#I have six more days after this to maybe get one but we'll see!!!!!!!!
nervocat · 5 days
Hey guys!!! Guess what I'm on my way to do rn!!!!!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Thinking about:
The two moments in ep 1 (6:08) and ep 2 (32:37) when Jihyun is seen in the background between Jaewon and Tae Hyung/Eun Ji respectively.
The way Jaewon's taller shadow engulfs Jihyun's smaller shadow as Jaewon walks towards Jihyun on the beach in ep 2.
Yoon Won singing on the beach.
Just how fantastic Yoon Won, Ae Ri, and Jihyun's boss are.
How it looks like Jaewon drew himself and his younger brother and maybe a young Jihyun in the landscape of the Han river in ep 4.
The way Jaewon tugs Jihyun into him after putting the rucksack on Jihyun in ep 4 (7:03).
The tale of the country mouse who ran back home (ep 4)...and me wondering if it's foreshadowing a separation and/or time skip in future eps.
Jihyun keeping Jaewon's art in case he becomes famous...and me wondering if that will come back if there's a time skip/separation at the end.
The fact that the therapist is always in the same top, which might indicate that the therapy scenes are all from the same session...maybe meaning everything else that's happening are flashbacks from the time of the session...which ends in ep 5. There are no scenes of the therapy session in ep 6.
The bust on the shelf in the therapists room, with hands over its eyes...
Jihyun's dream of going to the Hanson Tower with a lover and putting a lock up there...and me hoping he'll do that with Jaewon.
The "traffic won't stop for you" sign behind Jaewon as he gets drunk in ep 5 and talks about siblings. If it turns out his brother died because he ran into the road I will throw fists.
The way Jaewon's little brother is dressed in a light blue t-shirt with something cream over the top in the flashback and then Jihyun is also wearing light blue/grey under a cream jacket in the next scene.
Jaewon's "We are always living in other's frameworks in this world". And "Don't try to get out of the box".
The silence as the credits roll at the end of ep 6.
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With Discretion
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Here it is! I hope you guys like part 1. Part 2 is in the works. I am planning for this to be a 2 parter, 3 at the most haha we'll see! You can find more of my work here. In the meantime enjoy this one! (Once again, gif credits to @londonharry 🫶🏻)
Warnings: Infidelity (adultery), inappropriate relationship, mentions of drinking/partying, mild dirty talk, slight praise kink, multiple and forced orgasms, dry humping, choking, oral sex (f receiving described, m receiving mentioned), fingering, sex (protected & unprotected)
WC: 12.7K
You had never intended on sleeping with your husband, Caleb’s, boss but you had six months ago and you hadn’t stopped thinking about him since. It was overwhelmingly excellent and of course, unforgettable. You didn’t even feel guilty anymore when you fantasized about him when you and Cal would sleep together. The way it developed felt almost like a TV drama scriptwriter had taken over your life and was writing your character into a completely surreal situation. 
You had suspicions that Cal was having an affair. You lived in the suburbs so his commutes to work were nearly an hour there and back, so when he had to work late it made sense to get a hotel and stay the night in the city. But it was hard to miss the fact that over the course of the past year, the odd late night at the office had suddenly become more commonplace.
At first you thought nothing of it, but one day he made the mistake of using your joint account to make a reservation at one of the fancier restaurants in the city. You just so happened to be checking the activity of the account that afternoon because you were expecting a reimbursement from a purchase you had made for a client a few weeks before. A simple call to the restaurant confirmed your suspicions that it was a reservation for two. And not even an hour later, you’d received the usual text he sent when he was “working late”. Maybe it was just for business but to verify, you decided to show up at his office an hour before the reservation. Their building was a skyscraper and housed a couple different offices, but when you made it to the 23rd floor and it was pretty desolate your suspicion started rising. You had only visited his office once when he’d first go hired. He had brought you along on a Sunday to help him set up and decorate without disturbing any of his coworkers. The building had been just as vacant as it was tonight. Regardless, you headed over to his office and saw the blinds and door were closed, so you knocked just in case and after not receiving any response you opened it up and peeked inside to find it empty with no sign of him even coming back and you sighed. 
The feeling of reality just bitch slapping you across the face was strong, but before you could even start to feel any disappointment your entire body froze when a deep voice came from behind you: “Excuse me, can I help you with something?” 
The man before you was striking, it stunned you for a second, suspending time as you looked deep into his furrowed eyebrows. He seemed concerned that a stranger was peeking into the CFO’s office. You were quick to explain that you were Caleb’s wife and were stopping by to see if he wanted a dinner break since he was working late. That’s when he introduced himself as Harry Styles, CEO, and verified that he’d only asked Caleb to stay late twice in the 3 years he’d been working for him. When he saw your face fall he caught on quickly and immediately apologized. You then explained that you had suspicions of Cal’s unfaithfulness for months now and had actually come in to confirm your suspicions. He asked if there was anything he could do to help, but you assured him there was not and went home.
You were devastated initially, but as time went on you were just annoyed that you hadn’t caught on sooner. It seemed so obvious now that you were aware, there was even more damning evidence that you had failed to see before. And well, you were afraid of what this meant for you because Cal was a bit older than you and he had money, and had some personal funds invested in your event planning business. You wanted to fight about it or to get him back, but you had a lot to lose if your marriage ended so you decided to be selfish & just let it be. At least now you knew and you could just start to move on emotionally. 
A few months after that interaction with Mr. Styles, Cal had left for a “business trip” with all of the top executives from the office. So you and your friends took a trip to the city to bar hop a bit and much to your surprise, you saw Mr. Styles leaning against the bar and you made your way over and tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around he was surprised to see you of all people.
“Why’s the CEO of the company not in Tokyo for the all executive business trip?” You had asked with a playful grin.
“Because there’s no business trip to Tokyo.”  He responded with a smirk. 
You had expected Cal to lie, but the confirmation of it had once again made you close another emotional tie to your husband. Harry had been so kind and ended up buying drinks for you and your friends for the night and even brought you guys into the VIP area with him and his friends. 
He was fun, sweet, and very attentive. Even a little flirty with you, dare you say, but you chalked it up to the drinks you’d each had.  But as the night progressed your friends and Harry’s friends slowly started disappearing one by one. And nearing 1am it was just you and one of your more drunken friends along with Harry & a couple others from his group. Your friend, Cece, was plastered and you wanted to get her to bed so you thanked Harry for his generosity and let him know that you would be heading out, but he insisted that his car service drop you guys off at your hotel. Your friend ended up passing out in the car and because of this, Harry offered to help you get her up to her room. Once she was safe in her own room for the night Harry walked you up to your room and well, that soon turned into a lot more than you had expected…
“Thank you so much for helping me get her up here.” You smiled as you held your friend Cecilia’s door open as Harry hurried by, carrying her bridal style to her bed.
“Not a problem.” He assured as he gently set her down. She groaned and stirred a bit, “We should probably leave a bin within reach.” He glanced back to you as the heavy door closed with a loud thud.
“Good thinking.” You smiled as you hurried over to the other end of the room where a trashcan was nestled beneath the desk. You sighed when you saw that the liner had not been put in and was just sitting neatly at the bottom so you bent down to do just that. 
Harry didn’t mean to ogle you the way he had been all night, but he couldn’t help himself. You looked absolutely breathtaking and for the life of him, he couldn’t understand how Caleb could just screw you over the way he was. Harry didn’t even know he was married until you had shown up at the building a few months back looking for him. In his eyes Caleb was immature and a complete fool, even if he was 15 years his senior. Because if he had someone like you at his side he would never dream of doing anything to jeopardize that.
“Alright, that’s all set.” You said as you put the garbage can by Cecilia’s bedside, flicked on the bedside lamp, and then turned around to smile at him.
“Well at least she had a lot of fun.” He said as you started making your way out of the room.
“Exactly.” You giggled as you shut off the big lights and opened up the door and you both made it back into the hall. You walked to the elevator in a comfortable silence and then stopped before it, you turned to him to say goodnight.
“Are you up or down?” He asked you as he walked up to the buttons on the wall.
“Up. Much to my displeasure.” You mumbled and he smiled.
“Scared of heights?” He asked and you nodded in confirmation, “Me too. I hate that my office is all windows.” He said with a chuckle, “First time I got in there I decided to look out of it and I got a spell of vertigo for a few hours.” He admitted and you frowned a bit.
“Oh wow, so it’s bad.”
“Yeah, awful.” He confirmed just as the elevator chimed to indicate it’s arrival.
“You don’t have to take me up, I know it’s late and-”
“No, it’s alright. Just want to make sure you get in safe.” He assured as you both stepped inside.
“Thanks, that’s sweet of you.” You smiled as you pressed the button to the 15th floor.
“It’s nothing.” He assured you with a smile, “Ummm…you can tell me to fuck off if I’m prying, but I guess I’ve just noticed that you don’t seem all that upset about Caleb cheating and lying to you about his whereabouts.” He said and you sighed.
“I was at first, after I went to the office?” You reminded and he nodded, “But I then decided that it was out of my hands and like…I don’t know, it’s not that I don’t love him enough, but I just…don’t want to fight and if all this is is like a fling or midlife crisis,” you giggled, “It’ll sort itself out.” You explained and he hummed. “It might also have a lot to do with everyone telling me that marrying and older man was a bad idea.” You admitted with a slight smile and he did as well.
“So no one was supportive?”
“Not really.” You confessed.
“How old are you now, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“30, turning 31 soon.” You said.
“Oh, I just turned 31! It’s just as annoying.” He assured and you giggled.
“Good. People’ve been a lot more invested in my personal life since I turned 30.”
“Oh yeah…"when are you getting married?", "Are you going to have children?", "When are you going to start acting your age?"…” he recited all of the same questions people seemed to concerned to know the answers to and you chuckled.
“Exactly.” You hummed, “I mean, I was 24 when we got married. Literally fresh out of grad school. That same summer.” You said and he hummed in understanding.
“Did you date long?”
“A year and a half or so? We met at an entrepreneurial convention and I was manning a booth for the place I was working at, at the time and we just got to talking. You know how he can just get along with anyone…” you explained and he nodded. “I did fall hard and fast…but I mean, I think he just wanted to snatch me up before I lost interest or something because I wasn’t in a rush to be married. But he seemed to be and well, I agreed because I did love him-er I do, sorry! I do love him.” You corrected yourself, feeling a bit shocked by your fumble.
“I mean, feelings can change.” Harry pointed out.
“Yeah…I mean, clearly his have.” You said as the doors opened up on your floor.
“I mean, sounds like yours have too a bit.” He said as you started guiding him down the hall.
“I think you made a mistake in walking me to my room. I’m pretty deep in.” You explained, changing the subject and he smiled at you.
“It’s no bother. I quite like talking to you.” He said and you smiled up at him.
“I ummm…like talking to you too, Harry.” You assured him. “So what about you? Any lucky lads or ladies?” You asked him and he chuckled.
“Hmmm, sometimes, but not to any serious capacity. I’m always so busy with the firm.” He explained, “It’s not like I don’t want that though…I just want to make sure that when I do have that it’s…as right for me as possible. I don’t know, not so big on wasting people’s time, you know? Like if I were in your shoes I would make a fuss and try to get even in someway…” he said and you chuckled.
“So vengeful!” You teased.
“Well you’re married to the guy! You made a commitment to each other, you know? It’s just disrespectful in my opinion. If something changed for him then he should say that instead of sneaking off with someone else, you know?”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” You concurred as you made another turn, “But if I were to “get him back” or give him a taste of his own medicine I’m just not sure that it would make anything better for me at least.” You explained as you slowed down as you reached your door, “Like, do I think bout it sometimes, yeah! Of course I do.” You chuckled, “But I don’t think it would impact him in any way. I wouldn’t advertise it to him either, you know?” You explained as you glanced down and opened up your bag to search for your key. 
“Well if not to get back at him then just for yourself. I mean, if he’s out there getting his ego boosted by who knows who, why wouldn’t you?” Harry asked and you smiled as your eyes flickered up to his.
“I mean…thankfully, I don’t think I need that validation from anyone else.” You explained and he smiled a bit, “I know who I am and I am happy with who I am, in every way. And, not to sound arrogant, but I know what I bring to the table as a partner and if that’s not enough for someone then… their loss.” You concluded with a simple shrug.
“You’re absolutely extraordinary.” He said softly, as if he were in awe of you. You felt your cheeks warming as all of the blood rushed to your face at his compliment and you looked away. Bashfully shaking your head as if that would help ward off the feeling his compliment elicited from you. 
“Hardly.” You said lowly and suddenly his hands were on your face and he was tilting you up to look up at him. His touch was gentle as his eyes flickered back and forth over your own.
“You are, Y/N.” He assured you softly and you felt like your were on cloud 9, your hands grabbed around his wrists firmly, “If I had you, I would never be so careless with you.” He said with so much conviction. 
His words made your heart beat wildly and your insides melt. You were so affected by him, it was getting hard to keep yourself together in his presence. He was overwhelming in the best way and you wanted to feel completely immersed in the energy that he exuded. The attraction that was brewing between the two of you was reaching its boiling point. It was getting hard to ignore the signals of desire that your body had been giving off since you started hanging out earlier. But now, the subtlety was gone…your pupils were blown wide, his were as well. You were running hot all over, but particularly between your legs, you were so wet for Harry, you were certain that your panties were an absolutely sticky mess at the crotch.
“I think I-uh…sh-should ummm…get inside.” You stumbled on such simple words because you were trying so hard to just behave for another few seconds.
“Yeah.” He agreed, but neither of your were letting each other go. “Did you find your room key?” He asked and you nodded.
“S’in my purse.” You assured and he nodded and reluctantly let you go.
“Good.” He smiled as you dug back into your little bag and retrieved it to show him, “Alright, in you go.” He said softly and you turned around and slid the key into the slot, waiting for it to turn green so that you could turn the handle. He was quick to step forward and help you push the heavy door open.
“Thank you.” You hummed as you stepped past the threshold and turned to face him again, “Thank you for literally everything. The drinks, the laughs, the ride, the chat…” you smiled at him and he returned the friendly gesture.
“It was my pleasure.” He assured you.
“I had a lot of fun tonight.” You smiled.
“Me too.” He confirmed, still standing at the door. Neither of you made a move to retreat.
“Ummm, can I…hug you?” You asked through a timid giggle and his dimples carved deep into his cheeks.
“Of course you can.” He said and you were quick to pull the latching lock out so that the door wouldn’t shut on you when he let it go. 
You were going to hug around his body, but he hunched down at bit so you could reach him better, which resulted in your arms draping over his shoulders. Harry’s arms then naturally wrapped around your waist and as you closed the gap between your bodies you relaxed into his hold for a few seconds, leaning your head against his. He smelled divine, you were tempted to take a big inhale of him but decided against it almost instantly. 
You initiated the pull back and your hands rested on his shoulders, your noses nearly brushing from how close you were. You started to close the gap as your eyes fluttered down to his lips and he nudged your face to the side a bit, allowing him to fit his face better against yours. "What am I doing?" Was the last thought you had before your eyes fluttered closed and your lips met his in a sensual kiss. You two pulled back almost instantly, lust and longing clouding your minds to a dangerous degree. But before you could decide against it, you tugged at the collar of his shirt as your lips smeared together urgently once again. One of his arms remained around your body as the other pushed the room door open until you were both shrouded in darkness. He blindly flipped back the latch and as soon as the heavy door closed your body was up against it as his hands found your face and held you in place as your kiss started to deepen.
You hadn’t been fucked in at least four months by that point and with the attraction that you felt towards Harry, you didn’t care that you were married. After all, Cal had already tainted the marriage with his own affair… with this in mind you just gave in. You licked into his mouth and he ended up moaning before he shoved his tongue past your lips. You guided his hands to the parts of your body that craved that long missed masculine touch. His hands felt bigger than Caleb’s and he was groping at your bottom the second you guided his hands there. He stayed there for a few minutes as you kissed heatedly, but soon he started to slide his hands up your body. He was intentional as he felt and familiarized himself with the curves and dips of your body. Your skin was tingling from his attention and buzzing in anticipation of where his curious hands would travel to next. You immediately got dizzy when his right hand landed over your neck and started to tighten a bit around your throat. 
“Harder.” You begged breathily and he sighed in relief before squeezing harder against the sides as you kissed sloppily.
You felt him trying to nudge your legs apart with his knee so you parted them and as he pressed closer you whined when you felt his thigh nudged against your center just a bit. You needed more though, you were greedy for it and ground down against him and he flexed his quad, the bulge of his muscle created a surface of better friction for you and you moaned as you started to go faster. You immediately felt the turning up of his lips as he smirked, more than glad that you were so eager for it. 
“Better?” He asked and you nodded, “Good. Get what you need, Y/N.” He hummed before he pressed his forehead to yours. Your pants and soft moans were heating up the minimal space between your faces but he seemed to be enjoying this as much as you were. You were clinging to his shoulders for dear life as you humped at his thigh to your heart’s content and Harry would have it no other way. 
Harry only wanted one thing and that was to get you off as many times as were physically possible. You deserved the world on a silver platter and he was determined to give you whatever you would let him tonight. How could anyone in their right mind neglect someone as gorgeous, smart, and extraordinary as you? He didn’t get it…how anyone could neglect your body or choose another’s…that’s why any guilt he felt about this immediately evaporated. His other hand was securely latched at your waist, keeping you steady as you used him to get off. He wanted you to do whatever you wanted, whatever you needed to feel good.
You were so determined! You wanted to come so badly and were doing everything in your power to cling to that little spark of pleasure that would shoot down your legs and make you shudder each time your clit rubbed against his thigh. The slick mess in your panties caused the glide to be smoother and so you started grinding with more intention until your jaw was dropping open as you moaned in celebration of your impending orgasm.
“I’m- oh, I’m coming!” You got out as you lost your rhythm and fell forward into his chest and Harry’s hands went to your hips. You continued grinding wildly to draw out the pleasure of your orgasm as much as possible. Harry was encouraging you with his words while his strong body kept you steady as your legs grew weary from the orgasm that had just taken you out. Your ragged breathing and the pulsing of your pussy were synced with the beating of your heart, you swore he could hear it as well and you tried to straighten up.
“S’alright, I’ve got you. Holding you nice and tight, just take some deep breaths, baby.” He said cooly as you tried to recover.
As the seconds passed your inhales finally became deeper and you were able to relax into Harry’s hold. He was patient, waiting for you to make a move to regain your strength.
“Jeez, I haven’t come like that since I was a teenager.” You confessed through a giggle and he chuckled.
“Is that a good or bad thing?” He asked and you glanced up at him.
“I’m not sure…I just hadn’t been so turned on that I was able to.” You said and he grinned.
“Are you saying I turn you on more than your husband?” He asked haughtily, a satisfied glint in his eyes.
“No, no, no…Don’t do that to me.” You responded through a nervous laugh and he chuckled.
“You’re right, that was low. Sorry.” He apologized and you smiled.
“It’s alright.” You assured him, he could still see the lust glazing over your gaze. “Can I return the favor though?” You asked him, more than ready to do your best for him.
“Can I make you come again first?” He asked and your eyes widened a bit.
“Again?” you questioned him and he nodded.
“Yes, again.” He said as he started walking you back deeper into the room, “And again, and again, and again until your poor, little pussy can’t take anymore.” He said before kissing you deeply. You moaned at his dirty words and gasped when the backs of your legs were met with the edge of bed. You fell back and he climbed over you, still kissing you fervently.
His big hands slid up your thighs, helping you part them around his body so that he could get even closer still and the moment you felt the seizable bulge in his pants pressing near your center you felt an impatience to feel and see what he had to offer you. Of course, his company was lovely, but you were absolutely touch starved and in dire need of a good fucking. Your hands slid back to his firm bottom and you pressed him deeper against you still. His grin broke the kiss and you opened your eyes to meet his playful gaze.
“Cheeky little thing.” He smiled and you only offered a shrug to excuse your handsiness. "Are you still okay with this?” He asked you and you bit your lip to suppress the grin that was threatening to take over your face.
“I don’t know but I want it. Need it.” You said and his gaze softened a bit.
“How long’s it been?” He asked you and you sighed.
“Since I’ve been fucked? Four months.” You said and he looked displeased.
“I mean since you’ve come.”
“Since I’ve come? Not by my own devices…?” you said and he chuckled, “I honestly don’t remember.” You confessed and now he just looked flat out offended at this.
“You’re lying…”
“Why would I lie about that?” You giggled.
“And even after that you haven’t cheated?” He asked with a chuckle and you shrugged.
“Well, I am now.” You said and he smiled.
“Well I’m definitely following through on what I said before. Gotta help you make up for lost time.” He smiled and you playful rolled your eyes at him. “Nuh-uh, none of that bratty stuff.” He said to you and you grinned.
“After everything I’ve been through?” You asked and he grinned.
“Pulling that card are you?”
“Of course.” You smiled and he bit down on his lip, “What?” You asked him.
“You’re just so fucking pretty.” He said, voice soft and sweet.
“Ummm, thanks.” You responded softly. You suddenly felt so small beneath him.
“Yeah, of course.” His smirk was giving you butterflies. His hand started trailing up your thigh, making its way to your center. When he finally reached your panties he did his best to contain his amusement at just how wet you were for him. “Shit.” He whispered lowly as his eyes met yours.
“I know…” you giggled, “M’so wet for you.” You whispered back and immediately wriggled a bit when you felt him slide the material to the side and soon the warmth of his fingers were making direct contact with your slit. 
“Say it again.” Harry asked, his lips tickling against yours as he made his request.
“I’m so wet for you, Harry.” You said again, practically tingling in anticipation. He could feel your arousal seeping through as he ran his fingers down to where your entrance was. Harry almost moaned at how sopping wet you were, you’d made a proper mess for him and he didn’t even ask before kissing you hard and then sliding down to the ground.
“Harry, what’re you- Oh my god…” You gasped breathily when his thick tongue pushed into your entrance. Your eyes fluttered closed and your fingers buried into his hair as he started to bury his face against you even more, he was nuzzling against you, his nose bumping against your clit a few times before he licked up the entirety of your pussy and then dexterously used it to flick at your clit until your body started to turn to mush, “Oh fuck...that’s so fucking good…” you praised him and when he started to gently suck at you, your vision started to blur and your abs to tense. You would be mortified by how quickly you were building up to an orgasm if everything that he was doing wasn’t distracting you from having a singular thought apart from “Keep sucking”.
He moaned against you as your orgasm starting to take over you. It made you come harder to know that he was enjoying it as much as you were because even as you were withering, he never stopped. He did slow down enough to let you come down from it all but when he’d realized that you’d caught your breath you felt his fingers teasing at your entrance. You parted your legs further, non-verbally communicating to him that you wanted him to finger you. He kissed at your inner thigh and you smiled as you felt him sucking at you.
“Are you-”
“Yeah. S’just for you, for the memories.” He hummed before he sucked a bit more, ensuring that he left a dark hickey and you giggled, but soon your breath was hitching as he laved at your clit as he introduced his index finger first, feeling it out to see what you were able to handle. 
It did feel nice, but you needed more. He wasn’t stingy when you asked for it, instead he rewarded you with his middle finger as well. His hands were so big, so this did make a difference. He was feeling around with his fingers, searching for your spot.
“Just a little bit deeper.” You said as you propped yourself up on your elbows to be able to see him.
“I’m not hurting you?” He asked. His tenderness was making your heart flutter.
“No, I’m alright. Now just curl your fingers into- Oh fuck… r-right there!” You encouraged through a bright smile and he grinned as he watched your head fall back onto the bed. He started to go a bit harder until your legs started to tense up, soon enough they were trembling as your toes curled and you started to come once again. You couldn’t believe how good you felt. Beautiful colors were bursting behind your closed eyelids as you rode the wave of pleasure you had been so fortunate to catch. You could practically hear the blood roaring in between your ears at how hard your heart was beating. And the longer he kept his fingers pumping inside of you the longer your orgasm lasted. You whimpered as your legs shook from yet another orgasm as he expertly prodded his fingers into your g-spot.
“Good girl…come for me.” Harry spurred you on. 
You genuinely felt like you were going to explode because he had found the perfect pleasure point and it’s like you couldn’t be turned off. You felt so much pressure building inside of you, it was making your back arch and your legs shake and your moans to pour incessantly from your mouth, but you couldn’t ask him to stop. It felt too good to put an end to it yet. Fingering had always done wonders for you, but add to that a partner who’s intentional about it, and well your body will do things you never thought it capable of. Again, he’d give you small breaks to help you catch your breath and start up again. Your entire body felt like it was vibrating as he built you up again. Your hips thrusting to try meet his fingers, hoping to feel him deeper as he fucked you with them and used his mouth to lick and slurp at your clit until your body was going limp once again as you came. This time there were no colors, just white as your ears rang.
But then you gasped as he pushed himself to stand, his body loomed over yours and a he gave you mischievous grin before he started pounding his long, thick fingers inside harder and faster than before, never failing to miss the spot you showed him. And as his dark eyes met yours with a hungry gaze you felt completely lost. You could feel your poor little pussy throbbing as he started to work you up to the summit of pleasure again, but this time it felt even bigger than before. You had that pins and needles feeling tickling up your legs and to your core, but it felt like it was coming from the inside. Fighting to get out. 
“Gonna come again. I can feel it.” He said lowly. The deep tones of his voice settled over you like the warmest hints of sunlight, making you feel toasty from the inside out. 
“It feels…fuck, it feels like so much.” You whimpered.
“I know, baby. You’re gonna squirt for me, aren’t you?” He asked and you nodded furiously at the insane pressure threatening to just explode, “Come on then, give it to me. Show me how good it feels, Y/N.” He hummed with a subtle arrogance that you swore was the thing that did you in or maybe it was that he suddenly started to rub your clit with his thumb. Your head fell back into the mattress and your back arched for a few seconds before the fireworks took over. You couldn’t contain your moans and cries as you felt yourself quite literally exploding with your orgasm. He held one of your legs open with his free hand, taking in as your writhed in pleasure, gushing cum for him. He started to slow down, but you had so much more. It’s like a part of you that had been repressed was finally free.
“D-don’t stop! Not yet! I-I need more!” You begged breathily.
“How about I fuck the rest out of you?” He asked instead as his fingers slowed down and rubbed into that spot. You immediately nodded and he was quick to lean over you and attach your lips together. 
You helped each other get undressed and then he fetched a condom from his wallet before texting his driver to dismiss him for the night. In the meantime you made yourself useful and grabbed two towels from the bathroom to put under you. Already you felt wobbly on your legs and Harry was more than pleased. You watched with a salivating mouth as he rolled the condom down his long and deliciously thick shaft. He stroked himself a few times and it made your walls flutter in excitement. 
“Grab a pillow for me, please?” He asked you nodded and reached back, blindly feeling around until your fingers grazed the corner of one and pulled it down, “Thank you. Hips up for me.” He said softly and you did as he directed. You’d heard of this before, never really certain of whether this worked or not, but you guessed you were about to find out. He tucked it beneath you, asking a few times if it was comfortable for you until it was positioned just right.
And from one moment to the next the reality of this situation dawned on you and your excitement turned into hesitation. You were suddenly anxious about this…were you really about to cheat on Caleb? Your husband. With his boss? It just felt like the most surreal situation and when you finally got out of your head Harry was looking at you with a tenderness in his eyes.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” He said and you swallowed thickly,  “I’m sorry if I…caused a lapse in judgement or-” he was cut off as you tugged him down by the neck and kissed his lips with so much need. You didn’t want him to feel bad for this. This total stranger, basically, had shown you more attention and kindness than your own husband had in ages. And you talked yourself out of believing that this was for revenge on Cal. No, this was for you. You wanted it, you needed it desperately. Even more so as you felt the tip of his cock tickling at your labia as he hovered over your body. His hands were securely on your hips. But you parted your legs further, to let him rest against your entrance.
“You sure?” His question was mumbled against your mouth and you nodded.
“Yes. I’m sure.” You reassured him of your decision. “I’m just…nervous.” You confessed. “Like…I never thought I would be in this situation.” you said through a breathy giggle.
“Yeah, this is definitely a unique situation.” He agreed with a smile on his lips.
“I guess I just need you to know that…like I’m not a bad person.” She said and he shook his head.
“I don’t think that you are, Y/N.” He assured, “I think that you’re fun, smart, sweet, strong, and beautiful…or at least from what I’ve seen.” He said softly, “If anything I’m the bad person for…not giving a fuck that you’re married.” He chuckled and you did as well.
“If it helps I don’t think you’re a bad person either.” You assured him and he smiled before he kissed you again.
“Mmm…you might after I’m done with you. Gonna ruin you for my cock.” He smirked as he started to push inside. 
Your eyes fluttered closed as he started to stretch out your entrance with the thick head. “Fuck you’re tight.” He hummed in delight as he added more pressure with his hips. He was just starting to wonder when the tight ring of muscles would give when they did, and the leaking and sensitive head of his cock was sucked into your delicious little pussy. You moaned together in relief as he surged forward, not able to wait for your to accommodate to his intrusion. He just needed to get in you, it was like he had lost all self-control; forcefully spreading your walls apart with his girth and then finally settling inside of you fully. You whimpered at how deep he was and he shifted his hips a bit, doing his best to find the spot that had you in puddles for him. 
“Oh god…” you sighed in relief when his cock finally found your spot. Your thighs squeezed around his hips to push him in as deep as possible. You swore he was in your stomach and it hurt so good. “Fuck me. Just fuck me, Harry.” You implored and he wasted no time in giving in to your request. 
His thrusts were hard and merciless. It almost felt like with each deep thrust he was knocking the air from your body. You felt drunk and dizzy on his cock as he pounded into your spot so hard that your vision started to blur. Before you even realized it your walls were spasming around his erection and your were writhing around with an unexpected orgasm.
When Harry felt you tighten up he grinned and moaned at the feeling of you coming around him so suddenly. He was mesmerized by the way your tits bounced with each powerful thrust. He was melting for your pretty and whiny sounds of approval and of the sound of his name being uttered and moaned from your lips with so much gratitude. 
“Shit…” he swallowed thickly as his cock slipped out from how wet you were now. He quickly guided himself back inside of you, thrusting in the way you had liked and then started rubbing your clit as well. He chuckled as he felt your legs trembling around his hips as you came yet again. His own legs felt like they were about to give, so he slowed down and wrapped his arms around you before carrying you higher up the bed so that he could kneel on the mattress. “Get on your tummy for me.” He said and you did as you were asked, “Let’s get this under you…there you go.” He said as he placed the pillow back under you and you got the chills when you felt his fingers rubbing against your entrance the up to your bum, rubbing against your much tighter hole. Then you felt the weight of his cock back at your entrance and he slowly pushed inside. You squeezed the comforter in your fists as his cock somehow felt even bigger than it had before. You literally gasped and he moaned as he gave a few testing thrusts before some part of you just opened up and let him bottom out, that one did make you yelp. “Alright?” He asked.
“Yes, it’s just so fucking big.” You mumbled into the bedding and he grinned.
“Yeah it is, but you’re taking it all so well.” He assured you as he started to grind into you and your were paralyzed. "Fuck baby, take all of me." he grunted in time with his thrusts. He was right up against your favorite spot this way and it was making you feel loopy as it was stimulated over and over and over again. He wasn’t even going hard, he was just focusing all of his efforts into getting that spot and well, he seemed to be enjoying it too as he moaned and groaned above you. “Fuck you feel so good…you’re so fucking good.” He moaned with a satisfied smile.
You had never come vaginally as much as you had tonight and these orgasms were different than the clitoral ones you typically had. These orgasms felt bigger and like it was taking your whole body to achieve them. Your mind was blanking every single time…and this one was going to be the end of you, you were sure. You could feel yourself throbbing around his cock hard. He started to gyrate his hips and you literally gasped.
“There? Is that it?” He asked with a smirk you couldn’t see, but it was evident from his tone.
“Yes, right there! You’re going to make me come!” You warned and he hummed and put more of his weight over you. You welcomed it and your heart nearly beat out of your chest as one of his hands slid up your arms and to your hand. You let his fingers interlace with yours and squeezed as you got closer and closer to your orgasm. It was absolutely overwhelming as you cried out in ecstasy as your orgasm literally crawled up from your toes to the top of your head. Every part of you was hyperaware and feeling tingly as your mind floated freely in gratification. You were covered in goosebumps and your limbs felt like jell-o as he fucked you through it. You were reeling, completely pliant in his arms and as soon as you started to come down from that incredible orgasm he started to thrust into you nice and deep not letting your orgasm end. His thrusts were timed so perfectly, you were trembling and begging him for more, so he gave you more. He went harder and deeper as he shifted to straddle you and fuck you like that. You were basically weeping as he fucked two more orgasms out of you like this, it just felt so good you couldn’t even stop it. Your body was just responding to it and you were so out of sorts.
“One more like this and I’ll give you a break, baby. Just one more, can feel your little pussy squeezing me, throbbing around my big cock.” He said and you moaned, practically drooling on yourself and the bed by now. 
It’s like you had no say over it, you just surrendered to the feelings and let yourself drown in them with no shame or remorse. That last orgasm was earth-shattering. You were vibrating uncontrollably as your ears rang and the tears slipped from your eyes even though they were screwed shut. You were just grunting in time with each hard thrust he delivered into you until your come was gushing and spurting out of you. You were gasping because the intensity of it all made you feel like your were free falling. It was soaking his cock as he moaned and then pressed inside as deep as he could before he came undone, filling the condom with his come but wishing he could’ve just unloaded in that tight, sweet pussy of yours. His hands pushed you deeper into the mattress, making it just a little bit harder to breathe and that somehow made it all the better. When he finished, he relaxed his body he just fell over you, covering you in his warmth. Time felt suspended as you both caught your breaths. You swore that mentally you weren’t all there now and wouldn’t be for a bit. 
“Am I crushing you?” He whispered, this words tickling the shell of your ear and you smiled, eyes still closed because to you, it felt like the room was spinning.
“Yes, but in a good way.” You hummed bad tiredly.
“In a good way…” he repeated lazily through a playful smile.
“Mhmm.” you said and then your smile widened as his fingers found yours and interlaced with yours again. He shifted a bit and you rolled along with him so that you were on your sides now. His cock was still softening up and you were grateful that he wasn’t quick to just pull out and go. As much as you needed a fuck, you also needed the tenderness and affection of another person and he seemed to understand that. You tangled your legs with his and he squeezed your fingers before pulling your closer into his body.
“Was that alright?” He asked softly and you laughed a bit.
“I’m like…mentally on another planet…I feel like I’m floating… so yeah, I’d say that was alright.” You whispered and he laughed a bit.
“Good.” Is all he said. 
When you had come down enough he proceeded to get back between your legs. His tongue and mouth were a lot more gentle this time around and again, he made you come several more times until your body was so sore that you just couldn’t give any more. You sucked him off eagerly and made him come once more before you both passed out. You woke up around 7am when his alarm went off, but instead of seizing the day he fucked you once more, bare, and it was your turn to mark him up. You were so exhausted that you flaked out on breakfast with your friends and didn’t wake up again until just shy of midday.
“Feel free to shower if you need to.”
“Yeah, I think I will.” Harry said lazily as he checked his phone.
“Mmmkay. I’m gonna order something in, do you want anything?” You asked him through a yawn.
“Will we have time?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a late check out.” You assured.
“Oh alright.” He smiled, “What’re you having?”
“Probably some eggs and pancakes and well coffee. I’m quite drained.” You said with a smile.
“I’ll have the same. Eggs over easy though.” He said as he stretched.
“Oh, same!” You smiled as you rolled over to reach the telephone and he hopped in the shower while you place the call.
Thankfully nothing was tense or awkward which you appreciated. Harry didn’t take long, so you were able to get showered as well and had literally just stepped out in your robe when Harry was placing the tray down on the little table in your room. You guys made conversation, he asked about your business and what kinds of events you liked to do, if you were interested in any other ventures. It was very, very normal. You were just waiting for the bubble to be burst by the metaphorical needle that was your reality…that being that you were a married woman who had just cheated on her husband, but it hadn’t come… and whether it did or not, this couldn’t happen again. Maybe when you were out of his presence and left alone with your thoughts, because you liked him way too much to feel anything bad at the moment. You thought it would happen when it came time for him to go, but that wasn’t how your goodbye went at all.
“Umm…before I go I just think we need to…debrief a bit.” He said and you smiled at him.
“Yeah, sure.” You agreed easily.
“I mean…I like you, I think we’re very compatible and like…we just have a connection I think.” He said and you nodded, “And I mean…I can’t say I respect Caleb as a husband and a man after…hearing what he’s put you through, but I still respect him as my employee and obviously what he does outside of work isn’t really my business.” Harry spoke clearly and concisely, but he was looking for any signs of distress from you at this but you were just nodding.
“Yeah, I agree 100%. Like, thank you…for hearing me out and…helping me out, but obviously this is not something that can happen again. And well, I like you too, a lot.” You said and he smiled a bit, “I just don’t want you to walk away thinking that I just used you to get back at him, you know? And I mean…I don’t think us running into each other often will even be an issue. He doesn’t ever want me involved in any of his work stuff.” You said simply and he nodded.
“Right. Well, I did have a great time with you and ummm…I don’t regret it. I hope you don’t either.” He said more meekly and you shook your head.
“Nope, no regrets.” You assured him with a smile, “Thank you though, again for everything. You’re a really wonderful person, Harry.” You said and he smiled bashfully at your compliment. Moments later you were ensuring he had all of his things as you walked him to the door and you guys hugged briefly before he made his way out into the hallway and gave you one final wave before he was gone and disappearing amongst all of the strangers in New York City.
As was expected, you hadn’t seen or even heard anything about Harry since then, just like before. But one thing you couldn’t help but notice was that now Caleb was around a lot more. Well, it took a few months after the whole thing with Harry, but it felt like things were going back to how they had been before. You had no idea what had happened between him and his mistress, but it couldn’t have been good because he was suddenly so present and even doting on you like when he was first trying to convince you to go out with him. And on this particular night you were in the middle of doing your skincare routine before bed when Cal came into the en-suite, just in from the office.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He hummed and kissed your cheek in passing.
“Hi, how was your day?” You asked as he undid his tie.
“Really fucking good.” He grinned, “So on Saturday we’re gonna have a celebratory dinner for a deal that we closed. It’s not everyone from work, but a few of the guys. S’nothing official, just those of us who did the grunt work to get this client. Do you have plans?” He asked as he moved on to his shirt now.
“Nope, no plans. Why?” You asked in confusion, as your eyes met through the mirror.
“Obviously I want you to join, sweetheart. If you want to.” He smiled in confirmation.
“Oh, sure!” You said quickly, “I’d love to.” You happily accepted his invitation. 
“Excellent! It’s formal wear, we’re doing a fancy dinner.” He grinned, “So get yourself something nice in the next few days yeah?” He said.
“Oh, ok. Is there like a specific vibe I should go for?” You asked as you turned to him and he came over to you and grabbed your face gently.
“Hmm…” he hummed pensively, “I’d say something sexy, but really classy. S’gonna be the first time you meet my work friends. Wanna show you off, gloat a bit.” He said to you, voice low and sultry.
“Okay…do I have to wear a bra with it?” You asked and he chuckled before kissing your lips deeply. After a few moments he pulled back with a smirk as his thumbs ran over the apples of your cheeks lovingly. 
“Mmmm, I’d prefer you ditch it for the night…but that’s just my opinion.” He grinned and you chuckled, “Probably pack a bag for overnight in case we get a little too wasted, yeah?” He asked and you nodded in confirmation, “Alright sweets, m’gonna hop in the shower.” He said before letting you go.
Needless to say, you were shocked. Hell must’ve been frozen over because Cal never even took you to the office holiday parties! So of course you accepted his invitation before he could take it back. Seeing Harry at this dinner had definitely crossed your mind almost instantly, but from what you knew, he didn’t really socialize with his colleagues outside of work so you got the possibility of seeing him again out of your head. Specially now that it seemed like Cal had made it past whatever midlife crisis he had been suffering. Maybe it was about time that you put the fantasies on the back burner and focused back on your husband. After all it seemed that he was extending an olive branch with this invitation. Making up for lost time and for his distancing from you. And well, in the interest of perhaps seeing Harry again in the future, you wanted to really wow his coworkers and make sure that you scored more invitations to work things.
You had spent your lunch hours for the next few days scouring all the boutiques in your suburb for a dress that made you feel sexy but that wasn’t too slutty or suggestive. Always in the back of your mind asking yourself if Harry would like it, but then bringing yourself down from that hopeful cloud. You had found a dress that you loved and bought it, but despite that, you had walked into one more shop before heading back to your house.
You were looking through the racks when a beautiful magenta fabric caught your eyes and when you pulled it out of the bunch you immediately smiled at the dress it belonged to. It was a halter neck, which you would never typically go for, but you could already envision it on your body. There was a slit and the back had a little cutout that you imagined would serve to draw the gaze to the curve of your lower back and ultimately your bottom. The dress you had just purchased was a lot more understated, it flattered your shape and was definitely a less showy color, but you were practically drooling over this dress. It was gorgeous.
“It’s stunning isn’t it?” The clerk suddenly appeared beside you with a smile.
“Yeah…” you smiled at her.
“Want to try it on?” She asked with an enticing arch in her eyebrow.
“Absolutely.” You responded almost too quickly and she smiled and grabbed it for you and guided you over to the changing room. "Oh my god..." you sighed dreamily.
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You were a vision in it. The color just livened you up and made you feel electric, powerful, and sensational. Your previous dress did make you look elegant and beautiful, but gave more of a demure and understated beauty vibe; it was the kind of dress you’d be expected to go for and typically did. But this other dress, it brought out an air of confidence in you, you could see the difference even in how you posed in it. Caleb did say he wanted to show you off…And well, even if you upstaged the evening, your husband had been having an affair for a year and while he seemed to be coming back to you, it couldn’t hurt to remind him of what he had and perhaps it would help to keep repairing the invisible, but tangible, distance that still existed between the two of you.
“I’ll definitely take it.” You said to the clerk with a smile.
After rushing a few streets down, you returned the other dress and then hurried home to your meeting. You’d keep the dress hidden in your closet until Saturday and surprise Cal with it as well.
Cal had been quick to get ready, he didn’t stray too far from his day to day look, he just ditched his tie. You were working on your makeup when he told you that he’d be down in his office when you were ready to go. The dinner was at 7pm and you did have quite a drive according to Caleb, so you hurried to get your look together so that you could get on the road quickly. After spritzing on some setting spray you rushed into your closet and pulled the bag off of your new dress and smiled as soon as you saw it again. You quickly got undressed and slipped into it. You hurried back to the vanity to get a visual to tie the pieces of fabric for the halter top and you were struggling a bit.
“Sweetheart, are you almost-” Caleb’s voice stopped as he just gawked for a moment before he smiled, “Wow.” He said softly as your eyes met though the mirror.
“Yeah? Like it? Is this okay?” You asked timidly and he nodded.
“Yeah. You look great.” He smiled as he came up behind you, “Need some help?”
“Please.” You responded and he aided in getting the ties situated. 
“There you are, my darling. You all packed?” He asked softly and you nodded and allowed him to peck your lips.
“Yeah, my bag’s on the bed.” you said and he smiled.
“Perfect, I’ll take it and go start the car, OK?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” You assured and he went to do that as you wrapped up the final details of getting your shoes on, grabbing your purse, and finally getting on a bit of perfume and tucking a little travel version of it in your bag. You felt like a million bucks for the first time since Harry…and well, it was nice to feel good on your own, not because of another person so this felt so special. Like you were reclaiming yourself in a way. And so with that feeling of confidence making you glow you grabbed the bottle of wine you’d purchased as a gift and locked up the house before you carefully slipped into Cal’s Quattroporte, it was his baby and he’d take it out anytime he was feeling on top of the world. You hoped that you had something to do with it for now. 
The GPS indicated that you guys were heading down towards the Hamptons, which was a bit over an hour drive. Cal was conversing with you about your work and clients, which was kind of odd. He never really cared much for your event planning business apart from giving you the start up money. But you soon realized that he was nervous because he was incessantly tapping at the steering wheel and clearly, he was talking with you to keep his mind off of whatever was making him feel this way. You wondered if it was the fact that this was going to be your first time meeting his work friends? You knew that he always tried to create boxes to compartmentalize his life and merging them could sometime be nerve-racking. Instead of letting it trip you up and darken all of the light and positive feelings your were having over this invitation, you decided to just focus on how good you felt.
“Sweetheart, we’re almost there.” Cal’s voice and his firm squeeze to your knee roused you from your slumber. You yawned and rolled your shoulders back.
“Sorry, didn’t realize I fell asleep.” You spoke a bit groggily and he smiled at you. 
“God, did you guys rent out the biggest Airbnb?” You asked as you looked out the window. You were driving down the line of mansions by the coast.
“No. Didn’t spend a dime on this getaway thankfully.” He chuckled, “We’re going to the CEO’s vacation home.” He explained and you quickly turned to him.
“The CEO rents out his vacation home in the Hamptons to his employees?” You asked him incredulously, Harry seemed way too Type A for something like that.
“No, sweetheart. Of course not.” He scoffed through a laugh, “He’s the one throwing the party for us.” He explained and your stomach literally turned and you swore you were about to start sweating cold.
“So w-we’re sleeping at your boss’ house? You said it was work friends!” You said to him with panic in your eyes.
“Did I not mention that?” He asked and you shook your head, still in disbelief, “Oh, well either way, Harry’s from work and I mean, we’re not really friends or anything yet, but we’re friendly.” He explained, “And well, considering I just made him half a million dollars richer this week alone I’d say we’re about to get a lot more chummy.” He explained with a cocky grin.
“Cal, my tits are out! No one’s gonna take me seriously now…oh god.” You mumbled lowly and he chuckled.
“It’s alright, s’not like this is an official work event.” He assured you. 
But suddenly you didn’t feel so hot in your dress. You didn’t want Harry to think that you wore this dress as soon as you heard it was at his place to impress him or to try and seduce him after you had both agreed that it was a one time thing. Yes, he was hot and you had played with the idea at first, but that’s all it was! An idea. A fantasy that you could keep playing at in your mind but had no intention of following through with. You didn’t seek each other out because you both knew that what had transpired between the two of you so many months ago had been a sort of lapse in judgement that you both just indulged in to do some justice to whatever had been in the air and sparking between you two that entire night. You weren’t a cheater like Cal and you weren’t interested in jeopardizing your marriage because for the last couple of months it felt like you were on the mend and you didn’t want anything to get in the way of that.
“All your coworkers are going to think I’m a whore.” You said with slight irritation and Cal scoffed.
“They will not. You should see some of the women they bring around…”
“I don’t even want to know what that means.” You mumbled lowly. “I just don’t want to make a bad impression or give anyone the wrong idea about…us. You know how people are already and-” 
“You worry too much about what other people think, sweetheart. Who cares? If I cared what everyone said or thought I wouldn’t have you, would I?” He asked you with a small smile and well, the fact that his tenderness did nothing to your heart was a bad sign, “I mean, what’s the point of living life if you’re not going to have fun and take risks? You took a fucking risk, sweetheart! And I’d say it payed off.” He grinned at you and you shook your head before looking away to avoid him from seeing you smile at his compliment, “Hey, don’t turn away, look at me, sweets.” He insisted as he squeezed your knee again and you reluctantly turned back to him, “It’s going to be fine. They’re gonna love you.” He assured you and you just exhaled slowly and nodded, forcing a smile onto your face.
Finally, you were pulling up through a large iron gate and following the path down to the entrance of the home. There was a parking attendant that signaled for Cal to pull into one of the lines that had been drawn out for a parking space. Thankfully, there were already other cars there, so you wouldn’t be alone with him and Harry until more guests arrived. As soon as Cal parked the car someone was opening up your door to help you out, it was all very extravagant. You wondered if Harry always had this level of service or if it was just because he had guests tonight.
“Thank you.” You smiled as the man extended his hand and helped you down form the vehicle.
“Certainly. Do you have any bags you’d like us to put in the guest room?”
“Oh sure, they’re in the trunk.” You informed him and he smiled and hurried on to the back. You shot Cal a look and he looked just as surprised at this level of attention and service. 
Cal did offer to help carry the bags, but the man insisted he would do it as he led them over to the entrance of the home. There, someone else was waiting and took over for the man that had helped at the car.
“Good evening, Mr. Hargrove.” The man greeted Caleb with a nice smile before slightly glancing to you, “And who-”
“Gerard, this is my lovely wife, Y/N.” He said with a bit of emphasis which was odd, specially when Gerard’s eyes widened a bit in surprise. It shouldn’t have been too much of a shock to her…Harry himself had said that he had no idea Caleb was married.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Hargrove.” Gerard smiled and well, you hadn't actually changed your surname, but you didn't have the heart to correct Gerard. He looked to be a sweet man a already had been thrown for a loop just knowing that you were Caleb's wife.
“Pleasure to meet you, just Y/N is fine though.” You assured with a friendly smile and he nodded once.
“Well, I can escort you to the room you’ll be staying in before guiding you to the dining area?”
“Please, that would be great. I’d like to freshen up a bit”, “That won’t be necessary, just tell me which room.” You and Caleb spoke at the same time and then chuckled.
“Umm, you can go head, honey. I just want to freshen up and use the bathroom before we start drinking. I’ll meet you over there.” You assured him.
“Are you certain?”
“Yeah, of course. Go celebrate with everyone.” You insisted and he smiled and grabbed your face gently before kissing your lips quickly.
“Thanks, sweetheart. See you in a bit.” He assured and you nodded.
“Alright, let me show you to your bedroom.” Gerard said and then he got a bit awkward when you were alone as he guided you down a hallway.
“Ummm Gerard?”
“Yes, miss?”
“You don’t have to be weird around me. I expected that Cal had been here before with another person. Or persons…” you explained as you kept walking.
“Right. Well I’m sorry for making you feel odd, I just had no idea Mr. Hargrove had been married recently.” He said and your smile faltered a bit.
“Umm…it’s been seven years actually.” You said as he stopped in front of a door and turned around quickly with a concerned look on his face. “Ummm, have you worked for Mr. Styles for long?” You asked and he nodded.
“About 15 years.” He stated.
“And Caleb has…stayed here with other women how many times?” You asked him.
“I don’t know that I should-”
“I’m not going to cause a scene, I assure you. I just…I need to figure out if there’s anything worth salvaging after the most recent affair. It’s the only one I found out about.” You explained and he looked sad for you.
“I wish I could tell you for certain, but since he started working for Mr. Styles I uh- I’m really not sure, but there’s been a few. I’m sorry.” He said and you sighed.
“Alright, well thanks anyway. Is this it?”
“Yes, this is the room.” He said as he opened it up and let you in. He came in behind you and set your bags down on the large bed. “You have your own bathroom through here. If you need anything ironed or steamed for tomorrow feel free to just leave it hung up on one of these hooks and we’ll take care of it while you’re at dinner.” He assured.
“Thank you so much, this is gorgeous.”
“Of course, Miss. Anything else?”
“Obviously you’re quite busy, how would I find the dining area after I’m done?” You asked and he quickly explained and you nodded, keeping his directions fresh in your mind before you scurried into the bathroom.
You closed the door behind you and then turned around to look at yourself in the mirror. You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as all of the information that Gerard had shared with you started to sink in. You started to wonder how long ago the cheating had started…maybe it was before you had even been married. The only good thing that could come of this dinner was seeing Harry again. And well, you knew that he probably wouldn’t even speak to you too much, but at the very least you could just steal discreet glances of him and forget about the fact that your marriage was basically a farce. But that wasn't all Caleb's fault, after all you had also slept with someone else. With his fucking boss of all people. But god, you would do it again if he wanted to...
Caleb was glad that you had headed off to check out the room and freshen up. He had been so in his head about so much that Gerard almost tipped you off about his affairs. He had always been a man who wanted the best, who wanted more…and well when he got you he was shocked that he had managed it. You were everything he had ever wanted in a partner and throw in the fact that you weren’t just after his money, well he snatched you up right away lest he lose you to someone else. It’s not that he wasn’t happy with you and everything you had together, but sometimes he just needed to switch it up, he had always been like that so he never advertised that he was married. And while usually his extramarital affairs were limited to single events for work, things started to change when he met Daniela. Daniela wasn’t as ambitious or entrepreneurial as you were. In fact, she was a midlevel employee and seemed happy in her position. But she was about your age, if not a year or two younger, and yes she was smart and gorgeous in her own way, but she never made an effort to stand out all that much, but she was so good at what she did that she naturally stood out.
He met Daniela two years ago when he was told that she was the most reliable statistical analytics person they had. So he started to go to her to double check all his numbers, a second pair of eyes could never hurt when it came to numbers! But he soon found it helpful to also run all of the data he had for presentations to clients and other board members by her. Daniela was sweet and soft spoken and a bit shy while Cal was a people person. So what started out as him just doing nice things to get on her good side so that she would keep helping him, soon turned into gestures designed to increase their interactions because he liked her. His acts of kindness became motivated by these deeper feelings that he himself couldn’t understand at first because she was the opposite of everything he ever really went for, but they were there. Daniela had started to like his attention and thoughtfulness and so they started to have lunch together often or to get coffee together and the attraction grew.
All of this wooing reached it’s culmination after a Thanksgiving party a coworker threw. Caleb offered to walk Dani to her car and they ended up kissing. And after that they continued to see each other outside of work and Cal started to fall for her. He had pulled her into his project with this new client, so that they could spend more time together but also to get her on Harry’s radar because she was absolutely brilliant. But he had fucked it up; upon realizing the depth of his feelings for Daniela he decided to start writing out some talking points to talk to you about his growing feelings for her and brainstorm how to bring up the topic of a divorce to you. But Dani had no idea he was married, so when she saw that notes on his phone she got angry and broke things off with him. And here he was, months later, still heart broken and longing for Daniela.
“You look beautiful.” Caleb spoke softly as he came up to the bar beside Daniela. She sighed as she recognized his voice.
“What do you want, Caleb?” She asked lowly.
“Just to talk and explain. I want to fix us-”
“There is no more us, Caleb. You’re married and I have a boyfriend now so get over it.” She stated firmly and he sighed.
“Please just…I’m going to end it with her-”
“Caleb, please not tonight.”
“Does that mean we can talk soon?” He asked hopefully and she sighed.
“I don’t know, Cal…I’m just processing all of the lies…I just don’t trust you right now.”
“OK, I understand. I’ll just…give you some space.” He said and she nodded, “I ummm…I want to warn you that I did bring her with me tonight. I stupidly wanted to make you jealous-”
“Jesus, Cal..." she sighed feeling the anxiety starting to churn up her stomach, "Just…keep it together because I don’t want anyone to be suspicious and think I’m a home wrecker.”
“No one even knows I’m married. I like to keep the personal things private. So everyone will be meeting her tonight and learning about...my marital status so-”
“Well I don’t want to meet her. I couldn’t, it's humiliating…” she said lowly and he nodded.
“OK. I won’t introduce you.” He said and she swallowed down that awful feeling of disgust in herself, “I’m really sorry, Dani. For everything.” He said quietly as the bartender came back with her two drinks.
“Thank you.”  She smiled to the bar tender and hurried off without acknowledging his apology…again.
“Anything for you sir?” He asked and Caleb sighed.
“Ummm, not right now. Thank you.” He assured and turned around only to see Daniela smiling at the man she had brought with her tonight. 
He looked about her age and was quite bulky and strong, very handsome. Caleb couldn’t help but feel insecure as she watched him being introduced to some of the others that approached her. This wasn’t a big group, just about 10 of them or so, but with the plus ones, the group was a bit larger and well, hopefully he could sit somewhere where he could keep an eye on her. He felt his heart lurching in defeat as her boyfriend tucked her hair behind her ear in a delicate motion, she had this piece from her outgrown bangs that really defied her new hair part. He’d done the same thing to her plenty of times before and he wished he could be the one to do it for her now. 
Caleb had really tried to smooth things over with Daniela at the very least but she felt so betrayed. Understandably so, and she made it clear to him that she wasn’t ready to forgive him and that she intended to move on with someone else and it hurt that she seemed to be fairing well. Caleb had tried to move on too, to focus back on you and your marriage…hopefully being around you more would reignite the love he once had for you, but it wasn’t happening, he was too far gone.
He was running out of lifelines to salvage his chances with Dani. Earlier in the week, when Tamika (Harry’s assistant/intern) mentioned to him casually that she was excited to meet Daniela’s boyfriend at Harry’s dinner Cal felt his heart darken with anger. And in his anger he decide that he wanted to make Daniela jealous back, which is why he invited you, his wife to this dinner… all to make his mistress jealous. He knew that this was fucked up and unfair to you, but he was in love and he was desperate to get Daniela back however he could and she would be his again tonight. He had no idea how to proceed, but he was certain of one thing, whatever he did to get Dani back had to be done with courage, all the love in his heart, and most important of all, with discretion.
---TAG LIST---@sunshinemoonsposts @daphnesutton @gurugirl @sad-avocado @sunflovverharry @angelbabyyy99 @justlemmeadoreyou @permanentllyharry @jessitpwk @cherrysulewski @matildasatellite@keriberi @reveriehs @ottawaoutlander
Let me know if you have feedback or want to be added:)
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mischievousmoony · 2 months
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚎
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸 ⟡ 𝚓𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜' 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕
⟢ james potter x fem!reader
⟢ summary: modern restaurant au; after training with james for a few weeks, people have started calling you his . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁1.3k
⟢ warnings/tags: coworker!james, coworker!marauders, slightly anxious!reader, not proofread
⟢ the new hire masterlist ⟡ main masterlist
note: i hate seafood but i keep putting it on my fictional restaurants menu ? kept this one pretty simple so i could get it out there <3
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"Crab cakes, go." James says, eyes darting up from the menu he's holding to look at you from across the rickety staff room table.
You don't miss a beat, describing the dish as you would to a customer, "The crab cakes are one of our most popular appetizers. They're pan seared and served with sofrito escabeche, a zesty blend of onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes—so I highly recommend them if you're looking for something tangy—and they have a to die for berbere aioli drizzle."
"Tell me more about the berbere aioli. What is that?" James questions, playing the part of a curious customer.
"The berbere aioli is a spicy-chili sauce that I'd say is just shy of medium in terms of spice level. It complements the crab cakes really well, but you could always order it on the side if you're not too sure about it."
"That's my girl," James praises, "You're a quick learner, you know that?"
"I don't know about that," you protest, looking down at your hands that lay politely folded on the table in front of you. You try to mentally will yourself not to blush at James' approval.
"It's barely over a week since you started and you know this thing like the back of your hand," James argues, gently tossing the menu down as he leans back in his chair, "And there's so little time to sit and study here."
You have a funny look on your face when you meet James' eyes again, eliciting a gasp from him.
"You've been studying the menu outside of work, haven't you?" he squints, speaking in an accusatory tone.
"Shouldn't I?" you ask, and the fact that it's a genuine question has James clutching his chest over his heart.
"No! You never think about work unless you're getting paid!"
"How else am I supposed to learn this whole menu in a timely manner?" you cross your arms defensively.
"Who said anything about a timely manner, Love. I was weeks out of training before I had the whole thing down."
"Yeah, well you're more..." you trail off, trying to find the words.
"More what?" James is quick to sound defensive.
You put your hands up as a sign of innocence, "Just laid back. You're a go with the flow kind of guy. As opposed to me, who's more-"
James interjects, "Stuck in your head," nodding along without a doubt that that's what you were going to say.
You look at James, a bit of surprise and alarm swirling around in the pit of your stomach. He was spot on, but how could he possibly be? He barely knows you, after all.
"What?" James seems to sense your confusion, "I've noticed the turmoil in those eyes of yours. You're doing it right now."
You look bashful, so James graciously changes the subject.
"Whatever, just promise me you won't ever think about this place when you're off the clock again!"
"Promise," you agree, despite his request being impossible.
For whatever reason, your mind seems to always be on work. Not even in a stressed, overthinking way like you'd expect from yourself. It seemed to be little random tidbits from work infiltrating your mind throughout your days. Like sometimes, you randomly think of a joke James said once. Or you see something funny and want to show it to him. Or you think about how nice James is when you mess something up.
Okay, maybe they're not so random after all.
"What're you thinking about?" James interrupts your thoughts.
Just as you're about to start stammering through an excuse, Mary pops her head into the room.
"There you guys are!" she says, "I just sat you guys. Table six."
"Thanks, Mary. We'll be right there." James responds.
"I had Peter bring them some waters because I couldn't find you guys for a while—oh, he's back today by the way, did you know?" Mary asks, but doesn't stick around for James to answer, "I have to get back. Table six, guys!" Her voice echoes the reminder as she's already disappeared from your sights.
James shakes his head at her, amused by the way she jumps from one thing to the next without taking a breath.
"Peter?" you question as you and James begin to stand from the table.
"Yeah, he does bussing and some food running, a helping hand for us servers, really. He was on vacation." James explains as you follow him out into the dining room.
Your eyes fall on table six, a table for two that beholds two kind looking older ladies.
"You think you can handle this?" James juts his chin in their direction.
"Yeah," you say confidently. You have already taken the lead on some tables while James supervised. So far, it's been going well. Your first table you had to ask James to help answer some questions—maybe that's why you wanted to learn the menu so quick, it made you feel sheepish—but after that one time, James hasn't had any notes.
"Alright, I'm gonna check on our other tables then."
"Wait," you gave yourself whiplash with the way you craned your neck swiftly to look at him, "You meant handle it alone?"
"Yeah," James looks down at you reassuringly, his eyes filled with warmth, "You can do it."
"Uhh-? No, what if I-"
"Get out of that pretty little head of yours," he interrupts, "You've got this."
The sincerity in his tone incited a bit of confidence in you.
"Okay, okay. Okay sure," your shaky voice became a little more steady with each word, and you started walking to the table.
"Wait!" James carefully takes hold of your wrist. The progress you had made in easing your nerves is out the window.
"You'll need this," James slides his server book out from his apron and held it out to you.
"Right," you say quietly, smiling as you took it from him.
His hand fell from your wrist as he bid you good luck. He watches you for a moment as you greet the table, a proud gleam in his eyes.
Marlene appears beside James, a tray of waters and soft drinks balancing on her palm, "Your girl's taking orders on her own now?"
"Just the one table for today," James replies.
Marlene hums approvingly and saunters off to deliver the drinks.
James registers her words only when she's already left, "Wait, my who now?" he asks the wall.
His furrowed brows relax as he decides he kind of likes the sound of it.
After checking on your other tables, getting refills and putting new food orders in, James notices a congregation of his coworkers at the host stand so he decides to join in.
"Who's that?" Peter asks, swinging a rag over his shoulder.
Lily follows Peter's gaze to you, who's delivering some bread and butter to table six.
"James' girl?" Lily questions, "She started last week, she's been doing pretty well so far I think."
"Any reason in particular we're calling her that?" James decides to ask on his approach, having heard that phrase twice in under ten minutes.
"Ah, well, she hardly talks to anyone else." Marlene drawls.
"Eh, she's just a bit skittish," James provides an excuse for you, "it's kind of cute."
Lily and Mary share a look.
James continues, "She'll get used to you guys soon enough, just be nice." He really only says the last part to Marlene.
"I am nice," she defends.
"Well, you're not mean," Mary offers and Marlene scowls at her.
James chuckles, and turns to Peter, "How 'ave you been, mate?"
Peter opens his mouth to share details of his vacation, but he's interrupted.
"What are you all doing up here?" Nate hisses, appearing suddenly as if out of thin air, "You know how bad it looks for nearly my entire staff to be slacking off in the front of the restaurant?"
Before anyone can disperse or defend themselves, Nate continues, "And you're supposed to be training, Potter. Where's your girl?"
"Me?" your choked voice rings from behind him.
Everyone peers over at you, standing there shellshocked and blushing with a pitcher of water in your hands.
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demibats · 2 months
been thinking about richbuisnessman!eddie and how he would spoil you with gifts and jewels and different types of jewelry and clothes and accessories until one day he decides to get you an anklet with his initials on it and you surprise him one day buy putting on the lingerie he bought you a few weeks ago and putting the anklet on and everytime he hears it jingle while he’s thrusting into you he gets harder and rougher until youre both wore out 🤭🤭been thinking about doing a short fic on this but i would die to see your spin on it 👻👻
MY MIND IS REELING HOLY HELL. so i def took some creative liberties with this one because i wanted to stay true to eddie’s character, so in regards to him being a rich business man, i changed it just a bit 🤭 this has also been sitting in my ask box for probably near a year, but here ya go!!! changed it juuuuust slightly bc i believe that eddie munson is an absolute munch and eats pussy for his won pleasure. enjoy!
content warnings; smut (if you're under 18, do not interact!), fem terms and anatomy used, oral (f!receiving), eddie eating pussy because he loooooves it (and yes this needs it own tag), slight dom/sub dynamics, use of 'sir' as an honorific toward eddie
Eddie Munson is a modest man. With a wallet and dick that fat, you're surprised. Most men would be shouting from the rooftops of their penthouses that they're loaded, throwing hundreds at the dozen strippers they order every other friday night, just because they can.
But Eddie Munson isn't like that at all.
He doesn't live in some monstrous mansion or picturesque penthouse, he doesn't own six cars or a private jet. He isn't the kind of man to have a different girl in his bed every night, ones that really are only interested in him for his money. He's always been a gentleman and shot them down politely, but still met with a drink being thrown in his face or some uncalled for insult.
When you met him, he didn't give any indication that he had money. He wore a faded Dio shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks and a matching suit jacket. His thick fingers had scuffed silver rings, one for almost each of them. He had the most unruly curls you'd ever seen on a man. He flashed you a smile from your spot behind the bar, a toothpick hanging from the side of his mouth as he raised his glass in your direction, the men around him making comments about his boldness. From that moment forward, you were mesmerized.
The most difficult part about being romantically involved with him, was the gifts you'd receive from him. Eddie was very straight-foward with his wealth, he told you on your first date, to the exact same bar you tended. He told you he had toured with local bands from his hometown as an instrument and audio visual engineer. He made calls to different tour and musician managers to see if he would be able join their road crew. After a few years of life on the road, he managed to open up his own music shop. That's when the big bucks started flowing.
Despite knowing that he has more than enough money to spoil you with, you're still bashful and hesitant about accepting them. Hell, when he asked you to move in with him, you declined it almost immediately, not wanting to seem like you were financially leaning on him in any way. Even after you began living together, you maintained a 40-hour work week at the bar for some time.
The first gift, more like gifts, were beautiful bouquets of flowers he'd bring home to you. You'd be at home, curled up into the couch cushions with a paperback folded in your hands and in comes your darling boyfriend, ringed fingers curled around the green stems of another bouquet. Every Monday, he comes home from work with a fresh bouquet to replace your old ones. "To cure your Monday Blues, dollface," he'd say.
Then came the clothes. Every weekend he offered to take you shopping, saying something along the lines of, "Maybe we'll find something from one of those magazines you seem to actually read." Within the first month of living together, your portion of your shared closet took up the most space, at least a 3/4 ratio.
You feel beyond special, never taking his gifts for granted, especially since you're more than aware he knows he doesn't have to. He always tries to play it off, explaining how gift giving is just his love language. You might actually believe him, considering he gets his friends outrageous gifts as well, but it's different with you. There's a dark glimmer in his eyes when you tear back the paper encasing your newest present from your beloved.
Behind a deep maroon wrapping paper, lies a small white box. The name across the top of the box in golden script is of a jewelry shop you recognize. And it's not a cheap shop either. Lifting the lid off the box, your eyes flick up to meet Eddie, who's smirking, arms folded over his chest while a hand cradles his chin.
Once the gift has been revealed, a small gasp escapes from parted lips. It's a dainty anklet, sterling silver. As you lift the jewelry up by careful fingers, you notice the hanging letters. A less-than-subtle 'EM' charm hanging from it. It's also in a script font, making the 'E' look like a backwards '3'. A small gemstone sets between the initials, a beautiful cut ruby.
To say it's beautiful is an understatement. It's gorgeous, only something that Eddie Munson himself would think to be a perfect fit for his sweetheart. "Whaddya think?" He asks, though he already knows how you feel, more than confident at his gift-giving abilities.
"Eds, I love it. It's perfect, thank you," you chide, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips as another form of 'thank you.'
It isn't until Eddie decides that the two of you are going on vacation in Santorini that you ever really wear it. It's too ornate for every day wear, and a small part of you fears that it'll somehow slip or snap off and you'll have lost it.
Laid out on a reclining beach chair, you're soaking up the midday Grecian sun, shades perched atop the bridge of your nose and a mimosa in hand. The rental Eddie snagged for your two-week excursion was straight from a resort advertisement. The modern advancements made were stunning, but the architecture was true the city. You'd never imagined being sprawled out in front of a heated pool overlooking the beautiful seaside.
Aside from one of the many bikinis you packed for the trip and your sunglasses, you only had on the dainty anklet purchased by your lover. It settled against your skin and caught the sun's rays, making it shine.
"Look at you," you hear Eddie from over your shoulder. You hadn't heard him come outside, but the soft breath against the side of your neck made you jump, "spoiled rotten."
You can't help but snicker at his comment. He had made you this way with his expensive gifts, how could he judge? You decide to lean into this role of the 'spoiled rotten brat' he so lovingly teased you with, "What could you possibly want that's more important than me enjoying the sun?"
He knows better than to take the comment seriously, a small smirk tugging at his lips as he stands up from his crouched position, stepping to stand in front of the sun, "Wanna run that by me again, sweetheart?"
You see him now, in all his glory. Long curls pulled back into a bun, strands creeping out from either movement or humidity, you aren't sure. A pair of black swim trunks hang off his hips and a Metallica muscle tank has been pulled over his tattooed torso, the ink etched into his arms still exposed. Good enough to eat.
Pushing your shades up on top of your head, you roll eyes at him once they're visible, "Ugh, you're blocking the sun, Eddie."
The metalhead raises his hands in defeat, a small smile on his features as he steps to the side, allowing the sun to once again be soaked up into your pores, "Alright, alright. No need to get feisty. Come inside for a while, I made lunch."
Even though you felt assured you'd won whatever playful battle was at hand, you weren't sure you were ready to drop the facade. Though, you were getting hungry, and if Eddie cooked? Your mouth watered at the thought.
"Fine. But because I'm hungry, not because you asked." You taunt as you swing your legs off the chair's recline, sliding your feet into your sandals.
Following him inside, he opens the sliding glass door for you, like the perfect gentleman he's always been, before following you through the threshold, sliding it shut behind him.
As the two of you enter the kitchen, your eyes land on the empty stove and countertops, eyebrows knit together in confusion, "Eddie, you said you-"
You're cut off by Eddie's fingers digging into your hip, backing you up against the marble counter top. Lifting your gaze up to his, the breath is nearly sucked out of you at his imposing stance in front of you, "I might've told a white lie," he mumbles, eyes glued to where his hand meets your flesh. His fingers slide underneath the thin band to your bottoms before allowing it to snap against your skin, "but then again, your attitude needs an adjustment."
Even with his tone bordering on mean, he leans in and catches your lips in a passionate kiss, taking his time. He can taste the freshly squeezed orange juice on your tongue. A firm, tattooed hand stays at your hip, holding you in place as your arms slink around his neck. With both his kiss and touch still relatively gentle, the thoughts that you're able to process are that he'll remain stern with you, but not unreasonable.
The brunette brings his kiss to your neck, down to your collarbone, traveling lower and lower until he reaches your navel. Glossy brown orbs lock onto yours as he slides the bottoms of your swimsuit down your legs.
"Don't cum until I say so," he states, his tone brokering no room for argument, "Got it?"
You nod, hands already white-knuckling against the edge of the counter, "yes..."
"Yes what?" he questions as he brings your ankles out of the fabric, eye catching that gorgeous anklet.
"Yes sir," you breathe, head lulling back, shoulders slumping already at the thought of his face buried between your thighs.
He carefully brings your thigh over his shoulder, one hand gripping the flesh there while the other has a determined hold on your opposite hip. Before another word can be passed between the two of you, his face is pressed to your core, tongue flattening out to lick a slow stripe between your folds. Although he's taking his time, listening intently to every sound you make, no matter how quiet, he's relentless. Tongue dipping into your weeping hole, his nose catching on your clit every so often. He's tuned in with your body, it's subtle movements, the noises you make and what the different sounds mean. You couldn't derail his focus if you tried.
Your fingers weave through his umber tresses even with it being tied back with an elastic, "Oh fuck..."
He devours you, laps at the liquid arousal trickling out, the noises caused by his actions utterly obscene. Wet, slurping and sucking noises mixed with your combined moans were a perfect melody to him. Something he'd listen to every day in his headphones, on repeat, without pausing. He shifts his eyes up, his gaze burning the image of your shallow breath matched with the swift rise and fall of your chest to memory.
The grip you have on his hair only spurs him on, especially when you tighten it. Calloused hands drag down your thighs, keeping them settled at both sides of his head like a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. He feels the soft bite of cold metal against his back, then remembers the anklet. Popping off of your dripping cunt, his chin glistening in your arousal, he brings his your thigh off of his shoulder and brings his hand down to your ankle, fingers delicately tracing over the thin metal chain.
You offer a soft whimper at the loss of contact, half-lidded eyes locked onto his figure, "Wha.. Why'd you stop?"
Cocking his head to the side, he taps the pad of his index finger against the jewelry dangling off your ankle, "Just... admiring the leash you so willingly wear." He coos, the words filled with lust.
He dives back in, bringing both thighs onto his shoulders, face snugly between them. He doesn't relent until you're arching your back, shuddering with every flick of his tongue. Even then, he's still not satisfied, and neither of you. You're on the cusp of your orgasm, trying to let Eddie know, but he just gives three gentle taps to your hip and a disapproving grunt. His words ring in your ears, Don't cum until I say so ... Got it?
Just as you're sure you can't hold out on him any longer, he mumbles 'you can cum, sweetheart,' against your mound, then goes right back to his assault on your clit. You spasm, thighs clenched around his head to the point you're sure he can't breathe, orgasm tearing through your body like a ripcord. He slowly brings the aggressive flicks of his tongue to a stop once you're whimpering, out of breath, sensitivity having taken a strong hold on you.
He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, staying knelt between your legs as you catch your breath and return from the astral plane and back into your body. Though, he can't help but sneak glances at the silver anklet, and the 'EM" charm hanging off of it.
thank you for reading xx.
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k-nayee · 4 months
Wife to the Winds Epic: The Musical | ii
wc: 3.5k a/n: yeah I'm sorry y'all. I'm, a slow updater/editor. But I'm getting faster and better! Here's the animation for this part
Traveler M.List
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"You truly believe you can ensure my safe passage home? After everything?"
"With all my heart..."
The salty tang of the sea clung to your hair as you followed Odysseus back to the creaking ships. The satchel against your hip jostled with every step, containing all of your life ever since the ambush of your village.
Midway through readying the ship for their long-awaited return, the men around fell silent as Odysseus approached.
Murmurs rippled through the crew as they watched their battle-scarred leader approach, a stranger by his side.
Reaching the center of the gathered crowd, Odysseus raised a hand for silence. A hush fell over, their gazes flitting between you and their captain.
"This one!" he boomed, aura carrying the authority of a seasoned leader, "is under my is under my protection. Do not lay hand upon her, show her the respect you may give to me."
Glances flicker towards you and stare intently, their faces etched with curiosity and a hint of something...more.
What it could be? You don't know, but you refuse to show it. Even riddled with fear and wary, you held your head high, posture radiating confidence.
That's when the whispers reached your ears: "A goddess, perhaps?" one muttered. "Sent to test us," another added, a hint of reverence lacing his voice.
'Wait...what?' You blink at this. Looking closer, you realize they are staring at you in awe, not lust.
You steal a peek at Odysseus, but his face remained impassive, any amusement he might've felt hidden.
'A goddess huh?' Your lips twitch, a snort of disbelief threating to escape your lips. Seems Odysseus initial shock towards you wasn't a one man reaction.
"Men!" attention is brought once more to the King of Ithaca.
"We have weathered storms. We have battled and sacrificed. Yet, victory lies within reach. Today," he brings a fist up to the heavens. "we begin our journey home!"
Cheers erupted from them, collective roars of relief and anticipation.
The rest of the day was a blur of activity: sails unfurled, oars readied for rowing—image of home ever the motivator.
Days bled into weeks, the endless blue horizon and rocking of the ship becoming your new normal.
The crew remained wary, interactions limited to curt greetings and exchanges. Your only solace came from occasional conversations with Odysseus and surprisingly, both Eurylochus and Polites.
Speaking of which, a tense discussion was brewing near the stern. Eurylochus, his weathered face etched with worry, was locked in a heated debate with the king.
"Six hundred mouths to feed," Eurylochus stressed, frustration coloring his voice, "and our supplies are dwindling! We may not make it far, we are running on fumes!"
Polites, ever the diplomat, step forth in hopes of calming the second in command. "We'll find a way, Eurylochus. Odysseus is a resourceful man—"
"Look!" Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Odysseus himself, his gaze fixed on the sky.
You follow his line of sight, spotting a flurry of birds flying into the distance. Your brow raise at that, catching on to his proposal.  
"We watch where they go, and there we will hunt for food." Giving a firm nod, Eurylochus began giving new orders.
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Hours had pass, soon the Sun going down leaving the stars and moon as your only source of light.
"Captain!" Polities' cry breaks you out of your daily/night inventory checkup. "There in the distance: I see a light faintly glowing."
You quickly stuff everything back into your bag, rushing over to stand next to the Greek warrior and see for yourself.
He turns and gives you a bright grin, lightly bouncing on his feet. "Maybe it's a village lighting a fire? Who knows! They might even share some food."
"No." Odysseus shakes his head. "No, somethings not right. I see fire...but there's no smoke."
Eurylochus scoffed. "Let's raid the place and be done with it!" he barked, his hunger overriding caution.
Odysseus narrowed his eyes. "No," he countered, his voice firm. "There must be another way, one that doesn't involve bloodshed."
"Captain you can't be serious, we don't know of the danger's ahead! A—"
"Just!...just give me until sunrise," Taking a glance at the awaiting crew, his voice lower in attempt to quell their bloodthirst knowing just speaking of potential fighting would set them off. "And if we don't return, burn this place to the ground."
Odysseus turns to Polities, gesturing towards the approaching island. "Polites, gear up. We'll scout ahead."
"Yes sir!"
"I'm coming with you!"
The mortal king's head snapped towards you, frown creasing his brow. "Absolutely not."
Your voice rose in protest. "B-but I can help! I'm a fast learner. My skills..."
"There will be no debate," he states, voice leaving no room for argument. "The men are weary. They need their rest. You will stay and watch over little Ajax."
Anger welled in your chest as your teeth gritted. You storm off, the sting of rejection burning in your eyes.
Being reduced to babysitting(once again) felt like an insult to your abilities. You couldn't help but pout in disappointment as you watch the two sail step off the ship, crossing your arms with a glare.
The rest of the night crawled by, the time made longer from your simmering resentment.
It was sunrise when Odysseus and Polities returned, their faces were painted with apprehension.
"We've been told of a cave with food in the east!" he said "enough to last us on our journey back to Ithaca, even extra to spare."
You perk up at the news as men were called to arms. Pushing your way into the forming group, you stand before Odysseus who releases a heavy sigh upon seeing your wide grin. 
"Perhaps I can help assess the situation? My knowledge of—"
"We have enough help," he holds up a hand, silencing you with narrowed eyes. "You stay here with Ajax. Guard duty."
You bite your tongue to keep your anger from saying something disrespectful.
Taking a deep breath, you clasp your hands in a pleading motion. "Please. Just let me help. I-I can gather herbs, o-or even tend wounds..."
"There'll be no wounds," Odysseus says curtly. "We'll be in and out, quick and quiet."
And with that, he and his newly gathered group of men began venturing east in search of food.
Though your fists clenched in fury, you knew better than to disobey Odysseus directly. Instead, you waited, a plan forming in your mind.
It was then upon spotting the ever-cautious Ithacan Eurylochus right as he prepares to leave and catch up with the main group, an idea sparks.
You quickly approach him in determined strides. "Eurylochus, there isn't any proper medical supplies on board. I'm sure the men will gain injuries on their quest for food. And for that, I will need to go and get more herbs." 
Eurylochus barely glanced in your direction, more focused on ensuring his weapons are tied on correctly as he gives a dry chuckle. "Injuries huh? I'm sure medicine won't be needed for a little wound."
"You sure about that?" Offput at the chilly tone of your voice, he looks up only to be taken aback at the emptiness of your gaze. "Even the mightiest of warriors have fallen, crossing the River Styx from a mere scrape."
A tremor of unease ran through Eurylochus. He cleared his throat, the bravado gone
"Alright," he conceded, "but if anything goes wrong..."
"There won't be anything wrong!" you assured him quickly, smile bright and innocent as if you hadn't just traumatized this man.
Gesturing two nearby men to come over, Eurylochus gives you one final look. "Now, I'm trusting you to get what you need and get out. This is Lycus and Alexander; they will watch over you, so stay close. Understood?"
You bobbed your head enthusiastically, already launching into a flurry of excited instructions for your temporary bodyguards.
Eurylochus couldn't help but shake his head and sigh as he turned to leave. "Gods...Odysseus is gonna kill me..."
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The moment your feet touched the shore, a thrill shot through you. The air hummed with an unfamiliar energy, and the vibrant foliage swaying in the gentle breeze.
Years of training under your mother's watchful eye kicked in: You recognized the landscape instantly—the lush vegetation, the specific types of trees—everything she taught echoing in your mind.
Unlike Odysseus and his men trampling path, or the impatient stomping of your guards, you carefully navigated the undergrowth with practiced grace; steps light and sure.
Awe filled you as you surveyed the diverse flora. You stopped every so often, meticulously collecting samples in your satchel, murmuring a silent thank you with each pluck.
A memory flickered from your childhood's countless foraging trips; your mother kneeling beside you in a sun-dappled meadow as her hand gently guides yours. "Plants are lives of their own...they are deserving of respect, as would any other being."
Too caught up in reminiscing the past, you miss it when your small group stumbled into a clearing.
It wasn't until you noticed the men behind you stopping themselves did you pay attention to your surroundings.
There, in the center of the area was a group of figures. Their faces were serene, eyes filled with an otherworldly light.
You couldn't help but look at them in awe, tales heard over the years could never measure up to the—
The sound of drawn weapons snap you out of it.
"W-wait!" you cry, darting forward and placing yourself between the armed men and the peaceful Lotus-eaters. "Lower your weapons! They mean no harm."
Lycus, a gruff soldier with a gnarly scar on his cheek to match, scoffs. "They could be a threat, best get rid of them while we can" he grumbles, grip tightening on the hilt of his sword.
Undeterred, you squared your shoulders and met his gaze.
"And as I said, they mean no harm. Pose no danger Look at them!" You gestured towards the Lotus-eaters, some of whom were staring at you with wide-eyes, others seemingly lost in a blissful daydream. "They wouldn't hurt a fly."
A tense silence hung in the air. The men exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of how to react.
 You pressed further, lowering your voice conspiratorially. "Besides. I'm not moving, and Odysseus wouldn't be too happy if I got hurt...now would he?"
The mere mention of the formidable leader caused the men to flinch, images of Odysseus' fearsome wrath flashing in their minds.
Lycus grunts in defeat. "Fine." Reluctantly sheathing his weapon, Alexander follows suit in a mixture of annoyance and grudging acceptance.
The Lotus people seemed captivated by the scene unfolding before them. Their gaze remained transfixed on you, faces filled with a strange mix of curiosity and wonder.
You turn and offer them a warm smile, disarming the Lotus-eaters completely. Their gaze remained fixed on you, captivated not just by your courage and kindness, but also by your beauty. 
Unlike the warriors who had come earlier, bristling with aggression, you approached them with an open heart of respect and curiosity.
And they knew this...from the moment you stepped into the forest, you were being watched after all.
So watchful of those who arrived on their island, the Lotus-eaters had seen everything: your reverence for the plant life, your gentle touch as you collected herbs—it spoke all that was needed.
They felt—no, they knew your heart held no malice. So that's why they had no problem answering any question you asked.
Meanwhile, the men assigned to guard you grow bored from the lack of conflict. They began to talk to each other, attention drifting away from their assigned duty.
After all, you seemed perfectly safe surrounded by these serene beings.
Encouraged by your gentle demeanor, one of the Lotus-eaters hesitantly approach you. He's tall, a crown of woven leaves sitting on top of his curly-hair.
Shy and gentle eyes meet yours. A tranquil smile is etched on his face as he holds out a strange bulbous fruit within his cupped palms, its surface pulsating with an otherworldly glow.
You recognize it instantly for its legendary intoxicating properties, accepting the Lotus fruit with a grateful smile.
Knowing the dangers of the Lotus and its ability to induce a blissful forgetfulness, you carefully stow it away in your satchel.
The Lotus-eaters trill in content, their voices all speaking at once in a wave of pitches.
Straining to hear what they were saying, you slowly make out some of the words drifting through the air.
"...giant..." one voice rasped, low and conspiratorial. "...big as a mountain..." another chimed in.
You pause, a flicker of unease taking root in your stomach. 'Did I just hear that right?...'
"Excuse me," you began, your voice dropping to a hushed tone, "but I couldn't help but overhear something about a... giant?"
They eagerly nod, their excited chatter confirming your worst suspicions.
The Lotus-eater from earlier locks eyes with you. You sense a flicker of concern flash across his glazed eye before murky sereness takes place once more.
He spoke, voice deep and whimsy. "The one-eyed giant in the east? He owns most of the sheep,  calls himself Polyphemus..."
'Giant...sheep...cave...east...that means—' when the pieces clicked in your mind, dread coiled in your gut. Odysseus and his men...trapped with a monstrous cyclops?
This was a disaster.  You needed to get away, and fast.
Glancing at the warriors, still lost in their own world of boredom, a devious plan began to form in your mind.
You turn to the group of Lotus-eaters and lower your voice further.
"Listen," you began, urgency lacing your tone, "there's something really really important I need to get from the cave in the east."
You give a nudge towards the lounging duo guards. "Those men who came with me wouldn't understand. Plus they're not very nice...they've been nothing but mean and unhelpful!"
The Lotus-eaters exchanged glances. Even with their peaceful demeanor they could sense your worry.
"What do you want us to do?" the crowned Lotus-eater asked, his voice laced with alarm.
A large grin stretched across your face.
"Pretend to kidnap me!" you declared, barely able to contain a giggle. "Take me to the cave. There, I can handle the rest."
Their faces broke into wide smiles. Now this was a game they understood.
A Lotus-eater with eyes the color of the sky, clapped her hands in delight. "Oh that sounds fun!"
Before you could even blink, half of the group erupted in a playful ruckus of shouts and laughter; hurling small rocks branched leaves at the warriors.
The men sputtered in confusion as nearby plants and vines creeped down and snatched their weapons, leaving them flabbergasted and unarmed.
"What in Hades—" Alexander exclaims, eyes wide with confusion as his sword was yanked from his grasp by an unseen force.
Now for your part.
Taking a deep breath, you let out the most dramatic, exaggerated scream you could muster. "Help! Oh no! They are taking me! What ever shall I dooooo!"
The distracted guards turn in time to see the other half of the Lotus-eaters scoop you off the ground. You kicked your legs playfully, still crying out in mock distress. "No! Oh no! Let me go! Someone, save meeeeeee!"
As Lotus-eaters began moving to the cave, you grimace when realizing a little too late of your lack of fighting back and reaction to being taken. 'I hope they didn't see right through me. Probably should've acted a little more afraid.'
"H-hey!" You turn back to see Lycus' stressfully looking in your direction as he tries to dodge the sticks and stones, "They're kidnapping her!"
"We must save her!" Alexander chimed in, his panicked filled voice reaching your ears before you disappear into the foliage.
You blink in disbelief at their gullibility. 'Nevermind...'
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The further you were carried away from the clearing, the more the sounds of chaos faded into the background.
When you finally reached a safe distance, they gently set you down.
Once brushing off your clothes and looking around you immediately notice the Lotus-eaters brought you to the side of a mountain.
'Where's the cave...?' Confusion flickered across your at face as you try to understand why you where there instead.
Seeing your puzzled expression, the crowned-Lotus eater stepped forward with a gentle smile.
"We brought you to a secret passage," he explains softly, "It's a hidden way that leads to where the sheep are kept. The giant one may find you at the entrance, but this path is safe."
He gestures towards a cluster of branches and vines. Pushing them aside, he reveals a human-sized crack in the mountainside before letting dense foliage fall back over the cleverly concealed hole.
A warm smile spreading across your face at their concern and attempt for your safety. "Thank you!"
Leaning forward, you stand on your toes to place a soft kiss on the forehead of the crowned-Lotus eater who's been your main communicator of the time.
His cheeks flushed a deep scarlet red as he giggled, his companions joining in with flushed faces and shy smiles of their own.
"Good luck," he whimsically mutters, still blushing.
With a nod, you turned towards the secret passageway. Your heart pounds as you carefully push aside the branch and vines and squeezed through the opening.
The rough stone walls loomed around you as distant noises faintly echo in the background.
Air growing cooler and damper with each step as you ventured deeper inside, it wasn't until then did the faint sounds became clearer—multiple voices talking and sounds of sheep scuffling around. 
You pause at the edge of the cave, listening intently.
"Over here!" At the sound of Odysseus' commanding and calm voice, you immediately peek around the corner.
The first thing you're met with is an abundance of food and resources scattered all around: Jugs of wine stacked neatly against the walls, expensive cloths rich in color and texture, to even golden chalices and cups that gleamed in the torch-light cave.
And the sheep.
There were so many! So much, a few roaming ones were so close that you could feel the softness of their wool if you just reach out to tou—
Your nose scrunch up in disgust as a pungent wave of musk, grass, and a hint of manure hits you. 'Ugh...don't smell as cute as they look. That's for sure.'
Looking past the sheep, your body almost instinctively relaxed as you saw no signs of dead bodies or a murderous Cyclops.
Instead, you spotted the King of Ithaca standing alongside his 2nd of command and friend, onlooking as the other men got to work.
"Odysseus! Look at all this food...a-and all of these sheep!" Polites exclaims, you could even make out his bright smile all the way from here. "I can't believe it! This cave, it has all this for us to keep."
Eurylochus stood a few feet away, a begrudging nod of acceptance as he keep watch of the soldiers as they slaughter sheep and prepare to carry them to the ships. "I've gotta hand it to you both, this is quite the treat. More than enough sheep here to feed the entire fleet."
"Hmmm. I'm not sure. Looks too perfect, too good to be true." Odysseus seemed unconvinced. He shifted on his feet, glancing around as unease began seeping into his bones. "Why would the Lotus-eaters pass up on all this food?"
'Okay!' You take a step back, readying yourself for the potential scolding you most definitely were going to get for leaving the ship. 'You can do this...'
He sounds worried enough, so maybe he won't be too mad?
Taking a deep breath, you straighten you back and take a step out to greet the— 
"WHO ARE YOU?" A deep, rumbling voice echoes through the cave, making everyone freeze in their tracks.
Popping your head back around the corner, the blood drains from your face once you see the Cyclops.
Odysseus steps up with a confident smile. "Hey there! We're just travelers." He waves to the giant and motion to the others. "We come in peace."
The cyclops says nothing at first. He's monstrous, frame towering above so high you could barely make out his features—a single eye glowing menacingly in the darkness as it glared down at the Spartan warriors.
You stumble back with a soft gasp and try to calm your racing heart. Your mind raced as you tried to figure out what to do.
Recalling the tales and stories of the cyclops' favored weapon (a massive club), you knew it was only a moment of time...
Your hand flickered down to the weight in your satchel. With trembling fingers, you rummaged through it.
A Lotus fruit and bundle of dried Nepenthe and Poppy herbs are pulled out the bag, now in your hands. 'Please Gods....please. This has to work...'
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wileys-russo · 11 months
childhood sweethearts (5) II a.russo x reader
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series playlist part one part two part three part four
and as we await the fate of our two main protagonists eventual kiss. its time to find out what really happened six years ago. childhood sweethearts (5) II a.russo x reader
"do i need to pick you up tomorrow then?" your older sister lily asked as she pulled up outside the russo household, drumming her fingers on her steering wheel as you unbuckled and shook your head.
"no i'll probably stay the full weekend and just go to school with less on monday." you shrugged, reaching around to grab your bag off the backseat. "what about your uniform? books? your bag?" your sister frowned as you opened her door.
"i've got a spare uniform here, i can borrow a bag to put my stuff in and i've already got my books with me, i have to study." you patted your overnight bag as the girl rolled her eyes. "of course you do, does your brain even know what a weekend is or do you mentally go to school 7 days a week?" she jeered as you mocked her and flipped her off, closing her door as her window rolled down.
"some of us have aspirations to graduate lilian." you smiled, your sister having dropped out early to pursue a career in cosmetics which had lasted all of three months. "have a shit time dickhead!" your sister called out after you as you made your way down the driveway, flipping her off again without turning around.
"none of that here thank you young lady." your face flushed red as carol opened the front door for you before you'd even arrived, having seen you through the window. "sorry carol." you smiled guiltily, giving her a hug as she let you in with an amused smile.
"lessi's just showering sweetheart." the woman explained as you hummed, leaving your bag by the lounge and following her to the kitchen, you'd been wondering why the girl hadn't responded to you on the way over here and now it made sense.
"shortstack! i saw your hot sister dropped you off." gio wiggled his eyebrows suggestively before pulling you into a gentle headlock as you rounded the corner. "urgh you're like my brother gio thats so weird!" you gagged at the comment, wrestling to try and remove his arm to no use.
"oi get off her!" his grip disappeared as alessia entered, bottle blonde hair pulled up into a damp bun on her head as she punched her brother in the ribs, immediately pulling you into a protectively tight hug as gio let you go with a loud groan of pain.
"mum!" the boy huffed in complaint, your girlfriend rolling her eyes and mumbling an apology as the older women told her off. "i wish you'd fuck off back to jordan." the boy sulked, grabbing an apple and heading back upstairs to his room as carol yelled after him for swearing.
your girlfriend had only just gotten back yesterday from a week away at a junior lionesses tournament which had been held in jordan. as much as you'd missed her dearly you couldn't have been more proud of her or the two goals she scored, getting her rightful start in the final game. you'd only wished you were able to be there but you didn't have the luxury of a national call up as an excuse to miss a week of school.
"we'll be in my room mum." alessia announced, arm slung over your shoulder as the woman hummed and waved you off, head buried in a recipe book making you smile as your girlfriend lead you away, stopping to grab your bag for you, silencing your protests with a very quick peck to your lips after she'd triple checked no one else was around.
the pair of you had been seeing one another officially for almost two years now however no one but each other actually knew that, and just assumed you were best friends, forever thick as thieves and inseparably close.
neither of you had any idea how no one had caught on yet, maybe it was because you and alessia had always been so close and so affectionate nothing seemed out of sorts to the average eye.
you'd always loved alessia in one way or another. but when it was just the two of you behind a closed door and your lips were pressed together, cold hands roaming one anothers bodies, murmuring everything and anything you loved about the other, you were absolutely infatuated with her in a way so intense it was almost scary.
and that was one sort of love you both agreed you weren't ready to share with anyone but each other just yet.
though both of you did need to often stumble through pools of awkward lies and ramble quickly made up stories as you'd be called out by your friends for the occasional poorly placed or forgotten about hickey.
this was normally your problem. ever since she'd figured out how sensitive your neck was the taller girl utilised every and any opportunity to capitolise on that.
riled on by the whiny begs for her not to stop as she hungrily attacked and devoured your neck late at night, silencing you with a hand pressed over your mouth and a gentle warning in your ear that if you weren't quiet she would stop.
"hi." you breathed out with a grin, looking up adoringly at the striker once the two of you were finally alone behind the safety and security of her locked bedroom door. "god i missed you." alessia sighed, pulling you into a bone crushing hug as you reveled in one anothers touch.
"we spoke every day lessi!" you laughed into her shoulder, alessia having been told off both by her roommate ella and her coach for the hours spent on her phone when she was supposed to be resting and recovering.
"we could be together every minute of every day and i'd still miss you." the blonde pulled away with a cheeky smile as you rolled your eyes playfully. "don't wish that on me please, what a nightmare!" you groaned teasingly as your girlfriend scoffed, holding a hand to her chest in mock offence.
"lessi!" you squealed as she tackled you down onto her bed, hovering over you. "that's baby to you, thanks very much." alessia pouted as you laughed, thumb stroking her cheek affectionately. "there is also something else i missed that we can't do on the phone." the blonde smiled suggestively, cocking her head to the side as her hair fell around you both like a curtain.
"mmm...nothing comes to mind." you looked off into the distance as if deep in thought, hand coming to stroke your chin as alessia playfully shoved your head. "kiss me then star girl." you smiled softly, tugging at her shirt.
as your eyes met, the world seemed to fade away. you felt her hand gently touch your cheek, slender fingers tracing a line down your jawline. hearts raced as her lips met yours, soft and gentle at first, then with a growing intensity as she poured into the kiss just how much she had missed you.
if you were sentenced to death the next day and were allowed one last day to do as you pleased, you'd be sure to spend it kissing alessia.
every single time felt just like the first. the same nervous butterflies would flutter around inside you, lips would tingle as if you'd just smeared them with popping candy, your heart grew five sizes to the point it felt it might burst in your chest.
each kiss was full of tenderness and passion, a dance of two hearts in perfect harmony as the girl who you trusted with your heart and your life drowned you with her love.
you felt her arms wrap even tighter around you, pulling your bodies close as you lost yourselves in the moment. the world around you ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them in a sea of pure unbridled emotion, two hearts beat as one.
her lips always slightly chapped melded against yours perfectly, kissing you with just the right amount of firm pressure to have your stomach in knots, and yet each touch felt so soft and so tender that your brain went fuzzy at the sensation.
her hand would always reach out to tangle in your hair as your own gently carressed her cheek, thumb stroking her jawline, feeling it clench at the featherlight touch.
and then suddenly your lungs would scream for a reprise and you'd pull away, collapsing into the mattress as both of you lay on your sides, eyes locked as chests heaved and alessia leant forward to brush a few flyaways behind your ear.
gone were the afternoons of her kicking a ball at your head, smearing mud on your face as the two of you wrestled and rolled around in the dirt like steam rollers.
your afternoons now were spent wrapped up in the others arms, sharing kisses as you filled one another in on the seemingly more mundane parts of your day the other hadn't been present for, you and alessia only sharing two classes in your final year of school.
on the days alessia trained after school you studied, often at her house in her bedroom eagerly awaiting her to return.
the striker would have left her boots outside at her mums strict request, trudging up the stairs with an exhausted sigh as you'd perk up hearing the squeak of the infamous stair the two of you learned to avoid when sneaking downstairs for a midnight snack.
she would shoulder open her door and dump her kit bag on the ground, making a beeline for her bed and belly flopping normally on top of you, face buried in your neck as she clung onto you tightly with a mumbled greeting hello.
sometimes you'd wind her up and tell her you wouldn't kiss her until she showered, dodging her attempts as you teased her for smelling terribly which normally ended in her trapping you in a bear hug beneath her until you tapped out on her back and gave in, allowing her lips to finally meet yours.
other times she'd have been told she wasn't starting next game and her head would hang low from the moment she entered the room. you'd immediately sit up and brush your books to the side, opening your arms for her to melt into. carding your fingers through her hair and slipping a hand up her top you'd hold her tightly, rubbing circles on her back, lips lingering on her sweaty forehead.
as you'd always known, you loved alessia, nowadays in a way much more intimate and tender than you'd have ever understood in your youth.
"you're so beautiful." the taller girl spoke softly as you lay side by side, words melting you like butter as you couldn't help but blush, no matter how often she complimented you it still had you swooning.
"why are you so shy? it's very cute baby but we've known each other like our whole lives." alessia laughed as you hid your face in your hands, the blonde prying them away and attacking your face with kisses only making your cheeks heat up further.
her leg nudging yours as you lifted one, allowing hers to slot in perfectly, your limbs tangled up as your foreheads pressed against one anothers.
"il mio bel bambino." (my pretty baby) her lips moved to gently kiss your fingertips, hands held captive in hers.
"you learned more italian!" your face lit up in pride as alessia eagerly nodded, beginning to ramble about how she had made it her mission to continue her online lessons even while away.
"alessia mia teresa russo studying in her free time? has there been an doomsday i wasn't aware of? are you feeling okay?" you gasped holding the back of your hand to her forehead, squealing as her fingers jabbed sharply at your sides.
"yeah well unlike school work this is something i actually want to learn!" she rolled her eyes and you grinned, kissing her nose and swooning as she scrunched it up adorably.
"hey. can we talk about something?" the blonde asked hesitantly, eyes dropping down to avoid yours, messing with your fingers as you nodded, eyebrows knitting into a curiously concerned frown at what was to come.
"okay but i don't know how you'll react so we have to do the thing." alessia decided, looking to you for confirmation as you hummed, the two of you sitting up and spinning around suddenly.
you shuffled slightly so your back was pressed against hers, hands finding one anothers and intertwining your fingers as your heads slumped onto one anothers shoulders, eyes closing.
"what's on your mind lessi?" you asked softly, squeezing her hands supportively as she let out a long sigh. "well. when we were away a few of the girls were talking about their...well their first times, with their boyfriends." alessia started quietly, her heart hammering away in her chest with every word.
"and i guess it just got me thinking about it." she spoke a little quicker now, clearly nervous for your reaction to her words, squeezing your left hand to signal she was done talking for now.
"some of the girls at school have been talking about it too." you confessed. "are you thinking about...wanting to do that?" you asked gently, not wanting her to feel as though you were judging her in any way. "maybe? does that make you feel...weird, or anything?" she asked slowly.
"no, definitely not weird." you promised, the two of you sitting in silence for a moment. "i guess i think i'm ready? to do that. but i don't want you to feel like...pressured into anything. we can do it soon, we can do it later, we can never do it if you didn't want to." she assured, starting to ramble as you squeezed her hands, grounding her into silence again.
"i want to do it with someone i love and someone i trust and you're the person i love and trust the most lessi. i think i'm ready too, whenever it happens." you spoke softly, unable to see the blush creep up your girlfriends neck at your words.
and it did happen. it was a couple of months later when you had your house to yourselves, your parents having taken your brother away for the weekend for a cricket tournament and your sister disappearing around to her boyfriends house.
the first time it was awkward, nervous, weird and clumsy of course, neither of you had done anything like this before and you'd have been lying to one another if you said you both hadn't tried to do some...research on your own to try and best prepare.
but despite that, it was with alessia.
you felt safe and you felt comfortable and loved the whole time, it didn't quite have the ending either of you expected (that sort of ending came a few weeks later and boy oh boy...no amount of research could have prepared you for the feeling) but it only strengthened the trust between the two of you, and was yet another first you'd experienced by one anothers loving side.
they always say your first love is a little foolish, some may even say there isn't something called first love. but what makes those initial feelings of love most beautiful are it's innocence.
when you fall in love for the very first time, that innocence inside you, that's a precious thing. it feels like you give your whole heart to someone, and as if you wouldn't ever know anyone else to treasure and care for it.
which is why it was all too easy for alessia russo to be both your first love, and your first heartbreak.
it all started the day you got the letter.
your mum had found it first, fighting her every urge to rip it open and read your fate, instead leaving it neatly on your pillow for you to find when you returned home that afternoon.
you'd spent the day with the russo's, thermos of her dads famous hot chocolate in your hand, bundled up in a hoodie with your girlfriends jersey tugged over the top. you sat shoulder to shoulder with her brothers in the stands, watching your favorite blonde play in one of her final games of the season.
you didn't pretend to understand half the rules of football much as alessia had dedicated years of her life trying to teach you, and so her brothers knew to hit you with running commentary throughout. but the one thing you would always understand was the sense of utter euphoric pride which rushed through you watching her play, especially when she scored.
her arms would shoot up into the air and her eyes would always find yours, pointing up at you and her family with a lopsided grin, sprinting to celebrate with her teammates as you all screamed out encouragement, drowning her in whistles and claps before play resumed.
coming away with a 4-1 win meant they were in pole position to finish top of the table, and so alessia was unable to wipe the shit eating grin off her face as she emerged from the change rooms afterwards, waving goodbye to her team mates and jogging over to where you all waited for her.
she'd always hug her dad first, your girlfriend was the true epitome of his girl, and mario reveled in teasingly holding that over carol. you were always last, alessia always saved the best for last, picking you up and spinning you around off your feet as you'd laugh and sing her praises, the two of you hugging tightly.
"i love when you wear my jersey." she mumbled in your ear, sending you a soft smile as you bumped your shoulder into hers and the two of you made your way back to the car, her brothers talking her ear off about the game as you stayed stuck to her side, watching on with a quiet amusement, not understanding most of what was said but feeling nothing but pride for the taller blonde beside you.
luca had driven himself and gio as they waved you both off and headed across the lot, you and alessia slipping into the back of her dads car. her mum would always fuss over the two of you, throwing a blanket over your legs and ignoring alessia's insistence that she was still warm after running around for two hours, carol always winning out as your girlfriend rolled her eyes and gave in.
but the blanket gave the opportunity for your hand to grab hers, squeezing softly as you looked at her in admiration, her head falling tiredly to your shoulder as the two of you chatted along to her parents, waving them off as you pulled up outside your house.
you promised you'd give your mum a hug for carol, hugging them both goodbye. normally her dad would warn he'd be out the front no later than eight since you both had school the next day, but now graduated there wasn't a reason the two of you couldn't spend the next few days together if you wanted, likely flittering from house to house as you often did.
appeasing your mum with small talk for a few minutes you grew impatient, tugging on the back of alessias hoodie with a longing look as the girl would make an excuse, the two of you hurrying off to your room.
"why do you always make me end the conversations. i quite like chatting with your mum!" alessia rolled her eyes as you closed your bedroom door. "because she loves you more and she actually listens to you. and because i haven't properly congratulated you yet for winning!" you grinned as your girlfriend sat on the end of your bed.
"mm that so?" the blonde smiled, arms settling themselves around your waist as her chin rested on your stomach, your own hands playing with the baby hairs on the nape of her neck.
you were about to lean down and kiss her, when your eyes spotted it.
alessia noticed your frown right away, squeezing your hips to gain your attention as you shook your head, stepping away from her and making a beeline for the letter.
"shit is that-" "i think it is." "well, open it!"
"i'm scared. what if i didn't get in?" you admitted, biting your bottom lip nervously as alessia sat right by your side. "you're the most intelligent person both intellectually and emotionally that i've ever met baby, and you got phenomenal marks in our GCSE's. open it!" she knocked her knee against yours and you nodded.
"oh for god sakes." alessia huffed impatiently as you fiddled with the corner, peeling it off painstakingly slow as your girlfriend plucked it out of your hands, ripping the letter right open.
"no you read it." you shook your head as she tried to give it back to you, alessia nodding as her eyes scanned over the paper, face unreadable as you nervously bounced your knee.
"we regret to inform-" your body crumpled at that, flopping back into the mattress as you felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes. "only joking baby. you got in!" alessia pounced on top of you with a grin as you shot upwards, accidentally smacking your head into hers.
"oh my god i got in?!" you breathed out in shock as the blonde clutched at her throbbing head. "oh god baby i'm so sorry!" you squeaked out as she waved you off with a wince, opening her arms expectantly.
"i am so fucking proud of you. my pretty, smart, funny, kind, gorgeous-" the older girl kissed you with every word, the grin unable to be wiped from your face as your mum burst in, alessia very quickly jumping away from you as you filled her in on the news.
and as you jumped up to embrace her, your sister next to run in to congratulate you, alessia couldn't have possibly been any prouder.
but she also couldn't help but allow her mind to drift back to the box sitting in her wardrobe, signed four year scholarship and enrollment papers filled in and ready to be sent off to the states.
she knew she needed to tell you. but the thought of doing so punched a hole in her chest, and so she put it off as long as possible.
well, as long as she could until you found out yourself.
it was around a couple of weeks later, you were spending your usual friday night together, movies loaded and armfuls of snacks spread out on the bed awaiting consumption.
"lessi baby can i have a hoodie please?" you kissed your girlfriends jaw softly, the girl humming and pointing her foot toward her cupboard, engrossed in a video on her phone.
"yeah thanks, such a gentlewoman." you muttered, smacking her thigh as the girl whined and shoved you away. with a roll of your eyes at her lack of attention on you, you thrust open her cupboard, hunting around for your favourite hoodie which you knew she'd hidden, no longer wanting you to steal it as it was also her favourite to wear.
with a victorious grin you spotted the sleeve poking out from a pile of jumpers in the corner, rolling your eyes at her poor attempt at hiding and yanking it out. you frowned as a box lay hidden beneath the material, UNC on the front.
curiousity getting the better of you, assuming it was likely a new pair of trainers she'd bought and hidden from her mum as to not be told off for her spending habits, you opened it.
god, how you wished you hadn't.
your stomach leapt into your mouth as your eyes scanned just the first few words of the letter sat atop a bright blue sweatshirt.
"less. what's this?" at first she only hummed, attention still fixated on the video. "alessia. what is this?" you spoke louder now, the girls phone dropping from her hand as she looked up and saw what you had in your hand.
"baby-" "why the hell have you got a four year american football contract hidden in your wardrobe?"
"i wish you hadn't found that." she sighed, burying her face in her hands as you advanced toward her. "were you even going to tell me?" you whispered now, her head shooting up at the sudden change of tone.
"of course i was! i just...i didn't know how." she admitted guiltily, standing and trying to come toward you but you held your hand up in warning for her not to. "you didn't even tell me you were thinking about something like this, we tell each other everything." your voice cracked and with it so did alessia's heart at the look of utter betrayal splayed across your features.
"love-" "stop. don't fucking coddle me, explain." you forced out, letter still gripped tightly in your hand as you took another step back. "it's a four year scholarship to go play in the states. so long as i play with their junior team i can go to classes, live on campus and get my degree for free, and i get a hell of a lot of experience with a completely different style of football." she explained, a smile tugging momentarily at her lips, wiped right away at the look of disappointment on yours.
"i knew you wouldn't want me to go, or you'd try to talk me out of it." alessia admitted quietly, refusing to meet your eyes. "you what?" you managed out, shaking your head in disbelief. "i-" you started, trying to find the words.
"alessia i have always been your biggest supporter. i don't even like football but i go to every match, i make sure your kit bags got everything in it before you leave, i wear your jerseys, i let you kick balls at my head for years! you adore football. why on earth would you think i'd try to stop you from following that passion?" you frowned, shoulders slumping in defeat at her lack of faith in you.
"because it means we'd be apart for four years. don't even try to tell me you wouldn't have had an issue with that!" you were caught off guard at her sudden shift of tone, this one much more abrupt and sharp.
"don't try to project your guilt for not telling me into me being the reason why you didn't. that's not fair!" you shot back, alessia only shaking her head with a laugh. "you shouldn't have even been snooping around in the first place!" she snatched the letter off of you with a glare.
"snooping? i can see that offer is signed alessia, were you even going to tell me before you sent it off?" you asked with a hard stare, face falling as guilt flashed across her face momentarily. "you've already sent it." you realized quietly, her head hanging low all the confirmation you needed.
"wow." you breathed out, moving to sit down on the edge of her bed as you tried to come to terms with everything, feeling her sit down a few feet away from you. "when do you leave?" you whispered, feeling her eyes pierce into the side of your head but not having the heart to look up from the floor, the room starting to spin.
"two weeks."
your head did shoot up at that, alessia wincing at the anger, hurt, betrayal and disappointment clear as day in your features. "two fucking weeks. you didn't tell me and you leave in two weeks?" you breathed out, tears welling up in the corner of your eyes.
"i was going to i promise but i just...i thought it would make everything easier if we didn't-" alessia struggled with her words, tripping over herself as her fingers twitched and she rubbed her palms against her sweats.
"make what easier?" you caught on right away to what she meant, the room starting to feel awfully small as your chest tightened. and meeting your eyes alessia knew you knew what she meant. "everything." the blondes own eyes welled up with tears as you wiped at your face with the back of your arm.
"were you even going to tell me?" you asked, scarily calm as you stared her down, watching her wither underneath your piercingly angry gaze. "no." she admitted after a moment, burying her head in her hands, body wracking with quiet sobs as she began to break.
your legs buckled at that and your body fell to her floor with a small thump, your knees tucking into your chest as you curled into a ball. "so you were going to just leave and what? expect me to just...be okay with that?" you asked, unable to even wrap your head around any of this.
"you're going to college here, i'll be over there. it wouldn't have worked for four years and we both deserve to be able to make the best of this next chapter, i thought i was making it easier if we never had to say goodbye." alessia admitted quietly, both of you refusing to look at one another.
"never mind the fact i'm in love with you. i've been your best friend since we were five less, and you were going to just...get on a plane and leave me for four years without even telling me where you were going." you whispered, barely able to get your words out as red hot guilt flooded the blondes body.
"i was trying to make it easier."
"for who alessia? for you? by avoiding having to even tell me anything and just leaving me without a word? you're a fucking coward!" you almost screamed those last four words, chest heaving as you struggled to hold back a sob.
her silence told you everything you needed to as you broke down, your body convulsing as you sobbed into your hands, alessia covering her ears unable to handle the noise, tears rolling down her cheeks leaving a bitter salty taste in her mouth.
"get off me!" you spat out, shoving her off as she moved to sit down next to you, trying to wrap herself around you in a hug. "get off!" you yelled again, voice cracking as she shook her head, holding you firmly.
eventually she let go, collapsing into herself as you stood to your feet, vision blurry with tears as you stumbled around trying to collect your belongings.
"stop!" you sobbed as she hugged you from behind, yanking your bag out of your hands and dropping it on the floor. "don't leave me, please." she begged, voice no louder than a whisper as her face buried itself in your neck.
"i'm not the one leaving." you pushed her away, the force causing her to stumble as she caught herself and managed to stay standing. "you know now. we still have two weeks!" she tried, almost begging now as you scoffed.
"oh so i have two weeks to wait for you to break up with me? lucky me!" you spat venomously, trying to pick up your bag as alessia kicked it away. "we have two weeks we can spend together before i go. please! i made a mistake, a huge mistake. baby please i love you so much but-" her hands balled at your top, holding you against her.
"if you loved me you would have never lied to me about this. you would have told me the moment you even starting thinking about it! we could have talked it out! worked things out together! now i don't have a fucking choice and you don't understand how unfair that is alessia!" you pushed her harder and harder with every sentence until she smacked into the wall, blue eyes welled up with tears.
"baby please don't go! not like this!" she grabbed you again as you tried, wrapping her arms around you as you fought her furiously, hitting her over and over as her body shook with silent sobs but she refused to let go of you, feeling her tears drip down the back of your neck.
"i would have been okay if we were able to talk about this. if i had time to process this, to make plans with you, to talk about what it could have looked like for us and what we'd be when you were there. i would have supported you and this choice if you'd given me the chance." you finally broke free, stumbling away from her as you gestured between the two of you before furiously wiping at your eyes.
"but you didn't and you weren't going to. you're a liar and a coward and i can't believe i wasted so much of my life trying to show you i care for it all to mean nothing to you in the end. if you love me less, if you ever loved me, then you will do as you planned. you will get on that plane and you will stay out of my life. you're not my girlfriend, not even a friend would do what you just did to me." you wanted to say more, you wished you could find the words, you wished you could hit her again and scream that you hated her and mean every single word you just said to her.
but you didn't, you couldn't, you wished you could, it would have made it all easier.
you didn't allow her the luxury of a response, far too afraid of how easy it may have been for her to talk her way out of this, to lull you into a false sense of safety and security with sweet words and gentle intimate touches. to shower you with affection and quality time and praise, only to rip the rug right out from under you in just two weeks time.
so you left her before she could leave you, and you didn't turn once to look back.
part six
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
If you don’t mind, which yandere twst boys do you see being most likely to exploit a mentally exhausted prefect to kidnap them?
To clarify, I think it can be argued that the prefect would be absolutely done with NRC after six life-or-death situations due to the overblots on top of being forced to adapt to education system of another world and putting up with the quality of students at NRC. You can’t tell me that a school full of villains would treat the only magicless student well. That just screams prime opportunity to manipulate the prefect into leaving NRC to go somewhere “safer” with one of the boys.
Once again, I’m just curious about your thoughts so don’t feel pressured to respond!
yes yes yes!!!
poor perfect tired to the bone from crowly and the other students. if only there was a knight and shining armor that can come and save them.
No longer an accidentally post! But I mean it did help me finish it lol
Yan!Riddle x mc
Yan!Leona x mc
Yan!Jamil x mc
Yan!Lilia x mc
Warnings: yandere, kidnapping, drug use (shrink potion), abusive behavior, chains, collar, gag, parenthood (gender-neutual), gritting teeth(?) (I know some people hate it so ill put it in here), not a lot of proof-reads,
yes, riddle was the first overblot (technically) and after his overblot, he felt awful about how he behaved. he was supposed to look after Heartslaybu but he ended up becoming his mother. he hated himself for that.
So now, not only is he taking better care of his dorm, with the help of his dorm. but whenever he sees you, he tries his best to check up on you.
How are you? Do you need help with any school assignments? etc.
they all had sweet intents at first but over time, you started to look drain.. like the life was sucked right out of you. when he asked ace and deuce, they confirmed that you were just tired of all the overblots and being crowley's lap dog. if only he knew how to help you...
at first he asked, trey and cater about how he should help you. they were mature enough to know, right?
cater, being cater, teased him on "having a crush on the perfect" or how he phrased it "oooohhh you are down bad!! lol" whatever that means...
Trey said that maybe ask the perfect if they do need help. but Riddle knows the perfect, they'll say they're fine even when they're not..
riddle felt lost and swallowed his pride as he dials his mother's number.
his mother was furious with the fact that riddle was facing an issue he cant fix himself but what she said about perfect shocked him.
"well.. maybe if this perfect isn't as perfect as their title, maybe they don't belong in Night Raven College!"
with that... the call ended.
now that he wasn't being held by his mother's strings, he saw red...! no one talks about his perfect like that! but.. she has a point.. (which makes him more frustrated) if perfect is miserable here... maybe they shouldn't be attending NRC. but where would they go...?
when he thought about that, he realized he didn't really want to be away from you... you mean too much to him.
so later that day, he requested you to join him in his room, he need to talk to you. you agreed cause why would you be cautious with someone you trust, plus you were too tired to worry about how strange the request was. he gave you tea and asked if you were okay.. you said yes, just stressed with some classes and drank you tea. it tasted... off.
you feel yourself shrinking.. you were shrinking!
you looked at riddle and he was just smiling at you! he picked you up and placed you into a tea pot.
"it'll be okay, my dear. once i graduate and get us a nice home, we'll live our happy lives away from this stress and... toxic poison. But for now, you'll have to behave. i love you, my dear"
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Whether you noticed him or not, Leona watches you run back and forth, from hallway to hallway. Kinda like a mouse running around for food but also staying hidden. Sometimes your running around helps him sleep or just ease him to a zen.
He'd normally wouldn't bat an eye because you're just a lap dog for that crow. But after time has past. He watched as you get slower, more exhausted. like you're pushing to prove something. It ercked him more than he would like. It hit too close to home for him.
When he finally was able to approach you on the matter, you looked like your soul was taken from you. Something within just snapped. He had enough of this. He made the call and suddenly, savanaclaw students came to your side and dragged you to leona's room. If you try to resist, Leona lucky told them to not hurt you too badly. But accidents happens. With their rough handling, you blacked out.
You wake up with a pretty collar around your neck and a chain attach to it? You look around and this is not your ramshackle room. You tried to sit up for a better look and get quick pulled down by the chain collar. It nearly broke your neck! But Leona would say you're being dramatic.
"Quick moving, im trying to sleep.."
You looked and saw Leona. He was laying on your chest and his legs were holding your legs down. He was like a strange weighted blanket. He wasn't in his school uniform but looks like he's in home attire?
"Where are we, leona..?"
You said, scared cause your literally in the hands of a lion that could kill you really quick..
He ears twitched and he looked up at you, bored. But he let out a smirk.
"Were home~"
It took you a minute to process what he said... home? Apparently your confused was evident on your face and leona let out a long sigh. He moved or above you, pining you down.
"Were at Sunset Savanna palace and WE are both gonna be staying here until I can trust you'll be a good obedient herbivore and stay by my side."
You were lost for words and unconsciously started to struggle under leona. Trying to push him off, kicking your legs, he got really annoyed when you accidentally pinched his tail with the bed and your foot.
His retaliation was to slam you down, knocking the wind out of your lungs. As you were gasping for air, he bit you really hard on your throat. You let out a silent scream. You thought you were going to die. This was your last moment of life.
Leona eventually let's go but quickly replacing his fangs with his hand.
"You WILL be obedient... do I make myself clear.."
That wasn't a question.. it was a demand.
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Jamil hardly noticed you.. PERIOD.
He's busy not only taking care of scarabia but also their housewarden. While his housewarden takes the credit.. he hated it. And the fact his housewarden is so happy go lucky to him too. Makes his blood boil!!
Jamil truly believed that no one would feel his pain, his struggles.. because everyone sees Kalim "success" before anything!
You and Jamil were in the housewarden meeting, well on the outside of the office during the meeting. Jamil had to be there because Kalim and you were there for Crowley...
You both had a quick moment until you asked him hows he been? He lends his head back against the wall and sighs. You laugh at his actions.
"I get that, hehe"
His eye twitched.
"Do you now..?"
"Heh.. I really do. I'm here for Crowley, even tho he's the Headmage. He's like a spoiled brat with responsibility... and HE knowing more about this world, and the work he does for it, more than I do. But nooo... he still gives it to me!"
Jamil stares at you as you vent about your stress and struggles in NRC. He honestly thought that your life is harder than his! How on the seven do you-?
The doors to the office opens and you and jamil both stand up. The other housewardens walked off and kalim ran to jamil, like a parent picking up their kid in kindergarten.
Jamil sighs, seeing kalim's face makes him exhausting... he quickly looks at you, not turning his head to not make it obvious. You were walking into Crowley's office as he hands you a big stack of papers. He practically saw the light in your eyes fade... he HAS to do something.. but what?
A few days past and he just watched you get more exhausted. The more he watches you the more his feelings for you grows. And the more he watched you get degraded the more he wants to set the world on fire for you..
You couldn't hold a conversation as long as you use to now! What is Crowley making you do?
His hand balled into fist. Then he get an idea.. he's always wanted to do this but never thought about it, there will be come changes to the plan with you in it but it could work!
It was in the evening and he stopped by the Ramshackle dorm. With shaking hands he knocked. He can't believe he's gonna do it.
You answer and he quick took out a cloth from his pocket and covered your mouth. Your struggles were pointless with his strength and your muffled screams wasn't going to be heard by anyone since you practically lived in the middle of nowhere. You went limp and he smile grew.
You woke up, chained, gaged, and blindfolded. You didn't know where you were you were so scared.. but you hear foot steps...
"Good morning, my little desert flower~ im sorry I had to contain you like this, I can't risk anymore seeing you. But once we leave the Isle of Sages, ill let you see."
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Lilia has been watching you since that first day you came here. How much chaos your presence cause, not including Grims presence, was amazing.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel something for you after that first day.
Whenever you're doing anything, he watches. And if hes busy, he has his bats watch you instead. They'll report any and everything about you. Including the dark circles appear under your eyes.
To say he was a little pissed... was an understandment. How dare the Crow hurt someone he cared for..
Lilia had half a mind to just get rid of Crowley with a big display of his remand.. but his kids will be scar so probably not.
He'd would think about if for a bit and told himself, why not just take you to live in Briar Valley? You could live there and he'd support you and care for you. You have a caring personal type with how much you take care of those first years.
You'll make a perfect parent...
Lilia stopped by Ramshackle dorm for a "surprised visit". You thought his strange behavior was just lilia being a strange guy? Meanwhile lilia felt like he was young again when he's with you. He felt shy and anxious. He was all fidgety and not making 100% eye contact with you.
Oh by the seven, you stir something within him and its not unwelcomed.
"Lilia? I don't mean to be rude but.. umm... why are you here..? You kinda came at a bad time.. Crowley has some paper work he wants me to fill out for him.."
Lilia fidgeting stop and if you had his super hear, you'd hear him grit his teeth for a moment.
He flips around suddenly and gets a unsettling smile.
"I came because I just remembered a old story and I wanted to tell someone before it slips my mind!"
You stared at Lilia but nodded for him to continue.
"Do you remember when I told you about the story of the Thorn Fairy? And how she put a curse on this cute little human~?"
With every word he spoke, he got closer to you.. you tried to make some distance but it quickly was put to a halt when lilia grabbed your arm.
"L-ilia.. You're hurting me.."
You tried to pull away but nothing can compete with Lilia's strength.
"Did I also tell you that with skill and focus, a powerful mage, can change the effect of such a powerful spell~?"
You're particularly trembling at this point. He got up really close to you and he shows you a small sewing needle.
"I promise, it won't be too long. Just long enough for everyone to stop looking for you~"
{I didn’t give Lilia an art piece because I drew something similar already}
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sugaryapplepie · 6 months
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Art by @cosmic-fishy Eyeshot AU belongs to @dynamicsimp
Tags: Yandere Content, WLM, OC x Canon, Drabble, Twinshot, Necroshot
AN: Small reminder to be respectful in my inbox pls & thank you <3
Xingshen's hand shakily grabbed at the doorframe as she willed her aching legs to move. Her sharp teeth were clenched as she forced left to go before right. Star couldn't stay here, it wasn't safe. A thump from around the corner made her pause, holding her breath as she flattened herself against the wall. Slowly, after counting out ten breaths, she peeked around the corner into th darkness of the living room. Nothing that she could see, but then again, stars eyesight was always worse in dim lighting.
It was why they kept the lights low.
After twenty more breaths, Xingshen gritted stars teeth. One...two...three...keep it quiet, keep steady...four...five...six...
Just a few more paces to the door...
A small creak. The floorboards. She paused, heart pounding, stars hand desperately outstretched for the doorknob. Thirty more breaths. No one there, must be the old apartment settling.
Against her better judgement, star goes for it. She takes the first few steps forward in a dash but wobbles, falling to the floor with a loud BANG! The lights turn on, flooding her vision. She winces and softly gasps, too in pain to scream as she shuts her eyes.
"Xixi? What're you doin' out here, you're supposed to be in bed!"
Xingshen doesn't have to open her eyes to recognize the teasingly disappointed tones. Star feels Wukong lifting her up.
"That was a nasty fall there. You're such a goof!" he chuckles, rubbing his cheek against hers. "What were you doing out here? Ohhh I know! You missed us, didn't you~? Awww, Xixi, we told you we'd be right here if you needed us!"
And speaking of the other half, a woosh told Xingshen that Macaque had arrived. The lack of brightness against her eyelids told her he had mercifully extinguished the lights.
"Jeez, Xingshen, you're so clingy. We just put you to bed an hour ago! Then again, I guess I can't blame ya."
Xingshen felt Macaque ruffle her hair. If it were anyone else star would've bitten their hand off, but she learned what happened if star retaliated. She felt herself being carried back to her bed, placed now on a body-sized ice pack. In spite of starself, Xingshen let out a relieved sigh as stars joints began to be soothed.
"Maybe we oughta get her a walker, or a cane. Or a wheelchair." "Nahhh, what does Xi need that for when she's got us? It's like we promised: she won't have to lift a finger while we're here! And since she missed us so much..." Xingshen felt Macaque and Wukong hop on the bed, crawling under the covers and snuggling close so she's pressed between the both of them, their soft fur a pleasing texture.
Wukong stroked her back with his claws. "Now this time, stay asleep. You know what the doctor said, you need your rest. Next time you get up before nap time's over we'll do more than cuddles." He kissed the top of stars head.
Xingshen sighed internally. She'd have to wait a few days to make another bid for freedom. In the meanwhile, all she could do was sink into a hazy sleep as the coolness of the ice pack washed over her body.
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lilacgaby · 17 days
day three
chapter select!
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she woke up right before her alarm went off.
she saw messages on her phone, some addressed from mirko telling her to "hurry the hell
up or get left behind." some from a new group chat called 'OPERATION [NAME]', and a couple from bakugo.
whatever, she'd look them over later.
she took her time as she showered, got dressed in a civilian outfit, and soaked in the early morning sun from her balcony.
everyone else had heroes who'd stop by later to pick them up in the afternoon, so [name] was pretty much the only person up.
she was startled by a loud noise at the door. she was hanging around in the common room to pass some time, but since she was lost in though she let out an audible squeal at the sound.
she figured it was just mirko was banging on it to get her attention.
and it was.
she opened the door and stepped outside. mirko was dressed casually too, and she was carrying her own bag of belongings on her back.
"be more considerate! people are sleeping!"
"it's only six a.m [name], they have to be getting up at this hour anyways."
"anyways, we have a train to catch so let's go!" mirko then grabbed her hand and started their trek down to the station. they could've got a car,
but they both preferred to walk.
after a bit of walking and sitting in a comfortable silence, [name] decides to get some details on the mission.
"so mirko, what exactly is this mission about?"
"oh, it's just another couple of villains, except these ones are rumored to have connections to stain."
"stain? the hero killer? but isn't he--"
"dead, correct. but his influence was huge. apparently this group of villains have actually killed a hero already."
"yeah, and that's why we're going in. don't worry though, we'll have backup, or i guess partners, that you'll love."
"what do you mean?"
"you'll see."
okay, where are we going anyways? you never take me on trains."
"oh, i didn't tell you? we're going to tokyo."
"tokyo? for what?"
i decided to take on a mission with best jeanist's agency. i told you you'd love it!"
"i'm going to kill you."
as she sat on the train next to mirko, her finger hovered over the notification from bakugo.
she had to face him eventually, and they had to talk, but she couldn't help but feel deeply embarrassed.
technically they did kiss.
her face felt hot.
"hey, who're you texting? your boyfriend."
"i'm not texting anybody and i don't have a boyfriend. stop asking questions when you know i'll answer!"
"okay okay.
so what're you doing then?"
"i'm debating whether or not to text katsuki back."
mirko's smug face took over as she snickered.
"shut up!"
[name] shoved her headphones on, maybe if she didn't hear her she wouldn't have to answer the questions.
the temporary solution did work, but mirko grew agitated that she wasn't answering her so
she took her phone right out her hands.
"mirko! hand it back!" [name] stood up immediately, her heart rate rising almost instantly as mirko held it in her iron grip. the headphones fell out her ears and her music was now blasting in the train,
she'd be publically embarrassed if they didn't have the car all to themselves, but she still just wanted her phone back.
"give it back mirko! i swear--"
"stop ignoring me, im your mentor y'know!"
they chased each other around the train car, [name] just barely behind mirko.
after about a minute of struggle, she tried negotiating.
"okay, just give it back-"
"no way-"
"why? is it because you're scared of me texting back your blasty little crush?"
"that's exactly why so hand it bac--"
they were cut off by a husky, sleepy voice.
"the fuck are you talking about?"
[name] eyed her phone in horror, and mirko did in surprise, mirko immediately threw the phone at [name] and ran to the other side of the train car.
[name] fumbled with it in her grip, until finally shakily holding the phone with one hand.
she was stunned into silence. this had to be a joke.
"hello? flower freak? you there?"
it wasn't just a joke?!
"hello? [name]?"
"i'm here-- fuck. i- uh-- gotta go!"
she cut him off as she declined the call. she looked at the duration of the call.
no way.
it went on for two minutes.
he heard her fight for her life over his messages to her for two minutes.
while she didn't explicitly explain who her crush was, mirko did.
[name] turned over to eye mirko, who was now sitting in a corner pretending to be nonchalantly whistling.
whatever. [name] wearily thought as she sat back down on a seat, picking up her headphones that had fallen out during the confrontation. she put on some music and mindlessly started hoping to anyone that'd hear her out that bakugo didn't hear mirko's remark.
the rest of the train ride wasn't that bad. mirko finally, begrudgingly, apologized for taking it to far, and promised to take [name] out to eat after the mission was over.
they sat next to eachother, mirko promising not to use the truth quirk against her again because of the incident that just occurred.
[name] appreciated the sentiment, but it wouldnt undo the months of late night pondering she'd have of this moment.
she got over it for the moment being, after about another fifteen minutes they finally were let out in Tokyo.
it was really pretty there, compared to musutafu, it was really lively too.
mirko guided them to a very fancy hotel where they'd be staying in one of the very highest floors.
they dropped their stuff off and got ready in their hero outfits.
they took a break to eat lunch, [name] laying out on the terrace of the huge hotel as mirko devoured a large salad next to her. she didn't know mirko meant they'd literally have the floor to themselves, but she wasn't complaining.
it was time for them to head out.
"okay, you ready flora?"
"yes i am prepared.
as ready as ever i guess."
"don't be like that! he probably didn't even hear-"
"we were yelling into the phone. he definitely heard."
"okay, and so what? he probably likes you back!"
"no way. just let it go mirko, we have to walk like two miles."
"fine, if you say so."
the walk to best jeanist's agency was actually fun for [name]. she got to walk through all the tourist traps, look around while mirko signed autographs, and even take a couple photos on her phone.
oh yeah, her phone. she had now twenty-two notifications from bakugo since the ordeal, including missed calls, texts, and even voicemails.
she didn't even open them, she knew she'd have to talk to him face to face anyways. she felt a pit of dread settle in her stomach, but looked up at the agency greeting both her and mirko.
they walked in.
⋆ ₊ ☽ ·˚𓍲 *⋆
They were greeted by one of Jeanist's many assistants, who guided them to a meeting room where a briefing was already taking place.
"we're late mirko?"
"yes, it's not my fault though, i did it all for the fans."
"...if you say so."
they walked into the meeting, [name] felt familiar red eyes following her as she settled into a seat next to mirko.
"okay, everyone's here. let's continue." jeanist declared, seemingly unbothered at mirko's tardiness.
[name] took a moment to look over the room. there were a couple other sidekicks, but the only U-A interns were her and katsuki.
she suddenly remembered she had to focus.
on the screen was a couple of locations marked in red circles, depicting different areas where heros reported being attacked by the group.
a lower ranked hero: blast-off, a hero with a rocket quirk, was murdered by said group, and his corpse was found in various places.
brutal. [name] thought.
"these villains aren't confident enough to attack higher ranked heroes such as mirko and i, they are currently planning on targeting another low-ranked hero on their route: genie." jeanist explained.
"what they don't know is that you will be waiting for them to attack genie, and step in as they reveal themselves. not even genie knows." an assistant added.
"wait, so they're basically bait?" [name] questioned.
"in a sense." jeanist replied. "if they knew, they'd likely act aloof and alert the villains. it's a necessary step."
"so, we set out tomorrow?" mirko questioned.
"no, you and i will go out patrolling the town discreetly. tomorrow we will go out accompanied by our interns, with my sidekicks on standby.
i understand you won't want your intern walking back to your arranged rooms alone, so after they go through some training here my assistant will make arrangements to take them."
"i'll go with them." katsuki finally spoke.
"it's settled then. mirko, please stay behind as we prepare for our afternoon scouting. dynamight, take flora to practice. do not push yourselves, understood?"
"understood." [name] replied, while bakugo grunted in agreement.
everyone went their separate ways. [name] was doing her best to act causally as she and katsuki walked side by side to the practice room.
"so, uh.. nice weather huh?"
"why have you been ignoring me?"
"what do you mean katsuki? you're acting so crazy right now."
"no, i'm not. you didn't even try to talk about what happened yesterday with me, and then you randomly fucking call me at six in the goddamn morning. and i overhear some argument between you and that bugs bunny wannabe, just for you to decline on me, dick move by the way.
so, what's your deal?
you've been acting off around me since sunday."
he let out a scoff, and jokingly said
"what, you got a crush on me or something?"
both their eyes widened as the words left her mouth. crap, the whole operation was done for!
"was that a joke?"
she quickly located the practice room that was just around the corner, and tried to speed walk away.
"are you being serious right now? [name]? [name] we're training together you can't get away!"
she stumbled into the training room.
her life was over, but she still had to train, unless she really wanted her life to be over when she fought those guys tomorrow.
katsuki lightly grabbed her shoulder and made her face him.
"[name] fucking talk to me! stop being so shitty and confusing! why won't you just tell me the truth?!"
"because i'm scared of rejection!"
"i'd never-- i wouldn't reject you. just tell me the truth."
she sighed heavily. she didn't really process his last words, but she decided to tell him.
about the quirk at least.
"okay, so, sunday right? i took a hit for mirko-"
"you're insane."
"let me finish! i took a hit from mirko and got hit by this quirk. it basically makes you tell the truth whenever anyone asks a question, and it lasts a week."
"why didn't you tell me?"
"i was scared."
"who knows?"
"mirko, denki, kirishima, mina, momo, jiro--"
"so everyone except me, huh? damn. and the thing about your 'problems'?"
"a real bad lie from denki."
"so what you said earlie--"
"let's train. i don't want to answer any of that now. and, about what i said earlier..
can i talk to you about it after the mission?"
katsuki's face scrunched up. the emotion he was displaying was incoherent. disgust? anger? rejection?
but he understood her. he always seemed to. after a swift nod, he said
"fine. let's fucking fight though."
the tenseness between them disappeared, replaced by a competitive energy.
"you're on!"
they trained til' the sun went down. they were pretty even in quirk matches, but [name] definitely needed to practice her general strength.
still, in their last match she managed to pin him down.
"remember when we did this the first time?"
"shut up."
they agreed to stop for the day, and kept their wins in mind.
[name]- 8
an even tie.
katsuki had opted to walk her home, so walk they did.
"if you're just gonna take a taxi back what was the point of walking me?"
"i just needed to talk to you, but we already talked it out earlier so it's fine i guess."
"oh. so, are you nervous for tomorrow?"
"nervous? why'd i be nervous? i'm destined to be number one, all these villains and missions and shit are just stepping stones to me."
"right, right. but they've killed like- pros. they hate heroes. and number one's like you."
"so, they could be dangerous."
"i'll kill em' and i'll protect you, so don't worry."
she let a small smile escape her lips, why'd he always know what to say?
"thanks katsuki."
"yeah whatever. go inside loser, it's past my bedtime."
"okay, okay. text me when you get back."
"will you actually open it or leave me hanging like a dumbass?"
"i will, unless i fall asleep."
"fuck off. bye."
he got into a taxi back across town, she went into the hotel and felt butterflies settle in her stomach.
she knew the operation would take a complete one-eighy at the news from today, so to spare herself mostly, she texted that 'we should postpone the operation for today, i'm beat.'
everyone texted back their agreements, seems everyone was weak from the day.
she tucked into bed, and checked over her texts one last time.
katsuki had texted her.
i got back to the agency
sleep well or whatever
read 10:37
sleep well katsuki!
see you tomorroww
man this truth quirk stuff is so easy.
these last four days are just gonna be a blur.
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taglist (comment to be added!): @cc1306 @reads-stuff-quietly @dazqa
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keelt9 · 20 days
Chapter 2
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Mom keeps talking about how happy she is that we finally spend time together after so many years, just like the old times.
She grabs my face. “Now the 9 years of difference are almost imperceptible.” 
“Mom! I don't look that old!” Lewis choked with his fruit.
“You wish you looked like this at my age.” He sat straight. I was about to speak but mom interrupted us. 
“Keep eating, keep eating.”
This week I'll be at our parents house, so Lewis can have a few days off from me.
A Wednesday night mom entered the kitchen where Jewel keeps at my side.
“How is the project going?” I'm buried in papers, madeleines and tea.
I scoff and take my glasses. “Good? I don't know, I never imagined this amount of responsibility.” 
Mom serves a cup of tea, and sits next to me.  “He said you're doing pretty well.” I scoff and watch the papers and empty pens, picking up all the things so we can talk calmly. 
“Next is?” I pat Jewel and gave her a piece of carrot which reject at the second bite. Lewis and his idea about trying to become her vegetarian, it's useless.
I’m melting like ice, if I thought the first day we arrived was hot I was clearly short about how hot the day of the race is.
“How much weight will he lose?” I asked the doctor who weighs Lewis and George.
“Between 4 or 5 kilos.” I opened my eyes. “Maybe 6.”
“SIX?! Oh my word!” Lewis laughed and set properly his race suit one more time. “Drive safe, all right?” He nods and kisses my cheek.
I walk to the hospitality area, 50 minutes until the race begins although I see Checo chatting with Yuki, a casual talk in the way both are laughing. This time Red Bull is in front of Mclaren and Mercedes next to them. 
Checo saw me and waved his hand, so I walked closer to greet him properly.
“Hi. Yuki have you met Y/N?” Yuki made a small bow and I did the same. “She is Lewis sister.” 
Yuki opened his eyes, like he just knew a big secret.
“How are you?” Checo asks me, I move my hand trying to have a fresh breeze of air.
“Melting, but I'm fine.” Both giggle.  
Yuki is the first young driver I officially met, beside George of course. “It's your first time in the paddock?”
Checo saw me with pressed lips. “Kind of.” It’s a half honest answer. “I'm dying to be in Japan, that definitely will be my first time.”
Yuki smiles as we get involved in a deep talk about food and places I should visit in the few days we'll be there.
“It’s hot, definitely hot.” We turn around and see Max walking right to us. “Morning Yuki, Y/N.” 
I don't want to be rude with Yuki so I cut the conversation as friendly as I can. “I count on you for that, all right?” 
Yuki nodded and I said goodbye to them bumping fists with Checo.
“What did I say this time?” Max says it almost right to my face. Checo laughs and pat his teammate back.
“You’re on the darkside, mate.” Max bluffs but raises his voice as I walk away.
“FINE! IT DOESN'T MATTER!” I roll my eyes when I enter the hospitality building. 
A tricky race, Lewis fought until the last lap but just reached the sixth position. It hasn't been his weeks and he knows it by the way he goes down this car and walks slowly to the garage.
This time I took a risk and waited for him at the back of the garage, even here I could hear the noise of camera shots, reporters and all the talks from the mechanics.
Lewis was surprised I was there. “Hey.” I smile and give him a small push, making just the faith of a smile appear on his face. 
“You get back, don’t pressure yourself too much.” He just nods and keeps walking to change his clothes, definitely mad about his performance.
By the time we arrived at the hotel Lewis put on his best facade during the day and tried to fool us but the one who knew him, saw something was going on.
“What do you want for dinner?” He asked me as we left the paddock.
“Actually, I prefer rest, tomorrow I have an early flight and I still have things to work on.” I’m hungry but I know he always chooses to make me company when actually he's dying from a proper rest.
Lewis is about to complain but I grab his hand on the SUV. “It’s ok, I eat a lot in the hospitality and I always can order room service.” He laid back in the seat. “Just rest, all right?”
I don't lie, I kept working on some drawings until my stomach started to growl, but I needed fresh air, so I took my purse and phone and went out for dinner.
After a quick research online I found myself waiting on a food truck for a burrito and a lemonade, with the ocean at my back and a humid ambient.
“Here you have. Enjoy your food.” A young woman gave me my order, I thanked her sitting in one of the benches they have.
It’s a peaceful night of course with a Grand Prix this morning, you can hear from time to time chattings about the drivers, the race and the results.
“I'm telling you, it was insane!” A man is walking hand in hand with a girl, who is thrilled as him, for the way she makes little jumps and talks with her hands.
“It will be out of this world, be this close to a car.” She narrows the distance of her fingers.
I scoff as I clean my fingers after finishing my dinner, even in the most random place people agree with Max.
I go back walking to the hotel, just a 20 minute walk; I need to do the last adjustment before I leave. I was talking with the receptionist when loud laughs and mumblings distract me.
Carlos, Charles, Lando, George and Max enter the hotel making the few people still up late at night and staff members look at them.
“Miss?” The receptions remind me of what we were talking about. 
I asked her to please wake me up at 4 am, and disobey Lewis' order, they don’t wake him up. I take full responsibility for him not getting upset leaving a handwritten note. 
“Sorry.” I ended up writing the note and gave it to her. “Thank you so much.” The girl smiles at me before I take my phone and walk, seeing the photos of Nicola with the kids and Roscoe.
Until I almost hit my face with the floor of the lobby.
“Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen to you tonight.” I didn’t even notice the fast reaction of Max grabbing my left arm. 
The half twisted smile and the fact he's holding too to a chair, make me take my arm from his hand.
“I'm fine, thanks.” Max stares at Charles who has a red face almost like a tomato, sitting in the chair.
“Long legs, you almost make a girl fall, that's rude.” I refuse to get involved in this so I start to walk to the elevator.
“Wait, I'll take you to your room.” Max panicked and corrected himself. “To the door of your room, not inside of your room, at the frame of your door.”
I bluff, he's definitely drunk and the only one staying alone there; Charles, is talking with a girl who is coming for him. 
I want to leave him there, I truly want to, but the half closed eyes and the fact he believes he is the savior when I easily could get in trouble, makes me doubt.
I clicked the bottom for the elevator but he sits on the chair.
“Goodness gracious.” I whisper to myself before walking back and pull him to the elevator. 
He looks at me with his eyes as open as possible, still I didn't even say a word. 
The 10 floors seem eternal as the elevator goes up, I keep tipping the floor with my feet as it could make it go faster, getting distracted when I feel Max is sliding.
I complain internally about dad always teaching us help every time you can. I grabbed his arm and put it around me, at least he could lean on me. 
“Which one is your floor?” The smell of whisky is perceptible. 
“What? No, no, I'll take you. You're the one who almost got hurt.” I clicked my tongue; discussing with him is harder, now, being drunk could be a pain.
“Ok, at least you should tell me, just in case I need more help.” My words are pure irony.
He sighs and a rumble laugh comes out of him along with a. “Smart girl.” 
My giggle is an honest one. “Yes, I know.” 
When we reach the 12th floor Max keeps mumbling things about the race, the night and why he “thinks” he’s probably drunk. 
“Ok, which one is yours?” I practically dragged him out of the elevator begging no one else where in the hallway. 
He splits and leans on the wall. “No, no, no. You first.” He highcough, still I know I have to be patient.
“Why don’t we go to your room, calm and then you could leave on mine? If you throw up, at least I prefer to be in your room.” He scoffs but nods.
“Omg, Max?” I feel my blood turn cold when I hear another voice. “I thought you would say any drinks tonight.” A man runs to him and holding him avoids him crashing on the floor.
“It was the plan, just…” He plays with his fingers before grabbing the man shirt. “A few.” 
“Let’s go, I’ll take you to your room.” But Max splits and points to me.
“No, we almost made this young girl fall, I must leave her in her room safe.” Finally the man noticed my existence and smiled in an apologetic way.
“I’m sorry, but one of the girls called to the reception about Max making a scene in the lobby but when I arrived he was already gone.” The man extended his hand. “I’m Harry, teammate of Max.”
I take his hand. “Y/N Hamilton.” He blinked rapidly.
“Y/N Ham… Hamilton. Lewis sister?” He mumbled, still Max answered for me.
“His little sister, to be more clear.” Harry threw lethal eyes to him.
“You made Lewis little sister carry you up here in these conditions?” Max nods slowly and makes me smile. “Oh, right, I almost forgot, almost made her fall.”
“Fuck yeah.” Max answers and walks where I still was standing.
“No, no, let’s go Max, you need to lay down.” Harry tries to grab him but he already has his arm around my shoulders holding me tight. 
It’s obvious he won’t let go of his nonsense of leaving in my room. 
“Hey Max, let’s do what I propose, all right? Then you could leave in my room.” In his condition, as soon as he touches his bed he falls asleep. Harry watches us unsure however follows us until his room.
Inside I walked with him to his bed as Harry closed the door and ordered a strong coffee to his room. When we reached the border of his bed I carefully made him sit but he fell backwards and closed his eyes, like I predicted.
I was about to leave him when he spoke, turning to his left side. “Y/N, you’re pretty strong you know that?” 
His words left me surprised with a strange sensation of pride. Harry enters and apologizes one more time, saying he takes care of him.
“Thanks Y/N. Most of the people will leave him, making sure they win a good post on their feeds.” I nod before walking out of the room, this time after 20 minutes I arrive at my room.
By the time I was about to get in the plane, I received a text from Lewis complaining that I must wait for him to at least he take me to the airport but I calmed him down saying I take one of his boys to do that.
“Try to have fun, ok?” I keep reading his text before entering the house.
After my no-wedding I barely see my friends, I feel so ashamed and embarrassed even though there were just a few ones who used it all the “momentum” against me. This is the first time I came to a birthday party fully convinced.
“It's nice you came Y/N, thanks.” Thomas hugs me after I finally get the chance to talk to him, he’s the birthday boy.
“Oh my, look who’s here!” The voice of Hanna or I must say the scream makes Thomas sigh and I tense my whole body.
“I’m sorry but even if I tried, she always is in the wrong moment.” 
I take a deep breath before facing one more time my “best friend” who tactfully reminded me after and during 5 months of my broken heart.
“Go, I can deal with her.” Thomas is about to speak but it's his birthday, the last thing he needs is stress on his day. “I’m fine.” 
Thomas nods and walks away as Hanna comes closer, a drink in her hand and poison accumulation in her mouth.
“My girl, it’s been what? 9 or 10 months since we saw you?” Both of us know the last time she saw me it’s the day after my wedding. “And you barely reply to my texts.” 
“Yes, I've been kind of bussy.” I play with the ice of my drink to avoid making eye contact.
Hanna fake a compressive smile, predicting something she will say. “I can imagine after a failure like an almost wedding, there are a thousand things to do.” 
Even now she gets under my skin so easily.
“I sent you the invitation for my party but you didn't reply or anything like that.” She takes a sip of her drink.
“You know, it's the 21st century, when something is unwanted, hateful or something like that the mail goes right to the spam.” I turn around to see Mika challenge her.
Mika is a friend from the college who Hanna always told me it’s a witch, I guess it was her reflection in the mirror. 
“Mika, nice to see you.” Hanna said, trying to kill her with her eyes.
“I love to say the same but…” Mika eats his olive and smiles. “It’s stressful to see you.”
Hanna scoffs but I learn something about Mika all the months she helps me pack and making sure I barely see people who were enjoying seeing me that hurt, she doesn’t leave a prayer alive.
“But hey! Don’t worry, I’m not the only one who thinks the same here.” Hanna takes a deep breath before leaving us.
I take out all the air I’ve counted and smile at Mika. “Thanks.”
She smiles. “She’s been hunting you since she arrived, I was at the backyard with the food but Thomas gives heads up.” She takes the last sip of his martini. “Nevermind her, let’s party all night.”
I spent the night talking with friends, drinking and enjoying the night dancing, until the clock marked 2:37 am, and my legs screamed for rest. 
I say goodbye to everyone leaving Thomas and Mika at the end. “Thank you for inviting me.” I hug Thomas at his door. 
“Thanks for coming, hey, when you’re in town give us a call, any plan could come out.” He smiles at me.
“And if you need something for the refuge, we love to help.” Mika said, almost dragging her words.
I was about to get in the cap when unlucky Hanna realized I was about to leave. 
“Y/N make sure at least just pass another 4 months until we see you again.” The bloody wink makes my blood boil. 
The next morning I was received in the kitchen with an aspirin, and a black coffee.
“Long, funny night?” Dad smiles at me with a newspaper in his hands.
I cover my eyes with a napkin. “How can people do this every weekend?” 
Dad chuckles and I hear the slow but heavy steps in the wood floor along the gasp, Roscoe is coming.
“Hi, baby.” I carness his head as he closes his eyes. “Wait a little bit more and you’ll be with me.” 
After the race in Italy, I already talked with Lewis about taking Roscoe a week earlier before the race in Monaco, a little help and a needed backup for the team. 
“Me?” Dad asks standing to prepare the breakfast, I roll my eyes and clarify.
“Us, you’ll be with us.” I sat on the floor and gave a kiss to him. “Let’s keep a secret, I'm your favorite.” 
I arrived the night before the race, I had two visit schedules for seeing apartments and made it impossible for me to leave until the night; that’s why I don’t see my brother until early morning, indeed early morning.
“Morning.” I appeared at the restaurant of the hotel where he and Bottas were having breakfast before getting ready to go to the paddock.
“Oh, hi, I thought I’ll see you in the paddock.” I kiss his cheek before giving a hug to Bottas. 
“I’m hungry.” I joke as I sit with them, Bottas giggles and calls for the waitress.
“Something doesn't change.” We looked at him with curious eyes. “For winning something with his young lady, food is a shortcut.” 
Lewis laughs nodding incessantly. “I couldn't agree more.”
Arriving at the paddock when the drivers are doing the same, is total chaos, people, reporters and cameras all over the place, it’s like an obstacle race.
I walked to the Mercedes hospital next to Red Bull and in front of Ferrari, my eyes were stuck on my phone, when I felt someone soft touch.
I lift my eyes and I recognize the girl in front of me, the same that picked up Chalres. “Hi.”
“Hi, I’m Alexandra, Charles' girlfriend.” I nod, but don’t say another word. “I want to apologize for leaving you alone the other night.”
Oh I got it. “Oh, no worries, it’s ok.” I smile honestly as I put my hand on her arm.
“I hope someone went fast to help you, I tried to go back but Charles was a little bit of a troublemaker that night.” Well, at least I wasn’t the only one with that situation. 
I laughed and shook my head. “You’re the one who called to pick him?” Alexandra nods. “Thank you, and yeah, someone help me.”
“Great! I think I'm seeing you around right?” I realized I didn't introduce myself. 
“We could say that, I’m Lewis sister, Y/N.” She smiles but we were interrupted by Charles, who has an embarrassed expression.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” He giggles and covers his face with his hands. “I’m so embarrassed with you.” 
Alexandra giggles, it's obvious the love in her eyes. “When Alex told me what happened…” He sighs. “I’m sorry.”
I shake my head, containing the laugh. “It’s ok, don’t worry, I understand, great race.” 
“Max wasn't that drunk.” Alexandra plays with him, making him raise his eyebrow. “She’s in fact Lewis sister.” 
“Oh, he's definitely going to throw up this time.” Charles noticed the confusion on my face. “When Aelx told us what happened, Max said he had blurry memories of you helping him but we thought it’s the hangover, clearly it’s not.”
“Talking about the king of Rome.” Alexndra points to Max who’s coming out of Red Bull hospitality. 
When I turn around I see a red Max walking… dragging his feets to us, the blue t-shirt just makes the redness intensify.
“Am, Y/N?” Rosa calls me to appear at the door. “Your brother is looking for you.” I nod but the fact I don’t move makes her say one more thing. “Like, now.”
I open my eyes and before Max reaches us I apologize to them and wish Charles a good race, running inside as she holds the door for me.
“Making friends?” She smiles at me as I walk inside and put an arm around me.
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acewritesfics · 10 months
Lost Love | Tommy Shelby
Request: No.
Warnings: Mentions of death, murder, going off to war, grief, guilt. Angst. Italics - Flashbacks.
Word count: 665
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"She died two months ago, Tommy," the words echo in his ears as he stands in front of a grave belonging to someone very special to him. "A drunk had been brought into the emergency room. He stabbed her twice, one of which punctured an artery. She died from blood loss before they could get her to the operating theatre." 
Y/N's mother had informed him of the death of her daughter, his first and only love, when he went to visit her two hours ago. In that moment his heart had shattered even more than it was from the war. 
With his head bowed and blue eyes tightly closed trying to stop the tears from forming, he relives the memory of the last time he'd seen and spoken to her in person. 
"Thomas Shelby, don't you ever forget about me," Y/N tells the young man who she loves more than anyone else. She is proud but heartbroken to see him in his uniform, ready to fight for his country. There had been no way for her to stop him from enlisting, his pride and the thought of being labelled a coward if he didn't go weighed heavily on him as well as his eagerness for a fight, a lot of that having to do with how they were raised.  She feared for his safety and his life. Standing on the platform of the train station, saying her goodbyes to him, she gets a sinking feeling that this would be the last time she sees him in person. 
"I'll never forget you, Y/N," he promises her. "After all, you're the one I intend to spend the rest of my life with." 
He takes her left hand in his hand and kisses her on the fingers, right where her engagement ring sits. They were supposed to marry in six months, but then the war was announced, and they couldn't find anybody to marry them in the short time they had left together before he departed for France. All the men who had lovers seemed to be getting married before leaving. 
"I promise, the first thing we'll do when I get back is to get married. Nothing would make me happier than to call you my wife." 
Y/N smiles fondly at her fiancée before delicately kissing him. "Just promise me you'll come home." 
"I promise," he whispers before slamming his lips to hers, pulling her tight against him, savouring every inch of her, also sensing that this was the last time they'll be this close. He eventually steps back and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you, Y/N." 
"And I love you, Tommy," she says sadly as she kisses him one last time, tasting their salty tears mixed together before he boards the train. 
"I'm sorry, love," Tommy whispers as he opens his eyes, looking down at Y/N's headstone. "I'm so fucking sorry. I should have been here for you, given you everything I promised. I would have made so much money that you would not have needed to work. Maybe you'd still be here if that happened instead.  You deserve more than this." 
He holds the engagement ring he gave her between his fingers. "I kept my word and returned to you. Now it's your turn to assure me that you'll be there to greet me when my time is up." 
Tommy kneels to create a small hole in the ground. He kisses the ring, and then places it inside the hole before covering it up. Standing back up, he looks at her headstone again . "I'll never forget you, Y/N. I love you. That will never end." 
He turns and walks out of the graveyard. As he stands next to his car and raises his head to the sky, he feels a tender kiss land on his cheek. It was Y/N assuring him that she would honor her promise. That one day, when his turn comes, she'll be there waiting for him. 
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xetswan · 5 months
Unknown- Maria
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[five] [six] [seven]
We're now outside, by we I mean Bella, Alice, Edward, Jasper and Carlisle. "How long?" Edward questions Alice.
"They'll be here in four days." She answers him. "This could turn into a bloodbath." Carlisle speaks. "Who's behind it?" My sister's boyfriend asks. "I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one..." She thinks back to her vision.
"I know his face. He's local, Riley Biers." Edward looks over to my sister after he reads Alice's mind. "He didn't start this."
"Whoever did is staying out of the action." Alice informs them. "They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision." Carlisle tells her. I try to think of who's doing this.
"Either way the army is coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town." Jasper speaks up this time. "Hold up. What damn army?" Jacob jumps into our conversation. I watch as Carlisle and Edward share a look. Edward shakes his head but Carlisle goes with his decision instead.
"Newborns. Our kind." He tells the wolf. "What are they after?" Embry asks, looking in between us. "They were passing around Bella and [Name]'s scent. A red blouse and a black sweater." Alice tells the boy.
"They're after Bella and [Name]?"
"What the hell does this mean?" Jacob questions. "It means an ugly fight. With lives lost." Carlisle retorts sadly. "Alright... we're in." The wolf tells us. "No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way." Bella disagrees.
"I wasn't asking for permission." He shrugs.
"Edward." My sister looks back to her boyfriend who actually agrees with the other teen. "It means more protection for you."
"Jacob." She pleads. "Do you believe Sam will agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asks. "As long as we get to kill some vampires." He grins in a disgusting manner.
"Jasper?" We then all turned to my boyfriend who was thinking. "They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know they even exist. That'll give us an edge." He enlightens us.
"We'll need to coordinate." The doctor says. "Carlisle they're gonna get hurt." Bella frowns, but no one pays attention to her. "We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us. Alright?" The man tells Jacob who smiles with a nod.
"Name the time and place."
Bella goes after Jacob, Quil and Embry as we stay outside.
I hold myself thinking about how this is going to go down. I know I have the leverage, I'll be fine. But I'm worried about the others, and the wolves. Thinking about little Seth getting hurt just leaves a harsh taste in my mouth.
"[Name], we need to talk to you about something. Jasper, Alice you guys as well." Edward starts, Carlisle has a solemn expression across his face and Emmett even looks serious.
"Hmm?" I look up to them. Alice and Jasper have the same confused looks on their faces as I do. "[Name] may need to go into her wolf form. They're looking for her. The wolf form would protect the scent." Carlisle tells us, I furrow my eyebrows, not expecting this conversation.
"I don't know about that." I shake my head. "I haven't held my wolf form for longer than 5 minutes and it was one time." I argue with their statement. "That's why we're going to take these four days to train with the wolves." Edward tells me and I take a breath in, still shaking my head.
I know I talked about it with Alice and Jasper but turning into a wolf means this whole hybrid thing is actually real. I mean I know it is I can eat now and be in the sun but this is different. This sets it up to a whole new level. "I don't know if I can do it, Edward." I tell him honestly.
"[Name] I can understand how you feel but this will protect you in the fight. It will catch them off guard." He places a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me but I just continue to feel tense and against it. Another hand goes to my other shoulder.
"We'll be there with you, it's okay." Alice encourages me, Jasper nodding along with her. I sigh. "Okay."
Emmett gets flung through the air, landing hard on his back but springing back up to face Jasper who threw him. I stand behind Alice, hugging her as we watch them spar with Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie. Edwards' Volvo coming to a halt next to Jasper's Jeep. Him and Bella climbing out, heading into the field together.
"They're here." Edward stops, we all look to the treeline. I tense up, beginning to let go of Alice but she keeps a hold on me. Eight large wolves walk out of the forest. They're on edge, wary just like the rest of us.
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward tells us. "They came. That's what matters." Carlisle smiles. "Will you translate?" Carlisle asks his 'son'. "Hey, Jake. Welcome." Edwad tells the red-brown wolf. "Jasper has experience with newborns.
He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle says. "They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translates for the wolves.
"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." The man explains, the wolves taking it and then he looks over to my boyfriend to take over. He hesitantly steps forward.
"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett? Don't hold back." He points over to the large man who smirks.
"Not in my nature." Then Emmett charges at Jasper with impossible speed but Jasper is practically a blur when he moves out of the way.
Emmett lunges several times, but his arms just grab at the air. Jasper stops for a quick moment. "Never lose focus. One more thing, never turn your back on your enemy." Emmett lunges again but the same thing happens but then he suddenly freezes as Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmett's throat.
It was pretty hot watching my boyfriend in action.
Everyone takes turns sparring with Jasper, except me. I'm just watching what he does. Observing his every move.
Alice and Jasper spar, something I was anticipating excitedly. It's been attractive just watching Jasper but both of them. That's like my biggest fantasy I didn't even know I had. They were basically dancing at how swift they both were. Alice called his every move. Seeing it before he makes them then out of nowhere she jumps down from a branch and perches on his back, kissing his cheek.
"Gotcha." She smiles before jumping down.
Edwarrd and Carlisle attack one another now. Jasper tells them what they need to focus on.
I make eye contact with Sam, obviously in his wolf form. I purse out my lips.
Knowing that he's probably the best one to go to about my wolf form. I whisper to Alice about what I'm doing before I do it.
She takes my hand in hers before I walk away. "Be careful." She kisses the top of my hand. "Always." I smile, walking away already missing the touch of her hand.
I go up to Sam, he takes a step back but I stop him.
"Can we... God, I don't even want to do this. Can we talk?" I ask him, he lets out a huff, looking at his pack but then moving his head to follow him into the woods.
I walk behind him and then when we are deep enough I observe around us.
He looks like he's going to shift back but I put a finger up to tell him not to. I focus on what I'm doing.
Feeling the heat emit off of my body. And as I shift into my wolf form I feel my clothes rip.
Mentally cursing remembering that was going to happen after it did.
"You said you weren't going to use your wolf form, what happened?" He questions me immediately. I roll my eyes.
"The Cullens, they thought it was a good idea. Said it will protect me since the newborns won't know who I am and it hides me actual scent." I inform him, he walks around me and I just stand still. It's weird being on all fours. This whole situation is just weird.
"What do you need help with?" He asked me. "I need to learn how to fight in this form. I- can I try something?" I get in front of him. "Uh sure."
I focus as I look at him, just wanting to know. I watch his form get a little weaker. "What are you doing? What did you do to me?" He questioned me, his form was panting suddenly as if he had been running.
"My vampire ability. It's taking peoples energy or their ability they possess after turning. Seems like I can do it as a wolf too." I laugh, now getting excited. "Maybe warn a person next time you do that." He huffs. I chuckle.
"Will you help me?" I ask, tilting my head. This is where it goes silent. "I guess. It's important we win but no more of that... whatever that shit is called." He tells me and I laugh.
"Of course." I say. I then stare at him, his eyes finding their way to mine as well. "I'm sorry [Name]. I truly and honestly am." He tells me in a sincere tone. I look at the ground.
"Why'd you do it?" I ask.
"I wanted you. I wanted you to be mine. It was selfish, childish even. I could tell you were forever going to want those bloodsuckers. No offense." He pauses before continuing on when I don't say anything. "When they wrote that letter and I read it. I knew if you read it, that you immediately would've dropped everything to join them. I didn't want to lose you but I lost you in every way imaginable with that decision. I'll regret it for a while." He exclaims, his gaze never left the sight of me. I let out a shaky breath.
"Thank you." I say.
"For the explanation. I can't get myself to forgive you right now but slowly. You're getting there." I walk up to him, nudging him with my snout.
"This is weird though." I changed the subject. "Being an animal. It doesn't feel right." I chuckle.
"It's a strange feeling but you get used to it." He tells me.
It grows quiet. "I should get going. I uh, have to get to Alice and Jasper." I begin to walk away. He doesn't say anything in return so I continue to go back home.
I wait outside the Cullen's house, I don't want to transform back without having some change of clothes. I lay on the porch in front of the door.
Moments go by and I finally hear voices. Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett are talking to one another. Laughing about something. I lift my head up but stay still. They spotted me and at first glance they were cautious but Jasper immediately recognized me.
He throws his sweater off, covering me as I transition back into my normal form. He has his body cover me as I throw the sweater on. It goes to my mid thigh.
"I hated that." I laugh to myself stretching out my limbs. Alice immediately pulls me into her arms, standing on her tiptoes. "You did amazing!" She compliments me, I furrow my eyebrows. "I barely did anything?"
"Well you did it and that's enough." She kisses me.
"Oh, okay." I smile. "Thank you." I peck her lips one more time. She lets me go to go back to talking to Rosalie and Emmett. I looked over to Jasper who was now only wearing a plain t-shirt.
"You look handsome." I tell him, playing with his hair. He rolls his eyes playfully as he attempts to stop his smile.
"I'm serious, seeing you fight the others... It did something for me." I fan myself acting as if I was hot. He lets out a scoff while smirking.
"It was a real..." I quiet my tone. "Turn on." I whisper, kissing his ear. His hands go to my sides, gripping them, making me laugh.
The next day, Bella and I were sitting on the hood of Edward's Volvo. Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmet left in the Jeep. Jasper approaches us, kicking the mud from his shoes.
"Jasper, are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?" Bella asks my boyfriend.
"Your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns. Their hunting instinct will take over, driving them crazy." He explains her part in everything. "Good. I'm glad. Hey, how do you know so much about this?" She asks and I forgot she never knew about his background. Or really much about my past lives or anything.
"I didn't have quite the upbringing as my adopted siblings." He sighs, he takes my hand and begins to walk away.
Bella followed behind us. He pauses to see her inquiring look. He lets my hand go to roll up his sleeve. Showing her his arm that's feathered with a bunch of white half-moon shaped marks.
"Those bites are like mine." She looks down to her wrist.
"Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me... it was useless against the newborns. Still, I never lost a fight." He smiles softly.
"This has happened during the Civil War?" My sister questioned him. He nods, taking my hand once again. "I was the youngest major in the Texas cavalry. All without having seen any real battle." He exclaims.
"Until I met a certain immortal. Maria." I feel him stiffen up from even saying her name.
"I was riding back to Galveston, a few towns over from my own, where [Name] was with our families. After evacuating a column of women and children. When I saw her." He doesn't make eye contact with Bella but she furrows her eyebrows glancing over to me.
"I'll explain later." I mouth.
"I immediately offered her my air. She was with two others." He says. "She told me I'd be a great use to her. Telling me she hoped I survived." He stops walking, the memory washing over him. His hand squeezing mine.
"Maria was creating an army?" Bella tilts her head, sitting on a fallen log.
"They were very common in the South. And cost a brutal battle for territory." He tells her before continuing. "Maria won them all. She was smart, careful. And she had me. I was the second in command. My abilities to control emotions served her well."
"I trained her newborns. An endless occupation since she never let them live beyond their first year. It was my job to dispose of them. I could feel everything they felt." He grimaces at the thought of what he did back then. My thumb gently rubs his hand.
"Maria would tell me she was a friend and was going to bring me to my wife, [Name] and our child. That they were safe and made me her puppet along the way. She pulled the strings and I had to do these things... until  a man told me about what happened to [Name] I..." He stops himself but I nod my head, encouraging him to go on.
"I left Maria, did some horrible things to [Name]'s murderer. He was older of course, almost 80 at that point. I almost did worse things until Alice found me. She had seen what I did and she knew [Name] well another life [Name] held." He explains everything, Alice appears next to us.
"Both liked to keep me waiting." She smiles staring up at us.
"My apologies, ma'am. I don't know what I'd have done become without Alice." He sadly says, looking at me as Aliee wrapped her arms around him.
"You'll never have to be that again. We're together, forever now." She kisses us both.
I observe Bella as she takes everything in.
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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cannibalsrider · 5 months
Can you write some fluff with the haikyuu boys (mainly Atsumu, Kuroo, Oikawa and Akaashi) laying on readers chest?? Just some good ol fluff🌚
yes omg ^.^ id lobe to idk if I was supposed to pick but on a Tsumu kick rn but ill def do a pt2 with the other three gonna do him based off of dif songs I can see him putting in playlists for his partner
ft: atsumu miya x mangaka!gn reader
warnings: nothing just pure fluff
a/n. this was a bit short cus i was procrastinating a bit and flipping back and fourth between this and my crochet project but I hope u like it annon^.^
Cuddling with a six-foot setter wasn't easy, but cuddling with Atsumu Miya felt like being draped with a weighted blanket, his bleach-blonde hair tucked under my chin as we scrolled through TikTok, watching fan edits of us. "They've been picking good songs for the edits they make of you recently, Tsum," I mumbled, looking down at the half-asleep man resting on my chest. "Mhm, you're probably the one giving them all those ideas from your Spotify," he muttered back as I ran my hand through his hair. "You're the one who kept talking about it when the reporter asked you about your workout playlist," I quipped, placing a small kiss atop his head. "Now all people like to say about us is that I made you listen to all the sweet stuff," I said sarcastically as I played with the hair resting at the back of his neck.
"Because you're the one making me all sweet just for your enjoyment," he responded, his sleepy voice making me want to laugh. He sounded like he was drowning in the thought of wanting to sleep but tried his hardest to stay awake so we could have some form of time together since he had been busy all day with another game. If he had asked me who they had played, I could honestly not tell, with the fact that he had looked like a focused puppy on his way to get a win in tug of war against another dog.
"Yeah, mhm, not like you didn't tell me to add The Smiths on there, saying that it reminded you of us," I huffed with a small laugh. As we stayed quiet for a moment, it felt like nothing was moving around us, like it was our second year again and he was sneaking into my bedroom window and me holding him after an especially long day. Atsumu Miya was like a big golden retriever when it was just us, nothing to do about volleyball or a chapter I had to complete for my editor. It was just the calm silence of our bedroom with the white noise of the Tokyo streets. I sometimes wondered, would we be like this in every universe, laying here, his head tucked under my chin as we watched videos of him on my phone? It felt silly in a way, thinking that maybe we would, and that we'd always find our way to each other, even if times got hard. I'd always find him.
"Tsum?" I said, my voice soft as I spoke. "Hm," he mumbled, tracing shapes absentmindedly against my collarbone. "Do you think we would be soulmates in every universe like how we are now?" I asked, not even sure if he'd answer or not, but I felt his head lift ever so slightly to look at me as he spoke. "You're gonna be my partner in every life and universe, even when we're old and grey, and you do that little knitting thing with the yarn and have grandkids, we'll still be together torturing Samu," he responded, earning a laugh as he kissed me. It felt like it always did, like I was sixteen again, kissing him for the first time in his room because we thought it would be better to practice kissing with each other so whenever we got our own partners, we didn't look silly.
"I hope Samu knows we'll become more insufferable with time," I mumbled against his lips as I turned my phone off. His head fell right back to its original position, sprawled out all over me as if he was my personal blanket. "He'll know, I can tell," he responded with a small smile.
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
we never go out of style || c.f.
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words: 3.0k
synopsis : things were always rocky for conrad and you. after the whole break up, will everything be the same the year later? or will it all turn to shit.
"Good morning, Y/N" Susannah said as she entered my room.
I got up almost instantly, "Oh god, am I late?" I asked.
She laughed a little, "No, you're fine, don't worry."
Susannah hopped onto my bed, looking at me with a cute smile, "Are you ready for your big day."
I shook my head no, "Nope."
"Oh yes you are." She said to me.
"But what if I trip? Or I step on Jeremiah's foot?" I asked.
"You won't, just hold onto Jeremiah." She said, laughing a little, "He won't let you fall."
I laughed a little as well, "That's true."
"You know..." Susannah began, "I still don't know how you got him to be your escort. He swore up and down that he'd never go to any of these things."
I laughed a little.
"Well, he'd do anything for you." She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "They both would."
My smile faltered a little, as I looked around my room, avoiding eye contact with Susannah.
"Everything okay?" Susannah asked.
I nodded quickly, "Yeah."
"Did I push you into this?" Susannah asked, "You can tell me the truth."
"Um... maybe a little at first, but. I really don't mind, I just want to make you happy."
Susannah sighed a little, "Look, honestly, we don't even need to go tonight if you don't want to, okay?"
"No, no, I want to go." I said, smiling up at her. "And I'm kind of excited for people to see me."
Susannah smiled as she placed out foreheads together.
"I love you so much beautiful girl." She said as she held back tears. "Okay um. When they take your photograph, remember to say prune! It'll make your cheekbones look divine." Susanna said.
"Prune?" I asked, trying to see if it would work.
"It's an old trick I learned from Madonna... or was it the Olsen twins?" Susannah said, trying to figure out where she had learned this from.
She hopped off my bed, "Okay, meet me downstairs. There's a surprise for you." She smiled.
I sighed looking at the dress hanging up on my door. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but if Susannah wanted me to wear it, I was more than happy to.
I walked downstairs, not really knowing what to expect. In the living room, stood Susannah, Laurel, and Belly, showing off a beautiful dress. No, they were showing off the dress.
"You got me the dress I wanted?" I said, almost speechless as a large smile grew on my face.
I looked at all of three of them, my mind blown.
"Thank you!" I laughed as I walked up to them.
I gave all three of them the biggest hugs I have ever given anyone in my life.
I finished getting a somewhat more normal outfit on as I made my way into the kitchen where Belly was.
"Hey, Good morning. Um, I picked up some of the muffins that you liked." Conrad said immediately as I walked in, placing them on the counter.
"I-um, I'm not really hungry actually. Thank you, though."
"Oh, girls, you should get going." Susannah announced. "Oh and everyone, stay out of the family room. I've done all of the paintings and tonight we'll have the big unveiling."
Susannah gave the boys a number of things to carry to the Laurel's car.
"Laurel, aren't you coming?" I asked as I put my shoes on.
"I'm going with Susannah, I was thinking Belly could drive you guys?"
Belly and I turned to each other and screamed loudly as she took the keys from her mom.
Belly ran out first as her mom gave me orders to have Belly follow. I raced out of the kitchen.
"Hey." Conrad called out to me.
I stopped in my tracks, "Yeah?"
"Break a leg."
I gasped, "That'd be horrible. I'm supposed to be dancing all night."
Conrad stammered, "I just.. I meant, um, I just mean good luck. It's like, a thing, people, um, say." He rambled.
I laughed a little as he tried to fix his sentence.
"For what it's worth, Jere was the right choice." Conrad said.
"Yeah, uhm, I know." I said awkwardly, before leaving.
Jere leaned against Laurel's car as Belly had already started the engine.
"Don't be nervous, we'll be the best waltzers out there." He joked.
"I'm not nervous. But also, I'm sorry about the volleyball game, I just was really competitive."
"No, It's fine, I understand." He laughed.
"Thank you, Jere." I gave him a big hug before walking into Bell's car.
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Belly and I walked into the room together, and it was hectic.
Girls running around trying to get their hair and makeup done. Some not as shaved as they would like and others giving up and resting in their bra's.
"You guys are here!" Shayla exclaimed, her hairs in large rollers.
We hung up our dresses as we said hi to Shayla.
"Come, I've saved you guys spots."
My chair was besides Nicole's who didn't bother to say anything to me.
"You guys should really talk." Shayla said as she looked between us.
"Nicole, I'm really really sorry." I said.
"For what? Conrad? I'm over it, I'm here with someone else." She said. Though, her voice did sound a little passive agressive.
"Nicole, I never meant for that to happen and I know it's dumb and it means absolutely nothing, but I've liked him since I was a little girl. And I thought I got over him last year, but I guess I didn't fully and I distanced myself from him as much as I could. I'm really really sorry." I explained.
"We can't help that Conrad's a fuck boy." She said as she was slumped in her chair.
"Look I'm over him." I said, giving her a soft smile.
"No one get's over their first love, really." Nicole said before returning back to her makeup.
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Belly and I were one of the last ones to finish getting ready. We had helped each other with our hair and dresses and then makeup was brutal.
"I don't know how much longer I can stare at myself." I sighed, getting a headache from just being in the small room.
"You look gorgeous, if I was you I'd stare at myself all day." Belly said from beside me, making me laugh.
"You look amazing Bells, I don't think I'd be able to do this on my own."
I had curled my hair, adding braids to the sides for a more crown affect or so, while Belly's was in a low bun with a beautiful pearl headband.
"I think it's time, Bells." I said getting up as she followed.
Neither of us picked up the red rose bouquet, just staring at it.
I sighed looking up at her and grabbing her arms. "We're growing up, I love you."
At the same time, the two of us grabbed our bouquets, walking out of the dressing room.
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I stood behind Belly as we waited for our names to be called.
"Prune. Prune." Belly whispered to herself.
"Oh god, did Susannah teach you that as well?" I asked.
She nodded as we both laughed silently.
"Isabel Conklin, daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park." They said as Belly and Cam began walking the stage.
They met in the middle and I watched as Belly's face began to contort in multiple ways, attempting to say prune which I laughed at a little.
I looked straight ahead though, remembering the next person called would be me.
Jeremiah smiled at me from the other side of the wings.
Before I knew it, it was my turn.
"Y/N L/N, daughter of Amanda L/N and James L/N."
I walked and met Jeremiah in the middle.
I looked into the crowd, immediately making eye contact with Conrad. God his stupid smile. It just made me smile even more.
I could feel his eyes on me as I walked down from the stage and onto the dance floor.
"You look beautiful." Laurel mouthed to me.
I went to Susannah, hugging her from the back and giving her my bouquet.
She got up as well and gave me a full hug.
I gave a small curtsy as I made my way back to Jeremiah.
"How was the curtsy?" I asked.
"The queen would be proud," He joked.
It hit me now, that when I was with Jeremiah, it felt like there was no one else. All I had to do was look at him.
I watched Laurel get up from her seat quickly. My eyes met Belly's and she mouthed 'what happened'. I shrugged in response, not understanding what had happened either.
"Where is she going?" I asked Jeremiah.
"I don't know."
The escorts began their dance shortly after as the debs walked off the dance floor and sitting at their assigned tables.
The dance began and Belly and I wooed over the applause as we laughed as well. They looked hilarious, but the guys also looked like they were having the time of their lives.
We all stood up as their dance ended, applauding them and screaming, but I could see Jeremiah's face dropping with every second.
Paige clanked a knife to her glass, announcing to us that it was time for the big dance.
"Where'd Jeremiah go?" I asked Belly as I looked around. He never came back to the table.
Cam and Belly looked at each other, and now we knew our night was fucked.
"He'll be here in a minute, I'm sure." Susannah reassured me. "But go! Get ready."
"Okay," I said laughing nervously.
I looked around awkwardly, trying to find Jeremiah, but he wasn't anywhere. Most of the girls were paired up with their partners by now.
"Have you guys seen Jeremiah?" I asked as I approached Gigi and her group of friends.
"I think I saw him go outside." Gigi said to me.
I hated this feeling. Everyone standing and staring at me. Judging me almost.
I looked over to my right and Conrad was standing there, looking straight at me and I was staring straight at him.
I could feel the stares from everyone else as they stared at the two of us as well.
I smiled a little as he walked over to me.
It was like the pieces clicked when I was with Conrad. Like we were always meant to fucking be.
"I think I remember most of the steps." Conrad said quietly.
And at that moment, I knew this was happening all over again. Me. Conrad. Us.
The two of us got into our different lines, our eyes never leaving each others.
The music began and the two of us turned as I turned into his arm. It wasn't what I had expected, but deep down I knew this was the moment I had waited for all of my life.
I was Conrad's sun. And I helped the night disappear. I helped the world disappear from everything around him.
The whole time Conrad and I were on the dance floor, we never looked away. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn't.
When it came time for the dip in the dance, it lasted longer than it was supposed to as our eyes glanced up and down from our eyes to each others mouths.
"Oh, um. Thank you." I said as the dance ended and the crowd applauded.
"I think I messed up some of the steps." Conrad said nervously.
"No, no, you were fine. You were great." I said.
"I'm glad... I'm glad that it was me." He said seriously.
I smiled up at him as he fidgeted with my fingers. I was glad that it was him as well. When I was with Conrad it was like all of my worries were gone.
"Hey." Jeremiah said as he came up to Conrad.
"Hey, Jeremiah." I smiled, "Where ha-"
"Conrad. We need to talk, all right?" Jeremiah said. His eyes were wet. "It's important. It's about mom. I found something out."
Conrad just stared at Jeremiah. "Um.. yeah, we'll talk about this later, okay?"
"No it's important." Jeremiah urged.
"It's okay." Conrad said as he placed his hand on Jeremiah's chest. Something the boys had done whenever the other was on edge.
"You already know... Don't you." Jeremiah's eyes were bloodshot by now.
"Conrad knows what?" I asked, curious.
"You've known this whole fucking time and you didn't even tell me?" Jeremiah asked, his voice raising.
"Jere." Conrad said to try to calm his brother down.
That didn't seem to work as I watched Jeremiah punch Conrad in the face with all the strength he had in him.
Jeremiah rammed into Conrad as he tried to beat his brother up. Though, I watched as Conrad tried his best to not hurt his brother.
Susannah rushed over, "Stop it. Both of you, stop it." Her voice was raised, which was a rare occurance.
Both of the boys let go of each other as they rolled on the floor.
"What is going on?" Susannah asked sternly.
The boys stood in front of her. And all I could do was wonder.
"Mom..." Jeremiah croaked.
"We know, Mom." Conrad said. "We both know."
Belly and I turned at each other, quietly mouthing what was going on.
"Know what?" Belly and I asked in sync as Susannah's face dropped.
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And here I was, crying on the floor in my room. I didn't have anyone to go to. Susannah was with the boys, Laurel was with Belly and Steven.
All I had was the fact that Susannah had cancer yet again.
I don't think I've ever cried that much in my life. Not over a broken bone, or a heartbreak. Not over Conrad.
But here I was, in my shiny white dress, a mess on the floor as I sobbed uncontrollably.
I felt dumb, stupid even. Susannah had been going through this all summer, and I never noticed, to worked up over boys and friends.
I could hear the mixed cries from Belly's room. Some were hers and some were Laurels. With each one my heart broke even more. Now I understood why Susannah kept making comments about this summer.
She was right, this might be the last summer we're all in Cousins together.
I walked down the hall slowly out of my room. Steven was outside of Belly's room, looking as if he was to scared to knock.
Our eyes met and I sobbed even more as he held out his arms for me.
"It's gonna be okay, Y/N/N" He mumbled.
Susannah, Conrad, and Jeremiah all sat on the couch in the living room. None of them were crying. They saw me emerge from the doorway though.
Susannah motioned for me to sit next to her, in between Conrad and her, which I did.
"I'm so sorry, this was not how I wanted you guys to find out." Susannah said sadly.
"Susannah, you're gonna do the trial, right?" I asked through muffled sobs.
She hesitated as she looked at me, "Uh... No, love, I'm not."
My heart broke at her words as I stared at her for a moment longer. What did she mean? Was she insane? She needed to fight. For me. For the boys. For Laurel. For all of us.
Conrad seemed to break down slowly as well from besides me.
"Chances are very slight. Well, nonexistent really. And I can't just go through that again."
"But you have to try." I said, a tear escaping from my eye.
Susannah sighed, "I want to be me when I go." She stared at me with a soft smile, "Does that make sense?"
"No, no. None of this makes any sense." Jeremiah said.
"I know, I know, I'm not good at this." Susannah said through tears as she pushed aside some of Jeremiah's hair.
There was a bit of silence as we all were still processing what was happening. I didn't want to accept the fact that Susannah had cancer again. I just couldn't.
"If there's any chance that you can live you have to take it." Jeremiah pleaded. "Come on, Conrad. Tell her. Y/N?"
I just looked at Jeremiah and Conrad. I wanted to say something. I wanted to say everything.
"Why aren't you guys saying anything?" Jeremiah asked, his eyes red. "You have to try. You can't give up on us."
"Mom." Conrad's voice was hoarse and as he lifted his head up, the tears poured from his eyes. "Can't you just try? For us, Mom. I need you."
Susannah grabbed the boys as she hugged them tight. I didn't want Susannah to go
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Our crying had subsided and Laurel began making food for us. Which meant this situation was horrible. Her cooking wasn't the best, especially for dinner. She had certain dishes she would make that tasted good though.
So here we all sat at the dinner table. Belly and I in more comfortable clothes because Susannah didn't want us to spill on our dresses, eating Chinese takeout, pizza, spaghetti noodles, and ice cream. It wasn't the ideal dinner, but it tasted good. We all bonded, as if nothing had ever been said.
Life has endless amounts of possibilities, but with whatever comes next, I know I can always return back to this place.
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The waves rushed up against the shore, and it was a bright and colorful early morning. Conrad sat beside me, he was happy.
"I can't believe she said yes." He said happily.
"You did it. You changed her mind."
"It wasn't just me. It was Jere who did it as well." Conrad said.
I looked out at the waves as I felt his gaze still on me. I didn't want to turn around whatsoever.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so shitty all summer."
I turned to him, "No, I know it's weird, and you had been going through all of this. I just wished you know, that would you communicate half of these things with me."
"Believe me, I wanted to talk." He said.
There was tension between us as our gazes traveled.
"We should go in." I said, looking around at the sand beside us
"There's so many things I want to say to you."
I sighed getting up, "Don't do it."
"Why?" He asked as he got up as well.
"'Cause you need someone right now, Conrad. I don't know what I am going to do to help when you do need help. We haven't even talked about the other relationship. Conrad, it's just messy."
"I don't just need somebody." He stared down at me, "I need you. Y/N, when I was with you I was the happiest I could of possibly been. Everyone knows that."
"You shouldn't have to need me. That's what you did last time. You needed me to just fix you out of your hell hole. I want you to want me, Conrad. You have to want me like I want you or it doesn't fucking work."
"I do want you. I've only wanted you."
There was silence between us as we just stared at one another.
His arm moved slowly up to the side of my cheek before he pulled me in, kissing. It felt alive, not needed, not desperate. It felt natural.
We kissed again, with much more passion this time. Everything was falling into places. Everything was just how it had to be.
Everything happens for a reason. Whether it's failing a test, or it's a stupid break up. The butterfly effect makes it come back around. Anything can happen, anything and everything. Just if you let it.
Not everyone goes out of style.
A/N : hi! after i know like a month of not being active, here is the last chapter of the series! i made sure to finish it before s2. thank you so much for the support recently.
i'm also so sorry if this isn't as good as the other chapters 😭
Also!!! if you have any prompts or ideas, feel free to message me and i'll write as soon as i can! thanks!
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astonmartingf · 6 months
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LICENSE TO DRIVE ; f1 driver!oc x platonic! f1 grid
. . . best interview moments with katarina during her time in williams mercedes (2016)
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"How are you feeling? The star of the Australian Grand Prix. Points on debut, with P5, what an impressive start!"
Katarina smiles feeling giddy, "I wasn't really expecting anything, we were just told to score points, I started at P16 and when my race engineers told me I was in P10 it was already a lot of places, I overtook a lot, and then my engineer kept saying P9, P7, and I was trying to keep the pace, keep the tyres from degrading. And defending the position, in the end I'm glad we picked up a few more points with P5 and P8."
"Are you hoping for the same results in the following races?"
Katarina smiles thinking to herself, "Hopefully, as long as we score points we'll have a chance. The grid is very competitive this year, so any chance to pick up points in a consistent manner is always valuable to the team."
. . . 🏁🍒🏎️
"Katarina, how do you feel your rookie season is going? Are you ready to beat the records?"
"Thank you, I'm feeling fine, ready to race, it's a lot of fun, definitely." Her optimistic statement causes Sebastian to laugh next to her.
"Only she would find this fun, don't worry in your second year, you'll feel it coming to you." Max added, leaving Katarina shocked.
"Why would you say that Maxpen? It was one season,  now you're acting like we aren't the same age. Is this the F1 effect?"
"Is it different from what you're used to?" Seb whispers from her right side.
"I mean, in comparison to Endurance Racing, it is a bit shorter, the stints. So maybe that's why I'm having fun. It's all new to me, and different from what I'm used to."
The other drivers in the conference nod their heads in understanding. "What do you think is easier? Formula One or Endurance Racing?"
This time Katarina paused and thought for a moment, "Wait... I don't think I'm qualified to compare both, I drove in a different class from the hypercars. I think part of the reason I'm enjoying it is because of the speed, I don't think it's the same as the Pro Class."
"Have you seen Mark? You race for the same team right?" Sebastian asks the younger female driver.
"I remember, it was amazing to witness that, seeing him win. I was so happy for the team." Katarina reminisces of her time in the WEC racing in the same team alongside Mark Webber.
"You're acting like you didn't win in your own class. You had an outstanding debut in WEC, I don't think she needs another outstanding debut in Formula One." Max teases Katarina from the other side of the panel.
"You should've joined me in Endurance Racing then." Katarina shrugs Max off, leaving the press and drivers laughing.
. . . 🏁🍒🏎️
"Katarina, congratulations on your first podium. After six races, you reached P3— how are you feeling?"
"I mean P3... I'm happy. I couldn't stop smiling, I think if we do things properly then things will get better." Katarina looks around smiling next to Lewis and Seb.
"It was close there— the race for the third."
Katarina nods her head in agreement, "Lewis and Seb were so fast, I don't think I could get P2, but I had to defend with Max, he was behind me and I kept checking my mirror to see him."
"I saw in the cooldown room, they were properly racing, Kat and Max— those were some good defenses." Seb adds, nodding his head towards Katarina.
"It feels like Formula 2 again, definitely happy I got the podium."
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"How does it feel to be racing in Formula One, here at Monza?" It was Katarina's first time racing back in her hometown since her F2 days.
"Frankly it still feels like home to me, this is my first time racing back and this is the region I grew up in. I'm excited to see how things go and hopefully we can score points and maybe get a podium, we'll see. Thank you." Katarina waves bye to the report before moving on to the next.
"Are you feeling the pressure here in Monza? Despite racing for the Finnish flag, this is your home race, how did that come to be?"
"I'm feeling excited, there's a lot of talk about me saying this is my home race. I still think it's only right for me to call this my home race, I do have a permanent address here, I grew up here— there's a lot of misconception about why I race for the Finnish flag despite my last name being Italian. I'm proud to be racing for the Finnish flag because of my mother who also was a racing driver, especially since I take my father's last name. At the end of the day I'm making my family proud whether I race for Finland or Italy so it doesn't matter too much what they think I should race for."
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"We heard that you're a big fan of Kimi Raikkonen, is that true Katarina?"
Katarina looks back and forth with the cameras in disbelief, "Where did you get that?"
One of the staff shows a video of Katarina as a child crying, wearing a Ferrari shirt with Kimi's name. Katarina laughs seeing herself, wondering where the staff found these.
"Who? Did my parents send this video? Oh nooo, I was so young. This is 2007 right?" Katarina smiles as she watches herself jumping down with tears falling down her eyes.
"I always watched Kimi when I was young, he was just like me, my mother knew him so when I was young I was just supporting who they liked. But when he moved to Ferrari I felt seen.  When he won, I cried and yes, that is true— if the mood was right I would cry again, but I won't do that here so I'll just shut up."
The staff laughs behind the camera, as Katarina reveals a snippet of her life. "It's cute though... I think Kimi will love hearing about this story. Does Kimi know about this?"
Katarina squirms in her seat, nose twitching in embarrassment— "I think my parents told Kimi immediately after it happened. I don't remember but they constantly teased me about it."
. . . 🏁🍒🏎️
"Despite not being able to finish the race, you managed P7 in the WDC. How are you feeling?"
The fireworks in Yas Marina Circuit were still ongoing, despite the race ending a few minutes ago. Most drivers are doing interviews or in their team garages celebrating. Katarina however, still stuck on interviews.
"The DNF is sad, but the team told me to stop if I can't keep going on, the conditions are absolutely hard, and for my first time here that was an expected outcome. For the P7... I didn't expect that. We were waiting for the race to finish to know where we stand, and after finding out we're completely happy. It's a good result, there are many competitive cars and finishing P7 and P8 is good."
"There are rumors of you moving teams next year, are you allowed to say anything? Or is the team keeping it up for wraps?"
Katarina smiles mischievously, giggling to herself, "I don't know... Maybe you'll find out during the break what happens then. Where am I driving? We'll find out, I mean I know... you don't know so."
"You're going to tease us then?" The interviewer presses, hoping for more answers but Katarina laughs in reply.
"It'll be out sooner than later, you'll know during the break."
"Okay, keeping a tight lip on the move. We'll look forward to where you'll be driving next year. Enjoy your break!"
Katarina smiles waving at the camera, "Bye, thank you so much! See you next season."
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