#I have no solid ideas on how they would be if they were in BotW/totk- but I would imagine gyro would stay in rito village while Launchpad-
ducktr0ducin · 1 year
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It's been too long but I've been thinking about Gerudo Town so HERE WE ARE
@iloveramen60 my SINCEREST apologies for saying I would do this and then forgetting about it for so long. The demons of mortality came for me and I have only just returned with my life 😔
Anyway, let's get into it! *cracks knuckles* This one was actually a very neat experience cos unlike the other settlements in botw/totk Hyrule, we actually DO have an idea of how well they would do in large scale attack. Obviously the conditions were not the same as a normal assault cos there were desert moth zombies and massive sandstorms all around 24/7, but it gave me enough to go off of to get some good ideas! Location-wise, Gerudo town is SOLID.
There are exactly two ways to access the desert and both of them are AWEFUL XD
Option one is to come from the ocean
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and have to walk DAYS across the scorching desert. I don't think I have to explain why this sucks??? But just in case, this basically means you have to exhaust both time and energy (because the sand will slow you down MASSIVELY) and most likely supplies cos if you don't want your forces to die of dehydration before they reach Gerudo Town, they'll need to drink a lot of water and stay cool. There's really no good places to stop and rest either that won't put any opposing army at a disadvantage. Very bad
But it's not like the other way is any better XD
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If an army managed to get past a BUNCH of Hyrule itself, they would then have to march through Gerudo Canyon, which is, like, the bottleneck to end all bottlenecks. And if they're coming from that direction, the chances that they would have been seen by someone from Hyrule Kingdom who could send word is very high. This means that, if a message got through in time, the Gerudo could sand seal on over there to intercept them when they came out of the canyon. And do NOT want to have to fight a bunch of strong warrior women on their home turf after trekking through a desert canyon for days idk about you
And even if they DID make it through the canyon, any battle on the sand would be in the Gerudo's favour. They are LITERALLY trained to fight in the desert. The know their way around combat in those conditions. I mean, look at how we see Urbosa fights the Champions Ballad and Age of Calamity cutscenes. The sand is NOT an issue for them. In contrast, an army in heavy armour that sinks into the sand, would not be doing as good XD
But of course, even then they'd have a hard time even getting INTO the village.
Before we get into it, I have to say...having four major entrances was NOT the best move. But because it's literally an entire town full of ladies who can kill you, it's not AS big an issue...
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those are all the different entrances. HOWEVER! Each of them has at least two guards at the entrance (the one behind Riju's throne has, like four if you include Buliara and the two guards at the stairs and Riju herself), which adds good fortification. They ALSO have an underground bunker they can hide kids, injured, or elderly who can't fight, and that is fill with supplies to keep them going. My ONE question is...how do they open and close it?
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It sort of looks like they just blew up a hole in the stairs and got it open that way, which is not good in the case that their entire town is being attacked. Of course, there is the other door to get through, but it's really just a rolly stone that a strong person or two could move out of the way. HOWWWWWEVER! It is a very small entrance, and the Gerudo would clearly be aware of how important the bunker is, so they would most likely have a pretty heavey militia waiting there at the centre of the town to guard it (like we see in totk when the gibdos attack the town). They also have a big ol canon! Which is a MASSIVE advantage in defense. Especially as we see that it's not a fix location canon and can be moved wherever it's needed. So our girls could simply move the canon to wherever the enemy is heaviest and fire on them from there. Very smart
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Overall, I'm a BIG fan of Gerudo Town. It's got a few flaws, but honestly the unmatched martial prowess of the Gerudo themselves helps to make up for it. It would be interesting to see how they hold up against enemies other than mindless sand zombies, but I think they'd do a pretty good job XD
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amiharana · 1 year
all im saying is that since the paraglider is in totk with an updated revali's logo, revali should also be in totk (preferably alive this time) ✋
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idk if i would say it's truly an updated "revali's logo" ykwim because now it has four feathers on each wing instead of three :o but i'm very interested to see what the narrative reason for why link's paraglider was updated and if there will be an explanation as to why he has one in the first place.
imo as someone with so much revalink brainrot, regardless of whether or not link regained memories of his past life, he probably recognized that the paraglider had some significant sentimental value to him back then, and hopefully recognized that it must have belonged to revali previously as per revali's symbol on his main landing in rito village and flight range landing. maybe then he realized that he needed to maintain it to, at the very least, honor revali's memory, even if it seemed that revali didn't like him very much. after all, revali was a great warrior revered by his people, one who sacrificed his life in an attempt to save hyrule, and someone who must have mattered to link if the paraglider fatefully fell in his hands. he feels a great need to maintain it and be respectful of one of the remainders of revali's legacy. but give me back the botw paraglider design, it's charming and it's definitely revali!
now. this might be an unpopular opinion but it's one that i stand staunchly by because i talked about it a bit in this post. to be honest, i want to see the champions revived in totk. i'm sure plenty of you would disagree and play the card that the death of the champions was meant to teach link about loss, despair, the effects of war, sacrifice, and all those morals etc. but imo, the problem with teaching link those lessons is that it doesn't feel like much was lost in the first place. maybe this is a personal perception of botw on my end, but to me, there weren't enough of the champions' presence in botw to warrant this idea that it taught link about loss. if you were to go by the idea that link retained all his previous memories, then sure, but it doesn't work if you go the route where he doesn't and everything in the past is just flickers of memories he can't ever really recall. how can you tell a story about grief and loss and sacrifice if your main character, and by extension, your players who are connected to the story via that main character, can't feel a profound enough loss of those characters to understand the moral of the story? the presence of the champions in botw only made me want to see more of them because it felt like their time in the little sliver of spotlight they got was too short. and you could include age of calamity! but that's a non-canon prequel so it can't even really count 😭 i haven't played the champions' ballad dlc, so maybe there could be a change of mind if i did but why would you put a paywall if you want to teach a solid story about loss and sacrifice? what a shit way to tell a story 🥸
but i digress. yeah i do want revali and the rest of the champions back in totk, for all types of shenanigans and interactions. give them back to me nintendo ☝️😐
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superb-fox · 1 year
I feel like the combined stories of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom have a lot of missed potential so I’m rewriting them for my own satisfaction. The framework is the same, but details will be changed, so a couple notes before going in. -I subscribe to the dragon break timeline theory. I also think Hylia, who clearly has a presence in botw/totk, did it, but that’s a footnote in this really. By the times the games happen the effects of a timeline merge would have been dealt with. -I think the blue energy fueling Sheikah tech is part of Nayru’s power, like how she left her triforce piece maybe she left some other bits of her power dotted in the land. It would also help explain how the Sheikah could build all that advanced tech if the power was from the Goddess of Widsom. -After totk put things even FURTHER back than the unfathomable 10,000 year gap botw presented, I feel like its widened far too much so I’m shortening it. -Rauru and Sonia are not the first king and queen of Hyrule, that was stupid and I hated it.
600 years before the time of Breath of the Wild, the kingdom of Hyrule was at peace. The Goddess Hylia had united a fractured timeline into one and the shock and disorder that caused had long subsided. There were several established races across the land who all were independent yet had a solid friendship and established trust with each other, keeping peace in the land. The Hylians were spread everywhere. Their numbers and vast skill sets allowed them to branch out everywhere in the land, but their concentration was in Central Hyrule where their castle stood. The Goron’s occupied the Elden region as they were the only ones who could withstand the heat, mining the volcano for their food source and for precious gems to sell to others. The Zora occupied Lanayru as the wetlands and constant rain suited them best, taking personal responsibility for the fresh water sources in the kingdom. The Sheikah occupied Necluda as the many mountains kept them hidden and sharp. Their role since the birth of their race was to protect the chosen leader of Hylia, Zelda and the royal family. However, since Hyrule was in an age of peace, they were not needed as often and kept to themselves, honing their skills and knowledge in case they were needed again. The Rito occupied Hebra as they could endure the harsh cold of the region. The Gerudo made their home in the region named for them, having spent millennia in the harsh desert and were accustomed to it. The Koroks were also there but they mostly did their own thing, most people didn’t even know they existed. Finally, the Zonai made their home in Faron, being a far more secluded tribe. For the longest time, they were a very violent and militant people, earning the reputation of a barbaric tribe, however one day that all changed. They discovered a vast location under Hyrule, the Depths, and began using the materials from there to evolve. By mining a material known as Zonite, they were able to create wondrous technology and magic. They created constructs powered by refined Zonite, discovered magic that elevated their minds to go beyond simple combat and barbarism, and entered a new stage of power. They began to be more open with the other races, letting them in on the new power they found. With the help of the Goron’s mining experience, they were able to expand mining operations to the entire Depths and mass produce refined Zonite. With the Sheikah’s sharp minds they were flooded with new ideas and uses for constructs and devices. With the Hylians numbers and engineering prowess, they began to actually make their ideas a reality. The Rito’s mobility helped them transport and move everything so quickly, the Zora helping them move across water as well. They used their new magical powers to create sky islands for many people to live, destroy any monster or beast that would threaten the kingdom, created Sacred Stones to amplify their already great power, and the land entered a new Golden Age not seen since the age of Gods. Around the peak of this age, a Zelda from the future came to that time. She settled in with Sonia of the Hyrulean Royal Family and Rauru, the king of the Zonai, as she tried to figure out why she was there and how to get home. However trouble was brewing on the horizon, one group was not happy with the era. Ganondorf of the Gerudo felt threatened by the Zonai’s advancements and felt compelled to challenge this new golden age and butt heads with the Zonai. Before the Zonai rose, he was the Queen of Hyrule’s most valuable ally as he was the strongest in the land by far. He maintained the peace with his unmatched strength and resented that his position was essentially usurped by the Zonai. With feelings of jealousy and hatred fueling him, he conspired to attack the Zonai and prove himself stronger, only to fail in various attempts. These failed attempts only made him angrier and deepened his grudge, and it resulted in Sonia banishing the Gerudo for their traitorous actions. This made him spiral down into evil more and more, finally culminating in him killing Sonia and stealing her Sacred Stone for power, becoming the Demon King. At this point, he was too far gone. He began creating monsters to terrorize all the races of Hyrule, including his own people the Gerudo, and now wanted to fully conquer Hyrule. Rauru, king of the Zonai, rallied the rest of the race’s leaders giving them all Sacred Stones of their own and went into battle with the Demon King. However, even with sages of wind, fire, lightning, water, spirit, time, and light, they could not overcome Ganondorf. Rauru made the ultimate sacrifice in sealing Ganondorf away beneath Hyrule Castle, believing in Zelda’s word that the hero Link would one day finish him. This act regained peace for their era, however all was not won. Zelda in a sacrifice of her own swallowed her Sacred Stone to undergo dragonification in order to restore the destroyed master sword and give it to Link in the future. Additionally, the conflict left most of the Zonai massacred and the Golden Age of Hyrule soon faded. However this era did end on a note of hope. Sonia’s child, who was hidden away during the conflict for her protection, stepped up to repair the damage done to the kingdom. Despite her youth and inexperience, she was able to lead the remaining people and the other races around Hyrule pledged their support and friendship to her, allowing peace to reign.
Ganondorf remained sealed, however his power was so great that it could not be completely contained. It would slowly leak out over time, collecting and coalescing until finally becoming so great that it became an entity in of itself. As it was just Ganondorf’s power given form, it had no body or set form, but it inherited his will and some of his intelligence. Its goal was destruction and did everything possible to bring Hyrule to ruin. It created the same monsters Ganondorf once did and tried to bring down the kingdom many times, failing to a Link and Zelda of the time each time. These calamities happened every 100 years and happened frequently enough to establish a pattern for the people of Hyrule to predict. After a few of them, something changed. The Sheikah had discovered massive pockets of Nayru’s power and used it to establish another Golden Era in Hyrule. As it was the power of the Goddess of Wisdom, it granted them incredible intelligence allowing them to create all kinds of amazing technology and defenses even greater than that of the Zonai, bringing Hyrule into a new age of technological prowess. All manner of modern convenience was available everywhere and the kingdom flourished, they were even able to create a countermeasure for the calamity. They knew they could not stop the calamities without breaking Ganondorf’s seal thus unleashing a greater threat, but they could use their technology to end the calamity right away. They created an army of autonomous weapons known as the guardians to destroy any monster and protect the people, they created the Divine Beasts to weaken the calamity with powerful weapons thus leaving it as easy pickings for Zelda and Link. This plan worked perfectly and the calamity came and went without so much as a burned building. However, this strength worried the King of Hyrule at the time. He felt they should go back to simpler times without this technology and gave the Sheikah an ultimatum, destroy all the technology or be destroyed. The other races of Hyrule were flabbergasted by this and were able to convince the king to at least save the technology but bury it so future generations could at least use it to combat future calamities, but his stance on ridding the land of it was firm. Most Sheikah agreed to this, but some were bitter. They had just saved the kingdom and sent it into a golden age yet they were being punished for it. It was too much for many of them and they splintered off to form the Yiga Clan, a group dedicated to revenge on the Royal Family and allegiance to the Calamity. Once again, 100 years of peace passed and another calamity was on the horizon. Taking a lesson in history, the King of the time, King Rhoam, ordered the excavation of the Shiekah technology that had brought a swift end to the calamity. There was one problem however, this era’s Zelda was struggling to awaken her Goddess given powers, powers vital for the final blow on the calamity. She would not awaken them before the calamity struck, and further tragedy befell the kingdom. All the Sheikah technology, previously fueled by Nayru’s essence, was overtaken by Ganondorf’s malice power and was turned against the kingdom of hyrule. The calamity, with an army of monsters and sheikah tech, almost succeeded in its goal of destroying Hyrule. It destroyed all the leaders from the races that opposed it, mortally wounded Link, and was about to kill Zelda when a miracle happened. Zelda finally awakened to her powers and purged the attacking guardians of their malice, saving her and Link’s life. However, Link was at death’s door. He was placed in a medical facility known as the Shrine of Resurrection where he would take 100 years to recover. In the meantime, Zelda, like Rauru before her, sealed the calamity in a cocoon in Hyrule Castle. This thankfully did not cost her her life and made all of the possessed Shiekah tech lose their direction, becoming dormant. Once Link awoke, he did everything he could to recover his strength and memories, help the people of Hyrule, purge the land of the calamity’s influence, and finally at his peak power he confronted the calamity at Hyrule Castle and destroyed it. Zelda was freed and Hyrule regained peace once more.
5 years after the destruction of the calamity, Hyrule was slowly making progress towards restoration as a kingdom. However, malice began to rise up from underneath Hyrule and began affecting people. Link and Zelda went under Hyrule Castle to investigate and found Ganondorf in his seal. Their presence caused the seal to break and Ganondorf immediately attacked them, sapping Link’s strength using a great burst of concentrated malice and shattering the master sword in its weakened state. Link’s arm was corrupted and nearly destroyed and Ganondorf caused The Upheaval. Zelda was blown away by this and the Sacred Stone she grabbed from Rauru’s sealing arm flung her into his era 600 years before. Rauru still had a role to play however, as his spirit lingered on and was able to save Link by replacing his destroyed arm with his own that sealed Ganondorf. Meanwhile, The Upheaval caused the entire landscape to change. Vast chasms formed to the previously lost Depths, the magical cloud barrier that protected the Zonai sky islands was destroyed and many of them came crashing down to the surface as the magic that kept them up was destroyed as well, and finally Hyrule Castle was pushed into the sky by Ganondorf below it. However, this act greatly weakened Ganondorf and thus he could not personally start again where he left off in conquering Hyrule. He created a Phantom clone of himself with Malice and gave it the appearance of Zelda, using it to create monsters and crises all over Hyrule to weaken its people in preparations for his full revival. Months passed before Link would recover and awaken, slowly recovering his lost power through Rauru’s spiritual guidance. He would remove the corruption to his body slowly as he one by one stopped all the monsters and crisis’ Ganondorf sent across the land. He also learned of Zelda’s fate through her scattered memories and retrieved the Master Sword she restored for him. Finally, he guided his allies of various races to the Sacred Stones left to them by their ancestors and they awakened as sages to help him in the battle ahead. He also helped Mineru, the previous Sage of Spirit, construct a new body so she may assist him as a sage as well. Additionally, while in spirit form she had been researching a method to reverse Zelda’s dragonifcation and shared several theories with Link. This became their final task after the Demon King was destroyed. With his power restored and many allies by his side, Link went to Ganondorf in his lair below Hyrule Castle for their final battle. Tearing through all the monsters Ganondorf summoned to stall him, Link confronted the Demon King as he finally recovered his full power. After a mighty battle, Ganondorf gave everything he had and could not defeat Link. In a last ditch effort, he too swallowed his Sacred Stone and became a dragon in an effort to kill Link. This was in vain however, as Zelda in dragon form then joined the fight and together with Link they completely destroyed Ganondorf, putting an end to him and the calamities he caused. Finally, Link used the knowledge shared by Mineru to restore Zelda to human form, finally bringing peace to Hyrule. Mineru was finally able to pass on and the new sages that fought Ganondorf pledged to maintain peace and prosperity in Hyrule.
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