#I have never seen such thing before ahdhd
lilypixels · 2 years
How was Portugal? Did you enjoy it? :D
I’d say overall I enjoyed it? I’ve never been to another country before or had such a long trip so was a lot for me mentally, especially at first TT but the country is very beautiful and everyone we met was really nice and helpful😊
I really enjoyed the Lisbon zoo and walking around everywhere; even rode some trains which was another new experience :o I was also able to eat a bunch of food (ie gluten and chocolate) that I normally can’t as things are processed differently there/in Europe ! Some things feel almost shocking to experience again in being home too, like prices lol (things in Portugal much cheaper like wow)
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polar-stars · 5 years
How about the time skip girls: Megumi, Nene and Hinako :)?
Ofc !
Megumi Tadokoro
Why I like them - Megumi is such a sweet, angel-like persona who has so much love and comfort in her heart, I think it’s honestly very hard to not like her. I’d also say Megumi had some of the best moments in the entire manga (I stand by my opinion that the official Shokugeki against Shinomiya was the best Shokugeki for me) and while some aspects offer journey are clunky, especially towards the latter part where she was sort-off denied spotlight more and more, she overall came a very, very long way and it was a joy seeing her gain more confidence in herself over the years. 
Why I don’t 
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Chapter 21-27/Episode 10/12 (The Shinomiya-Shokugeki, as I said I absolutely enjoyed that one), Chapter 50 (Her butchering the monkfish), Chapter 57 (PRECIOUS ANGEL MAKING IT INTO THE AE AFTER ALL HER HARD WORK), Chapter 69 (Her speaking up for her friends against Ryo’s “Friends-Are-For-The-Weak-Speech” was nice ;w;)
Favorite season/movie - Season 1 and Season 3 (influenced mostly by Moon Banquet Festival)
Favorite line - “All the people who pushed me forward. Don’t speak badly of them!” (Chapter 69)
Favorite outfit -I’d say the nightgown she wore in her chat with Soma on the balcony (It’s a nightgown right? It looks like a nightgown ovo;; Or is it just some frilly dress?)
OTP - Her and Isami Aldini ;w;
Brotp - PSD (mainly Yuki and Ryoko), Erina Nakiri (wether you count her in or not), Miyoko Hojo, her and Ryo or Akira honestly also sounds like fun....to be perfectly honest, she could befriend almost the entire cast and I would love it ahdhd
Head Canon - Loves crafting ! Every member of PSD owns at least one little self-made thing of her.
Unpopular opinion - I don’t really like her Les Dessert 3 hairstyle? ;w; It’s nothing horrible or awful, not at all but...I just prefer her old looks. 
A wish - Full-fledged, detailed Shokugeki where Megumi actually wins and against someone who we know as competent. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - Her getting reduced more and more into a side-character *ahEAM*
5 words to best describe them - Gentle. Comforting. Shy. Helpful. Anxious.
My nickname for them - Angel I guess
Nene Kinokuni
Why I like them - I tend to like icy characters with a sort-off hidden softness. It’s also nice to have a few serious characters within the chaos that’s the Elite 10 and with Nene in particular, she’s also the one out of her 3 classmates within the E10 who manages best to just keep her head on straight. Nene is another character who strikes me as an elegant one in her devotion to her craft and also that she’s generally are pretty decent person I’d say. She can be intimidating, she can be adorable, she can expose hidden soft sides and she can be funny in her own right. It’s just a joy seeing her for me! Also there’s a few aspects to her that I can relate so, so that’s definitely also a plus. 
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Chapter 207 (that’s pretty much the point where we got to know her a lot better I’d say, since before that she did not get to do much, so), Chapter 208 (More details to her craft !!), Chapter 210 (her and Isshiki being adorbs as children *shrug* That stuff is cute), Chapter 270 (I said it a billion times, her Timeskip-Look was one of the bests) also 202 and 204 for OTP moments (that’s important)
Favorite season/movie - Season 3
Favorite line - “If you think you can even hope to match me with soba, you are sorely mistaken” (Chapter 208), “I hate how barbaric you are”(Episode 8 or so of San no Sara 2nd Cour I think)
Favorite outfit - To be perfectly honest, the outfits she’s seen in as child. They were so neat and adorable. 
OTP - Her and Etsuya Eizan because I hate myself
Brotp - Welp Isshiki and Kuga because 91st Elite Squad as a whole is one big BrOTP, + Momo, Somei and Rindou. Those would be my major ones ;w;
Head Canon - When she’s been somewhere and the place has a visitor’s book, she will leave a straight-up, flat but honest review of her time there. 
Unpopular opinion  - *looks at the OTP-section*
A wish - She shouldn’t have gotten only one Shokugeki in the entire series and loose that one, in her own speciality. She should have faced off against Isshiki, change my mind. She was basically introduced as the best student of the 91st Generation and was barely utilized and even got a downranking in the very end. She !! deserved !! better!!! Also she deserved truly explored redemption.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - Well, it’s said in the wish already isn’t it? ovo;;
5 words to best describe them - Diligent. Serious. Taciturn. Ambitious. Cold. 
My nickname for them - QUEEN and another one but that’s more based on an insert joke so ahdhdh
Hinako Inui
Why I like them - She’s massive fun! Pretty much almost every of Hanako’s scene is hilarious and she never fails to get a laughter out of me. I love how childlike she is for an adult person, as well as all her tics or few oddities. She’s a character to work very strongly in different character-interactions as she’s quick to weird other people out or straight up annoy them. And that’s just all very entertaining. 
Why I don’t
Favorite episode (scene if movie) - Chapter 16, 18, 19 (Episode 8 and 9, I think) (This is just some of her funniest moments to me), Chapter 22, 23, 26, 27 (Also some of her funniest moments, while also some of her cutest moments with Shinomiya + her adding the last coin to Megumi’s plate was adorable), That one chapter in Shinomiya’s Spin-Off manga that focuses on them. 
Favorite season/movie - Season 1
Favorite line - “Why be so stubborn? Dummy! Blockhead! Narcissist!” (Chapter 22)
Favorite outfit - Her regular one,I guess ;w; 
OTP - SHINOHINA FOR THE WIN BABY (deserved to be canon)
Brotp - Her and Gotoda, partners in crime. As well as Dojima!
Head Canon - Still fills out the quizzes those teen magazines. 
Unpopular opinion - I don’t think I have one ;w;
A wish - Was it ever explained why exactly she was called “Mist Empress” in her school days? That would have been interesting to know. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen - I just wish she would have appeared a tad bit more and could have possibly be shown mentoring someone. 
5 words to best describe them - Silly. Childish. Enthusiastic. Eccentric. Friendly. 
My nickname for them - I have none ;w;
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polar-stars · 5 years
DaiYua !! And my otp KiyoShi uwu
I have decided to leave out zombie apocalypse because it’s a genre I am not versed well in at all and I’ve just been staring the question for several minutes now and I just want to get one thing now, I hope thats okay ; 7 ;
1. Who is the happy morning person and who is grumpy and just wants to go back to bed? - I can see them both being early risers, Daigo often earlier than Yua tho. So meep. 
2. Who falls asleep on the couch and who puts a blanket over them? - Daigo falls asleep, Yua places the blanket like the good bean she is. 
3. They end up going to a party? What couple are they? Ex- Clinging to one another? Just there to steal some free food and leave? Both want to party? - Daigo is a PSD-guy, he will #PARTAY, Yua is just clinging to him like “;w;” while Daigo is just: “Look at that cute pancake that is my girlfriend :DDDD”
5. Where is their number one date spot? Why do they love it so much there? - Arcade, honestly I think ! ahdhdh Daigo wins her plushies. But really, he just likes trying to show off what he can do and Yua is just enjoying it as well because she finds it adorable how much fun he has and then she blushes big time once he actually wins something and immediately gifts it to her with the biggest grin. Also Bonus Points for Double Date with Shoji and Urara, where Shoji and Daigo just turn everything into a competition and Urara rallies them even more because “COME ON BF SHOW WHO’S BOSS >:UUU” and Yua is just “ ; 7 ; “
6. Who would be more likely to hug their partner and pick them up off the ground? - ahshd Daigo. Have you seen him? He’s strong and tall. He loves to pick the tiny daisy that is his gf up and cuddle her. 
7. If one partner isn’t the best at communicating their feelings, how do they show their feelings to their significant other in other ways? - I feel Yua is not as vocal as Daigo is, but she does show her love through small ways most certainly! She will often just silently hug his arm and snuggle closer to him and she will comfort him the moment she senses he feels bad and such. 
8. How did they try to impress one other before they were dating? - DAIGO SERENADED HER WITH A GUITAR AND ELVIS SONGS! Yua was just “!!!!!!” about all of this, because she’d never consider herself someone who anyone would notice but then this guy just comes along and plays her love songs. Also watch Daigo most definitely try to pull off some impressive sport-stunts when she is near. Gotta show he’s strong. 
9. Who is being way over the top and dramatic and who just nods and cheers on their partner from the sidelines? - Daigo and Shoji being dramatic rivals and their GFs just cheering them I guess ahdhd
10. Where did they confess that they loved one another? - Right in front of a Shokugeki that Yua had to host and she was nervous as hell and just “I know you will do well!” “...How.....How would you know that.” “Because I know that I fell in love with someone greatly talented!” “You.....WHAT” “Oops” Needless to say, that gave her a huge boost of dopamine, happiness and energy and she hosted the Shokugeki flawlessly and excellently. 
11. What is something small, but cute they do for one another? Ex - leave cute encouraging notes for one another on the counter. - Not on the counter, but I could imagine later in life Daigo just preparing a bento for her to take to work and he leaves encouraging notes in it just telling her she will do great today. Likewise he finds a love letter of Yua just being the most adorable bean and telling him how happy she is with him in his pocket everyday. 
12. Who is the one who does the cooking while the other helps prep the food? - In later life, Yua gets a bit more busy so Daigo does more cooking overall, as he loves surprising her with a dinner when he knows she had a hard day. Whenever she’s not too tired tho or does not have work she immediately rushes to help him prepare the food and they adorably cook together
13. What is a memory they share together that makes them both laugh so hard they cry when they think about it? -  Playing charade with their homies Shoji and Urara shdhdh I think that would be funny
14. They are having a water balloon fight, who wins and how do they deliver the winning shot? - Daigo holds back and Yua notices, goes >:I and just throws a balloon right in his face....She apologizes immediately afterwards, but he’s just laughing tbh ahdshd and says he’s impressed
15. Who would give the other their jacket because it’s cold? - Daigo
1. Who is the happy morning person and who is grumpy and just wants to go back to bed? - Kiyoko is actually a bit grumpy right after waking up ahdhd while Masashi is kinda already ready to jog like 50 rounds around the block and take over the world. As soon as Kiyoko picked out her outfit for the day, or had breakfast she will get her jolly spirit however. And I mean, even though he’s more quicker to action than Kiyoko in the morning, I wouldn’t exactly call Masashi a “happy morning person” ahdhd 
2. Who falls asleep on the couch and who puts a blanket over them? - Plot Twist, they fall asleep on the couch together and it’s their parents to put the blanket over them. [Okay but Kiyoko is a bit more likely to]
3. They end up going to a party? What couple are they? Ex- Clinging to one another? Just there to steal some free food and leave? Both want to party? - Kiyoko is clinging to Masashi for a good portion and is in social-butterfly-mode. She’ll urge him a lot to dance. He’s just being Masashi ahdhd. 
5. Where is their number one date spot? Why do they love it so much there? A park with like classical Japanese monuments and architecture or so, you know. And with Cherry Trees ! Masashi can calm down for 5 minutes, especially with Kiyoko there and Kiyoko can take good photos. 
6. Who would be more likely to hug their partner and pick them up off the ground? Kiyoko hugs Masashi a lot but ahdhd she’s not strong enough to pick him up. He will occasionally tho, because he took a notice of her being into being carried like a bride. 
7. If one partner isn’t the best at communicating their feelings, how do they show their feelings to their significant other in other ways? - Masashi is fairly different to Kiyoko than to most people and he seems to make a lot of efforts to make her happy. Although, he can be a bit annoyed by it, he will always tag along her shopping sprees, he will always take a billion photos of her until she found one she finds suitable for her Instagram. He always likes her photos on Instagram. He does not push her away when she tries to hug him or such. He also remembers things she likes and tries to keep them in mind when buying her a gift or just plainly interacting with her. And while he does have plenty of trust in her being capable of protecting herself, he still tends to be protective over her. (I hope that made sense)
8. How did they try to impress one other before they were dating? - Masashi was greatly oblivious to his feels, he didn’t really intentionally try to impress her. sahsdhds He just did. Kiyoko also felt no really high need to actually impress him, but she loves to give him her sweets and secretly hopes that she will like them as much as always. 
9. Who is being way over the top and dramatic and who just nods and cheers on their partner from the sidelines? - AHDDHF Masashi just yelling at random poor souls that they have no place on this school or doing other evil shit and Kiyoko just “uwu” behind him. 
10. Where did they confess that they loved one another? - Spoiler 
11. What is something small, but cute they do for one another? Ex - leave cute encouraging notes for one another on the counter. - Kiyoko tends to fix things about his clothes if she notices something off with it and she also looks for clothes for him on her shopping trip (Masashi’s clothes are mainly bought by his mom actually ahdhd). Despite being Etsuya Eizan’s son, Masashi is actually not one to spend loads and loads of money tbqh. He’s accustomed to a certain lifestyle yes, but he’s not Shigeo to buy a lot of luxuries to something just because he can. But if Masashi sees something somewhere that he feels Kiyoko would like, he will actually get out his barely used credit card. 
12. Who is the one who does the cooking while the other helps prep the food? - They enjoy cooking together meep. 
13. What is a memory they share together that makes them both laugh so hard they cry when they think about it? - ahdhd Masashi can not laugh that hard I think, but meep. They surely have a memory like that, but I can’t come up with a particular one right now, 
14. They are having a water balloon fight, who wins and how do they deliver the winning shot? - Masashi wins it but Kiyoko just ends up screeching at him that he messed up her hair. 
15. Who would give the other their jacket because it’s cold?
Any other person: I am cold
Masashi: Then Perish
Kiyoko: I am cold
Masashi: KIYOKO-SAN ! I told you that coat won’t be enough, here take my jacket. We should buy you a scarf on the way ! How long have you been cold already? Maybe I should prepare rosehip tea at home, my mother says it prevents colds-
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