#I have one to do for tomorrow and I still haven't started it lmaoooo
nopko · 1 year
My life as a loser is the best PTJ webtoon A.K.A Why you should read it (tldr at the end)
and you can't change my mind. Everything about my life as a loser (imma call it MLAL) is just perfect to me, from the setting, the characters and the pacing. Especially the pacing.
One thing I've noticed in recent years, is that animes and manga now tends to be shorter to have a more satisfying story/better animation (Mob Psycho 100, Uramichi onii-san, Chainsawman (part 1 at least)) And I got the exact same feeling for MLAL, shorter than Lookism or Viral Hit (which imo should have ended after Jinho defeat but whatever) but more satisfying.
Ancheol as a prota is great, his personnality is really fun to read and his character developpement is just as interesting, although subtle
Jinu while being kind of a set character, it's easy to feel sympathy towards him. The last arc legit made me tear up, and it definitely shows just why he hates Ancheol so much
Dabin and Jinsol, while love interests doesn't overstay their welcome (hello Bomi) and aren't completely boring or reduced to be just love interest (hey Zoe, Mira and Yui. God the girls in Lookism really sucks huh). They def follow the typical ptj female character sheets, but still, they are so much better than Bomi or Zoe
The cast is small enough to have all characters their moments to shine and develop but not too small to have the webtoon have a claustrophobic feeling (idk if it's just me but I often have this feeling when reading some webtoon/manga)
And the best thing ! is ! that ! it is over ! It is finished ! No cliffhanger ! You can read through it all and not feel unsatisfied ! Although apparently we are going to have a season 2 so i'm starting to sweat over here. Let's hope it keeps the same kind of story but with new characters...
tldr ; You should watch My life as a loser because
-The characters are great, the cast isn't too small or big
-The female characters are actually good
-The story doesn't go sideways
-The mix of comedy and drama is great
-It's finished so you don't have to worry about cliffhanger or waiting
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boredymcbored · 2 months
Okay Let's
I saw a post of my homie Brandon (RIP) and he talked about how journaling helped him. Tumblr is my journal so let's talk it out!
Got flaked today by college friends. We were supposed to go to a lounge to hang out but no one showed but moi. It's okay. I know life is a bitch and we still have tomorrow. Plus I like the outfit I wore sooooo put it back on??? Absolutely.
Now I'm at a bar with trivia, the Olympics and the NFL preseason going on all around me. I have a bartender here that's totally trying hit on me while complaining about getting dumped and cool my guy but.. no. I'm more interested in the lady who handed out my food.
But am I really tho?
Honestly, I wasn't kidding about my infatuation blindness. Right now, ol girl has got me SPRUNG. Maybe the capital letters is a lot but.. yeah. I'm at the point to where people are hot and I mighttt flirt back a lil but... Are they really even close to her?
No. They aren't.
She knows how to make me laugh, she knows when to step in and be just annoying enough, she knows when to be sweet. She hangs out in my streams like me when I'm sprung off someone (hours at a time) but also pretends to be aloof to get a rise off of me (idk why but I love that shit). She's fine AF, I love me a talented mf and she's soooooooo funny.
And even though I'm still cautious; she could have anyone she wants, she's got fuckboi energy (being real), does she know what she wants?? She's.. shown signs that it could be more. The hours around, the fact she pleaded for a chance with me, the fact we could've fucked this out already if that's really what she only wanted, trying to win me over after fuckin up before, the kryptonite message. Maybe, just maybe, she's a lil sprung too?
But I've gotten my hopes up 3 many times before only for shit to pan out from it so I'm not buying into much until *handwave*. Idk what the wave means. We have some facetime chats? I go to Cali? We just keep doing whatever this is???
It's all new.
And I'd hate for this to be the only thing I journal about but since I verbalized a lot of my pursuit of sport journalism thoughts out, I'll just say, the clay is being molded. Into what I always a question mark until the piece feels done but... It's happening. Something is anyway lol.
Finishing this off how it started, I cried looking back at some Brandon stuff yesterday. He still lives on in my thoughts even if his spirit has crossed onto the other side. Mainly looking at his pictures and realizing we have shirts that are almost exactly the same. And I cried thinking about the fact I'll never be able to say I rocked it better than he did. And he'd brush that shit off and be stupid n stuff. Man.
Experiencing loss young, loss in general, gets to you. Idk my friend group is close to processing half of this shit. I know we haven't.
I'm remembering how to find joy again after that. Live in my body again. Remember that the world is about our connections we've made and will continue to make along the way. This summer has really been abiut reconnecting to that and grounding myself. And I haven't been perfect about it, but there's no such thing. I do what I can. And it's panning out good for me so far.
But damn nigga that's why I wanted to hang with my college homies tonight!!! Lmaoooo. But, lord willing, there more days. And I'll try to cherish what's in front of me, if we do or don't do anything again.
There's a lot of beauty and peace in this world. If you allow yourself to live in it.
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