#I have many stress dreams about Sanderson finding my blog
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isdalinarhot · 1 year ago
Don’t tell anyone and especially don’t tell Sanderson. But I do in fact want to have sex with Dalinar. I hope you can keep this secret in your hearts
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daffodilon · 6 years ago
Hey!! So I just hit a really exciting follower milestone and since this blog is pretty new I’m extra excited about it. @jikooktemple​ tagged me in this “game of tag” get-to-know-me meme and now that there are a few of you here, it seems like a good time to do it! 
don’t come for me for doing this when i could be working on my wips ahahahaha
tag the person who tagged you
answer the 30 questions
tag 10 people
Questions under the cut:
How tall are you? 177cm! and before you ask, yes it is breezy up here
What color and style is your hair? it’s red/orange and i grew it out from a really short pixie, and now it falls past my collarbones. it’s pretty straight and manageable other than a little damage to the ends from me bleaching it :)
What color are your eyes? blue!
Do you wear glasses? i do! could you tell from the plot of cafune pt 2 centering around being nearsighted af 🙄
Do you wear braces? i wore braces for like five years and thankfully i have had them off for many years now
What’s your fashion sense? Today I’m wearing a cute denim romper. I wear a lot of big sweaters and skinny jeans, or shorts over tights with a graphic tee tucked in and a flannel over, or random pieces i find online or in thrift stores. cute socks are my favorite accents and accessories, and i like to pair them with pretty shoes. i wear whatever i think is cute and flatters my body type! sometimes people tell me i dress like i’m “not ‘from here,’” whatever that means, but they tell me that wherever i go, so hmm. lol
Full Name: for the purposes of this blog you can call me Dilon! :)
When were you born? 950920
Where are you from and where do you live now? I am from the east coast (US) and now i live on the west coast (US) 
What school do you go to? I’m not currently a student
What kind of student are you? I’m the worst bc I’m the kind of kid who rarely does homework except like sitting on the floor in the hallway right outside the class five minutes beforehand. but I’m good at test taking so my grades were always good except in classes where homework is weighted more than quizzes. I raise my hand a lot and i don’t cause trouble, so teachers tend to like me, and i used get away with a lot of crap because of it. that’s what i mean by the worst lmao 
Do you like school?  I like school and learning in general a lot! i do a lot of self-study, especially languages
Favorite Subject: Oops i kind of answered it above, but I really like languages, any language. I was always pretty good in english, and for most other subjects my experience depends entirely on the kind of teacher i have. I have never been good at science, i’m not really good at math either but i’ve enjoyed a lot of math classes taught by great teachers. Oh, art. I love art and I’m good at it. Music as well. 
Favorite TV shows. Right now I don’t have cable or any streaming subscriptions so I’m watching very little TV but I just finished watching Guren Lagann today and I cried. Come talk to me about it if you’ve seen it lol. I’m also almost all the way through Sky Castle. holy shit bro that show
Favorite Movie? Not to be a fucking basic bitch but I love a ghibli movie man. I watch those when I’m having a shit day. I like the princess bride and certain avengers movies, but, like, don’t talk to me about the new ones bc yikes. what else. uhh i’ll rewatch harry potter any damn day call me i’m there. how the grinch stole christmas w jim carrey: a masterpiece. *seokjin voice* it’s a 명작 you know 명작? don’t ever watch it with me, i will be so insufferable the whole time. i’ll quote every line and in between dialogue i’ll monologue at you about rick baker and sfx makeup until you shove a sock in my mouth and throttle me
Favorite Books? my recent favorite is brandon sanderson’s stormlight archive series. I’ve loved all his books that i’ve read, i’m a fantasy fan and his affinity for worldbuilding is spectacular. i’m also obsessed with nora sakavic’s all for the game series. she’s everything i aspire to be as a writer, fuck
Favorite Past time? I like writing! I also like singing, listening to music, pretending I can play piano... 
Do you have any regrets? like a million hahaaaa 
Dream Job I’d love to do music, I’d love to do writing, I’d love to be involved in translating/interpreting/diplomacy, idk i have a lot of varied interests
Would ever like to be married? lets just say it is very low on my list of life goals n priorities. 
Would you like to have kids? someday? who knows, man. am i currently in any way equipped to be tasked with raising a real live human and do it without fucking them up for life? fuck no bro
How many? bruh i have no plans in this area whatsoever
Do you like shopping? sure, when i can afford to. otherwise the experience is stressful and nothing else 
What countries have you visited? just canada unfortunately. not that canada isn’t nice, i just mean i’d like to go to more places
Scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? probably one of the ones where i’m having a bad dream and i’m trying to wake up and i, like, kind of wake up? like, my eyes open but i don’t wake up all the way, so now i think i’m awake but the dream is still going on? my dream just changes so i’m in my own room and i’m “up” but whatever i was scared of before is still there like it followed me into the real world. sometimes this happens like twice or three times and i keep trying to wake up and i can’t until over and over until i’m not sure if i’m awake or not and i’m just terrified. like inception and it’s awful. it’s like almost-sleep paralysis but not quite
Any enemies? idk who has actual enemies in real life but i definitely have people i don’t have good relationships with anymore because i fucked up with them and don’t know how to fix it
Any significant other?  no ma’am
Do you get along with your family? some yes, some no
Do you believe in miracles? i believe that things with a shockingly low statistical chance of happening, happen, all the time 
How are you? I’m warm, I’m sitting in bed, it’s a really nice day. The windows are open, I can smell the ocean, and my guitar and dogs are within reach. There’s always anxiety in the back of my mind but right now in the front there is peace :)
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