#I have several deadlines to meet but fuck it I wanna offer my two cents on jcs when given the opportunity to
justaboutsnapped · 2 years
Gonna cheat a little bit here and reference multiple songs but… these lines from Jesus Christ Superstar have been on my mind for a good while:
“If you strip away the myth from the man” “I remember when this whole thing began/no talk of god then we called you a man” “You sad pathetic man” “He’s a man/he’s just a man/he is not a king/he’s just the same as anyone I know/he scares me so”
I am sooooooo normal about the way Judas loves Jesus. Most other characters revere, deify Jesus, but Judas doesn’t do that. He loves not Jesus the Messiah, but Jesus the man. There’s something so tragic about the supposed traitor being the only one who truly understands Jesus’ struggles regarding his divine destiny (as showcased in Gethsemane). How do you love someone when your love is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things, when the one you love is half god, half sacrificial lamb? When you’re not sure he’s even human? His accusations in The Last Supper is equal parts “you’re getting out of control” and “why must you sacrifice yourself this way when you’re just a man, why make your flesh and blood bread and wine?”. In my opinion, when it comes down to it, the logic behind Judas’ whole “your followers are getting out of control, I have no choice but to turn you in” thing is anger towards Jesus for becoming an idol and driving his followers into a religious craze, when he could’ve done his activism as a human. When you interpret it this way, Judas’ repeating “Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, who are you? What have you sacrificed?” becomes so much more than bitter mockery; he’s demanding the one he loved to answer the question that tormented him all along.
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