#I have just....soooo many ideas exploring Diana's role as a diplomat and teacher
fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
DC should give the Wonder Woman title to me instead of Tom King. I have whole arcs about Diana as a diplomat, politician, and teacher that I could write. DC PLEASE LET ME FIX HER JOB, DO AMAZONIAN WORLDBUILDING, AND BRING BACK HER CIVILIAN SUPPORTING CAST AGAIN!
Diana busts up an artifact smuggling ring and then has to deal with the international repatriation of ancient artifacts to their home countries. Bring back Helena Sandsmark and use Cassie in a supporting role.
Some major international incident occurs and Diana is running herself ragged trying to deal with it from multiple ends. She eventually has to choose between fulfilling her duty as Wonder Woman and dealing with the realities of being Themiscyra's official diplomatic presence at the UN.
Diana and Artemis have to work together to save some human trafficking victims and I get to write an exploration on the Themiscyran Amazons' isolationism vs. the Banas' interventionalism as methods of protection, self-defense, and dealing with collective trauma.
While setting up a cultural exchange project between the different Amazon tribes, Diana is appointed as the neutral representative to oversee an all-Amazonian Olympics/games festival. Shenanigans ensue as the goddesses start picking favorites and the games get gatecrashed by a mythological threat (aka "what Trial of the Amazons should have been about")
Diana, Artemis, and Donna decide to take Cassie and Yara on a traditional Amazonian coming-of-age journey. The story acts as a way to explore important touchstones of Amazon culture and the differing cultural and societal expectations they might face as adult women, both in their respective Amazonian tribes and in Man's World.
Nubia enlists Diana to go with her through Doom's Doorway to help retrieve some Amazons who were sucked in by a mythological threat while on guard duty. If they're still alive, they will be brought back to Themiscyra in celebration. If not, their bodies need to be retrieved for funerary rites and the women's re-entrance into the Well of Souls.
Exploring Donna as a linchpin connection point between the human world, all of the Amazon tribes, and the gods.
And so many others, because these are all largely Man's World and worldbuilding stories. Digging into her actual rogues gallery (Circe! Ares! Silver Swan! Doctor Poison!) and setting up bigger conflicts would be so much fun.
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