than you and I now revel in the fact that I am in fact better than you ever could be!” Indigo continued.
She is right, deep down in his ancient bones, he is just an old man who is still angry that a little French girl surpassed him. He done nothing with his life for over a decade but be a glorified lap dog for the man that’s now locked away in the basement.
“I’m proud of you, Indigo.”
Yes, most of his being is proud of her, for being one of his students that is now so accomplished and so young.
And to her it sounds like shattering and nails scrapping a chalkboard at the same time.
Neon nodded, “I am, very proud actually.”
“Y-you don’t get to be proud of me!”
Neon laughed, “But how could I not be?!”
He’s been nothing but self-centered, narcissistic, and pity for years, how could he now tell her that he is proud of her.
“You are horrible,” Indigo sneered, as she clenched that charm, he gave her in her fist.
“Even before you agree to take over Duke’s place, I knew you would become dean,” he added, “And you could not be a better fit to be his replacement.”
“Stop it, I don’t want your praises.”
“Well to bad, little mage, I will sing praise for you until the world implodes in on itself because I am proud of you,” Neon remarked, “And I know your child will be just as great.”
She feels too nauseous to continue talking to him. Pushing past him and heading for one of the many doors outside.
“Calvin, mon cher,” Amethea sighed, making Calvin turn away from the group conversation, as she watched her daughter run out the west door, “She needs you.”
“Which way did she go,” Calvin instantly asked.
He curved his back, kissing the lavender-haired woman on the cheek, “I’ll call you later tonight.”
“Tell her I love her,” Amethea replied.
“Of course, momma,” Calvin remarked, walking towards the west exit, finishing his wife retching over the stair banister.
He held back any of her hair that had risk of falling in her face, handing her a handkerchief to wipe her face once she was done, while rubbing her back, “I want to go home,” she whimpered.
He knew there was a point in asking her what happened or why, she’ll tell him eventually.
Once they were home and Indigo was comfortably in bed, she continued to stare that stupid little green charm in her hand. Calvin sat on the edge of their bed taking the charm for her hands, “He said it was a gift for becoming such a fine individual,” she muttered, “Then, he told me he was proud of me.”
“And he can’t be proud of you?”
Indigo shook her head, “If he is so proud, why is so bitter?! Why is this after all time the one time he holds a conversation with me?! All I have ever wanted as is student is his praises, his approve, and now when he gives to me it doesn’t seem sincere.”
Calvin sighed, placing the charm on the bedside table, taking a hold of her hands, “I think he’s just an old man that wants to stir the pot.”
“You’re probably right…”
“You are far better then he ever could be,” Calvin cooed.
Indigo smiled as he kissed forehead, “You should just leave him be to do whatever weird shit he does with Duke in the basement.”
Indigo giggled, “Do you want me to throw this away?” Calvin asked, picking the charm back up.
“Non, I’ll keep it, maybe put it with the baby’s stuff.”
Calvin nodded, “Hopefully it doesn’t mark our kid as his.”
“I’ll kill him if it does," Indigo giggled.
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tanat-a · 11 months
Hi, I've been a lurker here for a long time, and I have begun to write my first novel. It started as a personal thing, but then a friend of mine recommended me to post it here to see if people like it, so here it goes.
(This story is my attempt to merge a western magic system and an Eastern magic system so if you have any thoughts about my writing please tell me.)
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Chapter 1 Rainbow Crystal Cave
Huang Lei awoke with a groan in the darkness of Rainbow Crystal Cave. He tried to get up, but a searing pain permeated the entirety of his body. Looking at himself, he could see that his cloak was tattered and frayed, while his tunic and pants had holes in them. Compared to the rest of his apparel, his hair was unblemished.
"That's the last time i don't secure my rope tightly" He said to himself.
Huang came here in search of some crystals to sell ,crystals from Rainbow Crystal Cave are higly priced making it a profitable venture to go and collect them even when one considers the danger, he had climed Steep Star mountain to get to the mouth of the cave, and even avoided a few shadow stalker wolves on his way here. The first step he took he saw that the cave had many levels and tunnles but he didn't see any crystals, so he secured his rope to a rock and descended. But the rope he was using got loose from where he secured it. Sending him tumbling down the cave.
Ignoring the pain he forces himself up and goes to a nearby puddle to look at himself. There he sees a man with black coarse hair tied into a topknot with a silver hairpin sideways into the top knot. His face was angular like that of a finely cut diamond, his complexion was deep like that of a dark amber, his eyebrows were thick and arched, his nose was straight and sharp and his mouth was thin and straight. His deep-set eyes were as blue as the ocean and as clear as gemstone. Most people who met him discribe him as a saphire due to his eyes and complexion, Some would say he was wasting his looks by beaing a wayfarer instead of working as an entertainer for the nobles of The Crimson Star Empire.
But Huang never liked living a life of monotony. Haung grew up in an orphanage in Verdant Meadow City, ever since a young age he liked exploring and experiencing new things even if it left him dirt-poor most of the time. Having left the orphanage he has spent five years travelling through the Bountiful Hills reagion of the empire. He had heard of a merchant willing to pay one jade carp for a Rainbow mana crystal from the Rainbow Crystal Cave, most people weren't interested in a sure death even for that much money. But Huang thought it would be interesting to go see Rainbow Crytal cave too, so he thought it would kill two birds with one stone.
Huang looked to where he had fallen from and saighed "If you fly too close to the sun you will get burned. It seems that I overestimated myself this time... again." He fell a quarter of a li ,which is about 125 meters, it was a miracle he even survived.
'It seems the heavens favor the foolish today' he tought to himself. looking around to see if he could find anything to help him get up and out of the cave. He found his backpack which had five packaged meals, a torch, and a knife.
Lightning his torch he ventured deeper into the cave. While walking along a cave tunnel he saw something reflect the light of his torch back at him.
Rushing towards the object Huang suddenly heard hissing coming from in front of him. Waving his torch forward he found that the object was a scepter, but the scepter was entangled in a large spider nest. The spider nest was so large it was as tall as Huang and had so many webs woven together that it was impossible to see what was underneath. Only the top of the scepter was poking out. On top of the nest was a Yin Venom Spider. The Yin Venom Spider was as black as tar with ivory white eyes and fangs.
The spider hissed at Huang and lifted it's front legs trying to intimidate him. Huang was frozen he had never face a beast like a Yin Venom Spider before.
Thinking to himself Haung though of his options. 'What now Haung? A Yin Venom Spider is staring you down maybe you should backup and go back and try to climb the cave... But that scepter would Fetch a nice price, and there might be something in the nest to help me get out.' So he decided to attack.
Unwrapping a packaged meal and putting on the ground in front of the spider, he then stepped back. The spider climed down and started to eat the meal. Huang turned his back to the spider and ran but it lunged at him nearly biting his leg. Haung pressed his torch into the spider's face with a sizzling noise and a piercing shriek the spider pulled back and tried to bite Huang. He block it in time with his torch, but the spider pushed Huang down on the floor with its superior strength.
The spider used it razor sharp legs to rain a flurry of piercing blows against Huang Lei. Clothes were pierced and bones were broken as the spider landed blow after blow on Huang. He took his knife and stabbed it into the spider's neck, making it jump away.
Getting up Huang took note of his injuries. He had a broken rib, a broken left arm and a broken left leg, and had holes in his flesh the size of a coin on his upper torso.
The spider jumped and opened it fangs preparing to bite Huang. He tried to block it but his injuries prevented him from moving his torch quickly. The spider bit his arm and he felt yin Venom flowing into him. He tried to scream but no noise came out. It was like his body was becoming ice. He saw the knife was still in the spider's neck, he grabbed the knife, and kicked the spider in its abdomen to move it to his right side and dragged the knife across the spider's neck.
The spider was still moving. He stabbed it again, and again, and again. Stepping back he collapsed. The sound of his breathing and the crackling of his torch was the only sound in the cave.
Huang tried to get up but his muscles wouldn't move the yang Venom having turned it into something akin to ice rather than flesh and it kept felt like it was shifting and changing under his skin. Reaching for his torch to warm him up he only moved his fingers before he passed out.
Waking up Huang felt that something was off and very, very wrong. His bones were not broken anymore, but his flesh didn't have holes in it like it should have. His chest felt tight, and his hair felt longer and smoother than before.
Huang was panicking. 'This is not normal, not normal at all. Did someone come and patch me up or something?'
Getting up he went to a small puddle and looked to see if he was really healed. In the puddle he looked he shifted his face and paused each time, pausing longer and longer each time he shifted his face. A second passed, then ten, then a minute. He than spat blood.
"EEHHHHHHHH!!!" A loud shout sounded throughout the cave, bats woke up and flew in massive swarms, insects skittered aimlessly hoping to avoid a being capable of creating such a sound, birds on the surface woke up and fled from their nest, and a merchant near the area heard a noise coming from the Rainbow Crystal Cave he ignored it and continued on his path. Though he did note that it sounded feminine.
Huang was fully panicked now pacing back and forth and occasionally checking his reflection in the puddle. Blood kept pouring out of his mouth due to the nature of what happened to him.
"NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING. THIS HAS TO BE A DREAM." Huang shouted in a feminine voice throughout the cave. A single thwack was heard, then more thwacks were heard. " I HAVE TO WAKE UP. I HAVE TO WAKE UP." Huang was slapping himself.
What haung saw in the puddle wasn't the man that was him what he saw was a woman, with a heart-like face, a small thin nose, thin arched eyebrows, thin delicate lips, and a complexion that was as pale as porcelain. The woman's black hair was straight and silky, a part of her hair was put up in a bun with bangs sweeping to her left, while the rest of her hair flowed to the middle of her back. There was a silver hairpin sticking sideways in the bun. Her eyes were as blue as that of saphires and were as clear as if they were made of glass. Her body was like that of a hourglass, her limbs were thin and delicate looking, their lenght perfectly complementing her frame, with no blemishes in sight. Those who saw her would say she was a jade beauty who came from the heavens to grace the mortal plane.
This was now Huang Lei's body.
(This story will now start to use female pronouns to refer to Huang)
"Why me?" Huang said with a dejected tone. Sulking next to the spider nest she saw that her torch was still lit. 'Maybe there's something in there that can help me.' Huang though as she looked to the spider nest, after all there must be something there that could help she tried to reassure her self of this delusion.
Burning the nest what was left after the fire finished burning was a skeleton, held in its hand was what looked like a diary. The scepter that Huang had seen clattered to the ground, she picked it up.
Shen then swung it around madly while shouting for it to turn her back into a man. She spent ten minutes trying... it didn't work. Exhausted she went to the diary and began to read it.
The diary was a diary of a mage who was studying cultivation and cultivators. While reading she saw a section on Yin, it might help with what happened to him considering she was bit with yin venom she though, it read that
"In the dark of night
Where formless is ice
Where Moonlight is bright
Where winter's in sight
Silent and passive
The night sends missives
That calm is elusive
Yet it is submissive
The girl watches from below
The woman readies a bellow
To greet the moon's glow
Which they all follow"
Huang sat there unmoving considering the poem for moments on end, until she took a breath and closed the diary.
"WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?!" Huang having not understood what the poem meant. Skipping ahead hoping that she would find an explanation on the poem, afterall a wizard had to do research right?
"Yin and yang are opposites, no not this one... there is always balance between... enough with the flowery prose already... Ah, here it is, the cultivators believe that the Yin represents the feminine aspect of a person... the more Yin they have the more feminine they are... This males it so that a man with and excess of Yin qi will turn into a woman, and vice-versa for the effects of Yang qi" Huang sat there still contemplating the new information.
She sat there for an hour. 'That means I can be a man again as long as I get more of this yang stuff in me right?' Yet her hopes were dashed as she continued to read. "One can only switch between Yin and yang once in their life, anymore and they will die. Due to this fact many sects have used the switching of Yin and yang as an execution method. I heard that the Vituous Flower Sect..."
Huang sat there motionless. "This... this can't be real... it can't... it can't..." she muttered weakly hoping the words she was speaking was true. But the reality was Huang was stuck like this for the rest of her life.
Huang just sat there all day, sulking, dead to the world around her. Until her hunger made her get up and unpacked a meal. 'Three more meals... I have to get out of this cave fast... but do I want to. My life is changed beyond any recognition, i didn't choose this fate the heavens chose it for me. Should I just stay here?' Huang though to herself succumbing to depression at having her entire world turned upside down, at being in a cave underground one li away from the surface, having her fate dictated by something else, alone, and without knowing if she will ever get out.
Suddenly she stood up and grabbed the diary stowing it away in her pack picking up the knife and the scepter. With fire in her eyes she looked up and made her decision.
"NO, I won't let this be the end. So what if my entire world view just did turned upon its head. I'm still alive and kicking, and if the heavens have decreed that my life isn't a thing that I can decide for myself, then I shall face the heavens." She declared to the heavens themselves and as if responding to her will a ball of light gather on the head of the staff.
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vital-spirit · 5 months
Milotic’s Gems
“Oh, these are perfect,” Milotic cooed as she twisted the gems around with her tail, examining the way they twinkled in the light of the setting sun. The lustrous gemstones cast her office in a marvelous golden glow and sent a twinkle in the serpent’s eye. “Diancie never disappoints.”
“Glad to hear you like ‘em,” Lucario said, keeping Bingo close to him. “Spent a good deal of time pickin’ ‘em out with Diancie to make sure I got the right ones fer ya. Now, the payment?” 
Bingo wasn’t paying the two conversing adults any mind as she was much more focused on the strange fluffy creature that was lounging upon a velvet cushion off to the side of the room, it was one of those animals Lucario had spoken about to her before, a cat– specifically, a flame point ragdoll cat though Bingo wasn’t aware of this terminology.
“Of course, of course,” Milotic gave Lucario a nonchalant wave of her tail, her gaze transfixed on the glittering gems. “You will be rewarded handsomely. I’ll have Marill hand you the payment in just a moment.” She wrapped her tail around the golden gems and dragged them into her pool, tucking them away into a small compartment hidden from view.
Bingo’s head slowly turned to face Milotic upon hearing the mention of a Marill, her nose twitching as the vague memory of the Marill she had bumped into a couple of nights before came to the forefront of her mind. What are the chances of it being the same one?
The massive door slowly swung open, revealing a serious looking Marill holding two coin pouches in their paws (one bag smaller than the other) and a recovery scarf tied around their neck. The Marill gave a respectful nod to Milotic before they approached Lucario, extending the smaller bag up towards him.
The Lillipup blinked, it was in fact the same Marill from the other night.
But Marill was not the only one to enter the room. 
Just behind them followed a hulking red serpentine mass of scales that practically had to duck to fit through the door. And now it was apparent why the doors and ceiling of the office were so high.
A Gyarados with shining crimson scales and terrifyingly large teeth towered over everyone else in the room. Her very presence seemed to chill the room.
Milotic’s wife.
Milotic’s face glittered brighter than the gems she had been cooing over earlier. She practically leapt out of the pool to meet the Gyarados with a loving grin, splashing Lucario in the process. “Darling!” she greeted, touching her forehead to theirs.
The Gyarados hummed softly, the sound reverberating through the large office room. “Evening, my desert rose. Thought I’d stop by to say hello.” She cast a sideways glance at Lucario and Bingo. “Apologies if I have interrupted anything.”
Lucario tipped his hat politely, and shook his head. 
“No, we were just finishin’ up here, I believe. That is, unless Milotic has anything else to discuss with me.” 
“No no,” she hastily waved him away, not taking her eyes off her wife, “That will be all.” The serpents and Marill continued to quietly murmur amongst themselves.
But not too quietly for Bingo to hear.
“This here’s the payment from Mr. Torterra,” The Marill lifted the bag for Milotic to see, keeping their voice down, “Mr. Remoraid noted that it’s sixty-nine hundred thousand. We went ahead n’ counted, it’s all there, ma’am.”
Bingo paused. Mister Remoraid and Mister Torterra? They must be talking about the two in Oasis Town. And sixty-nine hundred thousand? That wasn’t right, she remembered hearing a very different number before when she was in the manor.
“Mister Remoraid..?” She piped up, looking towards the group, “From Oasis Town..?”
Three pairs of eyes turned to face the young Lillipup, each more terrifying than the last. 
“And sixty-nine hundred thousand?” She tilted her head, seemingly not deterred by their stares, “I don’t remember hearing that number, I remember hearing Mister Remoraid talkin’ about something along the lines of an even seven hundred thousand, no sixty-nine hundred thousand.”
Lucario turns to look at Bingo and blinks. What? “And where did ya hear that?” 
“In the manor,” the Lillipup tilted her chin up to look at Lucario, “He was in one of the rooms without a door, I was walkin’ around and he was just talkin’ to himself while countin’ money.”
“Remoraid tends to do that,” Marill scowled.
Milotic and Gyarados exchanged wordless glances with one another, a dangerous expression shared between them. 
Silently, Milotic slithered around her wife to stand before Bingo at full height, her tall frame casting a shadow over the Lillipup as she cocked her head with narrowed eyes.
Nevertheless, a proud smile graced her face.
“Very interesting, little Lillipup,” she purred. Behind her, Gyarados growled low in her throat. “Do tell more.”
“There ain’t much else to say if I’m honest..” Bingo’s nose twitched as she stared up at the tall Pokemon before her, “Though I do believe I remember Mister Remoraid putting the money into two separate coin bags.”
“Now Lillipup, you promise you ain’t lyin’ about none of this?” Lucario raises an eyebrow.
She cocked a brow in return, “What reason do I got to lie about this? I saw what I saw and I heard what I heard and that is my word.”
For a long, agonizing moment, the room was silent. Milotic’s gaze seemed to bore into Bingo, as if studying her for any hint of doubt or deceit. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Milotic cast a glance towards Gyarados and flicked her tail with agitation. Her wife only nodded in response.
And in an instant, Milotic’s demeanor suddenly changed. She craned her neck down to meet Bingo at eye-level with a warm smile, patting the Lillipup’s head with her fanned tail. “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, dear Lillipup. Now that you’ve brought this matter to light, we can have this situation dealt with.”
She turned to Marill with a sickeningly sweet voice, “Marill? Take our little friend here outside for a moment?” Milotic retreated into her pool for a second, resurfacing with a different, but still decently large bag. “And Lillipup?” 
“Yes, ma’am?” She tilted her head.
Milotic beamed as she set the bag down in front of her, the sound of coins clinking as it hit the floor. “Get yourself something nice. My treat.”
“Oh! That’s not necessary, ma’am!” The young Lillipup replied hastily. 
Gyarados hummed with a smile, nodding at her, “We insist, little one.”
“Uh..” She threw an unsure glance up towards Lucario.
Lucario is visibly shocked, but nods his head. “We appreciate the generosity, right, Lillipup? Thank Milotic for the nice gift.” 
Bingo looked back at the serpentine Pokemon with a small nod, “Thank you, Miss Milotic.”
“No no,” Milotic waved her tail dismissively with a smile. “Thank you.”
Gyarados turned to Marill, “Take Lillipup out to the hall, would you?” She cast a glance at Lucario as she spoke. “I believe the two of us would like to discuss with Lucario for a moment.”
Marill gave a sharp nod, heading towards the door and gesturing for the Lillipup to follow after them. Bingo hesitates for a moment before following after them, disappearing through the door and down the hall.
And once the two had left the room, Gyarados closed the door behind them.
Scene Ends.
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