#I have no idea where the sudden burst of energy to write this cam from
pops-and-kids · 4 years
Hey! This is the first birthday fic in...a while! Since last year I believe. Its late, I know, I messed up Namurs birthday date and realized time has been lost to me. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this short and sweet fic for the fish boi!
   The deck was alight with energy, laughter and music booming from the deck. Namur finished off his mug and sighed, satisfied. The part had been on for hours and yet it was still going strong. Pops’ laughter rocked the ship as he swayed with the music Kingdew was playing with some from other divisions. Namur smiled as he watched his family have fun. The lively energy put a good buzz in him alongside the beer, he caught a glimpse of the full preset table as his brothers and sisters mingled around. It gave him a heartwarming feeling knowing they were all there for him.
   But even if this was technically his birthday party he was more then happy that everyone treated it like a normal party, just with some streamers and cake. Namur thanked everyone who wished him a happy birthday, but the attention wasn’t fully on him, and for that he was more than grateful. He waded through the sea of family members towards the drinks table, getting pulled aside by a couple brothers for a quick “Hey happy birthday, man.” Pouring himself some more booze he took a moment to watch the dancers.
   Thatch and Izou were having a battle by the looks of it, tap dancing vs the traditional dance of his homeland. Clearly Izou was winning but Thatch was also not giving up. Until he tripped somehow (Namur couldn't see his footwork) and went down. Laughter exploded over the deck as Thatch took his defeat with grace and walked over to the drinks table.
“Good time?” Namur asked with a chuckle.
“He took classes, that was a loss from the start.” Thatch said with a smile, out of breath.
“Hey, we’ll be setting off the fireworks soon,” He rasped, pouring himself a cup, “Then we’ll have cake. Savvy?”
   Namur nodded as his brother chugged down his drink. “Sounds good. I’ll be off deck.”
   Thatch let out a hum in acknowledgement and gave a thumbs up, walking off to probably find a seat. Namur took a swig and waded back through the crowd, more birthday wishes given along the way. By the time he had gotten to the railing he felt like he had been the one to have challenged Izou, who was still taking on challengers if the cheers of his name were anything to go by. Taking a deep breath he looked down at the water. The gentle lap of the sea at the sides of Moby had a calming energy, a stark contrast to the pure hyperactive feeling on the ship itself.
“Mister Nam?” A small voice peeped next to him.
   Lil Red looked up at him with her cute eyes, holding a cup of cola in her secondary paws.
“Hello, Red.” He crouched down and gave her a head pat, “Enjoying yourself?”
“Ye!” She chirped, “Happeh birtday Mister Nam!”
   Namur chuckled, “Just Namur will do. Thank you! We’ll be having fireworks soon. Will you be okay with the noise?”
   Red tilted her head, her face scrunching up in confusion, “‘Fiwrworks’?”
“They explode in the air,” He explained, “They make bright colours and patterns. I think you’ll like them, but the noise may scare you.”
   Her satellite ears flopped down as she understood what he meant. “Oh….”
   Namur frowned and thought for a moment. He could hear Curiel and Jozu setting up the specialized canons already.
“Would you like to join me in the water and watch from there?”
   Red ears perked back up, looking up at him with excitement, “Really?”
   He nodded, “Yes, of course. Come on, we have to hurry though.”
   The two of them chugged what was left in their cups and left them on the deck for later. Namur scooped her up with a toothy smile and climbed over the railing, jumping down to the deep blue sea below. The water was cold on impact, the distant wound of a whale greeting the two of them from under the surface. Swimming away from the ship he zigzagged and barrel rolled, Reds muffled chirping and laughter reminding him just how fun it was to swim with other sea-faring folk. They couldn’t just enjoy the water, sadly, they’d miss the fireworks. Swimming back up to the surface Namur relaxed, floating on his back and letting the little dragon lay on his stomach.
   Not a moment too soon. A bang echoed over the water, followed by a brilliant sparkling red ball in the sky. Red gasped, her ears pointing straight up into the sky as she stared in awe.
“Fiwrworks?” She squeaked.
“Mhm. Fireworks.”
   The two of them stayed like that for the whole show, watching the fireworks go off together and deciding which were their favorites. Namur was partial to the blue ones while Red said “That ones my favorite!” for all of them. He couldn't stop smiling the whole time. The party, the fireworks, spending time with their newest little sister. It was the best thing this fishman could ever ask for on his birthday.
“Let’s hurry back, we’ll miss out on the cake if Ace gets to it first.”
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