#I have so much to say about this warm little series I apologize in advance for flooding the tags
talkintomytv · 2 years
Just a bunch of things I imagine Rodrigo De Souza doing between the end of Season 4 and the start of a hypothetical Season 5 for Mozart in the Jungle!
►Shortly after taking the job conducting the New York Symphony, he sent his pet bird, Egor back home to be released. Then, shortly after he was fired, he returned to Mexico and took a long, spiritual hike in the rainforest to visit his ol' pal Egor in the wild. Egor leaves him a new feather for his hair!
►While home, he conducts his old school's youth orchestra. Entering them into and even winning multiple big league competitions all over the world, conducting all those kids to great success! While also dealing with all his unchecked feelings over Maestro Rivera.
►Later, he spent the better half of a year in Japan making peace with the group of fanatics who thought the real Rodrigo died a long time ago and that he was just some imposter taking his place. He stays here just long enough for his hair to grow long again. He even let the group of fanatics cut it however they want before he goes. It looks pretty good! They're all on good terms now.
►One of his composer friends turned film director, made their directorial debut working on a black and white monster movie. They invited him to come star in the film. It was a huge success and even spun off into other films. He gave every last cent he made from the movies in large, unexpected deposits to both the NY and Mexico City youth orchestras.
►After this, he spent his time hopping from city to city sleeping wherever and busking until his fingers bled. Sometimes joining in with other buskers he happens on along the way. His music and reputation draw in large crowds. He lets whatever musicians he's joining in with keep all the money from the crowds he pulls. People in the audience start to film these random appearances of his on their phones and upload the performances to the internet. This is the only way all his NY Symphony pals can check in with him. He still hasn't got a phone and he's still all over the place so every time a new video of him shows up online everyone from the NY symphony is like "Oh, hey! We got a new one!" and they all watch together.
►Somewhere in New York, Hai Lai is taking blind auditions for a violin soloist for a piece she is putting together. No one seems to be doing the trick. Eventually, one player from behind the curtain draws her in like no other. Yep. This is definitely the one! They got the job on the spot. No question. The musician steps out from behind the curtain. It's Rodrigo! They will sort out all their old qualms with each other later. For now, they are just really happy to see each other again! Hailey never would have gone this long without talking to him but shortly after he was fired he was gone and he's not exactly the easiest guy to get ahold of.
There we go Prime Video. I've set it all up for you. I'd gladly pay for a whole year's worth of Prime just to have the opportunity to binge-watch a fifth season of Mozart in the Jungle in a single day.
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kayjaywrites · 4 months
Like Bugs in a Rug Chapter 2.5
Bonus Chapter
Previous Chapter
NOTE: Although this bonus chapter could be read by itself, I think it will hit so much harder if you at least read Chapter Two beforehand. Don't remember what happened last? Don't worry about it, this is a series of one shots, so you can basically pick-up and read in whatever order.
Story Summary: Azriel Shadowsinger, mysterious pretty boy extraordinaire himself, was head over heels in love with you for years. Everyone in the room could see it, except for you of course. A series of connected one-shots.
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Chapter Word Count: 2,100 Words Chapter Music Inspo: LMS - Aislinn Davis (Does this song super relate to the chapter? Not really, but kinda if you squint. I don’t always get to choose what songs inspire me to write, and for whatever reason, this one did it for this chappy.)
Azriel’s POV
Azriel didn’t knock. He waltzed into Rhysand’s office with swift authority. In a few long strides he was at Rhysand’s desk before the door had time to drift shut behind him. The small amount of self-restraint Azriel had maintained during his flight to The House of Wind vanished at the sight of the asshole, his fury vibrating with the need for release. He so rarely embraced the part of himself that craved such brutish violence, but as he advanced on Rhysand he tossed his gloves to the floor. He needed to feel this.
Rhysand didn’t have time to fully look up from his task. His pen was still in the middle of scribbling his signature on some paperwork when Azriel leaned over the desk and took a fist full of the front of his tunic into one hand.
He yanked the High Lord up from his chair so hard the fabric made a tearing noise. He drew Rhysand into an awkward half standing, half crouched position, holding fast as he loomed over him. Much to Azriel’s annoyance, Rhysand only seemed mildly taken aback by Azriel’s crass arrival, the bastard was expecting him.
Rhysand’s typical air of nonchalance had never bothered him in the way it did now. It was disgusting, how he could jeopardize something so precious to Azriel, and then chose fucking paperwork over trying to fix it.
He sneered in Rhysand’s face. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Hey, hey.” Rhysand tried to straighten, but Azriel didn’t give an inch. Rhysand reached a hand for Azriel’s wrist instead, as if to protect his fancy tunic from ripping further. Azriel fixed Rhysand with a scowl that promised harsh violence if he touched him, so Rhysand let his hand fall.
Maybe the High Lord hadn’t completely lost his mind, had a little self preservation instinct left in him after all.
“Az, I’m going to apologize, you don’t need to do this.”
Don’t need to do this? The cold rage clouding Azriel’s mind said otherwise. He barely registered his blue siphons flashing as his shadows rose up behind him, dangerous and menacing just like him. He pulled Rhysand closer, the thread along the collar of the tunic fraying, their faces now inches apart as he looked down at Rhysand with blatant revulsion.
The scent of your tears lingered in Azriel’s nose like you were still falling apart in his arms. For as long as he lived, Azriel would remember what it felt like to see your confidence and hope flicker like a dying flame when all he could offer you was his embrace. It wasn’t enough, he knew that, and it made him feel so helpless. All Azriel wanted was for you to feel like you belonged here, with the Inner Circle, with him.
And they had made damned good progress too, it was slow, but he could tell that you were warming up to the idea of trusting the Inner Circle. Until this dick went and fucked it all up.
So yeah. He did need to do this.
“I fucked up,” Rhysand rushed out, his violet eyes seemed to take in every twitch of Azriel’s face, reading the unspoken threat for what it was, “I’m not saying I don’t deserve this. I’m saying that I already agree with you, I went too far, and I will apologize.”
Azriel huffed an exhale, nostrils flaring. You’d been so distraught, so emotionally and physically exhausted that you fell asleep a few minutes into the flight to Mor’s apartment. You’d never admitted as much, but he knew you had a bit of a phobia of heights, it’s why he never pressured you to fly with him. He had dreamed of the first time he’d take to the sky with you, planned out each scenario, wondered how you’d look the first time you saw Velaris from above. He’d always imagined your face to be alight with wonder.
If he had any reservation about confronting Rhysand, it vanished by the time he entered Mor’s apartment. You didn’t even stir when he laid you down on Mor’s bed. He considered returning to The House of Wind while you were asleep, but the idea of you waking up here alone kept him rooted to your side. He sat on the bed next to you while he waited for Mor to return home, he knew she would take good care of you, she took her duty as a newly discovered older sister very seriously. He found himself absentmindedly smoothing your mused hair from your face. Using his gloved fingers to wipe away dried tear tracks from your cheeks. He was unable to stop comparing the peaceful expression you wore in your sleep to the heartbreak he’d seen while on the stairs.
The room was silent, but his mind was loud as he spiraled, thoughts fixated on how he'd failed you. Had Rhysand sent him away to Windhaven first thing in the morning on purpose, to set him up for failure? Were there really any rumors of an uprising in the camp? Azriel hadn't found any, and it seemed like a mighty convenient distraction.
By the time Mor arrived home he was visibly seething with no concept of how much time had actually passed while he waited. He barely greeted her, gesturing to your sound asleep form on the bed as he made his exit. 
Of course, Azriel was furious on your behalf, but that wasn’t what triggered the bloodlust, not completely. He was supposed to protect you, mind and body, and he failed you so spectacularly. He’d assumed that Rhysand had similar intentions, had fully trusted him to protect you while he was away. He would never be so foolish again, he just hoped that you’d stick around long enough to see that.
What if the damage Rhysand dealt couldn’t be smoothed over by a mere apology.
Studying Rhysand now, he seemed so certain that he could smooth this over. He didn’t seem remotely sorry enough for Azriel’s taste. His free hand clenched into a tight fist, something eerily similar to hatred bubbled in him like acid. If Rhysand didn’t feel guilt or remorse for what he’d done to you, then he certainly didn’t care how his actions impacted him either. 
Azriel meet his chosen brother’s beseeching stare with contempt as he spoke, words sharp as they left his lips. “When Feyre was first adjusting to the Night Court, I did everything I could to make her feel comfortable and welcome because one way or the other, I knew she was important to you. That made her important to me too. Well before she became my high lady.”
Something defensive surfaced in Rhysand at the thinly veiled accusation. “Are you implying that I don’t care about my own cousin?”
“No,” Azriel snapped back, “I’m implying that you don’t care about me. How dare you speak to her like that knowing exactly what she means to me.”
Rhysand inhaled sharply through his teeth, fixing Azriel with a stern frown, as if he was the one disappointed in him. “I am the High Lord, Azriel, how many times must I remind you that my duty to my Court has to trump the comfort of those in my Inner Circle? She would have had to face Kier eventually, as you know, he thinks she’s spying on us for him. Was I supposed to risk a civil war because she wasn’t prepared?” Rhysand’s calculating eyes were hard as he paused for a moment, as if considering his next sentence carefully, “Just like how I expect you to make uncomfortable choices for the sake of the Court, I expect her to do what must be done to protect the Court as well. That is what it takes to be a part of my Inner Circle."
At one point, referencing the confrontation with Rhysand after getting caught canoodling with Elain would have sent him over the deep end. That conversation marked the first time he truly questioned the depth of Rhysand’s compassion for those in his Inner Circle. Even if Rhysand had been right in the long run, the cold way in which he handled it did not settle well with Azriel. For the sake of his family, not the Court, he had backed down and buried the resentment he felt towards Rhysand. It had seemed worth it, to see Elain and Lucien so happy, and Azriel was finding his own happiness too.
Again, Azriel’s siphons blazed. Rhysand could walk all over him as much as he liked, he’d lived through worse well before he’d met him. But he wouldn’t let Rhysand treat you like that even again. You deserved so much better, especially from your High Lord. “Being the fucking High Lord does not give you the right to be an asshole. You know she already struggled with feeling out of place among us, you didn’t have to confirm her worst fears to get her to cooperate.”
“I know!” Rhysand snapped, trying a bit harder to pull away from Azriel and straighten to his full height, a warning gleaming in his eyes when Azriel didn't yield. He’d sooner rip the tunic all the way down the front than let Rhysand stand tall right now.
“I knew she would push back,” Rhysand continued, sounding offended. Good. “I knew I would have to be more stern with her than I’ve ever been before. I had a plan, but hadn’t accounted for what her magic would feel like when it went on the offensive. I didn’t know it could go on the offensive, I don’t think she knew she was doing it, she zoned out for about a couple minutes in the middle of the argument, totally unresponsive and just blankly staring at me. I couldn’t penetrate her mental shields at all. Her magic protected her from my own fiercely. I wasn’t ready, and my magic took the bait, I lost control of the situation. I’m going to apologize to her, Az. I’m going to explain myself.”
Azriel searched Rhysand’s face for any sign of deception, growing cross with Nesta and Mor for not mentioning the odd behavior earlier. Tense seconds of silence passed as Azriel processed the new information. Rhysand stayed stock still, unwavering under Azriel’s scrutiny. Jaw clenched, he filed this development under ‘suspicious’. He’d agonize over it when he was thinking clearer.
Exhaling a stressed breath, he unclenched the fist at his side. His other hand remained curled in Rhysand’s tunic, unwilling to release him quite yet.
“If she leaves because of this, I do too.” If Azriel’s intentions shocked Rhysand, the High Lord didn’t show it.
Hoisting Rhysand up until he stood up straight, Azriel made sure to tear the fabric down the front a good couple inches for good measure. “Fix. This. Rhys.” With that, Azriel shoved Rhysand away, releasing the collar of the tunic as the High Lord stumbled backwards, the back of his knees bumping into his office chair and toppling it over.
Azriel had nothing left to say to the other male, yet he was still wound so tight. Icy fury and hot protectiveness rushed through him like adrenaline as he turned his back to the High Lord, retreating to the door. 
This hadn’t made him feel better at all.
 Just as he was about to leave the room, as silent and quick as he arrived, he paused. “Meet me at the training grounds in 20 minutes.” He ordered, casting a challenging look to Rhysand over his shoulder, daring him to correct him for ordering his High Lord around.
When Rhysand remained passive, Azriel added. “Don’t make me come and get you.”
Then he clicked the office door closed behind him, making a beeline for the training grounds. He could sense his shadows scrambling to catch up with him. They’d loitered in Rhysand’s office a few seconds longer than him, and he almost reprimanded them for it. But then one of his bigger shadows materialized, curling down his arm to place his discarded gloves in his waiting palm. He dismissed the shadow, not quite with praise, but thankful nonetheless as he tucked the gloves into a vacant pocket in his leathers. It would have irked him if he had to ask Rhysand for them back, after he threw them to the floor in such a dramatic display only to not throw a single punch.
He’d get those punches in soon though, and he was going to enjoy every single one with bare hands. Then, he would focus his attention on what really mattered, supporting you. One day, he hoped to prove to you that you had people right here who would choose you over their Court every damned time.
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Like Bugs in a Rug Tag List: @f4iry-bell @jediknightjana @microwaveallthedemons olive-main @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @5onedirection5 @lilah-asteria @witchymomfrien @landofpetrichor @quinzzelx @tsibba01 @brieflyclassymortal @hauntedstudentobservationus
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sashaisready · 4 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 9 - Say goodnight
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Some smut…insecurities in reader
I’m back! I’ve been a bit caught up with work and parenting so things have been a little crazy. Hoping I should have more time coming up to dedicate to this! Apologies in advance…this is a little smut/fluff to warm us up before we get into the angst next chapter (I’m sorry) As always, your reblogs and comments mean the world – it’s lovely to see people engaging with his story!
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You slugged him hard on the shoulder, something you seemed to be doing a lot lately.
“Really? That’s all you have to say?” you scolded, still slightly breathless.
Annoyed, you tensed up and began pushing against his chest to prise yourself off him. You saw the slight look of fear on his face as he wrapped his arms around you in what was essentially a bear hug – keeping himself inside of you.
“Hey, whoa! It was a joke. I’m sorry…I guess that was all kinda intense and I didn’t really know what to say,” he admitted, looking a little sheepish. “I meant to lighten the mood, not piss you off, believe it or not. That’s the last thing I want, okay?”
You softened a little as he kissed you again. It was true, despite his charm he was often clumsy with his words and misread the room. He didn’t seem to do it on purpose…so you let it go. This time, anyway.
“Alright…fine,” you relented as your muscles relaxed again. “But you don’t always have to…fill the silence, y’know? Sometimes…you can just be”.
He nodded. “I know, I’m trying,” he said gently as he moved a strand of hair from your face. “But look…that was…amazing. Just…wow”.
He laughed and you laughed too. “Wow is much better,” you giggled. “I can work with wow…”
The two of you continued to ‘wow’ one another over the upcoming weeks. Your place. His place. Once or twice in the back office at the bar (dangerously close to being caught when Peter knocked that second time…and Bucky angrily told him he was too busy doing the books when actually you were on your knees in front of him…)
His touch was addictive. You didn’t think you’d ever get enough. Even little things like him subtly brushing a finger over your lower back as he passed, or leaning over and pressing himself into you as he went to grab a drink from the bar, seemed to get you going. He knew exactly what he was doing too, shooting you a little wink or smirk each time. He liked to keep you on edge.
Neither of you had raised if you were going to go ‘public’ with your little arrangement. You didn’t want to bring it up, not wanting to appear needy or to want a ‘what are we?’ type conversation. You did tell Wanda and Vis, there were your only real friends here outside of the MC and you didn’t like the idea of lying to them about how you were spending your evenings. They had been surprised, and Wanda had warned you to be careful – she told you Bucky’s reputation was based on two things – whatever sketchy shit he had going on behind the front of his businesses, and the copious amounts of women he landed. Neither of which was a shock to you, but you were grateful for her cautioning.
If you were honest, the secret nature of your relationship with Bucky was welcomed by you. Part of you felt a little self-conscious – like the MC would all think ‘oh, there goes another one…’ or view you differently because of it. Another silly girl getting entangled with Bucky…What else is new? Keeping things quiet meant you wouldn’t embarrass yourself when it unavoidably started to go wrong…
Plus, you didn’t really want to have to deal with any other women who had him on their radar, particularly Amber…
…Who wasn’t really around as much. Her friends still came by the bar, and she did too sometimes. But less and less so. Bucky hadn’t mentioned her, you weren’t sure if he had spoken to her or if she’d just moved on elsewhere. You didn’t think he would’ve brought you up with her, but maybe she sensed he was either pulling away or spending time with another girl.
You’d hoped she had just met a nice guy and had moved on from the MC…but there was a moment one evening where you were pouring a beer at the bar and Bucky had leaned over under the guise of picking up a box at your feet, only to whisper something salacious in your ear as he passed. You’d giggled and grinned, elbowing him away playfully, and as you looked back up you had locked eyes with Amber from across the room. You’d given her a small smile, but she just stared right back. You felt oddly under fire, as if caught out, despite the fact anyone watching the same interaction most likely wouldn’t have batted an eyelid. It was as if Amber was in tune with Bucky in a way the others weren’t, especially when a rival was concerned, and she saw through your bullshit immediately.
You’d barely seen her since that night, but maybe that was for the best. You weren’t interested in beefing with another woman over a man, especially not that woman. And that man…
Aside from Amber, the only other person you wondered who might not be fooled was Steve. He and Bucky were best friends, after all. More like brothers, as Bucky had explained to you. They had grown up together. Steve had been with Bucky through it all, been dutifully by his side when he recovered from losing his arm, ran the MC with him and stuck with him no matter what.
Even if Bucky hadn’t told Steve about you, he seemed to be more aware than some of the others. His stoic silence often was down to him surveying the scene, taking everything in. A mouse couldn’t fart in the bar without Steve knowing about it. He was the eyes and ears of the MC. He had never said anything directly to you, but there had been a few looks he gave you and Bucky that seemed pointed. His sky blue eyes said much more than he did. But maybe you were just projecting…
Thankfully, everyone else was as oblivious as you needed them to be.
Once, as you sat with a few club members to wind down after closing, Bucky had brazenly dragged his hand over your bare thigh under the table. It had been a warm and stuffy night, so you’d done your shift in a pair of denim shorts and a t-shirt. You’d discreetly raised an eyebrow at him, which quickly evolved into an expression of controlled panic as he trailed his finger across your skin before casually unzipping your fly and making his way in, moving past your underwear. You’d bitten your lip to stay quiet as he found your clit and began working you over, all the while chatting away to Bruce like nothing was happening. You tried to bat him away, but he kept coming back, and you soon caught on that people would notice if you tried any harder and made a scene as a result. You quickly understood he was counting on using your embarrassment to silence you.
And, well, damn him - it did feel good…
He didn’t look over at you once as he continued, but his fingers didn’t let up as you began to feel the familiar heat build within. You hated to admit to yourself how much it excited you. You knew how wet you were, how close you were. He knew it too, based on how he began to adjust his pace and pressure. Your entire body tensed as you realised to your horror, that in spite your discomfort, your body was about to betray you and give you a very public orgasm. As the feeling bloomed and the heat swelled, you took a large sip of your water and glanced downwards in an attempt to cover up any potential facial expressions that might give you away. You choked on the mouthful, spitting a little out down your chin as your climax hit, your shoulders shuddering.
“You okay?” Sam asked from across the table as he looked at you with concern.
You nodded bashfully, “Uh, yeah, sorry,” you croaked – still dazed and a little out of it, “Choked on my water”.
“You gotta go easy, doll,” Bucky chimed in smugly as he withdrew his hand and subtly zipped up your shorts.
You glared at him with an expressionless face, but your eyes told him all he needed to know as he defiantly smirked back at you. He then retained eye contact as he appeared to ‘absent-mindedly’ suck on the tip of his finger and pretended to listen to Nat’s conversation with Sam. You managed to suppress a squeak as you felt the warmth rush to your cheeks.
Later, to pay him back for his little stunt, you angrily rode him back at his place and edged him until he was a whiny mess begging for release. Which you gladly gave him (eventually). Then you were even. It wasn’t often you took charge with him, but you knew he enjoyed it when you did. Just as much as he enjoyed when you were the babbling wreck.
That seemed to be a large part of your dynamic, always trying to one-up each other and ‘win’. It was thrilling, exciting. It probably wasn’t healthy…but you didn’t care. This wasn’t serious anyway. It was just fun. Someone to spend the time with in-between sorting through Granny’s boxes and painting her walls. Someone to make you laugh and give you orgasms and kill time with at your bar job. Someone whose initial rule that you didn’t sleepover had lapsed when you both passed out after a particularly vigorous session. Someone whose arms you awoke in the following morning, who didn’t rag on you for sleeping over but instead kissed your crown and didn’t speak. Someone who laid with you and held you so tenderly that it silenced you, famously a smart mouth, you, too. Someone who you began to sleep with most nights, even when you weren’t working. Whose absence you felt when he wasn’t there, someone who you realised you slept better with alongside. Dreamless, deep sleep that actually felt restorative and restful and allowed you to wake feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Someone who in the early light of day would smile sleepily at you and kiss you, morning breath be damned, and pull you into him like you hadn’t just been sleeping in his arms for all those hours before.
Someone not serious.
Another time, late one night, he took you out on his bike. The feeling of the wind in your hair, the exhilaration of the speed, the warmth of his leather as you wrapped your arms around his waist…it helped you to understand why Bucky loved all of this so much. There was something very freeing about rocketing down the roads at top speeds, not shrouded in a box as you were in a car, just out in the air – free and uninhibited.
He drove you both to a hillside on the edge of town where you could see everything below. You’d sat on the grassy verge together and silently watched the lights of the buildings beneath you, thinking about all those people in their homes…going about their lives. Were they happy? Is this what they imagined their life would be?
Is this how you’d imagined yours?
He moved his hand over your own and kept it there, not speaking. You didn’t really need to speak when it came to Bucky. You did talk, sometimes late into the night – about your past, your passions, your disappointments and fears. He was easy to talk to, he didn’t always say the right thing but he listened intently. He remembered details and brought them up later. Being with him was just…easy. In silence or in noise.
You both sat there, hand in hand, time lost as you watched the lights below and the stars above. One by one the houses would go dark, the residents retiring to their beds as their home slept along with them. Unknowingly watched over by the two of you as you continued your silent observation. You could see Granny’s home in the distance, the porch lights on for your ease when you got home later. You wondered if Granny had ever been up here, if she’d seen her home the way you saw it now.
Bucky turned to you and smiled, leaning in and kissing you softly. Taking his time as his nose brushed against yours and the strands of his hair slipped out from behind his ears. If you’d dropped dead at that second, you knew you would be at peace.
Your stomach curled as you realised what this all meant. The inevitable fact you’d been hiding from yourself for some time.
You were in love with Bucky Barnes.
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mayzi33 · 4 months
*clears throat.*
(apologize in advance for any mistakes english isn't my first language)
Alright. Here we go.
Look, I haven't watched MLP in a LONGGGG time. But recently with all the stuff I missed our and since the fandom is still pretty much alive and well I decided to take peek by peek in the seasons I haven't watched.
Until I came across, these guys
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And I have so much to say.
I didn't write a script for this or anything so I don't know where this rambling is going so I just ask you to bear with me for as much as you can, okay?
Look, watching the Young Six episodes I've experienced one of the things that angers me the most. SUCH. WASTED. POTENTIAL.
I homestly don't know what Hasbro WAS THINKING in giving them so little screentime. There's so much I have to say but I'll try my best to keep my thoughts organized.
First things first, we'll need to talk a little about G5 or "Make Your Mark" series or whatever. I personally enjoyed the movie, though the story didn't make much sense (we'll get to that later) the characters were pretty nice, the songs were catchy and the animation was mwah. I didn't bother to watch all of the G5 series, because- (pardon to all who enjoy it) it's so. Freaking. Boring. Like I know there's a pony girl that's supposed to be a traitor among them but then grows onto being their actual friend and there's a villainess and that whole conflict and yada yada yada. But honestly there just isn't anything I found enganging in the entire thing. I can't explain it, it just feels- off. I know I probably don't have much right to talk, cause again, only now I'm diving into the mlp again after missing out A LOT, but I just can't bring myself to like that series.
Now, the whole School Of Friendship saga in the G4 series with our beloved Young Six, I know some people had some issues with it and it didn't please everyone, and while it does have some flaws and is certainly not perfect, you can't deny there was lots of potential. (I'll try to not overuse that word I'm sorry)
I personally, really liked the concept of different creatures from different cultures coming together and forming the perfectly diverse friend group. Episodes like The Hearth's Warming Club and What Lies Beneath were particuarly really fun, it was nice to dive into their cultures and backstories while also watching the six of them be vulnerable in front of one another and grow closer. If only they had more screentime and more deep episodes like that, they could have been in the top 10 found families in cartoons.
Now, just some other reasons as to why I think they're interesting characters and should've gotten more than what was given to them.
1- Their whole deal is that they're not all ponies, that they're all different species. We get to learn lots about their different cultures and customs. It would've been such a good way to teach children about acceptance and respecting differences while also being entertaining. Especially in a school enviroment.
2- We got not one, but TWO male characters in the group. It would make little boys that are interested in mlp feel more comfortable and valid for it. AND those two males also have distinct personalities and their own active roles. Gallus being sort of the leader of the group, and Sandbar being the only pony therefore the one to stand up for his friends.
3- While they're supposed to be the new represantives of the elements of harmonies, their personalities are still interesting and different from the Mane 6.
Onto that, I really like how it's implied they could be the next helders (or whatever its called) of the elements of harmony. Given their special connection to the tree, how similiar they are to the previous groups (Mane 6 and The Pillars) and how Twilight LITERALLY LIFTED THEM UP AS WELL WHILE SHE SPOKE ABOUT HOW THE ELEMENTS WILL LIVE ON, it would've been such a cool concept.
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Onto that, I wanna talk a bit about each of their characters too and how I think they could've been dealt with.
Gallus is the element of magic, but unlike Twilight who's all open and confident-spoken about friendship and all, Gallus is probably the one in the group that's the most closed-off and dislikes getting all cheesy. It would've been interesting seeing his development as the helder ot the element of magic. AND ESPECIALLY since he doesn't have magic in the first place, since Twilight and Starwirl were unicorns. So maybe he could make posions? Get powers someway else? Many posibilities
Sandbar is the element of kindness, but unlike Fluttershy he's extrovert and down to making friends. His overrall personality is that he's constantly very chill-going and nothing seems to ever upset or annoy him. So it also would've been interesting to see how that pattern would break, especially because of his element.
Yona is the element of honesty. She's probably the one that has the hardest time adapting to the Equestrians among the group, and even tried to act like a pony instead of herself one episode. It would've been interesting to see how her element of honesty reflects on how she should be true to herself, especially since her Yak culture comes a lot with honor.
Ocellus is the element of genority, yet, unlike Rarity, she's a lot more like Fluttershy, being timid and insecure, while also being smart and well-read like Twilight. It would've been nice if her development with her element would be gaining confidence in herself and being generous to others that way. Especially since she has a fear of being like the old changling queen (forgot her name) so imagine if she just turned out to be the opposite of her. Instead of selfish and cruel, being generous and kind.
Smolder is the element of loyality, but also like Gallus, she's also not into getting cheesy. But what I find imteresting about her is how she tries to keep her tough, agressive persona (since thats how dragons are) yet it is revealed she's actually interested in cute, fluffy stuff like tea parties and dresses. So it would've been cool to see her growing confident in admiting her interests, therefore being more like Rainbow Dash, who's always confident on herself
And last but not least, Silverstream is the element of laughter. But what's hooking about it is the fact that Silverstream herself probably hasn't KNOWN what laughter is for a long time, having to hide under The Storm King's rule. She's very talkctive, creative and extrovert, like Pinkie Pie, but she also has her trauma that haunts and intimidates her, unlike Pinkie who usually faces her fears headfront. Another great development story.
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So just hear me out, okay. I don't care if MLP is over. I don't care if there's G5.
We. Need. A. Young. Six. Spin-off. Series.
I know it sounds crazy, but I genuely think this idea could work out if it was handled well enough, and Hasbro could make some good money out of this.
Just bear with me. A spin-off series set on the timeline between season 8-9 aka, still on the School Of Friendship, focused entirely on the Young Six. We could still get the Mane 6, of course, but mostly as support characters. It doesn't have to be a particularly long series, (though maybe that could work as well IF handled with enough care) maybe just 2 seasons or so. And I'm not thinking like a slice-of-life or fun little extra kind of thing, I'm thinking of ACTUAL lore. Just more about how the tree and the elements work, and how these six students could grow into being their new helders. In each episode it becomes more and more evident to them and the Mane 6 themselves that they're going to be the next generation of the elements. So imagine once they all fully it figure out and talk about it, the Y6 suddenly feel this pressure about how they're supposed to live up to their teachers and fear that they have to be EXACTLY like them. So we see Sandbar taking extra kindness classes with Fluttershy, Yona taking extra honesty classes with Applejack and heck even Gallus is taking studies more seriously (especially since he's supposed to be the element of magic which again I find imteresting since he doesn't really have magic at least not the way Twilight and Starwirl do. ) So we could have an entire episode about the M6 getting through to them and showing they don't have to be JUST LIKE THEM nor The Pillars. They can be their own people.
Another main-plot idea would be having more villains, probably trying to test them or tear them apart (cough cough like Swift Foot from the idw comics cough cough) or maybe you could even fit someone as intense as King Sombra, or maybe even even the return of Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis in there. (I remembered her name yay)
And, of course, more onto their characters, flaws, backstories and cultures! I would love to see more about their people and customs, just as much as I would love to explore their traumas, fears, ugly sides and how they overcome it together (cough cough found family COUGH COUGH GAGS)
And another thing, I especially would've liked to explore Yona's and Sandbar's relantioship.
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Don't they give massive beauty-and-the-beast vibes? I love how their colors and body types contrast with one and another, and their personalities aswell. Yona being loud, cheerful and clumsy while Sandbar is calm, thoughtful and carefree. I just love the big girl x soooorta small guy vibes and I especially loved how gentle and reassuring Sandbar was towards her in that episode. I mean, "I don't care if you're not a pony, you're the best Yona I know." SERIOUSLY? WHO WROTE THAT LINE? I'D LIKE TO GIVE THEM A HUG. And also, onto the spin-off series matter, it would also be a cool topic to explore. Imagine if some ponies/yaks are judging them for having a relantioship while being different species and they learn to ignore them and live past that??? I usually don't care much for romance, (always prefered friendship and found families) but this would've been a nice little arc and episode theme to see.
Lastly, (I'm almost done I promise) to the more technical/economical part.
Like I said in the beggining, I genuely think Hasbro could make some good money out of this. Firstly because it will be using the G4 characters and lore and not...whatever mess of a plot G5 is.
And secondly because, if they took the time to give them some cool power-up designs like they did with the Mane 6, I'M SURE the toys would sell.
I mean- JUST LOOK AT THESE COOL DESIGNS I FOUND ON THE INTERNET?? (not mine, credits to whoever made it, you ate that)
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And if anything, they could be as bold as to make an extra Equestria Girls (well, girls and boys) series with them. I know it sounds kinda dumb, especially given the fact that I'm not sure about how that would work given that when Spike went to the "human dimension" or whatever he turned to a dog... So Smolder would also be a dog? Sandbar would be the only actual human in the group?... BUT I'm sure they could come up with some excuse to make it work. Give them some cool, colorful outfits for different events and I'm sure it would sell. And ESPECIALLY since with Gallus and Sandbar in the group, it could get the attetion of young boys aswell.
Anyways. That was it.
Uhm. Conclusion: Hasbro should hire me. I know what I'm talking about. I think. At least a bit.
And I genuely think this could work if only SOMEONE gave it the time and care.
I don't know how to end ramblings so uhmmmm thank you all for coming to my pep talk.
They deserved better.
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motionlessonigiri · 10 months
Hi Sabezra community.
Am I an English speaker? No. That's why I apologize in advance for the crimes against the English language that I'm going to commit next. But I still hope you can understand me. I'm not even sure anyone will see this.
It's been a while since I came here to find people who love the same things as me. Like a refuge from the outside world. I planned to post something only when I had something interesting to share with you all, like a video edit or fanart. Things so we could have fun together.  The current circumstances didn't allow me to do anything for now, so I was just following things as a spectator.
Seeing all this ship war going on, made me feel like I wanted to get away from all social media, so I wouldn't see these things anymore.  I also felt scared to express my love for this ship too. I'm scared to post this now.
Even my mother noticed that something was bothering me.  She asked me several times what I had.  I didn't want to tell her, because she's also a Star Wars fan and I don't want her to know everything that's going on. I want her to continue watching our favorite shows without thinking about negative things.
I want to get the hell away from it all, but for once, I would like to post this to all the Sabezra shippers who are receiving free hate. I think you guys need some love after suffering so much hate and I need to get out how I'm feeling. Because that's all I can do for now.
This whole time, I saw your fanart, I saw your video edits and I read many of the beautiful fanfics you wrote (I confess that I haven't read them all yet, it's due to lack of time, but I loved everything I read).
I see everyone putting so much love into what they do. And I can't ask you to continue, because I myself don't know if I'll ever be able to post anything in the future. But to be honest, I don't want you to stop.  Am I being cowardly and selfish? Perhaps, but it's the truth.
But I'm here to remind you that not all Sabezra shippers are so active on social media, but we exist.
I've been a Star Wars fan for a few years and only watched Rebels during the pandemic. I started shipping Sabezra since then.
I was so happy that the Ahsoka series exists. And now I couldn't even watch Ahsoka or Rebels (I tend to rewatch the things I like many times). Because every time I try to watch it I'm reminded of this whole ship war that's going on.
So I decided to talk to a friend. He is also a Star Wars fan (and a fan of Rebels, which I recommended to him), but he doesn't follow things that happen on social media. We always talk about Star Wars, but we never talked about ships.  But today I asked him what he thought of Ezra and Sabine.
He is my childhood friend and we practically grew up together, so I thought: "If he sees Sabine and Ezra as just friends/siblings, just like he and I are, maybe I'm seeing too much in the interactions between Sabine and Ezra and and I should just stop shipping them." 
But to my surprise he also ships Sabezra. He said that you can see in the exchange of looks between them that there is something (In fact, my friend and I never look at each other the same way Sabine and Ezra look at each other). And he thinks Sabine is in love with Ezra.
The same case happens with my mother, who also loves Rebels and watches everything from SW since when she was young, but without following all the discussions that happen on the internet.  When we watched Ahsoka, she said she thought Sabine liked Ezra since Rebels.  She said this without me saying anything about shipping them.  And when I asked her if she thought it was wrong to ship them, she said no and said she thinks they will be together someday.  (I know, this may never happen, but hearing this from my mom warmed my little heart)
Even a friend of mine who isn't a fan, just watches casually, asked me if Sabine had a crush on Ezra.
Talking to these people from outside made me feel better, because this may not have been the intention of Dave and the others, but you can see that, based on common sense, no one can blame us for shipping them, it seems natural to many people. And not all Sabezra Shippers can be seen expressing this around.
I have nothing against anyone who ships wolfwren.  But I won't lie and say I wasn't sad that the cast supported it so openly, while we are accepting crumbs. I confess that at first I felt betrayed. I haven't shipped Sabezra for as long as many of you, but I feel like I have. But thinking clearly, I understand them. Besides thinking that they can to ship whatever they want, just like us, I see it as a way for them to show support for the LGBT community. It is to be expected that they will do this. And it's okay.
Needless to say, I'm just posting this to express what I was feeling, I have no intention of hurting anyone.  I am completely against any type of hate.
I don't regret watching Ahsoka, nor do I regret that the series existed.  But I'm sorry to have seen so much fighting and hatred for something that was made to make us all happy. I wish I had followed everything in ignorance, as well as my friend and my mother. I think I'll start seeing things that way from now on.
I had a lot more to say, but I still don't know how to express them in words and this was turning into a mile long post.  My first post and this was huge.  I'm sorry for this. I needed to get these things out because I want to sleep and focus on the more important things I have to do.
And I want to be able to enjoy watching Ahsoka and Rebels again without feeling sick out remembering all the discussion surrounding it.
For now, I want you to know that I've been loving all the Sabezra content you've been posting. What I want to say is that I'm here and that I will continue to ship Sabezra until the end. Even if you don't see me interacting here.
Maybe later I'll regret posting this. 
Maybe I'll delete it right away. 
Maybe I'll never come around here again. 
I don't know.
Too late. But everything is fine. 
At least now you know I'm here.
I love you all.
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echoing--stars · 10 months
Hiiiii Woooooorm
So. Consider this. (I totally didn't get this idea from both me writing a kidnapping fic and you getting a kidnapping prompt for Link and Rowan) Link teaching Rowan some super basic but effective self-defense moves
this can be as fluffy or angsty as you want it to be, but personally I think they deserve a little awkward flirting mixed in between repetitions ;)
To make up for missing yesterday, this one got a little long!
Disclaimer - I do a poor job of explaining an actual self-defense move in this. I don't think anyone is going to try and do this after reading a snippet of a fanfic, but I still wanted to say that I did not explain it super accurately. I had a hard time finding a proper reference outside of the two second long video I have of me doing it at the one self defense class I've taken XD
And yes, it can work against someone much bigger and stronger than yourself!
It got long enough to put under a read more line and that I didn't want to bother with the indented formatting, apologies in advance
(If you read this and would like to request a short snippet, see this post!)
“Is this really necessary?”
Link looked up from where he was untying the laces on his boots. Rowan stood with his arms crossed, looking nervously around the empty training room. Link had ensured that they wouldn’t be bothered — it was the only way Rowan would have felt comfortable enough to come.
“I would feel more comfortable if I knew that you could defend yourself.”
Rowan sighed as his shoulders slumped. “We live in such a safe neighborhood though. There’s never been a problem at the bakery.”
The words were weak even to Link’s ears. It might be true that no one had ever broken into the bakery or otherwise threatened Rowan, but it had only been a few weeks since Link had been attacked on the street. The threat had been neutralized quickly with the help of a nearby guard and Link had only suffered a small cut on his arm. But after that, he couldn’t help but worry about what would happen if someone tried to go after Rowan.
“It’s always better to be prepared. The hope is that you’ll never have to use this but…”
“Just in case, I get it.”
This was a familiar conversation after the past few weeks, but Rowan had eventually relented. Link brought him to one of the buildings at the army base and led him to a room he knew wasn’t used that often.
The floor of the room was dirt and a crooked ring made up of a thick but ragged rope. There were a few benches around the ring for observers and various supplies along the walls.
Link finished removing his boots and socks and pulled off his tunic. No sense in getting it sweaty.
Rowan had followed his lead and removed his shoes and socks as well, but he kept his shirt on led. Link led him in a series of stretches to warm up and loosen their muscles.
Link walked Rowan through blocking and throwing a punch, how to disarm someone carrying a dagger, where to aim to stun someone.
“Remember, you don’t have to win, just buy enough time to get away or for someone else to come help.”
Rowan slowly gained confidence, at first not putting any strength behind his hits, too worried to hurt Link. Link encouraged and supported and poked at him in turn. Practice didn’t mean anything if you didn’t learn at full strength.
Rowan lashed out with a punch, and Link let it hit him. The impact stung. “That one actually hurt a bit!”
Rowan’s eyes widened and he took a step back, holding his hands up. “I’m sorry!”
“No, that’s a good thing! It means you’re getting more confident.”
Rowan did look convinced. “Okay, but it’s not like I’d have a chance against a skilled fighter. If we were actually fighting, I wouldn’t be any threat.”
Link sighed. There was some truth to that. Someone who’d — thankfully — never had to fight would have a hard time against someone who’d been fighting for years. “Remember, it’s not about winning, or knocking someone out. It’s about buying time.” Link tapped on his chin for a moment. “I have an idea. Turn around.”
Rowan hesitated for only a moment, but after Link gestured, he did as told. Link stepped forward until his chest was against Rowan’s back and reached up to wrap an arm around his throat. It was a bit awkward, considering that Rowan was a few inches taller than Link, but he was still able to hold his arm in place. He was careful not to put any actual pressure against Rowan’s throat, of course.
“What’s your first instinct if this happens?”
They were close enough that Link could feel Rowan’s chest rise and fall as he breathed.
“Grab your arm and try to pull it off?”
“Right, keep the pressure off your throat. Try.”
Rowan wrapped his hands around Link’s forearm. Link tensed his muscles, resisting Rowan’s pull. He put his other hand against Rowan’s shoulder. “Okay, the person is stronger than you, you can’t pull their arm off. In that case, make sure your feet are planted and stable. You’re going to lean forward, pulling me with you, and squat. As you stand back up, pop your hips back so your torso stays parallel to the ground. This should pull me onto your back.”
When Rowan didn’t move, Link nudged at his leg with his foot. “Come on, try. It helps if you move quickly.” Link wasn’t sure if that was true, but if it got Rowan moving, he would take it.
Finally, Rowan did as asked. His movements were a bit shaky, but he was able to pull Link onto his back. Link’s chin was at Rowan’s shoulder now, and Rowan’s hands were warm against his arm.
“Okay, this is where it gets fun. We’re going to do this again, but this time when you stand up from the squat, you’re going to lean your left shoulder — because I’m grabbing you with my left arm — towards the ground. Make sure you have a firm grip on my arm and use your grip to pull me forward. This will flip me over your shoulder so —”
“Link! I’m not throwing you over my shoulder!”
Rowan dropped his hands from Link’s arm and he slid off of Rowan’s back. Rowan spun around, eyes wide. “I don’t think I could even do that if I wanted to.”
Link took a step forward, holding a hand up in a placating gesture. “You can! Believe me, this is something that can work against attackers that are bigger and stronger than you.”
Rowan’s expression shifted and his lips twitched as he tried to hold back a smile. “You would know, right?”
Link snorted and rolled his eyes. “Calling me short, are you? How mature.” But he couldn’t hold back his own smile. Besides, he’d much rather have Rowan teasing him if it meant that he wasn’t worried about hurting Link while learning self-defense.
Rowan laughed. “Sorry, couldn’t help it.”
Link shook his head, still smiling. “Alright, fine. But I promise you will not hurt me. I’ve trained on both sides of this and know how to make myself land safely. The sandy floor helps too. And yes, this does work if the attacker is taller than you.”
“If you’re sure?”
“I am.”
“Let’s do this.”
Rowan turned around and Link wrapped his arm around Rowan’s throat again. He made sure that Rowan had a strong grip on his arm and then coached him through the movement again. They practiced this a few times until Rowan was confident enough to do the full move.
“Ready this time?” Link asked.
“As I’ll ever be.”
This time when Rowan squatted and then stood up, he yanked Link’s arm and tilted so Link rolled off his shoulder. He hit the ground back first, and his breath rushed out of his chest. Link blinked, and then Rowan was looking down at him, eyes wide with apparent panic.
“Are you okay? It seems like you hit the ground hard. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” 
Link drew in a deep breath before moving to sit up. Rowan moved around him until he could reach out a hand.
“I’m fine! That was amazing, Rowan, I knew you could do it!” Link smiled and took Rowan’s outstretched hand. Rowan pulled him up so fast that Link nearly fell against Rowan’s chest.
Rowan laughed and wrapped his arms around Link, pulling him into a tight hug. “I was worried you hit your head or something for a second.”
“I’m fine. And besides, I’ve had worse during training and while working with recruits.”
“That is not reassuring.”
Link grinned and pulled back enough so that he could look up at Rowan. “I don’t know, I think I turned out okay.”
Rowan moved a hand to Link’s cheek. “More than okay, I’d say.”
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acacia-may · 6 months
Hi if you're feeling in a mood to comment on some OC ships could you maybe talk about Nozel x Helena and Gabriel x Vanessa?
(the second one I'm still working on developing better, but after Erika's comment I'm determined on them getting a happy ending even years after Paper Hearts)
For platonic relations what about Yami and Finral?
Of course, Lola! Thank you so much for the ask! I would be delighted to ramble about your ships (though I know we have discussed a little before so I apologize in advance if I repeat myself a little bit here). 🥰
Nozel x Helena
I'm sure that you know already, but I absolutely adore this ship. There are a lot of good pairings out there for Nozel (both with canon characters and OCs) but I think I personally vibe with this dynamic for him the most. I think Helena and her sunny personality are just so good for him. The grumpy one x sunshine one trope is my sister's favorite ship dynamic of all time, so even though it's not always my thing, I think that's given me a real appreciation for it. Regardless, it just works so well in this case. Nozel is so serious and so uptight, and Helena is so warm and so kind. I love the fact that she is sunshiny but more reserved about it. In my personal interpretation of Nozel, I think I see him more as a person who would get kind overwhelmed by a big personality, so I love that Helena is just so sweet and gentle with her positivity and kindness. Her big heartedness and her ability to see the good in people is really admirable, and after getting to discuss your work with you and getting to read your post about your inspirations for "Paper Hearts," I came to love and appreciate her even more. (Also, her character design is absolutely gorgeous).
I love that Helena is not just there to be Nozel's love interest but also to encourage to turn over a new leaf and heal his relationships with his family (because, I'm sure it goes without saying, but that's my jam! Next thing I know I'm going to go all in for the dysfunctional Silva Bros too, okay? I'm just waiting for it to inevitably happen lol). Jokes aside though, as soon as I started reading your work, I knew that there was more to this story than just Nozel finding love, and I love that. I'm not the most romantic person, but I do appreciate when love stories are integrated into the bigger context of someone's life. Nozel has been through so much, and it really does warm my heart to think of him turning over this new leaf, being happy, and finding love someday. That said, I am just bonkers about this idea of combining all of that with him rebuilding his relationships with his siblings. JUST YES!! It's everything I ever wanted. I'm not if I've ever talked about this but my favorite Nozel x Canon Character pairing is probably Nozel x Dorothy for this exact reason. I like that she has this bond with Noelle, and we see her kind of encouraging Nozel and Noelle to repair their sibling bond, but I think it is more of a jump to combine the Silva Siblings bonding and the romance in that particular case, so when I found your "Paper Hearts" I'll admit I kind of went a little bit feral over it because those two things are so seamlessly and beautifully integrated together in Nozel and Helena's story. And when you shared with me that that was part of your plan and something you wanted for your work all along, it just all came together and made perfect sense for me. It's so compelling, and I think you've succeeded in that so well. I can't wait to see how everything plays out!
Needless to say, I am all in for this ship. I absolutely adore it, and it's probably my favorite ship for Nozel. I say this even as after I have already paired him off with Dorothy in my Future Problems next gen series, but there's totally a world (probably several worlds) where he marries Helena now. I need it to happen. I really need it. They're just so good!
(Bonus ramblings: I love the title of their story "Paper Hearts!" It's very clever given Helena's magic so I love it for that, but it always makes me think of one of my favorite songs "Paper Hearts" by The Vamps too).
Gabriel x Vanessa
I am so here for this pairing! It has really piqued my interest and is quickly becoming one of my favorite Vanessa ships. I think I mentioned before that I do like or am a least neutral to a lot of Vanessa pairings, but none of them really fit Vanessa's own admission about the kind of person she likes in the Assorted Questions Brigade in the manga, so I love that Gabriel really fits that for her. She deserves a man that's her type (at least in some universe).
I'm sure you also know that I just adore Gabriel as a character (and not just because I'm biased because I also have an OC named Gabriel. Though it is an awesome name, objectively! 😁). I love his relationship with his sister, Helena, and that he is strong while also being empathetic. Even though he is confident, I think he has such a kind heart, and I love that about him too. Gabs is really a sweetheart, and I think his more adventurous side and willingness to explore other points of view (i.e. not just doing things the way they've always been done to keep with traditions) would really endear him to Vanessa. I also really love the idea of them bantering with each other. That's really fun!
Plus, with Helena being so close to her brother and also so close to Vanessa as a friend, I think there could be some really fun interactions there with her (good-naturedly) teasing them a little about their feelings and relationship, and I eat that stuff up (honestly, I think most of my attempts to write romance involve someone's close friend or sibling making those kind of shipping jokes about them. It's a very fun concept to me).
Overall I'm just really excited to see them interact and how their relationship develops! I think it's going to be great!!💖
Yay! Platonic bonds too! Thank you for this! You're the best. I love when people let me ramble about my favorite friendships and family relationships. 🥰
Yami and Finral's Friendship
This friendship really warms my heart. It goes without saying that Finral has serious father issues, so the idea of him having this strong, male role model that believes in him really means a lot to me. I know that when we see them in the series, they're both in their twenties where Yami being older isn't as meaningful, but Yami let Finral onto his squad when he was a young, 15 year old boy who had never really had a father, and even if Yami wasn't intending to step into that paternal role and/or even if Finral saw him more as an older brother than a dad, the end result is the same. For the first time in Finral's life, there is this older male figure who he really looks up to and who believes in him. Yami gives him a chance, gives him the opportunity to join his squad, and sees something special in him and his supposedly "weak" magic that Finral has been told is useless his entire life. And you can really see throughout the series how much this means to Finral and how much it inspires him and allows him the chance to flourish and to learn to believe in himself too. (A/N: On a similar note, I love to imagine William and Langris have a similar bond with each other and that doesn't get talked about enough, so I wanted to do a quick shout of to it here).
I do love that they build this friendship with each other over time, and getting to see Finral kind of being "the responsible one" on the squad is really fun to me. As my sister and I often joked while binging the anime, it's a sad day when you realize that Finral is "the responsible one" out the Black Bulls, but it does make for some really great and really funny moments. Also, I have always had a major fascination with the early Black Bulls when the squad (at the least the members that were around) were just Yami, Finral, Vanessa, & Gordon. It's just such a fun dynamic, and I loved getting to write about their misadventures. ^^
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vespersposts · 2 years
ブラック・オーシャン - Black ocean
🧭 In the first story of the series, apart from the ever-present demon of my heart, you will find a bit of melancholy and perhaps a less 'light' topic than usual, which I hope won't upset anyone (hints of fertility issues so if it is a trigger for you, I would advise against reading it).
🫧I have deliberately described the characters as adults, ideally this story is about people in their late 20es.🫧
Thank you all for the support and kindness I always receive! ⛵
A hug,
✍PS: I apologize in advance for any grammatical and/or spelling mistakes, English is not my first language (bear with me!).
➿Genre: fluff, slice of life, one shot.
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"It's a boy!" 
The words come out spontaneously as soon as you close the call, but only when you add that she is fine you see him smile. You raise your glass to toast, but it is immediately clear to you that he is no longer there. It doesn't take much to get him worked up when something, anything, concerns her or his friends.
He grabs your hand, waves goodbye to his teammates, to the coach and his retirement cake, to lead you down the corridor; heading from the roof of the hotel to the staircase block. 
He chooses the ground floor button and leans against the mirror in the lift cabin, a smile on his lips and his mind completely absorbed by the news of the hour. He doesn't speak to you; he's too busy checking his mobile phone, too intent on smiling to himself at the euphoric reactions the good news has aroused in the whole group.
No surprise at all.
You always knew that he would consider that newborn child as his own. 
He had fallen in love with that little being as soon as he had managed to rationalise its existence in Satsuki's womb. Now, nothing and no one would be able to distract him from the mission of being the first 'uncle' to meet the first born of the new generation of miracles.
His dark and warm jacket lands on your shoulders while you wait for the valet to bring the car back to him: the night is cold against your bare back, but you realise it at that moment. You don't need him to open the car door to let you in, you just need a due date to moments like these, when your thoughts are at war. 
You only need him to tell you what in your mind is already so painfully clear.
"Aito" he smiles as he stops the car "Aito Kuroko. What a killer name! Sounds pretty badass, doesn't it?" he asks you, as he checks the traffic light. He leaves his long fingers on the gearbox, completely ignoring your open hand on your lap.
" It's beautiful indeed, I was so hoping it would be a boy " you remark, bringing your hands together to your womb, as if reciting a lazy prayer.
" Satsuki would have preferred a girl, for sure!" he adds, putting his hands back on the steering wheel and briefly searching out your gaze.
“ All she cared about was that the baby was healthy, Aito* or Setsuko** would have made no difference. A baby is a miraculous gift, regardless of gender”  you tell him, adjusting the seat belt that suddenly feels heavy on your chest.
" What's wrong ? My baby longs for a baby? No need to be envious, if you wanna be a mommy say so, I might even help you" he teases, laughing lightheartedly, because he really has no filters.
You know he cares deeply about you, but after learning of your condition he struggles to tune in, as if ignoring that uncommon feature could heal it, as if pretending that everything is fine could set you back in time. He doesn't realise the delay he has accumulated nor that, in doing so, he only expands that lapse of time in which his words become the heaviest of weapons. He hurts you with his blunt nonchalance, only to be confronted with reality and have to offer you a sincere but useless apology.
"It doesn't matter Daiki, not at all. " you agree, as you watch the scenery flow past the window, now that the car is speeding along the open road leading to the hospital exit.
The maternity ward is a happy island painted in soft pastel colours and decorated with natural images so reassuring that, for a moment, they make you forget the tangy smell of disinfectant and the cold neon lights. "Are you the father?" asks an astonished nurse who stares at you two for a long time, trying to work out what strange sentimental geometry Aito was born from. "No, I... Hey Tetsu, congratulations!" you can hear his voice change tone, as soon as the new dad's ruffled blue hair comes over the horizon.
"You can be heard all the way to the last room, Aomine-kun!" his childhood friend picks him up amiably, before turning the most tired but satisfied of smiles on you.
 "Satsuki? May I see her? " you hear your boyfriend's deep voice again. You release the embrace between you and Kuroko and know that the neo-father has seen it. 
He seems to have a special talent for seeing what you try to hide.
"If she's too tired, we can come back tomorrow!" you propose to the young man, just to make sure he doesn't ask you in front of your partner why you look so resigned. 
"Don't be silly babe, of course she will see us, I am pretty much her brother !" he shushes you "Aito? Where is my nephew? I want to see who he looks more like!" he concludes by throwing an arm over Testuya's shoulders, forcing him to reveal where his wife's room is.
You remain a few steps behind, and as you turn to thank the nurse, you realise that your noisy visit at such a late hour is not entirely welcome.
"Fifteen minutes at the most" she tells you in a firm tone "And please shut him up!" she concludes, leaving you alone in the corridor.
Standing in the doorway, you hear them laugh before her eyes settle on you. You have always admired Satsuki for her charm and strength; but at that very moment, when she turns her warm smile on you and waves you closer, your heart fills with gratitude for paying attention. "Are you all right?" you ask her in a half-voice, hugging her tenderly, noticing the see-through cradle beside her bed, where a tiny pink-and-white creature claims attention by lifting tiny feet into the air.
"Meet Aito" she tells you softly, smiling contentedly as her eyes follow Daiki as he moves from the foot of the bed, to stand beside you. He rests a hand on your back, as your eyes move from the newcomer to him. "He's so tiny" is all you manage to say, before being invited from the newly parents to pick up the baby. 
"No, bro, why me, what if I break him?" the boy hastens to reply, as Tetsu gently places Aito in his arms, smiling in satisfaction at Daiki's sudden silence. You can see your boyfriend straighten his back, his eyes glued to the little one, his lips curled up in that typical smirk of his , the one which makes him look like a braggart, but the one with which he actually hides the utmost concentration on a goal. You bring a hand close to his bicep to remind him to breathe, smiling when you hear him exhale.
 "Cool as uncle!" he annonces, smiling broadly, turning towards you to let you have a closer look at the one who will surely be Daiki's only topic of conversation for the next two weeks. 
"This is your aunt, little one, the one I'm gonna walk the aisle with, so don't fall in love with her! " he tells him softly, cradling him lightly under his parents' proud gaze. 
If you could fully grasp what he has just made clear he wants from you, you would probably stammer a few words to brush off his request, but you are too enraptured by the mild but powerful sense of wholeness that the little bundle exudes, to pay attention to words. You caress the baby's soft hand, which opens like a flower: five tiny, perfect fingers, five tiny, perfect nails, tiny phalanges clinging to your pinky as if it were his only lifeline.
Isn't it the level of love that everyone deserves?
A family, two people merging into a third. 
You look at your boyfriend, you see his deep blue eyes, his perfect nose, his luscious lips, but you sense something more, a desire you cannot satisfy.
A would-be husband and father, whose head is already in the clouds at the very idea. An infant who, gripping your finger, made you realize how much you are emptying your partner's life by depriving him of all that love.
Now it's your turn to remain silent, standing in the large lift in the cold, sharp light that makes you look even more grotesque: made-up, combed and dressed up in a hospital. Completely out of context, completely defeated.
Useless: that's how you feel.
You look down at your pinky, squeeze it between the fingers of your other hand, because you don't want him to notice how flustered you are. 
"I'm not going to sleep anytime soon, how about we go for a ride?" he asks you as soon as you leave the building with renewed energy. You nod, letting him guide you with a smile to the dark car parked just outside the building's entrance.
Sitting in the vehicle's black leather seat, you see him take off his jacket and throw it in the back, adjust the seat belt over his chest, start the engine and, gripping the gearshift, turn the car around.
The city lights scroll quickly across his face, his eyes focus on the road, his voice humming a song on the radio. You smile when you notice that Satsuki is right: he should be less of a slacker and go get a haircut, but deep down you like him that way, too. You look at the way his dark shirt falls perfectly over his shoulders and muscular arms, you look at the reflection of the city lights on his steel watch, and from here you gaze at his long hands drumming on the steering wheel and exhale slowly. You miss his long, warm fingers squeezing your thigh, only to stop when you entwine them with your own. You miss his voice addressing you with a teasing complaint, only to later confirm that you desire him as much as he desires you. You miss the stolen kisses , the chuckles, the taunting.
You miss him. You miss the way you were with him.
You lower your gaze to the gearshift and from there to your closed hand, spilling it over the back to open it, not caring too much if the ring, which has been shining on your finger for a few weeks now, rips your socks off. 
You just want him to show you that he still wants you, despite you, however little.
Except that your hand remains alone on your lap. Alone like you, who already know where that useless ride will lead.
Once he would have taken you straight home, once you would have even struggled to get there dressed. Now he has to take the car, so he can get some action. That's sad.
You stare at your empty palm, which turns red now that it is illuminated by the traffic light, and suddenly you feel the need to address those words to him. 
" If I'm getting in your way, just tell me. I won't hold you back " 
The light turns green, but the car remains still and so do his eyes, fixed on the black concrete interrupted only by the reflection of the lights of the city's skyscrapers. You hear him sigh.
It's a matter you both knew would come up sooner or later, but somehow you had deluded yourself into thinking you could avoid it for a long, long time. 
"What the f-ck?" he grumbles in half-voice, as he brings his hands to his face as if to wipe it away, before showing it to you. "Why now?" he asks you, sincerely exasperated "Why now that everything is fine again?" he continues, turning a resigned look on you.
"Cause it isn't. I can’t take this anymore. You know I can't " you specify, stressing the last word.
"We're gonna fix it, there's nothing we can't do" he urges you, but one look is enough to know what you're referring to. He looks in turn at his arms, from which a few minutes earlier little Aito was smiling blissfully, and you need only to stare into his eyes to know that he has figured it out. 
"It's not us. It's me. You can. I can't " you tell him. "I'm sorry. My body is unfit, that's why. You heard the doctor" you conclude as you look again at the palm of your hand turning red.
No one says a word, no one interrupts the chanting of the radio.
You remain silent, the traffic light turns green, the clear road in the late night brings you quickly to that open space just outside the city. 
A basketball court.
His favourite basketball court, the one where he and his generation of stars hang out to spend a few hours, the one that has the new rubberized floor that wears out the soles of his sneakers in no time, the one where kids can't wait to pass by after school, just like he did at their age. The same field where he met you at the beginning of college and where, almost nine years later, he made you promise that sooner or later you would be his forever.
You smile a bitter smile, because there is no better way to close the circle.
You see him turn off the car, open the door, get out to open yours too and wait for you to join him. You comply, leaving the warm cockpit for the clear, cold night, standing still not far from the car, which is closed with a sounding flash. 
You feel his large, warm hand clasping yours, his fingers sinking between yours, his tall, muscular figure leading you to the centre of the key area, under the basket, lit by the flickering light of the street lamps. 
"Do you see it?" he asks, bringing his face closer to yours to make sure you are looking for the right one. You know what it is, you have known for almost nine years. You've known it since that day when you stuck on his face the free sticker from the soda he stole you. The same sticker he promptly stuck to the backboard with a jump, daring you to retrieve it, if you wanted your precious can back.  
"I know it's there, even if it's worn and discoloured" you tell him tilting your head to look him in the eyes "I understand what you want to tell me but..." you sigh " You can't compare your future to a sticker. A family, raising a bunch of kids with someone who can actually have them. These are things that will make you happy, not the dreams that an old sticker reminds you of. That's what I want for you " those word come out as a whisper, as you barely close your eyes as you feel his warm hand caress the back of your neck. 
“Is that what you think love is ? ” he asks you, pulling you close, letting your head rest on his chest as his arms wrap around your naked back. You nod and look at each other for a long, intense moment, before his eyebrows relax and his lips curve gently.
You know he is calm, though you don't know how he can be. 
"You're wrong" he smiles "You're so wrong" he repeats, bringing his warm hands closer to your face and leaning down a little to look at you softly. "Love means more than raising kids, buy a home, live a life together. Love is what blends everything in : fun, thrill, passion, pain. Love is a whole that's broken into a thousand rips and splinters, which mend perfectly as long as we're together. This is it, this is us. This is you. To me you are love, the only kind of love I long for " he ends up, wiping away a lonely tear from your face.
"But Daiki…" you try to object, but you lack the courage to support that theory, that would take away the most important one in your life.
"But babe, I'm telling you, you're wrong!" he smiles again, stroking your hair to leave a warm kiss on your temple, looking at you earnestly, speaking from his heart "I don't want anything I can't have with you. All I want for me is you, know that. If it's not with you, nothing is real for me" he confides you, sealing his promise by leaning over to kiss you softly, his soft lips against your salty ones, his warm hands lifting you effortlessly to bring you to him, your hand on the back of his head bringing him to you.
The kiss deepens and no matter if you run out of breath or your shoes slip on the rubberized floor of the basketball court, when you open your eyes again and find his own, you know why only he can be the one.
"Let's go home" he suggests softly, sliding you slowly over his body to put you down. The car passes through the deserted city, to stop at a red light that does not interrupt your chatter. You nod at yet another provocation, earning a kiss and a puzzled look as you get his attention by calling his name.
"Yes, hon?" his deep voice replies, his gaze slowly shifting from the street to you. "What happened to my touch-starved boyfriend?" you point out with a smile, innocently stroking his thigh.
"I knew it would drive you nuts, you adorable pervy!" he confesses with a hint of mischief in his voice, and you feel the warm grip of his large hand on the skin of your leg as the boy's laughter fills the cockpit.
" Says you! What a jerk!" you laugh, touching his fingers, entwining them with yours, receiving his large hand, feeling reassured when he tightens his grip and kisses your knuckles.
You were sure that the night in which Aito was born would be the last night at Daiki's side. The arrival into the world of that child with his hanting name, would shipwreck in his dark waters not only your relationship, but also any chance of future happiness.
Aito Kuroko, the dark ocean.
Daiki Aomine, the bright light that will always lead you back home.
Your Daiki, the one who made you realize you were wrong, so wrong.
* (meaning: Ocean), ** (meaning: Melody)
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sparklingpax · 2 years
Hi! You know, I'm here to thank you. Thanks for the content and searching for a lot of details on Super-God Masterforce! Honestly, I consider it one of the best works on transformers, and it's very nice to see people who share a love for this anime. I hope someday it will be appreciated as a classic of transformers, as it deserves. And it seems that we are on the way to that. I want to say that there is another person on this planet Earth who loves Super-God Masterforce, and is not so alone in this! I hope this thought warms you up a little! (I apologize for the mistakes, I use a translator)
First, let me apologize profusely for the fact that I took.....way too long to finally answer this, but it was only because I wanted to wait until I had a moment to sit down and write a thoughtful response to this >//<’’
(Also don’t worry about the translator, your message is clear and all :3 I’m going to apologize in advance just in case I have any typos in my response, as I tend to get lost in my own writing quite often haha ^^’’)
Getting this ask genuinely made my day, you are the nicest human being waaa 😭💙💕✨ thank you so much!!! And I'm glad too that there's yet another person who likes Masterforce out there!! >w< Like, there's so few of us, but we are strong, and we are growing!!! hehe >:3 I will continue doing what I can to generate content for everyone to enjoy ^w^
OMG AND YEA!! MASTERFORCE IS INDEED A CLASSIC AND DESERVES SO MUCH MORE LOVE THAN IT GETS??? Lowkey I feel like a lot of tf fans just write it off as "the strange one with lots of humans" or deadass forget about/have no idea of its existence and I just??? Like it makes me so sad and even maybe juuuust a little irked ;w; literally people are out there acting like some tf characters came from the comics and not from this series for example.....*lies on the floor and sobs*
But I will hold onto hope that someday, more people come to appreciate this series and hold it in higher regard. It's got great writing, cool designs (and in the episodes where the animation was on-point, really good visuals), a banger OST (insert songs of course included~), great characters who mostly receive a lot of development throughout the series, really interesting concepts that I wish were used more often in TF media, and just....the vibe of the whole show is so good 😩💗👏 I have so much appreciation in general for all the installments of the Japanese branch of G1, but I feel like Masterforce was just the best mix of everything that can be seen in other series 😎
So anyways, even if I am slow with my art and writing and everything, I will probably never stop making content for Masterforce, writing random ramble-y things about details of the canon lore I think are cool!! And I am honored you found my account and enjoyed it as much!
Apologies once again for being so late with this (😳🙏) but thank you so much for this ask 🥺🥰
I've kept it in mind on days where my personal life has been going badly (which is a lot lately qwq) and I start feeling bad about a lot of things, including stuff regarding my social media/art/etc--at those times I reminded myself that there are people out there who get me when I talk about Masterforce--and I smile and feel a bit better.
So ye! Sorry this is a bit long!! Here's a little doodle I made, to hopefully make up for the wait ^^'' sorry it's a bit rough 😳 but, it's the whole Autobot gang (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)💙
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Have a nice day/evening also!!! :D
-Kuni 💖
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tehuti88-art · 9 months
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12/22/23: r/SketchDaily theme, "Tree Week: Free Draw Finale." (I did regular Free Draw Friday.)
This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Sergeant Major Champere. He's the leader of the French resistance forces. He's a good guy but has rather an attitude problem and can be difficult to deal with. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.
Regarding his design, he went through the wringer in the Great War, so his ears are nicked and torn and he has a burn scar over his eye; his vision was impaired but not blinded. He wears an old kepi (yes, I finally learned the name of the hat Louis Dobermann wears).
TUMBLR EDIT: Champere dates to before the circa-2000 reboot, I believe, yet his character has never been significantly developed. All I really knew was I'm not quite sure of his rank--major or sergeant major?--or if he was even truly in the military, and that he's a jerk. Although he receives advance warning of the planned German attack on Trench Rat Headquarters, he refuses to get involved or warn them--he even orders Papillon to say nothing--until after the fact. It's Didrika's partisan forces who arrive first to help the beleaguered Rats, despite the Rats being on closer terms with the French partisans. And you can bet that Didrika gives Champere the tongue-lashing to end all tongue-lashings for it. And likely tosses a few curses and evil eyes at him while she's at it. (Even Boris, who can't stand the Trench Rats, considers it a dirty move.) AND although he belatedly sends his men to offer after-the-fact aid, he never apologizes or explains himself, so for quite a while, Trench Rat/French relations are severely strained; Papillon, deeply humiliated (as well as hurt--Drake Rat, with whom he's quite close, is captured in the attack), is left to try to patch things up between the two groups. Champere mellows out a bit as the series goes on, but never quite warms to the Americans.
I always just assumed Champere--that's likely not even his real name--was a snobby a-hole. His character has never been dropped from the story, though I've never paid much attention to him either, not being interested. As I chose him from my to-do drawing list and started brainstorming his appearance--he was going to have a mustache, but how do you do that and whiskers?--he finally, grudgingly opened up to me a tiny bit. But just a tiny bit. Many details, including his life history and his reason for distrusting the Trench Rats so much, are still unknown. I imagine they'll start emerging sometime soon, now that he's made it clear he's not just a boring snob.
I've long suspected shadiness on Champere's part. Sergeant Major or Major? He's named the first on the character list, but I swear someplace he was referred to as Major. Was he ever even really in the military? Because he's not leading a military unit now--yet still goes by a military rank. Is he some kind of fraud? Is it a Red Badge Of Courage situation and he just assumed command after mistakenly being perceived as a war hero? Is he crazy? From what little I know so far, it's all kind of complicated.
You notice I mentioned the Great War. Champere is indeed originally a military man. He has the wounds to prove it. He also has the bottomless hatred of Germans. I'm toying with him having encountered Captain Himmel, who also fought in the Great War--while underage--though it's unlikely as Himmel ran into Sergeant Camo Rat back then, and it just seems like too many coincidences, but who knows. He obviously had a rough time of it however, given his scars, so I imagine some of the hatred comes from that. He probably saw a lot of his fellows die miserable deaths in the trenches and it's left him not just bitter but nationalistic. Thus, he dislikes Americans as well, even though they're allied.
I suspect as well that Champere is a little...not all there. I think maybe a lot of his paranoid, erratic behavior can be chalked up to mental imbalance. He was likely a sergeant major in the Great War...now that he finds himself with a partisan unit behind enemy lines (HOW a group of "French partisans" came to be in Germany is never explained, same as all these groups of Allies fighting on German soil--this was based on my childhood misunderstandings of WWII and I haven't retconned any explanation for it yet), he's assumed the title of "Major" although everyone knows he's not one; they humor him, because even though he obviously has some screws loose, he's still a charismatic, intelligent, effective leader. His irrational distrust of others can be a liability sometimes--as it is with the attack on the Trench Rats--yet this incident is more of an exception than the rule, and his men decide it's worth the risk.
That being said, Champere avoids fighting except when absolutely necessary, and then when a victory is almost ensured. His group seems more invested in gathering intel and doing heavy work that doesn't involve direct combat. One major incident I know of where his men aid the Trench Rats is when they find an abandoned camp in the woods and need to handle the bodies; Didrika's guys for once aren't so helpful due to superstition, so Champere sends some of his guys to carry away the dead instead. (See Reseda's entry.) They also frequently trade with the Rats and Didrika's partisans. Again, I'm not sure why any of this is, why these guys are in Germany if it's not primarily to fight...
Uh. Anyway. That particular detail needs to percolate, and indeed, you just saw my brain hiccup with a tiny bit of an idea. It only JUST peeped into my head, and may be forgotten tomorrow...but as I said...percolation. Is that a word? Well, it is now.
I'm picking this up again after sleeping and WELP, indeed, more of Champere's story is coming out. Normally I'd start gushing it out here, but it's still heavily under development, is really weird and convoluted, either needs research or for me to make it up whole cloth (considering how much of it seems based on a mix of semi-religious psychotic delusion and actual supernatural experience), and to share it while it's so nascent would be a mistake. As a teaser, some of the stuff that's begun to emerge (which is all subject to change) is: A WWI battlefront vision, Turquoise and Nixie, the earliest days of Projekt Weltuntergang, the Thule Society, a secret pledge and a mission (maybe finally explaining why/how these French guys end up in Germany?), and Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great. So...yeah. It's looking a tad bit wild at the moment.
Anyway. I mentioned that Champere does mellow out somewhat as the storyline goes on, though never completely. Despite his inaction re: the attack on Headquarters, the situation does wear on him; after an obviously aggrieved Papillon fills him in on the outcome, he doesn't bother to turn around and look him in the eye, and reiterates his decision, but then quietly adds, "I'm sorry for your loss," indicating that he knows about Papillon's and Drake's discreet relationship. He's fully committed to not intervening for whatever reason, he believes in all his heart that he's doing the necessary thing, yet he does feel guilt over the outcome. He's driven by impulses he can't explain yet believes he must follow for the greater good...a sign common to both mental illness and religion, which look like they're gearing up to be big themes in Champere's story. When Drake is finally liberated and Camo returns, Champere acts out of character in personally letting them know he's grateful that they're back. Drake is simply too worn out by his experience to harbor any anger; that's Camo's reaction. He feels intense spite over Champere's refusal to warn them, and doesn't accept his comments graciously. There's some difficulty convincing Camo to work with him to get everything wrapped up.
I'm not entirely sure what happens to Champere toward the end; given the turn the plot is taking, I assume he survives the war, and almost certainly plays a previously undisclosed role in Ultima Thule. If he's indeed still alive and it's not just a matter of him leaving info behind, then this means a likely collision with/culmination of events that were set in motion way back on the Western Front of WWI. Champere isn't COMPLETELY crazy. He just has a strange way of viewing and interpreting the things he's experiencing.
And that's where I guess I have to leave things for now; no point hashing it out yet when it's still so embryonic and highly subject to change. I'm not even sure if Champere survives the storyline or not, though he almost certainly plays a role in the outcome (i. e., the fall of Jäger's proposed Fourth Reich and the destruction of the Alpine Fortress). It's a conclusion that encompasses two wars and almost thirty years, so I imagine it'll need quite a bit of ironing out to see the light of day.
[Champere 2023 [‎Friday, ‎December ‎22, ‎2023, ‏‎3:00:23 AM]]
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ooffies · 3 years
› 〉 ◛ ⁀➷ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ'ᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀꜱ ʜᴜꜱʙᴀɴᴅꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀᴅꜱ
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❥─➤ Jamil, Floyd and Rook (separate) x gn!reader
 a/n: I did something like this for genshin awhile back and had a lot of fun with it so why not do it for twst characters. This will be a multi part series, each set of three characters will have a theme for the mini-fics. For this one the theme is bedtime/sleeping. I hope you enjoy them <3 (and also sorry if there are several grammatical errors ssjjsghs)
❥─➤ warnings: mentions of pregnancy (any mention also has /adoption or adopted to make it more open for however you want it to be), google translate French (I apologize to any French speakers who read this in advance)
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╰─➤  Jamil | 
❥ They’re like mini Kalims, he is constantly worried about them and glued to their sides
❥ He’s already getting gray hair from these little rascals
❥ But he loves them with all his heart
❥ Will scold them and lecture them on how to behave when they do something stupid. But then will make them their favorite food for dinner
❥ Whenever he’s not attending Kalim’s side he’s with you and the kids. Being at home with you guys is the only place he wants to be after a tiring day of work.
❥ He’s very affectionate towards them but it’s subtle. He’ll hold them or their hand when asked/needed, hug them, tuck them into bed, cook for them, help them with their homework, etc without a complaint. He won’t outright dote on them though like call them his precious babies and constantly cover their faces in kisses.
❥ Jamil is a fantastic and very devoted husband. You’re the love of his life and he reminds you of that every day
❥ If you couldn’t tell already Jamil shows affection through acts of service, that’s how he mainly shows his affection towards you and the kids
❥ But when it comes to you he’ll give you both physical affection (especially in public and around others cause he’s a tad bit possessive due to his jealousy) and words of affirmation. Don’t forget to do the same for him! Give him all your love and affection, he deserves it
❥ A male wife. Will insist on doing chores or at least cooking dinner when he gets home, even if he’s been working all day. Some days much to his dismay you force him to relax and not do anything to help out around the house. The kids will come and bother him instead.
❥ When the family goes on evening walks through the city or trips to the market his arm is always wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him while he’s fretting over the kids
❥ He’s a bedtime story dad. The kids will force themselves to stay up and wait till he gets home just so they can listen to him read a bed story. He’s fantastic at it, it was something new you learned about him after having/adopting your kids. You often find yourself listening in
The warm light of the oil lamp radiates from the dark walls of the room. The window acts as a portal for the stars to shine their light on the bohemian rug that blankets the floor of your and your husband's room. The whole family is on top of the soft and wrinkled blankets piled on the bed. The kids rest on his lap while your head rests in the crook of his neck, your arms wrapped around his waist from behind. Your husband spins a tale of a boy, a diamond in the rough, and his adventures. One of his hands rests on your thigh, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on it. His other ones hold his children, occasionally running his fingers through their hair. Although deeply intrigued by the story, his soft voice lulls both you and the kids closer to a deep and happy slumber.  “Know this. Only one may enter here. One who lies far within. The diamond in the rough……. Ah…..” his story comes to stop as he hears the soft snores of your children, “Now that they're passed out, I say we get some sleep as well love,” he says. Your response by giving him a soft “mhm”. Nuzzling your head deeper into the crook of his neck, taking in his scent while listening to him now mumble about how he has to find a way to move the kids off his lap without waking them. You then stop his light blabbering by pressing a kiss to lips, “Just let them sleep here tonight Jamil…… I like it when we’re all together like this…”. “Alright then,” he said taking his hand off your thigh, using it to hold your face ever so gently. You lean into his touch, eyes, and words heavy with sleep, “I love you Jamil.” His eyes widen slightly, shocked from the sudden declaration of love. But only seconds after his smile returns, “I love you more,” he says as he presses his forehead to yours, “Just give me one more kiss love, and then we’ll sleep.”
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╰─➤  Floyd | 
❥ Oh boy
❥ Prepare for trouble and make it double, your child is just as chaotic as their father
❥ Dealing with them can be quite stressful but they often occupy each other with their chaos
❥ Floyd is either a great terrible father or a great one, there is no in-between
❥ The type of dad that asks his kid if they won if they got into a fight at school, so in other words, he encourages some not great habits and whatnot
❥ he would be the one to grab his child by the fin/feet and just hold them in the air like “behold”
❥ But following off of that in the opposing point, he is a very, and I mean VERY, supportive dad (and husband). He always has both you and your kids back, no matter what.
❥ A very doting dad and husband if you couldn’t already tell, his love languages are physical affection and words of affirmation
❥ Calls your kid an array of nicknames. He has his sea nicknames for the kid like “sea monkey or sea rabbit”, “kelp brain”, “(little) krill/krilly'' and “little elver/eel”. He’s also probably given you some more “lovey-dovey” sea creature nicknames like
❥ “My sea-star”, “pearl” and “pufferfish” (for when you’re mad at him)
❥ But his other dad-sona (???) is that he’s a bbq dad. Due to this other nicknames, he uses for his child are “kiddo”, “champ” and “junior”.
❥ You never expected Floyd to become a grill dad, no one did. But the day that man discovered what a grill was and that he could use it……. He just couldn't get slimy Lil hands off it.
❥ He just now has to smoke them meats, he loves his partner but a man just gotta grill. He becomes a different man when it’s just him and his grill
❥ He is now the king of hosting potlucks and bbq get-togethers
❥ One time Jade wanted him to grill mushrooms but he refused to so they argued and had almost burned the house down once cause they knocked over the BBQ during one of these fights
❥ Now Jade is just banned from them, he can come as long as he brings his own mushrooms dishes to eat
❥ He owns one of those shitty kiss the cook aprons and uses it to embarrass you. Trying to get you to kiss him whenever he can. You can do your best to act like you don’t know him but it won’t keep him away
❥ Beach trips are a family tradition for y’all. Every weekend your family goes down to the beach for the whole day. Sometimes camping there if y’all are feeling it.
The car's engine made a low hum in the vast night, passing by the dark beaches at a steady velocity. The two sounds mixed to make a clashing yet calming melody. This lullaby of the night had put your little one to sleep after a whole day by the sea with you and Floyd. Every now and then your eyes would drift from the road to the rearview mirror to check on them, making sure they were still sound asleep. Your husband, who had just been fussing over them by making his jacket act as a blanket so his baby wouldn't be cold, was now completely silent (which was quite rare). His eyes fixed on the ocean, the sea of blue hues your family enjoyed the day in was now a dark and nebulous void under the night’s dim starlight. He looked deep in thought, which was rare for him. His eyes slightly glazed over, his fingers tapping against his leg in a repeated rhythm. You wondered what he was thinking about, what was going through his brain at this exact moment in time. When you first met Floyd at Night Raven, you could never tell what he was thinking. It was a mystery, a beguiling oddity that no matter how hard you searched, you could never find the answer. Even after marrying him, even after having/adopting your kiddo with him, you could never read him. You take one of your hands off the wheel and place it over his. But it was fine that you never knew what was going through his head because he would always tell you. He blinks out of his daze, looking at your hand and then looking at you, his dopey gaze returning to his face. Floyd would always let you know how he was feeling, what he wanted… And how much he loves you. “Is something up seastar?” His hand clasps over yours now, his thumb running up down the back of your hand. The honesty and loyalty Floyd showed you made you feel special, the care for you and your baby makes your heart swell. Fond memories flood your mind. Memories of family hug piles, of him and the kiddo play fighting on the lawn of your home, of date nights that end with you being held closely in his loving arms. But most importantly, memories of these beach days, when it’s just you, him, and your guy’s precious kiddo. These memories sparkled like sea glass in the sand, each one just as gorgeous as the last. “Oh nothing much,” you replied, feeling your lips curve up into a soft smile, “Just thinking about how much I love you.”
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╰─➤  Rook | 
❥ He’s a fantastic dad but he is also absolutely terrifying
❥ He’s able to match bébés précoce high-speed energy precisely and exactly
❥ His kids absolutely adore him even though they don’t understand what he’s saying half of the time
❥ Like Floyd, he encourages both good and not great but draws more of a fine line between the two.  
❥ The type of dad who interrogates and tests the teacher “nicely” during parent teacher conferences and scares them shitless. Don’t blame him, he just wants to make sure his kids have a good teacher
❥ Your guy's kid’s friends are either terrified of him or they love him. There's no in-between.
❥ Reads Shakespear or very complex poetry for the kids' bedtime stories. Some Days they like it and others they refuse to let him read and make you do it instead
❥ Rook is a fantastic husband and I mean it. Always there when either you or the kids need him. He keeps up a bright and uplifting mood when things are bad and heavily dotes on all of his family
❥ He is very very very affectionate, both physically and verbally. From peppering his kid's faces in kisses when they get home from school to showering his kids with compliments when they do personally well on a quiz/ test.
❥ I feel like he’s the type of dad who doesn’t care too much about grades cause all he wants is for his children to learn. Like they’ll get a C on a topic they’ve been struggling on and he’ll be over the moon with joy for them
❥ “Fantastique travail mon petit! I’m so proud of you.”
❥ He’s an outdoorsman dad so expect a lot of family outings. Fishing trips, camping trips, hiking, etc. He wants his kids to experience the world's beauty and wonders at a young age and throughout their life
❥ Even if it’s just an evening walk in the park after the kids are done with school, he just wants to be outdoors with his family
The smell of the fresh outdoors and smoke intermingled in the night air. The fire crackled and popped as it danced under the moon, its warmth finding its way to you. That wasn’t the only thing keeping you warm on this cold night, the family cuddle pile was quite a good source of heat too. You had been sandwiched in the middle of your exhausted kids and husband (Although is Rook ever exhausted?). You rested between Rook’s legs, your back touching his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist. your little ones were bundled up in your arms with their head resting on your chest. The sounds of nature and their parent's hushed chatting voices had lulled them to sleep. You brushed your hands through their hair gently so as not to wake them. A fond smile made its way across as you looked at their adorable sleeping, the fact they looked so at ease made you feel the same. Your husband watched you with keen eyes, his head rested on your shoulder and wearing a found smile from watching you care for your two’s babies. You looked over at your husband, eyes softening at the sight of his smile. You placed a soft kiss to his temple before saying in a murmured voice, “ So Monsieur, what will the Hunt family’s exciting, new, and adventure-packed excursion be tomorrow?” He laughs at your light-hearted over-exaggeration, “Eh Bien mon amour, I was thinking we would just spend the day at the beach since the les petits are quite exhausted from today’s hiking trip,” His hand mimics the same action as yours, gently running his fingers through one of the kid’s hair, “I wouldn’t want to wear them out and make it so they’re not enjoying this trip, no?” “That sounds great Rook,” you pause, mind suddenly in deep thought and your eyes now unconsciously fixated on the glowing campfire.  Your silence makes Rook give you a confused look, “Is something the matter mon cheri*?” Your eyes focus on the fire for a little while longer before looking at him. You take a strand of his hair and tuck it behind his ear, “No nothing wrong, I’m just so happy to be married to you and you can call me yours. I love you, Rook. Thank you for putting so much time and love into our family.” Your words make him smile. He brings his hand out to cup your face, his fingers soft to touch. He pulls you in and murmurs ever-so quietly, “Qu'ai-je fait pour te mériter, mon beau cœur?” His lips touch yours, interlocking perfectly, as if they were made for eachother.
“What did I do to deserve you, my lovely heart?”
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© ooffies 
Please do not repost or translate my work without permission and credit. Thank you.
All pictures in the banners belong to Disney
Tagging @peachmilkandstubbornbees (thank u sm for all the help) & @ho-tdogwater
1K notes · View notes
havecourage-darling · 2 years
Right Side Up // 1
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Princess Peach Series
|| Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter two: If I only could >>
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Henderson!Reader
wc: ~5.8k
warnings: cursing, mild smut, S4 spoilers, angst with a happy ending
A/N: Hello everyone! So, here she iiiiis - I've had a lot of people ask if I'd be writing a S4 follow along and ta-da! (There should be 6 chapters total.) I'm keeping it in the Princess Peach world, meaning the reader is a Henderson. If you have not read any of the other installments in this series, I personally think you'd still enjoy this but you might be a little confused. Being totally up front, this is absolutely a fix-it fic, Eddie did not die and I have no idea what you're talking about canon, okay cool. Now that we're all on the same paaage...
Chapter One: If I only could
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“Are you the prettiest baby in the whole world?” You asked the wide brown-eyed stare focused on you. “Who’s the bestest boy? Oh, yes, it’s you!”
“If you keep that up, I’m going to get jealous,” Eddie said from his trailer door. You ignored him and Frank – Eddie’s neighbor’s dog who stayed over occasionally – went belly up. His muzzle was now littered with white hair but his waggling tail and endearingly excited pants made your heart melt.
“Oh, you’re so handsome, what a good boy,” you cooed, fingers scratching at his pink stomach. One of his little legs twitched happily as your nails caught the right spot.
Eddie’s mouth twisted into something achingly familiar and his eyes glinted. “That’s what you say to me when you lick my-”
A flash of your events this morning crossed your mind and Eddie smirked. “And I’m the pervert?” He said knowingly.
You shot him a glare, one that he knew you meant: behave.
Eddie’s laughter floated over to you and you rolled your eyes, pulling Frank into your lap. You laid down, sprawled onto a blanket that you kept in Eddie’s van, and bathed in the first warm sunny day in a while. The wind still had a bite to it at night but the afternoon sun was just enough to lull you into a nap.
“So,” Eddie said, settling down next to you, with two glasses of water. You gratefully took one and drank half in one go. “Spring break is soon.”
And it couldn’t come soon enough. You’d been swamped with papers and last-minute homework assignments for the entire week. Submitting your last paper tonight would be the last thing you’d have to do before being blissfully worry free for the entire week to come.
“Thank God,” you muttered, “I don’t want to look at a goddamn economics book again.”
No matter how much Sienna promised you that you’d eventually get it – econ was something dragged up from the seventh layer of hell.
“Spring break is only a week sweetheart. You’ve still got half a semester to go.”
“Never. Again,” you said, pushing out your bottom lip. As predicted, Eddie swooped in and kissed you. Smiling into it, he kissed you once more before leaning back. His hand came down to rub Frank’s velvety ear.
“So, how about we go somewhere for our anniversary?”
“This far in advance?” You asked, looking up at him and shrugging. “I guess we could make reservations for September now.”
“What?” Eddie blinked at you, confused. “Our six-month anniversary, Peach.”
The warm breeze hit the trees behind you, the leaves creating a glittering cascade of sunbeams as they shook. Eddie’s hair fluttered over his shoulders and you got the urge to curl a finger around a strand.
“Next week?” You asked, attention coming back to him. “Do you want to do something special?”
“Well, you just seem so excited,” Eddie said, pretending to be hurt.
Laughing, you leaned forward to kiss his cheek in mock apology. “I’m so sorry, wonderful boyfriend of mine, of course I’d like to do something with you.”
“That sounded better but you could still work on the delivery,” Eddie retorted, “it sounded a little sarcastic.”
Raising a brow, Eddie tried to fight his smile but you saw it anyway. “What are we doing?”
“More like where are we going?”
Perking up, you placed Frank onto the ground between you and crossed your legs. “Eddie.”
“Princess,” he said, his goddamn smug smile making your stomach flip in excitement.
Plucking some of the blades of grass from the ground you chucked them at him. “Where are we going?”
Eddie shot you a look as he pulled them out of his hair. “Gareth’s uncle has a cabin in the woods a few towns over, by that big lake,” Eddie snapped his fingers as if he’d forgotten the name.
“Lake Monroe?” You squeaked, having always wanted to go there. Nancy and Mike had gone like four summers ago and it was beautiful. She swore you’d love it, the hiking trails looked amazing.
“That’s the one,” Eddie smiled at your excited bounces, “his uncle is loaded and has some big house by the lake. It’s got like three floors and a pool.”
Holy shit, you don’t think you’d ever been in a house that big.
“Eddie, don’t mess with me,” you said, pressing your hands together.
“I would never sweetheart,” he said, leaning in for a kiss. “Gareth says he’s in Europe or something for work. I already talked to Keith and for a very humble exchange he agreed to give you Sunday through Thursday off.”
What? Eddie had talked to Keith for you? Shit – sometimes even you were afraid of Keith and you were probably his favorite. Well…his least hated.
“You braved Keith for me?” You asked, touched.
Eddie snorted. “Once I showed him how much I was willing to bargain for, he accepted pretty easily,” he said.
“Still,” you insisted, he’d been planning this for some time if everything seemed set in stone. “I can’t believe you did that for me.”
“What can I say?” Eddie said, buffing his nails and grinning at you. “I’ll do anything for my warrior princess.”
“My hero,” you swooned, throwing your arms around him and squeaking when he fell onto his back, “if this is what you’re planning for six months, what’s a year going to look like?”
“I’ll get you a flight to the moon,” Eddie joked. “Fleetwood Mac will be there with some pizza ready for a private concert.”
“Would we be alone?” You asked, realizing you weren’t sure if any of your friends were invited.
“On the moon? I’d hope so.”
You smacked his shoulder. “At the lake, dork.”
Eddie’s brows wiggled. “Can’t wait to have your way with me huh? Don’t worry, the house is on directly on the lake and the nearest neighbors are like three miles down the road. You can scream all you want and no one will hear us,” he said, nipping at the underside of your jaw.
“That’s not what I meant,” you said, pinching his side.
He jumped and shot you a glare. “Why is it always violence with you?”
“You love it,” you said, squeezing his shoulder three times – the words left unsaid. Eddie’s playful glare softened into something familiar, something he’d shown you since the first month you’d started dating. Sometimes you thought you’d explode with how much you loved him. The way your heart sped up when you were with him was ridiculous and probably unhealthy.
Eddie’s eyes trailed down your face, his hand coming up from your waist to cradle your cheek. His thumb brushed against your bottom lip and you nipped at the pad. His eyes darkened and you saw the words reflected back at you. Heart singing, you let him pull you down into a slow kiss.
“Yeah,” he said, lips tracing what he couldn’t say onto your skin, “I do.”
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This was the first and last time you offered to swap early morning shifts with Keith. You groaned as you started sorting through the returns.
“Remind me why we said yes to a Thursday morning shift?” You called out to Steve, who was half asleep next to the computer.
Well, you knew Keith had you where he wanted you – at his beck and call until your last shift on Saturday. He’d been sure to let you know he’d graciously allowed the time off on short notice because of your strong work ethic. Robin had laughed so hard he’d heard from his office.
“Because we’re money hungry, Keith sucks, and Robin has school,” he groaned, rubbing sleep from one of his eyes. “I will give you all the money from my next paycheck if you go across the street and get us coffees.”
You snorted so hard you almost choked. “Tough sell Harrington. You’re closer to the door.”
“You’re the better person,” Steve huffed.
“I am,” you agreed, laughing when he shot you a look. “Uh, Steve?”
“What?” He said, voice muffled as he hid his face into his elbow.
“Is that cheerleader walking towards us Chrissy Cunningham or am I hallucinating without the caffeine in my bloodstream?”
Steve sat up, squinted, and turned towards the windows. “Oh shit, it is.”
“Fuck, do you see Carver around? He’s just like fucking Tommy,” you hissed, hating the little spark of panic you felt in your stomach. It was too early to start a fight.
“No, she’s alone, oh shit – she’s really coming this way,” Steve said scrambling up and trying to look like you both weren’t just gawking at her.
The bell above the door rang as she pushed it open, a bright smile erupting on her face. Her eyes were wide and you couldn’t help but smile back at her.
“Hi,” you said stupidly.
“Hi! Good morning!” She grinned, waving at a stunned Steve. You kicked him under the counter and he grunted.
“Hey,” he said. You shot him a look – smooth, Harrington.
“Can I help you find something?” You asked, a little thrown by her sunshine energy. Something…felt off about her. Trying your best to look nonchalant, you took in her jittering leg and wringing hands.
Chrissy’s face turned a fascinating beet red and you glanced at Steve who shrugged. “Um, I was actually looking for Eddie,” she mumbled, eyes widening even further.
“Oh,” you blinked, “well, um, he’s not here? He’s probably just waking up to be honest. He doesn’t really hang around here during the mornings. I haven’t seen him since yesterday afternoon.”
Her eyes shifted and you felt a surge of possessiveness.
“He’s my boyfriend so, if you’re here to set up some prank I can assure you that I won’t take kindly to it. I’m not someone you want to piss off either.” You felt Steve come up behind you, his foot nudging yours.
Chrissy’s eyes jerked up to yours and she shook her head earnestly. “I wouldn’t do that, I swear!” She turned her eyes to Steve and he nudged you again. “Really, I promise.”
And for some reason – you believed her.
“Oh, well, he’s um…not here,” you finished lamely. Chrissy scuffed her shoe on the carpet and you winced as an awkward silence settled. Steve cleared his throat after a beat and Chrissy jumped as if she’d been poked. Why did she look so spooked? You glanced at the doors, looking for anyone waiting for her. If you hadn’t been so thrown off, you’d say she looked…scared.
Her eyes darted around the store nervously. “He talks about you a lot, you know? I’ve seen you at the movies with him. You both make a cute couple,” she said, expression shifting to something soft.
“Oh,” you said, scratching at the back of your neck, “thank you.” What the hell did you say to something like that?
She leaned in closely, eyes anxiously on Steve. “I’m, um, looking to buy,” she whispered. You bit back a laugh, not wanting to come off rude but you doubted that Chrissy knew how to even roll a joint. Shit, you barely knew how to roll one.
“I don’t help Eddie out with that side of his business,” you said and you didn’t. Eddie was trying to save up as much as he could for a new apartment, one you had an inkling he was going to ask you to move into eventually. Which, was probably why he was taking so long to save.
You knew he felt embarrassed at being known as the local drug dealer no matter how many times you assured him otherwise. He was waiting for graduation to find a better job - you thought he’d like the record store downtown. Either way, Eddie rarely let you come with him to deliver and even less to stock up again.
“He actually had a gig a town over so that’s probably why you haven’t seen him,” you said. “I’ll tell him to keep an eye out for you. He’ll bring you what he has tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much,” she said, looking desperate and relieved. With another curious glance, you realized that she actually screamed of exhaustion, like she hadn’t slept in weeks.  
“Are you okay?” You asked her, throwing it out there. Chrissy looked startled and she, once again, looked nervously around the store.
“Yeah, totally, I just really need something,” she said, cheeks pink. “Thank you for helping.”
Before you could say anything else, she all but ran out the doors.
“Well, that was weird,” you said after a beat of silence.
Steve laughed, dropping his head back into his arms. “Everyone gets stressed in the last final months before graduation,” he said, eyes closing, “you almost choked me out when I spilled my soda over your textbook.”
“I had a final the next day!”
“I barely got the cover wet!” He retorted.
You rolled your eyes and chucked a paperclip at his head. “The cover is important too!”
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The man in question barged in a few hours later, five minutes before your shift ended.
“Lady Henderson,” he called out, smile wide and eyes bright. You grinned, shifting your body towards him and taking in his outfit. He’d worn his favorite black Metallica t-shirt – the one with the tear in the collar - and your smile widened when the memory of Eddie ripping it as he tore it off you a few weeks ago flashed across your memory.
The mischievous glint in his eyes as he kissed your cheek said he knew what you were thinking of.
“Hello,” you said, grabbing his chin and kissing him properly. He made a happy noise that you wanted to sink into and almost jumped when Steve’s groan echoed in the empty store.
“Every time! Do you need to rub salt into the wound guys?” Steve said, huffing. He’d been conned by Robin into staying with her until closing and was cranky about it. Robin, however, looked like she’d won a gold medal.
“Hey Munson,” Robin said, coming out the back with a stack of tapes.
“Lady Buckley,” he greeted, bowing.
Without preamble, you’d grabbed your bag and sweater, already ducking under the counter. “See you guys on Saturday!” You called out, not having a shift tomorrow since you normally had class.
This time, however, Eddie wanted to take you to your favorite Italian restaurant two towns over to celebrate the beginning of spring break and your road trip up. He’d made the reservations earlier yesterday and you could practically taste the garlic bread already.
Intertwining his fingers with yours, Eddie brought your hand up to his lips. “I missed you,” he said.
“I missed you too,” you said, pushing the door open and pulling him towards his van. “Did you tell Wayne about our trip?”
“Yeah,” he said, rolling his eyes and flushing a little. “He loaned me his duffel to take with me.”
“That’s nice?” You said, not sure why he was turning red.
“He’d packed about a month’s worth of condoms,” Eddie said, huffing.
You froze, stopping in front of the van. His eyes were firmly on the door in front of you and you threw your head back in laughter.
“I don’t know why you find this so funny. It’s weird when your family knows you’ve having sex,” Eddie grumbled, opening your door for you and herding you in. You were still chuckling when he hopped in on the other side. “Princess, please.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, hiding behind your hand. “It’s just – so funny how much you hate it.”
“I’m glad my pain brings you pleasure,” he said, smiling. Eddie threw the van into reverse and pulled out the parking lot. The radio blared to life, surprising you, and you turned the volume down a little.
“You know, considering how much you can’t keep it in your pants we’ll probably go through them before we’re back,” you said, batting your eyelashes at him, never one to skip the chance to tease him, “especially considering the bathing suit I’m bringing with me.”
Eddie groaned and you knew that he was picturing you in the suit you’d shown him earlier in the week.
“I remember being worried that if I didn’t tie it hard enough the top slips off,” you said, tapping your chin, “since we’ll be alone it doesn’t seem like that’ll be problem. Right, sweetheart?”
“Princess, I’m driving,” he said, shifting himself.
“You’re too easy,” you smiled, tucking a leg under you.
Shooting you a glare, he sighed. “What movie did you get for us this time?” He asked, voice still a little strained.
“Since your pick last week was horrible, I went for a classic.”
“Not Splash again,” Eddie sighed.
“Hey, it’s dealer’s choice – no complaining! I sat through a Nightmare on Elm Street for you.”
“At least let me grab some beer so I can get through it,” he said.
“Deal,” you said, bumping his fist.
After a pitstop for beer and pizza, you were snuggled into the sofa in a pair of shorts and Eddie’s Hellfire t-shirt within the hour. Pressing play, you watched as Tom Hanks followed Daryl Hannah.
“You know, The Breakfast Club wasn’t as bad as this – and that’s saying something,” Eddie complained, dropping into the couch next to you.
“Ah, ah, no commentary please. Besides, you like romantic comedies!” You said as Eddie pulled your legs onto his lap.
Eddie shot you a look. “I am a man of many genres-” you snorted and he ignored you, “- I simply don’t like this one.”
“Well tough luck,” you said, sinking further into the cushions. You could feel Eddie’s eyes on you as Daryl observed the televisions curiously. “You’re not watching the movie.”
“You’re more interesting,” he said, “did you know that you mouth along to some of the lines?”
“I do not,” you huffed, poking him with your foot. His hand caught your ankle, his fingers dancing across the delicate skin making you tense up. “I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything,” he said, innocently glancing up at you.
Yeah, okay, you snorted. “We’re not even halfway through the movie,” you groaned. Eddie’s hand drifted higher towards your bare thigh. “Eddie.”
“Hmm?” He said, pressing a kiss to your knee. A jolt of electricity that always hit you whenever Eddie was around shot through you.
You resisted for a few more minutes, his lips traveling up to your shoulder. While your attention had been slipping, you’d only closed your eyes when he bit down onto the sensitive patch of skin at the base of your neck. “I hate you,” you breathed, your voice hitching when he nudged you onto your back.
“Sure seems like it,” he teased, hair curtaining around you. Legs falling open, as if by habit, Eddie grinned as he settled between them. “Absolutely loathe me, do you?”
“You’re unbearable, you know that? Next week I’m seducing you two seconds into your movie.”
Eddie chuckled into your skin, the rumble of his chest travelling into your own. “Feel free to feel me up whenever you want, princess. I promise you; I won’t fight it.”
“Shut up,” you said, patience snapping. Lifting your hips to press against his, he hissed at the pressure. Before he could say something smug and full of himself, you fisted his hair and brought him down to you. Lips clashing together, you wrapped your legs around his hips and kept him close. Swallowing one of his groans, you tugged on his hair lightly and Eddie froze.
“I feel like the situation has managed to run away from me,” he panted, jumping when you palmed him through his pajamas. “Sweetheart, if you keep doing that this is going to end before the fun really begins.”
Huffing a laugh, you let your hand drift up higher to his side and Eddie’s eyes screwed shut as you bit down onto his neck. “Your sorcery won’t get the best of me,” he said shakily.
“Won’t it?” You smirked, lapping at bite. With a grunt, Eddie managed to capture both your wrists and press them above your head. He grinned, stupidly excited to have caught you off guard, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. Keeping your arms up, despite his loose hold, you let him take the upper hand.
Daryl, on the television, cried and you caught a flash of blonde that reminded you of something.
"Oh,” you said, Chrissy’s face swimming to the front of your mind. “Cunningham was looking for you." You squirmed as he sucked what would no doubt be a very visible hickey onto your neck.
“Who?” Eddie asked, uninterested, as he focused on nipping your skin. He dropped your wrists to ruck your shirt up above your chest. His hand quickly unhooked your bra, pulling it up, and his warm hand had your breath hitching as he trailed light touches across your bare skin.
“Cheerleader,” you breathed when he licked at the valley between your breasts, hands kneading your skin.
“There’s a lot of them.”
You sighed as his teeth scraped across a particularly sensitive spot. “Blonde, short, bubbly.”
Eddie huffed, breath fanning over your skin and your skin erupted in goosebumps. “Princess, that’s half the squad.”
You sighed, pulling back from his grasp. “She’s Jason’s girlfriend? I think.”
“Sure?” He said, "I'm trying to seduce you over here and you're talking about cheerleaders."
“Don't worry sweetheart, Jason's not my type,” you joked.
Eddie nipped at the swell of your breast in retaliation. "Please don't say another dude's name while we're naked together. I'm sensitive."
"Bossy, bossy," you said, shoving him over so that you were on top. Eddie's arms came to rest behind the back of his head and he grinned at the view. You trailed a hand down his chest, stilling above his buckle. "Look, just..."
Sensing your shifting mood, he propped himself up on his arms and ducked to catch your eyes. "What? What's wrong?"
“She looked desperate, scared? I don't know," you said, trying to remember her expression. "Just - could you make sure she is…okay? Before selling her anything.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a look,” he assured you, "don't worry."
“Yeah? Thank you," you kissed him, relishing in his immediate reciprocation.
“Can I go back to what I was doing now?” He asked, eyes dropping back to your chest.
Pretending to consider the situation for a beat, you nodded. “Proceed.” Without waiting, you laughed when he surged up and suctioned himself to you.
“Hold on, let me take this off,” you said, starting to pull his shirt over your head.
Eddie’s hand on yours made you go still. “Wait, can you keep it on?” He asked, pupils blown.
You glanced down at his club t-shirt and grinned. “You want to remember this every time you wear it, don’t you?”
“Am I that easy to read?” He asked, shameless.
Kissing him deeply, you smiled into it. “To me? Yeah.” You pulled your bra out from the sleeves and tossed it onto the floor.  
Eddie grinned, ecstatic at your answer, and leaned over the back of the couch to break open the new box of condoms. You let out a surprised burst of laughter and Eddie quirked his brow. “Wanna share with the class?”
“Nothing, just that – Wayne’s gift is being useful already.”
He froze. “Henderson, definitely don’t mention my uncle’s name when I’ve got a condom in my hand,” he groaned, shaking his head, “that’s worse than the first one.”
“Sorry, sorry,” you laughed, not sounding even remotely sorry. Eddie growled, flipping you back over. Out of breath, and astounded that neither of you had tumbled off the sofa, you caught sight of the time. “Hey, it’s officially Friday.”
“Two more days until we’re on the road,” he said, kissing you, “and out of this fucking cursed town, even if it’s just for five days.”
“Gosh,” you said, voice bright, “I wonder what we’ll do for five days? All alone…in a cabin in the woods…”
“I’m sure we’ll entertain ourselves somehow,” Eddie said, hands inching towards the seam between your thighs.
You gasped, heart fluttering when he smiled. “I’m sure we will.”
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“Are you wearing the shirt I had on last night?” You asked, squinting against the sun streaming into his trailer and sipped your coffee.
Eddie glanced down at his chest and smiled. “Guess I am.” He flipped the pancake and slid it onto your overflowing plate. Sleep clung to both of you, making everything fuzzy.
“Why do I feel like that wasn’t an accident?” You asked, drowning your fluffy pile in syrup. “At least wash it first.”
“I resent the implication,” he said, grasping at his imaginary pearls. “How dare you even imply that-”
“-I mean it’s a miracle if that didn’t get dirty after what you did.”
“We did, you mean?” He said, waggling his brows. “I surprise even myself sometimes.”
“Oh, so humble too,” you grinned, giving him a sugary kiss when he bent over your shoulder for one.
“You’re the one who screamed so loud I thought Max’s mom was going to come over and ask if we were okay,” he teased, “was that a new record?”
“Shut up,” you grumbled, hiding your smile behind your mug. You hadn’t been able to walk straight last night and Eddie was being unbearable about it.
Eddie smirked, humming as he placed the pan in the sink. He sank into the seat next to you, curling his ankle around yours. The vinyl table rocked a little when either of you placed your elbows onto it and the sounds of the trailer park waking up snuck its way into your peaceful quiet but to you, these mornings were perfect.
“Hey,” you said, curving your fingers over his wrist. “Do you mind dropping me off before you go in?” You usually slept in and drove yourself home on movie nights.
“Sure,” he said, chewing on a bite, “I can pick you up at eight? The campaign should be done by six. That way we’ll have enough time to make it to the restaurant.”
“I got a new outfit for tonight,” you said, licking a drop of syrup that had trailed down to your wrist, feeling his eyes on you,“I think you’ll like it.”
“Yeah?” Eddie’s eyes darkened and you smirked. “What color is it? How short?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you said, licking the tip of your fork clean.
Without much warning, Eddie grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards his room. You stumbled, taken by surprise, hand reaching for your half-full mug. “Eddie, wait – my coffee’s going to get cold!”
“I’ll brew you a new pot,” he said, pushing you down onto the bed. You bounced once before you watched him rip his pajamas off. “We’ve got thirty minutes before we have to get out of here. Good news? I’m only half dressed.”
“Oh, but I’m the insatiable one,” you snorted, already wiggling out of your shorts.
“It’s that spell of yours,” he said, chasing your lips, “it’s too strong, warrior princess.”
Laughing, you gave into his nudging and wrapped your legs around his waist. “It won’t fall or falter, you know. I make sure it’s ready to weather whatever comes. You’re mine, remember?”
A genuine, small, smile grew on Eddie’s face, the heat in his eyes softening to something deeper – something dear to you.
“Yeah, I remember.”
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It had felt like Eddie had just dropped you off home when the phone rang. Sprawled on your bed, you groaned. Crawling towards your night stand, you barely managed to grab the receiver before it stopped ringing.
“Hello?” You huffed, a little out of breath.
“Mrs. Henderson?” A familiar stern voice called out.
You straightened, eyes widening. “Yes?” You said, clearing your throat to try and imitate your mother’s. “Who is calling?”
“We’re calling from Hawkins High. This is the front office and I’m calling because your son has requested he speak to you urgently.”
“Yes, of course.”
“What the fuck?” You hissed. “A little warning would be nice. What’d you do this time?”
“Nothing!” He squeaked. “Please, please, please-”
You groaned. “No, Dustin, I had a long night and today’s the first day of spring break. I was going to nap. I haven’t slept more than three hours in a week.”
“Have I ever told you how you’re my favorite? Of all time?”
“Ugh, Dustin.”
“I swear, I’ll owe you for the rest of the year.”
“What? What do you want?”
“I forgot my midterm paper for English on my desk.”
“You want me to bring it to you?”
“Preferably within the next two hours. It’s my last class of the day and like worth half of my grade!”
“Dustin,” you whined, not wanting to move.
“Fine,” you hissed, knowing there’s no way you wouldn’t have done it anyway. “You owe me.”
“Holy shit, thank you!”
And that’s how you found yourself back at Hawkins Highschool, a visitor’s pass stuck to the front of Eddie’s hoodie – that you’d stolen – looking for your little brother like Gollum following the one ring.
“Jesus, where the fuck is he?” You grumbled, checking the time.
Lunch, you realized. Spinning on your heel, you made your way to the cafeteria. Right as you turned into the hallway, a familiar voice shouted your name.
“Buckley!” You grinned, throwing an arm around her. “Skipping out on lunch?”
“More like late to lunch,” she grumbled, wrapping her arm around your waist. “My calculus teacher gave me a few extra minutes on my midterm.”
“Aced it?”
“Listen, Cs get degrees,” Robin snorted, pushing the swinging doors open into the chaos. “What are you doing here? I thought you took the day off to catch up on sleep.”
“Dustin,” you sighed, “forgot his English paper. I’m thinking of making him cook me breakfast every morning until Christmas.”
“Oh, or do your laundry!”
You gave her a high-five. “I like how you think.”
“I’m gonna grab food – Dustybuns is with your boyfriend by the windows, see you tomorrow?” She said, squeezing your arm once before stumbling off towards the questionable food.
Glancing towards the tables on the left-hand side your eyes met Eddie’s. Confused, he straightened and lit up anyway. Looking to see what had caught his eye, Mike followed his stare. Smiling, he nudged Dustin who scrambled to his feet and jogged over to you.
“Oh my God, you’re the fucking best,” he said, snatching the folder from your hands. “I owe you my life.”
“I was thinking laundry for the rest of the year,” you said, wrapping your arm around his shoulders.
“What?” He screeched; gob smacked. “Don’t you think that’s a little far?”
You narrowed your eyes at him and he grumbled. Walking over towards their table, you were suddenly intercepted by a wall of muscle. Jason Carver’s patronizing eyes took you both in.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite Henderson siblings,” he sneered, quick hands snatching the folder in Dustin’s hands. Your brother squeaked, eyes widening and you sighed. Was there ever going to be an end to this?
Without hesitating, and with speed that would make Max proud, you grabbed the folder back from him. Pushing Dustin a step behind you, you took one towards Jason. “I know it’s been a while since you’ve last seen me, Carver, but if you need a refresher of that sucker punch I gave you before I graduated; I’m happy to do an encore.”
His eyes narrowed and he took another step forward, his chest almost brushing against you. “I don’t remember what you’re referring to, unfortunately,” he hissed.
Eyes flashing, you clenched your hand and Jason’s eyes shifted to them. “You should call your buddy Tommy, see how picking on me and my brother ended up for him,” you said loudly, his friends snorting behind him.
While you hated the confrontation and they’d both taken every opportunity to take jabs at you – you’d learned very early on that you could never roll over. With a swift move forward, Jason flinched minutely but it was enough for you to smirk.
“Catch you later Carver,” you said, grabbing Dustin’s sleeve, and hitting his shoulder with your own as you passed by.
“Holy shit,” Gareth said, eyes wide and excited. “You just almost punched Jason Carver.”
“She just got him to flinch,” Jeff hissed, glancing over at their table. “I forgot how badass you are.”
“I didn’t,” Eddie said, his arms coming to your waist and pulling you firmly into his lap. “Hey warrior princess.”
“Hi,” you said, kissing his temple.
“Ugh, guys, please,” Dustin groaned.
You glared at him and he shrunk. “I suggest you not say anything lest I shred that folder.”
“Holy shit, that was so hot,” Eddie said into your ear. You rolled your eyes and tugged on his shirt.
“I can’t believe you really wore that,” you said.
“It’s the last campaign,” Eddie said, grin mischievous, “what else would I wear?”
“What’s wrong with it?” Mike asked, eyes wandering over Eddie’s regular Hellfire shirt.
Eddie snorted and you sighed. “Nothing,” you said, shaking your head.
“Still smells like you,” he muttered. You reached beneath your leg to pinch his and he jumped. “Now, now, no need to resort to violence.”
“I’ll show you violence,” you grumbled, leaning into his warmth.
The bell rang, a five-minute warning, and like always, everyone in the cafeteria ignored it.
The basketball team stood, however, and a pair of blue eyes burned a hole into your back.
“I should’ve known, the town Freak and Henderson would shack up together,” Jason said as he passed towards the door. A few of his friends chuckled, shooting you looks.
Jesus Christ did these guys not have anything better to do? You’d forgotten how judgmental this town could be. “Do you just like the sound of your own voice?” You snapped back. “The adults are having a conversation sweetie; remedial math is that way.”
Gareth snorted, water coming out his nose and Jeff pounded his back, eyes riveted.
“You just let you girl handle your battles?” Jason called out, trying to have the last word.  
“Uh, yeah, I make a cute damsel in distress,” he said, batting his eyes and everyone at the table laughed. Jason and company scowled and disappeared through the doors.
“See you tonight?” Eddie asked, kissing the edge of your jaw tenderly. You pecked him once before standing up. “Can’t wait to see the infamous outfit.”
Grinning, you walked towards the side exit. “See you,” you said, and with the eyes you felt watching you why not take a page out of Eddie’s book? You blew him an exaggerated kiss, knowing he’d get your point. Eddie pretended to catch it and tumbled backwards off his seat with excessive force. The table laughed, Dustin pretending to gag, and Eddie dusted his shirt off as he stood. He pretended to put in his pocket and smiled at you.
“Behave, children are present,” Eddie said loudly, a fake bashful expression on his face.
You winked, grinning, and disappeared out door. Dinner tonight couldn’t come fast enough.
338 notes · View notes
sukirichi · 3 years
happy little accidents
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— Life is a series of unfortunate events, but sometimes, there are happy little accidents.
REQUEST. (accidental pregnancy, fuck buddies au) + childhood friends to lovers + baby moments with father! megumi
CONTENT/WARNINGS. slight smut, slight exhibitionism (I think? there’s a CCTV lmao) just daddy megumi uwu
NOTES. hi anon, thank you for requesting and joining the event! I have to admit...I don’t really know how to write this and I just had to ask my mother about her experiences in pregnancy LMAO. I apologize in advance if this sucks, I’m pretty good at fluff but domestic and cute stuff with children isn’t my expertise asggkhl I’m awkward around babies and kids so anyways, I hope you like it! OH AND ALSO I HAVE A CAMEO LMAO
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Megumi’s hands runs up under your shirt, bringing about a shiver forward when his cold fingers come into with your warm skin. You feel him smile onto the kiss, his grip nothing but teasing before he brushes the underside of your breast, prompting you to grip closer to his hoodie. You and him were childhood friends; having always liked one another until playing house was no longer a game a but dream, but his family was too strict and controlling – they’ve made it clear long ago this relationship could never and would never happen.
His Uncle Naoya made sure of it.
But that didn’t stop the both of you. All the way from highschool until now in your university days, you and Megumi are still stuck together by the hip, occasionally fucking whenever time allowed. Weekdays are spent staring longingly at each other in the hallways, the weekends flourishing into finally’s and hushed kisses under the sheets, completely unaware of the world you both trudged in.
Today was one of those days, and you’re nothing less of passionate as you swipe your tongue out to taste his lips, smiling when you realize he’s also grown used to wearing your mint flavoured lip balm. “Mhm, Megumi, I missed you,” you placed your legs beside his arms, a contented sigh entering his mouth as he closed his eyes.
“You miss me? I’m always around you,” he reminds you, pulling away momentarily to tug your shirt to the side where he leaves a soft patch of kisses. “Never gonna leave your side, baby.”
“You better not. I’m the best you’ll ever have.”
Megumi nods wholeheartedly in agreement, not wasting time before he pulls you closer to him. You’re almost weightless as you crash on top of him, hands tangled into the other’s hair and his large palm squeezing your breast. It produces a breathy moan from you, a thread of saliva connecting your lips when it comes again – that hellish bitter and sour bile that flows up to your throat. You push yourself off him and run to the bathroom, the content of your stomachs poured while your groans echo around the room.
He’s beside you in an instant, crouching beside you to pull your hair up and pat your back. Once you’ve finished throwing up, you clutch at the indistinguishable bloating of your stomach, leaning back into his touch while you slowly regain your composure.
Your head is throbbing uncomfortably again, one that wouldn’t go away no matter how much you press your thumbs against it.
“Wh-what’s wrong? Are you sick or something?”
You chuckle a bit from the way he frets over you, hands tilting your cheeks side to side while he pales, a sheen of worry visible on his hairline. He’s always been such a worrywart. You look behind him and see the box of condoms in your half-open medicine cabinet, the sight making your heart drop in your chest.
“Megs...when was the last time we had sex?”
“Well,” he scratches the back of his head, “We’ve both been busy from uni, so...last month, I guess? It’s been a long time.”
You swallowed audibly. You’ve recently gotten that box of condoms because if you remember correctly, last time you both skipped straight to the deed after realizing you ran out of it. Eyes flicking over his confused ones, your throat ran dry and itchy from the throw up session, your voice low as you say, “I’m three weeks late on my period, Megs.”
He looks just as shocked as you are, but he doesn’t give you the time to recover before he rushes out into your apartment. For a moment, you’re left heartbroken at the cold bathroom tiles, thinking that he left, but Megumi comes back a few minutes later, a pregnancy test kit and some chocolates inside a plastic bag. Your eyes widen when he gently ushers you to sit on the toilet, his feet tapping impatiently on the floor while you both wait for the result.
And there it is.
The timer on his phone goes off. Megumi rushes beside you, his chin resting on your shoulder as he blinks at the test kit. He turns to you and blinks in question, wondering what the hell it meant.
“’Gumi...it’s positive,” you cry out, sending him into a stagger backwards when you jump at him. Thankfully, he’s carried you too many times to count that he’s natural at hoisting you into his arms, still rendered speechless as you announce, “You’re going to be a dad!”
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It’s been five whole months since you and Megumi turned into being stable fuck buddies, intent on hiding your relationship from both your families, into homeless and young parents whose fear over life and the future only increased tenfold now with the growing baby inside you.
You still remember that dreadful moment when both of you are kicked out into your family estate, Megumi’s Uncle Naoya especially enraged over the news. He doesn’t even give his nephew a chance to pack his bags before he signals the bodyguards to escort you out, then takes away all Megumi’s privileges and former luxury of being part of the Zenin Clan. You assume he’d want to strangle his pitiful Uncle for the never ending mistreatment, but your now boyfriend is nothing but happy, relieved that he’s been freed from the tight reins that always got in both your way.
Unbeknownst to the controlling Zenin Clan head, his wife is much more cunning than he is. He knows his wife always had some sorts of tricks hidden up in her sleeve, but even you were surprised when Megumi’s Aunt Suki shows up in your college dorm one day, throwing a set of keys your way with a wink before driving off back to become Naoya’s beloved trophy wife.
She lent you one of her high-estate apartments and even a humble car, silently wiring fees into your bank account since Megumi’s was already shut down.
Truly, if it wasn’t for her, you and Megumi wouldn’t be able to live this comfortably no matter how much both of you worked your ass off.
Now, none of you had to worry about not getting to make ends meet, no more worrying about putting your health at risk by working two jobs a day along with university – you and Megumi agreed to take advantage of her kindness just until the baby was born, opting to live quietly and comfortably in your shared home that would soon be filled with more memories. Well, as comfortably as you both could anyway, since pregnancy – although a beautiful experience – wasn’t always rainbows and unicorns.
Megumi comes home one day, the food you’ve always been craving from the Chinese restaurant from the other town present inside his bag. He’s tired from uni, even more so that he shares your burden of becoming new parents, but every time he comes home to you, all his exhaustion is wiped away, especially with the evident growth of your belly.
Your boyfriend runs up to you after placing the food on the counter, his arms wide open to get a hug – he’s gotten extremely touchy ever since the pregnancy – when you reel away from him, face turning green.
Your fingers come to pitch at your nose, eyes narrowed at his confused pout. “Ugh, Megumi, your deodorant stinks.”
“You were the one who got this for me, though,” his brows furrow as he lifts his sleeve up to sniff himself. He doesn’t smell bad... “You said you liked it on me,” he mumbles more to himself than you, staying still in his spot when he sees how colourless you’ve become. “Why are you looking at me like that? I showered today.”
“I can’t stand the smell of you, I can’t, gosh,” pushing past him, you rush to the toilets, the morning sickness well present all the way until sundown as you throw up. Megumi stands at the doorway, hands extended in front of him as he’s unsure whether he could help you or not. You firmly shake your head at him, lips turned into a sneer. “No, don’t get near me or I will honestly whack you with my purse, Megumi. Get rid of that deodorant and find a scent free one or something.”
Megumi is left with a slack jaw when you hop into bed afterwards, too tired and irritated to finish your papers. Seeing that he should probably do the same and pamper you instead, Megumi is silent as he crawls under the covers, only to be kicked out with a harsh kick to his thigh and a fiery, “Get out!”
“Nobara,” he whines into the phone, too fearful to even look at the bedroom at the thought that you’d feel his gaze and get even angrier. Your instincts and senses sharpens with each passing day; he won’t risk it. “My girlfriend hates me!”
“I could see why.”
Megumi groans at his friend’s flippant tone, the sound of a nail file grazing acrylics mixed with lo-fi music playing from the other line. “I’m serious – she doesn’t even want me a foot near her! When I tried to join her on the bed, she literally woke up just to hit me with a pillow. Right in the face!”
“Let me guess, you’re banned from the bedroom and staying on the couch?”
“Yeah, I am,” he sulks on the couch, “I don’t know why she hates me. I can’t imagine what I did wrong.”
“You don’t have to do anything wrong for a pregnant woman to hate you, Fushiguro. It’s not your fault your face is just really annoying,” Megumi makes a sound of protest before slapping a hand over his lips, nervous gaze darting at your door again. He relaxes into the seat; you’ve probably fallen asleep. “But on a more serious note, I think it’s the hormones. She’s erratic right now and you can’t blame her, she’s literally growing a child inside of her, dude, are you crying?”
“She might divorce me because of my deodorant.”
“Idiot, you two aren’t even married!” Nobara bellows loud enough that Megumi pulls the phone away from his ear, waiting until she’s calmed down and continues speaking like she didn’t just burst his ear drums. “Listen, just be extra sweet and careful around her, okay? Don’t open your mouth as well unless you want to die. Now get a notepad or something, we’re going to devise the best Baby Mama Seduction Plan that is guaranteed to win her heart.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Nobara!”
“Hmph, you owe me tickets to that fashion show though. Get your rich ass uncle to pull some connections or something.”
“Nobara, you know I can’t—”
“Oh shit, is that your girl about to kick you in the face?” Megumi yelps as his body flips at the direction of your room, both hands raised in surrender with his phone pressed between his ear and shoulder. He sighs – the door is still closed – he should be safe for now. Meanwhile, Nobara snickers cockily, almost as if she could see everything. As always, Nobara was triumphant. “That’s right, we both don’t want that to happen, so stick to your end of the deal man.”
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Megumi stays up the whole night to execute Nobara’s plan. It’s tiring to run back and forth in the open convenience stores just to fill the fridge up with all your favourite food, but Megumi is determined to have you accept him again, even if he knows you’re not actually rejecting him.
By the time you’ve woken up, all beautiful and glowing as you pad out your room, Megumi stands up straight to conceal his body ridden with exhaustion. He just wants to make you happy.
“What’s all this?”
“You’ve been working hard,” he starts off unsurely, a hand scratching the back of his head as he gauges for your reaction. You plop down on the dining table and don’t scowl as you take a whiff of the food, blinking for a few seconds before you dig in. It’s enough for him to take as a go-signal, and he walks beside you carefully, his voice wavering and soft. “I just wanted to surprise you – show you how much I love and admire you...all that.”
“That’s suspicious,” you mouth through a mouthful of dumpling, but smile anyways with your arms extended. “Come here, give me a kiss.”
Megumi is beyond elated as he buries himself in the warmth of your arms again, sighing when you kiss his cheeks and jaw. “Are we good?”
“Did you replace your deodorant?”
“Good boy,” you kiss him on the lips this time. Megumi has the audacity to blush as if he didn’t just fuck a baby into you, making you laugh before you slap his ass, last night’s irration now replaced with a reminder that this was Megumi – your first love and everything more. There was no way you wouldn’t be ‘good’ with him; you’d go to heavens and back for him, but maybe once you’re done birthing his child. “Yeah, we’re good. Get the mint choco ice cream pint for me?” Megumi sprints to perform your commands, and you reward him by pulling him in for a deeper kiss the time, his lips so sweet and minty. You can’t help but sigh, falling for him over and over again. “You’re such a sweetheart, Megs. This is why I’m head over heels for you.”
“You didn’t want me sleeping beside you for a week straight though.”
Your nose scrunches at the memory – that slight change in your expression making Megumi step back – as you wave a spoon at him, glaring at him in warning. “Like I said, you stank.”
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But...pregnancy wasn’t all that bad for the both of you. There were times you’re unable to keep your hands off him. Although unexpected and mostly occurring in the most inconvenient situations, Megumi can’t say he’s complaining, especially not when you push him towards the wall just as the elevator doors closed.
“Daddy,” you moan, guiding his hands into your already soaking wet panties. Megumi breathes sharply as he cups your drenching core, wondering how you’ve gotten this aroused without him doing anything sexual in particular.
The nickname spilling past your lips is unforeseen though, as is his growing kink for it when he hardens immediately.  
“Please, please, please, I need you so much – make me feel good, will you?”
Megumi has to pin your needy, trailing hands all over his chest down to your sides, his pupils blown wide as the elevator ascends from one floor to the other. His eyes dart to the blinking red light from the cameras, his Adam’s apple bobbing when you don’t stop in the slighthest, only leaning forward to tug and nip at the skin of his neck. Megumi groans at your ministrations; you know very well that was his sensitive spot. “Y/N, we’re literally in the elevator, just wait until we get back home—”
When Megumi tries to push you away to stop your hands from palming his boner, you growl, eyes fierce and heated as you turn to him. “Do you want me to chop your dick off and prevent you from having a second child?”
“Then shut up and fuck me.”
“Fuck, okay, don’t blame me if I make you sore, though.”
You roll your eyes at him, your hands moving expertly as you bunch your skirt up to your waist to show him that your bud was already swollen just for him. “Megumi, my boobs are already are its most sore point, I don’t give a fuck anymore.”
Megumi makes quick work of shoving his pants down just to his knees, gentle yet needy as he pushes your chest flat on the walls, round and perky ass puckered for him to take you already. He could cum just from the sight of you bending over for him like this, your arousal already dripping down your thighs as you wiggle your hips at him, breathless in the desire to be taken once more.
There were still fifteen floors to go before you reached your destination. Megumi’s brows pinch together in anxiety that anyone could press for the lift, but you’re also submissively bent over for him, moaning and gasping his name even when it’s only the tip of his cock sliding into you.
He sees the way your fingers hover over the buttons, clearly more prepared to shut the doors and deny others entry than he was, and he thinks fuck it to himself before he buries himself deep into you, head thrown back at the heavenly and salacious feeling of fucking you raw. You’re somehow warmer and tighter, wetter with puffier lips during your second trimester. Just as he blanches at the thought he could hurt you, he remembers the doctor’s encouragement of more sex. Being the good boyfriend he is, Megumi fucks hard into you, groaning and panting when your walls clamp down on him.
He only wants to help you.
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Days of rubbing your feet and singing to your belly were gone – now replaced with laughter pouring into your house and switching from listening to Mother Mother into actually enjoying nursery rhymes playing from the stereo.
It feels just like yesterday when he rushes you to the emergency room, your hand nearly crushing his during your contractions before you gave birth to his child.
Megumi has never really been much of an emotional person, preferring to be calm and stoic unless you’re around; the rare times he actually lets his walls down. Surrounded by a group of doctors, though, Megumi stops caring about saving face when they hand him his daughter. He isn’t the least bit embarrassed when he sobs upon seeing the tiny bundle of joy in his arms, so small and vulnerable that promised there and then – he’d do everything he can to protect his child and give them the best future.
Fushiguro Megumi is a hands-down helicopter dad. The moment you’re able to take your daughter back home, he’s already had the whole house baby proofed. Along with studying for his exams, he’s also switching back and forth to parenting guide books.
You can tell he’s taking his job as a dad very seriously. Megumi doesn’t hesitate to shoot out of the bed in the middle of the night whenever he hears his daughter cry, racing you to her crib while he rocks her back and forth and you prepare her milk. You’re both utterly tired and sleep deprived, your head resting on his shoulder as your baby calms down in his arms. Faintly, you feel him kiss the top of your head, encouraging you to go back to sleep with the assurance he can handle it.
But of course, you’re the stubborn parent, and you drag your boyfriend and daughter back to bed, making sure there was enough space to make her comfortable before falling asleep.
Being a parent – especially with the love of your life – has never felt any more magical.
Of course, it was hard and definitely not a walk in the park, but it was worth it. Every time you came home from school, Megumi would already be there, his daughter babbling nonsensically in his arms while he prepared her meals. At the sounds of the door opening, both of them would run to you, showering you with kisses while you did the same.
Both your families have still refused to accept you back – not that you both minded – but it was getting shameful to keep relying on his relative to provide for your family. Eventually, you and Megumi decided that the other stays to take care of your baby while you work after class.
You’re staggering inside your home like a zombie after a long day, muscles aching from too much work and brain barely functioning due to the lack of sleep. With a long, drawn out sigh, you plop on the couch next to your boyfriend who jolts back awake, still careful not to let his drooling daughter wake up in his arms. Upon seeing it’s just you, Megumi leans over to kiss you on the nose, smelling sweetly of floral detergent powder and baby cologne.
“Welcome home,” he murmurs at your skin, your eyes already fluttering close at the comfort and warmth of home. “Scarlet is fast asleep. She couldn’t wait for you to kiss her goodnight anymore.”
“Don’t be dramatic. Mommy will always come home to the two most precious people in the world,” Now, it’s your turn to kiss Megumi to remind him he’s also doing a great job. You know he’s working just as hard you are, and you honestly don’t think you could do this without him. “Megumi,” you begin, tracing soft circles into his wrist to feel his lulling heartbeat.
“Have I ever told you I loved you?”
“I think I know that already,” he smiles romantically at you – even after years, you’re still very much smitten with that smile, and the sight of him and your daughter alone has you relaxing back in your seat.
“Yes, but you need to hear it again,” you tell him, cupping his face into your palms. Megumi sighs as he leans closer into your warmth, his hands patting your daughter’s back to soothe her in her slumber. “You’re such a natural at this – being a father. I’m really lucky I had a family with you. It’s all I ever wanted,” Burying yourself closer into his arms and collecting the both of them into an embrace, you smile into his shoulder, feeling like you’re on cloud nine. “I don’t think life is gonna get better than this, Megs. I’m so happy right now I feel like I could die.”
“Don’t say the d-word around her,” he jokes, the two of you sharing tired and dry laughter. Once the amusement subsides, Megumi’s other hand shifts to squeeze your thigh to get your attention. “Y/N...do you ever think about...making us official?”
“What do you mean?” you mumble sleepily, “How else official could we get? We live together and we have a baby. Soon, we’re going to be employed too and then we can provide better for her and stop relying on Aunt Suki so much,” Megumi nods above you, but his lack of response is worrying that you look up to him, frowning as you see that his face is pulled deep into thought. “We’re already a family, Megs. What’s on your mind?”
“I want to marry you,” he blurts out, “I want to make you mine and mine only – I see a future and a forever with you,” Megumi looks you straight in the eye the whole time. “Marry me, Y/N. Please.”
You’re rendered speechless.
You love him so much, you really do, and nothing about that will change. After spending a lifetime with you, Megumi knows just by looking at your face that there’s a but coming afterward and he clenches his jaw, sadness swirling in his eyes that you have to stop him before his thoughts run off again. “I want that too, Megumi, believe me,” you reassure, brushing his hair back with your fingers; a gesture that always pulled him back to you. “I just don’t want to rush things, you know? We can still barely stand on our own and we have Scarlet to worry about. I think we should focus more on her future than ours.”
Megumi nods, albeit disappointed, though this doesn’t stop him from kissing you straight on the lips before he mutters, “I understand but...think about it, at least?”
“You already know my answer would be yes.”
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“Scarlet! I wonder where my little princess is hiding,” Megumi announces from outside your room, your toddler giggling beside you as you both hide behind the closet hand-in-hand. Four years later, you and Megumi are married, and life’s gotten a lot easier – in addition to it being a whole lot more domestic since Megumi takes his husband title just as seriously as being a father. Right now, he’s crawling outside, his voice lowered in an attempt to be scary. “If I find her, she’s going to face the wrath of the tickle monster!”
“Tickle monster!” Scarlet gasps beside you, turning to you with wide eyes. “Mummy, I don’t want tickles!”
“Then we better be quiet so Daddy doesn’t find us!”
With your voice intentionally louder than a whisper, it doesn’t take long before Megumi opens the closet doors, carrying you both effortlessly before dropping you all down onto the bed. “I found you!” You all tickle each other and laugh, your daughter falling into panicked squeals while you chortle at the side. Megumi then hoists Scarlet up before the both of you kiss both sides of her cheeks, sending the giggling child into an utter ticklish mess.
While the two are busy tickling one another, you feign a gasp, clutching at your husband’s bicep.  “Megumi!” your eyes widen, pointing deftly at the kitchen with trembling lips for effect. “Can you please check the oven – I think I left something in there and it might be burning!”
“I don’t smell anything,” is all he says, but runs there anyway. Megumi stands in front of in confusion, Scarlet safely bundled in his arms while her father opens the oven, frowning as he takes the object out and inspects it. “Mittens? But Scarlet is already—” Just then, Megumi’s jaw drops, his grin stretched wide while Scarlet keeps poking at the mittens, trying to make them fit into her slightly larger hands. “No way. Another one?”
“Another candy?”
You laugh at Megumi’s beaming face that matches his daughter’s – the two looking too much alike – but for completely opposite reasons. “We’ll get you all the candies you want, sweetheart,” you swipe a candy from the counter and hand it to your daughter’s grabby hands, pecking Megumi’s cheeks who is still beyond flustered at the announcement. “But yeah we have another one – and it’s a boy!”
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babytaes · 3 years
the originals (you belong)
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summary: The Mikaelsons family stumbles across a plot to assassinate the Prince. Despite Klaus’ judgement, you are determined to take on that challenge with the help of some magic. You demonstrate to them and to yourself that you BELONG!
paring: jake x female reader
genre: angst, slight fluff, slight smut/suggestive
word count: 7k
warnings: suggestive scene
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: click me before reading!
➳ part of the drunk & dazed series
a/n: i’m not a big fan of this work, i don’t know what it is but i feel like it could be better. I didn’t do my routine thorough read so forgive me for any mistakes. thank you for waiting for this member. enjoy and much love from babytaes. :)
☆ ҉ ◢▅◣
"This is not allowed, Your Majesty. This is not something I believe we should be doing, "You began to walk out of Jake's regal room, shaking your head.
Hearing footsteps behind you, a hand touches your shoulder as he turns you around, shutting the door behind you as he gently pushes you up against the wall.
"Don't pretend you haven't been keeping an eye on me for the past few weeks. I'm sure you want it as much as I do, y/n.”
Licking your lips, you slap his hands off of you and make your way to his massive bed as you fall back.
"It's not like I don't want to do it. It's just your royalty, and I'm not the Mikaelson type."
Jake snickers as he approaches you and raises you up by your hands, bringing you face to face with him. He touches your cheek in his palm and caresses it as he moves closer to your face.
"Well, we're notorious for occasionally breaching the rules. Why don't you give it a shot?" As you yanked his hand away from you and dashed to the door, you snapped back to reality.
Your heart ached as you turned back to see a befuddled Jake, and you cried out to him before closing the door.
“Jake, please stop. You and I both know I'll never be good enough for your family"
It wasn't the finest decision to leave him standing there, but it was necessary for your protection. You wouldn't want to jeopardize the next person in line.
Even if something might have worked with him, the risk was too high.
Everyone should be cautious when they're among the Milkasons, including the youngest.
It wasn't all bad being with the Mikaelsons. They were like a second family to you, despite the fact that you had only met them millennium before. It was strange to find them on that fateful day.
You never know when the all-powerful Originals will appear on your doorstep and request to look after their brother.
It seemed strange. Right?
"Calm down, brother; we'll find a place." We wouldn't be in this situation if you quit yelling and spreading mayhem all over the place."
Klaus ignores his brother and knocks on a cottage door, rolling his eyes at him.
"Oh, Elijah, just shut up; you're just trying to prove me wrong."
Elijah straightens himself as he hears light footsteps approaching the door and approaches the madam who opens it.
"Hello-, your mother bowed down to them and swiftly looked down."
Elijah takes a step in front of his sibling, who is rambling to your mother. Nothing is audible to you. Even so, you see a boy from behind the corner. He appears to be your age and is hidden behind the towering man.
As he moves from behind the man and toward the back, you snicker and watch him through the windows as he approaches the back door.
As you walk through it, you come face to face with the curious boy.
"Hello, my name is Jake; how about you?" He extends his hand, and you eagerly examine it.
"My name is y/n."  Do you want to join me in my game? "I don't have anyone to play with." As you drag him to your makeshift playhouse, you grasp his hand in yours and shake it hard.
You and he hit it off right away when you were outside. You didn't have many friends, so having someone to play house with was very entertaining at your young age
"Hey, come back," He said as he snatched your toy vehicle, making you and him giggle. "Give it back," you insist  
The two men and your mother were standing by the rear door, staring at you two. 
"I believe he will be a perfect fit. Don't worry, I'll do my best." Before summoning Jake over, Klaus and Elijah thanked your mother one again.
They said their goodbyes and walked away, and your memories were about to start.
You and Jake have been inseparable since then; it's always been you two against the world. Despite the fact that you and he come from two different worlds, you manage to make it work on occasion.
You stood far away from the commotion, watching the royal family squabble over royal matters. Jake had just been summoned, and you took a step back, not wanting to cause any disruption.
Despite the fact that they could clearly hear and see you, you continued to stand there.
"Brother, we wouldn't be in this stupid situation if it weren't for your inconvenient behavior once more."
Life is always tumultuous when you basically grow up with a group of originals. I don't think there has ever been a moment when someone wasn't screamed at, killed, or cursed.
It's always something with them.
Jake looks at you, rolling his eyes and making a variety of facial expressions. He loved his life except for this part.
His family 
Your mother took him in and practically raised him when you were younger. You never understood why his family always left him behind. It seems like just because his family was on the run at the time they couldn't or didn't have time to look after him.
As a result, when he reached adulthood, he was able to take his rightful place in the kingdom, and because your family took on that responsibility, you were granted permission to remain in the kingdom.
I mean, the enormous rooms and countless bathrooms never get old, noo. Even though everything appeared to be all in good humor, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Feeling as if you've never belonged there 
You were a vampire with most of their powers, but you lacked the "royal," and no matter how hard you tried, you could never fit into their mold.
You take one last look at the family, shake your head, and then walk away. You still have a lot of work ahead of you.
You arrive at your mother's room slowly and open it to see her folding laundry. As you approached her and sat down on her, her demeanor brightened.
"You do know you're pretty heavy, sweetie?"
"Mmh," you mutter under your breath as you roll away from her and to the ground. To pass the time, you take a shirt and begin folding it.
As she continued to fold, she hummed a quiet yes.
"What made you decide to take on such a difficult duty as raising Prince Jake?" She let go of the blouse in her hand as she came to a halt and stared at you. She sighs as she takes a seat next to you and tells you about that fateful day.
Your mother was inside talking to the royal family as you played in the backyard with your new friend.
She dropped her head and gazed up at Elijah and Klaus, saying, "It is such an honor to have you both in my company."
Making their way over to the table, they all sat down and discussed ways of how you could best protect him.
"We don't know when or for how long we'll be on the run, but we're prepared to pay any charge if that time comes."
As Klaus' voice boomed over the table, she shook her head at them, her hand trembling.
"We have to get out of here; I sense them." Elijah gave his troubled brother a stern look and motioned him to leave. He was in a hurry and dashed out of the house.
Elijah reached into his back pocket and placed a bag of coins on the table. He swiftly thanked you after scouting the front entrance.
"I apologize for the inconvenience, but forgive our ill-timed intrusion. I'll make arrangements for payments to come from the castle every week. I'd like to thank you in advance for everything you've done for us."
Elijah nodded before sprinting into the woods in pursuit of his brother. She smiles as you take it all in and grab the bag of coins from the table.
"This is for you, love, Rest in peace, my dear."
As she make her way to the back, she calls over the two rowdy children and embrace them in a hug. As she looked at them both, they both smiled. You watched as she squatted down and spoke, holding them in her hands.
"So those two lovely gentlemen who just came by were members of the royal family, as you may know y/n, and they have entrusted us to watch and maintain track of this handsome little boy," Jake squirmed around as his face reddened as you pinched his cheek.
"For the time being, we'll do our best to make this the best time for him." Before embracing Jake in an embrace, your daughter cast a glance at him. As you gazed at the scene in front of you, a warm flush spread across your chest as you imagined the days you three would spend together..
"So it was difficult at the time, and due to your father's death and financial difficulties, it was only a matter of time before we were thrown out on the street. So, aside from the age-old law of not disobeying the royal family, it was now or never."
Your smile crept across your face as you shook your head up and down. Your mother was your role model, the woman who always wore a grin on her face and never let the world bring her down. She was daring, loving, and brave, and she did it all despite the fact that she had recently become a single mother. Moms have a lot of strength.
"Ahh, I see. Dad would be incredibly proud of you and all of your efforts."
She grinned as she threw her shirt in your direction.
"Ahh- stop"
*Knock Knock*
As you and your mother stood up to tell them to come in, a guard approached you both and communicated a message.
"You are required in the Prince chambers, Ms. Y/n." You bowed down and pecked your mum on the cheek before taking your place behind the guard.
You thanked the guard as you entered inside the familiar area after arriving at the enormous set of bronzed yet golden doors. When you peek inside, you notice him lying on the floor; as you carefully approached his side, you smiled and hovered over him.
"You asked for me, right? I'm going to leave if this isn't something significant." Jake gently rises, his head resting on his gigantic bed.
"It's nothing major, but I do have a request," he says. As you faced him, your eyes widened. As he turned to face you, he exuded a princely radiance. He leaned forward and lingered near your lips, his gaze fixed on you.
You leapt to your feet, terrified and intrigued, and shoved him back as you took a step back.
"Excuse my language, Jake, but what the hell was that?"  As he got up and approached you, he cocked his head to the side.
"My request?" He snatched your hands and held them in his. You'd never been caressed with such gentleness before. It was an unfamiliar sensation that made you feel warm but strange.
"This is not permitted, Your Majesty. This is not something I believe we should be doing, "You began to walk out of Jake's regal room, shaking your head.
A hand touches your shoulder as he turns you around, shuts the door behind you and gently pushes you up against the wall, hearing footsteps behind you.
"Don't act like you weren't eyeing me these past weeks. I know you want this just as much as I do y/n."
You smack his hands off of you and make your way to his large bed as you fall back, licking your lips.
"It's not like I don't want to do it. It's simply your royalty, and I'm not the Mikaelson type."
Jake snickers as he approaches you and raises you up by your hands, bringing you face to face with him. He touches your cheek in his palm and caresses it as he moves closer to your face.
"Well, we're notorious for occasionally breaking the rules. Why don't you give it a shot?" As you shoved his hand away from you and opened the door, you snapped back to reality.
Your heart ached as you turned back to see a befuddled Jake, and you cried out to him before closing the door.
"Jake, please stop. You and I both know I'll never be good enough for your family."
As you turned the corner and ran down the corridor, you left him stunned and in disarray. You didn't stop running until you were outdoors, far away from the castle, in the fabled garden.
As you fall on top of the fountain, the tears won't stop flowing. The day was slipping away as your sobs drew the attention of a curious woman. It wasn't until she sat next to you and spoke to you that you realized it.
"One of those days, huh?"
As she stretched her hand to you, you shrieked and fell back on your hands, frightened and terrified.
"Sorry for scaring you, hun; I didn't intend to. Haven't we all had awful days? My name is Davina, by the way." As she helped you up to the edge of the fountain, you took her hand in yours.
"Thanks for asking, today is one of these days." "So, may I ask what the problem is?" she asked, smiling as she moved closer to you.
"I miss my father and all that made up his eccentric character. He would know what to do." you sniffled as you glanced up at the girl with a welcome atmosphere.
She leapt to her feet and squealed, extending her hand "I enjoy helping others. In this area, I do have the upper hand. Allow me to demonstrate." You took her hand in yours after a brief moment of hesitation.
You had never expected a witch to be able to assist you, but you were willing to try. She waved to her neighbor across the street as she unlocked her door. As she arranged her stuff, she turned on the lamp and signaled for you to come sit at her table.
"Please take a seat; I won't bite. Maybe" You chuckled as you sat in the wooden chair, having forgotten that the witches lived in this neighborhood. It's not like they were exiled, but you hardly had time to check in on them and the rest of the group.
Everyone looked to be so comfortable in their own little world. Why couldn't you seem to fit in anywhere?
"All right, all right, we're ready; don't worry, it won't hurt."
"What might hur-'' As the knife quickly passed across your palm, you felt a searing feeling.
'What the hell, Davina,' you exclaimed." She chuckled as she put yout palm over a stone bowl and watched the blood drip into it.
As the blood began to bubble up in the stone bowl, you pouted. As her hands swiveled around the bowl, Davine began to speak phrases you couldn't comprehend. As your eyes blinked quicker, your head began to spin.
"What's going on?" you exclaim. When she opened her eyes, you could see white orbs replacing her natural ones.
"We're ready."
You passed out as you receded back into your chair. Awoken Davina took your hand in hers and escorted you outside. This time, though, things were different; the day had turned to darkness, and everything appeared to be dissimilar. The town has turned completely around.
"Where are we?" As she turned to face you, she laughed.
"A better question is when are we. The spell I casted transported us to a time when I hoped you would learn something new and put things into perspective." For the 23rd time today, she began to tug you. Your heart began to drop as you arrived at your house, well, the one in the past, as you beamed at that. As you let her hand fall from yours, your nerves were heightened. As you took a step back, you began to feel panicked.
"Noo-nooo wait, how did you do this?" you say as you fall to your knees and cover your eyes. You could feel her hands on your back as she gently caressed it.
"I know, it's crazy, y/n. I just pulled some old memories back to life. I won't leave your side if you're afraid." As you saw the familiar image in front of you, you slowly pushed forward.
"Just don't leave." As you walked through the front door, you held her hand in yours. Everything seems so blurry at this point; you were just a small child, and your life was about to alter dramatically.
"Hey sweetie, go tell your father to go get some firewood. Okay?" As you crawled down off the stool and out the door, you smiled. As he turned to face you, your little feet found their way to your father's side.
"There's my little princess. What exactly do you need?" He massaged your backside as he hauled you onto his lap.
"Mommy said to get wood, and I wanna come too, daddy. May I, pretty please." He sighed as he looked at his watch, it was fairly dark, but the wood wasn't far away.
"Yes, you are welcome to join me. You're a big girl now. So you gotta help daddy out, okay?"
As you and Davina stood on the sidelines watching everyone make their way to the woodpile, you wished you had done more for him.
"All right, sweetie, you can carry one and I'll take care of the rest." You squealed as you clutched a small, almost insignificant log in your arms. As he placed a twig in your batch, he gazed down at his girl.
"Daddy, I think that's all I can carry." As he and you both began heading back to the home, you both laughed.
As the horror grew, you turned around and began crying on Davina's shoulder. You knew what was going to happen, but you couldn't bear the thought of having to go through it again. As Davina turned to face you, you felt her hands on your shoulders.
"You must see for yourself. It is the only option."
As tears flood down your cheeks, you slowly open your eyes and look at the scene.
"Thanks for helping daddy, sweetheart." "Mommy would be so proud of you." He kissed you on the head as he knelt down to you.
"You're welcome, Daddy. "Now that I'm a big girl, I can do huge things." He smiled as he took another glance around. " As your mouth enlarged, you dropped your logs. Your father's life vanished before your eyes in an instant.
As his body went slack, he fell to the ground, and you began to scream. As words slurred from your mouth, he began to shiver.
"What's the matter, Daddy?" HELP, MOMMY." As he held you in his hug, your small body slumped forward into your father's chest.
Your mother's footsteps were quick to arrive as she knelt down and took up your father, holding him in her arms.
"Honey, I'm right here," she says. A tear streamed down his cheek as he glanced up at his beautiful girls.
"Never forget that I love you all." And then, as he fell limp on your mother's lap, life left his eyes. As you gazed up at your mother, the screams resonated across the forest. Her eyes were welling up with tears.
You had no idea what was going on, but you knew something had changed.
"What's wrong with daddy, Mommy?" She slowly turns to you, pulling you closer to her breast and kissing you on the head with moist lips.
"He's gone, daddy's gone."
"NOo, noo stop this. I don't want to remember this." As Davina chases you down, shouting out to you, you begin to flee the scene. You come to a halt and turn to face her, yelling at her.
"Is this a joke or something? Your spells, you witches." As you fall to the ground grasping your arms and gently rock back and forth, tears begin to flow from your eyes.
Davina finally reaches you and attempts to calm you down by wrapping her arms over your shaking body. Your heart felt like it was racing at 100 miles per hour and you couldn't stop it. Everything seemed a little too real. You didn't want to think about it.
It's not that you didn't believe it; it's just that you didn't want that memory to resurface in your life.
"Just wait and listen to me, y/n. I know it's horrible, but something good came out of it." You push her away from you as you leap to your feet, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"How did something wonderful emerge from my father's death, who died in my arms? DAVINA, HOW DAVINA." Davina frowns as she walks around, taking your hand in hers and leading you somewhere.
"You weren't the only one whose loved one was taken from them." You look up at her and stare blankly at her as she comes to a halt at a familiar location.
"How did we end up in front of the castle?" As inaudible sounds flow from her mouth, she begins to swirl her hands around. You stand there in astonishment as you are whisked away to someone's private quarters.
You and Davina both walk into a room where a young boy is crying into the chest of someone. As you recovered consciousness, you noticed that you were surrounded by the Original family, or at least some of them.
"We couldn't get the remedy to her in time." You stood there watching Klaus thrash around as he collided with a vase that shattered on the ground.
You shifted closer to the young kid as you observed him as his brother shouted out to him, "Niklaus." As the rest of the family walked out in tears and small sniffles, you shifted closer to the young child.
Jake was there; you had no idea his mother had died. It had never been mentioned before, so you were taken aback.
The little boy crawled onto his mother's chest as he sobbed into her chest.
"Mommy, come back to me, please."
"I'm ready to leave right now." You took her hand in yours and gripped it strongly. You were prepared for anything the world could throw at you now that you had this new knowledge. Although it was painful to revisit that memory, you chose to use it to your advantage.
Your father raised a fighter, not a wimp. You wanted to honor his memory rather than mourn it, and I feel Jake should as well.
"This is for you, Dad,"
With that, you were transported back to reality, and you found yourself back where you started. You instantly stood up and exited her room.
"Hey, where are you going?" 
You came to a halt, raised your head, and shook your head, saying, "Acceptance."
She waved you off with a smile on her face. You brushed yourself off as you walked out of her house, mentally preparing yourself for the road ahead.
You felt more alive when you woke up in this house. Although the work was endless, you earned something greater than it all, A friend. Your mother groaned as you rolled over and landed flat against her backside.
"Mmmh, mom, I think it's time for you to get up." "Mmmh, five more minutes," she mumbles as she yawns on your shoulder. As your body moved up off the bed and towards the blinds, you giggled. You chuckled as you let the blinding light move into the room as you heard your mother's nasty shrieks.
"Sweetie, it's Saturday; it's a free day today. Go hang out with your friends." As you fall to the floor, she kicks your body off the bed. You giggle as you walk towards the shower, scoffing at her acts and mumbling words to her.
"Have you noticed, Mom, that I only have one friend?" You chuckle as you take a step into the shower and let the suds run down your body. As you wash slowly, your thoughts begin to wander.
You were reminded of your previous outburst with Jake as the water flowed over your body.
You felt the chilly air hiss against your body as you stepped out of the shower and hastily wrapped a towel over your body from the shelf. You noticed that the girl in the mirror had a different smile. She felt happier and more grateful.
You cried out to your mother as you opened the door and entered the frame.
"Yes, darling?"
"Get ready. I'd like to take you out for a picnic." She grinned and drew you in for a hug while cocking her head to the side.
"That would be fantastic. I'll take care of everything. You don't worry, okay?" You grinned as you shut the door behind her and returned to your self-pampering.
"It's going to be a terrific day today."
As you rested your head on your mother's shoulder, you held the picnic basket tightly in one hand and your mother's hand in the other. It was moments like these that made you long for your small family. You spread the blanket on the ground and placed the goods on it as you chuckled.
"My two lovely ladies are here."  When you raced towards your father, he stretched his arms open wide for you. Your mother took out her little camera and snapped a candid shot of you two.
"Don't forget about me," as she made her way over, your father pressed a kiss on her lips as you all sat down on the grass.
As you stumbled towards the basket, your little fingers pointed to it, saying, "Mommy, open". Before you saw the glorious fruit in front of you, a small pebble made its way in your path as you trip on it.
As a result, your father gracefully caught your small body in his grip while you giggled.
"My princess, you need to be more cautious. I can't have my pretty girl all beaten up."
You chuckled as you kissed his forehead and said, "OK, daddy, me be careful." You dashed over to your mother's side as he let you go, and she handed you a strawberry.
Your smile widened as you jumped up and did a small dance as you bit into it. Your parents stood there in astonishment as they watched you eat some more fruit.
"Is it good y/n?" You giggled as you ran around them, shaking your head up and down, as they simply watched their exuberant kid spout forth incoherent words. They smiled.
'I love you, honey,' she said. Light kisses on her temples were exchanged by your father while your mother rested her head on his lap.
"I will always love you."
Finally, with everything in place, you sniffle and wipe a stray tear from your eyes. Your mother immediately turned to you and rubbed your arm as she drew you closer to her.
"Hey, sweetheart, what's the matter?"
"I miss him," you said as you drew closer to her.
She smiled as she rocked you back and forth, kissing you on the head.
"I miss him as well. This brings back memories of our picnics with him." As you reached for the basket, you shook your head. Before removing the famed strawberries, you smiled. You chuckled as tears streamed down her cheeks after delivering them to your mother.
"Thanks for this, y/n." You were both crying as you rested your head in your mother's lap before entwining your hands.
"Anytime mom, but I do have to get going. I need to speak with someone, and I'd prefer to do so now before the situation escalates."
Before biting on a plump strawberry, she laughs and smirks.
"Tell Jake I said hi." "Wait, how did you know?" you start to stand up as you freeze in place.
As she pushes you toward the gate exit, she shakes her head at you. You blow a kiss to her, embarrassed and honestly surprised, as she yells at you.
"Use protection."
You cringe as you race towards the gate, not even looking back. You came upon a guard at the entrance who winked at you as you stared at him.
"Oh, Mark, shut up." After saluting you, he chuckles and returns to his former stance. Making your way to his chamber, you slowly knock as you hear his voice on the other side of the door.
As you slowly come in, you notice him at his desk, working, and you move your glance in his direction.
"Oh, look who it is?" As your lips fell, his eyes rolled at you.
"Hey," you say as you approach him and take a seat in one of his sofas. They felt like marshmallows, and you spent your days and some nights in them.
"Let me explain before you go all pouty and stirred up." He doesn't even move as he goes about his business. You kick his chair while rolling your eyes at him, eliciting a yelp from him.
"Fine, I'm listening, what?" he says, smiling as he scoots over to you and places his hand on his lap.
Not only did the close proximity make your heart race, but his position didn't help matters either.
"So, for starters, I'd like to apologize for my outburst. We both know if they're a problem we can freely discuss it. That's something that's been on my mind for a while and has now exploded, but it's not your fault. I just don't think I belong."
He approached you with a puzzled expression on his face as he moved forward. You look around, worried, as you cough.
"What you just said made me pause because you and this family know how important you and your mother are to all of us, especially to me. I'm sorry you feel that way. My family can be difficult at times."
As you push past him and land on his colossal king-sized bed, you scoff "Yeah, tough how about, protective, vengeful, murderous, and hot-headed? That's a lot better." He laughs as he pushes you over and lays down next to you, a little closer this time.
"I can't argue with that, but you still love us. Right?"
"Yeah, I do love yo-" As you rolled over and smacked your hands in your face, your eyes widened.
"Yeah, go ahead and spill your secret y/n."
You kicked him as you rolled back on your side, facing him, rolling your eyes. As his hand landed on your leg, the newfound electricity between you two shifted.
Before his hand lightly moved up your leg, he grinned at you. He came to a halt and stared at you, waiting for a response. You softly shook your head as he continued as his hand came to rest on your chin.
"You must have been waiting a long time for this one, dude, ain't I so attractive," you chuckled before scooting closer to him. Before extending his delicate hands towards your lips, he reddened.
"Shh, also what happened yesterday? You said this wasn't right, didn't you?" As your desire overtook you, you became irritable.
"Oh, shut up and kiss me, people change Jake." you said as you drew him closer to you and your lips smashed together furiously. As he pushed you over, you both synced up quickly, and he was on top of you in no time.
"Oh how the tables have turned," says Jake. You had definitely changed as your body craved for his touch even more. As you threw your arms around his neck, pressing him closer to you, his lips never left yours.
His shirt was ripped off and dropped to the ground in a flash as he touched yours, hoping for a response.
"Yes, you may remove it." He stopped and peered at you, chuckling, as he slowly pulled it above your head. You subconsciously flew your hands to your chest, concealing your body.
This was the first time a boy, much less a Mikaelson, had seen you half-naked. Jake's mouth falls open as he rushes to unlatch your hands.
"Hey, don't hide your beauty, because I love each and every part." That made you grin as you approached him and kissed him on the lips.
"You haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend yet, and already you're behaving cringy. Maybe this was a mistake." As you begin to rise, you smirk. Jake grabs you and pins you down before you can even get a foot off the bed.
"Wait- stop, wait, don't go" You chuckle as he kisses your frigid body while you squirm under his touch.
"Ahhh, please stop tickling me...ahh." He comes to a halt in his actions to look at you for a little moment.
"I can't believe we've reached the point where we've gone from friends to lovers. It feels like some teenage drama."
(Am I right readers, don't we all love a trope like this... I know I do.)
This isn't a book; it's real life, and can we please get back to making love? Jake, the readers are waiting." He continues to laugh as he gently removes your bra as he completes the last clip.
He didn't have time to marvel at the beauty in front of him as you placed your hand on his hardening spot. This elicited a tiny moan as he swirled his lips around your soft nips.
"Mmmh, wow, don't stop, that feels great." You quickly remove your jeans and underwear while his tongue works its magic, placing his hand within your folds.
"This is my first time; wow, I'm not sure whether I'm doing it correctly." Wow!" As a moan explodes from your throat, you laugh.
"Stop playing me; you're making me laugh. I'll show you the way." He finds a groove in your folds as he pushes faster and deeper, striking a familiar area, while your eyelids roll back.
"AHHHH, Jake, right there."  As your back arches off the bed, thrusting deeper into his finger, your body reacts perfectly.
A knock on the door is heard just as your high reaches you, and you both pause and look behind you.
"Prince Jake, you have been summoned to the royal room to receive a message." Before Jake speaks to him, you both remain silent for a few moments.
"Thank you very much; I'll be out for a minute."
Before he turns to face you, you cover your lips with your hand. Before pulling away, he bends forward and kisses you on the forehead.
"You're not going to finish me off, are you? You can't stick and dip; it doesn't work like that." You start arguing with him before he bends in and kisses your folds.
"I have to get going, and if I'm late, I'm toast. You did mention that my family is what now-" You shake your head as you push him off your body and start putting your clothing on.
Another knock is heard as the door slowly begins to open and a familiar face appears. Jake rushes to conceal your half-naked body as Elijah walks in.
As you lowered your head and snickered, it felt like a million pairs of eyes were on you. Jake covers your body with a blanket before pulling up his pants and walking towards the door.
He flashes a big grin at Elijah before crossing his arms and stepping closer to him. "My dear brother, keep your indiscretions to yourself," he yanked his handkerchief from his pocket before handing it to Jake. Another familiar figure arrived in front of the entrance as he saw the chaos unfold before his eyes.
Kol appeared behind Elijah before chuckling as he crossed his arms, "well, well, well looks like someone having fun." He gave you a wave as he walked out of the room, smiling to himself. You turned away and mentally slapped yourself as soon as he said it.
"We'll be out in a second. Please visit us again." Before turning around, Jake slammed the door shut. While yelling under his breath, his reddened face brought you your garments.
"Please forgive them; they enjoy barging in here unannounced. I'm sorry if they saw anything." You're hauled up by him before you can secure the button on your jeans. He kissed your lips as he assisted you in putting on your shirt.
"Okay, I'm definitely not going to get tired of those." You kiss his lips once more as you pull his shirt closer to you.
"Mmh, your lips are soft. As you approach the door, you take Jake's hands in yours before gently pushing it open.
“We will definitely finish this later.” As he plants a kiss on your hand, he smirks. Before enlarging your gaze, you licked your lips.
You moan under your breath, "Oh, I can't wait," as Jake discreetly lays his palm over your mouth.
“You’re already a mess for me, aren't you?” He comes to a halt in front of the door and cups your face in his hands, kissing your hungry lips.
“As much as I would love to kiss you,” you say as you rest your palm on his chest and giggle. "Let's hurry up because I don't want them to come back and dagger you." He took your hand in his and led you to the throne room.
Jake strides over to his family's gathering and excuses himself, letting go of your hand. You took a step back and stood next to Mark, who was looking at you with a curious expression.
"So...how did it go?" Then, after a brief scan of the area, you struck him across the shoulder with your fist.
"Aren't you guards supposed to be quiet? You do know we all have vamp hearing." After chuckling at your remark, he returned to his job.
Besides Jake and I, Mark was the only person around our age with whom we both became close as we basically all grew up in the castle. Although being the only female in the group, they made up for it.
We all had our own ways of having fun in those late evenings, so there were many nights of loud laughter and sticky fingers. Those were the days, but now Jake had his royal duties, they were a thing of the past. Everyone seems to be set in their ways.
When your name was called, you were swiftly brought out of your thoughts. They didn't seem to know you were there, but you knew it was true when Mark bumped your arm.
"Uh.. yes. I'm here, your majesty."
Walking over to the gathering, you stood next to Jake as you heard his booming voice; still to this day, you could never get over that.
"So, y/n, you and your family have been so kind to not only the Mikaelson family, but the entire kingdom. And we thank you for your service, but we've heard rumors that my father is planning to travel to our country to assassinate our future heir."
You exhale, your body trembling as you clasp your hands behind your back. You weren't old enough to recall certain details of the attacks.
This was how horrible it was 
As he gazed down at you and winked at you, he entwined his fingers behind your back and whispered, "It's going to be okay."
As he stepped up from his throne, Klaus began again, "So, once again, I'd like you to protect and guard him while we're out; you've had plenty of training for this, so I'm confident you'll do fine. Finally, you are responsible for whatever happens to him."
He was now directly in front of your eyes as he kept a wary eye on your flimsy frame.
Thanks for the extra pressure. 
Jake gave him a gentle push back as he walked in front of you and coughed "Okay, don't scare her. We've got a lot of security in place, and I'm an original here who can take care of myself. I don't want to put anyone at risk, especially y/n."
As he acknowledged you specifically, it warmed your heart. He squeezed your hand not only to show that he was paying attention, but also to make you feel comfortable and secure.
Klaus grinned as he walked away from you, both of you speaking in a condescending manner.
"Our father has not and will not stop if we are alive in the past centuries, and now that you are of legal age, he is coming to take advantage of that opportunity. Our father's reign is far from done. After all, it's more for y/n than for you. Take a look at her. Do you believe she'll be able to defend YOU?" 
Your heart stung as you gasped in pain as you yanked your hands from his grasp. As you took a step forward, tears welled up in your eyes. You coughed as you drew Klaus' attention, enraged and honestly taken aback.
"No one has the right to treat me like an outsider just because I'm not a member of this family. Instead of making trouble and fleeing, why not stay and fight like a brother once in a while?I've done more for Jake than YOU could possibly do.
You turned and walked away from the family, tears streaming down your cheeks. A hand grabbed your wrist as you flung it off of you. Before exiting the room, Elijah caught Klaus just as he was ready to explode with wrath.
"This meeting is over. After 30 minutes, we'll be on our way." As you raced away from Jake, he called your name.
You heard shouts of anger from Jake as he yelled at Klaus.
However, he has never been able to see what you and your family went through to safeguard his prized heir. They were going to get a guard if they wanted one, and a good one at that.
You vowed to prove to them, and particularly to Klaus, that you belonged here.
You got to a familiar area and pounded on the door, enraged, as she approached the door.
You hurried by her and sat down, your hand outstretched as you glared angrily at her. "Oh hey—," she said. As she sat down gently across from you, she rubbed her chin and arched her brows.
"Okay, no hello or nothing. That's awesome, what's up?"
"I'd like to see him; please, show him to me right now." She chuckled, as if she'd read your mind. You wanted to prove yourself to someone. And he was the only one who had a clear idea of what needed to be done.
She sliced your hand and poured the liquid into the stone bowl as she spoke. You sat up straight and became ready. As soon as you closed your eyes, you were transported somewhere else.
Davine touched you on the shoulder as you sat up straight and followed her instructions by moving forward.
"You just have a few minutes, so work quickly. This is a difficult spell that becomes weaker by the second."
You stood up, shook your head, and walked over to the man perched precariously on the ledge, his feet dangling dangerously in the air. After a few minutes of sitting next to him, you began to become worked up.
"I was curious as to when you planned to pay me a visit. Princess, how are you?" As tears welled up in your eyes, you turned around in astonishment. He looked exactly the same as he did that night. His black slacks matched his stained white collared shirt.
He was perfect, still 
"I miss you, dad." Upon entering his embrace and taking in his smell, he extended his arms and welcomed you in. The lingering woody smell filled your nostril as you held onto him tighter.
"Hey, love. Whatever you're going through right now, I have complete faith in your ability to get through it. I didn't raise a wimp; instead, I raised a powerful warrior. Don't allow them get to the point where they're controlling your thoughts. What is it that I usually say?"
"Life struggles are necessary for growth."
You continued his sentence with the words "life struggles are necessary for growth." He pecked your head and held on for a little bit more.
"Y/n we have to go; the spell is slipping."
When your father saw you, he got to his feet and stood up. His hand went to your face as he noticed all your new features. He seemed intent on studying you, as if he wanted to make up for the time he had lost by not seeing you.
"I'm very proud of the women you've grown to be. I'm so proud of you, y/n. Remember that and know that I am always here for you." As a tear rolled down his cheek, he pointed to your chest.
You gave him one more hug as you raised your eyes to see his face.
"I love you, dad."
"Princess, you have my undying love. Now go out there and confront the world. Fighting for you always."
Davine held your hand as she guided you back to the present moment in time. You observed his disappearance as you bid him farewell by waving.
As soon as you regained consciousness, you hugged Davine and thanked her for her time. Afterwards, you left.
"Don't worry, y/n you got it. I've had my fair share of the Mikaelson family, so don't fret. I'm here for you."
You took a deep breath and then made your way back to the castle, smiling as you did so.
You already knew who you were on the inside; you didn't need an all-powerful family to confirm it for you. You only needed a little nudge to remember who you truly were on the inside.
The princess in your father's eyes.
"Thanks, Dad, this one for you."
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cupidsintern · 3 years
Billy doesn’t really have a lot of like, vices, anymore. Mostly because any one of them could kill him. His lungs barely work, his liver’s shot, and he’s been strongly advised against any kind of ‘mind altering substances’ because no one knows how all the meds he has to take would react to that being thrown into the ring. 
Mostly though, he misses smoking. 
Probably because he’s addicted and whatever, but that part was already getting better. Ish. 
He really misses the feel of it. The series of motions, the warmth. How he’d feel like he could think better, or at least like all his strings weren't wound to breaking. He misses the smells like the one that clings still to his leather jacket- that he hasn't worn is as much time since he quit- he misses the relief. He doesn't get much relief from anything these days. Not from the constant body aches and migraines and how he still coughs enough that it stings sometimes. 
But it’s fine. He’s fine not smoking. At least now he wont get lung cancer. Probably. Also there's that thing of how if you fall asleep with a smoke lit you could like burn to death in your sleep or whatever. 
Billy doesn’t have the luxury of risking incineration anymore. 
Now most of Billy’s comforts come from owning headphones, getting to wear actual clothes rather than sweatpants and hospital gowns, and seeing Steve. 
Who maybe counts as a vice. Probably. 
Steve’s counted as a vice since Billy first saw him, more so after he apologized, and Steve started acting like he liked Billy around. Still acted like that, even after he un-died in July. 
Steve was kind of Billy’s only friend. Which was as ironic as it was fucked up. 
Not that Steve had many friends to speak of himself. Just that Billy could actually get this close to Steve, and it still was not enough. 
Billy always felt like he was pushing it, too. 
He remembered the first time he begged Steve to smoke for him. Remembered how he actually said ‘please’ which made one of Steve’s eyebrows shoot up because ‘is this like a kink of yours or what’ and ‘no jackass i just can't so i want you to.”
Steve had started hanging out with Billy out of pity. Probably. Billy didn't actually know he just knew Steve was one of the only people that didn't treat Billy like he was made of glass. 
Then they were hanging out all the time. Maybe because of a sort of, mutual recognition kind of thing. 
But here they were on Steve’s couch, Billy asking if Steve had any smokes and yeah he knows he‘s not allowed to smoke them himself he wants Steve to do it. Please. 
Steve has this weird little smile on his lips. Maybe because it’s got to be like, 2am and they’re still up and watching TV and shooting the shit but. 
“Okay.” Steve shrugs, get up to go find a cigarette. 
Billy listens, only a little sleepy, to Steve’s soft footsteps as he leaves the room, comes back with- thank god- a pack of Reds and Billy’s fucking saved but he’s also a little crazed because Steve waves the carton a little and says “I think there’s a light in that drawer if you wanna hand it to me-” “I wanna do it.” Billy says, insistent, when Steve sits back down. 
Steve blinks at him with those sleepy puppy eyes of his, smiles a bit more while saying “Ooookay.” All slow like ‘what are you up to, huh?’
Billy doesn't know what he’s up to really. He’s a little too tired to think that far in advance. All he cares about is digging a lighter out of the coffee table drawer and holding to where Steve’s leaned over the distance between them, cigarette paper pulling ever so subtly at the skin of his lips, waiting for Billy to light. 
Billy does. 
He watches Steve inhale. How his cheeks hollow a little, makes the cherry match the brightness of the TV, how the glow of the TV makes Steve’s cheek bones look like harsh lines under those soft eyes. He catches his end of the cigarette with practiced fingers to pull away from his mouth. Billy feels like he sees the whole thing in slow motion.
He exhales when Steve does, even though Steve turns his head a little, the smoke blows away from Billy. 
“This doing it for you, weirdo?” Steve laughs a little, Billy realizes how close they are, how intently he’s been staring. 
“You try quitting cold turkey.” Is Billy's comeback. 
“No thanks.” Steve says, only half genuine. “I like my bad habits. Only got a couple.” He takes another drag. A shortish one. And when a couple seconds ago this was helping, suddenly it’s not nearly enough. Steve’s not pulling hard enough. And he keeps blowing the smoke away from Billy, like the polite son of a gun he is, which means Billy can only sort of of smell it- the scent that takes him back to before he was a corpse, before he spent all his time at doctors appointments- a time when the guy crowned in smoke before him was all he fucking thought about. 
If Billy wanted to try to think why he was doing this, he wouldn't like the answer. 
Steve’s fingers looked so natural, parted so gracefully Billy didn't even really realize he was touching them until he already had, letting his own finger’s slide up the back of Steve’s hand, over his knuckles, to pluck the cigarette from between his slender pale fingers into Billy's own. 
Steve watches Billy do it, makes no move to stop him. In fact, when Billy lifts his hand, Steve leans forward to smoke from it without even being asked. 
Billy watches, the same process of the bright cherry, hollow cheeks, Steve’s eyes lower to track Billy's hand, his eyelashes dark against his skin. Steve’s face is warm where Billy's hand touches it. 
Steve doesn't exhale fully this time, just drops his mouth open a little like you do for blowing smoke rings and lets the smoke drift out of it. Billy watches as the opaqueness dissipates- he can see the pink of Steve’s tongue. 
Steve’s eyes flick up to look into Billy‘s, then immediately away again. 
Billy realizes their legs are touching. It’s so late, nothing real can even happen at 2am. 
“Did I ever tell you how much I like it when you come over?” Steve says, low, not making any effort to pull his eyes up again.
Billy’s so close. Closer than he’s been to anyone in a while in terms of physical distance. In any terms really. 
Steve’s breath smells like smoke. 
That's probably why Billy kisses him.
But to be fair, he only leans in to breathe Steve's air, from right in front of his lips, and it’s Steve that kisses him. 
Tips his chin forward so he can get to Billy’s bottom lip, and then it‘s an honest to god kiss, and Billy can taste his favorite Marlboro Reds on this pretty boy's lips- that's enough. That scratches the goddamn unscratchable itch.
Billy feels like whatever he thinks he needs. Or wants. Steve anticipates it. 
And what now?
“Still seems like a kink.” Steve mumbles, smile fighting for a right to occupy his expression. 
“Shut up, man.” Billy feels his face going red, however unreal 2am is.
“Make me.” 
The cigarette- which ends up lying half smoked in an ashtray- burns itself out. There’d be others.
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amimimi · 3 years
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dreams; kyan reki
synposis: in which you tend to reki’s wounds after his second beef with adam; second part to this fic but it can be read on it’s own! takes place after episode 11
pairings: gn! reader x reki
genre: fluff. just fluff. and caretaking.
warnings: mentions of injuries. swearing. brief nudity (?) sap, so sappy.
word count: 3.5k
notes: i loved the series so much! reki has suffered enough, so i decided to show his some love. i was so so proud of him during episode 11. again, i apologize in advance for grammatical/spelling errors. i'm pretty busy with school so i'm just churning fics out at this point.
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“i’m not letting you lift a finger for a month” you moan as you help seat reki on his bed. you’re both mostly dried from the rain, save for your hair and clothes. he only giggles in response and you can’t help it when you lean down to gingerly place your hands up to his face, kissing the bridge of his nose. “a month”
“ahh, i don’t think that’s gonna work” reki gives you an easy grin, before placing a kiss on the side of you mouth. “i got a shift tomorrow”
“i’ll cover your shift” you say, stone-faced. disbelief momentarily flashes across reki’s face before he breaks out into uncontrollable giggles—the kind that erupts straight from your stomach. your hands drop from his face. “shh! i’m serious!”
he hangs his head forward and brings a hand up to his mouth, attempting to quell his giggles. “you don’t even work there, y/n!” he manages to say before delving into yet another fit of giggles. reki must’ve curled in too far because his laughter is cut off by strangled cry. immediately, you surge forward, gingerly placing your hands on his shoulders.
it wasn’t unusual for reki to be banged up from skateboarding—everything from scrapes to fractures were all pretty common for him. in the beginning of your relationship with reki, it worried you to no end, and you even begged him to wear a helmet (he said no, of course). eventually you came to accept that injuries were going to be a normal occurrence for reki. but his injuries this time were slightly different.
reki had his second beef with adam earlier that night. technically reki had lost, but it felt more like a victory instead. he came so close, and he did so well. and he was happy. seeing him like that in his element, gleaming with joy, eyes lit a flame with passion—you felt like ten years was added to your lifespan. of course, reki took quite the beating but no where near the damage of last time.
“m’fine!” he wheezes, placing a hand over his stomach. “it’s just a bruise.”
you’re not convinced and it shows on your face because reki gently places his hand on the back of your head, pulling your forehead up against his. “i’m fine, baby”
you let yourself stay there, forehead pressed against reki’s and staring right into each other’s eyes. for the first time in weeks, you felt the tightness in your chest completely dissipate. because here you were gazing into his eyes—reki’s eyes, in his darkened room, knowing he was safe and okay.
“okay,” you whisper. reki gazes at you with half-lidded eyes and attempts to press his forehead closer (if that was even possible), brushing his nose against yours. “but i gotta patch you up”.
you wiggle out of reki’s grasp, who whimpers at the loss of contact, to grab the first aid kit he’d kept in his drawer. stumbling in the dark, you feel around for his desk, flicking on the lamp. reki watches you sift through the contents of his drawer, overtaken by a sudden wave of fondness. he loves you, always has. but suddenly, in this moment, he feels the love he has for you in a new way. it pools in his stomach, warm and fuzzy, and he feels so full, so content, like he ate a whole meal.
“i love you from my stomach” reki blurts out before he’s aware of what he’s saying. from over your shoulder, you glance at him quizzically and he feels a new sensation—mortification, burn all over his face. later, he’s going to blame his misspeaking on the fact that it was so late into the night and that every inch of his body was practically throbbing in pain. but right now, he can’t form any thoughts, let alone excuses.
“huh?” you’re facing him now, first aid kit in hand and your face twitching with the urge to smile. feeling his ears burn up, reki presses his lips and shakes his head, refusing to repeat what he said. “reki~! what did you say?”
he turns his head to the side as you make your way over to the bed. “i forgot”
“no you didn’t!” you whine, throwing the first aid kit on the bed and placing your hands over his cheeks. “say it again, please?”
“ahh, i meant it like—”reki pauses, thinking about how to put his feelings into words. “i-i don’t know! i love you, but sometimes i feel it in my stomach”
“oh”, you plop down right next to him on the bed, pulling your legs up to sit crisscross. reki follows your movement, pulling his legs up on the bed and crossing them. he’s looking at expectantly. “like butterflies, yeah?”
“no, not that. this feels warm—and kinda heavy”
“oh”, you tilt your head to one side and smile coyly. “so, desire then?”
reki rolls his eyes at you, his ears still red. “you’re so—”
“desperately in love with you?” you offer with a grin before leaning and catching his lips in a noisy kiss. you pull back, but not before kissing the tip of his nose just to see his reaction. reki fights back a smile, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as he shakes his head.
“j-just patch me up, please”, he sighs as his lips finally quirk into a smile.
“can I change first?” you ask. wet jeans felt like murder and your shirt was starting to stick in uncomfortable places on your torso. reki nods and points to his closet.
“i have clean shirts and sweatpants folded in there” he informs you, watching as you sit up and make your way over to his closet. reki’s not surprised when you grab his pink dope sketch shirt, shooting him a cheeky grin.
you start tugging off your jeans and reki looks away to give your privacy. “you’re so precious, reki” you coo at him. reki only smiles at the opposite wall and shakes his head. when you’re done, you drop your wet clothes in his laundry and walk over to him. “i’m decent!”
reki looks back at you and his heart twists at the sight of you, clad in his work shirt, hanging just above your knees and slightly hugging your waist. he prays he isn’t blushing and gulps.
“i have sweatpants if you want some, sweetheart”, he reminds you weakly, trying to stop staring.
you blink at him, lost and then you gasp. “oh, sorry! I didn’t meant to make you uncomfortable!” you rush. “i’ll put some pants on—”
“no!” he practically shouts, before squeezing his lips shut. you both hold your breaths when you hear his little sister in the next room, groan and shift in her sleep. waiting, until he’s sure it’s safe, he continues much quietly. “i’m not uncomfortable. you look really good, i love you like this. i just want you to feel comfortable”
adoration surges in your chest as you watch your boyfriend clumsily and earnestly explain himself, a blush adorned on his face. “i feel the most comfortable when i’m with you” you admit with a shy smile, your face growing warm.
reki blinks up at you for a second, looking momentarily stunned before his face morphs into a soft grin. his eyes twinkle as he holds his hands out for you, sure and steady. placing your hands in his calloused ones, you sit down beside on the bed and sit criss crossed.
the both of you sit like that for a while, staring lovingly at one another and taking turn squeezing each other’s hands. finally, you bring reki’s hands up to your lips, littering his knuckles with kisses before giving them a quick squeeze.
“where do you hurt the most?” you question, sliding your hands out of his to open the first aid kit. you skim over his injuries, not even knowing where to start. there’s a line of dried blood and a bruise forming on the right side of his face, must be a small laceration under his headband. you know his back is cut up pretty badly and you hope it’s nothing too deep.
“my whole body is sore, if i’m going to be honest” he replies sheepishly. frowning, you gently tug off his headband to assess the damage. just as you suspected, a small cut right under his hairline. the area is beginning to bruise too. you remember adam repeatedly punching him at one point, as reki had locked his arms around him... maybe reki should go to a hospital?
“I promise you i’m fine”, reki assures you, having picked up on the mounting worry on your face. he takes your hand in his, rubbing the roughened pad of his thumb over the back of your hand. “trust me! i’ve had worse. i was jumped and hit with a car all in one day and i didn’t even get a concussion”.
despite reki’s face beaming with pride, you frown deeper and fidget at the thought of reki getting hurt like that. “please don’t remind me...” you sigh, sitting up off the bed to grab a face towel from his closet. “i’m gonna run this under water, okay?”
“alright”, reki answered, watching you step out of his room to make your way to the bathroom. you hurry back, the wet towel dripping water down your forearm, and gently seat yourself on the bed.
you arrange yourself so that you are sitting criss cross in front of reki. “I’m going to clean it, alright?” you say, before leaning into give him a peck.
“okay” he murmurs, placing his hand on your knee. reki squeezes hard when you gently press the wet towel against his wound. you do this repeatedly until you make sure there’s no visible dirt around the wound before placing the towel on reki’s bedside table. you’re quick to patch up his forehead before placing a gentle kiss over the bandage. he snickers through his nose at this, squeezing your knee once more.
“now for your back...” you purse your lips. “take your shirt off.”
you’ve seen reki shirtless a thousand times before and he knows this. still, he can’t help but squirm under your gaze as he works at removing the layers of clothing he’s wearing. he takes his jacket off fine but he struggles a bit with his hoodie, still damp from the rain, wincing as he tugs upward on the fabric.
“here, lemme help you”, you murmur, sitting forward on your knees to tug his hoodie upwards and over his head. you work at the white t-shirt he had on under his hoodie next. gently as you could, you peeled the shirt off reki’s torso trying not to disturb his wounds. but he still flinches, sucking a quick breath in. “sorry! i’m sorry!”
“no, no! you’re fine, it just stung a little” reki promises you, giving your thigh a squeeze. you tug the t-shirt over his head, grimacing. his torso is littered with bruises and a few scrapes, but nothing too worrisome.
“okay, lemme see your back”, you tell him, bracing yourself as you crawl around him get a full glimpse. just as you thought, his back is scraped up and still bleeding lightly—nothing too deep. you grab the wet towel on his bedside table and hop off the bed to go run it under the bathroom facet.
when you return, reki is sitting on his bed exactly like you left, watching you tip toe over to him. “do you wanna take off your pants?” you ask, folding the wet towel. “maybe change into something dry?”
“um, yeah actually...” reki mutters, fumbling with his belt. “c-could you grab me some sweatpants? please?”
with the wet towel in one hand, you grab a pair of gray sweatpants from reki’s closet with your other hand. you can hear reki shuffling out of his pants as you walk over to the bed, with your face turned away.
you hold the sweatpants out for him, your face turned to the side. “you don’t have to look away if you don’t want to”, reki tells you and you can hear the smile in his voice. he takes the sweatpants from your hands.
“you gave me privacy, so i’m returning to the favor—give me your wet clothes, i’ll put them in the hamper”
you trade off the wet towel for reki’s clothes, wheeling around to place them in his hamper. when you turn back, reki is sitting with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed, wearing just his sweatpants and holding the wet towel in one hand.
“whenever you’re ready, nurse y/n”, he smiles at you, showing his teeth. you squint your eyes at him playfully and shuffle over to his bed. accepting the wet towel from reki, you crawl behind him so that you have full access to his back.
“okay, i’m going to clean your wounds, let me know if i’m hurting you”, you warn him, folding your legs underneath you. he grunts in response. taking a breath to steel yourself, you gently press the towel against the abrasions. suddenly, reki gasps loudly. you squeak and pull back almost immediately, your heart in your throat. “what?”
reki’s back is shaking and to your relief (and horror), you realize reki is laughing. he turns his head around to catch a glimpse at your expression and laughs so hard, he snorts and it almost makes you laugh—almost.
“i’m sorry, i couldn’t help it”, he gasps between laughs.
you suck your teeth. “well, now that it’s out of your system, can you hold still? i seriously don’t want to hurt you” you reposition yourself, heart still hammering in your chest.
“sorry, angel, go ahead”, he stifles a giggle, holding still. hesitantly, you press the wet towel to abrasions on his back.
“that okay?” you question and he nods. taking another breath, you dab his entire span of his back with the towel, stopping every now and then to check in on him. once you’ve cleaned his wounds up, you dig around in the first aid kit for some gauze sponges to pat his back dry. “i’m gonna wrap you up for tonight but you should let it dry tomorrow, okay?”
“you got it, nurse” reki chimes back and you bite back a smile, reaching for the gauze dressing in the first aid kit. once you’ve placed the dressing over the worst of his wounds, you grab the gauze roll and begin to wrap it around reki’s torso.
at one point, your fingers brush up against his side and his breath slightly hitches. you freeze, giving him a concerned hum.
“i’m ticklish” he whispers sheepishly and you smirk, continuing to wrap the gauze around his torso.
“storing this information for later, thank you!” you tease causing reki groans. “i didn’t wrap it too tight, did i? can you breathe?”
“i can breathe fine, don’t worry” reki sighs, as you loosely tie the gauze. “you did great, thank you”
once you’re done tying the gauze, you place your hands on top of reki’s shoulders. “good?” you ask.
“good”, reki nods. you take in reki’s bandaged back, his slightly toned shoulders, his red hair pressed against nape of his neck, even the back of his head. he look’s so good with his hair down.
before you even know what you’re doing, you gently press your lips against the nape of his neck. reki freezes, his shoulder tensing before you press another kiss along the back of his neck. he shivers and his whole body melts. you kiss again, this time further up the nape of his neck and into his hair and he lets his head hang forward, sighing slightly. another kiss is placed where his neck meets his shoulder, and he has to bite back a whimper.
“i’m so proud of you”, you whisper into the back of his neck. he reaches around to squeeze your hand. “you did so great tonight—you’re always so great, you never fail to amaze me.”
upon hearing your words, reki feels a lump form in his throat. you always told him that, how proud you were of him for doing things he thought were exceedingly mundane. he remembers that night he was panicking in your bathroom, shaking on his legs like a newborn deer and barely managing to control his breathing. how even then, you were proud of him, for what exactly? he couldn’t answer.
but now, when you tell him that with your lips soft against his nape, in the darkness of his room, he believes you. he’s banged up and unbelievably sore, but he believes you. and further more, he’s feeling proud of himself too, for not disappointing himself, for doing what he had come to do at that beef.
reki shifts around, so that he’s facing you to see that you're smiling at him in a way that he could only describe as pure adoration.
“and...” you start, pushing his bangs back from his forehead. “you looked so fucking hot”.
reki eyes widened slightly before he blows air out of his mouth and rolls his eyes. you grab his face, forcing him to look at you.
“no, no! but you actually looked really good?” you giggled, squeezing his cheeks between your hands. “like, when you nailed that landing off that cliff? and when you dodged him like that? like, i knew you could move, but you were really moving, you know—?”
“y/n—”reki starts, grinning pretty hard as he tries to advert his gaze from yours.
“and you were smiling so hard, like you were actually glowing—beaming! i don’t know, something about the way you looked under those lights they have at S...i actually wanted to bark, like wow—”
“y/n, shut up!” reki is giggling now, flushed right down to his chest. he tries to wrestle your hands from off his face, but you kept your grip.
“don’t act all shy now, mister! you knew exactly what you were doing! when you were like ‘and you’d better remember it’, i was this close to dropping to my knees—”
“and every one was screaming your name and i was just like ‘yea, that’s my boyfriend! my man! my prince—!’”
suddenly, reki flips you over pinning you arms right beside your head, the both of you giggling.
“oh my god, why are you still going” reki half groans between giggles as you continue to cackle.
“my sweetheart, my baby, my sweat pea, my darling, the future of father of my children, my honey bunch, my sugar pie, the apple of my eye, the light of my life—” you list off, delirious with laughter, not even fighting against reki’s grip on your forearms. he hovers over you, laughing too, his eyes shining and his face beaming
“you need to stop” reki shakes his head slightly, his bangs falling onto your forehead as he leans in for a kiss. he pulls back and you're silent for a moment...until you start rattling off corny pet names again, but this time less giggly.
“my sun, my moon, my stars, my whole world—” you murmur before reki presses his lips against yours. he pulls away and kisses the tip of your nose, the skin slightly under your right eye, and onto your left eyelid.
“you’re so annoying”, reki whispers, letting go of your forearms to hold your face instead.
“you kinda are too”, you whisper back, placing your hands over his, rubbing your thumbs along the back of his hand.
“mmm, i guess we’re destined for one another then” he murmurs and you nod, fervently. reki kisses you sweetly and you hum against his lips. “i love you so much”.
“i love you too, baby” you sigh, putty in reki’s hands. he looks so pretty above you, the lamplight reflecting his eyes and his cheeks still flushed. he looks like the human embodiment of honey.
you turn your head over to glimpse at the alarm clock on his bed side table. 3:37 AM
“our sleeping schedules are so messed up” you groan turning your head back to look up at reki. he blinks, following your gaze towards the alarm clock.
“oh, i usually sleep around his time anyway” he shrugs.
“okay, but you have injuries...so you need to rest to heal” you reason while sitting up slightly, forcing reki to sit up with you. “are you still in pain? i can get you a tylenol”
“i’ll need one in the morning, but i’m fine for now”, he assures you with a grin.
you both climb under his blankets, but he wants for you to sit back against his pillows. already knowing, you hold your arms out for him and he lays between your legs, wrapping his arms around your torso. reki presses his ear to chest, taking in the steady rhythm of your heartbeat, as you smooth his hair back.
“goodnight, sweetheart” you whisper, leaving your hand in his hair.
“goodnight, baby” he murmurs into you chest, pressing a kiss there. “i love you, i can’t wait to wake up and see you tomorrow”
you chuckle tiredly. “i love you too, i’ll see you in the morning”.
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notes: this was also, long as hell. i apologize! this is honestly the sappiest sh*t i’ve ever written, idk if it can get any sappier than this (it probably can, and will >:3) .
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