#I have love hate relationship with Koushirou lmao
bitchapalooza · 2 months
Thinking about how Zoro may have mixed and complicated feelings about Koushirou because on one hand that’s his sensei and he was taught to respect his sensei, but on the other hand he caused his own daughter, Zoro’s best friend, so much pain and constantly berated her to her face about how she’ll never be strong like the boys nor will she ever inherit the dojo. Like. Zoro cannot have one straight forward opinion on this man, he HAS to have some back and forth opinions on this guy I mean come on!
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Hi just curious about these koumi L's you mentioned, all I've seen are W's (pixiv, tri and the ending of 2020 say hi) hate to break it to you but Mimi is practicaly the little sister Matt never had which parallels Koushirou practically being the younger bro Tai never had, prettty sure mimato never even crossed kakudou's mind once during the og, anyway, everyone should continue to ship what they like canon or fanon
Glad you guys are curious about something since reading comprehension runs low on your side of the fandom!!! That Koumi L comment was directed at the shipper making an absolute irrelevant ruckus in the replies of the original post, dragging not just Mimato but every other Mimi ship and some more. It was not directed at the hsip itself. But clearly you failed to understand that, just as all other Koumi shippers fail to understand basic decency and decorum that a fandom needs to maintain in order to follow: "everyone should continue to ship what they like canon or fanon".
Your dear ship's event mod is running around leaving weird comments on other ship week's content, and if you feel like chalking up one incident to benefit of the doubt, then do you wanna talk about this ⬇️
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The dates for Mishiro Week (who tf even calls this ship that 🤣) are the exact same dates for Michi Week and then the mod is saying "because we're jealous of other weeks" (- that being a motivation to hold an event and not the fact that you cherish these two characters and their relationship enough to celebrate it is a lil sus in itself🫣 -) clearly implies that they want to one-up another Mimi ship even though Michi Week announced their dates well in advance? You're talking about keeping things peaceful in the fandom, but maybe you should preach that to your own choir first!!!
And it's just your luck that you could've chosen anyone in the Mimato fandom to send your silly rant to but you chose me 🥹🫶🏻 The one person on this hellsite who has done their PhD in Digimon Adventure Tri, certified by Toei Animation themselves lmao 😇
Where do I even begin!!!
Content on a fanwork site Pixiv is considered a Win?? Then all the Mimato/Michi/Jyoumi/Taishiro/Koukari/Koura fanart on all fanworks sites are a Win too? Is that the logic you were going for, awww thank you 🫶🏻
And then let's talk about TRI! The series where Koushiro is checking Mimi out 24x7 like an object, he calls her egotistical/self centered for acting impulsively to save a friend - using the same wording that the mean girls in festival committee use (bully alert 🚨, he doesn't even apologise for doing that btw 🚩), only then shows up to stare at her in a cheerleader uniform, ignores all the concern that she shows for him despite him being rude to her and Meiko both and ends up having way more chemistry with Takeru throughout the series (KouKeru my beloveds 😍).
But it's important to mention the guy who does take a W for Mimi in Tri, JOU KIDO!!! He accepts Mimi for who she is, doesn't criticise her actions, understands that her aggressive love is filled with nothing but pure intentions, uplifts her mood when she needs it the most and showers her words of affirmation that eventually lead to Palmon's mega evolution. And for that he deserves a big squishy hug, which he gets from Mimi 🥰 Honourable mention for taking W's for Mimi in Tri will also go to Meiko, she becomes her ride or die in such a short time of knowing her because she sees Mimi for the kind soul that she is. She also deserves a hug, and she gets it from Mimi too 🥰
In Tri we also see Mimi refer to Taichi and Yamato as handsome (and she does ask Koushiro if he's interested in her cause she's cuter, man for someone with a lot of brains he sure does care only about her looks!🚩) She starts recording TaiYama the minute they get into that Ferris wheel, she and Taichi walk a lot of places together don't they, she and Meiko share a meal with Taichi and Yamato in the Odaiba Onsen must I go on ~ Please do a full rewatch to see how Koushiro proves he's not a good match for Mimi in Tri with his ficklemindedness~
Next up: The Reboot, my other lovechild, I kid you not worstie, me and the Reboot writers share the exact same braincells, like legit, in the entirety of the series run, the most worthwhile Koumi hint they gave was them sitting in a Garage together at the end 🤣 The amount of quality time she spent with Taichi on the other hand, chef's kiss, and the instant bonding with Jou where she could tease him from the minute they met, WOW A BIGGER CHEF'S KISS 😘
THE SIBLING PARALELL -omg where my Taishiro shippers at, will you guys take this slander sitting down? 😭
Listen worstie, Taichi and Yamato do not require sibling parallels because *news flash* THEY HAVE SIBLINGS WITH WHOM THEIR RELATIONSHIPS ARE FLESHED OUT THROUGHOUT THE SERIES LOL. And I also love love LOVE how you didn't hesitate to call Mimi a sibling coded friend for Yamato, especially when 99% of the fandom is telling Mimato shippers that Yamato and Mimi don't interact 🤣 Mimato haters please pick a struggle, are there no Mimato interactions in the series or are there so many interactions that we can safely conclude Mimi is the sister Yamato never had 🥹👉🏻👈🏻 *Takeru has left the chat*
As far as Kakudou's concerned, neither of us are mind readers so why even try and assume which ship crossed his mind and which ship didn't? Did you just add this comment because you thought it'd make you sound all edgy for knowing the staff's name or assuming you understand the thought process that went into making this series? If you did understand the latter, you wouldn't be in my inbox 🫶🏻
So anyway when you're done rewatching the actual series, you can come back to my inbox annnnyyytimeee, maybe even have the courage to be off anon who knows you might learn a thing or two from Taichi 🧡🧡🧡
Stay safe out there, idiocy is very contagious in this fandom 😷
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Yay it’s my favorite time of the week! Digimon Adventure:! Can’t believe we’re already at episode 16! This week somewhat recapped the mission we’ve been on for... 14 episdoes now x’D and I realized I forgot all kinds of shit. It’s so funny, when I was ten and watching Digimon Adventure I could remember everything, but now that I’m sadly an adult I can’t keep track of these high paced children’s shows!
(Supposedly they spoon feed kids stories so they can understand it more easily... but I gotta say I think I’m the one that needs the help, bahahaha)
ALSO... apparently there was an earthquake this morning! It was too north of me so I didn’t feel it (I was... also sleeping >-> so...) But it was right when the show started airing so the info came scrolling across the screen. At first it said
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“Just in case, be careful of tsunami”
and like just three min or so later
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“There is no need to worry about a tsunami due to this earthquake”
Phew! Also, Digimon causes earthquakes! Hide yo wife hide yo kids! Is that meme still current?? Does it matter???? I’m a millennial, boomers hate me, gen Z hates me, at least let me have my memes! XD
OK enough goofing off, on to what really matters, freaking Digimon man! This episode gave me tons of Taichi spam. Mmm my favorite kind of spam! But it also gave me avocado cheeseburger spam too!
So although I completely forgot about it, I was pretty excited for this ep when they allegedly return to the real world! Last week’s preview made it pretty obvious it was going to be either a fake reality or the evil Digimon had taken over the real world much more deeply than we realized. Fake reality made the most sense. But they tried to trip us up anyway! The opening shots are clear references to the famous episode 21 of 99 Adventure, although given that was the best animated episode of the entire show, this one just doesn’t do it justice.
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He’s not sweating, the sun isn’t as intense... it just makes Fizz nostalgic
Finding them suddenly home, the kids are all pretty bewildered at first. Predictably, Mimi is the first to recover. What motivates her?
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From Burger Jack’s bahahahaha
Mimi starts excitedly listing all the things she wants to do now that they’re home. Aside from eat delicious burgers, she wants to take a shower, change clothes...
I’m like “Oh, so these kids HAVE been feeling the effects of how much traveling they’ve been doing!”
Seriously though why didn’t anyone comment on it before now?? In 99 Adventure most of the kids couldn’t shut up about the lack of basic necessities and creature comforts. It was really easy to feel how much they were struggling! Everyone in this series is so darn serious all the time. Sora even brought that big bag of emergency supplies but we only rarely see it get used.
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Taichi and Koushirou are a little more wary, though they come across as mainly confused.
Mimi wants to go eat burgers right off, but Taichi convinces her they should go home first. “Oh yeah, I have parents” - Mimi, probably.
They get on a train. The Digimon are very cute. They finally notice that no one’s paying attention to them. It took 0.3 seconds for Tokyoites in ep 21 of 99 Adventure to start freaking out over Koromon, so this was a big clue if you somehow missed that there’s something not right.
On the other hand, for a world that is presumably an illusion created by some Digimon, it sure is, er...
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... accurate in surprising ways, bahahaha
(no seriously did we NEED bikini girls?? did we NEED them? I know it’s everywhere on every train for all kinds of proucts but did we NEED them here)
(the TEEN 17 in particular is killing me)
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Some gratuitous Taichi spam
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Mimi lives in the affluent Shibuya area now so the kids split up to continue on home. I love Taichi called her ‘ojousama.’
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Taichi wonders if Yamato and the others got home okay too. Koushirou wonders if whatever was causing the blackout has really been defeated. (Mimi’s theory is “Sora-san and the others must have done something about it!” Which I just liked because by naming her she identifies Sora as the one she feels closest to awww)
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They won’t say it, but the truth is these two are kinda disappointed... lol
However they won’t be disappointed for long... because this midnight train really isn’t going anywhere. *wink* see what i did there
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Mimi’s walk home has also turned into a labyrinth. Which is totally normal for Toyko subways really. Mimi gets so tired from walking that she starts hallucinating that Palmon’s head is in fact an avocado.
Girl you got a problem but no judging. I got the same problem.
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AVOCADO BURGER!! Think of it in your heart and it will appear!
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Now that’s not creepy at all.
Several episodes ago we learned that Mimi has never seen The Mummy. Apparently she’s never seen any horror movies at all, because she still approaches the counter to order her freaking burger even after seeing the cashier’s shadowy clearly evil visage.
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On finally realizing that this train can’t go anywhere but Shibuya, Taichi and Koushirou get off and reunite with Mimi, who has learned nothing and continues talking to people. The only possible result of this is...
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... creepy eyes appearing and trying to EAT her
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Mimi: “Taichi-san!!”
she could ask her partner for protection but Taichi’s around and he’s everyone’s big brother so
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The cause of all this mischief turns out to be this creepy dude! He’s kind of cute!
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Also rather larger and more solid than I anticipated!
Of course this nightmare won’t end so easily.
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You know you’re in for it when the walls are covered in glowing red eyes. That uh, shoot laser beams at you.
Cyclops: Not lasers! Concussive optic rays!
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It turns out there wasn’t just one creepy dude, there were many. I’ve found my Halloween costume!
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Our heroes finally figure out that this world is not their real world when they come across these tetris people.
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For someone who’s never watched a single scary movie, Mimi does an impressive white-girl-in-a-horror-flick face.
I know she’s not white I’m saying she’s good at impressions she should become a comedienne
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Now that we know the blackout in Japan is still ongoing and causing all sorts of issues, we get our usual peek into what’s going on for the people of Tokyo. We get to see Hikari! She’s cool as a cucumber. Her mom’s freaking out and packing a suitcase. Her mom says “Hikari go get ready!” Hikari just says “Oh I’m ready anytime!”
Hikari: I’m not worried about anything, big brother’s taking care of it!
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Awww we get to see Miko! And that looks like a cat carrier <3 Mom’s not leaving their furry friend behind in the dark while they evacuate to grandpa’s place in Ibaraki...
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... She is apparently cool with leaving behind her only son though! X’D
The letter reads “Taichi, we’re going to Grandpa’s place in Ibaraki. Call me when you get home.” The arrow says “Address.”
Ibaraki is a bit over an hour from Tokyo (I used to live there!) so not too far and very easy to get to by train. Still... there’s a huge power outage, I can only assume Mom’s reason here really is evacuation and not just “seems like a great time to go on a visit!” but she doesn’t know where one of her kids is and she’s just like “eh no worries he’ll figure out his way home!” Does she KNOW her son is 11? Japanese kids use trains very independently but again, POWER OUTAGE. ONE HOUR+ AWAY.
I’m remembering episode 1 when Taichi was acting like such a Dad and his mom was totally on board. Apparently that is going to be a Thing in their family. Taichi is the kid in Home Alone. Scratch that, he’s like the pets in Homeward Bound X’D
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Mimi is understandably disappointed that she doesn’t get to shower... I mean see her parents... I mean, eat a freaking avocado cheeseburger
But Palmon knows how to make her feel better. “We’ll come back here someday and eat avocado cheeseburgers together.”
Mimi: “Heck YEAH I’m psyched!! AVOCADO CHEESEBURGER!”
this show understands the only true way to a woman’s heart is through food.
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Our heroes are surrounded by Homunculus from FMA.
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They merge together forming the aptly named EYESMON!!! lmao
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Look at freaking long Greymon’s cyborg arm is. Whut.
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AtlurKabuterimon gets hit by a train buhaahaha. Somehow this was way funnier to me than Lilymon getting hit by a plane or buildings falling on MetalGreymon.
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The kids are outnumbered when look who appears!
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The three of them sitting on Zudomon is the cutest thing ever also I JUST NOTICED ZUDOMON’S DOLPHIN PATCH WHAT THE HECK HAS THAT ALWAYS BEEN THERE!??!?!?!!?
So this was the reunion ep after all! I’m a little disappointed just because I wanted something more dramatic.
What Fizz, illusion magic and homunculi plus exploding Shibuya isn’t dramatic enough for you?
I mean EMOTIONALLY dramatic. Like, someone should hug.
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Oh well. This is the face Taichi makes when he sees Yamato. D’aww. I guess i’ll be satisfied with this.
Yamato gets them started on a plan and they all fight as a group!! But Koushirou’s realized that this Digimon, whatever it is, is what’s causing the blackout. They can’t properly defeat it...
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... and it’s already the night of the third day. Soon their 72 hour window will be up. Then Ariel will turn back into a Mermaid and the Sea Witch wins :’<
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We end with an ominous digivolution! Next week....
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Orochimon!!! I love multi headed monsters.
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More Taiyama action!!! Lookin a bit beat up but still cool!
OK so in sum this episode was pretty fun. I still feel like the writers for this season just don’t dig in deep enough to really make things come alive. They’re so concerned with battles that they miss moments for fun character interactions etc. And in the end, the whole of this episode can be recapped simply as “They discover the world they’re in is an illusion and they fight the bad guy.” However, we got a lot of fun with Mimi in particular, and though we didn’t get the kind of Taishiro teamwork my heart yearns for, at least we saw them sticking together and hashing things out.
I really do hope this show dials up the character relationships a bit soon though. We keep getting tidbits so it’s not like they don’t have things planned. It’s just a matter of execution. Anyway I’m happy to have the whole group (well as many as we’ve got so far) together again!
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kitto-toberu-sa · 8 years
I always forget I q these and end up with random letters or numbers or words and it’s like ??? y’all okay??? before I realise what happened lmaoB - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.Karma and Kaede (probs as friends, mostly, but anything tbh). Very cute fanart + head canons.JYOUTO?? (Matt and Joe from Digimon?? How why?) Also Yamato and Koushirou as friends since they’re both dumb and awkward lmaoC - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.Honestly I’m not into a lot of ‘the’ ships for most fandoms I’m in, even if my fave is in it. Partly it’s fandoms (usually weebs and yaoi fangirls), too much bad art work/fanfic, or people refusing to realise the flaws in their possible relationship (Sasuke’s issues, Karma making Nagisa cross dress etc) so even if I liked the ship, the fanon version becomes this weird version that I can’t handle. I still read and reblog stuff, but that’s usually because it’s the first 99999999 results you find whenever you type a character’s name :|Honestly tho, from my beyblade days (y’all shush now), Rei and Kai. Never understood it, never will. D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.None? There’s plenty of ships I’m meh about but I don’t really care if I like them or not. I don’t really get MaeIso (again, I’ll read and reblog, but I see them pretty much just as friends) so it’d be nice if I cared more about it since it’s the second (?) most popular ship, but other than that I don’t care much.(Maybe Tai and Sora from Digimon. Or anyone and Sora lol It’s not that I don’t like her as a character, but I ship her with self love lol)
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.DK if its a trope or not, but any time a female is ignored/killed/bashed simply for ‘being in the way’ of a m/m ship. In the same vein, no matter the ship make up (f/f, m/m, f/m, whatever), when the ‘weaker’ one is made to be girly and the ‘strong’ one is manly. Especially when it makes literally no sense for the characters to be changed in that sense. ’Love triangles’ which aren’t actually triangles. (A likes B who likes C who likes A is a triangle. A having to choose between B and C isn’t.) Actually pretty much most romance tropes since they’re often used in combination with bad writing and a extreme version of characters (see next point). Also, when characters are pretty drastically changed and people are like ‘it’s AU so it’s ok!’. Like, yeah some change is necessary since it’s a different universe with different rules, standards etc, but they still need to be similar to the original character otherwise you might as well have made an OC.It’s more a trend than a trope, but writers refusing to research cultures. I started reading fic back in the early 2000′s. There wasn’t the internet resources to research cultures as in depth as you can now (sure, there were some, but they weren’t as vast or easy to find as they are today). Some shows and manga simple weren’t translated, or trying to find subs and other fan translations/summaries was only possible if you sacrificed your first born. Theres no excuse for it today. (There wasn’t then, either) (It seemed to have got better for a while, but I’ve seen this a lot in the Ass Class fandom, and a few things from the Yugioh and Digimon fandoms too recently)Stop white washing everything by going ‘I don’t understand the culture so I’ll make all my fics set in America’. This IS white washing. It’s also lazy as fuck. Sure, your head canon or fic more than likely isn’t hurting anyone from the cultures those characters are from. But you’re also slowly erasing chances people have to learn in more depth about those cultures, or by saying ‘this is set in Japan’ but not involving Japanese culture, you’re erasing that and saying ‘everything is the same as my culture’. You’re also creating expectations within fandoms (’oh, these people are pretty similar to me!’) but then if they end up visiting, their expectations are dashed. (You aren’t responsible for them not doing research, sure, but you are responsible for your own interpretations and ideas) It creates new stereotypes and when people have been exposed to them instead of the ‘real’ version of that country/religion/race/whatever, some can be stubborn and try to go ‘well, no, I’ve seen all this which contradicts you’ and not see reality. I’m not sure this last point is making sense, but basically, do your research. It’ll help you be a better writer and a more educated human. It ain’t that hard folks. 
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